V THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DPEMBEU 0, 18(U. (Evening ttdcrjraph! FRIDAY, DI'.CKMIll'.R !). IS',1. ! SPIK1T OF THE SEW YORK P3E33. , Lcallnsr, Killtorlul from tiio Nt-.v York FniH-rs Tills Moniiii;. tiiutn.tft'N m in ii t u k roioi;i( v- I'llV lf lOOItlil t. It will lif pom tli it tlip 11 i. l.moml l.u, I 'lllllt'1' l( 1'uesrlny last rtt'liir fiU'etimi-ly remarks tlut "If llie Uctiti imiii-Uciti TjI ((jrii.t ) L.u aire uly ont to lion. K. M. Nanl'di t In- :i.:t!iiMtiin wliieli wo ( lio 'i min i) i n I'tntr lr ilc 1 1 i lii:n 011 ye-t.r-diy, that Sh iniiiii IikiI j. t l,y Milieu, wo bop" that be wi!M c fnir to that statesman, and Send anntlu'r ilesinif-ti, stating hon- the Hichmond Hf miner now ill ;, thai Me nimu'a ii'iuy Iju l par sir liy Milieu. This it dim positiieh," f r. tin inforinRtmn lnrnisb?il by the Cutifcili r.it- Oir. ci uniL'iit. V. v m .ii', therefor?, t'.mt in this (Re t.d on tins tiiutir we must, credit tlm Ui li motid l.jam nrr ami 'lie ( 'oufuilnr.i'a Uoveru Dicnt, m. a believe Hint Miln n, wIiHi Ui iirlity milis tiom Kuvuiiniili, iis nut raotiirel In-IJ.-iiri. ral Stu riiiiin up to MunJ.iy m'tit or TiKs luy Inornii f (it tilt; ruiretit wi.'k. It t micars, Imwcvur, fr "ur oilier cturin frnn lii-Lcl j . it-' ' s as lute H-: the l:b, ilutt at tiie I f igniting (it his wci h, Shi r.miti'B snnv was no fur ' i in Mi leu, it. nrnht vvvu be s u'ii ot Hut finite and was marcliin.; t .Tils the a Kurd alo c, ti e trni ot couniry, sotn" t'vi'ii'1' tuiles in width, that lie betwei n thi- lipic leeand S.ivinna'i rivirii. llie Uetiels ulltvo witli a-simmee that Mit'iinan wnl have a Inttln ".Torn lie rcic'ics Savnnluili, liich we think not at all uiilikely; Bin) thev further an-ert that he will oo whtpp.d, wliioti we think extremely uinikely. Mii'iinan, it he be where tue Kuia l.s I'lO.ito Iii:n, is now in a section of (i, r.i'i:t where the in m il of an army ib iitttnilcd with iliiliculty. A well informed currcspotuli ni furni hi:.i soino inform i tion an to the tupnr;r:i liy of this and th utiier purls of (icoitla, which arc of interest at thl m . unlit, and which wc condi n-e. TIh.tu are tinea Vi ty dii.tinctdivi-io.i8 of the Suite ; l.Tlie Monti tain nation, w ld - li cmlirui'cs the northwest corner, nnd conies down to the Keoiesinv Mountain, near Jliiiii'tla. 2. W'tiero it oocih into u gentle, uiuu luting ci un rv, exteiidiii lit) mih s east to M inm, about M o niitiie ul tu.ice nonnciut to Augusta, ai d onth to Colinnhu. li. Ijclow tbo.e points, Die pint y woo !, low, Bandy, lcwl, with wale Bwauips bordi rini' all the streams, and ewndini? one hiiudrt d and titty to iwo hundred mili'4 to the ic or the aulf. It is in tins iii'ter division that Mineral Sherman's urmv is now movjn;. The nioiiDiain legion is tot f'uriiiina a'uiot ex clusively tor graii.s and grapes. Wheat is usually a Kood ciop. inidibe legion, from AUant i to Macon, is a nilx'nro i f com and citmn. U will produce very litiln f tlie sin iller grains an I ti') grans. It Is cut up into mi, a1! p. nt itimis, ami occupied by nun ol moderate means, with ili iv. ing Tillages as the county se its. The thlr.l id vi sion, tlie low country, in aiui'ist exclusively in pos.-cssiun of luro planters, nil 1 cotton is tliu etaple, although it wid cmw corn, but nosuiull grain or gratis. l)oub le-s the lands are cultivate I in cereals as far as piacti. able at this time. .So that Geneial Sherman has a productive region ol' n Uundrtd miles round him tioni which ho cm draw tuppiirs. Ihe railroad from Atlanta to Macon runs one hundred and one miles nn the dlvhiiii:: ri Ue be tween tlio waters of the A latitic and the Uull', and has not a bridge, not even a cuhvrt, iu the whole distance, scarcely nn'etnlntikineiitor exca vation. All the destruction either urmv can do to that is to the rails and ties and water t inks. I'hc road to Augusta crosses numenus streams nod rvitie, and cn tie broken in many plaeo by dfsirnyln? bridgr. These rouds are of one fAUge. Ii wtll be seen that Oeuorni Miurru in already coiitrnls tiie regions of the small grains and thu ores. Their chief ir n works are at J-.towa, lioino, on I Atlanta, and all lire dependent on the mount iiu region fur ore. The whole' country is open, well settled, and the roads good below the Kenesuw Mountain. l''ron these facts may readily be seen tho pros, pect of giithcringeolnreil soldiers from Sherman's Jlcpannitiit. The mountain c uintry has scarcely aim negroes. The rolling coun'ry consists of plantations worked by live, ten.twenty, sometnuej titty negroes. The cavalry raids in those regions will gather up nmnv. but the great bodies of them are below Ma on, Augusta, uud Columbus. It is evident from ail our news, that the Itebel force gathered together In Georgia, have not, up to the latest dates, been aide to Seriously obstruct his progress. If they are able to do anything at all, they must do it this week. S EW t il ILK JINlHr. From th4 Triune. Five years ago had any one suggested Salmon r. Chao us the probable successor of lioger B . Taney in the most responsible and eminent pod tion of Chief Justice of the United States, ho would have been regarded as in need of a straight-jacket. The chastn that separated the late from the present Incumbent of that station is wider than that spanned by the twenty-years' sleep of Kip Van Winkle, to which ho lay down a loyal subject of King George and awoke a fellow-citizen of President Washington. The death of Judge Taney during the night following tho popular vote whereby Maryland was made a free btnte marked the close of au era; the accession of Judge Chase marks tho commencement of another. The passing away of the one, the open ing ot tiie other, occur in the midst ol a gigantic ciul convul-ion, which has piled tho earth wi'h its slam and tilled Ihe sky with the smoke of its conllagrutiotis ; but we need not doaht that the angry clouds of battle uud havoc will soon be illumined by tho bow of conciliation uud peace. The unanimity uud heartiness wherewith Gov ernor Chase's uppointment has been welcomed argue a general upprcc anon of the changed atti tude of our country, tar uiore general than had previously been realized, ihn clamor and clash of parties iu our la e residential contest have givmi place to u general c mvictlon that Impartial liberty is hi ncclorth to be the t indatnent.il la of the Republic; hence the instinctive perception that Governor t'hu-e is the very man for Chief Justice. 