THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. riTILADELrillA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 18G1. Sttttiitt Selctiopi WONI1AT, PKCHMBKR 12, 1HM. AltMY OF POTOMAC. Advance of General Warren. I BlMln (toinplrlrly Nrtrprlfl Mlnlory r tnr t'irMl :. IHrrh KlfntlUI Hf nncrnvrM by Jenernl Ullo t. nil mil Fmplolt r Mnjor 11 04 '. a Kixilt lr WcUlon. llHAnt'A1tTKK AnMT OF lOTOM.rf Die 0. j Onr cavalry initiated Uw rt-ont in'..t nmvenif-nt 1aM h'lit. I ortmu ot the I hint mid Hurt ruth i rennsylvama and Sixth M nra'ry, under corn. Biand Ot Cn'onol Vrtro. ot tin Thirteenth, stared early n llio ovenuiR out on the Vau.'hn road, A ahort distance be-von it ur infantry picket" Colonel Yimtoh encountered tin cavalry THtHtu of tho nomy, but flu so retired stm-tlily beloio him, and ho -eontmuiHl mud imljr advancm until ho n'.'ared . listener's Kim. Halting hero ho (natl-nted a thorough iveonnol4 : Mnoo and Ot-camiisatmile.1 that Cietorceol tho IteLols, ' lth th e slrot.i . option Tliey occupied on the oppo site bank, rendered an attack at that m imont impos ' aible. lie tlwrtHore rotired utn our lines, hutlxMoia I daflfffht this morning was a "am advancing in tho ante dlroctlon and upon tho initio road, tint e iwty ollowod bv tho Xrat Division ot th Second Conn, tho movement belli now dlmetod by (Jonoral Milic, Oommandinff that division. The Advniire nf Our Infantry. The advance this morn! ni' ut flrnt met hardly nny store opposition than hnd thn march 01 Vinton tho night betore. (.onral Mm.k4 tmttiti notiun; to bnahfro.n hi path but a skirml'h Mno eotnpoorl Chiofly ol dismounted eavulrv, hut, hedtJI tlhioreetljr kepi the cavulry woli to the trout find flunks, and advanced slowly. About midday tho He hols tud fallen baok boliind llatcho.'s Ktin, andi tho cut airy touting up on the Vmuiui road esayod to crost. Opposition Mvit. The Itebols, however, word in stront? position, the road wai narrow, tho ground on onch side was Uiickly studded with und- itirowth, and tho Kobe fl Iiad, moreover, dam mod tho run so that tho water fra more than live tfvt. These wort insurmountable obstacles to tho cavalry, but still our boys mudu at thum. An Alt r nipt In Cro. Captain Ward, ot Company M , Third ronusyl ranie Cjaralrr, liiendeavoriun to crom jut above tho toad with two cmmiames, was toiled, receiving him aWt a torero f!rh wound, and Kuwauii Coylk, prl. fa to of his company, 1 i hitally wounded. AtWnnrw ( ibn Inlnntry to ( ro. General Mli.tcfl now advanced his b irwt Hrleado, ndr lionoral AIacv, and v hich cam - up under or or ot tho Ono-htihdrod-and-iorliOth Now York, deplored aw akirmlsdiera. Tlvn roirnciit, prnsfliinr eloae down to tho run, wruia lair mark lor tlin Ht'bols behind their broantworka, and fustiifnod tho princi pal loan ol the day, amounting to noruo thirty men in killed and wounded. It wan evident that theonomy tiioaghi to ro-ist our eroMiiig under tho directum of General Milius. A ;nllnnt Acr. Major Bnow.i brought up 0110 gun oT battery B, Tint lihode Island Artillery and, under ita cover, theHocond KeT Vork Heavy Artillcrv were orderetl to cross and gallantly thev did it. Mnjor II una en tered the water leading his regiment, and soon find ing his horso swimming sprang irom his back and truck oH tor the enemy's shoro. Ho was the first I to reach It, b'lt his rcgimout follow od hard at tor him finding soiicwhat shallower water, but wadiujr to their ariu-Dils, but uniotiunutcly losing two men by drowning. The gallant Malor Mono watted until bat ft portion Of his regiment bad gannd terra tlrma, when ho rushod thoin up the tank on the enemy's works And aatounded the K beta, who durinir this time had poured In several lnoftactual rotloya, aud they "stood not upon the ordur ol thulr going, but went at noo," loavinir in llrtn possetuiiou 01 the further ido of llatoher's liun. Meantime, t'10 cavalry made a detour, and a littlo later crowed at Arm- Strong's lord, and pushed ou towurds (J r a vol I y Hun, and mactied aud picketed Huh latt'T water course, thrte miles beyond lliuchor's ltun, without any do. Otdod opposition. The 1atwt Ilcport. That mattors stand lo-nnrlit. Our infantry ad- a nee at 11 ate tier's linn, our cavalry a lur out us Gravely Ituti, Oenerul AIiliu haviurr his headquar ters at the C unnnuiK.-' House on the Vaughn road, aear the aeone ol llooa'a exploit. Tho Lnititei. Tlie enemy's loss during the duy has been ol course almost nothing, bin rcdul nimbleneas preventing us from taking many piisoriery. 'J tie lew we did pick BP con Arm the stones ol doaortera of last niuht, and all taken together we gather tho comlortiua aicur auee that tho Kol'cls are puzziod extremeiy by our prtout movements. ltrbelrt In t'urtuit. A. 1. Hill's Coipswas started oA in haato yes toiday morning, aud !a-t night was at OJnwIddio (ourt House, aud t nro n pori that heavy tigbtingtook place at that point to-day. How tru this may be It is luipomublo now to determine, but it is certain that Hill m rummijr u raco with War Bkm, aud ban most prooub'y he-m dUtuuood. Dnrlv'a Men ot lilcbmond. Allot Kaulv'a army is grai uaily becoming vltii bio in this latitude. Cokuon'b lnv muii turned up to-day in front ot Hhjtu'r Hntrudf. Second Divi sion Hocond Cori-rt, and unuttur divimon ol tho aiuo force, upon its leit Hut with all thereat hand tbur weio so rar sa prised by our movements (hat they wore not ready to meet our advance to Hatcher's Hun, and General Milbs has gaiuud a groat udvantage for us almost Without oust, lhal this advaaiaifo wilt be pur u ml to I ho utmost there are mum- indications, but turthur tuau this remark I say uothing ut the lu'ure. IATE SOUTHERN NEWS. Gi n. Sherman Near Savannah, ri s Hitrt'll ou Wldou Ib lkhture f Jnn Hvli Ntution m.d MoTainl SoiUU 'Ihi PlKt t Ilowlelt! Itlull-Import-i. nf fruiu 'hrlt-lii Kxi'hniiKS of lrl- nourm HBuuiHd f Ive I liouHttnd Mna Ar Keftdy for Dell very l'h s I iy not so t Ni.elleU lor Tlir? HVi kn- itlvnnrs of tienvrisl Fotttsr-iuathfr Battle lu I'rojfr fen. fn. Hullrr'a AdvancD. 