MO.VUAY, DKCKMIIMI I !, ISf.t. SflRIT OF THE NEW 0E1J FRll'3 Krtll'irlt!' from tl!! Nct T(n!c ran rt Tii.'s ll'iriiiii;. tjtti: kvmh.iii t i j , i ru: t Hint IV mi . ',ni thfi Ttinrt. rrtiiocii! l.hlC)' ll i . I j . 1 1 . r tTi - t 'i . li,' u vn , re! ity ip.e n ell.l ' I'l l .11 ' a mi l i,(u Cllano l'i tl.e i Ili. e il hility ami iti 're i , u i 1 furi'ver ul I!,, in i In,., parly, I c-twe, ,i lie.. the Ro-iiiik ,1 rail e il. iomcwlmt i u:np!i.i::r 1 puny, lor s.,.iiii i ,1 eir. i.i r l.-'ll., "I I il Mi. ! - I I til'' CI '. .l'i'. I'll 11.... i :ie p T'i'ei r thi! vj lenil, iciey Mr. (.Ham', ly'li. r p rii j:i, f,.r tinip i.,:,i r.i.iintl tindincii'8. Il inn-lies, li'nr tn t'l-iiii'.i; liet!ier there wan any just ground on'o iliir tide for there ri.uipii.ints. Oi.ri.wn view if, flint the li-riim ei.n.ervativo ami ranii'iil. aa eui mj i il, nu,lv invmveil n.) tnn.tial nf pi lne pli' ir"piirin,s,). Tlia Iucmiui.b rcn. in r.uoer lo inc u id and to tiiini ot Hele n coin i ni tu i,ii,,, t .nid ei I M-. l,m i vi.i v wlm a nuieli o;,p,s. d ti 111 f iif.v; i tn tr, i: uili of l Um ur in I ho cetivtiv. iii iiiiiiiiin nt nin err, us ,ilr. l lltl C,.ir i.iiy Oilier m.lil he in- Ii I -vwi tua- I'm ptuidy piOMi ut'"n of Ih war ai' tiii-t thn Ru bCllldl, WOll.Ul't .1 til's, ill,, ttlllmlivil.e!. svti tiio... ii'Miuniuii, : n a 1'iH BV'.i'.e 1 li'uliii r.i- ' ' iorni of tl.e war by exliunioU'; mid mmp Miiy mdi-fliivtry aet on. iln-Ui.- 1 num. uu l'i ) lum iiioi ; un did or can i pei. te, wns A nuliuo l.,y avoitin.; hl(ini il to miiketi tin- lte'i"1 ' o ir iinni, In its ii ii'ruai ruce.rf ol tM'nimni of ulitverv, Mr, foreiKU iiiitrveniscy U sueli ns invariiiidy to ineir miviineaij woi li i.oou tiiu in'.itir.inn. LincolnTiani o lias ree iv lCd Ite'iel territory corut to rcorunnize i!-eif, excrpi on a l''rco Siaio aMii. Tho priictieiil re.ilt of Mr. l.iueola'a Inudernte couise Iihh lietn ni fatn1 to ulavi rv, far it lias been within our ro.icli, ai could U ive been the, mi nt txtriinj uud could pbpiilily l,t UevirCd. liutcTin If this i cjiitiiivcrtiiile, tho fiat that Mr. I .in coin ban taken, in bis uieamu'e, tho firmest cround ftr a nmiti mi ami iidimnit which shall abolish -lavcry tbtouKlinut VUs) lnuil Bhonlii put nt rest all concern upon 'ue Hl,hji -t! Kureljr tLerti can ho VC iutrc f oatiaont Ol ibij cilice lima l.iiia cmiipiete excisioa of it at 11 lingle atrnke. 'Nut only Mr Liiieom Uinn.lf ij committed to Hie furiln'rnnco of tills work, but tho entire Vnini p:irty, by m ree im incli nation in the J'at tnere phitfutm. We have no where beard of a Kinlo ii.urnmr of dissnt from any pusnn in the pitrty. U in u un inimou-ly accepted1 .mciiMire ail-.uiiipn iicn-ive, thnroiiKhly eileetive, fit tl'ilreraally .-.aiistaetory. li rnuder.l utterly nb.-urd B: ltirtiier atteuipla to keep up tlio distinction of couacrvali-in br r uliealiiiu m tin) Vnlon party, in reference 10 sluvory. Mr. Lincoln has nhow.i that lie o re? ar.N it, ty bin inukiii' Mr. Cliu.-u Chief Juitiee. lis thereby buries in oblivion ail tho past Uiilorencen In the party concerning slavery, and all tho efforts which have been made to produce there from spocial coiinect oiiH and iiiiereitJ n dim' him. It is calculated to kcit the great party of this Union iu new anil tinner co.iord, and to prepare it tor the (trout civil work of rocmitru -ion, which wdl mon devolve upon it. There has been no harder problem about tho war than the problem which i to follow tho conclu sion of the wa-; how soone.-t to reinspire a loyal spirit in tho Southorti hcurt, and restore tiio nor mal working of our constitutional system throughout the land. The first ncp towards this hai already bson ieierininod upon. The absolute and linul extinc tion of slavery by a constitutional uuimidment will make an end of what has been the chief hot ted of treason. Yet this is but a work of de-Hrac-tlon. There uiu-t needs he mea-iircs and policies positivoly regenerative. To fettle upon sneli as shall be mo.-t tlliiueioas will tax the best wisdom of tho parte. Sintrli ueiis of purpose and a har monious spirit will be moro than ever uuceisary. THE C'AMPAHJX. Vom IAii TrVine. TerhnpB no week since the war began has wit tested a greater degree of activity than the ono ju.-t passed; yet we are without intelligence of its actual rcuults. Sherman bus approached and probably has reachtJ the goal of his mairniiieent march across tho Keystono State of the Confed eracy. Thomas besieged in Nashville, has evory day been g.ithcring strength for tho condiet, Which is not merely to raibe that siege, but to ftiike a ueclt-ivo blow against tho invader of Tennessee. A part of the Army of the Totouiac nnder General Warren, has been in motion, and presmilably has fought a battle. Tlu-ro are other movements in the neighborhood oi Kichinoiid of Which we Hhall know more anon. The special despatch which wo print this morning seems to iudieate clearly tho hitherto oiicertuin direction and purpose of Oeneriil War ren's movement. That otli er, with Griffin's and Crawford's Divisions of the fith Army Corps, Mott's