Till: DAILY KVKN1NG TFXWil! "" rTT?c.r i v ,,i.v.. vcmntj Stlcgvaiih ab THU RSDAT, DKCRMBKR 15, 1M4. TIIK .I'NKKN TOW. Where tlic eit in miiillug So viicefitlly, There aim id n v.tr In i!h a cone Lv ; 1 Hut ifcp (inen eii'tu opcn'J To nmke iiit'i Anrl Hie oitv alnnil em ilcneatlj the wave. Writ 10 Mfe ami lseaiity Dweit limit o Tlie O" ru-hoi Ami xawc'il rrow ; The men who iI acII ilicre In ilms of yure, Niiw h. iir me, mm- not Tin J arc no menu. Hut pi nt L'luauiii'H To the oeeun at le, A ml (Market), lienrken, To the UptnR title Ami a mint hwici mime Will iloHt to thee, Like cliiiri'h-ricilM ekmiln' Aerobe the sea. It l the olden, The sunken Town. Vbii li faintly eliliueth, l'nr latin tun down ; An ilie eiiiLitet.u wuuilcr Si I HllttiV llf. The fwee' nutra tremble, Ami moan ttliJUiu. Where now Is moorland lie- eck'il wall olil, Where the, deep lns thicken Ami sutlur cold Ol old tin re hlosiom'tl, Divinely I'rce, A llowtry kingdom Of I'oesy. A wondrous kingdom (If mild doliKln. 'Neath n lic.iven spotted With tlrcim-cliiud while A hind ol rostx, Willi larks almve, Of liowttra made tmlmy My the breuth of Love. Kaeh gift of beauty 1 ho i iirth e,.i u bring, Kneb tone, each odor, Kadi prueious tiling, Kadi lovely illlplllM! Nurli joys iniarl, feem'd made eternal I'.y the in in hi of Art. Hilt now ! tbo moorland Ilo-tKck'd wMi gold, The Un that till ken And gather cold The wondrous kingdom Of days of yoro Now hear not, sees not And n no more. litit liat thou wholly, In hIii and sinlu, Korgot forever Thy Childhood' Life? Have pain and ilnrknem, And want oliwurc, Ileitroytd all yearnings To whut ia pure i Hark, whin auove thco A tuuiiiicr uight GleHnm Marry, Milly, With a iU;et light; And n f.tiiit, xweet music Will lluat to thee, Like church-hulls chiming AcroHh the sea. It is the life That omo ban I ion Which mvi etl.v ehlmelh, Itself unseen ; A ih' seH-rc"'-uwandorJ ISo faintly liy. The Hweet flotimls tremble, And moan and die ! F. L. HoiHT. Il.ttltl CE IN DEB WATtlt. Ifprp the London .IIAaua iim. 1'i.oiiLNCB, Noveiiitier 9, ISfit. In tbo mldt t busy prepnratlon lor thu new dignitius which albnitly await her as the Capital of Italy, Klorenco " oversliadowed last Sunduy by the close Bp- Iiroacu ol a "pitii by waters," such as she has not mown since ti e year LSI I, when almost all the low Ijing ipiarters of the town were overllowed Jiy the Arno to a considerable depth, with great jieril and distress ion large portion of tiie citizens. Those who have only seen the classic Tuscan river idling along between Hie bridges or 1)3 Hiile the (laBcine walks at its normal jog-trot winter-puce, or creeping ou lis way cowed and Impoverished by summer drought to the very lings of a stic;. m, can have no idea whatever of the li lub iag respect due to ibo raiting torrent Arno whin a lew davs' hard rain, or tlic melt ing of Ihe scow on the mountains, has swollen his little ti t kjing tributaries each into a to lining ca'aaet, and tie tears lorivard from the Api uitino purges through Florence and Pisa to tho sea, Kweopirjg trees, stones, and crops, and not utisi idoin cattle and the ruins at co t tges away, as playthings lor bis furious, mu Idy waves. When such a cat istropho occurs, every bouse on the Florence Lung' Arno, e-pecially iu the old Uiiuers uu the southern side, has to look lo its mint nt walls, and buck up ns cedar windows, v-hilc the jewelers ot Ihe l'onto Vucchio hastily liuudla up thiir precious uclom-'ingN an I convey tin iu lo sonic place of safer bestowal, and the city Bulb, rnies set a vigi ant w ill h, niihi uu 1 day, iiion the increase of the Hood, and i-ued Lurried ordois lor boats and rones, and big loaves in pro ltiHon, wlieuvii'h lo supply tlic needs ol the pporei districts, which are unhappily the lirat to tul! r by the visit ition. 