WEDNESDAY, DECEMBCR 14. 18M. TnciiRn i,Annji oft ik moon. An eminent physi Ian of Pubis, Ireland, Doc tor Itotiert Adrtnn, In recent lecture la that city, referred to Rome of the Srien'tfl" THfeoveriejj of Modern Timet aa having been anticipated by the Bible. As an example of the striking coincidence which he finds, we take brief extract In regard to tbe circulation of the b'ood. This has been clamt d one of tbe grctt discoveries of modern time. tisvinBliten dlsc;vcrrl br Hiirroy la the year 1610. lint tbe it' turor dAtct the laowlcdpc of this fart a fur tiai h; ai the time of KIur Solomon, In proof which If quotes from the twelfth chapter of K.ccleiasti '. His argument mt least U curious, and we commend It to those who are interested in tracing inch analogies : lir'ore )Iarey' time, as we hear often men tioned, air was suriposi'd U) ocnipjr tbe great arteries, but in Solomon's description we bare 1m iU before ns not a pnenmaiic, but a hydraulic apparatus, whir h consists of f mr parts foun tain, pile her, wheel, and cistern by which a cm tinuoiis canal and circlu arc figuratively nlludcd to, and through which fluid blood, not air. evi dentlj flow". Harvey's discovery added bat lit tle to holomon's inspired (lictntion of it. If it were rightly interpreted. No doubt Harvey In addl'ion exhibited valres and Hood gales which Clearly pointed out the direction of the Current cf the circulation, and tbe truth of his observa tions he proved by experiments which estab lished, beyond all tlntibt, notwi;li.fjindlng much opposition, bis theory, which the practising port-eon may see verified by bis daily experience. W bile 1 am thus lost In wonunr at the description of the circulation, as indicated by the words of Solomon, 1 would not wish by any means to de preciate the value of Harvey's "rent discoverr, which bas proved of such "vast Importance to medicine, when we compare with Solomon's words the true description of the circulation a it Is now known, we find, I think, that what the inspired writer designates as the pitcber is clearly the aorta, which rises up ont of the fountain or loft side of the heart; tbe blood next courses through tbe arch of the aorta, and thenee through all its numerous ramlrlcationv; throughout the body, and returns again to the rf.tlit side of the heart by the large veins, wh ch the Inspired writer designates by the term "whoel." Here tome mlpht infer that the term wheel had no reference to tuo hydraulic terrua and figures nsed throughout Solomon's description of the, Mood j but in explanation of this matter let us bear in mind that in the East, before the laws of a niospbcric pressure were known, or pumps tind to elevate water from deep wells, large wheels, placed vertically and descending into the ground, were used for this purpo-e. Let as then, suppose thu blood thus brought buck by the laige veins, or wheel, to the r gbt side of the bcurt or cistern; it will then be in a condition to fill the fountain containing the purified blood at tl.e b it side of tbe heart, from which the aorta or pitcher aroe, and which for descrip tion s sake we made the starting point of the simulation. 