itmni Sclcgtaph F1UTUY, liKCEMUF.H "., KOBWLGIAN ILK-HUNTIS3. My N' cariioY, with n'l it ..ti ij.hcr nnliu, wh" mr-luliy parked 1 r i j J . r the Ut vimon of the lii.lefiit ca',lo Mr. It, who tin hi en styled l lit Itu-totum o' u l-.n tlisl). in ii. 1 i.ri'-iuno my u.ilci kn i kih: n carriolo Is; If int. ti e d 'i, , ,, s, HIlj ohoIhc (lcsciintion ct it li:rnl nl tuny p i. ilily di lph in liini : "A enrrinle is a vehicle5, lii etihtil to i any .nc in liont, on two wheels and no annuo." ; n-mililc. a U'..ctio,lc itn a dio.ii ol i he i-phler in it. (in n t ..irti iicnitiu ros's tliC porttnniiti un, ii rep of wriidi tlic '-ki.,n' or o.-Mn.i , , rclies hi .- f r. ,1. atnti, , ur rii(i1 llm,.,,iK,v un rhe -u.ilri I'.int-i (.crii.iiir tt mil;,' l,c,i "iu.d,i':uu !i iii..:.rt of I liml deterniinrtl fn invoi'.,e In n cirri, il.- ' Cmtf r tliciidi ice or mi hiii mI.Ii? r,,i,i uin.ui r. .ulimj at Ctiti-ti -n-und, who, to H,i to lr, oiiier tc -lii it ' 1 1 1 m. , . s t,e, n the Irrro In. -it .. - In.iiy fbilantbmph- lm,iio i..f thi' nnti, .u,, : at the ttmn tsxliiu his at. tin c, t. the utmo-t to procure tor the p i'in.' n ch up nutj nutriiicjii ti.virnw in tin- s,h.'.i of porter hiewcil without uni t. II via- very mm.iinc a1. out it ; lint i li.ivc since lie. ml t!, vim , l.nd lulled, .in . I tlmr, alter i i,n t cniH to mra It In'O VlM.ll', It Will Un IC-fo'Dit p;,,,- ,, whercliy It wacsiic..-... it ,.,,n e.ent i il.y i.. . come lii-ick i,K. l'..tMhiy it n,i.;nt a. due ii,1. r tl et in me nt l .'t. II iuirk tiiivi-lirir have n tcMlencv t ) p.-.i, Inc.', verily the X ivc i.'iii'is o.trit to Im ihu pmt id all civihui ..ii;h'. It to .k u- t irec lung hours lining the loijnv.. tni.'ui to IvnlscM ly tlm Norcvofciun Tnnm K.n av a mcmimio tbn latn K Stephenson's cniriiioi rtnif fUill. I h id with mo a letter ol inir miii.-uoii to a lljrnlu (tanner) in OstcnJul, w no to provide mu .vim a (tunic and p.niv to tli Swedish Ironicr, ivi.eru rcpon si.iii iitarn, trout, roiu.leur, and elk abounded in their rcspcciivo i-'cmentH. M ho-t was a well to do man, and vcrv lio.pit.jnlo. 1 must stay two day s w ith bim In' tore M-t'iurf out. He wanted tut to pay a visit to bis "-.e'er" and bin panor. In my simplicity, I tlti:iiin a "s.etcr" had Kutni'thliig to do with the cit ric il proles, nni, but tounU It w.ia a chaiut on the mount uns, where the eiittlc arc ent durintr the Mininc r. A bear bad knit d one of his cm, tiiu mi-lii lieiore, nil be intended lyini; cut for it th.i next IV .v iiinh'h. -Would I ron.u with him ?" 1 Hioul l rather think no. What lots o: p ini piiin-pots of the ' real ai tide" 1 would inko i ick us prcs.uu to my friends! So i II we atancl. It was a pretty tdgbt to b u tbe "sn t. r" lrl (U wacn't hhe who was pretty I. a un out her cows and poms to the pasture, and sitiniui; to tln ni, and calling them by nunc Sum. limes 'she, won d run away from them, and men it hire. novitio atceple-chnse ensued as to whi h w nil l catc i ber, and tho winner wan rewarded wita a lump of suit. The bowls lull of cnnim, an I the chci scs, Were enough to make a l.on tonci'.s iroirh water. "I must ttmte ti em," find in v host ; a mi, w ith mt waiting for a reply, or even Kettinn u kniie, ho Muck bin llnM'i into a soft cheese, uu, ijjid t ut to ine 10 tnku a' bit oil the cud of it. It was now itcttiiitf late; i-o, loadtnif both barrels of my rille, and also live of my revolver, 1 lollowid hi in to the ul.ioe tt Ik ro the remains of tho olaUKbteied cow 1 iy. Old Uruiti must Jiae been bungryj for ee'rtainly he had cateu nan Ul it. Header, Lave you ever irono out bcar-linnt- iii!! airongiy BUVI80 J0U "lion I!" unless you like lyii (i Hat un your atom ich for a wholo niybt, without moving (or being uhlo to smoke) m tbo open air, w;tU swarms of mos.piitoes eatinj? you up. Of course, I was not ffoin to givo .u. .1 m, iiienu unu non tuere till now, so would I j thai is, tho inoiiiitoc had lelt any of me to lie uuywbero. At last, to my joy, after wo bad been iix mortal hours on our Btuinacba, he got up and su d wo niiht as well go, aa tbo bear would not cumo till to-morrow night. Next morning again we went out, and this time woro more lortunute. As I iar in my old place, stomach Hat on the ground, rifle up to my cheek, I fancied I heard u heavy Head and a rustling about forty yatds on the left. "If ray heart would only leave off jumping in that absurd way, almost lilting mo from tho ground, I might get a chance." Nearer it camo in-arcr till till I thought I could tee a great black Object about twenty yards oli through the low scrub. So I took aim and fired; and then we both got to our feet, and could just get a g i npse of a dark substanto making oil' down a ravine. The bear was hit; that was evident by the blood ; but wbero, whs the point. We saw no more of him, though we followed him up some, boars Hut my host chot him a few weeks alterards, while I was over the mountains ; at least, ho mp posed It was the (.aine, for it hud a recent bullet wound in its fat haunch. I cannot de-cilbe bow this information relieved a lurking fear I bad entertained that I bad shot one of my friend's heifer. Huch was my experience in hear-liun!