'1 EVENING TELEGRAPH. ELJi. J A doit.u; hikki. Pli I LADELl'Sl i A, SATUUD.VY, DKCKMlUill .ID, 1S(4 IIMIICM TJIIIKK CENTS. 1 B I B ll ii GEN. DANA'S EZIPT-IITION. 1TJ COMPLETE ACCESS. Destruction XL.-.:: Centr U Ticuni No, ? cem'"T4, Ti.i Ci o, IVrcnv.iir 9 MniorOcm ral I). D m i, by n "icrpssful ox rVdltlon from Vltkubtir?, d Mr iyt 1 the M i i -i'FI'i Central liuilroad tor tliir;y mii ah vo tha Dig lilnck irosslng, including tin' King bn.lg : ut that pltlCU. Tin: er cniy was found In f .rce, but tho work was Ihon uglily d !;. , Our trmps re irncl t Vlckfburg with a lossof 5 kilb d n-vlll wounded and mis-leg. Twi i.ty flve hundred hales of Oi f.nl r:!" ot tun, ami About Jv'no.nito wrrth f oth t puM;e property was de-tioycd. Tin' Niiou-Ntoi m. Nrw YonK, Dcccnnl or 10. A ho ivy norhevi gf.lc and uow-ktortu has prevailed . ice 2 o'olj 'k this morning. There. Is about tvi i.ich .s of snow CD Broadway. rKOvinrxcF, Percmbcr V3. TLj gunboit Crneral Grant ami the steam ehlp (b'lw, on t rial trip from lloston to New otk, put inta Newport last night. A heavy snow-storm common jd hero this morning. ronnA!D, December 10. A ij.ieksujtv-stainii prevailed hi ii'. Tim wind is no. tin iij.'and bloiv irg heavily. TtiP U n rli of lliMiii:i-r "('"-.Kin mini." Caiko, Dccembir 0. In cons'ncnrj of the Hidden rise in tbi river, tho work oa tlu f'.Oum :r Conthuntnl, bcfjro reiwrtcd sunk, hnj be;n abundoned. She wl'l be a to'ul los Noil rrlVHl of the "riiJinil." Halifax, Uueoinlier 10,1) o'clo, t A. M. Up to this hour there arc no signs of iho stealer Canada, now dne with advices to the 'i;th uh. .Sherman's Expedition. (V1ARCHINC COASTYVlSr III EARNEST. Tho Army Reported Beyond Millen December 3. IT SKIHMISHES WITH THS SAVANNAH OUTPOST3 DECEMBiSIi C. SHERMAN TO REACH THE COAT DECEMBER 9. General Fostcr'3 Colunn In Statu Quo. Tim VAIN B0I1T HOITII OP Hll.t.: S ON DKC. 2. Pretn tfirr Autjutta V'lTittitutionnU.tt, A'.v,uVf3. Jnvt as we are (to'nir to pre'.') r. j urn In'ormed tkat enemy's umin tody bus rv sod M:lxn, en rei.(e for the co .Ht or detruution. 1'ARncni.Ans or the iutti.i: tN which Kil- l'ATHll K WAS Wot'NIlllD, Vofl the titrttmoriil l.O'rt'7i, ttrrrttci' 7. Otlicial dcKpatebea received from Ooorela pivo the particulur of a liht l i tweon Whoclor's Cavalry and tho enemy, which took plaee last (-mnrijay, lleeember ii, in tho niiihbjrhood of Wavntilioro, between Millen and Au:;usta, and about twenty miles north of tho f irmer pUca. Wheeleriittaeked KilpHtriek'i t'.iruiry on Satur day evening, and drove them bauk upon their in lantrr, and about midnight made un atuek up m ti c Yankee infantry. The next mornlntf, Kil palriek, Willi bis cavalry and tint I tlh Corps of Yankee infantry, attacked Whe.:ler, who had thrown up breablworks, but wesru repulsed wiih heavy iohs. K iljiatrlek was reported to h nve bcon wontldcd. Wheeler was KDbM;rUuuly, h otn .or, obliged to fall buck, tho enemy ueiii.n vei , s ipeiior in nuui bcrii and tint ateniiiit to ihinU hi u. Tho enemy then turned about and proet oded in the direction ot Millen. General Wheeler, since the i.-tf 'njf nn'of Sher man's expedition, has ditplaw.l dij'.iUKUiahed ability and callnntry. lie l a ti,. vo and a.'eorn plisbed i. Ilicer, fully up to h iiio 'esHioii iu every t nrsnit, except in the mutter f raids, iu tho eon duct of which it iniu.t be a Ituit e.t he has not been Try suectfBlul. During thin camp 'Kiihehrishung upon Bhcimuu's uur, cut ihj; ml' s'.raKiers, and hoveled ou bib flanks, dtivinw hi iotuKiiitf parties, vi bile one portion of liii com iu 1 preceded the .ueuiy, destroying bri Ik. s and i'eiries, and ob st uctlnp mails. In uddi'inu to ah this, be has three i r four times b"at,n siicriir forces of the enemy's eavalrv in bntt!e. He an l his men h ive been coi ttantly In the i-addlr f it now nearly a month. iim nr. tin I. iki.son camp ai kii.i.k.n. "ioii the Avtjufttt C'n!tiiAitttt-fi.l. lh--mbisr', Uy reference to the m n) we find it Is by an air lire', fitty scven miks f.otn Sivannah, one hun drrd anil twenty from Chsile' ton, and ninoty acven from Durieu, at whl -U place It is now thought he is aiming. thernian left At anta on the. l'.'thof November, and reaching Millen on the 21 of Doceui'wr, he has travelled one hundred and i lxty-Hvo miles In twenty days, an average of eigiit miles per day. Traveling at the same rat" he would reach Sa vsnnah ou the 'Jth Inst , or, If he ;;oes to D irieu, may be expected there about the l.ith, provided he meets wi.h uo duiuys by the way. A 11 ALT NKAB MILIKN TO VIll'.l'ABa rOK TUB MA.HUH ON BAVANNAII. from Ik4 Augutta Comtituttoiuui't, Ihcmbtrt, -a fihfrnjun. from all roliaUc sources, scemt to ive hulttd recently iu order to griad corn. As a tends towards the barren comities of the inth, it becomes necessary to make the proper rovislon. H's foraging parties are constantly Iriven in by our cavalry, aud compelled to hug 4ie main body. Uii forage in reported to be short. of WII1.UIK KXI'I AIS'M HV tl!-(M IN H MRS) 111! Mir st'ltlint.i.ii. Front the llt ( tl'.t: ri..'tti.''. tlei e nb.