The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 09, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    (ftvcmufl itccav;m
HUPAY, Ll.U'.Mlli-.ll 9,
T.iwarils the enj ..f the it century, one of tlie
popular Kong cmlcd with ino liMinu :
JaniisrNV Ihe moMh fi Ml"' murdering of kl..i :
ttui a, II leach Ui"r French J"oliin much belter IMiiK.
And Hi tlift ev(MinP if twenty yctrs' w,ir. fir
wliii h wn are Hill unlit rin, we (lid U'urh the n
bitter itinrs ; i" hast w.j tir .tight Wk 'he exilcl
llMiirt'H. t'i ilie )u r-'.'i of Limit Will, lw .titer
to I,nult X I, one if tlm rijal Jaim try vktiui",
'1 li. re is ii s-imu I ir ri'wiii'iliinro in tlio rlrouuv
st.itiocs, the cliiiri.i'tcr, uml ilie futo il tlio Irene-It
null l''.ti0!th ki' pi w ho pi rislio'l on thn grall'iild
in the (Jlo'imy nioiitli f .1 miiiiry. liith were
call"! upon i Miller for tli t runny exercised
liv tliulr fori M'hrrs. lintli were rixmI iloincxtic
ii, ( n, hihI sliowcil, iimlrr the moat trvln ctr.'iim
slunies. a tlcrreo of mnrai?'! uml fortitwlr for
wlil' b toritiui var.llutiuu would not' huvu Ii re
puted otic.
The solium closing: fccne of tlio life of Churl is
1 of l-'.myl.iml. an it was ri'prpsonr"cl more than a
rriiturv (Hire of Louis XVI of France,
mum ttr-t le lt ril'l. i
t'liiirlea 1 slept soinnllv the nit'ht iiefore- his
mention, t ti orili ttto noiso of tlio workmen em
poelin fruniiiig tlio nuuilo:d Bounded contin
ual y in ti is cars.
Atlcng'li ihe futal morning, tlio morning of
January the Hdth, 1 i , arrived. 1'he klnn c illrtl
one ol tiis uitcnOanif, and li.ulc him dress him
wnh more ilmn iikual airo for what ho wai
p a-t d to denominate a Joyful solemnity. The
atnrtbetotu Whitehall wan the pluco UeNlineil
for the i xi cution.
The kinx wai led thmnu'li the hnniietinK
hinige lo the scaffold, nttemled by UiBliOj. Juxon.
The i alluld, covered with liluck, whs giunled by
soldiers. (u it were to be seen the block, tuo
axe, and the executioners in masks.
The kiritf surveyed all these solemn prepara
tions wl h composure, lie forfravo hn enemies,
ei In Tied Ilie people to return to their olieslicnce,
and to iicknowlcUfio hid sou us his successor; and
lie signified his attachment to the Protestant reli
gion. Mi ver ili.l (Itiirles appear so truly great us
whi n on the scallold.
v Idle preparing for the block, Bishop Juxon
called out to him :
"There Is but one stape more, which, thotich
turbtih nt ami troublesome, is yet a very short
cue. It will soon carry you a great way. It will
ratry vou from earth to heaven, and there yoj
will" find, to jour great jov, the prize to which
jou uastcn a crown f glorv."
' I go," replied I'harlcs, "from u corruptible to
an incorruptible crown, where no disturbance
can have place."
"You exchunge," said the Bishop, "a tempo
ral for an eternal crown n good exchange."
diaries, having taken oil' his clonk, delivered
tils georce to the prelate, pronouncing the word,
'Kciiictuber." Then lie laid his head on the
block, uml, stretching out bis hands as a signal,
one of the executioners severed his be id from
Ids body ut a blow,wuilu the other, holding it up,
exclaimed :
"'1 his is the bend of a traitor!"
The spectators testified their horror In sighs,
tcurs, and lamentations. The regicides risen
to power as the chumpiousof liberty, but the
execution of the king was an act of unjustiiiuule
It is a curious fact that the sheet tlia' receivel
tl, cloud of Charles I, after its decapitation, is
carefully preserved, nlong with the communion
jilatc, In tbe church of Ashbnrnliain. The blood,
with which it wn almost entirely covered, turned
nearly black. The watch of the unfortunate
monarch was al-o deposited with the linen.
These relics came Into the possession of Lord
Ashhurnham immediately after the death of the
The body of Charles I was buried at Windsor,
in tlio vault that had already received tho body
of Henry VIII.
The quaint historian, Lilly, states flint many
Iiave curiously inquired who it was that cutoff
tlio king's head, and be says:
"I have no permission to speak of such things,
tivAy thus much 1 bay, he tliut did It is as valiant
mid resolute a muu us lives, and ono of a compe
tent lortiine."
Lilly also observes :
"The next Sunday but one after Charlos I was
beliended, Itoliert Spavin, secretary unto Lltm-tcnant-Gcnernl
Cromw-cll ut that time, invited
liimsclf to dine with me, and brought Anthony
I itr.-on Htid teverul others along with him to din
ner. Their principal discourse nt the time wai
who It was bi headed the king. One said it was
the common hangman; another, Hugh Peters ;
and others also were nominated, but none con
cluded. Itobcrt Spavin, so socn us dinner
was done, took me by the band, and
curried me to the couth window; said he,
Thoe are all mistaken; they have not niuicd
the man that did the art. It was Lieutennnt
Colontl Jotce. I was in the room when he lilted
himself for the work ; stood behind hitn when he
did it ; when done, went in again w ith him. There
is no man knows this but my master (Cromwell;,
IreloG, "Pd myself,'"
A.H'i now ftr & parallel scene of deep tragedy,
enacted across the water. On January 21, 17!Hi,
nt eight o'clock in the morning, Louis XVI
entered the carriage In which be was to be con
veyed to execution. The procession was nearly
two hours in reaching the pluco appointed,
formerly called the l'lace de Louis XV, but
whli h was then denominated l'laco de la Invo
lution. The interval was employed by the king
In his dcvotlonB, und lu reading the prayeyi fur
the dying.
