I -Philadelphia, Thursday, December is, 18ci. "FT H DOUBLE S1IEET. Sherman's Expedition. Rebels Groaning Over the Prospec tive Fall of Savrvnn ihi KILPATRICK'S BATTLES. im, r.t., ric, --., mc, rin., emu Uhrrmxn fit lllonniltitliilf - fh Rebel PokIIIiiii itl NHtHiimh Itnliriilt o Hole). JVm RxAi-iotK-l l'fHll. A, UtrrH.!,-, I Thef ;imt we hear from 8hr. nun is that on fsatnrria.) be wai ut bloomine'tale, on the Central Oeotgia Jtuilroad, fllteen Uiics wont of Savan nah. It vine not ab .i if certain whether il U.' .11 In his hrriltTOn n . .. aft. I. !... 1 , .. - 1. 1.. r. - ........ ,-. ... m. .... rv i l'.' l. It J LV B Hlu awry down to i 'j i. or null .iv.ir to f.iro-) a l"' t ol tbe Savnunah iher, r r for l'or. yiu vai. Our prvdtl.n at Savannah is 1-rTIi-ult. as In oviDg ilie iieccsi'y of protec.i.ig IhiiIi til city And Si me tell mill a of I'm Savium ih uurl (tlm-lei ton Railroad, which, leaving the city on the wed, curvi s m the mm h and cros-es thu rivor clglt inl'cs above, Sherman, -inca ha let" . aSillcn, !i been felling tltn'-er i",'hiiid him and oth rwitrp obstructing tin; roa.li, to protect his rear from Ibe remorseless ruv..ge- of Wnedcr. who las httnud and hitug upoa hiiu ln.o a hlOOslIlonml. Tim It, !'! MchlntT 0r ttif tiiproarh tnar t riNit, Nt Nii-r-smii.li. AetatA Hithwvmd U',17, he-m!r li. Tbc mil draw ui-tb. Tim advaniss of Slier, man's, irmy wan rcpoilcd to In within twenty miles of Savannah yesterdav afternoon. Too Unlit or the po-s"-sinn of th" oiiv muy In p-,o-gresi nit to-day. General iJeaui(,'ia ca.nm.tuili Uic Jonli uir.Uo forces. (Jrnrral Milinli'lpkN It i'llf. im bah a rioiiT haii.t with wiikclhh. AVp tkr ,Var. i n.lA Iltut.ht an, . ,n'- r 6. ' ll..rdly a tl.iy has n.ssi'.l t!iat W'l color lin not I, ttt(ii'.l some portion of Slurni.i.'s army, mi l mi: i'Uwiiui Aljpau.riv UUR not u vvi.ippea OV hlfll I a ottt ti ax I c bio nnvHr- mii t mjs. bold.s liirlu- irR wh rover lie coilil limi hu i tii-my, n m-Js Ikvo 1h i'n oliktmcti (1, lultlt' tiutl ui)i rue , lr:vcn oil', tno lieople for.'WHriiecl, pruvi ions in .t could not '' icn.iiTed dtrocil, and evi rvinn r tUe d ne to iml'&mi-B and tiiMinut the iuv'j.l. .j. Ia ihn y Wheeler bin trtd red mo.-t vi. 1 torviio to lliu tante, tor it Inn given us tun.- t ttne a'ld l.ri'ifi up our nu n. Wf lor Hj or in in, n..d, buiLh whvie b '.nd a tot r ady an 1 a'jlc to ot anil lirutni luinioiis. On MimJiiy last, the 4th in'int, 'oni.ilete da- iro now re ill v Will, he! '.Till vita bis h red 4 luttle was louplit whii ti exceids in n iy tlrit h:is e.huraitei -ami the cainpuimi, n id is thorofiro worthy of fotne p.irti ulur mntioi;. T:o U'.h Vaiikee Corps, unitid witU Ki prrirk'i emiru cavahy fonn, made au at tuck o 1 tuvclur, and a siTire laitie r.iged for se.n il li mis. At the Diomrnt of the uwitiit Wheel. : 's I no was very much extended, for the pnrpe of fnraiin'.;; hot he fperdily liron'lit liis foreen t ther niid ro ceived the nttaek of the cuemv v. it'i aviior that inane them bt iger. Several lie -a wer-j tliuv clriTtn back by our men In c.'n:nt'T charges null ornninies from behind hrea-t t irtH. l'lnally, Wheeler, Uudiui; hiiusi if idii-roundcd by n grently superior tone, ipi ' and in etn I ordT rcllr l and left the li. ld t 1 :h. 1 nemy. Tim losfeii of the hitter were vci v h. n v and the bin . Cmu t bare failed (rreu'ly to erippi-j them. We rap-Ltrd a uumber of (.n- iiei, one a colonel, who win taken in 11 b ird-to-hitvt i ;h!. We a' so loM peverely in otliieis ard mni, but in no pro portion wnn the enemy. A-flo.n ,.-ir kdlcd w:i Ooloiii 1 (irave, who, 011 the or mm iu, Ads acting as brigadier. Of tbe present whereabouts o: Sliernn, it mlftht grmify curiosity, but would do no itood to penk. Krom Ins niovenirnts, we uhU'd th it ho liiniftlf is not so sure of his l.it.tnde and longi tude, tudice. it to say that lm li 19 nntiyiliyi Sard mnrehinp before him ere ho will bo a'de to respond vi-ildy to the rockets of his friends oil the coast, with a pood prosK.vl of buying to liyht his way throiiKh the entire dio'au 0. From tfu Auyut'a Coustilutivn ilitt, be ci'jr?,. Owing to the state of the nlmo.-phere, tha de tonation of cannon was di-'uu ny heard on Sunday morniil iu tlio ilircetioii of Waynesboro. Se have li in our fuwer 1.. V"o :cik a lirief, but authentic, e.splanaiion ot tlu wurlike reso. iHtices. 1'urMiart to instriu tions, 'Itn'ni Wlitelcr csn ccntrated his euvalrv 1 ir e, in I . niidoigut 0:1 Suturiiay, fell upon . ..e rueur.'s 1 ..ar wuh a vim. 