The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 13, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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wiring Srlegtaph
Am Amrrli'mi l.tMly thit hi, .
Amotiir the pnongcrii i.n the slilp Jnub
ttrll, win n she k.i raptured ami burnril liy Hie
Rebel pira'o fin,;,!,,, -.n Mrs. II. liwight. who
wm tho wlff ul'nti An'prK'an xcntlciunn biiMlnir
Art otllrltil vt.iii n nndor tlio Clilm-sc (iorurn
nutit a po"i:ioi,, which Is iliut dc
tii el :
" lly flic trr-atlr-a wh h ban- iijicned the trmlo
01 tbo en pin-to Inr-i titers, the Uliinec (invorti
tin nt (nthpp to cmi1v, at en-h i.t' the livo inns
mrritii lieu in Hie trm it -i, un Anr rtiu'i, Krtfli-h,
or r'rrm-ta coiinms-ion-r ol, wi'li the
nerofary- mlwvriliimte otllcrs, and w ith a miper
initndrnt at their trail, who r.-Mili- at I'ckitiir.
near ilio conn. Th;-si- eoinnit-si"iirrii a -t only
beiwren 'lie J vimment Hiid f ireiffrcrs ; thev are
appi.jnted nml paid by the Iiupi-riul court, whh U
po M-Mie ilr-M-n'pti"rn ol their permm-al appear,
ancc so mini. to and exam fiat tlicy are i-a.nly
rieopuli d, and th'-v make to that C'um rioiitlilv
retnrtiH of thiir oilieial acts, nolenmly a te-tcd.
Vintly moc revr-nu? is pathi-n-a into the l.'liin.i'O
trniMiry mure joteigtirrs wore tlms employe 1
tlum lit fori-. Tin- imMvo rtii.'crs w. re e isily
bribed, and the (mveinnirnt rivcived but niticro
returns Inm pons wliir-L row yield a Ur.;e
Imnme. Hi w,- has the rh'tnifrt worked, that
nothing would l .iltn--- the (,'Iikk i-c I ioverutn lit I
return to the old ey-t-ni."
Mm. William, it the w ifc of the Commioloncr
at Swa:ovv, otic of t:! live pniU tlii'ouga whleh
the commerce of n -ei ;ii lands adiuitu d Into
the Kindeni. lit r p risitlon all ,nkd tho lady pe
culiar opiwrtuniiits for ucipiiriug a kujwiude of
t- Lina and the Chim-si-; and tlii-i Luowlodirs the
bus ti med to good advantage in a volume, pub.
listed by Ilurd .1 Houghton, t which Mr
Wlli.ara Cullcn Ilryant hin prefixed an explana
tory prt lace. 'Ilio work is called, "A Year in
China : nnd a Narrative or Capture and Imprison
rnenr, when homeward boitit 1, ou board the
Iteliel Urate riori.Ui, by Mrs. II. Dwiglit
Minims, author of "olccs from the Silent
The artthor, in her lmerc-itinR and unpretend
ing nwrrative, gives the reader an account of her
journey from New York to the Cape de Verde
lbhiiidsT to Et. raul I.oando, Ci-.po Town, M.iuii
tiu", Singapore, HoiiK Konf,', Macao, Wtiaiiipoa,
Canton, fSwatmv, Anioy, and elsawhcro. As a
woman, sho naturally took more Interest in tho
condilion. the manners and lmhlu of thn riiinnwo
1 women, than most travelers In that country; or,
ai least, man most writers thereon, who have
hlihcrto been chiefly of the opposite sex j and we
think lliut tho most abiding Interest of her book
Ilea in these feminine details. In chapter ten she
thus speaks of
t tiisrBE WOMKM.
All classes of women In China pay much attcti"
tion to the cultivation and arraneimiit ol tint
hair, and often display much taste, in their pic.
iuicni(iivB;ii:g uincuuuK ouu urnametiiiiig It.
In some of the northern province. tho women of
every class are at ail times reen with beautiful
llowers in their hair; but at Canton, and at the
outh generally, we observed that this tastctul
fashion was coulined to the ladies. Among the
uuwt'iB useu tu uruauieni me nnir or mo lew (Jul-ne.-c
ladiea we met at Canton the rose was con
spicuous, ana wo icirneu that it is as groat a
mi rue among me uumese as it was with us.
There are twenty native species of tho rose in
China, besides a good many varieties, and it Is
very extensively cultivate).
The women very seriously injure their skin by
the tree use of cosmetics. A C'tiineso lady, when
making her toilet lor any gruud occasion, blackens
her eyebrows so as to form an arch ; and after
making a free uso of white paint upon her face,
finishes by deeply rouging her cheeks und lips.
To avoid tot cring, women of small feet step
quickly, and swing their arms in order to keep
their equilibrium. At the same time they have a
mincing gait, peculiarly their own, which is
doubtless considered very elegant, as I frequently
ohsorved that tho large-footed but smartly dressed
women of tho common classes endeavored to
imitate it.
A descendant and the representative of the
noted hong merchant, Mingqun, of Canton, wa-,
with one exception, the only Chinese gentleman
we met who could spoak English with fluency
and some degree of correctness. He is a m in of
very mart and courtly address, which, combined
with elaborate ruannf-m. mrilcn tin a t-niiiifinmn
U well suited to bis Oriental ttvle, and in line keep
ing with his character and conversation.
For several Tears before the Allies oblige.) thn
lCliinese to open the gates of the old city of Can
ton w ioreigners. me wne oi Mingqua occasion
ally received and relumed the visits of some of
the fori ign ladies then residing at the old facto
ries. The wife of Howqua also occasionally re
ceived siu li visits ; but at that tinio the opportuni
ties of coming in contact with tho Chinese ladies
were not con. moo, nor have they become so since.
On ti e contrary, the inner apartments (as rooms
occupied by the women of a Chinese family of
rank ate called) are guarded as carefully as ever;
and up to this time a woman from the wost when
invited to enter their precincts receives a distin
guished favor,
l'iom other chapters we extract the following :
The house servants in China are all men, hut'
Csntonei-e women are employed as nurses for
children, and also as waiting-maids for the ladies.
The enervating Influence of the climate obliges
western women to take life easily; and bei'ntr
obliged to drop most of their active pursuits, tlicy
usually are greatly dependent upon the services
of the-e women. The Chinese Amahs as these
nurses and waiting-maids are called often have
bright and genial faces; and when introduced
into a household where all the servants wear the
grave sod stolid faces of Chinnmcn, are a great
r.ilii'1'to the everyday picture of domestic lite.
The beuo-servants employed by foreign
families speak the "pigeon" English, and act a4
interpreters lor the other domostics. This patmi
is nearly a literal rendering of the Chinese idiom
Into a dialect which is more like "KiikIisIi babv-
". talk" than anything else I can compare it to, and
V foreigners readily acquiro it. The particular
M duties of each servant are regulated by bxed
ru4, and if one should order his "boy" or lieud-
servaut to sweep bis room, or carry bis trunk to
the boat, the ready answer would be, "That no
my pigeon ; my callee house coolie." Ou the
other hand, should the house-coolie be ordered to
purchase the supplies or polish the silver, the
grave but respcciful answer would be, "That no
my pigeon ; my callee boy." A coo lie works for
certain wages, and makes his own bargains, nor
will be serve unless paid his price. (Should a
oreigper attempt to impose upon or cheat a
oo'ie, and the tact be made known to him after
bad commenced his services, he would leave
bin directly. A chair-coolie, under such circum
stances, would set dowu the sedan and refuse to
move unless his terms were complied with.