When the carriage stopped at tho scaffold the
ling said, " Hons voici done arrives" (then hero
we are). He pulled oil' his coat, unbuttoned the
Iitck of his shirt, ascended thu scuirold, and sur
sr,.veri for a few minutes the immensu multitude ;
then amiroactiins the made a motion for
filencc, and with a raised voice B.iid, in trench,
,f which wc Bive the translation : " frenchmen
1 die innocent. I forcivc my enemies; and I
lope that France " but tho king's voice wus
ilrowned in the noise ot the drums.
Three executioners then approacked to seize
Jjuuin XVI. At the sight of a cord, with which
one of them attempted to tlo his arms, tho king
Lowed fii'ns of indignation, nnd seemed ubout
to resist. bnt almost Immediately after submitted.
The executioners luid hold of him, and placed
liim on the iruillotine. The Abbe Kdgeworth, the
king's confessor, then knelt down with his fa: e
rear to that or tne King, ono pronounceu uioun
these words : "fill V St. l.ouit, tnonUi au ciel."
fCloliI of St. Louis, ascend to heaven).
The blow fell, and the Abbe Kdgeworth ' face
was snr ink led with the kings blood. Tho cxe
cutloners walked round the scallold holding up
the king's head to be seen by the people, and some
cries were heard of "Vive la Nation" "Vive la
llepubliiiuc " (Long live tho Nation. Long live
the Republic.)
There have been manv French revolutions even
In our time. In that of ISIS, and its result, tho
evup d' i tut, there bus been much blood spilt, but
we have bad no lccal murdering of kings since
the execution of Louis X I on January 2, 1,'JJ
C'onroe of KukIIhIi Law In IHB5.
A nnaint old FlncMsh writer thns describes his
tnlt for a horse, which our lawyer reudcrs will
ace the pt4ut of :
'T1)t navf nrst aythlnir. eat' It Cimn.lum,
WCtiin w'uhl diivi I foil J"t'itl'intum
Wiitli oiiemontli I pit u tifponrwluiH,
la rilt to year 1 st tnltr.tu-turtxlum.
Aua I nut titiw call e II r -a AV0'-in7unl,
but I ouuld uvr ote word el Ubdiriliidiini.'
rinally, after two years' delay, the result was ;
"Vir atiaWMt, llr crlf d at 1ml t
Of Fronunrttimturn thv Dil Die word fln,
0UI I ytit Mr my iuod T4y mart aai."
KossvTit's Nirimws. Kossuth has three
Teptiews in the Union army -.Colonel L. L. Zu
lavsskv, who, when General Asboth was disabled
Im iIim lutA utvAra nniraijpmi.nt ftt Vf Upiann lm .
took the command and brought the action to a
uewssiul closet Major A. Kuttsiagg, command,
trgthe 1st Florida Cavalry ; and Lieutenant K
Tulartiky, la his brother'! reguuent,
alrtlini or llnrtun. MinRtM and
BMr lim hnllla.
On the Mth ultimo the It oyal Oeographical
Society reconimencca Its meetings in London for
the season, Sir Roderick Murehlson presiding.
Captain Hurton read a paper "Oa the T resent
Stuteof Knowledge Respecting the Source of the
Nile," lu w hh h he railed in question many of tb.3
statements and Inferences that had been m ule by
l uptMin Spekc. He denied, In the first Instance,
the ixisti nee of so I .life a lake as tho Victoria
Nj nna where Captain Spoke bad described it to
be. and consequen iy he disputed that the Nile
took its Koiii'C lioin lake.
lie asslgtied social f.a, ins for disbelieving
tliut there was sin It r lake, lie ass -rted that the
It vel ol tho lake was not sutli lentlv li gh lor the
sour' e of so huge u river, and Ir mi the testimony
ot tlio Arabs, a ronl pised throiiti whit w is
said to lie tlif n litre ol the lake. Anolh. r ro l-on
why he lb ngb' the Ny.m.a could not lu '.ho
source of the Nile, was that the periods of the
nlkgeil gtcnte-t elevation of the water did not
corn sp, nd Willi the overllow ot linn river.
T he word Nyann is npp'led by the African
tiibes to any body of water, Nva.a and Nynna
being Inditlin ntly used with tho same siguilic
tion. The Mountains of the Moon, which were
luid down some of Captain Spekc's early map,
bud, he said, really no existence, or nt least there
was no runt'c of mountains ot such a magnitude
es had been dcstrib d. 1 lie lunar mount tins
wero represented to bo of tlm lorm of a horie
shoe, and to enclose the north end of the LV(0
Targaiie.kii, some ol' the moiiiitmns being said
to I e ten thousand feet Ho did not de.iy
that Ihi re were some bills mi tba' direction, but
tiny were not continuous, and Captain linrton
contemn d that from the north of that
Inke a river Hows into other lakes to the north
wards, and finally Into the Nile; the Luke Tanga
nyika, sitiiu'cd much further to tho northwest,
Icing the source from which the chief waters of
Hie Nile are derived, lie denied, uowovnr, that
tliut or any river took Its source from a lako, the
ri al soiitces of the Nile being the rivers that fed
the lake from which the stream Issues. Capt iln
llurion mid he was fur from wishing to detract
from the great merit which was due to dipt lin
Spt ke as nn intelligent and adventurous explorer,
but he thoiicht it whs desirable that further ex-
loratiwn should lie mado to settle tne question of
11. e sources ot tlio no( which lie eonsioeieu nun
rot yet been determined, lie Inclined to think
that a hike situated to ihe norlieastol thercpofed
Victoria Nyan. i is the source ol the v bite Nile,
nnd the Assnara. which flows from it. was mis
taken by Captain Speku lor a tributary, when it
Is, in fact, the main stream.