1 his J't ar a a riod of un-i asonttbly warm wea ther in Oc oiicr had been sticc.tdud by tnreo or lour davs' bard and almost constant rain, and evi-iy small streamlet in the surrounding lulls wiis up and atlrriug on i's errand of mischief; while the tln cdorcu Arno was hourly H-volltn r, and sinitiii!! the piers ol the brnlges w ith ever wcigb lir stroke, us a stroi.t', raw snail of freshly opened earth came up ill gusts from its turbid waters. All di.y from curly dawn the lushing rain ciimo down; rain and tliim l r, and tieneuant vicious libttiii e ont of a jdichy sky- Atioiii id A. M. ilie mer Mummne, a mete tiny nvulct skirting at a btiort d. blame tbu north walls of tht) town, liursl its hunks (in sprint; the lavoritc trensure Knuind of violets and scented yellow tulips for Ihe I'loieme ut 1 1 ot-), ami, w.tb ull the airs ot a niani rful torrent, overllowed tht) wholu road out- do ibo walla from Porta Piutl to Porta I Croce, iidciine biu terinir down the adjicent streeu in o the Hardens and cellars of It irgo Pinti, till the sturdy old town gates were slict in itsta'e, and Ibey, together wiih tho ancient walls, which, we alC Uilu, Pro so boon lo couiw miii, aa i make way in a i.ishionante bjulevard, elliictually prcvi uted its limber course. fjltll tbe rain poured on, and that Sundav night the bi anlilul l.ur.g' Arno presented a strange and m' -t picturrs.pie silit, by the light of the wolrd ioukuig torches tl i.-hing hither hii I tld'her, and quivering to the feree t'ii-ts.oi Infer wind, in the bunds oil I, e Matioi al (munis and gendarmes who Hup' rltitendi d ami beped oh busy workers In removing g' oils from eei ars and lower Honrs, at a biickiiut up the tiiiirouitiifarii in Insic, lest ill till' old befall those whom curiosity might attract to follow the course of the river, where tho p tra pet, a ready iu sore peril, might at any in anient give way to the twee of the eier-ri ing tlood. Many a group of fured watchers stood ga.ing from the lirst-lloor wiudows and lofiy balconies, WLicb wero every moment ewvpt by the muddy ' apiay of the great heavy waves thundering under the arches of the bridges iu awful deep pits and The. MrrrhnntR ol rhilnilclphln to -Hero ol the K TIIE DAILY EVENING TBLKGRAPIT. FIIILADELP1TIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1861. giddy iwlrli, while every now and then inma .batalcni and black niaot. umiio nprootcil treo or fraianrnt from the railway woik", wnud tfaiti atianiht the. italwart piere with a threntonlng rratb, heard loud alov the awful ro.ir of the. river, Hiid then awny round and neava ou wards amid the Icapltxf ' the waves. In aev.ral places the river made a clean hrenrh over Mia parapet, nd la an Irmurit had fille-1 the loutntf n aches of street at hand ; lint by H oYl il k In iho morning Ibe ra n begn to lessen and 'lis thunder to die awav, and by rlitv-d.iwn thu Ami) liml leuun tndiiiilnl-h a lew Inches, thereby tfivlrm g od hope lint the wor-t of the danger was past. The b.tlernoith wind, whieli hail seemed to c.nii p I'-ale the terrors of ttie Hinh', had. in t: nth, le-en oi. t Rio it Dirans of averting a much widersprend of i vil, lor it had turned to snow ull the nin Ih it would have (alien on the lulls In the later hours of the niht. Another great cause of eoiii;i irtiivo safety to toe city was a new conduit of great i.e, only lately constructed under the New L'liig' Arnn, and op- ned but a lew dm ) ago, by wni :ti a great body of w iter w.'S separa eil horn the Din i il stream ol ibo river. M.iny ndj ic 'iit tons and vil aves have been f ir less fortunate for wo bear a ui-noil iiecoimt from ttieenuntryol bridges broken down, portions of railro ids washed aw iy, Vineyards and olivo groundh devHstated ; and lives' Willi uillii n ty .saved, by their owners el imle rlug Into tn e-, ( r remaining imprisoned in the garrets ol their dwellings till belp could come. 1 he outlook liiim the tower of tho r.ilaio Veeehio, early on Monday morning, showed tho Rirrtloof near Apennines standing out hard and ghtst y agninst tho n.gged clouds, in iis cloth ing of fre-h snow, tho beautiful Caseiuo driven a muz of confused streams, and tho prospect over ihe Vul n'Arno evcyvihere g earning with stretches of yellow water, dolled with livid lool.irg tries ami dwellings. During tlntt and the loilowing day I'lon nco was kept lasting from nil In sli food lor political speculation, so rif'" at thin time; lor not a foreign nor even a Turin journal arrived, owing to the injuries mstaliied In every line or railroad; while the datuigo dmis to the lelegnipli wires by the liirions teuipest wlnil prevented tho passage of despatches. Tho municipal authorities, however, weru nt lent fuliy employed in giving a-sistancc and distri buting biead iimoiig the imprisoned lull ibiiiints of ihe narrow streets of the cj'inrters of isaa Kre iliuno and San Niccolo, which were still many feet deep in mud and water. It is but justice to say that the exertions of tho National Ounril nnd the I'ompieri, in the caso of the former voluntarily