.A boat-woman's coirrvRE.
In Fub-chan as in Canton the residences of
Mandarins, and other persons of position and
eallh, are in the western portion of the town,
f ti s said that some of their establishments are
nged and furnished in a style indicating Te
eniest and good taste. The city and its suburbs
Dtain bulls million of inhabitants, who are a very
trfetic, persevering, and independent people,
nd are also represented as being more or less re.
actory, and consequently not over-polite. In
deed tbev are much less courteous than the Can
ten" : and a foreigner from the south of China
will quickly observe their harsh, guttural diulect,
aj weil as their independent bearing. The boat-
people ate numerous, and the river like all
rivers rear Chinese riti s -presents an ani
ma'id picture. Tho boat-women havo a'so a
lashton of weiring tlowcts in their hair; which,
toiie-hir with the flower-put that ornament
nwrly all thn lion's, give tho scone a perul aily
attrai tivo aspect. Tno women, in fact, of all
c at.m arc in the habit of dres-ing their heads
wl h floweis; and however frrey tho hair, or
bald the head, or soiled and tattrr.M the garments,
Ihe-e beautiful ornaments, tastetiillv arranged iu
little boiiqiivis, are seen, tastenid with metal pins
tu the siile or near tho top ot the head. Tne pins
used ate ornamental, and we observe I s una
made of silver wiie that ma died well with tho
lump rii (ts ot extraordinary eircnuiier. nre which
thev orn in ihetr ar-. Many of these lloral
oriiaii.entu were con puscil of chin- .ivters of ox
qui itc tint-, which, In icgnnl to ihe eouttast of
c-'ois, li.mul mneti ii:,r- ute In their arrane
nunt. Not unlriquintlv bouquets arc worn
on both siilcsol tin- brad; ami the cb u-niing
ell. t of thi-c di curat ions, as vlcwe I In lb.- cou
stiinily ch.inRitiir crowds n iiu-'i otic enc nintors m
the streets', must be seen in older t i lie fully ap
prrriatM. No de-cription-at least none tint I
can pivc is adequitoto tho suhjoct. Natural
flowers arc much in favor with these women,
alll on;:h many ot them wear arHnul ones; und
lor the put po-r of answering the con! mtdmi ind
which this fashion has ere in-il, artili ial flowers
are ixunsivily manufactured, ( pon manv of
tla se I'i-ncd hutn rllle- of brilliant hues,
which wire repicscn'ed us haing itliiclitcd to
ta tu th- ir sweets, of couise the llowers ma le
for tl c use of tl.e ladies arc iniu-ii nmro cli-u' int
htm) cxpi t sive than tlioe used by the lower
classes. The lielil llnwcrs, however, w h eb are
puil i iilatly ile-' fur tho latter are very
Tin- innrriiigc proec-ss'ons which are common
In the streets of Carton aio ustia ly morn cu
rious than imposing. Ihey consist of a disol ,y
i f lilchly ornaiii. nn d and gilded sivl in chairs,
whiih are occupied by the biMe, her Iricnds, ami
m -.. i-T in-i rrrcfoj mm pre-i-iiis. i tieso are
prccei'cd by a band of music, and tollo we t in tl.n
rear by a nutnbi r ol nu n ai.d Imiv.i weaiimr short
red n bes und carrying red boxes that contain Die
mani ige feast. If the parties are of high rank,
tlicto is a long proccs-i -n ol people carrying
liot.otary tablets, rings, taucy lanterns, nmhrclias
ui.d various other articles.
Tho accounts given by Mrs. Williams of the
Idol homes of ( hi . a tiro peculiarly interesting.
We copy this account of
run ii mit.k ot- tiii; ftvi: in Nin-i:n nous.
The entruni e to this temple win guarded by
soh'ars, but we were readily admitted, and pass
ing on, were led to a vcniiniuh bordering the re
fectory, where the boncs were ut their midday
meal. Leaving this apartment mid entering the
cloMer, wo made our way through several long
passngi s, until wo reached the great hull contain-In'-'
the gnils.
The eye of the visitor, on entering this hall. Is
first gieeied by two gigantic gilded wonl n
images, devoted on hi-.-u p. dcsials, und placed
one on cuch side of the door. They are fat and
jolly in appearance, und, Mitim? In a ha f reeliu
Ing posture, nre playing with little children.
Iho merrily gcniul and gay plivsioirnomy of
one ol tl em reminded us ol llai keft's "l'ulst ill,"
and his laughing fine was quite a irresistible.
Jieny little chllurcn, in all kindsof b iby a ti
tudes were silting upon his knees, and also
stiindmg upon li s feet and arms, or climbing
upon bis shoulders, home of them were point
ing, or pulling at his hair, eyes, and uiouth ; seem
ingly intent, in every conceivable manner, upon
geiting ull the fun they could out ol the old tel.
low, who appeared to bo tho happiest, not of
gods, but mortals. To bo childless is regirdod
by the Cbiuete as tho rr, ute-t of tnisf.irtio.oa.
and these gods were doubtless intended to
set forth tho happiness of a parent. This large
apartment was nearly filled with images, all of
which were not only well kept, but ui bri liant
as gilt, paint, and bronzo could make thorn. They
were placed on shelves eight or ten feet In height,
nnd arranged In a sitting posture, fai iug each
other, with long passages between. They wero
represent d in a variety of attitudes often with
uphiteg arms while some had six or eight arms,
and one wo observed with five eyes, licyoud
theso rows of idol.-, seated under a' rich canopy,
were largo images of tho Past, Present, and fu
ture litiddha; and a little In front, in a sitilng
posture, there was a statue of Klon-lung, the Em
peror, lard Amherst saw at Peking. Ho
was hero rcpresentul gorgeous In gilt uud paint,
nnd ai rayed in royal robes. This temple contains
representations of nearly, if not nil, the hcuthon
deities of the Kast, and painfully Impresses one
with a si-nso of tho moral darkness und gross
superstition of the people. It deserves to be
called the l'uiitheon of Canton.
cniNEsn nBvonoNs.
The evening worship had ,iu-t commenced as
we reached the door of this grand pres. nee
chuinbcr. Here wo found a largo number of
priests some in full canonicals wtio were march
ing in single Ulo around the idols, and chanting
in a drawling and nasiil tone of voice their idola
trous invocation, accompanied by a sort of drum,
tom-toms, aud the occasional lluging of a bell.
Ihe ollnialing priests were arraved in yellow,
but most of ttie rest were in flowing grey robes.
We observed one who bad not performed the
tmuurr in a long time, and w hose clothing w as
also old and much patched; but we afterwards
learned that an old garb and an uncombed head
were the prescribed mourning of the llud
bist monasteries. Towards the close of tho
worship, a few at a time, on parsing before the
Idols, stepped out of the ranks uud loll on their
knees before them, until finally all were pros,
trute. Tim Priest Playing the tom-tom knelt
upon a low stool, and bowed himself close at the
base of the centre idol; Put the incrca-ed vigor
with which be used the instrument, together with
the beating of tho drum und the ringing of the
bell, rondered it Impossible to hear the chanting.
Finally, in the midst of this rfolse, bowing them
selves three times, and touching their forebeujs
each time to the tloor, they all performed the
kotait, nud thus ended their adorations.