Dr. Llvinirstiine confirmed some of Captain
Burton's views respecting Lake T.iniraiieik i. lie
mid when traveling to the westward of that lake
he 6aw several rivers flowing towards it from a
high plateau upwards of two thousand feet high.
He nstccd with Cantam Burton us to tho eeiiernl
siunilicaiion of the word Nyanzu, nnd he said he
hud Intended to cull the Luke Nyaza by that
name, but finding thnt the latter term had been
used, he did not wi-h to chango it. Tho north of
l.tike Nva.a had not been explored, owing to the
borders being in possc-slon of hostile tribes; but
Dr. Livingstone considered it not improbable that
a river (lowed from it ino thu more northern
lakes. 11c was of opinion that thn Nile originated
from several hikes in that part of Africa, und that
it could not be traced to any ono source.
Mr. Ualton defended the statements of Captain
Spcke, and contended that tho objection to the
LiihoNyaiiza being the source of the Nile, founded
on its low Itvel, was removed by the knowlodgo
of the fact that the instrument with which tho
level was taken was very imperfect, und could
not lie depended on.
A letter from M. dn Chaillu to Sir Roderick
JIurcliison was read, in which ho stated that he
wus about to proceed into the interior of Africa.
He purposcJ pursuing the lino of the equator,
until ho came to some largo rivor flowing north
wurds, which he intended to follow till it reached
the Mediterranean, and he hoped in that manner
to come to tho mouth of the Nile.
He was taking with him one hundred people,
forty ol whom would bo employed in carrying
his guns and ammunition, of which be hoped to
make great use. lie said ho had caught three
gorillas, w hich he Intended to have sent alive to
this country, lint two of them had died. Tho
other had been shipped to Knglund, and ho hoped
it would arrive safely. Ho has forwarded also
iome fine skeletons' of gorillas and many other
specimens of natural history.
The Supremo Court of California has do
cidedthat taxes may bo paid -in greenbacks. This
decision will materially aid the party in that
State who arc striving to introduce (iovcrnment
paper there as currency. It bus been exclu
sively specie.
We are prrptitd to fnnilsh Kew Cor)nrtlonl with
tlie Iiotikl ther rrqulre, at ehort notice end low irlcl, ot
flmt iiual ty. All etyles nt Illtiitlnir.
I.I I U'X.I! A fl I Kl ) du llu
IK A hSI Kit IlOllK.
(iltlirltS UK TIIANSFKH.
Kl tilHI KU or CAflTAL M'kCK.
Blsnk Bvok Manufrtiirern and HUUunera
J1.18-U No. 4 l-i HKHNUr Stniet. .
CAriTAL 11)0,000
KkClltl AHY-W M. H. LANK.
A. fl. CATTELL, Frvetdeat Cora Exdiiiife Kstlonl
Hank. l'hll.lcl'hia.
KIiWAlU) U. JAMLS.uf the lion, of Thcm.n nichaid.
un It Co., rbillclnl
JOHN ALEX A JiDKIl, Ka. 193S AlTh ttreot, PhlUit.
DAVID VAMiEJtVtlUt.h'o. 60S X. Thirteenth street.
I. II. LVDAY.lMltsbunr.
II. II. 1'OUTKB, M. I)., Wllmlmrton.
VII. B. I.AMK, Khlladili.hi.
Ofllw No. 148 S. FOURTH 6Strot,
The proprry of tliln Couipunj coniists of OH l,d
Lcei , and (inmnd Kent Iteierves or ItiiyKitlLi ot all the
oil produced on tho "A. Butfiaaan Kann," on Oil Croik.
And also, all the oil and iindtirKronnd di'iioiltn In two him
droit arret of land on Kim Ukkory crooi, Vucauts ooanty,
There arc ubout one lmndrcd and fttty surreyd oil lots
on UiS i(A- liuchanan Farm," over alxty of which aro
Uui'd to flrt cla. oieratori. Bevcnti-en wiU are uoir
proUiK-tnf oil : leverul aro now blnif teiti'd with irood
proti.ecte, and twenty ur thirty being borad at various
Use! of pmirrrM.
As a so'.til promi'lng lnTestmnl a Halted ntimhr of
fliUpaldtharei.oI till par iharo, may b obiamod at (7
each, upon applh-atlon ta anjof Uie f1tM:rB,or at tho
tiffii e of the Company.
Th' proeportui, oiutslnlng a full description of the Cora.
pany's property, can be obtained at,tbe olllce. l-3U-lra
((Kt.'OND X00).
M .J7U BrlM7 w) Ttiu.
or TUB
Sulsciiption Trice to a Limited S umber of
Shares, $2 50 Per Share.
I( nrnpoMMl to form thi- Coininy from Ui f-llowlnj
I. TIip Uv lmtlcnf 1 :-; tT. known a ihr "c.tKr
1 .ifin " of) ftiK Itmhi'li-trit w rcrR, uml on thu tin! nf ttifl
l'titmrlel, liin imrt Kri1 Kaili'ind. tttml h lm I mlin wixt
ot tiirlini'l. Pitt-fii I1 i.wnhhit. Warren cnuii y, ffun-vl-vmtia.
'I In I'Uitl lo kitiiiiti ii tn (mh nt tlif tM'xt Ik- iiiitii'M in
tho nfk'Iiti'.rh'tdtl. If i ft, k In tin- whole nf tho vnlli'V f f
vr i in 1 1 hi ixtMil, kivimk a 1i"iiBt'i on trie llr.ikun
Hirnw r r k ut o -r iwu mii''i. It nlso et fi'1" noniirtiir'l
n ir il.t bind', ii ml uk In ne-niilt r voir ptrtion mi itn Mine
Kt' ti ii'iiUrv ol tin' HroKen Straw, lifkt n-Sfnivf
r t k IiiK p It riM' trom tim R"t "ulc of ih blntl, wl.irh
(run ' Hi" c .It atftl Oil vtp'-K, on tlm wl piJ:.