1EAI1I l. THE WAI.U The l'enplt's Journal of Health has an articlo With this fearful title, which is an attack on wall paper. The writer says : "A good clean paper Is cerf.iinly more pleasant to the eye than a fissured and suintty wall, whose scales of lime are continually peeling off and soil ing every garment which comes in contact with it. And if a pi opt r selection of paper is made, and there be no other lining of similar stuff be neath, It is not only more pleasant to tbe sense, but is almost equal to the whitened wall. But here is the difficulty. As a general rule, one coat of paper is put on over another, as the last guts too much soiled to look well, nntil several layers cover the original surface, thus often producing n artual cause of disease. "A few years since we occupied a house built some twenty years before, in the old English style, strong and solid, so that it seemed almost as good as, or better even, than new. We wcro fravely told that one room in it bad seemed to be li.tal to its occupants, hence for several years it had stoc.d vacant. Ono of the first things which received attention was this ill reputed apartment. It as a north room, so situatod that a few slant in y rays of sunlight peered into a corner of it for a short time only a portion .of the year, entirely avoiding it for months together. Well, here surely was one cause of its unhealthfulness, hnt not enough. After the cobwebs were duly brushed 0 it we searched further. A good-sized fireplace, ami two large windows afforded entirely sutUeient chance for ventilution, so vve could not look there for the evil. The walls next received attonllon. They wcro covered with a heavy volvety green paper, Im t not only this, for upon peeling off a small section with a knife, SHoiher green layer was found beneath it, and beneath this another, and yet another. The mystery was solved. The eai fe of the evil was evident. Nothing would hivo Induced us to sleep in that apartment. None could tell bow much of the elements of disease that thickly papered wall had retuinod. None knew how much of death there was in the wull! It seemed as if it gave out a positively sickening odor now, iind in entire removal speedily followed. Thereafter, though noj so de sirable as some others, it ceased to have any hid den dangers or tenors lurking to poison the foun tain of life. ' It is a safe rule to choose patterns of wall paper without green colors, especially those heavy sitens which so ph use the eyo, for they contain an active poi-on, inimical to life, and it is always highly improper to p ace one layer of paper eivcr another. Better submit to tho dirt and of having the last and soiled paper entirely removed, than ( xposo yourselves to tbe chances of disease and death, through its retention." rmNTmo AVithoi t Ink An invention has just been patented in Pnris, I y means of which printing (tan be well done without the employ ment ot ink. The process c 'iisists In the Intro duction, between the paper and tho type, of a sfeet of seme fabric on which is deposited lampblack and glycerine. Mani facti kino Mahui.k. The Paris tfoni Ot.r Soentitiiue announces a new method of preparing marble artificially. It is stated to con s -tin simply beating lithographic limestone and chalk in a porcelaiu veel closed to prevent the entrance of atmospheric air. Some specimens thus produced are eaiel to resemble Carrara marble. The Fihst Ni.wsi'Avem. Several contradic tory statement have been made in regard to tho commencement of journalism. The able and learned Agues Strii Kianil, in her life of Queen Klir.aHtb, says that the first genuine newspaper was Thr l.nuiih ilereurit, which was issued by the Government during the progress of tho Spanish Armuiln, to prevent the circulation of falcc reports. This paer was printed by Chris topher Barker, the Queen's printer, and the first number was dated July T.i, l.isH. C( JiSKUlENCES OF THE EaRTII BTUNO STOPPKD in its Ohiiit In a curious article upon the "Causes of Hurricanes and Meteors," the Scien tific Amrriran tints concludes: "If the earth should he stopped in its orbit, it would begin to full straight towards