The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 13, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Evening (telegraph
TUESDAY, PLCEMnP.R. 1.1, 184.
LrMtfHns Kdltorla.s from tho New York
Taper, Tills Morulnr.
Tins couiuiy is v running; into di'it nt tlio
rate ol fully l.u I he n.U'ii .
which w, .u id Ii i. iiuivrt .-i.n-i.i
bnntlrcd tui iu - dv u t.,!ei j -oi;
mil ( b8 III ( ur (trri'MV. Ti
'. t tie. l r. in i i . '., , o'!.i
P'T niiauiii,
y lielmv tintr
lipi'l li l' li to
Is ti s
;( i- Ii !
sny : u e
nvl lor
tlie Hi m , mi-1 tw Vv .i. i nt-s in r
lor tf( 'MIC. II I ,'! ! r l.v .if mi I allni'-s Mild
naval icicc, n.eti vk nu.l.. Uuy a. Iimf tli-e
ri.tes il cur fw ... 'uu -.- -..i .virtu mmtv lo
Binrtv-livi' icnts in m-' pi r oiii tr. Our sin n
ol war, tliu tuts, ..vij. -tn- .. u. Hi arm-, iriuiitt
nitli.n, iii 1 iioiirly v-ry'h'ii.-' . -.' i iun I lor
tliu prohi i n i. hi (i .i' ' r-.i..,t a ,i, c ., in
Den y twin n l.uf't !;i - i
to our uliir Cev ..sttnj
tll'l llitll ti ll I tl ll - I If V
Tl in niir cur r, ,. U . fi
Is not lliO lut -. 'iii i
iii' I citririail iy i ti c iv ii c.i
tllle iS Ml T!'ili ii iimi s.i .il l i .
VI (' :l s mill ll
ii wc low a
mi i i : ii;i ;ii i iti
I' I'll! llliTrt
iti 1 nl.y w n-r : null
' Ui, lien il sli j.ild
res-. a"'l li- ),! l if.
ft" i- 11 a n til th'.
. 'il t" I nut ol llii
I i',;l I c a- inn.
!m to I'Win in it.
uiaii sh hi ii re-o-
l" treats i! iiy !. v- -u'i .( n
f i-t l u.- a 10' m on ..r I i
t slion u oc. We ii
nun. Ii ii vc , .in.!.
f I' ill K . Iitil i.oi I mi ,i I ,i i i
Our i-ii un i.i'ii i i't o
lu'ily p.ii.fn i.t i( i!
nice it i I'cmoi.v r.
!' iv tlii'ir nun s tU.'
a'. t.ot.'j of luciii i uu
lin r l ulu let 1 1. i t
Tlio l ienitf t' S.!"i,!tiKi n ypnr amniiiitu ivnlly
tin little hut .no. "ii'; o Will 1,'inr. t I ut
iateni, lie i.N oi' I ; .n . m-, nn.l (' mcre-H. '1 Ii y
a i c 1 1 n . f I u l i . . l . : Hi, t la- l.uv- allairs tl.ciu,
hoi-cii.'O the moi.t v tiny rt i ie in a inli h it a
iiiinorfmcii'. tac-. ll.e j!i.'n i.a k tn it
nllB itself fii'c il'illtr..! ii iirp.jnitMiiiKiy a lur; il
Is really lint a liilleoior t o il ulari. An I in-,
like all ottier Iii, f Ii. .u ti it -eeiti fur tin ni'imo u
ftiiviaitiittioui, i- u Ki'i. ial iniHclin t unil tictii
lni'i.t. Itu n lifniiif.', g im lew nay maku by
It, I. ut the Imli.bli.o - uiativ iiiu-t 1.I-.J.
Of cour e, it i i lire! il t!i:, tuc vust nei".sit.:s
ofilu tj Ttrni'iiiit r. nU r ilh tuiiunty lc irc -ci&tinn
iin vili.iilt ; an.t wo n.Ii,iit tlie p'.c.i M n
certain rxttt.t. I rvo novcr lm ie . il, anil
have not lontei ilf ', that ti .country cotil.l li ite
goic tl r ngii kut'h i r unil a
cnriciicy Imm ai o:i uti.l n iivertlb'o into speco
t par. 1 but vioal.t Irave drtn too much lil.c
rimliiiu' tlio wuiiTn of Nutirnni tliroiu;li a pump.
Ior. Hut we i. ci a mur liavc ha 1 i-'olil utiavo
fifty per rcnt-preuiiiim, and nuirtit no to h ive it Iii ow tlm: rule. 1 loinpi nini riu. irons tan
tion Ural, tlu n Lis'li r itt- oi mtcu st on temporary
louu or the s.. c of luu biiui.aut Midi raaa u,
Wi uld ci.nitriind money, tliouM hm-c
juration u'nt iir;ttA't (ion witiiin li.mnd,
and pruts (.ciiimily li nn ti n tc t A. tiiy-iive pi r
cent, In tiail if tt.vcnty five lo one UuutlCcU u.ul
fifty, uliove ili'.bc ot ) t.i c.
tome men ui.the iii'.-iicy hy emrency deprj -ia-tionjbnt
manj ic. m to !o-.' for every ono who
reall7,c a pain. The (.'ulU go proleinor, the- cte-r-pyniHU,
tho clerk, nml all o'licrs wlio livo on or flxcU iuvotuiH. ktcr.iy feel tliat their
dollam do ni't go nearly to far aa they fid, uud
do not feci that tin y f et more of them. T bo
lender who is pft. l elf rumhles tl.nt tliu iivuioy
puid him in worth hut forty to liity cents on tin)
dollar, mid forget that, but for the ih preeiuiiou,
he might not have htm pa'd at. all. Thud every
one rounts hl'i 1o;lch by tiio dcpreciatloaj few
perceive and fewer admit their g.iii.n.
Never were no rainy moittfiicis pulit olT, io
muny long-Mamlii'K uel'.iti Huared up aa during
the last itirec year j ; mv.rwire tlio iml'intrious
poor fco nearly out of ie';t tu now. Sma ! far
mers, who never Kforo knew wUat It win to bo
cut of debt, htivo worked ou'. liurinix tlie list
year or two. The ci ontry people owo lesd to
thiir merchants ; the mer liauts one les- to tlio
C'tien; the cithM owe It u lo importerx and to
liaropp, than for niiiiiv )earn back. Neirly
every dollar thus paM olf ou;;ht 1 1 havj bcc i
drawn Into invcsiiutiLtit I ) our National 1'eOt.