Division of the 2i Corps, ana witu uregg s Cavalry altogether a very furmldiiblo force hroke camp on WedncJiduy morning, and march ir.g by two roads on eiiher side of, and parallel to, the Wcldon Itnilroad, reached Stony creek on Thursday. That 6tri-am is twenty miles south of i'ctersburg, and tue station near tho bridge which toriLerly spanned it is tho point whenie started the branch road from the Weldou to the Sotitliside Uuilroiid. The recent cavalry expidi ion nuder Oreng proved that that branch was i-till incomplete tt I s southeastern extremity. Gregg, having aurertiilned that fact, returned, and Warren being In piisnewioa of tho rosu'is of Ongg's reconnoiBnancc, sliajcd his cainpiigu accordiiiRlv. Ho strm k so boldly south tuat it was at first conjectured in the army he meant to go to North Carolina. Crossing tho northern branch of tho Nottoway by pontoons on Thun dav, he pullwd up his bridge alter him, and sineo tho time when he thus broke off communication Willi the main army nnder Grunt, no positive in formation about his movements has been received. Kut on Thursday nignt a reconnoissance was tent out apparently a much to get news from Wanen as lor any other purpose. It was ascer tained then from stiugiilers that Warren was off In scan hoi alight. It was further discovered that the Heliel lines in his direction were surpris ingly weak, and the reconnoissance was pushed with vigor towards the road which Warru pro bably took. Hut bin inarch had leeu so rapid tht.t already he was to toe north and west of the creek, and on Friday morning heuvy tiring was beard In the direction of Dinwiddie Conrt House, which stands on the Petersburg and boyntou plunk road, midway between Stony creek statim and the Soiithsid Kailroud. Thither had marched Hill's Corps to Intercept Warren, nnd at that point la seems protty certain a battle of gtealer or less magnitude was fought on l'riuay morning last, December . Of its re ult there is lo news whatever. But tiie mere fact that there was a battle shows thut Warren was marching for the Hoathsido Railroad, having made a wldo und soinowbnt rapid detour for that purpose. The cmlra! and Interior position of tee enabled him to tuareu a corps somewhat ut random to a point from whleli he might striUe in almost any direction which Warron could bo sup. po-cd to take. From General Sherman tiiere l no other intel l gence than such as can be gathered from the ucouut brought by a transport from Charleston. V hen that Mt-amer left, ou lh 7tt, heavy firing 5JJI? w s hrsnl !n the ilirTC'inn nf Hnvanmh.or on llit CI erlt .tiiii niul Nivitiah liiilrn.. lt tli;it . nu.j Iliac tu n cithor Hii riiiiiii nr J'n. or, trlu it I ,,'en ni pn tt holnllT un flint lino ItiVii'l piprr mm tinw tiithltik tho fnrc". a of those two In ner lnteMil to c(,nccnirHir on the Cliarle-ttin Uiil ! reml hi ne.lilve iifn f " ,0I:, , , ,,4 lt ' 'f II s'fl.S IO lie. IlllUe We lleiv expect MC'MHT ut I'mtrim Moi.rnc i t anr tiiiitnint. CUT JMXLLJGhNCE- Til HIM. nr A 0 Cpt;;n .I. (i. I y;v . ti'.t Ui:l,t nfi( ii in ii, 1 :f,i i U. tir. IiK.wa (ii i lemi. Tin i ill on, kt" liiilP iy A, 1 rii 1, iy, took piiii'p y IiK 'Hte n . diin e, N.i The ( in d u .1 ii he 'nu ll ir . ".;;.) ,. ivi and ' t'S,-i : t oill.vr.h iT'ftf 'ii v'i npi 'iititi'd in ih r rik if epnl",i,ii il,r tit of M.ncli, i :. Ili win Hoof the origin, 1 iiieiiil.ii.. of ('iiioie'l , cr,-:ir ,.., ii, i,i,,l r, .ene- , d in t!:e 1-t A't lii r, , ' I'' lii ill i'.iiini,i;id ,,l a li.tnr n 'ii li . 'I'll lie i ii tee r'.in ,'h fie l,'i",:, n, ,i - ,' e- "' e. Me. h I i, sill'i , (ei ni'-' M I: ill li-.n, iMituli Mo"iit,iiii, Amu-ibih, I'lni ,-rk'V n-iiir r, i' . li ,-ln.'-i(, Wclilon liH'.u.i. d, nnd -i vei il m.. II ;; n ;!, irt diiiir dl t;, time. t nei dl oi II lii'Hd of lih roinii.inv, and at p.iiins wi,, ,.,. diavrwai nint iiii'iite:ili,K, nevi r tdeeived :i "omi.l A hurt tliin! -ipen he m an iit':ie.l,e, with il. c Hiiiliiria li vir, a loo more du iiiled It r the,,- (In r Hum iLi- Imdet, and after lour wti k-.'., Hi i'.'.rul; 11m i'uvi-i tf m otiiyl Un , i k , b i , , i nnifMiiiruf' , i t I i'-uii 4 a l;i,-t of ti h nil II outll Iiim In ... Vie 1 ! I'MUK lll'lf) if it tl' ' 1 lie Itrument I'totn Ui.) report of did l'.eii , e'ery. it will ho teen tiieie is nn i Ltiry a:iiulint of cur. kie.lli:; i on p irt Hit! h tlor-writ;ii(j community. Tkr e . ni i 1 i'm i;. . ,1 ami s. 1,1 th,M ,n I ',r..i f. n ul i , ,l nt il te;.tv five (Trail letters were riwlv,:,! il uri" ti e rii't vrnr over nlno tluni'iinil :i d i . M.mir of tl rso Ii tttr.H remained money, deed-, Will im li'Ti'i', d'nl'm, ele rk, juwi 'rv, and o ot vn:ni Ice. Nonm ol iheni mi-dlnut i. oiln rs rot directed at nil, others iin-t.iiiipt' I, mid I otliirs partiallv direcieilw 'J limi-aii,! i the-c (tend letters were retiiBied to the, wri'.ir-; , t ut the great majority bd to bo d'slrou'd. I '1 1, is s'liteinrnt ought to tracll tho puiilie to ti l , more caicful iu tfceir corrcnponileiice ; for tlio atiiuunt of fluff-ting eau.sod by tlie-o lost letters ! is ii, calculable. Lai, ( i NT Casus. This