Although the bonzes, with clasped bands and
downcast eves, assumed the most devout mil.
tudc, and chanted their vespers iu most iiuplor-
ing acccins, Mm many oi mem were moro Intent
upon looking ut their visitors, and annearcd to he
more interested in them than in their evening
orisons. Nor could we observe any appearance
of real solt ninltv In flip nillcliitln.. nri. iu u i.n
on rising from their knees, und while taking off
their yellow robes uud other tranninirs. foil riuht
merrily to abutting und laughing. Most of the
Invocation consisted of a repetition of the words
"thmto-fuh" (Amiila JlmlMa), or "lliidtiha, have
mercy upon ns;" which reminded us of the words
ol our Saviour (Mutt. vi. 7).
Mrs. Williams gives a long aud lucid uccount
of her capture by the l-'lorida, thus concluding in
a rather exciting way her book of cntertaiuing
A man applied to Dr. Jackson, the celebrated
chemist of lioston, witb a box of specimens.
"Can you telHiie what this is, sir "
"Certainly I can, sir; that Is iron pyrites."
" l'fi if i" m a voice ol thunder.
"Irou pyrites."
"Iron p rites ! and what in that "
''Tout's what it is," said the chemist putting a
lot on the shovel over the hot coals, where it dis
appeared. "Dross.'
"Aud what Is Iron pyrites worth ?"
"Nothing ! Why, there's a woman who owns
a bill lull of that in our town, and I've married
A chaplain in Arkansas says that a man buy
ing furs was conversing with a woman at who-e
Lou-e he called, and asked her if there were any
Presbyterians around there. She hesitated for a
moment, and said she guessed not; "her husband
hadu't ki.kd any siuce they'd lived there!"
Leaves have their time to fall,
And so likewise have I ;
The season, too, 's the same,
lioth comes of getting dry.
Nut hero's the difference 'twixt you and me
1 full more harder and wore trc'iueutly.
Tnt Ktn Rtotl n or tnaontfninr of Crlns, IrrfUilna,
Inflsmmatloa or Ulowmtloaof tlx BUddw ar It ulna?!,
DUrttt tf A frturmn, Htmutn (A XU4Jr,
Chii, OrarW, r .-.- -J.M Dff.nU, tut all IHmh
f UM B JJr, K rinwa, sot Koitalaal Sr!Uuf4.
Tor Weanfarii arising ftt"n Rxclva fitd-jri-eiiot!. Tha
cnmtllirtloil ouio alTeitril Willi fViwait Weitknru rirulrt
tbe aid of mi.tu bie lo Urtngthen and mri&mc mr tyilem,
wbloh IIKfJOIOLD-fl KX1RACT BIHIUU tnTurtaby
tfoaa. It ao tn-alncat la nikaalttad la, OaoaaaaaUo or
Innault aiaroniaaa.
Hi':i,&t nHii s
la fictloni parunar to'Tmiui"," la eaoiraalad tt any
ottiar prai-aratlon. ai la CbJoronta, or BxanUim, Irrogn-larltk-ti
ratnrtUntkS, or Roppraisloa of Cuitomary Erao
uatlooa; Vk-aratad, or hehiriou Rtata at" Cia Ctaraa;
tuia horrhooa, and all anmplalnu laoldaat ta tha aaz,
wliathar arising from taolu of daulpaojoa, taapridsiiria,
r Is U-e decline or ahansa of 1st.
km a
iwrnoTKD soaa wash
WiU radiraily axtanulnata from tha a;am IXiaaaaa of
ttia t'rlnary Organi arUluc from Habits of DUalpatlon, at
hiln a; nin, li(: or no eDange in (lift, noin4mtni4n
ar trpoiurei oouiplrtul snporaodlnf tkoaa wtplMtont mnd
cUmgcreut rmiasiiVf, (7Ma and afrtnrr. ta all taaaa
Is all Msvaaaa of Uia Urinary Orittiu, tnithar oiliUni In
"Jii4"or ''en.a,"rafn whatever tauH fijinaHngt
mnd no maitr a Aow fpnp- Handing. It fa plaaaautla
taito sad odor. "hkmeJiatt" an mcUm, sod mora
atrriiathaiiliif tbaa any of Uia .repraloiu of Bark or Irttn.
Thcxo lurTeiruj from lireken Doten or DtlitaH CnttU-
Hcni, prtturt f. Remedy mi mnemi
Tba raadar Bsuat ba awara Uiat, however sight uayka
the altaek oT Uia abova dUaaaaaa, It la aartaia toatrootMa
Jtoiri'ky ., MtMml -r, Ifwlwn, mn4 hU Pal
la cempaiad of tucltu, Ovoaaa, ansf JuMptr ImrrU, aa
iaeSed srith (nat aara and praparad fa vaeaa Sj B. T.
nOLAlttOLD.Dracsu andClMagiat ofafztaoa yaara'sx
arioBaa la Mis eltj" of miadabjihls, sad sow prsasrlbva
by taia aaoatamanaat of taa tmtmitj, mat aava kaaa sd
Blttad la aaa ai CU Coitad Maoas Anxr, and an alaa la
vary loaaral aaa la auu Boapttals aa4 pakoa laaltary
UaOBtloais tarooctMRit ta laaML Kedlolaaa) aadrarad
Is sal addraaa, asaoaipaautd r aapUt afraatloaa. Uraot
BILUBOIB I Dtraf asd Caamtaai Warahonaa,
lo. II 94 Broadway, Hew Tori,
Or BKUtBOLD'S UUKsil Depot,
Ba. 104 B. taotkatfaat.riHa.taltaiai
Bawars af aooaiarfatts. oak to BZLUBOUyi, aa
taxa aaatkaa.
Offlea apaa fnsa f a'aax A. If . t I r. If .
PrasTWU nrrwki IM-tata
fartl a I'nitrd aia'i-s Marina Conn ahli- noillcd mm
to perrmru ihr dnilea nr a aiilillpr Ml unr Navy Vnrila
'ana on board United Htaiea hlii-of-wr nn fori-itfi.
1 n of sen Ire. Fonr Vr-ars.
fleti. r eoiniieosNtttHi iin the armr
AM. 1IIK Mi ai liul Niiris paid opoo antutmsnL
Marlm s reri .viSfrlrr Mnni-s.
Por All lunlier ftiiormaiion apaly at the Rermttlnr
N -..HI H. Ht'iNT St-eet.helow Bi.riico atreat,
between the l.oura ot :l ioiu .1 .' loi k.
-. II Mcl'WI FT,
Msiorand KecrultiiiK oillf-r.
y v n i, o r i; ii
Ofiiiet snd oldlet. vlitim ih rltvon furlo ii-h. needing
Art- In i llril to i!it esti mlva
HANS'iM STIIKl'','!' II VI, I,,
ritl'.SJ.N rATION SWnilDH
Md. In ord.-r at tiir alio tet nollrs-, nl irh tor rlehaeas aid
nia-o.lllri-tire rhlli'tii;i-en no i.flirrh nm in ilia
C'-iioin ion Mnui tl . MAN' SAl'll'KtNIl .IHIVKl.tilt
Vvn il Ti.l.: rl.-s.-TH-. I. NWilKli B1AKI K. 1 6
Tl ..nt.N'l lli'iif.A".