Much ot !: has been ; but very much has not, ajj
we deeply riKH-t it.
Meausnhoulilevenyet be Jevi cdan 1 perfected
to quicken and augment the mream of Investment
In the national lounx. But to lull end the Gov
ernment bliould bci i.i 1-tr.iiifr ami rich, notbuivor
inp on tho brink of l.ankriii:i y.
Is thete no linanelal petiiiiH in Confrress : Aro
Wd to be Tontcut with s-b u 1 i . i ii ir expedients un l
eleveuih-hour devict s? l.t I the Mmei who can
nute tllei lively the rock of public credit M.iiul
ioiih and uenie the homage of a re icueu paopie!
Our Relented I nltirt Prisoners Arrived
HI A Ullllkl(,li.
f TLe following is a jiurtiul list of the exchmced
prisoncrB that arrived ut Annapolis from Savan
nah, on the l.h instant. They are ((nurtured in
the Naval Hospital ::nd Colli ge (iicen Darrucki,
Ar.nnpoliii, Man land.
II H Mnnr. B.7MH P4 B fllrkrr. 11, -.M Mil' N U
J Muiiiiv, I,, ,'.si. I'u .1 i; M iu!u K, l-t
J niji.iaoii.M l .iiii'( av W iv.i.kiii t..:uii mh
j u Writ, A,;, r ti i-i'i, r.,:mi .m i
4'.ri (' MiniN( v. M lKtl'a 1 (i itniAaev, H, 1-t ll
1; n l.itaker. K . .. i t..i. i jii,-..n, K, limn I'
K I. vl. cli. K.tii'h I'u f.n'Ml.'i. til
T liiiti kinrii.ll,.'Joil. I'a cv N IV nail inn. r, , r.'ih t'
li Hull' li. ilt l' htne. tea Tliu f-r ncy, K, In'it
J Uraiu. Ii. II HIi I'll K . 1 .1 Wilson. I., .'i lit I'll.
J VUl.-i , t'.'.l'.li l'('nv V Mo'i.lf. I, lut I'u K. 1
'(' M Krs.ino. M, l.i. n ft ttos
t,lii inuii'ii' . 1. s' h I a
IIMllu'W.'w .,..i. am
K.i r M, l.u. ,1,, 11, 11 ,i, 1'.,
11 w L. .1.1111.-. H.itii 1'at'av
M.'i v A 11 j .11, 1 1, 1.1I1 I'a
J vV DuiiUm, I. I'a
A W l.i.. ). II. 1 1I1 1'
K Soiilti, 1, 7 1 ti N J
A In. ho, t:, 1,1 N J (av
11 kit in. 1.. :nli I'u t av
. (. tt Until) , k. Islll I n CSV
il M kan.iaii. 1 , lum I'.n'.iv
li.I.n K s, r. 11, ism: 1 a
Jim HtiiTtlvuii. I. II' tl' Pa
Vv II I'.r-'.n. ti, ll.'.u. I'
AllitTl,C, .Villi I'.i
M .Mnhery, A.'.'.'ti I'a
1; V W arni r. II, 7ln a
R Han 111. itid. I, lllli 1'a
it Not 101 , A t ill. I'a
J 1 recti, I , , in N J l av
' l(.if.-oi. 11. si 1 I'a te.
Villi. (.', Iseili I'a
W A e.liTiii.wi, I ,!i.,t'. l'.i
N Horner, A, J,l I'u 11 Art
W T crick A 1 I I'a
.1 II C'fi I'a
' A KM, 1. (',' .tli I'a
r-a .ii wii.ii, 11, ;;m p
id-A I Aldtrson, K.I1.1K (a
VV ll I'.yttie.c l ui 1 a
f, nd,, .1,1., -M .1
V 11 Wilc.11,1.. 11. II 1. .1 N 1 .1 M M. K. i: c, I .:li I' M 1
4 M 'I iiLiiu.i. ii.-i.i. j j t aii r, 11. j.i r: sit ,rt; Ma
K llreuit-n. A llllti N J tur J AiU'.s, (', .it Ud
IttTII W ,s hu. 1.1, II UOl .N .1 st, is K huiil.i r, K il Mil
. Miiciit li. 1,11 Ii N .1 'J n siims'isii lima
W 11 Niiiaii' C, II, l it NJ Jn Aii'ai, K, 1 .1
Fetur I..' im , I. I.'iti N J Mien ituiiicti, 1., s la I'av
Coil, J llu'w. I., I a I Cav J lsa ! vicrull. II, S P tatv
1 ruarl, 1 . 1 Mil t av.ilr v J t nrilrv. b, s I'a t at airy
CorT Mi Al.n'i r. C. 1 M l t: Hll l' lilalaiu . re, 1; l'.i C
t oir. ti, I Mil Caval . t m Cla'r. k.,'1 N J t'sval jr
ll'i'. I, a-l 'W Uiake.iv, K.i Si J Cav
t'oioT l' llajer. ", d S J I'crpf M'C'lo,k"V, lh p
T J Johusun. 1. Intsl i a W PUnJ, A. Islti I'a ( at
Coip o 11 lii ckir c.l' lst l a 11 M.iiifiaft. k, Uiitt'a
I-aHliiiiti.iiifry.k,l'i-i Pa t hra.lley. A, .'J I'd II Arl
,;umlHu)i'l!i,ll liLt a I Hivl.lltlti'il, A.-'! I'a li Art
.Mittf rank , l"lm I a vs m Ontrn, II. i'M, 1 a
'iirp Jnof brain, k.'J'itti I'a M Mctiiiitilv, A.f l';,! i'a
tit Hi T imlalo, K. lllllh l' I li llassrll, 11 . K I'a
Corp 11 Mi Hi, K.I. ml: I'a .lol.n liii I, ,t, B.ullli Pa
Alt k ar.ikrsi u, K, II 'Hi I'a la wn Ma.vt r, k. '.ItU fa
Xdlltll k ,' l' t'av Mu-'it .1 It esiiKit. IJ. --.:(i I'a
V Iti Biiiuililt. U Uiii'aC.iv t,i...l f t'laik. K, iiil.t I'a
1'viu llaincv, li, fan f a 1 a li ii 1 ouii. A, bt I'a Km
bun bruaiut. A, nil fa ear , a H ocia.r. f .-'
lira... . a, il 11 I'u t.av I H'.K .rU.. 11,4th at J
Cm U l.uil.UliKloli, 1 , VibPa I has 1 k, 1th .si J
Kra-erv " " 1' H'nrv, o, lOtli N J
The following js a list of prisoners tuat di:d in
the pabi-ae trom Savannah to Annapolia, on board
llio hospital steamer UnUu:
TMKiarvfy. M. 4tl. fa Ca O f Wailtr K ilih Pa
ii W W Will, 0,4m fa Jav juBalhaullaiiUsa,l,autal a
7m O.ftifala. O, II. ll f VJf Mliriwu, K Ih a Car
wm llauier. i iuau, v
rai ,r.l trimmer
Uicriaiil ilon. cltlien,ati-
MurtlnVaa Uutsn,
1, "tu
IHiBtia it.auit.'r
1 w rtina l( !!.l I'a ! r'rt. le, II. .Itli I'a Cav
H,i.Ti. . It. teani.tfr f III l.u., I., ItU I'a Car y,A,4itt li S'av A huUtli, t lsilifa(,av fa ill'L'rr.'Vi'w ui
laHiavl,lMtlfCaV W I Mica, tl, iu kill
All the above cases of mortality resulted from
ebroolc ularrUo;a, mv two.