-r ll. Ocneial In i lor wives lh.it lie linn whipped Kllpa ri' k Ilium .I'hotif, d..uhlii: h.in up upon liie Ulnin hi i y. lie I h ii. ir taken a great many nn sourrs, lirnih.. the i i,k' es fc im;: t'fit they let rvtd (!i itt'i, l"i e icfti-ed to snrroa.ler. A vt ry eini.Mtii r thie ntioi'.'r haie peHiitVionfi'. lrnei I'luirniioni in Uie loimiks of ll irko nud .letliifon. Tlie tniiin todv of Shi rin m'i army hud nor btiiig" d .it 1 -tile im1 m. h i n.'inv i-i repr' h nit tl h l i r M'lite .im p 1 Mid e-n i irr sv.i :ii his li re.l;o.'i 111 lid' .-'il r (,l I m'.it 'i i. 0 A I 1 ANT r-'Mlll Ml' llfHI:l. Mll,t'M 111 N 1;- iiai. at mi: ruii.i: oi liiiiu.ii tiviLl.r.. ri ft '.' , i i: . .1 1 ' . 1 t'tl' ft .ft.; i.K, Fr- ''ri pr 'i. fiei.enil i il r on, of : I Hrjule. Oiriu M ilni:i, was ivonni'e.l at. tlie h.ittle of (I riswi .Ul iile. Ills 1 riK le MiC.I'i-'d he::vv Ioi. -Hid Willi ' he a fed pallmitly. It h '. h ir-ed tin' hn a 'to. I ra lily in 'turuiptiu to fltonn lireiisiwor''. o.er iin i.pen lieiil, null u morals iii'-i venl jt:, wilbou! a re.isni.alile pnwpi'il "I result-. Al'O I H TA llKUVmitll 1 Ho 14 I TM DCAIID. P'omlftt At' pttiri rftr Hi' ii. . ".' 'ft, Itfrnt'i r . Our e'ty litis once more elotln .1 it elf in hn!iiii inetits of I'lieertulniMs. Tho frowns nnd mi Imi im with wliich the count nntieosot' our eiti.ens li ( hcen l.edt ekrd (enured hy the utipreliuu-iioti of triTienil SliTtiinn's e-ii-iriir.iiiee here I h iv given way to sinili s un.l mir h. U haviuit he mi pre'tv wi II hsi'i rt lined that the eni'inv h o iiv.ni nn tho "po by," the edy is gradually sett. inij dotru tj pence and ipiict. :p.ivrni. rosri;w commix. NO Nl'.W UIIVUMI'.M AT O KAMA H 1 VI M.B, OA. tY'tiu !' lii'httti'tft J'.Hi'ntrr, .. r". Ko new inovinnentK have been mitde in the (liifetion of (milium -ville, (la. The l'nlm tro.ipn endured conHted ot four rpuluienu of whit H iii.ti lour of lilurks. Aliuut thit:een hundrod uiun were found on the field dend and wounded. Laic from the Sotiih. GHAUT SAID TO BESEINTO" Sixth r.nd Eighth Corp? on tho Jam os. .1 EI.00Iy BATTLE SX I'ttDSS'IifT. The Incendiary riot to Dostroy Northern Cities. HEAVY ni'.INFOIK'KVl'NT OF OFN Kit KX, O IU NT THE Motrin policy moving to tub jami.s T1IF. UlNTlt A1.1IKAOY ON IIA.NH. FtoiH thr liifhtuond tti'patch, i.wm.iV 7. AVe stated vtsterday that Grant had beoi re nfotceil by tho bib Corns from Sheridan's armv. From the number of transports, loaded with troops, that lnve been passing down the Potomac diiring-the last four days, it is probable that tho Sth Corps is also moving to James river. e tlunt it unite certain that Grant il muster ing forces for tho long talked of grand attack upon tlie 1.1. imioiHi lines, u s eoncjntrauon for this purpose will not occupy him long; and if tho lire weather of tho last few days coaliuues, he mny bring on abiiitle this week. EXVKCT.' TION OF OllANT'S Ol'l KNslVK IIOVr.VLMT l'H KKT INinllCOl'IlKK I NIIKOKUN. From t't tiirttmniKt ttitpatrS, Iwrmi'tr 7. Notwithstanding that by many it was expected that Grant would make some, otrensivo move nunt yestcrilny, Iho day passed without uny event of importance. l.xcliunges ol ptirers tooic place as nsnalon the north aide (thou :h none were ot a later d i:o than those ulrcaly received), froia which fact it would appear that toe tacit truce heretofore ex isting between 'lie pick' ts has not Been urok.cn by the presence of llutlcr s negroes. I'KOM I'.CKB'II'S DIVISION A III.OOIIV II.ITII.U IV rnosi'i:cT. t'orrffj'Outltur, of tlie R'rhmowl Whiij, Ilrce-n'ter 7. 'o are anxiously waiting for news from. Cetircia. Some wish Sherman mav rein'or o Grant here, as they aie certain that "M ir e Hob" enn fix him, if ho gets within re ieh. If it be true that Grant contemplates a serious and djlor- mined inMiiiit, nud should make it on tint lino you mnv rest assured that the heroes of Gettys burg will be found at their posts, and s'oru veil- geunce will they exact for their comrades, vr bo.c bones now lertiii.o fennsyivanl sol', or wti.i are yet lingering iu noitherii prisons. AN AriVANCF. AOAINST niCUMONI) F.XVKOTFn TUIS WHI K TUB SIXTH lOllt'S WITH UKANT. from the Rirhmond Sentinel, December 7. The indications are that, before this week closes, Grunt will make another advance against Itichmond. Ilcinforcements in lariro numbers have arrived, principally from Sheridan. A gen tlemen who has been on the l'otomac for several days, reports that on Saturday last leu transport!, loaded with troops, passed down tho river. tuadny, twenty-one, and ou Monday they were pusking all day. The transports were tilled with troops from the valley. The tith Corps has un doubtedly arrived in tho James, and before tho week expires, all that can be spared by Sheridan will have joined Grant. The enemy has placed all the negroes in one corps, aud sent them to this side of the river, where, it is probable, the heavi est utlai k ugitiiiit our Hues wl.l be made. THF. lNCI.Ntl.UlY l'l.OT ANOTHUR AND M01IF. J.KC1HIVK ATTKMIT HUM AN1IKI1 OA I.L lllll A HKKTINU (IV THK (i UK AT IIUOTII KKIlOOl). The following intcrestlneadvertlsnmentap'ieitrs in the columns of the Itichmond H7,i'y of De cember 7 : To All 'Whom it May Cosobhn. The failure of our employees to do their work recently, with skill, in the city of New York, makes it necessary for tho Brotherhood to moet und concert mea sures for a more dcclsivu execution