morning .Iospti Whit j wns ci mmitied tj Alderman 1'lankipton, haviiiij been rrc stud upon the rharfe nf stoalin'T sail try i eitie'.cs diirii g a fire at No. :P7 N.Seveiuii s'rint. llewtti (trrcelciT. with the plunder conoeaio i uu in; ' I Jam. s WcMi ntul John Welsh wero chirked w I'h ti e I ircer.y of a lot of tools from llrule 1 ur;r. Tliey wcrj ti: n into custody nt U ae'a mil limwn slicets, while offering the articles f-ir siih;. (Mi Saturday fift. rnon a man irivirg tho n - ii'i of C. 11. Clurk was arrested at, the l'e'nn-yiumi v l.nilriiud di pot, W e'Ft riiil'iilclphin, upon thi rhurfiu of plekiug tlio pocket of Mr. Genr;;o TmiM r, of Vi ilmini;tou, Del. lie was coiiiiuiu.d I ) Alio;.. I'mniAiiLi: lloMictof:. A nnmber of the woik inin attaclud to the lurge malt hou o at tha comer of Now Market and Callowhil! str-eta gut into a free fight on last S.iturduy afternoon, during which ouo of tho number, Cornelius C'anney, was shockiaaly beaten about the head with a hinnel. II is injuries are of such a .serins cburiictcr tlntt but li tie hopes are entertained fir his recovery. Three of the rioters, named Pat. Mulund, I'at. Dona;:hy, and Walter Tolin, h ive liecn nnestcd upon tho clmrgo of being ibe par ties who beat Canary. They have toen held by Aldiiiuau Tolund to await the result of Cauuey'j In nr. i h. Maicii Gamh of Iiii.i.iAiuis. The grand match for the championship of Pennsylvania, comes off to-morrow evening, at Pansoni Street Hall. Mr. Viclor Kstepbe, who is at present the rcci clminplon of the Keystone State, and who, it will be remembered, obtained that honor able title lust October In the grand tournament, will rlav auainut K. T. Rynll, a billiard piaycr of complimentary reputation. The game will ba ltMK) p ints, rttrums, on a Plielan & Cullender carom table. Push shots debarred, according to tbernlcsof the Punnsylvauiu Hiliiard Congress. Mind Torn Hydkantk.-TIio old nuisance of ice on tLe sidewalks, tho result of allowing hy drants to run, protnlues to give more annoyance than ever this year, judging from tho fart that tbns early in tl e i"ason It hns becomo n subj ct of general complaint. Hydrants should not be allowed to run during weather like the present, and whero they ure permitted to How those re sponsible should be compelled to romuvo the ico cieatid through their carelessness. Highway Kohmkhy. This morning, about 3 o'clcck, lludolph Keilan and Philip Yeagcr were rrrcFtcd at Fourth ard Morris streets npon tho cbnrgo of highway roblvcry. It seems that a f male w ho had been out sitting up with a friend, was puKsing in thut neighborhood. 1'D.o ruiIUiis stepped up and seized her, and took a valuable lucastpin from her clothing. The lady gave an ahum, whentbo robbers were arrested. Tory were committed by Aldirmau Lutz to answer ut conrt. Nkw Hailroad. A railroad In in process of construction in New Jersey, from Mouut Holly to Camden, via Moorestown. It was chartered several years ago, but has been delayed by un foreseen diliicuiiirs. i ins win do very useiui to the people of Burlington county, and an import ant ai junet to the tiudu of Philadelphia. Tho work upon this new road will be commenced curly in the spring. Uti'i iimban Cvi-ct'S. Tho Republican mem bers of Select Council havo beld a caucus, nnd in.nieduitely placed in nomination all the old officers. The present clerks und messengers hava d scliarfred their duties faithfully during the past year, und are deserving of this endorsement ly the members of the Cliu nber. Ei siosBD. Professor E. 1). Saandurs, D. D., Oialrnmii of tho Vetoran Bounty Kund (lunimliiioo, I'hi- ladili'hl. hut been compcUM, by lone riiniliiomi nt iroia a , ralimad accident, befal Iru hlta wlilltt enaaisj la ji rvhw I Hit public, to reniKU bit oill't; and very rutiictanlly to re-iuest all toldiers anil their relatKci, lunny uf wtiom have called as bun dally, to defer their vital-, till II uiuy , i eate (kid to ii tiorr hit heallti, when. In view of tlitlr ' lirlcalwa palrlotilin, ht will lie glad lo aee them. j Tub Woollhs: and Saw Mill advertl-ed In out advert Whk, pretrntt an uncuiiiiuon op.sir- tunliy lo a nun wall moderate capital Iv make ru iney Utan be bonahi low and on easyterua. Quuiioa Btiok Co.'s Pianos aud Masom & U..WL1N a T-IAO ' CAMNKT IlKUANs). CAfirMtf FOKIKa. Over Silluf eaph of ihete Mae In- OailANiS. fl ami ttrumt'irta bawe b-.eii a.-l bv Mr. CAItfMCr rUIKS. li.,aud InectuiaJid la nlt.lANI. piavo h oriastm CAiiisnr KlhTKS. ur al oalv r UlBHAN'M. hm) j it iiot'i.n. :oAuiNr rObTlMl.i aavaiiUaad Cbasuiul atraott. OIl'lAsm. Thosb BFsiRiKO Photographs ahould take noto that at tae Ilollda a approach pl. ture lutltprt wllleruwd Uitllailtry. They tamild to eariy. 11. r. KiluKr a, Mo. Mi Ann utr.el. Do Toe Know DiAit has removed to No. 413 Cbetnat atrsMtr Ut tellt Tnbaaoo, Ulaara, Moet, an , triy SOT ont letl than any other man iu Uila city. Kemouaatar IMau, Mo. tU Clitaliul atroet. LADimt aud CuiLtiaast's Hat. Lattui 11 It at Ctutta OaXfWa ft-at'l, CiMUutatal UMH. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. 