TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAl'II PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DKCKMBIill 8, 1864. 0 THl'ltSIUY, DKO MIiKR H, UW4. A Pwlcl WwrrUit. tV.M Ihe Clrrrtontl I "" llrral'L In thoKliri Ileum ml of thi, work, wc find the fiillowlntf marriage notiro: Kn,niln,r.Vli.l'l!4,,-'itl-iliv."hT . If. T l-l''no-(r. Will It. UtKfl-'t. nl I't'l irtt.i.lllin iitmI l Is- 1 1 -ilknAlk Uncnliirl.lni1, "I KuwsonMlii', hio. Vinnli. WM i "pootirul nurting!; " It l -oilioiinM aid ilmt tlu rr i mme ttuii ilun purry lr '"'T tln mutter ; hope til at I ti 'n'iv tk- of tliit is ot li U'fiili'd in th ni urine n tl ?, in 1 tint no iiniiiiiation la Int- ti'ldl au''lnt flu' tnithfn n. ol ihc 'r ic in tiiliix tlio wiiMiii vow. Hut rerhnfn tlx- person wi ' rlivmr, n I tf baimr pair were niHrriPil in "pliort mem1, rti riliu f il- MfNMTKR. This woman wilt iImu Imvc, And clierish licr fir l:fo; Will love mid oorufort tier. And nek no ot li r wile Thin woman I will tike, Tbnt aland1 liride me now ; I'll lind her hoard and ''luihi ., and have no other frow. MIN1TKI(. And for your husband will V iiu lake thin nice young tn in : Obey his liehiect with, And lure turn all you can ? HK. I'll lore him nil I can, Oiry him all I choose ; And when I oak for funds, lie never doei refuse. M1N1HTHR. Thrn you are mm and wife, And happy may you be ; Aa many be jour yan Aa dollars in my fee. PUNCHINELLO. A MBW TLEA FOU AN Oil) TAOlNT. Mimer l'unch ple.aae, Sir lomo pals of mine as rrtd that some rnokeiisatcmptiugto I'm Down the lord marcs show and whot 1 sea if Its a strong woid Sbuuie and lis unconiHtifusbnlc to bintcr Irar iu this way With the Libntty of the Mitijick which tbe lord M ire bare a pullick ripbt 1 1 mike a Exhibition of hiKself & if be dont mind boink larled at Y should fnkes atcmpt to stop hiiu Decides the site is one ns does a site of good to Dronle an makes it a liexcme for taking of a Moilidoy, and its a auuiwul sauce of binenme to os light plundered (Jcnts bus you m iy C from this bere count of wot tooK piuiec in tue poriic court the duy ancr the Show : 'MA4Mlnii Ilorsr.. Yostsrdnv the N.w l,nrtl Mivir (AlOtrniuti Hale) tima his it-ttun ttis ImmicIi fur the rlmt tlmi- In that cnirt''itjr. 'I'hB innrnitw was clili'tly icriiitt-i lit branny canes ir r"t'tierv from the pi-rum, aisaiillft Ukiti the fMillce, iiiifl n-Ri'iilnif periioin in cu.lcwly frj'n th. p 'ilco at lli trfird Mayor a iriK"..aion was on Ita wnyfrim UnlM 1 1 itn V-almlnntT lind hark. In some It wits proved ihut Ix if the nfheeri win. nnicti in uiril in t.hesp.ihle and In front ot 111. Royal Kxcham.'.. There appears to have hwn aotiitihin like a riot Hi t;i.eai'iiie jtmt aferlhe piifeant Hail paoed on Ita relnrti to (iitttiltitll. Hevera persons w..t tohtied of the'r Matches and purses, and some con taldea In plain, clothes, one In imr iriilttr, iiimct Lc, who had tliterlcred to arrekt tlie thioves. were aickutl and itiuck." So tou ice (lie lord Mures show (juv him a tidy mnrn'iks work nex duy & us I 6cs to Charley Cly faker rays i Charly you & mo as a reriilarwcsted hinterest In this crc showsays I & if tbey B ilishes of It I say they ort to give us Compensation which Charley quite ai;ree leastways be co ump aidert ft so We opes ns U will put hour cano afore the Publick whenever llieres A tork of Bolishla tbe show which its a Nashule Hinstitutlon & one an does a dealo' good leastways to as Piekpok keis. So 1 remane yonrs worry truly, but i needent aiffn my signature as them Hobbies mite Kit old old on it A i miRht pernps git quodded if they Inowed I weie in town uguin. DEVOTION TO MATtP. The subjoined outburst of devotional enthu siasm, according to tbo Monittnr dut'Armer, pro ceeded Irom tbe lips of Lieutenant I'annndu