SATURDAY, PECEMIiER 10, ISC I. ptmiiirtW Rrport of Vnirerl tattttis-s snnltnrs ( ofnivWMunf Irani June, 11(1, m tlclabrr 1. TTie undersigned, a Cmntiilttfe Appointed by the Ttnlled Htstes Naoltary Commission lt propare a atnln anefttof Its financial condition, bog lanvo to submit tbo fplleeving ropori i TOTAL OANIt nai'BtrTS Also KXrHfiOITI-RRM. Jin Ml, to Oct, Int. lai. received J CW1,l?t H Jane, Ml, to Oct. lt, If,, eiponu',1 I.4lii, OW M Tielsoee In hands of Treasurer, Oct. I , I'M. oiil Vine W j be wnrfc of the t'omimsslon involving this expendl tart irribrncae tlx dlsthut deportments. 'I he coat of Mrrjlnn on each tlcpailiiir-iit is given lu Iho oocoiupa- B11 II tablna. Added to these In a table vhlih account for curtain outlay a. na enumerated, nut conveniently classified un der any one ot the above division The angri-gata of tJxsa tablet gives the total amount disbursed. lor follow Iiik re the several divisions ol the Commis sion's work, with a fienrral statement of the character l web. and thus the nature ot the varloua Items ot ex penl More may be more clearly seen. A.o.-lba balance In the hands of the Treasurer, Pe ermbrr let, 1NH. I three hundred and Httr-one thousand Bin bandred and twenty dollars and sevcnty-nluo Cente (a 141 MO-rii. In. The "rtnunly Peuarttnent," which haaror Its work the roUrotlng, storing, forwurdmir. and distributing through the hospitals, and to the armies, and on tho b .ttle IWdn, the supplies sent by toe people to the sol. diein. Wllb this work Is Insermraiily connected a lame mount ot relief service rendered to the skg and wounded by the airenis employed in this Department, took servlc would not he Included In the mere work Of tmnsoortlng aud distributing the supplies. The sum, rlisrgrd to the ' l ost of Distribution" (are lshltM A") l thereby considerably larger than It wou'd otherwHe anpoari as la also the ratio of "the cost of distribution" to the "value of the suppler, dtstrl t,tsl"ieeo"l'.xhlbltC"). It la allowed to stand thua lecaaiwthe exact apportionment of the expense belong. Inn to aacb ol tbeae two classes ot labor cannot be made, oven aa the service themselves cannot he disjoined. Tlie work ol distributing thnso aupptlea. and admlnU te r.rnt the teneral rellel eonnected with it, has required tlie labor of a permanent coipa averaging two hundred men. With theneorsaltv of provldlnif "Independent trans, oruiton lor these auppllea. this work haa involved the liurcbaae and malntenauco of several navon traina, aud h. nh.rtjriru! of a number of aiearnhoata at varloua times. In the expense of this department la embraced the cost 01' auppllea purchawd." M. The Department of Modi -al Inanri tlon. or "lnqul fy and Advice;" by which, tor netrly three years, a se ries of Inspections haa been kept no bv scientltlc men tn the freoeral and field hoapitala. and amonj the varloua reatmanta oompotuK the army. Tbealm ofthlalnapoc tlon haa boon todtacover all condition of cam,i or boa - pttal life nnlavorable t the bealtb of the soldier and to nunreat and aeenre each aanltary reforms as would Kuerd eKalntt dlaaart aud death. In the opinion ot both mili tary and medical men, thousauds of Uvea have been avpd bTUila service. !, Tba " Bpcclal Belief Department," by which all sick, dlwharred or dtaaolnd men. not otherwise provided for, can be iiuardrd. sheltered, ted, and helped out ot trouble. Tbla Department Includoa the maintenance ot llomeaM and Lodges,' or temporary asylums, ltellet BtatioDsnear battlo rJeldaat'laJm A.?ennlu, Tension Oftl Ora, nurses to accompany the very teeble to their homos, Den to Ttslt ho-pltals and to look up and collect tbi hack pay of aokllera, and a variety ot kindred work. 'IblaU amemienoy. which, in these several wava aide and pro teeta, on an avoraKO, two thousand flvo hundred COU) foen dally. I ruler tbla bead or Special Relief will be found placed the amount expended upon " boapltal traniporu" and "hoapltal can." a larue amount In ItMlf, but small when compared wttb the many thousands of alck and wounded to whom It lurnlshed easy transportation bom the bat tle Held to tbe hospital. 4th. Tbo "UomlUl Directory," whose mission It baa been to serve aa tbe trend of tathara . mothers, and wlvea ol aoldlera, by keeplnii those at home Informed of the lo cation and condition ol their alek suns or husbands in the aeneral hoapitala. One million and thlrtr tbouaand Dainea Ol hospital patients nave neon entered In the 1I; recbirr, and many tbouaand anxious Inquirlea answered! 