FOURTH EDITION FEOM WASHINGTON AFTERNOON. THIS THE SF.VEN-TIIIRTY BONLVJ- A Etock-JobbiDf Trick 13 d'.ir.I. Bpe Ir.i tn Tin- l.n iillii; Iflrii-iijtti. Vaoiiikiik n, Die. nbcr 1). On applie ; 1 1 the Sccreiart of the Tr...-ui j mil (fen S m . ncrweniu infurui' d tha' the report tn it !;! Ir I' nd.s lo renin tin o.d -even-t .ir'ie- 1,1 p iv Dieiit for en io:ns Culk is without tt.iv lu ni dation. It uppeer flint it is iioiIm'ii nvvt or le t1 in a Itox kjobbin,; optrntlon, gotten up by un vui itors In Washington and Neiv Yrk. ft.Viral i i : 1 1 : i s of theso note bavu )e'n relecmel liy O :i.?ml Frinner In gr-i nbarks, an 1 tii3 r.vuainini; four tcn millions now s.ii I ;i b: ou'.-'rta litis;, will he redeemed on pies 'n a'.ion in the aine w iv. Til -y aro also convertible it'll 1 Sol bouJ.', at tin option oi tLc h' di r. ARMY OF POTOMAC. MOVEMENT TO STONY enzzu. Ill Al'Ht AtlTKltS AllMY OF TltK fllTnMtO Dicunl cr S, 1. M. Y'esteniay Iiioin.iKut dav. light, the 5lh Corps, with the 3d Division of tin 2d, and two b tfgndes of Gregg's Cavaliy, s'arted f outh. They were heard from yoterJ ly ii'ler noon, and 1 ad crossed the Nttowuy river, on the Jerusalem road, without meeting opposition of any note. They crossed on pontoons, wlii.ih they took up after doing so. Deserters w ho came in to-day stnto that Ma bonc's Iiivision was sent off yesterday morning to meet them, but as no firing In that direction has been heard to day, it Is not believed that any engagement has taken place. Dr.rF.MUKn 0, A. M A reconnoitring pa'ty of cavalry went out on the left yesterday atter noon, and striking the Kebel pickets on tho Vaughn road.diove them to Hatcher's run, a distance of over two miles, where they had breast works erected, and where they made a stand. Skirmishing continued for somo time, when the Object of the movement having been accomplished, the party returned. Our loss was seven men wounded, that of the enemy is not known. Somo of those who accompanied this party report that firing was heard In the direction of Stony creek, which would indicate that fighting was going on between General Warren and the enemy. Bepoits arc current that the evacuation of Fctersburg-mny fcc looked for, but very litt'.u attention Is paid to theso rumors. AEMY OF THE JAMES. Dislodgmcnt of the Enomy Opposite Dutch Gap. ASSIGNMENT OF NEW BBEVET OFFICERS. A RL'CCESkVVL ANO NECK8SA11Y EXl'iUITIO!. Is Front of Uichhond, December 8. Uone ral B. C. Ludlow did an exceedingly handsome thing yesterday in occupying the Kobel position opposite Dutch Gup. lis occupancy became de f iruble and important in order to the putting of the linisbirg strokes upon the Tamed canal. The Rebel pickets stationed there Lave for a lory time past constantly annoyed the soldier workmen on the atrial, nnd it was deemed highly ueeesruy to zui.kc an end of tho annoyance. Accordingly, ut 7 o'clock yes'.erduy morning a tiody of colored infantry, accompanied by u sec tion f artillery from Martin's .iih United States, were quietly but eilectively Droved on to the left bankof the river going down. I should have re marked that the inlatitry consisted of detach ments from the 36. h, H7ih, and li8th United States colored troops. The infantry were moved across the river in pontoons, the artillery at the same moment keep lug the Kebel sburpshooters trom tinu,' upon ttie men lannching the bourn, as well as the men about to be transported. The boats upon being loaded puBbed vigorously across the Jumcs, the troops soon landing on the right bank. Upon etlcctjng a lunding, our forces at once captured anU scattered the Kebel pickets alon1; that bank. This was kept up until the United Mates forces bad reached a point below the north ern terminus of the canal, where a rille-pit was thrown tip for protection against further assault. The position now held by OeneraM.udlow on that sale of the river is a stroug one, and its such eessful possession Is no mean compliment to the spirit that animates this oflher. The troops crossing the river, it is proper to atite, were com manded, under General Ludluw, by Captain liatlinger, of the libtn United .States Colored In fantry. Soou after noon yesterday, the enemy's moruir batteries, which have hitherto paid their exclusive attention to the canal, opened with vigor upon General Ludlow's position, eff'-cting no damage, however. (Shortly before dusk on the evenniK of the 7th, the Kebel ram moved down to a point nearer the Howlett House, evi dently with a view of precautionary measures. Isolbiug has as yet