THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1861. i - Vc 3 getting ffelctjtaph TUKSDAT, DECT.MBKR 13, 18GI. riniRiN or BHimojrn ai pic Tt K.HI1VK41 I A PSTATIC Of MF.IJK. The army rorTesfKin'leni of the Columbia Caro linian, writing from tho Intrcncbmcnti rotied ltlrbmond, under tlnteof Novrmlicr 1'i, furnlshi-, an Inlf resting letter, frm which we make the following extracts: Among all tho or tlic CoiifeilcntcT none can more Jtintlv lay claim to the title of mctn lis than Its Ixautifiil i-api'al. Although inroHtcd by a hundred tliounand enemies, whiwc besieging pins, morning, noon, and nlgbt, roiir out tticir hate; allliough girded around by a lino of Im'tle that nuiv at liny moment bunt Into llnmo, ueh in the faith refused In those brave defenders who have po often "Oo death i at Hit cianhol with force that turntd lt eik-e." that one mar look In vain for sign of dotibt or trepidation. Pay breaks, and hunury thousands nre making their way to tho wcll-tl.led niKikety. Later, the stores open their sleepy lids, and evory window displays tempting goods that tell the story of busy enterprise and broken Mor.karir. T lie restiiuriint-i, of which there are oies kept inastvleof inngnllicent ntiund inee, bang out their veuison, birds and turtle, and ex r.e line shelves fiei(tlited wuh the choicest l,nor ihat tempt tho bin riranl to certain iiiiHii ral in n, 1 lie hotels and Wmrding houses pour forth tin ir living contents, and by ! o'clock M.iin Una ai d its tributaries begin to witness the grand proi es-lonal movement which continues thn'iieli the day. Ladies and clcrVs arc wending their way to their hi vcral po-ts 04' duty ; men with olhclul busi ness plainly wilttcu on their faces are hurrying in tbe direction of the departments; mothers, wives, and al-tvrs, applying for the detail or fur lough of somo loved one, or perhaps eoer to (cam the fare of a missing husband, son, or bro'her, uro also there; otlieers are gnllojdug from the front to bring reports to tho hcndOiirtcra in town ; quartermasters with their accustomed energy, aro lnokinp; up the day's supplies; soldiers from camp on a few hours' leave of ab.-once begin to arrive ; men on crutches hobbling forth from hospitablo roofs to breathe the fresh air; tho fair sex attired wlth a lichnessand elegance, in raiment that you will see nowheretlse in the Confederacy, add to the attrac tions of the stroet ; and thus gathering its contribu tions from a tboutand channels, tho population out of dorrs grows and diversifies, until you find Tnnrac.f Dimmed iuto one of those cosmopolitan ground swells that exist only in the great cities of the woild. lly noon the tidu is at its Hood, and yon may elbow the liest and the worst, tho high est and the lowest, the greatest and the meanest people Id the land. Might comes, and the lights fl ir-li merrily from a thousand parlors, whre reign peace, iilianiro and content. Hospitality atxiunds, and with graceful bund the good citi zens dii-peiiso its rights, not more among them selves than upon the passing stranger, whose only claim may be that bo is a soldier. The transient visitor has oiRred to him tho temptations of tho theatre and tho concert-room, while a score of hells are ready to engulf those whoso baser tastes best fit them for their enjoyments. Such is Richmond. And it is a strange contrast that one expe riences In paasing these metropolitan scenes, wlicro dreri utid fashion are the presiding deities, to tbe severe associations of the camp, where comfort at best is but rude, and every thought Is tubordinate to the duties of the time and place. Here eviry thing scaks of war. The place in which I write is tho headquarters of ono of our generals, and yet headquarters are but a deserted no:ro hut, whore a sing 0 apartment, divided by a strip of canvass, serves the purpose of olllces, Chamber, and dining-room. Justin our front is tho continuation of the otitrr line of intrenehmeuts which encompass jHubinot.d, and now bold the enemy at bay. A lew hunuiud yaids distant glcum tie tires along our picket lino, and a corresponding row of lights beyond n ark tbe presenco of it Yankee division. 1 he woods have been leveled for miles, aud tho gronnd covered with an abattis been already nnsuccisst'uliy explored by tho Federals, Across this simce occasional glimpses are allonled of the iiitrcnchments of the enemy, but for seve ral daysnodemonstra ion has been made by them which indicates vigorous life. Still, wc know tin y are there. Our men are rapidly getting Into winter quar ters, budding wells, putting up log huts with that hid roofs, and nrouuriug lor the inclomency of the season. The most interesting portion of the entire line Is urotind Petersburg, where tho two armies have diiftand dug until the entire face of the country between them resembles a labyrinth, which, to tho uninitiated, has neither beginning uor cud. Ne ess ty, the uiuther of invention, has taught our met. Low to protect themselves, and you will find them bumming like siiuirrels undor ground. They live iu caves, boles, chambers Ingeniously constructed, with bunks and lire places, and in a word, extent in time of action, are completely hi lterul. Hharpshootin, the pest of a soldier s lile in the trenches, continues incessantly ; but, beyond thirty or forty men daily killed or woundid along the lines men only missed by the loved oues of the home circlo all is quiet. That this comparative rctt will not continue long is a gcmrul