AIP dlR.
Tho following letter hm lir-oii rerolvptl by
Senator Wilson, of MmkacIiukrU, from ono
of (ho fHcmLs of our ntitloni.1 rnum
ncrowi tlio water, ami hm a fulr expression of
the Unlit In which otliur look upon lis, wo
uMih it In full : j
A m urn rim, Novrmlier 1 1, 1ST 1 . 1
Oka r Slit : Hie volume you have tlio kind- j
re-a to yend me wns sure ti he intcriFtluvt tn mo i
in It-elf, ut it in of fat KnittiT value as an aiil in !
lutvli i ; ?r the ptogrcs of your anti-slavery leslsla
tn ti dear to pi icons a ho arc sadly in n rd of
aurh ktii.wh ili'i', li Is simrtilnrly us I'al b k
f i (Ms rotirt' y ; .sml enny tihn would rot re ul
il il il was put In their turds, may have the
N relit of Its Iriloiination thriiiipli tho channel of
I'.ns'ish Jouina'i-tii,
Ilovsi vi r it may 4io ttsod. the dno bun r of
1 avInR trtuii red ai li a u T ice to the cause will lio
re lo rest where it stnnld, souiiit or later.
As far as I ran see, tho ttrea'est blow yet sm
ti.ii id by 1 1 to tl.nt oiifjliuin:, ('t.til'cderate srml.a
ll.iers in tliis country is the serious prnpo-al,
i nu'if Coiift derate aiithot iti", t uuke soldier
ot the f,hvts; our hce-h pft'tisans eillcutly
d :a't Know what to mike of it. Wis of tlio
Pi rtln in title are try in to teach them, but prj
l i.l ly tl.o nin,n t theinsoivi s will hi the lir-t to all clear to their heaven-born guardians,
l i d s'uauii in' frit nds.
1 do hoK' tlml aiiMterliift will be attctnpte l ; if
tot, the mere proposal Is a (mat gain.
l.iliive ine, diar ir, with much respai t, your
( blii'dl llAiuiiHr MaktiNmai;.
lo Hon. IIliNKT VrLSON,
United tilnios Senate.
lHonfniin Itemi.
The Iff'Tn.ation from Moiitanii Territu-y Is ihat
tl ( tli etion there had (40110 ai;iust the Adiuiuis
U: in u.
Tie dorrn Cut host, that were bit It on ttin
Yellowstone, iind suirtad dowo from where t'10
1.. ;en an it ail iilKT-eiTs I', lollilil llio river lull
ot si.tgs uud rapids, and two of the boats wore
1' t.
A hip silver lode has been Btruek lit 'Vasli
ii s,tou f.iileli.
rtirii ft Aspti vi, Matini v, to bo (tit en by the
(Jtiintitto Clnb, on Wednesday afternoon, 1ms a
inrtt attractive programme, vi., n p'ann tluett by
Cross and Jnrvis, the most iicconiplislicd a:u mi
our native pianists; a liolin solo byOa rtuerja
I iuno solo by Jnrvis; und a 'luintette of Sp ihr'.s.
Mr. JarviH has astonished ever body by Ids supe
rior executon on tho piano at these cxocllentanl
jilci.Hiirt concerts. 11.: has all the attributes of a
(jrnit i ertoiiner, and glows rantilly in poiminri y
as he l.t cuiho bettt r known nml ni.rci latcil. His
II otlesly lum held him back ton loni;, an 1 it is
high time for him to occupy tho po-itiou rigbt
fu y nr.d honestly his, wlii. li h, to oevupy tbe
piouoKst po.iiiou in Ins prulesciun.
New Ciichmt Stui:i:t cine
JUuttii Hill continues deservedly attractlre at
this theatre. The great ehaim of thi- piece is Its
truth. Wc are .sick of the grand keusational
fictit'LS worshipputl in this presnut age of "shod
dy." After all, (ho simplest truth in greater and
lar tr.orc touching than the grandest fiction. The
piece is atlinirably put upon tho stage, and thrills
you almost painfully from beginning to end.
As tho Hl'erp'ecc ou Siiluid.iy wo h id lo
('(rsarde J!it:mi, which, Iholtuli It inn le' the even
ing's cntertaiuuient somewhat too long, surprised
us most rifjr.enl'ly. Mr. Lewis linkers "Don
( a sur" was fullof spirit and humor. Miss
Kiighn,as "Mnriatniiii'' was l etter tnnn Bsnal.
Vt would, however, suggest that this lauy ohould
dress with more taste and i.n .,i.