llu.ier, commander of tbe transport I.icorne, at tbe bead of a pi gTimage made by bis rrew to the temporary tomb of Nupoleon I, at St. Ilclona, on tbe anniversary of the birth of that benefactor of turope und mankind : Thla Ood of llaHlea bail hli agony anil hla Calvary ' A lemble anony a uiyatctioiiH unci whku n ,ne of ns cikti covprch nd Hut let us relict thfip tin liincboly rellecttnna while rernllectuiK that this God of Uaules bas bad bis teaurtectlon." The resnrreellon of Lieutenant lla.'ter's Ood of Saitles was one suen as, before the Anatomv Act, used to be accomplished by our resurrectionists. It consisted in the removal of his remsins to Kianre a suflicient paradise for such a divinity. Tbe pious Lieutenant's Christianity is evidently that of the War Christians. He seems to con f. and the Ood of Hatties with the IVinea of Teaee. Apparently, be considers the God of B it tles lo bave been embodied in the form of Napo leon I, und be makes the mistake of worshipping that God of Buttles. Let us hope that he will Gad out bis mistuke in time. SHAKESPEARE 8 LIMHAnY. "Shakespeare's books, it seems, are beini dis covered in various directions. His 'Prayer Book' is reisjrted to have turned up somewhere in Wales, and it Is probable that be took it with lilm there in eiue he might have to go to church while on the journey he took to get up fifts about the Welsh lady in Jciiri IV. lie was very par ticular about going to church, as mast be clear to nil students of his history and writings. Tbe Dramatic Authors' Society bave K Kid hopes of discovering his Hover's 'French Dictionary' one of these days. We trust also to hear of tbe re very of his 'Book of Cab-fares,' which, ns is well known, Mippestcd to him the line in Macbeth, 'fare is foul and foul is fare.' We fear that his lust 'Bradshaw' is destroyed, a' least wo have no evidence that the poet imitated tbe one careful man of our own time, who binds his old 'Brad cbaws.' but bis 'Euclid,' from which he drew tbe beautiful imitge In tbe HVrifer' Tale, about 'the Angle that plucks our son thither,' may yet bo tieard of. und we shall rejoice with unfeigned joy to learn that bis 'Book of Ktiqu tte' has reap peared, from which no doubt ho got the idea for the rule he preserilics (in Henry 111) to gentle men who go for a walk with ladies: "I were unmannerly to take you out, And not to kn ou " Ftranoe Staob Wants What qneer Jum lilcs one sees in theatrical advertisements ! Look at this, for instance : Wanted, a Lending Man, anfl a f omlc Sinner, to com trine LIUlly. tttaia terms. 2o answer a neattltve. Lord ralmerston and Mr. Gladstone may both of them undoubtedly he viewed as leading men, Iiut it hardly seems respectful to name them in the same biea'h with a comic singer.or to expect them to "combine utility" with any such a per uu. What this latter phrase may mean wo do not thoroughly perceive, but perhaps tbe leading xuan is merely wanted for the purpose of joining in the eboius when tbe comic singer sings. We can fancy what an audience would be attracted to a theatre, were it announced tint Lord Pal tnernton would appear in the Pantomime, and Mist the Clown in singing tbe ballad of Hot rwiiru, by bawling out the " Tol lol iddy Iddy do" at the Up-top of his voice. A tllAKEsrEARIAN CORRECTION. Dear Old Friend Tuneh : Will yon be kind enough to call at Dnirv Ijina Theatre, where they are playing something like my Aacx-tA.aiid iust alter the prompter's copy, where I make V : . . W t, i . 1. an.. ' SWAU JUSVUTIU mmJ I "Letilns 'I dars not' wall aoon 1 would ' 1.1k tbe or Cat t IA AUa.je.