'Ike Yankee horsemen wile p.v innately il.iven back upon their inl'aiitiy support. After har-s-ing the infantry lor some lime, ' iieeUr reilrej to hi" former posh ion. At da light ou Sundav uiorni.iir, KiliMtrlck's ciiviiliy.asiii-le.l by the 1 liti (,'..i ,s advaiiced upon our cavalry. We were s alio . U 0 hind lenipo rary brea-tworks and tirepared to meet tbe oaset. livery charge of the useinv wu repulsed by tiie and eounuir charges, l' lnally, d's j4irinir to carry j 1 our wi ika by stonu, iioia iuis au.,nii( ihe.r r.isily I I f miar lor iiumbirM, the Yankees envelopsd our Haul s and made a retreat nei rs-a' y. This reti. e- -ua a....nt....liul....l I A-....ll ' Tf . ., t 1 1 ing relieved their rear of a trri ,lo lucubas, 1I10 HLktes iitiamionid anvfur iur di moustratiou and continued their march. Our lo.su vh between a.; v. vty 1: id cinhty mon. The er.tun 's loss Is reporu 1 oirjiaily us "very I.eaT. Among 11. e p.sya 1 11 our si lo, we are pained to announce to Colonel Oravi s, AetinK liii- il .c. j wounding of 1 . One of tho . hud t -h.iu 1 ' was wounded, e I with tie most -i.leriug the dis- VL Yankee ollin rs was c ,. tor .1 i.i Jrr tneoimter. tmil Kiln i'.ri k 1.1 Our elli.-ers and u.111 led .1 lliktil gl'lshcd ("ll nlitrv. anil, . 0 parity of force, a' hi. .1 10. 1 .1 in iMiint results in n taidiiig tho inarch ol ibe li -1 ''i columns, anil lilliiiK ihem witn a .vel.-ir .n.i 1. ,1 aiitirehension. if At last urujuiit'., the huii i t : 0. 0 Wheeler had collect, d Ins nu n anil was a am Imtkinz away a at tbc reargiiaid. V.'IE ARM V ill' T:m: JAM EN, Ft lx ts Rftlrin(r t tie I'.-oiieh Ounbaat. IIsakoi inrr.n.s Ahhy 01 rn is Jamie, np.ar Kii'iimonii, Va., lieeemb r 1 1 t he Hebel troops which yesterday derronstia e.l on our right wore, this morning, all withdrawn, and our piciiul linos lave been to-day coualderah'y a Ivinccd in that dinetion. The French punhont Ad which "arrived at AiKeh's Iniiding a weik since, u iius still in the river. Tno comuier 1 1 uec-i's of the l'ren h liovtroni. lit, who were prr.;;ic.l to visit Kich- D10111I, have ibis evenlii'; i ru 'J at these head quarters, and 1 understand Hi it the .Idunn will 10-nn trow leave witu nuiu on i o .ru. Dr. Livingstone, the celebr it d travoW who explored Central Africa, is about returning to India. Oenerul Sheridan was 0:1 -k a newsboy. That sjrM when he learned to go to pros liirly. Ki. Hon. lleuben E. I'cnton, ; ivernor elect of V'ew York, has resigned hid se la the Culled Pules House ol Reprosentatires. Tbe Vouiihkerptian (N. Y.) U one of tho latest victims to the inhumatiliy of piper dealers. It baa stopped publication. Mica llateraan baa met her wonted success at Manchester, England, ller career Is aald W be a Ioudu Of Ulaunu4. Till III) EDITION DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND. Rebel Invasion of Kontucky. GEN. M'COOK ENGAGES LYON. GEN. Ger.cral8 Stoncnan and Biirbri.li in Tursuit of Breckinridge. TII03MS TAIt!r. TI!' 01T;:slVi: etc., fn-., !:.. V.W., 1.1c, Ki-., i:n-. Lot'iav n.f.a, DcCPinVr 14 . T!ie U 'li d fioneta' I yon, on entering llnpkin viilo on M 01 1 iv , 0:1 seripted ivery one he could find, r.ib'iri the stores, ami burned what he.-ouU not einy rvav. A conser'pted getitleins.11 sue ceded iu g. t in th gunrd inebriated, and caeajied while tho U.'iel soldiers were In quest of coal. (ieticrnl McCook's a lvunec 8 1 ir l h id a skir mish with General Lyon's rearguard a' Klkt n. Generals Stonetnan and llurbride h wo ell'o ''ed a jucetion at Boauesville, and mil elusily iAow llnckinridgc. Tbe cavalry of General Tlioiua" army, wliieh crcsscd a lew days since to the nor'h si lu of the Cumberland river, was yesterday re-jro-s J to the south side, v. lib the t ce;i:iouof a snli'ient force to pursue and rout any It 'bel for ( 011 the north side of the river. Th' dcl'- ii e- u 'l.e rail road have been so stn nj hcae.l llial no dang r is nppri bended. IIKiIILVIMPOliTANT News Direct from Sherman. OFFICIAL WAR aAZCrTfl. DESrATCHES FZOil ADBIIelAL DAHLGIIEIT. Our Army Closing on Savannah. curt fleet co-opnrtATinc WITH THE ARMY. Grand Combined Attack to ba Mado Upon tho City. SHERMAN AND DAULGUEIT SIGNALLING. Cur Troops in Excellent Spirits. titrf.. Jito.. J-t.'.. IUto. Uto. TV AfsitiMiTON, DrcctubiT lo. Tho F1H0.T- IiifT tflcyr:m was received from l'ortre'as llon ico lust night : ITi-lfrum in eiplter rccciveil at Vfis'.iuijtoa at 10 I. M. December 14, IStU. Mesjoilcli Irura Aituilral luli!rcil. I'OKT P.OVAL IlAfUIOR, Via JV0I!THE"S MiN-i:ie, December 11. To Hon. (Jtd.on WelleH, Secretary of th" Navy: 1 hnvo just rceoivU a comrauulcitiou l'roui SUeraua'd Army. lie is a fevf milci t orn fcavauaau, aua in fine fpirita. I eliull bring all my available i'orea iuto con nection with the army. A decpntch b) forwarded with this. Very respectfully, (Signed) J. A. Daiimiukx, Kjar-Adicili a1. A bearer of deoptttchiw from Adinlr.il Dalil gren arrived iu thin city to-d ty, with, tliii fol lowing important despatch for the Secretary of the Navy : Ilikfinteli from Ail in Iris I lrhlgrrn. l'l.AO STUAMhU TlllLAUI.I.PMIA," I