'I ;tue daily jrfEKiNti TKLEGRArn. pmLAmcLFiiiA. Friday, decemhkr , ihh4. 8 EUROPEAN NEW 3. UTKAMSniP "HANS" AT NEW TOUK. ENGLISH FRESS ON THE PRESI- DENTIftL ELECTION. Reported Wreck of Soinmcs' New Trivatocr. FAILURES OF ENCLISH MERCHANTS. Nf.w YnKK, TVrrnilipr 9. The ti;amsiiip Itnwa, from Soutlinniptun oil the 'I'M, arriveil ut tins pert today. It whs reported at Southampton on the 23d thtit fvmnie' hip wui leaking, nitd bud lieen wrecked Off Madiirrt. Tie etc amstilp Canada arrived out on tho -11, and thu Ihltrtiiun on the -Jd. Laurie & Co., oil twin limits, have upondtd, aitta liabilities amountinff to i'.tO.O'Ml. The Army anj .Vary t hurtle iaya it ii nnliit coiniiiK iu Ilritifh i'IM em to eidiiifi" in lilorli.nl.! riini.il p, ill"' 'roiitii ft the Juc:n'i prociiiinn ion Of ni noulltv' itli contempt. The, London 7'inc.t mtj's it can see no reason tor nlarm in l.iino n's re-i liu-'imi. The interc-n of Koclund are proii dily n iter tn hii tlmn in any nth. r bun. in. Iti'tiinJinK lit r. ', n tons to I'o'l'ik i Mateo, Kiiftlnnd parti. ulnrly. we m.y rmsoniuiv hehtve tlnti l.in nln baa sown his wild oiih. lie iius (one through a cour-c of d. fvin ; and insult, lift Kiittlunil, und we hope ho will not repeat the cxperirm ut. Franco. The Paris Mimi'enr nvs the ordinary lui l'ii t Is now before the Ciuncil of Mutt; the extra, r tliniiry budgot will be forthcoming Inter. There are minors on the Bourse tb.it a public; loan will soon he introduced. Imnnrk. The King and Queen will visit Jutland after the evacuation is completed. ItnlT. The proponl to tmnsfer the capital to Nnplcs lull tictn vetoed. The bill for the transfer of the tanttitl to Florence parsed liy a vote of .117 to 70. The entire financial bill was agreed to by 137 to 77. Delia Miirmora (IcmonFtniteil that Italy could defend licriult', milling that it was itreiiMy to the interest of Franco not to allow Italy to be crushed. l'rlnrlpnlltlesi. At the opening of the fjencrnl Sessions con gratulations were addressed to I'rinee Corizrt. I'rushlit. Lord N.ipier prcsen'cd his credentials to tlio Kil l us Aiiiluissiilor. 1 he sentence ot death and confiscation of tho propeity of Bcven Poles has been passed. Jnfilin. Trinco Nneata has agreed to open Slmonosakl Mtruits, and not rebuild the ilemolixhe l forts, and albO to pay the allied expedition its expenses. The ItuUc of Rivos has resigned the Presidency of the Council. The M.u'.iuis Viiunco has suc ceeded him. The I'.poca says that Spain's duty is to defend tVe Papacy by coming to un undci'st tnding with Fran'te. - M. Mori has accepted the Ambassadorship to Fiance- It 1 reported that the stoimer Sri Khi, the alleged new Kebel cruiscr.hi.s been wrecked near .Madeira. The ship Waprter, from Portland for Patrna, wa- capized. The crew were saved, and have arrived in Eug'arnl. C'onitnorrlnl I itrlllKfii'' e. Livi nrooL, November 22. The sales of cotton two iIh.i niii'.ufii to :o.io b.iies, tin. mtrk.-t luura- vx rltid aud all iiui.ttiea huve a.lvanocd about ;'.l. lu.-o t rmay 1 he. suite incluile 170" tm.ia ;o npccul.iii.ra and f,.ri x nrt. The Uanctto'.ter marmots are buoyant, and prlcei aro advat.cli.c. Hi.i.M.sn rt Flour firm, hat quiet; whe.it unlet, but atctiov; rorn dull, at t'.niier limitations. I'iiowhonh. Heel dud I'nrk t tint itH.ly. Itacun atea.tv. Lar.l unlet '1 allow arm aud ii'trnti.-.-.l .1.1. l'm-ntt v t'oileedoll Kiceilriu. Asttus dull. Linseed Oil mii'.-i, with an Improved tendency. Kosin dill t. HeirilH tl Turpentine culler. I'liltoletmi, tui-ill len. THE BEBELS IN PANADA. More Alinni "(orirlwii" A Una 'r. ritiK) int Aiiiiiinnil lm Stilzed, Vom the Toronto 07oV, liiccmbtr ft. Some time in tho early portion of last week a number of men arrived at Collingwood by the Northern Railway, and took up their 411 irters at the " Ilailway Hotel." They remained there for a day or two, during which time they acted in a manner so peculiar as to excite tho suspicions of the authorities. They could give no satisfactory account of wby or for what purpuso they were there, and not being engaged In any open busi ness, considerable excitement and curiosity was occasioned as to who or what they were. The propeller Ueortiian, of which so mm h bas already been said, was expected to arrive at Col lirg wood, and the only conclusion that could be arrived ut was that these men were waiting for tho purpose of joining her. They had iu their posNt skiou vi ry little freight or luggage, aud this connoted of ope or two boxes which thev aecmtd to projt ct aud wat -h wi h more care and . inteicst than if they contained simple articles of a lcniiiauile and proper nature. . Ilrae liox; s were kept in the bed-rooms of souio of tho party, and were never without some one or two ot the men near tbeni during local times soma of thepaity Invariably remained in the rooms wlib ihe b .xes, aud kept a clo-o watch that none ol the (.trvanis around the house or other persons could hate ua opportunliy