184. lnp "Fiom-so " Tnii mhujit Why the '"' " I- slll'eil, r lo all tli r .s',,.,,,,, M.irhnt : C, tiii.irr rpiin-t. then pun hur:- r,r" " ' r' c:nl,n ,.r ,. , 'in,- pill it :.. :he r'-'M or !p' : ; . I i r ! rn InMii'., ,,,...,.r ikl).ii s(it,-'i", tleimu.. ,.i .,ur t livnut .Hi. fes f, tl.a s u ,111. M ..Is ut i' ei K. i II I- M' I'AImI. : ii'ii , it Oil; tli 'In' lilV'lthlP l js i .., I,,.- i .-.,t ,n.,i -te. !i 's I. ,1,1,1 wjnl t Is In iii"!ti n. I i, I n ii, ul . i, it,,. i,., , ,, .i, , Pll pell ,e. imi , , . v i. 1 li k,. ; ie , n w ,l e'" ul" .el. hi' l'i t 111 inn. I' in it -,i J.,.', n In t.i tlutt tlif V tl : ' " h t,ii niul liftr ii ir;i n, 'm on Ivuh ecu ii i i"' n ki 'v n i f ini.,ii' 1 ill i- i-,.-, va itif : A.-. ..f Hi 1. , 11., I l'l 1 .11,11 . 1, . 'I ,' li sy ;.y- rtn'. I'IMI K ..f (v.. AT I,OW VltU' ...V j ,t. mil. r I ;irtii , l t i- L.ellp Mi". ' '-- , i i I'.u- j . . I' li ill ilt, U U.i.t. p. I. , . Tewci lla.1, N'0,,1 :..,i , e. .i t-1. !ni,l.. i . nii'i !- ..I 11 .ll 11,1.11, .--I'll in s p it f'.:l. II" V . II ' S i he .- An Cle. , Si I H. !lk C, n. in i s'.a Cr-'i - ii i H11.1 1 itt M. F h- f niK' i,r A ('o a-s ir:- Ir, .it. in, at I .tuiii' Fein, CUiAi 0..',il,l .'; f -An c .'2irt a'" pii - nt i.p, : ! .:.J. -Tie: Itil, . fill' I hi.. I I A IMtii f, u r t u' l'i'" Al l-' iiir s V t, I ll'A t,'iKl,l ft 1 V I' 1 U:el-M r ';ie ,' All 1 v , ,.ST I, IP Hiinl ! : - '' I,. 1 . I li ,n', il, r. Ii I,. Ill, ill, h 1:0 ill l line (ni, it., mnv f.. '. p'i ni ; r, i. lei'. l !. ,' ,1,.',: ti I'lllll.Hlil lit tie HilT.l' t, HI" It iv i .. ' I., pri'.ly e'p. ir tlmt a Imii c. n-til, t.,r Ivin,- il.,riit.T,t as If tl "el ill a b , if. II'. .-Sell. tee t'V ml n, I! ,11 111 tl.P , II. P if 111'- pi ll'i'l T mi . . hiumili up vsl.h t! o bi e ir mi as t, i Iculifj line i oil w uli il, hs, tin' plAinlhr s s.ill It mil r, e e.i ra'ep, nne II he -ti'iiilil r'tw'C la: inn.v reenser Itl om-Ii wlili a n w tull, tnt'h us Is turn!-ln l at llii)'i.ii'li' of i lurlis S ',1." 1 1 i,.' lill' v, u. vlef tl, u Ui,llll,l",ll il. 1 li'. reels', u ,f 'hi i eurt hi." P.u p-t.i'ii siaucni i. len, ,1 lr, ,-i piiieil tu " . f r.ll. t"l sli 1'iM-. Vt '. ,t'i,i',e. ' t il, mill I ; BI T ut; IT l,: It. Hi i li I r f I'siti'i il.tir ii l.s i . IV. tt:. . Nil. l.J La -11,1 ! ", t. Gi -.i rii'H'i HitS,-.V11 tho ln'ost. stylo.; lea akts nl K-uO, i on!ltb;.i' llutM. t'Lwisi. Mai iitNH ion Cmii"TH t Pitcsitu -. As Htsvliik .M:i, h.'."s i,l linil.'iil.ltiJly f ain A irum re i Katuie In tl.e p ile .a-.-..f fi,li- lor ilm e-.pti. : luel'tis, ni r,,u d rrn" ei on uur n a,.p.'.- l c pit,,eti'ty "f m-ipcl, . ; rr.e 1 e-1 fami'y mil t.ili.'a. Al 0 r In .ul ,.f tin, lut &l n.u.s the "t'.i over A P.itk.'r" liifitruuiiMK. sola at N,i. 7 '-li i 'I."-ii'tt aireit. eeKlrntid nun lilm , us vs . II a- tlies-i:. i'reteeil mini If.em.f'avo takiii t ; h:;:1;' t prpniiiea hirier tho' have b-t n et,l:i.ti',l In c mil elli fni isltft otter.-, wtlhi'i'.t a mnsle i xeeliiiinl. Kir tan f"l!.nvl., reanetip, nlili ilK ntli.'ts, sioui.l mil Ke all pu l :,i, of ti, s leu Mactilla-l to lue the 'dravir ei Lis'- .T" l!e.; ere ft'li'llei' over oil ell en ; 1. It in ultra tt,e uniy beioit feritip,! li. n -civlr niae'iupii which e.ieti ttlteli Is Inil'.p. n'lPiiMy I ,. kcl, iinl wltliu'it di'pcinli'uca upon tho oilier A itc' pr, f ir stieu iti. 2. It iiisken tno only t-i-a-n :tiu'. will tuluil: cf t'.n tlir,iel belnu put at viveiyfoi.rth t'.lti'.i.svllti' Inler tu t',e - 'ami in wear. 8. li In unncce.'tary to fast.'n the fn1s of ipitm- iu i,le hy t1,li liiaci'ints. '1 1,1-- Is ,le it" fy I c rai, Iti.' If, s illi nit the use of i hn tianil-i'pn'.ls. 4. The ill-over A- linker a'iteh I" the only one for-ne,! from two criliuary -fiolf, iii,d with -i,t ssir."li ir-si i ili-i Into a stutilc fi-jic It, rm to lisu Unit., for tie uieli r ten ml. 5, A scant thin forinPil Is tnTH pla'tie Mian nay i.thpr niaeo l,y a stwlia niucti-ne, and It con-p-iue'iiiy vry vniuuleo in nil ip,ciis thai ar.i to he svu-lu J iital :,tret"l;oil uuurr the lien. . The niaenlni! I ailupted to alt vartetlPi of fshrles, aewlnK each tipitily w ell, Ai'.il re.iuli .nir no a'tjustiU'-nt lor any kiini of Bewitiy other ihun tho uilaptatlou of iiceilioi and tl riad. 7. lt If inure eaally kepi In oritur than any oilier niu'-hiiie, and nccii not he Liken apart lo lit ml id. S. The niaehlnt bcivii coliiniau spool cotton, sltk, mtrl Urvn thri ail Willi ciunl facility. y. T. e nucMup Ii no sluiple tiat an (nU!.'iint child oftiiijcaru can readily leurn to operute keep It In ortitr. lo. Iiy rciim n of its ilmpllclt.v of c iie-tri ctinn and case of ii,iM.ttseu.ent it is best tiUpted io all tlio want ol l io fnmliy. riiOl'KSPOK DOLLKH' l'iLBCTRICAL IXsTfTUTH, Kis. lite Walnut t'roet, rhllai'piphla.-lir. S. W.ilenk w lit', tevceasur, formerly prhi.-leal operator, lavlies ihs calls of alt altlti'tid with acute or chronic illaeasos nvry k U il, both male anil female; hull; and livor Uibaasai, tue diitllvi! oriiant, ond all jti.'.it of aervoiei lii'HB, we A--liCis, aluiotl invtiriai'ti rurt't. The Kleulrl, at treatnaeut it more ucces.