(Mug tJclcgraiili SATURDAY, DKCKMBKIl 10. 1M. IMFIBE OF MEXICO. tie Fmprror Mninilllnn' I rllcrld llio ms-alran Nrrrrlnry r Mmtr. My Dear Minister Velasnirir. do I.nun On returnitiK fri.tn my Intmrio is journey In'u tho dcniutnirnt jftlie Interior, during wtiidi I h ive TTM-ivfd In mi ry city, town, and villain tlin sln-vrr-st inoots of M-inpiitliy nnct tliu inr.t onlitl iithtiMi.ni, 1 iinve derived two ImpDrtMnt truths. TliP t r.-t is, that the empire Is a fai t lirmlv lissctl upon the lirrti will nf thy muicno ninj mtv I ihe nation, nnd that in H there is ili'iu te.1 a lorra oi giveriiiiici,t ol ro.il priurriiss, and mm that Minn hct tlm w.inti of toe people. Tnii fidinii is. that this limn- n-ei m ijuritv is ileslrous of k ai r, trnniinllity, iiml .justice hli-ssii, us th it it expeel nnd anxiously auks ol my ioYirniiuint, nd which 1. kcepinc "in view mv mi tc I iIt.ii' I" Ood ami the p.iple who have tiiuv u nv:, am rfsolvi-il to jj ve them. Jus'ice will have for Its funnilttim institutions tii'able to ihe epoch, and in nhich I inn I i iiirin.; wlih unr-i'tiMiM zeal. To r.'-i'stuiilish. pence und tnniiuility tluoaith all this line, extensive oiiti try.Hiid to promote Willi speed its prod xioiis riches, my (iovimnient is di'teriirnol to employ all list Horn nnd tiiurpv. If until nvv it h.is shown furliunrance to its politi.-ul u Jver-'ine-, lo low tliciii lime to kuow the national wil , and tlnitc tln in'c c s to c Ii"iee,,vi i. o ;.,.. I..-,i... n potions ol .ligation to cimiliat them, for their tiaiiiier uo longer tieiira a politi -;il creed, but In only a pre'ext for rnlilicry an I slaughter. My duties ol'sovert-iijii olilifio me to nroteet the I" ople Willi an arm of iron ; and in or ler to cor respond to the wishes loudlv expressed Irom all t'rta, wo declare, i.s heiid of the n ition. with a Jlnll cnuseiouMn km of our aucieil mis-ion, and ol the duty Inipo-i-il upon ue, thut nU the kiiiio ol i'-meil men who still Intent some parts nt our 'Poeatltiflll eonnlrv. ili.snlotin.. If .ljii..rl,l.., thrctiteninf tli h.tril-worblo.r ..ill,,,. In 1.1. . I.. anu iioeriy, must lie coiiMilered at linmlt of jDanoitii, nnii tali, in consequence, under the uonrioic anu incxoraDic severity ol toe Live. 1 Wetherelore commanil j4ll fnti,'ti,-nori Urates, and military coininandi-n ol the nation, to ....... i. ur wovi rnitient n Muds every tio it c il onln .in eniinoi ion raw eriiuinais who On ak the flrat f lilicrtios whirh it is failed unoii in iirntupr wnv ui me person anu tnaioi properly. " at iiiu i aiuca oi .vicMCo, the, .1,1 of oiuniner, iou. jUammiuah 4 oiiTrnllon of rolmri onlHK The Convention of Manufacturer uml n ,Ia n i onai eo reat.Nem iieii at ( onner iiKiit.na v.. lYorl,, ycntcrduy morninif. William A. Lawmiien aiicmainR. ine principal t)uslne;is of the meetimr van to endorse the aeliou of the SWodnesday relative to the wish of toliacconiita f-xat uongress nhould tax the raw material and hot the manufactured article,. Al'rer several tiecches by members of the Convention, the '.ilium v rauiz.aiion reponutl la IHVOr Ol ine toilowing permanent otlleers of tho National wonTeiiiion ol tobacconists : I'resiilcnt Win. K. Lawrence. Vlen.l'renl. rSenta Jotenh Hall. New York : lUvid ('. Me. L'aninion. rennsvlvania : f'hrisiini At. Mir. inndi David Campbell, New .(eneyj F. N. iuwii, voiiuccucui ; isaac a. lirewser, Massa- piiBsetts; W. S. ilnntoon, Rhorla I .Inn I : If. rane, Missouri; Mr. Schott, Ohio; .lames F. I uwer, uiatriei oi uoiunioia. Iteconl nu Snem. nry V. A. Sehroedcr, New York. CorrospoDd ng Secretary Kdwnrd Bnrkn. New York. Ti. iirer uavm mcaiiune, jncw York. .Vw York rnnet. Wnlea 4 oncernlnr rinc-of-Truee Letter. uoneral Uutler has established tho followiug rgniatlotis concerning flag-of-truco letters: 1. No letter mast exceed one nai?n of a ltmr- Bicct, and must relate purely to domestic matters. i. aii letters iinciuaing prisoners ) must be sent iUi five cents Doetuire enclosed, if to an to Rich. hond, and ten cents If beyond. J. jsvery letter must be signed by the writer's ame in tall, and post olllee address. . aii letters must be enclosed to tho Com landlug General of the Department Virginia and ortli Carolina, Fortress Monroe, endorsed "via ag truce." 