and gratu touily rondored, in bi half ol the siill'erers both in Klorein e and it the surrounding country, have In en beyond all praise, to the Having ol many lives at the Immi nent risk ol their own. and trie maintenance of a decree of order wonderful in the midnt of such ni nes of terror ai d di-may. To-day tho siih is shining gloriously out of a soli blue sky of May-day warmth and hriitutnnss ; and say eiiulungei lire once more rolling aion the C'usuiiio avenues, where the stone benches are ileinlv imbedded in B ind, anil the roid- st strewn with tlihn$, and dihlinured by tokens of Mcsser Arnos late lit of passion, who now shrunk to nearly his normal volume, looks duly penitent mid ashamed of bis lust bund ly'.s ram pant tloinjrs. Numerous subscription lists have been opened for Ihe relief of tbt; poor, anil mo rapidity ana iiuinilici nco with which they nro filled up do honor to b th the Florentine and tlielr foreign visitors. Several conventual buildings also have by the authoi ity of tlic municipality, been assign cd ns temporary homes to I nose who have been washed out of their own. The cxieut of the peril from under the shadow of which tho city has just emeiiied insy be estimated from the fact thai at Setliuio, a village on tho bunk of the river, about seven miles above Florence, the muss of witter rHgiim downward was, for many hours, on Sun day, two brace in Inguer than cveu in the great imindntiou of 1811. Ilntten'n Klnnjt lUcllonary. Mr. Hotten's list does not Contain the word 'canter," which was primitively a slang word for the amble of horses of the pi'griins on their way to Cautubury. The word haa suffered diminu tion, us most populur words have done. We generally lop off either tho fust or the last sylla bic. Fifty Jiars ago we hud. llony lor "liona parte," as we now have, by amputation ai the other end, liua for "omnibus," and again, by tho first method, Cab lor "cabriolet." The word "cab" is now a recognized F.ngllah word, under tho sunclion of tbu rojal ranger of the p uks, whose boards of directions, however, form good expn i-es for studious boys, who, while thev take tbe air, may try to detect the grammatical errors. "Cabriolet" was overturned luto Cat) at on :u. Canter did not so spoedily arrive nt being accepted hh gooJ Knctish. So I ito a writer us .NbaKcshury, tn his "Cnaraieeristics," u-es the lull word. "The common Willi's or Canterbury," be siiys, "is not more tiresome to a g tod writer than ihe see-saw of essay writers is to ail a do reader." T he word k unt" ituelf if not derived from singing, whlniuV, canting may cuino fro.n thl aaine source. There are slang words which have become ac cepted i'.ng'i-h. There are also good old K tii! lisli words which have become slung. Mr. Hmten should have noticed this when he deliucd " (jeit" as "a contraction of gentleman, in moid sense than one. A dressy, shoivy, f ippisli man, with a little mind, who vulgari.-s tho pro- yail Tig laHilon. uem was, noever, onci) a well reputed word, as an adjective; and when frpenser wiote " lie loved, us was his lot, a lidy g-nt," and " A knight had wrought against u lady gent," he implied a compliment tho very reverse of what such words would c irry with them now. At another word, Goiinot', applied to " a fool, a bungler, an amitotir pick pocket, we Una Mr. iioticu an uiiroa.i again for its ilcrivaion. Ha refers to (luiiucer's "Country guollcs. Hub, Dick, and Hick, but tlx re ti c wand means aiiiiply.kuaTos. If ti c editor had applied to any one of the Jew "tenees," whence some of the knowled.ro in this book Is derived, he would hate h-ard that gunnof is Hebrew tor a "thief." Curiously enough, too, lie delines "Jehu" as uu "old sl ing term fur a coachman, or one fond of driving," but dc s not ri cord the derivation of ttie term from that chsrioteerinn King of Israel wb'Mii the watchman rccoitnized. by his fuiius driving. Mi I worse, he sugcsta that ') ).to Jericho !" "is probably derived from Jchanutn." H- might as well have derived "lley Diy!" Iroin "llitdes." He Buys of tho American 'Skedad dle :"" l'de word is very fair Greek, tlu root biiig that of Skedannun), to disperse, to mire tuinulttionslv, and it was pio'mb'y set nllo.it by home l'roii -sur at Harvard." Tins is mire than dcatbiiiil. On the (Jierk oriclu id' Lord," as spplied to those who ure vulgarly culled "hiiiiclibaeks," Mr. Ilot'eii is silent It is from Aocdoc, bent. He has