V r TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGUAPn. rniLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1801. VUlAY, DKCKMRKR 0, IWU. I2TBA0TS FROM REBEL PAPER3 Thm War In ..mi-pln Hhormnn'i rocm"me ftitm th Richmond MijHitrh, bc. , Ofl cm) h.tn IhtiiR4 ha.- Inn rfooivoil that Jtipn n is at lft moTinc lowir i the Atlantic coast in fummt. inn otjmtiv pouit in i.otrvrd K li i o bwn it Innntii iIi-cothd-.I ; lut it j doomed Injiiilt ' cioue to mention it et a win In. Tho irnp -ot ' Uiif svi.l l.e a tatllo within ibf 1'in'o or l-.ur tfTn which wi l cl onic the rinilou vhutliw tlu'ir iu t to ri icu the coant in nmiviy. Thm Fi-litln at ib Honch. iVom V lirhmonti ruiVA, Vc, . hiiMiNAM n'iiiin In 1,0 Uvomifi? mnr timM In liH fnovcmciit, or timr xliautMl in tun eihrliiy uii anc hie BtniT. I-or tin iy. " " lint PtnUr, hii nrrtnt'i' innirluiitf hud iM iimuly Uvn inii4 )i r flay. 1 1nn (h-lay K o( cmintn. rnoit (lanu-'-rnm to him. It rtvi tho tNiiilMiralr time (whirl, wan at out nil (ii(r wanted) to (father troops in Inn trout, lln han WMlfMi too much tiinfl to think now ah at obliouinc to lit ripht, and ninrrhin tor llniii wirk, on 1 fin (tttonrm coa.it, ami nm-tt, of ii(C"4ity, sliiKo tor hnvanimh, or bonutort, iSout.i Carolina, tuo pnanwit (point. J J 0 mm exjxTtrrl hj tlin Yaukoo fltot at KRVAtinrth h nrly af Mii.dav, tlm itWh Ultimo, and all that night itio fr'riletal tniins; off i hat pmtit was throw ing up Riiial rockrts ior un inlormniion. !! had not fit ( n an tur a A., li-n nu last KriOav, and thn IHo prnph linn to tlint point win work u if at tii.it Hint. A II the Irrriw on inn havanna i rtviT aro jruAnl'iJ, aud all niftm ot crtHwiinr the men hnvo bonn put out ol ln way. 1 ho i harlmton Mercury, ot Ihn ii I, ffivf-a an nrrount of our rtctory at t f rnti;inivillet JSnuili Carolina, mt Wednomiav . Hit cni'in'a lorru cmmittrd of livo thouutiifl neuro lutantrv, ironi lU flUiort , ai d ttlipfMi huiKln d wluto arnl,orvin n. Our tojreoi wirp u inter tho coiiiiiiaiuI ol' Mijor-dcu erul (iuwiAVHH VV . I" mi i n. It Have "At 11 o'clock on WofinntnJay morning thnfno Dn 'a atlrai-to. tircccdrd by ix.tMn pim-cs ol nrlllUry lluying u;jon our iinnit, attnokod liniutral .Smith at a plucn cal ed honrr Hill, tlm" nnliit cant ol tho tiI laue ot i,r liHmvi.ie. Our tr'iirth At that time con irtttHj ot lourh'fu hundred niuk at and tovuu pmc ol hi lilh-ry. S i? had rome l w rinhrAun'a lor opn l nM'i iom and it"tit hnn iiclitnontu on ttiv rirht and ltt, hut our tine was tiw.arily extended, otvinx to tlo HUirioiitv 01 thr 1'i ttuiy In nuinb'i. aud much ot it wab holh lij'ht and unprotoclod. iUin, tiowovitr, only en boldiK'd our men toirrrator doittiH, and tlmv toiiftht tlio haltle ihrotiihout with m emrifv and rmoiutiou woi iljy ot vtMcian. Ihn flht IiuUm! until dark, and Mip i nemv mudo frvt-ral d -Hpnralo cliarnd airniimt our lii.e, hut it ittood (Inn aud r-'puhfd ovory atuok, linally dhr ntr hark tlio pnemya nx'it and otitio; but Hio.r leit stood unmoved at the e'oo ot thoaciion. l-or fix bourn our mnn tuaiulaiiipd tuo fiiitit without relet. 1 .ate in tlio duy trcnor.U U Huni'HoN airiM'd with tho Ihirly-ai'coiid Georgia, a Imtlrry ot mlillry ttnd a cumiiunv ot civ.ilrv, hi time lo miliar nnmt cfltictivo aid. Nirht cimo in to OhtHo the nnvuifem"Ut, which was conduced with Tiporon Loth unltm. "I ho repulse ot the onemr wan complrt. The em-mv'a Jon.- ex(eutlcd livo hundred killed uud wounded, while ou our aido thny worn Inns than onn hundred hrlwoea Uu aud Ultueu kidod aud about 0'Khty wounded. "Atior niuhtiull on Wednesday tlio enemv qtiMly ntirod ttr u dlHlanco ot Dirt jo milo4, tow urns tlio over oi their arm-hoaU. Iietnrn dawn on Wednes iar Mrorul additional transports, carrying troopn, were ateu U Bin.ntr uo Itroad li v r, UoultUB hrlux iutt rouilorociin'iit- to tlio dicomiiu)d loo. "On Ihurwday mot in n theeneiny'a land torros mniaiucd iiuei; hut the iruii'boutfl knpt up a pr.'tty oon'-tant tiro oi sl.ollH to ward h our dnen. Co to two o'o'ook tlicit had he n no renewal whutovor oi tho tltfhljii. Jonjf ore this our force haj huou atroiifftli eiied by heavy reintorconr'nt, and wnen uet t.io en my aiiruncea to "lii" our iinr, we trust to Cbn nicle a still more glonoua victory." mhr-rniDii'a Ilovrnicnta and I'roMpectn. The AuguKia Htguter, ot tho 1st, Hay it is plain Itiut Mr Miuumaw it puzzled, ito knowii not ex aciir how to act or whither to (to. lie realizoa tlm tact that tin ro is dan ire r ahoad.no muter whioii rou l ho tukoH, aud he Is puzlod to know whicii roulo pn'Mtntit the to wont obstacle. Ho camo to hemd the lion in hin den, and now ho bo inns to lo.tr j tlmt he has hi head in the lion' inouih, and is alto ptdhorat the mercy oi the boat. A lew morj Uavs Will nerve to throw much liirht on tuo rosuit, and h" which way tho tidoot auccoss i- likely to flu 'I he Vhrontcie aud St-nttnct ot tho 2d iumtuut ava there la koioo mynlery about tho UrdiuenH ol Siikk MAN'ainaich Binoe he left Atlanta Accorumif to bm iiiarohiuv orders, iua army wan to advance at 1 loast L luiJerf a nay, but I tin not aveniaed mora than l hall tlmt dn tnncc. lie hiiKor-t in the railroad i ua- j (iiat'i:ie, winch he ban been tiavortuiiir. as i roiuo tnnt to leave it. It may he that tho aspect oi ailuira Oulflid (Jo noi exact. y Huit bun. Hi! 1ms duiihlle.