o( the great retaliatory duty they havotakou upon themselves at this juncture. Our own homes have been destroyed In v'ol.v tiou of nil tho rules of war, and wo" must in iko our ruthless enemy feci the weight of onr.)ut!y amused vengeance in tho very centres of his re sources and wtulth. We can do it do it eiloctu allv. You aro therefore ordered to moot In this city, bv delegates from our several associations In Vir ginia, North and South Carolina, at 8 o'clock on the evening of tho loih Inslan', for business. liy order of the Gkbat Hiionir.ii. T-KTtSONAL. Frem the Richmond Sentiinet, Vteembtr 7. General Toombs, ol Georgia, is now acting; as thief of staff to General Gustavus W. Srnilh, coinmuudcr of the Georgia State troops. GENERAL BHEBIDAS'3 ABMY. Early nnl HrkiurMa; Orclereil to Ie monNtrnt Atfalniift Onr I.lni. Abmy of thb fiiiKNANnoin, Docomhor ft. Intornition ban been received fcbiU li reck lurid t?e and Early bave both received ioitruc(iouH to mftke acuiODJtxatium galust oar lia. aril iNT:;LT.jGf.rob. 'iioMii ..-o, for I'.i ihth. ,; f'l Hint H Hi HNINO. .111. I'pT, lU: d t Ml yt . is, ritui'.lv tpiir?K'.i lii t )'vt;iti!.', i v in r i'.i tli' t.iktnf tin' fn.in ii viiVi(, nt l.or rc-.ilc.h u Ktrk I Nu. 1 l it 1,'itnti ,r.i Htrrvt. Tu k fiv l'lt ac i nts w, V H!;i:ncv T i I . ta-t h if I li it rut i fv, w h.i'i w i I mv'u fi put i i viu ii'iit.M). mv vc r v r -a.;- lo !io i-rrcd. Tie -n i't ui b art' to (to tin in- U :ml h ii i!t' wi ;c m d tlirt v iitmI u h.i't' ii he . !in:. In fcvn- r il jiptit uiiiiKv tluo not' s ar-j not uul ko a lo-;;o iint.(nf tlie t'Mili iv te ri clrouLiiion. Th-j iptit tto is the liurc of ti f ui:i!o holdimr in lit-r left hnnd the Pva'ei of jn tt'rc, in benight haui i- tle Mw.-itl, nnd her mm ii rostinir on un ill is t ntrd hirl.i. Cuvni. g a part of rh Hlncid is ( tviiu nt wit oke. On i-iiher si id of t'ifl v1ik,( it i.d i xu-inlii p WW the uo'v, th mrd ';,"1V" in 1 r; - V, and on iho rUPini mds also the word "lit: . on a latliewmk It n.!?;r irid. At i'iu-Ii imt- ii- r i.i t lit tii'nlir lire tin- figures ""().' Tho V; t ii fii Ti"; )v o Ih ii- ("llcws 1 n itid Sti't'S 1 rn 'it nitl t'urn rM y, Fifty corns. l-'urtiNhotl only I', t r Aitiw;t 'Vn ft-t:r rs and de-Uruiti d ld I i.- iiiii.- of ho I'uirrd Siu'- s. Uoc lvublo fr I ni-ed Si tt s M 'injw. V. K. Spinner, Ycv Mir';'i; 0 C liy. Uo.L"-t-r." Therr ure aU tlu wtmis, "At t iijtpiovt'd MiitcNS, Ivi.t'nii'i "Ivi .'i;iv. .1 ftf u printed at th ireisnry." The fuoo (tt 1 1 o i ttfo, en-pt tho bronze Ik'tiros, is print'' 1 Inl'hu k. 1 bo bufik i.t printed in red. At caeli i (i, t" in ovil i ( li'f ht'Aoiri, are tho figures .V). 1 uc Ih.rder ih coii;p(sf(l of the w -rds "L nift d Sniti. 1 jttnl in tlio emrc in thiM incrip tinu ; Thin Tn.tc is exet angeahlo for United States notes ty tho A-ni-unr Treisurers an I dt Minuted deposihiri'-B of the Vnited St.itn.-4, fn Min t, not I,s than tUren d'llari Ui'eoiv.ihlo in imiitnt of nil dues to (liu United -Ud'e Nt-. I nan live doltai'B, exempt cnt'imf." O.itllno titiiies in 1 iron re "jo" are primed over the in seri) lion. On the coriiprs of tliei hai!k are tlio Iruiny TiiHiks '." 2ti 4." Tho twontv-ilvo edit lotcsare nearly or onitc fiiiidi''d, but h.iv Poi leneti- d thiN city. Tney are to he Hhnrtor tti in the tiiitirs, w hile the tens and lives are to bo rela tively (dill fd.ortor. Vuat it CoRts to Livp. Tbi.H ninrulng there w.is 1 Mi little clmngo to quote in the price uf tho d flerent hrtieles in our ruurkes, the ruling fi -jut beingan follows : App'o-J, prjhalf prelt, .'.ito -l 1 ; luitier, 7 A tent-; Chetw :w to eent-j; K,1, ft J to iV cent ; Oniopfl, 'AS to .r e nts p.r hid f peek ; l'otatoes, to 'JScentHpcr half peek; puuhry J J f'tnrrt per I'ound. Meat-, aro ipio'cd ahout'tln fiarnfl. Tlie enormous immense in tho e st of slaiile uvtte'ei r 'ulreei in a fauuly is well La ivri to boiiektepetrs. hut the iteof inrrexie it not sij well known. mp join herewith a ciro'ullv piep..red tiihle of tho current prioa iu lSjJ-G) and lhG3-ti4 ' KVl-W, 01. ('oflp Tr pnimtl , I'.'.i. IS vt.rl H.'i 'I n, t r jioiukI UT'-ii $t (ii $.(. i) $- rt i hitBr, kt p'mrift in-i) )i) -js,, lie. i ..iii.fl H V I" tfs-d xi Hiitur.H-r iniiiiid I y mu 7. i iivi, f r imumi I'ork fr potind -(i 13 ?t :to '" 7't 1' 0 V 1-(M I'ofHt' I'M, Ml Imt-' . W'M'il, i-t r etiril.-W.. i-t-r ton ft. I .i ii". v r litiii IB fW.-A MKi A nil cnuer tab.ic tn ne.iriy tno B.imo iir.uvir. tinn. Hootn und ioch irien' vied in price from 2K) to I100 per cent. House rent it.erviwri oa an averse troin vno to 4m per tent. Hour Iueru:ncd from I CO to 1.50 per cent. KrohrniNo. This morning tho Mayor IsuM warrant for the paymont of tho city bounty to 30 men, V'8 of whom were enlisted for three yeara, and 2 for two yearn. They were credited us follows: Filth Ward, 1; Seventh Ward, 'J; Fiphth Ward, 1 ; Ninth Ward, 1 ; Tenth Ward, 1 ; Fifteenth Ward, 1 ; Sixteenth Ward, 1; Hevuu tceTith Ward, li; Twentieth Ward, 2; T wentv-lir.Ht Ward, :i i Twenty-third Ward, 5 ; Twcnty-iouitU Ward, ft ;Twenty-titth Ward, ft. The appropriation for the payment ffthncifv bounty to volunteers is now exhausted, aud i? ii the dmy of Councils to make some further pro vision to erei ursge