itmng Sclrarapli Monday, deckmiikii i im-m. FAT PEOPLE. ''Wlilit is ll.e hvcraffc wrl- lit nf it mm ) A bat nan dm tin att.,iti lna itrii.irrst a-,.e.,i i!"W ii arh licuiier aru in. mi women f Whit I'UicI lie tin- mi l lit of fut tnoulu: und wliRt uf ir-y im H ll'lp M. (Jiici'ii't, m" llrnsioN, smio Tfirs ni, & ni (I mii h iur-ii ms , ii i e wnhin" lhi soijej of hm fxtrt'sve er.ii "I r o ire i on ni.ui Mur I'll, tiftif, ct le lJuviii), nt ilj r'nciilca). He nut In lil i.f rv. rvinnlv In: niiiUI,'. iit; 1 1 '.:itlu'il ilicni nil. 11,' -.i;ho J till- llH' U.-i, In flj'l,,', 111" K)y, hi,, cirU. ho lint tiic Mm i ii - mill in J. !,, hi! uir;ii"ii im-n nml in the. i i il.ft-iiius. s .1 1. 'rs. Lie. "liirv eii c . ;.. n-i.ini , -; ni'l, ni in- tm I n p ftt.'il- nir iimnjt.i in Mir'i f; UrU, !i h nvUr h t Jnv.n kii. ti n suit- a-. In- nut with. .Mi i ir inf in., In tlir l-'niiiiillin; H 'fiM'nl nt Idii-sols Mr a run. gsitlrra'ilc pi riml were I'viglii'il j nn thf mull's mi-rn ci.rniart..l with tliosy ni'tiih.t'il nt smitl ir 'Htn!ii.i,!1ii(iii in I'm Ik sm Mu.dw. T;,i. tvcraire mums sl.ow tliat n ritizen oi tin- wurl i, n tin; nny of Ins ap; c iuiin-e In pnti ,t, wfit p Kliin.t s,x pull mil nun a lim'; n bnv-lni'iy llMie nunc, h Krl-i.tlijr a 1 tt i lus.. s.mie vo.-y 'U'idfsi bn'ns liuiilly turn thj si', Jo wi'li hiuiiiIh u 1 1 1 1 ii lirtif, wi.ilo i.tlier pivti'iititins "UiiLViitrs lum-i of ten or in mum Is. IWhi'n Mulork irkril fur bin "p ntirl of ll .ill." ne okcd (in an t iiiivn'eiit M a lirilii irs th in "e -ix'li ol ii h'.iy. How the iluy ,,n.'s gmw lurini' rlnlilli .(ul, . inej mu trii; . bptc; hut . irny l.i- in'i'ie-tiiiL' ti kno-v i ln'.t ('iris anil ' lit tWPlVr J. 8rs of ll'-'O 010 TH' lt lv e'JII ll ill '.if1 lit; allrr vslilcli limit, nuilus arc In ivmr iian I. in.t'is uf the sunn: n.'.m. M. O'lc'.-I.'t roiipptl Ms tholl-ttllllH of III illlo H.ri'.iil:.r to ct;, nnJ Iimml that the roinu: mmi of twenty vi-riiicd n tiuiulrc 1 mi l lurtv-iluvu p minis iru, wni.e thti yoiiun wuiticn of twi mv uavo an vcrBfie ol ft bnuilrcil and ttvtnty po'iinH. II is H'Q ri-arlu il lic.ivi.'t i ulkat aliont thirtv vi). whin tbiir wiilit wiui a hiin lmd lid liily-two poiiniin; Imt tho nonp-a ilovttlr itteni'd on until tifty, wlicn iliuir nvtrie was ni' bundrcd and twenty -ni:iu p unds. Mon and omn loj:ttiiur, tno weijfiit a: lull growili vcrnrd iiliiiust fx.ii tlv tun stones, o- it bun In d nd forty (i'iiiuiI-. A M. 'J ieti'lec wisliml lo tio MMirati', anM as no imtmiil'v nut iii.inv omior- 'inliii'K of wi iub'nir pi'ople wit'iout tlii-irclotbi-K, e weimicu (lie cloti c without tlie peoplj ad wdl h with tbe people ; and ho iiiine to a conclusion litit t lie clothing of HelghuM of all classn may Ifw i u "won uiiu-uiKiiic'iiiu in iiie roiai tieiitlit ol man. and ono twouty fonrth of tha weight ol a woman. Wlicther these ratios vould apply lo i-,nilib turn and women at the Nrrctint day in rather a nicn iiiustioa of tailor- gaud driDs-iiialiing; nut, 8o lar as c.mcerns Si. Cluetuiet aud bin l!cls:ians. tho tiur.'S L-ivti fht or iiidp pniindo wuiftlit for a m in's drem, ad five or six lor a woman's. With thrso de. ictioiis for dress, the inquiries show that ill-f!ion men arid women are about twvn y men as heavy as thoy were on the first dav of .elr txisience. ()f course nrrmun ara Ii m 1 ily meant. The averaCM Were lornie l from f en ranging ftom a hundred nnd eibt to two Via U. . -1. . J fUUHll Ul.'l I1UUWII III.UI lily tiirbt to two hundred and i-eveu . wnctclet tried to mtima'o wimt wis tbe tual weight of human nutme over which Leo- Id wns king. He found tii.:t, t iklug all a'es i tonaitloiis nobles, clergy, titters, niiors, ves, uialdens, boy, girls, and babies, all in- nded the average weight was almost exactly ouunoreo. tngnsti pounds avoirdupois tor each man being: a'lnaml'.y easy to remember, at y rate. Uritons are a tr.ilc more massive than ilginns; but, setting this minor diHerenco aside, find that the whole body of us here, in the lit "li. Kingdom, weiyh about three thousand 111 v.ioundiDot a very spiritual or senti n t. (estimate, certainly, but ono that we can ntally realize by finding that it is just ah ut ual to tbe weight of four months' consumption coals in the metropolis. As chemists tell us lit we are furnaces, with food for fuel, tbe alogy is not to remote, aftor all. Of com so, an v Lclusions derived from uvcrage results must oend for their accuracy on the number ol in- Dieswliicn supply the average; and it might that M. Ciuetclet's Inferences would need to modilied a little when applied to the natives other countries. All tho recorded weighings, werer, agree tolerably in average results, vcral years ago, eighty young collegians were ighea at uamtindgo; they ranged from htecn to twenty-tnrce years ot ago, and their rage weight was a bundiel and titty onu Jindi, or ten stones e even pounds. This tells omt line or the uatsinen ana oursmen ot tbe for Frenchmen and Ilelgiuns of those Hires aid not reach quite to such an average. F.ic- y lite lessens tbe weigbt below the level of n-air life. A few years back, Mr. Cowell i sed Uffeu hundred children and younj per s in Manchester and Stockport, some em yed in cotton factories, and some leading an i of door life, to be weighed ; he found that, at age of eighteen, the average weights were as piws : factory youths, a bundled and six .nils ; out door youths, a hundred and twenty pounds; factory girls, a hundred nnd six ii nils ; out-door girls, a hundred and twenty-ono i nds. This seems to denote that youths are rela ly more stunted than girls by factory life. I'ro- i or J. D. Forbes, availing himself ot'the fiv iii ' afforded by his scientific position at F.din gh, weighed no fewer than eight hundred iths and young men who a'tended the Uui sity in that city. He divided them into na talities and into ages ; he found that at fifteen rs old, ibe average for each of the throe king is was about a hundred and fourteen pounds ; tbnt at the nge of twenty. Hvo, the English i averaged a hundred ami filty-oue pounds, (Scotchmen a hundred and tif'.y-two, and tbe bmen a hundred and lifty-five. The Uelgiau rage for that age is about a hundred and fifty nds, and the French average a few pounds et us ray, then, that a full-grown man In item Europe averages about eleven stones lundred and fifty-four pounds) in weight, at ty or tbiity-five years or age. We cannot be wrong in this, ana it will serve us as a standard omparison for estimating tbe fleshy virtues of bly tat people. v e say ncstiy in a popular e, leaving to physiologists