'rom th Richmond U-VA, Dec. S. We bear uottilnjr more ut ttm crosuntrof the stipmr to the south bank oi tho Jaunts Klvor. near lUttory llowktt, aud, thorcioro, toln-vu It certain that 11 ny force arrived at that point. U was au iu Sixulfloaut ono, and u t U. sitriiftd to t U't-cr any im poriaDt rosult. From all we liuve boon able to frftMior, we think it likely thai u small party In aries, enpatftM in tho into,("tinLr but p. rilons bail Hons of torpotio huutinsr, took advantage oi tin totf Ot Wedncsilay moru'iiM- und cuino ovi-r Irom (. ox's Lauding to tho south bunk, anil, bmiK dOou when ho loff lisd purlm.'Iy ch-arctl awav, their nuinbora tfors fory considerably iiianlli'-d, until the story IMumsd tin sound ol proportions with which It reftohed the oily, naineiy, that a beavy lorce ot the -nur bad su oomled in ma kliu u .uinting betwoon lii-viuas and Urowi) 's U'ui!' Yren' y pa rd offqutetly on Ihf- linei south ol 11. e city, the report c rcula'ed yetrd iy morning s geneimt batt e was golngou all nTong th lin-n titif a rnntor ot that s iiMiiioual cfas that wore vrry general snd c ininon mmin mouths ag', but r Inch have ot iate been, wo aro plad to aay, n t to onen heard. Another ftnlri on the Weldon Hnllrond. ItibTfiiBiieu raelnd the nit v rsfrdoy morning that a lorce (.iiat' Bin r bad struck the etrridmig and "ohioii Ha. road at Jarralt's, thirty two tud n t-i.uih ot l et. rsour, and were proceeding tot ai'.s S fldon . l'p to the ttum ol writing, no tTie al advlem have been rec ived In lelation to tlna expeditlnn. Wo b aru ttom nnof! rial hou'com that a heavy column of the rueiiiv, ri'TiiiNtjiitf o! iiitun Jrv, nrfiJtery and cav alry, left mir trout nt I eler1 ti rj: on 'llio dav nibt, niovin.Mtoun tlie dt rn ali in rinnk Koad, nnd weio reported on Wednopdav innrning to tn at Proctor's Mill, twenty mde Eolith ol l'eierJnrg. Mnro th it tuiio they Hrtn not beard from tilt jentenlny morn ing, when the in t oi innt ion alovo ment.oued whs re c ived hro. Huh column nt li e enemy is said to r moid tnnntly ot mftintry, Irom which it fs interred to bo simply a r iidmst arty Hinnlur to the one Which v mi ted Mnn reek Inst wok, and that It is not propaied lor a protract' d and extehmvo expo tiitiou. J hero are, bov evr thov who fear it is a mobi lized column, desttiied to nprrntr JU nt triitnat M ethm. atul th- n, rhnjn, to nmttnur if march vnd tnkf, H'ttm ininn on thr ir-f. As at present Informed, we are not prepared tooxpr"4au opi nion. tfe aecotinfa which reach tn, and await lutiirc dt-veiopun nt liiKer. The latest infoima'ioii troni tlio enemy nn tho W'rldon Kailioul in that thev were H'ill moving lowanis Woldoii, and weio provided with such au mount ot Plorca us to Induce the bohel thatlthey were propau.-d tor a lomr murch, or, at nil cvenlM, a long abtferco. it is urelew to p('I'ulute upon their plar1, which wil! bo lujiy known in a day or two. It is probable that the piimury object ol the move nicut was to occupy tho road, or so injure it as to provoiit our nendiMi any roinlorciitnenU to our lorces opera ti tnr umiirist Kukkman's army. I'VfMii I'rteiohni'K A Trnlu I'irrd Ou. From the Richmond iHipatrh, Dec. 9. Nothing oi interon has occurred on the linos At 1'etersbuig oxept the depart nro theretrom ol the aboTe-nuntiotied Yuukeo column. Indeed, they bare bron having connmiativoiy a quiet time during the pasf tew dufl. The tunny threw a tew shots at a passenger train which was approaching Fetors- burg tnmi this direction yesterday, cuuinT consider blc excituiiieut among the womou nud cliildixu on board. From tho Front. lEumors of severe nVhtiug on our lines near Mow left's, etc., were curreul this morn in it, but we were unable to trace them to any reliub e source. At the Fieideut's ollico and ar Do, artmont wo were in tormed that tbero w as no news trom any quarter. Operators in tho army trleirraoh oilier, in communi cation with tiio huert around Hichmoud were unoccupied this torenomi. 'J his tact, wo ild seem to indicate that nothing stirring was in pro gress The Hutch i-np Altoir. fYom the Richmond r twiner, Oec. 9. J he line ol JCichiuoud wore iinusii illy qulot on yesterday. Kcnreelv a min waa heard, i'lie story of our ooteniporanos thut tno euciuy was building a bridge on this sld.i ol Dutch Gap was found to rent ou a very slender foundation. A small party, in deed, did visit the southern bank of the river, but th' re was no fighting and no bndgo, but tho news trom Petersburg is highly important. Ghant baa sent oil a torce ot cava ry, iniantry and artillery down the Weldon Itailroad, over the track ot tho late btony Creek raid, iheirbject is unknown, home suppose it to bo a simple raid for the bettor destruction ot thorailroad; others thai it is Intended to ruako a pcrmanont lodgment at Weldon; others that it is aimed at Wilmington; others that It is a rcinforcem nt to Suekman nothing U realy known except that the lore a ol tho threo arms bos matched off in that direction, and was las Ltui'U ot tweuty-tivo miles south ot Potersburg. (.LN. Hllhltll) AN'S AR.HV. Tlie Vnllt-y. Frrm ih ftirhmond Kxamntr. Der. 0. l'rom did host mi.irimuioii in our rottch, we bo l;yo hiiutiUAN bitnw'll, lili'l the luruist portion ol Lis arpiy to bo ulill lu the Valli'jf. Komo of bit) troop liavo, iniloed, joined (i it ant recently. ;i:n. bUEHMAN'H OVEItXAND Tttll"' lat'OrulH. From the Richmond Examiner, Dee. IT. SnERMAN ts reported to huvo rcuchrd a point halt HAT between Millon and Savannah, nntlis bolhyod tj bcmaiching ou tho lattrr p'neo. AVe hope it la tru Wu hopo ho will attack havanimh, but the bopo in mint. eu bo naehes tho iitiffhborhood and vets somo clear lulormatlon ai to what bayan nabis, ho will turn bis steps in another dirt'Cliun. From the Honlli. From the Richmond ifitjuitch, tec. ii. We bear nothing lioni Kiikhmak. Wtirthor ho is croBinnr tho Havannah on pontoons, or sailiiifr down ttio Oconee m rati a and Hat-bouts, is oqiia ly un known to U. Wo only kuo v, uud wo rejoice in the tact, that ('eutrul (.eoivia is relieved ol tuspres' iico, and thut our railroad-mid lines ol counnunication are bointf mpldly recon-itrticted m his wake. As n pards their railroads, Georgians aro, to a man, "ro coiut tructioulsts." FoHter Auuln Aeilvr. Tho only news irom the tai Pout h, on yostorlrty, was that Fohtkii is renewing Ins demonstration i acamst tho Havniiiuih and Charleston railroad, thereby seeking to divert the attention ol a port of : our troopM trom Siikiiiiam. JYom the Richmond Whig of Friday. The Charleston Mvrcarjt ot Monday says, that i iiermak s c vide ill Iv muichinr lor Savannah or some other point in Its neiKhl ortiood. On Friday : momitiK. the 2d Innt., hie; main body broke up ita ; camp at LouiHvillo, da., and marched down the Central itadroad, tho Fourt- enth and Twentieth Army Corp, wl.ieti torui hiu lutt wiuir. beinjr in the advance, l'eloro nn-ht all tho roater portion of tno Yankee column had pasned through Ml leu in tho 1 direction of 8avuumih. We bavo no later news of i Its wheroatoutH, 'I he Xrcury had not heard of the severe drubbing administered to the ronrtwntU Corps aud kit.PATHicK'R Cavalry by iieneiat W, at Jhoiiiuo.ou Sunday lu-t. Dotuilsot this atlair will show tl.ut the Yankee, wei" badly usod up in that lilit. FHO.U CJIAU1.ESTOV. From the Whig of the Mi. 