1'i.r more than twenty years be has not only believed, but proclaimed tint lib"r;y iu our Union is Ihe geneial and permanent rule, slavery the local and transitory exception. lie so held when to utllriu a vital fdth In tho rights of man as man was to bid adieu to all hope ol political power or honors : hu has continued so to hold until, throouh the madness of the slave holding interest, it has liecome possiole t love and uphold impartial freedom without thereby incurring ostracism or pros, riptlon. His present position udiis another to the visible, tangible eu cotirngi nients to fai'h in the right, and in tho present, palpable activity of divine justice in the alfalrs ot mankind. Ihe iio-ltiuu of Chief Justice has been tillej. since it was created liy the Federal Constitution, by four persons, namely, 1. John Jay, of No v York; 2 Oliver lillsw.,rth, ol Couiic'tieiit ; 3. John Marshall, of Virginia; 4 Roger 11. Taney, of Maryland. Messrs. Jiy unit 11 Iswortu were mpi ctively nominated by Washington ; an I ea :!i resigned ulter serving tor a lew years otilv ; Ju Ige Marshall was nomina'ed by John Adams, j ist belore his rctirenn til from the l'resid ncy; aud Judge Taney by Geuer il Jackson in the lut t half Of his second term. Marshall took the o'll.e iu his inaturer prune, aud held it over thir y-iour years, oying In It at the ripe age of cigh'y ; l an y accepted it when nearly sixty, yet he d I' almost thirty years, dying Chief Justice at thu ripe age ol eighty-seven. As Kllsworih lived to be seventy-two, and Jay to be niueiy-threo. tho otli.'a may Le deemed luvoruble to longevity, aud we irny reven-ntly Impot'iat its new incumbent ha? nmnj ycnrn ol vigor and usefulness In fore him. General Dix, in lii la'e aide letter to th- War luinociats of our cltv, gave eninhatie attirnnm to the widely felt rgrct that cortiicurns ability is now Ics commonly ns.s, .elated with mllco thvi in ihe early jeais of our national existence. It i "i ll that the po t of t'hVt' .luntice khnuhl ex hibit a signal exception to this remark ; and that, lis all who have liith.r-n liiled i' have b . n cinl- ni nt'y o 'liable us wed as per-onallv bl inieiess i I'ieti', their sncees-or in this crisis s on I I be rout, sscdiy one ol t.'C very at. est an I purest iT An, nic n jur st mid statesmen. And, a-nnr ; tl e many strorg a-.. ro .,' ,, n who were elK-ib'.' to Ill's i nsilitm, Ihe clinic ol the l'rc-ld' i.t couUI In. ve (alien ii pun none abler or wurthier th.i.i biiliiinu 1'. ( h.i.'e. A A 11' It II I' It 1 .11 K. HUT II) SIIK.lt- y ys i i r.n fri.mtk J. i ni. I In ii.t-1 ii d ys more tti" f"n i-!t.,as f, .tlvi'i.. . v i I Tie in uiiil us, and ue .!'"!! ti"t fi' .:"tin the i 011,1'oits of our own h nn's the i" it army tirdcr (ii tieral Shernisn, who, nfter the r grand nuin h ol throe humln d miles such a ni'ir. b as whs never m ule since the tune nf Xerxes will be in ramp on the Atlantic toa-t, somewhere near Savannah or I'cuufort, on Christinas 11. ir. We gaic a botintiftil Thanksgiving ilium r to the ni my and navy on the .lames, and on the o -e in. I t t us now prepare a still more bouiitiinl Ctiri -t-n as least lor ihe toil-worn veterans of Sliennuti. It wiil be an appropriate oUcring and a siihitau tial recognition ol their services. Aftir ihelr long .io..rney thr "iph S'vamps in:d f,.te-t, w here we may Hiippov t'ii keys an 1 p. tun. I io:ding (i r.ot (abound, how pleasant it w.utld be for the ga'laut fellows to b r.'-illcl tit a tin.' ( hristmas dinner, tititl to 'eel at the same time thi.t they were not forgot en at home ; that their hosts were wiiltnig for them wit'i well itlli'il ta bles and n hearty welcome. It is a novel way, it I- tine, for a people to reward its soldiers. No nut on ever did It before; but then we lime d ine many new things, una introduced many innova tions in the way of winning battles as well as in' be mnnner ot rewarding the victors, siuec the war hei.un. At all eients it is a very good Atuo rnan way of showing our appreciation of our soldiers in the Held. Not tho least thing prized bv a soldier on campaign is ins rations, and hat better r.'tions ate there than roast turkeys, plnm-pmidini.', nnd " home-made" pics ? 1 here is pi. nty of time to get up a line dinner fur the w hole of Sherman's ainiy between this and Christmas. The Rebel papers estimate bis lone at lif ty thousand nun. Let us tike this as a base, ami we. will want Just thirty tboii-imd tin hi ys, liny thousand pies, ami twelve thou sand large plum-pudilinirs. This will be an ex cellent hill of lure, with a le.v other delicacies allied, which benevolent ladies kuoiv soweli ho.v tl. sugeest. In the meiiutimc we ho: c that tlio portion of Sin mum's unuy left in the West to look uf.er II -oil w ill be similarly I'e ,s'cd by the people of that region. New Year's 1' iy would be an ap propriate occasion. They will have fuii-h.d u; lloud by liuit tune, und w ill be in line humor to i nil ,v a good dinner. Hut no time should I'c los in this city in commencing preparations for the CLiistmiiH dinner lor Sherman's historic litty tliousund. TOm.iN NEWS AND G03cIP, Tritiffitr nt Hun Iuk-iip. On Monday morning, the 7th of November, the ' bodies of two boys, aged respectively about eight ' and four years, were found one iu the river j I.iamie, and the other iu part of the water iu tho . Atriere I'ort nt Ilottlogne. I The bodies, w hich wete evidently t'inse of I nf brothers, bore no external marks of violence. It was asct-itaincd that n man named Leduc i, who has lately resided in London, nnd who is well known Iu Boulogne, having a wife residing in the Rue de Bras d'Or arrived in the .!