reuniting. Volunteers were never iinirc plenty, an i will become more abun dant. The pay of a soldier, tnc'uding the largo bounties given, averfiefl as much per week a- any ordinary nici hunic can earn the whole year round. TbH Is a f.'reat temptation to our honest iren ittit oi cnipioyment. Let duneil-i, thereforo, nut he another appropriation, and let Philadelphia fiim-h enough men to place her far ahead In ciu e another call is made. Tiiia 14 Laht Fast' Sot:iAni,B, A dolightful reniVcn i." to t-dic plaee this evening, ut the As b mhly Uuildinps. It will bo partieip.ited in by the ceMtietitfn who aro so apt at handling Hue'rt 'Lat Fnfit." Ko c!unsof men know how to work ran-er, or to enjoy thomselvts more thoroughly. The uil'-ir this evening will be purti 'til irly soda Die and picasunt, Iicckuo eveiybody will be thero ul;o knows anybody, and a participation in one another's intcret-tB will strengthen tho bond of unity. The party to-night wiil bo one of tho rtoitt genial of the season. Kf.mvino tub Snow vuom titr RiDrwALKd, An ordiiuinec U now in CKiteuco, and will bo en forced, which requires our citizens to remove tho kiiow from in front of their dwellings wtthla n working hours after it bus cea.-ed faDing. The penalty for neglect is &2 and cots. Last noa'-on many peonti wcro tlucd for allowing tho suow to remain. Ksi-:n von TttT.roiors Pt Ri'oaP8. Tho Se cond Congregational Church of this city havo leaded the church cdilhe on the corner of Kh venth and Wood streets. Thoy are refhtin It, and expect to occupy it for public wofohip early iu next month. A Hi avv Lobs. A gentleman lodged informa tion at the police office, this morning, that while poing from the Vhlladelphia Bank to the Dank of Commerce he lost live 1000 Mil. Ho had put the money looo in his side waistcoat pocket, and ft is Miprntcd to have worked out whdo bo was walking along. Tub foi.i.owino itkm, whfch wo copy fro:a thelTrer" of (his nmrnlnj:, will be found of IntertiKt: A (lurAT IiFseoviRT in Akt. It lRalwsvHsp'iiHfnfrta1t or the Jnurnallit ti ctirorurle great enterpriser to au rr'imcc tu the wi.iM at larg aoruo important Invention or die'verv wl.oreby man ind niay b bn1tr1 through tlio fiKP'it y oi Pen ne and art. No 0116 Iim ever darud to m l a li iu tt to Invemlon; htnee icrce a wock vanes with nit Kthir ftrnitl trlumr-h. the mult of either phllns')ptiri or mechanical reuareh. Our puipto on this ooi-aloi li to Inlortn oar rraden that a discovery has been inailo, by lutaiii of wlih h com woo uluto may ba truiuioraifil, tn appeanuicitottimoit beauilnd and contly mttrblo, at lesi tlitn otie-ft'utth the onat. Ho pttrfect In th Imltutl m tl at tl e t'loant irrutlny fal'i to dlitlnuhh tha ROtiulMt) frem thveuiiDtnrteU. All tho varieties from the aombre Kgvptlan to tho rlohly orcd Agate, I'yranaan, and M nna marblea, are copied with a flJelity that ba'llcn the ctofcsitt Inrritiatlon. Our enterprlaln olbaca, Vr. J. Ilolmei Untvtir, hut brought thl urt to tho hUheat jrtVttion at his manitfactury, Tiuth and Han Hum street, where tba various proceiBei of enameling, mar tt'eiilDg, puliil Iiik', etc., are applied ou the most oueuttlvtt icale. atr. (irover hat also opened a aupurb warerorn at Ko. K'H CLenut atroet, expreaaly for tha exhibition and aale of Ma ornamental ware. Thoae wbo are curious to note the exquUlte perfection of tlili artihoatd call find examine for tbcmielvea. Ike most beautiful Mantilla, Itrf-cketa, Table and It urea u Topi ws kavs ererieeaare tkge ma4c by lir. Orover, Tim Aor of lifVFNTiofr. While a large nntn- i I t ni Mnt lilnrn hae been uuvred to the putt In, n-mie uf y. I trli ronM-m pi lnloixre1Uncc ft nil iv knnw M'lU-ed m-Ttt e have kin frit, what ethers liavt- cTpcrlenred.tlHi nc-ne-fl'T f n Mnrhlnf more p'TfVcf In its mnaaniral iirucftir, c jit'ilniript. In Uie tn:;ht-t ff. ;r v, ) 'i.'ii i'.v witli ,tirt tilt'l', atiil hile ('Hpul)'' .if tli-l-ii: n i.'r r rn tc nrk, out th.it rou hi tie ejialiy un.l rstU auJ r. :i.,r.:ht'!iIid t all. 1 T his, we nt ' t uy It. n.v , hi t a "'iip''-1if 1 v thn litnnl tpfnututj of lapltnl, a-tl the I'ltifi;, uutirlof' ltt'"r f t hiT . Kii'I'i llh tirtit (Tttr'-ihi tion tti r'l.ntu.vcy" hn "lntd h. t- uf frie. fT. in il nv.r:,"l ti nur lit f inilll- m I i-i l-t flfi'i i'u- t m lul rlv pntvlnL'. what we are ini i-Odt'iviou 'iiii oluiif, t rt it tiit puiiiic tuilv aiipif nr:' it v i.i.t'o. t., .i't", ii!il ti' i' iit'v m nn-.t in lh 'I i ii.fM M i iii v ft " M .'(I a- Nt ii n nsmu! ftrivt. i rr tfH' t-. 1-- tV i-i ' il r rPiitifrH w i tv 111 ni tri.ni antiu fit V f Hii Ant Akin uiiil lint ruvemnui-H uf tin Fioi t-n.-e nwr ait nil t t. I! mni.r f ir h'Jt-rrnt rti'r,$, th J rk. tit. Jmi'-.V i i , at it t u' t . ''ii i tut' aii-1 tin1 tic ma lilm ; in !i t i I f"niv 't ii i i t tft 'n(t vi tin' (a' f h , anil uwitttt-r t-f thi Mi W r.'lVf!, I' han tin 'it n- '' V 'm' n-.'-tiii. mil I'T altn-ilv turn'ior o ill null c t w tl' w tV ii( run iith-r tu t hi r.imt or Iff', it Mu' nm t ii t tli- ii'n'..ir lKtin ti.o .'.,Ai ot' tu M'ln wiUi- ui t 1 1 n : ti )f t'ij i.itr.c, tin ri ti s vihk h.in.l la'Di . I Imlirliu' thf lrnj-tV, o iN t '''h, n.l frt:n m Vlmi nt t ti h t" aimiKi r. mi. rt'iOl. hi- duiio winh tl Mvlniif lh ! Illt.Otil . lit fry ftttrh (5 J'rri in iilr', nirtt.hift t'lC si-.on ti'CQ'1 o? d Miilmrm. It ii a inort ncii'''M, md ran le ui'd wh.