f J J 7 DOUM.K kSlIKi;i rillLADHLPillA, MONDAY, DKCHMHKll 12, IS J i iMticM tiiim:!-: cky.m. lN SUEEH' LATIST FROM 3 i PAPERS. V IMOND J?f:in-ui Across tfi; J Hirer oa tin ) ;oc!ico v -i'n tt .hp e.tfrtinjr ft-i ft ,nn, VBiiiNr:T(iN, December 12 - I'. e, ..'. r s vs despatch fioni City Point. d-o'il 1)? ?! r I, SIM - lli.tt the la'e-t Hews i; in ainc I In tin) llchnioiid papers of yeetc-.l.iy, D'eo.nVr 10, piu Sberm'iii'i army say C, 01 the "tli hj 'as Hist of tin' Ofitrli. ) rive,, twenty -live '...les om Siva i ub, moved.; 01 t', '. On ;1m ti l) I e tVul innrd'til In army i ,lr ju m lji. ii: -m vva.ii I N' ;rrr:N. ig T7e I n II il MttVx Mnnr ?i ''fir'. if Wakiiinhh n, ) TV, ii )jr 1. Tncro was a I owd of ladies and ;.i'!it'caicn In Mio 'supre'ii- -'ourt Room this moiirng to kd Ohio. .fistic j'hine take his s- it for Ihe lint time; lint tiiey illpp ilnlril, that pc-ntU Mi.iii n.it hiving ot, it in ealil, hi cn iniulificd. (The IHocl. rr.itlirs or lint tiuore. Charleg E. Wutera, another uf Hie B illinmre iockade-runners, and reputed to bo a hl'ter Se-egsioni.-t, was before General Dou' 'Unity's court lartiul on Saturday, charged with selling hard are, icrctission cip, and a ma bine, for the , lannfuctme of oatton e ,rd to Rebels. IP iird-mnking mii"':;ro is a TrT iir'-nium nnd r .- jJiiipiiiiTii ptc c or !uce.aa.m..iu, r,nd was pi 'Jord in ourt. Wa cri has a n,re, at o, in ew York. onflrtiinlinit nl 'ttfornpv.r'e rnl snoeil, Tho lion. J um s jpetd was con. iruit 1 to-day iy the rmwe, in l- xi .ulive Su . io..,as U'urne.. cncnil of the Coiled States. iOGPwSIONAL D JX1IGS. HE fVAVY YARD QUESTION pcecli of Hon. Win. L. Xclloy. LAIM3 OP rniLAEELPIIA. M'arhinotos, LViccmbjr 12. norm:. ii. rpi'HKir iiiiu rt3iniMiiv iimiH a ici iron ! 'ioveriior elect ui w Yotk, VI r. Ki:nto.i, ii);niii bia m at m menil er fraui Vuw Vorii, t ke i Ik it on t:u ','U.li iiiBlaiu. liu (ay be nliu.1 it riturn to H'rtdliii'Kton. jTbc H-i'3ker announcrd tho npo iln'mnnt c.f r. i iuji. i . ) atu mr. wiifj -i in i .N X .) Vi I tbe vm am- is on tlit l-omxitti;-.- 01 V y a.id jeans orcaKioni'ii ly tbe m'r-nation of Moasrs. lit' n km) Meljlnns. Mr SteTens(l'a ). at thcit(U st i f si v.ral pn inin,Hnd in order id tfire a iuitn-r o.ipirtumty exanMTintiie bill Ivihh a urn; fonatnieilon and cumng to -o niu.'ii 01 tMu ltcv3ci in- ao: a-i rnf.'ra tbe tux nr duly on eiar.. iiuved its DO;t:ione- nt till lbiirsu,:y next. Mr. llroots (.New York) r-nd a no's from vio esident of tbe Tub..eeo Naiiunui A'fHoiaiiou, king a 8Usien-ion of the consideration of th:i II lor two weeka, when tiin A- -oc atun will tiBint u luode of taxation wbieb it i uellevod Il be K.tidaelorv totlui (Juveri.n.init. ,Jr. Mevi ns ii i.ied thar iJnnjre'.s wi'l not he in -ston at tlmi time, as they ui.iy u'ljimii over hoi tlOVM. fhe qiic-bti--n w;8 ;:;s;pouod ; 11 Tliiirsilay. inn H'iuhu pri.c'ed. d to tin; con-dderatioi of l'iti reported at 'he hit in don from tbe Coin '.tee on Nuvul All iirs, uii'iiot i;.ing and direet- the Keerelury ot tlio Zin-y tt apooint a eoni tnt ennln' i r toilesi jim'o and survey tbo neecs- iiiuount of laud near Mew L judon, Cjsh-c-ui, lur a uuvy yaul end di iiot mr iba eoustruc n, uoekii'fi and repair of li-,m-u .ids uud oUior vnl veBMds. Ur. Keliey (Pa.), at the I.ih: ssivi in, had tn'r. ei d a iubsUiuio fur tbt; uoov.i, n Kliori.iti til'i H'lary of tbe Navy to aeeeie. from the city uf i ailulphia the title to l,ea":e ini'tnd, and if said ! he found peneet, eshilin-li tiiareou a narv id and depot for tbo connirutiou, doukiug, d r pair of iron clads. Ir. Kelloy (Pa.) said it win not t policy of Government to iie-reaHj ties nieiilier of navy rds and sutioim. Ii bad si.nply asked a reco-?-ton of a new i;o of iron vu. teU propelled by iu, and to enhuge and furLun -ueli facilities wi uld meet the exit,' neies t' tin; tiiHes. Ibeeiiy of 1'hl adelubia ottered Leaae Island a lice gut. New London did not pissesi the .ential iUalilieutioti. for sn h a site, while all le louud iu a greater def re. a be point Indi d In me miha.i u e ib iu a. te ' o. lur punt iinlv in cor broad eotiii.rv. ha: iu k!ieivilied rid. lAgue I Hand over New l.o:i..on, not only as wuter, bn: us tj in neral pr.al i is ami skilled .or, while l.e.iuc I, hied v us ir loss expo-ied torviun nsniu t. In a word. '.