Ol A It ' I KM r I . r -.1 I I a Hi
V ASH, M-ION, M. T , hi'i'fUilicr H,
Hf nlfd fn-i , t will I i n . 'w ui it ict'0'h t inhiTfi
( A 1 in v inUnut; Mt .1 K.jiiim:-,-, h, N.', V ik ctir.ant
II. ImW Ii Mn, ii.fl J 0,-iMck M.. on W l.l.SISDU. Hio
.''i-t in-'ttitt, lr fttr ioi l h ton ti. 1. hi ilif h jut o
Am. finiliii u mm l,iiiitmKti h, cii, i tin- opuuu o
tlH' l . nll Hl'lnK
VlB mUaKM lll-ASKKTH, w.x, iry (n it tliC M-ter-l'.ni
Miirt,. 4 inr'un n In 1N to
m n t. t iiv ani 11 ii let t alt tiit lu-i wide, to wei,!, nvo
n in ilt rnvU.
V p..-nl v 11' lf rfi . lvoil r,.r the ilrlfvrrror li'anKpti
oi r lift a, n t r I i k . i -1 nut s r irsv mr.', hi t mu.i
in n't it m 'v nn to th rtn iiti 1 ml, t tliu rcipo
lic l ri i . r- 1 1. rv .ur to !. (I ii r tl
It tltji r win fitte ft r ntinit r tht Hmh to funiih ; lio
o.n liny C4ii minun iici?, na tliu iiuuiiMr li e. can dt-llvor
lut'f 1lil.
I r..p. anU mti-t hf rcmpauloil nv a (.i-nit. r n ,rnti',
I. m-.i l.v t irKtt inn ri'Mti-ih0 'inri.t . hphhu- f..rici
iMt U l i in nl to ie punv nuking taa bill, he, or i(v. ni mci tno ide coturoi, unJ
Hivn Ixni'U "nr thr pmivr fulfill, ii-ir (t il,r HllU'.
'I In r tin t . rrmTM i l I .c l itni-.l Httn t r ict any
rartir il , hen oi ihe tmti imun) be drruu-U fur iho lii
ti-rcnl ot the trrvire
l'roM)aii faiinrii.i fio piiftnrsrd "Propna!i Cor t'artlliinpT
iMAiikt-i rum tli.i.fnr New York tlioi) 11 Ui uiltlrnsni-.i
to ItilKHtlifr-tl. Oi-rn U. II Vi,NHI., l' .lv 4jnrirr
nifiHi-i iifi i ml, .i w York lt-,antl thocc lor l hiUJci
It.U ktiuiilii in adtJrt slid to
- C.tlonH IIKliM N TtfiXt,
(tuurtriuur l-' ir'mi ni.
Pini Ai-Ki.i-iit. Ta., HflPi'tniir 11. m4.
tM Propo'-aia wni liprvcctTea at this otiir until 12
o tdKh M., on HAI I'iiDAV, 1 1 -t. c nln-r I,, Isit, fur tha
Imim oiaio ilcliT.M-y m the l. tnti-rt Miim St irHiouae, IUn
orr ut iot hurt, m' thf f I lowing MtnlM. v 12. :--
tun- tUtm) leot '.' inch It athcr Uuo. wlth-Ioiifi'
I'a'i-nt t nailiiii.-.
tmc hunt r.-ii ihonian.l hV0) (Vet Inch Poplar, well
ncani iinl, I'lua-e elt-ftl.
All ot tin ahovr d.'urrihfd fn h nf tli nt ulisll'r, and
titM'i-t lo thr tnp,r. m of no liiipector hpimIiucJ oa Uie
part M tht? t.vfriiuif nt.
Iiitldpri win a ai pri. hoth In writlnn ami rtitni. ami
the amount or uuantUy of tara artit lc tor, nil 4 too
t'nicof fJriUfry.
I- a h hul Diunt b (niarantaoit tor two retpomlbla par
aofif, wlionc giK'iAttirrt muni hf .ippvn-Uil t tne uuarnutoo
and oortlfltsl to aa bfitux koh1 and Btniicient flccttrltT tor
thr amount InvtaWmt. by tho t'mti'd Miatot IMntrtrt JutU-n,
Attorney, oi CoiU'ntor, or othar publlo otUoor, othenria
ilia bid will not be rciiMitarad
rlKht Ik rpientd ti r)tct all bldi d armed too
hlirh and uu bid (row a delauttiug toQUator will be ra
ctved. I'.t order of Colonel IIERM AW HUiiiS, Chtef Qaartor
Diaat' r.
H-U Captain and A. g. H.
Army, Nu.-."QHulTH Hi rev t.
Bm riMottk, Mn., Tiaemihi'r 9,
nralad pTotwa!i, in ouplu ata, will b rivivoi at this
rtlca until It M.. on Till KHIAY. liarrmlMT tJ, 14, for
ramiabitiK Uia ttiited tStaiat tfubalaiouca 1'OLaruaut
0 ATT I A nn ih hoof, dolivcrrd at the Miaie (aula AoJia
at Haltimurr, Aid., la lxn ot ( 1wh onu thounaud each
rryijin, tnJi; to be wuiptiiKl within ona and a half
daya atiur arrival, at the rxM-iue of thr contractor.
'It ty mu-t avrrHO about ( lK) .htnern hundred poundi
ittt wottht; all fHlllnff short of ( lO'.u) oin thoniandand
naypouiidHtrroai weu-M. Ilulli, taus, Oien. Uuwi, Uif
ers and lloniiesa i alt a. will br ruioctfd.
A rt.'tlurikmoi U' nj ti-iinuii wm b mada from tha
waulitor aaon Htrtr ac rpt.-d uiibar thn uoittnct, pro
Ttdrd tba animal doei not nand In tha pen two and ona
baif fiourit Urfora bi litg wsjfihtl, or U not wvtvtMtd luitua
dlately aiUir removal trom thacam.
illantv fttrnig tr prnpohaU can ho had on application t
tli' other, either In pemon, by mall, or to'e :nip)i,
Piopoit-ala by liyruph. or other, Inrurmal
prnftohali, will not be n ii'lib rcd.
Thr liovernnivtit will t inim the rlwht of wrl hln any
onr aninal a'p&rate, if Hi aiiio'iu aure ludiuuira !
l(vh than the minimum nunt.oncd mv; tht e
peiiM. ot wetjinii,' Will be paid by the .arty erriny ta
Jutiijment. h tid to nrrurr c. n'dt-ratlnn mrit contain a written
fTiartintt'c ol two n nMi'lbie p r.Hoti.1, iti tniiowa :
Wr ,or U.r oui,ly of ..Slum of .do
lereliy iraarantre that ti (or an) aMn tofnlilla
roiitraH in lucufilmico with thn tcruin ot hli (or tht-ir)
ptupt s,tii n, ai d hh .iihl hli (or thi lr) prniHlUon be
a'-ifpt, l.r fir tlu will a once ntr Into a cm-
tran In ut citruj.n'-e tln'rr hh. an-1 wo are i.rwuarr 1 to he
iromi t Ii fterurluea. i;ItIiib uuud and ml meat bondi lor
tia nimiiiK ni.
Tfi rfipiii(hlMy ofthe rnaranrnra mnut nr r-hiwn hw
tbe nftic aJ crrtJflratr of the Clerk of Uir mrcitt liati tot
lotirtaornr in a i. i.tiau fatouie UuUlot AUoruey. lo bo u
joed with tlie hid.