IS l'OKT ltovAL lUiiiioii, DeceinUer 12. Hon. G.do in Welles, Secretsirjjof the Huvj Sir: It Is my imppinci-s to apprise the Department that Gene ral Sherman, w ith his army, is near Savannah, and that I am in communication with him. In view of Ida probable arrival I had stationed seve ral steamers ut dilfcrcnt points, und had come down from Tullaiiuuey yesterday iu order to be at baud. I hud not to wait mnny hours. This mornins at 8 o'clock, the handdion arrived, with Ca italn Duncan and two scouts, Sergeant Marion 1 Esserii k and George W. Uullhy, having the fol lowing lines from General Howard. llrhiialch from Ilnnnril. IlBAlniAUTBUe DnrAUllC-'NT ok A it my op TltNKKBSF.KKAU SAVAMNAH.aHOkOIA. To tUo Commander of the 1'oroes in the viciiiity of Savannah, Georgia. Sir We have met with perfect success thus far. The troops are in very fine spirits aul near by. Respectfully, (Signed,) 0. 0. Howard, Major-General Commanding Iteawirt of ' Lain Dunran. Captain Duncan states that our forces were in contact with the HebeU a few miles outside of ga.Yannali, Be lays Sherman's army Is not la rillLADULLMIIA, TIttlUSDAY, DKCEMBHU l want of anything, rerlmps no event could gnu gt eater satisfaction to the country than that which 1 announce, and I beg leave to congratulate tho Vnited States Government on its oceurteiice. It may frlinps lie exceeding my province, but 1 erniiot n frain from expressing the hopo that ti e l'e urmenl will coiumetid Captain I'uneaii m il bis eoni. anions to the honoratile Secretary of War for some mark of approb.itlou for tluir success Iu e-tablishing eoiuinunication between General Sbeiman and the U et. It a.s au onter- rie tl at n itilr. d b 'th -Kill and courage. I bae tbe bum r to be, vir.- re-pectfu'ly, your o' Tdw nt : in ant, 1. A. Dull oiikv, (' tnii.anil'g South A'.l .nlie Idockadlng S pi Iro 1. TI;n following extr n t from a letter rf G n erttl Slu iiiinii, written belore lis ttlarte.) u;ini Irs great lnutrli, nIiows not only thai he rem lied the point ut w'ueli lie aim. id, bat tli t ho in entn; lulled the dillieiilt, w.ir'; m) ir1 Im lvi or feiiileen d.i :i c.iiher t'l.lll ll!CK peeti i! : KisnsfoN, leorg!, tl T. M . N o'cnb1 a, 1 ' i. Ci.p'hin Itino.k, t'liiied J.tei '.1, M..ntiil Cry :- la a few days I will lei ocT o: b: Hutu, iinil In po to meel my old fuen l 1). I), l'orti r araui. Will you te kind i n nii to unit ' Into and tell lif mi 1 1' loo's, out for in.' ul.o it Chiistinns.t 0111 Ililio'i H a ! to Saa':n ih. (si;.-i.e.l) V. T. Sin KM in, M ij. tic.:io:al. MORE ANDMOSH GLORIOUS 03KFIHMATI0N 0? THE CAP- TURti OF SAVANNAH. NvWs Rsccivod vith S.ilutos by the Whclo Flcjt. That Slict turn h.nl eipturoj S.iv.tnn.1'1 be fore tho. steamer wblelt br o.i.'hl tlm a'uv ilefpiileh hail t.iir'v git out of the h iro r ol I'ort Iioyal i,s probable, from i'u f.-t t'ltit tlij mei.ener who reaelie.l lure this in irniti says Unit wheti eo:uing ntit ui t'.n.' h i.-foor, -ivl when too Into to eotntiiiinle.ite by r.l.'n iN. tli" whole diet fired n F.tliite. I'pon lookiuj towards the vt s.sels they were being doeopito.l with llag.s, in honor ol' Home great victory. The opinion tbttt prevailed 011 board tli3 Henmer wa", that mnee who left tho wlnif news had remlicd the Admiral of the fall of huvamiuli. OrriwT&L T7AH GAZETIE. tin; fllH of f'rlsiuiit'ra of War. War I'i l Af.Tvti.NT, ArJiTANr-Gi:'K'iit.'s Oil hk, Wafiiinoion, Deeemlier 7, 1V1. 1. llrigndicr-General Joseph Hays, t'nited ta'.es Yolciiteer.s, and Colonel Stcphon M. We'd, Jr., .Villi Musvsi husetts Volunt crs, pil-otn rscf wa', uiCKleittd by tho GuvciMuent of the l'u te.1 Stales as ti e (..Hirer to be placed on p.irole,u;.;i..e. uhlc to the arrangement entered into by Liju'en-ant-Generul Grant and C iiunilssl.i:ier Oald.tj rccthc und db tribute to the I'uite I State, prison ers of war stub articles of clothing and ot ti r niee-saries herein uitntloned as may bj ivu" 1 by Ibe Government or contributed from other sctin es. Should cither General Hays or C o!o::el Weld be unable to perform the e duties, Colonel Thomas II. Waller, .ritU Indiana Cavu.t r, an I l.iiiiterant John A. Mans, 20-M Votimylva-ea Voluiitcers, arc d :dgmited as 'heir ult'irn "os. 11. The Cubed States w.il f.Kxui to its ptisoners of ur in fan Soutsi the foilo ving a"ti 1 es : l iiifoim ba's, uuiforin caps, ua l irri eoutc, tind'oriu j 'elet-, tiniiel s'nirH, ili Aneu, looties, stockings, buinkets (woolen), bliu'-.c'.t ( 1 inn I, commissi ity stores. Tho f.'ieulsof the 1.' nltcd States prisoners of war eonllned In the Smith are permitted to forward to them, by llr.'j of truce boat or other uuthoii'.cd eluinnol, the follow lug at tides : Cents, underclothes, cips, suspenders, brushes, buttons, tewing cotton, p. i Let knives, ike' eus, postage stamps, p'pea, syrups, lard, bologna