-fui in all tilabtat of disease ra.t all tiiher ;sru,-lictn foraf infl. tiuaKntens of ctiruKLea wher. derlrfd, If po'lenln are prononticrd curkb'e. The toircet tifDr. P. Hhedd.of KewYorK one of Ilia o''l.)"l and iBottexperlaaoidXIctirlelaiii ta tho Ihilud Butt", wlil be ccutlL m rl iln. S. A. 1 u.l ii, a la ly ol grest uJ varied eineritiice, will atiend to tho ladies, for a mn'.tl tudo of referenpee tall at the oltlee. All busltlets letters addreaatd to 11. S. W. llbcka l.h, Nil. 1JM Waluut a.iee'., fbilatlelpl.ia. riacuAaFna may rely upon ge itinp thn let Full. M ISAarlea Oakfofd Koa'i.Coittlueatal Hotl. I'l'ilOl HTKlltNO Ft UMTCKF.. Old Blld NcW Kuto.ture Ul hoiat, rad Varnlthcd in tf.e scry best tuMuinr at W. LlKNiiY I'lri KS a West Kntl Upholatery Kstutil liliient, ifo. litsi Ciieautil auet't. TO NlTf IKALtZK OK KN.SIBNHrl(. lu mnuv Iinuis we one dlslnttictii'K aiji n a. linpuru breath, caiurl by luiil lettli.ti'liaee... ,plrite. or citurrh, la neutrailod hy toii d'nt. 'Tla a tieAlthil beaiilllier. ami a areat laxury ta a dcrttrlfce. Tho repulalvo hroath Is by its userpn- i dared as trap-runt ua a roae. and uoldneaa by fneusis or losers villi le ro loDfecr nolk-sat. I liolsl by tU iirii,rlhts. L A 1 (i ,: WHITE OAK TIMBER l'Olt 8ALK. Wl.l le lil t ai I'uhllii Hale, Cb 1UESDAY, 13th of Dacorubur, 13Q4, Ca II. rrtmlatt cf tht au'iicrlbrr, about one mllo Iron Mooie-I. w, on Uie Fl; KOAfi kl.lln from Ilia lo, nttewn anaCuiaile.i l,'rnplkelo afnael l.aurol. ahout tl ret-iinaiteri of lulie from ead lt,rap kt, tl.e 11U11LK tlaat lus on alioal TWELVR ACRES OF LAND, The met of which U White Out of lurne ilao and very tuj trior quality. rtalo to c uuneiice at I o'clock en laid due , wtriu eon.ll tiort t Ul be mftdc anowa by .loiirv rmiKLm alcoluiiTOWM, December , lsl. It' IT AIR rrROOTFD FROM ALL PARTS I of ilia body In Ate miius, u-iiieu iroiiity io i,w sIih hs t'praln'a Lepllatery i'ossiler." Malln.l tn any iiiMrasa f.,r SPVA, by B. C tl u ia , rsv. m q, Kiiiiirii airiwi, riiliadeipkia.Fa, 13 lusiu aarp gKATINO, SKAT! NO. STLFNDID SKATING ON fiTK0I4O 101' p "VATItfa PARK, ll'r-t llll'l Wnliwit, rtH. TaVr Mlllr Milt an l V ie -Ipr tp,it. TTil-tr is a , it lo riA, i,r BAKU l'i. CIKE3, TK'SIiKHS. li;v noorj; M'!? (iOCliS Ol- i'r?MTM V.i II il" ', 'I li I I I . I."., r V . , ,l,i 1'ii.l P, p' ni. p A I ,., I.I, ' ..' I'lT I tu I Il tl I' e Viell'l 1 :UI -'Kli'KS. hi l'i',; ir.-iu It Itl.HI ('! I I , l. - m,. ,ml ul ci nwt.N tn (inn a i: v . ni:ntii:t;, Nhs l ... "., end l'i N. Mi' nni St. .'.. 'J .1 Aliuvii A iki-i-sr. 31. UAlTiLIlill, Ih. C02 CCEiiaUT BTliI.El', Wll.l. OPK.N. 'Ill DAY, I ) 1', U I .Mil M I i I i .V NKW 1) Ki'.YUT.MKN 1", IsPIU. Utf ;l,;',.ivti tl.e r julre of his Ml 'ie, M f'Vt la 1",,,.!;, ks; I n is u us TUi: CiJT.AP DlTAl.TMI'ir, l'i' 1 Mile 0 sstl h.' il, ,it'il ," i lu-lvcly 10 iie psMlii-i.a .n l dki'.ss r.M'iiiius tr.i't i.t.h to osn itM.v tub nttcn BoNl itt ill ll;e i'"4lan.iu' of Mm. .sea-en, J. r, IIAfLf riill rai nilo arruiiHOiD-'ilt' tohiinlsatJ bi.i cu.-ti.auxs let oi 'joo.ouo l, : .). ono vtuti s, KHi:iNsfI A!NT UNGIjWH DRESS GOODS, TiTi hati at ft fjror.t siti rtil.'o, auJ fmm Aurlkn Ba'r-, t i tn' .! U.n-inah lUib channi-l wiCiij'il ririorve Jui-a.T; TliU HOLIDAY SEASON. Jji; iXCIiSLI, LArOUllOADD & CO., Ko. 1131 ClliriNUT STRSKT, ALB closing oirr TIIK1B FALL AND WINTEft STOCK u io irt ok 31 11 IN H AV 12 .V i.4 F AE JWJGLDYALD1'. CTRirLD BROt'HR PII AWLS, O lt ll CKH TO ,. Iiiar ket Nltawls, all .Siylea, reiiiiced in i Ipps, Lena bieehc bhunis leiiu late Aii. ti.iD a&j,, a, at HFil-M Cl'.l) PltP'liS. rtMiisKN sruiiiiAiir . nttciriifii, Koa. Still, l..'-', uud l.,l H. bUUlJNIl Hlrppt, ip pj-ft jiasvii Wlll'iir. IYJIH & LAMH:i,Ii, ICURTH AND A110H STREETS. MEIlRIItTAC CALICOE3, At 41 Cents, 1 AST COl.OKH 1 Oil CIir.ISTIlAS PRESENTS. NEW DE L AINES TOR 0EKISTV1AE. 45 CENTS PER YARD. JJAHDWM'K Oil. OOMl'AN'Y. Tut: at w u.l. mi..t A( N.i. :U'. WALNl'T S'l'ltKET, T.UISDAY, 13th IJBT,, A V 4 P. M. 1t ttnr the uiort of iho OnutnttUe, ftini ro tik fnlo ctv !trtlo& the sa!e of pftrtlou of tlx))1 Land. M A.ICM A I) I - K M Ttt(5AB0HJ3B. U U MOVPAT, l:tJtvI C04Xl'ia 4 ST11MA CUKKIl. KiiMKr J tirrt in ten nilniiii, ami a iwtita-.fnf n.r. eifoci! ly On- ukt t"lhaai n Aml'ina 'ur ' tJime of from tv I, ivtutv vrurt iftiif)iiiK vlrid nt onr tu iu lu'lufiiou, Pniw tJ Hcnt iKntitW to miT Jclrtii. ty S. C, U Kll AM, ho. -v . imutli BtiwtiV, riiiiftJoli-Uiu, I'ft. 4:irc.upi ttulfrt,. W-U tuJiiiit 2 i: OS I K ( T u v . yjiL COMrAUY, n Or l'i MIiADI-'.Iil'l II . C milllil Htocls, . . l,(MIO,OOtl. DIVIDKll I Hid 1V,rn Ml Alt 'S A I $ CKIt .slIAKIi. Sa!i.s.r:jit'c I'r;pe to a LiniiieJ (iuniufr of CLirp, 52'50 Per Siiafj. STOCK 1SSTJK1) I UU. PAID, t v'i'i'bi. i:impi:vv.i as w.hikih . capital. Vltl'MlDliNT, LiAlAl! I.UKKNS. M. I). l H-l'HKMlin.MT, WILLIAM M.aTUWAUT. TUIIM-ltTllUR, WILLIAM 1). MM ITU. 8KIJKUTAUT. Ii i. IIALKISOiV, M.I), mt ri:ori;i;'iY or tiik compant coNti:jT3 or TiJK 1'ULLUW15U: I I. T!io for Mlmplrof 1: r, ; ao: e-t, nttwi m the "OuiMr rutin " IV ik 1 -r1 ,i-Ntriiw rrol:, mid on 'hi Hue of the IV Mil,i ) II; Itl ii F.ilc Kftllri J, on. jvmI it hftir inllon wo-it til dm. ai il, riili-l'oiii u.winlilp, Wilt roii C'Mintj, I'sunivL VAtiI. Tl. irt IhimI I.h ntrinttod In one of thf hoit looiUlllri hi thr i o!:'M't1 .1. It t.'ihcH in thowholp of the vslloj fur i.vir a i.i lo in U tt,lviiiK a lmntntj on the HroltiMt ftu iiw ort k o' ovor two miloi1. It Uu e aoiiils northw.inl o it si v ' linicynsitJcrftMi'p rliuti(!'tlie Mine Kyo It' ti. ft ttHjutiiry t tin- nnty?n Hirriw. J.mK'.'U-Htr.iw i i 1 (ih uUb it & 1.11' ir. uy tt. ajiIo of hluir, which .ivcrj ri e to tl o o"ioinutel Oil cuss-'d, i n thy wuit sidt. It It niivTiitlr fnm tl.e t'oltor Fium to lh Alloxlicny liYt-T, ii triunteut mi uiilett, n. tfi'i.t nir-irdt fttollitlflf. for f-inrs)''I."n yl't tv ViUnhi'r, A mfiitluiiHl 1h tie rM''tU 1 " "imI I"ri0 JiHllrnuii ruua ilirootly tiiiovi'i Ih? p.opt'i ty on (!. h ink nf tho vrv, nml I'm it Is !,. t' l'os l ctiinmiiiiit'ftii.iii ttflth tliu Kroa oil utKrVvi ., ii'v rk iitil I'liiluloiph:.. Thn hiu'M rlto trmi 4H t'i C'.J fro l". In hjuia plttoca very iiSruptiy. TIiotb il a it nm liil'tt M tort I tie t nok about liiHwa., iu tin pr.) ! cp , tavli ,, In iiii'D1 o r-pjwer t.i ono ai the Hit. 'it nrtl hr.t (r'.trt ifci1 saw nillU In thf country. Tliit mUl ni pr'-ont I'itHJ iwt ol Unnlit r per day with 9 no i-nulo A Kaiig tf Pftwa ra-i bo add. J at a smill coit, nnd the n,l iliu ui.'i'o ' iphblo of Icldln;; a revenue to tlieCum panj fttoiico eiitial l an nnltmiry produchiK woll. Tho bluCh uhrniid v itli pine. licmiocR. iV.,in audi 'inanity a. to ""! tN' titlll riniiili lur irveiil vai. )a ft-idi-tloti lo i In- in. H (lure la a vory aubHtantial ami latlrire fratuu honur, tovt ra! Miiuhor one, bwrn, atahlrs, blaratinlth i:i.p,r.irt,'iilcrLl,Mji, .to. Ac ; in short, crorythli: that ah pi'ti' itoi' ul a iwoiity ye;ir.s" rotlih-uco taught t'ie lull (iwikt hi he inr e s-.urr. The txvltoiii land mi tho flit Ih t h d lantdniT tar.d. in cicartd fur tlw puryoise, and i from to "t ucu it In oxt nt. 'Iho ! tin alMimiiiM with chnlffo itii for drlllinfr, an1 wli!. tt.otllti' i. r t.i purpoue, itncli ai low ntlfcr land- m)'.?i.n. 'I lit' i t. fiii(H wh(c!i intoiacct and form brortka Inv twocii and ihrmirli the hi ili. ami which are fa orl'.o Inculf c:c.i iur we'!3, 1 uve lino (.roanis, which w '.ll lve Huiniiwt wntor irfwi r t-t ortiue (he (.'.'tnpany to Immediately com n m iho inl- ii.'K :ii verul wvtit, thus hitf lb5 axpouae und (l'la in uhiniuiin; eujrlm a. A derrick, can ho built near the 1-nw mill, and arm;: aita hud, th-ja makiiifc tho mill lo am,v vi a d uhiepnt pcac. Tl-o "' hoi"ot ol! .irrteipiftl.tiid lii cin pluci ii hni;oi lur und more ninnerooi, to triune oti In w! at l:;ib pioid lo he tho bat Ijc.iUtleaon Oil 010k. About hvo mil' a from the farm, over tho httitta, tho Hot-mer oil t'cinp my, ol Jfhtliult lphin, are drlllfuir tw woli on the llosiror run, which cmptloa Into ttio l(rikon Btraw ut .mland. '1'hose wolU ure ulviuu the uinat uratl- 0 iiir! cvltionco of the axiitencu oi oil la tjroat juantltlea, and have Cfinb'i:htl it pr mciilo in that rei.-ion beyond, a doiiht Tl.e tMtor l'arm N hltiutc about ten milas nearly duo i oi th oi tlio now ceU'hratcd lidooute, on tha AJkfi-my river. II. Tl.o lie Mliiiple ct llt" acres on the North 6 tin on" ereok, Tutii.1 ta tuwrihhip, fiToit county, Ta., Ju-t ortir the border of Voiiantfn ( ounty. T-'iit land, an In tha cat 01 thu t-'uvf r Kami, fukra in tho valMy a well an l ha bhinv on boJi aldeit, nud 1 tn.vor.scd by numeroui ravines uiud l.tilo htrtitioj) iiiM ln into tJiu Salmon crock. The ev minces of o.l cannot be cxonlled In mot, are no muked, urd the fniniuliou of Uie land la ao favnrab.e to tlio exiat-ijcl-o. oi oi . lhat ever., oti man vIsIUdk (Uu rcmMi siys : "HaJuion iif(k la h'uind to ci.uitl tt world rfi:wiudoU en uk," and ihe apecuiatUiK' put lie hio e ahoun th-ir faith lu It hy k-aMltw or bnyliiB every acre or lnd frim this cctKpany'a ti-rriloiy to thu lUsjutn of the t'ruok ahant ilvii milt n an wall iu up und down the TionobU rlvur f r invoral niilci. Thi propei ty la bit it ate ah out tun ml'os aatt of the AUtv Khcny rivir. It abounds with the bust description o( titur pine, cherry, hemlock, etc , which can hv ina-tcn yield a liuiUhumu r. romio to tl.e t'ouipauy. The development of ihecnuuuy lb rapidly proKre'ntf. A w I ta tM'in.' aunk brttf a mile ltoin thv property, twu otheik twotulloa from lt, And thelloiieittt rlvtr la lii xd wlih thm on each hi do for mi ono at the mouth of 8ahnon creek, now yluldiuif oil, aud all of llirm ffMng ecrh ir.ilk-dtii wlil'e drllliiitf that lavi 1 rrctolore only aceomi uniod the rilnklmi t h bent wills on Oil crcfik. lna idlt on to ihi ,the lOiintiD ai.r rounding K ore itt county- north, ji uth, eaat. aud, are all yichllngoil, and k'ivo Hrent strength to tiieup,v aitlon that Forest comity Ih in tiie cofrc of an liameae bsuUi of ml, uudcrlh:g ttjit whole rion ot couutfy. A rOMPKTKNT Ht TEl.rNf F.NWCHT, Mr. FRANK O. KVKKP, who ha hid rour yorra" expe rience Ib the tHiaiiuna, b