-v L'md m. all I, ng cotiiiideied, had not aiorf' one ot the r . i, ' la n( al elements ror sued a r'utain. i a" not propoced hy t n distltuto to 111- ie tbe Duiiii erof nival i.tati ins, uor to add be -iirettdy treat expeDse ut atafl'- of odl -er". us not proposed t pnieliase a kite without a d udeipi ite lo in ike l ime iinproveinen's. r eiiy t l't imdoi ljina baa . il ia d a froe gift of :eiie llaud. I bit being on fro h w t. r, it afforded a cheap iruiar.v or uimpuai mr ve- e wsiea ouve coii cv.d oiKease mule lyiiirf oil the uioutti of tbe ind, In nili water, pruti-iMiii tbo city of New ntlon. He rep. tie.i that I,-a;iie Island is a e fruition, where tuppiits of ull kiudj are irdant. dr. lirtindeKee (Conn.) referred to tbe action tbe Kami C'oinml tee on thh sa'.ject, who be vtd a uuvy yard lor iron emd vetscls had he me a rational neeectUy, o,.r navy now uutn- ing 6.VJ s'eaiiK rs ar.d 71 i'on-elads. Steam, H s known, had r voiu lom.d naval arcbituc e tbe world over. Ah a me isnro of economy enalJlishuieiit of the yard at New Loudon uld he a saving of money y ear by year, for wo now in tbe bands ot private contractors. n the roar e of his ream k he said tbe Com tainii iiiiiioiiiteil bv tba Kuint.L'trv nf tlm Nla X. ......I nf thr f.A...IA u da, one of New York, one of New Jersey, l the Kngincer of the I) partinout, and do led by reto utioii, arier iwo inonns exauilua- ii, that tne puDiie iuiirc-t wouiu not lie pro- leu iy me scieciiou ui i.canii isinao, nai uld be promoted by the election, of Now ludon. tr. Keliey (Pa.) denied thai three were ap- nted irom x nuaueipuia. CAPT. YTIMLO'V Al T-'B .CA. 'lIIY or m;l:,;. Theic wn' a j nhlie meeting at the Ar..demv of Mi ie on N ' iinl.iV PM'riai', i,n h i the 'ip'rcn ' ol the N. tt York l'ert Soei. ty, a hene.'o'eiitinstl tu'iouto promo'e the Chri-.il m welfare of ssllors. The m -et It g ii enllr dto or h r at li.i!f p i't si vi ii o'i hid,, Wil la-n W.ilkir, ., l'ryUcit i f II'' 'y. In ilip Cbiir. '1 be iiiieiir'inpe of fa plain V;',h!owiii tlic ln';u was biih il with gn HI pti'Vii'.' -m. The Mar'tiers1 t'luir,-b eleiir ' in a" ' t ti v. .', nd sin ( veral hyiris in i ii i; tip- i n is. j i i a v ry pr-'dn-rdc tnu'iver. ' Alt r p'.ivri nv the It- v. Mr. l'-ln is, tar ip;nrt I iftli Si. 1 1 : V I -it its diiriiiK the past year w-vt ri ad by the t ire. fSneeehi'i wire taP'i ni-vle ' t seMTil n:. ui-n, ai'tpr 'vhl b 'be it v. Dr. j Adams i!,tn,.tiuiil tain i:3lo.y. A hlt'-.l 1S lir The lit to i f thi bi !1,C II ilH, Wt O , -0k C.M'TAtN WI.MSI.nW. i'e..'-i,-;e u a p at'v, h nd- evtl y mi II ;i Hill fi' It III 111 I A tt lit ot diu.l.Ul-e Lfrei r. , f'rtit, lit f'liil I bin as he iii-ili t v to k I'i .i e. V.'vu t !iu i ii'hi.Ma-in i.t ibe aaJi- n. e ti al fcoai"'.vbit 'us di it, I p s iaVp an loll ws : Mr. I'u-auut mid Laities a-'l fl niaiiPn: 1 inn tn ni v I h n '. f-.il to veil 'or venr w inn g.- r'liif: : ' in it remind i me tbal I am tr.a-lin m atphere wi aeh 1 i are leenuni;.! t-j ili.it of imtj.it- reu ?.!. 1: may be ep a-tsd of a aa.Iur ibat lie mil l.uk to tai'nri, ind h!i- :i a s jaall c-iniN i.t'iiu liie si ip that tliev laav a al ' aid roil no tl.c i ullni. t aa'K or MNt.etfi .f of tint lindjli.t it i nd tbe tu-i jii nt -.n'o i ii':in l-tloie m in any In lb s iite I ..-n; ;c veil. I'i'--re, ore lam rru.intlcd that, liho to:"i.ior eii!.riiu or mil arkme upon a in- lifl I, in a n. o i, h i-i wjiln nt I otb eomp..H ".nd ef.rt to sh.i.v him the jmtli tc end.-aviMH lo tiad. Hut, iiotwiihstandiiig ull this, I Pi.n'd not re-it tic apu ieation of lit ao-lity, wli.-a tli jr p'i,--..d upon me tbur de'ro and wish that I li-inl.! iipptar belotc yen, at ih-.s same t ine s'atitig tn-. my nppi nrunee would have so ;:r-.a a moral tiled m. d uw.ij,. thai w-aild beie tit this giv it iiLd lailile e iiise. Now, lulii t t K'-m eoica, ti.iie i.s until i g in tbo world nui.e I a.:t j.iaii 1 1 me ti.an the n.ilnr; h-r wp a e nil soni-li, and l .!)i a sailor lay. If. lint I ri''ol:pe , s i.n j y-.'.4--since 1 saal to . no. g. o.l pi.o(.i w.:a iv t'i I ,-u.f.s of in ne, ami wio wr in., resti-ij; !. . i elves u'.uUt I hi Iiiiiik h for Hip ite-tlmt'i and . lie 'i-,. i .'tis, 1 nmue ttic ri i' .itk to t'leni, "Wliy .s r trite .-oil tlon't do son. i thiD-' f ,r the f i!lor ?'' 'Vt I, t leir rejily was t'mt they bad ;'t t c i i".i :?. .i 1 tna work, iiiai I se.- r.ov tin, t'.e wot I. di ' e a a a:r. then, mini It in i: ng on, an I tli'a ywi? i. evt di liee ol their )k. Now, u hi e mi iire.l.a-i-'is. r h r mivv (i;.i;Ui:n tiro.inl. reler.'.d t 11 It) tlli (xpiiuioo u)..i'i ibe Mi s so -pi livrr. 1 ii re minded of lie l.ii t tliatlwi-ai oai .a- ir Hin comnn n.-i nietit of the w ir, nt wlo , li time 1 was ordered to proe- ed to tst. I-ii . to hike p i I noire with my linnet. ted fri.nd, Ad nirai t-,ivi. We went don to t' .'lumle.i-, and li a ly i.i Vicn burg, Tfl.i re I lei' the ii HHdr-an. Il l' inyp - ij cessi r teys i-iat bis pp-iri..i,ce has oeau taut on no sbip ba be seen Iliolo- or l'r iyer Ho As, n . have they Ltd service ou boanl. No v 1 wish Ihrt l:e I. ail I nn :n my rbip; for It ii is bsui my Vleasuro ever to have earvieu l id nor o:ny rbat, )u, I my enleivor Ins ben to wntm uivsi lf airrttud tlii fai'or, so nt to nt'.t!e liim my iiii a l, an 1 1 bslievc that 1 hai o -uv eieited; fir 1 .ont.mid in tonly ibc service iili him, but 1 eoi.tiuitp I iro:n Sun lay to S i.i l if cx plaii.ii g to i.im pir's ol the ll 'al.'