sausage, pcpicr, pants', eor.k.s, shoes, looking glasses combs, tr.pc, pins and needles, paper, lead pencils, tobace , sauT, family soap, smoked b-ef, io n moil, mustard, vsts, huts, hatidktrchiefs, towels, c'oILch, brcoiiis, thread, scissors, envelopes, pauUnives, cigars, crushed sugar, butter, beef tongues, nut megs, tablo salt, salt fish, ylcl.les, dried fruit, 11. pies, cro.kery, rrnckers, sauces, lttnons, mutches, glassware, clwi e, veCatiles, ants, jeast powder, tiunare, meats and tidi in i nns. III. All attielts for prisoners of war will bo forwarded to Colonel John II. Muiford, As'eiit for Exchange of l'lisotiers of War, ut l oiliebs Mot.rue, Ya 11) order of the Scchi.tarv or Wait. 1'. I). TowhSi.Mi. Assisuut A.tjut.i'.t C ucr.i!. tl. i lnrnt.ou of J ielinnto of I'rWuni 11 of IV ur. War DpraHTMKNT, Aon tant-Gsjnk'iw.'s Oi FitR, Wahiiington, Diccmber fl, 1JI1. I. It huving been ollicially reported that Mr. Ould, l.cuel Commissioner of Kxcbauge, has declared, without consulting with thu authorities of tho United States, that all ilebel prisoners delivered for exchange or parole by the United States U iv eimncet up to November lo, IbA, ate ex changed, it is Ordered, That all I'e leral prinon. ri of wnrof tbc army und of thu navy, and all civilians on parole for exchange, op to NoVKiubcr 'I'i, ImOI, be deelured exchanged, and thsy.urc, thus de clared exchanged accordingly. II. All paroled ollicers and enlisted men herein declared exchanged, who aro In camp, will bo Immediately forwarded by the commandants of camps to their regiments and commands, e.nl will be reported to the Commissary -Geuorul of Prison ers accordingly. Those who are absent on lotve w ill, on the expiration of their leave, repair forth with to tho parole camps at Annapolis, M J., or Columbus, Ohio. liy order of tho ' Secretary op War. ' , J, Tuw.NsaND, Asiiietatit Adj.-Qcu. CLOAKS, &o. IL iauk.k:ii, "og BTEEETS. Ir.I"A RTMEWT OF TIIR ljril. Co-0rtlna; with Nhrrinnn. IThion Hkah, 8. C., l'ecembi-r fi, 1S8I. O i Siinasy lat the .'.'to Ohio Uegiment performi'd a most gratifying fe it In the l'iv otaliiro direetioi. 1'ioei eding bv a secret route, under outers from Gi re rai 1 o-ter, they came on a fort at l.'nur. li bridge, i i the rear, ('iiptidn Goraud, of General I oner's Ststf, with bis usual gallantry, was in advsnce of the column, having only two nii'u with him. 1 v n li in it over the parapet, s m forty Itenels wotc tli-co-en d. Adopting an old ruse, Cupta a Goraml t'irned abont, sang out, " Couie on, I). s I" and the Kebels tied like sheep. Two Jl-poiindi rs were ciptnre.l. die was brought nny, but the otln ,, nio inted on a heiry e ir r u.e, could not be removed convenient y. It was dnniiiiri d as much as possible, an 1 1'10 eais sot.s dtstioyed. Our to' es then returned. itiiMMtMT in (".sural roTrrs. On Tuesday monilni; Ibiv-adiir-General T i't r moved from Iloyd's Nut K up toe llro.el au I l'llil fli nv rivi rs to a poi n on a lon.r neck of I in 1 Istween the Coo-avv hat -hie and Tiliitianv nvor-, .icioss will, b, lo ir 1111, is up, the Sivaniah ami ( I ur;i sion luiiioK i cros-i s. 11 inoie l up a 1010I Iroin the binding, di 11 iu4 a k ual1 f nco of skiiinistiiis ti tore bun to an 1111 acid, jast bviora a wagon road, leading from a bridge over Ibe t oosnw hatebie river, 10 Masn's biid.-, aero-s the Tilliloi ie. Heie the en inv mado a si .nil, m il a si vere I'uht folloacd. l ucydr ire th. enemy er.tiliia lv peross tlie :)d I, till a dense ivood was re.iehed, an I there routed them, e ip tining a buttle Ibi:;, and some prisoners. The enemy lett a i their ilea I and s me woun lo 1 in c ur bands. Intrenehm .Mils wcro ut on 0 thrown up, and a picket line, and a line of skir mishers li nm n ou. to the road, (nightly in a 1 v.iiu e ot our in 1 in lines. During the nigh' seve ral slight collisions occurred between tho pi :k-ts, ami early in tho morning tho ctienv.- m i l ) a vigorous a sault on our lines. The enemy einio hist upon our tight, forcng in our plc'..ets. They wcro promptly repulsed by tho reserve. Tney tl.cn attai bed tlio siiino po'ntnitun in gro i t loiee, and were aitaiu prouip' ly rop iKo I. Net tbey felt ourceii're, but weie driven baelt without Iimovi ling i.ny thing. They then eatne in lor e, on our lilt, and were routed with much loss. TitL cot.ousn TUO, ICS s lotair.. d the greater loss dnricf t'10 n't v l; on Wedtusdav morning; ba' I tbink the killed an I iviunued wnl not number uioro than thirty to forty. CAM AI.TlltN IN THK 1IONKY Htt.I. nATltC. Tbe lists of e ihii. ilties In tho baltle of II in"y Hill btvve been revised and r.duce.l to seven h-i.i-dieil mid forty. K PAW TIIS IHlI.nOAO. Tt Konly b-ilf a mile from th. Savan:;a'i nn t Obarlestou It .ilroa I, and fiom our tr.ev no: only tbe whistles of the locomotives, b it the nriiMin;,' of the trams can be di-Iinetly beard Ohl liOKV's I'l.AsiTATIOSr. Further up the Tillilinny river, on th") r's'lit of the rend upon which General l'otier marched. vo l.ave taken possession of a Utiding atu:egor's plui'tn'ioii, st.'t. h was evs'iated in il hurry wn.