The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 13, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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latest Southern News
His Advance Noar Savannah
on tho Gth.
The Particulars of Kilpatrick's
Cavalry Allair.
It Will Give the Rebels Some
miiimANs rxi'r.i.i i iov.
snruiiAN hiivini) iiown tub i)U' iir.r. itivuit
From the llithmimtl Ditimteh, Ile.-hihe,
Tlio news from Georgia yesterday was of a
somewhat exciting character. The enemy, who
Iliad been marching down the Ogcc-ltcc river with
three corps one cui ps on tho nor 'li and two on
the tomb side endeavored to ui.i.e their forces
nearly opposite , but met v. it'i eonsldi rable
rtiiMatice from tho Confederate forces; and at
last arccunts hud not directed thci. object, wliich
was alto prevented, In part, bv the unfavorable-
kncis of tho river upproSche-.
On Wednesday tlio domutis'rvlons of the
Federals in tlie f. n ies, on tho i .uiiuh river,
became more determined, and lhc nun ijicd to
KCt lome of their iiilautrv u:ni. lue Mats within
.iguioi mu river, jiern wo were sveil preparcu
mid our artillerists mil flood work, il wan sup
posed thai they would Do romp died to abandon
Itue utlemtit. from aouiu cute o, clier lucii of
BUI 111 11.1 lllllll WI UUIIIljr ,u UlUll v IUI1LM1 111 "J-
vdon, the v ankecs nmao very mile una ol artil
lery, and this added conlidume t our troops.
It was reported tho enemy n id elloclod a
landing on the Coosawh Uchie, beloy Pocotaligo;
but they bad not been able to reach .'.ha radr oad.j
,eoni the liiiUmond U'OVs O'Ctinbcr il'.
Through the courtesy of a gentle inn, to whom
wo have been Indebted horo'oline tor sinultr
favor-, we reeelved, fiat night, op us of tho Au
gusta pupcisi'l w eiliiesnay, tlio .11 ins'. I no
Sentinel MiVotbat the advices in rei. ronoe to Slier-
man's movi incuts uru very meagre, l'lie advance
it reported to bo Bkirmishimr 1 hi .may, Docem-
ln r (i, ut stanou 1'wo-aiid-a-U ilf, t a oily-live miles
iroiu Savannah. They picssug vigorously
owuniB Mivmirun.
We have ni) doubt that a dc i ,iV3 bittle bc-
Itwecn the raiders and the natri 't forces hid
ilaktn pliiee the result of which wo may bo en-
aoiiu to announce tins aiternoon.
The same impor states, on the mthority of a
'gentleman who w is a prisoner tor a day in tho
(midst ul the Yankeo army, Unit thcotliecrs sp ike
reeiy 01 tiieir plans, hou su a .'i iriu i t aid no;
nn nd lo ri-k nn engagement if he e ald help it,
in le had no uimiiuinti ii' t spare. They scoui'd
onu nt to niuke their w.iv iieaeeaoly to tluc
sat the most piaeiieable point, witlioat a tiUt.
fviti tin an fcrit.t on tub oiii::iii:k ov tub "ru
Sk'om tfu Uirhiii'lift I'.mitiincr, lit rrm'i 'I 111.
iTheic Is no nrvn later t'uin the 7th December.
1. 1 that nine tho eutiie toiee of wis
- miiined un the east side of tha OA'eheo. Ja
lie Gib it aovaneed nt lem than r:Mjieen miles.
f- is B.en nttvj repieseuted as iiiuth l.nis'iie.l, an I
heir M.rHH liaeKiOK. la niim oeis tiuro were
.o,(ji;o muskets and a most en irmo.n w.ioa tr.iia.
ft he eiuniry in his rear was with stra-
leifi mid Hi tertirs, wtio are boiti iit or pill.iKio
vt t vi" y house. Clt .cns who tii.o uikevl with
he ollievr-, concur in tlio uo .ar.i i m' they
ire uiilvi rsuliy d'su-ted wiih 'no eNpcditioa
indtliewar. The i llivera tp.ilso very freely of
.1 erii uii'. plans.
Tl.ey Bald ho would not risk an ongigemsnt if
le could help it, beeaiiso be ba l u ammunition
:u npiire, but would mikuhisw.iy u the se.ievi ist
it the iieari Bt praetuabtu point. Tue enemy n 1 1
ilnee or lour huiiilred negroes wi'ii thoui. T.ioy
ji U no anns, out w, to merely e:i n? tollovers,
liouii K oil ar.d making their wav horno a', every
thppiiig. to be ri i need bv other. Nj itteu.ioa
1 low puid to tlio Mineral ordirot tSaormm,
'Mud at the bivluimi-! of tiie i oaritb, und the
ibolo routitrv h vh lie' n pii'ii 'ed by mo'is of
, .u.l:;.,.. ...i.h.'vvi. rvvll...v-d Il'i...,.). V ij 1.W..I. v(!n .
n the confused iiush at every st p.
UATl'I.b I'l'.OHAIII.Y FOI'l'lir lll'l "IP. BAVANNAII.
frdu ill,: H li.i, "i.l .Si i.'oi..', , vi'.. . it).
It si e ins to be the iuioression hat .Shrnim
wuk ruoviu to vards Savaniiah, .i i.l a battle u.u
robahlv been lou-ht b-1 ro this i no.
MPS Mill.
hii.s'a iitiii.'v ii:io
lllllll 1 10NA1. I'Alin'M t.lllS Oi
vll-l A TRICK B
.",T I).
ll Whei-'er fell
. Th.i Ya-ikeo
i j'iirr.
ert'n the Atttiuti'l ('vyivt'f;i.'n.,i i,..'. . .
At n Iduih'ht on Saturd ly. (Jvia
Jnrioiisi) upon tlio enemy s i. ..
3ior"jirii who Cvnered the w
re driven bi. k
4 on tneir lnta.. rv Biipor:, and our tr )upi, a:'t-r
oLsiih lable ti.t(litm.v?, roiired.
