The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 08, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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vrnittg Siricjjrapli
The following Mrjrily clcR:iiit and intntloc'ual
production Is sniil to be tlia "Yi-ry Intctt" in Lon
don. It is suns, wMstletl, dnnci'd, hummol, and
aiintcd by every bi)dy old enough to walk :
TUB HoltlllllLK TALK.
O ! It'll a hurriblo. tule I'm going to tell,
Or sail n isioitum' that heii-ll
A family that once ii'lili-(l
In the very eeifsume, street thai I did.
O ! it in siifh a horrihlj talc,
It's sure to make your t-h.-cks turn pah-,
V our eves with fi-nrs ivili l,.- orrrrini;
Wigghly, w.iglciy, wl-h-ty, wu:n.
They nivtr saw any company
1 ho' a highly reju i-MMa faiuilv,
Till ench grew mom sad lor andniiditcr.
And inch was mlrigntcd at the other's slut low.
They pulled down the h' to keep out the light
Till ( Tirvthinn was as d irk as nil! lit;
And as they were deti rminerl nn uli Mine,
I'll tell you the manner tuey ri-sput tively died In.
One day as the f I'her in the gtrdi-n did,
He ut his tlirmit wji'i a pu-ec nf chalk ;
The iiiotheran eml to her life lil put
by Laoging lit-rncf in the water butt.
-The j ounc-if dauirh cr on bended knees,
She poi-om d hi-relf witii to ist.-.l rhecso ;
The younc;, st mm, n de criniii-d Ii-IIoat,
lllew out his brains: wlih an old umbrella.
Tho fiard'ner ranin In and saw the bloo 1.
He rati iilniscll through with a piei-o of rhub ib ;
His wile a-v the si-lit, an I it turned her sv 170,
.Sho burnt hrn-clt" to dt-alli with A red pi -kled
The oM totnent, as h" sat hy the tire,
flit a piece on the fender, aiid then did expire ;
The flics on the ceiling, tlieir canes was the
For they blew themselves up with a spontaneous
The old cow in Iho old enw-sihoil.
Took up the pitchfork and knock'dofT her head;
The little donkey, Inurinu' the row,
Knueltid out his brains with the head of the cow.
O ! it is Mich a horrible tule,
lt' sure to make your cherks turn pale.
Your eyes wiih tears will be overrun,
Witrglcty, waygluty, wigglety, wum.
Anrrilnlm of A burnetii jr.
"A fox-hunter, somewhat Btricken in years,
consulted Abernethy. The man's digestion was
not so good as ii h id been. Ho had lost his ap.
petite; man delighted him not, nor woman either.
' Sir,' .-aid Abf rnethy, ' you'
Now,' said the fox-hnnter, when relating the
intenriew, 'now, supposing I do drink a great
deal, what the devil was Unit to him ?' A literary
gentleman called upon him. He, too, had a dis
ordered stomach. ' Of course vou have,' said
Ab( rnethy, 'o half-blind man could tell you that
by your nose.' lie used to have his wine of a
merchant whose name was I.ovd. Ho one dav
called to pay for a pipe, and thrust a handful of
papers containing fees Into the winc-merchant'8
hand. 'Ktop, stop, doctor,' said Loyd, 'there
may be much more here than you have to
pay!' 'Never mind, Loyd. I can't stop.
You have them as I had them.' He was
vory careless ot monoy. Ho would receive a
heavy tee, place the money on the tablo, and for
get all about it. 'Ljid me not into temptation'
is tho holiest, because tho humblest prayer. Homo
few of his pupils were led int.i temptation. The
loss of money was so considerable that tho sur
geon determined to ascertain who was the delin
quent. Ho marked his money, und appearing
suddonly before his pupils, saiJ, Now, young
gentlemen, be pleased to show me your purses.'
The thieves were discovered and dismissed. He
was one day about to perform nn operation a
painful one. As was his custom, be took care to
ee himself that all tbo required instruments were
at hand, and in lirst-rato order. ' I think every
thing is all right,' said one of his assistants. 'No,
sir, everything if not all right.' replied Mr. Abor
ncthy. 'Get a napkin to conceal these terrifying
instruments. The man need not bo horrified by
the sight.' Abernethy was oll'eicd a baronetcy by
the Earl of Liverpool. Ho announced the propo
sal to his family by saying, as they were about to
sit down to dinner, 'Lady Abernethy, permit me
to hand you to your teat.' He afterwards ex
plained that he hail been ollercd tho title, but, for
cogent reasons, declined tho honor. Tho memory
of Mr. Abernethy was singularly active and tena
cious. A friend, of a poetical turn of mind, com
posed some verses complimentary of Mrs. Aber-
m Miv u-hii-h tin ta,.lm,l ,.,'... .);.... .. i ... ,
.-j u . . '""-i -nuuui uu uur utimi
day. Abernethy listened attentively, and imme
diately the reading terminated, cxcluimod, 'Come,
oil' as your own original composition. I know
them by heart ;' and Abernethy at once repeated
them without tlift misruba .if ari,.l Th. in.,
was astonndod, mystltied, angry. Tho amused
uosj cxpiaiuea, anil otn roa to repeat verbatim anv
piece of about the same lentrtb which anv ono In
the company would recite." Eccentric 'Tenon
nyr.t, by William Jlussell, LL. 1).
I'ibsj of the Vtchh.
Liberty is much indobtcd to the press. So, wa
regret to say, is license. From the time that
newspapers first shed their plea-ant light upon a
theretofore a newslessworld, the manufacturers of
those lumiuarios appear to have been somewhat
tiron to suppose we say a distention of the truth.
sa member of the guild wo put it mildlir.
(JlanciDg over the pages of "rare Hen Jouson"
the other dav, w e noted in ids "Staple of News."
which was put upon the etago in 18-2.1, the fol
lowing hard hit at the "uulo editors" of that
lay :
,;'enivftOK,Mnor-'vi'cy,ruoUilnk,alr, If tlio honest
common people
Will, w, y shsuld hey not have that Pleasure,
In tli brliet that aro made forthest,
At. vou In oltlco. making ttieia Yourselves.
Fitton Oh, 81r ! It U the printing we oppotio.
tSiimbnl We do nut torlad ttiitt auy newt be murf,
l'.at thai it be prnitoi; for, when lHiw la prlnteil,
It lravfi. sir, le ho uwi ; while "lis but wrilion
fMun TUuuiih It bo ue er lo lul.e It rum uetra still."
W The "Pcnnyboys" (newsboys of this our day
j'.nd generadon could scarcely talk more to the
aoint than Jonson s youthful newsvender. Jon
son has favored us with a pretty full description
ii iub amies or a - wriu r tor tuc neswpaper press
n his day. Two hundred and sixty-four years
igo, be particularized the labors of a gentleman
n that line of lite s follows : "Factor for news
for all the shires of England, I do write my thou-
ana icitem a ween ordinary (rather eitraordx
tary, we sbonld say), sometimes one thousand
wo hundred (whew !), and maintain the busiuess
it some charge, both to hold uo mv reoutatlon
with mine own ministers in town and my friends
ji corresponuence in me country. I have friends
if all ranks and of all ruliifinnu far will.,!, T Loan
Bin answering catalogue of despatch, wherein!
nave my Puritan news, my Protestant news, and
ii I'nittiticjil news."