lo determino how b is llcuu aud bow much fut, in a bulky sod. is observable that very thin people da not ounce tbeir thinness abroad, we xpeak, h to tell, somewhat contemptuously of them. ran P rail such man Lanky Laurence, or Fill or Thread-1'aper, or Bkin-auil-Urief, or Kin, or Lath, bcareely any mun, except Living Skeleton, ever exhibited himself ii'couut of bis thinness. What a poor oi- that same Claude Ambrose Seurat was ! n in iroyes in i.iin, ne was annoy otor- ,17 size, but began gradually to waste, until, e ago of twenty-one, be had less Hush and upon him than auy full grown person ever wn. At the age or twenty-seven be was bind in- London as the Living Skeleton. .Uinusts aid medical men were greatly in- stedinblm; other spectators were alloc ked. 1 ireiimference ot (11s arm was only nve es and a half at the largest part, and of his it twenty -three inches below the ribs; his del wero too weak to enable him to hold bis arms horizontally; aud his attempts at iing were those of a person whose "loot sleep;" hit skin was like dry parchment, bis ribs were as clearly defined us a bundle anes. Thin people, we have suid, seldom bit on account of their thinness, though many . done so with their stoutnoss. It is tboso w ho v largely in excess, aud not thote who lag far nd the average of eleven stones, who claim Abemselves a place in history. WALKING COATS, TITE DAILY KVKNUffl TELBQKAPn. ITnLADELrniA, MON'DAT, PKCKMBKR 12, 1884 M. Laurent nntlc a Parisian bov who mnt hae frlnhtrni'd hi parents a little, fir ho weighed a hundred and four pounds at four years old. Thi in was a boy at Wlniaton, In Durham, about a Cfntniy a.:i, who at tho aire of ten years tnoa sund thirteen iiii hes r mud the thigh, and tbiity tine.' round tho waist; be was ,1 ipcr tcHow in other wa s, for he had six toes 011 I m h lout, ai d six Utiuers on one hand. In KM ilnt! an Irish g' minium, Mr. L 'vel ic l.ovi , t r. in vi rt tntness. iSo immense was his liu k, Hint Ids 11 llin wns said to have in.' n ire I seien it 1 1 in length, four in brc.ulth, and three an I a 111 depth (though we doubt these tlar si; low insti) pounds ol fli li lie eotid hive lund-hed to"rsiylo k" is nut u 111.1: , jr. : ,il Ti no toe I at W..rci sft r ii. I v ,,, M) H,g(. tt II nil tt) it, :n th" I an .11.. e ol the In al punts "hi" t t ti.ii mi a-nr. d sen 11 t omt, and wis In i than an 11, f im.rv l.eirse, au l fmr' ol the w 1,1 was ni. 1 ft d 10 b.- taken down to admit its pas.s ige " M .-e it-Al'ei-.Minl.s tii.'ie tli'il at I'sk, In Mmi-iiiti-.t .i-b;i 1 , o-e Mr I'lil ui Ma-on, who-e .liai"ii si. ii- wf. ie orotil as Ii , l,.vs : Knmd :h- ri-', t n v-u 11, lis; 10,111,1 the 111 per arm, t . id v-me 'lie;,!', r 1111! 'be fl.esi, -iti inelies ; roual tun laivist ..r' o' the b nly, seveniy-twn iDi-lies; ii'iivt t.,e thigii, ihirtv-M'ven iuctie-; roiiu I fio 1 eb ' . the it g, twinii -liu) Inch s. In tin I) tun li.nif tie-,sci( iiees Meiie,iles," an acceuit Is gin 11 tif a 1'iein li wiiinr.n, M iri.- Franeois-j ' ay, ho a tj.i.eii an enorui'iiis ballt Imt 're her tic h, inlM ii. Mar. n d nt the ag ul twen.y-tive, .:ie Intl s x chidien, and becanie'er lin I litter even ii. ir she Ined, th.ingli p.umred in ,.ep p . vein-. It was not 1:0 id bung tint mad ner In', .'-lie I'H'.isiired sixiy-iwo 111 lies roun I t!m bony, le , I. she had none, lor h-r sunt, I lie id s rili tn.-wii berween two finn mous 'holailt'is, A' l':gln he liiul lo sic p li. any Uiri :ht, to ivnd sur . ai ,.,n 1 1 it ilnv was s 1 a 11' at a cnori'ii pori'li in l aus, vv'ieie she sat 10 e. -".e pity, ami tlraw lor'n i in ri y by l.i r tatnes- ami r n.'s. 'lin' anovo iti-tunci s are want'ug In fn ili tie i t i" inpaiison, on aecii'it of the a.'in il wi k'bis lien g, 111 most c.i es, unreeord d. Wo wi I, llK.tliee, dive into o.d newspaper, and rifrisleis lor insiances more speciliraily deli lite on 1 o ut. 'Died lately" ( so said a in ws- I apt 1' 11 ci titury old tliis year), "Mrs. linns, pi'l.sitc Sr. AnlK'"s I'lllirell, Soil I, wei"!l;ng tine h .ti. died and twenty pounds." I'oor Mis. lui'iis! Iier weight was a liflc more ti an tltnib e that (eh ven stones) which wo to be the nvir.ign of iniiule-aijeil full grown nun. There was a Kentish faniior nnd initkttpei', ono Mr. 1'almer, w iio atria tud uiiit'b aiti 111 iciii, in the early part of t1 e present iiMuiy. by his 1 norni'.'ia bu'k, lie weig old time iMiinireil and fifty pounds (twewv-livo t tones), ti'.iebv beating Mrs. II oris by chalk . 1 ne otdlnaiy mm could hs buttoned III one time within bis waistcoat, lie ciinn to London to s o the famous Daniel Lambert. L un hurt was atiy the superior of l'aliner 111 bulk ; but the !n ter pull , d so mueh through his latiniss that Lambert pil ed nun, as a 111 111 to whom I to must linvo tic 11 a burden, l'.iliner went homo lmii h na riifled ; his claim to n itoricty w.w sn I denly et lip'e 1 by 11 rivul Bud his hunt ne 1 Ins H alb. A part of his iun. t!io (lolden Lion, h id to be taken d 'Wn to allow room for bis cmllu to bo reninved ; nml as there was no beiir.-e mige enough or lining ciioncli to carry it, tho eo'iin was c on veyul to tlio grue in a timber-wanton. lt,.l.unl the 1 ngrnvtr, who ended his days in a shame ful way towards the closo of the la t centmy, lrnl nn apprentice n uneil John Love. Love left I ordon afier his master's death, and settled ut Lis native place in Dorsetshire, lie was f0 xi C 'dbigiy thin and meagre tha'. a physicii-.n advised him to eat liberally. Tho advice was so well taken, that Lovo liocamo a gormimdi or; tbe food turned to liu instead of to muscle ami sinew ; and his fatness killed him at the aire of fottv, wheu he weighed three hun dred and sixtv-four pounds (about twenty-six stonF). Growing bulkier and bulkier in our example)1, the next on our brief list is Mrs. Dorothy Collier, who died about a century ago, and who was (as tho local prints assert) "sup posed fo bn the largest woman in the n mil of Kiigltind." It is to be hoped so, seeing that Mrs. Collier weighed four hundred and twenty pounds (thirty stones, or seven stones heavier than Mrs II irns). Her collin was forty inches wide, and tbiity deep. This worthy lady was, however, beaten by Fredcrica Aureus, a young German woni'ut, v. ho was living at i'aris in ISIU. She weighed thirteen pounds when born, forty-two at 11 iiionth.s old, n hundred and fitly ut four yean, ami by the ugc of twenty had attuiued a weight of four hundred and titty pounds (thirty-two stones). She measured sixty-five inches round the bony, and eighteen inches round the arm. Altogether, Fredcrica