ItlHderi miift b-prfir-nt to respond t th-ir Md. and
i rrjurrd to glTa bond and tun the contract oot'ore kavuiM
Tbe Omemmrnt reianaa to hielf the rtsfbt to rejtti in
or a. I bUla coiiiltit-rcd unn anonabia.
Paynifiita to hp mailt aiiur eat ti dllTery If fnTda m
n tf.anfl : it none on hand, to b made a noon an i-uchIvmJ.
Ilidder will p!eito utatr (irlrK, if pavDient Is ni;ifcj in
rtirroiiey. aud also prkei tl uuCe m Caritficaiea of liidtjht
adi'r.iit. It poafi ntnV be etidortrd dlVlnnfly "Propontlsi for
iir t t Bine, ann aii-iruirna to taptiUU J, 11. (itlnian
t . n , iiHiiiuiore, iiarviiiiiu.
Iiahhl lain tlio name of a Ann. their nitmn and tholr
post oflita addreaa must apfar, or they wilt uutbaooit
alrirred. EkIi person or every memrww of a Inn ofTeriHa; a pro
eot&J mutt aoeomnany It br au oath of alJcciancu to Lha
Unlird Ktatws UuTruiuni(lf he baa not alruad fllod oua
in ii. ! ainosj.
AllbitU not rompirtntr itrletly with Uia taruu of Uila
advaruiutiiuil wiii be ruicUd.
j. h. oilman,
12 ID IOt (Uptaln und C. H., U. H, A.
ter, Nu.llOJ (.IK Mil) Htreet.
Phi i ALU i'hia, Parrraher 7, !Mtf,
Rra't d Proposals will b rai-elreil at tblt oiii. uniil uon
of W KMSKnUa V. Iflat ihst., for luruislnmr the sutiwi.Ty
trnt may be n iiilicd at this oihre, iu ai rordstnco with the
iuilMiii4 acltudulc, lor six uiuutha cuuiUbiicmif; Jauuary
hitrCap Paper, raU(l,towlh uot leu th.ui 12 poand
per ream.
White 1. real Tap Paper, ruled, to walfh not leu than 13
pouinU pi'r ream.
White Letur Paper, rund, to wtUh not less than 8
jrotimii ler ream.
W Lite 4 onnoi-n Ial Paper, ruled, to welh n -t let a than
1 Pontius pur n-ani
Wlilie t-oiio io-t Paper, rnled. Sn'aine prica oi paper
Brf rt all.
Hull Knvelope Paper, 24 -i'i lnhes.
HioitiiiK Papi r, I 'xJl In hta, J'lae pr N:eet.
iliaiik Hooks, ctMiil ie, Itill iK.rjhd. 'rl e pr iiire,
hUuh ito-ik-, tolto e, full (x ni id 1'rii.e pt jutc
hiuaW li Kiki, cup e, halt bouad. Price per fjulre.
k'.uvt liipes hlt' or I'Utl.No. I.'. Price j.r !.
i;i telopt'H, white or butt, xl liu-hi'S. 1'rire per 1000.
Knri'lip''S, white or biirt.H1 ,k;i In lies. Pi t. ep. r Kk0.
tiivtlope-, while or hut), 4 tin lns . Pile- pur Jmto.
I.e'ii-r r.iijynij,' t-i'okit, lulivi aud t op nlxt, uo aud luW)
pioi-ts Ai'h, j . r doi n.
M UiurHiutum liooks, octavo, per do .en.
Yt riiiuu 1 Hiid. ciiml lo Ai nold s. iiart and alut
i nin.tur itiK, roust to Arno:n i, n uurt and nnt
( arm-ne lua, at'.uti to 1'aviis , uiani botuaa and
Ink row-lev, rtr iton puprr.
Lead Ptiai.s, eooal to iber I, '". J and 3. iwr
Jiiflin Blur nrl'i.eiiual to rnVT's, ir d , n.
i'.itnt h ksiands, utn r:ed per d iii.
hti'l Pi in. u,"or!t(i. pt-r frroht.
iMefj Tens, t.Uli tt i. n :s. and Ml, per
Pen Holders, a:orti'l, pvr doteu .
1 in rPf Kohb-rs, prr do n.
Ktd bcuiUiv Wax, it-ounce and 1 ounca sticks, per
Uta lap", KTUi"t " ('irrt't.
(iltbt ant of Muciitfa'e and llnubei, laiht and imall
Air tl ' a-lii les mnv be of tha brt uallty. Nample of
eai h aitlch- must acompan escli bid. with 1 1 nnuiu of
ti.s. huidir distinctly uarsed thareou, and only oue urka
Aii st be pained lor aai ti arlb lr.
Hhouid any artl' les not enumerated anova be wanted,
the must be lurnmhttl at the Iowchi mnrkei price.
Proiiocaii nniiit ba made only upon the regular fonui
funilhh'd at thin oftiee.
The I niieil niaia n'len vm ino ngni " rrwi mi uius, or
nans ol bids.dscmt-d uituuipa'liJe with lis luteii-sts.
1 Al.UKUT N. ArtHMI:.!,
1-T J'.'l uapiain aua A., u.
W"",nTO"' t-. -Urinary 4, Itrtf, (
An dealera In Itruiis.HardwMia. I. umber, l eather, OnV
yitrnitnr.', Ilarntus, and Madilb r, ar re-ia -ucd to lead
y this oftlce, nn the MONDAY or tch week, a sealed pro
pi.! or Ikt, in dn)lu ute, of thr'en in. v air prepared
to ntrnlah tn this di'pot at short n ttlre, with tha price of
ich markfilln pUlnnuro. so that, in raetheixiaieneia
of ihe xmvire require n,th avti le or arUclas caii be ob
tained without deUy, at the lfw e-t price
hcaiara wMilntr to si il to Am . ,pot wilt ba reuircdi
niralah Uie imnctuaily evvi M (il momlnir
It. H . KtM'hKR,
lit Sadler Urn, raj au.'Chifrnavierintnter,
" Iesot of Wathiniiioo,
r our l., pnmobth, K ,i, November 10. 1'.t.
P-a cd Prrwsa'a Ml bi nxchid mi tlm .m -e u mill 2
ch-rk M. on thr rlit Jut ol leceuiher, lor the
Trhnapnatfon ol Military wuppln s during the yer ! ,
n tfie following wnu :
Koi ra No. I . From Forts I -raven worth. Laramie, and
Pih y. ai d other d p ta llmt amv tic rutuMiaiio a durlnii
tl-e abova earon the wet bank ofthe iVUonri rirr.
n. tttinfKurt l.eavt iiworih, ami south of uutmie ti da
ttrvm north, to an (nut or st.itir that nra or mivha
tt itiimhrd In the Territories of lakitah, Idalio.
ai il Liah, South of iMlitihlr 4looxfi.i n-rth ann eait of
longitude 111 divroe west, and Iu the Territory of Coin
red n f orth of bt devreca north.