of examining tucin. j lhe,-e circumstances being eoniuiuni ated to the authorities, it was dccMcd to make un inquiry into the tasc. Accordingly, on Wednesday last, the Custom House ollicialsat Collingwood seized the boxes, and 011 making an examination they were fnutul to coui in a gun-carriaue, with canis ter, grapt-i-hot, i'vc, for lS-pouinler funs. These weie at on. e taken posse. sioiwji' uy the authori ties, and uie still in their hands. Tl e pavy of nu n shortly after left the place, and up to Saturday had not returned, and no In form un n ol their wherea'i. mts had been received. The (itoniHi'i is hourly expected at Collingwood, and the ai.spii ion is, th I'oiuicr circumstances coiiuti ltd vi .1I1 tl.c e s. I be.ntt taken into con sideration, that these nun worn there awaiting her, and 'hat the articles were f ir her Use. Up to a iuto hour oii Saliird y li ght t'io (irowiit bal not arr. veil. We believe it is the intention ot the utl hurries to search her and watch the n ovem ;i.ts of her crew closely a soon as she arrites. Tint Pri.siih:nt's Mkshaop A Sisc.rL.vrt Omission in rnr. New Yuuk 1'ai kiih lu the li w Kr gland papers, he President's M. ssaite, as printed, coma ns this sentence in reference to the Ita 'er of the K. Iiellion ; "lie would seecpt n .thing short of the sever ree of the Union, preriwly vluU ice cannot and vti not In tl e N. wVork papers of the 7th, the Mes Mgeis primed with thu words UlirUni above onut'eo. (t could not be exaecied that the Mes sape wi nld tianmitted with absolute correct ness, but it is -.,rthy of inquiry how such an omiMiou tu Uii cuia-i UV9 ijn made. iJu((u FBO JUmntlMK. Tbe Nashville Times of the 3d Instant (Satur day) bag tho following items not received Vj telegraph : ' There Is great excitement In thJ city. Ktimors re magnified astonishingly. A T(?lment of Hebels Is multiplied by te n. Nashville Rebels report reinforcement til II und from KirbyHmi'h and Price. The story Is nfoiinded. A rumor that llrccklnridgc is trying to join Hood is more like j to be true, but he bos not to exceed six thousand men. Forrext has tried to cross the Cumberland at the month of Stone river, but he has not succeed, d. lie wants to cut the Louis ville and Naslnllle llnilro.ul. Hood is said to have a pi tit. .on train f'r lb it purpose. If so, bis t r etice m Inn.t ot .Mi-uvinc is a mere I. ml. Slajir Wilson, Assis ant Ailjiitant (iencr.il on Major (Jem nil S. Ii. l.cc's Hail, was captured by oiir forces on I'ridnv. The Timm says that Tlriiradi'T-Oenernl T. J. Wood's Division was in reserve north of llarpe h rivi-r, durif.g the butt c of Franklin, (ienerals Stimley and Co greatly di-tuiirui-hed them seves. AVheti Stan'ej's horse was killed, Co diKmonntrd one nf his c r leriies to mount Stan, by. Cox's Divli. n captured twenty tw ) battle- Hags. K. be I lliigaiiicr-Utnerals tist, Adams, ai.il CJiiHr es were certainly killed, nnd i in rils Sharp, Scott, (Iruuiberry, anil D. rs w.inud.'d. M iji-r tiencral Clinch is ill temporary command of tl.c 4th Corps. CITY INTELLIGENCE. (Jauk. Cur markets at the present time aro well supplied with deer, notwithstanding which, however, venison is esteemed a delicacy, and as mch Is on the bills ol fare of our lirst-class hotels at d restaurant ; but very many regard the best cut nf a "sadillc" us altogether inferior to a good os rloin" or "porter-house." A rood cut olf a saiidleean be got at the rate of twenty-five cents pir pound, which, as fir as deer Is concerned, is a piolnliitorv game law for the poor man. Indeed, the prices which the dealers atl'.x to all kinds of gun.e which they expose for sale, are such that ihc y would si tiii etlectually to debar almost all l ilt the Inveteratu game-cuter from patronizing their H'alls. Nevertheless, the day's supply is the day's demand, the dealer secures bis inevitable profit, and the extravagant buyer his game din ner. W e learn that the woods in the neighbor hood ofAltoona aro tnore thickly infested with deer this siason than for years back. Thev are all in a linn condition. Some of the bcniist ever hcaid of have been killed this sea son. Old hunters say that thero are deer now in this locality which do not belong here, being lurgir, and tho bucks having dlllennt shaped millers from those usually found on these moun tains. It is supposed they came hither eittier fn m New York Slate, or from tho mountains of Virginia. Almost every train from tho Kast tnl.ts hunters to the mountains, but we doubt whither ad ol them get suliicicut venison to com pensate t! cm tor their lossot time, railroad faro, and ilcstru. ti..n of shoe leather. Tho iimil and pheasant, both very scarce in the mail el this sinson, are real came birds, und arc just !y esti ( mrd gnat delicacies. Qu tils are well iiigb extinct in this section of tho state, and the most that find their way to the markets como from abroad. Tho cold weather of last winter was niote illretuiil in sl.uiglilering these