In our tiit lit on Sunday, with h imatrieVs Cv-
ialry, aisltil by tho l i b L'orp-, j repulse! thj
tin my in every u ti to ili.-l j ;e us liy tiro
nd "eiiuiiier-iuarfji i, but lin.iliy, iieinit U inkeil,
vvisre rompeiiea to retire, wuieli w h anno m most
xielli 'H older. Our Iosi wus b tweon seveiliy
and cylity men. 1'nai of the l eilorils is ro
IMirltd ill'ieiully a "very heaiy." Una of tho
Yankee tas eaptureil in a hnnd-tn-hand encoun-
Itfr, and Kilp.tiriek 111 u.t.l' vvoundod. On
I S.ur sivie Coloiii l tmiucs, A tun: lingadier, was
evert ly woiinUO'l. 1
i noin on run ,'irn inxtant, kar auoi'sta.
Ini Hie AutniMa (Vi'l'V'.ti jei.'l. , m. jWr 6.
On Mi.ndav last a ll tht took p!u -a atWalker'a
lliidtte, on llnar meek, twenty-rAO miles from
auguta, In which the IVderals w. ie wor to I. A
hatch ol one bundel and tweiuy-two Yaukej
luikoi.eis bavl arrived in Augusta.
I'tio M iiifiiient .taninnl ".Vvltlnn.
I HRA1II) I'llOU 111: W AS U0V1N11 ON Wl'.I.IlON.
irrtmlln Itirkmoml Dl'W h, h,.e,u,er VI.
We mentioned on ynmord.ivr that a column,
brown out from Grant's army, ana supplied and
ln)iiijped for a protracted expedition UvuX etruek
f We t!on Railroad at .larratt', thirty milet
louth of IVten-barg, and when last hoi'rd from
weie marcbimt In tho direction of Wnldon.
1 here was a tlyint; rumor that Hampton had t o
ci untrrrd and bad a lijtht with this cohnna; but
we could trace the Mory to no tnisiworthv ource.
The probability of tliii thliiR was doubtless tlm
father of the rcixirt. Wo know nothing of tho
piani of our penoral (n relation to tli is movement
1 1" the enemy, but oonfe wo hall bo dleip
tioiMcd if the Yankee tolnmn Is pormlttcd t
int. ve without Interiup'ion or obstruction to Its
ties inntion. It set tint with h""f on tho hiHif un I
ober tuppiivs tuitvd to the uusot a movib.u
We look to see somv of the beef .it least fnnied
over to the Conle lerate commissariat. II rnp
ton'B uien have ndesorved wido-pread rep oii
a 1 ct f hunters ; an opportunity now oilers fjr
adtlii g to their lame in this parti, alar.
In no .dins cut thi column Urant pirposed
n.orc than one ot those tlyint; cxneilttiom known
03 ra ils, lie il slamil eitubli'iliinn a iter hue
lit n 1 oint whii h Bhonld depilvuus trm innt!y
ol the ne of the Petersburg end WoUlon ltivl
ronti, ami nt the same time threaten Wilmington.
Wilvlonwas. ilwulitle-s, tho point selected. If
he Bueiculs in getting there an I fortilyimt lilin
self ha will hope to supply his" trooris bv the
Iloanoke river or by r. building t'.ie Snil'o:k
roatl. It rt niains to be -een how mti 'h or his
excellent plan will bo sin eessiuiiy accomplished
'mm tlie tifhwmil It hid, i 1(1.
Our,tclcjtrapbie;rolunin c mtalaeil this morning,
In a condensed form, t lie latent news reeeivevl
lure with refrroneoto the Yankeo raid on the
Kou hslile. Ily way of review, we will s ao tint
on lue'duy nil-lit a heavy column of Y'auk' cs,
composed of infantry, artillery, ami iMv.ilry, leit
our I rui t and moved out on the Jerusalem plank
road. They were rcporteil on Wcdnusd.ty morn
intr at Trot tor's, otne twenty milei d staut, an I
siill in motion. This column is said to embrace
two corps of mfnntiy, with a 71nu't a s:ii -Uo(
iirtTllery, but a small force of cavalry.
A K)bd ninny knowing people are oxorvhed as
fo the destination of tho raid. If they have 110
more cavalry than reported thev will, of coarse,
soon get to tho eti.l of their jjurnev. On tho
other hmid we are incdncd to bv'iie. j tneyaro
betti r equipped than reported, nnd we '.v0 '.mm
heur of tho deitruction of bridges, .:o.. In fiu
dirt ction ol Woldon. This, wo are forced to ad
mit, wi I pive us Home, I111' will not
retnivoin tlio least the palpable nn 1 irretrlev 1 do
failure which (Jrant has matlo in his "Un toKijh
IiK'lid and Petersburg." '
Winter, trom present appearance, .ks not
fCftn inclined to wait louder for Uiyss , and,
unit s8 he soon makes a despera e lot war I move
ment, the campaign, as far as he is "oueerned,
will tirmlna't: in'loi iously. f.'aa ''the ii'ilest
get,eral 111 lilt; world," wiUi ti due regard for his
tame, pcriuit this ? I'he fact is, ha must not only
raid, but lij.:lit ; and, if ho utte.rpts to li 'lit, .lo
Kiniiilinif, more th in im'to " a rov onaoissaneu in
We -live the following tlis" inccs, our read
ers may understand the eour-o t.iko.i by tho
raiders :
Jarrett'sis thirty miles from Prteribiirg, and
lklllielvl ten miles further south on the Wi Idou
road. At tins pomt there Is a railroii'l bridge
bcioss Hie M- herrm river, to which tho raijers,
no doubt, will give atten ion, if thoy hive. time,
lielllitld l in Ureensvillo eotm y, mnl is twenty
two miles distant trom Wclilon. Tue whole dis
tance beiweou Pcteisliiirc; and Woldon is
two miles.
I p to I o'clock 1. M. we were una' 'la to learn
anything tin tj;r of Ihe enemy's iiiovcmeat, but
may state that, l'min tho tli ip union m .de by
Oeiu ral 1 re, it is not iiepro'iuoio til it the nideis
may come to giief ero they are lorty-e'0'lit hours
IlVllItV MAS ON 111): VVCI.DI.N UOA1I I: X I'tlllt 1 to.v
01 tut 1 10 iik oil1 f in: 11,
From the lltrhmond .Vumt'tKr, Deeerner lit.