must have been a formida ble young person to deal with, tor she coal I lilt two bundled nnd fifty pounds weight with each hunil. Mr. Benjamin liowor, a native of Holt, in Dorsetshire, attained a weight of four buu ilnd and seventy pounds (ncarlv thirty four stores) ut tne time of his death, in i;i;:i lie was aetivo enough to travel from Holt to London by stuge-ioa.h a few days before be died. As in the cases of Mr. li.tkor and Mr. l'aliner, a part of the house bad to be removed to ullord egress for the collin containing tha ma.'Sivo remains of Mr. Uowcr. Gnu., tne German writer, mentions the c ise of a yoiiug woman who weighed four hundred and ninety two pounds (thirty-five stones); but of tics prodigy of womanhood we huve no further in formation. In 177 1, there died at C wthor,i , in Lincolnshire one Mr. Foil, who weighed live hundred and sixty pounds (about forty stones). Whether he had expressed any wish M have his mightiness particularly taken cue of does not appear; but be was enclosed In three Collins, the united weight of whicn.wbb himself, exceeded threr- thousand pounds (nearly a ton and a half). Mr. lliigbt, of F.isex, was a person of great notoriety In tho early days of tho reign of George ihe Third. Ho was a grocer at Maiden, and belonged to a farwtly noted for their personal bull.iiies.s. He was a jolly follow, who did not allow eirhor fatness or anything else to in terfere with bis good humor; and bis bio grapher gives him the character of being "a client ul companion, a kind husband, a tender father, a good mister, a friendly neighbor, and an honest uiao :" insomuch that f it people would be g!ud to ace;it him as their r jo re sented ve man. Nevertheless, he bail a sen sible and reasonable foreboding that the later veers of a man of his enormous bulk, if bis life were prolonged, would bring more pain than pleasure with them ; and a few days betore his death, at the eariy I'ge of thirty, he expre scd a willingness to die. His weight was six hundred mid s xteen pounds (forty-four stones). Seven men were, on one paiticalar occasion, buttoned up within his waistcoat. Wheu his caroer was ended, aud bis body was encased in its monster collin, not only walls, but staircases, had to be cut through before It could begot out; twolvu men drew tbe low carriage ou which the cotlin was placed; and "an engine was fixed up on the church," as tbe local chroniclers narrate, to lower the collin into tbe grave. There was an Irish man, lloger l)yrne, who died in 1M04, wJiuse bulk was so great that bis admirers claimed for him the merit of being "several stones heavier than the celebrated Mr. Bright of Essex." It required thirty men to carry to the grave the bier on will- h his body was laid. Mr. Nnooner, a Tunwnrth man, who was living in 1776, attained a weight ot nearly forty-nine stones (six hun dred aud eighty pounds). He bud long beeu too heavy to walk, bis legs being unable to bear li i ui . Ho measured four feet three luetics across the shoulders. It Is rocorded of bim that "his fatness once saved his life ; for being at Arher ttone market, aud some difference arising between him und a Jew, the Jew stabbed him iu the belly with a penknife; but the blade being short, did not pierce his bowels, or even pass through the tat which defended them." Walk up, Daniel Lambert, king of f it men! In lMu.'l, Lambert was keeper ot tho old county bridewell at Leicester. He had at that time an invincible repugnance to have his weight ascertained, being annoyed at th comments made upon bim as a mountain of adipose sub stance; but some of bis acquaintances deter- VERY LOW PRICES, n inrd to u tile tho ma'ter, contrived ono day to have a vehicle in which he was riding over a roml weigtiing-ma hlne. We have no record at band of Ids weight at that time; hut changes hating been mih ie In the prison arrange. niiTit- at l.eii ester, Limuert consented to como to L. nilon to cxhi'nt himself no louevr unwil, im: to have his bulk and wt igbt talked ab nit. In isi'i. the following advertisement appeared: "Mr. Daniel Lambert, of Leicester, the he ivies' man thin evir lived. At the age of thirty-six tenrs he weigh iipw.uds of fifty st 'tun ( f -urteen ( nniids to the stone), or i Uhty seven stones loar pounds L ndon weight ( 1. e "butchers' web lit of c'lht pounds to the stonel. tvhlc'i I nl e y .tie t ' tn it- nunc than the gr, at Mr. ISrighi c;ghu I. .Mr. 1 nu pert will see u niiiinv at his house, .Nun In r Fifty-three Fie nnllv,' rrt Albinv, m a: ly opposite St . ,1 iimos' ('liu-eh. from e'et-n to 1 1 1 o'i link. Ticket of Ail mission, 1 in s 1 ii ingciiih.' Hewn. on of 'he Inns of 1, 011, Ion tin a flint. Mis extinction vum (v. Lai a 1 ono is P act I'm sdilly has In en (o- g: an., ,tn;M lean I (tiple, 111 tl a' people Ida ti-ir..ll.v f.e lo,h 1 crn e!l as by the v iVai ; and lii ip ... , . have 1 ci ii ie peett d as w.-li looked it. tor he w is a k mil nnd i.-iiilc mm II w is tl w.ivs stioe .e I alt he idea I any p, t 1,1, ,il in li.-uitv in 111-11 '.entg ito-tupon liim on the iT'iniii , r his Imiii, by 1 oaiM'-n inited person, nun this known -use, ",iti. biiity tins giiifiallt reseecie l. Mr. I.a n'nvt was Iniilthv In spue 01 his ohcsi'y. n c tens eerln r, hi n he w is thr ee tha weigh' nt an'ordi lnuy in: n, he i'"ti tl 1 a ry a weicht nt' tiv : huu tin il pounds. Dicing tne a-t lit' 1 11 years o' h s lite, lie iliank nothing but w.ibr, ami ti- n-11 illv cheirlul and g.aid hummed, lit bulk iu re is d ji nrbyyuir, until, shun 1 y betore !i i .- deitii, in ISi'd, 1 11 attained the nnpiec dent- d i.ttu nf si veti Ii ti 11. r to I and nine pound- me.i.'lv f:" .tones) lin cittlri a. scvfn'.i-.ix lin lies lung by iifty-two wide, an 1 t o d ii.n'1 a liiim'nil and twelve s ,11 ,r.' fee of elin. Tn 1 nil. 11 was tecii arlv bu lt upon Ble ami -vh :i Is; nnd not only tint window, but nl-i. the s. 1 nt' a tiiniii. hail t" bo taki 11 down, to all nil a n iss.ign loi tie bulky nmss. Tho whtelel cot'lti draw 11 to S. Martin's cli itch t a: tl. w h 're a g1 t ('iial lion. i,t wi's made to 'he irra. c hy 1 xc ,v inn,' the giountl. t'e remi nitr r secine. a te.v v, irs into, at a bootii ttki r's in the cuj, a p iir ot'sh ..s, the 1 niitiii ipart of soeiH will n hnd been ni tde for Ihe meii'hty Daniel hy a former im-ici of Hie s In T ; tin y weie, as Thomas U00J sai l of a ttace-cirie bin all's greatcoat, "Ti,n liroinl tu bo coneolvi'd by sny llarrniv roiiiil." IU the Frur ( ,111,. (j xo is rr A 13 A T I N (1 II O U M 13, 01TOS1TE THE TOST 3F1TCP,, IC-17 Tm rillLDi;l.?IIiA. -Ors-TY'S TEA WARKHOT'SK. ESTA V blinlii'd U. lttXI. linp.itlr sail IneilerU! fuie Tea. Wliitti.and Choice Havana l'U:', ('rem at nisehwell i iick.tti and eimicst, Kus'lsh and Sreteli AJu anu 1'erter. liatniM MeaM. FrulU. Soup, Jn. Navy McMffl pjt ap wl'h earn. At bo. 11 S. HK. OVI) str, l is ir J"m u. cousTT. IK- N F. - N O - N R - A W I 1M0AN (tsniKIMI TOHAfCtlt Tins woril-rtniowDini Tntimej ta manmartured rrona ttis FINEST I.KAK. And canu'itly raoeinint inU I'.pli to all Osntknnen 01 Luminous Taat. Sold wholott'.!1 aid rflftil ai IiliKT t) roPli'l.AR I'tllAR HTOHR, So. 611 l llHs.Nlir Mrcitt, 10 4 Cm I opiMalUi 1iu thius. PROPOSALS. QCAUTKKM ASTKK'S )KT AKTMKX l". PlIMAI'H.t'MH. I'M., Oerftn-MT II. 1HI StpAlnl PiopnRlg will ( nxelvfd t thtt fTio iinnl U O'i luck M., op KAl l'KlMV, !" .