6th. Ibe "rltatlstloul De partment," which gainers up, tabuUtee, and neducea valuable penoral principles from aU tba material collected by the Medical Inspectors of the I'ommuwlon, so aa to make It all available for pre vent nit disease In the army, this work la also Inci dental I tributary to valuable aclcutldo researches. Mil. aba " iHpaitnieut ot Publication." by which, aa one branch of Its work, tbe cbolceat results of mo lam medical and surgical science niton all the apeclal tiplcs moat important lor an army surgeon to be informed upon have been furnished gratuitously, and In oompact form, to every medical man In tbe army. Many thousands ot tliese medical monographs, prepared bv the ablest mod ot the country, have been tbus distributed by the Com mieelon. x'onntue; . aa the eerira otten baa done, almost fhB only book ol reference curried by the surgeons Into tite l eld. Itoau not lie doubted out tbla expeoullure ol iroiiiybaa tBKcnttally allied the unuv aurgeou lu his arork oi ruvtna Hie aud alleviating suf,orlng. tu.h are tlie dlvlalonaot the tjoutmlsslon s wota UHn vvhlch lu uiouey has beeu t pent. It will be seen that there Is one othor irroup of expendi ture which embraces all outlays (as therein specified) uot exclusle.y ieiongliK to any one ot the aoovo named divisions, but shared partlv by cat u, and Incurri'd lu the Kcnirel admlulsi ration ot the affaire ol the CotnmLisiou. Appended to tbie report a thing essential to iucoiu pletuntssi ia au esDinate. "Kxhlhit 11." ot the uo.'.b value of the various aui.pllen which have been forwarded lroin tl bou.en oi thecuuiitrv to the UUtrihutlug depots ol II e ( inu.lnmoo. and theme carried by the ageuta of the Commlwdou to the oluters. Add to lira sum the cash expended on supplies, and Compare with tiila totnl tlieexi.eime of dletrtumlon. leaa the preaintaiipralsid . anb volueol the property uned In oorryiiii; on the work of supply distribution, and wo sh ill llnu ' Kxhibitl' " that but lour and el-litv-eluht bun dnxltl a per centum of the value ol the goods Issued has biin apent in olstr.butlug tbem. . J.oTILI.K, C. H AUMiW. I j Hl'NUMJTOH WOLCOTT. K'ommltted t.KoUliK T. ST "Ml, I J. ruH'JBHJEKKIN.-i, J Central utlico, lolled BUtes Hanltaxy Commlaslon, l,ectmber 1.14. I. DI'i-LT UBPABTMIiMT. Go$t of Gathering and i'urehatvtff Suppitet. Mowr ptud In direct puicfaiwe of lii.uu.i ...l,ITO,40B-ej Muik- tulvauooa to lirancueit lor hUlipllMl i 0t of 1 'iwiwti. AkiiU ftna b u p P 1 r Com punivDtj) and Oit ij, for jl.citai(t fluppile .. frr.tihi pttsiti ou cUfcilnu Huupltoi lit central ttiriiomj nlnax nt - Vlwld llOHUltftl" HO SO 014 M Sl.rlHO a count liilt.ciueiy Incurred lor purclaMl nupi'Uei ' 1M .-k ...,,!. in ffalhnrlui anil In Dtir rlLstim euuuliea 171 bll fa TraKifortutum atari IX Unbutton a 8"H-lt-etorrbouao aoeount receiviin. aeaurtlrig atur.ux, iiacklDK, and IsMluig auppl ea iroiu the atorn- biuia at Wafninntun i'",'" mure hewYiirk LouisTlllo, 4o.. 29 Ml He furtbaae U hones and waxolia, rt pulra to wauotia, lorane wages ol tirlTera, auhslateuce. , (urtaiut Talue ol boraia, wa gons, barneMl, atoreliuusea, ate, ii-.h-fc-tui riiMi b'ra of ateaniera, Durcbase of barbea. Ac. lor transportation ol supplies to tbe" W alet Hue," iprosrot value ol barfes belonil U K to W e ( eniuimiou, all. vail 171 TOtJ ti,.nea of tba k'teJa Kellof t orpe, aiMI one urn" ip.u ol-'Auililarr Hcllal Corps".... w . . -. ... .. a tf trtin.tiortat on 1D4 BBS eJ anil distxiUutloo of suppuea.... 4T0.TT1 l Total coat of Supply Department. II. MHIIItlAL IMSl'KCTlOtt. l,14Jv n Exneuaea el this department U9S3V nt. arxoiaL axLiar depabtuhst. Oost at catabllablng and maintaining twenty tso "llouiea and Lodgea" lor tlie care of Hick, furlongbasl und dlacbartod soldiers, also relief a atluits near tiattlu tleius. uicluoing "Htieclal ...ot ranriun d to sleK aud wounded sol diers and their tannines 140,71 1-41 Coat oi liie various Ageucios tor oDtaiuing pen-k,..n- .r..n o, air. tuiuutn. crus monuy. widows' ilalins te M,61i 4 pernios ia tbo trauaairtatlon ami care ol alck nd uiacbarutd eoltliora uuiier clreuuiatan 'ea tl,era iLera la no leual cluiui upon the Go vt ruioeot for relief ll.'JOT'lt ni.i,Aif imdmiiiI Anxlllary field Itellof orpe ,. la,4o01 Coat ol mulnialnlog liospltal-bouta. luuluulng stores), suriieoiis. dreSMir nurMW, so 4S.131 J9 tWiuipuitat of hospital cars 1,0,1 tfj Total aoat of Special Rellel nepartmont IW-iir) it BosritAi oaraiiTMaNT. Total expan' a of niuintaiuiug tba Hospital Dl- rwuurvti Wasliliitun. Pulladfll ohm. N'AW 1 ortt out Louuvi ia Ml SU4 4 V -STATISTICAL DXrABTHBST. faanojiasa rsf tills liepartinenl. Ubulatlug 14 000 reUiag c I camp luapectora phraicai examlua- 014.J4I-W THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPIT PnTLADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, DECEUBEH 10, 1861. t. prULIOATIOrld. MTifijTpJi on m-Mlirtv ftnu urm al tihjrct, K-r trio a- nt Purn-Hnin in tlt ncld Aitl Ho i'itl' K- tMirti oi all kititld. Ii anit-nut, .S(itMfir iiuth-tmrnt 1Nvvt Virk, fturi Jiartt larp HffovUr nt I,outnvllle Ky tW .WW Til - RXPttNUIW niTrt Hftlfirtei, Wwiiiluhton, ew Yurk.Lonli yl Ac II.IOMI (.fntTnl t!)Mi'i inrlmitrtd driTtidtntf , nttv t((iiirv. and Hlc prlntltiK. lrnU;ht, hh!bk, ti ll Bimiif, frtit. itntdcK, ami a.l petty pi p:UfMNi lor Jl Ui aliuve t flic on 74 771-11 UJ Cktm in BAUD or Aor-rrn t'linh tn ISimln ol AktiIh at Lu dLnvtth. Kt.