We le.11 n that the force sent by Grant tlowa
the Weliion road consisted of ouo entire corns,
besides ihn cavalry. Kvery man of litem ouat
to be capiurid.
Know nt Itlt tiniotxl lovcmcnls on tlie
from the Hirhnmrnt l'..rn ai'ter, Ai.'ee.n ''?r 10.
Snow fulls oil the unlet lines of Richmond. An
1 ttack vis expected this mirniiij;, bat tho inter
dict of winter 11. ay be effectual.
Tlio ci einy 1 ro-ssed a small foreo of infantry to
tie south side of .limes river on Wediie.liy
in on iiie, at Cot's lamiliair, ni nr tho iiiout 1 of
I 'inch iap C11111I and bolo v littteiy cum us.
I hey are upon the neck of low Kiounds wuuro
1) ey 1 1111 do iiolhin and e innot advance. Our
ptelvct Imti extends aerosi their front an 1 within
time liiiii'ited yards of tneemal. It, Is not dc
Mruble to bo d this point with our furees, but
sin p'y to ktci tliein in chov'k in tlio 11 vless
ivmi on which ihiy have assumed.
Theie 1-no trutli In the ru uor that they hava
cdet ted t.ny eroBsiug ul a paint higher up tho
rn er.
Our mortars and ba'teries eoinmin 1 t'n n isi.
tton, and are keeping up tliomJH ,1 iu luui'
The) Mlnnllon Itcluw ltlOiniviitl.
M INTktl IN rr.Kllll'TINO At riVB Ol'EUATniNB ON
Till: JAMt.S.
The snind of lieavr guns was hea-tl on ycat"r
day cvtiiing on thu lines Lelow the city,
ili'o liru g, ilmnli tinoxplaineJ, is believed
to have been nothing more than the sheliiug of
the Dutch Gap Caual, as tho wind at thi tuni
wub telling tmr from that point. Winter we, 11s 10
have net in in earnest ; hut still there is no graad
attack ironi Grant. Ho lot tlio golden days of
autumn Blip by unimproved, and the winter ujiu
eth 110 man can fght.
W e had ni t even a rumor from Petcrsb ir on
yesterday, which is conclusive cvi lotieo thit n 1
thing of "unpoitanec had occurred, or was galil
on there.
Bpcclul Di'Miati'hotv, to Evonitt; Tolcrapb.
Wahhino ro,'l)eeernber 1,').
tilel liiMltcfi t biiHc.
A largo concourse of people gathered this m ant
ing at the Supremo Court Jloom ta see Mc
Chase sworn in. Ho did not appear, h.rwevor,
not having received his coinmi-sion. He is ex
pected to take his teat to-morrow.
'I he l.iMilvsliina 'ouKrWViiiin.
Crucial Hanks appeared bef ire tho Committee
of l'.lt c: ions this morning, und ma le a sta e nent
upon the case of the l.'iini.ii, t menib rs. Ho
dtelarrs the clef. ion to have been fair and
ItlMk UtKATMl.M Ol' KKrllttE!
II a it it its n no, DeceuilH-r PI. The folloiriiig
dej otcb was received by Govoruor Curtin this
morning, from rSurgcoii-General Phillips, now at
Aiiimpolis 1
Annai', Dpcrinbor 12. Governor Ctirtln.
I ilsited to day all tbe hospitals at Annapolis in
which there are Pennsylvania Buhners lutdy
1 ei 11110 d In m tiebel prisons. The-e soldi rs ro
ctlve Ihe irniost care and attention. I'Ue hospitals
Hre mi ply providid will evtry;hina neeeisary
lor the et 111 fort of ihe tick.
1 tin n' t it is necessary, under the ciretun
taticc. to call on thoeilUeiis of Penusy ivania for
supplies lor the In ma tea of hospitals at tbi place.
(Si'gued) i, , A. PuiLLU'B,
ir 1 1 1 11 i ? i 1 m t it
Its Work and Silo Roturu.
iibrcr.Y of t:ii: movkmot.
Rebel Works Taken by Storm.
Ktc, i:ic., Etc., i:t, Etc., Kie.
H'Mioi Am mts AnMY or tub Poi om vc, De
Ci iiilv r 11, 1st, I. The movements in this Dapart
111 nt which havo been In the course of t xe nil el
the pa-t tew days, have prob ib!y bcon dovelopod,
and now tho objects, intended to bo accomplished
may be given to the public, as well as tlio results
It was known that tbe cn0niy were pr iriirin'?
Inrge stnip'.iis for their IroopS by nay of tlu
WcMiin Railroad to S'ouy creel., whence t'ney
they were conveyed to P te.s'ung. The civ a'r.v
force sent there mimo ten days B'jo, not b'inu'
able to iTiei'iually s! i op 'rations, the .itli
Corps, wi;h tlregic's Cavalry and the .'Id Divi
tion of the '2d Corp 1, w ro detailed to ert'e toally
put a stop to it ly destroying tlio railroad in fir
south at lli. ksford, and if p is.iblo thatvS'.a'i'nt
At day!i;:ht on Weduesday ui 'iniug, the
column tuiti.d south on the .Ivrus tlem rond, thu
ca!ry tnking the advance. On arriving at n
point nineteen miles from Petersburg, they dl
Vv rgidlrom tho road ub.iut a mi'.e tu the rij'it,
when they reached the Nottoway river, an I the
command at once commenced crostnttg, and then
bivouacked on the sooth side for tho m,;!it.
At 7 !10 on Thnralay morn'ng the p-mtonns
were taken np unci tho column started, loarlri ; a
cavalry dctaelinieir to pick up stra .t.'lurs and
return w ith tliem. H11 na t.'hing a poin' two miles
beyond Sussex Court Hou v, boiiio cwalry .yore
encouiiteitd, and weie drivon back to wluro the
Weliion ero-.e.s the Nottoway.
j in tit 1:0011 11 small force of tho eienir ma le
a dash in between our cavalry and the a lr 1 ce
of the infantry, but were sum routed, with, slih
loss on both Hides. Here a cavalryman was f mad
who hail evidently bcoti murdered, and snipped
of everything, even to bio bo,;ts.