-re -; ilit l tieefary. 1 itc-tli-na itre ali ;.tr.,' tfi-n- a v n m-rlni. ) tu t out ft nrilt-r. urn. Itf niiiiplu uy viiiiiif.i Hit- in st me ,m--ru ui eil lo im- rati' it. It tni not ot tf iiVf-M of the oi-i-r.it r, ifl all mf 'iln ry In on the top ol 'tic (a'mi. Jt ifit frn-r itif ! i fee in thr trot ,',, m klng flvo Stile hen to each lCM-nitlrn. . $llrh mil ()'li' r'oisti.-Hy . ffWh. fit, S-at,'i. It ifitr 'hf hmriftt or intt"' with I'iMi') Lflllty, ftttiovt eftifn of '('tM"'i or lui'fiinrii, l-'varv Maih!nt' hnm on-- nl" Jirii ht' pitnt hfinnvr-i adarhi d, eimlillnx the operuur to turn my trii,"i of hi m It U( e nn rfMHitrOucr threrid on Uie umler sUe than It dot nil tin ii. pt-r. It wiil r .i r -- fif h-avlet Nrrtn, or tVoni one tn inure ihnkiHHH of i-l-'tli, witbudt liangu ut U'utl.m or, lnt'rti. Ina oi t hi rait, or nklpplui: hIHcIh n. It ' hi a uniform an I ae'i etiidutinti t'-rt! -h of thread. A ' hm 'I" SV- .Si-ifff," vi h.i'h iu t'i'l thv i if itiil In 'nrtil'tiitl with e.ieh mai hine. wit It- p. if n .i iik the atm.o and mny o;iir nvantakrnt , t"i- ll'iiit'' in olil at oTri "VoudmK ibices w itu oi !iT Ihr-t c ahh M hltiftH, 'I I fit U no iir In bnvlng the Ftort-nfrt, as every Machine N warrunti it to i:tv.- i-nttro B.itlfin;tl,n, or ttiu liniit- lotumleil. No rhar'f iH'Inw ma in tor h-arnm to iin i!i' it, Wti Ic.irn ttuit an awetn-y lor thi s; e ' :ft ti'i ili itiil Mi' hliifi Ih ahum I'l-ioit ew .iMi-he.l In all iho prli'lial Ll.ii-a tin t Iiuim In tho !al H''i-c ituil we inlvi'f nur r 'cinfif th-v i uniiot t'ill at iho aitHr.':uii, Sn C;o ritesiiiit atrifty t jiut for uirt ulars and mtuiple f t Ptl W lug. Lamfs' Ft-na. An ciegnt assortment at Ct.arlcs Oak fonl A .Son i, Continental fi lfl. I'M'asant Wi ATueu. ut tiik ttnn or towv.r nat.t Pfcrn winter on our Nnrthorii eltmo Mi-ine transient tntlea doe fllntf, And itiill llei'.oiiTtier lor a tinio May wear tno nlow of Npritu. lint, llk.o the amUea ot f.Ur coiiucttttn, lUciw anniiy glunces inti-t Olt prove tho goiireo ot and revr'ta To tboae who In the in trut. Phort lived aro Wtntor'it graelotiH looki, And, eVr wo know it well, (' lit wind, deep unowa and frozen ltrook-4, JMu.v hfa trdo temoor tell, lmt h'toar philosophic pari, VhrtteTor may bi'ttde, It" nt 111, with a,'t and prudent art, For ehanKoa to provide. Ttiti. when the fliirnmer noem turned h;cX, Or, when otfntn It tm. And bowUnn winds aton our tru k Am "flit tnmi diny ah. ton; Vet l'jwor Mall, at umall eupcnw, Hindi clothing dues injure As front the ehanyliii,' eleuietitd Will koop us (jiiiLo a euro. V'e li.-ive a Urx lull anJ complete, awo-ttncn' ot ntUmen'a, oath's and Hoa' It ady-mndo Uarmenti, ciimpil.tiiH the upoieifit und must dedruble g-'d In tliu nuirK t, w tilth tiavo heou pureluiiod or rash, at thn It icnt rtctf the ieatun, and are bciiir' sold Hired tee t jrce,murh t off prewit mariet rutut. Our goodn lire equal in til, sl.vlo, material and workmanship to any limile to order, and are i ut nt 25 to SO per coat- lowvr pilecA An exaniinatlon ridjUM'tt'iitlv Invited. Towrb Hjlll, No. &I8 Miu'et stro t Uiu.Narr & 00. Koastfi) At.Movns Chocolate, and Cream Cara-ni-lfl, RQpuhiT 'iiialhy and flavors, lnanutuoiarud by K. tl. hitman Co., Ko. oiH ( hesuat strot-t. Zr.ru yh floors roa CnuiRTMAfl. Wo know of net! Irif n-oro po;n'ar or more appropriate for presenting pulp-se. (UitltiK tlio holidays tn to the eloant X'tphvr worK aitirlos thnt have of lae boeoiuo so faahionablo. A tiftlsalwsys the inuru valtmble for having npou It tho mii ka i-f lo lug Onurrs, What, therefore, eonld be more ish able or Mihahlc t. an the beautiful ooiIkiis In cephyr f r Kpi'OTS.c hxir si-ao, rnnblons, runs, and a variety uf cthT urtlcles, tiled up In U.e fUlQ pans bj tin- lutiids nt a frlend'y or atUxlicnate River? tt rii s who eniertiiln our opinion on this point thiuld viflt tl.s storo of Mr. John Han, Seveuth imil Arch streets, wUoro they will And the most magnltl ruiit asor:un iit of embroidered r-ephyr designs, of the r am ubove referred to, ever ofTernd la this city. Home of t)n-ie contain eapltal representations In zephyr of tufts uf liotM-ra, Riinit heads and tropical birds, which, to be ap preciated by the lovars ef thu boantlful, need only to be Hf-ru. We would alio state. Id this connection, that Mr. 1- inn has a very large assortment of xuphyr, which he la selling at as moderate prices as any other home. Don't fi rytt tho place John M. Klnn, Hoventh and Area. BTOeRlHO TArtW. Averylare anortnunt of stocking yams, emhraelng neatly one 1 und red dlfftatnt varieties, suitable fur flue KdUa' wear, the heaviest articles for gentleiwn s nis, artides tor thesoh'lers, every de-ieriptlfin of Infant wca 11 colors suitable for kIovci, Inclufltng the line wtilto Prtxony (Oerman make), will he found at the store of Ur. Jobii M. Firm, Seventh and Arrh streets, CKRhUNToWrf WOOL. Thlselerant and deaervedly popular sahstltnte forthe ;crman r.tphyrs Is rapidly belug tatroducod for all ur poKt trr whl h thn sephyra are adapted. Tha oolors of tie (iemiantown VVnoJ are equally as rich and dm adieus the rcphyr, the