8 SATTIIDAY, PKCEMUKR 10, 1SC4. HIK MOAT SORTIIER TOW I TIIK WIIKI.I). lliimtmrftet is Ihe most northern town In tho Srorltl. It i In Hie pi'oTintv of Finnmrknn, anil lituiitiil oil an ff'nnd, titid'T Int. 70 dp?, HI min. Ti wnlH the souttiw. st it It lieiiirueil in liy steep tlltTs. It is truly ii liurren spot, though on it ii Mid to hnre been well wiiii lcl. As a rniin;r rtiil rolt' Hnmmrr'rt is of mme Imp'Ttit'-o Puring tJie H'.i,nrr months, ttio Imrlur Is ruwili-d with Kusmho, r.nelii-li, J'rrnuli, ni l be r tc-i Is. 'Llic piinoip.tl trade tviisMs of dried corlflfh, h lurre nuuntity of which in scut to the Mcditerrnneiin ports to lc t-'inuriml by the Jt niu rntlmlirl i.t S'lit'iirn Europe. Were It uot for the rlnnatio ititlnenre that tho Onif Ricuiu c.Mits. JlitruiiHTfcst, and iml'Til the whole northern parts of the Si nndlmiviiui pt iiirmuls, wuiild lo unitiliiiliitulili), and in ire boiititl an lloottra fi'lix, Yictoriu Land, Kn., and tnor OcP'jliite rtnluim iu tliu other hrmipiiero tii b In' under the smiic parallel of lutil id". lint. a- it Is, tho fin never friezes a limit tho while ol the wet roast of Norway ; IccIktks ae rur.'lv or nerer neen ; and it is alio ovrinn tu thi tliitt tti meim t nipt ruturn in w inter at the North t'ne ami at Curiftmiiiii, tlioiitfu tliirt. en decrees Of latl uilc lie between them, is one an I the same. Acricii turo, i f course, v iniiiit he rurrltul on t any i x ent in ilie northern p.irtu ol N irw,iv. Inn ateu ut lljinmui feet hurley will lip- n, uil iioU tot will occasionally arrive at maturity. At A ti n, however, wlmli i- six degrees to the sou li, yi . tuble prowtli poes on with a rtpiility wlm ii it quite marvellous. " B 'f'ey will pr iw two and a half inches, and pens three inches in tho tweniv-foiir hours, and this lor several consent tlcilays;" while turnips, radishes, an 1 leUucoJ will (trow every where, where uiiiuiiQ beings arc u be fonml to cultivate them. liming the suiniiier, wh eh m;iy he reckoned to lust front the middle of May till towards tho kttti'T part of August, tho port of HainrnerfVst jreseuts a livelv appearance. The weatU. r thon Inteunelv hotj for, as the sun never sets from July Hi till August 21, tho earth and the air can never become eool. We would recommend the traveler who may It bound for the far North, to sec the midnight sun, or to place his foot on tho extreme, verpe upon the European continent, not to lonret to iuin, with him a liberal supply of eau de Colopnc. He. will find it useful at n immerest, for the whole place recks with a fishy odor. There is n tolerublo hotel, perhaps rather dear iu its r.airrpa. A good deal of eider-down Is brought to Hum merfe.'tfor exportation, thnagh nut so much as formerly, owinp to the reckless way in which tutee birds have been slaughtered. The Mor wtfiin btorthing has however, recently passed; a law to protect tlnni. Tho ehler-diick abounds long the whole coast of Norway. Oenorully ipi uking, they bnild their nests on the small ii-lamis which fringe the co.ist, though they will often repair to the mainlaud, building close, to the farm-houses and tbheinicu's huts, even under the verv doorsteps. The lst eider-down Is taken from tho nests whicn the fenmlo bird has plucked from her ewu lire.ist. This Is termed "live down, in contradistinction to the "dead down," which is tripped oil' the dead bird. A quarter of a cen tury apo, it was bv no means a rarity for small Tcssels to nriiin; iroin nve m six inousnuu niiu cf eider-down to tins port rroin npiiioernen. The usual price fur cider-down in London is about a guinea tho pound, but I have bought It direct from Uuuiiucrtest at about one quarter the inico. A great quantity of multer berries (Uubui ehiiniiiiniorus, is exported from llummerfest, principally for tho Cuiistiauia market. These lave a much finer urouia than is tho ease with those that are grown in the southern parts of the country. To give some idi a of the importance in which "these fruit are held, it will be sulQeient t ruer.tkin that the Norwegian Storthing passed a law in 1K.';4 rendering any one amenable to a fine who plucked the berries on the "multer lands" in i'ir.murlt und Nordluud, unless W cut on tlio lior. There w. re several Lapps in II immerfest when weerc there, bartering reindeer skins for tho m ee-tarios of life, e.-piciady lar brandy and to bacco. They are queer little fellows, most agree able at a distance. I am inclined to think I speak feelingly, for once I had to pi"' night in a lpp hut, having been overtiken by a storm in the interior of Finmarl.cn. Tint they uover WAth I need scarcely say, but they wear next the kin a thick woollen jersey, which I teel convinced is ot. ly changed once, and that is when it is quite worn uut, and Ins to be replace 1 by anothur. It will not, therefore, be a matter of surprise when I remark that I found them very livei.v couup.-uiot s durlDg the n'pht. It Is a btnini,e phenomenon ; but I never st iyod twenty-four hours in any place in Norway with out having at least one invitation to fro after n bear. Once, but only on e, was I tool cuotigh to accept it ; for after having lain flat on my stimiacn all nitht in close proximity to the putrid carciss fa horse, and getting nearly devoured by mos- uitois, and, el ci ur-e, seeing nothing, I tnad i a vuw never to no a uear-huiitiun anv more. There are. however, several bears in Kuinarken, and la-ge numbers are annually slaughtered by the Lei ps, mostly In the winter time or early spring. One dav a Irann woman went out to Osh on a lake, accompanied by her son, who wis fourteen years old. Vv'lien they had caught HRuiU iont upply, they lauded on a part of the shore which was ihicklv overgiown with lirand underwood. 