-u our iro ps ndv.ineid. Er.m thence the supplies me teiMurdcd lo the front. muxav's ioikt. A (Vtaebn.er.t was landed ot M:ky's I'o'n', Wi ilneso..y mo-idng, wlrch pro. iicil.'.l up th oppi site shore l oin Gregory's planta ion, and bitn n. bi'd ou a a int tl.ero I01 tao prou-etion of i.nr Hank. ,-.'o-oi'KKAVHN op run orxnovrs. Vbe giiitliouts ids 1 eo-nner.ite for tho protee'lon of our Hanks and iandiugs, nu.l tho Nivil ll;i g'o'c, under Coiiitniinder l'lctjlc, are doin ciii c.Liit service ou shore. i;i.si:T!r. roTriii, nt ei c lime during the light of Tuesday, when hi Ivign.le showed sotee sbtiis of fsl'trnu'. witli his bai in one band and bis snbm in thu o'.'ier, rushed to ti.e tront ot the p lint -bat was giviog u and ra.li. il hie men, v. bo reiurned cam. ...iy into Uiu I., l.t. firMlllM. lKTCIl f nt to tbe front f.oi.i boyd'ii Nc. l;, on We lit s. Cay morning. CONIIIOL Ilk' Till: SAVANNAH II At 1.110 V I). lly rapid and strati gic m vcnints from right to left we have su reeded In obtaining a p isiuoii tiom wiiich 0 eau command, as soon us oar hi 1117 gnus go up, iwo bridges and somo mib'S of the Satanmdi Uailroad, eteu if we do not u-i ai.iy the lLad itH If. l Al'lAIN WI'ITNl'.V j;l!,I,K0. (01 S..tui day night Capt.iiu Alon.o H. S'I'. rev, 01 ibe iith I'll nil Slut, s colored tru ips, wa bidt'l 1 y a lire from one of our own pici.cH, of tbe ..t"e ti X :w York. It is stand th it he lia.l ln iiuv. Mi 1 lly got in ii.lvancu ot the pic.:;t, au.l a as supposed to be .1 It I10I. II is woun I w is iu the g'o ti, and resulted laUily on M nd iy m orn 11 a. Caption Whi ney was fonneriv a private in a Verm nit recimuut, and passed Casey's Uo ird as 11 (n,.liiiu. lie a .1 00111 Iwcuiy-six y o.ivj Old, ai ii a lit e oil: er, whose tiriforlanato death ia biiicb rcgatttd by lbs regiment. 1. ate itnti i. ti:ivs. lnit'rlunl frnm Iitilslnsii. t.l I' I -.H I. l.Atl) OP t tVR TIIOI SANO CAVALRY ixto am; in tusiou op tiik ni aiii. Osvka, December 1, DIG I. A Yankee raiding fi res of at least five thousand cavalry, with tx o pieus of artillery and ninety-six lo idod wagons, the rest with pontoons, and commanded bv (enrral Davbi-on, reached Tuuitipahue from IhUon Hoege ht two o'clock yesterday morn di:. Lust evening, atter burning ib conscript camps und some outnuildiugs, gu't ng the stores, pd I. cleg the Inhabitant.-, anil burning bridges, thov I- P. iu the uiiectiou ut Tiaul.hu, Li., which is the timet route to l ' url river. They carried wi.h til in Captain idiurav, enrolling oilier, too po t in.itn r, Wiili'Jii.s. the hotel k jopt r, ami all the citiiXtis they could c.it.h.yourgand ohl. SdiiiC of the pillaging was very brutal, there t e.rg uo force nt oms to retard them in any way. 'll.iir destination is unl.uown. though tbey them selves jiositivcly said it was Moliilo. Their horses nppiiiicd innch jtide l. All is unc.rt.tiu coiijjc tme 11s to their f urther movements. R. jn 1 irrt mm ut Tun 4'imwnlr of tl.c 'I'wvn.sr-tirf At v lurk Viivjtlrjr, lo or Millivood. Vr. Js'r.w Maiikkt, Deeemlier '.. Lieu'enant Iliy lor, of the 12th Virginia Cavalry, attacked two run panics d thu Hit Now York Cava'ry, near Millwood, Clarke county, on the Ih iu t uu, ail killed und cnpluied ioity of tho jurty auj toir.y uibe horses. Altruil Ketij liy Our O.lle.-ri at 1'iiiiv lit-. .V. 4. i;oieuel i&oMiier, ut Kvii Icili, (tilled. VvA .'! Richmond Vi.Jfrti-A, liffnhtr li. Yeterdny morning the Yankee olll 'crs lithe prbon at Danville made en attempt t overpower t.,e gua'il. Tie y were tired on, an 1 Colonel II - r, if Xew York, was lu,tamly killed, aud o'heri. woundci'. This tribtenod the rust, uui the attempt was given up. The sirur tle la.tjd bul a tew ui.iiutca, and all was soon timet. I ruui I'.iut TsunesHec. 1ALI.1N') HACK OP TIIK 1(1:111:1. U0M tlUAS's STATION. from the Hriilol r.t'jhltr, Drctm'xrl. Id conseUcne-e ot tho appearand of Federal troops Lt Uean's station, presenting tho attitule ot a flunk movement, our fores were induced to fall buck sonic distance, havltnr imp jrtunt wagon truins to prntoct. U.tt, on Tuesday morning, General Vaughn commenced an advance move ment, being determined to find out the force in front of him. We siiail not be surprised to hCAT bii niruiug up close to Jiao.wUic. JjT HIIOEMAnilH uo.. CnH-MtFS CLOTHUIQ IHPOEITTlf, Ha. 4 K. EIGHTH STRRKT, tfHLlDKLfUIA. IS avra -a. s-. i ii. HJf UNITED STATES COURT. Installation of Chief - Justico Chaso. Waphino row, Deeemlier lo. In tbe Supreme Court of tho United States