0. No money will be forwarded, except to risouers of war. 0. All letters sent to Fortress Monroe wlrhont strict compliance with these rules will be ansmitted to the Dead-letter oillce. Ienth of MeC'ullorh, the Ntatlntlclnn. Hy a late foreign steamer, we learn that Mr. T. . MeCulloch, the writer on political eennamv. fftisties. finance, and eomtiiAreml iiihiiah ftlly, died on the lltu nit. He waa a native of Gotland, and was seventy-five years of age at u time iii mi umno. ue ituaiea law ; but the ftetice of the profession not being congenial, he irame editor of the Scottman. SuhsenuontlT. h came a resident of London, and for four years 8Ii was appointed Controller of tlm a latiiinarv lice in London, which position ho held during i.iumiiuoi ui ii in useiui me. Me naa feisuro compile a number of Terv valualila wnrku Kng which hiB "Dictionary of Commerce" pro- uij pi.uuj ui(5uei aa a oooa or reierence. His tier works comprise treatises on taxation, noil. aj economy, etc., some of which have become Mldards of authorltv. whila the nrine1nlf.y of hers have been warmly combated by other ihuijo Uu uii aaiue uraucues oi science. The New Life or tteneral Hancock. On Editor of Tho Btonmg roror. 3ir : As one of yonr large anny of readers iuuriub, iuumu, to me regular semce 1 am u aware mat your space is Tamable, especially the mattor of book notices. But I most e.ravM ur admlhslon of a few lines, tn a.i.i m cum it.ien ui mo new oooa Dy Ashmead K aua ninneiu" mat it is an authentic life our distinguished Pennsylvania anMu rir.- LT Winliold Scott Hancock. It in not a mere tr book, although Interesting to that claui It litains a correct sketch of all the battles In Ich Hancock look part, p.irtlcnlar attention ag iaid to cur own field or Gettysburg. Momtoohrrt. puKiiiAL LonorraasT. A lettel from the ith to tbe London Tvnti savs : I am sorry to say tht poor Longstroet Is still TeriDg greatly. The Dull went in at tbe base of throat, just below Adam's aDD e. and cut lu ly out through the right shoulder, just below ciaricio. as 11 passea out it cut me nerves or sation and moiiua of the right arm. The arm 1 remains aaralvird. aa far aa motion in onn. tried ; bnt the nerve of sensation are somehow Nblved in the cicatrli, and are morbidly and ftely sensitive and Irritable. He has tuknn lu of morphine, and is greatly rednced; bat I tr the pain remains ae neat as ever." Il iIeartt.bss LiniBTisa FitbTouko Oibij i an. ihe cltuens of Oxford, Mass., are con- rauiy ezcueu over toe conduct and crimes of Henrr Mann, a stone-mason, who has been idoved in the erection of the sew Knisnorml firch In that place. He has been in tho vicinity at four or tire months, and In that time has ceeaea in effecting the rntn or at leant five ttg girts, from sixteen to twenty years of age. was arrested last week npon a charge of for ition, bnt got oil with the paltry fine of 910 I costs. Another tharge I still pending, boon eh he is under $200 bonds to appear for trial. Is about forty years of ago, and is reported have one or more wives living. It is hoped 1 the law will put an end to his career for the beat. WALKING COATS, Tip! DAIT.Y RVKOTNO TKLEORAriT. PnTLADKLrillA, SATURTUT, l"" Kmtrr Nawsru-tm ttv thh Unitso 8tatm. The I,ong Island llislorlc.il Societv ex hibit In its rooms an original copy of the lloston .Vw.,, primed bv John Allen, in Pudding I. nne, and sold at the Post Olll-o in Cornhill, 1 be shi et consist of one leaf, about ten by four teen lnehis. It is dated In tho rear 17111. or simy four years before the Derivation of Independ ence, 1 ut is well printed nnd in g'd preservation. This paper is claimed to be tho lirst one published ia ihe 1 nitcil .States. Apu pos of "Kngllsh Justine." wlist i'o you think of the following clippings from a u ipor of this week "Atl KXTIMOIHUWMIT Sl'TtTKUCK. At thd I'i ttv h'rt..),.,,., Humrey, on Thuriluv his-, before W. II Manny. I', i., Cliiiirunn. the llev. T. II. Trm i tt, tha Hon. II. D. Cnrxoti, K-i and i '''" Kentt, K-q., Jsme Id-ad. a b y a 'ed eleven ; cars, was chnt.je l with iil-ire-itm,' .( nea coi l, lit-lnt ninir to Mr. (eor lihi, of V.'t Tytlur 0, by lhroi g stones nt it, mnl wis sen ti in eii to lourtceu Hills' imptisonment with hard 1 ti I rr. "Stimino Walni-is At the same Se-si.ns, l.l iitlis llninbey at ! liiehaiil J hn-.on, charged with stealing w.ilnnl, from I. ml I' iliiier-Mn's la-li. we'.i s -niene, i to fourteen day.' iuiiiriion tt ei.t with hard I ibor " In the sec ml case tl-e two yomhs w-rn s in pii mm; up a lew walnuts under the tree. Wnl- mits hiu wi.ith here J.I. a hundred. l.unri.m Li trr. 1' MIUlllll'INAIlV CltANOII ov PollTI'XR Aiimiiir the numy ami surprising changes fortune iielii'h's in working, the elevation ot a Tnrki-h sli-ve to the tank 01 a Kurope an amtia-s ui ir is, l-eihaps, one of the most wonderful. "Theri! a t me," writes a llerlin c -irtespundent