The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 14, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    "VVVDNKSDAT, Dr.riiUPKR 1 1,
Ladln2 F.uUorUi'. from Hit Vir lurk
r;iir litis Morulnv.
iiium.r hii'ohi itt m m-imkk.
MAI IWt'.IJM. Ntt (II.
V fe ,,!(.
We pililifh till ii. .rn:n thr o'lii' ttlejr.un
fit tirrM'Tj'ou. HU', . urn ;); ,nt ((..-nt'ial
hrrman la thnr. Vrne a' SS' ntr of Ntv.inn.ih.
Thin lniiormnt intilvun i- tl.c fu-wr have liml
from tbe War IK r Hrlii.cnt im-c f.cwral "Mer
man bean hi miri-l;, an,'', in manner n ml nuttir,
It is amoiltl tlot'iitr.i 1 1. I. vill ijj w.n that tlie
Infui ni:jlltni IsdiTi-. eel l'r :u K.i.IiiikiihI tin, ot, nnd
ieavr-s no doubt Hirst (iYim-mi Mn'r.ii.ui, w til tiic
co-operation of Henna! I n-ttr. Ii ii iMlhiid
fiivaiiDith and the Keb-I riniiv eirti mliir; it trinn
b) rest of tho fco-r:ilifd Cnieeiera. v.
Gmirrul moved tlir'nivh Cintial
Oeorgla in two ro! imn. In a slow, Iriiurt iy
maimer, linking fe'luts utum two Import int i it
ntit of his atrect romp, ami thus uctraiinir tho
UoIkIh Into acvuriil I'uise uiovrnnnti. Titcy roi l
lorcj'U Martin nnd A'liM t nt tin- exrxiOKO u( tltti
Tilnl point at wltitli bui rn.u :i wm ouuuiir. Ji , h-
lllL hi llli II fill 1 1. -iri. lu i " itn ..i'
army were) courentruti d, and at Una pi.tit cvi
tircd tliu oarniw ptniriMeiu octe.u tlie. Ua-uIko
and havaiiDali liv.r.i.
Down tij.H piniLjsi'a. soivr sixty ntllei In
lrniili, (lie aioty Iihk hem ni ivitijr nt ra.iitlly a-i
pOMiiilc, ilie liiovcintiK Ii.hik duuotlc! eicl.iyud
by the nutiifroiiH strciin-s and switmpj over iud
tlitouh vitiicli (; niriil rilt.rnian bad ro light lm
way. On the In u inttaut lio bail re .u bo l
ltloniii)Kilole, lilncr. uiik'i nortii uf S.ivatiu iii,
and on the l Jlli InMiint is r. portcl Itv the UoDeii
panera to hare lirvu in line of bat'lo onlvlivo
miles from the city. Having rem hed tliia point,
it ia appaicnt liy a glmicn ut the m ip. that Oon.'
ralshcnian lain c.iminunictttin distance witU
tbe licet at Ot.wb.iw t nun l. nntl tljulnloss, by
niciins of signals, with Fort l'ulaiki.
Ilia position ruta olf Sivnnuh tr im all com
tnuali ation with tho rcat of Otort'i bv the (ralf
and Ccmrai Hailroni, wUilc the smcc of Oi n
erul Foster, at 1'ocotano, iu acvering coinmuui
cation witli CharlcsUiu, renii. in the isolation of
the bei-irpcd city coini'l.U!. 1 his, it will b? seen,
i acknowledged liy the Itii bmnnd piper, and ii
ia iippnitnt, from their Liuiniyu, that the an.Mis
of Oentiala Shcrmtm aa.t FuaUr ba.i, in tuia ro
apect, Ik-cu cnip'o c.
We may thirefmo anfolv e jni'linle Hint tho In
restmcnt which h.n already been t ilVcted Hci'iire
tbe frtll of Sivannah. (leteral Sliermau hit
Atlaa'a on Novi mbcr M. We may vet have the
pleasure i f positively ami nun 'ni a kIch i-ius ro
ult to bin fraud c.iu.paiu on l)ixm!ier la.
Tin; ht. l !: anu.
frtm the Tril'um.
Mr. Juttico, of Mjiitrcl, has dis
charged absolutely tho Rt. Albans rahleui. Uo
bai denied jurisdiction in tlie case ia which ho
had aamincd it, and.has then f jre it'leacd.tbcio
tcoundielt from aic other diil jrcnt Indlctiuoata
(or arson, for robbery, and murder. Assuming
that all the other cases were equally before him
for adjudication, he declined to hear tho protest
of compel for tho United States. In a word, Mr.
Juhtice (Joural bus announced that ao far as the
Judiciary in Is concerned, the resident
Keliels in tbat province have full license to de
pend upon the territory of the United States, to
rob, burn, and murder, ut their own discretion.
It ia not worth whho to waste much indignation
on thlt Mr. Coarsal, bat we remark tbat the cae
before bim was put oft' some weeks afro, on a peti
tion of prisoners' eouniel, to Ret CTidenee from
Kichniottd as to their Confederate commissions.
Upon tho calling on of tho case at tho adjourned
day, no word is whispered of tho expected evi
dence, bat want of jurisdiction of the cases is
aaaauicd, and the jiulge and tbe counsel for tbe
babel vie with each other in indecent baste to
consummate the scheme ut rescue on whic h they
bad agreed.
We know nothing of what act'on the Canadian
anthorliin may now be diup .icd to take, but tbe
Adminls'ration at WashinRton may now. perhaps,
inquire of Ureal Britain whether she jualiiies this
relnsal of one of her Judges to try a caso of arson
nnd robbery coinmlu.d by men wild In her juris
diction, became tbe ucts were perpetrated within
our borders; aud whether, if the refusal is to rest
on the ground that tuesc ware the acts of bellige
rents, she means to permit war to be wufred upon
the United States from her territory and by men
amenable to bur laws :
from IA4 TiitM.
The action of the lloiipe on the Bankruptcy
bill deserves emphatic commendation. The
tncasars was brought over from last scullion for
action on Monday. The members, or nt least a
most respectable majorl'j, had discernment to see
that the country would no longer be trilled with
on a question of such vital moment, and, with no
needless diseuselon, the bill of last session, which
hud been thoiouxlily sifu.d by a select committee,
waa passed by tbe respectable vote of 70 to 68.