( iff ItriOHn li. lii'duinri, n ;. j n i-wihth. a. v. Clt I'Onit Vrt. ; tc A- dl.Orj-M) ( auri r'd ovrr In Y ott.-rn hanttarr tt.n , rt Loufe). br ordvr oi t all lot tnlmifr-. VJ.OuO'W Mf(ri'ih:iin (- utr. Mt'tropolHan r nlr build- iuk and UrMki-n Kair 1 bi PT'M.M ABV. amount ot , .ri.tHi.iij'.v, KXI'KMJITI RK.f. Supply Ip(irtinint.,3H.i 17 : M UK in iii-r nun Hiift-iMl Itcllfl 1 1 .!. bl 47.Wi4- U w(4HH in. it -oi M i71HI hfiitititlt -til Iop ur ( meat. . . . 1'UhlK fttlUllH JKxpt n-p i hU In hand ol A went.. MlFcellaneumi Tttnl amont t !"Tip,ndlttir..fti1li7,n.'W-V' Aiam f ot rattli tu hnndit oi tl. T. hirnnv, I'.-m., 'I rriifuror, hew York, Ot fed erl, IMtt.. M5,1tW-(1 -3 0.1,1:1 is Al PF.SDIX.-KXHIHIT "BiM hfiowintf tlifl imturp and nriprafnid cah raluatlon nt article) ri reived tn kind aricdntritiutlonnfor tlh-sul llm ! the t lilted Htalen unitary CommlH.-dun, from June, to Octulirr Nt. 1W14. etldltiK, hospital tnrnlturo and wearing ap parel V2HUrr)-r lloipitnl toed ii ml fl-hi acles I ,m.'.,r in 41 MlrTi'iiHneourt tuii)lie.i t'iH .i.tVi I nuivoiLfu I'uxtt, ouiii ih)xi'!, appraiieu VtilUi ) VaiiiHtit'ii ci atilinrv Mipplle llrt''tlv Irtiin tlie Krtin lien nnd A lit tieletlO' to Iton pltrtin und UtliuL titH not Included In tliu above Ivil 81 ,?'WrtO Aildlnffto thfl hhovn th"tntnl crwtof ffntTir- Iiik anil puiuiiaoiiiK uppiia ttw per c-x Libit A) W hnve for cah vtlnatlon of alt utmpIlM which hiivn tin-noil ilirouuh the huudJ tf I 271,011 M too I'. K. unit itry Coinminlon m,4(6,'27.t'7R KMIIHIT "C." Deducting from the bum spent In distribution. tz 4)I70,771'.54 'I be appraised cntd. mine of tlif property on hand now used In "supply distribution, viz: I Iti Tries, wngous und burners ftiUV.ti M) Itnntes l;t 0",M u. At. a. ml A..i.ll..icM I.MMI-00 OM""u ' r 00 3260 We haTO for the tntal cost of Distribution. .4in,445ti4 Applying this Bum til the totnl value of tbo auppllea illa trlhuted. iF.ablhlt II.) viz : H.4isi.27i 7H wo Und the actual coat of attribution to have been lour aud elulitr- tllihtone bumlreillhj por cctituoi i4'l) ot the Tal aa 0 tlie supplies distributed. sots.-Hurlng Hie Inst quarter (tIji : July 1st to Oc totier 1t) the bill for "tmsiannrtntlnn nf supplies" has been vastly Increased by t ie ncesalty of chartering boats for carman tho largo amount of antl-coibutlc ard othor stores lorwanled by tbe I'nlted Ntatos Mani- tary tonimlnalon to tho Anny of tlie l-oioinae. rro vloua to July 1st, 1B04. tho "cost of distribution" wa but throo and aeronty slx ouo-bnndroiltln por centum ii tri of tlie value of the supplies illitrilmtel te- No portion ol the proceeds of the iireat Central Fair at Philadelphia are Included in tne anovo siaie. mrnL. ln Strat I.KrmE.-Tho following letter, referring to the messages ot the l'resnlent. .Secretary of the Trea sury. Pocreiary of War 'and Secretary of the Navy, would probably have never seen tho light, hart It not been reaened from the sweepings of the Cabinet by an Intelligent contraband, snnoosed to be I'ne.lo Ann's coachman. How we nemo by It does not either add to nr detract from Us authenticity. It Is evidently lroin th. nen nf Hkw.vhd, Intended as a piece of pettB splb the rest ol the Cabinet, and la addressed to theKwcutlva Committee of tho lato cieveiano uonvenuuui Private and Contldcntlal.) WAfliiixoTos, Deo. 4, W4. ilentlemen t-Of coarse. UnoPoA will glva as his nessaire. telling ns how Impracticable Is recession, and that there is no natutal Una to divide the country upon, and that with one more 3m,W, tho war will I over In six months) (which puts os In mind of little Joke ) which Is carrying tbe Joke a little too tart and then tb message from the Secretory of 'Var. showing how mar.y men there aro In tbe field t but does'nt say wnether under tho sod or on lop of it t probably aa Bull Kuq Bl brbll would sav, "arf aud art and also how many more there would be In the Hold. If all were there that ought lo ba there wblcb pioce of logic needs no argu ment to back It up-and also, how tjiat the Government Is about taking vigorous measures lor the prosecution of the war. And tbe Secretary of tho Treasury will tease as with a budget of schemes of retrenchment (like the nanghty boys do their budgets on the arst of April .) Jerking them out ol alghtaa we stoop down to take hold of.tbim) of expenses justifiable and unjustifiable, ol sa laries that should be larger, salnrlea that should b smaller, and salaries that should'nt b at all; of orllcoa with too mncb work for tlie hands, and offices with too many hands for the works expenses fbr "stationery" that are never station ary, hut go on Increasing; sani tary and Insanitary commissions visiting tho army, charging their hotel bills to the treasury, twblch lis al ready over billons. Joining from the amount of "green" hacks aod ether thlnga Issuing continually from i. Then there Is the mcssaao from the "gay and happy" Secretary of the Navy, which la past a Joke, and don't remind ns of any Joke at all. There Is'nt a dock-yard authority In the. country that oughfnt to be put on the .met. nf his own yard, thave a bottle of wine broken ever his head, and christened anew, irutn the recklesa way ha apends tho public moneys. e snouiu nao me (secretary to present us with some of the Navy Yard lis tor tbe at year, noy woum reau aonioiuiug uao this: .... V.onltor Murlntnm :a t ncio aim, ir. i o orutudl cost oi building ..StWl.lWfl ... lO.Om) ... 