It is astonishing how (newspoir) history ro
eats Itself. Much of what the old dramatist haa
aid in bis plays about tho "News Letters" of the
arly part ot the seven'eentn century would tit a
-reut many of the dailies und weeklies of the
nineteenth. Tho newspaper interest appears to
jsc the words of the lato Felix Grundy to have
K-en --oorn a veteran. - it uaa no luiancy, but
prang into being perfect, like Pullas from the'
.rain of Jove. So far as principle is considered,
n what does it differ to-day from its picture as
e find it drawn by the master hand of tihake-
ipeare's contemporary ? No "news writer" of
Jucn Kllanoih's time could bavo ontlibbed tho
ightuing telegraph; no puller of the "Globe
1'heatrc" could have flattered Iiurbage and his
pcom peers more unctuously than ourHdiain itic
rttics Fomettme natter tue stars, nay even the
tuMyus, of the modern stage. .v. '. Ledger.
lllxlortesil nrrlmrr.
The Paris cotrespondentol the London fominff
Star eajs :
"Several carriages having an historical Interest
B'e being brought from different pilneesto the
new Imperial couch-houses on tho (Jual d'Orsay.
Oi e of these lelonged to Napoleon 1, and was
on iltlleiebt tensions driven by him. I'he great
Hnpiror wit by no means a koo.I 'wlilp;- but
he w s nn.hiiidus ot gaining a rcpumtion as such.
l'hi anibition, when he was s aying at ihe C np
of Iloulogne, was viry near bting iho imans of
nhoru-niiig bis days. One dav be instsic I on
tskirgthe reins trom Citar, his p-t ronehman,
who. not to pwr hl inosler. got up in tlio sett
behind, aong with Hipp, Munge, and'ia
ci rrs. (if the safety of tno en orpi i-e so no
opiu on may be lormed. wbn it is told tha'. ihe
viliie ewhji oi-ttwii tijr live young, spirited, and
relatively unbroken horses, presented hy the
town of Antwerp to Napoleon. It loquire.l all
( a s it's experience and strength of Krai tj drive
tlm. The instant th-y (ell a less expert haul
oil thry set in a full gallop in the ilir o lion ot 'ho
n a. The um rowned Ca-sar thereupon retrod to
the crowned, "Sire, to tho left ; pull them to the
leit, and cue the ri ign to the e ond grav to tho
rgU.' 'Hold jour tongue, Ca ar, I know nhit
I'm iibont,' returned the l.mpcror.
"Seeltig that the driver a no longer m tster of
tl 0 horsis, Cambaesres impo lnglv said, 'Ah,
nic-n men, sire, where is your .lUies-y g on to -W
hut a conard you Bre'. Camb ieeies,' was tha
hii'wit; 'don't you pie that I'm driving win as I
slu ii Id :' 'Ccitanly,' sa'd II ipp, who enjiyed
the fri!?ht of tho Arch-ChaiKCilor. depi:'o the
ti atiprr he ran, y our Maies y is driving ns s-rai it
to llneland, whrie we so badly want to go,' H it
Cum bun res, on set ins that out of spite ipoleun
ladied the htnses, besought him to pull ttioin up
betoic tiny went over tin- elilf. Munge, hi eves
si ot. snick to the dooryellow i'h cou-ter ia'i -n,
till ihe wheel came in contact with n big stone,
when the carriage turned over, and the horses of 1m s stoud still. The Kmperor, wiio wis
thrown from tho box to a great di. lance, f tinted ;
Cainbnccic" escaped with a bump on the torn
hi ad ; Monge's h it was driven in ; and ir and
linpp niimagi rl to land on their feet. Kipp wn
no sootier down than he ran to succor the Em
peror, who took somo time to recover. Notwith
standing the p ight to which his M ij.s!v was
reduced, the whole party laughed b. ariilv ; and
when Napoleon got up, he. handing the whip t )
C.iMir, said: l must render unto Ca nir tho
things that are Cie-ar's. I have had enough of
cuachiiiau'a woik, and accordingly resign." "
A htury of l'nttmilnl.
AVe may nbriik-e an interesilng storv of Paga
nini. His violin got a fall in its case,' which un
gated an Inner block. He w, nt to M. Vuill uime
in distress, saving his vio in a world-wide
famous fluarnerius ha I lou i'S tone. Vuillaumo
said the instrument must bo opened; to which
Puganini at last consented, on condidon it should
be done in his own presence. "It is impossible
to describe tho torture which Taganinl endured.
He twilled about, made grimacos, and sutr-re l
like a martyr, uttcringexclamo'lons which plainly
showed the allection ho entertained for his
instrument, and the dreadful fears which he ex
perienced at each crack caused by tho breaking
away of the glue, as it yielded to tho action of
the thin knite." Pagan ini then agreed to part
with tho instiument for thrco days. We suspect
three hours would have done; but Yuilliiume
determintd to make a facsimile, which ho took
measures to do. Pauaniul, when ho got the do ir
fiddle again, was delighted with it, said it was as
good as before ; and a few dnvs afterwards, when
"V iiillatiinc paid it a vi-it at his request, said, "I
bavo had two pins made, one for the doctor of
my body, the other lor the doctor of mv vio' in."
The pin was a capital P, formed of twenty -three
diamonds. Viilllaume, astonished at this gener
osity, olllred Paganini tho fac-simie ho intended
to niako. When Paganini saw this instrument,
"tho scene was strange and unaccountable.
J ncnnlnl became serious and Immovable. A look
of doubt and fear overspread bis features. Then
he seemed surprised. He turned about the vio
lins; i hsngid their places; and moro than onco
took the imitation for tho original. Ho wu evi
dently but little pleased to see a violin so similar
to his own. At length he seized his bow to try
Ihe new violin, and on sitting down exclaimed
It is very good ; it Is like mine ; it has tho samn
tone the same quality : it is iny violin, leave it
with me.'" Paganini then ordered another, at
i'2(l, which reached Nice just as he expired. Tho
first facsimile is the instrument on which Sivori
plays. Athcnuum.
Th Emperor Iof.
The Court Journal has a letter from Paris, in
which is the following sketch of the favorito dog
of the French Emperor. M'o quote :
Neron, tho Emperor's favorite, is a sort of half
breed, of no particular race, but partaking of the
good and bad qualities of all. Tbo people about
the court declare him to be silent ami murimit,
never barking when a stranger enters his mas er's
presence, but rising suddenly and Hying alter his
heels when bo leaves tho room; so that the visitor,
who bad begun by doing the amiable to Neron
who always lies stretched in sunerb noneh ilauce
on the tiger's skin beneath the Emperor's bureau
laving forgotten the creature's very existence
by the time tho interview is over, is sometimes
taken by surprise, not of the most pleasant kind,
w hen Neron s claws are heard sllditg across the
polished panurt, and his short yelp of rage is
heard close to bis boots,
The Emperor laughs heartllv at the alarm e.
pressed by tho astonished intruder, for Neron
never ventures boyond the door, and was never
known but once to do more than express tho ills
pleasure he feels at the long bowing and leave
taking bis Imperial master hss to endure. It is
one Of the few domestic jokes belonging to tho
Tuileries, and Ncron's fdlosynracy is so well
known that it is ono of the great delights of the
Prince linpcriul to speeuluto upon the degree of
hatred be bears towards each departing visitor.
Neron is descended in right line from that valiant
prison-dog of Ham, who, intelligent boyond all
previous calculation, put to shame the mistrust
felt by the prisoner's friends, proud in the supe
rior intellect which they fancied peculiar to
bnmutilty. by never betraying the smallest token
of recognition when Prince Louis Napoloon Bona
parte, destined to become the Emperor of the
French utitm, passed him as he lay before the
stone steps of the po-lcr's lodge. Instinct had
told the reflecting animal that the time was un
seasonable for demonstration, and that the mys
tery with which bis old frieud and pairon had
chosen to surround himself ought to be respected.
Kncllsh C'niiirrettatloiiM Abroml.
Very curious is it to notice tho various places
abroad in which tho English congregation
assemble to worship. It is odd to witness a.