impression. In epite of our hell and shot, the Dutch Gap canal is supp ised to Uc nearly completed, and the gathering of tbe mammoth arinuda, ami ai rival of General Sheri dan ut City l'olut with a portionof his forces, are indici tions which certainly point to a rand eom tmi d land und naval attars: within a few days. 11 Oiaut is unsuccessful, und no one familiar with our pn parutions doubts the contrary, it Is sur niiscd timt with his usual promptness he will luovo southward and commence a winter eaiu p.i.t'n K im wi re else. Amors all the aniagonists that have confronted General J.eo during the war, none have gtveu Unit great chief' more trouble or occasioned more anxiety than (St nernl Uraut. Although he has ben leieatcdlv brought to the ground, beaten, ai d discnmti ed, like ft reckless pri.e-tighter covered by his own blood, and blinded by tbe blows that wcro rallied upon him, he bus d ished artiln into the (ray, and again and again sutl'ered the mortilicuiion ol defeat, without once acknow ledging that lie bus been whipped, auu tie still clings with Ucuih liko tenacity. The resources of an immense power are at his "back. He calls for reinforcements to take the place of the tens of thousands over whose graves he still k) like the demon of death; aud they are furnished. Nothing is wanted to make his success complete but sheer human inability to stand before the guivrior prowess of Southern men. With his pecultsr obstinate, bull dog nature, General Orant is a firm believer lu tbe "attrition" process, which wears out by repeated blows what is not accom plished by one. Hence tbe necessity! if keeping our own army fully up to a proper level of triBgtb. Heine the revocation of details; the recommendation of the l'resident concerning ncfro labor, and the measures about to lie de vised by Congress lor a general reorganisation of the atiur. St. rATnir h'k Hodt Oofun. While the work men engaged in the renovation of St. Patrick's Cathedral, In liublin the oldest church in Ire land were di;.'Kliig np a portion of the flooring in one of the ainlos, they discovered a large stone coffin of curious workmanship buried a few feet below the surface. The eomu, when opened, was found to contain the skeleton of an ecclesiastic, aipoedto have been buried there (too years! The skull was perfect, and the bonrs crumbled ii to dust when exposed to the air. On the lid of the coflln there was a full length figure of a lihbop In bis robes. It was inspected by some antiqua rians, including Doctor Todd, who expressed it as bis belli f that ft was the original founder of the church, tit. Patrick. It is iu good preservation, and it is in every respect a most interesting relic. When tbe church is finished tt will be placed in a most prominent position, because there is no more remarkable antiquity iu the building. TOU mni A.THR OKI or TUB OfKAW." It bas been generally asserted that the Ameri cans stolo the national song, "Columbia, the (lem of the Ocean," from tbe Knglisb. From the following Tcry Interesting letter, which ap pears In the Chicago " Song Messenger," It would appear that the reverse Is the case : Chicaoo, October l!l, 1K04. Messrs. Hoot and Csdv. Oentb'tnon ; Permit mo to give you a history of "Columbia, the (Jem of the Ocean." In 1st:, Mr. T. Shaw, then a cenoert singer at tbe CIiImcc Museum, Philadelphia, waited upon mo at the Chesnnt Street Theatre, with a request that I would write film a song for bis benefit right, producing, at tne same time, some poetry ( ? ) with tbe above title, which be claimed us Ins cwti composition. On rending i 1 found the measure sodefeetivo as to lie rntireiv unlit to be set to mti-tc. We arlinurnrd to the house of a trlcnd ( Mr. Richard Ilarbord, Decatur street), where I wrote tho two first verses in pencil, and at Miss lturbord's piano 1 composed the melody. Shaw was much pleased und we parted. On reaching home, I added the third verse, wrote the symphonies, and arrnngod the sotg lor the piano forte. The next day I gave Mr.Sbaw a fair copy in ', with the injunc tion that be should not publish, give, or sell a topy. 1 be song Immediately become popular. In a few weeks afterwards I left Philadelphia to fulfil an engngement in New Orleans, and was much surprised during my stay in that city to sec a pub lished copy of mu mini. On my return I upbraided. Shaw lor having broken faith with me. Ho miswcred "that the song had become so popular, be thought it advantageous to buth of us to pub-li-h it, and that be bad sent 11 hundred copies by the hands of Mr. Pluinor." This Mr. Plttmer indignantly denied. 1 immeolately waited on Mr. WiPIg, the pub lisher, who inloimcd me that he had purchased the song of Shaw. I showed him (Mr. Willig) tbe oilginal pencil copy, ami claimed the copy right. 1 then proceeded to Mr. T. Osborne, music publisher, Third street, above Walnut, and ma lo an agreement with him to publish tne song In partnership, and In less than a week tho song was placed before tho public, under its proper title, viz., "Columbia, tho Ocm of tho Ocean; written and composed by Thomas A. lieckot, and sung by David T. Shaw." Mr. K. L. Davenport, the eminent trngcditn, took the song to London, where he sang it nigh'ly for some weeks. It became popular, und was published (without authority) by T. Williams, ( henp-ide, under the title ot "llritanma, the Ucni ot the Ocean." I visited London in 1817, and found the song claimed as an Knidish composition (perhaps it is, I being an Knglishiuan by birth). During my absence, Osbome gave up business, and the plates of the song were sold ; thus the song went out of my posicssiou. 