-iB hf thin I me gained into mntion ot tho ariuv nii''x eolcdlv tfatnurinjr to oppoo him, which injured h'ni with cau ion. There w evidently a heaitunov, troni home eaime, In hin pi-oKout inovomonts a want oi that rapidity and daidi which we were led to an tic i) ate. He apj iiar- to move a it' atraid ot snares inn Uaniroia ahead and around him. The havunnah lit puMtcan ol' I ho 1st nays: The whereabouts oi SiiKiisiAis'B mam body haa hceu ajtia actouly Ofcrrt aiued, and hi movement yes terday indicated anyihin hut decinion ol purpose a to hie deMtiiiatiou Without enteriuic Into prti eu uni, wo would annpW ?ay tlmt the Hiui aro that many eopl who huvo ht-eu unduly ularmed at tho idea oi hi lukiu tneiu iu hi lino ot march, will bo ar'uhlv disappointed. Jin orlaut inoyeiuintfl aro on foot to nvv-t him Whripvpr lie mav go, hut thee will ho developed ut itr projer time, (.enerul Wiikki.eii hi an a 'el hiM A iiiK K with oil and wi(h kfn lorui-a hu4 whipped and driven hm in every emrQro ncnt. Ho ha tukon oue ntund ot colors, which m evidonco of tho vipor with which he haa preetl him. li e t haileston Criurw.r, ol tho name d ly, sav: 1 he now Irom tieorta i? alio very clnyrintf. Siiitit man waa repoited. I'litvuiuy uiottuiitr, very alowly and cautioualy teehug Idb way. eu. WtiKKi.Ltt hid dilvou hack Iua advance l'orco Ironi Mi.len to the Oveevhee ltrid"e. Jhe enemy are said to luve ttutli led B4;vorelv. Alter tiie repulne, our moouu re port Mikicman'b iui'in body tin ned, and wasin tv iii or oil precip lately in the direction ol Hrtn.nwick, Oetiraia. A laro coiuinu is reported iiioiux iu the direction ot Uaiien, ticoriria. Our loices am lollowiuff tliem up cohi Iv, and it is hoped will ho aie to iiitercfpt ud cup turn a large uuiulx-r beioro i caelum; the cuasi. V alhu copy the lolluwliifr from the Aujruta V)rmc e, ot t.ie lid : I how who are abundnui ly ahin to judfce atimuU) httttUMAM'B lorej at oHfOOJin la i liy ano 6oU) caa;ry. li e fraliant euemt ItonruTHON, In the recent on pai mt ul near a ue.-boro', ciintinirulHhcd himcll. llu killed ttia. Yankee with hid revolver and .sabred toui other. While preparing to attack auoL;er, wiiiie tiity yaida in advance ot his men, he received pmuml wouud. Iho brave lexau (Vhjfiuiau) ia now 111 our city. 1 iieio in iu eh itiairi,r)iij(flnionjr iho Yankee hoops. Tli oh e picked up by our cavalry report that tho .uiny ia woru down end a mot th .tdme ot provimoti. J l.e Aututa (OeorKia) lirmi ( hua aomo tacts Bin ut hfjicnuAN'a march iu Ocorna, :roiu which ire take a lew t arnraph-i : ' Jhe two wiiiic ot MiKUMiN'fl army united at WiKtMltfoviile, where they aved three dayn. "In tlioir route, they deHtroved, a tar a p title, all nulla, crib and irin houmm, cotton wcrewn and Kiiia cut tou, iinph-iiH'uU, etc., aud earned oil all ftook, provisions and nei'roea. "VVhou thir horiMs jruveout they shot the n. At Etoi.hn thok k lied over oue huodred. "At Millcdgenl e they only destroyed the arsenal, flnpot aud i enilentittr. Jhey did not huru thu tax lory near that place. ' A ion U.eir r-uie tho road was atrewu with doad feero women and children. "At Mouticeilo iho Jm derail hnnjr a man by the tkameoi hat itm, but lite waa not e.Uuct when ho fraa out down. "1 tie mm. era havlnjr devoted a lar?e Charcot their atteutiou th;a iah to nyrap m ikiu r, thor i is a lair quantity of corn yet uiifrather.-d iu die tb-ld, which wa4 leu by ihe Keih-ruls. Hut there i- not a bor-e or ox lit the country, hence the saving oi the Corn will bo a Uilhcull mailer. " he on my were umlnr strict dUclpline, and when pnvattn were louuU deprudutinK ou private prop riy they wore aovoroly puitiloa by ortu ol lieu. hnjiMA.f. Ot cour.m, stratflt ia committed . Ut rmlatioua with iinpuuitv. "'liiu rip ia hiux ol the Federal army nnd r Gdio rml Uowauu, vionM.it the ocrnuljreu Kivr between Adjiliu' lerrv and Slucoii. U is -aid that the Iou 01 l'oi ih waa ooiiit,lifioy UemoltMhetl. ' h 1 tHliraixpre-!iHt sreat atoui-ihiueut at tho Hch etmuirv iu,.v Wt,rll pa.n throuirli, aud the shut i ano ot provUhma in d. "ll.P.opiBoi BtMUiM.Dare ludehUd to the Hon. Jo nkiA llit-i. lor ht atreiiuoua oxettious to have ,i ,,ul'ct,M-- H ahowiuk to hweUorts H'l'-lv that the wor- nar-d. o. nertu Mm vavi- ordura to the citlzena atonsr hit .roue to shout dowu his slraatilura wiihoiit mercy ui.o l uiuOiment Inlhcted by some ot vho i-Vdeial 0 iaU lor plundering wus aaveru whipmuji " 1 he (Jt'ADti LoiiRe of Odd Fullowi of Imllnna Lin rrte. Us loultv by p:lliiirj, by a uiuui m us ot II. II. Dodd, leader ot tho Koiu of Li ttlj tusjirnry. IMPORTANT TROM HABRI8BUB1. Th A rrrMt f nnollivr llrhrl Hpy Inmhlii t'nnnty onrlritry D, 51rll-n-ry lo h Kr-lrpl- li 'lion of Jmlico ililXH'iiK'.tlrnrliil llult In llm tlnltrr Th Allritrd Hrln l Slr fliff nm urn 4 onrlunVd Kninitrrd Vfrdlrt of tti nr Hrv. A I Try It. Iluinn, of Col mil blnontily tht nt t ntf. llAiini!nnnn, Do. B, 'I lie eMr of Wii.mami FiRLiiiiin iki innii, Hn, trird l oiom t)i I omnil mon licrn ai K"ImI 1 prn coiicliiilxil thi. uitornniin. ami tho coiirl w now tml ilolibPnitinx on tho cridi'nco. li rour.o, l Ik dii.on oaiinnt bo eoitninly known until the ordpra ol itie eoinniaml n ccnnritl touching tho rr. uri- mt l.c l ; hut IIkto bp- enod nioniid. tor nirnKln tlmt ut Kt i .n ol Dm prmoiiorn, W. i iiiiMvbow, lias lipcn n Jii(l(fril giilllv. lillo IIiito am plrcuiiiHtaiKM-K wh cli must miiii'nle tlio offence. ol W ii.i.iauk ior ratlirr Wii.dkv), and KiKLKircu, llwao Tcry cimimilanrrH hnvo nerved lo moro llrmlr IumIpd iriult ti on Tiiohi'son. In mr do'imlch ol lRt liijht I iclttttl tlir nttniiffri ih'rivoptncnt. niado In the rano ot ' Williahh" on Iho arrival of Di tootiTn U.HKY. How TiitmrsiiN bul aF.prHiJ that ho could prove by Wii.pmy that lio loardod with tho Inllor Ju-t tliroo wo!k prior to Ik. arront on tho ( unibiT utid Vallcr Hall road. Althouli tul was no lw than tlio fourth C'liilraiiictory .turv on tho part of I HOMrnoM, tho Jiidjto Advocato dolnrniincd to jrive hnn evrry opporltmily to prove hm iiinoconoo and thnroioro di'!patchoU lo Iho addiosn named by 1'iioMraoii. J'he roaiih ol all thia was, th it when Wn.DKr nr rivi'd tioro, ho UtKtinut v denied ever aneintf or know lii(t fiioMrHoji, who then averted in turn that h mllakon In lux man and d d not imond to aeud lor Wii.dkv. The mnt Hlnirular part in this drain i i, the recosmtlon ol Williams by Wii.iiky, a hii mm Wn.yiiKii Wilpky, who had boon m ssinz Irom lioino lor aoino five yeara. 