'Jbrounb tho courtesy of a pontlenian jmt (torn PavamiaU, we lccolvod this m riuua t hartwton papers ol the Glh instant. Ju aoennlnnco with au Hjreetiunt betweeu the Exchange Conitnis-ioiiri, the bombardment ot tho city ctnised on Hunday morn lui about I. all-past eleven o'elo k Ou Sunday morning, a sidewhuul traimport, loaded wuh troops, was obS'Tved on thn bar, near tho Admiral's flax ship. A lare nuinhor ot turrrc , tilled with men. were obsorvod at the tsicru during the lnorniiifr. The barfos w- re eiraed truj-iorring men trom the transports to ditft-reut venae's ot the n et, aud to Morris Is and. Atout hull-pat twelve o'clock alio lelt aud wont outido ot tl.c bar wun a lurtre num. ber ol troopi still ou board Another in mi lor (the sixth) Is now Inside ot tho bur. iSho made her au pearauco ou Sunday. The monitor oil ( uuiwintt'l Foint dunnft yostentuy was crowded wltliannnti sual nuuiher ot men. Koi.orn stuto that an unusual amount of drilling and -ovieTiut Ktakinn plaoo among tho curmv's trotips on Morr.s and adjao-jut islands to tfuiues' and John's ltlaud Unfile at Foeolntiuo. llio Mt rtury that pusAeiu'ers who arrived Fnnday evt inn r ported tlmt a liht was uouwou somewhere near i'ocoia'ifo, as thoy jaxsed that point, but no deflnitn detuils in repaid to tho pro prat- or rosult ol tho repotted action could bo jfa tbvied. F rim ii "ft ol Vraonore. I From thit f'harleiton i-r-ury. iJer.y: J.u utenant-Colonel W. 11. Match and liU Adju tui-taiu M J. O'UiuiiN, of the Exebauve flnreau, lately on a rlslt to Havannah, arrived in Charleston on Saturday a temoon. 1 hey were ao cnnipanlcd by In UunrK and WiiIliama and tho whole I. gation, with Mr. Jour Ruf.ih. cha'rman of the Itichmond Amhtilancn Gommitte. At ten o'cloi k on Hunday niornint a flag-ol-truce boat steamed down the hm bnr. in rliarg" ol Meutenant Coloiiel Hatcii, to the outer buoy, w hoio ho wa met by LieiiletiBnt-Cnlonel Mri.r.ntu. I ha Inter tipw ol tho Ci nmiittsioners la'-fd tl I Hirer o'clock. I be f owner fav, arninpements woro made tor a coi tmueo extdmi ite 'it planners ff tilth harloi, i o one! Mui kokd'h flt-i-t, comprising some euht or ten tchc k, are now lyinn outside ol tho harbor pie piiratiiry to nceivina piMonert. Anuther flair ol luce vll iro onwn nli I uemla. with a iiimiIht of Y. like- A numb' r ot ollicen c id hi I ulHsktk will probably b" e ii.u d .ind r -Itnii'-d t" ns at the "aiii" time I'm! a' ant 'iiM iit II toll villi 4 o.oio'l Mill M'l!l) te will he 11 i ned iiir ot ti e city i.rn i ii e Hie -lay o. the Kxdtan-fo oni n ifin in r, w Inch w ill pr l-nl iy b" ion iwo to ttm n vM-ek-. n onel llAirii I ns aln rdy lurned ov.-i to t ol i.t ! M ii rftiti', at ivannah, V i) pi honors md W .11 ii chin uv in cut f" 0 mnie ui t ni.-i t miii. SPECIAL NOTfOK V HINIOlUCAl, StK'Il'.l'Y or IM'.-VM I.lnfl-I S1 .1 . Ill I 'if "I I H ," I ll Ii- r-ml bmiifl Mil- i-P.. ls li Cnlol .1 W. V.. II. li.WI-, o. ll iHM"n., All ilia in llnl'tinn. SIM II -Irwt liw ".ihihi.iiii W i ilni . rrtn.uu. V"- HIT In.'mtit. :t K o i-I'M-k.! I r'm' MUH-. I .V.flinl will lie I" Id o'l H'inJr I'M niiM. tlie l.'l.'l lllniui I, 3 n ' HAM I K I. t, l:.'f.r. SMBULKV, 12 I' -It ;, M'IT;1 K), sin I. ICC KM II Kit. 1UMI.KM1I.-1I,. Ii,ri-ri,.i of ll, K'HH 'III, ( ( MPASV hurt" Wi'l il'i l""t 11" r '"""'I m i il'ily i.,i,i. im! Ni.vriin.i r.if TilliH'. l'l.K "''.NT.nn inh Mi I k ,.f ih- i' i:i!."y. p ii'it ih. la.t ti. l. I'l !!. 'Hi, i " rll. r at ii.i- otti.f -C Mn 'tttrliam A (. ..KiliH. No '2f)S If IN I HOI.KItT WBAY, ,'R., Htrrri.ry. 12 U t-- ovuck ok tiik nrv isoi nty v' Krari foTtin.t-ili-n, fotumoiiw.alU) llui;,liiiK, So 1,13 (;i r. i t. niiffr . i itiA. Ti" C!i'ir In, I. I S. t op MlT' liJ ' Kivi-ll, Hi. Ilollntv oilon-l l.y III. I Uv of I Iilli1"l 1. In ai. iMII- rmvii on Kl:ll . Iin. -in tn-r and ttntl no t'on n ty w pi ti. pul'l 1 1 m-n iniiitl' ri-d in oi n'mtiil nil. r tl.ut il iio Ii- Intnro Hm foiiitiili -lonof" w'll t"ffl "tl i ' I'-4!' f s- nn, '"""':;OH;"l'l;;1i', li. 12. r, Hu-relaiy. Civ ' OI-'FICK OK HU.NKY-CO.MU PETltO Ltl .M COMPANY, u, 13 . rut Ki it ni ur.i.r, rmi.ATirr.pitit Th.nuoirrij.llon llcoki will bt- cio-.ed on Tburnuiy, Iirn v ti, r I'. 'I in fri-iiHr-alcs f --to,-li will ho lmued .n M n1j, Vlttt Itut , on butriit dtt ol tlie root it tn. Wll.l.lAM M.VMN, Pr.ld."it. Ti-i VAa Ti'l Mt. Sri-rr'ary ard frr.'irr. 11 ' d: 1 GREAT RA SIN' Oil, COMPANY. MVIHKMl It". 1. '1 lie Diicoton v. 11.1. day dt-r.arod A MU..1 MIX l'l IHKMI OK I WO I'l- K CKNT. tn ftli.ckl-o d.-a ol r.cord, pryat.lorn ftndaifi-r iliolMli to.t. lmi-ki- ..out-on Wt.n.-.MIIAV 7lli ln-l U. W . w II.I lAMt. Tr-a tiro', No ll r.iniiiudr Hit i.Hiw-i. Puff t'rt.rniA, Drrrmlirr ft. l-stil. I!- .- lot ' UNION l.UAGUU HOUSI- NO. 12l CBBfMIT Slrot-t. IK'MHJIH 1, 1H. NOTICB. Tha sta'rfl Annual Mpi t-i,g nt tin- I'ninn La-rtie of Phlla d. iIU On l,H.I at t'KliT IJAl.1,,011 .MONI).r, llri-i-inPiT 12. nl H o i-lo. L 1'. IK, 1 li'ki-f.. adnilitlnx pii-int.M. otlly.i-ftli tmliad on itppiicft llon to Mr. t. lunula H. Wi Ipply, AahHtant Horn-tar y. IJ 11 I.t t.Ii lllltil, 11. IttlKKK, Ha.-ri-liirv. I5? MONTHLY STATEMKNT OF TIIK 8ecuod NauoDal Ritnk of l-hiindnlpliia. I UA MKfOKli, Iti-Ci'lO'tiir 5, lH A. I.natii and ldtrniy .i7.t.;i-,.n Lulled htatta Loar.s.i fined y.,i-jOi.j -i!-t.fiil-'f Cnifeii BtftH-n Notei fri,iW-n) Jnie (rota Itanks MT.m- i o ( aj.ttsl 'iio.tWU uO Hi (.n-iU! '.Ml Ituotoliiuikn IC.atO lii ;t.((7lA Clrrnlatlnu Jt.iMi DO ron.iiitcn of the HDk this -Vh day of 1 tubrr, Hit. W-b Gt W 11. ItHAWN.VJanli.or. rX" UKADQVAIiTKRS 8UrKlVlSORY L Commit!. 'f fnr lit crutUtik' ''lored Keglmentit, ISo. 1'JlOCHKaSMT Btreet. rnti.AitKi.riiiA. rt?romVsr 7. l-l Tfie Rupervl-erv ('oiinulite.ili'r lle-:rnitmif tlmored lee-il inenti liavtiiK rtnilvrd io fti'journ nine il o on ilit nt inMant, all ditsoi r lntim eiainw aain-'t ttui ali 'trn inttlef Hie riqiu Med t" D:e-ent tlein fur pay infill to It. K. i oitsON, Ak.