- iiIxt 17, l- it, f'r (i lroint-diaii' ili-iiTi ry m the I'tiltoil M.rn SrirntDniio. H ni uver itn et hurl, if hr'owliiu itrtr . : oneihni.t.d (tut') nwtiMntl. U'itlii-r II i , with ,hmet' rn nt 'iBi'lint.'H. One hunon tl ihoniTi, (lt-i,ivx) foot Inch Poplar, w-H Haiit'iied, n-ju h eiUctl. All oi tf ultie dt-NL-rtbrd to bo of tha hc( .imlif y, nnd mihu ci to th lMt(M ( ! in ul an lnDL-tur ui ihttetl on tlu (mri of thf i iovvi iiintrnt. Itidilem will lAttt jirlco, hiith In wrftlnir and tlt'iirti. fin I t)if amount or tjtiiiiiUt ot eucj artklu did lor, aud tne tiiuHoi'iMtwTr. Karh Mil inutt uiiHrHntiMd hrtwo nupomtb Pr H'lii, ft linn? aiKimtun-f iiium ht npuca-ted to fio j.::'os and crtlilfi tu nn b'-lnv koo.1 Hint mitticl il ii'cnrlrr for the amount lnvolTl. hr th I n t d st iti I !.trl't .lml.:?, Attnrnev.oi to!';tor, or othur pitlilio olt'evr, ottitT vino the bid will imt hv cninlarpil 1 b rlulit U rcKiTvcij to rejfet a'! buin. dprm"d too ti 1 h and no bid from a defaulting contra, tor will ua re cvived. Itv order ol ColumdURB.MASf Him i.s, CUhf nirtur IllMNtir. (IKOKOK R. OKMK, 12-U-5I t -itptutn and A. . l. 1 KFAinMF.NT OF riTTUJC UIGUWAV-S, I J UHice, S. W.coim r WA1.NI V Mild Klr'Tll Slhi tn. PlIM AI'Kl.l'illA. IhH' m UT 1-', i'rlil. VOTK'K ro COM KaCioUS. Pi'alcl Pio'.ios.i jt :i tt reiMMVfrt ul tho otllii of :ha Cliti't ('(niiiniBHiuiipr oi KkhwavN tii.tll :i ocm k IV , on Moiiduy, I'tih In it. , lor the count rtn t ion of a hi w r nn tha ln.e of hiMiinm itnet, northwaid from VN'.itl(W t.fft, tn Noah btri'pt. t tti or' brick, t ir-'iiar hi l in, ith a il'-nuHfr, IiibhIi, oi' i fi.-t Tiife wi be an lu wi vi r.i Iron, nt tho inirihw-t coriur oi S x if Dili sir J .Sort'. mrun, am) ore m in hot.-; t'o' i leiiih to tit) atii ut '.'Mi lit I. Tliv und T-tiiiidii.- to h thut tl.e i'oiitrailiir hhuli tk' hi tin pr,itrfd Mstntiit tno io jivrty fMiiiiinK i-n waul acio, to tu Htnniitt uf r)vi" tv nvp cent tor ei h lineal tout ol front on et'Ii l i ol tno atiect, In iiavuii'iit trrerol-.r AH hul 'nm urr lovitct l i h prt-atnL ut tlm unit.' und place ot oiitiin ih- 1 prop Kach propostsil will In- ai-c-mnatiifd l . u ri ihrtca"t Hi it a lie nd turn lfii tllad In the L' hepdttnuoit, u 'Mh-.-ih I by tlrdlnmu o of M iv lulo. the lomiit b'ildr mIi ill not ttxruuiv a cmriici within tUt dys ai'fr tha nr rk la awardtdht will Ui-dot-txi d at d ltnllK. and will f- b.-l i llal'ir on hu tioiid tor ihe dltTer.nre heiween hl bid and tt:a next hlvht'i b d rp' itlintlotm nmv l e )md at tha JciurtiufLt uf hui vw-, w.ieh ft ill Ix- itrlnlv a Ihcri-d io, 13 1'. tnwlt Chief ('oinnilssion.T i llutiva.i. QUA RTF.H MAST K R'S OKFICK, V7 (.'iM-tMVvri.Onlsj. Iie'.ftoibfr.'t, 1H'4. I'roponan aro Invlud l? tti uriderciifned outll tVhlt-Ki-.Hlirl . tf cnibor 14. 11. at 1.' o cl . k M., lurtlie Im nii fJiaif d 'ivrn t.t mi foiionli K iir'iflt : npAIKHPKiii.hU U.toiS, No. ft, Army Htund ird. fibO do do do o.), do do it) to do do No. 7, do d i :iH) do d uo Ko.b, d- do Hmniiit'Hof thr 1'undard artirUa my be leen nt tho Olti.t oi 4ioininttr and Kqnipai-'a In thin city. 'lo bt: U(dlvcral fie' of t-'iafve at tUe ( lillil Ht-itf lu ipi rtlon ai ctiotisH, In ihia ctv, hi koo1 iiuvv na -kamii, t- ith tfe naiiic ut th party furMiitilnir, me kind tu d i in t ty of Kuoda di-tu.ciJf marked on aacli aril la aud Partial oAVrlntr pood" mint dltt nctly ntata In their bidi tha nuanilty tbu.v propoia to fumiuli, Uio prl'. aud time til (te'lvtf-ry. Huniplua, whan iubmlltad, muKt bi marked and num bi'rt'd to corrtpond v. ith t"6 propntsii , and the partici th'T' to uiiiNf unarA'itec thttt tht voda aIi4ll b. In cur v rfpirt, fnal to aruiy atunuarti, uihirwiti liia propobul Hill not hf COll.sltl.TftJ. A Lruariintae. eftyttrd b? two reipf.nsfbb' pemoni, ni'iit at't-ompaii) fni-h bid, Hirar-?'lnK thai thu bid U-r will Supply tlie a'tlrU a siwunlid to him uiolir I'lo pi'opoal. h:di Will h op-tiifd n VV-(lnt'i.diif. M viunrf 14 14V4, at 1J o cluck, noon, at tbin oilt(-,auubiddersi urc ra juoated lo bt pri'ient Awarda will bo nmde ou I uurnay, iiocetuoar jo, . lttnd wji b rfijuirvd that tha contract will be faltU fully fulfill. d. 1lt ifraini n-Utlnji to proponali will not ba noticed. ' It i nu k lornift of propusiula, contract!, nd b ud may bo I obtainta ut on.ctf. Iii rifbt to reject any bid deemed nnreasonaJla it rei'rvs)d. h ndome envelope 'prfipAial for (ht-re luart tho numa oi tbu arncla otIrtd),' and adiirem Coionel WILLIAM W M- KIM, 19-7-nt ('Met 7uartermatMr i.'iim innatl U aot. UOKSFSI IIOHSKSI HORSF.S! (jt AUrai;HATka(.B'.iBAL'-4 Owck, KlkflT JIIVIHIOM, J Wahiiincmm. recmhr 1. 1"A. If or i at tnltahla for Cavalry or Artittary arrlee, will b pur t -ed at Uiaaboro dfpot, in upau market, till lf :eia ber Ul. IH4. Xoreaa will b daHvarad to Captain Towry Monra, A U . M , and be ntiirtail to tha ua ual (ioveruoM ai lutipoc Uoh I'm ft re b. lug aaisvd. Prka oft avalry llormi, !7fl aaeh. PrKkf of AertLas HoTten llHH-nl Paaanent wiU 6a uuel alx (ft) and mora. JAMB A. FKT!f, ColotneJ In Charya Pirat Livii.n, 19 1 17 1 wtaii-iartnaatar (sVouarai'aOtliaa. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. 'HIF.F (JUARTFKM ASTF.K'S OFFICK, j lH't'T . r vTaiimiitih, J XVa-i.iv.. row. It. JiiiiUsir 4, iHdl. t All Ai a)fr In tM-ncn. lliflHn 1,-imVr. I.nthi-r,! -ift Kiirntiir.', !liirr''t, n1 hn.Mlf rr. ftr. -1B lf1 to liwod to ili m th .Mu.hA oli!r. fk, fUlfd pro poattl (,r lloi. ,n inl. rtt-,Mi tht. nrtic tiifv rf mrsj.1 to I hi in -rt t.t ih J dti' -t rr iliitit n..ll.-r, wl'fi tt; pri'-e uf f.ifli iiimi hi l in .i i lu urt , ..!irt , tn cnf t1i ('i.fiif 1ti ol ihf m'hI(c ri'imr' I ,tl'i- :irt(in ir mrilclet cvii be ut tlr i-il iti.oul -ti l, , , ' t it- lowi-st )nrt. I i"icr( v i-IhTl 'to -1 M to thin 't pot ill riulrrdl WniMi tl.f l .ii ptith iMmi pvirv M'lt.iliv mornlnt- 1 li. MH'KKU, I r Ivn llur ilrniT! uml chtrt uttti-nn .tttAr, iM'st'.