princely Utile birds than the guns of 11 generation of hunt eis uould have proved. Of the few quails found In tho mill k- ts, a dozen may bo purchased for nbout six dollars, or ut the rate of fifty cents a piece. Wild ducks and geese have been in great abundance during the pioent season, und com mand, considering the prices 011 things in gene ral, a very moderate ligure. Ciood,4'it Mi lliard ducks, from the marshes, arc to be found struug up in li rpe niitnhcis in all the stalls. Wild geese, like tho iodic, aro not tho most esteemed of birds, but being wild, they hold their own as a game delicary. There are a few woodcock and snipe to be found in tho ru rkct, but, bearing superior I rices to tho quail and pheasant, are not sought alter In preference to the latter. Tun Giiiaud Lasiih A Comphomihh Er FEi iKii. Tho Committee on Girard Estates, at the last meeting of Councils, enclosed a commu nication received from the City Solicitor, recom mending the comproniiso proposed by the heirs of Mr. Girard, in reference to certain lands In Schuylkill county. This laud was reeovored fr 111 the city by tho heirs of Mr. Girard, upon the ground that it was land acquired after the date rt the will A decision in Schuylkill county, and a decision iu the L'n.ted States Circuit Court, established that, as to tho lour tracts in question, Mr. (iirurd died intestate, and that the plaintiffs' in the suit beenmo the heirs at law. The city took a wilt ot error to tho Supremo Court, and when thu case was about to be argued, certain irregularities in the record were discovered, that tho Court refused to hear the argument at that time. Now the heiis proposed, as a compromise, that if the city will discontinue the litigation they will wilhd.aw their claims to one of the four tracts in dispute. In the letter proposing this compromise, the coun-cl for the heirs refers to the tact tout there can be no doubt of the ulti ma' c success of the heirs; but us it is important to eecure tho continuation of lioir titles ut once, they arc willing to compromise on the terms pro posed, llo'h brunches of City Councils, alter some discussion, agreed to accept the popos.it ion. This course will terminate a long pending suit, nmt give the city a clear title to about 41)0 acres of land in Schuylkill county. McitPt.nors Assm i.t with an Axe. Frcdo rick Fl-hcr and bis brother were the possessors of a neat little farm near Nicetown. A short timo since they determined to sell out and divide tho proceeds. Frederick imagined that bis brother got tho best of him in the transaction, and a bit ter feeling arose. Ye-tcrdny they met, and ia talking the matter over became excited. Frede rick seized an uxe and tundc a desperate blow at his brother's bead, which fortunately missed its mark. Frederick then run after his brother with tl.c uplifted w eapon, but not being able to over take him, of course, inlliccd no damage. Ho was arrested and held in .yi jlKl bail by Alderman lloucher to answer the oll'cnsc. Death of a Wki.i.-knowm Character. This morning at un early hour, James Francis, colored, for more than liftecu j urs the chief of the dog catchers, died, nffr a short Illness, at his late residence, No. 7-H St. Mary street. The deceased wus hirui.iur to tlx w hole Police Department, and has on more til in one dec ision been befiieuded by Fire Marshal illnckhurn. The latter, during the illness of the deceased, bad him provided wiih proper medic il uuetiduucc, and ( tiristi tn coiisolationiidiiiini-tereil during his lust moments. Mr. liluckburn has also taken upon himself to see that the body is decently interred. COI KT OF Ql'AKTEll SEHBIOSjgS, JfjCB Alli boN. This was the only Court iu which business wus transacted to-duy.and the few cases of assault and battery, and pe'ty larceny, upon the table of the District Attorney, ready for trial, wero dis posed of before n on. Thoro were but two con victions, 0110 for l.uceuy, and one, fur assault and buttery, und iu neither of these was sentence imposed. The jurors were discharged until Mon auy, and the Court adjourned until to-morrow. llM'Ht nisei. This morning the Mayor issued warrauts for the payment of the city bounty to 28 men, of whom 7 were enlisted for four ye irs, 17 for three years, und 1 for two years. They were credited us follows: Ninth Ward, fl: Tenth Ward. 4: Thirteenth Ward, 1 : Fifteenth Ward, 2; Fighteuilh Wurd, 1; Tweiity-lourlU Ward, IS. FitMALr. R0111u.it. A colored woman natnod Itachel lliil'ard was arraigned before Alderman Thomas, of Gerinuntowu, this morning, npou the charge (ji having broken Into the cellar of a bouse in Price street, una stolen therefrom a lot of meat, butter, potatoes, and other provisions. rJno wus committed to answer the charge. Fim:. About '. o'clock this morning a slight lire occuircu at -o. hi Javurvv sucei. AvoiriFn Naval I'tur. Capture an niral of the l)lix kaie.