the sun. As it approaches more nearly to that great tour'to of heat it would soon reach a point where tbe temperature is as high as two hundred and twelve degrees, and then all the waters of tbe ocean would be evaporated. As it drew still nearer the rocks would be melted, and afterwards they also be evaporated, lie lore It reached the sun this so id earth would be converted into a vast volume of red-hot gas, which, when it fell into the fiery atmosphere of the sun, would merely produ u blasts of wind from the point where it struck outward iu all direction!'. TIIE DAILY KVENTNG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, 2JOI,IIA"ir rilKHEVIH. OIIAIU.KH IMJMMIO, Ho. Ill CHESMT BTIlBfT, Bs leav t htrerm kli m.miii4 iniidtn that bat art. nmil t( PANCY JOOO A "-f I) TOVB erpaaiea taet of any rmr hap rtntfoa. Havtae; ee ktd with cars evere article himlf. he ean trelr aa? tkere ta no lailr eetehliahmeni In tke oonntrv tbel en eemre with Ma, alM p.lee., ,emr kl fr,ia Croat Ska arat manatee turera Bad eruate la Kariaa, the deJ ra who bur from the larDTtera here to tell train can eer tainrj lot ocmpat Willi him or tie rcfiewiFurrond be kp, a bar, a varletr, ana In tech entire! new rtrle. as aa eiher a'ce la tais eitr can offer: liiss fiOKk ranrs iiwn.RT.oi'OR, imi ornvr. inTr n rsNAicr rot Latura am (;riTLtiii". wsiTiMt iiFSKH-iiar.-sifo AirM NS. I'ARIS lilLT A t D 11 U IH7.K l.JODJ. rASIA wtm HOIirktlAW CLIPS. nrs or ri.xrsr astisjcf. and Honsait cm r.RY-rtwrsT tcijmh wt.mNei uist. rai'-Kr.T ak ak(;hrv ikifi.aiBri. F AM V I.BATHSK liOODR. iVr!!iIS' BAU"ovt Twbitv DirrauiaTT CABAR, FOftrT-BOOKR CKIAt CA'BH. FCRsaR AND rOKTM!)SIKS. HAM'S OF ALL IIiliS, pokimoKft. i.oTTori rRiiiaaiir, roi aTr.RH. ( Hrss, ARD kCK camon H"ARrs RAtATr Ll.F, AND TtVOtt. IS 1 OYSTtila eepartmant la anmreta In evarf vartatr ftnawa.wltk aiaMv neval thins aavar tefara Imponref rya, tkvry larrTarla(v,er7 klaA kna,kept Ua tkla atar. anraaiaea In Deanlfana Uftleful (raiiw anf lhlr Imawn ker ana la Kamca. Ikialaag ISlalpaii; la4aa aknalS cail aid im tkeui. 11-10 Fit OYH! AIV I rANCVUOOUHl COHWAY & BROTHER, No. Ml N. SECOND STBEKT, asovs BROVTK, IMPOKTKKS AND JOHHERS. We kara now epea cur Fall R oek of IMrmaa. Frnk, aal Tjroliae TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All af wkleh are af aur awa aelei una and laiporlsitoa, k wktah wa Invite the atlanuoa of dealers. Aaoaearu prtnaat are many (IS-T-tw F.FTIRF.LT KIW ASD PRIRARl.t STTLM. gl-.lIKf', HKAHKN'M, AKD MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY, lie BonrrT An a pprwmo T SkedlaakWsed SeMUrwkokM ba wounded la bltU. tm BOtruTT To theae wtia have served two yean, beafitea a riKaiOaT to kneae aisakled. Side ROW7TT ARD KICK FAT T Widow,, lauiara, MnUuera, 6a., at IhuM who Save ened or been kUled la the lervko. IM riMRK.H A THAR To tke WMowi and widowed Mnthera of the RoWtlon, Hsaaaaet, and Manaes who have died in the servfce. FRrTt HONBY. R AtTt PAY, Ay., ane tke hatra o( Seamen ami Martaea. THENK e.AlAta. and aJI other Manjt Katiuoal mi BtaM UoTenuueau, FroaaiU oetUotMl AMroea or aplj le GEOBGB W. FORD, Claim Agent, 11 30 lia IXXtSX 8TUKBT, otie door below Third. JNfrTJlllS YOU 11 LI 110 nr Tia V M K It I O A. 1 , B. S. Corner Wnlnut nnd Fourth Streets, Min.AIrnl.rHlA. It It atlOMB COMPART, and prnflta divided annnalrr, ttiua aiding ike aasurou to aj ruture yrauilnnaa. Last dividend 00 per oent. BOARD OF TRUSTHSS. Alexander WhUldtn, i J. Edcar Tkomana, Bon. Jama Pollogk, ' Hon. J-tteph AJUaoa, Albert t Eoheru, lletirv K. Bennett, HamaelT. Hodlno, ' Fhlhp H. Mlnale, Ororee Kusnt, f John AUtmen, WUiina J.Uonard, I Uc UiJa It, flemnel Work. ALKIANilKK WU1LIJIN, Prealdeat. SAMTRL weiKK. Vice frealdeut. 