-i ol Witliiii;tta. wVnsTVri-.NCK ril-'KirK. VNirKD STATIC Arm. Ni.. ;i CTn H' It .1 i i Ie-e)nh 'r!. H;. Wiiit '. 'r. f nl , it mii-'t : i ofll.T iti'- li .in Till K"M , 1 HI I- IV.TIVt'd x Hils ! oih r il, i,r i'iti no Im. ai .iu nt I ( iu f TUi K h a VI ' , ! il j 1 1 KA I K i ; i' I ' i K T HF Ksf I AT I ' V. I'll l h I' .of. (1. ii.t'icii .1. the s'i i uf,. M ai Imt unit, M.- . in ;..t-. i , n. in ,vid cu-h -t i I" 1. 1. .ik -o sA..Ilf.,, ,i hi" in ..ii.. ,ui.l a li.k.i dHM ai" j, H ts ,.Fp n , ,),,, r-nriititr I ' mu Uo . '.-in t. r' . ti 1 ii tr. ,l j,i,N i,'. h V . li l" M If f tn -.1 '! o u .n, ,,,1 tl t P'-i.ihK irfi.. . 0., i n.iit -MHif , i it ii, iUn at-'- 1 1 "i " . att v. w h bf rv .(! ,i. A ,..ii mi ji ti I -- I'.oin.isi . .;i it., nn.1t from ti.a we tilt ol an h MoT iir .p .d nu Irr t h ..ntritf t , pro-1.r-.i tliii iti. a1 .It. i rii.t swuiO ui Hi' ;!! to nn I ,M:a t'. -I hu'ir-. In t r" h. l! k. ..., li",'.. ..r '.J wfUbad huiaa ! mtiT r. ino rii irt-io Liithm. ihn k -..r pt, m-iv rati H- -d on :i, t.' Imi at t, nil i t , i ':lu r if. titjf . ii., y niflu ..f t.- e . I a ,.'i. Pino ii -. h ti . rm-f, m i th r irr lnf r' pi.-i o-nii, ri! not I., . i n i.i. r. d '1 1 e t;..v. rnriMM t ..'!' .'mmi tin ii. i' of wel.'MiiK a-i oi Rnniidl t. ti.iri i', i' Iti a ! ft Ii'Iv.k.h p. wi-i.'iil tnan Itir n i itiintiit in ..t of il U '.in'; the -pni " oi fiji ,ijU tn. p.tid b tho pa-tv i rnt.f in iiiti' itinl y ifl1 ' Id to 4i ciirt- o. h- il-Tutl oi mmi cmimiii a written iyi. i n. litre ol t r , i - Itm- ;n r .!-. "i:0" - -.t.v , i.,ra:.i. e thn -"- (, '.u, , n ,i, .. fnl-it a - nliart tit' Wit'i tht' t -i Mn ot l.i tor ih'.rt p' 1. 1 . tli. n . 't -h ii.l I.i.h Mr t :t it p'.i M.-itiMt ti.. a' i pif , I e ( "T t1"' i v ''' n ..'n- cit i l-.t" a riu t m i in in i or.! n'u tin i ". i 1 h, tmi w. hm- (r 'p .ri'il o h. -( in i tn M't'uil:. , kivhu oo.i mi.) uvu bond n Or itn ininino n(, 'Ii r re-p.'iiN'MMtT nftin ruirrtntii limit tn .fc"wn tiy the oltu: i e.-Mlfl. (.f. i-f 1 hi ( "i... h o n-a'."!! Iht'ini ro-iTt,oi..i t.c I iiiii Hihu-si lonirtel tt inn" . to tic en fio .-.i filth IN Md Hr'ilir nif-tbi'pna n rf-n- ltd t :h ir tii'1", nnt II I eit to -jive b.-U'i and -wn ihe : .iitrt. t -ei'ire h mv Titf th.-.tlUe. 1 Ne llverntiiint n ter e lo linulf the rlht tj ra'a-t wy or all huh 1-i.iif.lih v. d iihr-n-.t-iidii o. rnTincnth ii. tn-niH.if in i - )?., 'ii il-licrv if fund m ' "hard ; it" i,.re IikihI. t.. ! timde a fount m reed, a-1. HiOdi Td Id p'enne pi wry. If pm niet.l in nmsJn In amrenry, and ako p lies it mace iu l,ornllt s.u,i ot Imi.-lit- Jr ens. Ci pt.l nni be eiiiW-ed dt tlretlT 'l'roi,'.nN fir He f ( a'tb'." anil a.i lrc.a to Caouiti J. tl. tillnilil, C. 8 , Unit iiinr.' Mni i 'm I. ' lia'nd (Bui the name of firm, their nimoii and thilr pnt.1 office a inuai iippi'i.r, or tlu-y w ill imt tis c ti reit Kto h priM'ii or ev ry nvmborof a firm ofTpniiir a pt poia) ihum air onipi v ti bv un oath of all.'nia'iro tn tt'8 Lmrtrd S'nt-i, i invertimeiu .It be hm not already (!te I one In thin ottiec Allb ilanot eornplT-ini attietty with Uia tarma of tHUj ad.ertlttQiint will a reint d, J. H. r.ii.WAV, IMD ldt C.ipt.dn .tnd :. .s., tj. h, A. OFFICK OF ASSISTAM' QUAKTFRMAS. ter, No lHAi lill.M.h s.ic.-i. I'm. Am i en m , Preeinlier 7. 11, Bi'uli-d lrop.nal. will ne recti v d at thN otti. n-iiil no .n o' W KHNKiaV. Vint nt., i.o tiirm-hin' 'In 4tiiti,.,i ry tnni may he r uln d at iVr, otti.-e, in m : tneo with th; m l I'lJule, lot tix Liouthf ioii.njt!.ct:i(( dunmny !n:e f'.ip p.ip. r, ruled, to ilii not lom th.ui i p undi p. r i v tui, u! Iruhl rap paper, riUd, to wtl-jh not Ini inn l'J p -iitidi u r il'miii. WMte I.i-u.r Paper, mi. J, to wih B.-t leia than H poiiiom er ri tun, . bite t'oiiimeiclal Paper, ruled, to weltdi imt le.ig tlmn 4 i "iH)on p.-r n am. While l-oilo iot Paper, luled. Name price of pupor per rerni. Hint KuvfI.ipePiip. r,'Ji;;j iu-'ien. l iottitist i'api r, .'x: I d. 'i.-?. Prtee p r rct. lllank 1'o.rka, eini M'e, toll t). iih.I. Prlc per 'Uir. Hl.iiii Hoi'k.i. I. id-, ma, lull d I To a p.-r nutr.. hi in a U.'Oin. cup a .-. tiaii l'..ina Price per mhIio. Knveii pf n w 1. lie or 1. nil. No. I J. Price p.-r ta o. h.nelop.'B, Vitini' oi line, 'l inchoi. Price per lovt. I!nveN pen, w hite r hint, s1 . x i In hen. Pile per li0, Y.m alojie. w nite or hull, !3s'i imlii'i. I'rfc- uvr lo in. 1 C'ti r ( opyiniv ,(.cm, letiti uud ctp s'e, .(KJ Mild VKO ji ik. n i neb, p.-r .to, n. .Mi inornndnni llo.'k, iT'avo, i er i1o.:en. Wrtlin I luid, eiial to A: iw .d l, .ptait And pint bofli iopiti(i Ink, eual to Aruolda, in.trt and put tjo't.wa. 'ainuna Ink, r.iil to lavi , Imttlea and ao,.per. Ink Powder, i ar doi n pupeM. I ead Ptm ils, eiual to P ilar s, Noa. i and per d Ti n. Iti il nnd Hlue Peiiel'i, t'-innl Fiber's, our d .en. I i hm hutntniiiln, UMm-r'td per r-tcel !V na. anH.iritU. per frm.. KtH Petii. I t'llett a Ni.K .in-1 and 1 1, per groM. Pen HuNliTd, Hsisortid. per docii . Tin Paptr P...ter. pi r ilni, Id d HiailhK Wui, uuni'fl and l-otiui-a itlikj, pr round. Itrd Tape, No. o., per do?"ii ieoei. (i.rnis .arh ol MutiitsKt) tii.d Jli iikIios, lar-e and amatl pi r tit.i7.s-n. All the ariii leH imtit he of the best nimltty. ft unp!e of do ri rirtlcle tniint a o-mpnv e t.-ii b,d. with tho naiiie uf tt e I'ltiib-r (liftno'iiy nittr-i.l thaieoa, aim only one price iiiutt b- raint d ior -t. h -irtli I". Kl.uiiid 'iy anlrlea not ennineratet tie wntel, thes n ul be turin-he1 al tl e i"HkI in.iri-el price. Propi-aia mni ne ruaiio only upon the renumr forms Hi i ti h il il tin iIIhv. '1 he Potti d Mate renerven th" rlwht to reieet all b.n, or part it ol bid ii, de i uatil UicompaMoJe ith its lnte-i-atn. Al.tlKIt I' H. AIIMflAl'. V2-7 Pit 0iptaln und A. J- X. 01 Fir K OF THE VKVOT QUAUTFU .M tMI K, t on i I,i.a rvw i ot ni. K A"-" , Vn mhr lf. Pli "I'tiSAl.H KH AKMV 'I K.t VPOK1 Hui id Proiii.nit. a will be rf-celvt d at ihia oitl unrlt V2 o'r'ti'Cu M. on the ;'ltt iluy ot liereiuher, iv-i. for the 1 1 iififporiiitli n ol Milliard Mupplle duillitf tho iiu"li'), Oil thti lollt.. vniy routes : Urn ir. .Nu. 1 Kroin r"ntti I e;ivenwn-th, I..iramle, and Pih .v, ai d other di P l Imt kim be e.iiit'HKh. d Uurmx thenboM vfurontU wi'-t bank o th" Mionri nv r, in (tn of r iri Li-.ivi'iinortri. anil notitli of irttuiido 47 de-ivrt-ai n utt . to nny poit or irtiii nt. ttiat ara or may ha ( r.ttttil:hed in tho I errnorlea of Nebraska, l.iKoiuh, l.luhn, ai d (.'imIi. louth of ut.tu-iu 4t de ire.