been heard from them. PORT BRADY. Fort Brady received Its usual harmless noc turnal bombardment last evening. A8SKINMKNT OT OFKICKRS HI THEIR llHUVKr RANK. The following named officers have been as signed to duty according to ttie r brevet rank, by Maior-General Duller, subject to the approval of the' President, as follows: llrevet Miijor-General A. H. Terry, United States Volunteers, to command the Ut Division, 24ib Army Corps. iirevet lirigadier-General J. Jourdan, United ISUm-i Volunteers (Colonel l.Vtlt New York Volunteers), to command the lih llrigade, 1st jjivision, 21th Army Corps. Brevet brigadier-General N. M. Curtis, United Stutes Volunteers (Colonel HJd New York Vol nnteers), to command the 1st Brigade, 2d Divi sion, 21'h Army Corps. brevet brigadier-General 8. A. Duncan, United States) Volunteers (Colonel Fourth United Suies . colon d troops), to commaud the 2d brigade, 1st Division, oth Army Corps. brevet brigadier-General A. O. Draper, United Etatos Volunteers (Colonel :iOtb United Slates colored troops), to command the 1st brigade, iid Division, 2itlt Army Corps. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGR AITI. rniLADELPinA, SATUUDAT, rURTIIEIl FROM SHERMAN. UNION ACCOUNTS. I mporlntit IIpor Rrrr-lTrrl from Robot llcfrlrr-liir Itrnve Army All Hla-tit l'rrfnl t Kmrt. flirt 4'oikvt In a,plrmilt Trim tVholi-mtle Ci.i.tnre Wahiiinoion, December 8. From information derived from Ki la 1 deserkrs and other sources, It in now curtain tint the Kxlimotid and .Savan nah .: annuls have succeeded in concealing a-ciu-i f tl e mo t linii-.irt.ii! and interesrtio? facts ia contuciion wi'h the g'i at expedition of General Pl.ciii an. From various . garters 1 learn tha tul'uv. im tact- ; 1. 1 1-n.t G w r I Shcnnmi', war. h, ti.i to rho tine le rvarhxl Molr-o, wa prac 1. allv tin m I - d, he om, lis-;. ting !i innciva r.v leruij.n'i la 'ween Kiipa'riek and .Vlie-lnr. i'.iis tac. a loii'.t'i lor Mieriiiari's slow inavemeuts. tic havinir inane foromtii worn in laying wa-tcitv.! conn.rv. 2. ll is march has created a t' cinonilo H p tni -. Ilo lia sw: pt all Central Georgia clear of grn.ii, I lorm.T, hoi-e-, mules, and ti'groei. It is s ip i l.c will re ich tho sea-Coast w all tv a'ne looifd n gioes for every white soldier In Ins ranks. It I understood' that General Shermsn w i.l ttliow only abie bodied males to accmipan . lis i my, as wonuunnl vuiidren would nuces mriiy impede bis in .r b. ! it. Not liaing lougbt any battle In C.n'ral G. ii ia, mid havii g kept his army e:l vc-y.h r , (tor the K' h. is do not claim t . have m lo anv captures of men ), 'ieueral Mierman will re. ii the f. ait with b I annv m splendid liglitiag tri.u, ui .i an abiindancu of ammunition nnd shot, i '1 his is a fact of immense importance, in view ot . ti e hatth' which is inevitable before lomi rig in ! tight i.t I'liie water. i . There is the best reason far bp!ieiu that, j in adormn t the mgrocs, (icuersl Sherm m's ! a'my will be n intoned by some t. n thoasand j Union prisoners. Thero is a deserter's story that the piis. ners in camp near Milieu, hearing of the I I'pproiiL'h of Mieiman, overpowered their guard, ! and scattered Iheinse.vvl over tho couutry like hungry wolves. ' I Fxactlr how many reached the Union army is ) not known, but the story seems probable, and is : believed in high circles here. i pAII tbirgs considered, it is now almost certain u a. m i rniun win riaenine sea coasi in ijl. lv, wi'h Lis urmy Intact, afier having iuilicted iiu iiicuso duuiuye upon tho enemy. .V. F. KoW.i. ItF.ItF.I. At t or NTS. WHAT WAS DONB AT (1 KIN or.livi I.LK V KVRI. T HVERV IIOISK llURSItll. rfli t i Hacon Vnnf Urate. Fvery houso In Oriswoldvillc was burned by tl e enemy except Mr. Griswuld's houso, a few Di,io houses, and a small tiame buddiuj occu pied by one ot' operatives ol the mill. UAUtll R TRTINO TO OET I PANOTllI U FIOIITAT OIIAII AMSV1I.I I. from V.f AhjuMi Cvn'tifutwnalltt, Pt'cemfr t. llare'ce, at la-t reports, was trying t-j worry the cut my ut Urahan svllle into another tight, but in vaiu. SliniMAN 11.VLT1NU TO OUINII CORN HIS FOKAOH SHOUT. I'rom tltS Axpu Hn (', ntUtttiunalistt H'crmlitr a. incc our last report, war items have been of the scantiest description. Sherman, from all reliable sounes, seems to have halted to grind corn. As he tends towards the barren counties of the South, it became neee.sary to make the pro per piovsion. His loiaging parties are constantly driven in by our cava ry and compelled t j hu the main body. Ill' forage is reported to