-ent.ui tho KooDisui the Cuuitnittoe, ou or bifnrp tlie U-ith blutailt- Ji-8-lJt CADWALAHKU IHDDI.K, Sucietary. OFFICK FENNSYLVANIA RAIL- OAt)CU.Ml'ANV. Puii-ADi trittA, Huvi-mtwr t,ltflt. OTICE TO HUAItt.ttDLljKXS. The Plisrt'h'Hthru of tliit i-otii pany aie n' tlflod that : muter Kei imloii ot the Iioa'dot Diri'ct'T tuny aro, 'ti I th ii to kutM r tit- to the tioi'k of the C(inpaii the ainnunt O: 1KN I KltCKNT. on thrtr reupcctlVO UlUTitst. at allow ii bv tlo ir hfM'kii ut' th 'i fnitunt. itch f-ha-eiu htrr ririHtti i.i a trattlonnl part of a har, u n iter tho rraiii of tho IU miIuiI-.h, ihuU hnv trie prl vl lt ve of fcubciibiiiK foi a full share on the payment ol nfly d"lurta. '1 hit fltcvrk will hn lsnrd at the par vtlue of tlfly dl ho a per miai. Afcrutil ti wrvt at rX I'KH CB.nT. will b clmrt't-U imm the lnt Inotitnt until payment id nmd. Thv lmka lor and p-iviut-tit will tie otfetl ou fctMAY.tbe 7ili liisuiiit, tnJ vsll! eloie on ih -Hit nl CetciiihtT net, alter wl.tcn no lurtiiur hu'iacrtptlons will v rTt'lvfd uiidtr thf r"B"lntion. Il-ls-tl3-jl TIIOMAiT FIRTtt Traitirer. fllT" 0 r !' 10 K FHILADEErillA OAS WOhK S, Novemhrr 3o, Frovohals wiu Lu n tcivotl ut thin Offl(a un'tl no-mot thr Int m tlunuury nt ."it, for tho su'c to tlie l'l uttocs ol itte Fhiltoielphia Ca' vs ..rkn. of Mn k In ttie HmnliWRfk and Uoyuu.eibmg Uut VViu-ks. (ii'rinantcwu do nmnt imk do Ai d UU'ttnnn.l do 'loht uhtU ak mvfchtinentlor the ins.tnt? funds of said works. WILLIAM FENNKLL. 12-ii-lm Coiner. Ol'FICK OF VKTEUAN MOUNT V Fuml CouinUnlon. No. 7 II'ILUhMITU ri II ALL. I 1 lUt A It V Hlit.'l. l'htl.uU lilda. Le-enhtttt d Ve'.crunt, who did not reret.e any w.ird Bonify, aro tntlti"i to a Cl'y Ponnty oi Twcntv-tlvi- lollur-i. 1 hv Coinmt nl .. iters iippotntfd to exHttlun rlalm for the aoe bo-riiy nf 1-tventv-tlvedoilarj will meet on .MOM-Atrt, WfctlSKii JiYW, ami FHIUAV, at ofloek 1. M., at No. 1 'in,l hMITH M 1MLL, IJltp A KY Htrti t. I'rna eiHltletl to tlili ltouuty are ri'iuetrd to uiil at tn- OiUee. ri' ir.r, K 1- Br.-IF.n3,Cha"Bi'u, JONATHAN TULLOt , I'AtrL.I. FIKL1. UBJ. W. HIMUNtt. Ll'WlM Ut;PI-E. ii r-ut FHILAI'ELFIUA AND UKADINO Katltead t omi any otm. 7i rt. i'OUK 1 11 rinei. I'ltii. a i kl, rill A , Novi-mbOi 10,14. MVIDK.NL1 NOtltJK. The TranitVr Woks of turn Company wl I h eloped on Tl niHday. I ccember 1., and Mjpeutd cu r u-oar, Jd.iu ary ie, In a. A divttJwnil nf FtrTFWK VT.H CKNT. on th.' Commoa Slid Frferrtrd Htock, clear ot Sat ion ! and tLAie tai , hai been derlaiel, pavnhia in CuB-uon atk..t tLte r oi' hecvmltr next, on all itock taodinf( ou the bo .h uftlia C mt)sny at the close ol (.tiH--i ou the IMh proitm. iotkholo who nnuif are rnlbTed on tho few York ItooKs wftl be paid at the f'suuers" lan and Trunt Colnpn&Vi l.'-l-ue 8. PRADFOHD, Tri'asnrer. fK- r- OFFICK OF TIIK OIRARD ESTATE, Ho. i)t 8. Flt'TlI I'jim on. I'll I A, December 8, H '4. PROPOSALS TO LF.A-fe: (.IKAMH l'o.l. i.A.SDv In compliance with a re-.iu'iou n' the rit-rt and i Vmi m ii 4'oinirilH oi the Ctiv of Piuldeipli.a. apuroved M iy I;4. fealed prop.-nid- wltt ho re.'ei .'ea at itiot ottt- until FlilhAY, lc.:t intM"- It.. ut -i clouk P. VI ., to It-. me uct. pi.rf oi tl. "unli dir-.ilc? veins on t.e I .ruel'en Howell and Kdtvavd l.yno n tra ts u -t her. toi,.rr ha-id in ihe pres.'i.t 'oimof le-linr tti liir.trd coal land eceptii.K that tho partus piiw.ii coentnt at, l .n?e to pav ot the market val e of lump cm. ua tha (throe shah cxittt at Port rjrno'.iior rho-uut, at tno nann ktn.lard d ahn-. ao low. ver that the sum p ud nll li t be k-s th.tu tw.-ntv-tlve e ts twr e. h t u oi c d non-onot ciienut; and not les ilun tn ceuti ho- fa.; mi a ol other trmtt on the a.tme i-.tiu to hiuh u.erp-r-ini, af tn.ty te accepted lu vlth th? of a n-ii,kt'-.ii to wh'ch tldi if u fcupp'emeni, wfi-i snail pre-ent sufncicnt evidence thit hs is aootno-oe'it and akiiiul iiuiier ai.d Min able to lultll tht; c venant of the b ase. haid prr.poi.aiH to he (V'-iiM In t'i e pn'sm e ol rite omiiiiMeeon (.Itard K slate, and ihu lea-e to be awarded to (he hihtht bidder. The acceptance or' the bidder and t!is mrde nt irrivliw at the prli e ot cnal at Fort Carbon tube determined ouiy by the exe'.utiuii or a jeane iu wnmK CILUtLI R- SMITH, 12-9 tiuwtt. Haperlnttudi ut of the (.Irard itae. 151-" AUMY, KAVY, AND CITIZKN'8 c' C1otiiin enihrotdre4 HrouidurHtraps. Wrsataa Ac, tn style unsufv-s4, at vary rredaoud pries. (f A K K, Merchant Tlkir. 10 S ?B sfo.ltf Jii MTU bUMt. aUovsCUesnuL f.-i. VNirKII RTATF.1 MIRHTIy ('l)MMIS- kii) .(nn H-t .rklU'W.r.U'iiflll-l tT I 111 W -K InK Ot-f. li 1. 'I hnnVmivlui runtrluatixni of Ouri Hncl 't V rt'lil III L I v 1 u;i':- rnii.Ani i.riirv. V. W.f'brk A Co. is lilltii.Tiali $ -fl (W T, etH-me lail'lltlniml VtiHI Hit. K. I'. Wium ;.ir Ili'V. . (1. 'S W Mlmt . tilni'V P .il, P' r It- K)' 2'.im ''.ll nn Hli-wirt ; .1 :iti tl illltll ft itll'll l ll .... . Yiuik Ij.iIi- n ut .M i.Iiiiiio t'le II rn - I rum'it'.w I H A .1. i. I l-in-.u.iri ift,l'lit..'n il It. t. II. I'. I. x !. v ' in-W l. rol. II. K"-l Lii:i y. .'."til I'. V 10 -mi ' I V. Hi t tlnr I t' . f I, I' I I II ll l'.'f I II. 'i-i Ii Mn,iri (ii.l.lilloii ill ... ! I 1 rn Vil.l,- I W. . N." .:, Iltu. mil I 'M. II V.- V in M, Kro mil lllli. u.ill 1 Vr -I"!, ii K. I.iivi Jilll II Vi-ut in i ml r.-o , 1 -'. , l-ill 1 Vi. .ii '.' a ' I nt 4 I'.HI l l- t 1"'.0 i! l lii-mi 111 IIU Hi 10 .rn BO 00 a-, m Kl M WI'lM 7:mo M : 20 ,l..lm il A K Ii nil' ' A I Ii ink i .m- H.K 'tl. (I V ." '.M. t . II." CMOS Ni.nvn:i:s. M. rtlnu nl Mnnnvunk (i-r lt-v A I'.ilr-r.... ;. io iiiK In Al. i;. t.'lnir. Ii. t'tiiHiiut Hill. i,T It. v ,i. I w V. I . i-iHl I'ri'-liv t rl.-m t Imp-lii-i. ('i,li.ifkliik .Mrnlnu In r.iitt.iiiiw.ini i-iri.i't I'r. uli . tun. -a t 'ill.l-tl. i pi N. 11. l.llH'.llll I::i,li't un l 1'ri'ln IcniiiH'liiirrlii'H, llulin-fl-lillii, ht Ifi v. .I in-ti lir-viMi- I' it i hi'.y ri.iii vn fit riti'ii K-t. i.irnu.l f'liiirrli. ii-r ir. V ililnui 11 irr.i. h ... An I. .-tri'i t rl iir. It iirrW.M. sti-nn 1 I n-a. I.ii:i' t lirMt.,t, (',,iiiiiit,loil t.i.i.;krt.nX i Iniri h i.i i- Mr- ll.iti'li I.n. li.-' I li-l-lmti i .iMimi-.l.iii N'..Jt i t ( Ii ir po- i i.i-im .ii. Sji In., ii fl.'