10,.no ... S' ,., ottt IsSI ... fjoio ., 8.0111) ,.. 3U0U .. 30110 ... MM ... R.OtiO ... ItfiM ... 20.0110 ... lO.mifl ... 0110 ... 10 0"0 ... 6lllt,"l0 Square alern ugly, alierto round utting new But, w uu ,,.tli.u now hull tl, (lilt bOW Putting new maats, old ones weuk New mast neavy, cutting uuwu 'I rimming tier down at atcrn ; , Trimming her down at bow Putting propeller In 1 ailing propeller um l otnng in now Itepaira of Monitor I'atent eiieaniniK Taking oft patent sheathing Ke-coppering Mcnltor To loaiug Monitor ou the ooaat Total alelW.OOQ 4 When a triend meeta as and says. "1 have a meaa-ige for you. wa juoge oy Ilia uouutunauce wnoiuer iv w good or 111 bui In this case there la no countenance to give on Index to its purport, nm uie inaex is pnuiea m tbe hack of tba book, covering twenty-tour pages, aa closely and compactly aa the Clothing aold at CuaaLBS ktokks sY Co.'s one price, under tlie continental, cover tlie i ogrt that carry the coptca of the welnhty matter to tbe weighty representatives at wasuiugion iu waiv ing. Yours, respeuuuuy, w.u. o. gOX-DIERM's HliiA.liXJ2ir4'W, AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. atro TtnintTT AMD A FRUHiOM Te ttia glasaxaiged boldlarwao kat baea woaadad In battle. aim ROTT NTT To tbeta who bava sarvMl two years, besidjae a 1" kVSBIOM to UMise disaaiaa. 1C0 MOVTT AND BACK PIT Ta Widows raihars. Mothers, ato., of Iboaa wa Mr, Olad or baas kliliMl la the eef vtca. t PCN8K1N A TEAR To tba Widows and wklowed Mothers of I ha SokOart, Seawall, and Marinas who bare dies! ui tba aervtc. PKI7K alOS'KY. RACK PAT, 4to, Due the hairs of .leaman and Maitnes THLNK l l-AIMS. aud all others againat NUoAl ana Sam teavarunaiils, prouptsr oellscled AsMraaa or apply ta GEOROE W. FOHD, Cuiiin Kgtai, tl ' las DOCK BTRKaTT, one door below Totrd. n"lHJPl A.. i-KUlEI4 A tno., OOMiHISSIOI. MEE0HAST8, AND SHIP AND STKAMJ10AT AOEXTS DOCK HTKKKT WIIAHK, rUU.APICLPHIA. ajsttrrwD a. oorniaa, J aa,:HisAi.o oaTrr. st si lias i. sui pse kfc4-t WANTS. TVANIKD-A FIRBT-BATR ORGANIST f tor ivr an kol.ciinl rhurah tn tut ritf. Alia ft Umr- ntiirhiy e..mivint Kopraii" und 1tiir ulntror f-T th choir nf ii nih church. AMte- 'Ho 7t" rht'ftdflphin pottom-a." Ia;', :u OPYIN(. WANTKD. A YOPNG LADY, wli Hh cmntdrrnil IcUura thn. mnnl't lUa tnrit'vut a ttion of it i( c.tpvii'B f-r (raiucrHittur maimn'Tipt. An drei ' M. F. H.," nf stern HuM'.O, 1J-7 H" I OST -OCTOBER 11, WI.CKRTIKKTATK 1 i . IHIIt. dnlfrt April W, WH. tor Wft tlurtM Bl Mountain hitpnivauiant Ccm, ")', tn i-Vi-mr4w niiii-ii ii(n.i fri. SPECIAL NOTICES. NATIONAL I1ANK OK COMMKIIOR. Pull AI'KI rillA. lleermlter HI. I-I. Ihn Annnst Fleetli,n lor lilreelnra VIII ' at the tanali.u Honor. . en I lit KH ,the l.'th 1 nf January next, 1-,-tneeli the huurs of 10 A. M Biiflil'.M. JIlll.N A. LIV 12 10 stnthtl-U t:lilor. PKVAHTMKNT FOR SUri'LYIMG the t'lt with Water. All persona lisvlrn r-lainm airrtlnnt thli Department wll tre-ent the Hnira at ihe etllee ,,f the rhl.-r Kiwlneer, No' 04 8. HI III Mlreet, on or haf 'ta l ee, miwr n, H' t II. I'. M. Ill UK I Mil NR. 12 9-lft Chlaf KiiKlneer Water liepariinent, I'lula. l nri'ini.' iiuMinvuvniMli I'ifritn. VKI .M t'OMHANY. Ho. 1 H. KOUItTII STItEK.T. riiil.ADFi.rma. Its Snhnerliitlon ftciks will lie clo.ej un Tburadar, Dee, ii. h. r !'. 1 lie rrnneatea at ?roeR win ne lsaaea an nnnaj, yjm ftiht , n surreniltr 01 the reueir ts. ttlll.iA. mii,i, rraiKii'm. Thomas Tot mai, ieererarr and Treasurer. H i It rr 0 11 K AT HASIN OIL COMPANY. DIVIIiKMt Wo. 1. 1 lie Directors hova -hti 1ht ilei sred n JIUVI HI. V I I V 1 1 ) K M Of IWll PKK CKNT. to Hlf.ckhn ,,ra tf taoortl, paTshle en nnrl aiter the l.Mh Inst, jieol,, eluseon W.MIIAY 7th In-t. O. W. W M.I Mil. Treaoree, No II Faniiitiir lliiilotnt'a. Putt Alirt.rtllA, Heeeniher r, W.l. I2-P,-I0t " FAKMF.RS' & MKCHANIX'S' H- TltiNAI. LANK. I'ltrr.Ani r.rlltA. lleeemnar v. tsi.i. The Annual F.lerllon lor lllreriors ot th'l hank will he held allhe Kniiklini l..u,e. no We.lnexiay, the lllh itar of .lannarv n t, between the hours of 10 u'cloek A. .14. imI :i o'rlnck 1'. M. lo p-Ull W. ltl'SHTON.Ja., Caihler. r-j,r-"dIVIDKND NOTICE. OK KI OK OF te atmriO OH. COMPANf, No. Hi WALNUT Hlrott, Kooni tin. aO. . I nil. in n. i.ts-eiooer t, i-,.. The I'aard ot lilreetors of this t onipany liave tills day declared a IMvplend ot TWO fit per cent, on the espiul alosk, pavalile at I heir office ou and after tba lOtli instant, fiteofHiate taxes. I lia b'Nika will ba cloaed fir tranataran the ,1th Instant at a P M aud bo opened on the nth. i.i.i ..." p. Hf WII.TBANK. Secretary. rriL oVfick of thk city bounty J'naJ Commlntlon, t'omroon" eiltli llulldlnga, Ho.0Ul k .,. rill kMSI. Illl. r,Win.,r, ,,'... Owing to the Inrresseil nnniherof remits, tho Commis sion Is under the necessity of announcing that the C.ty lloiintywllt he withdrawn after r'kl lA V, lllh lint. Na Ismnty wuj, Umrefoie, be paid to men ntusiered In aftar thai dale. JUH I1I.AIK, 11 rt It J"'!?? . t UNION LKAOUJi HOUSK, NO. 1218 CBEnMi T Strset. Kac.