llbie ceily as soft, and ttie url :ti a great dt ti) lower. The place to gid It la at John M. Flun's, south east cot ncr of Seventh and Arch streets. f4vT A1ieM HI' IT A II 1.1 lrOH PIlF.HRBTS. In this department such things as Muro ;-; Satchels, l'icKct-tooks, fln brushes. Hand Mirrors, Heads, Colopnes, Soaps. Umbrellas, and K'ds of that ohiss are alws)S acceptable hliu. A veiy superior atsorUuent of tl em may bo found at the popular storo of Mr. JotmM. y un.beventh aud Arch streets. TKIMM1NOI IhU UII ALI, WtAR. At dds aeaion also good stte Dress Trimmings are much in demand. Tbo mo it extensive assortment of fafchltflsl'le Huitons, staple Trlnuauius of all kinds, what aie dt-aonilnated under thi) eneril terra of HmsJl Ware, also Colli and Hi It Oluves hi great variety, now ofTeiml by Join M. Finn, southeast comer of Ssreuth and Arch Fltll ERBOR BOM.ES' Kl.EOTUIOAL ImsTITUTB, Ko. 150 Walnut street, Talladolphis.-Dr, H. W Boik Wlth, lucceasor, lurmerly principal operator, invites Ike calls if all alillrtcd with acute er nhronlo dlsnases of every Und, tMh u a!eai:d female: lung and liver diieaes,lhe illfst orans tlmxiphout, and all kindi of nervous jinas, vuakuess, ulrnott invariably cured. The Electrical treatatent is more succesafulln all classes of disease than all othtr prnftieet eombitud. Guarantees of cure given when desired, If pa'lcui- are pronounced enrab'e. The neiveea orir. P. She id, of New York one of tli ablest and most experienced Kleetrlclana la the United (slates, 1 will be continued lirs. B. A. Fujton, a lady of great and varied experknea, will attend to the ladles. For a multi tude of reference call at tha office. All business lettora addressed to Dr. B. W. BeUwltt., Ko. UiO Wr.mat itmt, riiUaivli-hifc Oi it (ml Company ! Piioar re-Ten ! j Ilniiiv AtoK;t llrnar al".I ff k i he had fo th mreit nn : ! Fsaio'ee lie paper ! . aly sim I fo many am s -n siannl i'i I Meety-n re ye-n o' p, p tnal 'esse, On o;h. i ho od a u s i f nncttiou Krt as.-t fi i nil v H .the man ' is sa, Tin na'n 5 of ta-ieJs ( f -1 rcr d i 1 l"t ti i v i I'lm c are hon-i hi 'h t;r und, Kor acre, and acres, an 1 acres around. h- !i.i u i-l r, an-l some i-f h m don't, tH t tl e 11 h'ln nud iinyt e ti ey won't, Tl,- re f pVnty of neck and plenty o'MuT, I'h nt i ( f t-ir. fit, at d dcrr.ekt enon(jh to make n ttioii'and cnmro.nl s Cut? ht'. utr, whiit id y- ii ihlna of that:' llnny n'ot' ! Hurry nlone 1 While ic dlii' nur oVat'lnoua a-tntr '1 1 1! "toi k Is cheap, ami v e ll nhortly jump Sure an the ol! coiiiinenrls to piling. At pr uperotis prices 'twill raplnly iclt, I'leui icri-Htc (lows nut r the h1J. How many tliates, sir? Whiil do you nay : "Vi u reckon Mi" thinp will hardly l!tv ' "Ho rr.ani Oil rnmp:iiiVsV Ho much tufT'" " on tlilek the pub!!'- lav r a wallowed eii'vnm Wi na I charge yu, "If, for our time mid t ik hpt-tit on a man who does tothiiiR hut tulk. be'tcr Iran o'l pumped up fr-Mii the well ; hc'.ier tluin ntoek tha' will hardly Sell: Hit t r, fur hctfi r, tan these thliiKS all Is the e! aiit clothli n we buy at Oak It u . I'jiiiii rtti: Nonric. -Wo shall n-t w.ilt, an cm toniBiy, o the lt el January, to reduce our price of w inter eli'thir ii. hut wd, from this time, while our stek Is full and complete, moke red.ie'lonn, so as to run our sio k dou. Iietter stales, 11. tl. r fits, Bettor bargains, Than in any home hi I'hiladi lplila. WANAUAKtrt A n;;ow, Oitkllall, A. i:. rornnr HLxth and Markot stroct. Rome cheap ovcrcoata, Mor-T DiiLictorH ViNK Coni potiona pon tfir Hoi . V- n would announco to our reiuWa thai thoy run procure the iuonI delicious and beautiful (I no confec tl ns. In Infinite vath-tv, at thu establishment of Mr Ste phen F. Whitman, No. 1210 Maiket atroet. Helicon stantly iranufactiiTlni; every description of preparation In iu. ar, tmlt, ohorolnte, gnni, etc., and his varlnu crystalll ns, ionrervei, comfit s, hotibons, fancy caskets, hates ai d vat luiis dt vlcca suitable for holhl.iy presents, are very t-xtcnoiie this sea-xon. Those who purchase at this house are sure uf obtaining the host prejitirath a.H In tine cuni'oo- tllUI. Pt'KC n asmw s may rely npon getting tho host Kuis at Charles Oaklord A Hon s.Ooutlutvutai Hotel. Uauk amp V.xgriHi'ru CoMtiCTioNM for tha Holtdas, now ready at K. O. Whitman A Co.,Ko. SIS (,'tenut street. ITo! Ho! Yor'itv. Gkttinu Bai.i, AhmYou? We'l, that a misfortune, and not a rrlmo; but to re main bald wht n so fine an opportunity ofTors to reitoro votir lialr, by a faithful and liberal use of Dr. D. Jayne s Hair Tonic, tn but little short of crime. Thlsva'nable pre paration excites the scalp fo a new and healthy nation, eh auscs It from eurf and dandruff, provenfs the hair from falling off, i urea those eruptive discs, sen which oft on atUM'af on tbi head, and In a inaiority of oases produces a tine growth of now hair. It also gives tho hair a rich and beautiful appearance, aoivual(ed by anything of the kind. Prepared only at No. 1242 t'hemut street, Grnti kukm'h Hats. All tho Uteet styles at Ctarlos Oaklord A Hon s, C'ontlasnul UoUL KvKUYitoiiY I.NTKnf:iTi:i. Tho glory of women Is a flue head of hair, rne la which tho natural softness, color, mid g!i"-tilriefiH are preserved, freo from