bo short. On yesterday morning, Waynesboro was approached by a email force of mounted infantry or cavalry. LATEST NKWS RKeBIVV;n AT AfOl'STA SAVANNAH SHERMAN'S DESTINATION. from the Augutla Cotiilitutionatitt, Deeember 3. The . ery latest Intelligence from tho direction f.f Louisville reports the enemy as still In itntit tjim. No move towards the city had been made, the public rumor to the contrary notwithstand ing. An escaped Confederate prisoner states tha' he mingled freely with Kilp.itrick and his crew. The Yankee Geneiai and his olliciul satellites made so concealment of their objective point, which they proclaimed to be Savannah. Our cavalry bus been still further reinforced by a large and splendid veteran command. All reliable accounts aeree in putting the enemy's force down at thirty thousand infantry and five thousand cavalry. We are amply able to take cure of any wli rt'itn her i. The main body of bhurman's army had not budged ut last accounts. General Sherman will find ns prepared to meet him at any and every point. We know the value of our strategic strongholds, and aro prepared to maintain them to the bitter end. General Wheeler writes that he has whipped Kilputrick throughout, doubling him up upon the muin body. A GRAND MISCF.OENATIOX HALL IN MILLEDOB VIL1 B. Cumtt't'ttJettce of Autfuita Cjn tituCicniliit, Der. 2. A lady from Milledgeville reports a grand ball the last night the Yankees remained there. Most of the negro wejiehes in town atnuded, but not a white female of any class. General Slocum per suaded olf a likely girl belonging to this lady, promising ber fory dollars a month ; that she should ride to Savannah in a carriage, aud be sunt t-j New Y'ork, where she should be tree. THE I.ATtST FKS..TI THE KUTItfOSJD t'AI'l.KS. "Wasuinoton, December 10 The Richmond papers of Thursday, December 8, say that no thing new had been received at the Confederate War Department regarding Sherman's race nients. No exchange of Georgia papers had been re ceived, of a later date than tho 3d of De 'ember. Moseby bus been promoted to the rank of Colonel. Tti I.fglKtntnre of Ylrirlnla F.Uetlnu of I ultt hlli- hruitliirst. M'ashikoton, December 10. The Legislature of Virginia, as contradlstingnishcd from that of YVtst Virginia, now in session at Alexandria( Love elected Joseph Segar to fill the vacancy lit the United States Senab occasioned by the death of Mr. Borden j and John C. Underwood, at pre-ent United states District Judge, in place of Mr. Carlile, whose term of ollko will expire on the 4th of March next. The Oil Lands or Gubbni and Fatstts CoiNTir.H. The petroleum region of South western Fcnnsylvanla, besides its great value, w hich is now recognized as a centre of rich oil belts, possesses peculiar interest as the locality of what is known as tbe umber petroleum, the like of which is not found in any other oil territory. This oil centrus in Greene and Fayette eoumius, aloi.g tbe banks of the following streams, viz. : Duukard creek, Dig Whitely creek, and Cod run, in Greene county, and the liig and Littlo Sandy creeks, and Georgia creek, in F lyette county. These are tributaries ol the Monon- uhela, and oil springs are found along tho loiiongahela at tbe mouth of Duukardcreek. A body ol capitalists have taken in hand the work of developing the oil basin, nnd preparations are in progress to commence, under the advice of geologists and prac.ical oil operator-, borings al the points where oil indications are the most remarkable. The organization is style theSouth western. It has not been started for the purpose of putting its stock upon the market, but to enhance the value of the property by proving tho richutes of tbe oil deposits. riPAETMINT Or TEE SOUTH. Tcnifiornry Intfrmpllnn r thw rl,""l f I'rliwnpr It Kpnmptloa nt hnrpton Drli-rnilned On. 1'oht Kota L, South Carolina, Monday Kve n!c, Decembers, f'-t. a casual opi-ortu- nity, I l.askn to send a line giving the situation ofallairsln this department, and what I siy must be the brli fest summary, as the steamer will leave hero in nbotit half an hour. First, respecting Colonel Mulford's opnra'l ms There had tieen nearly a week's detention o' the i ri n nin ng v. sels of the lla.t-of lriicc Heel in the Saarnli r.v. r. In daily rxpeetatinn of receiving the. ii inainder of our sick aud wouu led pi isoner-, wl'.n, on Thursday h.t, Captain ll it.-n. tn.i I Kebel agrtit of rxchange, brought wonl to ilo ii' I M.ilfcrd that the business must he smp Mideil in tie IsavaniiHli river, assigning the r-a-on that Mie no'li's an.l Ii. t. r'i opera-nils had interfered wi'h tne lrr.irdiiii ot troops. ('"Iota I at . n. i siiggrs-ed ('. ir'-s'on li.