If ii;iviivnb from Iho CotliT l-svnn to the AHorfiHiv
riTfr, n ilinniirf "f t-n iml1, ami tliiio aitofiti u Hl'i f r
imiii'Mriat-n ly Unis ti I'll "I'lurt. A mention- l l -fort',
ihr Hi tin vl.lm nnd fn K.iilroitd ruiu dlrccLly
throng ii ).roii lv on th' tut tik o nn' trk. hihI t m it
tt 1'ioiiiit lii ti ir t i ointniiiiit rition mth tin' nru oil
nnrfcf. N'w rk an1 l'iul-l'' iMn Th Ii J'H rim
ir'-ti t' ?,'t In oine p i verv (irrnpiiy. C.i'Te
l a lam lunlt 11 to tk ii ut tnl'iwivnn thn r-r t
i. rt , . I I.'; liniiii -nn' at -r-powtr Ut on ol tie tn-it
and tif st '.n-trut ctl miw in 1 1 - In tin- rmitiif v. t hi-, 'lit li
it' ( rrfsrnt t-u s ii W lx I ol IuhiImt h-t dy n ith our riing,e
Ulirii-lii mw.
A j-Ri K of uivn ' onM he atMt d ftt a itnall nd 'he
n I ) lp iiiniU' i ap ibl- ot prmim n( r'fHH"i to in i nn
I'ltti. at tint '- f inal I" mi rlniiiry prodiM ttm wil T'i"
IjiiiMrt aiimind witti pinr. heniiiM h, A' . in tih 'iiiAnMtf
a to kf p tin ntill ruiiniiiK lur apvcml .arg. In a I'll
tl n h itif mill ihfic ii ik Tcrv fltihst.iiitial nnd k;ir.-t lift nr
)ioiii, ht s i ml niHlt'-r c nun, lM n, stnM , h'f -fcinitn
ho, nr 'ruler Rhop, Ac. Ac ; In short. fvtTyiiiii.i I ml
hi) pt-rtf lift ot a twenty ycur' rfvid"ti' liio-li' tho
lute nn nor to lm nicisisiirv. The hoi torn litnd nn ttif Mir it
pond In nn in iv lam), in it-aVcii lor thu purpuse, and is rr mo
j.t to !it " acri'H In t'xtfiit.
Tho fat in iihouii'tM with choice npofi for rirMHot, an1
wtth ift' ihticn lor tho purpose, mirh nn f-w otuor ln ti
puD-ffh. 'I lir ravlni-n wlileh ltitiifit-t and torin ore-iki
tc ii uml through tha hults ami whtcn nr f ont- h i nli
lM' lor we'lu. I'Ave rim- Mtp atur. wKirh will irive nitlni -nt
w ntiT power ti niatno It imitu dlat'y to f mru -ni w
ink lm; H-vernl weilt, ihui ia in ttte expnoand d'ltv
In niittttiitn' CiiKllHU. A derrick ran In outlt nriir the nnw
mill ami vi-annu; attichwl, th in mnkliu ttie mill toatiwnr
d iihlr imrpoie 'I he "fihowi ' ut oil am ciial, a-id In
oinn pine mprlor and more nnmurmm, to th"' o
frt v. d lu what liai piuved lu ) the butt ljcalititon oil
About two mllM from thr f;irm. over the MufTi, tho
H.-nmer ll oinp.iny, of lhlliid.l.!il't, ar rt-lliltu tw
well on tne llufinrr run. which rniptirt Into th Hniken
Rtruw nt Uarlaud. Tlnne wcili ure kiviuc the inoit knttl
f m fvlderce of the nnteiMx of ml In ivrent inantitlfit
Mid have eat ah l-lud its preeii'-i In tht reWon lM.nid a
doubt. Th t otter I-'arm Is flttiit"! nrly dn north of
tin; now r;h:iirtl Tiileant, on the Alleirhenv rivrr.
II. The tec ftlmple ft llt'7 Hcren mi tha .Sortfi H.ilrnon
rrfek.Tione-i.i t-i'Vii-Uilp, Forrent r unit v, I'n.. in-t o-r
tin boidtr o! epatio i oiinty. Tliia lHtui ttn In lh cie
of theCottrr Karin, takra In tho valley ft will an th
lihifN on troth, Mii'l i tTnvered bv nuiiionmi ruvinrg
and litil' itrt anm runninif Into the Stimuli OrePk. Tho
v td m-ei of oil cannot be excelled In t'n t,are no inrk'd,
ami tti1 torinatioti ot the land 1m m tavornb i; to the
enee ot of), that every oil man vmiiinif the region navn :
"Halmoii i n ek I- bound to cipuil tho world renowned i til
Creek," nnd ittf a. ccuiattn public luivc nhowntt lr faith
In it bv h aulm.' or bult p c ery acre of Und from thin
ciniiaii 'n territory to the uioutn of the "reek nb -ut tlvu
unlet ac woli au up and tlowa tho J iunusta rlvm' for
rvcrat inlb'H,
Thi pro.erty In Htfnnte ab-mt ten mile cast of t'ic A'l"
Klieiiy river It a hour id 4 with tho tiest ileMTipt'nti of ifuibt r
I'lnu, cheny. hen. lock , etc , whirl can be mad It yield
a haiidhoiiic revenue to tlio Coinpatiy. Th dm cl ip-nunt
Ol thf cotmtrv l rapidly proKrCritiK- A wo 1 Ir bclni; Niink
hail a mlie trom the property, two other twomllo trom It,
and the 'I lone it a rlvtr In lined w:tl t'lem m each de for
inl one at the mouth ot Halnrm creek, now yicldhnr oil,
and all ol tlo m frlvlru tnrh Indication-! wlil'e drilling that
have h'Ti lolore only ei ompanii-d the nlnkiiiK of thn best
wells n Oil creek. In addition to thl the count fen mir
rotindhiK orret county-north, nouth, east, ami wect,
arH all ielitini; oil, and h'ive ktiemrth to trie tup
tth-n t!ia Forrest county It In the icntreof an tnuutnse
bat hi Ol uil, underlying that whole rculon ol co intTv,
fr. i.. h. Davia. late manager of the celebrated Mirde
hhhd-Wtij, has been anp miicd to the pustitiuQ. anil Will
coniiiieni e tiperat Iouk at once.