.a d oil tnt tha giiales'. pli ..sure in it, and 1 rei e ve.l niy le.y.o-d nlwi.ys in hi" tb inks. tSio h Ion been tiiv eonrte ever sine. . Hurin 'he period of li r.r lb' I hdd coiiiii.BiHl (I the li-nrsayij. and I wimM re niaik thi'.t our fnend (Dr. Ad.mi.s) who hoes tbe sea so niii h, illnstruted bis ba'i'J r-i.ticthian in the mine iiiuwu-r Unit Dr Johasou di I wheu he taid hat l e.saw notbing in the si'ii n il tho advantii'. . ui.d reility of a pri-on wi ll t ie chance of burg diowuid in it; but iv 'u iliPr it blew I igli or low, whither it w.u eiitin or teinp'uiui us, I bel.evi) that, witb tlio txcoiiti.in of iwo eeeaMiiiiH, no Sutnhty has uvir p-sid , awe.y in which 1 have p..t bad rei- ice. It his htm my cu.iioui, Uoually, to hive fas bid! tolled for cbureb.to a .ow any to e.inie to service v,h woiild. Indeed, tie. iiieiitly the executive o:ll r woa'd nay to iiip, "WjWyo'u Iihtp service t oday ?" 1 rr plied, "Y'es, I will have servh e, and let ilio-m ton e tu my eaten wbo will." As t'ie resilt, I fi i i'd time in v lil le c ibln was always Ullod witli sailors. Wow. human nature is m r)iis:l tutid ibat tin re is a soil spot in r lie he-irf of evi rybc lv. u d ir is more particularly txe.n ill u d iu"Jaea" u.uu ill any there-iiislitution itiul I have cur mcii in my l fu, and I ac-nre yo.i If you ouiy toueb the iifhi chord you will tiuil iirespjnse to you which will more than repiyj on lor anything tin' you cull do lor the Sailor. The tirst thin,'? yon l."uv lo do with sailors is to instruct tl.eai to titiiw iti nn that you have an iutc rct ii their wi lfu e to nniku them bi bevo that you are fieir fnti d "Ml you are Buro to bo rewarded. I do not moan to say that on no aid the Jwarxarte they are n'l rrn n who are fond of going to elmre'i, and lid that; but they know auti leel that I have not only been afiiend but a father to them ; and were I In any part ol the world, I au sure were I to call theie men, they would, every ouo of tlicm, cenio to Die like children for they have that ceil lid. nee in me; and, without being cgotis toil, I would say, with ull humility, they have that cnnlideme in ins, whether in the tempest or whether under tiro, la action, or any where else ; they felt, us long as the cav.iiln was oe i tck, the ship was always rinht. ((tuuewed applause ) Now, lauie.s and ceiitieiiien, it was a itirut pita ore lor me to endeavor to i ltistr ito berip'urc, cpcc ally the points in wbi-li the pro phi eies were Termed. Ho long as the interest of Jack wn awak.neil upon these points, no v sreees wcie opened to him. Ilu bettan to ro ison, ml I am sure that in the end be thanked me tor the iBstru lion I hud plvca him. No'.v, then, when I conic to consider what oil It itions tam lui nial cities are under to the s.ilor when I look b .( k to the past, eveu in tho hisn ry of cum mer, ial ei'iis that have risen centuries n,", sueh inT.rrc, Cirthace, and Venice, and in lut- rvcars Loi'ilnn, Liveipool, and New York, uiil sen wi alth Hid all the comforts of rivil'7 io.ii and the protl'tets of the earth ahonndinu', I lie yon to consider that were it not for' Jack" you wual.l not poss. ms any ol them. "Jack" brings the products of other c-)imrirs to y u, and carries them through the storm and tempest. It does stein to inn that gratitude should induce you at least to kivc nn I do oiaetliiiig fur "Jack," since ho his done so much tor you. Now, ladies and g- uiieiui-u, do net if h to enter into this euliject si filly as to branch off upon this war; for to dwell upon a subject ot that kind would take up the whole of ike eveaing. All 1 will say Is, that I desire that you will all go in With heart aud sjtil into this work which the Port Kociety has been instituted for, because it Is simply the gratitude wh eh is due from one individual to auothur. L'tus re member the Muster's words, that tho Imrvest is plentiful, but where are the husbandmen ? Vvithouteven followinghis instructious, tho sim ple gratitude which is due flora man to man of jiood works done to you by him calls for a re ward in your doing something for " Jack." Therefore, 1 ask you to give your assistance to the Port Society; and would have wished that niy lamented friend Admiral Footo wero on tbe platform to solicit your favors more earnestly than I can. I beg that you will pardon ntu for peaking to lot ', for I am not a speaker. Captain Wiuslow was frecniently applaudej 1n the course of his remarks, and resumed his seat amid three more cheer for the American Navy, which, it Ii scarcely necessary to say, were giveu with dae emphasis. After another hymn by the choir, and a benediction by the Uct. Dr. Thump ln, the meeting djuBxuc4. r. Y, Ir&iuH, Tli! SI!) EDITION iNI,W ORLEANS AND M.XtJO. cew. candy nncovnni.aC; Finite Scmtxus at TJtamoiv.3. P1.VEKITY OP A TiTEXIOAIM aENEHAL. ('.mho Dec inner 11. The sti amcr If. nu-i .