1 am, gentlemen, yours, etc., 1 iiiiitiH A. isr.cKt'.r, Wood's Museum, Chicago. Author of "Columbia, the (Jem of the O.-c ju," 'He Died upon tho Dattle Meld, etc., etc. K-wr I'sps for I'nsser. The war has famlllari.ed us with talk of iron clads and tln-c!ads, tut who ever dreamed that paper would ever bo used for tho plating of war vessels, or the material of guns i ot re cent experiments in Europe indicate that neither Is improbable. From trials at Battersca it was ascertained that rockets made of paper tnbes were as strong as those made of metal. Paper boards of one inch in thickness were tested by ball, and found to be superior In power of resist ance to ten inches of solid oiik. The bullet, which made a small round hole in tbe paper, perforating so far as to raise a projection in the rear, would have passed through the oak, making an ugly fracture. So far as the process of manufacture bas transpired to the public, it consists in placing upon each other sheets ot paper, dampened wun a solution composed mainly ot zopissa, till the required thickness la attameii, ana exposing ms bourds till they become hardened. Zopissa is a gum-like substance found to a considerable extent In Kgvpt. It imparts great hardness to any surface upon which It is placed, und bas en tered extensivelv into the compositions employed for preserving tlio stone walls of public buildings in kngland. The uses to which this paper maybe put pro mise to l multiform. The boards nre said to be well suited for the platings of ships, being lighter In weight than oak, and easily fixed tt the frame work. They do not require Bheathing, are non absorbent, incombustible, and will not sustain on their surface any form of animal or vegetable life, and, in addition to these rucommendations, are cbt aper than oak and irou. The Inventor has used it succssfully In tho construction of light field-pioccs. It is also snit alile for carpets, which can bo mado from it in every variety of pattern and color. Experiments are In progress 1 1 show its fitness for nouse-build-ing. Kxcellent leather fur boots and shoes aro mudc from it. In fact there seems to be few uses to which it is not applicable. Hartford Cmrant. (School In I'nrlsi. l-'rnm statistical accounts just published It ap pears that there ate now In Paris ono hundred and nine schools for boys, containing twenty-eight thousand pupils, of which sixty-three are kept by lay masters and forty-six by members of the reli gious fraternities ; one hundred and eleven schojls lor girls, with about twenty-seven thousand pu pils, of which tifty-scven ure managed by lay mis tresses Bnd fifty-four by sisters of the religious communities who devote themselves to educa tion ; eighty-four Infant schools, with lifleen thousand children; sixty-two classes of male adults: eiebtcen of female adults: fortv-nine ourriert or workshops for the employment of poor females ; and six special schools of design for men, and nine for females. In addition to these there arc forty-four now educational estab lishments authorized during the present year. Of these there arc elevon for males, of which six arc directed by lavmeu, and five by fraternities ; and nine lor lemuies, 01 wuieu six are by lay mistresses and three by the communities. These arc maintained out of the annual funds allotted by the Department of Public Instruction, amounting, for lHtll, to over four million francs, including cost of instalment, repairs, etc. In all there are over sixty tnousana boys ana girls re ceiving instruction. One circumstance deserving ol notice is tbe large number of schools In Paris directed by the religious Ira'erniiles. besides these csuib tsbmeut supported by State funds, the city of Paris pays sn annual sum for the maintenance of nine free schools tor boys, seven of which lire directed by tho Christian brethren -, aud eight for girls, all directed by nuns ; so that Purls, with its University aud its normal primary schools, counts nearly as many cungre gutiuiiisti us lay ones. The daughters of Tliackeray have pr?senti'd to tlio M'liolursol tilt-Charier llon-u tho iron lictl stuud which hi Icnu'ed to their father, and no which he eiiid. it in irnw In the nU'i-pititr-riiotu of the head monitor la (iown buys. On it is in scribed a legend lu Latin, from the. .en ef Ari-lt-dcucon llale. SPECIAL NOTICES 1ST W HISTORIC AI. SOCIKIV OK 1'1-A'M- KYI VArilA. A l.aierou Dia ii :a ol Mnrril laland. Nniilli I al-illr.a." Kill b rend i-ioio Hie Sonut, by Ci.lonol W. . H. I A VI -, oi li..nt.i..w o, at Ihe 1111, All.enn-vm Biillillns. hl'l'll Nlrit. beluw Walunt, oa Mnlnea.lay eviniiiir. II. e Mtb Inaianl. al H o i-lockJ 'I he regular Httiti-it .Meeting will be belli on MouJay ntnli.the 1'Jtli inatant, at S ii i-...rk. . HAMI'KI. I.. SMKIII.I'.T, 1J lMt H.