A limited number of aha res will he cold at the above
mentioned subf-crliitlon price, $'J,.'tl per h;ire,WBlrh will Ua
fid! paid, i'd t'".0Hi aiip'iijd nmftmtt!y tu tau dcveaip
nwnt ti the property.
From the above propetnr' It will be neen thit the
Cotter F:irm till romnany ' oib rs unusual imlnebinenut
tu U one w mhitiu to inet in oh Mock. The extout ot Hie
Iiroperty o nt-ii bv inem, ov or tour miuare miie, tne wen
iKiwn prudtrciiveiiess of the ruroundinir reuloii, and the
fiiclhticH poi-eti-ed by theui for tlie Imuieiliate ifi velop-
mtnt of their territory at not mom than tw-ihlrdn tne I cost, warrant the Dlrectore In annertlntr thit the
'Cotter farm Oil Coiripany' will noon phne Itself am iifr
tho tirrit dividend p.MD(,' OU tiLuck Coiupanics In the
Hnhicrlptfon liooki will lie opened and lubicrlpflons to
the caj-.tiJ stock received ax the otllce of the Ooiupuny,
0fl, mul 2t M'asliin-toii Itiilhllii.
And at the oflko of
K. J. IIAKKIHON, Kecrelary. V2 3 -tit
L (' A NIC Dili
l RoPKHTY astp acres of land, known as Uie "KOX
TRACT," In Wood and ailjoinlnK t'ouutles. West Virginia,
within Ihe ' treat upheaval." and uklus In part of the
Band Hill."
The subscription book to the stock of this Company will
rOKITIV KLY close on MONDAY, l'.'th lint. Tho oppnrtu-
lltyls offi red. up to that tlmo, for the public Pi ohutn a
limlled number ut shares at $1 per Klmru.the purbelnu $10.
Tho subscription prh-e Is at a lower rate than lands are
selling for lu the Immediate vicinity, and is oflred for ihe
dole purpose of fumUbliifc au ample working canul
Printed 1'ro.pcetus, with ;eoloKical Itoport, can be li id
15-7 It
1 A Kr. e
I.le tr,,el ol Oil. I.ANIl. OH Oil. CKHKK, KNNllO
COI N1Y, I'KMKHW.VANIA. It lies ut the juiicil.nor
and eovers Kliout HO acres of ground, up n which urc
,,m,r.,o. l.KASKH. wl.h over HIXI'I WKI.I. IS there
ehtier nrodnciluf. or In progress and nuarlv llul.lied. The
I UKI I-H or, (tnili begllilUIW Oilier Well. OS SHCS I
Olio, i uiueil, al there is room for OMi HU.SblttU aill
"'i'l'l'n'use are both KI.OWINO AND PUMPIMl
WtW.b,oueol which has liowed
The Worklngln'erost of eneof the New Wells, sold last
week union the operatives themselves at uie rale, ui
and TIIKEE ACHKR reserved by tha original owner for
his residence, sold sase at the rate of 7lsl,luo
hu-h an opportunity. It is believed, has not tieen recently
otleied. and would ss.ike a producing basis of such value
an to aftord au luiiueuio capital.
12-7 Vo- sVALMUT Blrset.
r n a k k
CAl'lTAL, e e . . t,MMI,O00.
l(Ki,000 SnARF.s, TATi 10.
S30.000 (ash Working Capital.
1 uv;sitiint,
T. 1 1 ARKIN8 UU I'UY,
President of the C'auwlisa Kallread fvjnpanj.
ICB l'tlWUTirNT,
Of Ihe Hardware firm of Traltt Co., No. Market It
thi Asrnt a,
01 Wrrk, McCoucii A Co., Daakcrs, No. :l B.Tklrd strest
C. 8. Itll'ltAlttiS,
of J rmautown,
m I). Plir.HUBKD, Inmraiics Ajtcnt.
ol late llrj Ooodri Arm of J. T. Wny ii Co.,
Casliltr Mauch Chunk Itank,
DWAllD 8UllTXK,Ee.
The property of the TirsVe retroleum Cotntiany cons'sts
of two tracts of land, one of two hundred and fifty-seven
acres and one of two hundrek and sixty.flveacre., miking
In all rive hundred and twelve auxs. In fee, on the Cald
w cllliranch of Oil Creek.
The property has been critically examined by a Com
mittee appointed for that purpose, and tlie territory pn
nourcrd, In their Judirment, to be fully e.iial to thnt on Ol
Creek, alonif whuh the largest oil wells ever Uuicoverod
hme been felind.
The lands rescmb'c tliise on Oil creek In every pnrHrri
lar. and It Is believed, from the larKe number of ol
springs In close proximity, that valuable wells will be
opened on iHtth thene tracis.
The nianok'eiucnt h ivc already tcrnreil several engines
and eiiK&ged a coniietent superintendent, with a view to
Jjjitncdhite uml cncritNilc develoiioient
A large (Kirtlon ol these tracts Is bottomland admirably
ailnpted for boring,
Keveral compun es arc organized on lands Immediately
adjoining this territory, among which aro (lie Brlfgs and
Crescent Oil Companies of Philadelphia
In presenting the Druko Petroleum Company to tho
public, the Mroctors ak that tliclr scliemo should be ev
aiuiticil,alid subtcrlptlons made to tho Block la full faith
as to Its pmant and prospective value.