The yea and nay were recorded in oar last
Uua, and may be scanned with profit. The
action of tho "Senate hereupon will be watched
with no common interest. That body is natu
rally, to a degree, removed beyond merely
popular imlueiiccs ; Dut we venture to bapo that
a measure, which bus been ao thoroughly
weighed, not only as to i principle, but as to its
miiiutet dctalle, a the bill which has paased
the House, will not iri' et at hast with an un
reasoning opposition iu tbe higher legislative
The Senate will do well to consider that its
revisoiy powcre on a qnestion of such imme
diate practical account to a vast number of loyal
and bouist eltlziiis should be limited by tbe
simple consideration of whether positive injustice
Is done by the measure to any opposing class in
the coniniunliy. We- venture to think that on
this point Now Yoik may apeak with sumo degree
of authority. And we have yet to hear that any
large body of tlio who come undo the class of
creditors here, seek to Uiruw obstacle in the wav
of such a inc a-suie of relief as the lloute bill
provide for.
Tula dlstinguUbed officer is rapidly recover
ing from bis unfortunate wound. Ileia now able
to leave his room, with the aasktaaca of a crutch.
JI is mind has beea consuntly employed lath
direction of Li Department ; and with the aid
f hi matt capable cllan, at the bead of which 1
tbat able ofllrer, Coloucl Chrlstenin, it ha gone
n well and smoothly. Mnior-Gcneral liurlbut,
Commanding L prtiatl of the Gulf, has also
been with tietieral Canby every day, giving In
creased a'liiranee that tlx conduct of tho mlli
tary atlaira ia this ouartcr has not auilorad
during the illness of the Ueneral. In a few
weeks, at furtbent, we are glad to be ab!e to an
ownce, ourbonoml Couiwauderof the Military
luvUiou of Will Mississippi wU beat hi head
quarter, as formerly .
The arrival here of Mrs. Cnnby about tho time
the Ueneral received bia dangerous wound, was
a moat toituuate occurrence. Her assiduous and
unrrndtting cure, aab d by the best medieul at
tt ntlon, lias contributed imuieasurably to tbe
fonueate recovery of her bulud a recovery
wiiiidi will be balled with delight by every out
who honors true worth aud uobi soldnrly bear
ing. A. U, ftmr:
Onrrlllis MatrmrnM la Hraturky,
fne Monday's giBir of guniillas maile a dli
luio the towp if hpringtield. Ky., ou Saturdar
week, parlog as reapet t to any pcraon. A e r
rr'pondrnt a a : "About two thousand dollar
we re tal r n in greenh irks, besides a large num
ber of tine at. ben, both gold and silver. Thae
thieving moniire;a would ride Into people's
holism, and, with ccke I pistols, deunnd what
money sod vnluablra they wanted. Windiws
wern smashed ont, and in fact ererv devilrofnt
the mind could c injure up wa perpetrated bv
thrno outlaws. 1 liry went ti) tho honse of a mail
named John Wethi rton, and without cue or
nrovocullon murderrd bim in eold blood. Mr.
etbeiton was a good citizen and au undinchini;
1 rlon man.
Tbe Madison (Ky ) foutirr, of Tlnirclar, ss
n patty of llebela. hi. i J to be ot Jc., g.uig, we're
at t Knolltnn and vli-lni'y on WeJnc.iHr, roiu
nitt:ng all sor'a of depredation. Am ai r other
unlets robhid wm Mr. U. It. V. Jeite, a Inval
n i.n, who lost aoine tii.e ln.isra. Messrs. Jette
hi d (iiiibre, Imth Cairollioniana, have arrnid
lore Uiry report tho KoLe'i having things all
their owu wav. YesUsrdny attern on as mo
pa kit Itmtunn wit h living the (.' irroilton wharf,
ti' t tity seven shots eie find into tier, bntuj.
body was seriously iniitred. Tho Kentucky
packet ll rrii b id to put biek to M t lis m
b r aalety, and none of the pai kcu. atoiqie 1 at
Carrol Hon.
A tang of guerillas entered Henderson, Ken
tiel.y, on Tunxd it night, nnd uttc nipU-J I lie cap
ture of ('olond Uh nn, the couiinni.dant of that
pill. They wero lolled in their danug attempt,
but made tl etr escape before tho garrison Could
t o Moused.
j Our rrlrnitsi la Monti S'nrollim.
1 1'ioiiT at Watu-u. The Home (iiiml of
i V aiauca eonnty bud a light with the deserters
i on the .Id 11. 1. Major itingham, with his com
I maiid, went to the Crab Orchard tu tho i, and
on n turning with three prisoners and a lot of
j cattle and hoises, was at. a. ked ami fnd upon
1 by tho bush backers. Major IlinghAui returned
j the lire, and the fight continuod for several hours.
The Home Uuard had ouo tnnrta ly wounded,
I Fliiott Ulnghani, and three others tliglnly. Tue
oer.era iosi ngnt allien, and several w .aiided.
Tin y were commanded by ont) Hartly. Hilnigh
ntur of a Vnlnaliln Mtrainer wilts n
t nriio l s'otlon.
The Navy Department hat roccivod the follow
ing despatch :
I obthphs Momon, December 13, ISM. lion.
Gideon Wlles, Secn taiy of the Navv : I have
the honor to report the capture of the hlockado
riiuning steamer Kmma Hfnry, with a cargo of
seven hundred bales of cotton, by the Chyrtkit-:
nnd the st hoot er Mary, with eighty bales of
C t on, by tho Mtirkinatr.
1). 1). rokir.H, Hoar-Admiral.
On-RACfa i Wn.KRa. The deserters in
H county, one night In at wook, set lire to a
Mr. Kussill's bouse, ami robbed him of his guns
und other property. The lite was extinguished
bv the inmates, and the perpetrators left, and ait
Cic to the dwelling of a Mr. laws, and destroyed
it. Hateiyh Cunjenativr.
Urah-Aomihal D. O. Fauhaoit sailed for
t'.o fiorth on the ,'lUtU ult., and Commodoro
James S. l'aliner bits assumed command of the
cstern Gulf Hloekadlng Siudrou. Our best
wishes remain with the gallant Commodore, and
accompany the bravo old Admiral. We under
stand a salute will lie tired to day in honor of
Commodore I'almor' assumption of bis import
ant post. .Vic Urltaiu Timet.
Bnkeziho. Almost throughout Africa there is
some superstition connected with sneeilng. In
Si naar, couiticrs turn the back and slap tho right
th'h. Old author tell us tbat when tho " King
of Monotnotapa" sneezed it became a national
concern. Those nearest the royal person howled
a salutation, which was taken up by tho ante
chamber ; and when the horrid cry had run tho
palace, it was re-echoed by the whole city. In
V.uropc the supposition is, that St. Gregory insti
tuted a benediction upon the sneezer, because
during a certain pestilence the antccnily act w.i
a fatal symptom.
A Ki n fi 1 bkht TiiHATim. Mr. Clarke has given
ns a new piece The KnitiMt of the limitul table
which was, pl iyed for tho socoud time last night.