'Una appeam tlio moro InlerrstniK. ilia-much an tiiat alter a trial of over two weeks iu duration, when it was supposed by tho ourt that the testimony in tho cases had beon closed, one of tho pnaonoia sends ior a witness wh3 when bo arrives declares ho does not knoy this quondam friend, Lut on turning around suddenly and unexpectedly rccoenizc another ot tho prisoners aa Iua own son, who in (urn presents a cold shoulder to the Drat applicant with whom he has been asso ciated, protessinjr not to know turn. Tho rod at first relused to rcc(icni70 his father, but when his mitlhor appeared upon tho scene, lira natural and maternal Directions coi.queied his cuulloimry in stiucts, aud he cooks oil to tho relationship. I hero Is evidently a very interesting story conneotod with this very complicated all Vr. Hero is an opportunity for a second "Very llurd (ash," on whioii another HAiu.lfl Kkaur miirht work up another llrst-class novel for Iho IIaupkii a. The plot is as deep laid as the romancol mittht de-irn. Iheie aro adventuros and hnlr-brendth 'scupes In ahundaneo. Theroaro the Kebel spy aud the doveriiment detective ill tho plot. 'Ihero are civil war and iitnub.'rloit Water, loos to depict. A pint not unworthy ihq tr.Milus ot Victou lluoo, Tho characters aro inai ko.i and d cided. Ihero Is insanity, hep.'dilurv insanity, per Laps mad-house.i and viiinnies, which aro indood, not unworthy the philanthropic jrcuius oi ItKAHB. ho shall unravel this my.ilcry ? .Mr. and Mrs. Wildly weio called on to testify In (ourt to-day. and 1 prosent below Iho cvidcuco eli cited. Young Wildly, alius Williams, wlilspored to the fiuard yesterday, " How is my case ajroiujr to turn out sinco my duudy has com. f" lie is rather anxious now, whereas belbro ho si.emed uncon cerned as to his rate. Tuoh rooit is now, however, by :ar tho most scared ol the three. 1'heso unexpected devolopments havo seriously alarmed linn. Ho was much chairrlued when Jlr. Wilde Y tailed to recognize him. Ho baa made no defense or statement prior to tho clearing ol tl.o Court tor deliberation upon tho evidonco. Detective Ollleer EMxbu II. Wilder, Sworn. I reside at No. 248 Kast 1 hirtio.h stroi't, Now York city. 1 am a po.icc ollioer, emp'oyed in iho New York t it y Into liyeiico Oil:ce, in which cpaity 1 have served ior sov. n years; I know tho aeceseil; he is my sou; he will l.e nineteen yean owl m February; he h it ,ioine lour or Bve vears a.-o; ho hud o t home sev.ral liui s beioro when ho won a small boy, mid was once brought back by ull ucuaii.l .lie . ainl seve ral tiuics by invsell; in leei.ltil capaeny he has nl- vtu.BLiet'u oi jiuium, wnien nave no (luuoi wnai- evens tlio caue oi Ins erratic career trom tiibinyy ; at times he U is upr eared bnlit and intellk'fiit ; the laniry is disposed lo insanity, which has been liere di.ary; one sister died iiaunout Itrulileboro', Vt. I a hiotber ia partially iusanu; tho boy was aiwu.a erratic, but not predisposed to criminality ; be n ensilv influenced bv aupei ior moida und ledatiayt Win. H. Williams is an us-umt d name; in ti e otn ;r iu atuiici sot his runuiiiK oil' lie bail evi rv time oh-iured b.s uame; Ins real name is v ii.Fituu Wildky. i have only beard of h.m twice since his Icutmg home, tle yearti a?o; once, nearly four years ayo, w.ien l.e came Iioiiih. as ho huid, from AeH beru, N'ortti t'urolina, wheie he a.sser;ed he wa jyJu with an fii.nd, but he did noi a;.peur ca;alle ot jvuiff a thomuli accfunl oi imnsen; he whs hotuea.ai'i some tune after the first visit, but 1 did not sj- in iu tl.en ; niv pr"ioHnn keeps me away trom hnnio u great deul, so tl.at 1 could not pay particular atten tion lo thu subii ct, but it was impu.-s 1.1. to kee i him at homo. These iactn (wituesj said) could be corroborated by tw.-ntv or more prnmtueut citiAiii oi New ork, ll leiiuired bv ihe ( ourt. Alra. :Bi.crA W ildy waa also sworn, princi pally corioborntinir the teiiiiucuy of her lnubaud. 1 he pri-oii' r. .Iawkb i; Wn.DKi-, ah is Wiliim II Williams. Is her son, and will Le iiii.etecn ve irs old on the ltith ol February next. He was at home lor two duvs uhom two veins aL'o, but did no-. ,-;t ito win re lie had boon. Ihe luunly had received no let crs irom him. ltrv. Alvey It. Itunin, Thepnacber ho wos count cled with the Columbia ! county conspiracy, is the next on the list tor trial, ' liis cabO wi 1 come up to-inorrow. Mr. Aluick4 . lias t een cuiifed as counsoi lor deleiiM.. ; jiuiiier ui.eifea iteoei spy was arnmieii nay oo loie vest, rilay, ou the C um urluud ulle.' ltailio.ol, near Harris! uric, by a deteniive. who denied the cnciinistaiicea ruilieieutly ftionif to wurrutt bis ar reit. 'ihemau L'tves his name bS .Iomi iu 1 l.AeKK. He bad in his if,s.ses!'iiiu vliun i.rieste l soiuesii, j iu i.enoiiiinalions ol 6's. Ti's, 2o s, r's and lis)', : ball of wii.cli were ( oulederate notes nnd ha.f urei ulaeks toi-thiT wmi homo couuti r.elt uoid pii-ces. He limi uts'i sec.etetl ou ills poi on, beriraili Lis vest uini coui, a bundle ol luo.ier mutciies irom wlneh it isasiiiouil tlnil perlui.s (tie individual Has an Incenoiaiy. i i.akkk Iiiis beeup a ed in conliue. ment ou the charge oi beiuu a spt.aud w.ll bo tried beioie the 1 uuiuiisiou. Daniel Mr Henry. Onn of tho Columbia county prisoners, aiulnat wbt.m it wua umlitrstoed Die most uaint.iuir ev ilencn would be elici.ei,it wi 1 bu ri'eoeec'id by the readers I oi I KB iMjt liii.'ii was uniii r inai o nre t:ie M ntary ( i iiiinissfon lore be ore tiie Novtmtier electon, wl.i-n tiie Coiiiinissiou adjourned oyer until atlertho election, the ease not haviin? bi'.'n coiii'iuiled. In 11 mteriui one ol the members oi tho omiu.ssion wus ordered V est, on other duty, le:iv:nir tiie num ber in the ( oiomisHiou below fin requirement ol the tuw. A new mniiier was apioiuU'd, and tho JU'le Advoeitle moved lor a new trial, ah initio, wbicu was agreed lo bv the Commission, wiieu couu sol lor fleK l.se enter, a thu pleu that the ( o'limissiou, lm viliu teen reiiuetd, and thereby euectuul I v dtsbauif. ed dunur a lormer tnal, tho piismier was, through such ilisruplion without senieuco, honorably ar. uit ted ol the cl.aiitcn uauiusl l.iui. and ilia: he coul I not le put in.leopardv u feeoml tunet.u ihe same clnri;es, the plea ot the ilcleuse was sustained ,v ,w Court, anil tiu- proewdiii5s renntletl lo Gcnei al Couou for action thereon, t lie ease was releneil ,y ,im pj the War liepa'-tuieiit, whence the toPowing llerlMlun ol Juditn Advocntc-tienernl Holt. War I'KfABTMkvr, IIiiiikao t Militaky .lu.s tii a, .Nov. 