or a London purer, "wh-n Mud.ime ll -neiletti, whose an ai with her husband, tha new Kroneli ambas sador bcie, is expiettd diilv, oceupied no more exnlied position than that of a handmvden to some Gtioinan slnve-dealer. A Greek by birth, she n il kidnapped-, carried awav, anil sold iulo cuptlvitj- ilurniKthe sanguinary truggle-which attcmli d ihe liberation of her connti v. Thus il whs th it, a mere child, sho was exposed for sale in lie slave market of Cairo, ami passed over Into the possession of M. n'Anasiasia, a countrv- mnn 01 iiers, and .Swedish Consul. General in Kpvpt. The gentleman, whom good luck threw in her tf.iv, gave her an excellent education, and eventually oentieaihen the whole ol hia immense propeny to tlm child whom he .had adopted ytars ago ami bail learned to love. While her uciiciacior was situ alive, Mad'ile d'Anastasia, wlnc original name remains unknown, married M. lteneiletti, the Con-nlsr ag-.-nt of France at AioxannriH. vv imm a tew days slit will be one 01 1110 tune nrst laitn s at lieriin, taking rank aiKAe all others, the Queen alono accepted." J) Or I KCTUH or THR COTTER FAEM OIL COMPANY Of nilljADKLlMIlA. C;ailtat Htoek, . . (1.M0 )t, D1VIPK1) INTO JC0,f 8IIAKM AT PKU .SHARK. Subscription Price to a Limited dumber of Sharps, $2 50 Per Share: STOCK ISSUED FULL PAID. W0.IIO0 CAHH KRSKHVKI) AH WOKKIMli CAl'IT Vr.. It It prnpoteil to (una this Company from th fliUowlns iatercsu I. Thf. simple of l.TiiC aerai. known as tho "Ciittor f,!1'." l'on,Slraw creek, anil nn the line uf Urn I In ladi'lphla nnd Krle luSroait, .me ami a half inlioa .-4t oroaiiaiul, Pittmlrkl township. Warren cuiiniv, Paiinsrl vanla. Una houl ia sltunli.il in one nf thn liust localltlos lu the nolKtll.rhooil. It laksa In the whnla nr Ihe Tulloy ever il Dille In extrnl, Klrliix a frnniaue nn tho llruketi Blraw rm k nnivii two milea. It alio axtemla nanhwant over Hi bluir. unit uk. a liio.nialilerabli.u.,rtlnn nrilio niue T- linn, a trllmtary or tin- Uniken Straw. llr..k..o-Hlriv i nek lak,-a lla riao tr..m tl:e east aide or tho blnll, willed gives na lo Hie celebrated Oil omik, on the wmt J Jt la linvli:bla fn.lii tho Cotter Karrn to the Alledienv rlvor.adliianceol t.u nillea, and thua aiT..ril f,-lllilej r,,r trsnaiinrtatlnn tr b.,an to I'ltnlmrn. Aa mentioned ! -fere, the rhllacelplua and Krle Kallrnad runs dlreetlv Uirousn Ilia liropeilyon the bank in itio creek, and tuui It la liiounht In illreet oommbnli atlun nlih the irri-:U oil !!rk1!i'.'':rl! "d fhil.lulphl. The biotla rU. IVon tie ti.WK) feet, in soma pia.-oa vorr abruptly, rtiera la a dam built a. rona the creak about uudwa? ou tho prn prty, ulYli'ic liinn.-n.a water-power to ana ol (he tlneet anil beat conatrucled saw mills In the couutrr. Tina mill al prenant sawa lilOu lasil et lumber por day wtdi one aiiuria uprlphl auw. A u' ol laws i-oald b added at a small eoil, and tha nilil be made t apukla ol prouiictmi a revenue to tho Com pany al once e.jual to an ordinary producing- well. Tho blulls abound wllh pine, hemlock, io.,ln auch iioantlty aa to keep tne mill riinnliiK lor aaveral vaara. Jn addi tion to llio nilU lliere la a very tubstantiaf and larua li ame houae, aeveial smaller oaoa, barns, siablef, blai-kanuili ehop, carpenter eliop, o. Ac : In abort, everything tnnt anexperlmceor a twenty years' residence tain.ht the late owner to be neceanary. I lie bottom laud on the flat la aooo mrmlnx land, la cleared for the purpoae, and la rroia lin in 'AO acres In extent. Tho lann almunila with eholee apott for drllllnir, and with lanuii'-a lor the purpose, aueh as I'uw ntbor lands poaes. '1 he ravines wlileh Intersect and form bre,ika ln twetnanit Ihrouuh the lil'la. and which are favorite loeall ties for we. Is, have line slri aiiu, width will lvo aufflclent water power to enable It Immediately to commence Una ln ti-veral welle, thus aavlna-tho expense and dul.iy la obta'niiiif anartni-a. A derrick can iw. hunt our ,i, mill and Rearms aita.-heil, lima inaklim the mid to answer a double nurpvae. 