It is almost impof lible to say anything of tbl
piece, It is to bad. The plot ia, to use a vulgar
but oxpresslvo word, "muddled." Wo are ex
tremely astonished tbat Mr. Clarke should
choose a piece so unworthy of Id mar If ; and we
think the author has done well to suppress hi
name. "Tom Tittlor," though of course well
played bv Mr. Clarke, Is careoly a part at all.
Mr. Clarke made the best of it, however, which
was not much.
Mr. Carden played tho part of " Leonard
D'Arey" with Ills usual bad grammar and want
of animation. It is astonishing how little atten
tion actom of the present day par to their manner
of speaking on tho stagi. From the leading
actor of a theatre like the Arch, it is cortalnly not
too much to expcctatleast Lnflish. Mr. (Jrltllth
for once disappointed us in the part of "(Joneral
Griintly." He was unusually still' and cold. It
was scarcely possible, howover, to be anything
in such a piece.
Mr. Craig, as "Sir Ralph Booth," was good, and
Mr. Marlowe played the part of "Captain Coa
7ens"in a quiet, gontleatanly manner, which is
nil we can say of bim. 1 Mis Uraham played
"Ferdlta" in bcr usual style, excopt that hur per
sonation was rather worse than usual. Why w 111
he say "rA-ild" instead of child, aud "Je-ue" In
stead of blue i Mils JtUerson was admirable as
"I'fggy Poplin," but she is good in anything, and
quite a relief from other in the same "position at
other theatres.
It is needless to say that the piece was bounti
fully put upon the stage. Tbe beautiful scenery
and correctness of everything at this thea'ro
would redeem almost any piece. There is one
fault which seems atiiversal among actors lately
they never know, their part perfcrttij. Even
tbe Arch street company Is 110 exception, we are
orry to say. We ope to see this remedied oon.
Turning the Tablet is a very good farce indeed,
and Clarke as "Jack Ilumo'irien" and "Ueneral
Jocko" was agala lu his element.
We would suggest to Mr. Dodworth not to aim
so much at playing "populur" music, but to re
member that there are ome few who appreciate
and notice tbe nittaic. With so good an orchestra
Mr. Dodworth siioitldniuka betjor selections, such
as the 'J'nmalrt, lust night. To-morrow night the
knighta of the )!uunl Lablt will bo repeated.
W.ArMiT Stiihpt Thhatur. To-night Miss
Lucille Western will appear for the last time as
"Camillo," ii) Matilda Heron', play of the same
name, which' i given by request. Mis Heron,
in a complimentary manner, has given ML-s
Western permission to perform her version. The
character ia.well known and extremely popular.
With Mis Western it will (uroly a.tracl a
crowded houee, notwithstanding the weather.
On Friday Miss Western will receive hor benefit,
when she will appear for the last time as ' Lady
Isabel" and "Madame Vine," lu t'.att I.ynne; or,
The Klopiwmtt. Tho popularity of this young and
charming actress ia increasing daily, if we may
judge by tbe more and more crowded state of tbe
bouses. .This engagement baa proven a triumph
which ban no parallel In point of success in the
history of the drama In this city. The now play
of Veeillt; or, .ot aiul Hale, is villi underlined
a being prepared. ,
' s
Chkskvt Sthhkt Th kathb. Jext' Brown con
tinue during the week, and draw the elite of th
city. A Jet.iir Brown is short, It enables the
public to remain and enioythe afteraiecos, now
so well done at the Cbesunt, :
Acahkmv or Music Last night Mr. Forrest
played Dthnllo to a full house. We are glad that
this prevailing go of humbug ha not so dead
ened people's perception as to render them
unable to tccoguUe gouulue taleut, such, as Mr.
1 111'. 'A AtA nilnt.H) IX tUMlCDNM.
Wamiincion, Decembir It. In the Senate
to-ay, Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, oili red the
following rrso'n'lin
Whereat, Kemitialds have been or ani-ed in
Canada and Ni va 1 toIui. i,nd men ei.lij.ed in
ssid Uritish pollutes, by mrn purporting to
bold coiiiinis Ions from the Kebc s of the
t'niicd Slates, ior robbing and murdering
1'caeei'ble cltirrna of tbe I'nUed St.ttes, of burn
ing ritiis and viMa;. s, of piiatlcaliy capturm?
lie reliant tssc!s und murdering their crews,
ami for a gi tcial system of runnier, arson, rob
brries, and plunder of the peaceable and un
armed citizens or the United Slides.
And trht rent, The people of tha I'.rilisli pro
vinces seem disposed to protect these thieves,
robbers, incendiaries, pirates, and ii.mdems,
not only In their individual capacith s, bat by the
quibbles of the law; therefore,
l'rtotr,,f, That tho Committee on Military
AiTaiis be diict ted lo iu-iuirc into tl.o cpe.lteu y
of immediately enlisting an uriny corps to watch
and defend our territory bordering on the lakes
and Canadian lino from all hostile demuiistia'ionH
and Incursions.
Washimotow, December II.
Mr. Wilson t Iowa) from tbe Coiiimi:t x' on the
Judiciary, reported a bill amcndaiurr ot the act
ol July 17, IMtlJ, to detino the pay und emolu
ments ol Hilars of tho army, Kc, so as to read
tbat any alien, of the ago of 21 ycais and up
wauls, w ho shall have enlisted in thj voluuteer
or regular army, or navy, or marine corps, anil
been bonoiably discharged, may become a rnueu
wi built any pievioua dat-laraiion, and shall uot
be required to prove more than one year's rest
deuce. Tho bill waa passed.
Mr. Stevens (l'a.), from the Committee on Way
anil Means, reported a bill making appropriations
tor the diplomatic nnd consular expenses, and a
bill making appropriu ious for invuid and other
pensions. Uoth bnla wero referred t tho Com
luit'te ot the W hole on the suite of the L nton.
'1 he bills for a ship canal around 111! lulls nf
Niagara, ami for a ship canal from tho Missis
sippi to Lake Michigan, were further isipoiied
to the 2.'id of January next.
On motion of Mr. Brook Of. Y.) it was re
solved that tbe Committee on Foreign Affairs be
instructed to inquiro into the expediency of
forthwith providum, by treaty or otherlse, for
the protection of our Canadian and provincial
frontier fiem murder, arson, and burglary, vn
the pretense of Uebel Invasion.