Tbe advance then e iinniciieed tho iles'riie';on
of tbe railroad by burn n;; the bridge a"r,m tin
Nottoway, arit eon luued to J irrott's stit'on, g at that place 011 Thursday O 1
Friday inoriiitig an early start was made, and i,i
the alierni on tho advance reached a point near
11 u ksf- : 0, where the enemy were found to bo in
tome lorec, und having a battery in position wi b
ftiong works on both sides of tho Mclmruiu river.
Alar the po-itiuu had b.en examined an u:Uea
was dcnind Impracticable, on account of the
siri riithol tho works and tho ditll :nli y of up. them, particularly with artillery.
I her; l'oie it was determined to carry tho line of
oiks on this snl j and destroy tin;, which
was 'tieeissiiilly done. Diriti;; this chirg',
Ci.l.,r is'i r,';eai.t Coles of the Ut .Massachusetts Is
said to lmvo been killed.
'lieopi weiu :ccn moving in p'sitionnt this
oint, as though liny bad j 1st arrivej, and llio
Inu from the ha;eri.s Boon afier shovel th it
tiny had been remlbiced. It now got ihirk and
began mining, fuowinir, and
Tie troops camped in tho vicinity for the night,
und in the morning st..rltdon their rem, 11, reajli
ing rsusMX Court House uud halting there 011
on Saturday night. Tho enemy's cavalry an la
ni-iill body of infantry followed, and emlcav.ired
to itiini y the rear, but each tone were
ilrivtn l ack with loss.
Thih afurnoon the No'.laway rlvor was reached
and ihe entire command crossed in safety, w here
tl.iy ft und n part of tho Ninth Corp, who h id
sturtid to their aid iu case of an eng:i;;em:iit.
To-ntoirow th' y will bo all back iu their old
position iu trout of Petersburg, ready for tho
next move Kgultist tlio enemy In whatever direc
tion the Comiiiaiider-ln-ehlcf may deem 1110, t
elfocnal. The move may bo coosldc'cl as one
of tho most succcshutl of tho campaign, and ra
llies honor not only 011 the orijia dor, but on
llio-e to whom it' ex.ciuion was intiuded.
A mo-t tll'eetivo blow has oceu dealt tho 1 neiity
by the de truetion of some li;Xeen niilo? of rail
road, which they were Using extensively, una
hundred ears passing over it every day, loile I
with supplies. Tno track was torn up, tac ties
piltd in Leaps with dry wood ft out tlu adjacent
lent ts, eid set on lire, with the ra'ls on top, tho
h, at I euoing and twistlu them iu every sh pe.
All tbe depolB ulong llie route were b iru id, at
will as numerous mills, barns, an 1 d voiliu ;s,
fiom which tbe oecupanls hail lijd, or from tho
cover of w hich guerillas had llred oa our tr n.w.
One was caught who. a gun near where ti sh r.
bud just bicii tired, and it is said tho tro ins huag
him ntar tho Nottoway river. Oar loss in t'. i
euliro trip will Lot exceed 40 or .V) in killed aid
woundid, bosldci a fuw strat'terj, who were
The severity of tho woather was the principal
ditheuby we had to encounter, bat astb' ewis
much wood on tbe lino of march, and plcu'.y of
woik for them 1 1 do, tbey managed to keen tie 11
leivcs from Millering. Nothing has transpired jo.
fiont of I'ett rsburg to-day of interest.
The weatber has chwnt;cd, and a cold wind
storm prevail.
Two men, ramod F.dwnrd Rowe and nailcl C.
Smith, of tho lTOih New York, '-'J Division, 9 h
Corps, were executed yesterday, for tbe crime of
desertion. They were hardened criminals, not
seeming to care for themselves Or any one else.
One of them mounted tho acnd'old smoking a
cigar, and taking bold of the rope, gave it a pnll
0 see if it was strong enough to hold him. Sneli
a lessen will perhaps have In proper cllceton
that class of men who enlist for the mero purpose
of getilng tl 0 bounty, with tho Idea that they cm
deicrtto the enemy with impunity.
u iiKiM' i!tiTs or nil ri:b::,s,
How and Where they CrossaJ tlio
Cumberland. .
Ho is Moving to Join IIojI.
lac i- ii.i.i', Dccembor Pi. The llo'ss! ficie
ral Lyon crossed tho CumlierlinJ riv-r wi'ii his
ctmiinand the day before yesterday, at Yollu
creek, nb nit twenty miles below Clark .ville. Hii
(orec is reported at a'amt 'J)l men, and wlua
Inst heard from he was moviu?to,vardi 11 riklm
vilie, Kentucky, and thrca'.eniug tin'. p!.i:e. I:'
ho attacks it, tl.o garrison, being s,u ill, will be
ccnipellcd to 1 ill back to a atroni -r or more
la-tn'inate point. I'.reckiuridje's paatioa see m
10 be in deiibt.
A loyal guntlcm in .w'lose resplet I'l'li'V is
vouched for, savs Hi eckeuci I i, at S u'ti.
Ti nne.see, wi'h ah mt Kl,n 1 ) nun. Th's g:a' e
uiau si'ejks of what lie kuoiv., an 1 fie fie'i
in. lu ll that l'..eel,lurid:,'e Intends t J rein ' ive, and if posse de to re 1 'a tiie 111,1.1 1 1 ' . . :
army, but the po-itioii of oar t ups uada
Ku'iienian and Iliroi id ;e inlt s that Ijswi'l
have dillleiilty in fariuiog a j in tton it 11 !.
I'StOM 'Vtltl.
Ciuin, llccmlior li. The steam :r li''iit,
from Munphisfor Ciocinn it!, p esse I up to-day
with J ill bales of cotton. Tho ll. "of St. l.trii.t
broiiht ;'0 bales. S vcral flte liners are a.grii:iiid
ut Cia a. lord's and other points on the M'ssisdppl
al ovo Cairo, and wi 1 prob :b y freeze in.
It I'M. 1. Kr.roCM'M ' U&X. VlfiTVAY.i
ui 1 iii: lei.
pM.ritoiii'., Dceeinber 111. Tho C iar'.cs'oi
M-.curij, ot the Gib instant, pubUsaes tlio
fo' lowing :
l'lioM a it 1: SuiNNAii ItviLiiovn. '.Ve'i'.vo
r. cel.rj -.. nt'-'P Tve ot;.
fighting on ihe to.iS'.. We bear, however, thai
the tin my is quite active ia that ipt n'tor.