-cur Jinn Secretary. t" UNION l.EAOt'U HOUSK, NO. lilU -u CBbMSVr lrt. Im-aitaaa I, ISM. NOTII-B. Ttie atated Annnal Meeti.g of ilie t'oinn L'-ajne of PbHa dilnnia wiU b htld atlOK'Kltr UAI.L. on HON IIA ', Li'i mlit-r 1J. at Ho rim k I' M. 1 kketi, BdrnliunK ineniliei'i only. can buhad nn aonMoa tlrin to Mr. Clement K. Wr liMile, al"tanl IttHTKlary. ill I lit (ir'Uti.K II. IIOKUK.He. roUiy. frt- TltV. rFNUSYLVANIA FREED or Hi nil, nw tun rotimliiitlotiK inc aukum i, I'so ; sfiHM ISari'tetn Htntin Sim on Mm Funn v I 'lark 'I tirimuh W. I.lnyil Onrrl"in A S ii, t.S. Iliroiiyl. liruol W. M"irn Mr,. AKin llow H . Ilobrria.. Iieriitl umiay t4ihol . .Vhin Wilt I'-''' frnin K'linl.M'k-n H'n kly fi'rCo'orril Ka-Iukoi-, UirfMivriMii. W 'filttin A S rlrti'l. II reukh J. M. McHlm Mn.J SHI A Krlfm', ihri iikli Iti-v. I' tltojk Mis. (' H. OMffi nil hunt Mmri W. II. All. II n ' liobi ns V Its .Miimoi l.i.liunlriil Julia W. Kn lcl Swindle holiiHil, t.'hiiri Ii ol' hailnr. W. l'lillaU.. f ah Mr-. II. II II C I arlia f. Si. t'snh.lliiOMih l;iv. Mr. brinks J iKTllllll .MllSHl'U 1 rms. II. W sttsiai Mrs. v.. thriii(;li lu.S .la'-ksnii It. II. Ilnnnl Caah l.i'U ,1. tiros Mia. t-VM.'Ol .O l n Si 1 1 nil.- Hi', ri Ci.ri' AI1H.H .!' t II l-.-l.l- Tims 'i..l- W lliiwluiin, thrniikli luv Mi.t u..rr O. I. ( ., t.i lu sirs. Man:nret 8lilpirn H. rnlnml Allen.. 1. nil l.t J.-l 11 A. Vdlli-t -, Ail. I'l.c 'I h-.inaa.. A Srii-iil II, ran. Ii Kb, . I'. Uriel, l-ri-e M.'i.fs J Mi-M:ilt li-tiiv F.lw.iiil Ili.rHl-i 1 hntnas MiM .lai i.b I' . .loiii-i. .1 ( A I 0 K, W. 1 link A r l'li-vii.usly ri-ei Iv eil iki un 'in no III" no -JD I II 1 00 1; m 00 : 711 .Vi IO hi tai III IV) m no ;.a en j:, 111 t 10 I i no Hi IKI 4:, nil 10 lal A i mi irl Inn lal t IKS 1 1 Ms no ?(i no .VI IO i m 21) IKI i lno s llMMI IKI 1 1 mi i .4Si no :ji no ICI S INI an 0 WHI I SI .11 l III IMI III II I Hi is-n lit) in) I'll ,11 nn 2( n 1 st , .vhi (si ; ml 1 1, 1, 1 '.'I Total ls.'i; Si I'. W. ( I.MtK. TrcaMrrr l'flins) Ivanla Fri-Cillm-il a Iti-liof Annsi-I it.nn, Nn. :: , N. I ill un sou. I. TIIK INDKPl- NDKNT I' V 11 1, 1 C HOARD Or HROK KhS 111 'I II K. cut ok riiti.Aiii.i riti A. Tlili Aasorlatlon has cmi etril 111 orKaniiitlmi, afti v ill oummence Ha res alar aesalom nn Hie OKI HNI OK JAM AllY, 18'. Tim a.UnwIug art tht oltli.ora aeloc'.e-J ' l-KS SlliKNT, T. 8. HF.ItKIIX. SS.CKKTAKT, J. O JOHNSON. 1 IlKAsCIIKIt, WILLI VM WATHON. ararl Till filMMHTKB. HIHMAS R. BKIlltll.l., BOtir.ltT J. MKMCI'K. Cl.rMF.NT MAItl'll, T.J WmilSUTON, A HAM WAIITIIMAV, JACUII llllt llSMtTB, LA.AI(ira HIII.OSH, AM.IH rlllU.HM, IIKO It. IttttltAM, It. 8. CAMHATT, II. II 8T. JOHN. .IAMV.S Al.DF.KDK.'i: There will he two regular aimona of tha l'ubllc Board !.: At hair-past VIA. M.and at half lust 1 1'. M. wlrr-n a regular call f atocka will be naa, Inr'udlrs the I Iratofoil which tlino tho public-la Invited to bo present. Karri ai.-saion will ho fur una hour oolr, union the tlma Is extended by a voto of tho member! pn-aetit. I'ropir notice will be given ol th location of the new Stuck Snebange. THOMAS 14. SRKUtLL, Preaaient. J. C. Johsaos, Secretary. 1I U-J Ol-I'iri: OK HONEY COMB PETKO-Ul'M-L'OMI'ANV, Au. w sj. Kuiunt BTlitr.r, rioi-AOSi no. tr RaWrlptton rtooka will be elojoJ no Tburidaj, Di-ci-mbi-r I-'i- 1 iiefertifleatea f fltork will be leiued an Umday, 19th Inal , on U render ot the ri-celf ta. WII.I.IaM MtVX, PrealdTil. Thomas Tolman. Secretary and Treaaurer. li D ili f2?T- PITTPUUIUJ, 8th IKCEMBKR, 18(11. a" -IUVIHr.Nll. Tho Dirertnrs ur the ROSSOIt COMPANY hnve thia day di lar, d tholr tlilnt monthly TtlKhK PKH CiCNT.on tua Capital Stuck of the Company, pa able after tbe lr,t laat. to Ihv riillail- lpli auni-rlDers ai tne onicc oi aim iiiai'wm Collln, o.HUH. JTH'iNT Htrrot. W.H. M- i I'lLllEOK, Pratdlt. KOIU'.IIT WBAY, .In., Merrelary. 12-10 GItEAT BASIN Oil. COMPANY. IIIVIIlXM) Ko. . The Illreotora have rhla dnv dei-ian d a MONTHLY DIVIDK.SD OK i wo era in Rlockbirih-rl of rocord, paval te en and a'tT ihe l.Mb Inat. Itouaa aluaeou WEDKH1)AY 7th Inst. O. W. WILLIAMS, Tranrer, No 14 Vaniiibar ltulldinici. Pllll.Anai.rnu, Derember &, lsi.l. li-.i-lot jppf" OFkTcK OK TIIK CITY I10UNTY Ksad t'oiiimlmion, Uummonwaalth llulldiiis, Mo. 613 ( lltShLT H n-et. PiotAiiHi no a. liwemher lo, iv.t. Kntlcr is bi r.'bv Riven, Ihat tlm Itoinjiv ollerml by the City ol rhilauripiiia waa wltl ilrawn on Htlok", lie. -em-bi-r ti.ainl tt-at no boinily will lie paiii to mi'a mustered iu or i-nliau-il atli r tliut date In luture the t'oinmiasloners will meet on TrK-sll4Yt, Tilt KWDAt M.and SJAn ItDAYH.from l :it' 4 III I". M' JOllHI HI.AIK, r.'-l'J-r.t Heureiary. IIKADdCAKTKllti SUPERVISORY Committee for lli-crilitlnu Colored UegluieDta, No. IJlOCllH.sJiUT Bircet. I'liit.Aiiei.t-iiiA. Iiecemhar 7. ism. The Hnpervlaory ('ominltlci- lor Itec-rinuns Co.ori-il h.-nt-nn'rilaliuvlntr reaotvi-d to adjourn aluo U.e on tl.e-ltat instant, all nersoi. a havinR ciaiuia a. ani-t the aald I'oai-nil.H-i- are rctiieali-dto present tiu m for payment lo K. U. ORSON, Aii-lU. ut the Koomiul the t.'aaimlttee, oil or bi foie the 2olh iuslant. Vt-v-lil CAUWALADKH IHUDLU, Secretary. I3T oiricr, TENNSYLVANIA RAII, ItOAO COMTANV. , rini.Ani.riil, atovemoor l, l-wt. nTir'K TO HIlAllKllill.LiE Irt. Tho ahan-hoklrra of Itila cmiiany aio notified that, nnderltan. lutiiinof the llna'doi liirect-ra they ar., o-irJ-tled lu aiibM-r.lii- to ilia atock of the Comriany rho amount Ol IE.H I R I , on their reapecuvo iniereat. ahofvn ov their birfika of the tM matant. fa. Ii aharehnlilrr en IMed Hi a Iracllanat part of a ahara, miilerthe ti-nna uf tbe lii-aoliiiinn, aiiall bine the prinv Irue oi aubacrlaing for a full at. are oa the payiueut ot ufty oli an. Tula Stork will be laaoed at tbe nar value o' fitly dol Ian perilmre. aecrued Ii tereat at hi X I'Klt CKnT.wIh i- cliarued Irom the lat Instant until payment la made. TlipHnnka Inr aaiiH.iriijMi.n arid Dainent will bo oaea on altiN I'aY, the 7lh luaiant, and will close oa Hie Hat M December neit, alter