bidders t state the atu per 10 pouods per 1)0 mill's
'which lr.e will trsn port totid toiea in each of the
J'thiifronj April to September, luoluairo, of the year
TK No a. Prom Forts Lravcnwnrih and Ktlev, In
Ire Htaie ol Kanna, and tbe ton oi Kanai, In Ihe Si.ito
ol auvp .i'n or s;uoi,s 'hit am or uvt t
eitntdi-lnd Hi ihe Miute of KiutHHi. or ta the I'crr i i-V of
t olorado. socih ni latitude 40 d-tr-ens n rih, (Irawin,
siippiii b jioin r.-ri L' aveiiwi nh, ai.d to Kort l'n..n. N,
M.,oroih'i dio Hat ma he dcaUnsfcd in Ibut lor
nt run ti.i'l iud 111 11 to wnyoHor point or pilim
on 11 f rou'a. I'.hldTa to state tho rate per KurouuJa
per W ml is at which Um y will t-an-pori sid hi or . a Iu
i tih ot the li.Kiilhaiioin Aprd to Hppionibcj, mi liisnu. of
tl e i at In;..,
K'.i 1 1: Nit n t rr.m Vort Vv n, or inch other depot ns
inav he i stab l-hert In tho Tor t -rv of New Mexico, p any
p ata t utathina thui am ir mur he estahlitlipd in tli tt
Tcriltory. and to ynb poiti . , Millions aa mv be rtcuc
aie1 in the I eT "'or. -Y Arl-n.i ai d ateof feat we-t
of b nv' Im". dcrrcr wr-t M-dders to strife the rate
per hO poiimla p-r la) miles t w itrh thav will trnrort
-.iu n ores in t in 01 me aiontiia from June to Auoiuior.
llli I: V. of (he M-.T lN,
The wfiiit to he tra'i-p'Tted each voar will not eicrd
10,' ',mi poinid- on Id 1110 No- t : : in;).)fOO poonds on
home Nn. .'; and I. tV.i pou . il on li.uie No. :i.
No ad.!Mf"iiui petccntiiko will ue paid for the transport,
ttonof bact u, hard bread, pino Inuit'er, bUiiikIcs, or any
other f-toica.
r.idd. nhniiMctTethe'rnan ealn full, as well as than
la eoi reMocncc, and each pronnaal should be iiccom
I aeied h a bond In the r f tntbouaud dollars, sinned
lv iwoorniore reiM.naihle pfrt.n, liuaranteeimt thai, iu
C4ir a contract Is awarded for ihe route mentioned In the
prnitoaat t the pnrtlcs propO'-linr. ttie rontrm-t wtii
cp-ed and entered Into. utidiLo.l unit autlh Inn security fur-
ii.BLi-.i uj siimi par uia, in coi.iure wiui tbe turius of Uils
advi rtiaement
The amount nf bonds ra-mbrd will be as follows
On Koute No. I SiiaV'M
On ltoute No J (im inm)
On Kouio io A WUMO
Hstiitfici'.ry evidnico of the ;ojal y aud solvency
of euh blcderand persm onM-e4 aa scrur.ty will be re
tjtitred. I'n ooaali mnat be entWied "Proposals for Army Trana
porln'loti 1 n. Koilte No. I, 'i, or . Ml tba case mav be,
and none will bo rfitcrtiined ouleia iher fully coirkp1y with
all the 1 eoulrrments ot th ad ertisemenl.
I anle to whom awards sre uiado must hi prepared fo
X' cute "ntritctri at once, and to Rive the required bondj
for the ftiiflifol of the same.
i onirncis will !) muds Hii'iert to lha annrnvil n lh
Ouaitoriuiiater tleneml, but the riht 11 resurred to reject
any or all bid that may be offered.
otitrartors must he in readlnona fbr service bv the first
dav of April, l-6. and they wilt ho required to Intro a
place of atronclcs at or in the vlclnltr of Kort a Leaven
wot th and Union ajid other depnts that maybeeitabllshed,
at which Ukcy nay (te coaununlcati'i with promptly and
By oidnrof the Quartenaaatcr-QcfteraL
it. c. nonar.!.
Capt. and A. Q- M., U- H. A.
t'Hiiir ti artvkm ANrkK'a Orvim, I
DKi'oroi- SV'AtHiMiiToa,
WislllVHTnv Ii ft Ii..amk.. u a. i
fleaTed Proposals are Invited by the undsralinMl for sup
P'MniMlie I uit'dHtatea W'jarteriitas;era HepartniflDt. at
Wah!nKion. J. ('. Iiaiilmore. Mil ; Aieaaudia and
ponrasa Monroe. Va .oraUlterof tbtas places, witb liar,
torn, Hats, aud Hfraw. Jt
liidswill i.e received for the delivery of WO bushels
of Corn or Oais, and 00 torn of Hay or biraw, and u
wurua. r
llidders musl state at which of the above-named points
the.v propose to make lUliveriin. aud the ntte at whmb
they will mnke d. liveries thereat, the iiianil'y of each
article prupoaod to ba delhertd. the time when said
utdivfiha sbali bo commenced, and when to be coin
locud. The price must ha written out In words on the b'da.
t orii to he put up In nuoil Mont acks, of about two
biiM.e n t arh, Oats in Ilka sacka, of about three bushels
each. 'I he sai ki to be turntshed without extra char if o to
tl.e isovernment.l 'I I.e Hnv or Mtraw to he s-juiely baled.
The particular kind or dcscrlpti m. ol Oats, l orn, Hay, or
Straw, propuscd 10 be dcllveieu, must too sULed 1 11 the
All the artlcln ofTerrd under the bids herein Invited will
be Mih'ict to a riK-id in-pei tlon b iho Uoverawuut luspeo
t'T, beioie I tliiK aceep'etl.
tontmets will be aw.irdid from time to time to tha
lowest renpoUMbtc blddura, a the interoat of the (ioverii
imntmay renilrc,und payment will bo maue when the
uhoK aiooiiiiL coutrucled fur shall havo been delivered
and accepted.
Ti e bidder r. Ill be renulred to accompany his proportion
with a Ruumntue, sfiiiied by two responsible, pt-rsous, tliat
In aao bis bid ts accepted, be or they wl I
wi:nln ten daya tltereafier eeute the con
trai t for he name, if h f(tod and sumcie.ut sureties, in a
stun e-nial to the itiuouni of the e ntra-t. to deliver the
hrae p'opoM d Jn t'uiiforiuiiv wiih Uie tanus of ttila ad
verti iiium; nnd In taau the hnl b.d er shoul-J ud to
enti r L-.i" the rontraet, ihey to ma e put id yu dlfVreuca
tx-tneen theciHT'd said buldei and the nevt lowest re
si ouaibU buldr-r, or the peiaou to wuoia the contract
, ma be awarded.
'Ihe n-pnn-ibditv r.f the Runrantors mutt be ahowa
by the oihcial eertificaie of a I uiied Hlatea lia rid
Attian-y, Co' Ice 1 or 01 t'uitonis, or any othar onia under
ti e I idled ttt.iiu Uuveiuiueut. or respjiisiblc perun
kuoMi to this othce.
All Mixlers will be duly notified ofthe acceptance or
re ic lien 01 their proi nsNls.
'I he lull name and Post OfTlce address of each bidder
m'Jit he lK, bIy written in ihe prop sal.
rr'.p'isiitsmiot bn adi.rea,.d t- Jtrinttdier-deiH-ra! D. 11.
RueU'r, chief lept uurienoHster, Washlmfoii, l). C,
und should be plainh iiiurke I ' ProefaUlor Korate." to the amuunt of the contra1 1.
rtit'Ltd iy ihe ontructoi nnd boih ol bla BUtirautors, will
be rei.iired of the succ-iiful bidder or bidders uiioa slgu
th1 contract.
