(TUKSDAT, DECKMIlfcll 13, ISM. IVEffTIOXl-PRISTS VU AJD LET. '1 V.UH. W dlsrnsscd fhc compfiru'lvfl morttt of Am Trfn and Eurnpc.in y)Hrtrnpli v gomo days nine, tut the limits ofa single nriii l' forbade the moo lion of gome points rotinrrti .1 with the general abject which .ire of intercut nml worth thinking Of. We hinted nt tlie irnuTl nd incc made in the tjle of executi m liy any printer. We hare lying before tin a vo'inno .i itcd at R ime in A. I). 1475, winch Illustrates th fn,:t. In oil tliat rnskes a e.i'iir, h imNtitiie, rr "Initio )K)ok, thia olunic 0'iuiiii tiio lie-t woik f tho tiineti-rntli century. Tho invintion ot lie Koiu.in type, wlilck scon Icuilt iIm p( ul li.u lilack lotlvr, bnl just I een niu.lc. Tins volume 14 therefore a spe cimen of tlic U tter In it crliet form. It in noteworthy thut for sunn- yearn pv.t 1'ivors o( clear rypiurr.-phy have heon r'lnr bark to that sanio style ol letter, su that I ki are now l-sitod from English and American presses which In atyln cloi'ly revcnililo tho ear ien Isnios of tho Itoman nriil otli.r Italian pre . s after the inven tion of thin form ot letter. No. has tho italie let ter ever bein improved since tiie days ot' Aldus the great Venetian printer, lu tinii.fi and attrac tiveness to the rye, the bonk') of Ahlm. ttmiiiili prist oiliig a Kraiid compact mas of tvpo-;r ipliy are riot suriussed liy any modern work. 1 be truth in very plain, then, that in the inven tion of metnl typo Uuttonberir ,-avo to the world the art of luaklui; elegant hook. And thu f.iet oiiei,s np a stiifiniur siifc'no-aion. namely, whether the 01 iglnal inventor ol letters was nut, aiiur all, entitled to greater gratitude from tun rare of man than the Inventor of mutal tvpc or the builder of the swiftest printing pre.-. It la not often that men think of tho ill- cover of the art of making sounds visible to Ill's cvo, so thut the power of tho human voice cm be extended be yond the more limit of the liuniin lumrs. The word "reading," in whatever U igu-tire it In found, implies the debt due to the i-ivuntor of a pho netic alphabet. Picture writing was of no sp.ri.il value until it assumed a phonetic characer, or nntil pictures formed au alphabet of sound. It was cowptra tiveiy ea-y to make a picturo uf a scone, or an event, or of a desired obiect Hut to place in distinct view before tho eye of men the utter ances of the human voice, ho that the sounds which hnd formerly died away in the ripples of the atmosphere, nnd left no impression except on the memories of men who heard them, should be impressed ami conveyed Irom place to plaeo, and preserved Irom age to age, this certainly was the lundamcntnl discovery on which philosophy and science in nil nges liavo depended. Kven the latest grand inrcmion, the telegraph of Morie, acknowledges its debt to the 1100 of a writton language, though it makes a new and peculiar system of letters. How nnd when this lnvontion of letters origi nated it is bard to say. T lie earliest Egyptian bierogl phics, dating at moro than two thousand ar hi lore Chiist, aro believed by learned men to be phonetic, or partially so. Thus Cbampol lion's system Is baited on the theory that pictures frequently anil usually represent tho sound ut'tred first in enunciating the name of the otiject represented. As, for example, In English an ego would represent tho long sound of K, while an eh pliant would represent the short sound of the suine letter. Tins is a very natural 1 ml not at all unlikely way of accounting for tho oilginof aphmetic alphabet. And if this sua r anion tie correct, it would seem not impossible that the invention of letters, like the steam-engine and oilier great motive powers in the physical world, was a growth of .years, and did not spring at once into perfection, or even so near perfection as to be of much practical use at tho slarl.