Mr. Behenck (Obioi, from tho Committee 011
Military Affairs, repotted a bill providing thut u l
major-gciicr'ils aud all brigadier generals iu tne
ndlitaiy service of the United Statesonfie l.ith of
February ,lSti.i,who shall not bo in the performance
of duty or service corresponding to their rciec
tive grades und rank, and who shall not have
been engaged in such duty or service for threo
months continuously next prior to that datw.sba'l
then be dropped from the rolls of tho army and
all tbe poy and emoluments or allowances of
such general otUcers so dropped, shall cease from
that date, aud tbe vacancies thus occasioned
may be tilled by new promotiona and appoiut
mtnts as in other cas; but no officer is to lie
considered a disabled iu the laregoiug provision,
vibose absence trom duty shull have beeu occa
sioned by wound received or disi uses contracted
in tho line of his du'y, w hile in tho milituiy
sirvice, or by his being a jirisuner of war in the
bands of the enemy, or under imrolo, or any
mrjor-gcneral of volunteers, or biL-adiur-geneial
of volunteers, who may hnvo bean
appointed from the regular urmr, under
the authority given in section tour of the
act approved July Ti, lstil, to authorize the
employment of volunteer, to aid iu
en forcing the laws and protecting public property,
and the acts amendatory thereto, who shall be'
so dropped from the rolls, shall not thereby be
discharged from the service of the United States,
but shall be remitted to his position und duty us'
an bfJiccr in the Hcgular Army.
Second. Thereafter continuously nn'.il the ter
mination of the existing war of the Kebollion on
the last day of each month alter the 1 5tU day of
February, IW'i, the provisions of the foregoing
section shall be made applicable to any general
ofllcer In the military service of the United States
who shall not, on the said lust day of any month
have been engaged in the performance of duty or
service, corresponding to his proper rauk for
three months consci ntivoly then next preceding
riT Statu Dihtbict Cot ur Judve Cad
waluder. The case of 1'eak, charged with com
plicity in tbe recent frauds at tho -Navy Yard,
which was reported yesterday as having been up
OB a haieat ror;iu issued by Judge CadwaJador,
came op again to day.
Mr. F. C. lirewstcr. for the relator, Teak, then
presented tho following exceptions to the suill
ciency of the return to tho writ presented on
behalf of Colonel Frlnk by Judge Kuos: :
I'nili'li Statu tt rrl. I'liarlva !', bv I.n wiic, -, t.
Colonel II. A S'rlnk, t'riousl Vlurlml. And n is. Dis ciu
biT 14, 1S54, Ihr reoiMl to II." A(i',r,i.- ro.';.u . m HIN UA,
haslUK ttsu read, lltu )ator Ulns ti.t- osm cacci.t.otn
tin rilo :
I. ltcrau'a tl.a said return udttuts that the relt'or t.
In ti. cuslod i.r tlia rt si'ur trill, un I yet tliu sat 1 rs
ai.ondriit does ant i.bev ilie rtl,aa t jru.lueu ti.e i:;or 1 I'f urn be Is rc,tilrt-u 10 do.
II. lu-tauie tha said r. turn is ia;n:ilc.eut, au 1 a un
tinpt "f ihs prm-ifcs ..r iti'i e'ourt.
III. hct auke Ule order-, cor i. 1.1' s..-a are aft.,, hai
to su.d return, d. u,. sat uj aj mUnr.i) noru tno i'rtst
duia for tins arri'.u
IV. Ilaeaustt the 6lt section or tl.a Act ot Contiro-s -,r
Jnly 17, iva, linear aiaeh He r"sond,m cu.n. to
noid laid reUt'T, Is iiliisiti.lltittit.nat an I voi I.
V. llecausd that p .rtln ol' :iM ralitrn wnlca aer tint
the relator ' was a csrln i lor v and heMre ti.e 11. te o.M.
arrest to furnish stq piles to tti Navy w parttn, nt at the
lBiJa,leIptiu sit; VnnV ih uatrtie, aa.l ti.e r-Ltt4,i er.tvee
levn to iravrist a ailavailcas, atjj 10 satiui.t uruuts ot
lu utter fanny .'
VI. ltiM ausfif'venej.ndertl'ser.eoatlon oi' sa'd reura tka
relator is directly vi .lata ins te'ias ut tits met ut Oiusrevs
01' Julys. lhr whirh eiiire-slyett.tct. that p rout so
arrested shall bv a'tashlril to bill lu u It suiu. snd wltn
each stireilim as slma 1 Ses'trna'.tU and ajviov'sl uv tlie
Jo'lae ,,f tlie lltstrn-l t'ourt of tlie di-trut in wuk o lite
at rest Is made or tav 01ft &tv Is c turt-'e.d t e Iiave Olvo coot
naltied ''
When for the relator i ttiat sa'd re'nru be tro
noun. ed tnsittfu'ient acd oiatati.uiitc:.iiiiit!t'ieue4met
ttte said respond.-nt. The esse le s'.IJI en.
CorBT or Qt autih Sasaiosis Jad're Allison.
Commonwealth ex. rel. W. H. iiams vs.
Colonel Seth Kastuian. This is auotber case
growing out of tbe late Navy Tarsi frauds, and
came up this morning ior hearing on mUm
corpus, the relator If trig, as alleged, in military
enstody, at Fort Mifflin, since the l-':h day of
November, 1HM, arrosted upon charge of bavin
received a portioa of tbe plunder stolon from the
Navy Yard, be knowing tue 1.1111c to bare bcua
Colonel Eastman, tbrc pesent commander at
Fort Mitllln, presented a return to the writ t the
effacl that he found the relater in custody at th
fort when be assumed cunimnid; that ae was ao
there in enstody by order of iMajor-Geiieral Cail
walader, ondi r the direction of the Secretary of
the Navr and tho Secretary ef War ; aud tbat "ho
ia now held as a military prisoner, to be dealt
w ith according to law."
Th respondent lurtliur states thut bo cannot
produce the prisoner in Court, because be has
l)t,en. onlurad, by Mnjw-Oonvwl Cadwaladcr,
Commander of the D.'partni 'nt, "not to isansore
the saitl p 'stiner (rotii the 1 1 ice of his eonfJn,
nunt. at Fort M ttl u, v hi b cnuinand be is
bound to obfy ;" the order bavlng.ns ho iielleves,
been made by direction f tbe I'rranlent of th
United States, through tbe Secretary of War.
After the return to the writ h ul b en reatl Mr,
Prewstir. for tket relator, cxcen ctl lo ita aniti
rirncy, among o'ber tiour", "In not ansnp-lng
tho averment in the petition that the sole cha gi
afjaliist your ctjlli n. r is that of r-". ,1
stolen goods, the pn perty of the United H'. t s,
which offense is lalnbl nniicr Hie Cj Itu
tlon. and for which, If gudty, the nlvnr
laeniitled to be trud by a jury, and of which
having avnwej his intiro Iiumh i nee. he '1 en
t tied to Ids consb'tatiotial right of bciuf? eon
tronted with his accuser, nt h ,uar u.iust o o the
raturc and chaiocti r of tha 1 hmgi', and of bar
ing the proper oprsorttiniiies or preutiing his de.
finse all of which n ui iutl tl-.nid him by
bis prosent coitlineuivint in a fort."