're-entlv the woman's quick eye fell on a large heap of boughs, reeds, m ss, Ac., and, on nearer liisbccllon. she found a large hole underneath the mass of ruhbiBh, and felt convinced it was the intrance to u bear's "Hi," or cave. Mis was a coumgioiis and resolute lit le bnuy, uud, nothing daunwd by the discovery, nor rellecting that she was alone", hastened back to the boa' to teteh her axe and rillc (fur a I.i.pp woman genera 'y goes arihed, and is usually an i xpurt shot). Nn her istirs iu other nuns' of the civilized world would mi st probably have been frihMncd out of their wits, and have heat a snee ly retreit under s.ieh clreiiuistmices. Her ouly anxiety was lest lha hear should set oil. t u returning, she proceeded to cut down asin l fir Mii ing, which sue pointed at one end, and pave ii to the laiy to bradd e about in the h ile to aseeri.nn wlietmr it was occupied or ntit, while ike mood with uplilted axe a lit le on one side. Ho sooui r was the pole imertcd tha i oat eamo the scad of a monstrous she bear, and down cmno the axe on her skull with such force that it remained s'.ickiio; hist in the wound, and uccum rained iliuiu as sue retreated to the furthest end cf the cave. Time being up for round number two. mid her opporeni not putting in an appmr- ance, she d tet mined to try the effect of a shot. Nu sooner hart she fired down the hole, than out Wted a euh about the M.e of a su' ep dog, which her son cleverly managed to Cifch hold of hv the bind leg. Hut it was too strong for the little fel low. and, after dragging him lor soino distance, map ped to get away. DetcrinitiQ.I. howeier, i t to l ise hiui. mother and son went in pursuit and tpreilijy overtook the animal, which had taken to the w a'er. A few well administered t i;n with the end of the oar soon rendered him h ,rs af cumbat. Having secured liim, tho courag.ions little woman went h ick again to the "Hi " and give it another stirring up. Uut all was still. Next siis ttred a tccond shot, but nothing moved. Con cluding tint the bear must be dead, or else h ive scat d (Inrlnjr her absence, she determined to tig her out, a work of no small labor. .Success, Buwevcr, auenueci tier rAniuuiu, lor at ieii;LU ke found the bear lying quite dead, with the axe till stioking in ber cleft skull, and, by her side, other cub as big as the first, with a bullet wound through bis neck, also dead. o mean achievement for a woman and her roy I AU Iht Xtr livwid. Aii"i:ncifl. Vai.nit Stui'.f.t Tiiiatiik. To-nlgM fiss Lucille Western appears in that horrible char acter of "Nanry Pykes." Ko play in the lan guage could probably be introduced with a bettor fleet of exhibiting the genuine and purely able foreo of Miss Western's acting, and at the same time her unronalle d versatile talents, its the play of to-night, Ohrrr 7Vi'.ir the contrast between thfl uppi arance of tho London outcast and tho iinmriil In aii'y ai d gra e of Miss Western. The story of the play, too, is worthy of more no'leo han has generally been awarded to it. The irtcte-t commences In the Hist ai t, and do s not flog thioncl.out. The i h iracter are not only otoii'Sl, hut trnthtiil, and each worthy th'j grmus and humanity .htcli charaetrnu the enat novelist. A moral istontained in every set lie, and invidious virluo in every cbu rat tr. P.vi n ' Ta-'iii" and "Sjkes," while they h irrily the it lit I i or with their exhilctions of stulti'led ronsi iinc s and lack nt leir ot (Jot or lain, paint a lesson which, if studied by the reek'ess ' uth of tlisgrcat i Ity, waild do more ':.e d ban any other tiie.iiis w,ilth could be c nplovc.i to enn Ihein from the wiles of the Kvil Oao, whiih purround them iti their paths thrti'iffh life. All should see Miss West ru's dclinealiein of "Msnry fykes." On Murday evening nftt, MNi Wcstorn will appraras "Cynthia, the Gipsy l-'lowcr fiirl." CITY IMTEHIGSKCE. PcsTtit ctivkI'iiiks TuisMoitviMo. Ilet.weon the liours of 1 and 3 o'clock this morning, no less th. hi three fires, one of which proved quite do ftrurtivc, o curred in dillerent iiartsof the city. The first fire broke out about 1 o'clock In a one" story frame stable, owned by Thomas Little, and located at the northeast corner of Sixteenth and Pcurl streets. The stable was used by four men, one of whom was tho proprietor of a Hour storo, am! the other three furniture-cur drivers. All had horses in the stable, which were burned to di atli. T he names of the unfortunate owners are Alexander Neidcr, William l.aycock, Patrick fShailer, and Thomas .Fordo. They also lost a quantity of feed, some harness, etc Two of the horses wero valued at !.'