11-1711 JOHN S. WILBOST. Bed and Tteaaarar. OIL, VIN1NO, COAL, AN'D OTHER NBVY com fa a tea. We art nrorarod to fcrrnlah Kaw Oornoratloms with the Books sher rorintro, at ihort aotlee aod kiw Ktoea, of arrtoiialttr. AI atjieo of Blndlna. rr.L.PLA,F. CBRTiriCATFia OP STOCK. LH llJtlKAI'HF.l) du da) THA MHI'CR HOOK. ORDIKA OF TRAM8FKB. STtKl LKrinrR. STOClt LhPUHa DAT. ARCH a. SROIRTCK OF CAPITAL it TOOS1. urosekh' feity i.euueu. ACOOUkT OF S ALLS. UlTUJUiD BOOkV. MOS1 Si 00., Blank Hook ManefWSareri and SuuVaurt 11-W-tl Bo. t CHEHfrUT Rtroet. -X)AL AT FIRST COST-COST PRICE TO Htofkholdari per ton Immediate Delivr-!uiU ot beat ejuallly. Bbarra. eaeh enUlltnx to owe aod a hal ton a, at Aral ooet, averf lkitr Rr twDtr .reart. and to caah dmdeada of proOta riooa the aurpiaa, mar now bo obtained at Slt, parable, has on antjiirrlhlnir, anl half on January 6 mil, or the MI TUAI, HKAU ktoURTAt N I KARKIJN COAL Culll'ANY.OIlM No. Ul H. Tlllltl) Rlret lnipoalte Uiadlraj-d Hank). Stock Cafltal. i00.l, In f! Mt lli area Keaerve.1 worklnf capital. I1.KV1 ahar.'l. Huberr!pun of 4 aharon, SiO; of 10 ehanws, S:a); of 10 karea . f 1 li : ot M) aharva, It : of 100 akuaa, Afi , of 200 abArea.t?O0O. Kacb ahare ontttlM the hotdur to reoorve, STery rear, one and a kajf ton of ooal, al eoet, tor 30 veara. and i'aib rivldeLd, ovary aia Bluutlia, of Uia iirottu faoul til aalo of all anrnioi eoaL atoekhoMcra whd do not want anv ooal oaav tavn thslr Ereporuon of aoal ald br the itumpany for their Mpaetai iavRt,lbe pnlta bebig paid over to them, independent ot Ul refukv cuh dirUlendA, lu which Uiy are nleo aaUOed. 1 he Coenpsav poeeeal la- f) and werj-btirtt roa) Worts at Iioaataua (near Tremool). wak esunalve M lola; and 1 vnbor Rieiita, an exeellent Doable ilreaker, Hlope W'Hika, larife Rlaam KoiikQea, Saihueda, and aB other meekm,- and apparatea. In run rp'Tation, eap.thle of mining Hd,oul tun, to he eitended to lnOXHi tona per voar This Coal la trf the beat iUr, chiefly of the Blaeh Ileaia and Prlmroe VeUia, wiucb, wMh aeveral other vatoanleroal velna, extend wltkia tha Uuoa of tuo Cvot panv for two tntlea hn lergth. A hraarh of tha Haadtnjr Ualiroad extends to the ntfnoo of the C'empaay, over whtob tho ooal la dailr aoeU to aurkat. Hlockboldora may order Ihidr Goal ta any 0 the ninal staea. via.: Lnuip CoaJ. brohvn. F.o. Htuve, or Eat Coal, aU at tbe presM-nt eut stir of $7 AO per ton, d'41vrri at the bonae, wllhln Uie oaaal dlrtanoe ot tiva Cotoiiany's ooal yard m LA aortiieru, ruiddje, and eomhra yjrkioui or iLe city. The fvenpsny and all the mtnlnr wirka are clear of debt, d aD oteralkiDa are emidacttsl oa the eaah principle. For drcnlara and labacrlpttoaa apvly at the OnBoa. So U a. TUl&a S treat, aeouttd door, oppoana uaaxd A rent fhr Reading. Vavor Plover. ardof ttrcb)r Wuiiam . l Ford, D. fl. Woile, Bobert r. aUss. 11. Siimiala. Wat. aCITM'El M. Prealdont. A. B. Jiaraa.Reenrlary. ll tB-lra THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, arKonipeaa Kanice, A famlllea, h4ela, or piltilio fcnatitoilona, In twetuy dlilvieal alzee. Aiao, PhiU delohla har,eea. Hot - air fnrnacee. Ponablo Bentera, lyiwdown eiralee, vtrotN.nrd Mtnvva, KnlJl Brlera, rltewbole I'kuea. HroUeri, (Voluil hlovea, at woukj saie aiid retail, by tke aaiin'artiure. CtLAME, BHAKI E A THOLSrn, I 90-raw San iio.ui H. HUeioEU UuoeA. IIGHT! "LIGHT I LIGHT! I.lfinT IS A J rr-at thlnt in theae dark dava. PttLLlf CFK'i PATENT 1I P Kl'hlVF RkKI.F.ttTOKR, for both day and raa-Uirkt. Caa ltrrle.