Al o, that tho return is insuuVic-it "In not
denying, us in said p tit on avert d. that tho
telaiorwtis by the utiliia'v nnthoiintis f 0111
ti e custotly of an omrer of this Co nmoiiAual It
whilst under arrest upon awair.tut i.suc.l by
Abteimiin Iteifler."
The matter was then i.rgnetl bv eoansel. Mr.
Flri wster conii it.liiig thai the rela' r tru not ia
tbe military or naval sen ire of lb" Ini'el statu,
atid tin iTtore not amenable lo milioirr law, but
to trinl in a court in the Cntunio iiicVlu, tin I
that in such a ca-c it as not the Iniention of the
l'rosiiicnt to so'pcnd tha privilege of the writ of
hn'eat ci-rptt, and that bv tho terms of bis pre)C
lair a ion be bad not done so.
Jndi e Knox for the respondent, on the othar
Imi'd, eontnubd that the writ was niqioiide'd and
tbe reiator telng in military custody by proper
authority, vi., that of ihe S-crettir os of War
aril of the Navv, under tlie direr Ion of the I'rn.
aid. nt, the Court should regard the return as
suibcient, and s. t tho wilt aside.
Judge Allison held the matter auder advise
t'.m Ol.l (Khrrry
Un-Mirpdiaxf in ttiiacfff.
tit rK.Tiod by
Airh nnd r- nth.
rsjei Ni.-rlt A ilo.'a
uaisar tiuutss.
tnttrwuenia aa. o-ea a.
.r. r. '. o., aud Ute dsuaua U a- Ul"ar
,V'''! larseoorj; oaitiaar
rouTSJi oauiAsjs
ri a mi t j. (xrji,ii, cHi
ruUTSUt. DaveaUs aad CltemnC stroeia. .OaUAJia.
CKLEnita,rrj roa, Tnnrsi
W rtipf etfuily li.TtU Mr ftMidi ind tL pnbUe ter
Jlx to Cs4l at our warortionu and ex a nine oar oOeftUro
a'l'Hinwnt of hlntoy iinprovtd H iuare and Graad Planot,
W nara racAtvad tba hlftiait prauiiiinij at all that-mat
rxfalhiilMia avar hJd In tlili eouotxy, Uiolndliig tha Irlja
M-c-al at tba Wy.U ralr. C'ryataJ Talaca, tfaw Tort, and
kud anxia tcstUaoDiata from tha taal artlaU ia thk eooutry
ai i Knmjie.
Weffel-ia.iind that thara ara ia fUuva matte lnUij
ronntrj superior to oar owi.
Ai rhJIatle'phla mmufarturfm w prtda onraalrM la
hlnf achieved a rrpntatlon for oar Inatrumenti tiaaTs
railed by any othar makera lu tills country. It la a well
known fart ttiat our Planoa hara for many yeara main
ta'ned their high reimtaUoji, ncHwIUutaadlii the pow t.ffui
Ceumpviltlon of tha Kjutra in alert.
Kaw York and Uoron Pianos hare bees flooded Into
ttas market throoxh their aMencles, ana twraldad bymv
as tha ooly Pianos la tha country; yet at the same Uma
these same arents very seldom cootlnae to sell any one
Buaker's lnstrumtnls for any leryrth ot bine, for Die raoa
that they ara Interior, and they axe compelled tf take
bold of other makers', pertiaps sUll mora lnHsrior.
hlayk piifft d up by toena u relobratod PUnos.whem
at tha same Mine snch tnakari hara Dorar bean
known or htard of In their own cities. Tha oousoquanoo
U, that oar altlsens are o(Vn Indured to purchase saeh
tafrrtur ItutrumentJ, with oat ootulUerlii4 Uuilr own or UiO
general Lntcraats of thtlr city.
Tbe advantages our clttaeui hara In aeioonragfntS hoou
manafactari eertainly should uot ltOTarWva.ud, tot the
Allowing reasons:
rirst It la acknowledged that ta Is thegTA
BDauniactarlng elty of this oountry, aud eelebratod forhd
Dperlor and skilful workman.
ttrond. The purchaser obtains tho pi tho dlrrvtly ftrwm
us, the mexHi'acturers, and saves titv amount made by Ike
(Mii, vho usuall cuunu greale pre ills than, tha maoa
beturer. ihltd. The asenl s responsibility amonats to aothfnf,
thatw la no r4r ; the itisiruinetit he aeift ts mn'te tor
tlie market, and ihe purchaser mutt ruo Ihe risk. Wttrreu,
on the other hand, wo, as the manufiOLiirttis, are held
rpcutit e, and cannot sblrk the reiuiioillty Use tha
aMtat. Our reputation Is at stake at ail times, and it la
lit refWre to our later est to turn out noue otiivr t-hu drit
alaflS aStDtrutrieuis.
Puurtu. Admitting that STieh histnimenta mtxht bo
eiual U ux own whu urw, ihey esunot give tiae same
sjuHrsctioa, or wer the same lensrib of lime, fur ine
rsMn Uiat the strettt dt-tiends anno others to keep suewli
pianos as be seLls ia onier, aud wUJ of course not espn4
SJiT ul hit pron t a fc do so, whilst we. the tuanaraeitirera,
he our awa tueellent wortmeJi, wLw fu Jy tin tier Und
the toMnee, and wld prompt y alve their atteutton. ajid
U ian'S u made 10 wojr nsctt ontiar.
or astahlkshtnt-ai ts one ot the imxt Oitenrve ta this
ittr.vs and wtir n our low i m pro yi-menu hoh In proirrows
are C'lnpioied, It wMl one of th birrf-t In tr world,
oerubjrot ia to niaJ-s this branch ot Industry one of the UisUiiitkm ufstls oitv.
Our liieitrmoeo.i ano pJe great rtniirefrienU orar
othtrii, and our itrntifv faeiliUfs Mr mnufvct'irirr
olsMc ue to kr' oa band a Largt stock, ol niMsriit and
pif ILT4 Ibh D4irt uwhiubry, tc.
If portvotts derras lo purchtiewUl irtve as a call, wo
will prvva all that we have said la rward to oar ptanoe.