Venice the arrival of the congregation in a multi
tude of gondolas; the service is hold in ono of
the old Venetian pulaccs. To the best of my
recollection, It is also held In a statu pala -o at
Coblenta. At Aix-la C'hapelle the clergyman
mounts a pulpit of extraordinary height in a
Luiheran church. At Baden-liuden the service
is held iu a Human Catholic church. At liiebnld
it is held in a palace of the Grand Uuke's, and
commonly at a certain point in the service an
appetizing Oder is given out hy tbo servants
bearing dinner to the Serene Highness, throngha
gallery which is part of the room.
At Versailles tbero is an iron church. At Nice
there is an exceedingly lieautlful church. At
Malta there is a cathedral which will always be
associated with the memory of Adelaide, tho good
Ciueen Dowager. In one place the service is held
in tbe chapel of what was once a Jesuit college;
another in tbe old Carmelite convent; in anothur
in aconventof the Sa-urs Blanches. Somotimes
it is held in the nfort tallt a manger of a hotel,
and in one instance it is held in a room of a public
casino; sometimes In a little church or chapel
The Bishop of Orleans, now in Paris, went
there to celebrate the marriage of a deaf and
dumb couple, both belonging to rich and noble
kiii 'ha oridgrooin is a Count, and tho
.I8 19 Mad'lleChampagny, the daughter of an
author of reputation, whose ancestor received a
A. M II It I C A N i
8, K. Corner Walnut and Fourth Street.,
Ii Is i HOWE f OVPANV. ana nroflu nimnnitM
llm HHlirj lis ni.iireil t .Jr luum urrni inuv I.Vt
tlivah uu per cent.
board or tnrsTsi;.
Alsn(tsr WMINtn, .1. r.l.-ar Tliniao.n.
lice. J ,, ton,,, ,, lion. J te,il aiim n,
AlSi-rtr k,.is-rl., ll.,rj K. lln.,stt,
H.iiriisi r iioenie, r-nuip it. Mi.nio. NuK.nt, jtin Alhinti,,
Wlluani J.ll..ard, l.asc llajleliurit,
Ssmin-I Work.
1.r4 Mir It WillU.PI St, Trerulent.
HAir t;t. woiik, V l v -r.-l.lnnt.
I' "It .Ifim H.IVIi.notf. Hav-yaad Tix-asursr.
ILARTrOltli, I t) S.N.
W U.I I AM w At l.VH,
A it NT,
Al t VI A I. Mi I 8TRKKT.
Iinuiar.-eri'rr'. J In ihu I on-psin- a.'aintt
At i ltd n in ur tiKsi ait rtos.
Vi sly l-otlcii-i wKI hs v.l l,.r a fraaluni di
kih: I 01,1. AllS,
grueling inrtlrsnrp In t.'iv an.oi.m f
r H K llnil'UMi noi.t.AR.
PKiii-t nn td imii Int.- if Ule nuile trait-Uniii by aur eati
Ll moiOKiat.
rsviirri. a r,. i, f, r Kiw ten. .,,,1 i,.lli-t, asl a'a
1 WvlitV TlTV II.Hitirs I cr H rrk , omn. Imii fur ,..,r.
In l.r
'.cila.iun uie aAMutd irniu Ilia urildtai
1V. FNTA' KIVK ' cu t. Alt PRI'MIPAr
iiTim-r n tun r., n i,,i s.j.i., nn,i $., wftk (-onan.
'" ,,,r allanUcMrj LVrcnptlou uf avelilent, lrax.-l.aK
III 1'IIV 1 Ihf.
I'l l c i . i..f .'ue w u h $ i pvr i-vk rArm.nvlin van ha
tiil lir t . .rvii. u ii. oi ,in Dilu-raum li.'iwv.-Q f iio auj
S -teiiai iroi,rtl ncv mo-.
J ..Mr ii. IITTKHAV, PrmlJ.Hit.
Riil'NKV bKNNIS, koen-tary.
IILNltY A. ) Mt, U. H.T..I AK,t.
ritit.Anri.i'iiiA iiiiAi.ii nr itr:Kiti.NrK.
F. lM lif rii siatr. 1-ri-bUiviit Kmrrijrlso ImurAiica Com-
panv, rhalrniAn.
Mi av r' Unki r, llrm of ("..mi'llni HnVi-r.
M W. Palilwln, tlnn of M W llalilwui A c.
I armirl (.'vtiin, rnn ot t.'uti a .t Aitviuui.
II. B. runieivy ( 'aiilrrrhl Bank,
lien Alt. Itriirv, Mavnrl'ilyol I'Mllaiteiplila. .MviricK. film of Mvnlvk Nolii.
Joivph rat-erson. Prvsldvn' W':.'orn Hank.
Hon. Jamii I'olluck, Direvkr Mulled Uialoi Mml.
Tlioruar ivtlrr, Mfiicl ant.
li .v II. Hli art, linn .--tuart llmtln-r.
loin I' la-lor llrm 1 alcr. lilllii-B e ,tt Po.
J. hoVa' 11. ranun. ereililent t'amnylvanta RilLnnd
I'vili Rl,.
Jamrii ui. rrenlilent fifth and Biitli Streeti rai(-nur
ltailrord Cuuipany.
ii-n itutiiut
bkckivkii An roLtoir.
Wl 1.1.1 AM VT. AI.I.KNf,
No. 1 WALNt'T Hir-t.
i: n I-: n x a x ,
DKALI'.tt !M
MI.VKU WAlti:.
lllaruond Hleg,
lllaniand l'ins,
Diamond Far Kings,
Amethatandl)!aui. Klnvi
rinc Seal Ulngi,
Fine Pearl Klnga,
O nls' Dlam. Rvarf I'tnn,
Fine Knaiueled lirncvlots,
Fine Gents' Chains,
FUe Ladles' C'lnilna.
lloavy Lorn; Uimrdi,
Aructliyst and Pearl Sets,
Coral gets, l.' fl ltn
Ladles' Chutelalne Tins,
I t S. Kim IT 1 1 HTUKKT.
b II . V K 1 i-V I j A 1 K D W A H K ,
Rultable for II M
Itrvochcs, Hlecre Buttons, Armlets, Bracelets, Scarf
Plus and Kings. Tea Sets, lue Pitutiers,
Walters, (lowiets, Forks,
Spoons, Ac.
Watenej repaired tad wa-miti-d. Old Gold, Dlnmomls,
sod Huver Bought. 11-19-liu
E H 11 A. II HE
It ' H
v WHOLasaLl ass sstail
8. K. corner SECOND aid CUEHKUT 8ueU, PbJlaa'a.
A yssry dealrabla artlela tbr Churchos, Hotels, Baoas,
Countiag-Houae. Farkirs, Ac.
laJ3-ty tilock TrHumliis of avary dttaoriptloB
N T It A Ii
ii o u h i:,
10-t7;!m PlllLADF.LPHf A.
oinI-ino-hocbkniTshool Tdi-ks
V made to order, at
Ko WCAKTKlt fl-reet,
Of inn Second-hand cotton seam-
A-JfJ less Bat, In store ami for snle by
o. Ill S. t'KUM I bueet.
Ko. 110S fJntAlrD flrnrer. I
Piiii.Ai.aLeniA, Ii,-ceuilier&' IsiM.
Nraled Proposals will U rn-mved at Uus Ifl. e until
noon of MONDAY, lieeemuer 11. lif.4, tot Ih prouipl d-
ll'iry at M..wur HosMial, rhaonut llill.oi
Mis t i jjiacer ,.G inch wiuie pine, -VI lent lone, well
Twelve t H) pieces 6i! Inch white pine, IS fel losai.
F.lKht (H) pieces fix inch white nine, fvet lona.
1e (lU) fjle. es biH aoch henilnvk. H lour. I
P.lshte en (IU) ple. es oxi: Inch hemlock. J'.' fiu long.