wlilcn nofuiUlor aabacrlptloul ui lit- rerelved under tre rei.ilutlon. U-lKtH-31 THOMAHT URTH Treaanrer. office rini.ADEi.rniA OAS WOKKS November ml lKllt. Proponaia will ha rei i-lve'l at tlita Ottlca an'll noon of tnr Int oi .lanuary next, lor the anli-ln tne 1 rualore 01 tuo i-iiiiHiie.piua a Wnrlia, of alork in tne Houihwai-k and Moyunientiug i Works, tli-riuantown do atiinrounk do nd Kli-kinnnd do 'lobe UhOd a luieatinenta lor the linking fncdi of aald wuraa. WII.I.IAkl KEXSKI.I.. 12-tl-lin Caalner. OFVICK OK VF.TF.RAN BOUNTT :' FlIB.l Civ 'iiraliiUalun. No. 7 l H.U" MITII H II AL.I. l.IHIIAItt Hlrn-l, l-hllaili Iplila Ko-anlialed Valeraix. wl.o did not rei'i ive an Ward BouthrY.ore ealltlid lo a Cry llouirr ul I'wetitv-llve DolUra. The 'iiiinUal.iaiera N.piilntiil to examine i laiiiM fur the al)-a bminiy nt i t-ni n e uonar, vi in meet on aurAin, natii-ir.a-HA H. ano ltiUA K, ai a o cuk I'. M., at Mo. ) uiit.L) hkllTUM 1IAI.I., 1.1HKAKY Htrent. I'eranna euUUod to mil iroimty are reitueateit to aiiply at uiia tnnoe. iimmi i nth. 15. It RAI'NDKRI.Cnaaau, JONATHAV Ht-'I.I,0I1C, 1-Al'L J. KH I II, UKU. W. H1MUNH. tHWlM Ultr.BI.K. U-l.'i-ltt PI1II.A. KI.riMA AND IlKADINO Kallroad Company, (illloe, 7J S. r.ll'lti II s r.-el imiii 4likl.i-Hi, ovrnilir no, IfriA. MV1I.RM) NuriCK. Tl.a Tranafer Ttnoti uf thia Comiianvwll be eloaed on 1 l.nrailay. llereoibor 1, and ri-jjieued un rue-ioity, Jaua arv I'.'. W-ft. Adlvhlandnf rtrTHr!!. PF.R CF.MT. nn the Cnmmnel and 1'ieferrid Hioek. clear of Natlmiai und male taito-.ha been deriarel, pavabJay 11; Coiaanon Huiok.on lUeil.atol' lircetniier next, nn all aturk atandlng on tua rm.,ka ortae Ci int-any at the rloue ol' bu .liuaa oa the I6lti iiroxnno. Hi.x kind, oea wl.oee rmni'i are reniiti'reil on lb" Mew Y..rk li.ioke nfli be pAid al the Farmer!' Loan aud Truit t umiiaBT. li 1-tat . llRAlrrOKn, Treaaoror. rSST- AUMT, HAVT, AND CITIZKM'B OlothlnK embroidered St ouldorStrapa, Wraatk Co., hi stta uuayaiiaaiad,at rery redoooa pi me i. FAKK. Moephant Tailor, Ul'Jaa kto IS IgtTtlBaaool. above Ui.o.uut IHOTOOHAPII WU olono-te ana Xtttl. tb entAraitT Aim nr.rr riiwrocjitAi'ii ALuuMsii tm t rfalw, MimtM II Ml U trm - n t on t i-ao te " i-M to 7 00 SO -rnmf I M CO 10 00 "too " " ' te 10 o 1 rvf tuarts KMtellM "tuO " " " 11 00 o Jf J) rHO'lOUItAI'll AliHUMH In Every Variety of Stylo. RICH TURKKY MOROCCO, ANTIQUE, IVORY AND PEARL MOUNTINGS, ORNAMENTAL IDQES, fcc. Ac, llotdlni: ftnm Twain ! Two fliindrail rhotoTratttii, QV larirat and I oat aiaortrasnt Id UiS elljr. WILLIAM W. EARDIU0, If a M UK AOTdRKK, No. 32(1 ClIKSNUT 8TKKBT, Ii REI.OW rOURTII, HOUTII HtllR. jSTAIMilSIIKI) IN 1812. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. WILLIAM WILhON fc HON, 6. YV . (or. Finn and C1IKUKY St., riiiiDiu-niA, Mail oa hand a largo and (antral asaort merit t NILVKlt WAHH Ofmirown manufnoturi, af tha Sneat nualltv and hlekatt iiaintard of ailvar. HJiO, j'liATtal) WAUli. A larita and goooral aaaartmont o( snaarlor PlaHd Ware, ao. OI.I) Sll VrS bought and taken In exchange. Hl(hei prlat-a gtvoo. It 1 ISt JJ B W 1 sS L A I) O M U S , DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 802 CI1ESNUT STREKT, Uaa oa kand a largo and splendid uiortanaot of DIAMOND JEWELRY, 8TJITABLB FOR nOLIDAY rRK3KNI, Also, a baaatlfnl aaaorunoat of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry,&c, Oliver Warn la great variety, soluble Sir Bridal aaa Holiday Prtaenti. M y aaacrtuaent of ntamond Jewelry la oomplets, aad at leaa price mao eaa uo iobdo m tnia uny. Old Gold, Silver & Diamonds Bought for Gush 1) 1 A M 0 N I) S Faxaos I having Dlamnods or othar prarioeu atoaaalo 41pM0 of, will do well by calling oa Li I! WIS IiADOMUS, DIAMOND UalALl'It AMD JHWaU.H, t Ko. HUI CUKHSIJT Street, Who will glre rite hlghait eaih prlooa. lVt-lra ALSO, Old Cold and Sll'tr Iliiuslit for Itvita. Hi JOHN l.'i l! U K "S NAM , liaALUK IN 151 FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AUU fc-IIAIilt WAlil'l. Diamond atinga, KLoo Enameled Itraieleta, Fine Oenta' Chalae, Flia Ladlea' Chain. Ileayy Long Ouaxdl, Ataethyit and Pejrl e-j, Coral Sots, 11 0 1 on lilies' Chatelaine Dm, iJiamor.d I'ltia, Dlamcad Kar Kiaga, Ametb.MtandDiam. Kiul, Fine Seal Rlngl, Flue Purl Klngi, Oenta' Plant. arf Plru, B110NZB AND FANCY GOODS. l-'t S. KKJ1ITII KTUMliT. No. rnE WATcnrs, jewelet, SILVER AND TLATED WARB, COIINEK AKOii AND TKNTH HTP. Ttroochea, Ulcar IJuttoni, Armleti, Braoe'ola, ftoarf Flu aad Rlngi. Tea Beta, lee Pitohers, Walton, Oibleta, Forks, sooni, gie. Walaaai repaired aad warranted. Old Gold, Dlamaadi, aad Surer Bought, ll-IS-Sia HARRISON JARDKK. ii x: p( n v HAiiii:ri, Ho. 520 A.RGH STREET, BIS A CARCFVLLT III.SCTHU STOCK OF WATCUKS, FINK JI'iWELUV, bll.VKIl-l'LiATJOD WAKE, 1SPHCIALLT FANCY HILVlill WA11I2, Saltabla tor u ji HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL PRUSF.NT8. 13 M IS A. li II 13 It 9 H WUOLUALal AMD BMTA1L CLOCK ESTABLIHHMENT, B. eormer I AOUICV rOft THM rATKJTT EQUAXklXlNO THIKTT-DAT CLOCKS, ii.MAIillKA( Tl :Hf.H OF F1ME KHJ) lKM . 'LO'1 Kr.PAIUitH ANI WAKKAWlkJj. 