-.s t) rth und enut of lorihitutle 1 14 decree wei, and iu Ilia Territory of Culu rd" l orlh of 40 dc:re-H norih. Hl.hli ri io itaie the 'atti pi r 100 poundi per 10 miles ai whleti t ey Ul traimpi rt tiaiil ;it ire iu e u It of tha I'ionthtttrotu April to (!) opt amber, Ineluuve, of taa yuar In- h. IJi.i'iB No 7 Kmm Ko'ta Leavenworth nnd Ulley, In Ire htaie ii kama. aid the to a ii of Kanua, in the rttute of .MthMiurt, lo an p'.n'i or stailniii that an- r m-iy ba rctBht-i t-il m tlie HiKtaof KivnH4s). ur la the I err to-y of I ohirad", moth oi latitmie w di ifeea n rth, tlrawinsj au plna iri'in t-n Lfvt n worth, at d to Port I inon. N. M ., or oihi-r ileivit 1 1' tat Dm he desunah d in tbat Ter ritory, to Fan (iiirlund am4 to buy other point or points on tha route. Hidden, to nta'e tha rate per u pound rer 14 intra at wii-ch tney ill transport a ild store In each ol the nmiitha Itom j.t to bipteuibtj, lncJuiire, oi" the yeur Wi.'i. Hot th N-i. 8 - From Fort t'ni.n. or aufh other depot at biav be tititb l-he t In tiie I irrit try ol .Saw Me.-o, to jttty p- s3ti rr niaM"tn re tr mui he einihliih-'il in thut 1 1 nltorr. ami to -jich ptoii t.ition a mr iw iln.u ijntfHl iii if.i? lerriri,r of Arti -iiu ui d s-ateof luxaa wat ol I- nrfiiu'ie 1" diTeeN w.-.t. M ddepi lo at uia tho ra;a per pounda p'r lt milen t w'th b tdavmll trnnnoort aul l orm in ' of ihe aionihi rum June to tt"ombdr, tli' lliniV-. ef llio itnr lHi. The weirfiitto be tran"M.ned eteh earwlll not exceed ll'.i (O.K'i p..uiidH on lir.iUe No. 1 ; 1"i.ij,mi0 p.iLUda ua Koine No. J, a ul b (nm lnn pun d on li-mie N i. ;i. No ail'ilouai pereuiKfisje w.ll b p d tor t te t ran b port a tionoi t-aci n hard b'eud, june luiuour, nhniKlea, or aoy oil r "do- en. Itidden. noind iflT their names In full. a w II a thair phiea ol refk.0'ee, i-d raeti j.'.'ponul houli1 be uccoca moiwl by a hnd lu tbe anu of t n tbousaii.1 doilura, nxntd by iwnormnre reponfie person, Kuaraineclna: that, ti cane a contract la awatded l r the route mentioned In tha proposal to tfie purtiea I'n-oo-lnt, the contra-'t will be hc-eep-eii ncd t nli rnl Into, undi-'ood utnt .-mile lent v-rurlly fur nia'.ed bv hHI i-arik. in at c rdumo wilu the toruu ot ibu a'lvi rtotcmt nt Ihe amount 'if bonda ro-iulred will be ai folJowa : On hoi te No. I !im,'sts On K outf o J ""I,1"" tm itoaia ho " t-'.iM) Batitfatu ry evidence o' ttia oal y and o!vncy oi eiH-h bicdernd pwnoO vtlurvd aa naeur.iy wdJ be ra ijuireil. I'n po-al mnt be en Vv-ried "Proponala for Array Trana porialmi lonihoute So. I, '2. or . aa ilia t aau may be, und n it w bl 04- ai-tert rimed unienn ihy fully cw04iy with nil the tofpBireiient oi th advertuti-ui nt Partta- to wtotn award are uittili muit iV prparM to axetuie oontiac ut once, and tu i-We too re.iiirul tfooda for Ute faitiiliiipf le'nuure of the aauie. t orn racta wll ba made tu' iect to tha approval of tho Quartet matter ineral, but th rlbt ia retarvtd to reject any or all bidilhat mav ba i.nerad. 1 oiitiacton nuuit Im- in rauilUiesa for sarrlee by the flrat day ot ApriL 1-nd thav wdl be required to hav ft place of Btfenc-oa ai or in tho vicinity of Porta Lavtm worth aud itut-nand oibar din" t'11 maybeaubiibdt at whhjh tltey' emimiuidialtd With pioaiyt ml Ifadlnr. ... . n , sHy order of te viumnmrmtawi-yrwnmi. H. C. HODnM. 11 -l'J-H C:ipt. and A. g at.. IX- H. A. OVERCOATS CHEAP PltOPOSALS. "VAV1 Dl'.FAUTMKNr, -k ill i:i;oi ,yV SrrM F- -iVfettlNG. ( 1C Clll-.r-.. ns, Hi alcj Ffiposii. iit it re. ehatj .it i' i hureao nnttt mi riii. tn. linumr In W:.., i r t'.f Jr.-n i,e-t nhed in -ho i lowiPsf f nii Pact tod nmt ba ma n an en-ire i . tf. .ii il tl i i r( e ti. h- a ronoil 'tiin ..r Ii e c .) . I rr(l at II (i restpp.-five N vy nr,'n ti- pii.iient IU ioihIi- until tJo- wbo. j. di ! w w ; ilelliprv to ti . nca m twilvpi!, nf,. r not V nnnn ..f ace-'pian -e of bfii to p .., mi r 'mi. null, aiid the wln ie to lie dc.liered 111 iwu nintiih- lin -. ft r. I ti eoPtrv I win be aw irdrd l'ie ..i.ftvt rep'.nilble b: li . r, tl rtihi he r -arveu ot ri tieumt t'.e lowest bid It It be deemed rvo 'oan. TtieijKiMi truar:iiit. a will be rt'i':lrd and ta ctn trm i te d:itnl ti:t tUr tic nt' e of' it fc.vtn. I'm tpd -iMdulen ar. I lustrui.:;.i,ii cm I M.ilued br Al-i'K nt..i, to t i iir i ft IT pe, ,ii ! , tVe Chief of tha Unrein "l Minim Km i in , und t nior-e.1 " r -oitiN tor Iron." Umi t'ici iu ho 1. ( !iiKntrii-d trom olhi r Iniau.e! i ri.-mctlv a In. '1. i inch. 1 lm h. i i - .in j .. ire tur ir-m, 1 l .m .'.-it b ir iron, i ii ,r bur iro i, J i.v ,'t- p i, p..' . bth 1 pi. 'nu. f -.1 a .o. it' .in i:it tur iron, "J bv Incii. n pi. umi i'et M ."1. oi r ut l.,ir ir.-n. I '.'bv l. tut ti I M H i poiiii-js h. 't it,crh an l ouiil iron, I In, it, ' V b l,'t ni. rem tou'td l,.:t ir men. In mu itiuiui.i tfat Am. ncni r ond bur iron, 't imh. In k tilths .n tu.i t.' n .;uoed. VV ".ilSi;i'itN. i :. :i. WVO" ') pit. pin Leaf ""ii i' Iron, by I Inchon, Id inch. 1- : A HIS. Tt N . i . .- 'io 4. I hv l i; inch d'.imeter, r. tiv n n; do ti potind.i 4 I J do 4o. it io do iron rlvei.i do 1 a h II 1i tlo 2 hv II Pi Uo CH.Mll FtOVS'S. 'i -- No. I. t Aruent-Mi f'ame Iron, r. til tii. in. iu su 'h dnio ii'.ioiit at may bo t iri:Li:TiWN. '.A ,(i o round hi- to , lllCli li.- It it. d. i'Ii" pntindt beit iuerb on -ound Iron ftom I ln- h to 1 'j men tw.iinc er. in . i.vMi ma Ik lu iutred i'l.Ul.l.s 1 1 ' W , Ci n, :( ?0,' (' ;'Otind- bo.nt Xtoen.-iin I r. n .V ; b 4 n-'!i tt t1i.V; Im h p nt t. b - ip.-t, id!. ., and the I m h pat iu h iUi: ik. 1 iniii ii - at may bo it',.nrcd. fiv,liVi pounce P.oiler livt nietea loiijt n-,d m-h d .itir i . Pi l.'-tiitt 1 illOFWAI.S F('U FOKAUK. JL t'lllKf yi aKI'lihMAhl Kit's OfPICR, I Ik I'm I ul- AMI IN idiot, rH, lHti-l. w -U'N.iToN, III ceiilhe r. niiMi t roposai- ' iiivreii t tne undor-itfoed lor I nil d Slate- Waneimaaier Iepnrimont, at W ti-i liiioii, H. t '.; ha'nmort . ,Mt j Alexandria and P-.rirun. Monroe, ji . or w.titr ofthiae piiitea, wiiq liiiv, fotli, liafsj, Mid Ml ah- ' Pfdnwiii fv rifl-ed f..r ihe drlfverv of .V0 htMhal oit'oru or Ua;,anu.0 ton vi lUy oi ;r.v, and np w.irni. ' Plddi r. ment nti:'e ut wh!eh of the above-named pnfntt they ptopo.-e to umk dehverlea, tind the rute-i at wnich tb.y will d' live.iea iliureut. the nuantPy of evh art cle pr. po-ed to bo dihwoed, tlie time when mild d-lheil. ttiaii bu ioiumi.iiied, and wbtn to be c.ui- Itoed. '1 ne price mi nt bo writien ont In words nn tbe b dt. t orn ui be ..nt up in pood muui acka, of atn.ut twr b'l-t.t- i a h Dais in Pae .