Ten 1 10) pieces Svn Inch hemlock, .'0 foet long,
fine honilrcd (IKi) pieces 8x4 uch terulock, g feet long.
Nli e thensand (KXAi feet third ceuuioa while plu
B-Kirlng hoards.
Fie tlioosand (.Wo) fret third common white pum
beards; all well seasoned.
lenlT-elght sash glared, 9 Ik-lits each.lnilj.
bstis) '1"",e, wlui '
F.lKh't (81 knoS lovks : heayy.
One (II k7-ln, n spikes.
Joirr (4) kvgi, nails ; 1 of Md.,1 ! lod.asa J of Id.
Twenty-nia tv) perah kinlding stone.
Twenly-flve ''Mbiishalsot lime.
Three hundred (MV) pounds ronnd I'on. ' lavk.
A I to be aoarored, after delivery, by tho i.oraraiaeaA
No i proposals wltlbe rsmelvei aicept upon the regnlar
blanks rnniinheil at this otticei and tha United ilaies re
serves the right to accept parts of bias, and rojeet ail bids
l)ued lucoaipatihlc with Its interests.
" taptala and A. . M.
" ' t'rM-lgiATT.flhla Itecemli-r A, IMftt.
i'lnpofa ate Inntnl hy tin unilrrsu'tiril until tVF.K.
M --I'aV, iKvimh t 14 1.i, at Ii o-i l.v a At., for Ihe itn
niv.l.a v dr'iMri i f too f.llowlr.g arllcles: -
.'4 I-A ti:n PF' Uooi.s, No., Army Rtandard.
.'en oo do do o. A. do do
'.'eio , , Ho ,to s 7, ilo ,l
I'M d" do en No A, d do
in: ici.of the s'sndard articles may b eein st Uio
C Hi. e "i f ottliig hi .1 K.jiiii : c In tins vlfy.
1o I .-n-ln vie.l fieo ol charge at the t'ptteil Utiles In
Sfc. tlon w .vvlion.e In this citv. In good new ria-ksKSs,
" lih liic nsnu-1 I lb -srl li.riiist.liig, the kind Ai d 'inan
t '.v oi g.oJs ill tiiic iy marked on each artk'lo and
I i l. m e.
I'Hrtes ofTvtlr,,; .norli n.ust rlMinvtlr tale III thelrhldt
II c iniaivliy the i r. ioie lo ttirtmh, iho price, and time
ul i e uerj .
f.imrivs, ivl en s'llmiiitut, mu.l tm marked ami nun
bind to iorri-:.i.d will, tie proposal: did the inrtici
Hi. n lo mils' rn.'iai ire Unit thv (o..,l .lull be, In werv
n M.evi, i,i,ai io biiiiv sMn.laid, oiiivrwlse tho proposal
h ill nut I v Lf ill lilt-i c it.
A, s ijtiv.l by to rcspon.lbto persons, m-nt
a. . si i ( Sir. vs. I. toil, tuarai-leelng that Ihe h' will
s'-l'l-'l H p a- !lv r s iim nrvi rt to him llinler id. proiv.ul.
H..1- w.ll be ..prned mil. uiiv.Ihv. lie. emhvr u. H-l,
si I .' .. . l. rk , noi'ii, hi d in , itHi i-, ami hut. ivrs nn- re.iu.-.tcd
to Ihp preper
A wauls lll be niii.le on Tlnirsdny, 1e.-imher 1"-,
l:..i .! will be rcqniiv l that the comravt will he laith-
.n'li fnll'll. d.
IrlvvTBiin rvlnllnirfo pr,.p..ats vv tit not he ni-ttvr-d.
h.iiok ii rtos ol prvjH'siils, conirAvls, i lid ti mJs may bo
obltiii.i A at olbcv.
mi- rilit lo rt itt hid dceme.l oiircainnablo
rvsvi vvtl.
I nd.irsc i
t Hi- art li
nvvVpo " fi r (here Insert the n.une
.' i.iivuil)." at .1 a.l.ircsH
fo ol.el H 1 1 ,1,1 AM W Mi-KIV,
rl.lvi i.-usitcimasiei t'invltiti.iii liowot
Ivr, No. lift! l,ll: MID Slieei.
I'm 1 1 A I'll fin . Tliffnili(r 7 irt I
ii. l rrfpoRniti will 't reef Ivctl it ihN uHli-f u ini nin
Ot Wr l'SKl'A, -'Ini lni.1., inr iitritlxiiinx Hi4 Suil'inrry
ih. it m,- i.c r, Mr,i,, , nt th . oHit r. in Mcc.r.tonco wiru t ht
l"is""1, 1,(1 ' ,,,r f,lx ni"Hth louinit'iitiisK Junuaf .v
W t.i u-dtp Tftiur, ruit,toweiL;.i not lois tli:ui l? pnunJt
1 r ri'.iin.
N hue i rL'ft) r(ip Prtpcr, ruled, to writ nul less than Y2
pfin il- i i ii'ttm.
Whiti I mih Taper, i-i'ii'd, to Mnh nt lest Ui.x
W tnti' conutitTi in! I'lipt-r, riilt!, to nclult n.t !osi tluut
A ii.'iimi in r n mm
Mitic l t-iiu lo.-t rnper, itilcd,
P'T t l-Mlt.
Njihil- price oi I'upor
Hun V'.inrlopp Thiht, l'4 il incfn .
titMin! I'lt.ur, r.'xjt tin iit-. I'rKo pr K-wt.
lUat K Htiifkn, ( t'tiii ,-if, mil tn-iiiui. l'rtrt- per -ptlri'.
Ulanh IU...k-, 11-. sle, lull li-.iit'd I' p-r .jiitr.'.
ItUnk lHK-i. rap ivr . Iidlt lornt I'rtcc for pilro.
rnvcicprrt wl tto tir htitr. No. I?. I'riro p-r liKHt.
Kr vMi.o-t, unilp ur hu". ix In. litis. I'rtcc pir IfwV),
r.nvcii.p.'K, lnti'tT Ini ir. s1 , , in hc. Irt. e per Hm,
KiiIi pe-., Hfiitcorhuil, ;V,j mdif FtU-.i- tci (ii-mi,
I tvier ('" t-m.kt, ktttr mid cup sle, .,) anl IkQ
I'KBt i ii- ti. n r tl ii.
Mi ninritiuliim Hooke, tiotmvo, rrr iloin.
r,nr i iti in, riaii to Aiimld a. ii ait nnt
Arnold g, fnart
lvf.h', t'lojg li
IllR I 'IMA-
r, t r dii( n p.ipci i.
l.ctit l'ii, . il-, t'inal
r.ihrr's, No. i and ,1, per
Ki ll iini ttlnp PencM .cuntl 'o Knher's, per dozen.
UiAhh ItikitHiuN, iinti''.cil por di..eil.
Moil fens. Bt-tiiriett, pel iroH.
S'-l I'eiid, (.tilt tt b Nos. and UM, per groaa.
IV li HoMcris, Hvir-e-rtt d, per do. on .
1 in I'a.'cr t-'clilern, p. r n.
Ktd HtHlinj; Wux, ounce and 1-onn. e Btkka
tlfd Trtpr, No. '.:. por (loen p'eti'1.
a lam nt Miiciutu nnd Itnuhca, lai k-a anl imall
Ble.H, ptr iU)c!l.
All tt e ttitteleiA nuiit be of th host o,n,i.lty. SAmpIei of
raen rin ie iiiiim -c -nipu tt v vnvli u.d. witli tlio initni' of
the tn.'iler CsUfm i!- niiirfeti ttiereon, ana only ono prleo
nn .it be ranird lor eat h HrHele,
Nl.oiiid ut v urtl' le nt cmiiner.nt. fi ahove brt wantel,
ttic ii.iint be lurnlfhert Bt tlio it. went tiurt'Ot prief.
rropo.ttln tn if tt tfi nmdu only upon tin: reauur fonm t UHh mUce.