-a, I'riinN.w Oilnins on lae alb iast.,.oTived h:re tuiai. tii. C'al Cm i'v lias sullleieeily r- O ivered t ti ovc al.otit wlt.'i the aid of crutch s. A eo'.ton press nl Mitaiiaora-i was d s'.roy?' by le early in Nonmber, wi:b b'.io halts ol c tlon, valiieil at t'li'O.in.O. The i r. is nl of C ip; on Sinme a. M '.t.nior.ii, ci ri ii ,v to Hi, 1 1 in on 1 1 , Is i oi.Iirini d by t'ie Sao h et toirriponilcace of the New 0.1. am papers, wlreh snys that his ! t't hand is : iii;-lo 1 tr im the fi;";i('Pni"iit '.nth the .Ve.ir-vir.c. llo gn,, -o Kicliii.oiid to si on! an i-ivelig iti :i 1 1 i!m uia t. r of the sipkine of tho Muli-:; i. The steamer . In. it loi 1 been sold fir ov.r Sli.' iMi In o'.it. 'Ihcsteiiruir rl:tbrt, wl.lcli loft the sotrhwest months sin' c tar M it.nn ira, and pat into Mata gorda ir. di: i:. ss, was t tl, cd by tbo C. ni'euer.iti s ai.d si id. Tl.c Mexican tii itern' Mesia it rcrcsented til I c Tiny seven to bis soldius. I'll i putiii'iment for uny mi- K mi auor is .am) lashes or devb. l i e ( lie of liaja. j li.u be n .piii't siu.e Curtiu.n left- K vit-Ti.Irl v l ondt not s'tm vtrl 'le siit?slin nt .Mr. I'rieii'inleoi. W.ifiM,i.is, IHirmber 12. On application b ire 'aauc to have Seven thirty bonds hel I by the banks ci uvert'd into HcgidercJ bonds, for ti.n.ki ig iirj ' tis, tho I'oinptioller of the Car n lie ilt i til d that they eanaoi be cinv Tte l. Mr. Kvas'-nden, however, will rci ouniicu I Con gress to j.ui-h a hi 1 giving the nceeasiiryauihari'y. Tin Vr In Tfiiiiri,HPi, WAiMiiMiTt v, December 11. Desp fchos rc eeiTid by the tjovi rttmeiit from Oeneral Th niui represent tho po itien of utfairs at Nashville unchunged. lienpr.il Thomas gays that the reemt storm has inteifered with army move incuts on liihtr nl !e for siToral dayj at least. Ulio t tillcn 'I're.tlo ' Itio MNsl-ttljtpl. C'Aieo, L ei- ii.Ihi 'J. 2117 b:i!cof Cafon arrived hiro to-t': y, inelti.ling 101 bales for resliip-uenl K.ikt, and 7i baits for St. Louis. TO-DAi'S Yv A3IIUiaiON NWi. '71-clal Or,p.tV.iits tt Bvciilns Tjli.'xrAiilj, W asiiinotcji, I);;i'.u'aor 12. M-le ol Slorr. A lcrjec rule ol condemned btoro oc uig in W ushingti n on December 20. It is bulievd that the eel 1 v.o I'.hcr has only interrupted military movements fjr a day or two, and pn blips not at all. I't'rftoivjl, Oi noral I'.i-nn Is doing very wo'.l.a id will soon niatt for New Y'otk. K'.nlitojoio audoidn n(I.-oni. 'fie (loveiiinit'i.t Inn iuiu'o all the r.eoc.cnry urrsn-ii.iio nls lo protect the llalt'moic and Oii.o Kailroad i.gaiust cxp- cttd utlueks. lllt-r JllHliCH t'llH'SO. Chit f J ntico Cba.se was swom in to-day at 11 o'clock, tie Cirtmony taking plitu la the Sj jireiiie Court-room. Elr. fSiet t to I o t'oon-nipil. The Sinuto Judiciary Coinmitieo bavo un mi rciu ly reported ujiou tbe noiuinatkin of Mi. Sp.ed a Allorney-Cenir.il. tronitt!on. nriir.uMer-Oencrnl Kgan, of New Y'ork city, now here, lias been made Major-liouernl, for ner ving before Petersburg, whilo attached to the 21 Corps. Iie-ntti of Henry It. Nclioalernft. Henry It. Kihoolcraft, tho writer upon tbo In ehin tribes of the North arost, di' d on Siiturd iy, tried 71. The Commls.-ioiicr of Indian Atfdrs hii l it clerks will attend his funeral. l amp for Hhiiooi-U'h Xew l orpt. The Cavalry Hospital al Giosborongh has boon tlif continued, to give place to a recruiting camp for Hancock's new corps. Tho hocpit il inmatig were mobtly removed to Lincoln Bospltnl. Tho IniPiiili r ffllllitry OperHtiotit. Hie Govcrnu mt l'ic!g eutire conlldenee In the gucicis not only of Slurman.but of nioro proppnt military operations. It is felt that tho country wiil rejeiee over the news of moro than oao vic tory before tbe close of tbe week. Tim I.onixl.tmt Member. Cer.cral ftanki Is earuestly latioring with lnflti cntial nn uilnri of the House, and somo of its rletrgiitlons, to geenre the admission of the Louisi ana representatives aud the ajjp'.lon of his prin ciple of reeousliuctlon. Tlio 'ontUntlonnl AiilPnilmont- It is as erted that several of tho M- Clollan nien.bf r. from the Iiorder and Central States will go for tbe Constitutional amendment, with rea sonable compensation to loyal owners, and soiuo ro'ght do so with a proviso that the frocdmcn shall not become citizens or electors of Sutes contrary to Kbite laws. It Li believed that com penrutlon cannot pass in any form. Tha to on Clurara aiutl Tanner. A delegation of cigv munufaeturara from New York are Lere for the purpose of conferring