&. JUIirard, from Folkestone, about sV'20 P. M., on Sunday, and on leaving the packet went into the passengers' waiting-room, under tho Chamlire do Commerce with two little boys, and bis buggiige, consisting of a good hatbox, n nearly new brown leather portmanteau, corded with a rope, und a carpet-hug, of a green ground und daik brown stripe. The party staye I in the room wanning themselves by the lite, aud I.e ducq conversed freely ith the custom houso o:ll cers who were there. He told them that he was going to place the cliildien at a school a iout tight leagues from Boulogne. He left the cus tom house with the children about seven o'clock iu the evening, and was no more seen until late In the night, when ho went to visit his wife in the Kue tie Bras d'Ur, and slept there all night. It is supposed that he left for Kngland by the Folkcstoue boat at 2 'M 1'. M., on Monday, or he may have gone to Calais or el sew here. At all events, the Commissioner of Police iu Houlogno is using ceiy exertion to liud him, aud the po lice are on the alert in every direction. The Imiittrtinl ol Boulogne contuins a detailed account of the discovery of the bodii s. Alter staling that the children wore apparently aged tour and seven or eight years, and giving an ac count of their dresses, the narrative prm-ecds as follows : It was discovered with certainty Hint the children belonged to a person named I.e iluci, married at Boulogne, but separated from Ills w ile for a long time, and who coh .bited with an Englishwoman in Kngland. Leilur disem barked in our port on Sunday, at hiill'-p.tst four, from tho Folkestone bout. He was acompauicd solely by bis two children. Duriug tho examina tion of his luggage ho remained in tho waiting room, which he did not leave till nearly seven o'clock. Between half-past eight and nine, I.educn went to his wile, who resides in the Rue de Bras d'Or. Here be passed the night; but he had not his children with him. His mental condition was that of a man in a state of fever, as he was agi tated and uncertain. Ho manv limes wished to leave his wife's resilience, and only d icided to remain there lor thu night towards ten o'clock. He still slept ut eleven o'clock next day. Ho iiiiittcd lloulo.'ne by the Vl-M t.ain, going, as ho said, to Montieml, and wa ueco.iipuuied tt t io stuiion by one ot Ins legitimate daiightJts. Tho two children not having boon reog liz id wh tu they weie taken out ol the waver, by order of t ie competent authorities they were exhibited in o le of the rooms at the, hospita1, which was visited bv mi immense and ncver-ceu sing cro wd, anxious to view the bodies. l.educii was arrested at Montcarvel, at the residence of one of Ins parents. Ho expressed astonishment at his arrest, and above all, at the accusation made against him. He expUined the I , rest nee of the. two poor children with him wh-u be disembarked trom the Folkestone bo it, in tho following manner: A woman, a servant, he said, but whose name or tnioicss be old not kno v, ro ijiies cd him to Uke charge of her two children, knowing thul he was going to Boulogne. This seivBiu sided lha'. a man who was aware fiat thev would arrive, would await them on ttioir dts en.iarrkation. Ledueq, on leavi ig the boa', entered ihe stores of the ('humour ot C untne c i, like all the passci gers, and ws accomp tine I l,y two bovs. This lact is positive, us some c m- inissio'iuircs who knew bun declare 1 that they saw him. By nn nr.8 of tlio information given bv them the, police were enabled to make their first in (uiiies Alter having quilted toe luitgige ware house, I.tiiuci), he sayb, stro led along the quavs, and when be urriied at the barrier bridge a person pre-eiitcd himself, and sla'cithut ho wasehirged by the servant iu ipiesdon to receive the two children, l.educii then haod'al them over to him. This storv, whit Ii it is diilicult to believe, in our opinion only aggravates the position of this man. Accoinpanlfd by two gendarmes, tho accused was brought iu a carriage to Mtitples, and there handed over to M. Onzoiif, Commissary of Police of the lit ost arrondis-en.cnt of Boulogne. A con siderable crowd of people, who manifested the highest itidlgtitttiou, awaited the arrival of Le- tlhcii; tint M. Oii7onf caused his prisoner to ni ght bctore the train arrived at the rtition, nnd he was Imtnrdiatclv mrviyed t5 the house of ib tei.lioii in a carnage which was wilting, W hen bioii .'ht Ihcc to face with the tw.v poor vitiins this morning, ut half-past ten, l.educ i, It appears, ltravcil no emotion. Ilc oersi.ts more il an ever in Ins story, anil, at the sight of inc iwo corpse-, ue exeluiiiied, "The sou mi re I (alluding to the pel-n to horn he pretends th it l,e tie l. n d be cl.lldien) Inn ussa.siuat'd tucin. 1 must have h' lite, or lie inti-t have mine." In' ! l as confessed that he was the nur- ib rer of li s two boys. 'I I e n other of tlm tw.i children In. nn!1 i .s'utciM nt to the magistrate's leik ut Haver, v li ti li h is been f.i' waidul to the aii'.lior'.ties a' IU uiogne. M e states t' a 1,1 In ,( a. Ii i In -band, titid that he lias given wav to vio'ent tits of It Inpi r ; tket be li.is ii leu dr.iwn a ra ,r a,"o-.s lull tlm nt, tlm .ci t, ing !,, murder her; m l t 1 e ha- otli vi d to tvs M r two clii'dren, nn'es-i sl.c etmitteil linn to lake in. m awav wnh hitu. 11:. vug beet, on: o: cniolo. inent ! a- s.,., t n e, ihi worn ni kuvs tl at her litis , an I le t bis 1,,'nie :il I lover mi S tui . ,lsv e -K, wn h tl:. tv ol gctlli g w tk lit Ii nil... lie. He w, luted her t i a. ion p-iny lorn, l.i.t s .,, . n-ar In r c e. iue tniiit she eiiri s-cd her w,..li to icmmi at I'lm rlor a short timr. and s . w iiild t''."t f i' low Ii in. lie. however. per-i.ti:d in tak ngwith I in, his tHo ciiih.riu. au I he pnicccLM to Folk stone, with the v lew of gctiiug to II cilon, in llie stiatnir l,i, h I'li. s between the p irts. Tlm neM sl.e heard of her hus'iaml an I coll Ii en w is thniiigli (he ueaspaper wi.it h apprised her ol ihe murder. -4 A liliiu I liiiriinl SwIinlMii-. 