-.iit kr., id about Ihrea UuhU eaih. I In- am kio b rniiiied willful eiira eliarh'e to tl t iiovi'i'omeiit.l 't t Hir ' i Ntfan sio be .cureiv tiHied. 'I t e pai th 'i!ur kind r dM hpti in ol ihita, I'om, liny, or Stiuw, prop . ai d tu io delivered, must ou utaiod iu tha pll p Mri... All the arllch l o'V r. d Under the hid iV-retn Invll.-d will be Mibtert lo a rlilld Ifi-pt cMoo by the tlov emiMOilt lltspoc tor. I it:, rt-1 . iik' aec, p ed l.'o1.llcI i it be iitfur'l'd trmii Mriie to tline to the lowrM c.p..nttde '.t.lOi .sj, H. the infeiett of tlm (,..veru liii nt liikv te.;mre. in d pn yni ut w ill bo tin da when tho who1- hiik. not cui.tiaueJ tor auall havu bvvu dullirad tti.d ate. -pled. 'I he bidder w IM be Hp,iiTd to aft'omoaiiy hla prfpotltton with u icaranlee. HsIihi by two n pon'ItJle pcrnoua, In cam- his old ,3 m .-a ed, be or they wl 1 wl bin ten da. a thereafter oxecute the c .n f r;io lor Mse h.ll'e. i it.K.l und p I' 'Mrlent BUielloa, In a urn eji ai to ibe iirnoontor tin- a. ut ra-t. to dnivnr t ha lor ki i.p;i M'ii In c id.,rmliy win ua terms of ttibt d vertl i no iii i Hnd ti i-am the sKid hid er ah.'lihi lad n r in. t . : 1 1 ii i! t on i r act , , iiey to iii.i ke iotKt the di tVrwnea twiwerii the t tier to nd bidder and iho next loat tuiM.r, or i.'.a peieuu to w.iom tha cou tract 11. a bD awnrded. 'I hi M'Hpoii'dbilitv of the iniara'ifnid nmit be uriown hv the ott'i-ial c-.'i tli dia oi a I ni.od .state Dla rh t .t'oi ie v, t o lec'or oi i ir.ti.mH, or ml t other otbear nnJer t e I nit. d hta!s i .ovi roiii!it, or reap mslole pert u kik.w 11 to t I oil ci-. All billow i will to duly notiiieil it the accoptauco or Te et 'li.ti oi tht ir ; r..t Oinh., Tin-lull loinu (ilnt t,.tt odirp atlr-4i of each hldJor UiU"t he I' li hl v. i it'en in (he prop u. i T pont. iniiol bo adore oied a ttrU'adtar-Cerii'ral D II. Itto ker. Chl-t leii.t uarteniotMer. .'.inl.lil('Ou, ). tj.t and etioiild be plhum imu ke l ' Poooul . tor Pord.a.' lioniia 1 ii h niii e.iiint to the .iiih-on. of trie i'ontra''i. r''iicd ty :!ie ci'iiiitirtoi rind hom oi hi itiftiaoor, will be n i ot tho uuucirul hdur or biddara upua h.ju iiie the t t. pi.ti.k ti.rmi of bfds, puiraiitffl'i, and bond! oiaj bo Obttt in d Uj-ou uppl cailoii to th'" orllesi . MUi.V OK I UoPiMAL. (Towu, County, and Si att.; . V I at i 1. the anhnerlher. do hereby wroooMi to furnntti and deliver to thr U lilted Hint ca, at tn- t.'ii'irtrmiHter'8 he- pnritnt nt at - , ftk-re ably to tie- iii m oi y mr aovi rti-i inciir, li.vitien tor lorae, d it -tl, V thlliKtoa Uepol, l)e ultMier ti, ltij, tbn to; lowing ar;i cun, vi. buhbcNof Coin, In aacke, at por buthl of d poiirdn . bmdicu of Oati, in aucka. at per bushel of 3J poi .ld. tor - oi t.a ed Hay, at par t,o of Jfwjo poimd. i.-ni. ol baled Mtrai. , at per :iu ol lr H pound. Iieiivarv io t on.iiii-iice ou or hi t re Ihe dtyoi , lfst: , and to l a comul ted on tr he'ore thi btv of , 1st:-, and p:o . a invhclf to i-D'.i-r Into u wrt u ii cont' att Wiih thu Uiiited rtfaten, with cO d and apinoved .ciri je, withio lie m aeeoi tun djua titter bvtu oounod that my bid Ujs) t.c a accucted. Vour obcJ. -at servant. Itrfcadier-tlaiiiTeJ I H. itrrFKii, Chit t lJupot yo.iri.ti-iiia-.ter, v a-.iii"ijMiH, U. G OUAHANl.K. Wo, tha nndamitnied, remilcnia oi ., in tha county Of , and Stale of , hereby, Joint y amlscverallf , covenant w ith rhe l ulled Htatet, ami irnirautee, iu cuao tbe ftirs-yi lni bid of U- Mcceptfu. tnni he or ttiey w UI withm tan day a aft or the acte Jiaoea ot aaid Lid, execute the contract tor the name, woh -ood man auibelant aureiien, lu a num eo,nnt to tin anion ut of th coid ran to fi.ruihii tbe forage proposed tn nfor'nltv to hiu terms) of the advertlneineut, dated iJeeemrMir i. In under whicJi tUe bid waa muiiu ; aud ui caie Hie ailtl tttiail fail lo enter it to a contract at. j-ehaid. w t mi'tr.kiitea to make iad tha d'trermieo boiwi-en tiie oin-r of the nid ii ad tbe uat lowest rtisipou-iihlu bidder, or tiie per son to whom the contract uiaj be awariii-d (ilvon under our bauda andeaia mi day of leii-. Kcal 1 Vhae-tr fKad, 1 br oerlliy th it, to tbe bt of wv knowk-iUti a d beiit t, tlii aoovv-uaoied a-uara wtori are and audi- i-liiii an auiatles lor ue aiuouui ror nhuh they oiler Uj bo aorurity. 'io be cettlflfd by the I nited A:atet IiUtrlet Attorney, f'o!ltHtrr ot Lubtomt, or any oth. r ortirer uudor the in I ted Htatas (OTornnieul, er reaponsUiIe peraoii anovra to tbta AH popnnaIb rr etlved under this advertisement will hr nrM.rii d atd eiaiuiaed at tbta otb. o on sVemietday ants' iHatnrday ol ejii-ii wek at 1st M Kldders are r.i- tlullj tMTliad to be praatat at tUieopuuuiu ul oidn It thev d -snru. Ii. 11, kl I'KKlt, 1-4 tf BrUadler-Oonaral aud Vtuartormaner. " T70R 8 ALE .TO TRINTKHS. TMPOSIVa itoM, Ituie also. ! Aral -rata arOor. Apply at thta erne. pj- QfUVa 6EC0ItI-nAND COTTON SEAM &JJJ Iom Maa, 1 abra and fw aala br John t. haii rr a cto., Im Mo. lis n rnoN f iret. WANAMAKER & BROWN, i ' c 'Wir-if nti tl p i liio a ro'iuircd at V ay r.l - W SHIM Si. I ON. 1.4 No. I - p!atf UolhM It. m, 7 li,, -p. hy (ueha. ; " ,io ,),, - m pr ik j. do on 1 -V, .' b WS tbt ''1 do do 1 ', Uf 1 41 do do do n , : m I to d i 1'-' tin do :; s. ,ji pv 2i u do do ;i 1 , 4o liv ! do lf do . 7 ii,( ;i , .V li.'i di- lo do ,,i 'I h .,; t,v ln'l do hi do .in ;, .;, 4 pv pft -M do do ;, .,t i.i i,v ;t i' :i , :ti i.v P. d do ,1,, ;( q u p. do P-' 'I" d . ; .;, t.l br II? .i.i do ii 7 I-., lik t-) l do 'i d do 7 o, 4-1 bi 41 do do lo l.,, i;i .v 7h do do I'.. A hi. ;ti, hi 1 ilo do do .. I.;, p, n ,i Id tlo do f - i. fVihv .V. tlf )o do i d i.,, .ii i,v tn on I'"- lit. oo ''1.4 by 4H do d i.o 7-1',, . vtx 114 do i!i do .; 7.. t.v i.o do 1-' HO tl'l i' 1, .'so !nr ri d' 'i do do U li., 4-s I.v liKI do ;i di. fo '! H Mi ti PiU do P.' do do .' Id. ..i, b ?0 do 'I In imi to t'O of 1 1 t" tt a ,,' -it, -H it nance W AMIN,, riN, t-t b"t Ave: i. mu tiaie Im !, ' I- . 1 i' p urt.t n.'t ri.'i i, -r M , ,. p,ft roilt g T7KICFT h STDDALL TtFTWVF.H IttONT AKT RFCONI) THArrH. O V. . WKIol.l. r. - HM.IJMA, D K I J G 0 I K T s7l; HT8ICIANS. ! ANft tif NKrtAL 1.)KKKf:KPP.Kr1, Vn find at nnre. bit hment a tt. tl ainrtniont.if Importatf ar.d I'enieatic lni.a Popular Patent dkna, Painta, foul Oil, W'tidow iiiivnn, Pa.criptlon VUia, Ae., at a low price aa nutite ftmt.rtHa ut nU ran be uold, HNK KimkMhi, OILS For Cotib rtlunen. In full vnrli ty, and of tha b'wt rjawHty Corl'.nsal He ncal Ird a. JMa.hl.f, Ik Anh, Jru9r P".im An, A l.i m, (in ot Viiri.d, Annatt.., Oppnraa, IUMt of tvthxi, Ac ., Mm in purt ut, a.waje on haml, ai owot nt ra-b prle- t PHI.K HI it FH KO f A M ILY t"4K, (Iround expn f,,T our ani-ea hik! to vbich w Invito tJta nttantion ot thone in want of n'lb.lde artklea. AUo. iM'WO, UTAH fit. Pl7AKIt, AtO fWr V Utility, Order by mall, or rtty p.i, will n-M with pTvpt tcntfc.n.oi ,."