-ibi r, a tot Biiaig. uien..s aie no p. i:..: dti I -tin e l.iisine-s t tn it point to i.i r. Yes tt.iiii) the j rcbiiiiniua s re pci tec . .1, and tue siege of Chariest. m will be stopped until our ri lens, d ni. n arc brought and delivrcd. I Inptiiln Your..', ef tie army gunhoiit 1 : ,'.a. i', has i in,, run d me of the captiuc.thi niorn ing.liy bis vessel, ut a I. oui ti.uteiy at Toil K i ,il I-. ri v. 'ne pun wes brought tl" ii'.d tlo-.-e o'h rs spiked and rendered u.i.iei wea'ec. 1 here was . .oss on our side. Fioin sheru.a'i tl.cio hits t"'en no ilei'nito nf ws ! n ct ivc d for mo: e than In d.ivs. itu.uors ere tl u';, li'wi er. Ilo- s.,.lto.e 1 on the statiineiit of a Ke'iel II a en o ' 'lev, i tn tlu incrninr, ' d w is lir .a .' H . I e. Wll I n to in n il 1 1 can ironi t'Cia ral t n-t r s i. a;i . I.ioail river. II sa) s thai, vest. rdav. in. vum e as i ,, bin eight it. i.'cs ot s.o . o, , , do not iilrna mticu cre.'it iiion this, :.nt I l.n m that General Foster and everybody (is., h re n Hi'Xifiusiv epivtii g i very mi.inen't to U- ;r i!ie ol Me rman's gun-.' Ii I, el apcr a.e mii.u on the subject. .V. 1. 7i.-v. Blark.'tM by ltlrs;ritpr. IIai iimohi , Dccemler 0. i lour is .pi . t and . ii1 in. , ...ii iir1 laie-. ii-e llnu I. .tt lir.a, a. ..! si.. . (ra l'. a .lee. i.i. . t. rvlene v , .... ftt'..l.,: ill.w, 1 ,s eik .lull ttl c . 1 1 I'll' . ... .i i, ii, in, w a a hii ii ; jra Itl. Jeliey. .oris, December 10. F J on r is quiet; snp r ,i, sue ": '" I., st l aid t.u: I amis j)i'.. eli.a.s s . .4 r , r i ; new am.-d SI ..j, wi.lie $! W. u.t. . ...-.....iii. i.i.i. i. ii.. e. ii fes.iv.rriut I nit marknt . hut llm r rirr. s's .1 . .1, inn a: lo n,1o. for Jisbi sial liii'dinm, aua IL.'ll i..-. vr...t far tieiv'. Nrw York, Decembi r lo. Tlie Flour .Market h.i- sa ii.lian. Inr lei.-lrn, : , , ,r ..1 .oskj le.l .it 1 1 . - a tiO'iiii,,! stun. sl 1 ii-- , i7 i,r, aa.l 'a.,,i., ler .- ni (. in I . al Is . i.i ... I c.'li .l.ill : -.. ,!' la. I. Iiu l..en ill. nap. tin ia. 11 t f euji . '. .m 1 1. ,iv v it' r;.; 7,"i n.r miss, i.sra nrm. Wuiskey auii i. tru: I'.'j. LF.U4L IXTKlXIUKtJCK. Tun Si'i iii Mit Cot RT ai Sist Fun s Jnit'co Keiid was in session, this morning, when i icwun. in . oil. Hit mi. lions wi ro dispos. d ot and at in a u ly hour the Court adjoin nod. Mouday tbe Court will meet for jury tri ils. In the Common Fleas Judges Thompson nnd I.ndlow. The latter disposed of the following ruhs. Fisher ?. llolir.c. Uulu discharged. lierry vs. Maiden. Hula for jndgmeut for want of a suUu ient altioavit of defeu-e. Kule ai solute. Ocrm y vs. Rogers, llule to li.e plea .Yaie pro tunc, ltulv (iiscbnrged. The ordii ary Saturday's ll-tswere then ta'.en up and disposed of, when the Court aojoumed. CoriiT of (Ji AiiTi n SrssioNs. Judge Allison. A man miH'td Ilnmi s, cbarged with the lar ceny of s-).',iKI, was h.ard ou halvm t nrim.i. T be evidence si enied to m ike out a prhift ta it cuse, and Judge Al Ison refused to discliarrc the defenuant, but remanded him to ansvyer before a Jury. A habeas corpus touching the custody of a little gu I, about eight years old, was also board. Fosse-sion of tbe child is claimed by tho mother. The father, Mi Klbare, alleged and attempted to prove that the mother was an improper person to have charge ol the child, as she was a woman of morals, nnd was keeping a disorderly tlrinklng-lwusc at No. Mtl'i 8. Tenth street, which was tho resort of persons of both sexes. He also alleged that the mother was not his wile, ho never having been married to her. On behalf of the mother this was denied, and she called w t nssses to show that she kept a respectable board ing bouse for a livelihood. The hearing was not concluded when our report closed. DRY GOODS. 113 VllK'K A WOOD, KORTH NINTH STREET, 113 AMOVE AUCU, tuveju.t opsnsd Goods M ITAI5LE FOB HOLIDAY ritKSEm lUinliome Embn)l(tcrcU UanJI:erchkfi, warranted all Ihien, $1 up to . f mbruldtTed Handkerchief, 6ft fend 73 ontu, am) $1. Lhdira' black border Iiranilulicd Haodkerchluft, 75, M, and 00 ceiiti.and 91, al 1U t aT cunt. lwa tlxmx Im porter' prlcM. I.ailU-t' irtujitl.oliai! Handkerchief., 37. 