"His main deiiioustr.ition will prj'nb!y hi
next made icte.inst Coos ihittchie, while, by feint,
a Pi e italv'o and Gr.iliamsf iilo, he wdl e i I" i.or
1 1 1 iv .ie our Pace-, a. id tlisu'.ict the al.e.i 1 u jf
our lillie, 18."
1 ti'i; A r it. 1 l ll.a.
Ut 1 i ai.o, U eeiubcr 1,'). A liro this mo-n:ne;
th the elevator of Charlei W. Rv.ns.
origin is 111 know n, but is B ipposi;d to havo be. u
M.WTioxs i '1 tsst'rn st;rrs.
llosiOV, Deeember PI. "l U'ios ll.l'lills.m
tl ,ias elected Mayor of Ctn.-ienuwu ye.l;r
da . In N.wliu'ypjr: Guor'o Jaei.iti in vva 1 re
fit, did.
TUIIlTY-trG 11 1 nCOJ! GSE31
Wakhinhton, Decein'ier I I.
Mr. I'. io't (Ma s 1 in'ro lucid' a r 'solution de
fl.irieg tint me , ot 1. nils) 111 1 may re-11 11 1
its I'cliiieal relaiioiiB with the Uoveruinoa'. of ihd
I 'lilted Stul H. ileal rod to the Cjiii.uu.oo 011 tue
Mr. Cole (Cal.) in'roducd n bill grintin ; lands
to certain railroad companies. ItelerioJ to the
Cotiui.itiee on Publle lands.
Abo a bill to establish a Minin't I) pirtannt,
with a Commissioner uud tlio nceoss 117 clerks
imd mineralogists, for tlu pur of fulle -tiu
ar.d ddl'using u t l al Inior.uiaioa till oil O'liout lite
l.'nited tslales.
Mr. Cole moved that the subject be referred to
a Beleet Comml'tee ot seven.
31 r. lirooki. (N. Y.) would have no o'ljie'.'on if
nt lie same time nn nvpiirv bo dir e'ei as to tie
rnoi e aud menus of obtaining revouuo Iro.n t.10
inn ea.
Mr. Washbuino (III.) wasopposcd lo tiie whole
Belli tno.
injection thu9 being made, tho subject went
ovi r.
.'rues C. Allen (III.) moved to reconsider t'11
vole by wuieli Mr. Klio'.'s iiropo .ition w isrofei ra 1
to the C'oinm ttee on tho J idieiary. lie win. e l
it not to the Coiiiurtt c on the It belli m S.a'et.
it wits read for inform ition, mil p irp.isasto
admit tho St natois and ll prcsenta Iv a iu Con.
gri ss uuoer the ncwConstitutlni recently ad ip'.ed
m Tiiit'iisrec. The motion was re considered.
Mr. Knot (Miisb ) rem irked that when ho s ig-ec.-U
J ihe, Coniiiiiiue on the .ludi i.iry, it w.H
i ecauso that Standing Comuntteo w is tho pro.ier
one fur the examination "I tho question, and bo
ciiuse a bill looking to tbe same end w.n ti ico
li.n rcbrred to the Committee on tha .ludi i try.
He did not Buppose tno subjoet would roeoiva
am th ug but kimlncss IV0111 the C 1 n, 111 tine 01
tho Rebellious hnttes, nor had he any mason ti
he ieie that that Coinuiiitco was opoosoi to this
rt solution. Ho would havo no oojucnou to a a :h
a n feit'iico.
'J ho resolution was referred to the Commit:;;)
or the Rebellious htues.
Mr. I'uauh r tN. Y.) introduced resolutiin,
wl ieh was a biiiied, instructing tho 'loin nit ee oa
V i-ys li.d Means to in pure into tho expediency
1 f rcdaelug ihe tax 011 mineral coils.
Mr. brown (Wis ) aked leive, lut o'vJo tion
was iri'de, to Introdiieo a resolu 1 111 for tlio
api oininieut of u select committee of s;ven
in. mliers, to who.n shall tie referred all
n solutions, pet tions, etc., rla'iva ti
a naval depot on tin Ink a, and whoso duty p.
Bbiitl he to selc t the most suitablo sue, and re
port hv bill or otherwise.
Mr. Stevens (t'a ) asked leivo to in tro 1 11 n; a
hill, Willi a view of putting it on pas-ag', ext md
, u Vim lime for tho withdrawal of goods' f. om
any pah'ie s ores or bonded wireltouses in
ea'es where the three years' tinmaliowed tiy the
law of July. IHtK!, his been interfered with by
any order of the President of the Uuitod Kuivui.
Mr. Jirown (Wis.) objected.
Nurrrssmral Unirnirnl of Onlorod Troop
- Ai prnrnncfi of Kcbcl Rama llow tl.oy
1 r Kerrlvrd.
llcMiot AiiTims Anvt or tub James1, kear
RiciiMoNo, a.,Deeembcr 7. This morning a
small force, consisting of a detachment of tho
3tlih I'nited States Colored Infantry, wo e thrown
across tha James river in pontoon boats tinder
coier of a brigade, with several field-pieces
drawn up on the east side of tho river in the
vicinity of Cox's landing, between half an I throe
quarters of a mile above Dutch O ip.
The Rebel pickets which lined tho west btnk
of the James, and had been firing from there for
a week past, at once gave way w tlioat firing a
slu t, when our tro ,s set about iuirenching
and aro now s.enre in their position, where they
command the head of Dutch Gap, and will pr 1
tect it ellectu'illy from any sharpshooters of tho
cm my in that, vicinity.
I'h is evening, jusi about sunset, the Rebel ram
lU. limiind tame slowly steaming d the river,
followed by her contorts, the I n.mi'a and Vc
i. As'"Oi. As soon, as they came la range of
Port Hratlr, Captain I' er. o open.' i lire, upan tho
Hi. liinnml with bis Itui. pound Parrott rides, and
plnnti d heveral shots into the sides of tli" RMiel
it att, brii ging her up stau.ling at a point wheio
she was shielded in a measure by the btnk of the
river, and where she lay until dnikiie..s pal an
end to 1 li 0 tiring.