() each, nifd the other two at K1A0 each. The total loss is about $1KH). The second tiro broke out about half-past ono o'clock, in a two-story double frame building, in the rear of Otis street, near Amber, Nineteenth "Ward. The building was ow ned and occupied by John Turkey, earpet-weuvcr, and contained six teen hand-looms, and a large amount of Block and materials. The building, w ith its contents, was totally destroyed. The llamcs extended to another large two-story frame bnildiug, owned and occupied by the same turn for lumber pur- poes. i ne bniiaing contninea twenry-stx nauu L,.n.n a l,.t rrMrlv.tuMiln ritriiitbi. and a uuan- tity of materials. The structure waa partially burred, aud the machinery and stock damaged by water. A Inrgc nnmber of rolls of carpet and a consiiieraoio quantity oi bim.b. wuiu rm.u through the exertions of tho police and citizens. The two lactones wero comp eteiy surruunue'j and purtially shut out from view by oihi r building ou Olis, Amber and llolman street. These 0'he.r buildings consisted of three rows of dwellings and one row of cooper shops. Fortunately at the time of the fire the roofs of these structures were rovered with snow and sleet and hail. This, no doubt, together with the exertions of the tire men, preveuted a very seriou.i eonil.igrution. They all escaped with slight damage. Tho dwelling of Mr. Tuckey on Otis street, and several other surrounding residences, were damaged by water, it being necessary tor the firemen to ruu their hose through thise buildings in order to reach the flames. The total loss by tiro is esti mated ut about !(i(lOU, which is partially covered bv insurance, mainly in New York companies- Abont j o clock a lire was tnscovcreu in a two- storv brick structure, located in a small street running north from Milton sircot, near Klovonih, in the .Second Ward. Tho structure was owned and occupied by William W. Murley as a soap factory. A portion of tho tipper story was tflle 1 with hay. The building was pretty well demol ished, and the establishment baulv duuiazed. The dwelling of Mr. Mur'ey, on fcleyenth street, and several other buildings uujoiinug, were slightly damaged by water. The total loss is es timated at $1M)0, upon which there is no insu rance. The total loss of the three fires foots np nearly $SMiO. Hie losses would have been much heavier l ad it not been for the heavy fall of snow during the progress of the conil igrations. TnE First Snow. To childhood and youth there is no more pleasant occupation than to watch the falling of the feathery flakes of snow. To see it commence to descend; now n fluke changes that preen leaf into a spotted trefoil of green and silvery white; gradually they luereaso in number, the trees gradnully disappear, and large white musses of snow take their place; tho muddy road becomes a leather bed, until beneath the cve.r-iucrcasing mass the whole earth changes its variegated hue, and seems to bo enveloped in one vast sheet of white tlssuu paper. 1 ho countryman sees that on tue morrow mo ground will be coveted, and takes the neeussiiry precaution to secure rne satety onus neatrii. too citien, when he opens bis window iu tho morn ing, utters exclamations of surprise as be sees his ritv abounding in the colors of the "Uonfedoruto Flag," red, white, and red brick, suow, and brick arc all the teatmes vimMc. To children the sutht of snow-storms acts like a most exciting stimulant; they shout and cheer In utmost glee, luuecel, the bt'inula lug cticeiu are not reserved for children only we have seen unmoors or oia men, almost tottering on mo verge of the grave, h.tve their sinking spirits urouscd when thev see the nearly flakes descend ing, it h a blessing to all ; it acts like a blanket to protect the giuin and vegetables; it refreshes IJlBiaillJi 11 l!4VlOIIHC IKltll ; IIUU UC!iUfc3 Uli creaieu tilings. Alt hull tue lust snow 1 Ili i.r tiik Ni r.iiY. It b in contemp'ation to establish societies iu this city for tho purchase of fuel, piovisions, etc., to be retailed to the poor at cost price, thus saving them the profits charged by retail dealers. It is not charity which is wanted to alleviate the suifcrings of our poor as much as some co-opctativo effort through which families of moderate or limited means may be able to pun ha-e fuel and other inoro important ntcesnaucB of lite at ttie lowest prices. Ail tins at. a more these associations propose to do. 1 hey intend purcha iug i oal, flour, etc., at tho lowest rates wholesale, which they propo-e retailing to the more needy At cost, barely reserving cnou .'h profit to cover expenses. T his is not charity ; but it will relieve buucrii'g which chanty could uot tou'h. It wid nut ailed tho pride of men of t mall n e nisi auu deserving families who woul 1 not accept chanty, thougu perhaps in want of ussisutiice, " ni be nine, without saeruieing their lliocpeillll lici , IU avail liienihcivos Ol lis It'lvau taces. und thus much Butlcrini; among a deserv ing iu d worthy class of the population may be prevented. '1 he organization ol an association ot this character need not entail any loss what ever on the panic getting it up, while that It would router signal beneiits ou the poor and ucsinuie oi n.e city no one win ueny. Si Mn n IIiia iii. ThU morning Coroner Tar- lor held au inquest upon the body of William Holmes, uged sixty jears, who died sue! deiily, yesterday afternoon, at a tavern at Fourth und Jeilerson streets. It seems that Holmes went into the place, about t o clock In tho afternoon and Indulged In sundry drinks. He took a seat on a barrel, where be remained with his bead down uutil at salt y o clock, the proprietor sup. posiag bint to be asleep. Finully, it was deter mined to arouse him. A glass of water was poured down his back, for the purpose of sober ing nun. i ne mini nuu no ettect on the uniortu nate individual, whom it was then ascertained was dead. He had evidently been dead for several hours, as his luubt were eiJIaud cold. mm NOTTINGHAM AND SWI33 LACKH, VT.W 8 T T L K 8. t'lirsM T III KELT. WINDOW MI A Dies, N o . T a 3 KELTT, CAB1OT3TON&00. . I t.'HBSHttT RTRF.KT riANo covr.Rs, M;W 8TYI.E8, WtKI KACtl'ltEKH ?1 IIKSNIT LAIH.F.rtr HTfX'K IN THE CITT AT LOW 1' UlCIIH. f i i.tr. r.r. AV ALHAV I : IN NOVKl.TItSH u EICH CURTAIK coons, It win now HIIADIIH, FUIiNI l CMS COVKHINOS. H ALRIVEN, ! IIANOSK! HAM., I 0. !! CD HP NUT FTRFET. N N H. ivo. tio eiiicwrsirr hthkmt. EDUCTION FANCY VELVET AND SILK HONNKTHi TO CIORE TIIK F1KAHON. WOOD i CARY, No. 7."i OJIKSNUT STUKET. t LADIES' AND MISSES' HAT3, NKW STYliKH, LOW PR1CK8. VKI.VKT IIONNBT8 Blt OTU no ths lalwl ft net ttnioderate coat. Ti.LT BON Hit IK 4kt UiTS) tu- WOOD OAItY, Ho. 71i CUBHUVT T!Uii'T. AWUSErVSENTS. MlUtlCAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. I.i...,.inmni-lir JOHN T. mill). ii nt o.i. o .i.iv hit H4'i lnrairn. iimiiiaore nnui .en Tl,alru, W aflilLBon ; and tlm Alexandria, Vimirna, fctiikc Matiajfr JOHN TI. WKUillT Pit AKtxI'KARI'S TIIAUFHY OF 0T1.T.TI.O! JI0N11AY AMI II KhDAT KVKNINilfl, Hei . 