1 be "shows " ol oil are equal, and In saany places auperior and more nuiuamua, to tft.se nh aerved m what baa oroved Lo ha tlia ou., Li..u,i.H..n i oi ereek. abont two milea from the farm, oer the hlurra, the Hosmer (III f'ouipany, of PhUndolphil. a'e drllllnii two wellaontne lluamer run, which empliei Into the broken Ptraw at tlurland. These wella are uivin in .n.,.t r ins evidence of the exlsteuco of nil in great iiuantlttet and have ealabllfhed Its presence In that reiilnn hevond a eoubl. The Cotter Kama U altuttt d nearly due north of the now celebrated Tiileeol, on the AlleKhenv river. II. The tee alnuile of llr.7 .wM i.. w,..k s-k.... Oeek, Tii-nesta township, forruit couatv. I'a., ion over the border ot Venango county. Thli land, aa in the case ofthc Cetler rami, takes In the valley aa well aa tha bluns on both aides, anil It traversed bv numerous ravines aud little am ama ruiasinu- Into thn ttin,..n m... vld. ooea of oil cannot be excelled In faci, are so marked, and tbe formation of the land is an favorab.e to the exist ence oi oil, that every oil man visiting tke rexion says : aalmen Creek ia hound to moiimI Hib..,ih .... on J"feek, " and ihe apocuietliiK public have shown tliclr faith u .. uj ,viiiJK or uujiug every acre or land from mis mniiany a o-rriiory to tne mouth or the ( reek about five rnibt aa H at up and down the Tioneata river for Several miles. Tint property la sltnate about ten milea east nf the Allo Kher.y river. II abounds with Uie best descnutlonot timber plno, cherry, hemlock, eto , whlcn ean be aiade to yield a handsome revenue to the Company, The development of the country la rapidly prntraaairia;. A wed It bein i auuk halt a mile troto the nrooertv. two othara two iniiMa in... i and tbe Tlo nana river la lined wllh tliem on each tide for miles one at the menth of Malninu creek, bow yielding oil, aud all of Ihem tflvlux soch Indications wlit'e drilllut that have heretoiore only accompanied the aluklnn of the bet Weils on Oil creek. In aiidlnon to this, the countlea mr ronudinaj Korreat county- north, south, east, and weat, Bre aUyleMliifoil.and Klve uraut tlrenmh to tlieaup;o tltlou thai Forreht eounty It in Ilia ceiuroof an Immense vaauiof oil, uudt-rlyuig lliat whole region of country. A COMPETENT SUPBRINTKNDKNT, i'j'jP'i' ,J'V"- Inn,'i!''- of the celebrated Maple nnaae well, has bov-u apuuinied lo U.e poiiuon, aud will eommence operaikant at once. A limned nuuibvr of tharet will be told at Ihe abova Beiiiloned aiib.crlj.tlon price, i'J-.so per ahnre.wKli.h will be full paid, and 4u.0Uu appUed xaiaein(v lo uuj develop, snenl of the preporty. r ,f?m ih' t"'"Pns will be teen that tha cottr Farru Oil Company " osTcrt hnosual inducementi to U ote wiahins to lav.at rn oil ttockt. Tne extern of tha property ov. ned bv tkam, over four a. mar. miles, the well kuewn producuveneaa of the anrroaudlne reidon. and Ihe faellitlet pnesesaed or them for the Immerllale dfcvelon uient ol Ibelr terrliory at not more than tw.-ihlrda u'e usual c-st, warrant the Directors In assertlna that the "t oiterlarra ml Company will aoon place Itself amisai the Or.t divkUuxt payiru, OU Block Compaiuee la Uie ceuutry. 8ubacrtptloa books win b opened and lubscrtprkmi ut tka eap.taj nock reootved at the oOloa of the Company, log, 23 and it Washington Bulltlln-s, TIUED STREET, BELOW "WALNUT, And at th office of PMIZ.II 11. imiOE CO., No. 307 WALNUT STREET Wn.LIAM D. MITH, Traaiurer. B. J. BAItaUMOU, eorotary. u VERY LOW PRICES, (J O T T I) Il V A K M OIL COMPANY OK I'JIU.AnKI.lMIIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DITIDLD INTO 200,(104 SHAIIF3, AT 54 PKB NHAKU. 350,000 Ctmli Eeicrved as WtrkingOipiutl el!ItWOIlTIOIV PUIOI III A I.IMITKD NUM11F.U OF 5250 PEE tHARE. SHAIU'.S, HJOOK IHMIH) Kl'1,1, PAID. me i ompany ownt OVKR TOt B HiJUAltf, MH.KS of territory,, a Ihe eholoe.tlocs.imca esst and wett o( the Ali'Sheny rner, anjolnlnn Venanee eennly, and hai a.reaey a valnaolf prodmiuii iniorret la lla saw mill an J l inbar. . . . . . . . ...Mi.i,.,. u.k, are now opi-n.-d, aaa Sohicrlpllona rei'i neu at tne eitli-ea of Hie ''oTiu.anr, s. t anil 21 Wns-liliiKton rulldlnst. 8. Ullltl) .iTKRKT, HKI.OVT WALNUT, And al tneeilice ot PHILIP II. BRKE & CO., No. ;UK, WALNUT STltKP'.T. Wild UU D. BMtril, Treasoree. " ," I- HARKM0N, M. D.. decrMary. r O I. C A N I C OI I. AND COAL COMPANY OK WI-.ST VIHOINIA. . -ra.nl i -ri'o screa ol land, known at the "I'OX TRACT, ' lu Wood and adjoining Counties, Wett Vlrinla, "mini me - groai spneaval,-' and taklnn lu psrt o( tli nana liui. The tabscrlptloa book to the ttoek of this Company will . ..on r.L.i ciote onjtilHDAY.lJlhinat. Thaopportu allvl, on,..rA UK , .k-i ..... - ,v ,,ini uiiie.ior (lie punilo to obtala a imilleu number of share, al 1 1 per share, tho pur being ln. me lubscrlpilon price U at a lower rale than lauda are aeuin ror in tne Immediate vicinity, and It offered for 'U( soie purposo or luruiabimj an ample workiaj oaplui lio.vuv;. Printed rroapoctas, wllh Ueoloirleal Report, caa be bad at oar ouiea. COOPER & GRAFF, No. 11 MERCHANTS' KXCIIAXQE. IS-7-U