'A', lis'H ImUirKt mt it. KeHetluhy returned to Mujor-t.euerul ouch, or iuaa.nr. j ii the within case th- uceusi d ple oled in lut of 1'ial that he hud been picvioi.Mv Inid und put ui leoe:nly tieiore u nillllary Ciiliililissioll ou tile sanio chariies; Hie lact be.inr that the reiiiin sslou had Lee u leduerd by competent authority below the minimum number, and thu. rendeied incompetent to pruned with Hie tria'. alter the prisoner had pliaiiedto the chaise, and one witness had heu exiiiiuieU, but Lcic.ro any particular proceediu.s Imo tsii litki ii in tl o cusrt. 'I he cniiiinisHiou n-jiv in set-sion sustains the plea, und remands the prisoner ,iitn custody, lo awiiil the no ion ol the ( ouimaudititf (j i.eia!. I l.e ileclsiou ot the Commission was crioncous. It is the wttitd iu nn oi this Itinosii, and oue auipty iustu:i:i-u by tl.e tietisious ol the I uurt. ol tiiu I l ib d Mutes, t.iat the eopardy -pokeu ot in Cio ( onsiitut'on cuu Le interpreted to mean nothing .1.0)1 ol tne aciuiiia' or eonviet'oii ol the prisoner aui the judumeitt ot the unit thereon. The ease should bo returned to the C ommission for further action. .1. Holt, .ludirfl Advocatc-Goneral, New Trial Ordered. Paxim McliKMiY will tberemre l,e retried for rrsi-tin the mil it ji rv authorities and avv, under Ihe loi ownitf Inslriietinns : Jl'IniR A DVOl ATK'H (Imt'K, I iKl1 A HTMr.SJT levl.VAlA. f nAMni.tteniTno, HeeemlaTti, i 4. ItHftn'tt irnntA l:e-pectiiiily reh ired lo ( aptain H. I.. Ji'lt :, Act.no; Adiitni.t-li. neral, .ludix.' Ad o(ate oi Miiitaiv ( i ni'iiissieii now in e-iiui at Harrisburir, I'a., who will brlntf Iiamki, 1t:llKstiY len.ie the i on-iins.iou lor tiiutl on iho wit 111 ti cl ares and sprcitleiitlers without delay. Attention ia invited to tho tmoiement ol .Tudffe Advorate-tjeiieral Molt, of Novemlier ii'l. I A. on tin- ilic leeil proceedings, wlneli will he slltheient to ovei u a pieo ill bar of trial u Inch uiifht be arirued iu tbis.ca.'-o ou ttnlr- tjoit acquit. r itAciw Wf. si:ls, Cnpfatn ami .led".' Advocate. l"roosd Ampnilini'Hlol the Iti veiiun l.ttw. The rccotnmeniliitloni ia tlio important rep rt of the t'omniissioner of Internal Revenue, oru titnJctstood to be approved by the S nrotur of the TrciiMiry. Tliey are principally : First. Tli 8' tlio tux on diatilicil hpirits lio not reiinced one iota, fsicond. That tlio tax on tho whole tobacco pttnltii t lie laid on ti c leiif. 1 bird. Unit if it be nut, tlmt tlio tux on vif irs be luitl on an nil uilfnim scale. Fourth. That a tux of ntit' lialf of one per ccn'. lie levied on h'H'ci ol inen h in list) utnl prod tl is whith iinioiint to SI l,l),ni)il,iN() a cur, tin J w bleb wtui'tl yield S i IMill.tidO of lovontie. Filth. That the Keeipioi i'.y treaty with ('anti'l t le iTsehnleii, beemi.e ii lets tn a vast niii iiiiit of iokI this jciirbnlf n in t II ion free of revenue duty and free of the xcie tlify of three nai a buif emu a ti n, ar d ticcni-c it Mraws away from U8 to t auinl va-t quaniities of corn this year four hiii a quarter millions of liushels to lie dis tilled into spirits and miiiihIciI buck hero in fr iinl i f our revenue, and bccitiisu it tempts tho fr lUiln letit expoita Ion to ''utinda of our toll icn in the linf ihia ytiir t no uilllion two hundred ami thirty keve'n thousand dollars' worth there to he manutacluted into ilKars, and smuggled back over the frontier. Sixth. That to save revenue the iinslncis of asMiyitd sold and silver lie done by the Govern ment, and not at privme evtt)lihtnoiits ; and tint the present licvtn-e fee for assaying lie ruudo so lnige as to be prnbiliitory. ."si vtnth. ThHtrrude .etroletim bo taxed two or thnc cen'a a ullon, and the tux on rotine l rc ilnccil o fourteen or fifteen rents. F.iKb'b. That the tax on publications be laid on tie press wink und bintl'nK. Ninth. That the tarili' on iron, partl'til urly roils, of which 120,000 torn were imported from Great liritain lust year, should lie raised t least a dollar and a half a ton. Tenth. To make the teat of tbojeirly Income tit-lived from real estate its rent il value. Heveiitb.'To provide for summary and inex pcimio processes to recover such penalties, and procure forfeitures of Muill lots of coutr.iliiind goods," The Commissioner of Internal Ucvenue ctl rnati s that the excise as it stand, nnd if not cut down and finktn d by CntigreBt on tho prcssnre of lobby delegation', will yield thrco hundred millions year on the picsout business of (ho country ; that it will pay the current cxpotiius of tho nation, Including interest at six per ecu', on the war debt, nnd pay olf il e debt itself within Einitjr yeur.s. An FkbIIsIi 4Jr-ek Jrnmmir. Over a space of ycnr.i we went systematically through und through that book ; page alter pago, chapter after chapter. It was till unintelligible all obscure; but 3ino spots were wrapt la more thun ordinaiy gloom. Our chronic bewilderment wus varied from time to time by shooting piini, brought on some passage or expression unu mally Indigestible. Wo real of ere (Hires hap pily few in number that went about ia the rpiewne gender. Were they ti.h, flesh, or fowl ? Would the breid be ever extinct? Undurcortiin desperate ciicuiiisiances, a purMciple and a no iti logither were bound hand and foot, and nut into the ublatii absolute. What had they done to ho treated in a maimer thus peremptory, unreason able, crotchety