1.' ami 1 ' I, I n I n r u K K 1. II 1 vlll rcnOvr l.U grand SliaVr-siionrlun ddlmatlon of (I t II K. L I. O. In hhaloini'srf ' rcli'liratcil TranuUy tlic nme nauii'. ilK. Met-l LlUl till UJ 1I1BO. IIAI'AMK rOKlXI si Annua. ALICE CIUAT as lit-naemnini. Tills crest TnuaJy will be ari tenltd In s -tle ol uue min.li'rl i oioiili li ui'Mh. with AHltOUtlAlE Bt'KNF.HV. Tlin I 11 t.n. AKI Al'POlMTMr.NTS. FTlWIN FOItltKhT S licas'i m' m wlU ligilive'll clone FillltAt tit l.Nl.Nei, uecd,iHir uu. IIR. FOHKF.HT MONDAY. TrKKUAt, TIH'K.sHAY, ASH 1HIDAY Kir ATM SKni'KF.I) SI X HAVlH ACYAVf'S. Ko perfotoianoe eu WltHNLrJHAY or UA1 UllllAY TU Box Birrt,for thr let'of gtrnrcsl p!aoas,now oen tJ'uron IH houra or non o cioca. Ailiiut.UiQ. fsi aim .'o ci'ini. hoc uiail Seal! (iVceuu uilillllonal. RS. JOHN DHEW8 NEW AltCli 8T. 1HKATHK. iioiihkh ntowiirn to tub roof. TWhl.l'lll MilHI-or 1. H. CLAUKE. C'lin'-ny, t-arrr-, und llraunCI TO-Mi.lir iHiuiiriUv), HojcaiUr 10, (lie mrrlinir Cune-ilv (if I'Al.'L I'UV.. A-uul Fry J, B.CI.AKKE. In hi- tollowi.il hv KOMKllQDt B CUA1. bii anliliiKton J. 8. CLAIIKIC. To ceneluilt- i Ith the thrllllnK HrHinii of .HiNATHAM IlKAUIOllH: Or tin. Uurili r al the Koililli'ti- Inn. Cu'r-l) Si-riniTiilti' J 8 ( f.ARKF.. Mm dav Till: KNIUUTH OF TIIK It'll Ml TAHI.K. jSEMliLY BUILUINGS. FIFTH ( LAHHII'AL AIATINF.K ht ina I'HILAIil.l.l'tllA CT.ASH.CAL QDINTETTE (XUHi All, 1 , M. At KDNr.NIIAV. l)ci'mhlr 11. Klutle tickela, l u.u door, I illy null. 1.1 I 3t KKAT NATIONAL CIRCUS. STAR VJ INOAl.KMKN r. WALNUT hl'itl.t r. AHOVR F.10,nTr?. Btreetreai alra CIIAIiL&a WARNEB iruiu t alri. 1AN KlCKi. The largei t coniiiaxy In the world. A ktar oiwenwnt bhtIiiii linea aadeivitti tb iiuiuenBe kicolu Titioae, tl.eie treat artlela will appear tlua evau'iig and erury evr-alnK durlnit the weea. louujf nil.oi,ij, ananriai m'rrurrjjrr n ihe 1,'Erhi' le Fer lune. or llvlre TraueAe, Ta rcartled by all ifiilea aa the child wonour. Tee TAI.I.FF.N HltliT 11 r HH. and W. ROCUF.I.I.K. the fr-al Hn-aluiilii-v, with llerr N IC01.0, cormiitme the Tro'0e. 1 h liKNytlt ItkO'l'IHCIOI. KATON HTO.MII. 104 Klhll. (I. BATCIIAl.OK, Mrtira. all UkAY ami I1UT CHINSOW, CHAN. KilKKWOiiD and rmllr, will ! e'M-ar In DiHty heeutltul acenoa. The Trained IHife will alc aui.iar. Clown, M'. HAM. KTICK NF.T. Jr. Ooeu nrl ui.il vnl Ml alvhl. OominMni' al 7-40. at ATINKKH WF.HNKnllAT and SAi tttUAr AFTF.at- JiOONH. ermnneneiDg st VH o elool. Al Missn.N.-lir.t Tier. Ml eBte: Neeras Tier, eeuu. . mute ilvml, to anil to, M U lial aud Wvatwet. 2J AMUSEMENTS. CIIKSNUT UT. T UK AIT, K. IIKSMT ft ltKl-.T. AIIOVK TWKht'TII, (-l.dk I It A Ml , I.FHht.K.H A S II M ASIA UK 111. Till lIMTl ItlMl KVKSIIVII, 1 IIIH IH4TI IttlAt I l: hIMi, Tin is I limit ) uncivil, Til I I h ATI UIMtl K. V K I Mi, IIIISISMI ltllt ) It KVIM., 1 if I M (N VI I HUM ) HV I'.VItll, 1 IIIH (SA'l I ltl ) KVK.NlM., i iiih ti it ii t i k v ;m.o, AN I VI HAOIIIINAN IUI.1.. AN t l HMilllHVAIlV III I.I,. IM ntAOIIMN VKV l ll.l,. AN I VI I! A 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 N A It III I I.. AN I H Adlll INAICV llll. I,. A N I.M I'AUIl.il N A K I III I, I,. '.WO 1 IIHII.I.ISO AMI I UN I IHtAV 1 no 1 in. 1 1. i.i s i a mi iai'I 1 1 Mi hi: mah. iiiii r-i k ii.ii mil ami i..nisn I'll ui is. I W n TM 111 II I N t AM) I. VI I I Mi IOI 1 AS. 1 W (1 'I IIKll I I Nil A Nil K Ml I I NU h l( M IS. '1 II I II Kill I Ml AMI I- ' I II N'l hi.' AM lS. 1V.O 1 II ll II. I I Ni, A Ml IMC. I I Ml hll A VI s. Itr l' r'f rn tnrfr will . itinm, ik i mill tt c tlr.ltl l .Military mi in II r nil- -"I'll if i i: J J S.M K IKKitt N I l.riw N IIKIMA A, IIKIlM Nl ,tKiii-: .1 I.SSI I'. . k.si i : .1 KHI K i: .1 KSIK .ii-: smi !: .1 K-MK .u.ssm nnfi'vsf, HilllW ii mutt! Knots vi iiitov J I SSI I . .1 1' SMK .1 tlll ji smi; .1 i:m i; Jl.MIK llltllll N( Ii 1(1 !V 111. H l f IIOHAi II HOW t intuit i Hlll ItllOWV 1IU(IV. ll(, TIIK III l.llel- I'f I.I ( KTVOW, It I- I I I ll ' I.I K NO tV , He I. IKK Ol' I.I I K.MIW, II : I I I O K I.I K NOW, l I I.IK. K llf I It KNOW, II 1.1 KK OK I.t KNOW, IU.1.II I' (IK I.I KOW, III. I. II I' OK 1,1 I kAIIH, II Kl.lli.li' OK I.I IKMIll , e I'll ti ran Ii I., tirlrii'tl tl o AluM 11'ltll l lM. nllAMA IK MOhBl:" rY4, .',"1 1 1 Ii I, I I.I I Ml hiiAH A ll- , '.1 11. I.N DAI H. Ho IS I t Mill MM, I ill A M (IK Ah 1 1 1K1I N I'lH, MOST Ulllll.l.lMI llltAAIA OK MHIIKKV UAVH, iii'M' 1 1 atl.t.iNii iikam a or A" 1 IT 11 N I' V 1, HUM' lllhll. 1. 1 I 'MAM A UI HJDIRi IH1.1, alii! Ll il Dim ,l'v tl.11 I.I.I ATI HI HtTfl : OF I MF. Nf AS lK. CIIKAI I 'T 11 I I KS OK 'I I'H K,HIN. 1,1.1 A'l Ks'l hi t" I- HH nf Till. UK S(N. 1 1 1, rl AT r.HT Hll I'll NO I'K I lib. HK A -1 1 N . OlifATI hi' hi '( KSSI Of T H I : hKASHS. Oil HA 1 KMT hi (Mil UK III Ii HI.. SIN. 11I1AM1 hiirici.i rtiiN or cn aiiai rr.i'S. I.I1ANII I'lhTllllll I IIIM OK I II A I. A' I e K I. IU Ml hlh l kllll 1 ION OK CPA Ml ll IF I I.I 111 1 ION ,K 1. 