Jul! ice Wayne an risiiced to the bar that the banking case from New Yoik wonld lie called for argument imme diately after tbo argument of tho case from the Court of Claims, involving tho ipiestion of juris diction, which is fixed for the first Tuesday of January net. Tbe Supreme Court Chamber was filled this morning with ladies and ctillemcn to witness the ceremony of Chief Justice Chsso tailing his scut. At a few minutes past 11 o'c'o.k, the Criir form illy announced the coining of the J istiee-, who, as customary, appeared in tluir rubes of ottlce. Ju-tiecWn no wa'ked In front of his i in dates end was followed by tho Chief Justice. Tin y all sepaiatcd to tbtlr respective chairs au l re mained standing, while tho Chiof Justice himself read them the oath of olflec, a written copy of whi. h bad been banded him by Ju-tico Wayne. Mr. Middleton, the Clerk of the Caiirt, rcil mid reroideil the commission. All tho Justices being seated the Court pro railed to business. t'Krf us.it t.i. i'i t-r.its. ll.M TtMottt:, December lo. -August i papers of the 7ib, received at tho .Iwiericut olll.'e, say that Taauregiird arrived at Aijgusta ou the dtli. The Cinatitutimi:ilit of the 7th says tho Ynn kee prisoners report that Kilpvtrick was shot through the head and morally wounded in t'ae light on Sunday, at Waikor's llndgc. Tho ( 'lirimirlr of the 7th says : " l'asseii'rers by tho Savannah traiu on Monday afternoon report all quiet iu the iielghhorhouJ ot l'oco tu Igo." Another report l lies that the enemy We-re advancing tluir main column on the Co osa wetcble. It was also reported that the enemy cnpturcl two gins on Flit Spur creek, on Sunday. Nothing deliuite, however, wus obtained. f..r The I hilt 7.7,. A in Kt-nmi r-V';iiA. TIIK tVS BY Ml UK WN Kl'llt'l'. Thruugh the swamps, aid whore tho tussock p'unt.s its tangled tn;',H of urass, All 1 is hopes int. nse'y yearuiui for tho things that weie to I e. In his breu.-t some fiw despitibcs, d'dt'i : gallant Cap'ain pass, And iu a ranoo came sailing, tailing down tho Ogcchee. On the !Hb he left the army left it Just ivlthiu'.ivo milts Of Savannah, where tho ruins Uo of hopoj that once bent t ree ; Where a Hag torbitu is drooping, wherj tho can non s. truly smiles, Swift ftom Sherman he catno sailing ia'.lltig do'Autbe Ogechee. Few, nnd brief, and brli ht, and burninj sparks s'ruek sharply front the -oul Spoke those lightningdinud desp itches, which, wi liin his bos in, be, MbvI: g face to f ace w ith Sherman spoken, Hilton Head his goal, liorc within Ids bosom, sailing, sailing dou tbe Ogcchee. "All our troops are in good nplrlts, ws hao won success so far, Keep a good look out for signals" su:U tha little winds that we Have received to fan our hopc3 with certain now that nought will mar That good nuas ihat l uncm broujht us, sail ing doisn thu Ogechee. For the latest soands that lingered with tin iiiger-llsb nlng gain And tlio tbiiuder eeim,,. AMudeiing o'er the rniit es pedant bio, ' . When tlie "I'bHudelph a," dipning II ig, exalt nntly set sail. Hade of moro than truth tho tidings borne ti . from the Ogeeltcc. . i:. i.. riiiLADKi.i'ins, Doceui'ier lo, It il. Tp.stino Gt ns 'KRi'iiitTF.ii K x plosion. -This mortiltig a number of largo guni were toitcdat tho llridosburg Arsenal. Tuo loud repjrts gavo rumor to a disastrous explosion luvin t oneurr 'd at a l.rge fucory in tlie npier section of tho city. Another report was current that Dapont's 1'owder Mills, at Wilmington, had exploded Tbe concussion was plainly felt In the city, and alaimed muny of the mine timid, who no doubt thought another pirate was coining up tho 1) la vs are. Limitations of Gobi at tho Philadelphia Gold Fxchaiic, No. til S. Third s'reut, second svory : A. M 2'17 111 A. M J3' lu A. M 211'; 1'2 M '.'til 10 A. M :I7 1 V. lei tiil 11 A. M 2,iti Btsrkfls by Tolic r.sptl. Xi v York, Dccjm'Kir 1.5. Flour has an ad-vuilt-ins' tendern y mi 1 1 he market Is flrni.r. rid. j "if l..'i(l I t..s. f $ Hii.,Iu for miaoi; SU 'jv.i.il-nt t ,r i'0, ail til I" w i I.ir Snuilii rn. Wneat ilnneri sales nf 1 ism lili'ln .1 Ht $1 In Tor Ite.l. Corn ileaev, tin' il'" at St l''a i-ri. Perk tiuoi'ttiit ui f in, 4a ir.e," lur new. Lard buoyant ui il" (.',. WtUsky llnu ut !!. LATI-ST MARINE IXTCLLIGETEt'i:. riKMIKII Dim MOKWlNft. p'.lp -firiivan. ..tw1i r, ln-".s.t vV't-rk iiiiiti k Co. I' im A'.itAHih . Hee'AM, iiio And uiftrket. ilo. h Klin . I.'oll U. 11 iVAiii I) Ft. Mir!mn A- t'n. l;ru- H i'. WH4,t, lluwUtoru, J-yrt Ii.irrnQw.tt, J . (1. k ). H ir.'iipiirr. p hr I.. .) II"-rttr, MrtHth. Lvnn. I.Uklxt'sn (V hchr 11. C. t"Mi.-, Ariin, bmlnn, J. Hunlur, Jr., ii .'