1411-1 y idiock Trlaani uk i of evtury donpt4MR g X u 1 i"h HEW PATENT BT0VE, FOR COOKING AND HEATING li Y ii H. Cen he tm atieaper than nil ottier U Store, et u.w-im m ae m . riKTii CiOAL AT f7'60 rER TON. TIIK CUIH- th ,nTiil Mlntiiki Law of tUr Httn of rennrlToia, Ortohr, IMi JVi.0Ot nhftrri tt K per llitre, JVH.0Ol. TfMnrer-JOBlAU KlrtrKKHOCK, lio. li-I MiR- KKT mrot. JAVFH TiYKT. No . Hitih ntr-t r.fiWAKO V. tJO N KH, H'i fill Arrh tnl. lirNKT ft rAi;j., Nn 4I! Will nt Hrwt. Y W ( I.AYTUN. No. l.V. n . TMrd ntrrrl. TllOM S It. OARNKD. No. K-S Che.fiut. Oftlr. No. fiH M. HI XT II MtrMt. Th CompinT la itllt rcfeiTlnir nhtfrh'tifttn to tn tt at b pr -lirf, nd iurplinr Un Htorhlioldorn wlift Iht tn.t aUl f WLuteAttt HebnlAUl C'otU, mi $7 Xf per tn. Tt ttntloB of th publlo it IriTiU to tht Mlowinf ref' mm nittloa . the rmlrrilrtifd Bt'irH,oli1r In th ContnntfT!' MtttHftl C'onl Co , tiBvnifr ftiTiMi our tattnU'n t tne rl:lv- li'H opfriition. or tMt ua-iiM .iti'in, tko ptco r la Anna tiiinonr in mo Taitnrni ni ncrirtio dirortiun of init impirtMtit utrrprUp, anil in nittsni-a thti tn itfd lttinif-n to th ft '"! in-j ut l),r 'fti. r ihU ( 'ntniiinr, tb v fnost f nt'Ml pre pent thin oriTa.nlail n ti th" fiih Ir ) one rtnitif nt!y etaitnliiK their tiiioi-i. It beins the i(nlf of tlt prr-pni ht Unldr thA the )iiia rl(ttini tO thlH Hl Cl fllUll b C'llll til-U Hi "llll COIKHKIKTH, f II, l II o otlfiiitl oojm t tihnll r ruTlid ntii, lr : ntpjlnr gi until U en Important n purlini nt f (tt'iuPKilo pwinnti y it ii thi-reio'e uriirafim tnat iToninniert or nl fnoeni'T ciur in tnu ihkp ur rfninirnriu t'ir,. iti r 17 pre vtntinii any ixirtlcn of ti e Nti n Ir m failnitc into ih I and, of Hporu'riinrfl, which tho Jirccior tare ti m (laifiul ko tar to avutd- rnn.AiKM'iii4B Kovimhtr ??, lfH. Then T Klrh. Wllion JewHI, M I). Ctiftn T Mnll4j, Win H 1 rr, 4 II WbeHrr. DrlVlO W H( lllT, II U ShM.liiHfnrtl, Jntin M(-loweil, Jr. H"lrt Marirc3K'r, 1' fy i. lirii-miin. W V, lioilbtoa, Jdl.D huitr n A Hon, rrmii n J. r.heiie, Kiard Huwllijr, JT-7 ,t'H, u p v rou-, J I WliUc. A utnt Hockdin, Aninat'oor n okli't'dt r art tin f-rowln naim d p rnont nutht mi h' iu hav tt-i eivttl tlioir ooal, tind tonh".uie- l.-n run h male W iu Hnwiv loir, Tf Wm M i;hl?r. ir.tri: F Omprly, Ji hn W Hln, Jxinnnd -ale, Charleti Anitfrfn lav,i n r-aifir, Jiiiioi 7, wmfrman, i M 0riaier, J II fun. .brham Htwart, (Inn Win K rtmll TblaTKU IMlKlll, Htrlokianil anriaai, iierK turnUi, limy id W Ke lira, Ilt-nryH lln'b, ittorK W UauklttAdn, w in I'twaon, UJ l-ong, I Alfrt-d Yung, It f Pavii, .1 M Kilt-y. Ilunry A It Rrewi, lirttrxe reiermri, Matthew J Itraily, Hath Me'Vanrutil, William U Halum, Whliam 7 flmctliO, Amul A Mlllfr, William Killing, .1 t Wiikimon, Kobcrt Mntwen, r K rttm, Chatlei vr Sartorl, W A It oil n, 0 l l ahuailfte, Cra'-lnn II Mathej. KriKlorirk Katun, H rt'Olllet, R I'tKta. Jlm Krwtn, V. N Jnirnva, M iti luurbain. Wall Mailn, HuJiahJ K Millar, Mr it Mitler, ,1 O Wfiinb, H 8 lkrU1de, Mri t. arm n, :Ir W Uolioway, John K Wallace, '.Urooa D Brady, Aire M Hun. lev, liabI M tew art, jauiea Arnuironff, 8 Wertileiner. Ucv J W HuUib, I H impay. .Merntf'aohy, FrcdiT.ok raliuor, j.lobn Airnew, Ituhcrt Howard, I-tr Tarn O Ituwltucd, (il.tMTt ItuUuu, ,1 .Im Hd, Win lirice, M llmaer, A Unrrett, Win Mollof, .laiut a Kftineetlen, Matthew Millet:, Jr, MiebaelTraer, ,Tboiiiaa r htmilngton, H W Oanll, John J Kmnor, Ijainea II rttoittieni, 'benjamin Uleau, ill so.nt.Jr, Ik iFKcutt, J H Mill M-k, I'hlbp Wiirtnn, lavid With am, W A Jvnke. avid Hum, Uorge 1 Keller, hainuol K ANhUiQ, (Vnrad II Anilrxsa, William II Kaxun, Janice .leaner, J mepli it Lynilall, MU Uael OiinnuiKtigUn, Danu l MeNloholj, Mrs M A HinaU, Jwhn Uddboil, 1 William Pit I it, William UUmauw, C M Iter, W Oardlnor, iTDIMIkv, j.It'ise Laws, J I'aul J Fltild, Ili n yJ Iteet, John Mc Arthur, K K Kaley, : Alfred kiiK. t rfderb'k K dwope, Lewi F. Ken ai I. Jamea M Htawart, Obarlmi Oomell, W altt r Blonde. I em' nt1 licatli, Tuiila T (:onway, Wi.l lam Lrbartlt, Mary A A btrnlh, William Andresi, J lin Ui, Jamea J AllUnn, William V. l av lor. 'Iliotnaa W(W)lmaa, K v a M Jt lly, Fjiicalit ta Juhnmn Henry Haiiit, iWlllUtn C lUunl. ' Kobnrt Jordan, Jam ii Clark, :0 M lluitu d, 'John It Aonlnjr, 'lnac K Carl, W 11 Itenui'tt, K W Hinder, A W Tornnkina, Kranna Urehtu, Kdward Nonuau, Ker Jithu Paitn, Ir Wilson Jpwt'll. Adolpbus fiTie-), I bouia Minwiley, Jobn MoKee, .larub C Hummel!, I'livi'l AiiPlCktalt'. i it atiiior, ( unJn ( InyKin, in Mmhcua, f til (iirWiri. In n ft uowfii, H"lTt H .Smiili, Wm Citriia. rrnrki O'Nrlll, Jiilin H W heeler, II W Unv, ,hihn (J hioiici, ClmrlAN M Mi niH, J in sie'l w8KKn, .1 II h h macki r, W m K rilwerdK, rkbrt K Miclioia, Jt 1m Mc ( Vm link-, 4'hr.fB rk, Wm McCullj, Kohett II catty, aim n hummer, Hri)imln II llalnoe, lf.,bi rt li a Mt rnek, a M t a' turn, Hriii h WAllare, Hainiit! H 1'avcn. tsainui 1 Hili'atrii k. Maicii" A l, K-bift It Saiti r, .lohii C Sl(iier, II II C.mptnli, J 11 llkra, John MaiifltlcNI, Jacob H htrflch, ( bar e U kv, .lohu H Kisiier, i lir ca ,lf e.l, Ur l K foioy, harlcii Thnina", Jr, Jnoi ph M lliomu, i W inilnslam, ,Mms 1 ti. rinon. Alien i 1 rniiiin, liiiac MmUO, Jaiura V Kiioii it Al kakfn. Mar j I rabrtiCft, Aliioa Hockb) I, 1 1a I h Junta, Wm T Jotmn, K It "4 iari lutifl Henry r Hick, .lonoph It HolleU ll'illt KaiK, .luiui iy, Anthony W llf , Wrs Matatl ai ttliarg Wm Hiapitr, (sttiTuJ Nttvlor, W nt H hpear, J II a (Hum, J P Htlhtiaui, (tftnrcn Tnj lor, I liarlm r Hrard, hanieci II txnt, win (Irauwtll, O H (Mann, Boberl McOreffor, ri omatii'O fc ttrotlier. I, Uichiutr. Hon Jut Allison, W in 'I n.ier, Win W Kt'if, It .1 Uhk'U. Jarob Wiroman, t d ani i'ray, W 11 alailnwa. Georse W ToAuacndt o v hhaRklelon Dr Joatph r how a nd. w mJ I'nuip. W in II A( k.t y, t dw fund, Im (1 Miolierrr, l J bouthfuirth, (. r(( 