r Did they ever get out alter being once put in ? Then there were gerunds in in, Do, and hum. lnw tin y recoiled to us tnnt old Fee, Fi, Fo, -'im.and the smell of Kmilish blood! And supines in f m and f. What was the moan ing of these eubiilistic names? I dl I not know tliein; and I do in.t know now. And yet I nave been behind the scholastic curtain fir twelve long ycais. There was no entire chapter in the b ink more broken by pitfalls than that, composed ia doggerel, which treated of the rules for gender. Not one word, I am sure, of an exceptional kind bed c-cuped thu diabolic ken of the compiler. (Suing upon suing ot. jangling, unmusical lines could wc repeat with a singular rapldi-y ; under Handing nothing, asking no questions. Oh, tho meet, simple faith of childhood! Wo had he il told to com mil those lines to memory, and we commitud them. They would doubtless di us good in the latter days. Wu should at all events be Hogged there and then unless, we sung them like caged birds. Ihuj-Dreamt of a School matter. "If you go on iu tlmt way, sir," said the prisoner in I lie dock to his counsel, who was du ll tiding Mm with force, and fury, and abusing judge and jury in good set terms "If you go on in that way, sir, they'll hang me; 1 know they will." "Never rniiid, my boy," replied the coun sel, an Irish gentleman, carried away by his own e oqiu nee "never mind, my boy ; let them hung ) i;ii,kiid I'll make them repent it." SPECIAL NOTICES GUKVr 11AS1N OIL COM TAN V. IiIVIIiKMi No. v. '1 ha JHrc-otorn hu ttil lav g arvd it MOVIIILY lUVllihSh) OK I WO ) i CKST. to HtocWhn (.-rs ui record, rMiyriMern and mt. r itiu l.'itlt lust, liuik. Ciuhc ou , t.U.vi.MtAV 7th tn-t U. W. wiij I VM-i. Trfvurer, N 14 Kur.iuLsr Hu 'dinifi. I'mi.Aio t.PHiA, !'c'tntrr ft, U-v lut S'l'jf 11VII)KM) M)TKK. OKKI'-K OK the MlN'iO oib COMfANV, No. fil WALNUT tSiroet, IttK.m au. t'lll(.AllM-IHA, Itt'Cf llltirr I, IrVil. Tlit'l'Mrdnr Dlrertont ol tliln l omounv lnvv t il. dny dcur(l u JtUiilt ni i,i TW'(MJ) rcr ft;iil in ihe miotal tuck. pu wi.ic ut their office on aud aft or the lUiti inaiuut. fre of Hint.' tuv s. 'J h biHii will be rlest d for traimi'or n the 5tJi Instant St '4 I' M fniU t: tiptiityd "ii tfif i"th. .- i't J. W WILTRANK.Becretary. -n-OF(-ICK OF THE CITY liOUSTY v Fi a! oinmi-siLo, (.'ummuoMeAlth Ituiiaiuci. So. (Jin ( lUBNtT ti r.W. l'niLiKi.rMiA. 1iH-enibr 7, 151. Ow Iti' t the foiTPati-tt i.uwftfr ol rcf nit, the Onaim't-i-toh U uniJtr the ifC'tnMly uf aiiiiouririnif Hint the Ci'T 1t uiily wul I ittolrnwD at'i r KKIltAY, ttth hint. No l-ouii.j will ihert-Joie, be paid to men munt red In after lt:t J.i'. iOUS I1LAIK, 1- ;A HtuTDtarj. r-- UNION LEAGUE IIOU8K, N(3ri2ia CbMJT Ruwt- Iiltt til lik.u 1, ItitH. NOTICE. Tlii- tait d Annual Mvet i of the I'nion L-aue nf ritlA d.-uJiiM 1U Iu hi la ait'O.NCKUT UAl.L.ou il(NIAr, Diti'iiiix-r Vi ut h n eh ck I. M , i U rt-'. inlraMtiii niMnbtm oQly.eun bf tir on uppJItiev U n to Mr. ( Uiiuiit It. Wi liitc. A-slttant Scci'ir li '4 l-'t tiMJia.h. 11. liUKtK, Heoitilafr. riiu.AT ErrniA and uRinsa Ralliuud omi any trHc, 7a . Koi'ii I II Mirtu MVIIiKM NUTICK. ' Tlis I rar-ftr l'.-oi i,r this .'otniativ wi 1 be oloterfnil Tl u;HtJH.lt.cenjU'itaml roiieiiea on Tue-dtty. Jaou ai v If, 1. A. A .Itvn'fiKfof FirTKFN PF.K CKNT. on the C.mmnsi stid l'n IomhI Htot lt, clffcr of Nutioti! nn htm tavt-n, tia lietn dei Lin t, M.Ia lB Com mo bi..ok tke 3 t of I'm .ut t r i't m, on ull ock ftitntllnK uu tti t. ,k of the ( i iui .io.v at ti d(t"u ut OulUfn oh Ihv I rt b (iroxinio. Him ih'l(WM v notf pitiiifa, i4re i ti-t'rel ou t t t Ser Ti ..ik ti 4.J njiij in-jtiilii at the l-'aruiuri Luriti imJTrii-t ('(lliirinv, 1 J i -1 i -T H, HICAliraidf, Trvan.rm. 1 T D! PARTMFN'T of mark hts, miiARVKrt AMI LANhlMl.i -U.lice, KIKOI Mirrt,be:wi.heout. i'liTm.M.riUA. Ititn'fr T, NOI l B. TTip Wharf at th font of rht -innt irfM, oi the rlvrr lt litWiirr, wll lio lesH.'fl for a tenn tf onn .r ttni- niri, t Hie hiyh'-iii an'! bt hi'lil'-r. ht the Mrf:lmiitn' Kx ihaivo, un W (lin miay, lect inhyr It, at li o'cuh-k. ntjn. J. li. (I, 13 X CviiimN-l r. f-; f- H KAIiQl'AKTKICH sri'KRVIORY ' Criinii".'i ..r it cruitinj Colon-d Brglmentt. N-i. l.'10CHKrMT Rtnet. l'n if a hi. i rit t a . Iifcrmiiar 7, i. Ti e Siifn r -o.r ('(tinmlttrf tor ht:ritmnK ( "oion il lt'i1 nifoti lia Iik resolved to at Jonrn nine il e on the. .ut liistHi.t, all tiprnnr h havinu fiifn a a'nst iho ald ( oin ini u . nii r,.,MH-,i, rtt,, ,ip.t tti' in for itvmnt in K. K i (ii-iiN, A (.'rut, ui tho Rooms of the fl)miiilttl, on or bifnrr thf'i-.th Infant 12 lit CAlWAI..m:U llIODM;, Hecretary. II? Oi l ICE PENNSYLVANIA IIATL- T' l!OAlCUMrANY. 1'itir fm k, Hovcmr 4, 1 -ft. ?OTfE TO MllAltKllOMiK 4. Tie rahsrfho il.-rn of t'm mpany up n-tiflM that, fiiuli r It i luti'.n ol ttifl Itita d ot inirct rt i tie v r--, e - tl tied to Fiih'i r In- to the tun k of ti p Ctii.ny hp urnount n' 'IKS 1'KK I'KST. on thPlr rnpectlve Inn-real, as shown t then b'H.im of tho mutant . ai h -hsreholdrr pii I 'rd to a trai tlansl psrtof s sbant, nnticrtlie ti-ntu r the. l; (.oiiui'-n, all h;ive tne invt li i.p of frubxtilemg for a full share on the i. ivim-nl of lift a I am. I hin HtrM'k will be t.-suM t tiie- par vulne o flftr (1! lars firr shmp. Aerri td h terot at ft I'KK 'K,nT. will h- ( huru il irorn thn 1st iiMlitnt until payment N rni-lc Tlf iWxiiX lor ni)n ri.ii'.n ami n ment wt'l be men oni' M'AV.tbp Jill liifttitn. and will rlnur on the -'.lt o( I M cinhiT tttsl, alter him no Inrtiior hUlixcripUmiB 9, )?' lit- r uiid( r t ! r..l'it.on. II IJI'i .11 TUQMAHT URTU Trea-irer. MONTHLY STATEMENT OF THE - ' Bfuoiid Naiional Hunk ol I'lmtiilitihia. f liANh I'' Hill . I .'.'! II 'mr I), f finTi urd l'lrnon". ' .' M I nl rd htiUth l.oai.k P i t T;iiiipr Sfaii-N M'r I" e trom ItiitiKN i ai-itat 1 i-ti'it I'Ut; to Jim k CtrrutaMon ( on. in. t, ii ol iho Itftnk tlu '(! 