Llntik ioniis of bids, jcuarantcoa, and bonds mar be
ubuiiiLU upon applicutioti to tins oitu-e .
KiKM OP P!!i.piAL.
(Towii.Couuty, and Statej '
(Haiel -
1, the subscrlher, do hereby propose to furn'sri nnd
di liter lo tee Uuili-d Hlaiea, at tne tuartermaarcr B Le-
pnrtmuit ut , atfrceabty to the turrus 01 Tjur
adierti-onR'tif, Itvitlns; Ufopo-al tor lora-e, datfd,
MaMiiiuiott iepot, Ift-xeiUfbar t. ltt-iJ, tbe loliowinif arii
cifs, vi. :
' bushels of Corn, In sacks, at perbuthil of
poui.ds .
bunhcU of Oatijn sacks, at per bushel of 31
toiia .t baled Hay, at per ton nf 10W pounds.
01 baled Btraw, at ptr (on ot iuoO pounds.
iK'liverv to conimtnce on or ImY re the day of ,
1: , and to be computed on or he'bie the day m ,
-, and i-ie've mjaoli to niter into a written contract
With tl.fa i; nited hlat s, with icood and .tpuroied aenrl lea,
wlihin the apace of tun eajs afier b ini; uoudod that my
bid Lais ttxo accatikd.
Your obedient ai rvaut,
BrlgadJoivCr ni. If. Rt rKKn.
C'hkf 1'tjpot auiri4'rmatr.
M'e, Itie nnderstkiieii, reitideni oi , In the ootialy
ef end Mate of , hector, iolnt'yand acveraifv,
co ven an I with tha I nited 8iAt'.a, and Kurirauiee. In raaa
Uie fortKnliui bid nf be at cepted. that he or thev
will within len dars after the accejiance or
bid, execnie the contract for tie lame, wuti uood ana
BuitVient suretiea, in aauin friuai fo the amount of the
eontact to furuiuh Uie forage proposed in conformity 10 ihe
terini- ofthe advertlstuneiu, dated Oeccuuer H, Id J. under
w hich ihu bid was made; aud tn eave tho alt shall
fall to enter Into a coutraet as aii. resold, we puarante to
luako flood the ditlereuce between tbe otler ot the said
and the next lowest ruuponsilde bidder, or the per
son to wlniui the coutraet may be awarded.
Oleu uudut oiu-ftaUOa siidiHMM uua day of
luf-, TMeal J
1 here certify that t tbe bent ef my kimwledMu a d
belief, tbe ahove-najned rnaraators are .od and suitl-
rb ut as ureUts M Uie amouiit hir wbkb they odor to ba
lobecertrnedbythernlled Utates District Attorney,
f 'olh ctor ni Customs, or any other otltcur under Uie I nitJ
Htatesovernmeut,or re.ipouslble persou knuwu to tba
All prepoaaTk received andrthla advertlaement will bf
opened and caa mined at this oulce on W edneiday anO
ttiiiirrday of e.M-h week at U M Hlddars are rrspe. tfuiij
Invited to bi- nrusiui at Uie opening oi bids b they desire.
It. il . HI I'K tu.
14 if r te ad Ver-General and vtuarteruiaNier.
t aarrtaaiaaTaM.iiMaHaL'a Orpin.
FlkuT XJlvianiN, V
w'aaniNt.Ti.N. fe-roiliar I, Wtl.
Her Ben. nttahto for Cavalry or Arutierv aenrlne. will ha
turehaaad al Cileaboro depot, In open market. 111! Helena-
Iloiaea will aa lfvera? tn f'anfaln T.. Tiwrv Vmm
A g.M ,and be aahiected 10 tnt uaualOoveraaaaal luuaix:-
tain before tK-tne; aereptad.
Prfca efCavalry llnraaa. SI75 aaab.
Vrlne nf Anlmr Hnraea. tlHO i-a. h.
Pakani-iH will ba nuada foe- aU (ii) and mora.
Oofnafy In CbariM I'll at lilvi.ln,
If 1 Pt UaSitarawswr Uoaeiai'a UUlca.
11 It O W IM H
Am aarrltant armalin "iOhatsmtiIlalraaaln( aafaaafatt
1) YHl'I-'.l'HlA.
In Biaar caaaa ol Inns atarnllas H luaatrortaa Inly aav
darTui raaW.
rr is ruiuxv vbqktabi.r.
rstsrARin omi t ut
Draiilat anS Cbanilal,
K.r. oar. nrTM isuousisiit
ll-lntl anS Cur aala n? rnamUrt inrarir.
HO UK Till ;0 AT,
1'AIN IN OltWANT. ...!
Praiian-4 bf
JOBS W. EIME3. Jr., Oliemiat,
Fur .air b; all liu.vUt. anil .itiraKaiii-ra 11 1itntUalam
T K A FN F SS, P I.I N ON ksh; A N ii C A T A RRH.
J ' J. ihaai-h. M. I) , Pi iln.or nf tlia r.rt aaa Kv
triwil. all dlaiMi.i-i au("-rtainlnii la manibiira ulial
tha nimmii ,ui-i-r. Ta-llm nlaia tmm tin mx rt-iUhla
anurrea In Uia rlt ran h. ann ai hi, oinri-, na ail ritim
Hrriwt. Tha ali-ll. al rarult, ara lnr.,.,i ta aocmnaaar
V tat 'an ,.a lit baa no aa.:rala lii hla praaUoa. 10-uf
... ...
eini.AWKi.PHiA Hnu(ROfin
IMSHAl.K ljr.lTiriTP:. No. U HarW
PIN I II Huant. ah.1-. M.rkt u,
rad.rallrcorcil b II -. I T H I rt-idum Pauint
Oraitualinir rr..irira Ifn.a. hnrK-rlnr Kla.lM Bafts.
Kia.tto Mtnrhini a. Nupportara. AaofllOar Braoaa fTrttMi
S.irtca. f'rn cl-c -.
Laaica attaailad br Mrs. B.C. (VKBfCTT. aarlt-lr
I ? flu. ..ul..tM'o.m.'tlc liaa noniual for bfiautlfy
hif . whiianinir, anil ir..i.lii tin- It h pra
pi-lfil Iruin pin,, wi ui. wax. h. n. a u. muainlinary .iiaS
llpar.r pri-aartmr Ilia akin, Biaklnn II auft, fair, am.HMk.
arwl tianspan nt It l mii.t .iH.ihli ali-r aha. Iu. ouraa
ehappM banils and Nf, nm.-vo. .lm lna. niolci.oa, taau
fr.-i alf, or Minhnin. anil Imi.a-ta a pparlv tint a thai
fai a. nk, aim a'n... i-nra.ii... .11, an.l : m-nia. liiliar
t o., o.U H.BJtv.'.hTU tureat, ana No.4i . KlullTH
i-t; I hi- uiMli-r.lunul tiavlint liH.e4 the K KNil Nll
m.N HlMtKW IMH K ., 10 inliirm hla fni-nila anil lha
imlnnaiil Ilia HiMli.tlml h- la .iaiarnl wuti lncrii,a.
lanhtii.H tn nci-iiiuinii la a Din.u liavlnH vnai'l, tu ba ralnaS
nr ii'inilte.t, nnd ln'inu ir.i. iu nl nhlu eariaiilrr ml
runikiT. win the poi.onal uti.mloti Ui tha Tenana ca.
irti.Mrtl in him f,,r ri mli-.