Tier are, of course, alwavs dLrirvacae of opUitos, and
prrjadWd atoids.ajid thoae bo are tu;retrod ta Uo stale
ef vibtw ptaai-e who utav 4tJr from as ; to sue h we have
ea y n tar. that tt would va us ma.J. 0ekur, at any
nine, t Ui our Inatruuvante wlili ay other taake wolds
litv ktay choose te briu'w
Wtaiuli, ttk oar ft .amis and the public to nB and er
SiuiiM? tor supenr I'latioe We rl sail fled UmI no
Aotiav so hi t-jiy sui ttfOipe with us our aiteae be)ug
a tie aud iwui asyeOMdaiia.
X. H. iSeood-UHmi' TUivoa taken to excbiuiga.
Cri ro for Tut. lug prompt. 7 aitenilad to.
U wmftl Ko, .Wl fllBSifCT STKBBT.
X ia, ism.
Nniiee is barebr siren of tlie reaillness of this Depsrt-
o:enl us redeni en preneaiallnn, by payment In lawltil
nionei.or by rontt-rsl.ia inlo Ooi us as authotied by law,
the lltrt eters Treasury Nu'e. bearing litl rekt at Hie
la'e of seven and three tennis per ceittitoi, le.ued un ler
A'-l of July 17. Ifsi.l. Interest will ca.e oa all so h Trea
sury Notes not so presented, after three utoulbs rVoal this
dale, at whiuU liate, uudu' tlie law, th ri-M of eourar
,,,u W. V. IKitsKNUHVN, 4
U H M aecrsiary ea IU 4rt)r)'.
DKCKMnKU 11. Hfil.
A J 1 i' t A I A I Y.
A ilhT roil A MI-MXIJII.
The nrwit nfnl HOMPAT 1RKSVNT t: i a, n.
Hadals TIM; FliOUVNisK.
All tt a nb rc'lonl tnothsr Ma tilttas are ttTi la tha
n.itl.l.VE. It makes
l'Ol'R Wll'KUr.NT STllCHUS
llli the .aate ea.e, ana ertih as little dark 'nor j as oUkiis
m.ikeone. Itratjei. It I. as the
RKYl-'.nsillLK Fl'.l'.D MOTION,
a uni'ftrm, self retfiitaUnntrnsionnrthreail. and nisprlej,
C"i Uct'U,uraiusteik'etiularortlar. It de
frnm tl.o heavls.t wewleat to t'is tuo.t d Urate fsbne.,
rsirtt all Kie l, uf ,iik, cotton, an Huen tkroail, Iront N a
J to vn
o OTIIKIt Mil HI.1H does sn Urwe a ranie af vrk
at Ihe II.OIII.M R.
HO tn iir.ll alACllllCE l'tea.ea the ta.llns so well as
the KLO.iltScli,
IT 1.1 Till'. H.VNPSOMl'ST ANT) Till'. ltl'.ST.
Wore tl.aaOSK TllOUSAMl of Ihe'.ENUK hsre
keen sol In I Ijiladelt'liie wlilnntne l.t few niotttlt.. The
I llltl M K Is Iheciily Pturi'.t'r SEWING JIACII1NK,
ananti'd ta ;;h a e lira ratj'rit.'ttoii, tr m n"y roiumfd.
Tltcia Is no out l.i awiea a f LUKK.NOK would
sell It at e'o.t.
rn.iis na I.AHV orERATO!' Rl.e Instru 'tfoua at the of rtirrhavra tree of rhar.v. trerr Matbiaa
wsrrsnted. an.l kept lu p- rfts'l ttr.ler cite ytear.
t.'all aiul sea Ita ope latioiii, wheiber you wl.k toparcliaso
or net. batuflos ul lewio-, with L,riea aut tYeahr
Florence Sowing Machine Company,
No. oimaMnT sthkbt. it
p 11 O S l V, V T H H
Ol-riCE, Nfl. ISi COl'.SNUT ST., rUII,.VI).V.
OAI'ITAI., l,0i)0,0()i),
!'H(0 SHAUKS....1,AU YAI.VK, S'0).
Ttte Walnut III ad arlea has tlie eharaoler ofbelna Ur.l
olsse Oil U rrilory, and la htellr uvmed " The (ill lla.ln."
A nraaikalile lart eiranerted with tlie tHialltj Is, that uo
well haa aver heea aored that did not rletd oil. Upper
Walnat Island Is In ihe eery h'art of the Oil Pasta, U ia
aboai twa mllee fromiiu Ceisek.and a Iras dlstaure irona
CtieiTT han. rroaa Its sataral fosltlaa. II airorets wsrkla
raclliilea whit h bin few raruia r ImtU or land on the river
posseea. It ranula abenl twenty arms, aait ia a liair
ntile In Irawtk, Uiut alvlns atut atlle ftont. At
Ute lower f.l of tke Islnad, au ihe west side ef the river,
are the celebrated " Lamb 1 wells ; ou the oast side ul tltu
riser, the no less nuted" star ' wells s on Uio upper eatl ol'
Ute l.laa.l, oa tl.a wait side of Ute riser, ara lae ' Warren
llroa.'' wslli; and a short distance a.,ve, tha H-vrtoa"
will; aa the ra.t side of the ner, direct! opp tslte, le tha
"limner'' properly, admltte ky prselloal iua lo be oae
of the best locations oa the river. There -aa he a Be
tloa, tkerefore, la renanl to Its kelau nrst-class oil
territory. Auuiliet ureal adritta?. II has,ts Its natural
position, wtilrh separates It Ituta all other properties.
Maay lifted wells hara ceased to yield ult, ky belnt; tapped
ky parties boittts in the ad . .lulu lot ; such ruuld not
happ, a oa tbe Island, iuotltur advaatae Is easy access
to the Island, ahipofnts uf Oil can be made wltlteut
truulile. aiut the prioe patd on tha river fur Oil Is aiieut oae
dollar per tarrttl cuors ttiaa Is pa. 4 on the oreea.
DoTelcpmeiits Xiule nnd la rrosress.
This t'onipanv was organised with tha Intenlhai 'of
obtaining Ihe larnst possible setuni for th itookholderi.
To atcoiupHik this ob'oct, tho (.V.nipany ate sluking threa
wi lls on their owa acconnu One of thrtn ts jiel.iluj at tha
rate of arty bam per day ; anouter Is down .' feet; tha
third oue has beea taul to the llrst rel, wnit t Tory foil
ahow of OU.
In addltloa ta ti.e shore, there are sevra wells betas
sank, by rcs(s3nillla parties, who pay all espouses, and
SivotoUilaComp4nyona-hairul'alltkaOUpMduot. Oae
of thai parthks Is now ntakluf arnansoiueata for bortur
five mora walla, and a.perts to karo them all conaivleted
tlurlbf the neat (out months. T his devriopnicut wUlpira
flfteca wells, of which Uiatjinpaay will have all tlie Oil
from throe, and Ihe half of Ihe Oil from twelve. Over arty
wills can bo borodwlthoat Intel rerlnir with
IU eutlre Island will h dsvtloped as suoa as prauleaue.