HE BUOEANAN ROYALTY Olii com i'vrv v. CAPITAL - 8100,000 ....TAB VALUK 10.00 40,000 SHAKES.... PRKHIDKNT JO II ST ALR.T AMOKB. TltKAHt.EK-J()ltS Yf. TOItltKV. bKCRBTAKY-Wat. H. LANS. niREcvromi. A. O. CATTKLIl'realdeut Corn BUebaniie Xatlmai nant, I'llladelphla. KUWAKD O. JAMKS.ot the Uouto of Tlionvat Rlchant- en A Co., Philadelphia JOHN ALEX AN1KR, No. 19.14 Arch ttreet, Phllada. DAVID VAJtl)KltVKKk,.so.60H M. TWrwiauUi itreot. raiyuierpnta. J. U. LYUAV.PIttabnni. B. It. POKTKR, M. D., Wilmington. WM. B. IANK, Philadelphia. Oflio No. 148 8. FOURTH Htroeit, PHILADELPHIA. TSa Bfepcrfy raf tlilt Company conelstt nf On Laud. uaaea, anu (.round Kent Reterret or Royalties of all the ollprqd.ioed on Uva "A. Buchanan Parra," oa Oil Crook. And alto, all the oil and underground depoalta tn two hun dred acres of laud ou Caat Ui. kory creek, Venaiuji. eoanty, reonsyivania. There are about one hundred and ftlty tarveyed oil lots est the "A- Muchanan Farm," over sixty of which an Issued to ttrit-elau operators. Soveatisu wella are now prcsinclian ou: tereral are now avrng totted with irood protpeots, and twenty or thirty betu bored al various stance orprogrcas. At a toja promisiai Invettment a United number of rail paid tharea, of 10 por share, taay be obtained at 7 each, apon appUcatloa to auyof the ofnocra.or at tha anasi or the Company. Tbe proa poet ut. aunulnhut a fun deaortpttun of Uie Cora- VABy t property, can be obtained anjtbe otVao. 11-J-Im TEE CLASIOH E1VEB OLLCOMPANIia OFFICE, No. 341 WALNUT STREET, (aucotfD PLOoa). W iLLIAM P PRESIDENT. J. BIMPrON AFKIOA, H-H-ll Secretary and Treasurer. QOAL OIL., AKD OTTJBR INOORPOnATKD COMPAKIla, can he sappMed at lowest oash pi toes wah CEMTHrCATr, OK HTOCK, TKAJ. hr kk HOI IK 1, alTUCK LKIllirRSj, UIVIHKHIl BOOKS. Mc. An. Aa A foil ateeflnicni of templet hard for aurehasera u .wiuum. oiyieeia ovwuwameraaicerunoatnot cliiook. W. 8. PEEBY, ManufiartHring Btatkraer, 11 tX-Sw g. w. com ae rs) VRTq and RACE Bra. I - m i-J (-X)TJNTINO.HOUSli AND SCHOOL DESKS Mo SWC4RTKR Ut rsA VMA. (IKOU.IK Pl.OWM 20fn 1 KCONI).HAND COTTON SEAM "UUU leas Baas, lu store and r sale by I-J JOHN T. BAII.F.F A CO., 1M Ho.111 N.lTRUJTkltreet. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. X ii n d n a k k TETROLEUM COMPANY Ol'" IMIII.ADlil.l'IirA. I AI'U'AI. 41,(II,U(. ltxvxio PitAnr.s, irt fio. eCO.OOO Cnxli Wiirklng Cat Ual. feVltscniPTlON l lilCH, at-i-60, oi'i'icuim, 'HKHinKtrr, T. 1IASKINH OH I'UY, rtoaldcntol tlis CauwLaa Ballroad Company. vii'K ritKHiniiNT, T1IOMAH l. WATTHON, Ot Ihe Ilardwaie firm of 1 nillt .t Co., N. ".."H M u-ketlt THltAHC RVill, RAMUK.Ii WORK, (X Work. MeCoaeh A Co., Ilaakera. No. ! N. Tlibd at. n.i TUllliOTOKJt, T. nAUKlN.t 1)11 vvr, THOMAS) I). WATTso.f, K. H. Klf ll AHTart, ol (JiYluaiitowa, WM. I). RliritRKun, Insurance Xjeat. OHOIKlf. P. WAT, of Isle llry l.o.)d. firm of ,t. T. Wy A Co., A. W. LKlsKsiiilMii, ('aahler Maurh Chunk Hank, l'DWAhl) NIIIIM'KK, Ksg The property 0fthe Iirnke Petroleum Comn.n cnn.i.i. f two tract, ol land, one of iwo hundred and Mflv.a,v., n aires and one ofiwo hiindri'k anil sKtvllveacres.m.kl. in all nve hundred and (wplva a.-r... i fw. ............ sell llranch ot (ill Creek. ' The property has been critically examined hr a Com- ilulee appointed for that purp ,e, and Uie territory pro uoiuced, lu their juilvment, to be fully e.iial to that on nl Creak, alone which the larRiitt oil weJlt ever dltcovercd have been fr.und. The lands nisemhle thoteon Oliererk In everr n.ek.. Isr. and It It believed, from tho lants number of ol( sprliiKt In eloae pros Imliy, that valuable wells will h opened on both these trans. Tlia nitiiatiemeul B-ive alrradr secured aevernl en.-tnu and ennased a couipi-ient auperintendout, with a view to Immediate and energetic development. A large portion ol these tracia Is bottom 'and ,tnilrM Idapted for boring. everal c.nip.n es are ornnlcl on lands Immi-ill.t.iw adjoining- this torrlto.-y. annum which aro the nn.,.. .na Crescent Oil Companies of Philadelphia. la pre.entlun tho Druko l'etni'cnm Connanv to ih. pul.llc, Uie lilrectora ask that their scheme should bo es.