sl-o strtnu'elv omitted what mar be termed the typographi cal slang word "Cjlophon," the v.rv curious bisti ry and application of which wo hop.) to liml in bis next edition. Churomeit used, und si iiolais stil use, this word. The church, in di ul, hn not been "slack" in introducing cant tt-r met. Miscreant, Heathen, and l'aitan are of primeval alung, implying unbeliever, he.lge dwelirr, and countty felloiv. "All my eva ami He ty Martin" is said to lie a satirical allusion to a l!umi-h prayer, "Oh mill! heme Martini1;" while "Piease the Pigs!" which Mr. Hoteti on. its, Is another lorui ol "Please the Pys !"' Mr. Ho le n omits ton, "M other Ciry's Chickens." the Sailots' a'limt for snow; th " ".Mother Cary" hting the Mater cura, tbo virgin mother of tho I e1 ut. tin a sai urs. to wlioin we also owo tho imtiio of Petrel, or Pcirilln, "nttlo Peter," beciu-ebe walks the water like ibo Apo tie. I.-m ha Atirnu inn. The yearn pi It a yuuiiK girl wifh rose till btr (.hct ks are all on lire. liy-and-hy tltoy beKiu throwing white roses and ilio morning fliiiU piissc? Hway. The full ami winter so far, it in -rated, hire b en very fuvorulile to tho winter gr.iin crops at tbe Wi-Ht. Wheat, rye, uui iiarloy art? loukiug remarkably line. AHrii.i'.oi.Ti In a letter addressed M. Kilo da Beaumont, 1 iiiIii r .'on M oi tome givea an account of two inn n slintr monuments discovered by him near Alion, in the Cumpagna Komnna. The (own, of I'i lasgie orlniD.imd celubrr.ted lor its Cyclopedian walls, is si'untid on the top of a mountain, and bi lug at the time of the K mi ma ill provided with water, tli Censor, I. Hetilienus Varus, as a celo bia'ed inscniion tolls us. ctuscd nil a pieduet. din Hi t liliti. to nu C(iiistni-ied iieuve n Aintri and the ueighborlnx mountains ; it being ex pre-sly stated that ho built it with auhcaau i provided it with stioni; pipes. I he present rese.ucliiM, oi b n d by l'opo I'ius IX, in order to renew tho Hit p y of water to the town, bavo let to the dis covery of a largo ponion of the old H ii"duet. Krom i lie survey made by l'utlier Seccui, nap- penis tint toe lowest point id tho a ; iMii t lies lit) metres iielow ilie uignust p inn ol tn ! town, b tignic whieli coipciles wltu ttie .11) fiet ol toe Inscription. Here, theretorc, is mi Bipiediut built lfl) years before Chri-t, In tho slisai of a reversed syphon unilir a pressure of eleven iitinospliercs. It is dilllcult to say how much ater wm conveyed by this aiiictluct, but it evident. y was aiiilleient fi r it, e consuinplioii of the towj, sinca tli ' pi'rs of the aiclien tin a-uro no ess tlma live feet nin.i iiielus in I nanth. The total length of tticsvphon Is ii bout six kilometers. The other disjovery it it Held, under which a complete system ol' drain age w as cxicutrd by means of long pipes made of brick clay, and on nn average a lo it and a h ill in (limiK tir. Tliey are now atopp d up with thu i (liinent, and au'-two and a half metre below the stirlate of Ihe soli. This Held was probt ily the parade-ground mentioned in the Inscription as having been laid out by lletilieniiis, wlnne attention to the interests of bis ei y wis well rcwiirdi d, sin e hi' was twice appointed J nsur, and a stame was erected to hia honor fiiy nuri'j Mr.s.scrttrr. SPECIAL NOTICES. l'HI L ADKI.l'll I AND KIIADIMJ ltalliud tomsaui, Uiltca No. Ill n. fOUKTII Putt a nst ftiM, I)rrttubr 12. lsr.4. Notice Ii rPrntiy tlVfn In the SUhhijmi-mt ul' this i:..i r.n dial II Annual Meiuli v, iel an K'e. tlaii for I'ra I dn'.S'x MiiniuMi, I'ma-iir-'r. aihI Miiria-y, will li Marn un Uiu leeulid MI.MAY r"tti)-if Jsnimrv nair.at i2 M WILLIAM II WKIIH. I J ll tl T X-rei-T. -7l OFFICK OK HON KY COMB I'KTItO- J tl.UM toweANY, I4o. 13 H. rOURIIt HTKRKf. Piio.APai.riTU 1h PvbaerlplliAi Heiika will be. eloiaJ ou TburaiUy, Xiirlnhar l.. l he iriltlcatri at suirk will ho laand an M inday, 19t)i trial , on aurroi'iltr of tlir ieclt.ta. Wll.l.laM M AN, I'reaMenl. Timma Tol mas, geeraiary ai.J Trjaiuror. U ' i fr3-J lTNION LV.AOUK HOUSE, NO. 1210 Pun. a iki flOA, Iw-ui'lcr IS, H'. At the Hlatfil Menln nfllierni n l.