T. IIARRIN8 R0 PUT, President.
THOMAS D. WATTSOV, Vice-President.
SAMUEL WOKK, Treasurer.
Subscriptions will be rocelved at the Banking Uouie of
U 7 tf Ko. 3D S. Till ttl) Street
With the Prospectus and O xjogleal Report of the property
of this Company, aro now ready at our office.
This Company owns over 2.'Xi acres of wl.a'. Is known
as tie best OIL TKItlllTOItY upon tlie UHEAT UP
HEAVAL IM WEST V1BOINIA, and oilers large Induce
ments to parties to subscribe for tho limited number of
Rharea offered at II per shate for full paid stock, the par
This price per share Is not above the marketable value
of tha lands, and It Is offered for the sole purpose of lu
eriaslrg the facilities for development, and will, beyond a
reasonable deuol, prove a profitable Investment.
pniLAti.i ma, November 2t), 1H0. 11 '
yyAeniNGTCN and walnqt BE5D
Oil.. COIlA.INV.
CAPITAL 8.00,000.
Huliscr iptlun 1'iUe $2.
10,000 RLarcs Rcstnid as Wurklug CrtpiUU.
Office, No 314 MAE KIT Bt , rhiladelpliia.
Uo.l Awellon Oil Creek, now pumping lObarrelsper
diiy. Ht'd iiieieiisiui:.
So. a. A w, II on oil Creek, now over Xl feet deep, wph
Iuim' bowif oil Near tins Is the Corn Plainer Well,
v, Mih is now luiiupiiie isitl barrels ol oil tier d.iy.
No. a. A wel.on i ii) creek. diO leei deep, now ready for
tubing, with npieudid show of oil) every prospocl ol pro
din iiik luuely. m ...
No. S line afth Interest In a traet of five hundred acres
en tne Alh l.eoy nv,r ; ill wells, now pampiu liny Imr
rels ef oil per day ; lluee more welli, now going d'lwn; Milk
ner a nile ol river all g""1 lioilng tanlt ry.
ho. f,. A hiilfacie l Tuleouia. nesr loe Kcououiilc Wells,
viMch are now piiiniiliig sixty barren per 'sy.
o Kiglitanda ball acio, In Walnut llencl.on the Alle.
thtnyrlver; itumeiliste y urfoiinding Ibis ,nierivareniie
produc ng wells, i Ins tract will be develoiwd rauldly.
hub.eri tii'iis are now being nveiveil. aud a lare por
tlmi ol ti e stock already lal.eil. Tho pr oipeetUH no l ail
information can te ooiaineu a, me vmw, mi wt .'."""i
nu at ho. alt WAUKtr (iaeel.
11 1W lit
ran be siippHed at hiwcit essh ptlees with
t'l.11'111 ICATKH UK MUCK.
TltAKlt HOOK.',
' A full assortment of sainles on hand I n surehanors to
eleoilrom. Htivsof ovorlbgdUlorvnlCertihealesol 8uok.
V. 0. PEEBT, ManufaotHring Stationer,
ll-W-lw . S. W.oomor fOVltTH mm) M&Ofi t,
4'AriTAI. NTOI'K, rl.lHKI.OOO.
100,000 fLTARKS, 110 EAC
I P81 Kit TIOV ritlCK. PKH fsllANB.
Th. property ef this Company Is all tn Variant" county,
ard is beloved to bo as (nod oil territory as any In tne
So 1. One-foiirlh royalty Int.rrit In three acres nm
t.cmlrid and (lie perihes of land, being the HeCllnt.s'k
It. serve, situat.d at the junction of Oil Crcc, Chcriy
Ken. The leases (. ear) are held by energetic and ra.
siK PHble men. There Is a (lowing well sttoek about the
3. it, of October, and is now yielding 10 barrels per day,
with a good pro.pect o( a Increaie Trjere is also a
puaiping well, yieldingover 80 barrels. Intruaslng daily,
aedit Is eonlHlently expected will become a large flowing
well. Three other wells n-o nearly complete I, one 2H feet
dicp. In tlio third sand rock: one 4i0 feet deep ; oncttt deep, just throiii:h the third sand rock, and ready for
the ii glue, vihlch Is on the ground, and another jut com
menced, in all of which oil has already been toun I, and
will be, It Is snpposed.ln a few weeks, largely productive,
Disking sis wells completed and In active process of coin
pletlon. on this territory ttierc is room for twelve or six
teen wells, and, from tl e character of the lessees, will bo
developed rapidly.
tto.2 One half acre of ground In the centre oftlie above
tract, reserved originally by the owner as his residence,
and on which It stakds. This Is a fee elmphi. but subioct
to one-fourth of the oil produced from It. The host judges
ptor.ounco this half acre to be as good oil territory as
any on the cresk, and which the Company expect lo deve
lop as raphlly as possible f .rthe benetltof thestockho'ilers.
jo a. One-tblrd working In'ere.t In three and one-half
acres on Oil Creek, situated further op, ad.olmng the
whlow Met llntO' k s farm, and as favorably located as On lb'" rroperty there Is a new well, pru
duilng :iu barrels ol oil dally, and Increasllig. Another
will In progreBB or boring, and progressing satisfactorily.
Thi property It susrepiihl of greater devil ipmunt, nnd
promises to be largely productive.
Ut.. 4. Two iiunon d and ten acres of land In 'ee sl up'o
on Pitliole Creek, three miles from the Al'cthcny Kiver,
aud surrounded with wells, already developed and success
ful. A Isri-e portion of this farm Is believed to be good oil
No. '., A valuable tract on Stuart's Hun. containing
about thirty aires. This Is regarded as one of the most
desirable regions outside of Oil creek and Cherry loin.