- tulneil.and tuh.crlptliitit uiadu to tho Stock lu full laito as 10 ut preaeot and pruspevdve value T. IIASKINS UU wr, Prosldent. TIIOMAH I). VVATTHON, Vlco-Preald.nt. HAMUKL WORK, TreaturiT. Ruotcxlptloas will be received at the Ranking House of WORK, McCOCCII A CO., Hi. IVI S. TlllltU Stroet I 7 If yOLCANIO OIL, COAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. PKINTKD ClKCUr.AUS. Wllh tie Proepeetue aad Ooolosleai Report of the property ol this Company, are now ready at our otfloe. This Company ownt over a&Oo acret of what U known as the bett OIL TKItltlTOUT npon U.e OHKAT UP 1IKAVAL IK WEST VIHtHNtA, and offers large mdoec sucbii to parties to subicrlbo for Uie Uialtssl nomberoi Hhaiee oflered at $4 per thaie for full paid slock, Uie par acing iv por luara. Thli price per share la not above the marketable value of t).e landa, and It la odcred for the tote purpoteof in ert aatug tbe farluties for development, and will, beyoad a reatonabai deukt, prove a protltablc invcstoieut. C00PEH & QRATF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Iliiuniu-iuA, Kovembor --M, lisli. n ja QOMMOKWEALTH OIL COMPANY OP LAWRENCE COUtiTY. PENNSYLVANIA. OAI'ITAt, STOCK, S'300,000. PAR VALUE, flcJ JO. WOWUM, CAPITAL RKSWIVF.D PO telTBLO(s met, m.m PRlSIDBsNT, K. WKAVE8. TRKaJiUBBE, BAMUfclj B. HILT. RORwTAItT, UAVED 11. 11IL.T. blHBX'TOIlf, B. Weavsat, i JamaaWasl. Jehn klrDasrell, Jr , i llyron Danuy. oaianei h. ttiil, I laaae Baker, wmiam Meeaef. (hibterratiMS for a to mi tad anmhjas av ah mas aai No. filfl CHkSNUT 8THEET, Tk0 latHtia tVUklsCftmnAnv lasbfAa. jwb BDi V)7 M,u. O I hm BlrMdv bvxia o4Ulti4 IB Trmo Irtltri wklcb whllily ncxBritf lnio th or.rftMra Ut t Ilow will o barteliMd ot iraanDT DrBdlni t Paj QMsBiMnatxT om U. IttrtMUu. ui. Hamuli oi Oil m al Uiti-flo of Ui Vmminmy. 1 tVan OVERCOATS CHEAP, DECEMBER 10, 18Gl NEW ASD PHILAJ)ELPHU prrnoi.NiJM company. TRaiilzctl Ciidpr lie laws 0f Sew lork. TllUMTKUH i- rTtAKPt A. PALMKR, rrceldenl Itrosdway Taak, Hew Vatt, NATHAN RANDALL, t Pretl.ieot Culled glatee Tchniaph Cooilny, New Tork. ALRKHT II. MCOI.AT.of Albert II. Itleolay A Oo., Urokors and AneU vne..rs, No hi William ttj oet, Hew Tork. Kt'OR NF, .1 JACK SON. of P vlhamlnl A Jack ten. tank or and llrokcn, Ma. 41 Kichani;. p'aoe, Bew Tork. r-DMUBfl C. HTKI).M AIt.Hvnw,MaW Tork pMro. """ii Mock board , and HrKSr, No. W Uioad ttreet. New York. ANDIiKVT MKUAPi KT, Philadelphia. ntANCIS A. (.ODWIN.I'hllaileli'hla. ItilltKRr Cl.AKKftOV, oi Clark... A Co.. llankort, No. HI . Third ureal, Philadelphia. JAolaH M. ClAUXK, Oil City, PcnutylvaWa. Ol'l'ICKKS. tnasiii.wT. ALI1ERT II.NIl'OKAY, Maw Tork. VMS I'KlWII.aNT. AS DKKVf MM1 A 1 1 T. Y, Philadelphia. TilraenitMR. A. V. H'l'OUT, Proaidaut Sli-. and Leather Bank. Maw Toik. SKI'rtl.TAItr. HMUJiD C. RTED.MA!. toonssr,. W'l.I.IAM II. ANTIION.New Tork. ADAM C. KI.I.IS, Mew Tork. ll.VHkllKS. H1IOK AMI) I.KATHHIt HANK, New York. Cl.Al.KMU A CO., I'lillauolplila. OKKICIS OF Tllg COMPANY;. K'l.t.t W1I LI AM Strei't, New York. No. J21 8.TH1IU) atrce,, PhnaJelplila, CAPITAL STOCK S00.t) all ARM AT TllK NOMINAL PAIt OF 1 BACH-BI!RB.!UIP. TION I'ltll pK (imakb. Stock tub.eot to no further attrsiment. '.si.i 00 shares to bo sold In payment tor the t.n.l. u.. bold., and prududuii luttroats of ti,.i'nm.- luuiulnif r ""' 60,000 SHARES, OR $l00,0fO, RKHKRVBD FOR WORK- ISU CAI'ITAL. Tho New Tork and Philadelphia relrolenm r.ma.n. as been organucd with the areatest care bv Dari,...j capltail.u of the two cities, whole names are milled la lu own. it wiu ue managed fcalLLMVKLir FOB TIIK ISTEIlESrS KTOCKllOLOKKa. or ith n pains have been spared to.lace It on a genuine and tubmantlal footlnr. Most valuable and extenilvo tracU of Oil and Coal land have been secured IM FEal and leasehold PliOIltt'Isul lNTEUKSr.Slntl.e lieartof Uto Vensi.Ko Count, (I n.) (ill .lon. Alt.ntlon It lavlted to tho lollowhiK arhcdule of the Coinpanv oronari.. mio.i. Ing KKi: Hl.MIM.E TKUUITOKY. LEABEI IOLU8. PUO PICINd WKLLH, and wcllt lo various itages of com- picuun ; No. 1. M acrea of Iiottnm land, In foe, on the Alleuhcn river, having a water irontane of nearly one sail.. Mew ii-iioise power engine and natures. Two waits tnnk lo ui. orpin oi J( laet.aml already filled wllh oil. Boom .ir iu uiuro Weill. No. J. ,r;n acres of rich oil land tn A s. lying nearly oppo site tne anove, naviiua mile of water-frontaso oa Prtther oou uennet runs, vt oil supplied with timber. "' ' case interest on the lamoilt "Widow McClln. tora rami, uu creek. Ono well down aud letting another Ju.t ready to tuboi a laird Just started. Twi .......... u.a.sca. suuiLg, looit, natures, taam. No. 4. Hame Interest la leaso nn the wall-known "Hamilton McCllntock I- arm," OH creek. One well now bcliiK tested ; alrcadr yleldmg twelve barrels doily, and i.pnui nicieasing. utners going down. Two new eu giuet, with nmiirci compieie. No. . One twelfth of two leases on the Clapp Parnt, near the itreat Wllllanit aad