. A1(UIVF.I THIS MOUNINI. R!f flmMT Nixon, MiailiCvVii.4H ho 111 ir uu ItoKon, with ! u ll nry Wiiin'T A 4 'o. Kxp rifiicil h'-avj w-.jther, I t ml wim iit'lli-d to liiy lo f r fji (y-t ydi iiutiri NU-uiU'-ImP Atuu-U. liriUHli. ir'iu frw Y'XK f rlT)!t J'i'Hit. ptii in, t'ti iU.ii.f lo ui'i'-tp wtrrv. for rcpt r. Jxirtt r WK W. iatA on in tiint of cri iltli tiiHt,, wiiH-t it ttf Hr sUvVrater, iarivil b iti luvwun. niid, Hi'tHrc tflPK wnh inrt-) tiiKiiterH. dnti' on the f ilut of (.',' Ilt'il-t-'l-en. y. l.t ri1 li lav mid) Tu-mrv ruornlfikr. w!ieti )ii Mi f(i( oil by Mmr. Morrn A 'o , wreekfru Tna rlnmniTH tlatia.'i'il werr tin r A. Himtli, fn IViHrti'il I lUti U r lioitou. wi'Ji il: W. K. It irtUta,fru a New V trk tur liulumoio, wnh bnrlf v : hik! m-lir , '(. (14 ,er, Iioin Sirw Vtrk lor 'ltv Cohit, with nnni(ry non-a thu u 1 I ot their Inwaprlm aru ht'tiU'i'iir, un I lite Ut sttfJ hut rtiHiiiniani and t"t. nnd multic, mtier ctmtfaj tfia Itu e nl th. m wi:l cone tr I'liiUilulphi for r itir. it hn atfto rt por(r4l tlint a li-.ht aolt jnt.r aahoi-e aoutb o. I wl' k Inland. Hritr Ivtrana, Hai'suny,6 diytt trm MoUiit, in ballast t J K lrttvr t'o N.l r..' Morrln, Artit,:t tlivi frJOl Jlauitua B a3, In halUKt to W. Ilnntttr, Jr., A t!. henr IC. VauK, I'ovn J, ft day. fromPurt Eoal, In lntlla.t to?ntatln. kViir Julia I'owall, Johnion.8 dayi fro to rirUaail, with nd" tn captain. K.hrd. W. llvi.ion.Hhaw,& dayi from l'ott Biral, in bnlU-t to taptuln. k hrl atawaii.twak,llicki,fl(Uyi from Vlitatburaii.wlih I oiiv toi aptain. KmIit I'. A. Handera, TowiiMnd, i dayi from (jtOD Ioltt Q biiU.. t U. A AUatUlt QIl I TT je; n jy E IX OOlfMEROTL COLLEGE, Be. 7 CffKHVirr ttrfl-. nrr 0evak, KUt4UVst1 llrWsTIHVKLfftf IHA. T(cts Mao prvparM 9ot tha Onaailttc 11mm jM ftNl IJ't. TsKonb ind rtol lrttfrtV tm to an tic WrrM, aa praeui bj Um iMft MooantAftti aad auiuaea bmh. rRWM AVHTI1F, fiilB ua rrmUu, la tAh4 bf on rf th maal loij B4i C of pmrnM, Own arvitai i aimlatlon, 3omiaarel,l Law, Deiaetlit founlnK MaUa, A. TLPBAffnTV(l kt HfunA, anl a Vkf, Uuht by ft ton.aspe1tvu( lipraior. RtutlrrvM foatniflf Mparl, ml r4arad a4 m Un. Tio(t - afiw hptiTibr i. i afainfciMa rontaW m u amm ot 4J I a.aditftta, larm f , fifv-rtiafcrd itratJa on app ir II l'lkarntl H H 1 Ml t M H ttrf A CO. :: pjini ipftl ot. the tifti.fftr book'sH. A TV Rl,OtTC.fl. n.n.le to-dny curry trl: thu stock ba liccn in pretty free is ' il um m i M chMi, for dellvc.y aud inTeshiVe'.!"" '" w ,UU ufterDOon the stock will be ipioted dlviden'l,cy,', and will probably rango at aoitt 69. In Oil shans of the better class there was a fair diniaiid, the price of petroleum oil tie rug higher. Those companies that have pro.liie.iug wills will have n rich harvest In ISM. Vuder rrrtuors of the capture of Savannah, by Sherman, gold bus fallen from 2.17 to 21 IJ, and is heavy. (iovernmcnt b mds are umn aciivc, and prices me rutin r better, i'h sa cs of ,1 2 is to notiee at 10' j( li 'l, an silvan o; J ; Id 4 I. at 101 ; new 7 ."Us at !'!; and t'.s of 1SS1 at lift, toupons attached ; nnd KoJ coupons olT, nn advance of I ; rcnnsvlv.inia .Is arc selling at 9 !J. Kailroad shares are very dull, and rather lower. Camden and Am hoy Kailroad sold at 1"'U, which is a slight decline; 67 was bid for I'ctins lvat.ia ltnilroad; (IS for Reading; 1J for Little Schuylkill; oS for Fhiladelj hla and (for iniint. n; .'iS for M;nehill; 2 ':(forNoith reun s) Ivai ia; soA for latbigh Valley ; 11 for Catawissa common, H7i for Catawissa jircfurred ; and 27 for l'hil.idelphla and F.ric. In City Fiisscnger Railroad shares there is very little doing, but prices aro rather better. Kldgo Avenue sold at 12; 18 was bid for An h Street; s was n-ked for Second and Tnird ; 63 for Fifth and Sixth; 1711 for Tenth and Kieventh 35 for Siriicound l'ine; 4S for Che.nut and Walnut; 12 lor Race and Yine ; 25 for Oieeu and Coatos ; nud -li for Oirard College. Dunk shares are rather firmer, but there is little or nothing doing In the way of sales. 161 was 1 id Or North Aiucric.t; .58 for Cjinmercial ; 3;;.' lor Mechanics'; 118 for Sotithwark; .) for Kelultigton ; fll for (llrard ; 111.5 for Western; .12 for M inufacttirora' and Mitchaules' ; 6t) for City ; 4ll for Consolidation ; and 5') for Comtnon weabh. Canal sbaros ere without any material change, with sales of Schuylkill Navigation common, nl .'I3J, preferred do. at .1ti"(V; -til, an advance of 1 ; and Delaware Division at .'1(11; 73 was bid for Lehigh Navigation ; HI for Morris Canal common, 125 for preferred ; nnd 1 1, for Susquehanna Canal. Coal Oil shares are rather more a tivo, but prices are unsettled. Organic sold ut lj ; Dalell at 0 ; St. Nicholas at IJ ; Caldwell at 5J( ; Story Fai iu at 211 ; l'raler ut 4 ; Irwin at 10 ; and Wal nut Island 2 ; Pj was bid for Noble and Djla matci ; 1 tor ltoek Oil ; lis) for Maple Shade ; 3 for 1'erry ; and SI for l)en,tuoro. The demand for Money continues Dniited, at about former rates. Ij.in