.i't f i. .lot: .al'i-n .1. W , O. 1 . iti 0 I Ml till in:--..'i i: hi 31 IT V. I I 1 0 -it) .11 ii-l 1.U -I I i.i ;1 ll-ll 11- :-. I i I il lj'uil 12- 41 It 13 .'i0 f-trri! luf Ii s. t in' ( tmr t' per II. irv Ni'Km'h ,Vit ftiiiare Cliurrli. I . rnnnto n, per Kit. .1. In it'-'ii-tem Fn' 1 hnrffi, Kciiiit'.itcn i liim-h Kuiiiklortl, per lluv. 'ilex. Murphy. '1 1 ird Ctiunii..... 1. n en Iini uml nlvet Clmri lir-i Jr iurUMii Inirrtt W'-l riilladi'lptil-i ' I'f-t t tuin ti HtMit ti w ark . jn-r Jos. I- r-in -h. . N nt Ii t'tiurili. pt-r Dunit't lircv at 'in itial), t in it d I'ph t'-rltiil t 'tin Mi, p-T .1. r. il inv, 'i liltd l 'idtcd I'ri'tiJVtiTluii i h in-h, it t Kev. nr. roi'p.T Flr? I It nirnictl I'r.-.- ty li-rlan 'huruli, Pt r In. lit. tiiry. I rfu-un-r TiiiiiiH l lirhliitn Kuiirlti Itftoriiit'il l'ri!;i t'Tl ni'iMirrh sll'.W Colif'.:tl-ii In Fourth Kt'iurnu'iJ Tfi'Miy- t. nan cnuicli '-'31ft . 61 i-0 ("nttrdrn fctivtorlau t'lmri'li, Fniiklirtl por l.i'V Jan. I rim -H O) MI-.lHOiHsr F.l lt Ol'.M, i III H- 111 -.A. I,(tM Christian ni in i -ion Filth Strict Cliun li i r li. I H' ott Tr a urer. .. 'iiO-W l.uilv at I niuu (M. K.i I ruyr atli-flnih, per ii, lis 21 I riittnaliil ClmMi.W. Th la l'J iK) I MarhnTr." Ilt ttirl. n-r ltv. . Mu'lun t-ii ' 1. tine Avt niu. t h irt li "1 15 I iHirrh at l.ri1i'-il''irt.' 7 ( i ha', h at Il.i'Mlinwti'il, nor Kit. Ir. CaMl.. 5 iit I Si, (;., rn V t tor li i r U v. It 11, Fat lunt 3u il i Cs.fv AlncMi ( liun U, per Itov, !Hia I Vuuver li'i'i HAI'TI-T CIII IIC I KM. Marlnc-rs' notljcl I"-: , I n. -'ii eiiurrh r'' 7 I 1 A lirtl.-r" VtW 1l'Tt ' N.-itiii (Mirrh. prr ,1. .Smith i LmiiPH AM hocutv, inuih i tumh, pei Mr-i. ' K. ii. Jlnrlcy, svrviurv lOonU C'liurrh Fulln ol Ncltavlkitl. nur Kv. J. E. II THhi 1000 .MI-iiUjii HueJt'ty ot .Suhh.'iih Mchool. Tt-ntli ( hurt'h. tnr K. Jtain 'rn-n-nin-r lon-flf) llcionuiiti .MenixnlM ( tnir. li, (icritianttiwa.. hj nO U 1III.IUN ( UCKCti 1,S. Pt. rot'r' MImIu i Church 4 07 M. Mlcha'!': chnn li. liiThiimtown WraU lti.FuKM i.j in; icu cin itcH. Third Chun h. mt l. . JmiM.Jr lllti'll SI ANT KI'ISCDI'AI, cm Hi'lIES. A Frti tnl ol ihu umiiiiiitiiou, Holy '1 rlnitv Cliurth ftOO Ht I'hiiI'h Church, through tint MlKAlonary Ass.Hlatlnii 8-1 H9 St. I'aul's t huruh, Cln itt'.uhs.ii. pot Uuv. U. J I'arvh 60 00 All .-alrf h Cloin-ti. tn r It- v. ll. JirintthurM... '2 Olil w'1ph' (. liurcti, pu r J-iiiioi llorucr W W A Itiank iMtrii)K. "r Mhi Fiinnv J. lu Puv, L. C. C. . i hurt: I) oi tho Fpiphany 2000 hum 'tut l Chuici., lltiliuc-tburtf. pur IUv. I. C. .Milit It 6 00 CliNtiHKt.ATlONAL CllCHCll-S. (V ntral Chuu h. inr I'rv. KJnrl llartcs 1W-"W Find lmlenentlt'iit CliuMi, K tiiHiiitm 4 r)0 (KliMAN Ki.FOUahli WlLHCili:S. Zlon Cliurt h ?2 .10 Ht. I'aul's Chun h ptr.Taoch Kltnr 60 t-U Mn!. AVIAN CllClti 11. Flrsl Church, nor Krv. Iavil Warn, r 35 00 CM "LA SSIKIK1. Calvary Alonumuhtal Churfli 500 (.l.NLKAL. Vm. Hofrtr, .lr 10000 iin pin t MCltnowlt'Uud l-owhuru In r.'llriitH pupt rn 20 .WI M Amount achuoivU'dKed provlou-ily., Total.. .. mil -41 .los. I'ATI I iimtJ 1 n'lnturpr. Store rccplvnd hv t'nitt l htntoi chrNtlan t oinmlv sli n In Punadi'Lihla, lor three weoks i-udtuu Deceuioor 8 : LadieH1 Christian CouiiiiU-tlcn, Trinity P. E. Church, 1 iti.eknve. lttni itowlsnit. 1 paeka.'O. Mr-i. C. t'auin, M ho;isi-wlvo, '1 rlmty AI. K. Ciitireh t hundle of clothing. .Ihiii'B It. SlieiMnnl. 1 p,i kan. Airs, t-nrttl- and .untli, 1 pafkaKO. it v. A tl. .Mi'Aul'-v. 4 yroH-t ol piMis. l. H. AiuruiK' r -Mn juiiiI. sua p , 4-1 pounds hoof tea. rerKinpine Jt llnrlns. KtW worth or rn.idnig. Hiiwli y him't 31tdiuii Wchoul, 1 pa kai.'. it. it , Jll'lt. 1 rotttaut l'pi!copal Kook ritoro 1000 suldlers prayer bocks. AlcNun-ler Wil-iln. 1 imckaee. M. .Imli 'd ( Jiiiri. li. 1 pai kaife. A Fritii, I parWitit'. i Iin-ti h iruli.tieruiaumwn. I.adlp'' A Id Snetetv, 1 box til.) i tUt'T c.w ami puckam-Hot iiiw.iltal stuie.-tackuuw lei t iM'whi rt' In rt'liuloio papers. '1 lif ci.inniciictiii'Mit oi a nlnti-r'n work ot great Inter c t Ih upon u. Onli r-t lor ahotit two ntimi ivi ch .pel t'iit tllt-H, h'-iiH. h, ,ve.. In wnli Ii. ('unnit tho dnvi ot i he Koldivrn' iuactlim tho vtord in Hod may he priii'hed have 1m en tect lveil, and aro tn vittloiiM rtiUK'" ut Uliui. Lare b ill'Iint-' are In ruiirno oi eri'utlon lu (he annv o;iir.ulntf atanmt Kkt:inond; and hou-tes irom t Incinimtt have tteen sent to the Army ot the Cumheilaiul. t he work oi trtice, which w.m Inaugurated durum last winter in tlx' elmpuls in Vlrt-lnia, hid- intr to conuii.-nco aalu as ciioti a the preparation tor uoiniortahlu survieos are coiii plett d, Atmh atlnnaithh the Commlnslon teeM that the churches oi the country can have uo be tor way omn t tl ein tor extemliuK iiiMnloniiry opeiailom than by ere t.n k Ik.uscm ot tiod In the wikW-rnc, that our brave boyn niio huve r-'oiie out irom their homo may have ttm tio-pel itrearh.-d to them. Already tome churehos liuve uiouii In the matter. But what is to bo dona anoiiht tc done inucMy, And we must uot loiynt that each day Is brinclng Into Annnpo i-t many ot our hrottie n una friends who have piitftfd throii. li nuMerlnJ-- n uii'i o rl o -h lu irioii, and who iMiwueiietiliiid al iiimintr oi' t omto m. We iuut. If ti ey arc unable to K't iurihtr tlyiu the liosiiitulit, t arry "home" to the hosp'taU, and in the the da of tlie rb'Siutf year happier tu them than have be.Mi nv hffuro them. (.RiilKiK H.HI't-AKT; h airman U. 8. C. (J. No. 11 11 A N K htroet. C 1OAL AT FIRST CO.ST-COST PRICE TO t Hunkhoiders 1 per ton Immediate lchT.ry Col ot bet (ji t!ty. Hhart ,rash f ntoliUK to mis and a haif Urns, at dial cost, -every iar for iwfaty vearc.and tocasti d-vitltn!s ot prodts hem ibn surplus coal, may now be i)bUuf J at (Kl, payabiu, half nn ubAcrtolio,'. and tialfoa Jiiuiinry b ntfxt, ol the Ml'TlML ItK.Att MotJTilN rUAhKLIN CtAL CdMFAN V, Office Mo.lil M- THIKD Birert i opposite theillrard (tank). HtH-k Capital, IVm (ml. In (TJ.ftU) sharea Heserved worklmt capital, 1V.1VW) shares hiitMcr mion of 4 shari, ; ut lu shan s, C.fn; .t -D shar, tl7;; ot U) ihates, oi UD shares, 4-.i, of 'J.HJ hates.l.'ton. Kach rhaie entitles ibn bolflw to recefre, every year, one and a hnlf tens of ooal, at eoat, tor M) ynara, and ''lib Dividend, evftiy fU aioutua,oC U,e profit from the ai of oil aurehi n at. htorknoulm who do not want any ooal may have their pronorutin or e ut sw,r b the t '.iu.uny lor uieir -pHjlal bemflt.ihe bvlnt paid ovur u them, in-lep tictoot ef ttie iitfular cth unldeitOs, So wolch they aru a' euntii-d. 1 he Company pr.aa. ua La re and wU bidlt Coai Works m near iretnot,t. wita att-ir.iva "d inln v ani 1 iuiiw Itiahts, an excellent Double HreAWe--. Hioee vV ? larKu Ki.m kiLoes, km lrods, and a3 oihr mac .i-u-ry ai d apparatas, In lull . perauon, ea-kitirlt- of ui uIum; uoi) wi., i utu uj iao.immouo per Tttl. 7hlC0Al la of ihe bt naaUt.. ca i-flyof tie Hltok tieatii ana rrimra Veins, wicrn, wi n auvttral .ihor vart.a'ih roAi vwlua, extend witbin the hnea ut the Cm banv lor two rr.llvM m let ufb. a a'anciii r toe ve-oti'iir Kai!rod extUjwJi to the mmea a ire i ivoipaity, over w hiuti the coal la dally r' to atatket. Stockholders may erd?r their 01 Its any of tin ueual in th..