-ing, and I funcy I was luckier than most of my .countrymen aie, for I got the credit of having, wounded a bear, whereas I am still inclined to bclievo I sent a bullet into the haunch or one of my friend's cows. The next morning, after bidding ndieu to mine host, I started across the Fjelds to the Try iil river. It was a beautiful autumn morn. lug; tbo fog still hung lazily round tho moun tains, but slowly lifted itself up like a reluctant stage curtain in a ttieutrc. i had a stout little mountain pony to carry the "impedimenta," on which I could ride when I pleased; my guide carried my rods, while I shouldered my rille, thinking that a reindeer migut come in our way. After a two hours' rugged accent, wo reached the open field. The scenery assumed tho most savage, desolate aparanee I ever witnessed, or deairo to witness aguin. For niilvs around, the ground was covered with nothing but an unlimited supply of reindeer moss, which imparted a "tustard-mustard" sort of tint to the land scape. If a fellow feels out of humor with civil, ized life in general, and humanity in particular, let me commend him to a week on tho Xor wegian fields. Durlug the whole ride of ten bourn, I did not see more than tun animated objects (barring mosquitoes). One of tueso was an eagle, which was souring at a great height above a mountain lake, and which suddenly, as if Impelled by some instantaneous idea, discharged iibeif down tbo most perpendicular "Lea ier" I vor saw, right into the lake. It wai t n seconds under water, and then emerged with a largo fish in its claws, with which it ll.iw olf In triiinknli I . I u .a.w.l.rM. ,c j , 4 VlUIlk aeVUTIIl I1SU bearing marks of eagles' claws on their backs, so that tbe birds occasionally Bliss their fish, it seems a camfort for men. The feeling of loneliness and solitariness a ride the fields is calculated to produce on a man's nerves, especially if he be at ull given to hypo chondriacal afiectlons, can scarcely bo realised. What a thing to fall down tn a lit, or to break a leg, or to undergo any other sncb-like unplea santnesses to which flesh Is heir, in such a dismal place, far out of reach of human axtistance. The rtiltciiou that tbe crow would come and pick you over, or tho gluttons gorge themselves on your carcase, or the wolves worry each other over you, might make a nervous person ex. trcmely uncomfortable. And ihis, I came to the conclusion, after deep meditation, must be the bfo of muS'itiitoea. They keep a traveler' thoughts from dwelling on such topics, and tax all his ingenuity to prevent them from eating him up. liisceruing little pests I they would not so much as look at my "unwasheu, unkempt" guide, but stack to me with a pertinacity that made it clear that the smell of a clean English man's blood was dear to them. As an interest ing question to entomologists, I venture to pro pound, "What do they toed on up thcro, when there are no travelers i" Towards evening wo reached tho river; the farm-house where I was to put up lay on the opposite bank; and while the pony of his own acooid swam across, we rowed over. Tho furm home, or more properly speaking, cluster of log- gTgJKVEm home, lay at a short distance from the river, In iW.rS.A "" fy guide had tircu Instructed to Introduce me to ttio go d pernio and to rc.U-M them to t.,ke me in ; mi while thev were gettn g a room ready for me, I dou to tbe i.ver, rod i,. hand. It . a fell citin evening; i tie wind, vhkn had un sp-nng i p. gave thai rnpi:lo:i ri'.pn.. to the' Mir'ac: of tii' water which a !. lister dciuhts i,, .,. 1" (lily pii'ilmron arust. I thro into the ,frea n' 1 l.e hsh were jiiuipin on nil sides. Whether I was the ' Il 1 1-1 Ki.giisimoin hi hud ever ti.licd thtro, I know n..i. Imt e rounlv I rnr a tnh reaily fury nine. In three hour- 1 had hi ( I' tty tiout and g avliru', weighing alt ig-tticr Unity pound, nc d weinht. I'ue large, t wai loai pi 111 lis. It was then time to go h .me an l get to l-, for I was i,,ti, r stitr a l Mr,.,!, a dav on a bird iSoiwcmnn i.ailil'i How deiienun to g t a roum I ke th s ..II to' ones! It i " I tln.iih' us I waikxl ino mine. S,-ir,'elv was the ii.funii eoneetv. ii. In maiehcl th hoiiseho d, anil ipluiy ruiueO th. iuselve tl e i, mil ) hae. a goo I .,it t th- ): ' Wno 0 ro ni l iL-eisk- ii. "in. rtlier Ilnvii.!! stiitc, :it i,.,. i,i ,'..,... lor a few ndni'ten, tn. y t . ,( t Ca litnii n.v watch, pine, II hook. .Sc., i.meii lav on t ie table. 'Well' tn,w the'll go, hurclv," to in v si If, "a- they have looid at cvervtlin,:.'' A I rtglit thought sci;- J me. "I'll t.ei.i'i i . uniiii ss , they'll he stir." to lake that Inn '" I sat don n i n the nice of the li d, and .-iurv!v ti ok oil ii. y Loots X! in,t wouhiu't ino'e th. m. Writ, I'n try w ha- mv . , ot in v ki n bo. k, rs will oo i" Vain u .p. :' I ,e ino.c 1 t,.. I, oil, the in re inter, stcl tin v;nr I in tic op. r.-tion. 1 tnailc a boit. a- I w.i-, t- ,l. Ilni long tl.e r. iii otnd I kn..wn..t. to. I so in' 1. d lii-t a-hep, i.uit i i.iya.eoko ,u i when the gi ,d iiiimtn brought me ill a hi cup of hot cine and a -n.all lunl of , o'd w.rei h.,h. irg Ji Ik r l. -s than'a pit t, to w i'.'i in l.i the I rst and ills,- irdr.g the -. ,,l 1 pmi. get into the rut r, lo the di Isill IV iino a- ti i.i. iimeiit ot two or Hire,. h . d alter it e and ran hwmv. Thev th.i;i.:ht I bad gone m nl. tor a Xorwigl i.oi p. a-ant tn v. r w u nistii tiul oiKO a i jeur, and then only a vt-iv .ii tie! In ti aim d there three days, and if any roving ..-...-...nan naiu to know un a g o,l trout l;hii g is, lei him go to Trjsil, ,,u the holders of Isttt den. (Hi my return to lleiilalon, my ho.t bod planned an elk-hunt lor mr. There wore n n many ruiitie. r, be thought, but he felt sure he could 'how nits an elk within a week, if I III; nl. Ot coin o I liked ! S i oi,e nn we star ed cutly lor I lie forest, a cniipini -d oy a ciinntn oln hun cr holding a lilt e dog In le i-h, reputed a wonder 1-r tracking eik, h, at, or i.-inde r. A Xorweg an nioiiniiilneer is as .ure-foot. ! n hisjony. hee linn skip over a river, s an ciy ton. hmg the stones which hero and llicio Invi tingly peep up above the sin fn c, but which are olten in. steady. Instinct and long pra. tiee te icli blin wheie to put bis foot just at tnc right tioi,'. llow 1 envied him ! attempt at in, its. tioti tent me II .tmderlng on my back in tin mid dle ct a brook ; but I got moreuilioitiif.ciiv .rds. 'i hero are Ictt things more tininicres ing in my opinion than thcj uierior of a Xoregian p'no toic.