'I lie I nit d Matei rinoncri the rijtlit to refect nil MJs, of
pillts lt lidi, del mitl .IieollipiUliuc itli Its iimreti.
--7 l'-t Csiplaln mid A. (J. M.
A IM. FIKKvvnon.
lll.AI'1 AUT) B.t DKPARTMr.NT ov WAinrii;Toy, )
tkit, j
srri r. hp i.iuir jr Mtn-GMASTKlt,
htt. M4 and .'.:tti sVourteejitli nticet,
AUI sOW llirft AltlllUP,
WAHiitvi, ion, i. c., November
WriTtrn l'rr ixe-u i Wll tin recpi -d at rhi nn,
until ThUltSKAY, the H:h dav of I)eenilHr. ISM, f.r
cii.tmir and cordin .'0m t -jttmo enrdt ot VOf., ..-t
IiiihIx witliin tho llti V o( thin Ifprtment. in Vlrtl ila or
Harlnnrt, to he detunated hy the Chief uarteruuMur.
Drpartinent of WB,,lnnton
Tim wotid mint be nit fonr foot In lentrth, and upltt Ut
the iiMial aize ul cord wood, ai d tlie ord will he elkt
trvt lung, tour leot widu, and four lert anil lour lou nes
The contractor will hereqntredt i make nil nccs'Sirv
roadH and lo cord iho wood Ju piaA Uk easily accessible to
Any fnrilii r Inforrr atlr-o deiired can be ohtalned upon
application at thlt rfllro.
An eatti of aileKiauce to the Government of the UnlfcJ
Htiitfs umit aec(iinany each bla
Troponin lionld ho einl'iiurd "P'0Dtiali for CutUiw aud
l oid'i'K I" Irewood," and adtliKted to
Colonel ard Chief gu ,rt.-nus.H r.
11-30-Rt JK-partuiem of WaahnihUn.
rricK or the
Kitnr I. KAvr.MWtir.rn. Kansas. Vovnihtr in. Imi'.i.
riKU'OSAI.H Milt AKMV 1 It A.NSl'OK I A 1 IUN.
8fu:ed Proptrbsi t will be recelv d ut thia oiH-o until U
o'elnek M. Ofi liip . 1 rtt day of Deeo ruber. IMijl, tor tho
Triinfp.irtailon or MllltarvtSupphes during the yea"
on tlie follow I iitf rutitch
Km tk iSo. 1 Ki'uin Forti I.eavenw orth, Larnmlo, anil other ilrin tn that nuiy ho etuhicd during
the iihova car on the west bunk of the Miiourl nvr.
iH-rinorrori i.env. mvortn, ami anith or lutitude 4'i de
(.reo north, to uny po-itd ornratlons that nr or nivho
thUitilifcheil in the I tTrnorier. of NebruHka, hakotnh, Idiiho,
at d I'tnh, boh ih of luliiude 44 decree north rtmlodtof
loiiKltude 114 demeea west, .ind lu the lorritory ol tjuto
rdo l orth ot 4() di rff a north.
Jll.l.lers to stute the mto per ion pntindrt por 100 nillei
at which tr.eywlll tranitport rtald ntre In each ot ti:o
month?, from April to Bepteuitxr. Inciusire, of the year'
HnfTi No. 3. From Forta Teavrnworth and It t ley, In
the Htaie oi hantaa, and the town of Kantaa, in the Htuto
ot Missouri, to anyp'tats or itatloni that are or miv h
eat ah!) hed in the Sta: of kamun, or is the Territory of
'olorado. atiutli ol latitudo 4 dtyrt'et n -rtli, drawhiL'
auppliia from Vrt Leavt? nw. nh, and to Fort Union. N.
At., oroihrr deiot tnat may he in that Ter
ritory, to fort (iiilund und to any other point or p.lms
on the route. Judder to atate the rate por too pound
p r KO uii'ea at whirl, they will transport a aid a tore a in
rath ot itie nieiuhstroin Aj ril to beptembuJ, iacluaive, of
tlie year If; A.
It-'i rK Si. 3 I'rora Fort rnlon, or iieh other depot aa
mat be ?atah Ished in tbo Territory of New Mexico, to any
pLBtH orautioiu tlmt aro or may he eauhluhtd in thit
Teriltory. and to -uith ponfa rr at.itiona ai mar be dei
DHted In the Terr. for;- of Arizona and Htateol Toa want
otlonKitudo H'A decree; we.-t. Hidden to atate tue rnio
per liOponnda per loif milen at wnlch they will tranaport
aaid i oriK in uacti of the months fro.u June io November,
inclusive, of ihe vear
The weht to be transported each year will not exceed
lP,U3,ijo pou-ids on Route o. 1; I-'t.cVO.ivOO pouiids on
Koute No.Vf ; and h.(00,UXi pounds on Koute No. .1.
N'oaihtlilonul peri-enttiue will be puid for the transporta
tion o! baeon, hard hreid, pme lumier, ahlnlt;i, or any
other Ntoiea.
hidden ahould glTe their names I full. a well ai their
plan? of reniaence. and taeh rropoaal ahould he ucrotn-
t timed hy a bond in the suta of ten thotntaiiddollara.niKiit'd
y urn or more re-p.ii!i,lc persouh, ttudranteeiun that, tu
uie a contract la awarded tor the route mentlonfd In Uio
proposal 1 t he part iea pr -polu(f. the rontraet will bo ao-ei-p'ed
aiid eutered into. uiidK'KHl und tvurlliieu titer ii rlty fnr
i) is tied Uy aald parties, in uceurdunca the Cerxui oi'ihi
advi rt iauiet.t
Tlie amount of bonds required will he at followi r
on ttoute No. 1 .elinMuX)
On Koute No 'I ;oo,ixiO
On Route ito. ;i t-.f.O'fl
Bititfactory evldeneo of tho ioal y and solvency
of each t-itsder and pej-aon offered as aecunty will be re-
ui rid.
'n pnnalo mii)t be endorsed "Propoaals for Anny TrAni
portaimn i ni Hi-ute No. t, 7, or If. aa tha vauc maybe,
and none 111 he en tert lined unlen they fully comply with
all the tifliiirement of th'a advertlaemi-nt-
rrtir tw whom awarda are made mutt bft prepared tn
xetui Contract at oner, and to jiive tlie required bonds
tor the la.thiul penof iM.ii.ce of the a ime.
( ontrittti will he nude Jiuhiect to the approval of the itrro.iter Oeueral, but tlie r'nht ia feau-yed to reject
anv or all bids that mar he oOred.
Ootilrai'tora must Ui In reaidincsa for sarvlco by tho flrat
day of April. lNii, and they will be required to have ft
p ot" atfentiea at or In the vicinity of Korta Ieaven
worth and liniori and other d m'a that'my beoitabliahttd,
at w tiuh ihey u.ny he cx'iumDiticated witii promptly and
liy order of the Vuartc rraaUr-Oeneral.
u. r. nonoKS,
ll-lt Capt. And A. Q. M., If. H. A.
11 Qi AHtKt:iiAHTiiK-tjaNiii.'.i Orri
4'lftMT lIVItlON.
WArtiiiK.;TtN. Deeemnerl
Horse, mltahle for Tavairv or Artillery nervine, will be
ttircliard at Uieaboro depot, iu opeu market, till Du-jem-btr
;il, 14.
Jioria wtQ b delivered to Captain I., towrr Uotr.
A ij.U .and beanhieeted to toe uauAii-ovci anient luapoc--tion
befhre h-inir aeeepted.
1'rfee ol t'avalry Hori. airb.