."eteial shots wero also sent rif t the. IVe.oti
and VttrWcitAm, and one of then was tsrieo
hit; but tho lateness of the hour when they t.
P"itrcd prei eiued our shots being as cloeiivoon
the latter as on the Hi Jim n,l. Tha ra as died
probably a shots iu answer to our saluta
tions. I he batteries across the .Tames and one mortar
battery also joined, in tho entertainment, aud
withal ma lo a verv lively evening's work. Tho
Ciossingof our firees near Dutch G iu is evi
dently believed bv tho Rebels to mesa chat wo
purpose coming through that chaniiil to-uig!it
with our gunboats, and the positiouof the rains
is such that, thoUj;li exposed to the liee of fort
lirady, only anon', mie milo distant, lluy have a
good sweep of the lhcr down nearly, or .piitu to,
Hatch Gap.
A ttl'.llll. l:t-.('0NNir4,VA.
II l vour Mt 1 ens tv or Tim s, nhmi
lie iimomi, Va., Doinoer PI. I'he enemy
in ele a re."o ill loreo uo,m Ihe ox rente
1 1. ot of our Pins (.lis ino,ni:i,', in- the pu."i se,
us ;s prc-uii" .!, ti.' a- rt. lining wh.nher uav p r-
11-111 in uir 101- es on t i;s si te oi on; j lores not
been dct iclied for du'y 0:1 the o lier si.lo of tho
liver or ci sew here.
Finding mo unnosf vi.tii r'.ce prevailing, and
ti l t portion of our lines strongly mn iel, h )
em my, nuer driving iu our pi "ken, mavel fir
ward their skirmish line, and for a short tuna
opi ned rather spiritedly with u luuery of Ii;;Lt
inlillery, g iieing, h".ever, no 111 u ai d emits.
1 hey soon concluded to withdraw their foreos,
and matters have resumed their ae ustjnied
Tho U.'bel troops were supplied wi'li three
flivs' in their knaps irks, and state that
whin Ihcy ero orderul to march this mim
ing tbey thought they wore starting for .North
'I be torces eng iged at this part of tho lim oin
sisled of Fie'd's litvi-i m, wlikvi bis for t.v.i
n onths been stationed boiwoen tho D..rhytown
and Newn.aikct roads.
isiniuitau.ously wlih this atta k nt the rlibt
the enemy opened t ieir mortar bttteries 110)1
Fort liiiriihani ( II iTison). 801m fe.v 0 nualtles
bneoceurnd during tha day 'a opoiwi oin, ba'
to 11 hat ex'ont 1 am not able as yet 1 1 state. It
is thought quite possible that tho attack will ho
rcsnmcr lo-morrow, eithor as the sa, no or another
1 art of our lines, but if so we sh ul not bj w holly
U.. prepared to receive tlteru V. )'. V-iYmu,.
I'nr Additional Loculi, see J'.iijUth 'aye.
Prnr. or TitKHUoMniurt To-day. Six A.M.,
2D. Noon, 3D. IP. M.,:n'. Wind, W.
Ili ivr Mw ni:i.nMr.NT. Charles R. Abbott,
formerly Secrclary of tho Fifth an 1 Sixth slrects
Passenger Railway Company, hm beau arrescj.l,
t hnrged on tho oath of the Presld nit of tin ro i.l
with foreing seventv-nino cer.ill 'a'es of stict.
1 be accused has had one In iriug, a id h n 0 1,1 1
held for a further inve-tig i lon on M rnl ly n-xt.
This morning another charge ni pntcre, 1
sgaiii't Abbott, who, as Trea-urar of the Passen
ger Railway Reliof Association, is charged, up o 1
tiie oirh uf Colonel O. II. R mitiurgc-. ilia See 0
tsry, with tho embezzlement of four tnousinl
dollars, tho property' of His Association. Ino
Recorder wid lake the cvaiono ia tiiia c'ua.go
this iifurnoon.
CoMUonoiti: WiNNi.ow AT mr. Com Mian im,
Rooms. The Commcreisl Ro mis Wcra il lied by
a crowd of our first merehints and ci:iCfis tins
nften oon, at 1 o'clock, to welc ime to our city
Comitiodoiu Winslow, of tho gallant sUip l ar
sttnte. 'i he Commodore was drjssc 1 in'n
c'o'hes, and submiitctl vcryp itietrlyto tha'. 111 st
tiiesomc operation to whieh her les ara s ih
jtcttd ibatof sh iking li mds witti an cu tins
ntiirb r i f unknown -'.eiitleiuju. Hj apoc .re 1 In
exettdent spiri's, and received witu modesty tlu
eoiigiittiila'ions of our ciiir.ens.
TiioriMeisiiMB I'AssnNtiHits.-Two or three
f'llored men g"t into one of the I. mbird aid
H nth streets cars yesterday afternoon, ami when
politely asked by the conductor to take plaeos oa
the front platform, po-ltlvely refuse! to do so.
The tnr was stopped; s III they maintained their
seats. Tho road became blocked up, aid tiro or
thno other cars coming along wore umb o to
proceed. Tho poll e were Dually a i0Alad to,
, n 1 1I10 disorderly chai n 'tern were ai resit) J, and
committed by Alilerniiti Morrow.
Hi'niiav Siitooi, Fa in. The Sunday Sehnls
attached to St. Paul's Kplscopat Church, in Tuird
Htreet, below Walnut, are hoi, ling a F'air iu the
basement of tho church. The .armis ta'ilas aro
supplied with a variety of ftney aal useful arti
cles, ihe proceeds from ihe sale of which will be
devoted to benevolent purposes. Dari.igyei er
day u largo number of visitors a ten lad tha Fair.
Si.vr.itiii.Y itrnKKD. About uoo 1, ti-tlay, a
Utile girl, named Annlo Flood, agol four ye si,
re-ldliig Iu Southern nveniio.ab ive .-s'lii h s're t :,
was severely burned by lu-r elo'.hcs taliiu : ,lr.j
from tho stove. Mho had been lei', alone in tl.o
I'litr.. The alarm or fire aba. it ti
o'cloi k, was caused by tho luicniiig at Nugoi.t's
Laser beer Balooii, at tho S )ii:li',v,.dt coraor of
Wathington aud Church streets.