-a.'iie, ti-l I I ftmh'T 1' tsi'.l. ihi l.iliotraiK oillcera were olmuei lo aeive rl ui Ii;k ilia enaulns Tejr i nt niiiK.sr. J. Ill I.I.I N ,11 AM KRLL. VICM-I'IIKSIIHISIS W'm. II. AslilnirM, Adulph K. II rli, Horace lliinn , Jr , M- mm Mi'.MIeliart. nins ions .1. I. Clnrke Hare, lisni . nmttn. ar. l.lndl' y sin iriii, Jan. L. riaidioru, i:has imamiis, (iin II. Hi ker, Joa. It Toivtisrnd, (ii n. Whites' , J. It. KenneT, N. II llmwne, ,)aa. II Ornu, II. C. I.ea. Win. Sillers. KIlerHllo H-jllsei' M. I)., Cailwaladnr III Id o. UROUIIR U.B'ITCF.R. Hacretary. t'-Trr- PITTSnURO, 8th I.KCF.MHF.K, 1804. a"' - UlvlDtMl). Ttie I) renters of the HOSSOll, ( (iMfAWY ase una daj ilclared the-r third rannttily o.vlilend for Moveoiii.r. of TllllKK PKK ISKnT.on (ha Capital an rk ol Ihe Cfmeany. pa.?ol aflar Ihe 1AW tint, le the I'luladrlDh a uli'crlte'ri at ihe onloe of McMulcha a tolllna, No. -Hit H. IfKOMT Nlreet. WS. Mel lin.'HUOK, Praaldeait. BOnmilt WAY, Jm., Hcratary. 1J-M rr' OFFICK OF TI1F. CITY BOUNTY 3lS fnad Commttali a. Commonwealth ttullQluiK, leo.Cll ( II lB.Nl.;x B r. el. fun Ann una. Tiecjmker lft. tsAl Notice Is herehv Riven, teat llto Itnuntv o fered by ihe f Ity ol'I'liilaiUlflila it a ulth.irawn on Kit It) . Iiecin ter t. ami that nn hoiuiiy will a paid l i mva ruuatarud in or ( aliaii il ausr titat date In linura ttie ('einiiilsahainra w'll meet oa TtTRStiWfl, TUI' 1MJM1 H, and A fl'liDAYS, froin .1 : tn l au I1. M. jnil '. III. A I a, . J3-lii- dt !''-l.lrT UKADOUAIITKRS aUPKRVISOll Y a ''' rnnitnittrp fur ICecrultlnu Culared UusttnenU), Na. niOCHESNCT tleet. . ,, . Piirl.Anr.i.riiiA . Deremliar 7. lsfit. Tte Ruprvlsnrv Couinilttee lor Kecreatiim Ciairud ltiKl rueiita h Ins renolved lo aljmlraatue d fl on the Itiat InMaiit, ail oeraora havinu claim a. aint Ilie said I 'am Duilee ate 'eiiueated to oie-enl lliem fur imyinenl to It. H. ( tiK-t'N, Auet.t.Ht (he Hoome of the Caniulttee, on or bftere the Situ Instant 12 S-IA CAI)WA1.AII'B IlIbbLE, Hecretary. 61 HGIiON r.F.M'.RAL'S OKFIC'K, W AAIII.S'IIOS CiTr, Ii. tl.. ( Noveiiitier -i i,is .1. f MTtrF. Medlinl otHeers of lid lu-ii llian ta tosra' lervlc. . w I i. tolve la t 11 I. in i,rnl V d.nli nrsed miiii aire la reeelie avpidntniaiita as M ItiiKOSSor ASsjKTaNT eUhUr.UNt tn the llmli d hlutea Army l'a-pt in v lie ng eifiatoi'd a'. Wahhliieton, are invhol to I Tward ilp lr pi'ili 4iiotiN. teHiiii.onials, ami evulonee of eirvlce, lo tr.e Nursiiou (teaeral, wli liout dciar. J. W. 11 A ItN PH. 13-7-lhsftt SurKeoiiKeneral. T.M V KKSITY OF PKNNSYLV AN I A. T rnnrtiai'iit of Arti. The it.a?iinitl .n (' t' ( Ollf'ROC Ift-htH, kt t p clo.r.of tilt) .V'trftL Itirui, will b liMi) In the iOl)iii(roiit r: Mcndiiy, l'jf. From ! to II , .Tiinlnr, by Vr-fnBi'.r Ken (Ull (Ai.Ojtutl le.nitMryj. wrti.ii. Krt-m 11 lo 1, friMuois. hj T. lVhir I- mft i A'rfiit.m ). orl. TtjMlitv, lbiii. Krtun i to 11. Henior)., by PrnfVnr Kt-miall (li.uif'H' C'liiiuh), ana t-miiiturin'-e, ht I'n.f.TH H' f i nir-f (CUrK't t.iiiti-ti(H i f tl.u Kn l;sh Lani'mue) . wrinm. Vrvm 11 lu 1, Jiinlurn, b? I'r'i!e,4i-r I'lMoi lVi'rlini;.),oi. Wfdu inT, Mtb Krom ft to 11 HtMi ura, bv Prte,MrT Jatkn ( M'iirnc u ,'pintl ). and St(pii..iu..rt!i, by tro V'tnr (!( r I Uvl.- -v . w ri'lt ii. 1- nun U to 1, Junior, by PriiTOht ( lnti'iltA-Mt'Hl vhilo.oi(ti.V)torril llii'ay. I.'i Hi r rin 1 to II. J'tut-.n. by lr f"-t .r AlVn (Ai I jiimo or Hoi)tocli ), ml rrestimen, by Pr fm r Ketxiall Aluetra, wriiie-n. 'rum 11 to l, rtnl.)r by lb' Provuft (Muri lnilnliy) .oral livt M' Kroui to It, H"iihomort, by Pr-vft'ifl'Jr Khll ((ii-ontt trv ). wrii n Kr-m II i I. "et..r, by Vfoiait.r t.'ui.pcp i Malmn s P li l.l KuriMUMtionh) oral. iWtutlAv. l!'rh V r-iy 'J lo 11. Kn-nliiiief'.. bT I'r H8tir Ai'n ( Xi ii'-iHicn llt li.nli ao-fti. Krorn II to 1, Juiii jri, by Pnf-i,h.ir Jat HhH O I'-eru n Ainl-ttui i, ora1. Tua.av. '..'il. Krom y to II. S.-i.tuMnorof.. bv Prfi(r All, ii il iiucj.'.l o. HicHUii Kxm illtlt'n '. iril. K'omU K. 1, Krvrthti rn by t rolwaaor Cti.ia (Wuber - Uiilfantal llln'-ilT , orhl. . W-di.-wilMy.51al Trom ! tn II, S phortwei, by Plofa nr Ji.on (Taoil'in k Uit.n-y, irl Tburtxlat . Yta - lorn 1 to 11, . feibmaB, b) Profwuor J..on(L.vv)...al. CK.OIttlB AI.T.E, lj-)3-R Bscnitary of lUt Kaculty of Arti. OKKICR rKNN SYLVAN 1 A RAlU kOMCOMPANV. I'mi Aowi viiiA, WiTmbr 1, lM mOTirr. Tt HIIAKK.IIOLIjB m. Tha Hharho'iliTi of fill rinany a iv.tlft&d fhai, DiiUfi ittia itiiiou oi tho liia d ot Itirfoi n tbav ird, a tlfu lo nubMT br to t lie nock of il Ciniany ato -unt o 1KN I KK KNT on thvir rf-peclm liiturQSt. nhnatii hv tlisir htuikl rtf thl 'lit INvtaDL. lat h iafal'ilr ru l-le.i to a (rK- tlana, aartofa abara, itti.ia.rf Km Irriua i-f tht) It t sollll lr O . 