1-' i t,t V .V.,lk4) IHI I-. ...f ilT.ill ... Ki.ni:, I'l :tvi.H7t- ''tfi.IMN) IMi o":iv "f Ih'i-i'MiImt. Isil. II. Itll A Uailimr. fy OITIOK riULADELI'HlA GAS W01;KM, Novf nitrfT at, ;. Proposal nl be nrenodat thu f!l!e tin' If noon if th- 1i o- .iMnuiirj n xt, lor the khu- to thi: I r jslctji oi tlis IMttnip.pJiin i, a Wr.ri.n, df etftck In tin Hoinhwu'k atxl Myimifiift-lnjf (lm Wors. (ifrnmiitown ii Ainnaiiink do And Itlct tnopil do lohc iibtd an iiivfstincn! for tho miiuIii funds of sal J works. WILLIAM KKNNTLL. 12-2-lm C.ifvoior. fKjrr-' OITTCE OK VETERAN BOUNTY VliBd f'ouiiil"l'tK No. 7 i Mi"virnimiAiL. MltUAUV Hlrert. 'hlliii'lplila. I.-eiilined Veionuirt, wlo did not rerftvi miy Wjird Huitfv. aru eati;i-it to a Ci y r..-nmjol 'I weriiv ttvc UnlUrn. The ''oiiiiiiIinI 'Dors Hlroliit 1 tn rvAuitie flAliui for ihe aova hotm'y of tMi ntv-flve dollar lit meet on MIM-aYS, VV'KDKM hf M, iino t II I DAY al 4 n clock I'. M., a No. 3 lllil.l)- VI I a h II A LI,, 1.1 lilt A KY Slr.-.-t. Pert ns omlUed to thla Hcunty aru rcttuonlt d to apply at thii Oitico. I "MM n I hi-.. V T R l NltfKS, Cha di n, Jos STI1AV P.rM.Of'K, l'Airi.,1. HI- Ll. uKO. W. hJSIONH. tlWlM OliUll.K, , 11 -VTMHt f5f ROCK OIL COMPANY OE PENN syhmila, No. W'AI.M' r Htrcot. PiiiLAiM.r.i mi , la-i cuittcr 2, 1.!. J!VI I 'F.N It NOI M K. The Mi-trd nf I lirfctor ha e thin ilav di-rlarrd a Iivl (h'lul oil Wt) lKK t'KNT. (tweiity niiti pi r Hlmre), ir- o' Hiiti- tiis imviihle on and at tur M-md iv, iht Uihint. Tlio Tniiisii-r Hi ikh will clou? m Tuesday, liitcctubur li, at X uili c h, V. M , und upuu on the Uth. .Ii HIN F. r.UAFF. VJ '-it Secrrtary and Tn-iiHuror. ARMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S CIotiiliL; Kmbroidcred. H' nuirtorfliraps. Wreaths io., tn styis unsurpassed, at trj reduced rU t. FARR, Merchant bailor, 108 Sm Vo.lDNTKTU B4wet. aUfveChosnut rJ- OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE af.ttial liuurauce Coaip.iny, I'hiiadelphl. Ho vmiber it IMi. TxcoaroBATitD The followlnv statt iimii ol the ainors ot the Compsny Is puhUxheo in -r fortuity wltli a prtivltlonuf itucnarter Jrciiiuims riTi-htd trom Nov. Iht, Ihiwj, to 0:t. JUt, iiifVi, n Mnrlne and ltilaLd Klkkn t.'.iM iu On Fire itl-Xa tj o.,; 1m v,a,70li 00 rrem'nnis on Policies not marked oil, kur. 1. JhtJ 134,471 Pn-tnltims mafkedofr ai earned from VovemUurVis'? toOO obm ul, 1.S : On Manni'aiid Inland Kinks..., (UK'.Y.I 74 Ou Firw Risks 13u,.vi 7,i Intermit dnrliiR Home period Sal- 10 Ac 75,:3 RO Isaes,y.xpenHes, Ac, durlns the your as atiove:-' "teiine aud Inland N.ivintjon Ltilrtti t ill -nil tc heturn I't t milium Jl"buriiet-M ,f in y CI.iwk.'h AiIvt rilnJi-K, rrint nit. Tax en I nlteu Htan s Ta on l'n'. nnu tn, l'o,l -. HtmnpH, tc Lxp'i;e, ba.artoj, Rtnt, Ac Thlt isex( lt!slvoof the amount reserved f iflwut ntl und protlti. AHbLl H OK Tf JK COMPANY, NoviMiihr-r 1, sin. lOh,(0 I'nlted States l-ivu Por Cont Kimn, 111,00 I nttidhtates Six rur (knt. Lo.m. ll ' 7A,(K0 I'mti'd Ntnten Hin. rr Cisut. I-on, it IC0.000 btau' ol reuimyWanla, Five iir font. l,oun M,0U0 Hiute of I'uiiiny.vaiiiit, SU I'ur tent, Loai l.K),0.Vj ( itv.f rhliadelphia.Hlx l'-r Cent. lxan 20,000 reniiiylvaiiia lUlirfadjKt Mort;ati, 8i l'i r t ent ltnils M),0lXl 1' nny haunt Umlrond.id Mi r.8tfo hlx i'rt out UtMii 10,otX) ;t0o Hharen stock 0rinim'j)wn Was t (MiipAiiy, pritirlpitl nod lutcrofit (fiwanic-ed by the t'liy ol I'ltlia- ilWihia 6.W0 Uki Whale Htock rt nn Ivanla ltnllrond Couitunv ,0ti l4'rhares Htotk North Pennsyl vania ft al! road I 'oinpiiuy '. . fi0,(0h t'nl ed Kiu'eii Tnau. Ocrtlll- Ctiir.i ol" Indt'htediifHH ;,0OO Ht ie of J'anuosfteu Five Por Cent, I.fian l'ih.TU) Loans n ItmiJ aud ilortuo, amply b ecu red 148,315 00 7- -AM :.o 9 ltV 410 M.SIO 00 -i,O)0 oo i;ioO oo .S.-.bO i'ur. Cot, 14U.1(IQ). Miriot ship R al KktHie Jtiib. loceitiililr h,r lunurane inadn. lialanr.' d u at Aironnie, J'romlunn en Marino J'oIkIi, Actrtil J it -tvrtftt, anil otuur dibu dim the '-oiM(tsny Bcnp and Stock ol Hundr Inturaiire and oihor CompaiiiL's, 1 1 .'u'i 00. F.ittliuatt'd Yaliio farli on ui'potit Willi I'.S. 8-i,7: H i.w i w tioven in i in, subjvot tu ten di call fttOufiO 00 'ah ki Itaiil'ii tVi,'l i4 avti in Drawer 5J7 M l.lH.B'r.l l,l.ftM ml Tiiu unarm, Noveo-lxrf, Ifl'H. Tle Roanl of I) rc" tore li tins iuy dtciared a i a-h lilvl.lendnf TK yot ni. on thu cai-.ul ill ck. and M pw ;eut lute t ou ti.e n rip uf ii,f i'oiupany, payable on aud after the Kt oi fc4Haiter proximo. fte of Nuiloual and MLate t,xen, ihey have aino declari-d a Scrip Dividend of FORTY per c-rit. on the fnn(l piuiiiiiiatk lot Uie T.'ar eii.liiu (o I btai, lNr4,ertmcaieii fir wsh h will be Imued to the I trtlen n tnl4o to the tsno, en ad iiftt r tin- lit of D coia-M-r proximo, nee oi Natnviel and rttaie lanes. Thuy 1m ve ordered, also, iliat the scrip certtflnvM m protitc o the t'ompanv lor the yar lho b re h't .ul :a u-h, ut the o tti re uf the LSimnv. on and utttr Uie I st 4 jn-cnuber proximo, ail Inter et tliuroon lo coaie on that day No certificate of profit Uuied uiidi-r $US Hvtlie Ai4 on Incorporation, "no roriiUeat' shall Usue unlaui i-hi tned within two year aftr Uhi Uecaraiimi of Uiu dJvtditaJ whwvol It I evidence." iURKCTOKS Thomas 0 Hand. B in ue I F. fltolffe. Jnt-n: Oavii, kvibionl A H S'l-r. '1 Uf pliih'H I'Sl idHifcV John R I'enroa, James Traotmir. lit ui (: JihIi. it. Jr , .uh4i (' Hand. M Hllrtin (' l udwi, .lo,.ph ;. Heat. il i.rne (i I.t Jnef, lilUli 4 ii J w. -t.'iian, , Ht nrr t mti Wntnim; houlton, K tnai-i i.ii in.itoii, If . .I:iif's Hn-iu, Jicob V, Jtipi'H, J.iin It MFitilatid, J.n-hin I'. F.vre. .Hm-rif .-r M.-llv atna John li. t.-itipv, rut-.innj A. ti. It-rvcr. do H Aivxi tiunoii. THOMAS C MWn I'r.