any tend ency to fall! oc offend deposition to greyness. Mrs. ft. A. Allen's Wor d s II air Kenton r und Zylob tlsarnum, or Hair Dress ng, are the best articles for attttlulng that end, ai d no lady's toilet ta complete without them. This Is tho testimony of thuoe who ue tlu-m, both In the Unite J .States and Europe. Millions of txatles sold ovary year. Every druvglst sells Uicm. PnnsoNa detiliing Photographs will find In It. F. Ki imer's styles, pictures of must ntlsfaoUry cb.ir.ic ter. Co early and Insure success; tho days are abort, Oalltry No. Arch stnu t. Ijtnnsfl and Childhrn'b II VT8. Latent style at Charles Oak ford A Sou's, f 'ontluental Hotel, Geohob 8teck & Co.'h Pianos anu Mason & H MIUN M PTAVO i CAHINKT CdtUANfl. TAnTNRT Foit'i K-,' Over rv.i of eaoh of n.s flu" tn- o.tu VM. I'MNO ( strumcnta have br-eu aoM ttr Mr. CAIUNRT K''l:l r -h, i. ..and tlierjemaud le e mi.autly 'KO N S . PIANO Inn alng. OAlllSKr FtOiTt.ai.1 Fui salaonlvbv , (tit WM. K1ANO J K (lOnr,r. O'AUlNrCt' FOAUftr.! Bnvcnth und ChuNUUt strceU. - OK-JANS. ' Po You Know Dkan baa removed to No. 413 C'hcsnut so set ',' He sells Tobauoo, Cigars, Tlpos, A c.,fttty pif cent. Ics Ui an any other man In this city. Uaoi?.atcr iau. No. 4J C'haauiit strt. FINANCE AND COMWEP.CE. Omn ov Tin Kvximr TiLnotirB, I tialurdftj, iMtotimbv lu. S TLo Stock Murket coutiuues dull and heavy, and )rioi a are Irreguliir. Oovomnient bonds uro In fa ir demand, with miles of 5 2dg to notice at 107J, which is a slight decline ; Cs of 18S1 at 10S, cnupous cfT, a dc line of ; und 10-10s at 10'2; 110 was bid for old 7-30s. I'etin.sj lvaiiia 5s aro selling at 0.J. Railroad chares aro Inactive, and rather lower. Heading opened with sales at GH; but full olfand told ntGTi), which is a decline of ; Pennsylva nia liailroHd at G7,a decline of 1; Northern Certial nt ; Little Schuylkill aM4J j North reniifylvnnia nt 30; Cutawlssa preferred at 37 1 ; 151 J was hid fur Cumdcti and Amboy; M l for I.ehlph Valley ; 50 for Elmira proforred ; and 'U fur l'liiliidelphla and Krio, which is a decline. Cunnl sluircs are dull, but prices are looking up. I ehigh Navigation sold at 73J, aud Union Canal blinds at 2'j; 33J was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, an advance of ; 3I for Schuylkill Navigation preferred; and 11 for 6us quehannn Canal. In City I'aswngcr Knilroatl shares there Is very little doing. Vest Philadelphia sold at 70, whicli is an advance. 2 was bid for tho Thirteenth and Fifteenth ; 31 for Spruce and Pine ; and l il for Arch street ; 6HJ was asked for Second and Third ; 52 fur fifth and Siith ; 48 for Tenth and Eleventh; 48 for Chesnutand Waluut; 12J for Race and Vine; and 20 for Green and Coates. There Is little or nothing doing In Bank shares, but thcro is no material change to notice lu pi lees. Philadelphia Uank sold at 157 ; 1H2 was bfd fur North America; 60 fir Farmers' and Mo chcnlcs' (old stock); DO for Kensington i fil for Glrard; 32 for M mufacturcrs' and Mechanics'; 67 for City; 45 for Consolidation; and 10 for Commonwealth. There Is rather more demand for Money, bat the rates remain about the same as last quoted. Loans on call are offered at 6(ti6 por cent, per annum. 1'rlme paper continues very scarce, aud U quoted At POT cent. invite the attention of our reiders fo fh' BdvevtiHinent of the "Shekiniih l'etroloum Com pany," tn be found In our rMntnin. I's p-i-iilnl riiiihihts of IiOO.OOO uhiircs, of j 00 e ich, thi) luf) scriptlon price, for a limited number, bein S'2 .VI pr shi'.rc, full paid. Tlio property consists of some of the moat v.iliialilo U'.k. s ii urn hrhvly pr.iilin ing ivells on Oil Creek mid Cliorry Run, Inc. titer with the I'eo fi 'n;lo of ".everal Inrg-) trai ts in the very heart of tlio oil region. Tho Sliel.ittiih b"(;iiis Its c.ir"or nt a remtin-rativo ti rurn, lis It Is alrendv earning a tim an Tleient to pry handsonio diviilend.. ' No luttrr proof could be furnished of Iho opi don In which tlio Hhfkinah Is bold, than the fact of one subscrip tion alone of over S JOO.OOO having Ix en already n ndp upon tlie Iwioks of the Company. Th l ooks are now open at the otlleo, No. 132 Walnut street, wbi rc further Information can be obtained. Coal Oil shares, as wo have noticed f.ir several days past, continue dull, and prieM are unsettled. Noble arid Delamater sold at 11 ; Mei'llienyatO; lia'zeM nt 01 ; llrlggs at 5; St. Nicholas at 4; nn I CaMnrll nt A; 39 was bid fur Maple Shide; SJ d r Detinnore; 4J lor Egbert ; 7 for Irving; and 2J for Mineral. Oold Is very dull this morn'ti!, and prices have (c Un d. Opening at 210; foil oil' anl sold a. 