Captain, or Aw to. Milp l'ivri-nlra. nnd SUrhlnliu
ravii jf vc.anls in ri'pnlr.iiie knlii-lteil In call.
11n fna the iumh i lor ihi- aula m -iVattt-riti-ilt'a Fataak
Mi tHllio Ciiiiipniil..n." nr Cimiiih fiilnt. fur the nrranrta-
lli 11 il vi-aarla l.'.1 1 -.. Inr tin. iltv, I am Uirpaiail to fk- Ihe auuic unfaioralili' la'niB.
... Kanalniiliiii Xr.rrw Unci.
a 11 lPI.An ARV Arpniip, alHi KKI. Nu-aat.
lfto aalB admlrina ivi-a .
II ta rauia Inv laiuua alvha t
II tn ha a tilnomtnji Mower,
adtnu, drlnK tn an b-ur Daaarr t
If o have a hoat of frli a 1a ;
If for tic to maka amnndi ;
If wllb liisli born blond tn wad ;
If a uiarblo atone whan dead 7kAi.ra t
ff tn ll,a thraaseore and ten,
Wl.hlr.ff Ilia aa Inns ai ain;
ff to live a life ol p,are ;
If to cle and go ta irrasi Ilatl.TH I
tf yon wlah a llfaofplaaaiiraa;
If jna value Ihu world a traa.nraa;
If every oomliirt you would aee,
Take my ailvloe, and wiih mil (Arm.
Than, bavin Health, Wealth, and llaaaaj.
uu If ba prepaivil lor every duty.
K. ..... I . . n. or.......
.........,....,,, vt. nii.i.i iiuniB near
Botili, IIIK MA Hill AUK liriKK, Hhu.n ahoulel ba raa
-j r.rry one. nniuiiy fiooKai'iii-ra tianarallf aad at law
Hoclor a Olllce, Uu. M .SI-KUCIC UTKKKT: trloe aa
cenla. r B
Purely toported FKKNC11 ' P.MAI.R I.lljtnt) and PfLf.
warranted In all caaea. Uii.I IIaKi.K1 illlnWKr. UaT
ataulcal l-liyalcian. Kntranae and nlllra pnvafca mm
LaJUi. Apply at Uie; uni u sioltft.
11-M-lia WwtoT-Tena.
X 'p to thta farl d ftitnalt-e bava bvtfl humbuaead mf
re.aej-ue, Aldmclnal h jii..:iir, 4c, or ma care af
falling or Uia Womb and i.aaaral i-M tty, which means
aaa only pruTa palllatlva. If not niiiiclom. Woo, of uw.
Kuee'a pailenta hav, fn Bali k auun abnrdiilaa They
rely on bla Uviilrn t ula, ami U.e. ahy ubaia a parfcS
ruie by tha me of onlr a fi-w bnioa. Kor lliaieenna
flklnli one Ik) 1 la vrorili a hnnd -ed Ahd mlnal Huppor era.
rrtoa.AO eeuta per box hole Afjoia, 1)1 V ri A OJ. Ma.
ll Jt.BtX.'OAIlll.ieau ID l-tuilaalua
X Cava BR UK 1. 1 HI OB!
noma not nai.-xkstki
CAN UK tSKli Wimul'T UKTatUTlUSi I
rrlte $.!, .Mulaor eniaie.
Ham by mail aw auy addraaa.
O. VKVK now,
Box a; ioai Dinoa.
Kola Alrarta, liVOI T 4 IIO..
It-l luiluiiiu o. Mi !T. HP.tJOMD M troai.
1-Olt NltW VOIIK.
anil ennncctlni fur all Noruiera and Kaaiara elHae an4
ew Orh-ana, aallliia every
from lha Compnny-e wharf, rlrt a'mvi- Rai-e atmet,Ba4
hew lork, iroiu Pier 11, oitb Kiver, on aaina daya, at
'ur rielubt, which will hi- re,-elved dlly, handiad In ttaa
mnai cait-fnl n-aiifii-r, ai il deliiered wlUi Uia sraaiaat4aa
palcb, at lair ratea, BLipIv 10
rlU.UAM J- TAlTf.OR A 00.,
11-lOSm ho. i.U atortb Wharves.
aalwWaaaw Poo', tauciiinr al l.nieenalnwn, Oork llartar.
1 hi 11 kiuian teaniera of Ilia Liverpool, Mew York.
and Philadelphia BU-ajuetup Company are ua Leaded at
sail aa fliil.iwa.
til.A.M OW, Saturday, lleeemher 17.
Clll Oh MAMCIiOIKit.ita-uiilav. IwanlnrK
CUT OF KAI.TIMUIIK. Saluiday. Ii.cioil-r .:
And aver- aoc-dJk-Saturday, noon, rroa Plar Ma
ia auirih Klver.
Flrit L abia HI00 Htoaraiie 41-St
irat Cabin to London I7uu0 Hi. araMe to laHidaa... SA us
ph-at Cabin to I'nria.. l:m u) Kuoir to I'nrn aim
llrat Cauin tollantbr 00 Hie. r a lo Kami. urn. 74.0S
l'aaauiiKei-a alao foi-warded to Havre, bianaau. Una
tarilHin, Antwaip, Ae.,at aiiuallr kiwratea.
Fnrea fmm Uviirpoof or tjueeoalnwu . rtrat Cabia,
tU4l, af70, S'lio Steiiraite rroui Llvernool and Quoene
town,S70. 'I hoia wi n wlah to aand lor tlialr Irleuda aaa
buy tR-kele bare al thnae ratea.
x f urtuer ituormatiou apilr at tha CotnnaBy oraoaav
JOHN rt. DaI.K, Aenc,
Ho. IU WALNUT Hireet, riuiadalplik.
BtaamahlD Line, a&lllna fV-ina aaoh Don mm
e. 1 C bLiAln. Irum I, n abo.a riK Htreal.PhlU-
delptua, and ljona W bnrf. Koalon. linn oral whan
above PINK ntreet.nn Haturdav. liecembar In, kmlt.
rrheetcaruerilp 8AX0N. Mauhewa, will aaal 'niia PhlaSal
pbia inr hnaloo. on Aittur.lay. Iie.-euibor 17. at 10 A. M.t
and the ateamaMp NuKUAk. HAkur, front iloalaa lar
rhlladelphla, oa aaina a P. al.
Tbeaa new aiui auhjuuiuaJ atuamahlBa fbrna a rairnljur
Kne, aallvns from each pm t poneloaU oa Saturdaya
lnaurancea aueeied at oua-bau tba premium auainad aai
Sale veaaula.
r reUhia takea al IWr rata.
Hhlppera are n-Mueiud M aaud Bttp looelpts sn4 Bias
Ladlna wKh their anoda.
For Vraaabl ac f aaaaa fhavlnr Una aeeaenmodewaaa)
jaa-af Vt.M a. UKLAWAJtC AraiaM.
B&StX&TSvand Hwiftanra L nca, a Delaware But
IuTiiImu I anal. The ateamiTB of theee Unea are laavinc
daily ai VI 01-locli M., and It a wl P. Mfroa tblsd Bkef
aonva Walnut atreit.
r'or freight, wl.lcb wit be takea an aammiaodatlaat
teriiia. applv toWILUAal Bt. UAlaUl UO., Mo. UMaV
liLLAViAltB Arauut.