Duniou one hundred barrel wel t. On this propeny Is "Nherraan Well, No. a," now on n live nunuica .loot, enslru, Ac Ac. Room for ntose wens. No.C. One-sKiecnthof tho fee la (lilv-ievea acrea of i.oai Laua, atijolnliK the Cranberry Coal Company' eeua. i ma property Is of tho ulmo jt value to our ooera- Uons, supplying us with coal at all seasons, and when th. worka ol oilier companies aro luund to be Idle fbr warn of luei. i rum uiese ettates, the Trustees am assured nf (hah ability to declare I.AKOK ANU HKOIILAR MDNTHLT I'liiiir.aus, and ol the ipeajy appreciation of theiharea to a MAIiKKT AH aI FAU AllOVE TUB cHBSCUIP- llOH PKICE. The INVEHTICATINO OOMMITTF.E seat Irota New York and Philadelphia, whose favorable report Is printed with the prospectus, speak In unlimited tormt of Uie Com pony a property and proipecls. bouki forOKloINALHCIIHCItlPTIONwfflbeooenailosi WEDNESDAY. December 7, at Ihe efflres of the Company, and at the Now Tork, PlaOa dclphla. and lloston bai.klng hoiisoe named below. Prospectuses, maps, and detailed information at either subscription oillce. Tbe public are aanred that whether for Investment er peculation, no belter security thaa these shares eaa be obtained. eunsciurTioN aqknts: PUOAIiWAY HANK.oomer of Park place, New York. POL11AMIC8 A JACKSON, Ho. 4,1 Ktcluinae place. Hew York. ALVJtJtT U, KlCOl AT A CO., No. M WaU ttreet, New York. CI-AliKSON A CO., No. 121 R. Third street, Philadel phia. J. (I. tIAJlTIN, Banker and llroker, Boston, it-l-Hi RATIONAL OIL REFINING OjMPANY, Of I'HILAUF.LPniA. Oupitol $200,000, 20,000 8harcs. $10 Paf. PRBS1DKNT. WATaON Bf ALONE. VtAXAOUHS. WATRON MAI.ONE. IH OH STEVENHOst, BIICUAF.LO IIOYRK, THUS. J LA SK'All lata. . BLACKBtltNF.. jk., ' JAMKH O. FAKKiKA, ALEXANDER F. UK AM. TBASUnE. THOMAS J. LANCAJsTKR. aiCRHTAHT. RKHRY C. aTEVENSJON. This rornnanv la ftinnded onon a anh.t.ntl.i mmA iw. mate bualueas basis, and nffen areatcr lmiocioent. more rrluble aeeurliy for Inveiimenl thaa aur amer no bt-r. the piibhc. nubicrlpUous are ow besag retwlved, and a large portion or the etoek la aleaauav Iasm. lo-..,... er Uie nopertginayboeiaaiUnod.and all araurmnllon oo tainad at Uieoulceof tbe Company, No. ljJ8. MKJONU atarsasa JAS. II. BTKVEN8QN. ll-Ultathalm flENEKAL AtiKgf. DKAFNBKR BIJNTINESa, AND CATARRH. -J.ISIAACH,M.D.,Frof0a,or of the Eye aad Kaut. Uaals all disease. .UDertalnliw lo th- .n.,.. Btie utaoet aueceaa. T.atlMonl.1. from th. n.... --i.t... So.rcet In th. eltr ean h. ..on .t hi. aih.. sr.. m .... tlret. The Medical Faculty are lavitod te a'oooiaiwuy Ualr Satle.ti.as ba haa no secrete In his ura.lioe. lo-at WANAMAKER & BROWN, PROPOSALS. 0FtISK 0K assistanT QUAIlTKllMAt- Mo. lira) ArasBD wramea, f PMtl.AOSI l-HIA. Ilooambura ImU.i oa ol Ml IN HAT. Kecemeer IJ. I. kia. aroanaa dZ .eLoni'st.1 ''" 'nC" '" oo.waU Twelve ( Ijl pleeaa rl Inch whit. pn, I. c. r.liilit (Si i.l.cca ;,.H lo.-s .hi, a -i.l . t. Z'? T..m On ... .... . ""-.'- "-"I PWUS. B (llll nleciv !7ti ItlCh h, , .I.,,.. M ..... T r.'thtcen (IS) pl... et ftm Inch hemloek. IJ f"'i l ea i lli pieces ,i. Inch hemlock. V0 feel Ion. I feet loae .'lie hiinoiiil (I'o) ploresKstlnrh lemliuk In Nil thriiiand (KMl) diet third ceraiaju white MoT floortti. bi.anis. Hve ik iimsihI (,VW) A.ot third board: all well sea.oncd common while Twenty el. hl saah Klsrad, Ik-Ma eseh.Khilt. butt") '"" U ''" Mn" WIU1 toiowt (4 I; ulit (81 klie1! Im-kat heavy. One (II .-k7-Iii.-i arli.es Four (t) k. as nsii. . 1 i.r 'ed I of 10.1. ana tol HI. I si'i-u - M e I t 1 lo'i,- , li,o....o,n ....... Tnly nvc .!(.' h"shi la nl lime Tltri-i- huililrcl lla; poilnCS round I'lllt V Ineh. . i io no appr..ve.t Ir.iecier. tier delivery, by the (iererant No .r...rt.als e ill he re.- Ired escent nn (a. nmu. ' iss tun l-.l.e.l ,t h,i lUri and tin. Con.. I a'a... a M vr. t rirfht lo acciMil loirts of l.-d.. i ..i.. ti .me.1 ine -Bi'i:Me who its inir-esis. 1! (t-M Ai.iiKttr a AHiistr.sn. Captain and VJJ tf. JOHN AV. HIJIKH .V HON'ri BALSAMIC CORDIAL IH TIIK MUST laFI'HCTUAL IIHMKUT FOR a ! at C()I.IS, tSOItie, TIlltOAT, lNPIilll-M'.A, r-AIN IN lllie. 1114,4, INCH'IP.N T C!t)fsiSUMPTI(t. Piepnri by J0!IK W. BIME3, Jr., Oliemlat, TWENTY KF.(X)Sr AM) MAItKKT HTRatnTfej. 