- I un.pCusl. Itrokfii, M(..Tt(or Km ( . all ai tbe prcilil coot vi ice t g; Mi p.r mu, dtl'vord t lilt- hi.Ls,wnhin the usual fl -taicc f ttie i ntn .my'i o at ym it oi i northern, m dtt:e. and o,uh' r:i p )t wiia ol li e etiy. Tt.c Cdupsny and all the tntntr ir w.rViri ar olar nf debt, f ril all opi-radm k are efrniO.ctti l on tnt eoh iirm 'hd For c!renlar him! -dOci i.tin'i relT a Hie ' 'ten, No IKVH. TlilHl) rikraet, Sue. aid lioor. opiosiM Urrard Bat: I.. ahp for HesilinK. M,inr Htvjtfr. B"rd of irrtoiM - Wi.Iimiu if on, Tl. 11. W.dle. U iport F. KlbH. H. tv;l nio VM. KJ.ltfr.L,Pr.- ! . A. B.-lARiiKV.tSet'reta-y. li-.'i-im 90r 000CANS PKA('H" s' " " ' per nr t ut nn hv t, '. l VKitY S1J- Mu-ru. : i . t the It 'hm d i t 1'ii h r'lrm, dl. w "- v!n, fir le by k k F r At;.. liki. VYII t It '.- U Ij-Iim- OAI, AT m-M TER TON. TIIK COM ' ' .nmri' Mutual tlo.1 fomi-.n.. Inr nnd'-r thr Urnrrnl yinliitf Law of lb- Htat. of I'."ii.t.4uii, C'rli-hrr. In4 t-i.con tl.nro at $:0 par th ira, IVfi.i'rj. I'.a I iini - J tMr.t LY so. Tn a- inr Ju.-IAH Kl.t TRHBOCK, Ho. till MAK- K I.T Nlrt. niltf'TORH. -HVFS I.VNP, No .iS H th trrt. Mm Altli I. JONKt, N r.ll Ar. h .ti. t IIKMtY K l-Afl.. Nil 4HI Will lit tr-t. I- F f I. a V ION. No. IV. N. Thlnl ilir. t, I hum . K. UAIIMI.n. No. H" tjii.-nm. I Ml.i p. Nn fS "Til -lrrit 1 t.e f .itni-nuv IH mill rrf.Mnn llbM T'littin tn It. 4forl ot Hi. I cr .Mar-, anil stitpl li'K It fMi.f-it '-nl !i-ia w nh tn I.. t Uallt ol WliitoA.u hoi.ulklll f.ial, at tr-lpir t.n. 'It.- attintl'.n of th robl.c II Irvitf. to t'.a f.-llowlnf ri-r.-iinui-nuatl.-n v.- th,- itn-l.-rpli-'iif d Ht-.rkhol.1ar. In tl.o CiTviiiriii-r.' M nttial f-al t'n . I, i iwi-li i. nr t" tfi- .ilk ,.. r.iti-in i-i t' i 'rmiM i.iti -n. lki- p',--i. ri in I" srii-K ti-i-'ltnotiv to thr- tan litni an, I ant-r-i tic lir.-rtli.n ot tin- iiiip-.tliiiit . entrrt-rl.i anil In .it'.ri,. th.. n-i iiii..' to tli- t-tt l ni'T i.t tin- ..tll.-er. i,t thl I'mnpanv, Iti. y uti.-t iH'tti'-tlT pri'.i'itt tttn i iranl.Atl n t'i tin! puli'llr mm our rlllll.l-lltlf ulaltllltl. t'll-r Hil-j.n. I. It til" n ti-i it hi- of ilir pn"i nt ftii i kli.ilili.ii- H i' tint mim-rii'iHim ti. tin rl-i' k .Imll In1 ciitltUti il tn ai ttiul i--iiiii n., -.o tl I-iirlt iml -li i t Btiilll hi- rtrriii : .upp' tnr a ijttnt i-.i'i I. an Important ii-paritn-nt of it'-iin-.t i p..-, v It H tli. reload ttiat f ..i.f tinifi ir f nl -.1ii.ll -.pi'i .iily r.iiiii- In an I l.ii.e tlip r,-in.ii-1n inn-., : !- r- In l ri i i titniif in., portti.n i.t itn- M..rlt I'r.. in tailing Ii t. it. -1 of .pi culuiora, itliuli tli,- tor. hav. tit n i'-.m tin i-o lar to avoitl Inn Ai-i i.i p l a, Novrniljtr 22. Tl, r. T l ir-h. li .1 Wuh r, il. on Jawi-ll. M It. f Pa. I' .1 itli.yit, W in I. rr, J II tVl.n l.r, N ft l,itrrnr. Phi 1.1 W Kalian, II 11 .-thll....K if. I. J-.Ml M.'ll-.v-. I. tr, l:..l-art .W.'-'itt-Kor, 1' r. f w t I ot. -n.n, H .1 hi.iu.H, J. I n l utt- v A Hi n, I I rU I Fho-Ir, lit Alii It i llv, J.IM iM'l. i. 1; r M' t uii.-, .1 I W h i. .' An. K x kl.fl', Atin.n' our !o-liln.MT "irr tl.r'o-s trr nunn-1p ron. m m .'I in I im' rt t-i ttl the.r C4iai, DJ io n. ran I'nio iwii tie . v in riav i-f j urr, T H l ant'oii, ( i.rtt-i ( i.i ton, in y iitt.t N s r- rirp, y in tiiimtn, '1 li ii-an N it- wen, h in,rt h hrauh, V iii ni l in, Ct.trhh it'Neill, .1. hi. 11 V In r.r, 11 w i;ra , John C St'tn''!, Cl.arlea M Mevrts, .'o SieMv Hr-'ii'iu, ,1 tl h h niacrvir, W m Hi. el, V 111 ll f.dwarrla, r-hcrt K Si 'i hols, .luliii SL cy, r C Fa hnu, Chprle I'eitk, VYni M hII. Kohert II Ht atty, Jot ii h.-l-at'er. pr w in vnior. Iivtw V I'tii'-rly, ,1 tin W lt n, .t iiiittKl '-al t'inrhN Anlfrin, I v i-i ri r...'OT. .Irtint-n K iiirniTnian, M 1,'a.ri s iter, .1 II MiRii. Ahr ihii. Htowait, di n Win F rim dl 't ti'rn-iH Man-py, siiiukisud Ktotftn, tie-irK' .t'jriiis, Imviil W He ii-n, Hiuirrlt Itoth, 1 1 uruv W llntikio i tn. Win lro( h J liOMki, Alfiftl V.taiif, li f Frivm, J M luity, Hear A It HrewD, (ifurwe reistxMi, Matthew J rlradr, JiUkti MutA'iinvll. wttnam (7 Maine, W 1 1 lot ut W Hint-din?, Hituiitl A Mi I l-T, Will! nro KtdiiiK. ,l V vViikins.Mi, KitMrt M'-fcwsn, t ' It S'ont, t'hnilei W Hartiri, W a Koitn, t I'aluui tL'A. Ct a'lwri 11 Mathsys, Frcucru h H K guulet, F. Folia. J.ihn Frwlii, K IV Jellnra, M t.l Itriri.'n, i Wu ll Maim. Klrimnl K kl'lJor, Mrs H Miller, J (, Wlh, It H I'srtndKC, ' Mrn I tt'NMti, I l)r W HollowHy, K Wallire, .lull.. D Hrady ' Mrs M huntlfiy, Nahfl ritowart, lanit't Ammtrnnff, IS Wertmuiui-r. Hrv J W HuUcu. J H hupny, I Me r H'nNy, Kiedor ei. o t'Aluicr, ,li-hn At; new, Holjrt Uoward. ;l-r Trm-i n Kowlai:!, (ilibi'tn UuUon, J -tin ti.Mid, Win It rice, M HoniT, , A (iiirreit. Win Vl illoy, iJaiiics ltaiiien(len. Ma'thnw Wilier, Jr, ;Mit'helTrav, ;Thoiuas I" UutullVjton, tl W (Unit, 'John J Kotner, Jiiiiinn It MtADiiens, I heniaunn F Wleuo, Heniiiudii H Haitiee, hi bi-rt He't.ti, tt A kl' O uk, b. M aitii'K. n.niv i" Wallace, .-.atone. H t iiveii, Hauitiel Kilpatrick, Miiti ti.