'I he I r, nch nttortiey, Tonnens, who, "bv ''ie gr ice i. (,o,l nn I the w 111 ot th people," h is !. i Inc li t, g ol Ar an ill. a and l'uia,:-, in, ap;x ai cd on S. tuiday in the Cut- ctuw.il I'oli.-e Com : I'. ris on a ch ,r.-e of . , ndling, which w a x torth in the following terms by the pre i lin ji.dgc In Iieccnib. r last von aliglife.l at on of tY, bi'-t l'Mtels in Paris. Von encaged an apartment nt l-'ibf. n mouth. You iutiin m d your in.entioii ot b larding at the hotel, which is casilv iiu le, -stood, its yott could not well board cfseivbciv. Y"U wctc without resources, but Mitihil, as we me told, an excellent appetite. Your t istcs w , re ol n iery rcliin d nature You re iti'ie.I the lo .-t ninii tuous fare, and when the dishes were let snllicienily deli 'a'c you n.i c;cd tliem. When pcisoiis aie in snchi great penury us you w ere ihey should he much ne re mode-t, eve'i thon tli they may have been Kings of Araticania and l'rtlagoiiiu. You ilived in this way dining four months. Now, for u man who perhaps had worn a crown, but w ho bud not a lanlnug in Ins pocket, this was not over-delicate conduct. Due day you disappeared from your hotel; yon went, l'dou't kmw where, to your family, to solicit aid. You rettircid to jour hotel, niid then j un spoke nf resources which would enable you to pay y mr di b' lesources to be derived from an' enter prise yon were about to engage in ftctor es in Araniiiiiia and I'uta'.'onia. Von opened o'lj.-pj in Pans in a little corner of the Rue Vivienne. You printed statutes of a company, w i h one hun dred millions ot traitcs capital, x. our attempt did not suecced; you did not get a sous. You weie asked how you meant to pay your hotel cxi enscs, und you said you should do so when you fuimed your company. Ilo v, wl'lenit having u sing e subscriber, could you pay ': Hid you ineuii to pay your personal expenses w ith the money of your shareholders r In fact, you have in t been ublc to pay. What ansacr cm you imtke ? A long cxaniin di n followe I, iu which tho accused tried to defend biui-clf as Iks' lie ci u d. He had hopes ot forming his cuiupntiy ; he bail hopes of getting buck his crown; ho ha I lio ttititition of swindling anybody; he bad given l! c. Inciliulol' tho h -tol uu a knuu ie.lgniein y' his d. bt, wnicu he meant and which he tried 1 1 pity ; Put all his exertions to raise money fail 'd. Several witnesses tr! fttlic 1. wbi tlepftJod that he bad been for some time King of Aran euniii, Biid that lie had been taken prisoner by the Chilians, and sentenced to be shot, nnd that he was saved by tho l'ren -h uKihnMie. Morcovi r, it was proved by a letter from (lis Fiociiieur r.t Pcrigrcux, tnat during the thu.' lie pr.o tisid there us u lawyer he h id liorno an cxcel cnt character lor probity. The Pro euiiur. moreover, u .'ded t at hu did not be lieve him capable of swindling nnybojv, but that bis pretended royalty of Araucauia had completely upset his idia-, nnd made him injitlgo the mest preposterous projects, and that he was iillected with it monniiiHiini which had completely absorbed Ins iniclle '.. I he judgment ol t' e court was to this elfect : -"W hereas, by ass lining the title of piinceand King of Ar inc inla, t ie ae "i-o.l may have a' ted under the inlluen o of chiiueric il thoughts und facts, but. pel haps, to hitu -ciitin'd true, that, cotseitii ntly, the character of swind ling not appearing in the case, it decided that there was good reason to pronounce his acquittal." Ho was accordingly set at liberty. riiouMir.n OittoiN ov "Jons Bet!.." Tho nickname of nn Kngiisbmtin is "John Bull." Wo have never heard this traced to a reasonable origin. A musical friend of ours, who is au ftul In nil matters pcrtainliigtotnnsie.il history, in forms us that the composer of I'.ugl ind'siuitional lyric, "God suveth King," was u Dr.John Bull. Is it not probable that his uame furnished the objectionable title ? A GllEAT MOVKMINT IN rilOOUKSS. It is stated on good authority that all the tr-sips along the const ure being concentrated for tho purpose cf forming a junction with Sherman ut a given point, that the navy is active, and that shiploads ot troops are continually leaving Fortress Monroe bound southward. Preparations are also making for an important movement upon the defenses of Richmond. The Rebels in Richmond ure not ignorant of these great preparations to vigor ously prosecute the war, and throngs of the ci'i zens nie advocating submission on the tonus pro posed by Gcnerul Butler, averring that It is Imping UL'aiiist hope to continue the prc-eut con test any longer. I L TURRIT O R Y. I have al.uut 2U.i 10 Acres ol l.sinJ In l.ewU c.cinty, Kent in ky, that Is aece,ti'il oil territory. 