I'rw of .mUu'5 Hitrfi tNHMh.
rfu.-nt n lit ha laatla tu ait (0) and more,
C'Jniiy Inftiar' First MwnNii,
U X tU utfruiailrUcueial'aOitl.
(mivr yi ARiKKMA oki-icb,
urettT nr vr intoTnr.
WinttsfOTof. Ii, c. -laniiary 4, lit
All dealers tn hrnita.llardw.'i'-t I nmlHr, l.f(h(r,
KuTruture, Harriem, and Madnh ry. are re;n-sted to send
to vn f-mrr. on the atunliAV oi ene1, wetK,a S'-aled pro
poin.1 or t. In dupl rate.oi the arttc'r) thev are prcoared
to r,uniti to th a depot at short n ul a, wi;h the price of
eaen nvnrked in ptatn tlfyiiren, so iii, lit cane t heexikjem'iee
of the .-etTtee rninire i-.tho arih-io or at Jclea cau Ou ob
laliied without dels, at the tve-. pilort.
Mea'ere w ihin(f to sell to thin .i pot w ill he re-iulrdt
furiiUn the liat punctually evti; Mond4r tnornluif
n it i;t i:kfr,
ltfii,adier OeneraJ nuiH'hiyf iiuirmntM,
h i I'otvotvi YaiiinKttn .
age, TWF.LF1II and (il i:Uli Hireits.
Pun aim . ' iu , Ut-r. - ,ber 1,
Hea'ed rrop-iial! will he rrit-lved nt th1 (mr vnh ,
HA II kihy, the Kith ln?t., fm Ntiopiwn Ui SfautiklU
AroMiai with the 'oilowtnit rtn It s .-
II IHI'ITAI. TKNTf4 AND r 1. 1 H. Artnr St tud ,r!
Ti e 1 enta to he m.ido ot .nv, ,non Cotton liuek, t weiIi
I? nnnr a t the linear verd.
TI.e Hica to ie made of Inc'i 'Hon Iu- k, to weia h
10 onio r to ti c ht.cHr yard. 1 F,N 1 1, Armv Miltr'ard. T be mule of
t'.-rttoti nirrk, Uirhaa wl. , iii "oi'i H ounrei to tfi
Hue ir J anl.
All nt (he ah'ie ten's and tle t b ti ! . c Tdii'M to
the (! ei'itleiiLns adopted by the (juaricmiaMcr s le
Kueh hid must ho K'tnranteed hv wn reipitn(hle per
ftous, whose innatun inut he flppendeit to ttio wnnra i
tee. nnd reTtlt'ul to ,n heiiitf .1(.t and Mif!'. len- nenit'ty
for the anvMiot tnvelvtd, by sonu pnhhc turi' tioi.ary ot
ti e Tinted Stan a.
Ith a ttorn i!o niilttrj: ropfrsfitor. sn.l tho" thlt do n'd
fut V rof.ipy Wh the rttirem,-ntn of this ih enil uieilt,
W 111 TO t be ontli'ered
Hisiik loiui n r pr-'P eni'-Mctn'r tho terms of !e
lIuarHiitef ieiiiiied n i a (i lutl, t nn l-e ti id on a;t I eatt-n
at tl.U oil. i e, ini,l not-0 t the!- vrliih Uh nt eiunrai-e I lu'
i;nariinn e tn tie eijii inlet i l, n t vsill anv p..-po ,i) ie i'.oi
al.'eii .t ,'n nut atrletlv eonforut t tfie Hi lulre-
n.i ntN tht rem Mated.
Tfie hid, miiKt rjiti tlie nnmhi r and i'iautlt v of vt. h kind
r f aril,' pi.ij.e.f.t ,1 , tn ,1, l,n .).
I'rop,.iiij noit b piii!or-el "PrpMata fur Army
Supplies, statlnti on tha cn cumm-On urth le hitt for
II 'KM N I'.Mnl,
l'J-'t t Colonel titlA'!erui;ter I lepat tiueut.
'Hll K QUAlll'KUMAsn.K'S ttl-'FICK.
CtMiNsm, I 'hii. No emne 10, H'.
I,mrc"'' to Invi.e th' ihe ur.iii'rsi. n- n until Ptr -:! V,
iKt imter I;;, t rtt; I . at I.' o'- h eh 41., lor fiirnmhinu this
ijepaittncnt (ti.v pt-n'M'-ti wiib :-
("Hinp ( oluri) tor Infui tiv
Hoispi-al Jem To e,ifii,
Man do do,
lliPital Tent rim, larte,
I o do Mnail,
Wall t!o lr.e.
i'l do smalt,
t'.-nit any Or.le r JltKki,
..trm Sun.larJ.
.1 ,
io i lull t c;uiint It
I ii.ll vi.
it .,
Mi ri Iti'lmrt
Mi inliii; Rt-i'ort l.l-llrr
I'.i.-I ll hid IN port
Ili'ulini-nUl l.rlirrn) drji-r
I'l lisrrljitlvO
1. li.,ir
ni-i-..iUTori. I'raotloo
Naint.!,a of ll.a tiimliiift aril. 'In. mv I.. .t
Olllci- n( l'l. ih nir und Kiu!iai:ii in this city.
lo l.a dvllvi-rul frfi-nfi-luirK.' at ihu I'nltad Rtatas In
.'l!..n W.r.h.iiM. In 1 HI a vlly. In ,.od nw prnkaurs
Willi tlio nnino ol llm i iirly furn lah i m.-, tho knul and iiisn
tity oi aonda .liMiaclly markcil oa, h aril, i.i and paokaiii.
Parlir. olTi rum wdi urn. I dl.lliu-tly siaia l i tutlrtills
tl,n ,iintlly Hisy prutioso to riirnuli, Uio jirlci, and time of
Uf-Mi ory
Minil.lrs.whi-n nitiinltlB.l, mn t lis marked and nmn-N-rt'd
to cirrespond with iho propiHal -, and tho imrlios
Ihi-relu iniist KUarsnKo that tho ,x,.l shall he, In arory
ro. oi l.r.iial in Arnir Mandard, olhoi ivlo tlio proposal
will ll. , lit- cn-lile'i d.
A s'laruntuo, luiitd hy two'a persons, must
nri i.iiipany each l.l.l. unsranloina that Iho lilddor will
supply tho tit liclos nMTrtrdi-il to him niHl.T hh propoial.
Ili.l will to up. rod i.n I lli:ii.HHA , lloi-oiii'ier 1.1, lWtl,
t la oviia-k, M., nt Una oilico, ond hlddors uro ro
iiirhti d lo ho pro. out ,
Award, will lie madi'on Wodncsday, Deromher It, 'Hot,
ai d proti wil ho i;lon to hlililnri a-'n eini; to c-ira-pulo
iholr iloilv.iiti within Ihno nainths from dslo of
I'tiuiuiet romont.
II. nds wiiln iwiulrnl that tlit contract wttlbs faJtlitiUly
fultU d.
Tnloiiranis rslattPK lo proposals will not ho nnlloed.
Msnk I'm ms of nr. ipoinls, contracts, and bmds may bt
olil'illied ai tttf h otroa.
'Ihe nubs lo rnjtct any bid doomed unrrasunab'a la
Kndotso em elope "Proposal, fur (here insert the namt
of tho ankle oifind), ' and a-J.iress
Cnionrl Wll, 1,1AM V M. KOf,
l-2.6t Chlof Wnartoininsler, Cluo linatl Depot.