-lura lor wludewa wltb two bartier iv more Uflit than ait biraera with the kiuif now ha sue. Oaa-flurr fnrnlahtd at lew rale. Tlayllfht RetkMtori, for Ushong dark room, aud baaument oifloea, &a., with out ihe ua of ska. omce. 11-1H lm o. til ( ItEShfTT Street, Philadelphia. OCNTINO-HOrBlf AND SCHOOL DRSK8 BiAvda teener, as Jr jnr t. tKTBS n-reH, -B UEOaeiC FLOWMA. T OR BALE. TO l'RINTERS. IMPOSIKO J akiao, lanje ate, In Srat-rato oreea. Apply at this rtroa. in l Uo KIW 7-SO LOAN. D. Sabecrrpti.n recefred, aod tba Iotas ramiahed rras al all okai,, by OEOaUIB 1. BOTD, Hanker. Mo. U S. TRIED tf treat. 10 M -tha OL.IDAY rillXr.NTH. D. W. CLARK, fo. 60J CHF.SNUT BTRF.ET, Baa saw an hand a very lar atoek af W ATtur-.. JkTWBLRT.aal . , . . . rilvbe ri.ATan tr, aaiertea etnrenry trt the aocaaaa mnjuAT TaAt'H, ernieb aro kelei to d at eitraardlaaray low niKe. Wo have a bur; atoek of tl.e foUowi rol Watrhea, Rllver w ateiww, lillea w airhea, tlenta Watrhea, lloya Watohra. American Wwehea, tnallah Waieaxw, Hwt Watelte. 4 Veet ttt.aino. Cold Chaieiaiae (Valaa, teold Snl (Wiaina, Cold P.m1 Ceaee, (W40 Pen. tlotn TmfhpleJu, ItoW Th mhlai, AoHl Armleta, liold Hoaom Hlnda. Itnlil Hleevr llauana. Gold Walah Keva, ;old I'ma, Itenu , tioid Flue, I.adk , (M'MI I Im,. klUaee , iUuA Piee tttiateuuee, Oold Ear Rlrert. Hold Plnror Rinir, Mld Hurf Tine, tMld hracoleta, llo'd Lorkeu, (1'Jd . lutrma, Hold Wainti Hooka, Hjlver Thimht-a. HIv.t Napkin Klnae, Surer Frull knlvea, Hnvei Fob Chaina, (Ultrr Vat Chaina, (til VFI1 I LATRO WARB, Paucd ob fenume Aibat ait ml, aal warranted : Tea Rota. Take llaaketa, FmiK nj.ket Card Reo Ivera, Roller liUhee, A.vru PlteiiMre, Sugar ruaiiea, Pi reel tkf t C a to r , iMnnere'aatore, Pick le e mom. Spoon HoUera, Waiters, Tana, Rail Slaada, Uohleta, t 1. rail flella. Rapkln Klrata, FUh Entvce, lie knlvea lr-e Cream Knlvea, Cake Knlvea. Crumb Knlvea, Chlhfcrvn a Knlvea, tihlldren'a Forka, Chlldrvn't RMKnia, O v.tor Ladiea, Roup Ladlea. Tahlr and llegaert Rpootia, Tea, Hurnr. and Salt r!oons, Tta and IHnner Fork. rt.ATK.I) JEWP.I.BY. We have oa band a large lotofrtne plated Jewrlry, which we aro ctoln out at con! prlcoa to ineke room t'nr othtr iooIh. 'I hoae wlahkot ooda In onr tt no would do wcU to cull and examine our atoek beloro parrliaalag. AUsoods warranted a renreaonled. n. W. CLARK, We.ftftlCHE.SNUT Rtroot. W. Ti, Watrhea and .Tewetry carerallv repaired dt hk peiiencpd workmvn, and warrantetl. kiurravlutf a'catrp tieculid. 11 a wiBt.tdtll SI 1SG4. IIOl.IUAYH. 1SG5. Wn,CHE8TEJl & CO., No. 7O0 CIIICHNIJT BT11EKT, InvMo attoiUon to a tholo stock of WRAPPERS, CABK1AUB BLA.BKBT8, GABCIOAST JACKETS, SCARFS AHD TIBS, BRBAKFAST JACK ITS, CLOVUS AND HAB1KEB0aiBFS, SMOKING CAPS. 11 1 la W hh a tuptrior asaortaiant of other Qood suitable aa PRESEHT8 TOB GENTLEMEN. JJOLIPAY GIFTS. INTJItSirMG HADE EASY. UltOWN'B PATENT BABT-TENDEB, OR, MAGIC BrRING Ct-AOLB, The morl aaefnl and deilKhtrht Msraery Inveiillon of Ik an a. From a Vertical and 5 daelaea Cradle ft Is Inatajitly eon verted into a Rprlna Chair. Reclining Conch, Hatiy-Jump.a', Baby-Borto, Kabj-Walker, Ilia Chair, startory Chatr, Ilobhy Horae, and Ottoman. It etToeinallj obvlatea the evila of tha roektoi atotina afibrdi great relief to niutberg, txerelaui and delkjfiu eatk drrn, aud aavaa Ui oapenas of a B ura. Aloo a Uue variety of FANCY 110T-.IIA.V (JOOI)S, AT THE DOUSE FURNISHING 6T0RE, Bo, Oal) CUB8KTJT STUEBT. If Mat JOIJN A. IIURI'HY. TJSEIITL AND OBNAHENrAL CHRISTMAS l'llKSENTS. Gold Rpeetaetea, Oold Eye-fllaatos, atlcrotaopas, Opera Claaiet, Spy Olaitea, Storooaoonea and Tlewa, kLvrw Laotarnt, Boata af Drawing laftramoatj, Poekol Oota pat, Fanty Tkenaoaitors, lileboa, Atr Paraps, Btee trltMaehiaet, OaJraul BattartM, Spellutg Boards with Movalila LMteri, At. Ac., M sals by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., No. 0!i4 OIIESNIJT KTItEET. blaatratad Catalogaes grmtl. 11 SO N OPPOBTUMITT TO PUBCHASE HOLIDAY mESENTH AT LOW TRICKS. Davmg determined to retire from bnalnoea, and wkrhbtg to eieae oat my tntlra stack of Wttehea, Jewelry, Stlf m Ware and Bliver-Plated Wart, Cloeke, Muaital Boxet, Tablo ejntlry, Ae.,wlthla titty daya, X aia prepared k off r btdaoementa to purobart.and aoiielt an azaia'aa tloa of then gooda, atoot of whioh aro food stylos and of One Quality, THOMAS C. OAHRKTT, ll-ao Bo. tl'A CUE RUT 8TEEBT. f H A R L S B R V M P V , j PO KPT Book and SATCHBL kt AWt'FACTL UBU. Mo. 47 B. hi X I II Hlrtet, below Arch, PlilLAIiP.LI'lllA. Portollea, ireeaintf Caaea, e itarCkaes, Pocket Hooks, CaUa, Saubola. Aloaavnclu. Work Bores, Baokeie' Caao. WkotMal aad reuU. IV 7 1m OflTafi BECONI)-HAND COTTON SEAM yfAJ law Bag, la store and aal kv JOHN T. Ban Ptr A ro., Il l Im Bo. 11S h. FBtiMT Sueot. II DRY GOODS. J M. IlAvl'JL.lillO II, Jo. 802 CBJXNUT BTBEET, wru. OFBB, TUESDAY, DBCKMUHH , A NEW DEPAHTMENT, Running tbronrk the centre of bla Rtor. SO fet In length, te be known aa THE CHEAP DEPABTiTENT, Bhirhwlll be devoted ftclnirvely Is the t lit bttlo and pale af DllESH l'AlMHOS BEM'CF.D TO OBK HALF TUB I'RtCB Sold at tn the tH'sinnlnsof tbe araaon. J. M. IIArLF.KIH haa made arrnnKemonta to fnrnlah to bl riiatomert front to takixo) u-3 wr I'KICPftH AND NGL.IHII DRESS GOODS, Purrtmitd ! a fnt lAcrtflro, aud tmm Auction Salt), ta tt Kid through Ihli channel without rtverf durlaf THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Ay i i . wma.aj. oiiy AUUii) w BATB BWTCKD SOME F1BI OOODS FOB TOE HOLIDAYS, To fttvor the Iautlable practluf of makluf VALUABLE CHBISTMAS QITTS. Lyons Velvets, Fine Shawls, Black Silks, Eep Poplins, Merinos, Blankets, Good Chintzes, Flaid Shawls, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Blue Silks, Silk Poplins, De Laines, Piano Covers, Christmas Scarfs, Christmas Hdkfs. U 1-1 JOHN II. BTOKES, Bo. TV AltrH STREET. BEIU'CTIOB IN PRICKS OF HBV OOOllS. A NpUndld Variety for CBRlSTJn'AO. AMI) NEW V'.AK'H PRBSBSTi. C'oaaiellnK of Stur? eluodf. French Verinoea and 1'oplliia. l upin I Single and luuhle Width Dtack lialrUMl. Lniiln a lliigltt Wo'l f'lalda. I.apin a Fine Quality French Mcrlnoef.kj f llaery bibbed Wool Fonlina, SI M. f.av and I'laln Ntele Totton and Wool Dele' ttai yarda Calicoea, rroea:ll l toouc. laid Nliala-;a and Dealrable. Plain Hhawia for Heivlce. t'hiidrail a Hhan la lntf aad Rntiaro. Ladiea .(tenia', and Chllilren'a liiovei. Lenlca' andilen'a Llnvn t'ambrl lldkf I.aillra Hem Hi tched lldkfa. tient bilk lldkfl. ItaJrurral Hkirta Large Aaaortment. Hplndld Cotinterpanea, rrom AucUoit, FlannelaWlute and (IireU. Bntalat'ra.h and Dtant'r. IImi yarda American l.'raih, at lt)it. If Ladlea will etamin tbia alot k th.-y will find good gooda at the very lov, eat Frle. Bo uuoble to ahow thtn. Cvane and eiaiulue, ai JOHB H. STOKF.S'. II D im Bo. 7119 ARCH hlree. IMI CUKHNUT BTMEET. E. M. NEEDLES 1 Dally Xleoolvlng; B0VBLTIBS IB LACKS, WHITE GOODS, EM U ROl L) tM EB, VKII.8, I1A.NDKEROUTFS, o., In tvtry varltty and at BEDCCBU FKIOErj, SV.1TABLB FOB TUB FALL ISAM, 10)14 ailMHUT STTrkBT. COWl'EHTllWAIT c CO., S. E. Cor. KINTH and A BOH Streets. THE GKEAT BLANKET STORE. BLANKETS AT RETAIL. BLAXKETS AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS TOtt HOUSEKEEPERS. BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. ELAN&ET8 EOK THE ARMT. BLANKETS FOR TUE NAVT. BLANKETS OF ALL EIZE3. BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLANKETS TO SCIT BVKETBODT. I3X-A1NICKT HTOIIE, at In S. B. aDrau HIBTH and A BOB Streets. DECEMBER M, 1861. CLOAKS, &o. (JHKAT llKDUt'TION IN T1IK rnicn of At ITERS k OO.'S, Mo. IX 8. NINTH HT11KBT. fa eoneee.neeee if the fatlln reld, tVfTWS A OO. ke rennet! their prlre f,otn IS b 'io per at., and kve aw on kand a large and well aalr ted atock of I'UIAhS anil able for tke pretent tod aomlng teaaon, which tbcv are determined tn aetl at pnre, wklch cannot mil to anlt the tureliairr. I,dle will find It to Ihelr ao vantage ta give a a call bvfere porrbaaing olaewhore. Bcuiemher IVgJta A rO'B OLPiBBTARUelHIll CLOAC eTTOBB. Ko.M S. BIMTU Street. oornerafJavae. II 7 It IJKPTIIV 11AHKIJ, NEW FUR STORE No. BIT AIICII STKKKT. The above rcaportfntry Inform kla patrona, and the pw H la geeitral, that aa hat now opened at the abort ttore aa aaartmatof . LadieB' and Children's Fancy Furs, v hth, fcr variety and anarny, cannot kt larpaaaed ky any tout la tha Unlud State. Betiat tha mana'aetarer 0 all hi. Fart, and having Imported all hi rloo when gntd mi annab lower than at the pre. ant rates, ha tan oiler them fo bat patroaa at the anoot rcaaonable prloet. ALL ruVB made Is order, and repairing done la the boat aaannor aad Utuit rtj llKNIlY IlAHlii:. .Importer and Mannftvoturer tr I.AB1KH' ABD CltlLPRB.t'S FUBS, 11-M-lat Bo. HIT AB01I STBKBT JAIIIJCW FANCY FUlltl. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVB BSVBITTH, AT BIS OLD STABLISHHD STOBB, Importer and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY ITIJltH. Ky aaaortsMnt of FANCY FT Rs .V Ladies and ChOdrea Is bow ooeoFtete, anbrata( BYK&T TARIKTY THAT WILL BE WORN DT7RING THE COMINQ SHASON. Bcaaoaaher tha asms and aamber, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 AKCII STIIEKT, AbcrT) BsiDQia I BATE BO FABTBBB, OK OOSHKTTIOB WITS ASJT OT11 16 J RTOHB 1 N TliB CITT. S-Sft-eka isGL 18G4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OERMANTOWN. McCALLUM & CO., WHOLFWAXB CARPET WAREII0U8E, No. ftOO OI1ESNUT BTREIJT, FUlLAPbTUHlA. 1SG4. 1S(J4. McCALLUM & CO., IIITTAIIj DEPAHTUENT, No. 619 CHKSNTJT 8TRKBT, ii-7-ti OfTOnrrt rsmrnBKTKBca hall. LAkWB ABBOBTMBHT FOB BALK BT JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 11 u Ba 0H4 OHF.S.f ITT STRBEB Jl U 11 M T U 11 E. CHEAPEST AND BEST. I'nrlor Hulta, Bed-room and CTlittmljor Hulls Dlnlnn-Iloom HexlLw, Kltortvn Xtirnl t ir re, JLdlrary and Oflloe rurnlturo, Ilotiacliold lttrulture, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Either In Built or Single Pleoet, at Ui lowvitpoatlbla prkoe. iOUIL & CO.'S, Ualon Furoktor Depots, M. B. (lor. BINTB and MABKBT, and U-lfiwfmtl N. la. Cor SBOOBD AND KaOB rd. ILLIAM CHAMI'LIPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, So. 11 HATTOB PLACB, berweea Okarry aad Baa, Above r.leiith atreet. Store Fitting and Jobblag ot all kiadt promptly at tended to with despatch. Il l Ira' 1EOHGE PLOWMAN, CARPKNTER AND I I Buildi-r, No. t i2t'AaTKKSireeu,aud No. HI nolle Street. Machine Work and Miilw righting proinptlr at tended to. 11- (1 E W T n A L EATING HOUSE, OrPOBITE THE TOST OFFICE, 10-17 kia FHILADELrniA. TN THE ORPHANS' COLRT l'OK THE J Cite- and Ooimtv of I'hlladciphta. i.hiaiof AliKLAilit: Ml l.llOLI.AV.a Minor. Tbe Auditor appointed b- tbe Court to audit, acttle, and adlUHt the account ot ttie rennaylvanla Company for tn- urance on l.ltoa and irruntlng Anriuliiea, tiiiardiia of tho Katte of Jane Adelaide Muiliollan. a minor, aud to rctiort dlatrlbutlun oi the balance In Hie hamla of me MCcoumaiil, will meet the pertiea IntereH.ed fur the purpurea ot bla appnlntuicnt, on l ueHdav, llecenittcr 117. IKA. at i o'elr k 1'. hla offlc-o, No. 717 Walnut lira. I, 111 the Clt of PI, II.. !. li.hla. 12 lli-mwfit JUIIB e t.AVTOS', Auditor. Ont HI 11 CANS PEACHES. VERY SU pnor. pnl an by O. P. Morton A Co., at th Bound Top Peach Faro, Md,. now arriving, nnd for alt by K. K. klKr-K. Bo. It. S. WUAMTfcl. II lu Ian fllK OIUfJI.VAL SKATE STORB. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Hliin r tlte "Mktttt Hoy," No. fill MAHKKT HTIIEKT, Have r il. Vrholl and H.taU.Uie laxreet ami heat Ntn k of H It A. T E 8 In thla city. Their atoi-k romprlaaa every noetlble variety and at the lowe.t prieca. Lad et and tlenta' Htrel Skafea. Steven,' Skate. .Clark's Skaiea. R'.rer, Skatea. I'h'l.ilclpMa Hkatea. Rradferd a ltoaion naatea,"Borwkh t'lipper ' skAlea.rarlor Skal.t. SKATE ri.ATIS, SKATE STRAPS. fn ahort.evnrvthinir pcrtalnintr tn Skntaa. and every tanata of akate ttiade.c-Nn !, procur.-d at the 8 an of the "SkaM !ty.' Ho. till el A It k FT Mrect. Ihe eidel Hkale Store la Uie city. SMITH ett IUCIIAIlDaON. . B.Hkate, fln.nnd and Repaired. 1BI.VU yil.SONS SKATK DKPOT, No. 409 OHESwUT ETEELT. J ot reeetvod, a full stock of Ladles' PkaU't, I'hilarlelphla Clal) Bkatss, (iritta' fkatps, llottnn Hookers, vntv supsrlor, Vuvt' Skates, New York Club Skatca, And Parlor Skates, all, where all can be accommodated with a superior anal1 rrom a choice selection. rillLlP WILNON A CO., II 10 lm .. tO ntJKlT Street. Fhlladalphka piIILAlHXI'IIIA H1CA.TE D K V O T , LESLEY & CO., No. 607 MAHKKT STREET, SOLE AGENTS rOR OtbaTB't ChaJleaira Steal Skates, Belohar't Improved Ladles' and Genta' Skates, H. Clark's Fateat Ladle,' and Qenta' Skatat, Flyaipton Patent BeMnUla Floor Bkataa, Shaler't Tateat Floor Skates, The American Patent Floor Skats. A fall aaaortment of all tha abort atjlet toaalanttyaa hand, as wtU as all Uie other varieties of STEEL AND WOOD-TOP SKATE. Iivatt'a Fatant Self-r altering Skates fatten vNkoal t i, 11 a,,w FOB SALK, WHOLBSALB AHD RBTAIL. L A 1) I E H OKNT8' AND CHILDREN'S PARLOR AND ICE SKATES. J. li. SHANNON, 11 iSwamlnt Ho. 1000 MAABBT 8TBBBT, TKW HTVL.U OJV HKATX FOB LADIES, GENTS. AND CHILD EEN, v NEWUOLL) II. TROTTER, 11 ts-lat Vo. SIS If ABBOT STBKBT. OX & g IBBS Sewing No. 71 OHESNTJT Machines. St.,Philatla. QIlOVEll Ot IIAKEH'H HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWINQ M A O H I N E H, -S No. 730 CilKHNTTT Btraeit. J HOLMES G HOVER, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TA11LK TOI'H, to. a&o.e No. Vii i CI1KSNUT STREET, riflLADELPULi. It I FACTORY TENTH AND SANSOM 6T8. fJNlTrESAL CLOTHES WHINGER. TUB "GREAT FAMILY ECONOMIZES." IT IH THB BEST AJO) ONLY RELIABLE WRINGER VSrOllB TUB PEOFLB. IT 18 TUB MOJT lit BAHLE MAI'UIHB MADE. It 1 the only Wrtnrer with tha TATENT COO WHEEL REGULATOR For turning both roll, together, whioh potltlvcly prevenls therotl. rrem breaking or Iwiiilu oa Uta than, a, all rlnser, without COG WHEELS Will do, no matter how itrooslr It mar h, atterttd to Uia cuntrary. t It it not onlr a perfeet Wrlnser, but the Cot Wheel, ri.o B a power whuw render, it a mol KXCKlXatSir Vi A Hum, u traitned tub; tliupiia-t. who have It In uia. It aavea time, lalmr, clothea, an. I money. It wl I pv k.r ll. II in the 8AVi.SU OK tUilUIMi A LOME a vol alt mniha. . Kii.UT SIZES. The oaual I'amil Hue, art Hfi. 1, Bo, la, and Bo. 1. Theae kav OOCJ WIIEEL.R. And an warranWd In overr partloalar. hoe. and are not warranted or reenanmendad, hav Ins to email run that Cova canno be oaed. al Juinrh toey aro ot tbe rata tile and prloe aa thoee told bj other maker. E. 1j. IJURNIIAM, No. V 8. SIXTH STBRET, FhOadolf hia, JJ W-mwtlm afauaractiirar,' Ant far Batt Ftnaa. ylFILLC km n m f