1, A Ml 111 h'l h I 111 1 TON OK i.ham' I'lhTiimin ion or CHAM It: Kill. CHAIIAI'THCt. CIIAH ACl KIIS. 11 A It M l KIH TI'l 1.I1AM1 ciiaikik or 'nu; muni. AMor.Rn. TliE (.KAMI t II A RI 1 K OK 'llll IJIHIILAMO I I i K. (.ItAM) CIIAIH.K OK TIIK I Hi 1 fl t A N I il in. TIIK. (.HANI) CMAIit.K or 'I UK llltilll A.NHK.US, lilal OhANli (IIAKI.K OK TIIK IIIUIIUA.Nlli.UH, f.DipInv mi.- In ai tiTB nintllct Ot Hit, Kill I'KllSuN.S OVKK IIIII I'KIINUNM OV I H inn I't iihiiNsI OVr.lt IIIII PKKaON'H Ot KK IIIII I KUSIISI OThlt 111(1 I I-.K-ONM OVKH 1(1(1 l l.i SONS 0 Ml Kill 1'KltKONS Voa tho Ktrre at tin' sunn timii, ic-uiin a ta'iVan of Iniili ihrillltiK unil ihwitIui flltei a-, to ut onee eiiiiso tlin Uhl lltM l.I I III hlAKH IN Kl lt.Y "l KII"I.H UK. ri.i l.vi-nnK I Biortaiiiini nt twll continue leilli tue lB'trltli'i.' unit rxcillre Iirotna, HON C.l.KAU HE IIAZAN. HON C.l.-All IK ItA.AN. Una t'.KNAR UK I'aaN. I10N I'ANAK I'K. HAA N HON t'A.HAK I'K. IIA.AN. HON t'.l.il.Alt HK. HA.AN. HON C.l S.llt HI'. l.A..N. HON C V.1AU UK. HA.AN. ttor Cn-iiar Mr. T.iwli, Itatnr At rlniiui v 1 -s 11' lie Vu i-tiil O.N h a'I IMiAT Al TK.KNOIN, I..-.I S.AilH.ll li. SKVt NT! H NT'I OltAMI FAMILY MM1NKE. .OYER ACADKMV Or' MUlSIC. Wnl.fmillN TIIOM A8' HIIST CI.AhSIl AI, IIIM'KHT, rillMT CIAHMCAL, CIINChKI', KII.ST CI.AHsll'AI, I'OM'l.ltr, I IIIWT ( I ASSII'AI, CONCI'.HT, I HIST 'I.AMNIItAI. I'ONCI.HI', TntH (HallllliiV) l.V F.N ' ' .(1, IIO.TIillier 10. Ntit.mril'tions nt tiliulil (, Alum-'s, anil Al' ier's Muaic St.-ri'i. hinitr Tl' Vrt l'..(ifi!len. 01 ti tiuit at llic Music Su re, 11ml in llie I've-niiM at tto Hour. Doors open at 7. concert m a. AV rALNJT ST11EKT III EATUF. TIIIR (-atiiTtay) EVKHINO. Iecrtnhr 10, TliC charming, yrunp, b' krtrruK, Minn L" .'il.i r wciir.un, wlil appnir In hi r Lrtit climfittir, is tilt fuuuMis iiOajitnticn of CMinrii'i- Imki uj ll(, THE TAItlPir 1HY'H PltOOKKS. Mo ii ntUulo Wiin 0 v n i iir lra-'ti,i n Liij (IOI IK. PaCMKK; (Hi. V K L I. . V i T i h I T 'f Til 1 f 1 IT VO t-pt'.l 1 Taj III U llii it. i 'lirlUi't ri-fk at 7'fl. I; K C 1' PASS Tll'Ot nut OUATOTIIOS OF THK " (" R le A TI 0 X," "lel.UAH," AM) THK " MKSSlAH, W1TI1 OTHKK d ACRED Ml. SIC, AT ET. CLEMENT'S C1HUE0H, t'UUNKIl TWr.MTIF.TH AND OIIKKKY KTUK.TS, TllL'KDAY' EVKMNG, DKC. 15, AT 8 O'CLOCK. The arp wll! ho iimlcr tho illriTties of Mr FltAVi; HAIil I'.V.ii'tiiniM ol therliuriili.aiiu Mr. HI I. II C'l.AltK, (.ii.. mat i.f tilt; Iliiiuli-I und lliiyili) rj-n li'tv. lln- I'rocvrs to ne ilevolcd iu tue couin etlon of the Cri JD of Hit-chiirvli. w Tii'l its rnn hn rirocuroil at flic Moflr Rtore of Mr ,7. T,. Coiiin. No. i;.' V Che-nut stre-i-t ; Ali-snrs. l.e-e A Waikor. N. '."i t in .-nut ntreit; Missre ( :. Audri' Co . No. HotCtii'- Mil BiTtet ; til tie F piTol'itl Pi ok Sioro. No. l'.''.?-l I h mint uree-l: at Ir r. C. M . Hums' Hoek Mu.ro. No. nil Cm-unlit oe'; uml at Die In us Hlore of Mr. H. H. Lttininr.nl, N. AT I'oiuti' Tvvci.iietn end ( lieiry bimcia. onoob.to the church. TICKKT3, ONE DOI.T.AR. It. Tt Si lii-totN 1U be Bold nor money rre rivoel at the iloorol u,e ihuroh. 1' IU-lII-iiuiIi 1;XIUrinjON OF 'WOIlIi.S OF AKT, FOH J UilltM'KIl ot the CI1KIKTIAN cOMslTHHTelsr. kttfce Ae.Al'F.MV OF riNt All I S. An F.iMtiitlon of a 1'riTate Otieollon of Works of Art, In l'aiiiiihgh, hculilure, Water Color, and ether Drawing, llnyiavii,k, Ac, la now opeu ni tin- l'i-tusylranla Aii.li n y ol r lac An.. No. K 'i, t'HKS.M T Htraet. I'rvia s A. M. to Hi 1'. M., lof U.e benelil ol ul.e ClirlaUauAkiua- liii-mon. Ailuliiltin 'IT, d im ; Knnaon Tie ton (A cents. ll-.t 1-1 This ailmlrulile Tlcture, the ureatust proilucUon of tha I'Biuitr WK.ST.la now en exhibition at (ne At'AI'KMV OF FINK AltTg, o. OHF.SNl'T Htroet, Toirlthitf wllh the entire isrilictloanf the Institution. AdudllAnee, TWKNTY-F1VE 01.MS. 11 12 In liY BALLOOH AECEK3I0i;3, TOIS AF1KRN00N AND EYIiNINO, AI D Dl'KlHO AtX CALM WEATREU THIS WEEK, At Cor. of rUTEENTHaud COATES Sts. Tto wethr twin five, thoit wUMnt an atent1ai tthould Th' or. hand etry. Tha cuy slfthuxl by feaa nati a iiioist bul'ilui .pcciac-'. Aututikiuii, vi cvntt. Blluren, 16 wnig. rc ticied. H IK MAE UrAOTTTRINO MAOHINJST KNGINIiKK, ltVIO Mo. lTJl V. 8K00NI Straet. rhfladadJa- BKIDESUUltQ MACHINE W0RKJ5, MO. 9b ti. ntJNT flTftLEET, rnUUeVM.1 f'HiA. W are prrparxi to ftli ardvra W huy taut for ear weD known M At IIINFtiY FOR COTTOH ATD WOOLKTI BfTLLH, Inchdiut ail riiQvat totroTiuauU In C aiding, KpuuUii(( ftjld WSJltvUlfT. Wf tavit U atUftUeA ti Mnnfaetorert to our extaa It wke. I U ALTkkJD JAXKS A 0 com. at t'7-.vi r:.i! Tor'. th k '''n- ! I Mm i r, M-iiiI I'nsl .'..ti.'.ii. -ii.' ro.-ia'cil - ' 1 II" ii-iii-M Mil. Mil L fil 11 ' tl.c ' ' ij ' ' it, I,, n l.ir. 1 " i 'ii ' 0" it fil' l ei i .r.r. . c-"' ' 1 ' I .01 .t ll'M l.V Nil. 1.inr. i-JuolAll Klnl KltlUH K, Ma. llfll H.Mt K l-.T birvoi. Mlir.l'TilllS. ,' MK-i l.V NO, Nfi .'.S H'.Ui nir'M. l.l'WAKIi I:. .lONKs, N '' 11 A" 'i Ill Mlt B l-M I . N" 4i'i uli ut I oi I. V. K I t O ION. Ni,. II., N. I '.ll.l .tt.-l. 1 IIUIIAN C. liAKHI.II. No. I i ll). mil. lllli", N'l- .V.S K. HI X TH SUM 'I I..-1 , .iti r 1 ii v Is mill ri tfiTin- sub irl'M-,ni . , ll s o-H At H'i it -titiri', met iiii.'i'lvi' v iti -.nu i 'ii 1 li,r ! II -tlU0l I'f V liny Afcti HciillJ ijilll e:.ltl, HI S i i'sr I0IK 1 1 f iiltrnfl- n nf tttv ln.bl.R In Invilut to t!,c flw't'S tr n nun' piislln . V i . il.i' iii ! if i. nrd Hl.n i. iiiil.'pr. in '.,iuiiiiit' "MitltiAi 1 "Kl Cii , I av 'I'll SiVi-ii imr iill'1,11.,11 t" 1. i w..;k- sir .pir..ti. t.i of Hi i "i'ii'i .i.ti'.n, t I'Vi- re in 1 1 iir'.iii o ' in one t" I Ne In '' li'n ' no-1 fur. -lc ,1 r- o "i ' el tr.i 1 1' !' 