- .V. 1'. Journal of Commerce, TI1K Itl.KNNKIt HA1IY. What PiinrlT' Abort It. The London 1'nnch has the following: 'Primch Baby's Comr Cuo'vi.ait. Tho great satisfaction w hich was given to the mothers of Englund by the faithful narrations about Prince liaoy which were supplied during the recent tour ot Pi iuce baby's royal parents, and the delight which was tell In reading, in a subsequent court circular, that be had been out for nn airing, has indued bis friend and godfather, Mr. Punch, to make arrangements for the regular preparation of court circular that shall bo devoted only to Prince Iiaby. The following is tho chronicle of the past week : hunday II. It.H. very good Indeed. Slightly incensed uftcr church at being interrupted in sacking the velvc" on mamma's prayer book ; but Instaiiily pucllled. Grabbed at a wiue-glass and threw it down, but only luu hod at tho pieces, and wanted another. "Monday--!!. II. II. did not cry during tho whele d y. Observing from the window his royal pal cms going out for a ride, distinctly remarked 'Ta-tr,' iimueciitiy unconscious that they were ont of bearing. "Tuesday II. It. ll.'s usual amiability was disturbed by special petition, on tho part of his 1 ead nurse, that be would put tho coral into his mouth, instead of Sbem, Ham, and .Taphet, whom he tncichvored to introduce there nil at oncu. lie was graciously pleased, flonvver, to substitute tie e ephants for the family 01 Noah. "Wednesday H. H. II evinced a groat desiro to eat bis toes. During a ride in tho ufterooon, lie distinctly pointod ut a horse, and 111 ado a remark which the bead nursu is Inclined to be lieve wus 'see," but which the second nurse, con sul) rs to have been 'gee !' Thursday 11. It. II. very sleepy; but tho medical attendants did not think thut the symp tms were in the least nhoming, thougu his - remot'Btrunces 011 being moved certainly wore. He was pleased to break a nn-rei cup in tho fore noon, and to laugh very much ut the crash. I "Frldy II. K. II. much displeased at a bib teiug inserted under his doable chin, and bo spat out h s nutriment with iiiucn vigor. Afterwards a sudden clutch at his royal mother's Dagtnar brooch sluhtly hurts his hcud, but ho was de lighted when the naughty brooch was well whipped. 'Saturday II. R. II. in tho highest spirits, and kicking vehemently. An ttttt.npt to swallow his rid sock was happily trust.' ited, and his royal father's wa eh went into his mouth instead, lie er joj ed his evening bath exceedingly, nnd utterly rei used to allow himself to be removed from the utor. At length an Angoh kitten ell'ccted a ditersion, and 11. 11.11. eoi.'jmiled tbe week bv gi ing to sleep with tho alio -Donate kitten's ttil in h.s hand. A floiiii Won k. The Masonic fraternity of rsew lurk uave appomtou u commission to pur cba r supplies of Hour and coal, and retail thorn to the p- or at cost price. The city authorities vppioviiig ih ) object, cranted them the use of a liter of land at the Five Points, in whi h a depot as been established. Tbe llommission com- niercfu imnness yesterday. I lour will be sold old in pound packages, and coal can bo had bv the bushel. The following are the prices : I'lour delivered in any part of New York citv below Fortieth Mreet, S10-70 per barrel and per umi iwrrei ; ueiiveieu ai any pari 01 too city aiwvo Fortieth stieet, atd in llrookiyn and Jersey City, icn cciiis cxira. i iircuasect ut depot, 1 J5 per rimu unriei, nnu ,).i cents ror U OUl)US, Co.ll dtlivend iu tmy part of tho city, Brooklyn, aud Jertry Ciiy, .-N.j per ton, large nut coal, and 10 Ut tor stove coal. Purchased at depot at 4U and 48 cents per bushel. Never meet trouble half wav, but let bitn lave the wlo'o walk for his pains, l'erbaps ho will give op his visit in si lit ofyour house. Doctors toll us that bang'ng is a delightful death, the dying man being made puvslcillv k.nHU A - AW. toA n.l.tiin.ilj k. . L . 