1, Miller, r. J Utcord, jhAac rrhlirfer, (i(n.l htisckton, Auailii Hifiki-. lau fa wmit nrrion. Cfiar t a A lilake, v, kill' nhmiHt, 1 1 i.aiicrcoi, A J rtanua, I rrt-nk. il Mtwart, Albert Uriidcr, Ifra '1 t:ri'hi n. Io n Hcbliru-r & Brn, t n.lch k Willit'tni, 1avi(1 K Ihouibiou, John I Urea, John 1'iaT, Kniiy t a'orrow. ft urn ti el ttiniijiif , A A (illiieil. C hriiilh liolhT, aim at am ii AiDiirgfir, Hubi'it, kmc lln man, CliarUa W frrazUr, AUrt d W biitliigiion, 1- dwiu , Murtln I'wyfj, eluliii Kieui, M C (.'ftimti, Kilwa-U U IS line, (,bn t. 1 alor, t'. A Wat nun, drum) 1"' Nfe. HmimIi J Ml ex, Y. A l.fiititci'tcr, K W htaii'K, 'I l.duiah liuitort, all 1,11 ki Htk. Hlenlien Ketv. J ury f M y r, i'tiftrlcn i unrntt, Ut nry i-errill. Jwlin M Kulnl.t, 11 11 K l-ev, O I'ruCduii A Co, K .1 Hpantlvr, A V Murebv. Oataain .1 M Krai iy, DSN A U froll, Hiuaii Hurkr. AQM'Ditut Ernerlct, Joifiih K lorr, ,1 Hupt, W illlaiu hinion, HefrK" W K'ot -Tiiiek, Tt iliiaw V Hluilwr. V rtiU rick C(liuu-. T t :!vd() J ( bupuiaii, lr 1' J Kf)ki, JoUn kiuir, fri unfa 1 tiuuiey, ti Ii M' kf'( Hi rry It Cl.ew. .1 W Ke'l. F De It Hti baMlk, all. fill M Si.eitioii, Tlti niai C Kl.c, K T I'eiruc, M L II -li.. woll .fc Son, Ht ynold 'I huuiM, Jnllll (krit, jllenry ! Yoiinir, J William Jonea, K W HtAUtilon, Jnraeti liuraell, haiuuel It Howard, John H Fiirhctt, Kiioh Wnydnr, Jobn Itrunlntftoii, Julm I'hiUlpi, Mri nearer, ;.iit',ili John ion. Kobert Hunt. Aioert Htuart, reorK F'Hppi, Wm K Harpur, 0 rt Kt iitiT. Henry M. Neely, John Mobile, RT K.nU, l.ewia ! heritor, Jolt'Utl H Fox, Jii iu llentlor, Jtuiiei A Kurnlnr, AlohonauO IreUnd, Kllaeih Deul, 4'barlt-a HBU kin, J K Ubler. K. T I) 1 Mai I n, John Wlle.m, 1 huniaa Hallau, l rekton lniimgton, Ablu Wo n, Atwood, KalHtnn A Co, William K Mttine, Anna M Mt-icrel, ('hnrliM H 1 1 ouper, Hmah I'lillilpt, Thomaa Orahanii ;HaiuiihI WirUU, Wl'liaui liavia, T Tut le. 'ltnbrt Muni!, F. T I'rentlna, (I a (Inibb, l)t .elior, I r. i faun, W t' Hliiutt, ; K A IN ntm, I M M:W liMrui.. llenrv N KU I.'. I f.lworil UiiiUK, j I f an linrrtt, Y., 1 Jul n Iven. I I ri.i n' Ih'tle. lit uiy Hi'!Hh k, Koittrt Uni t. I Kuttf Stpventofi, 1 Mit-i:ael McCalitont, l I H Monikt, . I . r (' W I . ill-on, W il tiitn Atta.r, rua" lik r, '. ir Al tai am I,ivf.ey, Jntit-I b l l.'ixt f. It. v Hibtn hi c cion. illhfc Kmi II Hiiuiuoiia, : l ctir hnin. H,l( rt T AndiTaoM, 1 liiMlle I' OllTf, Jamea AHm.1 J hn II ileier, Hfiniaei f -Td'r, rherVet M brana, A Hrj, William fl'oever, t J T. fimwgi J J Tarhnry, !r Vandyke, ' WHHam I law, W'ation Dpuy, iJamea H Heat. i.eore II Album, William I) I'eiiiberfeea, K W AMerdle, r,ih-lh M Fufh () L McCrsrmi, 'j-teih Mi-Mullen, Uirhard bkea, iseorte W Wifham, .i.i.orh ti Mitchell, Ilrtl-ert M Moore, JrnTih H Fiher Joeih f Cmiper, r.cma'nln K ThnuuM, It T Aibtnn, Mm K K Htarr, .Henry Hanniela, (lenri:e Wrlty. Hr t' r Matlark, F.tuabUi Lneda, harith Ann Fell, .tolin Krankltn, r.enttintn l'h!illf, .Itihn i.arwfd, 11 w Oreirer, .(Hue R Tal T Iria'i K A mot, jchn Molinan, lir Wm M hurry. Hev.1 II A H'Mnberrtw. Mit Klixntth navax, W m K Herta, ' Wm H iwer, M It ettarp, bAt K Newcomt, M A eiR'ar, I) N Htveni, Jani'-a M Jo nee, I it J moph l.enly, Hxrrla Jk hrniktM-S. 0I Nb'hnl, M A HleiKwnnU, John AltnirtftT, i hoinai I. I'Mre, Mian ,tiiMiner, W m M t.ttufp, K o b r!fb rl-ith'er, II M ft -Mi r)ifin, H K Wurrii-ir, Urania Asju-m. r F-WAr. S It Itutifind, ,T .bn H P nl H. (icorue K Wills, Jamet M It wit, .I'liin lrikei, Wmd MiMUiiaa, .lamri it Dvaa, M K Tnunr. Mman M Miller, ii ()ee er, J ft Wtiipenny, Hrrward Worrell, F. 11 I'avnter, Jane A Wait, haute A QtiiKly John P !, Wm Kennedy, Hamui'l T Foa, John II bbeu, F. A Clark, I, W I Ml Ml. Jnmei Itourne. K I) MoKtte. (,'hR.t e)lmp"n, Oi C'niper Wlitisr. Wm W Winter, K'lrnbeih J t.lbba. I s rmern'tn, W V carteo, l P M)ire, Andrew Jackhon. r A Treao, 'I nu mat Fealda, Wm Csady, C M Mullla, It ltemk C 1 ribaniAtoa, M Hniniiei LUMberf, Huatn lark, John H l.ime, II Cathral, Jiunfa HlierTAn, Ki It en rami a Ihtrx M F Htlekner, John ltOark'er, Kobert Toland. iTnomaa T Finn, John it ii Hon A tfona, John nation, '.Major 0 Joliiiaou, ;Charlea H Hart, ill It Roland, (ieorKe Micholt, J W M. Matioe, T Ackerman, Jamea 11 Maree, John U Hnder, V. et (Tor. Charles llnrlo, Mrs II Hllooa. Mrs J R Cheelham, J rime 4 Caineron, John J Carbury, John HmJih, 'I noma Tweed Ate. John Wlllfatna, .lames Itnlt4n, Allen: Wilson, K btrt (ilbou, II U Hotlpt, 'I h imn It Vr ugstretb, 1'hiHo H Fretts, ,C l' B iynrd, John II Wylle, K.liftlia Heninry, Kli bard Hell, 8 T F.tdrld.'e. Mrs 11 1. Wells, TUs J Husband, Jsmes Mi'ler, Iuac K Ittshnp, 11 11 Hhil.iiiKtord, Jnhn I. Ktieker, M H Kohler, JanieM Mt-Kaney, iMari-'nrei McDulloMgli, Alireil KuuenbeiK, ( itiliuriiii- J Onliler, llenrv O tieisler. Hod Lennnrd Myers, James Oiterhon, Jr, Win C'liiron, MIh "it Twinlmr. Mr JOHN ADAMS. Thornae W rrire. Mr Ann w is her. u sMwin, KI 7Bl,snrtednw, A F Hndtrsoli, 1 teotilfBtworih, MAI ur , Itenrve H Mnrtan. trnr Wei. hank, Mai 1 arnct, 1 A Jeroaa, Psisnrl Metfonlgal, I viin Koi, F. W eUer. Mrs Ami MrKeniU Mrs Marv Motiih t,e'tve 1 1 M wr, Hirhatd Taylr, ltenj Hhf-I'psrd. Jemima I ftiiJlum. A Met all, Heiry A HlPfl, I.evl t. Jet n M Jenkins, J I, Fennimore, Vicr an Morgan, ! F Krruet, ICev M utnell, Mith W M flett, H M 1I. K I. l ennnrk, Ihoe Htir maknr, Joirb Kuni, James H Vt-oa), Mna M Vinal, Je4ri;i W.ty J I) White, Mrs t adie Vt-Ke', ,Vtas Mary Hftrilv.n, 11 M ,Ities. Het ert