1 r I mil m cri'rl m', iiml In "i lir I e M Oun hi.' i U'i I I'l'M in lln rl! i u II' i in ll.l i -III' er ' I Oil ( ' .iiiii An .'. th. v 1, ... -1 I H lie llV 1'ii.i'iit lliis e'ri'nn..ni ,i t" tin' X i.i ''le ill km i in Tirntly cliiiniiu 1'ie' r Hlpi oi I. I ll" llu I l. ll,' - ii of II)' "'"'fil HI' i Kliol'lt-r- 1 1 A III' v.om. ru t 'mi lo 1 1 m ,1. ok -hull In rolilln, ll lo S' tllitl eon' Mine's, no tti.it tl o on, 1,1,1 Ii tel .luill LP "HT.11I out,i. : M tt'h vim rr,.it .,,11, ta III llntiorla'il IK 1.11 llio III i-l ,. 1111 nt ' ir i-'.n II h 'I..-I :-- C' si 1' ! 11 al I'.ini mill" u' I ,,:-! - I , II . " "V 1 -'Hi'- ir. 11 1 -I t..' o t ii- r- in'i' 1 1 e- 1-' id. r. hi I'M vrtclnc arn iwrllun ut On- wt.-i a 'mm laitmi; lull. Ill lal il-ol -J" I'llliiior., wlm ti tlin ilire'.ors liavi li 11 1 .in 'nt ." nir avo'il I ' 11 1 1. A I ' I I I'H I A , ti nleiut'f r '. I'! TI ', 1 r irth, I Wl -iiii JwiH, M I), (wen J WinT, H .1 hi.'n v. d riuit n A Pen, r ntlt-f I M"'ric, it nl Bowltij, IC I I'K ully, J ll V. I,it. An . H (M Ul, A limn, niu ii n'M; 'rrmi T MathciB, 'Wm K 'Ii rr, i M WIHiT, ' N M I.Hwrt ni'i. )av(rj W HHler, II H HMliio'-irJ, 'John M I h i w t i ! , Tr, K' hrl i''r?ii'r, 1 e ( LtiU)eUl. lilt tp nn iho fol'ow .),' n.nm 1 p r Mi m nl Iv m la w n t i If tt i't run In' ni:iilc m ( vf t 'I orr, T H i ni rum, I'lirm )n(i'n, M tn MKitifWn, W tn (it iffllti, T b tiisiti h . wf n, h .hi n It hmitti, W m rnriiA, CrarltH it'Nflll, John 11 Vi hi i kr, H W tlrnv , .lodn V Tf.f, ( iittntR H M rrln, Jf HleVIWMKKt II, ,1 M r. k luAikT, Wm I. Kilwardu, ff .hrf K i. hols. j.'i'H H.-rtuy. f V I'tt.hnL', ( hnr fii I'enk, Wui Mri'Mlly, Kolx rt II I "iilj, Jot r brraiicr, hrnan tn II Ma lid, lit tovri Hftt.el, t. A kit IT Crt, M fia'iurh. Hi nry h: WiiMacr. r&ipiil H r.ivpn, IHaliili-I h ilpiltn. , Manns A I'r Kohnt K ("Hit r Johtl C fttllKT, II II rmnnhcli, J II Ultra, Johh Hai;'IM. .(mob H Mfrlrli, ('hi.rit-rt lhv-y, John II KiMirr, Char -s J- "J, Ir I K my. Thai If. Th .ma", Jr,t JtiM (iii M homaBi i W t.lhUi, (.tun, J t nu s I ii' ir. ton, Atifii rt 'I n.niuu, Hnn' Smith. Jtiii'i C K i ox, fe, M Karn. ( ar I rthf in K, jsino l(iiKtn I, I 1 a 1' h .loo , Vi iii T .IOhTc, E l t'tiri i):iii, li nry V lit' k, JOM'I't' It kluUvl, John Ua'K. Jot ti riy, anthonT W' DflvU, Urn fc eiffl ot AJuf.ftrv, Will HUitT, (irrr(..l Kvlr, Wm It pfftr, J It A(lilll, J V fllftt'HLU, tJi'iirn'Tsnior, CIiarkH r Itraufl, haiHHf-t 11 Wood, I in t.nulwll, 0 H Claoii. Kobert MvirfiK T, 1 l omtM n k Urotl er, h li l,nr. II. m Joa AUleon, n't rlvoU IhiMf iiofci, nil towi"i )r Win M I hror, 4 it-rv r' 'tntTiy, J"hn W I el n, Jitii. !) 'Vali', Ctmrl"- AiiihTnon, ahl ri Ifi-Aior, ,'ittlr mini rm.in, (' M r ent'-r, J II PltKll. I Ahrtbm,i Htpwsrt, jt.in Wm V Mm til 'I hi'ra i.i Mai-oy, iHtrickiaii't Kni-aif Ii ;irtu Hinr'la, IniTiil W Hr ii r. llrnrTH Ito- b, l) or W Hf,nkilTcti, U m rarton, A if rod nun, It r 'vnt .1 M Hilf-y, ill Dry A II HrewD, tlpjr;e fenrmn, ' Maiti tjw J itrudy, llm h MrfVnnPiL, ' W liiiatu V liamrfi, i Wl.Uaio W hn.idl y, H in. u i A Mi. I.t, I Wtllluiii lti(tuii, I.I f V likiiiHon, j HohiTt kl.:t;wa1 ' U Hlt, It'htiilert W Sarturt, i W A Kolln, 0 l ralm;it1r. U'rain II Mitfifv. irrfdirhk Z.sUin, IM It KMIlfrl, ' r. i'oit, f John K.rfl(r, I. N .Mir S, 111 f .:liiti&rii, Wm Ii Metiin, Ki )l;ird It kl lh r. Mm i kihlur, J t; W.iMi, ' H H I'tirfrwio, Mr" t amm, lr W lloiituvaT, .John K W Altai o, Janifri 1) llrfttly, ,Mr- at 1ji.it luv, 'NatK-l Hti'WArt, .Jhti Ammronj, K WfrtliMiUT. iU. v J W H.iLl;ll, J H Dnniiy. Verr t'nvy, ' FridT.i ralmf-r, (John H'now, 1 hnhprt Howard. Hr Toon i How'ar.d, itthbtn IWikm, J rhu IIchicI, jWm Urice, !.M IIoiiht, IA tifirrtl, 'Wm llo.loy, Ijnnivi ItAintsden, :Mfiuhw Miihr.Jr, IMirhHfliTruav, I'rtioiuai I KuuiiitLtou, II W Oatilt, John J Konnr, Juaneii 11 iS!p; pna, 'Itrniuiuiii t liiet-i , 'it Scott, Jr, !K llftcntt, U It Mill M k, j-rhiiip WiiMm, Kuvltl Wii.ii.uu, :V A Jiiiknt Iavid llor.i, orKP l Kellr, I Samuel K Aht n, ? artid It Amlrcai, I William M Kaecen, iJamra Jrauur, .1 ..h b LviMhill. W in in (ir, W in W Ki a, K J OrlKt:. .Intib Wlnmnn, i-dwHril Uruiiy. w ll atuiticf!, .fiirr: W roMUDOii, O L l atF-letim lir Jr -ri h T howdiia, U m .1 Tnil'pi. tVm II a kny, l-dw t'lino, J( fcn fl WtcTinpr, H F Houihwortti, (.cor, L Miller, V, J ld tcnl, Ir-aitc Hohik'tfr, (Iwrn J btoi kUDt Ansilii U -k'', .lan.CK Wliiit.nrton, t'ntr . A I'.lake, ; l, ut' nf ouht, J LeltiftD Oh, A f 1'HHl'H, J Fn ttk. al E m n art, A hen linidur, Tti T v'n tFcn, Jul i. IchUfit r A eou, Krulrfh k WilhtMii, iiaviil K 't liuiul'.uu, Michui'l .,'niinii gium, HaniAj Mi-Nichols, Mrs m A HiiiuLl, Julm Oodtxju, William IVtiit, W'lliiAin J Cozzeai. C M l.orry. w Uiuumer, t muiki, Ji'Sie Ijiws, t'anl J f h id, Hon yJ lU vn, John Mi Ariuur, H r K ft icy, Alfred It M f. h n derii k K Swopa, I i l.ewis r: M'nau, jaj. lin Hired, Jtiojuti at Stewart, John I- r, Henry l" Vormw, biniu el Hiraona, A A tiiihtrt, C iWihtyinhofTi r, Ahrui niu II Aiti.rger, ItnhiTt Kt'JB, Ivhiic liyuiliinil, Lm rl a W l-i Br.irr, Allied WliUtihtsloUi Ji.Hfiin V,fc:.ry, I- dwln Kv ity, Wrirtm lw ytr, John K nn, ll C rn'mi'v fdw.id a Kline, John K Taylor, K A V athon, (..i'oiku V hayle, KUItth J Ml Cb, E A Li tttri r At Nvvi'Ub, I I.oiu&n Huston, John it SattK'. fitf - 'n Hcut'l, Lucy (' Mi y r, rtiar'rn ronrutt, lU-urV l-t rrill. Joi n Mi Knight, II 11 V.xYv.yt t;hariiih Uoineil, (W ai i or hknili, jt;eorK Haih, jTunia P Cihihit, ; Wi liaiu brhardi, . jllary A A hiuiih i William Aiidrem, J lin (.ifhird, 'jUUU'rl J AllUon, jWiillaui (,' Tailor, Thomafi WoolLuaa, Uv A M JcllV, .Kilialtitn Jutmaou, I Hfiiry Han et, i WilliamC llaniiU. ltotxrt Jordan, 1 Jam ii Clark, U m nuaha a, John ll Auky, Iitaac K Curl, W 11 lUnni-tt, !K W liindtT, i A W 'leiupkini, l''ranci Itrolnu, Kdward Norman, Itev John I'ait ui, Jr WiUoii.lbw.