1 . .l'p. nAiiuiBuuiimiiiiiBUJlUU ropn UUVO . ntvir published their experience, probably the donors are mistakes. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18C4. Arrrat of it Itnnhlas; Prnli. Drrldedly the moat startling and sonsHinal ease, says the Tn.y T-mm, December 3, that has Otcnrred la the criminal history of this vicinity fore lop time, was brought In light by the I'nltctt fitatea and local authorities yesterday and this morning. The facts are briefly 'he"; ; 1'or many years there lived In Germany at Col igne, we believe a yonng banker by the name of Louis Ooldenfauss. Trusted by his employ, rs nnd acquaintances with all the scen ts of the financial world, he is said to have not only forged the names of prominent merchants as dra-nrs ari l endorser on t.'lis of rxchancc, but also to have successfully imitated the private mark whi.h denotes tho genuineness of tho paper. leaving a wife atd child in l'iti--ii, lie caiuo to NcwWk with a beautiful voting lady (of conte a lady is in tho envel last Nl iv. and is al leged to have negotiated fraudulent hills on per sons in ficTiiinny, to the valiio of forty thou and thalers, whh b, at the t 'luivah nt of novcn'v-iwo cents per thaler, with go d at js.' tin, gave Inin ttio snug lot tune of about .wh.ihhj. Ho came t i Troy, and made many friends, especially among his fellow-country men. Tail in person, Intelli :cut in countenance, and brilliant In convera.vi n, Louis Gerund, as he called hitnclf, was a man to make hli mark anywhere. He haul ed in Wall street, and purchased a farm at l'i!tston, in tb's county, pa Irg cixtccn thousand dol'ars lor it, and littit g it up In a regal style, cpial to tin; island hrme of lllcniierhnssct. lint the I Iv siaii dream was of short dura'ian. Yesterday altetn'Min, Deputy United States Mr shal Jan is, ol New York, arriTed here with ex tradition papers, from tho Prnssiaa Government, In rainp.iny with Otllcer llurlliut, he proceeded to Pittsiown and arrested OnWonfanss, nli it (ieruud, at his hums. The othVeis also brought with them a safe containing thirty-five thousand dol'nrs in gold, and reached here at ruidnig it. '1 his morning the prisoner was taken to Now Y ork, but his friends secured the leg il services of M. I I'ownsend and 1'. II. H.ionnan, and en deavored to claim possseaslon of the safe, which was lodged in the jail otlico. It will possibly tie sent by express to New York, and tioldeniauss will start lor Germany by the next steamer. His friends claim his innocence ; but thooillccrs say that whe n he was arrested be made a full confession. Tho allair has made unite an excite ment about town to day. The Inventor of printing was no fool: but ha has caused myriads to make fools of themsulve. A Down Kast editor declares that mocbstv Is a quality that highly adorns a woman, but renin a man. Archbishop Whatcly said that gardening was a dangerous pastime for lunatics, because ch y might grow madder. 1X)YHI AND I'AnCYUUODi!)) 00KWAY & BROTHER, No. 8S:i N. 6F.COND STREET, Anovr. IIUOWN, IMPORTERS AND .10M11KH3. Vt Imve now open our Fsl) ?) o -k uf Usrmsn, Frsuoti, and Trroleie TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All if which ire of our own lelpotion snci Importation, ti whlfh we Invlw Oao sttrntion of cisslcrs. Amonir oar as sortment iro nftnr KNTIKKLT NEW AND DKsHRAlll.R KTYLRS. Qlt ITTEN UEN'tJ 00MMER0IA.L COLLEGE, No. (W HKSNTTT Htrofrt, om-f mt HotooIH, KiUUIhtd inonrTHir.vd IK.. Yorng Men itrep-irea for th Cuauliim lluui uid Bait DPrt Mr. " Tborough uid pracMenJ lnntrnctton 'a MOOK-KKKr'l NO, tmftDtti brtvnohet, m pracllied Vj Uio btat vx"atsutt and tja.iajii men. rr-VMASHIITP, Plain andOrnwnwntAj, U tuxhi by one of the moat com pete tef penmwn. ComairJal k McalAtion. Conunarelftl Law, Detecting CouiuerlfU licUB, An. by Poond, and on l'dper, iinfiit bj a long-experienced lprnior. Mtuderti In it met ed separately, and nreired at any time KvpnliiK Mci.ioni afw Hoptcmbr 1ft. CatalotnieeconuiPintr toe nrait of 471 nudente, lernil, Ac, furimb 1 uraUa uu ppUca-in. U 17Ui-tuU B. il. C'KITTKNDEX CO. nOMK ON A FriaOUUTT. Thti beantiful itl riiirravtnK. pnlntfd by Srhne ele, anO enxravid by Sartain, ii Uaving an itnitrnno aie, nr.d tt cutiildrred by all who have wn It a one at iko ft net t epeclwena of engraving evor Ktton out hi tUs to tint" . VKT SOLDIKft a FAMILY BUOl'Lf) HAVE A CO'lY. F.VEUY I.OYA.L HOChMfiiLD 8UOULD IIAVK A t't JY. In f-t. e'ery family wno bi a father, hmbnd. or on batutng lor bin country, will appittciata awl onii IIOMK OS A FVHLOrOH. Tt will alwayi Ito . boautlful mfnioril of the aoitoaa d h ami yuam of rt bclLon anil war. 'itni engrftTin U tolu ei luilulv hy At,'entfl D1MAI1I.H) HOLDIKKH and other will find thl the mtst plfasant ad pmflUhle aunit'T ttiy can indertoke. We Rive uxclaiWe territory ami wHI f.tve pariirulari of am nry on app lctto. We print this pltte on a I! by shei,nul'ftli f'Tfram lnir ant) will enJ a i per tmrn copy by matl. fret, on roee'iit ol the piio,tV 60 which U Mlmittone-hali'the price ntuailr rharacd for enyravUigi of thia character, 'or partkiLar, aiUlruii IlBADT.F.Y CO., PnMlshern, Sm. bt N. i'OVH Til Htreet, ..iLHlhJm Pltliade piila. COAL AT FIR8T COST-COST TRICK TO Hlockholder- 1 per ton Immediate Ielierr Coal of bet Vuaitty. HhartB, each cnuiliun to one and a haif torn, at Ant eoat, every year ir twenty yeare, aud tocafh divxlcnda of proOta fioa the aurpiae coal, may now be obtainttd at paTabie, haif n tnoflrrlhlnif, and halfon J-on-y ft ntit, of the MUTUAL HKMC M'UHrIS KAWKLIN COAL COMPANY, Ortlce Mo. lit 8 THIKU Hirt.t mppoeite ftinOlrard Hank). Htork Capital, l-'rti la H2 Wy iliaroe keiierved wnralnjr capital, U .600 ihart't Buofirrlpilon of 4 ebaravt, of lu har , : ; of'A) ehnrfa, JlT.'n ol 50 iluuei, $120; of luOahaxarf, , l 'A) abates, hecb share entitle tbe holder to reoelre, every yar, one and a bait If ns of eoal, ax eoet, tor Ai years, and Cash 11t jUetid. every six aioutbs, of ILe proAU from lUe eal o( ail surolns ocaL fetoriholdtrs wh do not want any coat may here tholr prupitruoQ of cal seld by Lhe i .'ofopany for tuair eapvetai bmt flt.ihe prints being paid orer to tbetn. inUepndtnt of the regular caib dlvidcud. to whicA tuey are aleo entlUtd. l l.oCouraoy poinesi la ge and well bufltOoal WorVs at Dona'sou (near Trenmoti. witb etennlv m Inln? and 1 imLer UiKhte, an eacullent Doable Ureater.Hlopc VVmAs, larte ttiesn St-itlits, bailroads, and an ether machinery and apprttas. In mil i pi-ration, capittdoof mining JCuO tons, te be extended to lfcti,(U ton pr tear TbUCoal i of the best iinsUty, .h M)Tof thBUek Ilesib and Prlmroae Vina, hvb, with several otiiur vaiuaMi- coal veins, extt-ud wiUun the lioes ol like Cou panv lor two miles In lei irth. As anrh it the Keadlna Itailroad extendi to the mines of the Company, over wiixb lh eual la dally aul W inaikvt. Hiocaholdere may order (ber Coal ta any of theaettal eUes. via. - l.un.p Coil. Ilroken, rtt-.v-, of Nut Coal, ail at the preaent coat price of $7 to pr ton, delivered at lht horse, wi'hin Die iiMiial Otitanoo f t!te t'ouipany eoal yaid in tbe northern, muldLr. aud aoutbero pjroua of the city. The Company and all the mintr works are clear of dobt, ul all otMiratlor.s aru cornlartt-d on mo cb pnacipU. for cirrnlarn and puiwcriptiofu a,-oly at tlx Oiiloe. No 1J0 b. XlllHii Street, aecood Hour, opposite Urrurd Bank. .Ar?n for Heading. Mayor Hoyer. Rourdof irctors -WUJuui r oid, D. FI. Wolfe, Boh-wt P. King. U.Ik lioiude. WM.BCIIaI(KL,rree1dent. A. B. JABiKV,Herretary. li-JJ lio Q K N T B A L EATING IIOUH 10, OTPOSITE THE rOST OFFICE, 10-17- 8m PHILADELPHIA. onn ((( CANS TKACHES. VERY bU. L W f H ) f perlor. tut uo by J. H. Morton A V-o , t tbe Koi nd Top I ea h h arm, Md, new arrivinvt, and for aalt bl It K. K K k . Aio. WU.iitVhS li U-ltu onm BKcowiMiANn cotton seam- (WUuu leei fiaH, lu store and f r tale by John T. haii.kf t ro., Md. Ul H. ruoa r tiireot. 1J-8 ln. (J OODB FOB tHR HOUDATR. lefMSHNB ARDl'CTIOH JM PR1C OF WATCHES, JRWXLRT, SILVER-PLATED WARR, A. Ledlee4 fold T?nntlr.f fae( Mver WairfM,hiauiirmiy J From te $HH. engrevod and i nam lied, ( Oents Heavy Mold Hunllng raeLe- J From IftOte 1M. vt r rVaffh!, HlKcr lluntiixr faasi Wsiffh Ar . Alt " " ..........' '..', 70 I ; " " " fttU-Jewelled Levers 11 ' M :.::: OoW V.it n.in.fti IC IP ITS. I. "id ( hut. isir .num.. iroin in to l. l... ,1 N., t lis n. ri"in 1 io .'. list dllTsr.iit ,i..'i fln. lin:il s.ts. Fins, unil Psr lt'ntfs, sll tlic UlL'tt sod noil rn.hlniiftliis d.iliin,, fr.m to rV ai.R;VF. SI'TTOM, " HOSIIM ATTt., i .mr rnN, lir-sT. TIN, on n i iiimiu.es, hi i vsm tiiimiii.ks BKAf'KI.Kri,, AHMl.t.'H, I.' 1 KK IK, I IIAKMH, ft Ni -ll.a, V.W. ie - FrtrT ssruly of ai tni 811r-l'Ul.J Wr., al fnnnurnriurtr pn.. A KK.lH, CAKF. BAXKFTi, imi imKFM, iti'ir luiKKra, Mlfrl KK iSIIKl. HI UAH IIINIIKS), vm h rin iiKKg, hhkakkamt cahtor. fl'NXVH CAHTOItri, SALT NTA.Mlg, t.oKIFTN. t'I'FA. WllTflO, UIIN. tAU. BKl.t.a. (IKm BtiH, f 111 IT RRtYK. T TVS anil Srnnni in h.i, Irrhl. k'.i.J mm Sni ln. ftlliAIH. a' .ni lisirtl anal prlr.s K m.iiit.'r 'lull Iftrv ,1, r. itli ru rrni tnd heavy ,pfm.s pxsiry ., I. n,t( lb .llMtln Khw b.uu,. . -1 . . l . n Ti. . . , 7'iu wiinid tiurty ,onr own Inieistts sua wsnt grsai bar- Minn, villi our Utile store Ko. 107 MARK1T atrret. W. L. I'l.tltk. li tin St 1SIM. '"v. 1S(;- wmonisTia & co.. No. cniiHNiir HTitr.ivr, Inslts H er tloB to a choirs Hook ot WHArPKHH, CABRIAtlB BLANK It rs. CABLl.tAN JACKCTg, HI AKTS AND T1F.S, HKBAKFAHT J ACKSTH, (1L0VK8 AND BAHDKK.UmP.Fa. 8V0HNO t'APi. I) I la Whh a superior UMrtnaal ot other Uoodt tultahla as PEISENTS TOR GEltTLEMEN. JJOMPAY CJIFT8. INUlIINi MADK E1SY. IIIIOWN'S PATENT BABY-TENDEE, OR, MAGIC SPUING CRADLB, Tho moit niefiil and dehKhtrnl Kornrs lartntloii of rat ana. From a Vertical and Xotselaii Cradle It U In.tantlr ooa vened Into a Spring frhatr, ltoollnlns Couch, natij-Juinpar, BihT-nona, ItabT-Waiker, Hla Chair, Muriate Chaar, lldibj Horio, and Olnuto. tt otTeoinallj ohTlatai th arlliof tha roeklaf raotloa mrdi treat relief to mothers, ejter.'.lins and delUfhts aaiv dren, and ia?e Uia axpcua of a II una. A lo a larra varletj of I'AHCV HOLIOAY (iOOI)H, AT Till house Fuimsmxo stoub, No. 042 cnegNUT BTUF.BT. 1H IB JOHN A. MURI'IIY. TJSEITJL AND ORNAMENTAL 0 1 1 It I KTM A H 1'IIKSENTH. Gold Rpeeiaeloa, Gold E70-GIaaa, MlornteopM, Opera Classes, Ppy niseas, Atoraoaonpas and Vlaws, atale Lsnterns, Boiae or Drawing Inetntmaatt, pockoi Corn parses, Fancy Thermometers, Glohes, Au Pomps, Hloo Irlc Macklnea, Galranle Patlariea, SpallUf Boards with UoTahls Lottere, As. Ao., for salaby JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., No. f I'M OIIKSNtJT 8T11EKT. I.lnitrated Catatonias gratis. 1130 N 0PP0B1UNITY TO PTJBOHASE HOMDAY I'ltKSENTS AT LOW I'llICES. Bav trig dafarmlned to retire front bnelneai, and wtuhtng toeloeaout my entl-o etochof Watchae, Jawelr, HHfor Wars and ftllrer-Plated Wars, Clte, Mancal Boin, TahlaCoilery, Ac.wlUilQ slat days, I an prepared to off- r mdoeemcnts In purchasers, and solicit an oxam'na tiin of tlitao goods, tnoet of which are gojd styles and of fine quality. THOMAS O. OAItltETT, 11 1 t Ko. Tl'A CHEgsjrjT BTIKET. jjoliiav i'iii:hknth, OIIAIIIjKS DIIMMIO, No. 812 CIIESNUT STREET, Pen leave to Inform his esteemed cultomon that his pre asm etora of FANCY (JOODei A-TVI TOYS Bnrpaiees that of any former tvp.-irtatioa. Raring ee leceo tilth rsre erary article lillu.eir, ha aan truly say there le no etmilar eitablntniont In the country that ea eoupare with hil. As to prleei, ywttlr a his koo.Ii from the Oral Diaiiaracturere and artiste In lurupo, lliosa dual are w Do buy 'rom the Imp' rtars h.re 141 ee l ak'aln rati oar tainly not ci mpste with Llul Of tho following s.h1m bs asti ei lane a rirloty, endlnanch entirely uaw stylus, as no other e'o-e in toie rltv can otTur: LMHKS wOllK-lltlAF.M. JtlVI I.KV.tiliCH, AMI Ot.OVr. HOTKI. H f HHAH KI SOB LAllir.M AND I1KN1HMES. VtBIIIMl lKHKH -liKF.-HINO I'AMt.S. F A NB. l'AKIts llll.T A XII IIH'IN.K HOODS. PA hi AN WAaF.-IIUIIF.MlAN 1.1. H. AKKs OF siNKltr ANTIyl K ANI MODBKV. CITIKKY-Kl-.l-.ir KMiUHII W a IK I Nil CASKS. (Ml KKT A N Is AHflr.sY lUfLCUBN lit. M V l.BATIIM IKIODS. lAlllhlH' UAliS-OVJitt TWKNTY DlFrKUBNl' K-1MIH. t ABAS!. PrVKFT-BOOKS CK'.AB CASES. I'lllNrS ASH POkTMiNalAl4. l.AW'.H OK ALL KIMIH. (U B, IKIMIMiF.4. l.l.TTOKB (Hii.nAi.f'.. couaitits, cutas, aso back- GAMUN It'iAll! s HAUATrl.l.K AND T1VOLI. IN ItiYHlhls deparluiem le eompliiteln every variety kMwu.wlth tusnvroel tltlrme ngver oalore Impxiried. lolle, tra rory larro rarletv. of t very bled known, auoi la thl. stoio. suipa.ret In iiuaiitr ana tas'tful droilnir any tMnii kaow n ren-ind In Foropa, Till, la uo Id'eooa.ti Lack i shoald c.ll and lee Uieu. 11-30 SVt CI H A R I. F. S R U M P P , J l'Ot'HKT BCIIK andATl)HF.I. MAVI F 0TPItlB, Ho. il H hi k i II Mrrri. below Ar ii, 1'illi.AIIKI.I'IIIA. Portrolloe. 1'ress nu t'ases. I let I'esrs, Parket llooki, aa. Ha!ih"a, Aloney Bolls, Work Oosee, Hunkers' Caste. VvtiOk'laJf and rslall. Yi-I lm DRY GOODS. J J a fJbOIV. Hos. 713 and 715 V, TENTS STREET, Rave matte onorsnoas rednwlbme ha Ilia prices of all Ite-lr Kiosk. i it 1: H M 1H Of every variety wr HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HANDSOMK 8II.RR, CHEAP 8ILKS, KMPUKSS CLOTHS, IlKD POPLINS, FRENCH MERINOES, PLAID MHRINOES, men i'i.ah) i-oi'iiiNs, ri.AID CAfillMKUHS, MOHAIRS, DE LAIN K3 VALENCIA SHAWLS, BLOOIJE AND WOOLLEN. oeltlee In Linen HsctR. rohl. f, ljwe Collars, Fienrh and Camhrlc I. ace Tails. Persons ak-u pnrchailna Holiday Ulfts wou'd do vtel) In aiaralue our Htock, as we wish to close out the whole of It before the 1st of January, and are offering VERY (JURAT KAROAINS. Ay W FOUBTH AUD AECH. HAVF. RKI'CCKD I0MF! FIHR GOODS FOR TBI HOLIDAYS, To (iivor the Iniuliiblo prsctlco of niaklnr; VALUABLE CHRISTMAS GUTS. Lyons Velvets, Fine Shawls, Black Silks, Kep Poplins, Merinos, Blanket!?, Good Chintzes, Flaid Shawls, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Blue Silks, Silk Poplins, De Laincs, Piano Covers, Christmas Scarfs, Christmas Hdkfs. II l ira I01IN II. 8XOMES, ll No. TfO AI1C1I BTHF.F.T. UEllVCTION IN I'llHIRII OF UltY 000118. A Hlt ndul Variety f r ( fJltlBIMAS AKI Nr.W Yr.AKH PRBSF.NTK. t'ou.iitlnu of Htt.g lioods. French MrrlntiMt and I'opiloi. l.niiln s Htnsie and It. uine Width Black Iielslao Lui'lns U'ixltWo i I'lal.le. l.uilu s F ine gnallly Frenrh Merlnoet.li f Heavy k I Lb eel Wo,, I Fitplini, $ Ml. tlayand Plain NtTloColbm and Woolrislr ) :H vs. lis Callcon, rrorn.il to MJ. Plaid hliawls tiav and lioslrablo. l'laln Mliaw.i for Mcivlre. t'hild'en . Hnawls- Ixins and Atjnanb. Ladies',! lents', and Chlltlren'e tliove.. Ittlee' andllen-s' l.lnen Catnhrlc ilBkfb. lstll.s Hem Hi trhed ll.lkfi. t.tms Mils lldaia. Ilalmrral riklrrsI arga Aieortment. f plerdid Conntarpanos, from Auction. Flannels White And CoUred. ituiilat'rah and Diirpor. 