Clllkf ILiKtKhM .SIKlt'S Ort-irK, 1
Dhl'tiT V VVASIIlNlirof,
WAAiiir,TON, D.O., Deremherrt. 113. S
Fealrtl Proposals are Invltetl hy tho uniIerr.lRi,i'l (or nup
Piylnir tho I n ted States Vt uanerniRSior a Donaitmunt, at
wosliinKion, I. ( .; lisiiluiir e. Mtl ; Alcamlrlii mid
lortrasa Monn. Va .oreithcrof the bo plucaa, with Uay.
torn, Oats, and Siraw.
iildswlil h received for th delivery of ;ty) bushel
or orn or fata, and ;0 torn of iiay or Straw, and up
wtiraH. r
Hidden mitat sfato at which of the ahovtvnamed points
they pn.powi to umko dttiverles. and the rules at which
liny will muke deliveries thereat, tho quantity of uttch
nrtieli' propn.'Od lo bo delhered, the (hue when suld
deliwrha shull hu comiuenevd, and when to be com
1 le I ed.
t he prh e must t vrltten out In words on the h'ds.
(urn lobe put up in now,. iout taka, of ahou: twd
hUNi.eis taeh. Oata In Mho nekn, of almut three bin lie Is
tai-li. IhosaeKsiobo himmiicd without extra eharno to
the (luvirnun lili 1 1 e ll.ty or Htrau to hu v:iireiv h.tled.
'the partit ular kind ft duilpt.'ii. of Outs, Corn, II ty, or
StJiiw, )rip,atd to he delru red, must bo stated lu the
prop- hs.!..
All iho nrtleleaoflVri d tinder the hhls herein Invited will
he suhjeet to a ilfjM In-peetion U the Govt. riiiMOut tnapec
tor, he: on Lelo aeeep:t.
tontracts Hill b i awinied lom tlmo to time to the
inn. est rsponMhlc bidden, a tno intereHtof Um (Jotoiii
jnent may reijtilro.HMil p.iymeut will ho iilkio when the
tvuoiu KiiKMini. couiraciua lor tuiau na o bt-ott auilvered
Ul.d aeeepted.
1 ho bi.ider 111 he re-mlred tn ae.eompanv his propodllon
lin a Kuar.uiite, s.Nued by two rfHiHtnsiblo porsoiis.that
in emu hia bid la aecened, ho or tuey wit
w f bin (n days thertaUer e fcuio tlio cen
tra t lor the fame, with cor d und autlii tent suretlea, in a
nuiu c.iual tn the amount of the coittraet. to deliver tho
fomiie pioiom'0 in confonuiiy wiih the tenna of thin ud
vi tisrineiit ; and in ,au the said ahouli fall to
1 nter Into the cotitrat t, ihey to mrtko good the dlilV-renca
between the ttter oi aatd bidder and the next lowest ro
s onaiblc hiilder, or the person to wtioni the coutract
may be awarded.
'Ihe ieiHiiMb!lltv of the tuarantors must h ahnwn
by the official eertHirate ot a l in-ed Mtates Dltvrlet
Attorney, Coi'er'or of t'u-toms. or any other oillcer undf-r
tho I nlttd Htate- UoveiDUeut, or uapousiblo person
a.uuwn to this
a 11 )i 'tiers will t e duly notlded of the acceptance or
re eetlon ot the'r iro oals.
'1 he inn nuiLc and 1'ust Oflire address of each bidder
miiM be Ugiidy wntien in the prop ml.
i'topos.'iihQiurst ho aditrcsscd ui Itrlnudler-donernl D. II.
Itueker. ('rief lie pot Vuartenniister, Washtujf'oii, I). C,
auil ahould he pla.iily imirkud "roottl tor Forane."
Hoiota in a sMiin eiual to the amount of the ronlrac.
Iki U by the eoiiiracior and horh ot his KU.irantorM. will
be required of ihe succtiaful bidder or bidder j upon bn
Itill the eontratt.
iilianh I'm ms of bids, aTUiratitceif, and bonds may be
tbtiomd ujmju api llcitloii to iliir oillee .
fi'KM OK 1 IKifiMAL.
(Town, County, and statu)
I, Ihe snbseriher, to Hereby propose to furnish and
deliver lu the United biatea, at the ijuarterinuiiuT le-
partinent at , aireiibly to the terois of j ur
aolvertihement, tLVitlrg D upotais tor loraee, iUt"d,
sVentniiKton Depot, Ltjueui)er m, ihiJ, the I olio wing aj-ti-ia,
buahels of Corn. In lucka, at per bushel of W
poUlidrl .
-busneis of Oatf, fn saeks, at per bushel of 33
- tons of haled Hay, at par too of IOa) pounds.
ton of b .tied Ht r.iw, at per ton of 2&'u ponnJs.
lifllvei v to (.'ouitnt-nte on or bef re the dy of ,
lMj , and to he tomputrd on or he tore the day of ,
It'!-, and p'U'ite inhelt to enter intou written cntrct
th the rutted Mtat-'s, with ond nnd approved seeurliius,
within the spaee of ten stays alu-r htin notified tliat uay
biihas bttBatxepttd.
Your obedient it rrant,
ItrlgadlT-(ItnrTaI T. II. Itrt-Krn, "
ClikflH-pol VmirtermaNter,
Waihi-muii, U. C.
H'o. tho nuders'tfued. renidentM oi . tn th nutintv
f , tnd st.iU) of .horoby, Joint iy and sevor.ilty, I
covenant with the t ailed Slut a. and prnarantee. In ease .
ti foregoing bid of U-aeceplen, that lie or ll.oy I
will within ten daya art or the acceptance of said
bid, eiecute the contract for Ue same, with itood and
aurtirteni sureties, In a sum pial io the amount of the
contract to fnrnisn the forage proposed In eMifortnltv to the
teiois of the advertiiement, datd Deeemaer 8, Ijimj, under
width ttiH hid waa made; and In ouse tlio naid shall
fail t enier into a eomraet as aforesaid, we Kuarantee to
m.iko food the difference between the oiTer ol the aafd
end the next low rut rosponaihle hidtier, or tho per
son to whom the enntract may be awarded.
'tiven under our hands and seals mis day of
Heal 1
WKnasav- litAl,
1 here certify th-i', to tha best of my knowlcdito a d
bellui, the ahove.nwnied pri-aranmrs eiu t-ood and sii'H
rt nt an guretlea lor tlie amount fbr whieh they oiler U ha
To be certified by tho Tultod States Tiatrlct Attorney,
Collector ot t;u.tomit. or any other officer undf r liie I oiled
Htafedtloveroaient,or reapouslblo peraon Known to tins
All propoaala received under thla advertliouient will lw
opened ai J examined at tins nlllrft on Wei1uet,day unl
Usui inlay of ech wrek at Vi M Mlrfders are reanceMull?
tnxited to he present ui the opening ot tiuln ll they d"lre.
h. M. KI',
14 tt BrUailler-UeJteial Quartet waiter.
BTTWrrl rKONT Attn Hr.COtfD rITstltieTd.
0. t. saii.nt. r. . aiDnauv.
OKtRil. TlKI.K!f-.rKBS,
Can find at nrrsli tillslimmt a UiU -- niirnl if trasnrsssl
and Iioinesiif Piiiks, l'i)iiiar Tatrnt sarJIinaa, ralaia,
foal nil. H imJo" I. Ins., I ri-Ti'inlon Vials, ., at as saw
if icas as p.-linllir. flr.t-rlass nnr.An ran ba sold.
For C n.fir(t.-rrts, In fill Trlcly, artfl of thbat i)aMts H.nsri In.l'r. Ma.Mi'r, I', Ash, l4ivr,
lii.i'a A.h, AIiiiii.imI i.f Vltrl.ii. Jnnaitn, Ciiiieras,Rstr
of I ovnooil. Ac, hiill lir l.KS' use, alarayt aahaad,
Si'Siesl ii.-i cs.h r-. li-os
ri't-K npii ks roit MVII.T ITHIC,
llmiiD.I I .r our snlrs and to whieh ws lartM
t'.f ansn- on f ti.o.r In wan' ofri-Maiila artli'lss.