on cull aro freely offered at 5 Ji (1 per cent, per annum ; prim.) inc canlilc paper is scar. u, and disenanted at 7('7i per cent, per annum. Gold is Hither dull and iin'ettlcd this morning, ' opening ai2H7; fell otf und sold at ill at VI o'clock rallied and sold at 217 ut 10; doclined and sold at 2Ji ut llj; 2ioat I2;and2t5J at 1 D. M. Tko Taek Petroleum Company has ibvlired a dividend of two per cent, out of tho profits of tho Company feir the month of November, payable to rhl'iulelplila stockholders at the 0(11 :e of Messrs. Tack A llrothcr, No. 132 Walnut street. Pllll.AHM.rlllA KTOCK KX .'lIANliH 8AI.H, D0. U. Ut eiurlesl bjr Cisrk.ou A Co., tlrokui, Ns. lit H. TlOrd IH. IlltrOUIt HOARDS. fHIlilliH.M....bm SHU h rims TM. lull li I'll Cid'Ji snil I il nil K"sillits H.i CUtro ' U.blO ui 4 I MltO Uo IIK.ST nOAlit). ' S O V nr.. HI III! ll.'suti IV.Iwell.... ,hl 4 .. IMS .. 6 ... f...ltl ilo ..ll....lisi . '.". u u.. u, b ll".'l ilo ICH....10 " i.:,ie U is -'s I'v'f l. li eo rt' lm i U.S. I . H. 11,-4". I"ll; Sl.'isi el" li!'.. si. I., r a "mos iow i'i', I, u n Peam f.s t-.l. . .Mlsn i irKanl.- Oil.... e.t '.insh liaueU UU.... j llsi.h d.. bikl '.1st hh Kt Nlehi'lil. ... S'u'l St) Bli llielu NM'IIUV.e Si I MO kl 11, ino a Mm uri Htmy Sn.... 44 tssi ti Min 4 lti.) n Irwi.i Oil Il) 211 in W n it Inland. S',' i -it huh. Limi.., le, Ifmsh ....pll. an, iisj aa do ito ItlO.ti o .41 1U ,11 H.'l 1)1 V t 40 6 iriUaia a Am ,..1', Quoti'tions of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : rulten Col UlK MOUtllAlllC'iAl N.Y.AM.a.C'ai.. Uree-n Ml. Oa... N . ( srlionalo..... New Crfk leeel.r Dam Coal. Clinton Coal Untler Coal Jiltuiioiul Coal.... rsenlura I rmniimuii t i - t.'.j Howe K.J.ljOll.. ll 12 Irvliu; Oil .. I i t lu I , r.iH, rim oil... Den. more hi. Ill Halell. Ill a .. 1 1 MoKLneoy ol 1 llohort. OU 1 as II lOlinstoail J ti , III iNeblctUolaiuatw . Hsf 10'J IU lllr,r..nl ..I.I4J 4 I 1 Story Pib y 44 S1, , llnnicr l fJI 1 ' t'ffimifciiui Canua. o.u 4 IV'ioi Mliiini; ..13 ( aims'llciit kiv niutie Inc.. .. 1 si s ii eisior Oil i n'' 1'. K.nlwrt 4 4 Hull unk ti t IS)1. H"i l.laoil. I ('ononenial isl S ji'iirtln. .IJ( 1.1 I .rrsil 1 elnlOll C'roeA.. 1..' li Oil C'tfek Maple Khsue Oil. .17 Met'llntra-k Oil.... f'1,' Pellli.ylvarilal'.t . 'i ferry Oil 3. Sllntral Oli , Keystone OH D.' llerniMiila. 1 1 1 HI I'orn Pltnter. t.';iK.Mk Oil '-". fun l ai'm 4 ', 1 1 'oh. F.na I HI s. h set nil (trMk 1 i ' Wsliiat Isl.ml.... .. Phils. U 'I lileollt.S . Ciiicent city 1 hi 4 Plilor-ol'i 9 'i'i Ht. N'eholuj .. I I'lnllliis 4 .Vi Ttirx rl'imostttd.. .. raid-veil .. S lleilo Par m At,' J'i hrni 1 : J i'ow'ri'-k 2 , ll4 I'lierrv ll'l'l Pie-J V Hfofi I'l-ntre .. 4 finn'oirv. 1 Alleid.eny A r..1e't W Me"... Il Dh'irrjr IS 7 It I'h'ioni I.1.' Itnrnlus apuiiK VVhuoii 'I lrv lice IllMt We'tern... . 'i liimMleB Isl.lnl Ada H!irliian I'oiikurrl 1'.' I'niikiird l.'iifk Oil 1 ' At info .. Ve'llAiuioOtl V toiloD Pf Uouai..M I'i Kenit. Oil 0'4' oh.ai.io on t .. & i-tt a l-'s 4 Mr. FeSiuudcn has Issued the following cir cular : "Tint asi'hy Dr.i'AKTMi'NT, Deeem'ier M, ISiil. "-Htr: I iclimi.' to .vilj alt) lorliui- I, sum of ImwhI., the inti iFslo' Mlileh Is imvsliU in coin, uraiirni'llierliien-a. i.f ni'iT eirc'...;l jii, I .-k your nci; .(tendsa UI Ui. iMnn il.rfeti-i.ilii notes now ,itirrsl 10 ilia piiMic. 111. I rllio.U that llie-o nines pre .oat Mile am.'-), selecli .hou a ri'Colua)e,il U'"l to all -sue) li.vs -11..11.V 10 Invent. Hi. liii"est oil rprl t. at pr. .. nl rules 01 ulti" I'overiiiin nt .ernrilloi mi 11 s lo rnnUT them a ir-B-llv, " I tnslr aouvort In I y Into fold brarins Ihoi.i. ple. trieiu ail aljnioul value. II I. ooln"v',r'' "'at psil'le siiouia aa.U'- lainJ (lie a.lvit.s'i ail.irdie lv itils eit-,. or soqu-s-tle. to lii.uro .'''S ln .ailleleit nstlv a-nollnu ti nn ntlie cur-rut denmed. uix.u 11,0 Tre tii-y. 1 11 teiirlD lo nailoniu bank, and ollit-r. audi irliy tno'itilu .iilo-i-jiplioos' ""1 l,H' e"er of IllM) al eotliiniisl.,. 4.r .eie-i.-v. iKTierwrd. It wai expeetod thai trio n'lunJ bank., ''"tss'lsll.v ronneel.-a as llieir are Willi tua llov ei 1 m"t. and prorltinir by Ilia' connaetsoi. wminl Save tn-t u itiiiinlated to .u.-ti eeril ni a. would In.ore aus oe... Irssrsilto .ay iliat tho result, lln.i tar Inc. a. it beeu lattsl'ict iry. Ilcfort remrtliig 10 other an I"., I lli.rslore atf.iD atipal to tlie National Hauki ia ll.ari.iMt tli.' ttn y will uueloitake t'd. iini.t nis'...arv wo-k with a .lilht and euernv wlileh will deuionilrate that Ilie rea.'.; liled fl.eael aiiciiu ol tli. O-'vermuent may at all Obms l.e relifdou lor ad..jiia'e .Kurllou. to procure tl-a tasau. m eesiary lolu aalty waaia. W. t. HCsSK.il. EM, "Buavm-Trvf Uislitaiur.' t I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers