The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 13, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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late from tlic South.
Riant 0X3 iwrats or satirmy.
Failrro of an Attempt to Cross
tho Savannah.
., :.. Km., rn-., :ie.
flperlnl In Tim lRvPtiinir T l";rijti.
W'ahiiiniiton, DoccmliiT 13. Uiclimnni pa
pers of Pturd.y, received bore this marnlrtff
Have iiuwh of Sturmim up to last SunJ.i!
They report him . then tiianMiiir down the
Ogeiliee with n iinuy vovpi on cither siilo of
be river; tbat lie i tf-vTyitril to join lifs forces on
Tuesday la it, but waa litis r.ucil; t!mt a boily o'
bis tniopi tttfunptnl a pa-l;i?o of one of tho
fcrricn of the Suvammh, but was driven.
Tho Hehcls prophesy a Initio inunt lmvo
enucil ere thin, anil, wlii.o they m'O Tory tein
perntf in their t"ne, they prt!'tw to liclievo t'jut
they h.ive a Kiiflleioiit ntimhcr of troop", iu and
wound Suviinnuh to ilcfmt Nlu-irarin.
Cliief Justice Clmo wni titft lnatiitarntc this
morning, lis was Anticipated, owing to delay in
preparing his coramlifi n.
The Star sys the Hklirnond l):patch, of yes
terday's dote, contains tho following:
" Skehman's Movement. Tho latest news
from Sherman is that on Saturday lie was ut
llliionihipdale, on the Central Ocorgiu Railroad,
fifteen miles went of Savannah."
lOlt illt: I'KKSIAT.
W.pni!oroN, December 13. The House has
killed the.T.ii;:ue Island and New London Navy
Yard Iron i l ids ijiicstimi for this scslun by a
Tosoluiiiia from the Nuvul Committee, which
was tallied.
General Dodge Buccocdi Gene
ral lloaccraus.
Xixcrnns' Yitl lUetory.
aot'Hi. St. tot-w, Mo., Dei-ivmlirr 9, IS M 1. In
riiiiiullam'e. with (iencral Orders No. L'Jl, War
Dtriarliiii'iit (current 'dies), I rcliniuisb coul
luand of ibis Kopurtmcnt.
11. In linn nevvritii; my connection wttkjlfce
triKip-, ol thiHi'oiuniuiid, 1 uetmily thtmk too T)is
irirt commanders and the otliiairs and soUli 'rs
serving iniuer tliein, for their vnerg'.Mtc and e r ci.-ooeratlun iu all my cll'ius t ) i.iereu-o aa I
ruiner illeciive our liiiuU'iua'e, menu for tilt)
i pro'-etlou of the lives una property of the p .ople.
In the duties ol H campaign most hani'Sin,', anil
re. mi, ,pp; the hiirlitst ijeirrvg of Kolf-sa.trill ,
vii:iliuii'i',en'.T('v,Vna O'lirarri!, thry have nobly
re-pomlid, tiial their ifPirti have ut last ben
crowTii'd nith suij-tiintiul und glorim, rc.stilu,
l.n'li tor the State and nation.
111. Ihec'.vi! ilutli-of niya'hniiihtritbn havo
Inoiijtlit me into relations with tho loyal puople
vf the State, to wham, in takmr leave, I express
syn iathy with their grout sull'jrinK in tho c.cisj
cf the nution. and resV:ct for tho uacr iticos they
havo tuiliircii for the presirvitiioti of law ami
unler ut bumo. while sa'tniin't tn the licld sixty
odd roKniieuts of as heroc troop i as any who
have stood or fallen for freedom and the Union.
Ii I have not been n'.ilo to do for ttum nil I
desired. In sivurn ff them from Inv.iHion by n
combined campaign e iinut tho enemy wo . t of
tho Alihsisuppi, nor, lailliiK m tun, to rotiin
Ibe neee'sary troops nt homo to put an end to
Itnee years ol most oariiirmn gu ru u wniare
1 trust ibat in what 1 huvo done t i rit iso troops,
organize eiti.en (iiuirds, C'tjtilinii syso'm in tue
aoininistration -vf luartiai liw, defeat sc. ere.t
eonspirai Irs asaint thu S a'e irnl na.i on, secure
outside help, oruani.'i an I clire-t our oivn
forces, fave our own ma n depots, and mo'
the huie from the ban ts of a formidable politi o.
pluiiuermg and rceru.iuiK invasion, amt linn
that inviininn to nought, wtiim it i;ave tri'iuipu
to tho loyal people iu the ia'e elcctio i, I b ive
done them and the n itton so:iie a-iou. Au.t io
p irilnir tlr nave mv be it wisinM, b id ',! e ri
uratuluiions in the auspicious slir : which a!
itnoy atmcar for tueir future (jrearness, founl sj
on i no tiroail principles oi jutint, iiinn antiy, an
tnedum, vt.nuut cnuueuuu ot ci-cjJ, color,
To the liii niliers of the Department S I, I cx
tend niy niuccie ihauli.itor luelra ile and uillcicnl
servici s while uinler my eo run ml, as well as
iHii ers and soliln ra of viii Mate militia, whom
" -ciu 1 have commanded, wboseebeerfud pi
triniic, ami iiiii'e.oiiieU .icea Jor tbair cou:ry
1 fully i ; ; .-'eiaie.
VV. S. Rnar.tTit Ksd, yii'm-O ;nar"l.
Oiliciul : J.r.Duui (.'.nun, C.'.pr.aa l A.D.C.
IIancocx's Vktktiak Cors. The Provost
Marshall of thli cf y, under Instructions from
l'rovoi-t Marshal General Fry, have been an
tboriacd to assist in the recruiting for tbo 1st
Corps, which Major-Oeneral Hancock, andor
special order from the War PeisArtment, has
been empowered to raise for service. Only those
persons who have eerved two years and been
honorably discharged from senriee are privileged
to enter ibis fiivrnltc corps, tho otllcers of which
havo served honorablv for the same period, lbn
l'rovr t Manlinls aro to rceeivo tho men and
tarnish trn' ,sporuliou to Washington, whero thoy
will bo eniisied nnd mustered into service, re
ceiving $3W rush bonnty even though they
limy enlist only for one venr, though volunteers
i..r , ,r ti.n n vears vlll be received. P.very
volunteer v. ho serves fui'dil'ully and preserves the
nritiH whlrh arc given into his i harire when mus
tered into service, will no emiiicu to ineiit upon
being honorably discharged.
In HittiAi.F ov Tim Mii,KF. W ho conld not
orglve the milkmen for nil ever alleged against
thern In the way of adding w ater to the lacteal,
etc., nftcr Bccins littlo of what they suffered this
morning going their rounds. 7 he poor fellows
were rrarly frozen on their seats, while the dim
citlty nnd Annoyance which thoy sulhred through
tho milk freeina in tho spigots were enough to
try tbo patience .f a martyr. We really pitied
the piair fellows, nnd will not once bint til? use
of water on their pu t aaiu, at least nntil the
line wi mhiT sets in. It would take a great ileal
ofwaierlni to compensate (or silting live or six
lions in un exposed wagon, on a morning lino
this, and no one who has seen thorn to-nay will
ctnv tliein all thoy mako In th nr business.
Mus. Mattih Hiiown's Lwti tti-.u. ThiBlady,
ile of the l'ev. Mr. Tlrown, of the Methodist
l ailseopnl Church at Orcensburg, ra., will de
liver two lectures, to-night and next Thursday
evcnine, of Concert Halt. I no snojeci ot too
Itrst one win De, "ino Ago oi iicpuuucs, iue
1'r.M ( r the Future," a theme which opens a wide
tield for historical and elocutionary display. Mrs.
Utown is stnted to bo n highly educated and cx
enmhirv Clnistian ladv. nossjssod of line oratori
cal poncrs, and with a voico unsurpassed for
power iimi clearness.
Snow on tub Suihwalks. Lieutenant George
W. I'aulln, of the Kighth AVard Police, liai
iBsued processes npon lorty different residents of
the Scvi nth end Kijjhth Wards for tho violation
of the ordinance which prohibits snow from
being allowed to remain on the sidewalks.
They will all be lined (or neglecting to comply
with the law. There should also lie some penalty
attached lor allowing hydrants to run, and over
sow paMiiHtits, nnd when the waiter
mulling danucious walking.
Iioxi.B j or SoLutmiM. Many of our citi.ons
nro preparing, and some have already forwarded,
bo"?cs containing n variety of provisions Bititnblo
lor holiday dinner:!, to the soldiers. All who
lave friends in the unuy, who can 1,0 rsiehci t.y
express, mould "cnl mem tue nuitenni ior a
gooil t.lirisliiiiUt itiiincr. uiosu uravc iwui
li el that those whom ihcy led nt home carj for
IJisomii.itiv CiiATiACTittis. The police of tho
Kighih Ward made a descont cn a disorderly
house in Vandcver street, kept l.y one Miry
HownrJ. Mary and five other fcmal aed ba
Iwicn 17 and I'd years, were taken into imto-ly.
T he whole pany hud a hearing before Alderman
1 atellel, tnis inortiuig, linu were new iu auswa,
PakhinuCoi nteri i:itMoni;y. Herman Men-
chant was arrested at Klevonth nnd Mirkot
streets, last night, upon tho charge of attempting
to p.iss a counterfeit ? iO Treasury uoto. When
told thnt the note w as bad he pulled another from
his Docket, mid olleied that also, tie was com
ifttritl i)lf)-'M ajninitny.
II ".lmr AllTI'.IUl JJl. I'AH 1 MI!HT OT THE MlS-
eorui, sr. l.mis, Mo., December 8, Ih't kv
dlnitionot me Presiliu'.oi tH'j United Sties
(ijcmral Urdeni Ho. VM, War Deuartinonti, 1
hen by assume oon.ui.iuu of tho Depurufcaut of
Uie . l-bliliri.
A I ordcts now In force, and all staff otil 'ers
now on duly, w.!i lie re.' g',iiod uad obeyed uutil
otio miM oTioTe-l.
The lolluwuig a Idit'onal staff otl-i-tj ara au
l jor J. W. liirncs, A. A. O, (in eha-mof
ortte,'). "iptin,i u,si'fc 1'.. l"ird, I'll l.ivi
liiliiHV, A 1'. ('. J.i'j'iU uaut Ijoiric C. Tick-
ner, .'tt'ui Iowa la'uii'ry, X. 1. C, J.'eiunant
i.di.4ril Joi4., irti'.T .lii"ii', I ilaatry, A. U C.
l)oii'.jL, Major-Wcncral.
rilslrl' I III Ml. I.OHiM.
II r i iMt, i !; i s;i;s Si. l,oi;ii piaruh-r, H
I.oi m. Mo., I), iitt.'.oci H, l.v.l. In pursuance ot
orO- rw troin M. jur-Hcncr il ll.)ser;ns, eomm in 1-
m. cparoncnr of ifie Mt-.s airi,' I rcdssu.iie
cuinn'iii"! of I he " Sr. l.ouis His'.rict "
The siil' of Hi,, itmtni't wi 1 remain as It was
on tic '.ii n lilt, ua il fiiniior orl rs. ,
Si;,tii.oi Tkiim s Kwino, ilrii,vGen.
niitaii by Aid ji man Jones. Tho accused hail3
from Altoona.
A T'lTMViT.n Koimnnv. About Yi o'closk last
ni.chtOlllcer Sanders discovered two men working
at the door of a genlli man's furnishing store, No.
tH8 Miuket stiot. As soon an tho oillcjr came
mi the lubbers lied. 1 ney bad sncccc leu, uy
means of false keys, in mil ickiug tbo door.
Vioi.bkt AaaAftr ami Batteiiv. lliis morn
ing, Charles I'.bcrle was before Alderman Rhoa-
ni.ikcr upon the clmno of havipg enmnntted
violent u-satilt and baitory upon another man, at
I.ltheow nuil dir.iid aveime, last niL-tit. no was
committed, in default of bai', to answer.
Pni.F. l' loiii A prizo fight was cxpee ed to
take place some time during to-day at Glen vood
iieloiv Chester. The puglli'ts were two ouii-u ig
rnllians, kuown as Deary and Dunn. A lo', of
blacklegs, thitvis, and other row, lies ion tuo
dry 1- hi uieht and this morning to witness tho
ditgraccliil proceedings. ri o I'tiou DuowNtNd. Alexander
I.owry fell ovoiboard nt Willow Street wharf
last n-glit, and would have been drowned only
for Ibe timely assistance of.,Ollleur Myers of tno
Harbor Police.
11. Scott, Jr. Sat.k of Oil Paintings and
Pastils. The sule of oil paintings and pastils
by 11. Scott, Jr., takes place on Tliurday,Fridiy,
mid Saturday evenings at, 7h o'clock, at No. iV2
Chesnui Mieit. The collection consists of three
hundred vaikd and p'casing subjects, niiJ cin
braces skitchcs from tho hitls of our mosl ctni
nent uititts. The names of O. Palisade, Otto
Sonimcrs, Paul ll!tt-r, C. A.Sommcrs, F. Ilaiisch,
V. .1. Jackson, J. Williamson, Kuppeiidorf, II Jl
den VilHrs, T. Verd Northcite, II. M ish, 13.
Augusta, A. Mehnse, and others of eipi il ability,
are auiotg the artists who hava p odiiced liiis
collection. All of these aro handsomely
aoorued with gold-leaf frames of a sty.e
alone a'tiaetivo and pleasing. All gooj juugjs
acknowlioe these picturva works of merit;
and ccu.ii i liom tlic pencil at ai orusn oi .-viiieri-
cin uiti-ts, i,re worthy ot a place iu any parior.
c nhotild eiicaurao liomc-art, espe idly when
the skill fiSd ability ue-nluycd are hilly epial to
those of any lorei'n h mglir oi tuo urusu. inn
pictures diced lor sale by II. Scott pos essricri
ment and will Btiunl tho scrutiny of tho most
icliLid lover of art. They arc now open for
public inspection, and all that is asked for from
our citU' lis is lo call and, ex inline . Wc are cer
tain tint tiiey will I unpies-cd not only w.tb the
beautiful sLe'ebesi f all ilecrlptioiis oho ion by tho
artist, but the extraordinary manner in which
tin v in 0 placed upon ciuvaa. Tue ''Pastils," by
HiBM 'ui, ar- the erv l.neot. Wo have not scn
any ih'n .to cuujJ tliein. AlJO the "Crystal Ma-dalltou."
Iktetiio to IIocKBKHr.K. We And It
te tssof ilsnal Mia' 't a win machlnn shonM av
a Biiliono and m If rorulatlng Mnnloa of thra4,lail
tho14 make at treat avariMyotmtctiM aaaalbK. We
alt kr that an uutrnment KatIhi tk rr(irIAIil
nicm,nabltii U. operator U Ammb tha tads o Ut
tearot, ana hava wrrk run tilhtr to Wit rlnlit or loft,
wrtliont turning th fabric, Il of vary (rrtat ailvtntuic I
and the iamt may bt ald of a machine whleb mAkut
rrrry ,utth complete In Itmlf, thai in nolieltn la IU ope
mUoBi,an out Uati.t t att ontof order ; (Jial Ii free
fiomobiccUoni of iprlnm, co-wtiel, and cm, and io
enmtrnriiid ai not to oil tlit rtnuof the operator i that
(omblnis In all tltohoi Hit (rreaient amount of trenlh,
eLilllcltj, and btautyi teat perform! both the heaviest
and flnett erk wlt'i iual rilllty, without rhaiuit of
tenlun, break ot thread, or skipping athvuaa; ami Itiat,
withal, sews Hie nw'st "raiildl.v, and r'lni wllh grrati-et
tnie, 111,1 Ii io ulinple In'in that II can liteailly
umterstood The 1 Klo-en, e" hn all llicso l.nporlant
atirlbnUl, and li h elite J1 y the bctt luA"!i,nr made. The
I'hllidPlptaa Ai;enr l nt No. i.KX'lieinut ureou
To rmriiAir, Ci.othino ATl.owPuteas.mako
a m-lertlnn from car S1m-H ol' Ki i,r-ine. i:rin"irs W.,
are nelllns soo'll 'iial lny. it. otoi all I maveri,
front 'Jii (,i ,'SI ff' 'rut. Inirrr llian 11 now eliare 1 lor tse
lairr g.oa inn'te to older. W e have all Blyiol, sli-e. an I
prl, c ornctlMii- M' n'H, Yoiilh'i, and llovl'. All oan be
niled tmnofcldclA or Iroulilt,
BitssrrT A To.,
Tower Hull, Ko. olS Market l,ecL
A Daip-n l. SroTT Dkcision. TheSupromc
Court of 1'cnnsjlvanla has decided, In tlit ce of Van
Amslairg . I.. K. Chant, thai If L. K. I'hant owol Van
fur his tiotid, irioiuh he m;iy hivo helped to draw the
rein. Van may keep t.. K. riiant prnuk until tho dobt II
paid, and at tne lame time It was made tolerably near
that a boa constrictor Ivlnn dormant an If dead in a box,
if recoverable l,- an leiion in ino out uui n om piiinui ,
nexcfc fclnissll up wiili tt,t boa constrictor so as to tlrntiiy
l.lnoeit wllh it, he, the plalnliit' s inlt la not rec iverabit,
and If he should re'rrt' lie rosy recover himself with a
new mil, audi tin Is furnished at the estAhhitimoiit of
I'harlcH Hlokei A C'o.'s Ono price, under the Continent l.
This decision of the l onrt, like tlic uluhllihmcnt rcAjrrtd
to, fuuiatd to fi'it all.
Roasth) Ai.monos, Chocolat, and Cream Cara
mels, sup? -Ir qiia.lty ami flavors, inmillactured by K. (1.
Whitman Jl l o., No. HIS thisiiut ilroot.
Zvriivn Coon i on Chuistmas. AVc know of
nothing more popular or more appropriate for prosentlng
pnipi.ies curiiiK the h, lutaya h in the o'eant usehyr
work art del lhat havo of la'e bceoiae io faihiotiali.e. A
sift Ii alwaya the more valuable for baring upon It the
niarka of loving Angers. What, tlicrefnru, could be more
deilrable or nulial le than tne btauilful designs in icephyr
ftrillppera.chtlr seats, enihiona, rugs, and a varityof
otlier article!, filled up In the plain pans by
Hie hand! of a friendly or arreoilonato giver? La
dies nho entertain our opinion on this point
shenld vlllt tit Itoro of Mr. .lohn linn. Seventh
and Arch streets, who they will find the molt lnairun
cent assortment of embrolrtcred r.ephyr deel;rn,of tho
C l, bIiotc referred to, ever offered In this city. Muintof
thue eoutaln ca.dlal rtpreientatl.ini In zephyr of tufljof
Itoucri.s'oiue heads and tropical birds, which, lo ho an
jue, la'.fid by the lovers r the licanffiil, need only to bo
seen. We would alio atato. In thla connection, lhat Mr.
l inn has a very largo assortment of zephyr, which he la
aelllnv at aa nioJerato pricea as any other houe. iiou t
I'.rgt tl.c place John M. Finn, Seventh and Area.
A very large asaortroent of stocking yarns. enihrarlng
nearly one hundred d.fforfnt. var'e:les, mlta'ile fsr tine
ladles' wiar, tli heaviest artlclei for gentlemen i use,
artlctci lor iheaoli'lera, every description of Infant a wca-,
all colon suitable for glnvnt, Inclie'lnn thn tine whllo
Baxonv (Herman make), will be found at the itoro of Mr.
John M. t it-u, Hevciith ar.d Arch streets.
This alevanl and deflri'vodl.v pipular anhlltale fortlio
Oernian a, phyra la rapidly lielint Introduced for all pur-
poses lor whl h ttio zephyrs aro adapted. Tue colon of
the lieriuanion n Wtol aro equally as rich and dnialle aa
the zephyr, the ubro ncrly ai soft, anil the orlrc- a great
Oral lowir. Hie place lo get It la at John M. i Inu a, south
east corner of Seventh and Arch itreeta.
FA (T Ari las Hccr-tiii.n volt I''srs.
In this deioiniaent s-ich thlugi aa Morosco satchels,
Pocket-hooks, Duo llrnshea. Hand Minora, Heads,
r'ohiLiies, Sjon,a, tlrobrellas, and goods of ttiat elais urt
alwa a acceptable gllta. A ve y superior assortment of
tlii'io may lie fouud nt the popaur atoro or Ajrjutin .vt
F nu, feeventb and Arch atrccts.
At Hits aosmm alao good nyla Ureas Trimm'nrs are
rh in dioi'ind. Tho ninu extensive assortment of
lashlr tiahle llii'.ioni, alaple Trlmm ns of all hinds, whal
are denou.lnuted u'liler the general term of Smi'l Ware
also floth and Hi k Ulorea In great variety, now o(Ted
bv.lohnM. Hun. soulheait corner of Savenlh and Arch
EAim AND 10 Mil I.'HIK COM-F.CTIONS for tilt)
HnltSaj!, now ready at K. U. Wlillxnn .t Co., No. 31s
1'liesnut aucet.
An i I'Taiii.r Homiuy rnnsKNTS. No richer,
rrore la.-tlng. and nioro a-oeatilo tcliilay p-esi'nt cinlio
obtained than tho splendid Silver Ware, pUtod on hard
metal (nickel) found In sin h va'loty at tho onlyniinu
bictory ol it in this ,1 at the c ,rner of N n'.li and t hu
nut strecie. Thli w aic Is the only iiiccessfut rival of the
celebrated siieitleld p'a'cd w are, and socioaa'.y rosoiuhlca
nure silver its to defy de ei'tloll. It Is got up 111 rec.'rWi
and elegant stvle. utter t'ui m )st dcilrablo pat ernl of
pure silver ware to he found in the in irk ct; and n tin
preunt times, vlien evi ry laaou ac uro In which pure eiilers has no cnoriLoui y appic lalea in value, u
liupsoltlvo hnon to Ihoso whuso wanu or lucllnatUm
lead tl cm to desire silver ware.
It Is Hilly as durable as pare silver warn, la as richly
and e aho.ately oinumoiitcd, reiaias Its p disa an i iiinsii
ai long, and Is lunC'hcd at such 'prl-'es, cmepsred wlfi
those of pure silver. n lo seem almost Incredible.
The glittering anurtmont on hand of this splendid ware
at the ino corneroi Nintu ami csesmit
streeis, rl aupcrb hreakfas-, dinner, and lea sola, rl'h and
massive, ol ihe moal aplendld deilgns and ilni' h, in ions
f, rks, knives, castors, ard the numerous other artl-lns
iisual.v found In sllvcr-waro estaii'lnnients, is well
worthy Ibe Intpoetlon i f the public. The most atiperllcUl
ol,srvcr is 111 percdve at a ,lanco the uoor ussIoshiiosh
oi najlog outrageously hUli prices for a'.lvjr waro, hiri
an article calculated la eve yway to su.iply l'.a ,ila.:c.
and resembling n o i lately n to defy dele aion, can bo
had St fa'mhushj loir pri 6's, and like '"A thing ol Itpau y
which It moat emphatically U "be aj,,y forovor" to U.o
Mc kers afior holldnj preeents inoiiij cgrtainiy laapot
IMa ipleiK Id ware. They will Had It to "fill t rye mis
ool cm i.iii IU' ;niri linn" ih in auyihlngoi a almll ir ,aiar
ncler In ihcclty, and unlike, gifts of an cp'ieiiurat natur i
prove a lauilog, baau.hul, and.rcally vaiuahio prciani to
! not Allow yoar fold to tnUm Urn own
count. Two-tliirdi of Lhvlc:im of ConRnmptlon w
ttntr ftmttUom to th ftl mlniftk of waiiln tor
couth to (tef wll ltilf." II yoo wonlA voli IhU error,
ftvall yeuTself t ont o of Dr.aTttynn'i Kipecttrint, wh'ch
enro you pTnmplljr unfl fTinctuIly, and which ft-r
ftilrty varn has malnulnci Ita rapuUtloii aa a certain
rrmwJy fur alJ Cotittlis and Colda. Hre la aoma or ibe
fTldff err
Mr. J. M. 11111,0! nfhron,K.1I., iavH:
Mvs irmiMril inr iwn v aM w Ith a nrwrti mmh and
;in n tn ii it adir. Atwr C"imn:tlnK pvfif mut
i illi n rv-Hi-h. Willi nt fllcrt, 1 pvrntiitllv r.lorcl to
tVU'H. lit aiih . lln- ii m' of Dr. Jnynr a Evvt loraui.
Mr. 0. W. WMifl.T, of New York. Trrlte-
Yur KxiirrMornnt tni entirlv fllovtil mo of a varv ,
piiinlu! Ciuiiah, ar. (.nirai.i -fl "Hit a M-re I lir."t.
Her. Hr. ImwlJnw.of New ork, wrltan
l'rM mv n pxp-pripucc, I hrhfve t'i I. ( lorn'tt to ,
be urn? -il tiif h'-it r-ui tli'H lor r..iif;fiaiil c-cia.
Mr. .1 r. Taylor, New Lltierty, I.Hih, wrIHia !
1 nit full, whll.- n irfi (run Ki-ntn- kv, I rniitrnffiil
ft M vcif .Atlil, whti-h bit ly tlir'-ft'v-iinfl in V lnnirs. TtH!
ii. cnii-nin It w nnli wn-s n cm -stunt I rontii tit, Kin
I, nt nnlf rent, Ony t nit nr.. a tfn-UKh I ticj n f . ral
itH n lu i ii weii' rt con in lull (I l n . Une l it Hi f
ti e h M'1'. ii.riiiit, ti,y ever. hr- k' v my roiu'li i.mti Ui
an ly, n nuiii'K ny l.ealih c inplRt' Iy In a f w dnj i.
If yen nra anir.'rltitr from Urnnhltla n- Jarnfa
'xliTtortiiit. Tniiwldn ipread .li-i n-a, which may la
K fifrnlly ilii rlbtd an an intlaininailori of the fine nk'n
whlrh liner, the Insld-i of it' Ttlnil tubna or air voaat'ln
ajtr-alii n ihronnh eurv i-nitof Ihe lur.H, Is ollen ml
tukf n It.r Vt liMiinplltni. The KperUirai.t auhih.ea thka
lnilitmnm-ion, relievea Ihe attcnUlnR CotiK-. 1'aln, and
(l UhMilry ot hrcathinn, If the e:ie la nut of loo hmtt
at a tlliiff, will rs.ieotllly eir.-ct a cue. Iuk at the loliow-
ln cn-i: ,
Ktv, E. h. l end ill, Pnnl"if of Hiiptlt hnrci, nt Mooroi-
t'iwn, N.J wilteii:
home tini'i alm-e I rw, nnnicii'li'd Ir T. ,1yir F.x.
pc t'irwnt to a ladv who hl lorn h r voiro Irciii itrou
rhitiH.MDii who hml luen' i .-il h ii ilc.n
InciirKhli'. An enure rt 'itur uttiiii t i vtxil Ii'hKIi
.illt 1- tuKintf two iKiiticn. hmi ftiic n ucvv a u Art)
Wr. Pamue) C. Iawion,or Hi Clarion atreot, l'lilln-
d till iu iay :
Aftirii(rerlnv firtnonthi with llrnnctiltlw. I am hvt?
IriMiv lis t lit ii' i t , i lr. Jn nt- a liKCtornol, I nu urice
ni'Tc like in) turmrr st tt.
Mr. John 11. Minton, Nu. . sixth fttri'ct.riiiUilcJphia.
IlnvlPt-' Riidrrftl fur two enrn with IronTi'Ma, T otT It
A (tut) t-i Move, 1 Imve, tar nt 1 rim teil, Ihs n p irm-
tn miy eijrtMl ny trie iim1 or r. .iiivuch ritc('Tti'ii.
rti'iii Mi evtitrit tici wnn linn f mtiiv in niy mmi'v, i
an ulo nituiuiin tiil It lu all rfiica ui iMufiH una VJoidd.
rlll-.llllTs'MIKH, IDOVR TWRLPrit.
MOIkllAV P TIKnlT RVKiiima,
No. 7ft Clir.HNITT HTitKKT.
N I'J W H T Y 1. 10 H ,
ItW P11ICB8.
VKI.TF.T ri(itJNr.B Bif mr aa tre 'atest Franw,
at a moderate cost IKLT BOHNttrti AJD tlAM HH-
I. A 111 IV I li
l,r-T V K
1. 4 t4T I I K
. svT I l l
I . S I' l .l .li
III 11.1.1 M
ni' 1 1 i.i -v i
mt n.t.i a r
nu ii 1.1 r
i ii i i.i.i r
it 111 I.I.I VI
(irlilrTld h. H " I" SI' ' I
It st.a la tfr.c ai-i- . nl- l
.111 s.s.11... HIiOWMi
,lr.ssK ItKOUMl
.11 sslfl I MOW i
Jf.SSIK IlllOtt s,
ji,h.ih iniim.v
.1 I Istsl It i I.I'M SI,
.11 fslK II.OlWi
.1 atasl IC HISHM ,
l.T WI'.KK
lAiT Wli K
I.ST Vs '.HK
Mar W I KK
l.lsl' I KK
I. ' , I.KK
I, s I' W K.I K
I, s T Wi.KK
Til K
l U II II I'll
I II II V I'll
HI II SI 'll
Villi l I'll
: u i ; M'ui.ui aial K,ltrry
.1 Msl Id
.1 1'.siMI 10
.ls.-l It
.1 l.'.SSI
,IKs-l I'l
.1 H.'ll l-i
.i r.tsiK
.i i : ssi hi
Til 11
ItKUVsV fg
II I4' Wli
Hi'" rail
ll, W -sj,
into VV x
Mr. L. I,.
writ"! :-
Ity the
llill.of YA'calkliJ, llrocu county, tsow York,
I reuov
ry tree use of lir. Invno'a
: red Irom a a -vere a'ta'-lt ot
Shi iitu Itrua-
1 '
It you nro Consumptive, use .tayne'a Kxlect'irant. It
rlemi'ua tlie llllin from all Irritating mailen, wli'le at
the nunc lliuo It heals und iii.korutc thcui. Of all the
n nitons vvHt h hio e been fde ed the public for
rread dlacasc, rone have stoo'l Ihe teitol' tlmo.ormaln
la.neil so uuh ersal a popularity as this Kxfiec'".rant,
'1 lioiisands who lnivo been given up by llielr phyOc'ius
as liicurab'e have beei rcstered to perf.ct heaMibylts
use, and tlieir teslliaony mut carry caivljlion to nU who
lead It.
Itev. J. 1.. Imports, ihe well kaoa u ''ir.:'.es mlsaionaiy,
wllles :
"or pulmonary complain! I flnl the l;ps-'.,,ran In-
vliinlile. alnaB eanug Ihe p.ou and leiaouig tuo
syu ptc ins
Mrs llaunati J. 1'ugh, ol 'l urmsn, Sulitvan county, In-
dlana, vvilles
AlVr inter ng tor aoiuo nu.nths n Itt, I'lieai'iioihin, inv
case liclit pi , in, ii, -eil le je ics.. I was - -u u.ii' v r- stor, 1
1 hcu.lh bj pei scM-rilig ill 11, e lite oi ,ia nc s r. p,
ivrlles :
lidtnato Co'ttf''
i Hucecsiwr to W. 11. Carryl,
No. 7)1 CnKHNUT PTUI'.liT,
1 Offers Complete Beta cf
H lTAHl,i: IOU
i XJ
Ki.rTTiiiN of Thai: it phi. At a inootfng uf the
Kclm,1 Ut.utiolU is, M ho Ueld lh;i afwruoou, t ie
fUcticjn of m I'rtiifipul fur tlio Girli High and
omiii Kc!)0(il, nnd a tfi-fber of music fortho
iDstitnUon, v. Ill fDr.n a pro-nir.ent p irt of
t' e lausifiesi. Under a roolmloa of tUti lt)rird,
ibe Conmitutje od tho Wcliodl ii reri'iirvd 1 1 ro
pn ihti in inn of three ctndidafpe ( r earn po-ii-tiitn.
H U nxidfTstond tht lVofpn-or Joha 8.
II ktit, who Kan DHtur.d for thu IVin :laUhlr at
thn last meeting j( IU Hoard, wiL) nut be a t-aa-
rurn ition' Klkcthical Intitctr,
K... lap.n WiiUttt B'ret, t'hllade phin. -Itr 8. W lltik-
wiili. mceeasor, t.tu eriy imi Ipal oiinrat ir, lovit- i tUe
cullc tii" ail a'Miw ! wah a-!ie or chronic iHaeiuet ot evo-y
kind, )"lli f-xiLAl ' : limn und liver dl-eaitev, the
lial'. ornaiii thrtiwi "U, ani alt kiwti oi nurToiis-
n-.ia, w4fcmi, a!.u,t 0 "ieifcJy cured. Tho fctes-rl.-al
IrcatitK-iii it mom mckU i in cUaaea of dlecase than
, other iri.-ii-f$ J .iuaute'e of cure srlvo
wiitiu ilt ilrttl. If a'.viitt -ire prououitced curub o. The
ne , icM f lr. P. Hht M, of New York on' or tne am
and niiat rorlen d Jt't-o rlrlana In the t'ulted htatea
w iilbeeomirmd iirn. tt. A. I u ton, lady of great aud
varl. dcxnerkiiee.wltlMicud to the ladea. Ktiramirtl-
tii!e of rtirren" t ill a' l:e office. Alt bnnlncai K-ttwra
Id sre. d to in. .S. W. litrk with, Vo. 12) Waiuut atro)t,
PiifY.M. HAiMiM ujiulp at II. F. Koiroor aw real
uemaof Art. iVr aecnr- y ard taete In arraoreTient un
nir.itMii,!. (.r.ifiv- ia.-iu.iuJ tfreat aud days aliort. No.
4i4 Axch atrtit.
v vouWani- io tii t hii orA Cold, use ut once
Jr J. j a i l.j. lyot'orant.
Do Tow Know Dkkn bii removed to No. 413
Clitiiiut attvet? De aella Tohaccd, Otuara.'fMpoe. Jte , fifty
per ooitt lata thau any other w&n lo IUU ctij. lit' jjuLct
,, Ha, 4W Thai-nut airtvt-
Itev. A. WlherK. of Wltteit(,en, H.inovcr,
A trli'tid Iniwat truiiiilf j v, I'll an
Dill illlN (I h hint til Ot I tj 'd Hill 1 1 1. 1 If r rf. l.ll
entlii-iv iim iiLtl itih tni' H e u- ti lf. J.t t.u'-i
For Amiu or Phlhlsla uae .r,iym'a Kxn'C.torant. It
will over ome the si.i-im tlic ci Ui-ic 1 hi nt' the wind tuh is,
and cause thum to c ect tliu imn:u t or matter wLich t'l-n:
tliein np, and, hy an e.tny Lml Ir-u t"itUn, rL-nte
all dlitleultyoi breathing, liure li a ioril.m of tho el
lr. F. Frutr.y, of Avoi-u, Sto:ilKn comity, New!t
lln 1";: trld virl-iiis remedh-a f r A -i'l nLt, w i'li vif (liii!
liitv n Iff, 1 nrf,'nre I a nrii ni .1 i vuh'm t-.Mii'i'', mi l
o'ltauM'd mi inn li it''tij:ii in iu .L tn-t i Luuuiiu.ii m uho
and aiii cuw jji rioelh eiuc tl.
Mr. Ilead'iis. Ditty, cf Warren enunty, Ohio, says:
had recrhi y anntlu r Ri'ii k ot' Aihnu, ami t r a 1nn
v uh In tne tiifiiteHi illn'n'i M v i Imv nu hi .r mo
t try dm 1 1- l r t-ur, i.t. I it u m it'i't ohtiii'M-1 inui
liiR'uiit reici. Bil l i ni tii nirc to tudf it. lu a nimri truin 1
lull nd iclt in hctttr l.ciHli ihau Jr tiv j ycre t.
Mr. Jo. Itohlui-pn, of I'K trlier. Vermont, writ -) :
H wift-wuH aiMit-ttil f : r yma w Itli t'ie A-'hnni, nnj
t ,ir.t'iir. im ti iMii , hut nil it tin (i'irti i-i', .in i
):li II UP t" lilt', M-l i i j M 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 t K II i J l.i.On J i-
l an - un-1 mni. Inv: an to iniitd. 1 chtei'iuuv I't-Ntuu l..mj it
lu thti aiiiu st-d.
Kor Ileniltiy, Crotip, AYji'jn.iniK CiiKh, and all jVinif
AlVtCit Ds, tlio E:,iijct.iiui:t w ll Of lWinid e iimlly erh i-
AIi wi- a-k ih that a Uir trial be fctc It. ItejJ
what la hiihl of it
Mi. W. Jl ftkini-'.of Hcu'liYarra, Australia, wri'i 0o( -
fcirfl, lhli.i:
T 1 live n in h nl( ni-urt-In heiirln-i mv toitlnvrnv fo the
i-nifiAfv ol 1 ir li. .Iiimt'n I' Mii'ctoruiit. I w as Mitt a iurf
hum un attack (.1 .'Si.iite ricurl-y. -o tit it I nuit it:
ttlhe i hi u" f:reit pa n I tried two or tun-" ni" 1 i
lich w ill. nut ni), tin -j u lion lv i-C' ti"i! wmso, w den
I was ii UiHcit lo iirf cure a hot' In uf Hit- hMicfortn'. I
now del h t l 1 1 -1 in ivrat i ik'o to fy Out I -s ,n'u , m-ed
uiiiioht ni'-teiitai.t.ouo loiiij, und iu a thurt liniu 1 Maa
cntlitiy uinuu.
Sir K. V. lUirkcr, of Marl tun, N. J., writes :
llavlnv iictJ oir Fxi'fctorant in niy own family for
!"' Crllr-, I ,1111 itbil' tO h.r. I e-.H'1'IU it ill IOint huc-
-c-ftiil reiiudv lor (.ruuu In children or a lulu that I
have inu ml,
KH'iih ('rwnn, t.f finvnlmvllle, 111., snya:
ne 1 sheet rant and Baiiatho Tills havo .er-
; in ust in r.tclt's in 1 1 1 1 j uri m
foMiuit ; in ust in r.icjcs in this wtri m our country
ca-stn ni Whoi iiiiu 'a n icH. 'IhiH diM iiho hat, h rv
vuum hi i ( ut lire and ti c Km'ocNh nut eus n me
una 1 1 s iu alkv.aunn thooe u whom it wui admimcr. d, j
und Huns
Tho F.rpatotaiit and nil of Dr. Jayne
f'am'lv Mtiiikiucb are iircparcd only at No.:
I'.xtkkhu r.HAi.nor nit ii Tahih Iloi.rn v . Oooim.
TliOde Nektnir really bt antlful inods f r the I'lildiy.
ahmild read the advcrtl-ement of Met hr. L It llo.ipln &
Co. In f nothor cfltiron of our aper to-day. The oile will
ctmjti'-e a out one tliouAand Ion of the 11 nest o1m
cfcfd tMh Bcii'ion., a.u cmhriolfK many a tveliiei. Tie
looN will he opi n for iihlsiCou on Balur.'.ay, ttio lnh
Kyfbyijohv Isti- HF.RTKt). The(t;loryof womon
la a Une head of hir, one in which the natural loftneia
color, and ylohnlneta axe pruiitved, free Irom any tend
enej lo fallliiK off and dp 'Slll')n to j.reyneM. Alric 8. A.
Alku'a lV'iril'i ll;rir Itentorfr and yhhahanrt'ia, or
Ualr Drcis nu, are the bent articles for atUiutiiKthtt end,
and no lady a toilet li c nnp'etf wlJiont them This is the
teiOnieny ef those who ne t'lem. bote tn the United States
and Europe, Millions uf butties aoid eveiy year. Every
druvgitt s-clli them.
Tim Voor.MJV ant) Saw Mux advertised Io
our advtriMiiK eolumns. presents an unco uiuion eopor
tunlty to a man with a niudeiato capital to make iuiiey
It can be botiftht low and on any tents.
Obouob Stuck & Co.'n Tianos nd Mason &
II vui.iN'a
FOK IKM.I Ovv MVuf fac-h of thie fine tn- ima SA
PiAkO I strnnif nm have b en ld br M i'MUNKf
I-"HI KS.l 4i.. jiDit thttomuud u Ootui.AJil ly iOIUM NH .
Mano lrer'ailiMi. I'AHlNRf
FchTKH. Forsaie onlvbr (Ht HNi
riANO j m (.on.r. i.?aiiinil'
iJki jU.I ffwcuUiaudCliaauui sucetj. cUuArtli.
M'ln hbkI I.lquurN lor .YIiMllriiml 1'nr-
1 lit.' IIVHA Ot VIII
S'liiry, and
Madeira Wines,
Also, fine old Krtindlcfi,
lor medicinal ourpoNes.
ConsUaitl on hand, by
IA VI ,V Hit iibi,"'i
An ti and TeuUi btrveis.
roTii "
I'AttlNKT 1)111 i A N "t.
Out Vuof each ol tnise flna
lntirnruen have Xtn told by
Bar. ., ai l the iiuuiu4 Is cou
atantl I rcti f.
Jtor fck ouly by
r'OHl r.
Kiai es)
.i te ix ut.ri,
Seventh and L'buiiui alretta.
(lit IASIS
CAHlNbtr o)
(llveruntl liver Tlutetl Wnre,
W kt will be told at the Icwiat pricea, and wa rant'.d to
b . av npreaen ed, at
13-19:otlia(t Ocrnir of Dtcatnr.
WINDOW all A HKR No. T33
Kn. 721
No. o;i
I UlSM t
f) I Hi. LI'.
S l j: u t
1- A S S A U M S
', TI1H
J 1.1JAII," AN JJ Till'; " MliMSlAll,
Willi 01 111. II rlAtllHU AlU-ilC,
CO tWIt 1WI.N1IKIH ANI) CHKItllY SritliTi,
The :i,, vcwll' be under the dlreetl.n of Vr FntVIC
Mil t'V.ilieio.lsl i, ll.cN.UMii aiio.llr. 111 I. II CI.VItK,
liriieuiai ol the lnnulel ued Hllldn isoeietv.
Ihe I'recei'ra to bo unvoted 10 tlit completion ot tno
Uraau ol uiu tbtircu.
TU lcts can be procured at the Music Rlores of Mr .T. F.
II, I'l, . o M I hen ni sin . t ; Mo-m s. A IV aisnr, 7,0.
l-'-l ( hi, ma sirtft: Messrs C. Andre I 'o No. lui-ICIios-
I.UI alie,l; al II. e r J.lsoo.i Hook H'olO. o. l.'J4 I'll 'aunt
lieoi ; at Air v M.nurn Itoia .siori'. -so. :,i 1 iiesuui
stiiei: 1 n,l lit the Itruu s:or.i ot Mr. II. It. l.ipiiaic at,
N. tr collar Toertxtii aid cheiry strccia, oppu.ilo luu
N. II - K tie!. eta will be old nor money received at the
il.K.rotiheihur.ih. iu-ii-aun"-
Rl'l.lF.K life I.t 1 K 'W,
K ai.i.i e.i-' us-- 1,1 tuviiiv,
111 I. II-. I' IM'' I.t I KMIil,
II I'.l I l.te 1 T I.I I IttillV,
III t. lie. f "' 111 K Mill',
I' a, 1,1 K!' 111' l.l l KfiniV,
It H.I.I IK III'' I.H K w,
III- I.I I ' 111-' I.t I K MW ,
11 i i.m i' or 1.1 1 ivr.ii vv ,
II Kl.l I'.C Oh' l.ll
wrtch ,'nTlna the past ,e- k f,"e1 fe I M"afr In ev.ry
par i h aud efipcsti a', 111 1 oni .it a irnh-iH a id re.iaMi-
blh tv, ec ill's, 0 uh print,, i,i ,u hs of rec Ora ns ia th a
'lloatie. 1. , ri I'i'oiic 1 u 1 tl 1 1 1 ' i ,,'i , ' v has Invlsin a 'lit
iean st pial.e i.pon Ps i r,,.l,i, : 1 so. 't ao " 1 e.i,:, r,' l it
In,, Hirer, 11,0 " I're-i,. Hie ".l-ie. siisi,',: 'ai.a.
olAiH, "Hally Nesis, "Krn,io: llillc'lu." " N,,rlli
Amerlciin," fa-imio v Tt-hu-, r ,,: ,'' ml ihe ''Suntiy
'1 Iroi s, ' have sll ci ,l,.ra, ,1 a us 't"
jkot iiuii.i 1 a r .--i i i.N-, or Tiir. siisin.
JlOlsr H hi 1, 1. 1 AM sal I'ltri- ' r ins; sri'im.
M its r liKii.i ia vr .si 1 1 i;ss nr i hi. .sc. s mi.
HOST II K I 1.1 AN T sr. I I ss III 1 II r; SI- A s N .
Tills , leant ami i-m IHik Ilrama, nplelt as II Is wit
BTAJl'tilMi 1 A Hl.a M v.
lir.Al til l l. M r.tsr it' .
HLll.lill Ci'.STI HK1,
AVI) K.-r. IAN I' Ifl'.IIC,
p'aeca 11, bejord all eVnht. nt tl'n v. 17 head of
rti i-. 1 ,v ui. 'ft n il"..
TIIK, l.lsr . KAMI TMll.RAI',
TIIK rilhMIN III- 'INK KKIl.tat,
rilK HIO iMtMl "F 'I lilt HKIIAAI,
1IIK rlKisMlsll nt" TIIH HMlAN,
1IIK Mllll.Mi.'v,, lK 1UC MMIA.t,
la nit LI y rtielvesl wnn ! ic-t
Hil l 1 n'li flr'i.o -r. .
Tlili ene n ioenni ! c I r.ttred It", lan Fort, the Key
lo iho cay 01 1,11, kie.H . n 1 '1 a siaiviu a.nson hraveijr
I, '!, ut it. Ail linpe i.pi cats to thou ui, wnaa tin
tlorau "I
llIIIHl.AVll lir JIM r.MS,
under Hir C-aio 1 11" p'" I. is i.e., i-t in II, 0 ills'anec, tl,
,s,i i,vi. char, c tl e tell, mil vci. ry fce-.ns to Hum coin
plfcle.vhcn the ll; nine.! riR.Dieir- ,i,,ear, and a Krand "i , n., vi. 1 i.i- 1 1
ends ihe 1110-1 to'.ci'ilr .net cm lil.u: Diauiaac ficture 04
iiinOcin ihij a, v. liiC'i i" t,'.;ir',
i.' "1 11. 1 r, t' , ' 1. ..1 '
by tl c e, l e, no lu 11, e
li.i'. b. 1 r. . 1 . 1 c 1 1 . 1 1 . . , .mi .-, .
villi ci. li'Muil, vi itll.t'T il.e a'' 1 tllae lo 1 las cay r niaiv
y . uri-, It, . IH I, 1",-1 v we v. known a
I.' sit ill U N lil'l CAN.'
t A l i ill lUli .N 101 I'.l S .
lleorr-'e ilossaiucr Mr. Lawls uaier
Will lit uruiluced mi M ,ii.,a s,v,
1 Hit I'l' H ' 'li i.
in nriti)Y ai i k ' is, nv, tirMtiT rt 17,
fs K V f S ll.l N 111 1. 1.' V N 1 t A .1 1 Li HAl'IKKII,
whei .iKMsia, ultuiVN v.lll be pro.iai cl tor ilieU' itliDt
i a nlalaiec.
Vi-.w cnr.sNtTTRr.r.r tuuathk.
. 1' TttA Mil t"!'..
Tt eCheTi'it Street 1 h ;ili c, hnvae. lien handsomely
tctidert d hv W. K nn. L.'a., f ir a coiiipaaienlary lla.MC
1 it', tO l.C tiiUdllcd ,0
.'Mil "S I I I Oil I,
On RhM'-sn y Al t 1MI Ni , He-eiuher 1 1, lsitt.
The lol oiling Artiits lia.c ta 1 ,,e most w.liiilK manner
Vi, Hi nit eicd .
Mai'tmc t'oiih.1. Mis;, Alice I.I...I. Mrs. J. it. ncott, Alia!
-Mcirs. .Irhn Slel ull e ti, VV. 11. 11 mn in, w. II.
Hike, A. H. nnliol., c. Warwick, l at Iteuly, John
AlattlfViS.J. L. Acae.s, .1. .s.ihlil, U. v . liuiier. .1. II.
V,inrtli'!i,.l II. I'.i.iillor.!, I: V. ;ies. bv kiud pcrmlealoa
ot" J, 'ai l . Koro. Fs . , a, en.y ul
Mrs. Chill, s II. ii. i, si,.. I . s.i ii.eH miss W'r, sirs.
Worie.l, Mis. i;,',m, n. Ml. Lucy f uller, .wis M.t'net
Ali'lhl's 1, I.. 'I ll' II, !S II- Ulp.i'.' 1 .l.'liusoil, v . II. Hath y,
CliiiieB l'. nrl. J. A lieu, i'. A. I'...,'lli, It. Vmoiik, 11. L.
Ham on h, I'. A. Aiule'so'i. r. A Cr.'i i, .1 s,,an,J need,
hv ern.lsaiou of Alia. .M A. llairtlsou, Wainat
Isl rei t I heiiti e .
.Miss c. .Icrier-i.ii. Mls Ainii' unrnm, mis k. rnce,
His Thnycr. Alls Mar one. His liilililas. Mrs.llivcl, ,
i-s .M'-rse, ftlrs. r-ieei Tii. .vi s. i ,ai.i,r, sicsra .iiiioci
I aid. li. 1 II. Ilrlll'hs, Sluurl Itob.i u, W. II. Walla,
It, bei t I lull.'. VA . A . I Ii,uh o-,ui. I ' ivi II Mario w, I . lircoii.
. Alurhle. Mr. Ilthi ud. Mr. Mull, l,.v hma ponulaalou of
.Vr. -lol n Im v., New Ac li sue, t I he ll'o.
lllll r lllc lliu n on. Mi-s r.. He uujiiii. nrs. taiapman,, Ml-s Clara Iteel. Mrs. Maker. Ivailo llahor,
Messrs .ra linker. 1 rank Mold-runt, Wall, r laioilox.
VV, H.llU'u na, w. A. I li..i-.,ian, I . T. Mncair, 11. (J.
MuTihah. .I.T. Want. .1. V. "alley. :. Timer. .1. II. Even,
Mr rri, bia, Mr. a,:io, A- oain n:ru aau on-iu-sira,
.Mr. Hit a I, an and ur-Msidia, Mr. -iuhii A. la-oy aud a-alat-
anl", 1 kill ) lienuissleU ul M . L. hum, l,,i., MuW Chet
out Situ i t I heiitie. -
Mrs A ix ia loner unties. .1. i. ram, -rosi, anu .mail
ftraltoo have also tin, ll c.oscuicd toiiipear.
The perfornian, e vi t't con-l-t the Trial Scene from tha
To tie followed ov an iiitelis-le. Alter wnlsli Ihe Ssrean
Scene iroui
Aftsr wlilili. I ,VKI. iN'i.l'..
Jotoiiclmle null ii, e et-n at of
llll II Mill 111.
ATml-'-'on, fi'ceols lu .-pe-i al 1 o e'.oek ; the pot.
f, ruiunce to coiiiiiieneo at 2. t.
i si vti.v i eai ni u r.-s.
Tlltltll WI'ti'K HI' J. rt. C.LAltKR.
TIMS (Tuesday) KVKN I Nil. lurei.ib.r ill, 18,1,
S,-,-enil Tim- ill t'hilailelklila,
tint KNiii'iiti ok un: iuumi tamlk.
Tom Taller ) H.Cl.vItKB.
bcel.u n anil nil,tirli.
J'o I'- ueliul'1 vvl h
J.icK lluniphrl'o.
l.i lu-ra .locko. ... I
liuuik ,,)on j lo , : e-'nooeuclior at 7.'5.
Meals si u ted ( l days in ailv itue i
,J. S. I L.UKli
TjHS tTucsilay) tVFNIVO. lit-riaber U,
'1 S K.N t V 1 11 NIL II I'
of the clinrinfn-'. -..rl'o. at'c out -a ac rei-ri,
MIHj i,i i;ii.i h, wcHiMii,
w ho will ap. car us tin- L'ridu of th' ! orcst, the imliaa
Huntress tl the .M t-l.i.l, in liiuUsionv lo.uuniie
U rain a ot
liict nriHiir.?!
1 I. AIi -.
Tu cinchide v 1th flic I. iivHah'n r.ife uf
I'ux CH'ce oneu flow 'J uh 4. tuitam ri9ca at 7.
r itu.iM HHIN T. rnnti.
ni.,, ,o ,h. iii.oio.v siohii t'ooatra. H.-ililmorei Kor-l',
Ni k Titaira, Wasliiu.iwi ; and uiu Alexaudria, Viraiai.
JuVtManaiier JOHN 11. WltltUtT
BiiLti'tm iiiu'ii luiol'liY OK OTIIKM.O!
IKINllAV AMI 1 I r.sDAT LVKMNuS, DocWaudlil,
v. ii w i n i (i mi i; s t
will render LU ttrand Hliaiespeinaii delineation of
o i ii r. L i, ii.
In Plulf speare a cell hrali i Traijcdy of tlit nual uauio.
.MB. JOllA Al' tl l-LUI Ull
aa Iusio.
aa F.iiiilla.
aa Itcmli niOllft.
Trli vr al 1 rated v will he lireot lited In a htylff unt -
aiii-let t iii'oltt'livi. Willi
VfiWIV l-'OUHPT'sl encaiesrnenl will paaively close
M1UAY l.VKMNil, lci Per au.
u. irkli.'l'l'ioril l HAVS11S ADVASI'R.
iieiluiiuanco ou WliliNlC.IDAi or HAItltDAY
Kvenllita. ... . .
Tot Itox fiscct.for the ealeof aeenred placta, now oeu
bin v. i en i he boura o n ami a o cue.
Admlk' bin. Mi and '.'.'i ceula.
Istciiiai keaia lalcenu additional.
1 , . u Jk N r r I I o- the
A.'ii.aisav or riNK Altifl.
An Kili'blti' n of a I'rl. ale Col lellon of Worliaaf Art,
i u-noiia. rlcuUi uie wa-er Colnr. and other uiawins.
Irt'i.vteia. c, la now open ai the P. r nsyivaoia
....,.. i,l rib. Aria. No. ll,Vf, I'll r.n N CT Htrtftt
HAM. toll) f. M.,liu the beucllt of Ut Clubman Ooui-
Ajtaabllon Sir teute ; Souaoo TiiKeta (9 ut. Jl-Sdt 1-1
N CONf'l'.lir HAM..
I iwiii r.i i' nu a i kii l.i "Ti'iirs
l'.vMA'l ITK llllliws. M 1 . A .ol I'p.l.tinnr,
On Tl LsUAV at il fill Ksiii.iv KveniiMs, lie-uiuberlS
ai-d l-,, in l ,.- o - 1--CK.
Hub'icts,!. "Ihe A;,','f l:i j 11 ill. s ; the Past or th 1 0-
tun '.' ' and '-'. "T he C-ollie ,1 l i-iocip'e -. '
Tha ledi Is tail, diyialicil, youiik'. aim naiiusoiiie. iter
von e et, anion,;.
T iektis y.i eiiita to es,-n i scliiru. i ,-r aaie at
f:,T,-., ,.i,il At Ihe deorol li e Hull. I- 1J Jl
QllltlH'r nio.n:uTKu.
Thla annilranie riciurt, uie greaiai prooocnoa w wi
painter WI 'ST, Is now cn exhibition at tha
No. l'rjr.f'llK.SSl'T Street, , ,
Toyetlierwlth the entire e.jUctlou ot lie Institution.
Adndllanoa.TWliSTY I'lVB CKMrl. U-U Jm
C U l' AT
Jl St reel,
Aur, roil
.above LHII1T It. fltr "clitst, Itll CllAHXIktl
WKM, (lorn-i-llf Alra. PAS KICK). ,
1 oit mi mi o;.o, miisii Mint.o,
tOln Ml'iH.O, VilCNU Nli;0LO,
T he 1. 1,. It Child Won er,
wilt appear every l-.vcilna and in Widneaday and on
Sana, lav Alf rtonba li,la v,ck He Is luiuicnse, aud hat
uofival oil tho
Ft YlNtl Tit Al'F.R.
Tlio TAI.1.FKN lllilil 111 L8 llerr NICOI.O, Meaart.
WI IIIIYai d Ht.TCIIINi-oN, tl.o rt IKhWOUU ramlly.
Air unit Mrs. TOM MM!. Mrs A II vKKl the area
Hull Horn v. W. RtnllKI IK: Mr. ISAM. eiriCKStY:
Vk Ii I) ll'UiH; K A I ON hTvlsflC i Let JKll NB
I CUT ihe wl.o Unler ol iheWesl. al I all appear Uua
,ek. Ilii, II. , ill Kutrio-Rt eiei.v purhii uiacee.
Al AllsslliN -Ural Tier. Ml ceali! Beoonll Tier, N
cu ts. l-iTnile lloxas. ami ' . ni'
I'i riaiinancocoiaiueiikc. -Jtaoiilng, 7'tOi Afternoon, 3 ,
Cotua' early ou all occasions, aud aet ojiolo aeaia a