A. II. CATTKLI,, Paai.iiasT.
Wit, Ok; IU, Baoaar.var aau Tinitini,
joua i.Awmrr, wm.uhtty.
J. WAr.SKJt nUIWLM. lj li r,
enHTAtxtsii ovaa
Or tood parties eialrln- to assist la r .isin a bona flue
paying Oil Company, can comer with a resitonsibla party
k own the property and deslras to s ell, by address in
WM. R. H. C37UE8TKR,
coriTintSTAL norm, ivjb tiiukh dats.
100,000 SHAHKB . (j
Sabacrriitioa Trie..... )t.
10,000 Share Iiiacr.ed a Worktop Capitoi.
Offioe, Ko.314 1CABEET Bt , PhiladelpW.
IPo.l. Aweloa 00 Orttea., new ptaxpkic barreU pear
Cay. aad laeraasinc.
h: t. A well a ii Oreek. new aror aso fees deep, wtik
Ian shew of esi. Hr Ik is tke Coin rbuiier vTsU,
whteet I aew pomplv,, Mj keurola ef oil par aav.
Ho. I. A well eu O.I i.'reea. tit fa. .m. leew rwade a
tablae, wiui spieiiead skevi of osl) aierv proepMI 01 n
dueag taraely.
He. 4. oae seta tnlerrjS ta a Iraet of five knadred sores
ra tke Altaskeay riru ; eu sdi, now paniplu ana bar
rule of all per day i aaora wxjUs now oliii dowa ; waa
aear a mOe orrtrar 'job, , eH sod tortus lerrtwry.
Ho. a. A half aer e st Ttdeottte. Bear Ute ftouuoiaita Walku
which are bow piaupa,, barrets per cay.
ho 6. Hix ae .e i fea In VVabitU Rouil, on tke Alt,
tttuny rtvea-; annJIsu y nerrotu.dJiui ILle property are uue
pi.Htuo us wua. Tbla traet will bo deretopea rapidly.
Bubeojlpoue are Bow bslus oeeived. and a larae ea
ftou al te sioak alrwuty usu. 1 he prosisiu aad a
teferu Mum eau be ubiaiuod al Ute Otouu of ti... te..Bnai.v
I wvn MeNi.U XAWUkl kueat. U U H
.tl SfACSBT. anettsneee, aoMelta aawsSawraaadf af
M ilDs, Aa. aaiti MKKUUtNllInU,
Ol all blade, far pat' sale as hie AaeiSoa Beeaas. aaai sat
will allaad personal y So ot
s.Ai. itsrATB aai arorata
At tke Maoliaiiin.
iionsBHor.ry ruBNrruK
AtDwelllisra, an
arrw-Ka MHttoilAwni.SH
Al tke .tore, ns She owners.
te win n aorned when desIrM eat oonvtswiweaBt as
sasils fiw putillc sale .
1)T rt. scoTT. Ja., AnrrioNKBit ah
) jmi..l.ion Wc -rliajii. No. aJ OHJ-iNUr Karaat
eatl Ra. l NANHuto Mtmil.
tm:F and sir i:a.i ivk ttAi.v. or KTsrai rmiTar
iui(iaH iiKi i in aid riiiiivKa, snua aa
I'ABIAN rllll'l K.M. Ktc , OK Till! IMIKTATMsaT
0i ktanniia. vi 1 1 lino.
4n TtitinosT nt.'rnlirtr. ,
tsth last., al II o clock. The rollnrtion wilt tm arraaw4
I.r e.ansliiaiion on ihe dy a.eet,i., ei,S will iseinorl-aa
assrhle Htaitiarr, llera'ta's erlebt atid pHsco roesreeewuiai
Itey end leor; flt.c eronp or l'.e.'i'liiie and Adratanao, hf
I'lSiicic cl ; Mary Ma 'il. lefie. hv It.uinani, a c
Alsa. n.e brniie llvuree of lis Ian ka.ielsna, Olaia
liriauie at .1 hsel. raolit anl SH-lptoal. 1 mhi v iscee itte
ItsM.sel, ard t.iHUr; Oroiip t'niasnaraa.
t'piiai.c Tn.ti.prtt 11 e t'kevnnl, e.e.
Al.o.eloli Itohettilnn bIbsb Tses, card reeslrtwe. Ss
rian and Isl.onet tinnres; rttx ry rarred Hr,llRll. aai a 1110 tw s ol lit, e'en. Omlif, r d Ito 1 aa .lle
Also, aa tav.:o of K Irt-r fUtel Sir, e imprl.tna;
Tea heta, tray:., pitt hers, dis'sea.' be! s, forks, epoeua,
The wtietee'bravUif the best assorUneat ever aaTarrtd
In this ataikoc.
r.AIHIB(XLl.Tj(T10N lK KIH Oil, PA 'It Tl NT,
We wi'l hot; al .hii .iales-r mhs, No. o.-eanaa
On Tkimrtar, Ir dsr. and aNitr.Uv Kreaiam.
llie-iK.r i-Mli, ttlih. ai il l;ih,
f'oniw.encli'H et 7 , o'cl.rk. itteeitur I'lMle.-'lee ef Ba
T. ini'i a. ft, .m ih" M VI vi a.K AMKit't ea ant
OAl.l.KItt , ranklna In all neer Ibree hiinuvsd. 1'a.a
sii "i l ft'lle. I ie 11 1 tut . lis I cs ut if ut tiiii.l.eK Me. iHiiesteiw,
anil river fUuee and Scr plttral pteeee ; P.sWisbr
I tic fleeot arust of n.e tier ; en SMI tneda lions e'l varpa.a
Iiij lie.iu'v aail nrin nslltr of' deslTa; ermtp of dears tiy
Oil 1 1 HUM SI P Bit; I. lire II. I, br r. Veoel ; flue lualoianee.
by A . lllllml.r. I'mil Knlnr, llenre llsrsii, I'. 0 I Tee,
l lii.nias Vtliiir, llarileutmiok. North. a. Uo.a, I'Aw
cnK, H.catit hi, losmher wltt- a tint oolleotioii 01 oa.litjai
n'al 'na ihe aneni oelhtrtlou of piaine ever e'tri ed J
aiiclinula lltlsclty. ConnoLs.eurs and laroraol art asea
and eisu.bss IP lias
I'tlt.T HlVI-.!,,!.,
WsHHistirna, Nareenher SIX 1M.