-EMa 1,184. VOTtC. Tl.a staled Annual Mert'lia ol the Colon La!llie of Phila delphia will be hild atlllMlKKT HAl.l., ou MONDAY, Jlceernber 1 . al H o rliH'k P. as. 1 letieis, srliuliunff memhers only, can be had on applica tion to Mr. Clement K. Wt Ipple, Aaalslant Heeretary. U 1st OtOUtial II. ItUHBK, Secretary iv-rr?" DEPARTMENT OK MARKRTS, WIIAKVK.t AND LANDISUS Orllce, VIKTII Street, below chenut. PHit.Anai.rtitA, December T, ISiit. NO'l'lrU. The Wharf ntthe of chesant street, on the river Delaware, will be leased for a term or one or tnreo years, to the hliikest and best bidder, at the Merchants' Kx cliango, on Wednesday, Deoeniber 14, at 1J o'cluok. noon. 13 g-3t fommlssl mer. &3T MONTHLY STATEMENT OF THE Second National Rank of Philadelphia. I Hi nKroup, uecemoer 0, in-ja. 1 siant and Maeonnts i 7M..ti r I .,l,.ul IIHHlnir.1 4.'6.lOl)U Specie Uniiea States Nines fio.'isVifl line from Hunk 1i.7,hs:1 In (apltal iW,0U0o0 lienosits .ll7.tll !KI lme to Hanks liitti 19 3.1,11T-1 Clrculaiton VWinsltx, Comlltlon of the Bank this Cth day of December. ISM. 1-ti-l.t VY . It. KIIAWIS, i.asni,ir 7. I ov-rsr- ROCK OIL COMPANY OF PENN sylvanla, No. '1 WAI.N UT Street. Piiii.auki.i'mia, liuuetnborS, lHoi. DTVHiKM) NOfltK. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of TWO er.U CKNT. Itwenty cents per snare), ITue oi Slate tai, ratable ou and alter Monday, the Uihlast. The Transfer Hooks will close on Tuesday, December 6, at .oclcek,!'.!. ,.nd.peu.nU,.l.l,.(nf p J0.5.H Secretary and Treasurer. BUKOJiON-O EN E R AL'S OFFICE, WAbttiaciTuK Uirr. I). C ( Nuveuilinr i l, IN 11. XOT1CK Medical offlcers of not less than two jeare' rervica, who have been honorably dssohtirged and desire to receive appointments as sl.KHKONS or ASSISTANT MIKtlKOXS In the Cllited States Army Carps new being orvaulzed at WashliiKton, are InvMod to I .rwaril thHr applications, testlinonlala, and evidence of service, to Uie Burgeon oeotial. whdoiu ueiay. J. W. BARHP.S, l'i-7-tbatjt Surgeon-tlenural. IS)" THILAT ELl'IIIA AND TIE ADINtl Railroad Company. Oirlee, 7a S. routtl'll S'.reet. t'Hii AtiaLi'iiiA, November at), lltiii. mviiiKND NOTICK. The Teanafer floods nf this Company wl'1 be elosed on Thnradav. December 10, and reopened ou Tuesday, Jana aiy W-J. Adlvniendnf FlfTF.EM PRR CP.NT. on the Common nd Preferred Stuck, clear of National and HtAlo taxes, haa been declared, pavable la t'osauaon Stook.ou tkallstof liecemlier nrit, on all stock standing on the hooka or the Company at tne close of liaslness on the lite proximo, siot-ksolcera whose names are registered ou the Hew T nk Honks will be paid at the Kaiiucrs' Loan aud Trust cotnpunv. 1-j-l-tM 8. BRADFORD, Trea,ur. LEKKB OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL, j PHii.APBi.i'iitA.liecemiier'J. l.sisi In pursuance of the annexed roeoluUoa, Ilia following diu, auiitita "AW ORIiIN'ANCE CRIAT1NO A LOAN TO PAT CKKfAIW DP.Krl'IMM- CiKH IN THE KAK ISiil. ASP rul Illon I IbAHn, Is harsh? puhUshed, In accordauca Wltb th act ol Aaierat- ,,ror pouuc tatoroaauon. WVJ. r. 8M ux. Ctork of Coiaunoo CobdcII. AM ORIlilANrTB CRKATI1( A LOAN TO PaY CRRTAIN DilKUlKMMK K THK YKAK IWH, AND 1'ltKVhX'H YEARM. BtxHIoh 1. Tb Mekot and CoiniuoD CouucilM t the Otty or ruildel("hi do onltn That tlM Mayor of I'Mlndolpriia be and e U herebr en thorized to borrow on the ervdit of thn clijr.frotn time It limu. knch aiiiiii ol nutin'V t-M vat he nucisitaerv fur tUe p inent of such dc flcisnt ! en row exti:, or which way vxiti on tne nrti nay or January, irvan, id inn appropria tion., to the feeveral t'eDartiuenU of the city gjv, rumeni. for the year if)ac4en huntlreti nd 1117 -ftiur, i-r for pre vioiifi years, not t-xceedint; tu the whole the 11111 of two millions fle hundred thou aod do'lare, r wtiirh Inte rcut, not to eic eJ the rate of lx per centntu pr annum, hall be paid half yerly, on the rtrt drf s of aJaauar end July, at the ottice oi Uw City Treasurer. The priuclpal of mid loan hsli he payable and paid at the e n t ration of thirty Teats from tbe da.e of the eanie, end nt before without the outwent of fie hoklurs thereof : aud the certirtrtf thi re'oT, la tba ysual lorm of tlie certifiratrs of C'itT Lohn, shU be lasatd In iub amoauta ae