-ddont. ,H( s t; ia Is. iv.m, m .vi.ni'K, Socreiary. ll it-hu M3 Hi ' in) IH o,ty U 3st.o;i -x r taxes on iv 00 9,100 00 3,0-rO 00 iHA Jl 00 12.0U0 00 12W.700 00 H7.i??7 fXJ ,'A(I 10 pUOTOUHAPII AlillUMM. WIioIpisiiiIo nnd Itotnll. TDK IIHRAI'F.HT ANO mr PIIWTOCJRAPI I A I. Ml T.MS I For 31 f-orttalt-., ninrocco 40 " ( it .. " A " " nli'.ns.. inn I'D ' ' qiisrM. ' " " " l 1 to (tf-Ol TI 0 tn 4-) J ' I M T O ' . i .Vi iu 10 01 fi.rl ti 10 00 H (10 t.i ll GO 1.' -W t i tl.il I'l I'll AUlUMS In Every Variety of Style. niCII TUHKRY MOROCCO, ANTMUK, IVOUY AND rHAKI. MOUNTIN iS, OKNAMKNTAI, EDUI-.S, Ac. Ac, llo'.lirir finm Twol.n lo Two Hnntlrril Plioti.r.i Uio iars'-k suit I tsi .umii lm, nt in tlir city. willi m vr. HARniua, M Nt:. ACT- IlKIl, No. n'j'i en ksnu r s riu:ur, I? i UKI.OW Kolilirii. hOIITH S1HB. ISO 1. "'v-. ls,;5t W3NCHE3TEU & CO., N.. ',00 CllKHNUT STltI'".i:T, frti Ite st'er tl'ili to ft ctiulca ttvjk t WIIAI -PKIIH, CARI'.IAlil-: Ilt.AKKI.T1, CAKLMAN JAUKM'f. Hf'AHKH AND TirS. llllKKFA.ST JACKtlS. OLOVK8 AND IIANllKKRCHIKK.-t. S.MOKINd CAPS. 1? J 1-a With a Htir rlor aaNnriment of other (1-ioh inltaiil.' a. PEIfcESTS TOR GENTLEMEN. 1 H A It I. R S K r M P P , V J I'lllKIT WKIK and ATCHKI. M A SI P C. It lli.ii, Mo. il H HI l 11 Mrii-t, Imluw Arch, riti i. i i .1.1-in v. I'lirt'iilt'H, lirftiM'tiy rHst.., L,arCan-H, 1'ocki-t 11. -.In, CuLai.. Hati-h-is, Moncv Holt., wrk nowi. limiKiT.i' Cars. Whol.-fulp anil miull. I.' 7 Ira c H 11 IS I MAS I'HUSENTS. n hai wuuid b a luort- acrr-iitAlileCtiritituiiis ii.t-acnt toil A (iKNKIML, t'OII A OOI.ONKI, K)lt A CAI-I AIN. Knit A l.-KITKNANT, Kolt A HI'KUKOW, tlnti a li.n.l.unc l-hESKNTA l IOM SIVoltll. 9 ai anil I'.KI. I', hiich us am niw.ns tie ilitsin-l, In tin- tnlii-.t ar tlalin flnmh. at CKOHIiE.W. HIMDSH ,t HKflf ., M.tiii li.riitilriR ji .l. n, .San-iom lroet Hall, J(o. lilH S NSiJH htrei-t, riillaiitlj Iua. 1 1 - i : I j t WANTS. rAN TKD A FIKST-BATE OROAXIST ' li.r An KpMroiul rliurol- In till. city. At.o a thor mivh.y itiit;lei,t Hopiano mid liior iln-cr t'-T tii choir -f llu MtB,e church. A.IJrun "llox J1" I'hliadrlphia font llUli .." li-M- tt pOPYINO WANTKD. A YOUNG LADY, V with cotiHtderntilf lt-l.ure limp, would lik. tulnvoto a 1" rtii n ot it lo c'Pli'K nr tmiimirlblnu tnan.iH.-rl-v. Ad llr "M.r. 8.,-' Western Suhl". O, -Lhlladolvililu ll-7-Kt BANK NOTICES. WStf WHKHEAS, TIIE AUDITOU-OKNK-r7 ral, eh nqi'lre.l by the llthj Hection of the Act en-tltIt-tluAn Act toii.ubte ihe Banks 01 thli ('oia'uoii rve itli to become AshoclBtl nx ior the purpose of lU'iKintt mtdor the taw ol ihe t nitt d Stati-N," pa.-st-d on the. '.'M div of K -M'--t A. 1. has certltlcil to me fi. "TliK IMS' tOU- ImTIO-J UANK (K l-Hll ADKI.PIM 1 lumlBhotl attla'tloIl to hin that all the reimrimms of ha d A it liHe bcni compiled with hy the said (tank, and th it It has l icornean A mclrttton lor tin purpose ol Hanking under tie law- ot the Cnited Siaten ; I tio, then loie, cmuko ihlt notice theruof to be puhllihed, In seroidiitn e w It h (he proving of tbo i4id iith rtfoin oi the -nU A't. end rlo decl.ue that thn Charter of sad r.aiitv . bv t lie li mi of inul Ant. la ilmitiCil nml t ik.Mi tn t,t Ion uroD siirn i dred, eiitiject to the provUloQh of ihe Ut j neciit-n or saia .oi. .jua rrRTix, Ooeruor of reuu-ylvanla. ti r i i,i u r; ' nvniiK.H, I1a:;iiimii'im; Jtoveuiher iia, 1m U.J 11-2 !St f WHKUKAS, THE AUPI rOR-GEXE- ral, as reutiiretl ty the U'h sccilon of the aot en titled ''An Act Knubiuitf the Hankl ol tila Common twalth tn bi'come Afoclatinnt tor Ihe I'urpoe of Itanaliii. under ii laws of the ( nCed Htute. passwd on tti f; id tUy of AuKimt, A. I. lr.4, bah cer itled to me tha( trie CMTV 1UNK OK I'lllLADKI.I'fllA" y-an rTtilNtied satixiaciory evidence to him that ill the rennlrr-iiM nts of said net have bten noinpiied with by the said limik, and that It lias become sn AK-Mtion for the Iti'pote of Ranting, under Uie laws of the United Mitten I do tl.rreft.re ratine this notice thereof to be pull!hA1, In accordance with the iiroviiloiu of Kn f.ad I ItJi unction of the sum net ; and do de:sre .nut the Charter of said It n ilk. bv ttie terinu of titltl Act, t(t deemed a id t.ik n ti ne hereupon iiriend'roit, subiect to the provioious ol tae rtritt nectlou ol aid act. A. O. OtrRTIN". OoTornor ot I'eimsUvaaia. KXBOI TIVF ClIiMTIKK, Hahkiili k;, .HJth Noviiuter,1fVr4. ll-;i)-3w "WHEREAS, TIIE AUDI TOR-G KN E ral, as renilred b ihe Iith nt'eilon of the Act 'ti" titled "An Acl enatilinK the Hanks of thU thiuimotiweAltti t In coine Acsoeiudoim tor the pu'poe ol Jiinkinir undi r ibe Laws of the I niti'djitnie." paN d on the viJdd iyof A"Kust. A, 1). ls, has curtifled t in. (ha the o niDT clttl lunk of 1'cimiiylvaiila. of tho City of I'hlludelpma, taa furnished natitiu 'cry evidence to hint tiiat nil ihe n i"lf ineut ot eaid Art have been compiled with by the sit in Hank, aj,d that it has became an Aiim I it Ion fur i ha jytirpoke of tmrklnir under the Uws of the I'nlted Ht it s ; I oe, i in re lore canto inn notu e thereof tobe pubiisiea In aCforc1ane'wtlr4lie provintous of llieitald llthnec Ion of the ttaul Act, and do deelaro that tho charter 'if said Hank, by the tertbs of said act. In deemed and taken to tie hereiiUn tarrendered, sublet to Ui provisions of theUt ste tiu u of said Act. A. j. ninny, OoTernorof rnBsylv .tula. Fkttivb CnxiniKK, UASJtiMit:MG. Jih ovemior. H O T I C K. HA NK Or OItTll AMERICA. kliVI-.HUtR 21, 1ft4. Notice hi hereby jrtrsn, ftivreeahly to locti jii ! of the net of i hi tM ru ral Asnembiv of tte ('ommjnweaHh of t'enn sylvania. enti tec "An act enabling the banks or tbe I' jui- iiioniveaith to become asi'fiiations to? tne puipuse or 1-ankiLK under the laws of the l olled 8ta;s, apurjved Ihe 'A'J du of AiUUt, A I. that the M ockholde h of the HANK UK NORTH AMK.UU'A, ot ihs 14th lus'rtitt, vo.ed lo become sneh an ir ciiiion.andtlia its Irectoii have procured ihe mittmrtt of thu owners of more ttim two thlrtlf of the capital stock to make the ( crtitK'dtc re ij'i'rt ti ihereior by tike laws ui 'bu i Ultetl Sratcs. 