45, 30,iV, & and 76 cunt. Ladles' French I.Lnan HkOiititsahad llaadkarohlai., cnta, II 2.aod llvO. lrnt.V tfcen Camhrle lTrnitilc bf-d llfuidkercblari, 71 and (V ceuu, $1. f l-l-",. t f 140, a-id 1 74. iienU' ll.mMUti'lted dlorcd l.ofvior.d Uanaken bJtfi, TO cent, and $ 1 up to 9 l7ft. (ioiita' Colored burder Zlavdkerchltb, warrntd an linen, 60,7. tad W)cLta. Wurked Ctit am. Worked Sati, and lnf-mV Worked Bi diai, yr) chuap. A larKC luaurimeiit of l.aoe Collar. A la rye auortn. tut of HUi k La Vetin. Bandeoma bioctio Ht;afit!M ceuta, l'.i7H. VI jC, and . A larjrt' aortnu-nt of I.adtn' and ( lontn' (Hove. (jenta'Kld (.l.iven, lined, 91 7, i, 92 .".0. tt'id 7b. A larpc axtnortmant of forte Mnna-i. tieuia' Mcvk Ties, hLlrt k routi.und HtiatWrt. Lad lea' Woullon hood and fconuy. bkai-hed and I'nblearhed JMiiallni. All-wool and lomet iVtaiiiieia. b!eaci,ad aod t'ribleuclutd Canton Klanrais. t4 Mttnint r laitnert. die; aad Urd Twllld Klantals, tt- tU PKICE & WOOD, IMo. Hit N. NHS'I'II Htreet, K. It. Uslly rtcewiug llcods Hultsh. (t Pre-nis 8t r A E3 TOTJETH AKD AFiCII, -Kerrimac Calicoes at 44 Cents. FAIT COl.OhJ POK . CII1UHTHAH lHliHI3IMXH. NEW DE LAINES FOR CUHISXM.VS, 45 CENTS PER YARD. "llf ANTED. RAILKOAl). CANAL, OH OIL W HiockN In Ktctiaui-a for City and Oheinut Mill liu pfoved prfpert. Addxaaa "f," WvX 1-W, foil oiiica. U DRY GOODS. qvi:n kvans a co, No. 45 N. EIGHTH STREET. YAM A HOLIDAY ClI'TH. owns at Tin: kedvckd iixir., V..1 ai . ii- lia r tnr.r vAu,, r 'i 'ndi ),., n,f r, selling, ler w flirt It eat J irk le 'I rmnKn cm AP chops at inn t si ii, low rBK'i U i r' i'l iir . iiso'iir. a- 1 wr n-vcr b.ur of a-'V t vrr i.i. ! m I.: ii.- ii 1 hat . tr.iii, I' it ma:nlsr, i.n t It .' "I !. Weill... -a.JI-j . H-Ml. Hi.;, ft 7.- -r.-.t-i M. 1 I'.l'r . s I (.' !...! l':,i.H, ... M i ,, ..., Muin . . I. tl.s .nut,na, !.,$ I ;. I, '. tll. i.i..'. i. ri-i 1" i f . A.I a ii.:. ol ii' , 1..-ci. r .In. iJ. . ilkiiIs a barka.iiK. BALU02AI. SHIFTING LniEH3. It hcavv n-' ItA'.uiomla, f J C.' t i J l.'0, Um chrap a Ii.kiivmiui ii,. Mi'n uirit Unirn f. 9.' to Vj, ceuta, ig r 4. l'1 p'trra ALiLT'.lit 1 Mituii, '-Jt oanu . cniniiaa ad cLCAHiNa cloth:. MEN AJfl ftOV:-' CLOTHS AND U SM MEU Ht-lrfir.'Cl.i. ft .1 f.i .'. .l.Mit." "1 s HI I i: t it" k,tt f-HV to .'. 91, si .t, j, iT'( wl.l: ti i -l..u. 'iu l'',ifi. f ! 2 1 ; i I 'a. Vyly u, lor i. .va Ov.ii...,.,. ( AJl-wtwl Troiidd hiMvors, $JV, diitil-le width. it i,ti, MCM.US, 1'I.ANNKL1', CALIC-KS. AH-ool K'ann-1. .-o f nti, U at can t b ht At. ML.ttU'i Knd ii. m i t laim.-li, jo, . j, r1,, l , wab vrUli- oui i''niif 1?! 'nli-in!.,J,w, 11, M canta; 6 ltiiU a y;vrd Ua Uiau tvM. pr.cus iiuw. ifiiiplrs, iVeirfrai.rl.i, a'l klr.U, r-lirA?, A! mhiM n iM lit iri -.() rua. afltplfc 0:inim jviimiiuj,::; o uti. verv t iw iviw. Csuitun k .auutlv, i t, k, tj, ,',cur luvv pric.-a. liKOU'IlE SHAWLS. BLANK KT SHAWL.S. 1Vuiip H!msi fM!iu at roli!'' il ritoi. J iAcV , tj t ii I fi ir. llr wilii- rI,(.vx If., inw. AI' kluv! ol DtyM oii .it tfi rcil wivl ri 01VL KViS 1 CO., tiKar it mv.oi it nrt' nonns nou No. 45 IT. milTII STRECT. P. Ht'tl neiTohea, II-mvtJlr'ntyJ ;ix,nkirehfef for LiitlJcH and ( blldren, iW.-l.a; to s-V rruti ; L;iitir.!1Ti'd IlaniJkeri hlrfp ; t'li:Mrrli l IIandr.iro)iie('j, M, II, 12, 1 tAiiti, warrii itco aii llin n ; beaniliul Sciiia, chr ip ; H.sip 8i:its; hbtrt Hosvnis, 2. i ritU. 9 c.ssi:ia,ni:iuiY s, U ' Sj. V K. EJ(aH1 t! Hire I, )?, OCUI-TY, LArOUEJADS & 00.. No. t;U CIIKSNUT ST11KKT, ARB CT..OSINO OUT THKIIt FALL APJD WINTER STOCK U 10 ti 07 Tin BELOW GOLD VALUE, jjmiDAY imm:si:nts. Ci. HUHNELL, 'o. X. HUTU titruot, Wnu!d Invo'.e Attention to lifH itiK-k of flu Am.ric4tj and lU'portrd WATCHES, Jn ..eld and Bllver. GOLD JKWKLUr ol the laloat itylea. HANO-Sl'MH S1LVKB WARK. warranted pure cuin, tc, iuliaiia fir llolidity i ra nU. O. HUSSKLL, 13 -10-tJt Mi. W V. SIXTH Street. SrilSISTKNCE OFFICE, UNITED STATES Arm,0. WOliOt'TH Hfnut. BAi.riuKK,Mr.( DacerahorO, IM4. Realat! Pn'poia!i, in ault'-utu, will be riweivod at this orbte until It M., on Tin: KsoaV. IiwdiuIk r i, (or fH.iiistilnif Uio tiiilid tiutbt Bubalateoce ifuiiarua at witl H'WH TnOt'HAKHxiO) HEA1OK100J KATUFEP ( Al'l l.K. on ihn hoot, dohverfd at tho State ('aula H,-kfl at Haitlmort', Mil.. Ia Imi or t liv ne thnutand rw h tTt?rj (10; tn ilaa ; to he wctK'iMl within ns nnd a half 4j artr arrival, at the eip- ut.e of tha contrat t4r. I hry muni avetuwe ahout DM)) ihlneen hundmd iiuihIm eroRN wwlkht. All Ittlliiiaj ahort of ( li.o oni tiiuarstiiid id ftrty poundBttruai wtHKht, Ku.ln. Stan, oiea. ton a, Uoir lts, and llt-rnlt aa att.e, w.U bo riectal. A d-duetion oi ton 1 10 ptmada wtu mad from tha ti.hLfll iiioh Htttr acotptrd uu t. r ihncontraet. pro Tti.'rd the aulr-al doe not tand iu the pent two ana oua huii lunirn (.of ,r bi'intf wfitfiiud, nr ia aH watahad imme diately ajifr removal irin I ho cum. lilauk fom.a for pn aJ ran he bad on Application at th oiHc, altltur In per mi, hy mail, ut tHaiiph, Projo,!,. h t HHtratth, tr i thcr Irrufuiur, Infbrmai prouumu. will lint uei: D-i.UTtd. 