the knem may rein, bat not lor enT ftao tlrttiaJ nart of oiu hundred dollarM, nr. If amouutk of Ave hundred or ono thou a and dolUre; audit HhKii he eiures.rd lu latd eertinsrateii that the ald loan therein mt-mloried, and the imiruet thw eof, aro payable frr from all taxes. Hi-tl..n!i. Wherever aut loAn thall be midabTTlrtae tlemf. thTH sball le by force of this ordlnanoe aunnatty attropriAid out of the tuetue of the corporate antttue pi tf InrUi the luin iaiio-1 uy taxaimu, a iuq tajit;ni tn 1my tlie luUTpftt on iald certiorates; and Uie timber tui ui three-iDtiii of one par eetitiun on the par value of auih io tffbueu snail b appiu- triAted nuaru-rlT nut 'f iaia iucneaDi taxes to a hg fund, which tnud.ard Its aci nnmiaUons, are hareer ento'eittliy ikdgd tor the rei:uiptk'U aud puUoi tid ctiuflcAtee. . Kf-KOM'TIOX To nntdlxh a !,oui, Hill Ui lAV riftflolm-lee, It solved, That the ( ' erk oe authoried to putiHsn hi iwo rfkllv nt-weituaDMia of th. .telly. iialW. lor ftir weki. tii oriln aucc r t.-en ted to t'ciutuou CouucU ou Thursday It. eMtnifx-r 1 Aft A. antli led "Au OrdlnaueeCrt Attn A Loan to pay Certain Dertdmctei ot tne vear lHtri, Aim preTioua yeius. -And the aald(Merli, at the tawd meeilnv of CoiiimHI tututr the axfjlmtion of four wevlts C om the first day at Al. put Itcuttoii. shall piiweot to ilile ( 'twine 11 one ol eaeiiel tAld iMiwspapers lur uverr day In whlghthe aaia shaX hat Imjuu uiaie. If x I DRY GOODS. JJ H'X'XJUjU a HON. Son. 713 and 715 V. TENTH STREET, IIat made normtis reduetlani (a th pricai af all thhr Hlvok. 1 H 13 M H UOlM Of e tbtj variety for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. IIANDSOMK SII.KS, KMl'RKSS CLOTHS, FltKNCU MKR1N0KS, CHKAP SILKS, rkd rori.irfs, I'LAIU M URINOUS, KIC1I PI.AH I'OPI.INH, n.AID CASHMERKS, MOHAIRS, TALK.HCIA3 SHAWLS, BB.O0HE AND WOOLLEN. NovalO, In Mnen liar dX.Tchlef,, I.ace t'ollara, rrrnca anil I arahrlc I.aee Vella. reron lit pitrehaln llollrHr would 1a wsil te examine out Stoek, aa we wlah to eloaanut tlia wliala af It Ijptore the lt of Jnnarjr, aud are orTerlni VEltY GRKAT BARGAINS. I A A" 4? r.l mTTT TTT AKTT1 ATJPtT 11 JUUilXU JXiXU ATlilVJll, v HAVE BBDUCKD SOSIN RKI OtrOD FOR THK HOLIDAYS, To fiivor the lautlablo practlco of maklnj VALUABLE CIIEI3TMA3 GIFTS. Lyons Velvets, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Blue Silks, Silk Poplins, Do Lainos, Piaao Covers, Fine Shawls, . o'H Ul&UJi. OUH.B Kep Poplins, Merinos, Blankets, Good Chintzes, Plaid Shawls, Christmas Scarfs, Christmas Hdkfa. Ul-taa 10HN 11. 8TOKKB, No. 7'I3 AUPH BTItPf.T. nEDUCTlON in 1 nit, kb ur nut uouim. A Hplendlit Variety f . r CHKI8TMAH AMU NKW VR.VKrt PltESKNTS. CoBststlriK of Hti fl (ioodi. frenrh M'iinom and I'oplin". 1 0in'i Hiiiffle and l uitiu Width BlAck DelAtnes. Lupln'a Ktlt.t Wo. I IMatda. Lupto s r ine Qnnlli; rrenrti Merlnoei, i t&. Heavy Kibbtid Woof Poplins, tl M. Uny and 1'ialn HtvloCottna and Wool Delaine. WO) ytii do Calicoes, from Hi to M. I'lald Hhawls .at and Oesirable. liein 8hAwis for rieiTlce. ('hiidreu'H Hhavtl- l.niiff and flijtiare. Ladies', Went', and Chlhlren's liiov-., Laulus' and tj-en's' Linen t'atuhrle lldtrfe. Ladles Hrm fit tctitd IlUkfa. (tents' Si!K Ihlkta. ltaluirral Hairtt Lra-e Asiortrnent. Hlendld On on terpens, from AuoiiotU Flannels While and tlokred. Mo -k la CrAfh aril lilsper. 1 KkO vrri AuiArlPavn .!rn4ih. at 12Wc. If LAdles will examine this etvk thoy will And gooi broils At the eery loWeet prices. Mo trouble to snow mem. Cooie aud eiaiiilue, at .ion n h. nn.Krv l'i-D-lm tio. 709 ABUII -Street, 105,4 CIIKHXITT BTHRKT. E. M. NEEDLES Is Dally lleoolvlup; WOVBl.TlKS IN LACKS, VV11ITK GOOB8, KMBBOIDSHIKB, VK1L.H, IIANDKEBOHIFS, o., In svsry varlet and at UEOUCI3U rmcEH, SUITABLE FOK THK KALL TBADB, 101 ClIBlirfUT BTaTtrTT. J. COWl'EllTHWAIT a CO. 8. E. Cor. NINTH and AEOH Streets. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. J1LANKETS AT RETAIL. ULANKETS AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. 15LANKET8 FOR HOTELS. liLANKETB FOR THE ARMY. LLANEETS FOR THK NAVY. BLANKETS OF ALL SIZES. ELANK1T8 OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAJsKETS TO 8UIT EVERYBODY. AT TUI IJIVTVltKX tsTOHB, -M-Sui I, I.aemcr KUTH aa ARt'U Btreats. II OME ON A FURLOUGH. a, le. and eiiaravrtl tv Harlain. Is liavlna an linraunsa sale. and la cwtiaUltri'd by art whu have Sni'tt It aa one a( Ue tin.'st ajiecluicns oi aDitraviua' ever gottoa oat tat fsinnm . EYKKT BUUD1HHB TAMIl.t BtlUUIJI IUVI M t'OfY. STKKT LOYAL HOUnniOLD 8UOUXJ UATB 4 i:sri, fn fai.ft. aver family WDs haa a fattier, hast) and sua cattlliia fur hla oousury, will oi'preciaia aud shasiid homi of i r'RUii;nK. . It wID always baa bsauilful memorial of tka anxloaa date and seats or rebellion ann war. itiiaeuirarliiir la snki eKdustviv by AKeats. nismi.lll Mlll.lllK.ltH aad othera will find Uila tho moat p easant dad pmntaMe sscurv th .jean andert.k. We