Oi'Tlcit 01' Til;nisi: Tsi.k'i''1!'H,
Tuii.d t.s , lleceiu'lur 1 1. i
The Htock Market Is Inactive but steady. Gov
ernment bonds continue in fair demand at about
former rates, with sales of (is of lsHl to noti 0 at
10'J.j, coupons oil'; 5 -.20, a', 10'JJ, an advaneo of .J ;
and new 7 ''Mi "ttuj ; US was bid for old Ml M;
Pennsylvania fis are soiling at 1)1.
In Railroad shares there is very little dolnj.
tadJnt' is firmly held, with sales at 8-41, which
Is a slight advance; Catawissa preferred at 370
373 ; aiid Phil idclphla ami Hi ie at .IU; 4 1? was bid
for Little Schuylkill; oUA for Philadelphia and
Germnntown; fil for F.lmlra profcrred; 14 for
Catawlssa common; and 074 fr Pennsylvania
Railioad ; 1V2 was asked for C imden and Am
boy Ilailniad ; and "0 for North PennsylvaiiHi.
Tl cro is lltt'o or nothing doing in City Passen
ger Railroad shares. ,11 was bid for Sprueeand
Pine; ;n for West Philadelphia, and If) for Arch
street ; 01 was asked for Fifth and Bix'ta t ft ) for
Second nnd Third; 1H for Chcsntit and Walnut;
2 for Race and Yine; 21 for Green and Coates;
and 'JO for Gir.ard College.
Canal shares nrc moro in -paired aftor, with aalet
rf Susquehanna nt l,'eir, nn adraico of );
Wyoming Canal at 7'.; and I.oblgh Navigilloa at
"oi ; .Ti was bid for S.htiylkill Navigation com
mon, nt'l for prt fened; and 3d for Delaware Di
vision. Hank share srn firmly held, but thorj i vory
Utile doing. Girard sold at M; ISI wis bid for
North America; l a! lor Philadelphia; i!) for
Farmers' nnd Me. hanics' (old stock); 31 for Mo
cliun'rs' ; M for Kensington ; I t lorl'ennTiwn
ship ; 3'2 fur Manufacturers' and Mechanics' ; and
.'o for Cily Hank.
Coal Oil shares are in fair demand, nt about
former rates, with sales of Irwin ut I O.J : MeClin
tockatoiji Dciioiiioro nt Mi; McKlheuy ut
Fgotrt 1 1; K.xeclsiorl-Cll; Mingo at 4 .1-10; F.Mo
r.ttlo at Corn Planter at 7; und Walnut Island
at '-'1.
(ioid continue dull, but prices are steady;
opening nt 'J.';;J ; advanced and sold at 2315 at
11 o'clock; -2 'Ali at Pi; nnd 214; at 1 V. M.
Time Is very little deuisnd for M ny outside
of tho banl.s, and tbe rates rem lilt about the
same as last quoted. Loans on call arc otl'erod at
fifr'H per cent, por annum. Prime puper con
tinues verv searco, and quoted at 7if"j'J per eent.
Secretary Fessendcn gives notice, of tho rcndlnoss
of tho Treasury Department to redeem on pre
sentation, by payment in lawful money or by
conversion in'o bonds, us authorized by law, the
Three-years' Trwsnry notes, bearing Interest at
the rate of seven and three-tenths por cent., Issued
uiu'cr the Act of July 17, Tsui. Interest will
t ease on all such Treasury notes not so presented
nftt r three months from this date, at whieh time,
under the law, the light of couvcrsl m ceases.
Holders, therefore, will govorn themselves ac
coidingly. J'UII.ADI-.I THU HT.Jl'K KM I'll AN W. S M.BS.I1B0. ID.
Uai rtiei bj (Jlsrknun Co., B-olfrs. No. lil S. Thltd Ht.
lltlOItE llOAUDS.
J"H .tiOll i r.. k an.l. uh W'nul I. a
t'ticnv Hun. 110 t7, tl'sH On sl'l 3
I0,1tl tl s Iilu 4 71 n ni, n b", a
... 0 sh llltit.arJ a .: ice si, pi,n s i'H,.i stg
I'll.l lu '.''I ill I. 0 Ml Moneea Hi) '.' dv 7
"ii d" iii a , a u uo...... di'o 7
ttee .liltvAuiuif t,a,
f UtsT n3A!;D.
Hri0t'R5-?n ifo; )c0 .nv.m.lo 3
I 01' S II. ,l cmi.. ..Ili'l1, MUkii Koeiter lll,l
sir n M jau, n,r l"'l sli lllaei II. 'h... 7 "-
vtc;- 0 rmi f, a. , inn ,11 r ,rrt oum .,. 7
i'iii'a tlmini.f IN 1 LO: sb Witiil -id -.';
l.M! SH lrln Oil (!. 1 . -tl ll nM lllnk... 11
ill h Jleillieeek ... fit.. "I Ml I, -hl-h I' . ., 71
Jiumi IJi-tisuiurii,,,.; I '. Inn h I'nloiifnl I-
"!'.. J'"' sli Siis.i. I'mi-iliiil t.-,
aami,ti.v oil.. iisimi ,io ,!.-,
JiS'iH l-'shiTi I'll .... .'j Kll,, j r.),'g
ti" .11 ll.'we's K lile. . l't l . .h Wvotuio.-t.'nl Tei
V"il sn Vcimniiu tm. 1,1 1 .it) J10 in B .a .. M,...s4t
ii iisli d 1 aisiic'auw prar.,., a; 1
.n n,1- ,, iu),u uj',
M .bal law 4 a-. 11 "
(juot.itltms "f Oo'd nt the 1'hl'adelphla Gold
Fxcluiige, No. 31 S.TIiird sirott, second story:
i a. m 'Ji.ii u m Ja 14
11 A. M o;,i ! ri .j aJ '
Market sternly.
Di: IIavkk & Biio., No. 20 S. Third street,
quote us follows i
American Gold.... 214
American Silver, ij's nnd J's ..
Dunes mid Half Diinos 214 ..