We must, however, give Miss Vatitrhn credit
for alwnys being perfect In lur parts, which
we cauiiot say for many of the other mem'iers
of this theatie. This deficit nry was painfully
visible on Sntnrday nlcht.when Mr. I!,iker hesi
tated several times, which nun red mi otherwise
uilu-iinlile poifuiuiuuoe.
l'.verytblng on the stngc should ho ns prompt
and as regular as clnk-iroi k, we wi-ra goin to
say hut that rruiiuds u of to,' clock. In the
prison scene, which was not very regular; for
tho hands reminded us of an i'uexp. riunced
couple dHneirg a cotillion, who, not knowing
the lest ot tho lignres.kcep perpetually doin,- "for
vnrd utid hack," until they lo-e their pla e,
rush desperately back, aud ttion f an the
t tno into tho burgai'i, und at last stand
still. Mr. lliggins' "lion Jole" was better,
we think, than his "Nana Sahib." Miss Kced
hs ketl and played the "l'dgo" very well. Mr.
Murdoch was really admirable an tho "King."
lie requires a little more control ot thcexpressinn
lit Lis taee ; but ho has talent, and is suia rior to
tntiny older actors, in that he reads tensility and
lie has a good voice, and speaks occasionally
with n force that a-tonishesns lor one so luvcniio '
In appearance. e are glad to have seen him In
this, tor we ditl not like lum at all as "Ueordie,"
In Jrit hruvn. Mr. and Mrs. (.'hnpmun were, as
uiual, good, lu fact, the tvttt tnunAle was ad
miruble. Jeuie Broirn continues ttil week. On Monday
wc all have the iMf.roim, with Miss U rmn.1
(who, by-lhe-by, has unnultiJ'uUy improved) at
Ai'ATikmyop Mink.. Mr. 1'orrcjt still con
tinues the "even tecoi of hir. way" with merited
success. Since his engagement he has played
"Othello," "Coriolanus," "Hamlet," "Lear," e'c.
What can we sny of this genuinely great actor
ttnit has nut let u said ill his praise i He is truly
St ukesaarc's iiittapreter. We ure glad to say
tlnit he teuiuins some time longer ut tho
Miss I.t t ii. i h Was i t:ns. This chnrtnlnratitl
popular young artist is still appe aring tocrowdo I
nr.d brilliant uniiicuces at the Walnut Street
Theatre. No artist who has appeared in this
city nt any time Las won the distinction and
popularity of Miss Western; r.ud she truly de
teivts It. To-n ght Mis Western will ajjume
tho double chuructt r of "Madams S'.. Au'ntrt"
and "Miiinil," the Indian Huntrest of tho Mis
sissippi, in Luckstone's delightful drama wi Iro
lund und Amaiica a hundred years ago, euiilled
tttem 'UiLs is said to lie one ot Miss
Westtrn'a most etle. tive el.araeters, wailo the
name of l'.ucksti nu at tha head of the play is
hi indent gnarnnve for tlie success of tho tlranu.
To-aiorrow Miss Lucille will appear, by re
ip est, tor the last time, as "Citmilie."
Ou Friday Miss Western will appear fortho
last time tn Hast I.jnne, on the occaslou ol her
Arcb Bianar Thkatuh. Mr. Clarke still
draws dangerously packed hou-es at the Arch.
Wc thiuk him better than ever. In his line he is
unquestionably tho greatest actor on the stage.
He holds the tamo position in the comic Hue that
1 orrtbt does in the tragic, lie has a style pecu
liarly hit oxen, that Is inimitable. Last night ha
played a Hew piece, 77ns Kniijht.i of tm Ittmnd
Take, of which we will gl'0 a notice to-morrow.
We believe he will continue this ploco duriug
tho week.
Tho Navy Yard Quostiou in
Li&t of Kdoascd FonusylvanHns at
:tr.,, Mr., ;tr., I;ie., Kir,, Km.
11 1 l.
.S; r 'l'l'',l
TA' R tj T-l jr.iyh.
I r I'.v I'. Itil.
VvsiiiNinoN, Dimmi'ht hi. Th" seam,r
Co.:;,, r, in. in City I'oint, reports all nuiet in front
ol 1't ti rsl'ing. limine Sundiv niitht. and up
to ti u o'clock ye'erday in u ning, the liaur at
whit b the (Vi.r h it, not a silicic gun was tj ho
heard ihcte.
The lu -pitnl s'cumir C, n; tit ut arrived hcio
this morning from City Point, with Ihrtc hici
tliitl and thirty sick mid wounded soldiers. Xiio
most ol these are racs of typhoid fever, and tw)
(Hi tl en the pii'sn c. The hospitals nt Cpy Point
ate being rapidly chared of patient , who aro
being sent to Washington, Alexandria, and other
ei'ie- in the Ninth.
ll.e nuii.hirof p. li, n:s re five il during tho
week has been about ono thousand, mostly sick,
but thty are not serious cos. s, and numbers will
l.e able to return to the Hold within a few days.
4. iu nil llimliH lit titliietl.
(ienrral llnkks was to have startetl yesterd li
ft r the Not tli, ,-i mn'. to Sew ( rlo in ; but after
an interview with the President bis departure
was postponed indeiinitily. Jt is probable, hoa
tvt r, that he will leave ou Thtirsd ly net.
'I ho lud inu VI itr. tulva'cs fiotu report the ilotrur
tit ti of two large and viu..ble trains of Govern
ment supp,:cs for the In liaiis, and fears are en lur the sat, ty of another train.
Wvsiitsuros, Decetn'jcr III.
Mr. Clark (N. It.), President ;oo ti m., in the;
t hair.
.Mr. Js'tirrncr ( Introilueed tins pititlotiof
Lake liiniln rs, banlrcrsof llo-ton and New Yora,
in which they set forth tlutt they were Hie owners
of eertitlcaies of Indebtedness lo the amount of
MO.tu), and that they were lost; that evidence
was futiihl ed the Treasury Department of tho
los, l ut that they lift I not received full c impen
fnttt.n for the loss. '1'hiy pray Congicss to pro
viilc a n iiiedy In thiir special case, and also, by
fuithcr leghlat'on, tn protect the interests of pur
sons In such .situations.
A. tie 'Hi'.stit n involved in the petition coti
cr rncd the Oniinces ot uu: cotti.try, and the credit
of the ct ii n try, he ( Mr. Stunner) iifketl in refer
ence to ttieCou.niiiU oon the Kinances. lieleiri il.
Mr. Howard (Mich ) Introduced u petition from
the Collector of the Port of De toit, proving relief
fiotn the operation of the joint resolu ion of last
Session, in reusing the rate. of duties on (inputted
artle'e fifty per tent, llifenid to tlio Couiuut
ue i n 1' ee.
nut si'..