Scvi ralcou piales have commenced operations with highly
favorable prospects.
Wo. 6. A valuable tract on and near Tubs Itun, which
empties Irto the Allegheny Klver.on the east side, about
one ml c above Tlonesta Village. Beveral ravines pass
through this property, and there Is considerable of good
timber on It. o reason why Itshoull not prove to be good
oil territory.
Ko. 7. A valuable tract on Tlonesta creek, Just above
Lacev 't Mills, on the left-hand side of tho creek, eontiln
Ingub'ut filly acres, vt lih as many rout oa the creek.
InUlrstlens for oil very fusrotab'e.
Nn. 8. A valuable tract on Tlonesta creek, Just above
the lust d. scribed, tou'altilng about aity acres, aud about
nfty rods front on the creek.
lio. . A tract of territory on and aclnl ig a run which
empties Into Hemlock ere. k, about Ave ml es from Presi
dent, and nenrto the property of the President Petroleum
Company. It contains about twohondred acres, part well
timbt red, the balance behevi d to be good oil territory .
J.n.10. A valushle tract on and near Pitho'e Itun, about
one mile from tho Allethetiy river, and aearly oopuslte
the celebrated I'ltnolo Creek, which Is now regarded with
much favor. This property contains about twenty-Ova
acres, part well timbered, and there are good reasons fur
believing they will prove r ood oil territory.
Iinuiediuieiy on going Into operation this company wlf
be 1b the receipt of say IX barrels o f oil per day, wl.L-ta
al S1U (It Is row selling at Hi), will be a dally income
$UWi, or $lso,lotl rcr annum, mauling tho company
make dlvlc'snJs of not less than three percent perm .nil
on the investment from the bej-tuniug, with a good prot
pect of a Urge Increase.
It li, bell o.l that no oil company has been firmed with
more certain prospects of suece-s. Only a limited por
tion ol the stock Is ottered at .", as tl.e corporaiura confl-di-ttly
bell, vc that 111 a very short time tho stock will bo
word much moi-f than par.
As ihe compnry relies mainly on tho (lrst described
property tor their ptesent Income, the following report,
made by a committee of gentlemen appointed to make tuo
examination, Is slibnllt. d
The untlersl;u ed couiuilttee, appointed to examine the
property ot the McCuntock Iteserve Oil Company, respi-ot-lullv
report .
1 hut they nave thoroughly examined the John Mo'iln
tock Iteserve, situated at Uie junction of Oil Creek and
Cherrv lltln. The property slocuted ou a beauiil il blulf,
admlrubly adapted to boring. There are six wells finished
and In progress. One well, which hail been yielding ah.ut
forty t arrels oally.had sui'd'nty Increased tonne hundred
and forty barrels, and was flowing at about this rate on
our visit. Another well, reprc ser.tO'l as yield ug seventy
five baireis, v,as pumping at the rate of elghtv to ninety
barreN, and the Intelligent superintendent and less, o was
sanguire In tho expe laron that in a short time it srould
become a flowing well, and tive much larger yield.
These two vtclis art. but a few weeks old, aud have every
Indication of bcoomlng very large walla.
1 bree other wells are lu process of boring, and will bo
finished on cr before the first of January; and from the
Indications, we believe they will all bo largely prodnutive.
One other well was jti,t commenced, aud will bo pushed
rapidly to completion.
The whole of the properly, except the half aero on whloh
the homestead stands, has been lessed, and It In tne liandi
of espetlenc. d and energetic men, who wl 1 spare no pina
or expeuee to develop the property irk thu best manner, aud
In the shor est possible limo.
The d.rrlrkt, h0uc, engines, tools, etc , are all new,
aud the bet i f their kind, aud In excellent order, giving ol the eareful supervision of tbeowuersof the
We have no doubt that the Company's Interest one
fourth roialtynow about (Iftv-flve barrels perday, which
at $10 Is w.ll be greatly increased by tho flr.t of
January next ; and as Ihe land will admit of twenty wells
being bond upon It, a good Idea may be formed of the
Immense yield wl.iihv.lll result vtheaall are m.Uhid.
The hcu.eiiead occupies half an acre from which the
Company will r. c ue three I. urtl.s of Ihe ol' If th.y work
It, and wi Ith your couimitieo strongly recommends; II
would not be suri'rl.ll.g it mis Uitcre.t atone should, before
the ex plratiou ol a ear, rvalue au Income of several kxa
tlred bitriets p.r 4 ay.
1 he euti.e P'opert.v consists of a little over rour a 'res,
with a superior dwelling and good bara upon it. Krom
Its proximity lo Cherrv ttun. and it pooullar location,
together with the fact that tlie property na not been fuuiut
to be athcttd by other wells in the Immediate nelghbor
h, od, we are bu to ihe conviction mat It Is one ol the mott
us.i.nbie i open ies on oil Cfevk.
Tours rcipco.lfi.liy,
1. D. ltElNliOrH.No.HW Walnut street,
JAHK8 klcltll.r.AV, No. Slid Kausoiu street
1'J-l'UwUw W.U.BIOIIAJWdON.JIo.oOOilaeVet Ht.
Orp.nilzrd rndrr tlie Laws of Sew lork,
PRAKCIS A. PAI.VKR, President Broadway IHak,
Xew Voik.
HATIIAN BANPAf.t,, Kx ProM nt Vi.!-' RjllOt
Telegraph Company, New York.
ALBI'llT It. Mt'OLAT. of Albert If. Jsloola- h CO.,
Itrokers and Auctioneers, No M WiUlsm sti '-!, .wTork.
r.COKtTE.I JACKsOV, of Polhsmlin A .Is. h.on, Cank
ers arid Itrokers, Mo. 43 Exchange plaoi, Kew v rfc,
EPMCISI) C. FTP.DMSlf. Secretary Hew 1 ork Petre.
ktm btoek Hoard ,and lltoker, No, V tlroaO street, Keer
i ork.