'J im mrfuee iinllralions are ninr,- like ihnsr at Vtnam;i county, l'oiuih.vlvaius, ttmtiun.v oil territory ilia' lias beiii u:,ioveri'U in llie country, mal pr.musos s utninilsnt j lei J. In order to Klpe tap'tailits an isiul rtiannti to par-cliM-a. 1 propose lo r.'i eive ie:i J propoials, Ii ise.l ilium ruth pav nieiitt. for an ibillvlslun thernot', reniA'altn,' t.lisold upto the alt lsi ol I ii-c-muImt ni-nt. On that day tl.e bull wilt Le opene.l, an, I (lie A"auU Dis,le to Inn htjliest bolder, who will lie uoiii' diutely notcici by letter l'liyiiii nln to be nia,lc on tlie lotb day of January, Ivi.,, wlii-n ilia ill ids will he i eetilf I. Owlt's n lll-seallli anU infer l.uiliii'sa eni'SKt'iiieuU. I have ailopted tills plan of dliposul, 1 prnpe'.' It In snoJ. r.ntti,aiiil with the fall d :ter lnitiutl'll tl selling, even at nun Ii lens prices ttien tha nana eliar.n ter ol' eel ur.'li art bi-tinr ao1! : but If bins uraaiu'te at prii below ti e value ol' tlio lamls la-lore tha diicoveo ot ('II upon them. I re-eivi- the ri.ht ! rt-jeet the n. Stuui) ptr ai-re lias been o't. red ur a poitloa of IliU land. I. ami in the b in.t v leiiin'nltis' unsieil is beld at llolil fl'O to .nsi tier a re I lit ilrit cil tli- C ,ve:e,l lu llie i-oiiu'y n ,,s looiiil ' jut- I).u l"l I',, ,e,e I eliit.i-i.iu pun tissid a .oitn.u "I 111. a t ai: it tin laiuii uovr o'lfi e. I'u' lidilir Ol t tIL inaltl li art now btnklhi a Utllt-T .rlii (tit) UUIIItf rll Willi miiv pi. - i.-i l "I ic ii In 'fit- iitij-lt'tDi lio .tl, and i.t'M rl Rll iliA Ifllltti In il 1 ir-it y Iiu- rt- i-iiiij b i-h inu ij uut.nd to exiTifiivoa oil lueii ir'im WtH'ni l'Min- lv ami FArxoiiH vtlklilrv In I in fit hi lh(' luidl ftri. Invited to 1 vlMt Diem, h rt.in the Nt t(i tin- iiili ot it'iivaiiiur nn .v.-i.t vun b itn.ii. I nt itic Htpvi'ilj llnU"', ni.c- l.iiru, or mi Hi' lh: il. io will rt'i.'1tr r vr H.-si tj.rci- to eunbie any n5 to iiiaKc u tl oinii.'li mv ml. nt mil li -ats la uCinnnilJll ' o.iii tor u ib .r.. ri.e tMiui- v-nt ii Lew It cuotity. m1 tii iHinhnw nlai M i,t ilie IhimJ. a rort nn tlienu Unili ht-eti in. ..li- by H. W. Ki.V, Ffc-i v Uo i iborouwhlf m -iiuii)inj . iili tiie wlirtlij tract, hvln(l vUlU'd It nix tlmvi, nd nun Ii J 1 1 t M'O-rHi'liii, ,t'..l.1(,ui.l, lltlioIoKK'ilt, oll- I'fi.rn hu-I u'li' r iro,i r Iti. I" "r y'r hi aih-ution h4i -n p.ivt-11 in ti e , coin.' it-til fleM In wfJih :lie lumU Iiu. to Ilit nit l"t rii !' i tvt-ii(f il - uf nne who, y litut, . en-rliin e. Anil ki-icntif. : I'uiniuUliim'litl. U qaulilied Ui I uk -v lih iiiitlioriiy. . '1 ui title i i nit if. i rr ilo'n, ufototi al rtitorti, bUnk i fin in (if v vnih aiuI liiriiit-r li fwrtiiauon. A'llrui or -ll in ei"-on a! llif 'ilU'H of J. A. MtAK K A C1.. No.A:i Wit I ront sir.mt, ( ln llntl i A. 1). JA U WK.l.L, I iilt.-U Httitc !iiflite bnlltlihkf. 1'MmI ntiet, Phllatlclphla, or to i tit miierftfK4-4l At Kii'iin t, No. 4 Willi alret'l, Now York, i 4 1 111 it liiiuro tViini IU A il.lofl'.M 1 ii-7-wfiu lw-tV J. A.DEAKK. QOTTK II K A II M OIL COMPANY, ok i'mi,Ai)Ki,riii.. CAFITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, MVlPV.r INTO 'Jiii),i)i sriARl'S, AT $i PER .SHARK. SjO.000 Cash KoieiveJ as Wi.-knij OapiUl. t-sl lli-s-Oltl 1-TIOlN I-1CI?10, 'ID A LIMIT! 1) M M II Kit D) SH.VUKS, $2 i)0 PEa EHASE. SlKCIv ISSI H K.'I.l. PAID. T' n I'mipaiir nwiia OVER Ful'K Si 'UAltK'. IKlt.KS) of ft riitiitv , ,n ttn1 choicest lof Mirlea ei and west at the Al'i'dlepy tiuT, a t oiums I enatiso county, ai lias a rr ol) a vuhidti.t' ,ie,liiiltn ini't c In -a, Hsr uilll an-l I ii. her. H',t,-rni,tl ,n V. i,k - ir, no.v ., 'I,.' I. a, el s,,',t. r, j,-p,u , : ei1 al tl.e ,, It. m ol i if I'm, ie-, jr. n. -'o and HI Miislilni:t(in Hiilltlln-s H. 1 MIllJi MKI.KT, 111. LOW W.I.M. I, A I.J at II..' ,.'t,,-,- or niu.ir ii. i;kiii: & o No. ;.(') yvai.ni F si'i.Mirr. till AM li. SMI 111, T.-e.i. ni, r. .. i- UUtlMsJ, . II., Se n-t-y. 111-: Ht'HOMACKIlll Ai KNOWr KTi.lKI- TO iv; THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. CI I.KIIIIAl KD F Ut TI1KIK srri-iRioR tom: ami fimsh. ' KNO'V.S TO HE TUB MOST LU SABLE INSTRUMENTS MADE. AM) SOU) I PON TIIM MOST RKA.SON AIII.M TFRMS. AT llll'l W A UK ll( ) IMS, No. 1021 CHESKDT STREET, V rt'-pfrtriil')- Invite "ur fnin.lt anl ihe mMlc nvnor ii Uy to chU at our warcrnom an l .xttntt.o our fxteiulvfl aM4ottnunt of till'ly Improved siimre ami israiul Planoa, c fcjtvc leciv fJ the hint it-it preuimnn nt all tli Kvt -.'XVlt-ftlnti evt'r IipIiI In tlil country. Including Ihe 1'rlrt llt-Jai at the WuiUV k iilr,('rj fial Vn u v, Sew York, und unn eniift tentlinoiilulh from the best arttsli In thla country Hinl Kuropt). Welc;MfltJ that tharc are no riano-j ma.lo fothll t'intr !)(.( r..r tcnurown. AI l'lilladel.ilila ntinufu tnrrt we pitile oumohei In bhvlt (t achievnl a rent.ict n for our hrmrnnictita nnix ft leu by aiiT other majors lu thla coiitnry. It la a well kt on n fiu t tliat our I'Iath bae fur in my yeara niAiu ta'neil tneir IiIk'H repuintiun, ii"twithittitltui the powerful e mj- titlun nt the t at tern mnkers. New York and It iR'on riAiiuM htivo be.ni tl-.nded Into ihti tnaiket tl.roiiiiih their uicenclt i, ana lii-nldm. by tlnru , the only Pianiii m tho eonntry ; yet at tlm miiim time tin ne t-Hiue ar-ient very n.ldi m rontlnue to twit any una nmkiT'i inttrniui-nii ior any leuktti ot time, for thn reamn thnltliev are luferlur. und they are vt Tiijicllod to take bold of other nii em', pirliuu at I II more inferior, oittiouja-b putlt d up by tin-ill an (-blebruted i'tiinus, whou at thu mue time audi nmkeri huve never been known or hi an! uf in their own clUca. The cnnioqu-Mica is, that our elUzi ns arc oitt ti Induced to purrhneo fucti Inferior iiisttruineiits, wlttiuiit cotuiderln tbulr on n or the general Internet! of tbf lr elly. The advuntiitfeii our elileni have In rnouiratfliiK hnuan niannfaeinrea certainly Miould not tiejoverlouked, t r the fellonlutf re.iiuni: Firat. It U acknowledged that Ttitladelplila it) the pr rat tnanafaeturliiK city of tbli) country, and ctMcbratitd frlti auperlur and aklllul w orkinen. H'-eund. The purchit-er obtalne the ptini directly from us, the inar-ulaetureit, uud naves Ui" amount n ude ty tlie Hk,put. vitixt uUAii ciainut tjruatwr proilu tlmu liio mana Uctnror. Ildid Th acejit r nponlljihty atiiounts to nothing. thei ii un rudiuk ; Ihe tiitriiiueu: h tvi,i u m d tr Uif mark i t, and llie ur hater miut run the rink. Wli- rei, ontheotimr band. a, mm tlu uianuUi'turori, an hJd i-t5nioimd'ie. and rannut shirk thu rcp uiniiiinty like the