1110 yards Anterlrau Crash, at 12e. If Ladiea will examine this slot k they will find good poods at the vary lotsoit prices. No trouble to show thcui. Coata aud oiauUne, a( JOHIT H. STOKES'. U lm Ko. 70t ABJH Mreet. lOar't.'HWSNCT STBKBT. E. M. NEEDLES Its Onlly ltecolvlnur BOVF.ITIU IB LAOKfv, WHIT E OOOPS, BMIJROIIJEIUEB, VKII.H, 1 1 AN DK BRO I II FS, o., In every yarlety aad at iu:duci;i) piiickh, BnTABLB FOB TUB FAIJ. TUADE, lO'll CHF.SNUf SlTiTtET. ! W 9 15 T. a 2 J. COWPEIITIIWAIT ste CO.. S. E. Cor. NINTH and AEOH Streets. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. BLANKETS AT RETAIL. BLANK KT 8 AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. ELANKET8 FOR TIIE ARMY. BLANKETS FOR TIIE NAVY. BLANKETS OF AIX SIZES. BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIEi. BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAJiKKTS TO BUT EVERYBODY. IIIVJNISKT HTOHF-, trl-tin B. .ourner KIMTH and ARCUStraeu. no noop SKIRTS fjno DM) Manufactory, Mo. I ARCH Btraet, U"3 Above Utxiti su-eet, PSXUdoluliI. Whnlasala and Retail. Tho Banal complete aseorttuent of LadlosMf 1ssos, And Children'. Hoop Hktrta In llio ulty, In ovary resiled ftrst elaaa. wblh for style, finish, our ability, aud ohoapuOMS. Aave nn eiual In the market. hklrts tuada le order, allot ed, and renalred. s4-lv WM. T. HOPKINS. T OOK' LOOK I LOOK I LOOK! A J To H'lniin II May roncern: Ail persons who cau aiiinttcuie a good UAJit ctr. should go to PrXt.rMlERB. No (81 CfrKSm'T BTIlKBI'.iiplf'Sllo the Post Ofllos, wbero they esn ret their lialr out to suit them when afl oilier, fall. One tilnl will cunt Ince any one that It la the place ol all others iu these I lilted Hlalea U-o'-fl o NEW 7-30 LOAN. . Bulucrtptlona received, and tha Hoses rornlehodftosol allohargoe, hy UKOUUK J. BOTT, llsnker, - Ho. Ua.TIIUtUoUtest, CLOAKS, tt. (J HEAT REDUCTION IN TIIE rillCM OF CL.OAKM, At IYE58 4 00.-B, Mo. SI S. KINTIT STREET. la etsresee of tho fall In roltl, IVFNS) CO. have relieved their prife. from l& to in par seat., and have a w on kand a large and wall selected stock of t'l.OAKS snll akla for tha praeent aad coming aeasnn. which ther are determined to seal at pricea which cannot fall to suit the pursheser, ladles will find It to their advantage loglve as a call before purckaaing eisowhora. Memember ITfJfg A OO' B Ol.r;FJTAIlLlHllED CLOAK BTORB, Ro. . MIMTII 8trvt,eomeres' Jayaa. 11 7 tl JJKIVIIV 1'AllICEll, If o, 51 nl 03 8. E. Corner NINTH AND ABCH BTEEETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Ton eaa obtain at thU atahltahaa I, WATFB PROOF CLoTn CIOAKB, KF.AVSIB " TRKXIT " nravY RlftltKn " FKOSITItll Hr.AVBK CHIHUIIHXA " " Al.t MAflB IT INTO TUB UtTF.BT HTTLt and of the vary boat material . Call and see tho stock before yon mtrohaaa. Wi ahall take great pleaeare la waiting oa yon. 11 3-Uinulm NEW FUB STORE, N. B17 AIIC11 STREET. The above respectfully Informs his patrons, and the pnb lle In general, that ho has now opened, at tha abos'e store an assortment of LadieB' and Children's Fancy Furs, vVhleh, for Tartety and onCRy, cannot bo snrpassed hy any house In tl.o I'nlted States. Being iho mann'acturer of all his Furs, and having Imported all his stock whan gold was much lower than at the present rates, ho can offer thctn to but patrons at the aaost reasonable prloas. AIJ, FimR made to order, and repairing done In the bast manner and latest styles. IIKNKY 11AHKK, Importer aad Manufacturer OF I.AB1KB' AUD CHILDREN'S FOBS, UU lm Mo. SIT ABinl BTBEBT JAXJirCH FANCY JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPOBTKR AMD LA Nl'FACTCHBR OF LADIES' FAJNCY FUU8, No. H!2(i AHOII KTHKKT, HBL0W H1STH, CHEAPEST PLACE IS THE CITY To seleot from a first-class assortment, Conalittng of HUDSON BAY AND MINK. SABLE, ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, GERMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRREfe, Ac. Made into all the latest styles. These goods were bought whan gold ranged from ISO as 170 and are being sold at small advanoo on ooet at tha rato., rVKkr ARTICLE WARRANTED TO BR AS KB PResBNTED. SatlafaoUoa gnarantoed. 