'J.i.A nt 11 o'clock; rallied and Soi l at 2.18 a 12; mid 2,'lbi at 1 1'. M. Market looking rather weak. Tho.se who are easting nbont for Information to govern them In infesting in oil companies already in existence, or In process of formation, should not Overlook the prospectus of tho "Cotter Farm (lil Company," to bo found in anothor column. The property of this Company is of almost fabu lous extent, consisting of one tract of Mflfl acres in 'WaircnSjcoiiTity, and 1167 acres iu Forest county, just beyond the Venango county lino. The whole of their land abonnda with indications of oil, und somo of the most valuable producing walls in tho State are located upon adjoining tracts. The capital slock Is one million dollars, In shares of ' 00 each, tho subscription price for the present being $'1-M per share; a working cnpital is reserved of flO.OOO. Mr. O. I,. Davis, tho late manager of the famous Maplo Shade Well, Is manager of the "Cotter," and the Interests) of tho stockholders will he safe In his hands. From the character of the gentlemen engaged in this enterprise, and tho enormous area of terri tory belonging to tho Company, It certainly promises to become vastly remunerative. Wo shonld not omit to mention that thero is already In operation on tho estate., one of tho largest saw mills In that district, which is earning large profits from the legitimate demand for lumber In that region. Tlio ofllco of tha Company is Nos. 23 and 24 Washington Duildlngs, 8. Third street, below Wnlnnt. rillLAlllil.l'IIIA STOCK EXCHANOK H A LES.lF.C. 10. Ki ported bj C'Urkson A Co., Broken, No. Ill s. Third Mt, HEl OltK HOARDS. no ilt TarrFana.... VV 4' 0 Eli VI ulnut in .1 i Jim h it.. t tli luiu nruiior S"0hSI Nl. b..UMI) I'.' siKishlliiinard '."' :mi nil uo v.i i- ll .'HO n do ?it V, riRST nOAKI), .vU.R.6s,tl.xep. HiSV. sis' h Bul. B.U, bill O) ltitft il in 'Jt O all u. ao Gi M llh do S7V If. h Plilln Ilk lf.7 3J oh ll.in.ll u;i V$ All ah llrlvra Oil .... t 1t an si. NI.'h'tLa.U) S'i aoo all IV. I will II 17 sli iMhluh i' n H( in ah I'l'iina llll ! ' 11 an l,U H. lt It ,4, 20 all North I'a H..t!i il; U 8 ah tVaat fail It... 7 tl(SiJ.H.S-KUa I H 1 si i in?1,; 1 liO do I07W In '0 IVrinn colitis m;. fMIiSiriru (inrili:ll Oa till iim r. h in-40. iim ; tn. it t'nii ih'ii-.ii. lie sh Ni.i.i. a- liitl... 11 III nil Mrbllieur I 7f. li N f t ntral.. .1.5 !J1 ; 20 U do .V;;, Ni;w York, December 10. Stocks are steady. Cliti-apr and llock Itilnnd. tl'f.JH . rmiilM-rUiiil 1'rcfrml, ft.".! ilMiK.ta 1 etilrnl. IWt; .MUliU' in H.iutlini.. 7J1 ; hiov York Cenlrnl. lil ; Hita. turn, l:lil' ; Ifiid.oti Rlvftr, 111-,; Kile, !'!; (n.. tear I'ltillflcnllts, f7l, Trraanry " :l-o. Ulli'i ; Trn-ti.rtlca, UtUH ; Klvo-Twanftu Uuuioai. US,',; Coii.un (5e, 11.'.,',; (lolil,J;wi. Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal OU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : Bid JtikA tti ruiton Coal 7; s PrankllnOlt Ait. 1 I 04 '.' It ,r 4 'S fi 7'. Tits Mountain Coal. bi .ri'iiiui Kdily Oil., W N. Y. M.il.Coi .. la Irvinii UII 7, 4 4.'a!P") Farm .Oil II a lltfnamore IS !''". II Oil 8 ., 1 McKlh.nv a .. 1 iVKntwrts OU i .. l!l lOimnt.ad SOf .. Ill iNntjIeA.llelauiAtv .. .. 10 lliiubaril .. .. 1!) iHlory Fum II",' t, Rnitipi , a .. )'.:) 1'; I'.troi.um Osntrs. K'a IS Kbrt 4s, y.t 'i j lti. taland ,. ? '2 I A l.etflieny Jtiv.r.. I VI H Onrtln law (irmai Mt.Coal.. N 'itrhui.iluJii .. Now Cfr Ki..ilerlamCoal CllnloiiCnal Iluttrr I nil I'liiitinnd Coal.,. Km atar. I'i.n S-lnlnR...., I Oltl.t't'lll'tlt t ii i l-li.r (IU.... I.Ik Tank Contlnitiilal Farr. II Oil I'ri .k 7',' Manlo Stiadp Oil. ,4li' ; WcCllnn.ik Oil.... i; 41 Uhla AOimruok.. I Si nun .:reK. rennayivaDiAl'et Terry Oil Mli.etal Oil Kevaton. Oil H llurutanm. 1 fi' 4' Corn Planior. lit ni i-ts iiriirna , 4 4'.' VS Itot'K. Ol 1 Tarr Farm.. VeitapifoOll.... ...ui.im.... (l.olMi Farm I't' iieaeon on.... Hot.ecH fill.... On auto Oil.... wa'nnt laland.... .. (1 a 'K.ldnrailn a I ,' l' HI. Mieliolaa .. aw Quotations of Gold at tho Philadelphia Oold Exchange, No. 34 8. Third street, second itorv : llj A. M 210 12 M 23H1 11 A. M 2Ji 1 P. U 23i Market steady. IIahi i n, Di rnf.t A Co., No. 65 S. Third itroet, quote us lollow. : nnrlnj. Setbnf. American Oo'd 2'lal U3H A nieiienn Stiver, A's and 's 220 22U Dimes and Half Dimes 215 21-J 1 'enn. Currency Jdls. 4-10dls. New Yoik Exchange 1.5" 1-20 " M. Srnri.TZ & Co., No. 1J S. Third street, report tho following 'inotiilions for foreign ex change, per steamer Kdiiibiirih.tromNew York : T.omlon, 60 dava' ali;ht, y.JV'fi'.'Sn tendon. S rtay.'alRht, t'O; Tails, l.o dava' althl. VI IK ..JI. I-"-I I'ana. 3 ,! a, It. USnt'.'r. 8; Au'wcre. m days' ailit. If, 10; lir i ..it. f.n itav' alalil, l'.i.v.i.llii: Huiiiliinii.ro dava' nlit. Si; C..!i.;i.i I.ii.li!, Ilialln. ni daa' amllt, 17i ; Frank lort , tu daya' i!kht , its. il arkel Arm. The following are the shipments of eosl over the Huntingdon and Droad Top Mountain Rail road during the week ending Thursday, Deuem ber H, IHiA, and since January 1st, together with corresjumding period last year: Wruk. Pfwloualr. Toll. isr,4.... 82:17 tons. 30' i,!77 tons. 307,214 u.n. 1K03.... 1030 " 2s.3,7S " 28S,71lf " Increase M07 " 77,i'J 78,4'J8 " TheanniiBl report of the rtilladelphlu, Onr mnntown and Nonlstown Railroad Company h is just been publiihed. From it we learn that tlw total ninount ot ordinary receipts for alio year just closed is 126.1118 4. A comparison with the la t annual report will, show an increase ol passenger receipts on the NorrlntOHB branch of. , ttl.lHS-sr ll. rn.Hiii"n " ai,4i7S UlUliul tllU " ,. b bj SO Total luen-ai. of paMi.npsr r.rf ipta luurcaaisl niin.uiil u( flelnltl on I lruan- tow n and oirlntov. n tiranchei $.-1 Mil at Inweaae ea Cliouut UiU ruad I.7:i 36 tM.hMSk Total amount of Increais la puiaaiwaad n-sUlht