'lit (i.Tnini-nt will j:lm th rl.-ht of welirhlnif anf (me aniiniil pirate, Ii tti appcaianau Indicant Imi wvUht lit an tlie njitiiniiitu m-nt.oiied ahoc; the m I'tiiie oi wtiyhlnv wiii b paid by too party urring ta jun ment. Kiti h I id to imuri) c nc! n meat contain written u;rMitce ui" two rt'six'ii-lhie v rxma, at follow a : Wo i0f tl v ruuuljr oi , rtuto of do l-frthy Ku.iraiiti.- that ia (or aroj ailf tnfultila rontrautiii acc rdam i' with tho tcrnn of lilt (or tliotr) protHhlilim. ai.d fchnu.d hit (or their) proiMiilthm bo an rph-d, tit (.r they) will ut onee fntor Into a ooa tra i in tl n-wlib, and we arn prepared to ! com' I. It i uriuts. giviiitf ikjU and tuiQcieut bond tot hi dilrtlm nt. . Tiir rcap'intihliHr of the iriaranlora matt be Bhwn by Ut oftViiu crtilt teif thet lerkof tlif ntriit Infcrto t ourt.orof tit I I'ited Ut-,' UisUiet Attoraey, to b M Ctoacit with tli1 htd. Hltidr- mii.tbf jinifnf to reftpond ti their bids, and pr.Hrd tugive boii'ib and lu tl.a uoutracHrafura icaviug tii? o til re. 1 he r.overntnent rirvai to Ittelf the Tifkl to rtjetAjajay or aU bida t'wild--rd onr anuttahie. Paynirntt i Pf ma le alter ea.-h dMvTT If f"ndj a fhand; u no&oon hand, b he made a aeon aarecerveav IfhUlvrt will p aaie -late pilti i. If pavment la inittn la iurrcytand alo piicti it uiiu mCartUkatet oi iitdobt- PrAi'ii'ila i"" "dwiivm difclinttly 'Propotffll ftr ht f ( atik., ajul adtirAs.t-d to t'apuUn J II, UiUuaitt C. S , It titimore. Mtirvlind." Ii a hid it m tho name of a Arm. tfittr namea and wm potornceaddrtwe uuil apixu, ar tuey w ill uoibeco- ' ICuih' pm or evt? ry iuiribrf a flma orln apra poHiU mut acwuipu ti lr ao oath it( allra;tance to tha Untied Htatet ljufcriiiuout.if b b not already flldd oua '"in bultwllt rompiTin!? itr'cUywiUi tha tarntf o(tW adartUuueutwmban'iccV.d. oirMAK U IG-Wt Oaptalu aud C. 8., U'.tt.A. PEC EMBER 10, 18G4. ATKl'.Yft AfCTl'y MAKKFT Stri i-t. CO. MfKET. Anr'l'.i r. 'ir't inslfimnn. of - ... niiirs, mi i. -ii , M i r( O' nil liii.l,. i..r pm.iir .alf m hln Au.'ll.ui K.ioi'i, ha II' at ti..' j .'I . ;. i t.. f r I.I Al. K.sTslK a.Mt HplChS) .tt t'if l.ann. ii ii'.st:itoi.n Kt'its i nritri Ainnil":i;.ai-4 NIIM'KR IT MI.Ki'llANIHSf: At tl1 Iit.'. ni fi v n. r Ci..i, nu; .r i iivitiicpii hPn'.l nn ciinsiKnuiiit of Rif si. fi'i ruM o mi!. rtl'OKTrR' Mil! Ill' TOTS. I'-r -.tor r! M" -i. .lull N M ii . r .1. l o.. Im, orU-r-, '10 "; ! eh-If lt...f T.., this dvinj lluu.xl .l l ll. a ici.' m. Vn Trrti'rr av.n f -1, Hi'rlirk.att.'.C W . a- v Am l ..-I Ho .m , No .! Vail t l r.-.-t. a l-ir.' ar-..Mni ut I r,Mir'1(u rinaii. a .J In li-l. I . i v s , In- Im' ii- I'., i iw. ..i a.t rum .in, II... .'11. II, 1, ii s.-. Nil, i,, , N i.p.n.,, ...I., II.-..N, llll( l:UU. a. Kul IM., .N .ai.'a Arm, JI...-I - I,,,,, , VI, I i , , H ., 1 I I II.- N r fill M l CHIN N I SI N I H lilt 14. ' " mi" r.' "f Nils.-.. (,,..,-,. I at. ii.i lr... c,. " r'' IM-I ' ' I" o-t ., . i. ,... t t. .,, "'" ' I i'i. I " I lira Is aii.l Ij', .... I arj I i s. I, i 11 in - ..-. i it . y; i i. !- o w c i. i: x FETKOLEtTM COMPANY. CAIMTAI,, it o i o ). riVIDF.T) INTO GO.OOO Nil AUKS, HI' Tit:'. PAR VALVE OK JfVO'J KICII. MorKlnjc Crpltnl, f ?l),0(;3. I' ot;.-ii I'.ir rifTFFV TIIOt.4M Fl jrrsi l Si v t, at TWO DOI.I.AJtg (i r .4!i.i:f, J lit It I' Ol!;.. .if llio tVEipa" , N... ls!7 W'AI.M 'V STltKK'l', Or Si t: ci-:.t I- us iua lisAiJ cf lilrrit. 1-, b.- lift vri.H ai.r uiciuUcr .if tin VI1KH1PUIIT, JAMIiS M. CONAUI). SF.( I1BT.NHV AMI! TRHAMUltKU, JOHN II. CAUU. Dllir.CTuliH, JNMK4 M. rONIIAl), No. lit I Maiket Itrr.t. JOHN II. llltAIIA.NI, No. IU7 Marki't .ir.i't. Jus. It. WIMTAIIH, No. HS'S Cti. Miut atirai. OA1K4 WALTON, No. S.'l Markt't ilrwt. VtM. ll.NKI CAKtt, No. I I'll S. Ilruad ativvt. Tin Oillar.liof t:.c Ci oi.niiy iMi:.t, nr U' folli)lni( .Ii sci.Lvil li !.s, toitiia. iuK, In all, ouo liiiiilioa and tlfty i. (H;:,uiii, Tlttl T NO 1 on;.i ni fitly li (.',.;) ,-r. a, sllya'.'J at tho Junction of Iniriib' Run in.l tho i.hlo ticr,ltli a froiilngo en both tn rlviT iiiiJ ri'ii. TRACT SO. i . Ti'a, Aoiniug No. 1. onil.itia t'.'lt (11) i N. i. I ii nil a are l.sacil f r llltn jers, tin, fourths of tlio ell ai rruli'Ktotho Coinpanr. 