- A h.tvls, K' heit li Sait r, , C HN t-per. II 11 Campbell, .1 11 o lUra, Jidie iaiirle:d, iMtch M Ktreicli, rar f I xev, Jid.u H Fisher, t hur JeoD, I'r 1' K reset , ri, alien Th'-inss Jr, Jox ph M Thomas, l. W l.i.Diliam, JnnieH i tu rnton, Allenri 't rnmtiQ, Ihiinn .smith. JatreH C Knoii a M Kakt n. M ary rribrnck, Ainm liorkbi'l, I 1 rt I' H .tones, V in T John, K It (arilKiieit Henry F Jlck, .h'Mlph It lluitvl, John lta'K. John 1 1, aiithonv W Iavls, Alra .Mkisntsi ftlabartf, Win Htap er, Oe reJ Savior, W Q It r'pear, J 11 AdhllU, J P hue) am. Oenrutt Taylor, ( hailfA F Hra d, haniut'l II Wood, l t win t.radwell, o ri ciattn. ltobert Medrfiror, Ti uiar.on& Hrotlier, 1. Iti. tmor Hon .tns Allison. vm Tupcr, W iii W keys. It J ii!l-K, Jacob Wtreman, 1- dv ard Uroiy, II StathcMB. Oeortte w Toftusend, t) li rihackleton hr .los. ph T how and, Vv in J I'hitpt, W iii 11 A k.ey, tw CliinT J. ha U Mirhener, i 1 riotithHorth, u rue L Milier, K J Kmord, ill rciii, j r, F. I Ncott. J K Mulock, i'hilip Wilnon, Iavld Wltnn, V A Jcnks, 1 1 lav Id llor.i, (Ifiriie 1) Keller, hatnuel K Ashb.n, ; arad It Amlr-as( William II Faxen, .1 amen .leaner, Jnepll K Lvndall, Michael Ciinnmahanii, Uaniel UcNiahols, Mrs M A riuiaU, Jfhll (rO(llH)ll, Wllhaoa IMilt, William U Consent, C M hurry, w tiardmer. r ! iiik. aae Hi hilcter. i oa en J htorkton, AllS:llt "lii.', anitii r on okiou. Char es A I lake, hut- nhouite, I LmlnujUi, A F thosti, iJeiRt Laws, rani J Meld, ; Ht-u .1 Uees, J .hn Moaribur, li F Haley, A iJ P'd Kllftf. Frederick riwope, ikewis F. KenHil, tj nines Htewart, ;Ctiarlif Cornell, i Kr bt. M V i-u wart. A.l)ert ltnuier, ra I CieMif n, . 'til. ll Nr-hi Icier A Ron, r rttltirk-k v uiiciiu, I 'avnl r. 1 hoiiipson, Jotiii lurch, lot n 1- rai-r. Hemy r A'errnw, Matnnel Himous, A A I. illicit. Walter Hioiido, 1 1 ore Iteacli, 1'uiiis 1' Co u war. t; Itruilzii hofler, Wi ham V.rhardt, Mary A A htnith. Ahiaiaui 11 Alburger, Hodert Ke.ys, Uuac tJvnciiian. w iinatu Auaress, John tiltford, .lames J Mlif'n, William , Talur, Tiioiuun Woidmaa, Kev A M Jelly, K,i!zab ta Johnson, K nry lUti.Sl, William O iUnnis. Itob'-rt Jordan. Cl ricr w Fisior, Allied W hlttiligloUi .Inr-eph k ' flwm Kpcity, 1 ui ti ll Ivytr, J' hn Kism, M (Il'ii'totit, rdwaid ll Kline, Ji hn F. Tavlor, ; A Watson. t.worKe F Sauls, rtaif h J Mi es, K A Lendt eater, RUN. eOles, '1 1 1, ma?. Huatou, Ji Ijii it t-iavae, Htet hen Ha!kel, Lucv t fct.y.r, Cttaricx ( oiirad, Htnrj Hrrrill. Jo n M(-hult,ht, 11 II Kt 1 ev, 1) I ruiidun A Co, Jautrs O Cisrk, t: ii iiutna a, John It Aenley, Uaac K Carl, W H Itenuett, y W Itllider. i A W Tompkins. iKraneis Itrehm, 'Kdwird Normaa, .Hev John l'ail m, ,Dr Wdn..n Jewell, ' A lolphua Perms, jTbutnait Htnitley, John tlf-Kec. Ijo' b t; Humtn stl, i liavnl ADfietraiB, K J NpaiiKier, A V Thiol-.. hr. M L Httlioweil A Ho a, 0,.tin J M Kral ey.V 8 Jf Uevnoid i a imai, A ti crol ijohti Utiotl, HauiUfl Ii rooks, H ie an blocker, AnP'iistus Bintrlck,'i'h K 'lorr, J 1) I'upp, w iiham Himun, tlporjic W Coi pusk, W iMH C hlittler, Fredrrnk Ctdutus, T Kilwi t.U Chapman, ji I 1 kser, j,,hn linr. li ni ls 'i otimejr, ti N Htekei, lit rv It Chew, .1 W hrih. F le h Kichs d-,- Jlllill ii fihSlUOII, 1 t.i. mas C bis a, E I Fir-e, F. I Dunn, W V M uit.e, B A MtiHirt, M k Wlli'itms, He nr H r iell, J.cwurd Uiddle, Ci ara a lUrut, K K liu)liu, Jo1 u les. 1 r.ii.u.M 'I hde. Item v llnirick, hoi-eri tiuit w a r NUvensfm. MlcMtel SicCslbom, F S Mi rili. I.Vv c W I'cntinn, v ii i. m Adair, 1-imc ltukr. Iir Airt sin Liverey, j- hei li l L'vc.i y. It, v fubert It u- esoa ,V(- Kate It Himiuous, Veter Hnwn. Itut crt 'r Aiid,-r"to, Di tierce 1' u.iver, ll-nrvt' Youns;, iJ W illiam Jtiaoa, K W Hiiiunton, jamet Inir.tsll, IHamuel It Howard, l.lohu ri f'i:- licit, 1 knon -inyder, ij'tba UraHtl.Tgton, John I'hn lpt, I Mrs Itt-aver, aTi-kcph Johnson, '.li. ittrt Hunt. lAloerlriinait, t4rKe Pinppi, Wm F. Ilarpur, :o ri Heiiti r. lit ury Uc Srf, (John Mi..ny, ,k T K mil, :Lew s Ci.c-.ter, ,J nejh H fox, . ' In lui HeA-ler, Jiuuet a HundaiT, AiplionoO Irttlaud, V:ti f abeiti Heal, ( imi l. s K Itii kitXtf, J K ITtiler, 'it v H C Valln, Joaa L Wi s m, '1 h'uns i UK t in. frMini FeimtUKlOa, A hi ii Ho n, Atod, Kilston M Co, William f Hloiie, Anna VI Mclael, Chnrtett H Ho Ler, iiall IMdl'lp. Tlp.iiias Hr!mm, :Htjiin'l V tjfiili, 1 wt'iiam UAvia, T Tut le. itn'ti-rt rria, K T Prioiit., I, tl (inihli, Hr L ler, James A tl n J- hn H t.fver, Htmuei T rd', Ctths M 1L ai l. A lIotTy, W lliiam Htovr, Tl f-mas W Frtte, Mary Aan risber, i Mmhi VI a'dnwti, A F Ikiid rs fi. Ttien (;l-Pworih, M A Fnr, tlorto H atorynn, tepore W e i hark, Mury I awrmce, F A .len-KU. Hnn-t,"i M-itonit;a , h Tun Fot, r. wi-.i'T, Wrs ABgi Mi-R'ti? !', Mrs Mart hon'h- i., (I'.'k'Hi L' hi r, Hti t a d Tuvl-.r, Hi nt Mit (imrd, Jfn,irna 'I if.Ldiutii. A Sltt all, H i ry A Httles, 1 .i ln-rs, Jni'tl s Jenkins, J L Fenioiiiote. IV let net Morion, C r Lrrn-fT, Hey kt (' Hulphrn, ifh W Mi tt, it y i.wi. h L I 'nnnock. J K Rmwa J J t'artoirr, lr V-tmlrke. William On latrer, . Wat-on nrpuf, Jatnea H Ink. tieo'e II htn, Wl iiani I Fctnbertrto, K W AI 'Tdir , FliMt.-tt. M roh, l ' I, Mrfr-ir -rn, .jr, Mi M'diim, Ln-.'i ird t"ke. t,M.rue W Wiiln-.m, J...-i- n Vitchsli, Fohert M M ire, JoAeuti A Flhfr, Joneiin t'o'-itT. l-.i a'iili K TtioiniiS, HT A lu -n. Vra r K -ft-T, Mnrv N Arriiflt, l, ic W..,h-r. Iir' I' Matlrk. Kli;tbi th S Ler-lS. Mniiili Ann -ell, John Frank ll'i, ;ci am n FMill, J-.1' u . rnpj, i W (ir- ier. .Uii- H l,l ir. I ta F, , 'ni fri -tnftii, It W ip l ii hurr, lift J ll toin', tit F'l.'-i" ptti .H-tYu.e, w in I tt hints, W m iMiver, ,M It r-' a-p. t'h:is It Nfwrflma, M A en.' er, I I N rit vein, Jl'm M iity, tr J -stph lt Ir, Itir-i M ll-oihrrs. 0 :, M rcrriinnti, J-.lio -ifnirrfi-r, 1 t omat I. FrlCfl, M s Jo-oiav, W in H llranip, F '-o- n ( h h i 'i .Hi rr, ll V It -i, ptv-ns. Tt It v,,rrinT, I rela Aa'olll, F F .w r. ri ll t-iii nnl, ,t .hn 1 I'l'ps, (1 .! K W.IIa, .'tn.i'H M It- ck., .Ii.'in Hriptii, Wm 4 Mtt'hlas, In in a ll He ta, 'A F. V 'Mi a , , M Miller, l I ; -t!n.-cr. J tl witii ciiny. Ho ,.r.l W..rtHL F. Ii Fa-titer, Janti A Waus. sa ne A (,'U'f(!y, F littwf, Wa Kenxedr, Hamuc! l John H bbett, K A Claris, 1. W l-utfiA, .times Itonme, F. H Mokee, CiH.1 Hlu)p"" ' Hr (Vinprr Wltet, W m W Wlster, h lAb"'h J t.iubi, F ri Fmrmon, W C (.arten, H P Mmrv, Andrew Jackson. : I- A Treo. i In inias Fe-.hlj, W m ( 'ii.n;ilv, C M Mullita, H Hears, (' n rihackleton, H Ouy. 'Sumuel I. Ol'borl, jSnsti t lark, J tin Ii Lime, 'll Cathral, i.Limes sherrnn, 1 Ifi-v Hemamin Herr, M F Stickiiv, .b-lili ItOarker, It-then Tolaud, Thomas T Firih, '-tiii Ituttoo A HuOS, .I.-hn hftttMi, 'Major c Johmon, iCi.arles ft Hare, H It K land, .l-eore Nli-hnts, J W MeMahau, , 1" Afkmiuan, ; James il Ma roe, John (I snder, iF. 8 Cos. CUa-lea Hurts, Mr, H riilcoa. 