( !a1 guotaf.toua will bi wbxta r duelled WLtKlIlTft HinnAl.Ta, w t olfhAle I)ru, Wftrobo-ue, Jail ly Mo. IP MMtKF.T Htro-M, ah'ivi yront. It H l IV A H AUTT-im-rriTis towdeu, An ear"ilnt vri vsullvr S.i U nt ni-mt dl.trt'ii'nf; coiapttt DYfril'liTSIA. In man? mi of li'iic ntHii.ltrur tl L.i. (Tir 'l trulrmia di.i! rt.jMt'. it in ruui'i.v ?i:KrAiu.K. rnKi'Aiti'ri ovi.t hy I- KK1 i:ui Hi I1KOWN, lri, slil n il I'l i-nil.t, K Cur. KIITI! Kl) C'llt'.MMnT KTS, 11 ltttl And fir IVrwWu srasrsuy. t":F:'t I'UH.Ar.Kl.FHIA. BUKflKOWie ' KAM-A..K lltSlllUTK, Sn. It (, rstlicalljeur. i t.v ll . O'.VKMKTTh Premlna Tatont (trtttluatlUK I r,sr. Trnsii. KImII. Wt E'.nstic SiuokliiKS. Kiuipo-ms, RLuuiUM Bruu, Sumo shirlv, I'rnl'.hi.!.. Ae. Lulle, t.teuJwl hv Mr. B.O. KVT.KRTT. snrSV-ty Al'Iirn. VlllOIN WAX OKATU.f,l!ril O I ills e..utMi-I'luniftlc lia. nn .'iul fur tteuur liif. n-tiiti-piiii. , mu) jifffe, v li t lc eci'.ip. n,iii It t, nr.. pitntl Irtim iiiiii' ..lull- wax. i n, 0 it. osiriuntinaivii'iali tln. I, r lin.tiniiK tlie min, nmk.iiii It mill, fair, auutt.t. 11,1 ttitiisimii nt. It I. in,.! siK'thlns str .liat'liiir.tiarM ei'fci'inii liiiiiii smt lip,, ri'imivM pimp!..., binii iu's, i.n, friT",;.'!, or smilnirn, amt tiu.rti . pfurlr tint 10 th. ts.-. a"rk.aiul an.s. 1'rii 0 11 ,.'(), nj to cunis. IID ST .V CO., iiu. Hi KM II f trim. 4aihv.41 a. KliiM'ra Htroi't io jn fi ii T0 Sltlr e.t' CAIN'S AM) OWNP.lts: T?r .T7...,.'.".U.'"1'''"''"" '' "''' If-.s.' tin- KKSSI Nil-lU.-s M.ltKW I H it K . Iio.,'- 10 i tor 111 Ills tYlsiiil. iin.l the yatr. lis 1.1 ilm I 1 k, thitt I... li v "!' ' wltli Itioinutid lHcilili.. t., .1C.1MHU1...I1110 ilium liAvhin v.-s.i'l, Ki bn rulsuil nr iiimlMil. uea li.-inu a .r,i.itl,.;il l,ii, ..'ariumtir . caulk, r. lil iiiv. luminal uttinilon to tl.. tomoU ea tri.s"'r J ty liliu lur n-imirs. r.ian,.or Alrei It. .-litp rartifnten. nnd MtclitnliU I avn k ,1-sstlv to rrpalr. am .lli lteil 10 cull. Htivtlifc lh a.:plli v lor lin- ,Aie ol' ' IVottrntrdt'l I'a'flt Weliillii. I ,,tn (,-itl ,ti,'' ,.r f.ti .nr 1'jillit. In tl. linserea lleli tit vt'i.tli. Iiiitti.ius. inrthts rlt, 1 utn pieiarel to (ttr aisli Hit mue oa lai oruMe IP'-mit. JutlX II. (lAMMIl'T. , Kt'll-lmttnii .sitiivv D.iltt, 3 11 DELAWAItF Av.'n iu, nliorr LAI'DKI, Ntmol. -5 WK ALT II. HEALTH, AND if to puln admirlnireyen : It to eaure Itivlriiouh Mi,'(ia; t to I e a Idooniliiff t.w.T, Padluif, d low in an h.nir HKAt.rr I It' to have a host o t'rb a j(; If for vtce to tituke atneiidn ; If" with hili born blood to wed: H a marble store whan dead Wealth! If to live thrececoro and ten, Wt-hli-n lite &. Ioiik luaiti; it 10 live a life of pence; if to le and ko to yrratf IIhat.tii t if you w it-h a life of ph -Antire; It y.-n value thlN wi rid s trca-ttrra ; t every t omtort ou would aoe, Take ui) udvico, and with ml I three. Then, havlntr H.alti, Wealth, and lieoutf, ou 11 be prepaied u r cvcr duty. Byacareiul piniaalot Dr. WILLIAM YOUNO'8 New-BfK-k, lilK M A M ) I A ii K iiI'lhE, .vhi.-h abonld bo mad bveve-yona Bold by KooVi.e tT -etoraliv and at ihe l'octor b tallica. So. ilo hPHL'Cfi aTKfclCT : ntn CtUti. IR. CHARLES HUBERT'S Jurely tmportd l-KKNCll rF.MAPF. UI!Ham1 warmnud in all eaaea. mivCUaKI.KS ill) iiHK r, OOv 't"citl Knrranca aud oili-t-i privai tor Latllia App y at ik U t AN10 i,ht.U bToJ-r No 1019 COiTKH HTRKVTT. H-'j5-m Wdit of Tenftj. l-'l)H NKNV YOiUC. CHTSII... 1,1 KB. COASTWHK 81 i-Ailsllll' 1 i'MI'ANK'H KKKinnr link HIK N kw VottK. and ri'nni i-ttr.n tur all N.irllieru and Kasl.ra citlo, mnt isuw Or ..'miim, ..sii.tiK .v.r. Tl'KnAt , TlM.-HSDAY, AMI SATt'KOAT, ftnni tti" CtiinpiiliV, w' nrf, first a'Mivi. Hue. stii't't, aj,4 .MVork, iriuu rVr 11, Jiuita Ke.or, 011 same ilu, at Kt.r ri.lKht.whli'h Kill b.. rm-vlvrtl dully, handled In lb. nit. si can-liil tia:ini'r, A tltll . ttnid with tii. srutuM dM i.iU'b, .1 lair ratt-k, ai't'iv its HII.UAM J. lAYMtlt OO., 11-10 3m Ko.-Jii. ..i t!i Wtiarvus. 8TKAM IVEI'.KLY TO LIVKR Ufitl, toiii'ilnir at 1 'iitit'rM"wn, (tork Hatlj.,r. - lliv vt.iii-ai.uisn Mifaon". oi'llia Limn-col, New Vura, ai.fl l'Lllsttrlphla Hlruuisiup Louipauy ax. tnUutWu t ail as fi.lli H , . HH.Mll Kll Biln-dav, DissrinHer l'l til. AM OH. H.ttnrMar. lieiM-nit'itr l.'. (I I Y OK MA.NCIIhsri:i. mitiirilav. Dwcinaer JI. Arm ..erf sae. evdiiib-.Saruiila. at nnon. r.-'.ta t-iw- Ma M Ntinli IlAi'KK Of I'AHS.HB PAYA.HI.K IN CtUlKKNOr. I lr-I Cabin Sl'.'tJO NtiMia,. t'SlO V'lrsl Caliln in l..,iidun KiliHi htv.ruc mi l.uutlou... bs us First Cui.,n lo I'aria.. l'.- tit) Hw.uhiii-to I'aria No-lia l-'lrnt Culilti tullamiir'tisi tio Mttsirek' t.i u.iuii.uric. 71. IS) I'aefnsfi'ii alit ttiruiviletl i llnvr., ItrHiaea. UsM t.riltini, A: a mi' Aw , at equally lnw raits.. Fares tr-'Pl l.ivtrj 1 or Ftrtt C'aMa, SL's', a7H, ti'U H fvlftrf, from t.tverpjftl and tuevili t it. 570. 'I h..,. win 1 .suh tn .cd Utt Uiwir tilsit.da caa bur ttt'kt'l, I,, re a' Uiose rati-,. Vor lurtlittr tiuornisUion applv at tli. Crsninasj'. ofAoaa. II lit N" tl. 1 ' A L K , Kt, Mo. Ill WALNUT Direct, f.'ulaittlprua. flfn BosrCl- AND nilLADKLPHIA .waismii Hiam''tp, at-IPiiff from ch port oa r . 1 i. kKAVH. ir. m dot wi. art PINK hUeat.Phil 0 ipti a t.i.d t. '.i..- Wharf. Hosti.u. frroin dnt wharf aove PINK Htre r.on Hatinrtsti. ievwrnb.t P', bM. Thc stotimibtpSA XON Mattlisjwa, wul tall 'Mm l'ndavd plit'i lor tt.if.iuu. on Saturday, J. ember 17, at 10 A. ii arl the ateri'u.iblii dltM AJi, lvako,-, from too tot ThtbVelptna. on fcan-a day, hit 4 P. M. 'I tieao new and mihttiamiaJ atenmanlM forn a rafrular lJnc, nadw-K i rem aacb port punctually on HaioTdaya. Iiisuiaic id iiUiriMd Mt ono-ba! ma pnuutuu oiuaiged Oft ale vt'SsMdbi. rei. hi taken at fair raJea. Ht.ippat are rtuented lo nend 91ip aVcelpta and BUU. T.adloj,' wiff thr ohJ. or ! taiKht or Paokaua (vlt t)na aooomoiodatiouf) opplyto HP.KitV WiSH K k lut-tr Vo-.tW3- UKL.AWAKK AveiBM. KOkNKW YOKK. DKSPATCtt and Linea, vta Ie.awar. on4 rs. .i.,ur. of these tlnei are bavin l..u llau I wial. tlailv al IV i. ckK'V .. oltll b o olook F. M., from tbud PK shove W alum itrifl Koi freivtil, whtrb will n. take, oa areoa,tBlt1n; b'i, i.p:, to V.lta.lAJi M. HAxjIU UI.,M'J.1M4 Til LAW KK Anon. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. f i I