Thelloti-e resumtd the ronsiilera'ion of the
bill to t srablisk a Navy Yard fur uoa cltuls at
New l.oi.don.
Mr. O'Nt ill (Pa.) renewed his remarks from
yrsttrdiiy in favor of League Island lor a Navy
Yard lor iton-cl.uls, etc. The Secretary of the
Navy ilsen ubove loe il prcjutilces in favor
ing that point, looking only to the interest of tlie
cent, try und the promotion of tho tilieieucy of
the naval service.
Mr. O'Neill it n'cedcd to show the superior
i dvui tages of l.t a u c Isiauil, and remarked that required ft r such a Navy Yard wai
within easy di-tnmc of procurement. Neither
1 liili.ilelpliiii nur l'ennsy Iv.inin came here to ask
lur this Ideation as a boon or favor.
He urged the selection, tor. among other reasons,
that tunc is fresh and deep water, nn adjacent
pipiiia'inn which can fumi-h all the required
n ichniiual skill and all imtterial in nliutiilanre.
League Inland was the proper place, and no
B' gun. cut Intel l etn a.lvuured to show there was
any place possessing cpul udvatiUges,
I.HG.VL IM tll l.l(.i:.V(l
Osh or tiik Navv Y'aiio Cakfs.
Tsnito SrAtra Dihtkict Cot nT Juelga Cid
walrdi r. Tho I'niti 1 S'utes ex. tel. Oharles
1'i'i k vs. Colonel II. II. Krink, Provo-t Marshal.
In the case oi Charles Peak, one of the parties
recent y airrs:ed as being connected with the
Navy Yard fiauds, iilout which so much lus
bun laitl, a hnhrnn rnriM was yesterday issued
by Juelge Ciidwalader, iittirn able Una inorniug.
At lao' tl the l'i'ov is'. Maishal appeared in
Court, ntid through Judne Knox, couiisol fir the
niilit.ny, presented a return, that tho
relator had been arrested byoidtr of the Navy
liep:.r:uieUt, iiini tbut he was he id in cu-tody ny
the uiilita-y authottties by order ot tus i). paa-
1 he bed v of the relator was n rt produced in
Court. The -lutiue suggest! d that pinups it
would bo better for the tietenil.iut to amend his
return tn the effect that be biiu..ii the body or Is
ready to bring the body of the relator Into Court.
Aitei a disultiiiy dise-i.i-vn bttwecu Court unl
counsel, ui to tho qui -lions likely to arise in the
Clse, at the instance of Ju.lg; C i ler tl.o
matter was fi s- d ft r to itr rr.iw at 11 o'clock. 1'.
C. lin Muter, flint-, Bi pfartd lor tue ickilur.
Tub Si i n:nk ( oi itr ai Nisi Paua Jn l-Te
Head V il win Spoerhase vs. Il.ltc.ird 'l liictc.
An aution to reenter datnuges lor an alleged,
tniilirlcus pro-e. utitn lor larceny, lu the removui,
without authority, "f tnaehinory fiotn a
building on (ii ruiut. lie, w iru otliers.
It ec'ins, were tried hi the Criminal Court upon
the rbareu thus pr, ferrcd, ami tucy wore adp-iit.
ted. Tbi suit tor damBges w.i- th. n In'.tuu. On
trial. Ki'tnuk tor plaintii. , luiui th and (ieo.
M. Wharton lor defendant.
Cot HT OK CI l' AH r KH HKHhlOSIs Jutke AlliSOIl.
Stephen 1 iemey was B' H'iitt. U tliis moruing of
a charge of robbing Michael Mulloy of Uia.
The rases of several small boys, thoir ages
ranging from seven oreight to twelve or thirteen,
charged with the systematic plundering of tlio
fre:ght cars of tno lla.uaiote lUilroa l depot, was
up for hearing. Tbe parents of but two of tho
bovsapiearotl, and they were permuted to take
their children upon entering bail for their future
pood conduct. Three others, w hose parents did
not present themselves, wt re retainotf in custody
until some in iUiry could bo made into their
Harkrta by Telirrti.
TiAlTivoltB. December HI. Flour linn. Wheat
advancinir: rftl,'J Klui 7.'! ritta ."!i.... i. Corn dull:
.vitl.ow, ... I eauts tovtM. Utis)' ima.l) ai 11. i.r.:iiia
Ko.imhi trfiuvrca. d. l'ur ACaeh.
IlKlTdlt It NUALK. J. C. riBllflt.
WII.UAM M.dltKlSKR, I. O. fltrKll,
IIKN11V r. Hlkll'h (.
Th.. prepari) of ins .l. a. t ami an; enuilsti of ovsr f'.J
(fur lauicrt.l a nil , l ins ol l.aan In IVe lui.. ,
lit. a:s't ,.n tie Hns'ar Camp f.rai.eli of Htuari', i an, V, -n"i.i
ectilil v. Per .nsjtvaiiir, l not talwren Oil crenk oil a
i:m between :ht ll),lo and Est'ort, Sua, ai J M.'lllliiny
I irin.i nml Ida A llrgl rn- rher, In the heart of tho oil
rrj UN. neatli ttto milas on each idli-of tl.p run, of Iwi aMo
triiin.iv w'th us, in rr tl.s sliikln-; of hiinJri'ila of nfils,
ami Is , oesMcnd tr cj ers nciil iicrson-!a tho oil tnist
ni-a .'nt ulna.'-la a. ml proilti-'lns' lorriioiy. 1 nere Ata all
tt .Is In av.Tjr il.ncti'in soar tills proiort, ina.tniuL,- '.a.-.'u
tit Ms.
I lie aimesl rneiKy fa helnii, and wlil lis, illrucle'J to Ilia
i!i,nii nto( this profiTI)' la make It tu.irlin-llva anet
rtmnnciallvo to tt.s ' toe-Miolttt ra.
I I p t'.'iui'iiiiv wn ft n a-t: of one ami a .in irter a. res .n
the Cullsrrt,ii tract, 1.11 tl.a Alla-'ieny river, near if ajjjltl
irg crntlnuous puinoinir we Ms ot forty birrels per day. A
tat ll l.a.s inst l.ei.n ut in operatlen; U -IM le-et ilri'i', fnna
wt leh t'.icv are eew re. etvtiu- ti u (to) linrrels of oil p.-r
day. unil li.cri aslnir. It It llhin a few liuadn tl jnirill of
llio '!. i nteil llu nryiuitl Mi'llrltla ami lloy.lrli'k wisl'n,
and otfeis wtiicn tiaro aud aro prodiieliifi lari;eljr. Tuerp
tn io. ui on this tract for three or tinir nti re" wells, and .,n
wl.ict, wall, will tie aui.k without delay. On tho main
pp-peny ailsll e, loola, ,li- aro lieiug ila:eij. and roatracta
I Ti s' for tbe alnklnfi of several we'.Jj.
A i.irtlou of tho atock havtrf already teen nab
Beilt t d, iho tsookawUl remain open for a short period for
ihe reoialuii.K aliaiea, at Uio satiactliUlou prli-o, 11 . a) per
al.are, full paid.
Fur luitbcr liut'imal'oe, rt pi tQ
ll't ClIl'iSNoT STUl'.KT.
ri'tlAnr.I ril'A, Deoeniher 12, lSi.t.
u n-,t
Ji:.N NSY L V A MA 1 M I' K il I A U
Ofllu'e, Uo. 139 S. Fifth Etrret,
it .0,000 MiAK.b AT I'lVi; DOLLAUS EACII.
UtktcrviMl C'upllul. J,M)0.
TK laHl 1 HN'l.
TITiM. A. prOTT,
J . K . JM h MAN,
j. ; j.i'MHtaia.Kn,
1'tl KU it. HMAlaU
Thfi ( mi-atiy tiki 3 urre-i of land, In ft, rn Alttg!tony
river, lmnMt.,te!jr cpiK)Hi:e Oil tltjr, unil iljuiHlnir Ly
tt nift, with 110 rod iron ton the river, and I rodi front tU
l'i Run. lion. O. P. l.smnJcil, IMttor of the oil
City "Mcn'tor, ' und uKt-nt lur tl.ii lard, aiimtrct tlte
i'oirpitny tl t it nlU lu loU for $lii',fOO, n
Bp-viiifj tho Oil rlht, which Is w-jrlh ttfMrtK altil
ttuiiftt. JinmcilUtA revouue will to derived fur the
(.'oUiDj troin the ! of thd lo:i; and tho t'ompinjr
he two food fnx!nr with t-omplcto fxturn, to opora:
m-DrcdUiti ! f r Oil. Tl.-, (. rril ry la this lumtJitLe
K calitj lu nevt-r i tilt A to (reduce prtfltahty.
Aluo, leu acrti, In 1V i iiii.i. Ju t;.o ctlbratc JCherr
1:ud I'iitrti t, li(UiK-.1latr!, adlniuff Clurry it jii Pftr"Iua
('.muany, whose itt ck U tiw wurth $ pT ihire. The
I trapanynow hnvo oil. n, whl-h will be acot ptJ,fr
unking well uu .flue, without any e"at to the corp 'rntldii.
iitl tui-tuiH the prwct'edi t go to C;C Cjinp inj. The
Curtlri nnd .St. Nicholft- ( uioj,ai,r are In t'll.- ImmMllAto
Ivrality, and th(r lUKk U novr et-'Uimao linj a lar'o
prriJiium. lu i'lt'ltU.n, the 4'ompanytitM 4-' ai-re i. In fee
imple, on ( he try Tree Kin, wtiloh emptwui into Oil Cre k(
aBdl;. iht t-eit 'fi J if In.; lec'.lon of t!.c OIM:rits)ry ; and
110 u'rei, in Is-i' nimpK , on If a'oat flcu l, Ave m'-U't ahjve
the nirath "f Oil 're k. and not ovt two uilka from Uio
teetiruted iU'fU well, u o prorucU'tf ow two Jiandrod
t trrdi p r day.
Aide, the Vai oftt roi trtct v( Und, two on OIKVi 'k,
esrli iifoc'in lug over tvn haftli fx r d.iy, .tnd ono on AU
fltfny river, prcrinoitig ten tfrti er dnyof bsavyOll,
wtirlh now twfi,ty-vn'4 p-.r hurrel, Ihe
new reretva thne-fourths ot the prorttl of the ltt
t Hired well, and one lia'f of tf." th r two, Ea h of ;iie
tratf will be duvr pc-d by the uiiiimy by ilnklaf
t,'diional wi tli. and tue fciitiot tu.U Uture aie now on
I.Dd to tlo If.
Trji? (tfltcrn ot )r I' m any mran tn proMcu(i) tbo
devlii)ineDt of tht te lani- id -ft nir. .tie illy, ami thjf
iiMe entire confident e Ui. y wi.l jru-M inty urge
tliW.Iiud cn the cap ta. .itrc)..
Su.Jit fiUoii niuif be i i.j do prt ut.'tly, ae more than
iipo ta f ut"t"f n l t a'r cu .; d
Hiibx t iuou will be lCwted at tin- Off!i of th
Ciu.panj .
CoxrvtMNO OV l:
Or ciod rartira dealrtnaT to assist lo raising a booa fide
paving OU Coniuauy, can oonfi r with a resnonslble party
who owua tae inoperty aud dealres to sell, hy addreialuf
U-U it
p n O S PHO T u s
Op th h
OPFICR, No. 10" cnKSNUT ST., riill.ADA.
2'X),(0 SHAPvES....rAU VAI.UK, i?-VOt.
The Wnlnnt Hoad region hat the r,arieer of lMltic flret
cUn Oil I'-nitiiry, ai d Is jt.nH teruit-d" Tho Oil lUiln."