M Hill, t' I WaMron, Own .Isir.'Hid, W in A Aot n, t'lia A Kari banm, Tlios H Mh'inaXer, J. ilah Wrar, AhbleH I'lfi rtilK". .tiiien Font r, p.t r Msrkenfe, l.i,i II Knth, Wm ViTian, Ei hrs m CLuk, Win Unit", -lau es a Vewinin, f, Wntlo.m, Itnhe t Al ( n, W Intlirnp Hsrvenl, F.llatftli J Thorn. MartiAret Mary, K ntu lienms, Fllahelh HetHliwrk, Alt x It Thompson, EllwniHl Itaily, Moils A HidiLJi, Mathnn Ha en. lr K H'.eimerdhie, Ao.uilla Haines, Win H Koiiriu, M.IIo'lfind, t. II llf-nnelt, Jliuin H Fount, Itr K IVi Mi tiis, lavld Weaiheitiy, Jr, in (.eorn l.aokoif, O Lini'ny, Utcrut Httlnmetr, Ueorite Fakrns, J nut (' Knot, W m I is, Jr hn Hetry, J It ki l r, Wtillsm knot, W m hi wart Kiiabeth It'lstcr, John ii Muilir, Mary ltii' Sliuer, It M Hollinsbead, . V F IISRer, t'harte ainson, Knheera Hubtell, Jtibn W Fun, tieorieW Henderson, l.etlifa Itrrtwn, (itiW W '..rnnian, Hl erman ktradiey. Mis Mary Miller, Janice It Rrrlckson, Miss M Vaiter. Charlea F Clark, lintha W Kslck, F. ;altiard Jr, Wm H Kar IT, Joseph Htelwapfion, ( bas Hlnnthart, Jolm V tHchrelber, laaee 8sh, Jobn Coopfr, Havld knight, 1. Fo'ler, Hr WmOTodd, Itebeci-H P Allen, Henry Chmniaa, ,1 It liearon, Lent, Ocorfft Ailllams, lieonr H. tJourUicy, Jjhti Wilson, hamuelC Heneev, t harks A Quaes, JirJ Iiavldrii'ii, Thomas J MeCauIey, r W ill tin M Hretd, tieorfte It Itft MO, Charleh K Norton, Wm II Hehreiiitr, Jobi'ph M I'Mterfloii. FrederuJt W Kohler, alotm ( arr, 1 en Blunden, r ronkhn Ituiier, Alleert W Fieriug, John (Irahsm, Hliabetb I'tters. Fi It Aoanift, M b Hauanten, Lewis l.adomui. Kmc MiCahey, T 11 LclUnou, 11 T Wilson, MnrtKret Torrey, Mih.l Arnojd, W 11 Wade, J in a tor, ABtos Hoi n I rift. Atent In Mrti'ayunk Stxiii In i.iTiiiaiiitfiwn HPKV Fit KltltKKT. 1 ho ftllowiiiK com mil ii lea tlons, elected from ft lara-e number, stiow (he apprvcwllouuf tbe euterpriso by Ui ritlzonsnf I'hlludelphiu No 4Jf N Hixrn meet JAMfr ,tni F,sq. rear Hlr : The Coal 1 ifci'lvedtromthe consumers' Mutual Coal Coin- Siiiny, cri my siihsciititlon, has given us ei.tlro satin faction, t Ignites rtadtly, burns well. Is free from slate, depoult white jtuhes, and Is not etisby extlnKnlhl !. The fire In onr klicben prais nas not been ut lor e.xht or nine days. Tlit-retsire, In eiiiwr to our iiuestloiis, I may lay to at my eiperienee Uius fur at to the turn Hy oi the coal is alto fct llier laxoriib r, whl e I am iunhy well Impreswd witl. tiieenierpilntaba the ad antiv. s to each subicnber as an U,vt..a..,. , truly, 0 tober24,lsm. No tin N. Sixth street. 1 iiii.Aiin.i iiiA. October 5, lni -Juraui l.ynd, Hs.. Deal Sir: Until I bui-ame a Stm-khiililer In your Com pany I liedaiwajs breu In Iru. habit m burning 11. 1k rnal. Suite irvli.K oura I llnil It, for liniiMliuliluurpnera, rullv a.iual to, ana a ver Mnerlnl- itrilrle iridiiail. our iruiy, hA.MI KI. llKNn.F.F. n. Ill.'ill Cnutei Itreet. riiii.Ann.i-in,.Octi.ler?'l Jamea l.vnd, Ma.., I'ra Udeut ul ir.el'cmaiilu.'n,' Mut'ialCuall 1.111111111)1. My Dear Mr: ourroal baa i..nte tii linml, allingid order, anil baa tieon uaed In both rangi-HU'liurriire. I am lhl"ocmad tbat tUeiualitr la all tliatrn ikl be ileilrc-il. Yonn truly, JOHN Mi-altTlll lt -Vo 11M T l.orut atr.eU Pmr .anst.piiiA, Orlubnrlll.lsiil. Jauu-a l.ynil, Eaij., I'rs'nnatinieri' Mutual Coal ! Vruiuiu. Iear Hlr: 1 oi,... ,i.-niti Ir ,1. anil find it a moat epliliilld article. I emu lnui-li plrav d Itli It, that, If liot loo late, 1 will lm-rejac dij mliacritloa to oa hun dred eb are. Itr iM-ciMiily. Al. I.F.N C. W ILH"N. No. Innsciheanut tre. Oriii-diniia Haniih biun 1 IIai L.Oob.bor Ji.WII Jauu-a I.Tnd, I'raa di nt Cuiinnii n t nil Couinanr I han mncli il. aaure In elating to you the entire aall.fui tl. n the ooal krlv me that I nan m eeived Iriuu ,our Company. 11 niaki-a a atrong nre. ana lumotriun ilato and cin.lera, audi ran conllUonily ro connnend It to a I houke.era Inr d.mieatla; alao to mauufai-tuiera, lor neiioruilng nttanr. V. pra atnrerelv. CIIARI.F.H T.HtTimll. o r,10 Uanlom Itmt. Plill.Ali:miiA.TiUlh Bioalb.'JO. trtH.-l-rl.-ud Lrnd: Tbe coal lurniKlied uie a. a aio. kliol ter In thy Conipan? ye entire aatii lai tlon. II la writ prepared, aud burna freely. 1 could not lb a t.el'er arll.-.e It. K. ttal.F.I . Nu.-tJ . Tlilrd aUeet. - rHIl.AnKl.l'IIU, October lNit.-Jamia l.n.l. tin-, Vreildent, o : In amwer to iour ri-quoit to know how i like the ooal pur.-l aai-d irom your t'sinpenf. I rei"F " It baa proyou aatiaiac;ury iu ever) particular. Ut lamuy think U 0.,IAKR 4 Ho . Bixth itrr.t. Jamf.k :, F i-, Preim-ut Oiniumcra' MU'iml O al Comaaii. Hear Sir; Tlie caalsippled to msby sur t'oau-an, , 1 am fcuppy lo stale, ir satlsiai .-n 1.1 every respect, and is emal loan; 1 bhTtftver used resp.ot.ully -""J "WAI TOVi No.,, . Third street. rmiiAhRiMiu, onoOf-r W. 1bG4 -Jamk- I-vkd, ;!.. PresidenU'onsuitiers Mutul onl onpany,-lar Bit. It atlordi me urt i' i.. asure lo announi to yo my ierteH eaiUfarllon wltn the foul receiM-d fmm your t ompnny upun order a. a snbserlher. 1 liuve b.ten ae. ustomed to ime ("ol from tht oi vpur mine and from It when in otuer Lands. Its tuoerJority '''J,r " " ilcrb edly mrke.l. but in lu pre-ent hstid I II ml the article 1 no way det. rivaled, but to th- tonuury, so far as I am ahletojQ'Kf.fro..mesti.- purpntK. t'lUr eiul to any that I have ever utd,or have er aiialya. d- 1 am, ve.j !.jt";tr,,t,M WM. M. HILK11, Kalltof Behuy kill. BEDDING WAREHOUSE, AT No. H !. F.I.KVENTU STRKRT, u.m H.u.0..... Ml f i .A. 1