ANI.KEW WrilAITET, rhllade'pU.'a.
PHANCIS A. l.01iWI.N,,
noPK.RT f r. A It K.HON, cfClark-oa A Co., Tlsnkerl,
Ho. 131 B. Third inn,
JAUKK M. ( IAHKK, Oil ' Hy, Pe nuylvanla.
i -'i.rtr.
. . ew T irk.
A Lit Eft T II. NT'
, '. I - , . ipf,T.
AKIIHEW Ht'UH ' ' . I'l.Hsdeli.hia,
"vht -I ihU.
A. V. STOUT, 1 'reside.,! s',u and Iatier Bank, New
C .CKsal .
ADAM C. K.LLIS, View Votk.
uank Sas.
BI10K ANDI IllSv.Sm York.
( l.Al.KHO.V A CO., Khllsdelpb a.
No. (.2 WILLIAM Rtreet. New York
No. l'.'t . Tlllltl) Strset. PhlltdelpHla.
I'KIt E..I1 PKIt S.IAlit;,
Sicck stib'eet to no further assessment
o;,f,i 00 shares to b,- sol I In payment 'or the lands, lease
hold", and producing Interests of tho Company. The re
maining 70 SIIALtS, OR Ulsi.OiO, ItK.SEHVT.I) FOB WORK.
The New Tork and Philadelphia Potrofcum Cempany
litis been organized with the greatest care hy experienced
capitatlits of the two clth s, v,hose nauics are united In ita
own. It will he uiaiiKkcd
No pains have been spared tofjjilace It on a genuine an4
liihsttintlal footing. Most valuable and extensive tracts
cf Oil and t oat hind have been secured IN K KM. and
leasehold 1'HOlll ClNO INTKItKSTS In the heart of the
Venango County (Pa ) Oil region. Attention Is Invited to
the following schedule of the Company's property, laelod
IH'CIMl WELLS, and wells In various ttagei of com-
plttlou :
No. 1. 30 acres of bottom land, In fee, on tho Allegheny
rlvtr, having a water frontage of nearly one alle. New
10-horte power onglne and fixtures. Two we'll sunk to
tt.e depth of WO feet, and already filled with oil. ttoota
for 40 more wellt.
ho. 'J. ifco acres of rich oil land In fee, lying nearly oppo
site the above, having a mile of wator-frontage on 1'rAlbor
and Kenuct runs. Well supplied with timber.
No. 11. Lease interest on thu famous "WlJow Mi'Clla
tock Farm," OU creek. Ono well down and testing;
another Just ready to tube ; a third just started. Two
flrtt-clais engines. Tubli'g, tools, fixtures, team,
wagons, 4c.
No. 4. Same, Interest In leate on the well-known
"llamiiton McCllntoek 1 arm," Oil creek. One well now
being tested i already yiehili.g twelve barrels dully, and
raphlly Increasing. Others going down. Two new eu
glues, with fixtures complete.
No. 0. Ono twelfth of two leasos on the Clapp Farm,
near the great Williams and Htanton one hundred barrel
wel.s. On this property Is "HIuTmau Well, No. 2," now
down five hundred leet, engine, tc. Ac. Room for uuie
No. fl. One-sixteenth of the fee In fifty-seven acres of
Coal Land, adjoining the t ranborry Coal Company's
kc's. This properly is ol tho utmost value to our opera
tions, tuppl. lug us with coal at all seasons, and when tha
works ol other companies aro found to be idle fur waul of
I rem these estates, tho Trustee t arc assured of their
ability to declare l.Alll.K AND KKlll'LAK MONTHLY"
l.lYlDt NDN, uhd ot the sp 'e ly a:prCA'ia'lon of the at. area
tosMAIlKET VALID! FAil Ali'lVK. IHE KUUtsCltll'
llio INVENT 1C.ATINO COMMITTEH sent from New
York aud Philadeliihlu, v,llos3 luvorahle report Is printed
Willi the prospectus, speak In unlimited terms of the Com
pany 's property and prospecte.
Hooks iurOltUiltSAl.Sl'ltsCltlPTIONwIll be opened on
WEDNESDAY. December 7,
at the ofllces of the Company, and at tho New York, Phila
delphia, atid lloston banklUK house! named below.
Prospectuses, maps, and dotalled information at cither
subscription oflhe.
The public are assured thai whether for Investment or
speculation, uo better seturiiy than these shares can ba
j obtained.
PIlOADWAY ltAbK.con.srofPaik place. New York,
pii. ltaktlt S A jACiiMO.N, ho. 4.) txchunge place,
New Ycrk.
ALlilltT II. Nil O AY A CO., No. 63 Wall t'roet. New
CIA11KSON 4 CO., No. 121 8. Third street, Philadel
phia. J. (i. SI ALTIK, Hanker and IiroU'r, lljeton. 13 61
PAR VALUE, !?2o0.
1F.!IT, 16.t0.
SAMl'KL U 111L.T.
DAVU' H. llll.T.
K Weaver,
J, hi. licDnwf U, Jr ,
J tines Watt,
tfvron Diiiiliy.
tot.uiuei il. Hut,
,aae tlaker,
Wlll'au. Ueeser.
Bnl scrlptlont fort limited niin.ber of shares will aosr
ke 1 1 ecu tu at the oihce oi the Ccuupauy,
The lands ot this Company are l.l.1 oo Slippery Hock
Creek, in l.awiuiiccc. uniy, l'ei.ui,lvsu.a. one wei la
sunk t;H7 feel, and o l has already boon ol.lulnod in iiuan
tnies wliich ure highly encouraging lu the uorpura'ort that
a How will aoou be realised of aperoiaueuoy tullluieut ta
tsy haudsomeiy on tuo iuvottmeul. Mantplis of Oil may
t (tea at Uie villee al Uie Cempauy. 11 -s