-ll, Adol)hu perm, j'lhouia. HiDKlvy 'John McKot!, jJaoi b C llummell, O 'nVrluii X Co, J hpttnUr, A V MlirahV, im l, utAioiun VfchtHin J kl Kiafey, 03 K lieynold Thuuia, M L UtilhMvoll A Boa, A (. Troll. IJohn tocd. aniBi'l 11 rooks, feUFatll .StoCklT, Auntnfl EiutrJck, JoM i'li b loir, J I Hill' P. Wilhuui Ntmnn, (liTk'n W (dopuek, Wiltikin f hlmler, 1- rvdrm k C'eidunn, T IfJlwooii c haiiiuan, lr V l KiijHtir, John Muir, lit iiiiis 1 ntJincy, ' is Bu k''B, lift ry It t'liew, J W Ki :iv. r De It ltlrhnd John U 8'ikIob, i hotnaii V. hi, V. T l eirce, K I hnnn, W r h.iH, K A H)r.ir, M kl Wlllti-nia, Ifatir? h YirUi, ilwird it dd le, I t arli lUrdt, F, V. Mulish, JoV,n It, h ranaiR "I hte. Homy ll ttrick, Koht-rl Hunt, Wail-' Stevemnn, ilU fitel MtLatliOia, N M'.rnn, l!rv V W l-niann, W iliiiB Adair, Ifnttc Hrtker, lr Alraf am Lirttey, Juirpli 1 Hvi tiy, Iti T Voliert H'ciicaun, Hpi Kate 11 N.iuuniae, l'tr thrown, btihrtT An4irM, Vi keijr f VbTer, ilh nry 0 Vounff, lj W itliatu Jont,s, K W HuiUfitott, Jatnin Hurnell, lHaiuutd It Howard, .h.hii H fltiUi'tt, Enoa Mayiiur, IJohn ItroxcliiKtOU, Uohu rtnoipi, ! Mrs Healer, j..nopn Johnaon, 1 l.ohert limit, , Alt.iTt hlii-rt. win t. tiarbur. O H Ht-nt-r. tfrarv Mi -Neatf, JohM MiKuej, Iiwia Chi'ftrr. Junitf A imrnini, AiphnntoU irvUuia, i luawh Dtal, harh a ti lliuktotf, J K Uhir, It- T u 1 af Altn, John L Wilaun. il bomai HMhaira, ll'rfttun roimuitWtt, A bin Morn, I Atweod, It I a ton M Co, Wiiilain K Htone, Anna M Mi Icfcel, i biirii M lioipr, Han Phi n ipi. Thorn! (Iraiiatn. f4kinud WigrWl, Wt'liata DtiJ. T Tut le. Itohtrf almi. R T rrantlsii. (1 e Orubb. tt Lalaer, i f ' i. T" ,1 Y. Hi wn, . t n M i't " .1 J st'htirv, f ir.ii..! Ki Till , i f V 4inl.lt o, I i it ,i t.i, ' 1 1 1 1 ini (in.lac-r, a 11' i'v. Witt'on if in? , W 1 1 mi n M r, Jain ) I tea. Th.-ii,ng V I'rlf-. irv M Ahlnt1, Vnry Ant- Plrher, W tim U IVmbart' ;J i mIh d K W Al iTflir , H I nn'' ' il'iWD, I- liuhMh M f Utfh, A I- lir ih rt"n. I I, M. i rw "in, 1 p n nttiiTih, J -.'h M-ilirn, M A Ktir-, Im-hml l -kai, hff'D v li'Tffun, t.e in- W Witham, ho rr 'i't.tnk, .ln-fl-Ii I Mitn.ell, M hi v I rt iKft, Kohort M Mn'Tf, f ili ri i 'i , .loii-n'i " h 1-hiT, F IP.I:. M':; tlh'M, JilKMih I I'oojio, I i Ko, ti" a i l i K Thorn i K r.h i , U T a I.t n, .f'Kfo. M K -'.i-r. Wi mitn ninhi. k, ln"trv tiit.H'lt, l,i . fyi' it . m it, i;r.iri.o Vt . ir.- . :,. t n d V .i 1-T, hi ; walU'-R, I'., i 1 1 i ,. nl . r.ii .( n- s l.n tig, J i. imi- I hi Mi'lin. H n.i -"oU, A k'.ti nil. .t.'lm Krinklin, Flii.iv A MIN-n, I'l'ii ftiii n fi itui1, OVt '- 1.1 I H, .h.l'll I.I'M'it, Jo' M .H ' ti, U ir.k"r, J I. Mi ' .-', Jan.' H I v l r. Viilerllni tfiin, I'r tt i T A ii.o, I r I, .1. h M . ! Ii M h,if.hii:. It M I'-'irrr. N .Ii W h , It, .1 tl A ll-.Hl il, II W I K. Mlfr f. i ihdli -V I: I. I mm-, k, w m V it h. rtp, 'I ln" H M.i i mnl. if, V. ill os-.-tr, J h lnii-. M h t arp, JaiiH'o K VmjiiI, ( hHK It Niwrohrt, Vria kl VfhHl, M 4 V.tv ', tioi r, i Joi'-y, N Hfe viii, J 1 I ne, Ja'ih n M lonm. Hi r f VKr, hr J .ap l,i.lv, Vt klarv Hair HU, llxrrla A lUothf.i, II M Jon . OC Nl.'iit.lv, I oivri V Hi'l, hi s-eri .i.in, 1" 1' Wal.lron, John aihiirfc-.-r, f 'ha Iui.nrilt ii'Hiun L I'iIcc, V rn A A nil hi, M I H Miniiip.i , ri ii- A KAi'hamn. Win H i;riiinu, 1 hoi NMii-i tiiRkfT, K I 'utih. J i'Hh V i nr, !. b i'loU, . r, hhl8 l nrTtdKe. II M It -tiphi-rm, .Utnt". I- owr. UK WnTiri"f, IUrkfi'3-ie, I r. u I AStuin, IU i rv II hi i. th, V p.iwt-r. Wm Viian, s it Iiui'firt'. 1 1 1 lirfi ui ( Intk, J hn s Vt n, in lt.-i;i-, (i.'.irif K Will-, .lairrn A Nnirman, .lrinn'M lt rk, t) Wttthi'in, Jofiii hnpo. If obi" t Alii n, Wm ll Miitthlrt', Winthrop Partrrnt, lLitiih I Oi-.h, yiitihvlh J 'lliorn, M K ouna. .rpr(t Ma.arvy, iitA hrim . .tipitii M Vii;r, n i. H fvt r. J B Wtn"Miry, lln iird WoirvK, K U l av nt4r, Jhfl- a Wain, hanii A (.'iiilv, John t Iifwi", Wm KinncilT, Haimiol I' h'va, .In Im II hbt-tt, h A f'hirk, 1, W huthe, Jnmre Itotirne, K l McKc", t'hatt Minpon, Ii' Crt-ptr Wtntof, , v m W vVindT, i 1. 1 iii-Mh J t.ihhfl, I s l.''( rNin, I w f ui!t n, i it l M top, AimIm-w U' kson, , t- A Tfjfo, iThoman Kfitdi, i V m 'aeil, , M Mtiliin, H Itctis, C h Shiu klt tun, HUnr, .Mainiitl L lilibfrt, Sm in t lark, J hn It I. imp, IU Alhrnl, In in' Snorron, Itov Itniamin Jknr, M h' M.rRH-V, I. hn ltl..rk.T, Kotert Toliiml, I .mniii T Kirih, John liniton & 8on, John r.atron, Mn)or ' Johnson, Chin ipi K Mart), II It It (und. 'ilt'ort-'i Nh'tioln, J vV M'M:ihon, T ii-kertnan, ' JhiiiI '- Mm ot, J' hn ti tSnytier, K iHTox. hailed Itorie, Mrs H Sik.ij,. Mrn J K i.hft'tham, 1 Jatnei t'liinvron, John J Carhnry, Join Hmtili, . 