autul. Our rvpii!utt-n it ut stake at all time), and It l ltierefirr to our iiiturust to turn out uua otln-r Ui.ni ttrt claou iMHlruiiientH. fr'ouaJi. Aduntiliifr that audi Instrument mh-M be enual to "iir own wiii-n new, thoy rannut K"- the Ssiine (at)nia-iin, or weir the sauui luvth of time, fur thu retn iii ihat ihe AKent d- pendu tipuu utlmm to keep aurh piNium an he Mill in unler, and ill of c nine not expand ai ot bl proliti ti o t, whilst we, thu uiauufattdrern, bnt our ewn exi'Uei.t wurkmeu, who fully undomtand Uie buhiuehs. and will promptly tve theh' tttunlion, aud tlx I'latin made io wenr ina li lonr. nut thtrii ll'timnit it one of tint umt evtciisilve lit tide ri'tiiirvs, und when our new impnn ciiieiit uo In pro,;! ate 4.oine.eil, U will b hub of llie l&r,eit In U'u world, our oinect is to ninke this bramt. of iad .Niry one of lit vreitt tustlluttoiiK ortbU city. tutr liihtruiueiiu mio ptmncsa t:rat improvement over otiiif-s, and our i-tihnve f.tcilitn-s fur njumiiiictunn,,' en.ii'it' im io ki ep on band a lare slot, k ol luaturial, and pioi-uie tin bent niaoh nt)r, .Vc lr peraoim de,iruun t puicimio will irlvo in a call, we will prove all that we Imvo naid lu r-'tianl to our piauoet. Tiiere are, of i on rue. ulwaa dMterMicen of opniluu, ntl prejudti i d minds, and tbsr u ho are tiuerested lu tiie s.tle ui i.iliv-r pianos w hu may differ licin it , to nu' li we have on In nay. that Itould n ve ni mm h plcanure, nt any iinHi, to toit our Intdrumenu wlih any oilier luaku which tl t y Dmy cLihuc to nam'-. Weat-'tiunxk otir fi mi. 1J and tha public to rail and ex auime our aup-rtui- I'lmi V teei s itlnled that no h. us- in UiU t-tiy ci mrete v ith ui, our prices being reasonable and tonus a- itumodattnu. N II. Se.onU-Iiund riunus tahen ia exchange. JANCiS TO HUNT. Ordt ra fur Tuning promptly ait" mkd to. BCH0MA0KER & 00,, 111-niIU Mo. I't.'l ('HEAKl'T 8TKEKT. TIOMF. ON A H RI.OU01I. J 1 '1 His livaiitnnl iial enitravln, painted by Rchtia ana .-iiKravi il li- .-sanaai, is l.avli'K un liani-me aai. n-il is eifiMil.-reil liy an wlmtiave ai-i-u Ii a-one ul tlia nm-st rpeeiijieii4 or i-neravius ever Kuitoo oat lu lula ee'.ntr. . HI.KV SOLUIKlt B FAMILY HHOt I.I) HAVE A l)l ! . KVKIiV I.OYAL, HOIthK.lt. 1LD BIIOl'I.D IIAVK A Cl!"r. In faet. pverv liimilv viln, liss a fsther, liaalianil. or en i a tliiiK inr hi, country, will aepruaata and should HO.MK OS A FKRIOI'IHI. tt will alvia l, a ln-auliful nit'tuorml of the snxlvus (Um hi.iI -earn or rt hellion ami war. Iiuaei siaMnu Is anki eliilei hy Ateuta. UlSAItl.Kll iI.lIKHS aii.l oil.fr, will rind ml. ll:. mam pleusant lad nmfltalil as-'ii' y tts. yean amlaruke. Wo uiee o.elualea termor, anil w'll klve parue-uliu. of aueaefon aieisacatloai. iv i' f f'i iMk piMte on a lit li 't stiaot, Hultalilo forfram i,' ana w II) neDi1 a aptielinencnpy by mail, freo.on reieeiiit ol II, f lirli-.S'i Ul. wlilob U atitiirtona-tlall the prloe usually tOjnoea lor oiiHravluga ol Una eliaiactar, Ifor paxtku.ari, blt.Vlil.EY CO., Pulill,hr,, tin. uti N. lOtUUI'll MUaot, 11 lltlutlilu nilauiiiU, AMUSEMENTS. U THlltn WfcKK OK KDWtN J'OllKKsr. sti'NUAY, Tt'F.,itiAr,Tnr'hi-rAr, and fiiidat, II A M 1. K T. The rnolCK HKATH of tli' Ar"OTy lo h hail at (tn I'.is'k huml.l "nnneiilal Unti l. l'J A A Ml.KIC'AN ACADh MV ')f Ml dlC. I.esrs an-1 V inser rf 111 M T fllllTI. l AI-.,. ol tl e li. l.i, lav stre- t 1 1,. t- ItMltlmore ; Kara a New 1 1 oalre, 11 ftsfninm; an,l tin-Alns a.i0ria, Vlrainia, '1 In-stri . Km.:c Munsiter 'Kills It. Willi ,IIT Tllll:tsAY NI ei;n,iT HVt NlN'H, in i i.Ml'.m: nit ', t' 1' t i ii ii it i: t t ill r.., ,l, r i s pr. t-m.,1 and loole.ea Inti'neelsitl-.ii ol If" ( loirs, r , i , KAMI. V. I I'llsl I U V ii: I Nl .11 1 -s IINI .Y, in SI , ,IIH1 n,; ,l t-. i.',i - Tim e ly ,,f tt .1 llaine. O ! H r I. I A MUs. SI IIKI I I . aiteh slie hu n,ale liv rimmi sttrtj- a:, aitsn- Mpi'l'I .M V M A 1 1 A K li'MsI n- ttie 1,1'ieen ,,f Deninatk. Mil. .ttlltS M (II tail il a, ihe i.l,vist ,,r fls'iili-t , Fal'mr, ar.O all ttie a-tl-ts ot ttn- eemi unv w ill ap.-ear. fit. t-'ii iti sr Wl'MiAL HtSll.il. I 1 1 1 i:-1 1, Y. NI,., ITS ANII I'ktDAY SrAT.sWMMUF.il 1 1 s s IN AriVAM'K. No e'rl.ilinuliLi- on T 1.1 iM-.sl I A Y tr SAIL11HAY I.M no .... T(. lies Sse.-I.r.,r Ihe an V of .rear.-,! pla f 1, now open tl-'lo . en it,.' iiour- ,,- 'I ,u,,l 4 i ,, , , ,(1,, A 'mis inn . .i ,ii,,l .' . ci'iee. s. . ui a a s, .i.-. ,,, run ...,i,tai,iii!ti. Mil1. JOMX DliKW'S Miw' AKCll SI. Ill, A till'. iiui m.s riinwiH.ii io'i'mi: K'n)i II Mill IU J N l', ilikK. IU M.I . I ni' ,1. n.i I aiim;. llt.M I I I UK .1 S ( I. M.K K Hu rt; in n; i' it's i'ii i'k! Id Mi. Ill' (Hiil,. 11 I, lii'ii'iular il, v until ii l.u k, hi HHK.N TIlOI'ilIl I S, Tilt, hi ki tki-: iiunir.iiiioi'iM. l lull I.. II- J ( K I A 'I It , , I,. iis HH.i.iiliY. I I.M1KC riMttii II All K K AI.NUT STHKFT T1IEATUE. THIS (I ItlK.VY ) l; HMNII, li.,,.nil.,T i. iast.nr iilmiii Hi the elm iotnk-. ri T.ittl.. . .il.te umi; :u tr.M, MISS 1.1 ( II. I K I1SI I lls, W will l'per in '"'ill Tit A( 1KM AMI COMfliY. 'Ilm pi'il'.riiii,ii,-e will loiainiimi imiIi Vitlnr IIiiihh tlii illll t: I , ,, .Is i.r llltlinil I-uliillA : Olt, 1IIK ITALIAN I'iiisoski:. LI CM LK WIS l I. its ,i. i (ItK I'll 111 in ,1 I. io I on. Ii ill Mlllitlii' sei ii i-l', nun- lliiitnrt,, HUN I'.l.sAlt lil. IISAN. HON t'.l sAII.au A.lM'nlnriT.... I I ( I I.I.K WKSI l.UN. It,. llttiee opt a in, m y i Ul 1. t'lirluln rise, al SSl.Ml'.I.Y IlVII.DINdH. 1 llll.AHri.nilA fl AHS O ll. IJIIINTKITK (l.l'll. a i i , r. m. HHNHs1IAI. II.,' tier ll. Sii - licl.et.., ul ll.e iiuor, I'iiij. eoati. l.'-S a MIKAT NATIONAL CIUCUS. STAli M HSl,Ai,l-.MI-, e. WA f.MTT iSllll.l.l. AllllVR KIllttTll. Wtcctres M ( Hliil.KS VVAltNF.B ( fiirini-rly .Mrs. HAN KIl'Cl. Ihe laiicsl (in ion v In the u-iil. .1 i or en,-iceim .nt lisvliiK lot n nnileii.t'i li,e mam n-e Miliil.u lr.,a,,. i,. treat arllsti, i, ih n,p,.ar ties nv.