1 1 Si wfm lm J IHtCKLKV, Ciishler. fKTf MECHANICS BANK. Notiee in herchy shen, a reeabl to Sei-tion Two ol the Act ot the " tie,r! Aeinbly of the C wii"tleAltti of li mis iviiniu, entitled An Act enabllntt Hunks of the oiitiii'Mii cuith o t'ct ouie AHioelu-iiuiis tor the puqiose of Hull in.' nnrer tre Iuwh ot ti'"' Cnl'ed Htutei." nppn-ied ihe 'j'n day t A nun -t. i'U (hut iIim Hto-'klio'dt-r of the M(ht,niek' Hunk of ih city and county ol I'hl'alelhi4 toie H it. oav . i,ti-d to ht i un.r ouch an Asnoi ut kiii . aiol ilint tie 1 I v. lur- bat pion-re-l t'e nutn 'itv of the tiWlKn o o.ie t))..n two ht'iU ot lh Cdo'til nlmlt to ! insVe tie i . r, m i! i. tuiu-d iht i ior. In ll e la ol tiiu I t i t.'-t a J. W I l'i.NI, Jk , I! L't w:n 1 u C'-U-r. HOLIDAY rSKSEMTS. S. W. (or, FIFIII and CHERRY 8tx l'1(II.KI,t il(A, Bars on hin I a la'fe a'id general assort ment f HI VKU WAKH Of 'inr own tunnn K i'irr.ef the flneit ii'.iAhtf and hhrout steti'lardof ndrcr. Al-iO, ri.VThl) V KUVZ. A large end g-ner-d aijrimnt of suprlr Platod JTaro, .1 c. 01.0 RII VFR hoi t,t.t and taken In eTobAtitA. Iliekett enoes fftTen. I' l1" 14 W I tS L A I () M US, DIAMOlsD DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 8 2 CIIESNUT STREET, Has on hand l.ire aid splen lld stsortraent ef DIAMOuD JEWELRY, SUITAIILH lull HOLIDAY PUK.HHNT3. Alio, ft beautiful atmrtim-nt of Gold and SilvfrWatchrs, Jewelry.&c. Hllfr Ware In nrrtt arl--tjr, lultabli- for llrfdat aal lioll-lar l'n a. II-. & v rlmrnt or Diatnoi d Jpwclrr In couplets, and t It--, pilci: (Lau c'i Li- loul.d in thin ci'j. Old Gold, Silvor&DiamorjJsEonsLtfor Oanh. ) 1 A AI O N J) S I'ersors having hlamonds or other precious slottos l dirone of, will dt well hy calling on I.KWIS I,.1)()MUS, LIIAMUNU DRkLtll AND JBWKLKR, So. Ut ClIF.SNwr SUeei, Who w 11 jive Ihe hl.iir. t r-a.h pr'cea. 1-' 6 lm AL.-iO, Old Gold rod Slhrr Iionjilit for Cash. J3EIUL AND ORNAMENTAL C1IKIS 1'MAS 1'KKHKNTH. Gold MpK'taclna. (fold Kre-(l a.ea , Mlrroiropoa, Opera (.lav.ia, hpy (,a..ei, Htereoicopra and Vlewi, atauH l..i.t.ms, llojtfa of Drawing Instrnmeoti, Packot Com pares, Fain y TI erniomuLera, u:obea, Air Tutnpa, Kior lilr. SlarMnra, O.ilvan'c llalti-rlta, Spelling Iloirdj Witt Movable I.cttcrb, &c. &c, for suleby JiMIS W. QUEEN & CO., No. n'-i 1 CllIiSN UT 8TJIEET. Iilustrattd Oot oues itrutis. Il-W JJOhIIAY (JIFTS. 1NTJMHI1NG M.AJDI2 E18Y. miowN'a PATENT B AB Y-TENDEB. OU, MAfilC SP1UNQ t'RADLB, The most useful aud dellditful Kurscry Inrcntlou of Ui. as. Krom a V.rtlcal and N'oleli Cra lie it Ii lii.tantly ooa verli t Into a Sprlnir Chair. Reclining t'ooch, Baby.Jumper, Baby-Hor, Lain-Walker, Hliia Clulr, Nur.ary Ohalr, Ilohbj Horse, and Oltiuiao. It elTecltially obv.'atan tie avlli of the rot-Vlui iniUrka afTurda great relief lo mothera. earclaea and dellglili .011 dn n, and inves the expcnie ol a Noma. Al-oa luriMvarictof fancy H-dlday Uoodj. al Ui. norsE ruisxisiiiNo store, So. tW'4 CUKSNU'T 8THKKT. 12 t lm lOIlN A. MUIil'HY. JOI.IIA.V I'llKMUNTH. C1IA11I.KK DUMMICi, No. 812 CIIE.SNUT STREET, r."i lrftvc to Infi rin hi. c.-.ccuicd cuitonii-r. that hi. pra-ai-iit itoi-k of I--A.IVCJY . !(! A.!VI TOVH 8i.tpa-i. that ..I any former lirportulton. Having e-l.c-i'J uh inn: tteryatilclo hliiijr. lie can truly .ar tlc-re i. nu - in.ll. r e.tJit.l.nl ii,-iit In Ihe coumi- that can touivuri- with lis. a. lo prirfH. i...itii ir h-a kouiI, from tin- nr. l iiiitiiiifaf'tiTi-r. and artist. In Kurori., tlio.e deal er. fio t.ii) tr.'ni il.t- lint), rli-r. hftre to b-'I awaln can cur talulv not cunpit- Kl-litiin of iho hi owing good hit !' o larm a ariny, and In micti cntirtlj ih-w tl., as no oilier .'on Iu loi, i llv can oltui I.li-- Mlll.ii-t.OXKS. JKVH..ltV.(i.ull, AMJ OI.OVK KOXFS M KShAUK- H K LA ll KM AMI liK.Mf.BMtX. W kl'IIMI III SKH-MlK-KINC. CASKS. ON. 1-AltlS lill.T Wll IIIMK.K liOODS. 1AIII.I WAl.r. -IMJIIKMIAN ta.H.S. UkK OK nVWf ANIIil K AMI MlltllltW. M TI.Khl-l- I v-:si f.Mil.l.sll WAI.KINll CAMEg. Chll Kl.T AN.i MtOflK lill'LlEMKNl'.-l. I'AM'V l.tA l Ilk ll lillOHH. lAUIEb' ll.-.i.s OVEU TWESTV llltTEUEKT KIMis. ( AHAS. l'Of KI T llOdKH Ctr.AH CASKS. I'fltsn.H AM- f-llti'nill.NHAlfcrf. HAM'S 01 Al l. KIMiS II-NH, IiO.VIMirM. I.I.TTOKS. CHIHH.MiK:, Cut .VI' KK.S, UIKS, A!II1 BACK. (AMON ItOAin S IIAIiAl t.l.l.K AMI TI 'Of 1 IN TCiYH-ltji. t. i .i lint iit t. complete. In .vary varlatr aiiown, Willi iiinnvr.mc tt.inu. uevir belore itnporieiL IX'Uk, the Yer lur. . v.rU-lt. oft very kind kiieon, kepi la thU .lore, .i.iiia- .e. In n . hit ana tautl .lrclnj any thing known leri and in l.urouu. lid. I. no Id'eboaHlt LftJua feiiould cl! and fie. tl-ui. H-JO-aW 8 OPrOKlDKIiy 10 PUKOHASE HOLIDAY I'liESENTS AT LOW I'KlCES. Having det.minf-d tontlre fn ra builnna, and wl.hlng tocle.eout uientl-a .took of Wa-chen, Jewelry, rj'lrer Ware and Silver Plated Wftio, UlDcta, Muaiyal Uoxea, Table Cuilcry, e , witMa nxty nay., 1 am prepared i off r lndncemeut to purchu.era. and aoilclt aa eaaiu'na U of three (ooil,, jhi.i ut whkb are god atylct and of fli.e (uallty. THOMAS C. OAHHUTT, 11 SftfH No. T I'l CHRRNrT 8TKKF.T. 'jtlYHI AiNI rAHOYtiUUIMI COS WAY & BROTHER, No. 833 N. StCOXD STIiEET, amove BROWN, I MPOBTKK8 AND JOI1RKRS, We have now open our Full H ock oru.ruian, French, and '1 yroh e TOYS AXI) FANCY GOODS, All of which ere of our own aelccllon and ioiportatloa, t which wc In ite tlic aitcutiou uf dealcii. Aiuonj our a kortiiieut arc ftuan.v ll-7-'iir KNTIIIKl.T MiV ANIl IlliSllt MII.F. 8TVI.K. kVrr: Al rem irj foiro llnctj com ringl or a anjt! tu a i Chic I 1 TI with of w Ttic anl c.tllt-i and !t, Tllie U ny unit kUr op tl to 1. 1 Ot citv, ll at whi f-uiii mail in U lie fft r evi mr-1 tils t ol Ill- nil t St Srri Mlit inat-i 110 li the i lice r ia ( llHll H -0 t-tic "P .ilvi i. top f? 1 1. y t lie tblc itte B: ant api '7 I cal iCW Uvrll cltl a tl T hro lc 0111 II Ilol O a. ite Mil 111! rci, jtr I T 1 I It lit 111 be ton er- 1 l,ol .in OII. that . ef Joul. it ide ft ji t of o'n. ;o. I. TJa KpMlal locaa, aru4 J .K.