A0, .v Til Jif. HL 1AM ic.,f tmtr
(in'ii.hv n -an, or cliv poti, will marl with primptat
trnilon. ir s-,-. . Ul uuola:lms will bo tarnlshod arbosi r-
i.oia:o Iiri.jWaialioiisa.
ha. Ill M.U.KI T r?ssu
It 11 AV
Aa ai ''!tit prevriitt! j f.r that most .tlatmatni otmpJaatrtt
i YHlMil'SlA.
In tnn ?Att ot Ln .itaiKlitu tt haa aiTordi tnily wm
dctfat reilaf,
I'lmrvitKi) oni.t t
rrut filft an-J Chemlit,
N K Cjr.rUTII ANl CllKSMtrT 8T.t
JV"lt!) An' 'f'1 JrriirTista Ronorally.
I N KI.UhN 'A A.
fAlt. IN 1 Hi; UKKAHT. ,
Prepared by
JOHN W. PIME8, Jr., Chemist,
For sale bj all Iii iibiiIiIs and stiirektinrs. 11 lldiithalnt
1 -J. ISAACS, M. f , Ptofos.or of the Kre and Kar.
treats all ills.., i.e. apportnlnlna to Iheiwiro 10,'mbers wuk
the iilniost Mici-i ss. To Urn nlals from Uie most reilaolt
iHiiei-t In Iho rliv can l arm al Ills olllci-, Nn, fill i-inh
Htnet. The ati dl- al 1 ncult.v aro Invlird to ari-omo.tiT
tl-clr sat'en ..a. lie lias no socrela In his practice. 19-81
5? KAMMliK IBTNT1TUTR, No. It Nortt
MM II HLrot-t. ahoTo M.r.Mt Uiu..n.
radically ourrd by H V. I'.VKKlCT'r'H I'renilua Patent
tlradualliiK I're.snre Truss. Huperlor Klsstio Melta.
Kiaailo Htockiuts. Hupporlexs, Soouldar Bracas, Hasoasv
tonr,. Crnlrhas. e.
Ladle, atteadvd bjr Mrs. B. C, EVEBETT. mr3S-ly
"IV HITK V 1 11 GIN WAx"ok"aN TILLK'.
? This MiilMti ' Co.mi'tlc has uoeiiual f. r boautlfy
tTig.whltenliiv, ard prosorvliiK the complexion. It Is prt
psn d from pun- wluto wax, h. u. e Its rxtraiirdlnarviiuall
li.' for prosmiDg the skin, niakliix It soft, fair, soiotik.
and transpari-nt. It I. moot southing altor shailiiK.curasi
ehappod Bands and Hp., rs-nioves pimples, Motolo:,, us,
fri-rsli-s, or .unburn, and Imparls a peurlr tlut io tht
faro nick, ami anr.s. 1-rtro ;u.,;.o, and 70 cents. HUNT
A CO., jtahlisi H.tUiVKliTU Htrttt, andMo.ti H.KliutTU
oiruet. lo-g. am
Purely Imported FHKNCII KEMAt.P. IJlJiriD and Pff.T.9,
airunlid in all cares. Jli. 1,'ll.llll.Kl llllilKIt r. Oo-sii-tncal
Ptiyst.-Jan. Kntiance and i.tlii-i-t prlvait (tc
Ladles. Appl at the UtiT.,Nio KBI U 81VKI:,
11-25-lin WestofTonttl.
If to ealn admlr'na eves'
II to causi' InvldHMis'sluhs (
If to be a hkiuiiilna llowor,
Fading, d) ig In an hour Mkautt I
Ii to have a lust of friends;
If for vice to mure amends :
II with hliib-burn blixnl to wod;
11 a marble stout srhen dead rYsatTSl t
If lo live threescore and ten,
Vlshluv lis as aiiuln;
If bi Urea Ills, of peauei
If to die tnd ko to irmt I
If you wish a lir, of pleasures;
If yon valiio this world's Ireasurui
It every c.imfoit you a-ould see,
Take uiy advice, and wl.b alt ittrte.
Then, havlnjr Realih, Wealth, and Beauty,
You'll bt prepared for avary duly.
By t rarellll perusal ot Dr. WILLIAM YOl'VffS New
Book, Tile. MAKKMtlK Ol'lDK, which should bt roast
bv everyone. Hold by ItoosscMi-rs cuneraily, aad at tht
Lioetor , oUlce, Ho. sli Hl'KUt'1 BTUBtTi prlct Iff
wins. "HL
J " t'p to this terl d females have btua htmbusiral by
Passant,, Ahdouiltiat Hupportirs, Ac. for to cura of
railing or tha W'ouib and ii.uaial deol.lty, wlilcb meaac
e.nenly provu pulliuilve, if not Iniurlous. Moot of lr.
Kose , patients linve teen .l sum ab.ur.litia. They
relrcn his OtIOen tills, and thereby ob am a p. Knot
cuie b a ii. e ot' onlr a few Boxes. Kur tliestoona-
Pistntt .. .. lion l worm a hiind -ad Abdmulnal auppor:ort.
'riot. I,", it's per box Sen Agnus, DVU I I A CO.
3HJ JO 1-tuUitlra
CAK BH KfllKI) 0 !
HEYtlt AIl.S TO Cl'BK :
wo rmwiiF. of niKT
Price tl. Mule or lomsle.
bsni by niaii to auy addrasa.
Boa JOW Poet (Idiot.
Holt Agnts, DYOTT 0..
10-1 toiluJin Bo. Mi V. HEUONU trta.
frfrr 1,,ou NKW york-
OfTniliK LINK.
m:w rKhiuiiT link
KlR NtW YOliK,
and connrrtlni; for all NorUitru tad Etsttra olUss ao4
cw Oil. tins, Nailiuu tiery
from Hie Companv't whtrf, II r.t almvc Rai t street, tad)
' York, m.m Pier 11, Hottb Uiver, on tamt dayt, at
a p. m.
l or freleht.whl' h will be received dolly, handled m tk
mini raieiiil iiiatiuer, ai d deiitorcd wlib Uit graaiassiusr
iatch,ai lair ruua, applv to
Vl ll.l.IAM J. TAYLOR A 00.,
11-10 llm No.iliU lnor'h n-liarvst.
pool, tourlilnir at Oueeii.lown. Cork Harbor.
I he Hen known .leaincrs oi ttie Liverpool, New Torn,
and Philadelphia Hicaiusuit Company art ItUaaiM It)
tail as follows
KIU N IK Itii. HalurdaT.Pcceniberlo.
lil.A.-sl OW Haliiiilay. Iiecewi-er 17.
CI'IY OK M s. Nrill-.sTKK. Halurday. lleeemner J,
And tverv snoceedlng baturday. nooa, from riar Kt
Hist ( sl.ln m) 00 NttoraK .M
l irst Cabin to Louden 171)00 Stoaraxe to London... na ns)
Mrat f'aliln to Paris.. PK) (HI Htoerane to Puns SO U
HistCaJilntollsmorclHliuo 8leeriK.U Uauibiirg. 7tut
PaHsunirer. also forwarded to llavrt. Braiaea. Uoc
teriluni, Aniuen'. An., at eiiuallr low ratos.
Parol trim Liverpool or wueenstown: Flrrt OaMa.
1iU. $170, S'ilO tsieerane from Liverpool and gueeaa
Uiwn.S U I host wlui wish to send fur their trieudt caa
buv tli'kuls hti v al these ratet.
'l oi luitl or iiiioimatiou apply at tht Compaayt offiotm,
JOHN 1. Ii AI C, Agent,
Mb. Ill WA1.M. T Sirset, PUi,adeiibiA.