10-U-tuiha 3m AIJIIUM' FAJN7Y iUHM. JOHN FAREIKA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH, AT 11 IB OLD BBTAltLlBHHD STOBJg, Impoiter And ManuJaoturer of LADIES' AND CDILDIIEH'S FANCY 117 1 . KyaaaorlnMatof FAJK7TFTJR r Ladtas Aad CnlUrea Is now aoanpieto, embracing EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BB WORN DURING TUB COMING SEASON. Ksnombor th mama and a am bar, JOHN F ABEIEA, No. 718 AKOII BTltKKT. Above Bovoath, I BATE HO PABTFTB OB OOBNECTTON WITH ASTT OTQCiHTOREIH THEC1TT. S-SO-aoi ISM. 1SG4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OERMANTOWN. McCALLUM & CO., WHOLKHAIJI CARPET WAKE HOUSE, No. fiO! OHE8NUT 8THI2KT, PUILADEU'iaA. 18G4. 18G4. McCALLUM & CO., RETAIL IEIA.llTMliPIT, No. 619 CIIESNUT STREET, U-7 II OPPOSITE 1ITDEPEHDBNCE BALL. ILLIAM CIIAMI'LIN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Ko. U 11ATT0H FLACK, lietwren Cherry And Raoe, Above K ablli sueet. Store Fitting and Joublmg ul aU kinds promptly at tended to wlu dcapateh. U-d-lms IEOROE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND V 1 Builder, No, J l? CAR TKR Sire.l, and No. Ul HOI K Btriet. atathlno VYark and MUlwnghuug uruiuptly at leuiltd to. iUaa HIIOEMAKEll A COH OKILTJEEN'S ClrOTIIDra EliTOBIUkT, 4 N. BIOHTH STREET, : roTUADP.LrBlA. Ml mm v . n t ;fl 4 .!':. n&X'ilte We raspootftilly Invito special ausntloa to oar alsiraat asaottmontof CIIII.DIUON H CLOTIIINO; Comprising BOYS', GIRLS', IRPAVT', and ItlllRBr t'loUihig In ovary vaiteljr.ia the latest styles, aad of sapo rlor workmanahlp. Specs al attootlon paid to MIKE' DRF.Sltl AKPfd. Tho pnhllc rs mvlled to call and examine. M. SllOKMAKEIl OO., 11- l'Jslnthlra No. 4 N. KinnTII BTBBET. yil.SOX'S SKATE DEPOT, No. 409 OHEBlsUT BTREET. Josl racalvod, a full slock of Lstllrg' Pkatrs, l'hilaile Iphla Clnh fikntea, Ovnts' Skaus, Iltiston Kookors, vet j superlof, llt'J'S' tkalrs, New York Chili Skates, And Parlor Hkutes, all sires, wherr- afl can bo aroommotlated with a snporlor cjnaF' Irom a choice selection. imiilii' wn.Horr a co.. 12- 10 lm Ko 4W C'UEMM'T Street, PhUadolphuk pIIIT.AIX:ilMlIA N K A T E DEPOT," LESLEY & CO., No. 007 MAUKKT HT11EKT, BOLE AGENTS FOR Osborne's Challsnu Stool Skafas, Belcher's Improved Ladles' and Gents' Santa, B. Clark's Patent Ladiea' and Oenta' Bkataa. PXvnpton Fatont Ecoantrta Floor Skataa, Shaler'a Patont Floor Skates. Tha American Patent Floor Skala. A full assortment of all tb above stylas ooneUnUy aa hand, as well as all tha other varieties of STEEL AND WOOD-TOP SKATES. Lnvatt's Patent Self-Fastening Slates fasten wHhotdi straps, 13 t-iw FOR BALI, WBOLKSAI.B AND BBTA1L. JiaW HTYLll OP HICATlirJ FOB LADIES, GENTS, AND OEELDSEN, NEWllOLD 1 1. TROTTKlt. 11 lm Ko. !I1S M ARK ET STKCBT. Ql'XillA CJIsAMfim LA SUE ASSOXTafJCkTT TOE BALE BT JAMES W, QUEEN & CO., Ms 094 OTfERNTTT BTBIE'B ILLCOX & tniBES' Sewing MacbineSs ! No. 715 GHESNOT ' St-sPhiluvla. QROVEIl A llAltlill'M HIGHEST PREMIUM 8 E W I N Q MAOUINDH, No. 730 OHKBNTJT BtrsMit. J HOLMES ailOVEll, ENAMELED SLATE MANTEL WAREROOMS, TAHIiK TOPS, &0, No. tWO OIIKSNtJT KTllKIST, PIlILADELPniA. It t FACTORY TENTH AND SANSOM STS, If AH TIF. ATTTfffl RTflVrflf CHEATER Til AN COAL OR WOODt EAGXE GAS UE1TISG STOVE, TUB ONLT 0KB THAT IB FREE FROM SMOKE OR SHELL. Will Heat OFFICES, FARLORS, DININO, 6LEEFINO, AKD BATH BOOatB, Wllhleas tronhle, In lass More, and at loss eipeate lhaa any Coal or Wood Btove. They are vary ooavenloul lot use in apartments la which Ihare Is no Chimney Flue. . W. LOOMI8, No. U7 H. SIXTH STRKET, U Mtnthslm PHILADELPHIA. I'llOMAH J. It. IIUOWN. UBALBH 11T Boots, floes, Trunks, and Carpet Rags, Nog. 1034 and 1040 MARKET BIURET, C us Winer work made to order. 11 3'ilulhsJsy