'Mr. J K Cheethaai, tJameH Ciinttron, -J'lJ.n ! t'arbury, i.lobu' Hmiih, 'Itiomat I weed ale, jjohu Williams, I A' ten (J Wilson, K 'liert liibion, li U scilpt, Iti-mia It lnftitreth, I I'hilip It Freaa, (' F Bavard, John 11 Wyile, F.hsna risoiniy, Kubatd Hell, ,H T Kldndvu. Mm II L Wtills, lb' is J Husband, Joules M Mler, I-niac It bishop, II tl HhlliinKford, J- hn L Ituckar, M H Kohler, J tmua McKaner, Mnrarnt McMiUoute'ti, Allied Itnsetihert;, Cii herinc J tielder, Heurv O Uelsier, Hon Leonard Myers, J. i Mien Oiler-sou, Jr, Wm ( hn ou, Fl'sha 'I iniii((. 1 ti04 H hhf i uiSk'a , Jnt-i ph ntn. .lan.efi It Verat, Murt M Yrnat, lit-, i ,Tt)ky, J H W hi e. Vr ' ndie VrK" , Mie Hair Ham n, H M .hini s, He' tin M HiM, f F W ahiron, Chaa .LiKatil, W in A Ao-tin, CI a A K art buin i. Tin it s, Ji oiih w t ar, Atihio f Far rlilf. , ilniiie Font r, F V t i'srV-nle, Ih i rv It Kulb, W ni Vivian. 1 1 hrtmi t hiik, Wm iin. iniref A Newnnin, K WrtthMti, l(oteit AIi n, intl.rop Harccpf , Kli.aheth J I horn. Mtiri,nrU Maarv y, Iwtte I'cntuft, MiatM tli Si ulhw . W, A !' U Thoiopiitiu, F.llwooi) Hail, Holla Ai mitii, katl an Ilnnf. Jr H K tiiif-imtirdii-s, Annllla 1 1 fine-,, Wm ri Koheiti, Hollard, K II Ht-nmdt, Jamsr- It h Miirtt, Dr ll M lib iu. Havid Weathrby , .tr, Ir (.eorn LanicO.t, a Lint'nny, oige sti trmet?, OeoTiie hakena, .it ms C Knox, Wm Lowts, Jf hn lieiry, J It Mi ler, William Knot, W in Stewart. KiiMbetl: It'l'ter, ,1( Nn C MtitHr, Mitrv lui'.situer. It M HolJinaheod, 1' K llaiter, ChnTlen iVinSnn, Rebecca linhbell, John W Fart. Cuome W Hendcrntn, I.etata ltron, th oW'W (Woman, Hi'etmuii HraiHt-i , Mis Mai? Mi Her. Jatns It Frricksi-n, Misb M (hirti r, ( hurlis F Clark, ( Imrlcs W Kalck, F. laniard.. Ir, Wm It Kat ll, Joseph HtelHSajgon, Chas Lhint hart, John C hchreiber, Inasc Sntie, John Conpt r, Havict Knight, 1. 1 ONter, Hr W m C l odd, Iteherca P Aden, llenr Cbaisuan, I K Heat on, John Lees. Jeore Williams, iieorite h. Courtncr, Wilson, hainuel C Ht nez' y, i It arii i A (juaas, Hr J liavidHon, Thon'Bf J alet'au'ev, Hr Will am M ttree'd, CeoTKC H Ket'r.0, harlCA Fi Norton, Vt ui 11 Hi liremer. Jnhcph M FatterKi'j, derick W Kohier, John Cair, YA en HlnnCen, Franklin Itutler, Albert W KiMTliin, John tlrahhui, HHsbcth Feters, F. It AOtltllS, 11 to llNKaman, lfCHls LaoouiUN, I.Hie MiCahey, T H Li ivhton, 11 r Wilson, J1 hi gft ret 'i irrrey, Jriiss J Arnold, Vt 11 Wade, It la lur, Amos Hoiiiintr. Atem In MunsyiinF -Sir JOHN A I A M"t Aeiit In t.vrtn .ntoun Hi'EN FK KoiiKltTH. Tin- fillowniK c m" 'iiuif aiton-i, seltscted from a lJrtF? number, show ihe ai pieclatlun of Hie enu rpriae by tha Citizens of Fbllsd Iphia No 4'iS HiAio nt et iAMRti f.vsD Ksi .Pear Sir Theloal I itccivt u'romthe oiiaomi-rs tutualOoaH'ora puny, on my stih-crlt iin, has ifiven ut entire tatiataction. It imlteti rtadnv . bi.rns well, is tree fiom slat, dttpo.-itu whitt ahhen, am) la not easuy i xtlnuuis' ed. ihe tire lu enr kitchen Krie tuts not bee-n ut tur eight or nine days. Therefore, tn atihwi r to our tinesilons. I ma) sav taat my ev psnrM tin n.r as to the qua Hi j, oi tliu coal is alt' lett er iavoiMlt e. u Id I am e (iiuliy well impressed with the eiiterpile abu tht fnlvsntaKts to each suoicrtbtsr as an lnvtstmtuL Vcrv truly, youm, W II. SOW JiCWELL, Oitobfr'JClU Va 4.T N.Sitih n treat. Vmi Aiirt i'iiiA October 9A, lfi4 James Lynd, r.S'i. I)tr Mr : I ntil I b. i au.e a HtLckholdtr to your Cnm-r-any 1 hud itlwaa h t n In the abt ot burumt: LehlsU t nal. Sinrn trvit. t uri I Hud ft. I t hnUNtnid purposes, fully equal to tel. Ih, and a very snt erlor article indeed. Xoflrs liu.y, HaMI Kl. W HKNhF.Y, N'o. hi;-f) t oatw streot. l'nr.Ani--.M-ntA.tVti ter 2-t 1VI jamm Lvnd, Ks'j.,Fre- idem ol theCotsiiiu i Mutual CoaH'ompauy. My Hear Mr : Our c sl h. s roiue to band, all lu goo 1 ordur, and Las been urn d lu oC foiitt' nudtuiiiaei'. I am Informed thai theuuahtv t- ail 'Imt-'O .M he detired. Yours truly, JOHN .Mi h I III It No. l!4.' Locust stX.eU Piur AiH Li tiiA, in ti'i" r'.lK,4. Jawh I.yud. Km., '" Ideiit Connumers' Mutual Coal (Viiipanj Hear sir: 1 1 ave given the coai a ttiti-ohb tr'al, and flnj it a most fpieudid 1 am si mucii pi". u with It, that, if not too late, 1 wiiini'ivmeui tubicripiiou to one bun dreu skates. Id --tpectttniv. AI.LKN C. W 1LHON. Nr. Chesmit utreet. Omrim thk sjaov Hi i:i h l II ai i..Orober ,aJ,l'4 Janu s I. vnd, Frcs d t Consumer' Coal Cm.iany -Ks-tcrmed Friei.i1 : i li e much pl-aure m statlnir to you the entire sat ihf. ti n ne oual Klvt-a me that 1 have re t eivna from -oir t mtany. It niaea a (run if tire, and Isfmefiom slate una cinders, audi can coniideinly ro cc nintend It to a I I fii'ke ers ior domeatlc purposes alio to manufactineT-. for fee nutating steam. i u - -iincc. riv. CIlA1tr.Ev i M vl'tlKYS. So -t;l0 8ansom street. Phh.aiki.i'ima. Tciai month, 'iO, iti .4. Frlt-nd Lvud: The coal fnralr-hi-d no: ai a sioekhol lt r In thy Company Sives entire fat Ui tioii. Hi well piepared, and burua ficeiy. 1 couldn't i-h a het'er article it F. HALEY. So.4i t Third street. Phi i Ai'H'.eifTA o. toher is, lmW. -James Lynd. Kiq., President, Ac Hi miwfr to our rciuet to know how I like the coal pe-.-' a-t it from your Comp i y. I repl that It has proven sat i'c ory tn ever) particular. My lamily think It superini ir lsiA'1 11 ' HAItUA. No. ?!. 8ith street. Jamkh Lvan, F.o'i , trei0cnt Oousimr-rs' Mumai C-al Compsnr. Hear 8 : Ihe coalaipidel lomebyye ir Company, 1 am Lap. v 0 a aw.jjlvea entire mitMaetion in every -eii fct, ai d I - e.;iai to any 1 hVBevr ud. Very respectluUy yours ai. , mi , , J. Ji WALTON". No J"8 Third street. Pun AOft 1111 "i. 'i '..'.er M. lMfi4 Jakrh I.vkd, Kaj , President t'onsu iirr - Mutti 4 Coal Company. In ar sir; It attords me vrt at fl, mautu to announce u juy my periect aailaiactlon witn the . oil received Iirom your Company upi'il v order s-a iii'M'tltwr. I have been ie u4tomtsl to use coal from tie i.w.hbn hood oi .ur ui'ne and Irom it when In mi et tit-. l Ita superiority hareiotore was dcclt edlv marked, b -i in Its piet-eul haiui I rtnd tht ariieia Is do way deti-re ra!- d, but to mo cmiintry, s-j far a I am able to ju U.e. fur .K iu sue purpoAna. fully ei.ual to any that I have ever on.i. i-r have ever aiialcd- 1 am, vr Xlll&UTt' At:" W C M. CHLKIt, Kslls of Hcbnj kill. BEDDING WAREHOUSE, AT No. 15 N. IXEVKNtn STRRBT, ll-9&tl pHtLAOBI.I'HI A.