-i, though the I'o. t l.aureito ll co.ue out in the same noat with mu all tho wav to Xorw iv only to hear iho ".Kolinn-h irp-like" murmur of the wind through Its bonghs. It is the sWio thing over and otor again; no variety, nothing to relieve the monotony, not even a i iy's music t? iinhtn one. Xo wonder ho made no allusion to it .n the Id.vlls.whicb c iineout shortly ultei wards, lor I II he hanged if I could see any noetry in it I con solemly aver that for a whole, hour I ...... no wu'iau. auimui (aiosqaitoes ex- cepteo) (.ave a black woodpecker, which lojked moie like a Wellington boot with u red top, climbing up tlio rotten stem of a lir-tree,thau any- Ad at onco I taw my hunter flump down ou ds knees in a devotional attitude, wru hi, eyes .' ou u me grouna. iuc verv do. too, s.emed to bo similatly nilecled. Then h bin up unu proceeded to a low birch-tree, and ciinmenccd exainiiiiug the leaves one by one, .. "..v ula UoK up un mo wune on his hind Jig9, and snilled away at thom as if ho would collapso. At length it dawned upon mo that iho hunter was not religious-mad, but th it an elk had something to do with his condition, especially IL ill, . !.. l . . - W ouvnvu mu a icui wuicn nnj only re cently been browsed, and which a rah'iit could not possibly have roacbed, even if such creatures d d exist in Xorway. It was u tine sight to watch tbo hunter and his dog; they seemed to ttnder s, and each oilier thoroughly, us they kept look ing at one another, as if compariug notes. There are lew ai.itua.s so wary as an elk. Living In tho thickest parts or the forest, thoir ears staud them In better Head than their eyes In burning elks you must not think of winking. 1 be old hunter uud his dog went lirst; it was as good as a play to watch them, cu b. selling a fo ,t to the ground at the same moment and with such a grate air; 1 cittuo Dcxt, following as lightly as tourtein stone could. JI lybowc had gono in this wuy half an hour, aiA I was beginning to ge' fi.t gunl.whcn all at once wc came plump on two full grown elk, at about s xty vards distance. How nol le they looked ! (Juite six feet in bo'ght ! A fight like this is a rewind lor a day's toil, and ducking into tbo bargain. A sight like this "Hot tier your sijthtu!" crim Uiih, to whom I Lave just been telling the story ; i-uti't yu mv II on shot one, instead of oiiostroiiii.iag their beauty in thut ridiculous manner!" 'My deur 14orii8, I did not shoot one: firstly, biiHtn-e the hunter's brail wim in the way ; se condly. In cause, when his head was out o'f tho wiiy, the elks bail gone; thirdly, boeauso niv riilu juisseo lire, .-so i urounu uiy teeth in despair, and put on fionn tup." Hut, a few days afterwards I was more for tunute. We started early; thut is, 1, mv host, and tho hunter who I uow learnt from my friend had only recently returned from the for tress at Christians, where he had worked bis time ot imprisonment out, as a galley-slave, for having kil id his brother. 1 felt extiemoly lad 1 hud not been aware of the circuuistunco when I had to bivouac out alone with nltu in the forest. Before long we came on sotno verv fresh trucks; at hast, the banter and his little doir seemed to think, so, jndging from the serious and earnest way in which they regarded thom. Further and lurther we penetratoil into tlm rc cesses of the forest, stepping softly and gently an we went. The dog became intensely excited, but never gave tongue. The well-trained llttl crea tures are taught never to burk when held in leash ; ll is only when they are set at liberty that it is etiiiuette to do so. yA crushing sound, as If an elephant were dashing through u jungle, inmlo us turn our ejes to the lelt of us, and w.i could discern a monstrous elk disappearing bctiveuutho birch-trees. Now was the time to slip the dog. No sooner was he at liberty than oil' he iet hi pursuit, giving tongue most lustily, as if-to make up for hit long and continued silence. The reason why he barked was plain enough ; if be had not barked, it would have been a matter of sheer impossibility to follow on the light course through tbe tangled and Intri cate forest. His voice began to grow fainter und fainter, and I besan to fear that we should lose tbeelk. lint neither of my companions seemed lo share in my anxiety i a complacent look of assur ance on their faces seemed w. say that there were ten chances toone against the elk ; we bud already gone on a donhle-quick for half an hour, when the buying of the dog sounded 1 )adtr and more plainly. The elk, then, was at bay. "Yes, yon go first, and tire sunight," intimated rather said the hunter. A couple of rartiidgei were quickly thrust into my breech-loader. Cautiously proceeding up sicep back, I peeped over the top, where tbe elk a at bay. Yes, there he was, stamping and dasbit g at the llttlu dog with his horns and long forefeet; who, however, easily avoided tbeelk, as he kept dodging about in close proximity to his nose. An easier tnnrk could hardly be imagined, so, rail ing my rifle and aimlug at the shoulder, I j ut lu a ballet at about forty yards distance, and the great animal fell over on his sido dead. I shall never rorgct my excitement indeed, to hunter, I am sure, though I was mad, especially when, In an exuberant lit of generosity, 1 pre- i seiiioa uitu with a Uvo-dollai' note. J)AUIMII1V AND OOL.OIIA.OO GOLD MINING COMPANY. Cii.ikTf i:ii ; erm or rtNsstl.TAmA. CAl'ITAI, MOCMi. r, Shrr.-Pr hIk, a.v ri..ui, vIOt.N It. ANDhilNDK TNonii A. Moot!, N. II. Kiii'iki, Wiliiaia a, lt,,i .n p. h iv, J l,n M. Hi. . ( l.ferlri J m.f er. .Ninoo R Mn.., 1 O. 11, I) ,w,,n, J '-a v. . J' W. W . Wll.. , W illuru (,, Sinn. It oisntmrg ,1 1. 1). 1' SOI : I iiwouti I, KrciPtsr t..l t.VMSW, OmCL No. 423 WALNUT BTKtET, AtKhrt.lirtd l s.rn tl,. .. rn l.n.,iir. rf ll.i.f nn mi I..!, ,. mr, ,, ,,a "...n. A fl 14 r. io. f(-. ...., i 'me I l.v , ...ell. . ( '.nn '!.'! ). ' llAllk Ki.hM ri.t.,,i i:.n ,,a rr ,, t!'...oei,., to, 'MO-r. r.fl at iso To .inr Oil., .- (t .i-n-il lt.- N.. I; lle.