with the Vuyi and Meana Committee In regard to tho tax on cigar and manufactured tobacco. The Committee intend to take up the taxi bill to-day, and refer the whole subject to a gub-cominlttee. There are several financial gchemot which have been submitted for their consideration. It will be gome day before they wIU lure tbe measure niaturtd. ntF.hTMriJTGFTcNNZSE. Report cil jilvance of BoMirojard. COICFJD H OOn AMBUSCADED. Sr. Lot is, Decern er 11. The ltrnuhliean pub lishes a spc-lal do p I'ch fro.n Cairo, wnich say that consult r -.hie ex-i i men: existed at M jmphl on the ! h lnsfnr.t. In c jiise jiipi p : of a repert that Heat. rep rd w is marching on rort Pillow- with a strorg force and Iipi.vv puns, supposed to bo used fur tho blocka 'cof tbe river. Osrto'a has b en oeenpedby asm ill force of Pel tig. Keenly a p rty of about t vcnly fivo llihcls appeared '. be riv- rbenk oppodie Me n. phis, wavui,' lie Ir ta's and buir.ihi'.g for Jed' Davis lu-ii'y. A I- r e of about l.V) nc;:ro s wore rrnt on board a 't. iiner, i nieh la'ido.l a'jout a mile loner down tin- rivr. Vh"n they (l'.o.l O'lt r u sin re the K 'Im-Is broke nnd r in, apparently In the greatest cote tern, tion, par. uctl by the n"gro:s, it. t-i I they came to a thick, bushy place, wherd the li. be! a h; d a largo fnrco sicrotrd, a lio sud denly i,i-c and tlr.'d on Ihe negrws. Tbe kit:- r tit d, bo'ty pursue I nnd sla i s'Vo'rd a' a ilr.a.ll'til ra'.o by the Rebels. A number rushed into the river and were drowned. One ppo't sets tb t only s.vni negnie returaeJ, uliilc anoilu r sav th.it mnro do. Int. k. INVASION OF IIEIITUCIIY. The Rebel Gen. Lyou Acr-j33 tho CLr.nbcrland. AGCVEHriUKT3TE4TIRC.r TUHED AT?!) BUSHED. CiKo, Dcccinhcr 0. The Ke'iels, in 'cr (Jeiie ral I.jt.n, cplure l t ie (iovern'nent trinpirt Tlumai iv Tull ut Cuiii'ii r.'and i iiy, on tho Cim beriand river, twenty nulei ub ive Port D m-lsau, and used her for crossing t'ie river on the march Into Kentucky. The force is estimated at sVIK). Tho steamer was loaded with (lovernment f irn tc, nnd was burned to the water's cdirc after tho Rebels Lad crjsscd. STEAMBOAT .DISASTI,? 'inn MISSISSIPPI. IXPLOSION OF THE Sl'SAHS'-l " TtlATIIA." tArvijievenvi Twcr.ty-riva Ilea KilLd, Thirty WcuniUd, anil Tw:lvo 'Uhsinj, St. I.oi i'i, I'ccembcr 11. The steamer .Tin", from N'. Louis to Cuiro, exploded at Carondolet, lixnil!' below St. Louis, car'y this morning. Tbe pi'ots, cl 'iks, and other employees of tho boat fry that sno was lying without steam In tbe boilers when the explosion took place, in the lar board side; tec t xpleslou gcl::g upward anl milking a hole in tbo boilet-iiock, through which teverul person fell. Tbiy say the ixplo-lou may have b.ea c.iu-.cd by a box of aiuiniiniticia in the Lold. There were M soldiers of the " J an 1 Oth I jwa and 11th W in onsin Cavalry, with IV horses and mults, on board. The soldiers positively say t'aat ttc explosion w.u caused by t'ac In.sullieleny of water in tbe Ik ih r which b irstcd. Tbo boat wai i a-t loose, gro.mdi d on the b ,r, an J was entirely consumed by lire. All tbo homes aid mu, eg were lost. It Is reported thet 2.3 men wore killed, ,H) woiimlf d, md 12 niliu f. Tlio goMfert lost iTftjthirg. Tbo lout was eutiivly in, and vclmd at tu.CUu. Inter f-ntii n viitinttti S'lormina Ntsttjr MII- ull' iik.il Siaiolili);; lonaras tintt I lly. Wasiumotoh, December 11. A despatch from (it-ncral Duller this evening announces tho arrival to-ilay at Fortrcas Monroe of a transport from Charleston, with Charleston paper ofthcOih, announcing that Sherunn was at Station No 6 on tbe 6:n, sixty miles, from Savannah. Ho wag num bing on 'he direction of .Savannah. Ii is mi In n ii up ueur tho Executive) Chamber thut he is in cUvar.u.tb to-uay. Aifmlrnl for rnii ii l t'mlii( t Spit Voik. rcfi lit iVtw Ytirk 'ftit' tn?. A number of cltiecs mot In tho Collector's olliel eu fcaiunlav alie.tioou al 3 o'clock, to mi. sider nn-dsuies lor doluR honor to Admiral Kar ragut, the aero of New Orleans and Monile U iv, who is ixpeetid to arrive in this city very sbortlv. Mr. Mo-en laylor was chosen Chair man of tbe iTcetinp, and Mr. Samuel Sloine ttcreturv. The following resolutions were udopttdi Itu pk-u I'l'ft thi' illnstiimis pprvli-.',ti"riiic liravnry, and ttliU inmiiy. winch Iim) UitiliiKii siiP'l tne tlinoriie.tr Auralrai 0. il - ur.