-a ng ami every esiiiinj il'irlne tlio week loan.. Mi'iii.h, nnannal I eif, r,i, er en llie l.'Ki nolle I'. riHuso. or Kllr Trape.-o. u. reuii.li (t l,v all ( rites a, the elilll wonder. The TAI I I'KN lllil.i'l PKIiS. ami W. HtMTIF.I.I.F., tlie kTiai Jliill.Miiiikev.lvlth Herr N ll'lll.O, eimsllluie ttie Troupe, ihe liKNZKIt I'.ltiiiTIFHS, I'MiiN STONK. TO hINIl, li. II.M'CIIIII.HK, Messrs. .MI1KUAY anil III T rlilN.suS, (TIAs. sol. It mill nail Faniilv.wla alio nn pi ur In muni 1,1-aiitli'ul scenes. Thi' Traiiu-il line wtu aln appear. ( Ion, Mr. H Ml. STICK N F.Y . .lr. C'oiua earlv and "el scut, al ltiht. Cutnui'iu'e at 7'n. MATINKKHWEIlNEMIiAT ana fl VIX KDAIT AFTHIJ. SOdNrt. r.,li'iiiilirlnn ftt'Jlio'i li,ek. Al'MISSluN, lint Tier, M) oent,; Aooond Tier, SI conn, l'rlvule Ilexes, I ami $il, a, U alao aud luea'-lon. 1;xinr.in(ix oi- yvokks of aui, fok J 11,0 1I1..M t IT otthe millliTlAV (YIVMISKIIV, atttie Ai'AliKMY Or Fl NIC .litis. An Hslilliitloii ol ,1 Frlviile ( 'ollicli'ia uf Work, of Art, In I'aniHi.KH, .Siailptiire, Wa'er Culiir, ami ottier lirawlui:,, KlKravlin a, Ae,, I, now upon at the I'ennsvlvaiila Ariiiktuv of Fluo Arts, So. InJ.'i 1'HKHNItT Htreet. friuu s A. .M. lo 10 1'. U., lur tlio tu'iiellt ol ue Clirljlian Coin- IlllSSll'tl. AJuil.,l"li 'J.ri cents; Heason Tlekols .'0 eouts. ll-LSit-l -I "JIIllIMT lllalllCTKI), Thla aaiutral'le ITcture, tlio ureitost produstlon of tha latnlur Wl'.h'r, la now on cxldliltioa al the Al'AHKMY OF rise. AHIH, No. lirj.-.(iir.sN'T haroot, ' T inetlier with the entire mlWetlon ol'llie lii-lllutl, ,iv. Ailmltlanto.TnK.NTY-liVli CKNTS. ll-li-'iin EMY BALLOON ASCENSIONS, this afii:i;noo and evkninq, A.ND liUIilNIl ALL CAI.M WEATHER THIS WKKK, At Cor. of nrTEENTnand OOATLS Sts. The weather being floe, thoi-ie wli!ilncr an anfennlof should b't nn hand eurty. TJ.o city liliud b iiruiunti a must aubiime fpe tarie. AilniiNsion , V6 cruitn. 4'htldren, ft cnta. A scei ftiout Irotu $2 to litccurdiny to aitltade and time net ntutd. 11 -Hi BUSINESS ITEMS. Old (JoKtriiiiissut- J.m I'uri i K, And all the tlnest (ireetiaiid lllark Tea,, t'ou .taiitlv nn hand by Davis A Itti iiAi'.tiK, Aicu aud lentil. Upurice Meek A Co.'si flANUS ANIl MASO-f A HAMI.ISS ( AlllMKT OltliANs). Ovor oiWof eaoh nf tnese line Insirmuenta have, been sold liy Mr. (., and tlio deutaiiel 1, cen Mtantly lncroali v, t or kalo ouiy by J. K IIHULU, flevilltli and L tiesuul Htrertj. PIANO OUT KM I'lAKO roni K.S FMNd lliKTRll riANO roliTKH CABTVRT Oltll A SS. CAfUNfc.r OK 1A SH. CAHlMKr UttOANrt. CAHINKT OliQASH. fOAL AT FIRST COST COST PRICK TO V Sioekholdert $TS per ton Imm-diate lehvery Coal of beat s,'uuty. stiaies.iNicli ejitJiiK u one and a half Unm, at first cunt, every e it for tm-nty Ters,and to. a-ti divuieuda oi proilti fioai the -uiri'ms cal, may now be obtained at $1", paMe. hmf "ii i rli.iiiK'. and tialf un .Iduuiry mxiTu( the WI-TCW. HKU M'-UNTAIS l:AKUN' ( DAI- CVMIMNV.om No. l.'l H. TMIKIf Vint (opposite UieOlraid Kauk ritock Capita). !"-. In i'.'.V.'.uu nharea. Kiervcd wo. kin: lapital, ll.bmt shan-a. Stiburrlptiijii of 4 ahuies, of lu shar.a. of M ahiin-s, !''. ot U) sbstrtr. l-'i ; of lii) bb.irus, t ot JM) lbires,$ .M'sH). Kaeh sluue entltl"i tho hulder to re. elve, tvtrj year, one and a huff tmi of coal, at coat, for .n yearn, and i'h lUviilfiid, every six siuuths, of the prod is fruiu the aie uf ai) tuintuii coaL Mtot fc holders who do not wa it any coal may have thi'lr Erop iruon ot 0"i by tlie 'oiui anv for tiieir e-ip ein ui nt.tlie prottH tHdug paid v t u thmn, .mlepnd nt ff i)i regular cash dnuiiudr, to wlucfi they are also 1 n1 Company poaeia la Re and well built Coal Wurka at )oiiiilhon (ne-ar Tremonti, wliu t.vUnM-e Vt initu' aud 'I i in I i KiKiits, an excellent D.-ublr n reader. Slupe v'uki, larue Mb urn ti.-llifs, ha l''ut-i, ami a1! otiier im.'unnrv and apparatua. In full rp.-raii n, eap.dWo of uimiuti M,iAsi tons, ie be extended to l'i,' ' fou per year. TbUCnnl Is i-f the host inrlliy, i inefly of the Hlnek llemli and iTlmro VeiMr., vhi. n, with aeveral utiier valimhii eoal vein, extend within Ahe lines ut tha C'oiu putivtortwo tiiller. in leri-th. A kim li ef tlw Headiuir Uailniad extendi to thn mines nf the t'ompauy, i?cr winch the cal is dally iU W "'liiw k holders may order th. lr Coal !b anvof the uaual ...... -i- l im.n t'.-al Kroki ii. y 'tr. MtuVe. of Nut ual. all at the prest ni cofit prnv (4 il f"' pw lou, delivered at j Die holme, Minn Hie uonni ui-iancr i iii" si-nn a eon) y hi d in the uoitUem, middle, and wjuiburu p r. ions " Tiu'tonipanTand allthe mlnlnc work" are clear of debt, a Fd nli upvint ions an: tom.ii' teti on if.ee tab principle Ker eirctiUTt and Fiii-serii-iions aii'ly ai tlie Oiibo, 'n liXi B. TiiiHU ttlrect, sccvud Uuor, oppoiito Uirard liank. AKentforltnadlnif.-MiivorMojer. liurd of Dirr etors -WiH rd, D. II. Wolte, Eabort P.hmg.lLhd..mvl. WM.8CI,H(1.xiFnMli(1ont. A. D. JiUPtu, 8ecKtry. U- lul IMII.U. . " fllKflT KTI'Kirr, Ann.. U' UHlKKS AMI jtf ,A7ir.lv - I.HHIT THII .IIPII, " f.HK T 'I'll II l I'll, m. r. m ' 11 Jir'll, l-HKA I' I'Klll.ll I'll, IIKl l' 'I lil I l I'll, l.l I A I' "I It II 'I rll, lihellT Tllll SI of ilia pier otieiy aur.-eaatul ana inriiHnir d'-ains, 1st it ,i. i-, f.iit a .1 r ssli: IKwstlK HlliUVfi 111 MV.V, IIH IIV vt Mlt , IlltdlVS,, llll'lll.Yi HltllkVAl, ileSlM mi. n on ,1 KsslH IHs.Hil I Hi-slK ih s.l : .jii .1 I Ssl .u s 1 11 IOI' , i now , .,--. i' inn, ,si, ,f..h),; .llrssli; ItulMWt .'Ussn; llll. I'll!'. I'l i.ii'.i. ..ir , , Knw. Hli I I UK (IK l.l ( K miiv, H f l.l KK l,V 1.1 ( li (M . Il I I I K 'K l.l I li ,nv, II 1 .1.1 UK II- l.l k MVV. ItF I. IKK IIK !.(' KM, IV. u.ie, , '" K K.l. wi.trii.di:i.,lt, , ,r i,M.. n,, u.awna.ariei .11 , . I, I , , ti.,t I, as e flheil I l ,,v, rll I in rin hrk i mis s it- h i r in i; , 1 i t.-n v y.'