-lunner"Suimmnh." I'tri Par tu iilnrs of lli r rapture ly the t 'mu il S'titra St.amrr "M,-tnromrt."l.:iHt night tho officers and attaches of the Navy Yard were surprised and gratified by the arrival at this port, very un expectedly, of the prize steamer, blockade-runner fumnnah, which vessel was captured off Caai pcacby Shoals by tho United Stales steamer Jcfi lOHirr, Captain James H. Jouett, a few days bIiicc. We are enabled to present tho readers of Tim Lvi.MNo Tki ki.rai h this afternoon with the following Interesting particulars Connected with the 1 npture of the Susannah. 'I tie .li facia. Ii It New Orleans on I hanks ;ivini( liny 111,011 a eniise, with a rovin eninmlJsion from Aillu ral Faiuiaoi;i It will be remembered that Un V. t.iriiim t went into Hi1 ll.'ht In Mobile Hav Insln d to the flag-ship II ir'mra. Alter the forts eie 1 ns-i il she east nil ami pursued the then It bel pun-Is ats Moriin, f.ma. n ami .s. la iieacu Heavier Hum heieili 1111 tne bnv mid Ion ;lit them for on hour sin'e-lmniled. ilrivfior Hi" Mm, ' in under the gun- ol the tort, beaching the Hair)- and capturlinr tee .svinrt. In 'he report ot the lU'ht published iu the Northern papers at tl.o fine It was stated Hint tl.c Mi Inn, mil rammed Hie llartfnnl. I his is a mis tal e, as the llnrtfnnt was struck by the yiet-nir.iim 1. Ibo Siiiannnh was snrhteil on" amp' netiv Shoals, bv n tn in .loi'i.rr. about hall pat Ion o'eloek, 011 Mmdnv liiurloi.if She was eaiiloreil alter an oxen Incelinse ol live boars. '1 liree loO-pound shells were fired al In r. aim even shrapnel, llnool tin' bails of the lattei struck. Hie mate 111 the back, who was sliil.ibl f I v I be liiifcl, neil the S'lvinvnii li.ive to. A prize c ow wa- pine, il on Loan!, and her coal Iw. lug sbi.it. slie uus tuned Into hev West. mi. I al'er eoiibiir ins ent to this purl, where she arrived l:iJt night niter (lerk. ill cloir;;e ot rne muster 11. 1. Nn 1. oh. the is now nt Hie Navv Yard. She leit hey est on Trliluv ait. moon und made Cape ,M iv bullion Wednesday lileht alter dark, in a seven stotin. Iteilii' unable to (rot a pilot, Mr. NiKl.ns br uiitl f her up the river liitosclt, piloting her from b s churi. It was Hie Hist time be ever came up tho llebiwnie. Mr Niki rs will be remembered as ftic brave offi cer who led Hie M'tiirnnut in the midst nt the light in Mobile l'.uy, und with a small boat, and five m.'n n seiieil nine men nnd one nHieer ol the ill-lnted -riimn-h. lie rowed around batwien tho fleet and the torts (Inline Ihn tielr, until the Inst vessel hail p n st,, , I, and the cinoke had cleared away, and all tho snrvivors hod been picked up. when he went to ttin tivnita unit did sifiial ilutv upon her until his own ship became engaged with the ftels l gnn-i oata.whon be H it Ihe Otirnf.i and pulled to tho Mrtarnmet, and assisted In the enpturc. I bo Sumanah was chased by the Vnited Stales stenmer Tennentiee for seven teen hours, and run aa from her. She is very last, and tier captain was m-cntly surprised and rl.iieiined ot her capture. II" was cnnlhlcnt that 11. 1 vessel 01 the sqiiinlroii blockading olf t.ulvestoii could catch liiin. I he Mt tiirmnrt is a doubie-enrl r. M10 captured tho Hum gut iu June last, while rui nine into Mobile. ll.o Ciiiled Slides steamer ! Ichaicil tho Stiminnn't for Hie hours while she (III" Snuitnnnli) wus olf Wilmington, N. ('., making her wav to this port. 'I lie H'titun r took her tor a blockade rainier, endeavoring to eet Into Cape Fear ftiver. I ho SuHiinwih bad on board one hundred anil twen'v-fivo l.tilos ol cotion, u number ot which wore thrown overborn.!. She mil oaf troll! (illlvistoll. Leaning the City Railroads. At it mooting of the Corn I'xcbange Association, held this morning at tin ir rooms, Mr. Goorgo L. Ilii.by, In a few pertinent remarks, introduced the follow ing preamble and resolutions: II7.ee. fn. A propositi.. n Is now lietoro r'ounc'ts, to lease the M i.rkei Sireel ll.ulr.mil, arid tti it portion ol ihe llro ut Street Itosd w liii n extends Iron! Olive street lo Vine, lo u nillrmid company tt.rreov hivsliiitf them with unacgn lule central o er -aid romls. and b'oT.'fl.t, I he Ren. Un, riili.i-leli. tils, wilmliirton. and ltiiltiiuore. and Iliiltlinare anil Ol.l.i K.ulrotolH ti ivo .ul oecssion with the Penuai lvama Itailroad lorthouseofsal.l tn.ekN. and Whrrrn i. Tta rominerctd Interests of I'MlmMphia de ninnd tha these roads slioul.l In- open to the uie ol evary railroad llnewliich enters our elty : iheruiurn lii'mlreit. Thai Hie Com K.schion.e ssoelaltr.n, as a body dlreetlv io'ere-ied in everv movement atlectlnn the eonini' ret il tu. Uloet ' f Pi.iladftpl.la, lo ks wllh mueli .h fnvor ur'.n 11 I'P'lrtlslt'Hi: to iliveil any one rultr.isd line with exclusive control over any one 01 these avaauot lnu our c tv. ...o.'c.. Ttt.it. aee-irdlng tn taw. these rnitroad trn'' s are a e-.iniin.n l.h.lnvav. Intend." 