-M f htr... I snii-r. n.l M..r',i,i,-, bnil.iinii. r,. oriiniisl s, II... lie, 1 l.itiiil.rr .,1 ilir, a. .ri S i . Iter sliiro r,,r s ( il. i'Ur.prn.v.l. Is. ..r l'il",.rin.i, n cn lit th,. ,,lh, c of thr ( 'an.panv. :tor i:,o 1 ro. ii,,t. ,!U!I,-,1 ut II I.' i'D '.NS.IJJIU YOlTt LIKIi A 31 i: It I C A IS . . S. K. loinpr Valimt and Fourth Slrn ts i t.iniiA. ft I. allOMK tOMI-AST,.n.lin,(1i,dlvMf,1 nu.itMllv , n .llri il, ansnrcl la tj imuro prrin iou. I.u dividend .si per o ut. noAiin or ini KTSRS. Alnd. r Wl.tililm, .1. F.lfr Th.iiino.1. llOI. Js 31a I k II, ill. J -Ifpti .il. Atr.ert K.!m, Minnil r lioiua, .. .-rwr .uk-iii, VV lUiain J. ilov. Aid, .. .r A . '."mum, flilllp II. Mlnuln, J.itin Alkmsa. Isnso liaAltliurat, AI.VAtM.Kit W illLMMV, l-reitdrnt "A.' w.oik. Vice IT. al let. II 1. It .K.IiJI S.WI..NOX. Si-.: jMi.rr.,.ror. it 15 It ) S N II A N M'.ALKH IS FINE WATCHES, JEWELBY, AM) MLVKU WAlli; Diamond Rings, Diamond I'lni, Maui cd Kr K nm, AnicihistandD.ani. Iijiir'i rice 8ellll!in, Fine Pearl ltlnS, O. nt' lilam. I'lni, Kii.e Ki.smi'lf.! Ilrac"l,'t, Fine (lent' Chalna, Hie l.sdlea' Chillis. Ileavj Long Onanl., Amethyst ai.,1 Tearl licit, 'oral Sets. lJC lm l.aJlea CliJt''.diu.. rint, BIIOXE AND FANCY GOODS. 1.5 H. KKIUTII STUKKT. No. 520 AECE STEEET, HAS A CARKFl'LLY SHI.KC'Ti:!) STOCK OP VV A TCI IKS. FIN 10 JKWHI.UV, hll.VKU-l'l.A h:d WAlirc, tSrKCIATLT FANCY MIIVIOll WAHIJ. Bultatlu f,r l' .itl HOLIDAY AND JJKIDAL PUEKXTS. FINE WAT0HI3, JEWELRY, 6ILVKR AXD PLATED WAKK, COItNEK AROll ANJJ TKNTII STH. Ilroochea, Sleeve Buttons. Arm'.ets. Bracelets, Seaif rlns and Kiiiki. Tea Rets. lee I'ttchi-rs, Wallers, (io kb, Forks, Spoons. Ac. Wafriies repaired and -rantsl. Old (lolj, ll,.mon,ls, an BUver Buivht. ll-l!l 3m HARRISON JAKDEM. 13 H 1IA 11 II 13 Ii " WIIOtaSALS iP I1STAU CLOCK KHTABLIHHMKNT, a. F corner BKCOND and CUEHNUt Buhu, Pld!ai s AOKRI'T ros THS PATRHT SQCAUZINli TUIHTT-DAY CLOCK"), T dslrable arUeU tot Caarcues, Hotols, Banks ConnUng-llouse., Ac. Also. MAM FA( Tl HRK OK FTK OOM) PPV8. . ,. ,iU "ICfAlKRU ASK W AkKAM I SJ. lalJ-lj flock TrimiuUiss of ever? ameriutlua MONKYTO AN V AMOUNT LOANKD noon Diamonds,, Jewelry rials. VMaaiiiin. e.r., al Jonk oo -a OLD KHTAHI.IhllKtl I.OAf OPFICR, Corner at IIMKU and UKUX ttirls. Below lmbard. V. II. KIAMOMo. WATl'Hkia Jewlt sr onua Jte., S.r sate al HKMAKK AHI.T LOW PIUCKA. s-lui c K N T H A Ii 13 ATINO IIOUH 12. ori'OMTK TIIK PO.ST GI-'FICM, 10-17 m pnir.AfiKi.riiiA. MILITARY NOTICES. I: BOIUTT FOR MARINRS WAVTwn tor the t'Bited 8lafee Marine Cor pa, abie-UKlil mt lo perform Ine duuoe ol a suldior at our karr Varda and va.buwil Uuiiul sum iuu,.ii..u ... L' " 1 erui ef eetsrsee, Poor Yeara, Retler ona.poaaaU.A Ulan tl. army. Ala, TUB Un a I, bUUMIks paid osoa eaMeliueat, Marli,ea ror.dve Prtre Money. Kor aU tunhmt taioriuaUoB snily at the KccrtUtuu noudeavooe, a, . Pho MT Btreot, beks. Spruce Unset etweoa lueuvure ol il aad u clock 0.11 M.OAW1.RT, tvl kalor and IUc-ultin( uuteer. Offloen and soldiers vlsltln the city oa ftirtooiths, Beelin hWOHDB AJB OTIIKR MIUTAUY BiJl'IPMeNra, An tnvked te Ihe exunsive MANITAOTIKIKO aVUABLWIIME.Tf OF GEORGE W. SIMONS & BROTHER, HANSOM HTItKlST JIAL.1, SAJiDOM treet. above Hlilh Street PBEBEKTATIOU fiWORTia Metis to order at Ihe shortest notloe, whleh ftr richness anS n.anlltonee uiser housn In the ooiniiry combiulntf tlie u. N rKAOTUHl S(i JKri.i iu WITU TlUt t-BACIlCAJ. oWllil . iui(!t!2 "IJ-" FRIT) AY, PROPOSALS. OVUCK TKU. OF ASSISTANT UUARTEKMAS- nn. li'vi (lot m nTtniKT, t run i-i neiiis, lxmVr ' Iw.t. "Ir.l rrn..itt will hsi rr.iv.i st o ,, .n. ,., a..-i. ..i W..NI. M . . ..,...-r tl. I s.. ii.r ,,, pr,.,, I's. r nt M w.-r II . Pnt. ',c.,i: 11,11 of r ' fa l'.i i,ii,i. inch wiiitr. .i fwt lnn, wnll t.ii.ii. I WHO l?l r-lrrlM i... h'.l"l l.'.rl Lai Mi lr , s I itit, i is i i is, s 'I . II I' l i, ..,. , .. x' Inch w' p p.n. is f,i l.inj. I'.rt, , no .,., s f.... .iint, ll .'t, hrinl ., h. .1 f. ! ,. ,.. .v; inri, h.-m' -oK i-j lona. Ii,,-li I cm,, rs. ,M t.-..t '.,i, ) r. eres Sx i, rl, 1 , ln!, k, I'l lonK. " ( f.-pt ihlij cnmin hi wltltn plim l i.i : ! su t; iiotii.i (i 'Til I, I..UII,.,. ' III .111.1 ( "1 f.Pl IMi l r.,min whit pin Mi. i ( i.i IK hi bull . I I .vlif I !,. I K -II I 1 .T t 'I C'tt "I lU C II tii;i , k ; lit' iV . h -! lM'- rtl.i ... i r.HM I, t lt;-l. Kim -2 M 41. it'itit-. I r v n,1 -i.ri, i t Ty, by tlis- tViT.l!Ilt)Tlt -.N m.V- -ti,, i. , 1 t fits i..r'. an 1 h ito.l A'- ro t v . . t!i- Tit;t,t t-t Ai fj.t I'HTIf t Ull rujUOl J.I liltlt h AriMKT, s ,;" I AUtnlii .ind A. i. M. Hill Ui AKTKKM AST KU'S Ol fI('T' ri - i -. ; i , ' in i 1 1,'. fttiir i, li I '," ' .1 me I'M 'ti I l.v It c in.I.T:i.iu'.1 until h . y- V l. . mi.. r 1 I lM. M I...-'., x M.,lort:i. lin. .i'i - .(,, r, nn.' f n.iwii.e tirtli ! I MilN I !: 1 I II Ii s.N... AMiir Sinn.ViM. ll I tl .1.. 'rtl uri ii ! in t ''tn nl H i- . .1 St it. s in nt! ,it cj ,,., 1 nrii te tin 1 1 -it 1 t l!V-I "t k' i ls .'i t 1 f Iv m-if Kl-iI un - i-.Miii .n-t1 "te lo Inn "'ti -fit'p i:i tlicir I. il Ii. llu ri 0, and tit uu ,111111. liy uir r.' It till"! V I I (Ml . .1 t (..-r. i, Mitil I) tnnriti'.t ati.l jittii ml; n.l the t-;irti.M tt-. fcli ill hi In firrv I rwiso tnc 'j.i.i)i,l Ull l' W1 IT t -l f.t il V htntlilill.l H til pl)t I L ' II h I' ' 1 KI1H1 t Ht ltV tl .nio.if . t.i .l Uy tmt rip.'iiHiti .ftj-Hnn. mnnt hltl, L'l.lU.1 t IL' tl,4! tl,. iH.M.T Will s ii .t ii til in Imiii itiniiT lii pniK"-nl. ll-ii - w til he ..).fitftl 1, ' I.' 1 i rk , fiiJuti, nt IiIm t.. It P't--ri At ni tlit will ly tiiit.le 1'it. ill. il iv. He 'ciulu r il. f,aii.;t;lik ro.iuuitetl He, ann'ier 1'. t "II! lie fnltti- 1 Uiirsd . Ii,,m'M in- n-'iulml tl At H e icnir 111 fMltlp..). It It i h 1 1 rtlitt;tnr (a pr.-p -.tri will n.t hv if. t !(. I. lift 1. Tins 01 Ti'(, lHltr.U'lll, j ml tMiUt 111AV !.' .l.illittl t Oil' I ne ntlit lu iijcet nn. l.lit dpi iie .! unreas niablo 1, I llJ .lsf . nv,.',,i o .'l'r..p ,., f, . il.ern I,,,, rl o.. ol U.e am,'; ,-ttv ,1).' .'