-stil nt lii e mi wnii- e.iuntrye-.),-cuio, ih lni spini of di vieiiiii tiy wtacti ha 114s u -ea snlu'iMi ditiiries n Iho re-i .ttot the pie? cut w.ir, and Uia s'lnnl v.ru.ni-s ftcluvci) Oy lita ovur ttie utuaust akiU aad tCnrl nf 11 10 lltitlli-n ; lln reluri-, roir.'i.Ti.iil a ci inmilli ii nt' fifty cltbenB, to b nsmcd by tl.e I'll!', Willi powsr In mid In lie Ir litlnltier, b uji I'O'ntut iiiioeivfl AJia.rul .tuasut ua his aruval,auiv vuon Xiinil at Hits purl. yjitKr.'i,1liai a Ki iictl nalr.tc bp flrel In heenrof tbe rrlvMli'l li uu-bl.ip t.j-i,n d wilb Ailunrl 'arraxul iVtlixiThst tie f'liy pf Npw York, niltnwlna tho et suiple pi tt'-rn-it free cities of the wurlU, In itntn honor ui lie Ir lHu-aini's fuuiitri up ii, lienors iimll' by luii.tu iu la AiImiiMi liirrs .al n i liiti'silnn iu l.ei 3 ne a rig'Oent Iheretit, endit at tt.f cointnlttee lio wi.tt.jlm i-d tt ilevite Hie bt-it innji- of t-airyinn lies rivulii'ion Into effect, to that t e muli, lai uuaievumt'uu, aud tas lauie may tHilaun to ""Iftvio't e., fliat wa ne with the highest tl"faetl .n that III. 1 ri sM.-Ll. Ill tits atinilflit DH'tsueo, "d die Ne ro'arv nf t Tiea'-im. niviiiiin'anl tl.e rrtulj.iii of a tifrfntT uraile of natal rMiik.'elu tl.e dtlviiMtlua el Ailiulral farot. ut as ttip n elitnt. at a nailanal recutfalllau ol dla..'uirii jJiaJ eerv te ii.lllti-t itrl iinm. ,.,. Jtnoitttl, liii' "" out insitp by t'ie Cellertnr, of a ri'tt-nue eiitt'f fnr Ibe oee ol On' tlmiinillU'e Iu uiueluiit lbs Haw-slap Jhtr'urtt lie at cepli'il wltb thank. A comuiitit Oi composed of a uumber of promi nent citizens, was also appointed to make ar rangement! for tbe reception. The following; lciter had baen received by the Collector trow Mrs. KarraflUt: Din Sni Mr. C'ronnweD his )nt lnfirrae4 nethat Ton reoiH'Ht In Inow fruiu ine when the Admiral may bo ri atnnul'ly eiin tnd to arrive la New Y ir, and II ulvea nit- n' pli-asiira M ty I am dally awalilnit hit arrival la M di'Mr old ItttK-lli'iJ, the lltrtrit, naviuif been mast Undly ai'iiflned by ttm Navy bevartuieal that ardors had U"Vo?r..,v.'r,u,,?'a- VtBti.m t. FARRiOHT. No. S l..ai.luIur,WelIlitfl7-aarJwm, Via DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH. GEN, POSTER'S EXPEDITION AKiiirs Subsequent to tho Bat tlo of Ilouey IIill. i'smct'.ih.o b:,i:h:h r.::s-r::oi,::. The Churlr.Eton ami SaViinuali rail road Cut. AimiVAL OF SEVERAL OP SHEUMAN'S SCOUTS. Iho ".DoucpaP' at tho Nvy Yard. . The United State steamer Dmiyul, Captain W. n. West, arrived here this aftorUDJn' Yro.u Port Royal, with dates to the "tli Instant. Tho rvtinjal brings some Intcrcsiing news respOCtiitg General l-'oster's expedition to destroy tho rail road running from Savnnnnh to Charleston. There wire seven nunboats in tho expedition, and soon after reaching a proper position, lire wiiF opi ned. A force was landed, nnd an action commenced, the full particulars of which have not readied us. I'.y evening tho Pocotnilgo bridgo was reached and destroyed. Our troops were thou intrenched lor such future operations as might bo nee leal. Tbe Ibnrgal came down to Port Royal the si me cvrnii g, nnd could not bring auy details concerning tne lo.-srs on eithiraide; but of tlia success of the grand object of the expedition thoio n:n be doubt. ( I. ir info' mailt spi.iks lathe highest terms of the ecirgy and activity of Admiral Dabigr -n, in organising and directing tne movements uf tbe naval brigade, in this important all'air. When tho Ihmnjal left to como down Droud river on the ev ulng of the 6th, shells wero seen Hying ntul exploring, indicating that our forces were determined to drive tbo enemy out of any position they might have taken after being driven from the brlilgo. General Foster' scouts had communicated with (leiKral Sherman's forces, which wero marching on Savannah. The belief was that Slieimun would bo in Savannah on Wednesday next, tho 1 Ith Inst. The Pocottiligo IJrUlgo is about 35 miles from Suvnnnah. It being destroyed, and Sherman having cut the other railroad communications, Savannah cannot bo relieved by relnl'orcctuculs Irom uny pr int north of It. The Donegtl hiii gs reports that (Jcnoral Poster was advancing on tho "tli instunt, mid had destroyed a consider able pcition of the Savannah and Charleston R.iihend. Fighting was going on when the fcbaruir left. The losses had not bcou ascer tained, (imerf.l Foster Is known to bo co-oac-intlng vihli Ocurral Sheiin iu. A li.rgcr expe ii ion is believed to have laiijo 1 it m. w kiic south to as; I t Oeiieral Sbcruiau. 