1 nomas 1 wttedAle. I.Ioi.n Willlumi, jHtne) Hum ton, a loo i Wiinon. ! Ii7tibi th honthwirk. A ii x 1. Thontniion, Kins not i r.iiv, Kofltt A hmi'h, hull an I Inv (, r It V HM' mTdlii, Aio.iiia tluini h, Wio M ItoiiirtB, H llollard. II ltrnrirtt, Jatiivi. It t-out, if U M In. ktiiI Wi dtherhy, Jf, lr t.ior; i aUurtKUii, lilt. Ml V. (irofe Mi Innu-lz, oorjto r av.i ns, i in s ( Knox. W III I. OVA II, Jf hli IUm i y, J It U li I'T, iiiiiiiii Knox, W m M wart KlUnhelh It- trr, I. ii Miiilir, Wary Hu sun or, li M IltilJiiiMuuii, ' r iiH' r, 'h irie. Pinion, H iiH-ni lluhhul), hn W Kori, or;.e W llmi'Jcrson, nti4 Ititmn. iho W W tVriih'an, Sl ut nmn WrnOky, M. d kiary ll.lh-r. Jtiiuia It Krink?vun, lt M Ci.rtt r. rii.illn K ( lark, I imriM W kt-k k, r liBiilarn.jr, It Ki. II. Jotifpll KU'lwupKOn, line i,hini i,ari. ,.1-ilm O s- Lrtlhtr, Hat' n.ii.';. John Voin-r, havtd Knight, L t octfr, hr. in V Todd, It. I.f ci a P Ailon, llt nrv ( tun man, J K In at on, Ji tin L i , tloorje H. t'outtntv, J illll WIlFOll, ' Hu in ii el (' 1'itif oy. r harks A Quau, i J IAvtdon, ThlJT'ia J 4h :nn!f v, Ir HI inn M Itrvt.., Ci-orwi' K lti'ihf, hrli. K Norton, V in II n. hrfiner, Jiim pli V I'atli rs-on, Fr d rii-k W Kotuur, John ( rr. Kl.en ltitinVn, I iiahkun I'uiU r, Alhtit W Foirinc, John ;rHhin, Kli.'l th .'curs, y. it a v.uin, H ti IlHcuman, 1'VV tl I.MCOUH18, Kuu- klvCuht', T II l.rii h'ou, II P- Wllion, klurarct Torrcy, Witsft J Arnold, W 11 Wiide, 1) It a lor, A mob Hominy, K ihiTt ttihiou, 11 Fl scilnr, 1 b niiftn It i,rngstre'h, I hilm K Kreaa, t: V It -viird, John II Wvlle, . Klirna Heoimy, Ithlnwd lUdl, H T I- (drltl Mrs 11 I. WHl". '1 hoH J lli"huiid, Jritnto Millor, Ihuhc K htsliop, II II h' il liifnnl, -.1 . : h n L Iti'vMir, M 8 K.. 1 1 lor, Jul iip iii Kanoy, Mr(.arfi llctMillotirfh, 1 Altrt d Kue ibiTK, ' fnthcrini! J tifilcr, Ilhnry O tlilBlor, litin l.t'oimrd Mypri, Jiiiut'i Oiurmju, Jr, Win t'lln'on, l .llsi ft Twining. Mr JOHN AIIAMJ. Ae-i'iii in Uui ayimK A.nt In I oriii:iiilnv n-Hi K.N Kit UuilKKT.. 'I ho fi HowihK curommiCHtlons, uelctod I'roiu Urn numhi r, ihow the aphrceiatlon ot the univriiririe by the iitii'iis ot l'htliult li'hin ho fail' N.HtxiH aiieet Jahi'.m Lynk Kn. HearHIr: The i'oul I ret'rived ftom th t. hhmiui .r' MuinalOoalCoin jimiv.on my mitmcri'Mli u, haa itiven us a tire -imlniactjon. It lidler. rtuduy, biirtm wtil, In trtn from ilate, do.clta wl.lu- HitieH, and Ih not eahy pxtiiititinil ed. The Mr In our klu ht ii Kraie hun nut bton ut lor eiuhi or duiu daya. T lurch r In ant wf r to your iiueiilona, I in a) any that Biv e eri nre ttiue far a to the .(iia'Iiy ot thr rnal in alto Ki'tii r ttonth o, whl e I am eiuuhy will Impffiwvd with hip nier m the aha tho ail ai-tju.-h to cb iubcnbvr an Oivi.Iui.iiU V .r, uuo , y-uj.. Oololer?4, ISM. No 4'M N. Slalll .treet. Fun Ai.ei.l'ill. OctntKir 55, llll Jaraea Ljnil, ea . luai Uri-l nlil 1 tan-sir a Hlookhulder In your tV'in pany I )ind alwaT, bi n In the habit ol burnlnii leliUli iohI. Bineeiryiiiu voura 1 liuii It.lnr honaeholilpuriKiaoa, fuilt 'iual to LeUnii, unila very .iiierinr arili lo iuiltxiiL Vour.lfllly, KiMltX.MIKNsZF.V, Nn. llif'S Conte. atreet. I'ml AlBl.nni,OctiiierW.lH .lame. I.vnil, Ki.,Fre m,u ol iLet'oii.iiUifm Mutual t.'oelCiiuipui.y.lly Der Mn Our onal han fume to hand, aUlnguoit order, aiut lia. hern un it In hi thrantii' and liiriuu o. I am Infurineit lliat Hie nlialitv 1. all lliKt i o' Id be derirt'd. Voiira truly, JDllJi .Mi Airllll ll. No. lin; l.oru.l .trti't. Pllll Alii.l.l iUA, lli li.lHr'.'B.lS'M. lamel.ynd,Kil., Fre fldi-lil 'e.iHi.nieia' .Mutual t'ual C"iuuiuy. Hear Hln I have aleen Ihw coal a llinrOHth trial, and ftuil It a ruo.t aplr.ulid arlii le. 1 em in much plra.t-d Ith H, that, If uetio" late, I will iiiireabe tuy auti.eni'iiua to one lnui ilred .'hi re. Hi plfl ily. . . . AM.KK ('. WILSiijr.Nn. 1 116 Oii,nilf Mreet. OFIE Ol' TIIK HAVHUW KTIll.KT llAl.L.OclobfrZ.'i.lbbt."- Jaiiu H I ynd, l're,'di'nt'C'e'iioiU!'r. Coal Ooiuiiany. K. tiemiil frit-nd il have luucli ill' enure in alattiiK lo yoa llm t-liliri' aalMurtlon tin' e'ual kIvi'h me that I hare re tell I'd Ironi yourt'i miiiy. It inaki'i a ntrontf Are, sod In In-e from liato and cinders, and I can coiiildenily ro c niineiid it to a'l hi usakinj era ir di mu.Uc yuruv.m i Sl.o lo manufactnri-rn, lor vi'iioriititia, alcurjl. Yi-urn ulnreielv. ' CIIAHI F.S ! . MvTllF.VH. No flfl San.om atreet. rilll Al'H i ma. Tenth uiul.ili, M, iH-it. I rleud tvlid; The coal Itirslnheil me loi khulJiT In thy tVuipsn? Kivea entire nutnlai'lleii. It la w i lt pri'arcd, and liurui litely. 1 couW nut wli.h a Iwi'er arili lo K.F. KaIJV. No. 4' 1. Third etreet. . rmuiiKLi'iiu, Oeiiil.er ll. Imu.-Jaiui'i l.yud. .n., I'ru.ulrnt, Ac :ln sn.wer to your r.iiucat lo anow how 1 like the coal purcha.i -d I'mre your 'omiMT, I ruly vliat ii ha. in oven .atialuciury In evuty uaruvular. aly lamul UU.A Tl o iIARB A. No. R. BUth itreet. ".Um!s I.i s, Ki'i., Frenloml Oonaiiin 'ra Muiual Coal roinptuF. Dear Sir: 'Ike coal euppl ed louiehvyeiir t 'uuii'unv, 1 am happy lo mn'e.nivi'i entiie nati.iAi lion m eveiy lepoi t.aiid lueiiual toanyl hive ever uicd. re.pecliuliy J"'. J;-WAI T0N, No.?s s. Thlrd . Piili.AtiktrniA, tiiluoer SI. Imlt. J M a l.vno, K.., Prenlilen lonai.iiier. Miituit Coul t'uiopany, Hear Bir; It ailurda me reat plia.ure to announce to you uiy perti-cl uillaciion wiin the i oal received Itrotn your I'omi'any ni.ii my order aa .uherllr. I have linen aocu.tomeil lo me coal from the naighbo- huoit ol vour mine aud froul It when In other hand., ll. superiority heretol'.re will iti ii edly marked, bin In lt pre,ent luudo 1 rind the arlle le I. no way deteriorated , but M tli ooutrary, ao lar a. I no able to iU'llie, lor di lne.lle purpneea, lull.v eiiuill to uj thai I have ever ti.cd, ur baie ever aual)Kcd. 1 ul, Vary " C" M. t'i"". "en.r.siU. BEDDING;! WAREHOUSE, At No. 15 N. ELEVENTH STttEET, u.Jsa fauAtiiwat.