1'or sale by all liruagista and Hlorekei.pera. II lolutkaliei F. 11 11 O W M ' M ABTI-DiePEPTIO POWDEB, An eareilem inn entire for tliatmoit dlarreMtng eesnatatsjl UVSI'Kl'HIA. In many csset of ling eiun.llag It has atrorde-1 truly woav 'derful reatsf. IT IS PURliLY VEGETABLE. PRPPARED OHI.T BT IJiKlHCUIOK JmoWN, Draggitt and Coenuit, N.B. Cor.l lFTIl ANU CUEHrfOT rsj.. PhBtehaa, And tale by In-nggieu gonerauj. H-ltltl TMoiteopsjjvi. DR. CIIAULBS HUBEttrS Purely Imported FRKNCII FFMALU LKJHin anA PlflA warranted in all case. M...CHARI.KS illTJurSiT: at.'Ulcol Pujilcmii. Eiitianee aud oitlce. prVt.ie la. LaiHi-t. Apply ai Ue ROTa.NIC UHUU atOUH, No. 1010 (JOATKH NTMCVli 11-U-lm West of Tea Ok. b2al1tLT" H,CA'TUi ajcd If to gal. admiring eyes ; If to cuuse Invidious slirha If t be a bloinnlna ilower, Fading, dying In an hour Battm-I It to has. a hoat of friends i Il for vlee to ... s. aiaesuia ; Jfwlthhlli b.,rBWo.Klto wed; If a marble ttou. when dead Wuuntl If to live threeacoee and ten, wurhlng lite aa long again If lo live a life of ianc; If lo die and go to prauw ITcaxral If yon wish a life of .leasers., If yon value Una world a treaaulsMi tr every coruS.rt yen would see. Tako auy ailvlc, and wlab aU lArae. J naa having Health, Wealth, and 1 You il be preoare.1 for mar. d. CECRBT DISEASES ! HECKET DlSKAliiat O SAMAKITAS1H uiFTI Tits Most Ckta is cm.. Evan Usao. lea, a positive nare lor i niu Coriialiis no Mineral, no tiuliam, no Merclirv t'l.ly ten pilla to ba taken to eltecl . 7' t tirei In from two to tour days, and recant e. "tw.nty-iour hours." Prepared by a waduii. of th IVfil ' 1t,'" ""''. '' "f Uio Loit , .nu and Chemists ol me nreaent Car. .luinem n Oeotosa NO BXI'OsrilK, .. 1I1..I I.I.I, mi, CHANG WIlATavatl. Let lima, wl,o have despaired of i:ot, mg cured, , i, ;v.ri.,w'"",1"' c""' Mcreur;.:, SAMAItrrAN S OIFT. Went by man In a phun euvelope. Price, male package., J. eiaaloi, ti. 111.O0UI 1II.OOI1! I ilLOODfll MI.OODIIII TETTERS, SCROFtXA, HI.CEHH,, HORFS, HPoTS SI! I H. Inllld SYPHILID OR VF.SF.RK.AI. OHEASES, Ac, Ac NAM Aid r. N 8 ' UOOT ANU HF.KII JIIICE8 YHIIl'TsT? aUWS'L''U.r...". R11AN-8 ROOT ANH HViltt Jt'.yi.mi.tpolee: eerlam, and .neetual remcy ,r ,,r,.,orl .? 'J ZoZ iinrlfvuu. . , i,7a ... K.1-, .7 toyou, poauiily U,a, or"." au OO NOT DKHPAIH! srr.i?Dii'iio0l1'rln',j pronounced incurable, the RAM A RI TANS KH.JT and IIEKH Jll,.'l-. WUI rein-.ve .to"t ui,Uo.. imm uio tyaieio, at well aa ail iaa baa eifeue tst maswury. FEMALR8I ttvut by expresa. Prlee t a bottle, or A bottles for M. Il, In eases ofSvnl.ilia n..i m .. . and Herb Juices. Full directions. I'ri.-,. S. I he etneaoy of these remedies la alike aekmiwledml by -tivKlelana and Datlenta. Th... .... ... . .... n....- F ialea liospliala, tliu. i ciuirits? lioaJUi to mauy ul Jour brave aoliiura. i J From the llAlirmnreusit,n; WUA r THE HOItilKONS 8AY OF TIW BAltAIHTAN dKf.MKI.HM:- "I'oMr liosi-nai., Four ISAHattAf.i., I . . "nalumor.i, JId., February ill, unit. ( Ml have ereat S..ii.c.n..n ia ., i 'The Hamaiilan K.-nieriea' ftr V.nereal lila.aiMi i. n. n'oatcuaiomary forma i that I hare u.ed them with Jndg ineni. di.creiiiai, and propone, and have found them respond to my anticipations promptly and elleotuajlv Knowing their composition, I have th. fulleet ooaaducai In tlieur eltlcacy, and as .'ar aa my ate of them extend, recouimaiid Ui.m strongly. ... , . "AI.FRF.D C. ItOWERS, "Assistant (turgeon Vh N.w York Vol.. l et 11 be nnder.HKid that these remedies are as inooia. friended, and w II ptaillively cure the dlaclaes for wuloh tlH'y are oirered, ' w B,'ll"3r 8. 0.rPIHW, Ko.Kte. HKIHTII Hlreet. Ifl-U wt-Su, I'r.nsiiiBli, , tju., No. PL RACE DuMot. T-R. J. 8. ROSE'S GOLDEN PILLS. trailing of the Womb aad V.neral .3,,kyT which ZLZ I faanaly prove palliative. If not Injuaiout. None of 17 r. I'.neria nav. keen BaUg iuia abturdlUee Th.r rely en bli llclden Hilt, and th.roby obtain a nec4 SJL'.t.r' U "n,y hoxe.. For thJaVeoi; Plaint, on. box la worth a hundred Abdominal Kupporiere. i20t'J'.d,.'irib"" stcss Agiinis, 11 O I'T A CO- No. nt N. WKQl.sJb Miteet. Id-l-lulfiailra rPHB SAMARITAN '8 CIHS JL IAN 11 H RF1.IF.0 OJII N1.VAII FAILS TO CCSKI ilOJat) NOT NAL'NEATF. I 18 (tl KJCOr IN ACTIOar ,1 'TANliB OF MET RtMI'IRF.Ill V&K NOT FNTBHFhKE WITH III .SIN KNS I'UKSUITSI CAM HE LHEU WITUOI.T UETelOTION I Pl Ice .'. Male or Female, oeut by mail bo any addreea. C. PR'Cm ROtPI, . . Box MSn foot uiOee. Fole Agents, DTUTT A UU., 10-1 tntrugia So. m H. 8HOONO 8uea. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS Pr a careful perusal ol lir. rILUAM Yollsju-n ai BeOS. THR MAHlllAdK OLIOE which aboald b. 5.Z !Jy.0nm 7 generally, and at til Joc.ore otTice, Ne. 1C 8PRUCB rrTRKaii'i prloe i FEMAU:S! ... -.-..j ....iu .nn wiicn ntiiniiera of r'emaUsa Sillier, tie BlKir AND HERIt Jt ll-ESar. mi'st hS.ou! ailaptid, iii l leeralid Lu rus, In J.eiicorrh" U beni