.lid a. I, He Co miikI Wil l I.AM W M. KIM, I I l.-t i.' I in, lin m lie wit T-'.t ("VI KICK Ol' ASSISTANT QfAUTKUMAS ' ' ter. No. 110J i,ll:,Mil. sniwt. Pit 1 1 A I I I i'l, . , tlf .('in !,,.f 7, 1 S '.'.,.'.'l."r"'""N 1,0 ei-e've'l l Ihl- mil e il:i i, ...i, ol F.llM- .v ... I . ..i.i im.. ,,,r ,,., ,..! i tint may t,r r .oilie.l hi lies ..II o. in nee'oi'.ian -s mr..u ..... H'O' tiii sel i-.hile, ir l inoiul,. eoiiim, iitio J.i,n.,rj. liitef.ip I'.ll, , rule J, tu t iii tmt !csa ih.iti 13 "itiiiN in r reimi. I, lie 1 ppnl ( up I'liicr. ml.'. I. io W, I !, ,. I,..- .1. ,,, . io ,. i i renin. ni'lte r Paper, sol. d, to niltl, n,.l l.., iim, , (,.in,,ls , r n .tie, o l.ltr I on: me i ,141 IMjier, run (I, toweL'l. list !eil tt'C I p.-1 iuIk t r o ion. iit.ite i 0110 Ju.t Paper, r'ile,l. N'n.n, Ter le.iu. liml F.iiel,.pe J-.ip. r, JIv lJ im '.cs. j. otilni; Paper. 1 in. l, 'i i, ,. ,rr ,.o,-t. .I k l',.,.k. i , ii siio. mil ts.un.l. Prrce per oulro "iik '""l-.Mio.le.liill. I ir... .er.. ore. Ilillik Hooks, cup S It. tun hoi UO ITke per Mnlro. livelep,, !.ii:r. No. 1.'. Price per lisJ. I.i velopeH, nun,, or t.tiP, .l In, lie Pri.'o per loot Kmel,.p,',i,,i,.,.ri,i,iS,1, ,,( , pri,,.,,.,. r.nvl,. c-. wl'ilroi I, ml. ;..',s in, Ii,,. rlL.,. , ,'.f ,,, I e-l.T l'iy in; i ook., htlti ai.o tjp o ,Utl i,, l 'K- s l :,Ti. ,.-r ,1,,. n. V. ii,,,rHii,t,ini ll.M.ks. iK-tnvo, ter .toen t. til. s Aiuoids. .i art anj rim pint eptiiin Ilk, e.iusl I, . Ca'Ui'Ue Ink, E.jtisl stopper-.. Arn.,1.1 s, ini.irl liands', xln.e I, and dllea Ii, k Pow.ier, i er ,toi n pnrrri. .. au rtmiis, i-'ieai lu ,Hht s, Sim and .1 Dr do, n. 1 v Nos i H. il sinl tllui Pent IK. Piptal 0. Fuller s, per .l.ncn I, HsS I ll KBtltli.lS, HnSi 1". ,1 per ll. 'L'll. Meel Cens. nsviro-il, per flro-1.. N'erl I Pen,, I. Ill, tl i. S,k I and ll'l, per a'r.iss. Pf ii Hi I- er, Hs.,inil, per . 'I hi Tai er h olilers. i r Hi,, . Itld Hriillnii Wax, lj ounc I omul. and 1 oiiii.o sticks, per lie, I I'npe, o. o.l. per dozen pleoes. lilns. irrs i.t Mm iin.f and liru-hes. lar. and small si. p. r ttot n. All tie ilitlele. must be 01 tl.s best .pnilitv. Simples nt I.I. h inttele li , list a' tl.-mpanv eaeli Ii d. wltl, the mime or o.Bi..., iiy niius.-n lliuiioii, una n.t M be I huh d lor em h .iriiel,-. ' ouo prl, e Hl.i.ulil iiov aril, les not ennmerntej atiovd t.o wantel Itie.. ti. lot I... nirtii.lit-,1 to ri,,, .,t , ,rt..t prn-.. ' Po-i-o-nin iihisi I,., ma,),- w,!y upon Hie r,-u,ar f-riin I ll ' tll I,. O rtl 11,1- , i,l,-,'. 'I t.e I l it. ,1 M .(, 9 r. .rr. Ihfl rilit lo o-ie--t nil hi,N, or pans ot t.;dM,.le.-m, ,l liuolnp.i'li,!-. nli na liiie-r, tts. , , . , , Al l,i:il T M. AMI UK ill, l-',''-t Cil taln -iiid A. I.'. .M. 01KICK OF .MssTI .11, TI1H DF.I'OT i.U'ARTKR- pour i,Mo:i,iii;rii, Ki;,i,)Voviis..r 1(1 ls,; Pit il'HSAI.S Kill Alt M V ll.ANSpj: VIli.N ' i-.u .'.l I'r.oi. su s hiii I... r.celvi.t nt t tit- ..ill-,, until t" oil, ri .M. on the :i,i ov i lieeeiul.i.r, l-sll, ..rln,. Iriii...ort'!tb,not .Military Nuppiiee duiiiii,' tho suarlsv.. oil Ilie tollowlp i, ut.-: ' It.o ii. No. 1 . Prom Port I.eavenHorth, L.iramle. and ltd. J . ai a otln r dep. la ll.nt miiv be nsiuhlisli. d diitiu -the nl... M year on ire We I bank ot th" .Ml,n,irl nvr n. itti ot port l.e:iv,-m,.i!h. und ,.inh of liitllu ln 4J i"c. nr. is nurit,. io nn posts or stall, ns Unit uro or maviie e, In ll,u I erriiorioii ofNebrnskii, iiakoiiih, Idii'io ui il I lib. soiuh ,. latiliido It do. Tees iiortli and e 1st of lontitu.le IN .h sreea rt, and in tns iorrilory of (.'olo riolo noitb ol 10 ,t. rees liorlii. 111,1, 1, -is to t. He the one period pounds per 1KI miles a'nblsli tr.ej mill irHiip,,ri .ai.l Morel in uueh ot tho menll.slroui April to (jepiember, Insiuslve, of the year lt.,1 is No. 3. From Forts Leavenworth nn.l Hlley, In tie Mate ot Kama-, ai d the ol ki'iini, In the mio ol Uis.ourt.1u any posts or Stallone lb.itas.r u lu tho state ot Kansaa. nr lu tlm Territory of . ,.,.,.u,., oi iiioiiine o U.K.,-, i n -rth. drawl-it; r u,.u r0r. .-n on. N. l.,ori.tb. r , ieiii u-at uisv l.u deslviiated in that Ter- nt r .to l,n i; on ll,e route. Hinders to stale 11, o rate per llilpoundl i..i... ... c io anv oin.-r , n, y. . . .......-,..-,.,, .,-, n.,,, s.n.i Hert s In , .1 . . ...o.uiii iioiu a pr.i IO l,v year I -ti-X. . plembej, IllclUfcl.'U, of ll. ( ri. a. t rom Port l'ib n. or such ntb.r a.mi max be stun In tne Territory ot New M.-l, o. to nuv otits or stailoni that ure or uiav bo ell. it, lulie. I in that l.nnoiy. an. I io -ji.-b posts or stations as nivusdm,, aale.1 in the lerriflry ..fArisona ard Hialeel Texas wast ol I. ne.ui! le li.. ib-sree, . t. Ilidder. i st.ito loo rato per I S i-o-iimIs p. r l-.i mil. s al which tliev will transport - . .... ,u..i..n iiuiujiiac to nuveiubcr. IlieU.i've. of ihe x. nr Ik... ' Tbe welkbt to be trsu.p.,rled eSrh vear will not exceed lO.nb.'lli pouhds on Kuule No. I ; ..,.4iti,(.l pi.unJa m . . ai 'ssj 's o ininnii- nn I. .in. I. Noii,t.:l.l.,ni pereontrti e will be pod tor Cio transports. tb noi bae.-n, bald bread, puic iuiubur, shiiiKb s, ur anv otlo-i -tieei. 10.1. 1. th should l'Ivo their names In full, ax well as their j inn.'.! by u Ik, ii. I in the sum i f i. n thousand ,1, slvnrd I . .,,,-. ram pio eisai Rlioulil De mviiffi. ,.. ,t.u... .oo.n ir.poiiniiie persoll,, uimratlleelllK tlial, 1M cm.- a eiuitrio . Is awarued lor the route mentioned lu the proposal to ll.o parties brolio-ltirf, the cm o act will be uo e p'e.i ai.d entered into. and. '.H,d and .uili -i.