boon aop nut d, and ha ooui imnced operAtitxtfi on the tin (.'empany. A limited number of irciWlH be ald at tho above mentioned hubiciiptlon price, t'eii per hrB,wtuch will be fuLI paid, flJid $J,W)0 applied mi-;ai -y to Lav davuhjp meat oftlie property. From the above H will be maa. that the "Cotter Farm Oil Company offira untt;tut Indnceiuenta U Uoae wiihing to inrekt Ir.oii ntockj. The extent nf the property owned bv them, four a jnarc miles, the woll known prodactheneaa of Ums tmrmwodlng reuion.and the fiiclhtiea poi.tcai-4 by tt$u for the Immediate utvelop niwutuf tlit lr territory at iiot mon than tT-thlrda the uanal coat, warrant the ItlrccUfi iu mssertliiK that Uie X'otUrFarm Oil tutu)y'' wili kooii place lueii amonn the iliai dlvkkod pajUif Oit dtook t.Wpamee In the ccuntrj. Bubncrtrtlon booki are opened and lubacr'ptlons to the capital itoek of Uw Gwupuny rteul ed at Uieir oiUeen, 2To n raia 21 Waian-toii IluIIdlnt, THUiO STKKET, BELOW WALNUT, Ard at, 1l.e office of 12-1'nw.Jt 11HL.I1 U, iiHICK JE; CO.. tfo. 305 WALNUT STUKET. MOTION SALES, . rKKY'8 AUCTIOJi Wu. Ift CI 1 MAKKKT 8trflt. 1.0. MAI RFsV", Ann(, nolti lfn (ifiliTnmitf l( (HI", WAKKt, AT1( MHtMJU ,!, O ftf ktnilM ,ir niihtwi nir tu his Au lion ICovmn, k$ will ftvenl i tHrtnit to of tKKAli KsiTATK AHO 0 VOUKfl Ai thf Riaii(m II Kr8KIIOI.D KUnNlTPMU AtDwtlllii.kntl At thi dton'tt o ttii? own ru. (: will f fivniued when dfi'rptl fn coiislfrnmi! f ftd fur pulillo ). hj m1fr (t litrMi...iHN Vftii T . On,, inftrt . WH am- !ilr?K' ""t (hoif itot'h ul 1. Uii frcintt their Uui VIL thi ti'Aai n. On Txyftfnt Mi'ittrif, At 'H Tlirk. m:.c M Kk' r t AMcKflfi Rrwrn. H W Vmkil ilrixu n lii;f hi siTlnn nt nf f'rcfp'i, rtrnisin nml 1-nkMi'h 1 m t. In hull mm II'Ii-wh 1 iitr nf All itfstrriit'l mi, K'xst-iiK li, T-rt SriM, Ml . i. on Nittrin, lrniM, li.ll, h. ii H. ,u, rrvirir iMntt . K .i hiii, h mrt .rk, AlH -kC (sHIl". W pu, IfH' Itf-v", f uriif'irf, "If. I'l MM N I rV'M l CHIN I" NT OiH. An nivniri- n V.i t'F, hitrurf ' iintH Irli. t'lHin!, IMmicIi !'. hs V'.tf., ( up- mi.) rtmiorrn nml Mofi t'1 mis n ( KwMh, -l Iffitilt mimI I'aJiit'i, t'ftiti rirtti , lis at' nth tl'axK is, tr. 1Y IL SCOTT, .Th., Arf'TION K ! 11 ANI I Cawiii. tniw M-rrl, -,,,t, No. c;i t'llHSNUl' HueM and ISd. t fA.N.M Mnl. l,ltr.K aiTK AOT1VK H1 K Of KIM rUrteTTf ItKft'r. OK I in AMI Hi.l'"KH, AIrH ANI A VAlIMO V'VH, l:0;iniMN Ivl Ahwh I A li I A N Ht'ta.rn. I .to , Or" TllK lMrUKTATlOA OK idltsHUf . VI M lii. OS. on 1 nnri ilnv mrirnlpff, t ih In nt., al tl o ct-" k. 1 ot' chert ion wtlt he ft-nnff f.T ni'u mikhi up tli- d.t D mih will r iniina mvMi - III' nti V, ltd Tin t, i i-cH'hi ait d p:ii ti li(i ;tt .( Itt y aii,t O.'i' , i1' e i" n) r.-.-'fnia ami AJrmn;ii ty I lanci-sol ; M nry V ir tone. h l 1'iiilnl, o c A. Ml III. I in:i" l IT M if tf. l.lll MiH'iUiraJ. ClmttaS I ot an r ii d hid 1. J- atdiiri mt l hi iv , Konntm ' Ire (.in, tyt")pinl, ( i-ltiinl-it ii.i VsMji, ClilAMlie. 0HiHitc I'rocp'.'l o 'Mm .(, pic, A loo. ri.-li lifi'-ii.i.ii 'jia-ti .', cnM r't-rrn. I'a f n and b'iH.m'l hi'Oiet; tlt'flj r-rviit Mxrttlit'io ami A, Mniinc hm oi 1 1 1 c i sii i , ( tilth e. hi d I.a nan lylti A'm), un ti i vi-ico if n ivn rUt. il n .nipr sjtnff T a teli, tra, pitchem, dish bol.a, forka, olalt ut.-. TliC wtv.'e oinlif aelitK (he beat eirimont over off jrel In tld.i ma i Kit. I AKdK COI.I K(TloOK MVK 01 1". PA I S TI N ' i 1. Yf wul t u at uur Hnlofj-ioomx, No. UJI t'oe.ioral licet. On Tii'ir dny, Kr'd iy. nnd Hatnrdiy lcnlngf, lUi frln r I 'Iti, ;th, 1 Tth, Ounimpii'-lnn tu 7', o'el- ci.. Otrt-nH'e ('i.Hi-tfon F'n f II I aiot'iixii Horn the NKSV VoRK. AM KRh - All AH OAI.I.KK, nirtkilltf in all over three huiidn.t. 1 ha ai't nth c.nlu'lion rdiitmno lt Ktitlt'nl lnndnc i ve, iMHiintaia, Hiidiivr tltw.i; lU'irc mid Si iiptnntl iimon ; t'Aoiiia by the flin at ar:ifn of trn d ty , i-ra"il nn dalltona of Niintaofl liu Im-uihv ait'l orinia hv ot doaiun; imup ot door try o ITo .M'.M Mr ItM ; Id 'ci lid, hi V c 'I ; Hue nilHsrU'i, by O. A. t-oirmoiH, I'mil Kltlor, lloni Mrnh, M. O lilerd, 'iiiiMiinv H.Hiioiiiitoiik, Noithco.e, ito-i, fua-i-rox , t atiehl. tokftln r with a lino collection oi o a it Ha, n sl. itiaj il e .luiht uollocilru of paiirln'H over ofT,(vl t miction In t' l.s ei.y. t. jiu-oioHoiua and lovuraof art na,! and OirVlnill", rj -ii (4 QU A HI h H M A S T 1'. R H K N K U A L' S 0FKIC i in - r Inv im.ih, ,v -pmmj r. in, Novoniti"! "r. luM. W'll ho roM at pTl o anrtlon, t the h(:(licil bidder, i tl.t tl:m i- n n.i n iica f am n teiov. r. : Wi I I I AM'-TOI' I', 1 a . ''Til RNIM Y , Hw-rmltor . 14, .If ill N.s t oV i , la , HI'KslfAi". he corner I ft, l-4. TJiLri,N .1 . 1'HI t:snA Y, inocnnor W. iritii, TWO Ill'Al-JiriU CAVALRY JiOKSftS at ca h pl.