A r Binilkfuilc 'at t cuanc ted with tho Ix-.liiy Ii, that no
ell hai ti r lern bored Hint dij notyltil oj. t j..r
Watnnt U'and In in tt-e Tfty tvart of the Oil ItaM. It la
aboiii twatTille frnm ou ( reea, and a b ee dleianre from
Oh'try l-ua. Krom iti natural pulhen. It lUTim! woikitur
facllttlea which hot fuw tur n rr tracts ot laiwl on the rtn-r
xmi'et, itroiKaine a'mut t enty :rti, and Is a half
mile In leniti, tfnn (rlvlnj? anmit a mil- of rlvar fro t. At
the lower erd of tho Inland, on the wrut tide of the rl e
are the celt Nraied " L.tmn we'll : on the eit iie of tho
rlrr, the no Ims noteJ" Htar" welS: oa tho upper end rf
the island, on tl o woufttdt of the rirer. are the w rrii
llr-m." wclli ; and a short d'stnnco a .i0, the " II vrtun
will; on tin ea-t ido of tho river, directly yjip .alt1, ii the
Itiimer" pr. pttty, adrul: te 1 b pracih al UM iit"liooD
i .he. Im ti liH-atlona on the river. Thero t an be no 'inrs
titm, tlitreioio, la repaid to hi brinK I. rat c h oil
teTritcrr. Another KDiat advmitn ,o it Iti na tiral
pisitkn, whlen par ales it trutu alt other proirile
.iany jjiivd wel.s have cons id to yiold oil, y bolrnt tnupcd
by p.irtlett litnlrit lu the ai(tnios lot; auch t juld not
happ' n ou the Island, i notiier a Ivaatatca U tssivA',
to tho Island, tthiomi'nta ol oil can lo made it!i-iK
trouii'r. and th" pnr' paid on the ritvr fur Oil U niv,ii ouo
duller per hatrul more thao Ii pa d on the i-rce.
Di'relopnicntH Made and In rroress.
Thl Cunpuny was orntilcd wttli the lnt"nUa of
obtalnlt a (he la-int possible return r.r the stuck hohlyM.
To a.TtitnpIiih thb o'j evt, tho Ci tuonny are nhikinr tirao
wells on tiielr own account. Olo of tlo'm U at the
raieul fli),i btrr l per day j another Is dorn '. foot ; the
third one has U-ou sunk to the lira I nck, will' a t ory good
In w of (HI.
lnadihion ts tlio abovo, thero are seven wolls bulna
sunk by rcgpondl'tle part tot, who pay all en.niiM, a-id
glM' to U.CotiipBii) one -half of all tSo Ollprnduced. One
of thesa pailie is now umkitiff arra ueuiea'tt Tor hjrinft
live more welit, and expec-e to have them nil cimplnted
dutlnr tho in xi iinir monthi. '1 hln Qvt lnnm. nt UI g e en welli, of whKh thnCjmpany will have all the Oil
from three, tied the halt of tlm Oil foiu it-.t:. Over lity
wi)! can be bt red without intoHerln- with ech nth.T.
H.u tn'.tio Uluud wiil bo developed as hoou as pra:ticaljlo.
A. it. t ATT1,I I'lik-masr.
WM. tiK I f T, ftac.'.si ,r ANit TilK est Ins n.
A. O. rTlEl.l., MOItlil-t It. STItODIi,
joiis (.Aiintrr, WM.dBrrv,
.1. WAItNK It Kit W 11 1 i .rpj
OATITAIa, i.0O,00O.
200,000 SIIARKS ff J-oO FAtt VALUR.
WorKlns: Caisilttl, 'Jri,o(.
ornor, Ho, in s. sixth 3t&ect.
tm RAiirj,
U. I W01.KK,
IjELL K01IL1T, Ja.,
w.vtt rs j. ii(jftr.
joajf so jut,
11. W. Bl'.KISOX,
The rrcpertv of ihla Company la all la Tenanrco County,
and In fee aintpl.. 'ar furttiur Danleulnra lniutra at the
otfeeof tlio Company, Ko. lit . 81X1 11 Htreot, .ocoml
lory. front rocm, or at ite I rsnsu. tT a, No. J-'i J.bXJo.lK
B'r. ft, at tshlcli place aubacriDtton, for atoeik eaobe made.
A Halted number ot anrta tn be h ild. Ij l.kur'ittttra
Tfc. aabioiibara wonld iav'te attotuloa k tlirtr
IMl'KOVKI) Cl'TOi' HiriUTil.
Which they make a specialty In their tratHusss.
J. . HCO IT Sfc CO.,
ckntximbn's n RNiauiiso stobb.
U W-rt-tl Mow Confiwoutel IIotaL
II AsirTr yrrrrrf,A's-Tn"ii Men. I
CirisN.i, t)ti;, lA'cem. or 8, ivM
frrfoiaW aro Invited hy tho uoii"uinut J, uuiQ
T( Ta mhstr JTi, U o clock M , tr
WAOO.S toVKKH Army Hiae and Paiu rn.
Hide will b1? coLndied f.r Army Wuon Civere of
foU or Limn luck. X-h aovor to bo in foil 6 Inches
IwnM.byy lift 4 Inchei wIq.. Tho luck mit be fiea
lr m tute. ai.d en,ua. la fiualliy to that inetsurinc
Inf h s wi'ie.ana welyhmg h unrecs to the liuter ynr t. Did for and the vmn of delivery must ha
tatd,anil san-ple eovur ftmthtd; and ea-! bid ronil
b (tatranteed b two rep.'unh!e nrtis, g-isrinttvM.ig
uvirtheirown l.'naturos Uiai the bidder wl 1 timer into
bnd t 't the lu'uiwtni of his contract, shukt one be
av arded him.
Iflriswlll bo opened at tbe time abort pool fled, aud
bUlauiH are Invittd to bo n st-ut.
Awuids will be mide Krhtav. lei eiPr 1, Hi'A.
Ib- il -'hture-crvoa to re 0! I auy aid deeuwd anriitv
eonab o.
Irh b.dmnt be irsrked on ihe eitTelopo "Prorsals
for Wetcn ovi rn," a ul udilreM iI m trie imdirj.wtt d.
Hvorairol ( olonel WUllaui, Vf . M Klru, t'ti'of tuarter
iliikter, tMncUJIiiU l0IOt. A. J- i'.IKI,"H.
ji-U it ( aplaluandA W.M
eoliday oirrs or seal valoi.
Mo. :jij (H. Mcoond Htreot,
Will a w efi r their rotJr 8tok of
SHAWLS, (51. OAKS, Jto.,
Ataht-as) redurtion (r .oj f.imger price, namely
POPLINS, rehired from SVOO to 91 00.
POPLINS, reduced from to 4H-73.
POPLIS, rriluccd fiom SUO to fl ii.