'i'lioy ciu'inw, tho .ntlro vuU j ol tin- run fur nearly oue ml!., THACT NO. 3 contains ll.'tjr-flx aoroa, owned bjr UK Couipanv In foe almpic, K iuicJon K.flc.ii crena, which cmitl.a into tlia Llitli- Mu.kin.uiuilMir. Tim M.-asra.Tack ttrothora, who huv. -In on . sunt'i' lul.m tin. lloino Nock irurty in Vlr sinia, aro now; a wolt on tho a.ljcliilug tract, ltl:lu aik liui:ilirit 1'pt f our lino. :l 12-10-lia l) U T 11 W M S T K 11 X OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000. PAK OF Kll'II SHARK, $10. O l' 1-' IOK, No. 521 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DIHECTOUS. F. Tn.NCT, THOMAS A, SCOTT, AUAM WAKIililAN. JOHN A. WHIIIIIT, JAUH4 It l.t.EK.M.D., tl ayelto Countjr.) l'lll.SIUrlNT, B. TRACY. VICB-rBlSlliKNT, THOMAS A. 8COTT. HHOIIKTAItT, SAMUEL S. MOOX. TRhASl'IlEn, JOHN A. WUIU1IT. IAVDB U CHMSK AND FAYKTTB COUHTIJti, rwa.itLVANiA. TBIMY-TW0 MILES 01 OIL FRONT. A limited nautbaf of ftwre will b sold al tha flabasrls Von price of LMt FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, m 10 LET. A FEW MOUK Or'FICKS ON L T Hr.t Fksirnf Ike OIJ Post omc. Hull ! n, Udl'K bliifl, ben TIIIHtl. Al-.ihe klllh una tiUlb Blorloa ol the .auie bulMibR, whs Hliiaia Fowor. Tb U.(.ur ,oril ,u of tti. rl oiu No. al 'IIKRN'l7Trr.e. Tux St. "Ml anil Thus fltortoa ol t'u. Coimnonwoaiiii Buiioma, sua lit rltr AVt'Tflmm. THOMAS It. COSBKLL. CountllJI Uguae ol UK. JAVSK A silk. U-10-r CUkViiiliaiiwrt. 5 SHKINAn PETE0LETJM C0KPAJ7. CAl'ITAI 91.00,000. :HM),0()( HltA.llU4. Worltlnar Capital, k:n,oo, sunsriunioN trick, w-wi kr hharii, FULL STOCK. OmOE, Ko. 432 WALNUT STREET, RrctINU STOKV, II Ai K KOOM. Tl r iirnivoy ot tlir. Cnmpanv rin .l.'l lha ro!lwa va!iinh I. a. a- on Oil Crark ari.IChrrrrKutt.aa4w1ib.a1 aro only .ri lallv oivoloprll, liema -aie ailtr hant-'a ...f day, to ovor 01 . pt-f fraiu a-or n.oi'Ulori tl.a capital, I I. Inn-iaunc Al.., tract of 1A7 aorr. In fro a;airilp on Cli.-ir Hnn, on lk mart vatoai-le porLonof It. auitlolrtit of It.rel for a cona-r-aiiv with iwlro the raptlnl loi . Tl,l. propertr wa a.lrrlid forpilxa'e liivi-.imrnt an 1 not inr ...-olaaa, anj oflrr. tr.le riiirut. a.ld ,tn ni.t wlta ia U. utanw CI :ll4niM PoW n-BIIU.I-;-, 0. l.-MH. I.Kit FAIIM. This lt 1.' f . i on o loa.r of 11 orw.oa whl.-h INira la Olio ioll ll , inn n.'i ' l.ano a por d.r. A', i, i It al' it, oil In nOJ wi 11, iiijlln ; In ail i U ol , of toe on ira. jf OalK'll: .. Ko.-l.- M-HVF.N40H FAIISJ. An fn! I all p.rt of the -Mlaronr Karm," coiuata li.ll asrra, allualrd on Oil Creek, adjoli.ini Kaalar, anal al.out inllr uu.iv. the Nolile We I. Thia properly lie. iu ;he iciutty of noma ot the b..t oil torrlt.i-j on the arrea, ai..l ll Ucvo;,-!,. d wiil proie. tnnu.-us. I; valuab... Tha otlior undlvl.Ii .1 half J. owned t.y a ooiupany who are pra-par-iii- lowoih Uio land tiorouily, auj the f-odaot ufUia od this lu.cie.t hliaxe.. Ko H-BESNKMODK FARM. Thia I. a l ao of 2H acre., on which I. oraettil a trst- ncr.v in lull cperatun. and i iur well, are b.lna- pot down. One 1. C'tnpltile and ready teillnc, anolhar araV dawn, nnd tha pioirrea.iiif. It la a romarkat fact that no wall ha. beeu auaa oa till, flat Uiat haa falle to pnatuco oil. end wilbtB lb. neat etxtjr Uajri doubtaaaa tin. mlarvst wlll pay wall. Is. II.- Hire. Uio above liifi.rtnaUon hat bees raoatrral Uiat one w oil U down rra'ly to tuba, with a eery Una fh.w. and anoihor n-adr to tuhn. From Uioia It I. not unreasonable to cxpi-ct at lea.t DINy barret, par day to tiaaft Inturo.L No. L-Ilt CUASAN FAIUI. ThU li a leaa. of 'i arrea, altuate at the mouth eY Chrrry ltun, on which there la one pauipuig and iaao Towliut well, pioJa. ttitf to the Interest forty barrela per day aud inortailiif. Th -re Is room Or at loa.t throe uwra Wrlle. No. 5. A Karm ol l o a.-rrs, In roe alnile, on Chorry Una, aaar 1'liim.r. Unco liiunh. ol which la borlnx terruoiy, kela nearly all Hat bottom land. On Uila traot It la tha Intontlom of the Company to commence wort at once, Inteadfu ta amk auroral wells, and oiler liidueomrnl. to re.poa.lbla partli. to loaso a portion of It. It I. courldontly eipot-ta.1. by a )u.Uot.eia and vigorous prn.ccotion of tha ..vera! Intpresta, tlil. Company will be ab'.a to pay trom one to two per cent, per month from the commencement, on too entire capital stock, It Is confidently expected tha Ooaa pauv will declare a dlvldi nd early k January for this month, from trie proai nt production. Only a limited number of .hurci arc for itle at tbeiub a. rlptlon i'rt. .. onk st incnriTio.v ALONE of OVKIt two hbs- Dhtll TIJOI'liA.NO IXILI.AK.4 UAVING BKKNMAUB lO TUK filltKlNAH. The sal. of tha abaree to ka divided ainoug the dltteront cltle. u nMoaaarlia- lluiiud. I BASSKTT. l'RIVATK MEUICAL Ofllce: Immriinre. FIFTH and Altl'KMMit llr. UASeLTr. Private Medical Ottio..