-iitsactirlty fur iosi..! be said iiunles, in a. ..r.l,.n- e w tli iho terms or tills adr, rtisemt nt Ii,. ,,iu. -not ,,rb.,rd. leiutrrd will be ius brflows r On bonle No. I lu),fs On It. .ufe No J e(aj (an 4n Uouie Ixo. .1 " iki'issi ds'Ht...lely .e.l.Un.e o ll.e l.yaly a'lill BolveileV i . jeh . n der nd p.ur,i otlerevl a. .ocur ly will be re qulrid. Pn ia-al' must he en.torsed "1'rnpoeais bir Anny Trans pert.i'ionfoBa K.,ut No. I, J, or i. as ilia esse mar be, an. I WW r.1,1 l-o entrlaiue.! unk-as Iber lolly eoiuply Willi Mil Ihr itunirt in. nil oi lii h adverliseui -nl I atti". i" xrb m iiajMi are um,.. ,n,si ti pr pared to ex. -i-uiectitrocia in, and to ,dre the reoulred bonds pw il. is. n. oo p. rie ncsu.-e of tho s .me. will se made -un. oi lo the approval of Ik t)uartria..isir, I to ih. r-abl isre.ererd lo reiect anv -r sli bids that mv e ,.r,vred. I ouln.elora mii.t Is,; in reudliiess Ibr service nv the rlr.l oat ai April. 1m,.' . und tbey will be re-iulrel to have a pla.oot aurt.tlra ai or In Iho vicinity of Porte Leavru xsortl, end Union aad oll.erd.'p.kt l tmt niayb .osiabliabo.1. i v, lutli tbev avay be. vouimaliieakuxl with uronniilk a.ul IrslPr. By oiui ror Ihe VHun lertaaeter 0aeml. II. I'. ItOfXIPS, ll-llWCit Oapl. and A. (J. id., V. 8. A. .Oi'MINCi-HOl BE AND SCHOOL DESKS V made to older, at 50 '.WCAItTIMt 8'roet. 11-3 OKOHIIK Pl.OWMSf. OflflM ,81':ONl).HAND COTTON 6EAM kl)W less lis,,, In store and fur sale by JOHN T. Bill Kf OO . An. IIS N . 1 It' IN I Street. DECEMBER 9, IBM. PROPOSALS. 111U-.F U !' A Kl K R M A .s 1 1 ; K 'S OKKICK, AM dAlmi In l riiKM.IIrdwMr. f.ttniitr. I. fit. r.Oln- Hirniturr, llni,M, anl HJ lu t 9. r.. rr V unit 0 tin rtVi t. ,m MOshAV .fMrh wrfc A rllr-il pro- prurt) ,r Ht, in (lit l). r.i-,o. Hi- artic'rAsj mv a-P p.-ti,,, lit llu imh toihi tlitwrl mi limit n .llrrt. with ths , tK.-nC(NI iniiit'ii iTjii.oni tpi, tl m;trj 1 hirt' t fin lilt Ii Um nl nin'-lull v, ry Mm Iay inornintr II It k'l'l'L I'll ItriiJIi'f -OmiTl iwntriiMr,iiittinnmtfT. t.'UH ol Wslliinillnll . 11 1 OVMCr AHMY CI.OTIUX'I AND Kuril fiKr, TWI.l.Kllf iihI (.INVKII I'lM HorI.'i! rmponnN wilt . 1 . Uv . mb.T I. Mil. Mu t Hllt-o utitk . (.1 .V-fcuviMU MmrilM 1KNIH AND KUI M . .Hmr MtMl,n 1. t'ljici to tr 1 m-r t.i. ,',4I, -ifh 1 I f I 114 It, hf III ..f r. in. Ii C i'Um Uti- fc,t. i MIKI IV.U IT.NI1 trt... Ti ln uit'lA ii:' llnrj.r y in .1. in n ifiii . in, u All "f ttu- Ah .vi tnn'i m.,1 tl.w . u. . . -. v -1 in' Biinnt a.).iir, l,v IN. tni'tit J'iar,rriu,i-sti,r'i Io- I' '"'I U'liM !,( iriiirntitr. fi In rti""'IM nr. I 'i.i, m..ii- tu'uri'. tn 1 j -1 I ntut (lltM il (m , (MMMk. j .p"n.r.l tn l h.- Kiir-i. 1 l rtiul uri!rirM n'. iHitv , "in" p'll:ic luix I ut!r of f ! ""uti I.I - irum di '.mftfr u rniurni 'f. 'ind tlmir tli if ,! n it "I "f ttui .lwr:,1-:a.Mil, t l. lUHtlk I r..ti..cpr l. fui' 'r (ir"p.m,lf, ' 'lltlT' (1 N t ft 'I Ii mill initio 1 ilu nili .rn'n,T tlm torm of ti e :i I ' h ul on n ...J .-.iit.ri 'i Ii iV not fiut.rn. i' tlm .11 At.v pr... .,.u (lt. , ,, C'ti.iuieo t-i Hiv inn. ,1, . 1 ni n il fii.lr1. ,1 tv i- in - r. 1. .1,1.-1. .1, n .1 h iU rs, ltl,t ptncil ii it'!- M. n tn I.I. .t" t'll' to Im,..r aii, .ju'llililtv of. .arli k'nd : f SI II. ir lo,,..e. ei. Ii it " I,, i sup. :,', tatniK'on tilfl en. i.i rr.p..-n'a for Annr lupe tin' rti, I.. h ,l f. ,i ,., . , in ni in in..., 1,1 C,il,,n,'l Ouarlenuiisinr llepa, tinsnt. ('Ull.r (jrAllVKKMASTMR'S OI'r'ICK, ,., , , , '!' iss.ii. ,i,i... Snieinn... HI, Nut "i iiii'lbe'rV-iiuVi1''1 rl'IIJ. UfTf tut "tHiiiitrv., II'. Mi, Id. k'!!l lu fi.Sf (S, Will (In (,,,t ii. sp.tal 1 t.i IMns, tf.1.0, , I " Mitail, wnll iio Isr...', W )' NlUAll, ti niriinr OrJi-r Horn-, .Arinr Misajard. ,i , .Ul do do do ,1a do "v, n-i do. do do, do do, ,1., .Ii, da d, , ,1.. do. ,, do. do do. d. e-, do do, ,, do i'" Inti!ifi: , count ll. I'lH.-llliIIV. I1" lor.o.L ltnn.r. Po.iord.r P' s. .Mt.mln..' Hep.. i t P'.-l l.eiier 1'.' -I (.1 sid lii'porl II". in entJ 4 Order ti.. I , oc, Ko Ursi-rlptln-I'o leilex rur..'t I'raeltce .-,.,p , oi ti e !ii.u!ra artl. les mar be OMICe ol I l ib ii.' mill p'Oilpsve in 11,1. .itv t'ti at the I o t,e ft.'ltv. r. ,1 tree ol rt.aru,, ... I a...... , "I ',,"'" 'r. House , Un. . v,k.,I nor ',,,. ,.,.,', ll I l.e ll.lli, eot III' ll,,rtv furiil,!,,,.. .,1... I,,.... ..... tils 01 . ili-iir.rily marked on en. h ..rllele mid ,,., r,i,.' utl i.tkiHt ,i,.,i,,. , , . ... I'm ties tr r,l,.' J;1""" "'- !"" "' "trelsli, ihe pm-o, and linio a Miiuplea.whrii submitted, mu, t !ia nmrliJ nn.l ... red lo rs,rre. pond with i., ,,ro,.o,il and o J leieto must Kiiarsntf. ;., Btf & 'Pv villiiol'liec,,!..'.,.,;,',!)' a.uiid.IU..rivi,o the prop: ee',',.,- '',-" ','! 'I ''''"" respmsitilo persons, mii.t se . i - ', ''''I.Kxrave.'iiiu that t,0 i.i.idor will i, .' ... . n '...' ... n, ei inner iii, prop hai. i'," "b:' "l""ii'l "n I III HSIi.u . Herein ir 1 1. 1VA, k. M.. nt il,, tfthce, und bidders uro niMsti ,1 lo t-e Lr, sent. Av.ardsv.ilbe niadenn V dues lav, Ileeemher II al ,i pret, reeee n,d Im elven lo'.r. . .ru. .. piete H eir iViveriea wlllilii Hires uainiiis from aato of ful'lVli"u" ,"l;"-' "''loiredthattln contract tvlllba faithltillv relevrama relallni; to proposal, v,ni not be notleed oi...!ru.a.r,7a.iVc.:.p,''il,'':"u",c,s-",,a """' m"r ht pT.hrdkU 10 "J,ct 7 b'J dMn:1 nnreasonable Is of o'le'oiT ie r'' '';! "T " ." insert the name 01 llje uiUele ot'er, d), aoo ud'lre.H i oionel vt ll.t iam y. m, KIlf tldef Quarlcrmuatm. Clue iniatl Depot. -pROPOSAl.S FOR FOIIAGK. J- C'llllV (Jl .1111 I kMAslWl'S On ICE, 1 Hi er ,,k IVxstiiNoroy nlfm o rr"r"''are In. Ited by the n,r.K,,, ,r ;p. Dlyins il ul int.d Hlales u.iartermns or s le,arlmi.nt at .l,l,,,to, l. ('. j ILailimnie. Md , mi',, " ,' 'j roroens Monnss. Vn . or ..iil,t.-..r O....J ... "u I em, iiata. and Striiw I'ldswlll bo r.c, lied for Ihe d llverv of rivm ho.l.i. ... . oi u or wai and 60 tons ol Hay or biravv, and up- v. in il ... . , . . , "lr" ur 1,1,1 ahivp. named points li e) pi, pose lo make drllv. IP . und the r ues lit wlilell II . v vlll d.llv.