'nlo on laihe Ilrle. Oswi r.o, N. Y'., December 12. A tcrrlds ga'a of wind and snow has prevailed since d o'clock last n!ght and continues nt present without abate ment. The tugs Tornado and Lil ly Franklin with two canal boat und lighters left h ro yis'crtliiy morning to rescue portion of tbo cargo t f the tug T. S. ll.irvoy, ashore near Texas. Vhcnthc gale set in, tbo tags started for port, but tbo lighter broke loose, aud wero e.ther swamped or went ashore. Reports are iu circu lation that men wero on board, and a number of Bailors started a fire on shore, by the a d of wli'ch the Tornado fonnd tho harbor, andarrivel s ifc y. The .; Franklin was run ashore bnlo Ncw nillc Point, und her crew wore saved. I'riiui l.iMilslitiiit. New Youk, December 12. Tho fj'lowing letter from Morgan.la, La., dated Doc.cmbjr 2 litis bien received, fin tho Mississippi river. Mutters are assuming shape all along the river General Dana nnd Wasbburne are infusing energy and decision into the movements on tho cast side. General lteynoldg relieved General Steele in tho Department of Arkansas. General Viltiiann has relieved Genergd FrcncU of the chief command at Morganz'u, and a mar velloua chango had been wrought In a few day. Morgan zia . eems to have been a mere station to supply liebeldom with needful articles, rather than a military pokt, nnd the Rebels wera accus tomed to pass In aud out at will. All this has been cl anged. General L'llmann has closed tho lino", and tho camps und works have now ansu'iied tho aspect und decision of a military post. Troops are moving to and fro, but their dogtinutiou i con traband. General Duchner and Prince do Polignac hal a grand dinner given them a week ai0 by tho pii ifiis of Alexandria, and confu-ion to tho Union nnd Old Abe was drank in llowing bawls. Tbe Red liver ai.d Mississippi are both very hib. . MAKItVK DISASTERS. New Y'obk, December 12. A high ga'e from tbo westward set in at midnight, with a very cold aliuospbi.ro. Tbe brig Oriental Is ashore oa the battery. The schooner Jiagle, with coal, bound to New Haven, sunk near Brooklyn. Two or three lighters have been gunk by capsizing, and many vessels have drugged their anchor. It Is reported that nine lives were lost on the eehoouer Eiitle. Market by Teltrrph. FfwYokk, December 12. stockg arelrregn- lr. Clilea -oai'd Ruck l!itnd. : C'uiubertanil tncferrud. 6. 'al 11 lniili,rt!Olral,l-';ii:Mljlils'UlMoutherii, TJ ; Neiv Inrkl0.iiir.il. ill, Iti iQiDK, l.m' II int.. m llker, lie: Canlnii I'ntnpaiiv,; 6W i Krle. IH-i ; Ouo Year Onril nv.iiuv. ti.i,; 'I'rtaaiiry 7 a 10, rit ln-tUi. lirj ;&-', oou- pint.lOUl; coU0&lle, bi 1 Oold D4 ; slllGg the boald, Vt!.. New Youk, DceemlM-r 12. Flonr heavy ; 00M bill... H'.lil 1 Hl.tr glimsj'Ulll 411: Ohio gll KMiSei. M.iulhnrn gill yoinlti, Wfci'at unchanseit ; laloi untinii'iruat. Horn dull, .alee .mall. Hei fllnn Fork llrin ; 10UU bbla. mess xi'd at I S) 1.1. Lard onu at llcniv. W Uiekey steady, bid. lor. ilemaud an advane' i lalcg at U3, Imjeit dgiaaad. a ! duvllvu v It. CITY IKTELLIGEaNCE. I'or Additional f.ocal, l'if! Payr. Siati! or TnnaomTii To-nT. .Six A. M., 12. 'oon,27. 1 P. M., 2r j. Wind, N. W. Fiust I. Alius' AsKpitATiiiM or Twp.sjtt i oi UTii 'W'Anu. This Assoeaition li now hold ing a F.dr In tho Hull, corner of Thirty-seventh and Mai ki t, for the urpose of raising funds to aid destitute soldiers, or, perhaps, their ulforing faniiil 's. Last year thpv rMstrilmtPil mora than twenty-five hundred dol'ars, and this Tear a g'.ill larirer ainoiint is net di d for our bravo defender1 ami their Kiitlt,ring fainilips. Tim Fair will cIoho this wrek. Let a generous public p v.ront.o It. SiiooTiNO Ari'AiR. John Tossd was sh itin tbn tlogb, yesterd iv afternKni, at 'i wenty-llfth and Pine streets. His wound Is not serous. Itsecmg that lie and fcveral others were eng.: ;cd in snow rtu'lit g Ciicb otlar. Finally, Todd liirew h-.llg wMpIi were rather IibmI, 1 avioir, it is anvR-d, stones inside of tlicm. I I. is arou-ed tho 1 ol'K niiiion of J; ines i.yu li, one of the pariv, who in rptnb ition rln w a pi.tol an 1 shot Todd. Tho latter was taken home. Lynch made ins escape. I.Al.OH AllllIVAI.H UtOM TIIK SofTlt. Dllrinif Iho pant week there wero 0,'dto a unmoor of deserter and ri lioccs ncc. nnnm late. 1 at the JtefrisliniPi.t 8iloons. Tim refn.rpt's, men and woii.cn, and (he !c Ttrr, lire, for ihe mut part, in a liei titute comliiien when tliov roadi l'liili ililphia, a id la in i 1 they ran mnot fri'ndt or secure employment tbey are accoinmodatc 1 with shelter. F.Miira-.n .r.MKMT. William Bar'icr was com mitted by Alderman Miller, this morning, to an swer the chrtrgp of tho emVr..lement of JiW. Tho money was givrn to him for the purjhase of a horse. Instead of making tho purchase, ho appropriated ihe funds to hia own uso. Si ictOF.; A female named Hart, aged forty seven years, residing at No. 814 Durien streut, commi ti d suicide on Scutday by li ioln lier self to the banninter. Sue lcavea a huabaud uud lev nil childien. FutE. This morning, about quarter pist ten o'clock, a tiro broke out in a brick building, No. Ho2 Pontes stroct, oc uplcd by F. lvrniker, cabl t.et ni.'ker. The f a k j'ortlin of the b lilding wag badly dam?god. The (la ncs extentlcJ lo build ing No. 1120, on the east, occupied as a l.iTcr I tar laloou by J. M.hls, a sj to building No. 11'.' I on the west, llothof theso buildings wero sllebtly damn; ed. f;na;jce and commerce. Onrroa ut Tai ctimvs T.itGiajna, Monduy. lJftuiahH: li. "The ipJipcndent Pu'olic llo irl of IlrokorB," to y.liich wo alluded a few dayg bincc, has, It will lo observed by an nuvcitisenient In another column, perfected Ita orginiznti in. The merits) of this new board were very fully sot forth by tho Sunday row Hp;:perrj, uad wo apiien.1 th njtice fr. m the .Vercury "A rtiiiiti'.