- llnu uomv HUH end Or IIA4HETT. IrlvBla Medical Offlce: lru Storol FIFTH and CAUPKNTKH. Iir HA.hltTT, rnvnie Medical OnTco; lima Htora. FIFTH and CAKl'KMKIt. nr. HANS! l l , ril. mo Mmllcal Oftlua: Drue Hlora. FIFTH l II and CAIlrr.NTKK. llr. HASi-F.T T. 1'rliil.i Medlcu! Olliee; FIFTH anil CAKt'i.Mhlt. Uru Slore. Iir IIAHHF.TT, I'nvaiu Medical Olllca: Drue Htoro, FIFTH and Iir. hammF.I' l'. I'rivale Medical ORlce-, Drua Stars. FIFTH and t Alii a.M Kit. lt-rp "VUTICK. IT IS ACKNOWLHUUKD IIT all perrona that have been under Uio treatment let l.r. l i , II al he ia l ho rno-t hi ct tssn'i, rnvmniAN" In till, city thai cheslils whole ationllon to the trrattneal rl hoi-rei anil linlicttH. Olaoaat ,. Toiaoiia euilorme would do well to call and Cf.ur.lilt Iir. BANNfr;T T, which uiry caai do lllu ut i l i.r iio at lua ollko, al tho Jlru tro, Utr Til and CAHI FM Kit Wtreols. lt rp It HAD, AND SAVK YOUR 1IKALTII, tluio. aid inoiiiy. Ir. ItAS.sF:TI' la nowo.irlna: cora i.i r.rUaia wlioro r,uacka liava u t'rty lalied, and In insnycaNe, nearly ruin.'d their pallenta coiisiliutioiiH with their medieln'-i. lr. HAHMArrit remcdlea ere purely v e.i tal le, end have no had eilinit. on the rvali iu. In. 1IAHH1-. 1 T Kuaruirei. a cure In all casoa. He can be eon.ulu d al all li.ura of tl.e day and eieiilui; at lua the in-( hton-.N. W. vurnarof Fiktu and CA HI KN 1 1 It Min-ela. U-rp" ' BTEF.NQTH TO THE WEAK! YOUTH TO TUE AUEDl luioitiiiirsiE, UK, LIFE 11E.IU VENATOR. ThU prsj.aratlon Is uueiunlled at a Rcjavenaloc ana1 ft-it--rr ol wakit-d r lnc rt fuiwi ion. I ba rUitd li aid bn certain to make the Rlokritna abaitM tiold Mod, in a-a. ii rh aa It will rnndt-r the in ytHittiful in trV lua aud iu airaiiKth.aud enable ihrui to Iheorof Oi dnyi ot tbt-lr pritum juy. U not mil ' Uirlaraiaa jl (tr iwti au-,, and iroall an Invaluable i)cikliv, BtptHiiaJljr to iitoa wbo haw ln-sn rudu d in a condJtioo ut aTvilitr, aU aiMJe, uiim tuim, nr urtiuiary aiikuot. lSomtiar wliut Hie raufta ot tlia lmiKtfi)jr oi aiir iutaaa or Kin. taia an, i-rl pivi'aratku n ill rtuio.a tlia vzltct at uaca ud im avur. I.JOKKKNK C'urca amiOtnrT, (lenrraJ liability. T)-it(aU, Dofraa klu, I-oa id Afpatlte. H'ralvmm of the Ortrana ik (iia.cratiun, JuitptrLiilv, hiuaclution, K.ntiui. It r a a umsi d.' dioraliin, and noval atrtvt upom tlia NarvoiM hyftvta: and all wbo are Id any wy ri iraiihi by iiarvoua d'tablliiifa ur rarofnUy auvUai la aM4. a chip In tlui mti ixtflitnt and uii3s.ia.iea iirt-paiaiiiia. I'tti-oiib tthi), by liniTiid'-nr, bavn font th-ir uaturaf lnf, Mill find a jfo and txriuaneiiicQra in Uia IilOKKliNK. ftw'Il bi fonnd totally dlilflreot from at other axilolaa for tbf mdii' burpoieii. 10 r.Ml LH. 'ihK propitratlon ti laaliiabia In nv vmia weahnu sMn ol all kiitda, at u will ruiiuie Uiu waaiaaL ittiiuiflh Witl. Woiith iful pci ui.iiitviice. II If atno a iirand ionic, ana will irivf rallcf tn TyippiU wlih tbf tin I doe. A brb i (jerMlitf in- in it um w1!1 ratio. att the ktomarb tu a d gn ot jt-rftt liealit,, and baAU4 !ait!pla fori;i. Oiut L)"ll ir (ii r bottle, nr 1 bttJe fr P. Sold f I'lUHkriata neneiaily. ht-ut by vxprrha anywhere, by aJdreailog HUTCUINGS & niLLYEIl, rrotriotoM. Mo 81 CEDAK Street, Mew York. Hold by JOnSSTOtf, I10LLOWAY A enlVT- UF.N, So. it N.S1TI1 811.01, 1'bUadelphJa. l'i d tutbrni-rp 4 H1UMA CURKD.-KKUfcK OUAUAM- tud in ten minute ami a ;xr'o' nure oircto4 oy Uio uaeof "tha'ii's Asilnua in re " Case, ol fn.nm la .. u-rnry yors' alandlhK vtr'u al once lo itl lnn,ience Price J Hrnt p i-tpald toanv addreaa by 8. 1!. I: Pit AM, ho K FIuliril HUeet. I'OiiaJeliJin. I'a. CtrcUar. enl free. U-o jueniaua TIAlKri'Kf)fI,D FItOM A I.i. PARTS X 1 olllie bodv la eVr esintiea, irnhtit inrer-y lo ) sen,, hv "I nliain'a llepi'elory Fowtter." .MaUr.l b any addreee for tl-M, l.yf. WllAM, No. ti A. F.ll'.tllrt Hlroet, Fhlladolphla. F. 11 leouiJuirp US. Ft lit SALE. THAT VALUABLK LOT 1 tlround, uiitltt-att rorucrof Kitthttmb titl KJUanv. iLio Mrecta, bavhiif a fronton Kl'btuautu atraat, aa4 Oi. i (t(rioiU-e iir i . M nri Aho, a lot of,rwnd uorthweai cornar of CheanatanA fwiTt.ifi oi il Mr 'jl. Iiavinn a fr.mloQ Obaauut airaaa uf My Ut iff IM ou Twentv nroml im rtt. In tulre of rnuJinn n. 'imiiKlJ,, Countlntf Ilouve ol tr. I. .lay no ftoa.