1 ..r tlw use of tl.e n"ieo Seuernllv; snd tJi.il Kiev were orkifmlly cotiHtructa.1 f,.r lluil sole purpose; ti-et that It will I. est conduce lo Ihe linhlfe li.tir. si to iniitetiim tl.ai original Intention: an 1 thai IffJll I ttucks do not nav a siilll.Uenl revenue t ever the expenses incurred for tliem.lhe tolls thereon should be liieriiiscil iin'll lliev pllall he covered. littftittt, Tl.ai r.M.iK'ils be re-iuesiid to defer action on this subjett at resent. Col. Wm. B. Thomas .supported the resolution in n brief address. Ihe preamble and resolutions wero unani mously adopted. A Dfi.ioii ri 1 L Occasion. A concert was given last evening, at tho Tabernacle Baptist Church, Chestnit nnd Kightcentli streets, by the (Sunday School attacked to that place of worship. The gnllcriis were occupied by the children, aud a large platform was erected around tho pulpit for the infant school. Several solos, ducts and choruses wero admirably sung, and tho audience evinced their approval by repeated applause. During the singing of the " Flag of onr Union," the enthusiasm of tho audience was excited by each child in the school wuving a national fiai.'. A photograph album, containing likenesses of the teachers of the school, was presented to the pastor, i;ev. Dr. F.ddv, who will shortly leiivo l'biladctphin. Beautiful bou iiiets were presented to Proftssor Cross, the organist; Mr. Muslin, pianist, and to Hev. Dr. Unihths and Mr. Ilvuus, the Superintendents. Assai i.t on an Officer. Francis Brown w-.is beforej Alderman Plankinton this momlnc, charged with assaulting an ollleer. It seems that Brow n wus nt a ball nt Broad and Spring Gardon streets lust tight, and created a disturbance. An ofticcr interfered, when Brown struck him with a billy. Some one else also stabbed the ollleer in the neck, indicting a slight wound. The prisoner wus committed for triad. Sharp Thieving. This morning Michael Palmer was committed by Alderman Carter to answer the larceny of a watch from a bouse at Fourth and Shippcn streets. Palmer wis tn com pany with another man engaged in huckstering potatoes. While in a house' banraining for the. sale of some potatoes, Palmer slipped the watch from a nail whereon it was hanging. It was after wards found in his possession. Pocket Picked. Mr. II. Parknian, of No. 1S.7 Olive street, had bis pocket picked last even ing in car No. 18 of the Green and Coatcs street lino, between the hours of five and six. He was relieved of a pocket book containing nearly JsjoO in moiuy, und a note of tj'l.lO, payable to his order, on Messrs. E. Schtaifer In Son, of L in caster, drawn in flic month of September, 1803, besides other papers of small value. ClIAltilF.D WITH Maintainino A KVl banck. Pkteii 1IECKXRT is the iiuiiio of an Indi vidual who hud a hearing helolo Alderman YuiT yesterday, charged with maintaining a nuisance. Hie, defendant rented a part ot Mr. Wx. licaiSKil's residence, ou itaee street, above Front, where be act up a mechanical process lor dyeing cloth. Ho was not engaged at this work very long b hue ah of Mr. I, EMS Kit's fiimiivweretuken suddenly ill. A plivsieiuu was cubed in, who pronounced the sickness ua twin.' ciiused by the perninio front the dvein . materia', 'i'l o arrest ol the dclcudaut ihen followed for niain taimnv a niiisuncc. no was held to hail iu the suui ot tiiOU dollurs. Lahceny. Rumuel Aucott was arrestod yes terday, charged wllh tho lurccny of two cans of cream and a bushel of eggs from a wagon In Oor nuintown. Ho wus committed by Atdoruun Thomas to answer. Swinhi.ino. This morning, Edward Davis was committed by Alderman Carter upon tbe charge of leaving his boardiug-huusc without first settling bis bill. Hoi.iiiays are coming. Persons desiring pic tures for prcicnt ahould be on the alert TJo ut ouca to U. F.ltiiuier s popular Gallery, No. tiJ4 Arcb street, and avoid die crowd, Tim Acme of rp.Ri FCTioN. TliU Is the nnl varsal verdict given to the K'ercnee Rowing Miidilue wrercver introduced. The objfctlons heretofore Ii otleir ftrnt-elaiii flewlni MaeMnea have all been overcome in the floreuce.and everytwtd j I s delighted with Uie beauty of Its work, as well as the (Impurity and ea-e of Its opera tions. It makes no less than fonr separate and diaiinct stitrhei. viz. : Loch, knot, double lock, aud double knot. Knrh stitch nllke on both sides nf tbe fahrlc. It also has I tbe reveirable feed motion, arfttthne the operabw to fatten oil the endi of learns or itay aay part of a Ream without lleppinrltbe machine, thereby avlng mach hand lahor. ! licsiilei, It bas a anllorm tension of throad.and il.tes not le.ptlrc alteianon Inetang-ng from one hind or work to another. Hie a. eat f..r the t'ol.ipany, at No. 1.10 flu snut ir.et, rtiallciiKCS comparison wan a I o'l.frs. Ind'vd. when mch comparison is made, the prelereni e alwavs lo s In I'avor ol the Florence. Kvery marhl.te a-ianted lo gtve intire atlifiiilii.n or putney returned. No rh.irte for li.sirtictt. n, hethi r you silsh lo pnror.ase ur not. I'.rculnr and jtamples of work lent i.y mill jn receipt of stamp. Ullu o, No. f.otl Cbesnut strcei, To Pt bciiasf Cloth ino at low riiirns, mako a lertlcn from nr stock ol III SOY w si-k l,rtoents We ate telling goo.lt fount In ..'