-r nf ppuili-iuen of wealth an t Inilupars have trsi.i "ic.'il lo.i-l.u-r Ir-r Iho .ui-pr. .u .M rut. ill .Iioik all apea lintri' nf -link ho.ki rii. i"r tin. u:el.ne anil sa.o ol rail wi.y shan s, nil tlncl.ii. anil m-cii -.li'. i-p '-rany. It wilt t.e sti-t tlmt tin. uioveineiit I. tiuiie sijnltid int a'id earn rtf, end hp h.iit it a. un a. i.nn rd timt in Uuuai'iia U on tlie onitnrd limreh. Tie. ii'A'i ulnjite I is lli.i: i.r Uie l'a-1. llcuid, nlii'ie tin- piiMli: citn be noejiat .ra, aed co'itnisiri tin oiai ly it Ith llic it citn am) cfo..- plmi Qirrclnfiire in nan Iu Ihia eopplry. It Ii ilc iiserjUc au.l ho 'nut. and all parnea who iiem In itnrk will navii n I dr cYv ire tu win on- do nit i:I tlir hlii.il Ki'ililfsi, wl.lio n nivaltinw' tne si,,. hC't'li cf A sirri'it' ari Succ. ts loiloif tuo uow Mtock. llmht; s'v tn'ii'lHdi'lpMa." Tl.e new stock Kxelnno oppns on tho 2d of Jannary n 'xt, im l ulrondy cinbracus the name of about two liumlrcd gotitloman. Atolernph clllee Is lo bo in the rooaig, attiohed to Now Y ork and H.V.tiuiorc wires, and tho daily scssioug ate to lie held at lLo name hour as those of tho New York regu'ur stock ho-iid. Appliaitiom fi r membership nte to bo ud lrossed to the Prcs!dcrit, Mr. T. ei. Senill, Merchants' Kx cbaiye. Tho Coinniittce havo not yot decided upon the location of tho new Iljinl ro i n, but propir notice will bn glveu iu the public Journals. It is understood, however, thut it is tj be large, und very elegantly lilted up. HGold Is steady tbi nvrnlng, oponinrt at 215; fill otTuud lo'd at 2:t4 nt 11 o'clock; 212i at 12; rallb d and fold at T.A at 1 P. M. rJ.T3i t Lll Alilr'l.l'HIA KTOl'K EXCI1AHUR BAUN.DBut I'i. iliyi nac by CUikroo A Co., Hrokors. ho. lit H. Third at. llUClfC IIOARON. ine sh I'l.lla i TW.b.;o i'i O ,h ll b'.l-d bi s 1' " h a 4', ,Vsi .a J'i 'in Jig.li HajeliiiU.clip ', b in tt-ailiinr h' le'itihrnnr li (kaj iu WaUial l....tii ItOali tllaiilo Oil. .. -111 l lltT IIOAVD. ?PIYir 8 Ct Kl C0U....HSH ll an Mi-h nunk.... W glusi l' P 6-'in li', f.v ii, WaUnn Is. ..04 afi tli i (It: H 7 mi. itrw ins Ui .u Sell. M.auui... .' gllio Penn be t.o, list wh do Hi'V $li 1 0 N la. be c IV lio.h I'nlont'nl IV itsinhortanli- DU...1 a-to r. ih Wv .miiK- C'ul. 711 imh Irvtln Oil la So .h l ain Am....IAi l:'.' eh 111 oner 'i I a .Ii I'enna KK Ii'i if"' sb I,, rnianla 11 1J 4 ill Lll ten H tl-, ifel.li Itiuk .M ti, nt. , I i 7ni HI, LeuJi.ig ....... tit f" ah I 'hern' linn a,'1 111) .a d- ,' les stiTarilliiii.u.ted li I iou lb do gSI-ill I.UC sb Kinui-r l-ia. Onotationj of Gold at tho Philadelphia Gold I'xchui'L'c, No. Ill is. Third stiect, second glory : t'i A. M '.'.I 12 M '.'3it 11 A. M -Hi i 1 P. M ti Market steady. De Haviu Bito., No. 20 8. Third gtroet, quote a follows i AnWn7. fs'.'lHg American Gold 2 ill v3 j Aioerieim Silver, A'g and -J'i 2H Dimes and Half Dimes 211) Spanish Uuarterg 21H Pctm. Currency jj itigv. j dig New York F.xchange .1-10 " par. IIahi'hh, Di uni y S Co , No. 5 j S. Third gtroot, (jnotc as lollowd : Unlit). At'hnl. American Gold 1114 .lt Americun Silver, i's and J's 222 ii Dunes and Ha f Dimes 212 216 i enn. Currency 4 rii. 4-Khiis. Now Yoik ilxchnnge 1.5" 1 20 " Qnoutlons of the prineipul Coal and Ooai OU gtocVl at 1 o'clock to-day : Hid Ait. t4 J'. roltnn Coat 7, a rranktli.otl Is; Hin Mountain Oal. is, i, Hnwe S-aJ Oil.. 1 SJ I Si N.Y. A. Mat. O. al.. .. li li-v,.i OiJ 1 .. Id Orrru Hi. C ial... . 4 t'-,' Pope Kara Oil S4 N. I'artiortdale...., g .liti.ronre g' g-r Newl'reek li, lialielloil a .. !)! firfder lianiCoai. . , 1 M HOieny g Clinton Coal 1 1 K"0erta Oil 2 8 H itler t'nal I'i uliiiKtead Maiiu nd lltial If iMuiiffikllulauiatar .''; II Mnalaia 10 lllihbaril a' tS Venu Mining Ill iHiory Karia I,' l t'onnectlciit li llruner .1 .. txcelHlorOU I'W 1 I'tamleuia Ceauo. tie: t Hlg 'lank V, Sj Kaliert 4'. 4m; ('out liamal -1 f l ""ki I. land t, I Farrell 'i Ai!e.;heuy Ulrar,. I lk Oil Creek ''Sj I'urun... lll'sj 1(1 Maple HhaJe OU. .411 V 41. I'hllaAOIH.'reek.. K I'i HtS'lioi-.i't O l.... i-, H,' Hull t'raek Us, 4 fenunylvauial'al . 'i liena.ina s ..lit I-erry OU '1' V Corn Planter 7't 7. Mineral Oil... ... 'i 14 l'H4 Krl. t Kevalune Oil V lliark Oil 44 4' VenanKvOll .. m Terr I arm i'i 3 t'nk'ii reliolUMl..'i a lllnba raiia I -a I'll Beacon OU Waluill island... .. fi Keneca Oil Kldi.ra.lo 1 SJt UrgaaJ OU. t .. I -M Bt. aNwUvU iH 4.1,