-o. s thereat, the ipianU'y ol eae .irtiele prp,.M ... be delivered, the 'ln. whi, rleled! ' 1'"u'1"l'u' lu ul'u lo be com- 1 be prl o ,ii. 1 1 written net In words on tho b'di. bio.. ' " "-v. ui .ii a-oou hi,, in sacks, ot el,.ti: two e.ub. ; tn. n O..H ui llso tueks, ,, about three bushels I tl" ,rt. K , 'o bd liirios I I . I. ... ... tbe llbv. ii,n.. .,lj 11, ll.ivorNlr.iw lo l, a. ;urel h ,le! I be pare, nlnr kl,.,l or ,le.,T,i, ,,,., c, ,,, 'v props'. I.'.' "' ' U'",''"'!. staled"; Ui. All ll- nrtleles oir, r. d nn.lerthe M.I, h-reln In. It-d ivl'l ''"ello.lWldln.p.'ello;, b. tho l Sovrrnme spec lor, beioie l.i mu ueeep'etl. (...litra.Ts mil be aw.trd, .1 fr,,m do- lowe to time to tbe -I re. p. -ii- iblc l,i,t, b re, a. I:. lllte.r.,1 Old i. .Verii- j... .. ..... pnyio-111 Will 1,0 llllo.' Wll,-rth.l ai'd e, ept.-.l. ,U1 snail liavi ueun dell red I 1 be bolder will bo re.iulred a-rompanvlils with imonrnntee, slcnen bv tvio re,p,,n.ibie p-ron.t Uixl In esse In, bid is nee-., be or tuey ' wl I v.uhl.1 leu ,lay, thoieatler execute tbo con tra, l lor ihe sun .e, w Ith a-ood and smllon-nt suiollex. In a sum e,,nal t,, the itmoiuit ,,i ibe a.i..i,... ft-i Ii 'e pioponed in eonlonnlty wlib tin-terms of this ml vei ll.eiuclil : and In cia., H e m.i.i bid er sieuilo fall ti eoutritet. o.i v to i.e.Lo ........ flit, r ll.t,, the , belween the ctlerof s.nd liidrl ,i- un.l o. ..... " . UU0'bs'L,'nr,'le,,i'. ',r ,'l'""U "' """'' oontruct I tilt It'Hl il.ilhltilv (.1 thra , t.. ....... . ... e tiT the olbei.l eertltie-,to ,n a , ,,He 7mt,-' III. let .i i i. i ..".oois.or liny oilier otil.-er und' kiioii n to tt. is .r,;co. or ri'spunuibtu puraoa All hl-Mers will licdlllvnotilled uf lilt re . eilon ot llielr proi oiiils. acs-ptanco or I he tun name and Post OtTl.-e a Idr.-n of each bidder most be I. written In the prop soil. Proposals ran.! be adnressi il to llrluadler-den ral I) II. Ku. ker. CMei li,.,t l,.u.irtornisler. Winl,lni (I. e.. and should be-plaiiilymurke-r Pr.vo.alib.rPoraae 11. r..s in a sum e.,ual to the itiiemnt of iho contra"!, sin en by the . ..nlru. tor and both oi mmranlors, wiU he r..iie,l ol ll.e sucoesstUl bidder or bidders upoa u lujr th' eontraet. Iibo.k loruiH of bids, Buarnntis, and bonds mar obtained upon applieiol-.n t., t.u, ..tin e . be ri.i(.M nr pi:up.!..,L. (Town, County, un.l stinie i I, the aubscrlUr, do hereby prep'! to fumiin and deliver to the lnlti,l Stales, at tlie vusrterniasier s ie- pHrtin. nt at , aurreublt to Hie terms olymr alv. n,.. ment, Ir.vitlns lor P.r.ue, dated, wail.iiniinn liepol, lieceiikber M, Is .l, tbo loliowiiiir arib.; hu.hels of Corn, la sackr, at per bushel ol SO pounds . bushels in Oats, In sacks, at per bushel of Hi pounds, tol a ol haled flay, at per too ol loon pounds ions ol baled Strau .ot per ton ol'lMsi poun ls (i. il . erv lo eoiinneiice ou or tef r the -day of '-. ; ,aud it. be cniiuiured on or boiore tlie - - day ,,, ' Is.;-, and nle lye nsj,ell to en'or i.-.tu u wrnt-ii e iniraet with tie. I' lilted mates, with KO.,d and upproied si"iriiles witlini li e space oi ten days ulier belli.- souiltd tlm' iu bkl nas beeoaceeet.'d. Tour obedient servant. Ilrhadlcr4iaurTa I). II. ltd ki n, " Cliki liepot rttiruta-iier, Wiot n ijio,,, o.o. ouahamke. We. the nHilersrvue.l. ro.i.lei... ... I. .k. ........ Of , and .state in . bur.-bv. u.n.i ,'.,.! eorrnani w in, ma l wiea . and guarantee, lu esse U.e fis-eimlnj bid of be accepted, that he or Ih.-y Wtfi WlltiiB ten .lara Sr h. bid, exetme the contract for tte s.;ine, wnh ,,d a,ia sum. lent ai. relies, lo a smu e,,usl to ihe auiociit ol o,e Col.lraet lo furulsn tiu. forage nro...l I., ........ .... terms ..I the ailvenUuinenl. ilated lie. is.,1 u.,.i.r hlcil Hie. bid was mane: and in i-..i o... hat.i ...u fait to untoj-Into a eonlraet as ai..r.-B, ;.l make the dlitoreuee beiw.-en tlm orr-r ol tho s.nd and the next k, wast responsible bidder, or tlie uor- son lo w lii,si tbe contract may be awarilea- l.iien uuoui our hsuds ai,d seal, una day of V . rseal 1 ' Witness: rne..l,1 I herecertlixr that, la Ilia bait of h. lnn.l.-.o., . a k,,i.i,.iiii icoaraaiork are if.-.ii ana Sltttl- rt. ni as sureties ibr tbe ainouut tlr which thoy oifer hi be ,e. urn v. To be ee'tlHed by thet'nlted mates Dlsrrlot Attorney, 'Ol lector Ol Ctlitoina. nr an nil, er otSenr nnib-e .1,. Hlntesl.oveiiiuieut,or reapvuslble persou known to this All pronnsals reeidved under this advertlse.o,.ni win k. oiM.iiedai.deaan.ii.Mrf at Oos olhee oi. Hm.i.,....i.u ... Msturilay nl each week al 19 M Hidden are resnoetliius tin lieu tube prusoul at llieopeuinn oi hids li H.oy d-sire. ... I. II. kHUKKII, 1-4 Vf Iliitfailler-UiTieral aud iuaiieiuiasier. A' WRIGET & SIDDALL No. HO Mirlrot Rt.root nrrri' ntosr awi rr.conn urnRrni. 0. W. WKIOIIT. r. .SIU1. I DRUGGISTS, m ysICIANS, A NO OKNFIIAL T'lKKKCHrKIIft, Cm find si om c.u hlnlnneiit lull assort mnlnrimpirt4 r.d Pen, nilc liniKi, Pi.pnlar I'ulent dl.nen, I'alnU, ( ol (ill, indow 1 iIm, froacrliniun Vln, ., at aj low hi iiiilii nrl-claa (.rs.,!. can bf Hold. FINR ICHMRNTlAb Of 1.4 Tot C..nlret!iifr. In full varllv, and of tlif boat inallty Co. litnral B-nt,l n.Hr., MAd.t.-r, I'.K Anh, A.h, Aliou.dll of Vitriol. Annsil.., fnpperaj, r.ttraet of lKo..,l,.U., KUIIUKMS UM, Ik.ji o(iAnl,a I. will net ca.h (.flora I't'HK SI'llTI roil rAMfTT IT.r, Cissas.i fpr, -st-.j f,,r our ! an. I to whirh vi iaTft the ft'umten 01 ihae in warn of reliahle artlola. ANo. IMii.tJ.ziAlnll, ill .-ilAtiD.itf mtr fii UlV. (i:iln!.yn,i!l,,,r , It v p- .i, win m.( W,h pmnpt at. I'ntlon.or spi.iiU uoonloni III tt rnrulihcd wti r IT SIUIVAT.U, 'olesalo linn VVnrehmiaa, i""'i' No 111 M AliK KT Htrwl,ab.. 1 II It W IS ' M ANTI-I)YSPE't;TIO TOWDETl. Mi eii nlltnt preventive ihat uioat.llatreaslns Mnaplalat IVSl'KI'HIA. In many ci,ee of lonn tn.lin It haeaHoi ilnl Iraljooat dert'oi riiei'. it is Pi i;i;ly vkui'.taui.k. PllKl'.Mtl.II ONLY HT i'i;i:i)i:iiiiK ttttowN, PriiiKl't and Cbetnlst, .R Cor. FIFTH AND CIIF.IMlIf T., Pblladolptua, And r,w sale by DraiMleta nnerally. lllrtl Dl'. A FN FSS, Bt.I NDX KSS, AND CAT A It UH. .. .'o l,AA,'t'. " . Prob-.sor or ti Kye and t ents all disease. app,.rt..liiliu 10 thenis,voineii,U.r. -Ilk nrens. le-om nials inn the l eoiiieea In the rllv ran be er. n al tils oilier. No. r.l pink r,oT.'