. fit, ii.nkf an I o.at.'co 1, t r tit 'il tn V. ,cr frit. Intrt r tlmn is n..w cl.tiryel crlne san e g.o.ls nta'e to order. We have aU slvu-t, -ics. a-td IT. ci s ol Clollilni. Men s, Votilh , and Hois'. All can l.e tuned wiUrfiatdelay or Wouloe. TtLTSFTT CO., Tower Halt, No, Ms Market strnoL Wimiow Siiath s. Persons purchasing shades In II, t Lmf nf Uvh prlccsitll nave motif y by at once er lnc to tl.c inaiuitaititrcr who ia to well and rav.tr.ibly kmwtjal V'. Hesm 1'atikm, No. 118(1., tout street. Conni nt al P.t.iss. A ptatisth ian, who has given eontldi ratile attention t. the oltl. t il reco.-ds of our prineli al rates, pnrt i. uiii' ly nt refers to msrria.ei.leis arrlcd at the folloalnu n suit: Vor one year in t'h'l i-lcl-pMa, rima-.i ny wlvi's.lbt'.'; ruiitiwcyh minimis.'-' ls ; m ir rlc.l persons tesally divorced, -11 7ri ; 11 lug In op.-n war! ire, 17 aif. ; I vliig in private mit understanding. 18,110; niH'.ually IndlrT-rmt. M.17.', ; regaided as happy, all.!; nearly l.api.y, l'.'T ; etleetiy happy, l.'l t liaise iin.ler the betid "f "re .nr. led happy,"" nearly happy," und" happy,' tin ai uible piir-'hae t!" Ir ( l' lhiiiv t f t harlea Htokes A Co., I Ine prbie, uu ler tt.e Continental, ZKl'llYIt (iOOPH 1011 ClIlllBTMAH. We ItllOW Of nothing more popular or more appropriate for presenting pnrpoaes Curing the helidayt Uian the elegant aepliyr work arttrlei that lmve of late Itecome to fnthlonublc. A eift Ii always tbe more valuable for having upon It the marki of loving flngeri. What, therefore, eouhl be more dciirable or suitable than the beautiful design In zephyr for slippers, ihalr seati, cushions, rugs, and a variety of other arUclei, filled up In the plain parts by tbe bands of a friendly or aiiectionato giver? La dies who entertain our opinion on thli 'point should visit tho itoro or Mr. .lohn Finn, Hcveuth and Arch itreetl, where they will find the most masald eent atsorluieut nt embroidered zephyr debigns.of tho I'last ahovo refern d t,., ever ottered In tliit city. Kome of tin te contain caidtal ri piusentati'ins In zephyr of taftt of Howi re, ;ouie fteads and tropical blrdi, w hleh, to ho ap preciated by tl.e lovers ef tlie beautiful, need only to he teen. We would alto state. In thli connection, that Mr. l inn bas a very largo assortment ol" zephyr, wide !i he Ii Belling at as moderate prlcei as tiny other hotiie. flou t forfc-i t the place John M. Kl Seventh and Arch. STOi'lilVU i. Al.V'a. A very large assortment of stockinit ytirni, eiutii'sctng nearly ono hundred dltlerllit variellei, suitable far line ladles' wtur, the heaviest articles for gentlemen s use, arlf. tes lor the toldleri, every descriotlon ol lutant'i wear, all colors suitable for gloves, fnclll'.lng the tine whlto 8iixon.v ( lerman make), will he found at the store of Mr. John M- Finn, Seventh and Arch streets. C.CIIMASTOW'N WOOL. This elegant and deservedly popular substitute fortlto Herman zi phyri Ii rapidly being introduced I'nr all jur Iises for whl h the zephyrs aro adapted. Ttte colon of the Herinaiitowii Wool arc ciuully as rich and duiaaloas the zephyr, the libre neirly ns aolY, and the itrl..'t a great dull tower. The placo to git It Is at JohnM. Finn's, south fait corner of Seventh and Arch sUoetJ. FA' or ARTlei.rs sriTAnl.s FoH n:r:r.vTs. In this deparlinent mcli thlngi as Morocco Satchels, r.'Ckct-booki, flno llnishes. Hand Mirrors, Heads, Colognes, Hoapi. Vmbrellai, and goods oi that chisi are always arceptabte gilts. A veiy superior assorlioeat of them may be fouod at the popular ltoi'0 of 3tr. JoltaM. Finn, fsevenlh and Arch itreets. TUIMMINOB ASI SHALL WkAR. At this inaion alio good itj'le Ilren Trlmuilnga are rouili In demand. The most extenilve ai jrtmcnt of fastilonul.le Itiittntii, staple Trliamingh of all kinds, what are denominated tinder the general term of Hmall Wore, alio Cloth and HI a llloves la great variety, now offered by John M. Man, southeast corner of Seventh and Arch atiects. Ct SltlONK. TltW , B 1111.1'., AND KorA Cl'SlIIONK, estliuatet given, and work done tower than can bo afforded by any ctl er home. W. Mr.sur Pattkn, So. Hob Cbeiuut itxeut. Glntllmfn's Ft itMsiiiNci Ooons for tub Cinu.sliUs Uoi.iiiavs. Now that tbe season li at hand for our readers to select presents lor the Christmas holi das, let ua sugitest to them Hie advantages of spending their money for articles of utility. Gentlemen's furnishing koodi aro alwaya acceptable. What, lu fact, could be a more desirable prebeut to a gentleman than an elegant morning wrapper, a handsome pair of gloves, articles of dren und comfort for the neck, or seasonable underivear'r The place to flrd the most splendid assortment of these Food Is at tbe popular old itand of It. c Walhorn & Co., Mos. 0 and 7 K. SIMh itreet. The Mania for speculation In