Spanish Quarters '211
Penn. Ciureney ,j, jig.
New York li.xehaniie 1-10 pttr.
Cluotntiops of tho principal Coal Jmd Coal Oil
ttuelio ut I o'clock to-tiny ;
, !," 't-i Mi Atk.
rul'on Conl ni n 1 rnnklln on i iv
Urn n Mi. Coal... . 4 4'i tlovi! KMT Otl.s .. W
N t'a liotn alo ..... 1 f, Irvlni. Oil .. 101
Nus t.-riik, 1-., fo,, 1,,-u! Oil... a .J
ti'i lor llieif 1J11.1 .. Diinniiero a .. H'?
t'llntiinl'tial 1 I1, llui. .lull i VA
llutkr l'..l .. ,l .McKliiBiiy .. o5
Hw Aturs 7
i'.'im Viiilnit
t'oie'.'Clicul ,, ..
KHtstot.e Zin., ..
Kxcelsiur Oil...... ..
Ilia lank
,.. jiiiiuiL. uu. ....... n
a. I O'm .Ina 3
S Naiiln.tellttlniii'itffr .11 lll'f
a liiutijr.i s .. -ri
Jul .story Kurto si a aj
.:.mi itinotMl a li I tti rmriilitiui tjs'.u.. a,1;
ririiiiur I U -1
- " 4 . r.Kimn
Oil Ori-ek fl'i K I Island. ....
m spin siiiaiiu on. :ki 4(1 Aiieiamny Jtiv.r.. t'l Is;
Mci'luvncli tl'l... .. !x' I'.iri.i. in-
I jniisvivuuisl'.i. riei.Aiint-riMit.. vl
I'srryou S; S1,' ( uru I'l.nt ir 7
' moral OH t'i i -.'l larr 'rm i'( (
kavslunc Oil 1 2', (lolnj iinu I!,- j
VettioiM.Oli 11 .. I a. iiu-.l (ill ivtMk.s .. U'i
Inlon rclro.BUMi ..a 4 2 '., ' IMiiiit B:nrar. . i 1
lli'a.iill till l , W.On it IsliaJ.... .. I1;
Msiieia Oil .. 7 Kl.liirail .. 'i Ol 1 V Vi ( U'rr lean 21 S(l
The weekly averages of the old 11 inks of tin
city of New York, ou Saturdiy, Djooiu'ier 10,
lil, pie-ent, in tiio :o.'gre;.;ai3, tho l'olioiu
rhangts from tho previous otuiolt of Daeam
ber 3, lSl.1 :
liu rease in Loans .$.1,107,312
Kecrcniscln Sjieelc 43J,;8'J
lloeiciu-e inCreulatioti .'iiopi
lncuase iu I'mlniwn Deiio-.iw S.-jliSill
lnelmling the Clearing Ho ase ooer iti nis ot the
wetk.wbieh sho.v tho iu'aer-oxehan tes Oetun
tho Hanks, iiieludiug also the Suo- Treasury
mice at the elicc of Hie week. Tho following isth
penoisl comparison with Hie provmus ex libit,
end hUo with tho movement this time hut sea
son :
1 c v.". ! !. in.,, in.isei. ims. 1. intt.
Cupttal.....' -'.::; ."."s f', ;-r, ".: s .... hi ;
1 ,-i ,'hs ,. no ant iiiisid re, le-i c
ivc 21;, 1 at jo,;.a.ii,s ja.cs.sni
I .rei 1..: I iii C liai,'.77 .l.-'i'll. IT J a,6tiU'
nr.... IM'-'.I',.. . 3tCi 71s ii'.'a J.M7aiH17 a-ii,o-l7.lfcj
F., Imiiyi.. '.'.,(1 Ji'ls I'eslltsl Hl.n.l.ill.i
I ii tnissn 1 . era.-, luMi'it. eit l 'iiitj,i:ii
lutt'C'-'iit.iMii.v.. ut liiaejij aa,ags,7s; 4i,i.i;,i'i
1 vn:sT mvAK imlllicekie.
S' im'i'p f. (ilti-.m. r.f.wcii, N-r Vrk. W. .1, Tv'or40
Itui' i in- Mt aro. A .-ntnu-'i-, HubIoii, ymf.'lri A ( ird t.
I iii hi ni 'onli'll i U'liitris. MiiiHciiU'i, Wo. kniM ,v. I '
lii'ir t.dti.v. hniliit. .Vic urletiin K A. -Hint. It A Co.
IIP H V. M-'.-ri. k, No.'-.liJn, Kf Went, iJu mhiii.
r.rl . V. snmrt, Jtcnii-oii. s 'tr Orl. inn. J, K. Ita '.icrtO
H' r X- MIIm.'h. tponiftm. HcAnfort, l. H mouoh V
Hihr .ut'un tu ilie huniitto.rHoii, V rt ICcy, Cutlu.
H',!Vf.r THIS uokminm.
H. -)t H. R. Ihhu, v'', 4 iltiyn f, oiu Vow Vor h. In
bai'aoi i 'iirinari ) ftlt-u'luini ,
iv br Maim on, I'wftfti o Uits (torn. Kortret Utiaro., la
Qwptniltee nf the W.iitutevMn KrrhAn')
I. i.nKit. li'c.riihtir M lli-.k Iit tao (Jii-vor, (rm
Ki y Utii lor i'liiliittL-liiliiHi l.lncMfi, cbn f.n' tw
'iV), lim na A uiu. Win. Curl- t'iO. J A 'nf, n, Kh I'liilwtiPljplitft), ft'iJ KfMi'lri.'k, witn k'mi it it ty mluir
Vfi-rscJ-t. iieiniiii'iJ i'V tti fiu iuid tt VtUi nut h wiiid, wiirn
mi Kit' UM-nkwu'tr lin-t Hfoii iu. A Urye ''!. iM',' I
Ihe Miiriruiia. iioui Sew nrk, paHaeU up tbe b? at tvntu
yt-ttTiTilUY. TilO Hi'llIlUT JaUICii, Uf 1HT yrk, AUi
uihcrt- on lite imiut it (.'aftti UtuUiptii. lt oltttH.
Vouit, Aa., aajjhin AIambaia.