1 1 U Ciive ina pnTj- re of lubii iiaJig for a futt iWa tntije tmo. of iin.7 i Him k will at fwMard nt tha oat Ttne n fifty dil bin itr ii'ii'f. lr nifd IrlerMt at MX PKK ('K'a1. win bf tliau.J irons tbft lit ruimit until paymnnt ta inal. Tl,.. ka..k tor ..riiituiii ami I) i iin-ut wlM b Oja on M'Nl'A X , tbe 7'h Infttaut, and hIK clo.o o :b ll ol r-:nitar ntjat, HhT wmci nofuilhur tor'pUont a ai) h rn eKaU und r rpoiuritn. 11 18 tlJ SI Tl' 'MA H T rtKTU '',f,5rrtrj f ii OFFICE FHII.ADKI.PHIA OAS left's U nHK4 Nov'inht'r 3'V IH-.I. Propooait will ba re-.:eivalat tbi Ofllce uu'H n ioo ( tin- 1st tot Jnuarv unit, tor tnr n t tr.c 1 r matii oi taa r h'lrtda'pi'i u 'rk. 'f 'tock In i Pinihw MvMQ,""i-"i4 Wtrli Orn.anti wn di Mr.nriunk Atl lo bu until ii liMiiiiicni'P)r Ihrtmn.ln; fuvtii i( td WiU.IAM TEXSYAA.. PET OVVICK OK VKTKHAN FOUIT Fu.l ou ml i.. Nil. 7 O l.lfMlTlii iiaui,, I.ltUtJtlfY B'reci. 1'hba.iHonia na-anii-tea ymui II Itnuntv ui 1 wiinl flT tmlUn lb "oiiitul-! ara ..i.... ... - i . . ia ma fr ihrt itltwa nnan' i,iv .u, kim 1 1 .V -i. ar n t "Oa I1. M.. at Mo. t 1 1' !.!- MMI'i'H'H Hl.l. . I.IHK.KV Hlraet. rre.4ta auUBtd t" tin. llounlj are reijue.ietl to a.pl al uui Oluoe. lemurs. K l Hll NUFlta.ttuAaili, Jltl.TIIAW BHI.I.Ot'K, i'ahl.i.fihh. uw.w.mauM. niiwm uittin.e. u nt lUOTOUHAPII AMIUMH. Wholeanle and Ilvtall. rilv)TO(lHAl'l I A I.UIJMSM Tr PfWIM, morneoo. " 40 " M "SB " " " 100 " l0 " mw ..ft M U $VS ... j r) in i-an .. inn r no .. S W la KM ... l U 10 ! .. im t n w ,.1'J 00 k f. l'HO'l'OtHt tl'H ALUU.MS Iu Evprjr Variety of 8tjle. RICH TURK BY MOROCfM), ANTIQTJR, t IT0RT AND TKAUL M0UNHNrJS, ORNAMKNTAL RDOI',3, Ac. Ac, Tt'Miet from TwsJn to Tf Tluni1r4 flioli'tiraptit, th Urhit fttnl Llt BSnjttinnt tn Ui cliy. WILLIAM W. HABlJll(J. SIHNOKACTt KBR, No. 320 CHKSNUr STHKET, u i nm.or fouktii, huui'U sihb. ,stai;i,isiii;j) IN 1S12 HOLIDAY PSESENTS. WILLIAM AVILHON -V. MON, B. W. Cor, FIFTH and CIIEUIU fits., rtin.ADM.rHiA, Bava on baud a Urge aid f euaral ansor'-ooent of KII.VKU WA KM Of anr awn manaeActnra, af the finest ijaalliy sad htgaeat alaL'tard of sUf or. A1JIO, IMiATK I W A UK. A larpe and uauaral aaaoetinant of superior FUu-d Mr era. A. OLD IH.VtJI boiflit and takea la aiehause. Iflirtiea ferlMa irron. .11 7 1M JJ H W I S IiADUMUS, DIAMOND DEALEE AND JEWELER, Ho. 802 CHEBUT STftliKT, Baa ea band a large and ploajid aaaorkueat ef DIAMOND JEWELRY, BTJITAI1LK F0H HOLIDAY PUHSHNTS. Ai$o, ft beautiful itrunnt of Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry,&c. 81lrcr wre In irt vu-ieiy, ulubl r Bridal aiwl IfoitrUy rri-txpotk. My uiirrinjent or i)imni jwiry u ra,tllt, anu at leaa price tbao cn b fuund lu Ibli ci'f. Old Gold. Silver & DimoD ds Bonlit fur Oasb. j I A M O 5 D S . ParauDB tin? irg Dtamoada nr aatiar pracloa ittaiaA to capeee of, wiil Jo well by calling a LEWIS LADOMUS, DIAMOND DII1LBB A!tD JgwrXBR, Xo. Wi CUKHHVt SKaol, Wli will give tka blgiiaat coili prawn. IV I-Ida ALSO, Old nd SlUar Bought ffjr Ctsli. i;j l'( l' JOUN JRK IN N A N , DHALUil IH FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, ABO Dlajiioad Rtnta, litainor.d I Ina, jilamond Far Blnaa, Fine Enamaled At aoaleta, Hoc Oeute' Ohalna, Ft. a Ladlaa' Chalaa. Muar'y Long Guard., Ameuiat ALd rAfl Beta, ;('oral flwi, 1) t lea lAjlua' Chate'.blne Flna, Ametktltand Diam KUwa Fine Haa Rin, Flat Faarl Ulnae, Cata lllana. earf Fla. BRONZli AWT) FANCY GOODS. Vi H. KKJUT1I HTKKKT. r riBE WATOTI8. JLWELKY, PILVEU AND n.ATED WARS, COIWKK ARCH AND TKNTH STH. Itroocbea, Mleeva Vurtona, Arralata, BraoaWM, lloaaf Fkia and Ki"a,1aa Heta. lea P4aUeea, w aiiaea, (ioalrta, Feaka, flpoona. o. Wair.M repaired aad waTanied. Old Uold, Dtamoada. ad Silver Boaal.k 11-1 3a Harrison jarden. IIENUV lIA.lt.i:il, So. 520 AIWII BTEEET, has A C4KP.rti.LT eai.r.cTiD roc ov WA'JCIIKS, I INK JKvvr.l.UY. fell.Vint-JM-A'IKD WAllM, K.enCliLLT FANCY MIL.VKH WAIlltJ. Bullakle It Kl HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL FUESKNTB. J A MI'S 15AIU5E Il'S . Wlill.SAI.R AKD nar.tu dock 10alllMl ment, P. I.iorntr SJt('UNI) and t'HH (Nin1 M raeta, FhliaJ'a. aorNt'r mil TnK I'.rHNT EQUALI.IKH TIIIKTy-KAT CLOCK"!, A very dejiruble article f.r Chniuhei. Hotel., Uanka, Coiirtii.K-Heii.. ,. Purl ir. Ar Aio,MM UITIHH1 UK Fivr. (-V,H I'KNA. ain't KKPAIHKI) A MI VV VK tl A N' (' Kll. Clo"k TriunnluB of every d.eriiitl a 1-11 It g T TJ 1j ' H HEW PATENT FT0VS. FOR COO KINO AND II BATING IIY S . fan be had cheaper than an? other Oaa Stove, at ll.U lu, aa lit S. riFl'H at'atBtr. G oo u hooks I-11 IHILI'IAV fJIl'TlH. E1BLEF, OXrORD IDITI05, FOR TIIK DISK, FOR TIIK FAMILY, AND FOK TIIK fNi.Y Bi'llDOl,. TRAVKU DOfKR. I'.tegaiit ulltloat for )ireenta ; on tiieeil y iiir. vrr lianlhiiiuety lioiiml. 