F0PL1NP, ledutcd from $1 .W to 10).
tlllSH Pn.lS, rcdiitcl from 1 ii) lo $1 lit
l'lGCKI.U RIUILNOKS, reduced from iOJ t
1T;1 lillO WOOL UU LAINKS, fcd'iectl frorm
jsl'2' to T i cents.
I'LLNCH M l.LlNOLS, reduced from $22. f
,$1 .W.
ri.F.NCII MLUIXOP.S, reduced Ctom Mi) tj
f 1 7".
1 Ki.NCIl MtlilNOMS, reilnccd from fK t
A heavy ra.ltiellon in the prtci a of all of our Winter Uroea
(Jtoila, St.awla,('l,saks,(.'lttni, .-skiru. A3.
N. 11. A aw '.H.e, of very alaxlo aod doaliht wlsflk
l'lllti d I'l.iDl.elt .ud t'ashoioits, for Wiajnea.t.
AIki, a lew v.ry tkh lloiiea doCtiaiabro cloaliiB osH ssa
rtUect d pricea.
111.) WIN 1IAI.1, .t U(..
1M1 li.U 't No. D H. HRCONU NTKMr.
.Jt)llN W. TUOMAH,
Ilea. 405 acd 407 H. Second SfeeV,
Woti'd can the attention of the r nolle to his splaadst
st k of
Cooiprtataf a full line of every varletr
Htiltal.lo fhr
.lOIIf W. TI10SIA.W.
li IS lOtrp Moa. 40i aud 107 H. 3M0OHD 8t9s)is
I ANO Y Q00D8,
CoiiiprUlus liaJaucea of larne lmin rltr' Stocka, aad oaa -In
aciai; abtut imt thouiiaud t.tisat tola ol llio
Xatost 1iii-Ih Novcltleia,
AndroBstatlnRof llronrei, rioeka, Falntln(i, llloh Oailaa
Vase., Hllrtr I'tatrd Ware, W. rk Uoxoi, Wrttlai liaaks.
jtreislnr fanes, Atl.ouiii, Portefoll a. Table and Meats
(.iruoaievile, Iiocoratlona, Ac. Ao. to be aold at Salea 1
Oa KtufJaj Morning, Dtoeuiber 19, 1854,
(iooita oi an for aaauiluatlon, with Cataloanoi, oa Serar-.
day, i;iti lust.
I,. Ll. UOl'I'IN tV; CO.,
J2 'll'etfailt AlffTIO-srl'.t.
MAUAKT blreet.
C.C. HirKIT. A ueUoifi-r. aollelta nonslimmauta of
Cl (ill-, WAUKS. .tHll .VU Ki ll vNlllMK,
r)' at) kintls.for ptihi e sale ai n , Aeii d iu Uio:uh. and Is
ui aataad y to 'eie.. af
itt.l.KilTli.1U 8IOOHS
",,,t!Tn1.0tD Kl'BNtTCKIt
At tha ,tere, nl til. awnels.
! eas will ho aeieausad it beu dualred on ooualgtiBaeal at
jsx a, fur auoile .a'.e .
I I I'onitiaistoa Mi.ri tntnl, So. niJ OUaVsnUr Hlnot
asid o.ll, MANboil Mm.a.
lAltfiR AItI ATTRACHV, K. At P. Of FtKB rHKUffrt
ItKI'K.t. l.Ki I I IS AM' I Hit HKH, SUITS AH It
A atAliat) TASKS. liUtilMIAN l I. A Is W A UK.
FA UI A N I ll.l IIS. Vte , O' TIIK iJlr-OltrAl'IOJ.
01 itS,b.S!,3. VII 1 ItllOH. t
On Tnuis oar mssrntna,
intb ljt at 11 o cl . k. Ti.. i-.lisi,oB will tw arraurad
for , vaotil an .'a "B tlie tt,' cietl mis, and will c iinme,
lustl.le , , inir, lISTattn s ,-.lohrai,-d p'eoo renreioau uc aa.: thnri ft.e uroua of Iti" me a. id Adraiaaao, by
ieai.trl Jlary afa.uler. I llounatil.o c
Aissi, l.ce laone ii, nr.-, of tut Un Muoelan,, rtaud
tcnalre art! iKfl. fftbiio. and Kenu i' (tree i.e.
kt.i'liael, ('of.uibu. and e'oitiii liroup Ctiaaseuraa,
ipaaile art npot 11 lists-ant, elo.
Asso. i Kb liuli.ui .in K'aa vtsea, card ree-lTera. l"a
rt,n and b.un iluuies: tli.riv er"si "arilvltu aad
aiar&io va.ea of ( (.sHlit-. ai d K. naa slyts.
A-.0. aa liiToloe ul :,sr l l.isd Wa st, n .luprl.trar
Ta beta, liaja, pll'-uen, dina, bol., forks, aposaka,
Tl vstmlaanibra' tn- ttia best a -aortmoKi eve, eaT-sred
la UU, aaaiket.
rAit(iEOOt.!(""0's'''' iink oil PArrrritus.
We sslU .U at our Saiea-nsouia, -"o. tf.1 Cneaaaa
,UOb Tkurrday. Kridty. and Aeter. i I-.vanJns,,
p.,--r-tr i jili, liah. and I7ih,
Cnniareneluaai '. n'rau-k. t ,a rotka ('..lleellon of rate
til "an.'.Mi 'i' lb fs'-W "" AMKIIIOAS AB f
(.AlLWKf. liiakiun In atl otsr inrstss Uuu.lrsid. Tki
aiit.etbo.'lleetion i-ontsiltl tsrantlful landaeato, lu.anial.
and nver lew.; nmiee and eWr pioral pieie. ; I'., ut, ky aru.uot loe day. cr.attt! tuedaillon, of n -.--In,
ti,vu'v aa.lorlnna.ilv.l di.kva; armiB f tlaoaa by
til TH KOllSt Ith : til It tsild, bf F. aid; Hoe 'an .1st vim.
,y (!. A. onnut.ra. Paul Holer, llonry Var.b, II . O.lltVtrd.
I linu.aa VllUra, llm,', Nortlieoi. I'-a, I'Uav
erolk. It) an, lil. tou.iher vt Itli a fine collei-tasii uf pattila,
n aklna ilm "aio't colierilou of Biin'iaj, ever oiro d (
am Hon nt Oil, etiy. I an-t lovvr. of aet naJ
aud eaauiluc. It U at
"" S aawssj"