-K e. 1 rtf li ! have h' t it coudotnnrd a nnrtt for tae eav airy arrv U v f t he a' tnj . r- or road and larmiuj; pjrpo.tua many od bargataa xmW hv biid. Ilor o told a Irt u'y Hivo to it.iniiioiiifi at lOochek A.M. lertiis tu;ih,:n I'nitcit .ttci-curri'iirv. .1 VMK.t A. MKIff, Colon.'l Klnt ttlvhiin, 12-1 lft tjnarteriuaati-r-Oenorai'i Otttoe. CALK OF CONDF.MNV.n CLOT II IN O, KJ Camp and onrrl Hi E'i"lpKi tittm, An. at ' 1 1 1 1 K t)('AT(TI BMASrbR H tKVl Kt'ica. I i no row, r JS. J W.iistMivn riN. it (;.. Novomiior J WfMbo ioId al puhltc Oovernnient Ware bono o t, on Nevi-ntoenth hetwtHm II and I strafta, im.mK, Vai-l inKton City, U. C . on THUKHDAt. ! ceintr I."i, 18.4. under the dtreclrn of Capta n l. O. THOVf 8. K., II. H. A., a lHof cuudoinaed o in thin, itc , coni-lHtinpf or': InniMiy and Cavalry lata. Trowaen, Sldria. Irawfirft Feltllata. TrnmiiotH. Uuii", M.-uMo (f aioa. Oram. l' lnP', Tont, l.Moks.Mi a I'anti, Camp Koitioa, Hpaena. (hovel. Area, llatchoti, llave.aauka, Cauteeua, Old I rota. It raa, Krpe, Au. About inn ton a nf Ten Ctiituwi. Sale to roiomenrc nt in n't loca A. M. Terras t anh. in voriitnent fundi. Succoh!'ii1 bhlora muit remove their panrhaaee oa o bettie liwccmbcr -1. TV. TT. RnCKKTt, ItrladiarOonoral and Chief tuartorn..itor, 11 'M Ut I'euot of Watihtiictm. yTASHrSGTCif AND WALUUT EEDD OIXj company. C A VITAL JJ'vOO.O. lOO.CUO .SHARKS .$15 Kuctu SuliscriiitUm l'tlce &2- 10,00i .iharo, rtCBervcii as WorLliifj CftiiltaL Office, Ho. 314 MARKET St , Philadelphia, Kn.l. A wen on Oil Creek, tow pumping Iftbarreli per day, und iiieieam p o. at. A weij ot oil Crook, new over W feH d.e , wftfc Jartio Miowcf tl Near thia Ih tbe Com t'laiiior Wail, w hu b la now pnmpfoix barrels nf oil per dy. Xo. 8. A well on oil (,'tfck. toO feei ileou, now rwady titt tnhiPKi with np;eudid ahow of oil; evaiy pioapuot ol pfv iucmK lurk't'tv. o. one fftli tnteret tn a tract of Ave hundred aerae ru the AllBi.hriy nvor; aU weHa. now pumpnix t,yiar rula id oil ter ony ; three wore well now K"Iuk down ; w1ih near a oiile of if or front, nil ooj tMirhiH terrltorv. No. 5. A hull acre nt Tidooute.nenrtno KcoiioiUte WeHAa whirl) arn tiuw inimptiiK tlty b..rrelM per ''ay. Uto 0. Hix acta. In foe In Walnut liend, on Ue AtW Ithtriy rlvi r ;'iate j aurTomHittnf thia propf '.vitreaaie prodne nu wetl. 'I hia irtict will b developou r'ily. Hubai rii tf ua ere mw belli leetlvnd, and a.larKe oosT tlcnot Iho atoca a'radv taai-n. The priiMein aid all iniormatlon ran n ibtamed at H e Ohce of UieOomnany now atlo.UU MAJJvKl Hiieeu W -U 1A OIL TERR I TO nr. I nava alHiut JC.tX0 Acrea of Land In Lew la county. Kenfoeky, thut 1 aceopu d oU lorntory. Tbe aurnxoe InJh at u are mum Hle thoau of Vonanfo connty.r'eunaylvanla than any oil territory it. at luu bentt dtacoveroditt tho conitr.-, and promlfion aa aJmndAui e jleld. in order to give capllaliata au iuul chance io por cl:ae, I propoae lo receive aealcd propotala, baaed apo cash pajrofiita, for any eubdlvlaUin theroof, romAlauae; unitoJd upto the Slat day ot Oecembujr next. On that day ttie bidi will ba opened, aud tbe awarda made to the hiijhebt bidder, who will he immediately ao titled by Intter. I'aymeuta u be made on the loth day of January, lWir Winn tha detda will b executed. Owiof to lll-hoaJth and! other btulnoaa encajcuieata, I have adopted thia plun ot OiipoaJ. I propoae il In k1 fultb,nd with the fall etr- lu limtlon ot mldna, even at much leaa prices than he same eltararterof ofl landa are belnf told; but ITbldi aretuado l price below U value of the landa before Ihe discovery of oil upon tkeiitTl reerru the rUiht to ra,;ecl tlujm. thAVA pr acre baa beta ottered for a poilion o tUia land, lAiid tn the tlotiuty remaining onold la bed ut inm' tKm to iiuu par aero The ttrat oil dta envereo tn the eouniy wna tonnd oa the lndf uow ottereJ. "'Ihe Dai lei Jioooe l etr.iirtjui Cutji'uy'' oa CincmoaU pnrchar-4-d a p'rti"B "f iu.e t aoi.aud are now alnkjiuc a wel with evrry pn? pwt of auecwa OUiur wii,. tu Wfi liown In tli ntiuhboil jil. nod nearly all th Undi in ti ilcittty hat rei vntty t.-en aottf or load toexpvileared. oft men tioui Woittin i'cuiw'ihanla ... KerKonawl.luriru.liiatJnthcaelan.ta are lnvlA4 to vlait them. 1- rt ui toe I'-'0 th" -ItUof ht-ce'uhcr sufeut eau b found at the errl Umrtto, Vateoum, ox on tno land, who will remK'i-ew-ry a la tar ee to enatwe any oca to make a thorough iitvuitU Utoii. ItiVoali leavv v'tnoiuniait daily tor Vau'etti-rtr Meionnt n-at oi Lew (a -anunty, amd tin- lain'ioi. p'o' "f hind. A retirt on tho. imi,u baa been mado hy W. K.I.I, Ken.. wlioU troiouKhly ac (inainttit wit'1 the wholt inct,hTiOK vUit Ii aix tlmrt,, and itnolfd iti' tpoartphii;ivl, ui'OsKical, Jjthc liiififsal, oll twarii f i mt oHo r proper ir. Kr yiia tii uutuitmit baa h n ivMi 'o tl ieoioiyiral 'd lu whlr, these louiLi l'e, w tit hia ii aiioiiny lis pm nentei of fnu ho, by hahit, ortenv., aiol c . iiuflc aiTup.uh jieuia, la ijHallft-jd to fr ak wlih authority. Ttie tit'n la porfact Forplos, if Alnalt-al rcporta. Wank fowii of i.:-"piala and forth r It fox nation, at Ireng or 011 in pi im b ai the oriuie of J.A IHRI A Cn . Vo.t.'i flTe-t Vrout mreet. l. un It'll'!: A. ). CA I Ort K.I.I,, On a Btatoa Cte'te buPfl tiK, Tl ti.', atreei. Fldladelhla, or to tl.atiiMlhrhiunetJ at Uoom 1, 'o. 4 Wall itrm-t, New YtirV. Oftn-o Ii.jiiis lioin lt Ids to J I, iti U 7-wfiu lw-ip J. A. UetAEJL