1'iu-e (rem $' lo I0. I'll F R P't'S tor the Hw, hoand In araheaiiio or ' her r. trim ! t 1 $ i- . l'llATKIt r.llURB for !indr KelmoH. frmi .'I0e. to J I. l ltlHF.ll aSf.W VI.AKK.S. A volume of Kelltlnu Cm try. A tH-au Inil Alt: tn a ploua frl-nd, oi lu the aick. or a riontnu. Froni ft 'J't to fl. KIl lY TltCVTIAON. Ilv Ilie antlim of "Tne Sjleniharg f'.ela I u ii 1 1 1 y . " ' Trie", tl 7.'i. 11NY llllltAltV FOK TINY I'KOI'I.K. To Tnai-'i tliem loltiad. i vo.iinieA. Art eoTcil HIiiAtraltotta. 1. ll.tro'TM lilunlrated. II per volime. TIIK TOUTS. Illue and gold, and grneii and xol1 l M per i ulnrae. All ti t hew llooln received aA a.ijii ft poti'lehcj. A I..M1IIK AhOinMVNT OF M'NI')AY-S('II()()1, HOOKS ro-Ueitd fiom ilia viinom (1,iiir. h lliok Hoeieilui and orivnia put)llil.t'rB A Ik.1, a li.rif AMortment of KI'KTIC KIIVKKH, II')'IK HACK . I.O.IK hTANI'N. HHIM'IS (ll'YI.US, I'HK WII'kKH, I'OHTK MliNKAll.n, l'OltTKOI.IOS, ta. Folt HAI.H IIY TH a PK0T1.8TAN T l'.PISCOPAI. HOOK SOCIKTT, ho. IJ1I ClIF-HNtrr MtKKKT, IS 7 HI 13 lt-17 Itl-HJ-ll rbllalelj'ila. C1 'H ALLKN'S IIOI.ITIAY PUUI.ICATDNS. IIV iiuA'l'l "It, 4.it KAtlhltM I At Kt lillli'rnteil III HI.R .STOKIKS. Ill tei -e, on tinted iaior. Iltna-tiao-'i. I II II.K ril.dUI.MS IN TIIK lini.T I.AtID atw'aflr;''re.ii.iiri HOOK - Hill 1 UK YOI'!i. AUn, nar -ll ma i f tirir -TAN Ii Will B 'I.IDAY IIODK.S. PAI VSITNK, I'A- I A M I'KKMP.N " Kill ITS AND H.I'WKKS OF I'ALKH 1'IHK. F.I. Kllt'DH. 1 11 K IU 'I.V (111 Y. CITY OK I UK (.ItKA I KINO A'l mnjKi tl.-otv vhi'irnti'-t, nni oetreif tn eirro WltlTI.V JJI'.hKS, rtlBTHH.liH, NK.IV ItOl.m.lT ll'IOKH IS liKRAT VAIIIH1 Y OH tt.l.RH't 1M1 St IM CIlK.i.tUI' Itiral JJKNDKKSON & CD., No. r,o,s AltOlI BTKKMT, TICOKMF.LLKKrt, STATIONBttA, AND 1KAf.F.ltl IK PbotOKraph Albums and Fancr irtlc, Ar reoe'vini dally all tha NOVELTIES OF THE EEASON, Which will beiold at reaiinabfa .rl.-e, AsTD H') KX OhHITANT DKM NDS KA A(TI) Bt-C At.'!IK OF HOLD OB I'APtB Fl.l'CTrjATIONtf, ll-gtlii Come aarlv In the aeason and make Four selectlona. JJOI.IDAY I'UKSKNTS. O. KUHHULL, Xo. 2? K. SIXTH Street, YVmrd Invote altontion to hia atock of flna Aiuerieftn and lu pi rltd WATCHES, lu (iold and Sllvaa. GOLD JEWELRY of Die lateat tlrlaa. UANOSOMK BILTEtt WAItH. warrantod pole oolu, Ao., aultabta for llollday preionta. O. R0S3KLL, li 10-131 No. !TJ N. Hl.tTll Stroot. TJJEIUL A1SD OENAMENrAL CI IltlHTMAS I'JIKSENTS. Hold 8peetaele, Unld Rve-(Taaaea, MUra.eoiKM, Opera etna.ea, Hp Cuf.ea, HtereOHenpea and Vlova, Mnirto latitima, Bimea of Drawing laatrntnontj, I'ooket Oora pnaaea, Fan. Tbnrmometera, titobaa, Air Fnmpa, laien- tilo Maelilnna, Oalvant ftattarlea, Hpalilnj Uoirda wtth Ilovabla l.atur., Ate. Aa., fur aaleby JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., No. 0-t C1IKHNUT STURKT. IJ ituaKd Cataloftaea gratia. 11 SO jN OFPOEIUNITT TO rUECHASE HOLIDAY PltKSKNTS AT LOW riUCEfl. Bavkng tfaUrmtned to retire from btulnein, mni wiahkig trlaiaoat my entire fctot-h of WatQhflu, Juwelrr, H'lrac War and httrur-Platad Wara, CloeHi, alnaieal Boxaa, lib'i Cuilofy, Ac , frit Lin aixty tlays, I an iiraparedto of r lndaoomcnu to pur.tianar, and aa.lelt aa axaavaa tin ol'tbava loooW, uwat f wbJch ara god atylaa and wf Co a quality. THOMAS O. OAKUKTT, U to 14 Bo. 711 OH ICS NUT 8TURCT I) EM0REST 10R JANITARY ! ! ! UODKT roil JAMTJ AHT ! 1 1 HAXPF.lt FOB JANUABTIt! 1-M tit Pl'ICUKK'4, No tM I'ilnlHIlUT llreat. ?() CIS. ! aO CTS. ! 3U CT.S. ! hap. flit roe JANUAitr. PITMIKH'5I. I4-I Xo. KOS CliKtlNUT aTU4Br. 1;CONOMY! COMFORT! TASTE ! j GF.i ra' ovk ii MTim. OV r.ll l.AH IHt, OVKR (IAIT1.BS. AI L aiZK8 AND COLUUS, TTholi aala and Krtall. FWINU B HUI.F1SII, MEKUIAKT TAlLOtt awn OVFH IIAITF.R MANI'FAUl I r.ER, Xo.ltn N. FtH'Kiil air.tur, 11-0 !m i-iiit.i'bi.iiiiA. 'I'REASDHY DEl'ARTM ENT, D IX EM 1)1.11 J 111, )KM. Notice i. hen by irlven of the reaillm a. of thta Dop.tr' tiietit la iiidctu i-u .recnlatl'lll. uy i.awiie it In titwi'ul li-OLct . or hy con.ccli.n 1 nt' loro. a. autti itled by 'aw, the i iute Vi'itr. Treinurv So'a( bearing- int. r.t at trie raie of .even and tli't-i! tend, pe' ceu'll-u. Iltiieil un lor Act ol ,l,ily 17. ttnit- lii'vriMt wiliceae on alt an 'h I r.ia ,ury No'c. not ' are.i uieit, ar.cr tnrco iiieiuh. rrom Una (Ulc, at which t'Uii), uteliir the lav, lh rk-m of conv.r al. n o.