gr ercln.lva terrilury, and vUI Mlve panlrulars nfait- ncy nn spp icanra. Vt a mini Hits nlate on a 111 bv -Jl shrtt. .uitablli forfram. Intt. and will aeod a apwiinrticopv by, ftee.onrtMsitit At tl,. i,rt,,.ft'j ui. which la atii'us ona-rialf tlie tirioe usually r bar, ad fcr auKravluaa of ibis oliaraetar, Knr panlca ara, addiasa IIHAIILKY CO.. Publishers, So ,il . HJITKI II .Hirrs-4, 11-lSltollilul Ptillads libla. IIOMDAY 1'IlIlMKPfXH. D. W. CLARK, No. 6tt CHKSMUT 6TRBBT, Has now rm hanrl a Terr lartta .took of WAI'UIK!,, '"""'liLmnm.wH.., ainte,1 aiBreaslT Ihr th oitfioa lll.nAT THhn, wrier, aro tHr loldnt utrannlliiarllr l'w pn -a, h.e a uvea abek of the fciUowing oaat vra flnhl Wnti hee. Hllver Vt atria's, I.aith'S' Watehee, tna Waioh's, li)S Wtttnnee, Atin-tian Watohne, Ki'KllKh Ws'oiifw, Writ(he, (.0 d Vt ChaJite, (.Aid Chaie nir.p (ihaltie, tilit Nfvk Chains, 4 told Tnnoti C'aaee, l.ld Pens, ilt.l.t Tontbpieke, ild Th ml-les, lioul Ariutete, (i4.UI lioitoin hinds. Htfrvp HutUne, Wa'eli Reva, tiolfl )), llfnU , (i.iUI Mm, radios'. (;(.kl I'tno, Mi"e', (i..d K-tt. lia&viAine, O tid KUtfS, t.oid hltuet Kinid, yi. l-uarf fine, (it, Id Urrwi, (W.'d Iywi4a, .J4 1 harms, (loid Wni.-! Mr-ohe, K.-lr r Thimbu. Hiivcr Nai'sifi Itinn. (Hiver Kitilt Knlvea, hllvet Kob Cheine, Hlher Vst rhaine. Hii.vpn riaATRD w arh. PiAti d on aenume AIUaU motAl. Tea fM. Cnke Hnoketa, Knit 'tarsKeuit t'urd KmcoIv. rt. Iltittor Imnea, Hyrup IMtclhTe. Huear IH-hes, flraafat t'aihtre. jMnoer Casiora, fietvle tattoM, hpoon Muldoni, W altats. fJrtis, Halt rt'iiBJe, tsll'tNU, Cui-e, ( H Itells, HnnMll Klnu jr'inh Knivua. Yiv hnim, Creum Knlvwt :nkafl Knives, f'rtiuib Knlvfts, Children a Kmvea, t'liildren's Finks, l-hlldren't Bjvwm, Oystor Tadlea. Hoop IdlM, Tnlrio and Hensert Spools, Tea. Snirar, and Aalt Hpoouf, Tea and Dinner Forts. 11 A TKl) jeWFI.RT. Vn hiT rm havml a litrtia lot nf Una A A ted JawAirf, which we ate clostnir out at cont prirea to make rooia fr othir fOOslH. 1 hnne wihltlnR (ote In our nnowot aau win tnU and examine onr mki Denire parruttsiux. All ho-U warranted aa represented. Nn.fiMCIIKS.HUT Htreot. H. It. Watehes and Jnwelrv carefally repalrort ay ei terlenred workmun. And warranted. K.nirravintr natlf ttxtM-mod. 11 -IM-w.HiAdtw ill QOOD8 rUH THK llDLIUAin. IMMENSE REDUCTION IK PUICH OF WATCHK8, JKWF.I.IIV, R1LVER-PLATBD W.VUC, Aa. ladies' Oold Ttuntlng'f'Ase ( Lever Watchea.Qeaiiillully From t to 9 09. eiieraved and enamelled. Oents lloavy (iJid i ver W atehee. 1 Silver UuntlnK-t'ete Wttchei for ..! . M . vs .. as full-Jevrelliid Levers . . 30 Oold Vest Chains, frntn I0 tn 7. lli ld CI.Htc laini' (Plains, trrmi $10 lo $30. Unlet Nrk Uha tii. fmm t! to t'.'a. InuilllTarents'vlia tine tlnld Hets. Pins, and Ear rtiruj,, all the latest aud must rnshlntiatiio desbina, from ,i to JT1ISK HI.RKVK BITTTONa), UOStlM RTrfiU, Sl.slir rns, tsr.ii.-s riTi-s, O'H.l) TllimilKN, HII.VKK IIIIMlH.Ba, BUM Kl. Kill, AKMI.KTS, lA'tKKTH. UIIAKMH. ya.Nrim. 1' Aa. Kvrry variety nf HI var and BUver-flated rVsro, M msnuiiicinrer s priees. TKArtKrH, t'AKR BASKF.TS, l:A 11 It A SKKTfs. rKI'll HUT I KK IHHIIKS. BtltlAlt LIIHIIKM, 33 Mi itt'r rntitiBiiiB, itiiBAivr-Asr uAtstuna, DINKKK CASTCKti, SALT MTAJillll, Oiiltl.rTM, lirn. VYAlTr.Kn, UKHB, CALL 11KI.I.S. MAl'KIN RIHllS, nil IT RNIVV.fl. Ac. Ac. rnrks and Hnoons. ill every variety, treble plated, on Kenulm-alliata. at one-half the usual prtcee Hemeinbssr that a larse st, ra. wlin a di rrnt sna neavy eaponsef ovary not the place to buy goods clti'ap. Therefore. If ,iu wouta study your own Interests aud want great bar- Mains, visit our little sture, , H O tusnt VY. L. t; 1,4 UK.. JJSErUL AND ORNAMENrAL C11KIHTMAS I'ltKSENTS. Ootdrlpectacliss.auM Eye-Olassea, Mlcroacopea, Opera Ulassra, Hpy Glasses, Stereoscopes and Views, atagM Loiitrrna, Bozea of Drawing Instruments, rocket Coaa passes, fancy Thermometers, Globes, Air Pnmps, Htoo trle Machines, Oalranlo lletterlee, Spelllag Boards wtlk Movabla Letters, Ac Ac, Ibr sals by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., No.imClIESNUT STUEET. Iilastiaitd Catalogues grails. l-tt fOR SALE OIL CREEK TERRITORY. P a ir.. R.Bi,v itrnat on one of tlie moat vain able tract, of oil, I.ANll, O.I OIL I UBKK, VKSA.NUO (jyUNIT, 1'KNMJYLVANIA. It lies allhe Junction of OIL CHEEK AND CUBttRY RUgT, and covers about 100 acres of ground, upon whlcb aro tVnnirrous LKAHKH. wlih over HIXTY WKLLB theroon, eltlrar pmduLing. or In progress and nearly iliiislied. J na l.KhSKKrt are daily btgliinina oilier wells ojj sua t yl uiiimi apian, as mere is room ior vjb tlonal wells. , .t .,. .sir. wnarPtNil Those in use ara oom iwiiiiau - WKLI.S.uneol'wIik b lias Uowod KsTO BAKUELS FEB DAT, . . .ii... nrAn.r ihr New Wells, sold last wevA anuiug tha tperailvea UiomaaJvos al Uie rata of 12aUO0 FOB TUB WBLL, and THKIR ACHK8 reserved by the original owner fcr his ri'.id. nee. sold aise at the rale of 70OJjt- hurh an opp..rtBni' la believed, has not been reoently otreiad. and would ssake a pioducuig baau of such vslea ba tu atrnrd an lauueusa oapicai. A",J,to 0. B. prNIIA. lj.f . 