Will ha sold at ptih'fc an. lion, to lite hbllieel
ti e times sml p'sc a 1 aaad below, vis -
Wi 1. 1.1 am spoil r. ra . Tin hhdav. iiva-s. tss.
.ll'IINHiOWN, Pa , lllt'ltSOAV twceiuoor la, nu.
TUKNTON, N J .Till KSliAV, in ieinlar ff.
at ea.'h plscc.
1 beae ha see hara befit condemned ae unAt nsr tkesaav
airr sereicei, f Ilie araey.
r or road auti laruitna )arpMas mauy gosdksrvialas Baapy
be bud.
Itor-es sold aln rty.
Ha e to (sHiimeni'e at !rn'et.c1i A. at.
'1 etmi oash, in lllitUid .sttales cuittsiict.
.IA.MI1 A. WKiar,
rnionol Kfrst IlivletMie
J3-t TU lyiiarleniia.lor Oenorars (Nlioe.
tJAIK OK PtJAUI'.MNr!'ir7'irL(TT"iiriM
Cauip anl flstrison t-i'tipsuti, Tent O'tttfas, Ass.
Cillar gt'ititri aussraa s Osetra,
ISsi'or or1 Wssiiiiiiriia, 4
Wsiii(;ton. II V. , November :M, lieM p
Will be. sold at (miMic (vovcromeat Warov
kt,iise Ho r, on hi'venti-enllt. t-elween II anil I slraeaa
north, I II?, O. ('., nn TIlltRriDAV. isw-ei-iuber
14, Ift.t, under the direotloit or t.'anlaio l. S.
'1 hum AS. V S. K., tl. S. A.,a lotofoondemaed aUihkaa,
Ac , con.l.lliitf ol :
liitiinuy aotll'avalry Toats, Trowsers, Khlela, IVnawera.
Pelt Hals, llnmpets, BurIca, M'tultl3 floalee. Jtiwiaa
r iuks, -leuis, iwmibs, nsrs. ran.,iiausa Hotuot.Hpai
Pbovols. Attca, llaluir la, 11a vei, tjauleeaia, 'Jtl ti
arass, at-tpe, ate.
About 100 tone of Teat I'nttinifS.
ale to commence al 10 o'clrca A. H.
Ter-is ash, 111 Oovcrmneiit funds.
Nncce.sHti'l bidders muss remove their punbiaaeia-. aa sr
before ttaeiembtr it.
Hrlatlier-OeDeral and Chief ejuarlarsaastea,
H-gfl-IM repolor Waefllneitm.
O Clliar guAiiTattu smaiTe OrptoNi S
llhl-OT Vf V Asill'I'miN.
WAstfiHiiTOK l. t Novwutber , lnM. )
Win be aotd ai prmlo a..t k n. al ' w hart, ase.
'" m-.i.;,, -i-VT- f ' ra TH 1 If 'It 1 T. II11SW Ii, atcaaa tug aud T"r M-Tii'tcitill I easaa. aat
Mloalu tng T O.BAWTKr.t P.
llaige ANTHONY CX1H lOWt."
Uo "t'lllZSai.-'
do "I NITK.U HTA'I l;."
Bsla to er.nimtnot' at 1J o'clock notva..
Taruia Cash lu Uovoruuieni.ttHMtw.
11.. 11. Kwn.nm.
Hrlg.-tiaa and rihi af Otiartmiauiear,
w It iH-lol D'H-itu f Wajliiast at, I. O.
j 1; o s v i) c t tr a
ornci:, No. 425 ore zh ctztbxhi,
CAl'ITAL. . . . S5i5t3,00.
Th WInat Band region baa tha okaraotar odbaia Stet
alast 0U Territory, anj la juatly terms t "Ttte OU baata.
A raraarkabre fact ocaaaoteii with tit !celily ti, titat aa
well hu aver been bored that illd nek yield Oil. Vrrm.
Walmut ISLaan b la th vary h. art A theOillaaJa. It
la about two miles front OU Creek. aad a lata lutane
wens Cherry Bun. Croat its nnitirsl poaltloo it BiTerdl
TrarUag fartutles which hut few fsrtas or traoUot land aw
the creek or river pnise.s. It contains a'.oat Iwsnrp
aerat, and Is a half ndle In Icigth, 'jot glrlu about a aU
ef river front. At th lower and of th lalani.oa tke waa
aid of the liver, are tha celebrated: "Lamb" Wells ; a that
Seat aide of tba river, tlie as let a(ad "ur" W-tils ; at
lit upper and ot tke Island, aa ike waat JlJe ot eke rtvar,
ara tke "Warren Hrvlhert WaUa s aad v sbork dlstaaa
above, th "Uurtou Weill aad on ti,e east aid of tha
river, directly opposite Uto"Briinr ' properly, adatB4
by practical nua lobe oae of tha beu locatisas oath
risr. Theraoau beiwt uueatlun, theafoia ua rasarl ta
lu being arst class Oil Teirttorr. A a (X bar great eJe ae
tata It hsa 1 It aatural position, whicu taparates II (rata
all otkor properties. Mauygood wed ha v ceased Uylse
oil. by betas tapped ky parllaa konttg la tisa adjelaUg let ;
auah eoald aot happen on tba islaad. Asntkar adsaatago)
la the easy autoes to late Island, hlitp.eants of eUoaab
a ade without Iraab'a, aad ihe -inn e'd en the river ta
tl la about eu dollar per barrtl aaorw la pgli oa Ik
ThaCppor Island Otlt'omputy baa keen cbaef ad uadoc
thagraeral Mlolnj Lews of tot. Baata.
Tha developmanu as lioing rUj.irouaiy pmsaoaud.
'lv wells ara aow bolag sank, tat ttrsasare will h om.
uenceel as aooa as th ons lues eaa be p roe a red. Tka
t'odpanykaa property eaoi .gs to tluk thirty wlia, aadl
kavlag beea or-aalA ole'y for thav purpose of dersUp
mesl, every efjhrt wtu be asada to obtain Uitianxaet ptaet
ble yield of 01L Tha.uecaetor tie "ralr Well,' on Wal
nut Inland, aow puaiplr., ..ver arty barrels pel day of par
U, Is aa Indication of whrat Iha lalaad may k eiaectad ha
produce. This Catuy relea one kalX ol aU U ett,
and Ih Walnat Itlaaidj Oil Company Ut other kali Taw
Urge devekpBMBl .itu M ahoald niaka U slock of
Coupon j a daalrahlf iBvostascat.
A. O. CATTKLL. TuHeioaar.
WM. GETTY, SioitKTAUY Ann TKiaasoaiia.
A. C. tATTr.I.t, A B. ttHAMBBaa.
U-lH JtouSilT BOTls.