-a-. W. P. FK-CKNDKM, J.j-H-li t bfcer. I.iry of tie 'l'ro.t.ory. 2(MM) SE('()fI)-IlANn COTTOM tiKAM haaa Ua., lu atora and for , tie by juna r it a 1 1. K 1 (to., ' Mo. Ill N. KIM XI' -root H-il lm TTOIiIPAY rilFiHBNTH. OHAJtl.KH UlIMMIO, No. 812 CnESNDT 8TRRKT, Pa leave ti mrbm bla ee.eama eaatomcn ttit hU pea Bent atotR of FANCY ;C0 - AND TOYS nrraiaea Ikat of anv farmer IwpnrtaUoa. Harlag ee kecied wlta rara i lei article blmeif. he ean unlfaaf U.eia la no aimilar i.nl ! ment In the anuairv that aaai iMoturi' wilb hia. Aa t" eute. genu t bla fla feaaa e llrtl ananafaec rer And arUAia la p.arope, ,nesa uaai ari who huyftjnl ihe Imo' ttara here t nei ataln eaa oep tainlv not ei inpate 'wltn Mia (if the fnl owing gorrfa be aeei a n., larie a vi-rtetv. end In (inch entlral uta atlea, aa n" nihr a'o-e I,: in i eitv rmn olTor I. tnita woit- noxri i H.IIT. din M, AMldl.OVF TIDXFi M CFSHAItir.a buk LAKira AMI l.EM'LICMBaT. WKIIIM) )tf .1 l'aK-l"IM) CAXft FANS. I'AKia ( tl.T in IlkMNr. UDODH. PAIIIAM WAkF I'.' 'IIFMIAN i.l,. AHK OK riif.tr AAlOji E AND MODFRK. Cn I FHY-F1A.K-I .N..UIII WAI KIMIOAHM. (M K I- T AMI A K M.Y IMPI.KMCN ra. FAM V I.EA1 Ii II i.ooim. 1AIHK..1 MAI. -im Kit TWSJfTy DIFrF.RFtaTf KISt.S. caih". rrt k t'T H tor; a cicak uasf..s. J-UlmtR AND PliliTM''MIAIIC.i. uaii'h ok At.r. kivim fH-1, liOHD'nf. l.iTrOFH Ckll'.HAI.F. ClllrtrKKN. lUMt, AHt RAHK OAMON ll'IAltlm F AtA fFI.I.K A SU TIVOIT IM 1 hia te, .rtni-il 'a aen''l In arerv vartaTF knewn.witb mar ' eorel ttilaga seier befara toiported. I letta, the veer lar.e vriat v. ot evur.v fcnon, aepi In Ibla stoio. anieaite. In ueainvaud uef,il dratng any tieee known here ml ,n Faroon. TtiiA la no ld'etatt Ladi'a almuld (all and e lliin. U S rt fH IV'HI A. I I'APCVtJOO U.1 1 C0N",7AY & BS.0T1IEK, No. 83:) N. SKCONI) ! TH KUT, ASOVH HROVTM, IMPOHTKf S AND .lOllRKIW. Wo I.nvc now opvii mil FhII ft e k of Utrotail, Fratiah, And 'I ,t rol aa TOYS AM) FANCY OO0B3, Att of wbS are of o'ir own Hot-Mow. and Impieutlon. la wbleli wo Invite Iha att ntion of daaU-ra Amona aur aa-aortno-nl are aniuiF ll-T-tw F.NTIRE1.T .SKW A! DHeHkAftl BTTLRi. joijUAY i i;i;si:nts. TINE COLD AUJ) STLYER WATCEE3. .11' WKliHY Or KVKKI DKHCBIPT10I. Hllvi-r iiinl pll vajir llntl Wtbr, Wl.tctt win bn aol.' at tho lowelt prleea, and w ranted lo bit mi repraaontad, al I ,V. WIS LAUOMtlS', No. H MAKKF.T HTBEET, . IS-IStuthaCt OtiruT of Dssatar. 1SG1. 1IOI.1IIAVM. TC1f' V lOUJ. Wll,TCIIE3TEa & CO., No. 00 CiJL:SNlJT HTHEKT, Invite alter It la a eaoloa Hook ef WKAPFF.K8, CAJtRlAQII "I A1VKF.T3, CARDIGAN JACKET0, SCARFS AND TIBS, BRHAErASr JACKITS, OLOV1U AKD EARDKBROHIBFS. SMOKING CAPS. IU lea With a auptrtor a.eorimeat or other Good a aallaile aa PBESEHT8 FOK GENTLEMEN. JJ0LIDAY (J1TTS. lNXJitsirvo bia.uk e vsy. BKOWN'tf PATEKT BABY-TENDEE, Oil, MAGIC STRING CRADLR, The moat nseful and doHKhtil Mnr.eTF IavanUoo atf tha aa. From a Vertical and Kot.alaa, Cradle It la ta.tantlF aoo verted Into a Bprtng Cl.a'r.ReitllnluR Couoa, rtalij-Jumper. B.bj.Ilor.e, FiAbv-waiknr, IItM Chair, N araacj Okalr, Hobhv Uor.e, and OtetmaD. It efntetaallr obrlataa the avtla of tha rooVlua raMluai afford, great relief to mother,, eiarotaaa and doliditj eulV aren, and aavae tha exi-euta of a a area. Akw a lania varletj of 1'AKCY 11 LI DAY GOODH, AT THR ITOUSB FURNIsniNO 8T0R1, Xo. cuaa.sUT btiiiiit. H-f'lm JOHN A. MURI'UKY.j nn nr. n n m T T "I J I'OlKF.T HdOK and'ATCHRL MAWtrFAOTUKBRl j 0. 41 X. 1X I II Mtn-et, kalow AroU, . Flltl.AllELI'tilA. Partfotlei, Drea.inK ( anea, Ikjarl'aaee, Pocket Hooka, Cabai. Matahela, Aloaey rtatta, Hmkluei, Ban. era' Ca.ee. Vkoleaala aad leuil. M-T-lm lillA ti IjAHHIiet. lABGt APaOBTklRKT FOB SALE BT JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., uu No 044 OinrHNTTT STKlaVft JTKE BHIET MASUTAOTOBY. j Tka iukaailbera woakl tavlta alUatUoo to thear i IMPROVKD CUT OF SUIHTH arkk th ailil .nWAltv In ihdr AUO, CONaTAKTLT aaoitviKO, NOVELTIES FOR GENTS' WEAR . F. V. HCDTT Jr tl.- u.vrii..ir,'i Fi'HNiautMa to, ' No. PU C'. 'KSNUT HTllEK' , ll-ltt-tkatB-ti I - .v tyjra beWw Cohitnaatal Bekt JUT UXZi.iClVtLli, A LARGE INVOICE OF FINE COCOA- MATTING ilcOALLUM 4 00.; Mo. 0V CUBHNUT ituaJlw j U Hlattalu If