Oil stocks Is prevailing at a fearful rate, us tho transactions at tho tstoch Hoard dally exhibit. Holders of those stocks, to pro' Oct themselves from the Impositions freipieuHy prac tised upon them, by imprint Ipallcd operaion, should read the Cotittiieri-ial List and i'rire Current. Pnoi EssoR Bolles' Electrical Institute, No. 1A0 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Dr. 8. IV ltcck with, successor, formerly principal operator, invites the calls of all afflicted with acute or chronic diseases of every hind, both mate and female: lung and liver dlieaioi, the dig' lltve organs throus-honf, and all kimlt of nervous ness, weakncti, almost itu-aritilily cured. The Elect rical tie itmetit is more mceeisful In all clancs of disease than all other jirartirei eotntavtd, Huaranteca of cure given when desired. If patients ure pronounced enrab'e. The seivcei or lr. P. Shejd.of New York one of tits ablest and most experienced Klcctrlctam In the t'nltcd fttatei, w ill becontlnned Mrt. a. A. Fu .btn, a lady of great and varied experience, u 111 attend to the ladle. For a multi tude oi reh-reneei call at the ottlco. All business letters ad (rested to lr. ts. W. Heekw iili, No. ViH) Waluut street, l'hlladelphlu. t'l iioi HTKitiNn Ft'itNiTi RE. Old and New f'uiulluro VpbolitircU and Yarnlihed In the very best manner at W. Ilasitr 1'atiks's West Lnd Upbolatery Establishment, Ho. ltos L'husuut itreet . To Neitralize Offknsivenkss. In many foims we use disinfecting agents. Iiupuro breath, caused by bad teeth, tobacco, iplrlli. or catarrh, la neutralized by Si.ixlont. Til a healthful beauilder. and a great luxury as a dcntitllco. The repulsive breath la belli use ren dered at tragrunt us a rose, and colduen by friends or lovers w ill be no longer noticed. Sold by all druggists. Gkokok Stkck A Co.'s Pianos anu Mason & Hami.is a VIAVO l CAIttNKr ultllANst. CARf VET Fult TK.H.' Ove'tKSi of each of tli-st, flue tn- ottilANst. PIANO itruments tiave been told by Mr. M 111 N KC fORIF.S. t;.,aud tiivLeuiand It ooiiitautly uKiisNS. FIASO II creasing. t'AltlN'Bl' FHliTI'1. lurtale onlvhv okians. t-iANO j r. noui.n. I'AiiiNK.i' KciBla,S. eleventh and Cltasuat itrceu. I'KciANb. Do You Know Hf.am has removed to No. 413 Cheinut itreetr lie sell! Tnbauco, Cigars, l'lpea. Ac, fifty per cent, leu thao any other man In thli olty, iteuiember imho, Mo. tin Che. nut itieot. Ciiii.drkn's Clothino. An elegant assort ment at M. Btwcmaker Co i. Me. 4 If. Elglno street. Ladies and Chilpviin's Ham. Latest style St Caarlei QaAord A Sou's, Couuuoatai UsWL DflY GOODS. TVI. UAKI.r.I(lI. No. PC2 OHEEHUT STREET, WILL OkK.N, J. TIJKHI) A Y, i)i:ci'.Mni;u tl, A NKW DI'PAUTMENT, KiinnirR tlir' nKli thf centir if tnn Nt tc, W foi-t in tcntii, tn be known u THE CHEAP DEPASTilEHT, Wbi. hill tv 1fvcla nrluifvoly to the fahlbition and fttlP of DliKSH lAHKIOa KF.M't'KD TO ONE HALF THE rilf B Cold at In the beginning of the leason, .t. M. HAFLKICII hat made arrangemi ntt U. tutut.h to bis customers from tMO.OOU to 310.000 YARDS I'll i :iV IJ AIM I JUIVJL,IHH DRESS GOODS, ruiYliRifd At a pret nacrlUce, and from Aoctlon 8al i,i be old ttirmigh this ehannol without rtnerr daiinit THE HOLIDAY SEASON. I01IN II. 81UKES, IlEI)lX'TI(tN IN PKM'KB Or IKY IOOI?. A nli'n.ld Varip'jp f r rflKIHTMAH Am N K W VKAK TltKHKNTM. t'tinMiBiiim ol StLfl (uud0. Krrnch MfrhiMun aiid I'Dpiinn. I njiin HirtR f and H iiim vvid:h Black Delaines. Lntiln 9 It' iw: t Wo 1 IMitUlt. I.ni.in n Ktiu- gim'liy French MrT-nos, 2 2!. Henvy Hilihnil Wnot I'Opllns. $1 Wt, (Uy tind t'ltiin t It I 'ttn and Wol Delaines, u n vn il C.illt.H n, In tin x4 to !ami, i'tal'1 htiawifi and ltsirablo. Pliin hhaw.s tor Hi-iTlrc ,'hiid'eii h Hnawlrt- l.om ard fl(tiir. Ludit'iT.Oeti'V, and Ctitliiri'n'H ;.o4,'. I.unlci' aim) ' Klni-n Cuiuhrlc litiff. I adtt- Ih ni St tclied lldlifti. ((t-nis) Hi IK H.'ftfs. liainif rI Mkirtt f ftrfre A-mirtmf nt, .r litl O'liiuerpani't, inm Atictiom KUnuelH While nnd (Jolt red. Ktiila4'ra'-h and l!ap r. H'O yardN American Crafiti, at If Laillea will examme thin ttot k. th-y will And sood ffidh ut the Yery lowetst price ft. o trouble to ttliow thuui. Co uie aud xauilbc. at JOHV H. RTOKKR. V2-9-lm u. AUC11 Street 101 Clll.SNCT HTUI.HT. E. M. NEEDLES le Unlly llooolvlnu KOVEITIES IH LACKS, WHITE GOODS, EM U ROl ID 11U tCS, VKIL8, 1UNBKEROHIFS, &o In every rarlety and st Sl'ITAnl.E FOB THE FALL TRADE, ton CIIK.8NITT HTKK.ET. L4 Kl FOUETH AUD AECH, Z HAVE LLTlfCKD SOME FINE GOODS FOR Tn HOLIDAYS, To favor tho laudable practice of making VALUABLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Lyons Velvets, Fine Shawls, Black Silks, Ecp Poplins, Merinos, Blankets, Good Chintzes, Plaid Shawls, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Eluo Silks, Silk Poplins, De Laines, Piano Covers, Christmas Scarfs, Christmas Hdkfs. gAXOXY Dll ESS (JOODsS, AT ."), HO, AND TO CENTS, OP 11HIGUT NOVEL STVI.C3 FOR HOLIDAY TUESENTS. OUKWEN STODDAST & BROTHER, Koa. 450, 4.1 '4, and 45 N. SECOND Street, 12 7-3t Above Willow. "i;nc;msii muffins and crumpets, 1j llaib and Cn.it Hunt, Crnckt'l. Kk'ir, and l.un.'tt III cutis, Milk II, , int fur tot. at Mt- "f I..; Kns-lnl. B nilof atul Mciv Year Ctiko, al bfcoaui liaaury, Ko. 21J A. iTlh'1'11 btrt'ut, If 1.TONOMY ! COMFORT ! TASTE! Zi WMtV OVEK (lAITKKI, ii vi.it oAiimtt, OVEK f)AITEK8. ALL SIZES AKD C'OLOIiH, SMii'lcaule and ltci.til. I HWIN E.UULKISII, lEltl 1IA.M' TAILOU Aim OVK11 HAfTF.R VAVrFACTl'flER, No.141) N. FOURTH 81'EtJi'r, 11-9-lm ruii-Aotii'iiiA. TOST. OCTOBER 11, 1MI4, CERT1FICATK l Mo. 1H. dati'd April M, lt!4, for 1UV ibanx Big al. ooulii ii,iiruvenieniCoiniiny, to ll-'fl-niU.' WILLIAM nART TARB. i;OR BALE. TO ntlNTERS.-IMroSINO J ttone.larfct) Hie, la Urat-ratt frder. Aupl; at this olllca, U I DRY GOODS. ('IIOHT, COLOIIS AM) .S1IADHS 1'OlMilNH, In all srn,'.-, frout the late Au-tlon .i!cs, at minced ,ricv. ror HOLIDAY GIFTS, tt a substantial cifimct.'r, tin- Ktn.'li of CVIl WEN STOIID.MIT BROTIIEfl At prc.rnt pr.'t.'nti aroat a'tra. tli.nt and IndtKemcnts, la Turn tv and lul.'i-, to pci iouis srlt-rltnK r.tr tloitd iv i lilts. Ilavlnc purr.ad mry. Iv at tt.c lite Auction Hal. ", we arc prcpari'd to close out M I. It I NOT' H, l'l'I'LIS. I'.SI'ISlil.t.t. l'L.MH MKItlNiiEt, FliiCUI.U .M. LAINF.8. Bl'Jf TLAIV, 1'Il.fUF.n, AND JlI.AtK Sit KM, I.OJtS MANTIf.t.A Vri.VF.Tl, UROI'lie l.iINU sill A Tin, ULANK C I' SHAWLS, LAIHF.fi' CLOAKS, VELVET AND HEAVER CLOTHS, ciiixi liii.i.A i i.iiriis, ItlAVLK ci.unn, c. Ac. At nb ally rcdii. c.l prlcoi. CURWEN ETODDART & BROTHER, Sol. 150, 4.V4, a-.d 151 N.'SKlMSII 8THKBT l'i "Ht AMve Willow. JJ HTKltiLi -it. MOIV, Nob. 713 and 715 N. TENTS STREET, IIav matlofnormoui rrOurtloni fn the priori of U thtil Htoek. O II 12 H H OOOIH Of every variety for HOLIDAY PEESENTIS. HANDSOME SILKS, CIIEAr 8ILKS, EMl'RESS CLOTHS, RED POFLINS, FIIKNCII Ml'.RINOKS, TLAID MERINOES, 1UC1I 11. AIL) I'OI'LINS, ri.AH) CASHMERES, MOHAIRS, DE LAINES VALEN'CIAS SHAWLS, BLOCHE AUD WOOLLEN. NovtttiCH In Mnrn IliirlkerchUf's, Lace CulUrt , French And t'ttrultric Luce Villi. PeroriB iikut purchftftlriK UolliUy (itas wonlil do well to examine uur 8tnrk, ai we wish to clone out the whi of It bcfuie the 1st of January, auJ art' oiler inn VERY GREAT BARGAINS. JJIU)C'IK iiCAIiFS, f 1 Oil HOLIDAY CJIFT8. CUSWO STODTAET & BEOTEvEE, Kol. 4.-.C, 4 5'i, and 4.5 J. SECCSI) STREET, 12-7-.1t Above Willow. $LANKETS ! 1JLANKETS1! HIliailT BOHDKll IlLANKeT.", Of all itci, fradei.and makes, vvuicit siakf: an acckitaisle C H 11 I H T 31 A H OIPT, CUEWEN ETODDAET & BEOTHEE, Koa. 450, 43U, and 431 N. SECOND STH1.ET, l'J-7-3t Above Willow. J. COWl'liHTlIWAIT & CO., S. E. Cor. NINTH and ABOH Streets. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE, BLANKETS AT RETAIL. LLANKETS AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. BLANKETS FOR HOTELS. BLANKETS FOR THE ARMY. BLANKETS FOR THE NAVY. BLANKETS OF ALL SIZES. BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAJiKETS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. liLAISICEX STOKE, o-38-Sm B. B. eorner NINTH and ARCH StreeU. 1JO NORTH EIGHTH STREET. 103. 11 Ki-i'ond dttoT afHive Arch, lireat KeducUun ttt our lutmcnte olock of Hiaple and Fancyl rimuilui, com pritirui It btt and molt latiiloaaule attart umnt ef l.e, ii. 'i' liicta Cloak rrlniniiort. Orrva ntitti and llutlont of our own make and lui .,.M.tl,n. Ktlk and MH,.n ti.a.r. .11 -..I... fillk and Clteuille Ilrad Tlr.ntet ; Vein cheaper than ote- V Tltrei lluule l.lmpt and baale Hutioni.Clotli altrinoauil HI k (tloies, Kid Ulovca of me beat niakara, lllack and Colored Vi-lli,thliawliaillfteiirf Uordera.aU wlotlil; Fancji Hack and Mile t'otubi, nllk licit Kti.bont, Jet, kUoel, au Ollt lielt tlucklei. Cloak Taaaola of aU eolora audi ( lea; ataxic liuitMuat ol all atzwi and itylci al araatly ri diitcd prici't ; Woollen Ooodt, aa Honiai, Nublai, II.K.da; Ladii'i'.CIilldrcn'a, and aflaael' HUtckmai at th ebcapeit prlcei ; lltilr Holla, Watarrull ftolla, and Warcr fallNcta of our own Improved mattioda; black and Whit Lacet i ad gradtt and iijkit; lllas-k and Cwlonl Veivak Itit.bont, In Htcat variety at reduced prlcei ; Laillei' aii4 Genu' Neektloe, In great vaxlatj, eatrvuielr eAeap, Ae.. ate, . Ladivi eome, one and alt, and convince yonrtelvt aefhra bin iiij elacHltere, Ihut It la wU worth to your own tiitoroee topnrrhateolirTrtinnilninl at lite Cheap Hlora of WIL LIAM LONfcMtK'l AUTatK, No. 1,3 at. ElliUl'U H treat, Isecoad door atove Arch, neat to lae aoruer. lu-a I'OQ HOOP 6KIKTS t'QQ UO ManuracWrj.o.-B ARCH RtroetC OO Above Sluh ureet, ft wai'HU.uiai Wlioleiale and Batatl. Tne rooet enmplete aaaortuent ot Ladlei', If tiiee1, t,n4 Chtldran't Hoop hklrle In tlie city, In every rvapaot rtrat eiaai, which for itylo, fluiah, darabflkt, and oiieaxtueig, have noeuual in the vuarkeU MaJrta made to vrtler.aJMcatl, and renalred . M-if WU-1. HOPKINS.