.P1" khiim rmii'ir i',nni,'i;.,Kr' 1 "I. 1 III. A I UK lUrl llll. ST III. KI1M I'm rn (i ii,i,iisr. It iM PAMiJ t i t TO 11 lLe.r, ()') W,l II HUH fN.IM IASM (1 II. 'I I II r. till SIA-M. I..) 11 li Willi KN1 llt'NI ,sn st iw iiiiiir.riN, ni. r.w Many 'i nun i.im. r a a t.,. ,1 Mini i ii ii, i imi r in, i si , x s Y i llltll.l INil I l III I A ( I A ' i ..,' e e'" d (Il r ll u tie i no i II a. e ,eh I, -aisKsli ..hi ,,. I.,, in ,, n.i,., ,HI, i . ,sr Lr ci an a d.ir i, i,e ai- , o i e .-- , . LAl'IK- Ji M M. 1 ikk ll in .ri or a i-t t'i. i i.e. Il.lioi -i .i 1 1 a in I IIK last i, HAN i T 111 Ml illK M.ihMINil III im. Ui.HAW. er-iiniiiii.i ine .eiiioi, e eitaaee.i l cli, a iiomu- r, nr.'-, i, n-in. I, nt ot It, IllK I.I1.1MI l.'HAIHil-; I IF T11K IIHHII.ANDI B 1 ll'l'l.o h I" a- tlv. , ,,-iri,,-i milt! imi ruisi.ss l' t li 11,11 I'KliSIISS OV I K I1III I'KHSilNM 1 ' ;," s"'-' at tl in-tie,,., i, .B , t.s..,., at M.i I It. I ,1 u,k ;,1 , ,.. rlu. e , a. 1, , ut , ,. , .,. , ,, ' iVf.r.'..i J"'""-"'M IV l-U.KY lislil'.l.l.l.ll. tle-SiK 1. 1. el N. ,..,.., ,,r-.,in,', I. I,a, !,, ,,rjl A M M1M.II si ( ( ss. A Mai KKIl St i: i-.ss; 1 ne Interest remained in li,. p.,.t. in. tiulhtiil and ttirlB n elinraeti-r ni ll.e -inrv. e el, i'"i ,1 in its t, , iu , i Klll'li Al. S 'INS IE V llllU'le ll. hel Ntlil' AS), tl It K A T R T a i i K K Y V K (J T Un- ul w s ni ide n a UltAMA III' IMt.kMl' in llr; 'II1.IC. At W u.llieK'a i li.-air.' ll lilii lor lilontl . lolelt ng n,,,,, Uie I' ill. SS 111' IllK i, k , K 11 I-U LIS i lie ii. "si tn ..-u.. tiohee, rill 'I llK r.N ' Hit: I'HIII.K! I IIMS liliK rilili.K! 1 IIK 1 NI Hill IT .1.11! V. ii, lie. led Hi, Ir liitcrem tir TI'IIMS il I T K N M A M y. N sl tl. ll'lln, H e I irsl I'ramstlc I'.-in;.!.. In n. ciiintry t ..lei it.. mar. I' - so, ut s. ci-.i ul n, i,...ttro rr.v mat ns hum i.Aiurr ins n h niMisisiie.i,, Itlll sliil lioitl, i.s li.'ii.,e s:u npi-n.-oi llie, u e.iti f In: AM M Ii 111 I S. I'liAMA I If 111 IS. lilt Ml STU II 1 t's. liilA M.lTK' HITS. I,, lorrin.ie win,, ih. n, r.t 11,11,' ut thii Tli CeRIlL 1)1 .1111(1, III H( ai l., ( lllled e.stre, .MICA " II K R , M I C A W II K It , OH. WAIIi.Nfi toil Hn.MKHIlai; TO TUItV IT. .Ml. iwlier Mr. I,, wK i,0r o IssllKllAl AIIHRNOIS, HKiKMItlllt 111. SIM I KM II (HI imi 1 AMII.Y Msl'INKs, JF.SSIK BiiOH A; OK, I UK hKLII F Utt l.Ul.'iiNO IT. JTIIO.M Till' IMtliSS OF J. . LIPPINOOTT & 00. i.LNKK.W. KAi:T7--S NfcW ltOoK KOR KOLDIF.IC.S. CUSTOMS ( ) I' SKUVICU ion NOV COMMI.I(NKI OI KIt'EltS AND SOMttEKA; A llaiid btMik fiir the rank and file of the anny, ehowlup; v hiit are their rth inul il.itio, how lo o'if.ilii the former aud perform the liitier, und ther-!y ennt.lirik tliem ta e k promotion and distluttiou in tlio oemce of Uteir tuuntiy. IiV HRKI CKV. Alr(UrHT V. KAUTZ, U. S. A, ikiiio. $i Every niuiher who hm a nn in the army, every lady whe has a ftlend t brother In the Hervlec of tlu country, should i-ee that l e In supplied with a dpy. r rbnds and telutlvts of hold tern cannot tuat.c tnem a. nioie uneful piusmt Uud by scnulng thm a c .py of this llitle voik. Miilur-tlenoraU;. K. WAHKKN iaya: 'Mtlsaltook t' r till grades i tuilltarv men to nave d a-'io k Hit-r.o k inl wtu tln ir dutlm neeoidiMK to UieiT . i siiloii. It la al the foundation ot the ait of nr." Kaya the Ilnnlon " Jmiinal": " It In ftill and e)ili ir aa to pny.diifv, privilege), pro niolloii . imifchm''iifM. peiiilon.-., Ae., nnd In )iiit tiie h.iott lor the votuiiioii loidier and the J-mrt-r ortiCsr." ltt inadier (Jt'iietal W. I,. KI.LIO l' pronounce It ' 'no ol .the beit puLlli ailons of tha kind 1 have ever II. JUST I I'HI.ISMKK, A MAM'AI, FOR MK1ICAL OKF1CKR3 OV IiIK lMU:i STATKS AUsMY, I'.Y taU HI V, R liRKKNI KAF, M. D.t Aasiftiiiit-.-urKetiii U, H. Aruiy, glvtnir a detailed aiToiint of the duilea of Ann? fluriroona ut iitl Td: V..li.d Inspeitirs. I tlrentors, Purv-vo'e, -itai t-urni on ...t .t Ai Utauts, Helutneutui Medical Ollii nra nnd i i'lili a' t mi lunai thu luiuuicr ol uiukiu, Keujru. Ae. A:. I'.'mo. l.4. III. MUUDOCirS ItKADINOS.' TATItlOTlNM TUT P.rrKY AM) PltOSK: hflne; felecled pnira-.'en troin leciurea And I'atrlotlo Kcadiuva byJA.VU.14 E. AlLllbtoCli. AI.Ni, rtiKMS BY T. IW'CHANAN RKAf, OKOItUB II. !flH k.H, KhANt IS UK HaIAS JAN' VI Kit. aud olh r Aioemnn MLthorit, I'tiuiiMPiuoratlve ot ihe kaliuit deed ot our i('fle uetiiidura on land and sua. J.'utt. Cloth, $l , eiluni. l - This work ). piiMI .lifd for the benefit of Societies for the relief of asiililh-ri aud their fauiiUi'S. 1 I J 1 1 1j 1 V K. KvrHtIi:S'( FH OF A MtlHNUt OK WAH IN RICIlMiiMi, Vi., Imi.: IhA. Itv l.luuieuailt t 'u.uul l.t AJA, L. M. V. l.'iuo. IJ. v. TUONOUNCl.VU DICTIONARY. THOMAS' MEDIC AJe A comprehensive Medical Dictionary, contilntna tliA pr"ii u u'i at iou , 1 1 v in tl n; y and k,i.lili-ji'iloii uf tiie lernn made um1 oi in Mi-dicine and the lndn-d McletieesM. With an Apoendls, cmipiliinir a uitupiete list of all the mora iu,H.riant art icl oi tlie Maiuna M dira, arrtured aeroid ItiKtoiiiefr inidi-inal ptopertu-n ; sia an explanation ol tl.e Latin tTlu and phnic- oet-iirnni.' In Auatotny, I'nar mai y, Ae. ; to. tlier with Ihe iieev8ari' direffdont fr writuik' Latin re,. riptions, .tt; At:. Hv J. TllH4AH, At. I. aitN'-r oi the "Hyiiein of l'ronunr;ati ui' in " l.ippiiieotf s Fionot t elite nnvtievr ol the World.'1 Jit-ml kvo. Cloth, 1ai1jit, I- DR. GOODWIN'S REPLY TO BISHOP nor KINS. KOCMIKKV Hf-AVEItY H ITU I'KKKLNT ASPKCTH: iuiitiiltHik' a 4iy to a iate work ol the hi -4j-p f Vuiini.ni on rtiavuy. K DMI.L 1C tiU01W'IN. I. l. l-'tuo. 1 M li ?tfp pof FARMVRS1 & NKCUAMCS' NA- TIDNAL BANK. pMii.Atir m-hia, Dcnember Thu Annual Kleetloti lor ltrutor ol ttus Hann wlU B held at die lUnkini lln isu. on Wi-tliiesd-iy, the 11th ttur ol .'amirii v ne-xi, betwvuu tho hours ol 10 o'clock A. U. aod d o clock 1'. M. W. ttl'SUTOK, Jtt.ClUtfr. vnw i!iiirvv,7rr-