.lT.h''U,''i "'. '"'" 'vl..-d I. aeco'n,.,; IN ll at en s as l.e Las no seerets In hia praeUce. lo-si "fi.-' ItAM.AilK IHsnruTK, No. II Nortt TT ,. MMII Hue,!, above Market . Kwterea ;..e iiijtiir a by ll C KW.IU IT H Prrmlnoi llrs.'oalliu Pre.a.ire Truss, bepe-lor Klanio Balta. K,t(e ritoekliiKi. Hupporters, Khonlile' Uraoes, isojeeo Series. Cnilel-.e-.. ,IC. Ladles attcoiivd by Mrs. B. C. EVERKTT. arO-ly yiiFv, viiioiN iTxTu'7TNTiTt7KTI T r 'Hits ex,iu,ite Co.mi'lic has no e,ual l.,r lieaiitiry n k, v. hnenlnii, unit nreiei -vlinj the complexion It Is pre pared Irom pine white wax, ben. e ll oMraor. Unary, i-iall-llis hr presirvib,; Hie skin, uiaslna- Ii soil, lali, suiuoih, an, l traniii.reiit. It U mint sooil.tiia atler shuvlnn. uurea rhapped blinds sm lip., removes pies, blotches, un. Ireekles, or sunburn, and Imparts a pearl, tint lo Uia tare, nrck, and arms. Pr' -e :ti , :,tl, and 7.. ren's. IIOMT A co .iio.lisiti.bhVKMU tttreet and Mo, 41 H fUuUTII Btreet. lu-ata pliltHOlVAl. I'R. Iiri)ERT'3. I'lirrly Imported rilKNCII FKM At.M.lijl l n and PILM xxoirentid In all rasei. Mra. cilAKi.KH llli n Kit r. Ob. si.-toral Pbultlan. F.ntisne and ,,il,-,s pnraus tat Lautes. Apply atUie UoTa.NIC lialld atoUB, No -lin 1019 CO ATr.H 8TUEKT, Wost of Tenth. V1ULTU. HKAl.Tll Aim I BKAl'Tlf. ' " If to sals adrdhnfi eyes : It to cause invidious slvbe t 11 ts tie a bloouniia Itower, sdius, dil.n in an hour ftssuTTl If to hare a host of ft let, I ; It for vice to ma se aiuoiids ; II with hl:.'ti-b(.ra blood to wed ; It a marble stone when deal tTtAJal Kto live threeseose and tea. Wishing U'e as lonir airalai It in live a tile ol peawe; If to die and ko to ure.ue Qkalth I Ifyon wish a life of pleasures : ll inn Vklue nils wor.d a treaaurwi It eseiy coiutert sou would ieo Tnxe u,y aUvu e, and wish nil . Arcs. I''"",; f'Mlth. Wealtli.and rteaaty, lou 11 b. (.rtpareu lor ever., firaes.fiii),. riii.i or In. wit v,i viih New '"IK AlAKKUllK l.l U.K. wnk-l. should be roll by everyone, a.l.l by ibs-a .oli-rs k'n -al... aod at Cm . U , r TO Sit 11' CA IT Al.VS AND O WN XH&. Tf'Z'Z.'Jj'Z''!"'! 'u'V''''''u' ",M"1 'he Ke-NsiJNJ-: J . . I . K b"" ,u u"--r'" '"I friends alio Ihe paironsollhe Il.-..lhal ha Is prepared with luc-reaaoS is-.llrs lo aec-miiknjHie l.a. n, vesson to be raised or repaired, an I htm,; a pr.ii-lir-al shl;.-ea.-.e-itei aad cauis.-r, win rive personal attention tu aU r.isiela aaw tni.ted lo tiiro thr repairs "sseie aav Captains or akmiis. Hnlp-Carpeoters. and MaehlalaU havmu vessels b. rspalr. ', s..J,.,o. b. call. Ilavlns the aerne. f -.r the s ile of" Weiierstodts' Pilarit I omposioon." or ( opper Paint, for the uresornv lion ol vessels' botloins, fni tins oily, I am ureuared io rurulsh the same on favorable terms. i-i'-toi io JOHN H. HAMSnTT, ... u Kenslnuton slrrew Ibvsk. enhll-n nelaware avenne.ahore l-.nrrl airsset. l'fp-? i'OR KUW YORK.. fll'Tsni.v rii-v COASTWisK M f.AMsllle COMi'ASV'll Hi VV KKKIllIlT I.IMK KK St.W VOIIK. ar.d comnK-tli.!! for , Noitberu and Ea. tern elites an e tirli alis. suiiiiie .j-y TLKNl.Ar, Tni'ltBllAV, . . AVIi SATI ItllAT, from the rVimpnnv's wharf, llr,l al,re Itace almxt, aad fM "0lU 1'"''r l1' K"r. on same days, at Pur frelvhl, whleh will he received d illy, handled In tho most eaieiul ii, sinier. a d il, leered wllh ths sroaleat doa .i.UTi, at lair rales, ap Ino ., ,. , H U.I.IAM J. TAVI.OIt no., J No. M.r-.h Wliarvoa. f I tlAM WK I'.K Li TO LIIKB a Mis il afcka. pool. toMehtng at l;ue i-klewn. Cork llarboei. 7. . V.r.V", "'''","'r 01 "'O l.iv.ii.oo., Ne Vu, ead as f.,l"owi1'. ei'"a,'l" ouipaiiy ais Inl.niUd la 1 Ml N III Itli. Katorday, lleeember In .LAM nw. B iiur.lay. Ineiuiber 17. CITY Oi- MANl'lllTl;n. haturdai'. Hcreinlmr'H And ei erv sticeeedli-.' Salurday, at nikji,, rroia Pier Na fri ltn Klv'r. KATI M UP 1'AMHAIiK PA YAktt.K IN UIIKIIKMOr. rirst Cabin ann uo ,sio.rKo PAUt I Irst Cabin to t endon I70.i Nleeru.0 to I .union... leCUS rirst Cat.m to Pans.. Pshsi kiu.,.,aa to Paris ito-ia) Hr,l lo ll,iinl-r flhOKI 8-e.r-to kl uni-urn 7 lej Passei aers al.o forwarded tn Havre, lireuieu. Bo lertlain, Antwerp. Ac .at eipially low ralea. Pues (ism ljverHio or yneenslown :-Klrst CaMa, Il.t, ft. tl, -i'(l Wo-.ra-'e from Liverpool and Oiiwne town.s.fl. Tho,e wlio wuh to send for their uieuds eaa buy t.ekrts tier.-at these raoxs. 1 or iwitber nvtornjaUa.ii appiv at the Company's onloaa. Jim .' il. n.ii.i:. tk-riu, Ko. Ill WAI.Nt T Hueel. I'biladelpbla. liO.STON A.ND PHII.ADKLPHIA RToaniehln l.ltw.. aalllns' from each nort am i I lll.AYN. troDx flrst w ban above PI NK Mreel.Phibx. dfiphia. aid Waarf. Uostuii. Prom Drat WUart abort PINK tltivrt. on Maiuidsr, icenil,r ID, The kiran.sblp .SoltM I . Kaser. wdi sall 'rom I'ti'Udes IvldM n,r on .Sainr.tay. i'eteuiber lb, at iu A. St.. aetl tbe sieaii.iblp tliWN', Maiitiuws. front Uoston kaf hlldUpl.:a.oa aiii.da.',at If. It. Tueso nrw ai.o iLbkisnoal au'alnsiilps firm S resnUst Une, SH' irr-13 each port puncinaUy en Haturdays. In surajiees eir.s.-ted at one-ban Lue preruliun ebaraed oa, Sale ,.,... Prelshis ul'S at fair rates. Shippers s- e i.s,uested lo send Blip aVioelpts and Ula Ladlni. wllh their K, .,,,. Per rie.shl or Patsa.a (having fine accommodation) apply to HENK V WIN. Si III A CO., Jal-ll Vo.Uj tl. l.EI.AWAKe. Areassa. sfeiSV-ajsws.t.snd Owlftsura Lines, ' iMllaware aud I.-.riiau i anal. 'The steamers of f. se liuee aro leavlne dally at 17 o'clock St., said I o'r1"' r Sl.oiBi thlial pier anov. xv ami, i si'e,4. ' lor treliibt, wbtch w" '"ken OB aenommodutlsar' terms, spplr to Wit uAM 14. UAiKU dl CO.,io. UiV Li: LAV. AUK Ay-"-