4JM WALNUT Btaaee. OIL, MINING, COAL, Aliu uiujsn ixnvr COMPANIKS. w. ... nr.n.a to rnjmlsh Haw uorporaooas wiia tk. Uooas they rainlra, at short notice and low prloeaj, of flrst quality. All stvles ol Binding. HTEslL-PLAiK CSatririVAiiiO ur isiwaw. LITllgilKAr'Ill'.ll V 4s THANbUSH HOOK. oKurmi or tk Ah 8 PER. Sim V.ii"'." balasok". JsKlllBTEH OP C . VITAL H rOOK. EkiiKKKI' l'KTTY I.KcOBIl. 41Vtli:fsr OK HALs-Is. 1I1VUIKMD BOOK. MOM 00, Blank Book M annfactarars and rttatmar H.1H-U f o. 4.11 CU ltd NUT Stroat. Uo NEW -0 LOAH. . Rubacriptlona leesirvad. and tho Votaa 'mlshd rrao a ai aaai.'.aa jit lIKOBilY. J. BOTD. Hanker, o. (. TUUiD duasrt. til 4-a TV) YOU "WISH TO MAKE A PTLESISTIf OO TO HAEBACH BROTHERS, No. !3 N. KIHI'ITII HTUEI3T, t.ltj WII.I. HMD Till rmi:sr ab kst ASsuUTMUtST Or STA1M.H AMD lpANOY STATIONEBY. PLOTIVVAAPH ALBUMS, and FANCY GO0D3 IIV TIIIJ CITY, WRPTIKO rKS';s- In It "wa,-d, Mariocany, aod fa. rinr liranllAil s .Mirtmi'i t. nBTI'UI.IIi AM I rOIIHlTT.T. UA1F.H, I" OVisry aty'e and di.iali . iiutNrR -With H'l stirl Rtol Ohaina, In M imoro, Tel- vat, Plain and Orrsiri'M r,l . TMIHTY HTT1.KH (if itl'lAI OAHKH-rlome rieaatt All psltrms. I A PI tsiat ' A I' i"s "S -in airosra, aaa rdiimsi, the flnct rjualitt S'mI ::ti sfi 1HSVR1.1M1 ANU HIliJlTlMO SATCIIK1.-A11 slraa Mil aapfa. ItMIRr.l ftril -s l n'-,-.-,,it ,n nr.'miiii,. A MU.L LINK UK r,Y HuOK i, Unnnd aud In fsaer ailltaMe Inr rhl'.lro ,1 ,vs'-t sa. ANU TAl' 1K1.L-In arnat varlislr. Maaf eni rwly new. OAW l'BOT(XirtAIM!l CARll fnOTOHRAPaUll t SHII I'llDloaKaJ'Urll We have a sp'en.l d st,K-a cf 1'1HT(XHA1MI AI.IUIMa, Hclllnf at Tory luw nUM, PlMctal altrmlen Is rMl-'d to the M4W MOROCCO I1INC1E ALBUM, Lays parfsotly flat wlifta apoat , Call on tlARRti'M liitorilKKi If rna want abaad auour.or uaetutarticie ir a tMMHl onrKI w A I.ltlTMia. larv, for M cents: DUeu wtUi CoI'HlU 1 Ictures, ciuta. IIAVBAOH BROTHERS, N,,. .10 N, EIOIITH BTBI.BT, rhrUda. H-; an STAi;Lisin;i) in 1312. EOLIDAY PREENT8. WILLIAM WIIsHON Oc SOW, 8. VT. Cor. FIFTH and OHKUEf SU., riltl.AUIID'lllA, Hare on kaad a la-ge and gnneral assortutont of St i sV Kit WAItK Or our own aunnfaclar., ot Ui. flnaat aaUty and bVraatt standard of BUvor. A LAO, I'LATKI) WAKE. A largo and general asaertmant Of perlaf Ptafd Ware, Ac. OLD SILTPJt bought and taken In aicbange. Ularkeo rriav. grven. m Wt JJ H W I S LADOMUS, DIAMOHD DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 802 CHESNUT STREET. Ilat on hand a Urge and splendid aasortsneat of DIAMOND JEWELRY, BCITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also, a beaatlful assortmeAt of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry,&. Hllver Ware In treat variety, suitable for Bridal amd Bollday Prments. My aaecrtment of Kiamord Jewelry Is ceaploM, and at leas prtcatboa ean bo louud In this city. Old Gold, Silver & Diamonds Bought for Oaak. DIAMONDS . Porsans havtng Diamonds or other precis, ataste to aUspesa of, wU da well by calling on LEWIS LADOMUS. DIAMOND HEALER AKD JBWBLHaT. Na. KOI CUEANDT Street. Was win give the lilgtirat cash prioas. I6.1m ALUO, Old Gold and Slltor nought for Casfc. 1S64. JIOIsIUAYM. 1SG5. WJN0ILE3TEB & CO., No. 7O0 C1IESNUT STUEET. Invite attar Hon to a choice stock of WRAri'KHH, CARBUOK nLANEETS, CARDIGAN JACK VTA, BCABPS AND TIES, BRCAKPA8T JACUT9. OL0VKS AMD BAsTDKEftCBIKPS, BMOKINOCAP8. Udles What a tuparlor oasotiannt of other Oooda anltoMa aa PEESEUTP TOR GEMTLEtfEIT. JJ0LIDAY (JIFTS. INTJKSmCi MADE EASY. IJKOWN'S PATEJT BABY-TENDER, OR, MAGIC SPRING CRADLK, Tb most useful and dnlightAil Mursnry Invention of Mm ago. Prom 1 Tortlcal and Kotaeloas Cradle tt Is ta, lastly ooav wrted Into a spring C'ha'r.Itaclinlng C'ourh.Baay-Jeakeer, Baby.Borao, Paby -Walker, Hlga Chair, XarsaryOhatr. liooby Borso, and Ottoman. It adreotnaUj ohvta .s Uie ovtlsof the racking raotteat aflords great relief t, uiothsrs, exarclaea and delighu oofK drn, aod ssvss tin expense ol a Nurse. Also a largo voi lets u rauoy UoUda. Uoodj. at die HOUSE FCRXISniNO STORE, Ko. 9'd'J DUBSNUT 8T11KLT. JIHIS A. MITKI'HY. U la HOLIDAY PHKSKNTS. r. BOUl Kl.l.l :RMANy A CO.. .so. 2.1 ts. KlUlinl dtraH. ara now oftiirlng. at l-h' bargains, a full aud aulendld aisnrtmrnt of DUY I.OuL, aullable fur UOLlDAf l'llBKMIK. BLAMKrT ar.d ltHlU'DB 8HAWL8. IlKtdn tlt'tllisl, lii every v.rloty. vt'itNi-MINil tluOliH, In, very variety. f'l.OAKlNIt CLt'TIIH, Ac. 4o. One erne mo'e ol ihuae 4-4 extra heavy llltsvchod atuallna, 00 oauta. One oaa mors New York Mills Illaached Ma.lla. One case eitra heavy ribbed Mhaaer flaunet. Ons ess. dna Klaonel. Banaina In l'lajn and Plaid Poplins, Moriaoes, Block and t'oiored BUks. Ac Ac, at 1J lU-17-rt ,1 Ko- K. tlOHTH BtrsMt, I IS .... a