-- Vbat rubbish have yon been setting down for a all these years i There is an Italian river into which a mediaeval cat fell, and to which of course, I alluded. I mean to describe a helpless ami vi Stan, auu wua ns urn uiure ueipiett Uuul a eat In river ? Ask Miss Fanclt to be good enough to say, I.Ike Hi pofiM'al l Adiqr," 1 shall send you some more corrections one of these dnys, meantime liedeve me, Yours, fiueerely, William Shakespeaiie. LivaiiM, iNoveinber II. "LO, TUB l-OOIl INtllAM!" We read, in the Oswestry A'h ri liter, this or ratber we can't exactly read it : 'Tb Ilev. .1. P. tlarllner. a m tliinarv In Rnarfs I And. Kle the follow Init wird of audi cen tylluliles aa an Illustration of iti'i pecllll ii II is of toe Inliail ISMfiltKe: 'Keirnwei healipetowki siniienicchesuoillfltliiawan 'L will dine with you.' ' Is the ltcv. Mr. Gardiner quite accurate ? Tho "word'' Hccms to us a ptioJ dcl ni'ire like thn Inartienlate and eoairulate u'ter ince which me ins "l Ante diucd with yon, and a jolly food fellow you are at pjsmiik the bottle." IlltA MA Tic lit i:t. fiharn l'crson (asM, sinking). In what band liotild a cricketer wr.ie ? Dull Person (answers, a' so sinplng). I doa t inlte understand. Miarp rcrson (annovea) naii I repeu Sharper Person (briskly simrs), Oh nj! 1 aeo't, He'll write in a butci'd round Imn l. IKxit ftliarp Person L. II. Stmrpr Terson dances off II. H. Dull Person it left thinkmj. NliW WAV Of I.KAHNINU UNI, I All MS. A well-known Optician says, that, when at sea, vou can, witn m iriess, at a point most remote frim Ihc shore, en'ily make out the Tonjw nf any toretiin Juiiti. MIIKIAt. IIEASOXtVO. ( litduatfl to t'.( AM-l'-'-i it r-'riV! an I Siiiii.avt l l I Nl.J Why ouKht Konnn Catholic Prleits to have the use of a chapel In prisons r B 'citus ttioy mny jusily eompliiin of tlritr wrongs as lonj as they arc uctrainicd oi tneir iiitcs. Loitn Di niiulauy's Lsr. Why is a Inlr- entier like a shcci ? llcciusc bo is a ball btb harbrr). I.eoai. Mi:. A barrister is only Invited to sit on the bench when he has hud sonic considerable amount of standing at tho bar. "Loci s Stanui." The corner of TarK lane, A Steiim Kealitt. The man at the whocl. "Doino Ban riNo." Getting fat. "To Billiard Players. If yon wonH obey the ne of llilliarls, always attend to tue f.'otmon of the game." Death viiom Mi snnooMS. Da dalus, whon he tried Charapifc-nons (Siom pinions). Motto vok the Society ion. the Proeaoa tion OF CltUEl.TY to Asim a i.s. " f he cart lie forc the horse." Head Dhers. rowder, an exploded fashion. I.eHlhoril Arllllery. The field-pieces of a former ugo wore machines of iron or braes, immensely cumbrous, and almost unmanageable. The problem to be solved was, how to render a gun more portable without lessening its projectile force. After full consider. ation of the matter, liobcrt Scott came to the conclusion that thcro was "nothing like leather Of hardened leather, tbcrofore, he construuted guns. The correctness of his Idea was totted by experiment, and tho result was considered to show the immeasurable superiority of leather over brass and iron. Why he did not lay the in vention at the feet of his own liege sovorelgn, it is needless to inquire. Perhups he did so and was snubbed for bin paints, as other Inventors have been since his time. At all events, he raised a company of two huudred men and went over to Sweden, where he wus welcomed by (lustavtis Adolphus, who. seeing bis ability, and the value or bis discovery, lortnwitu toot mm into uis service, and at the end of two years rewarded him with an olUce of Quartermaster-General of the army. After five years' service under Gustavns, he repaired to Denmark, where he was appointed General of the King's Artillery; but soon nfter wards yield ing to the advice of friends, he returned to England and tendered his scrv.ces to his own sovereign, King Charles I. This step, which was taken in 171!'., turned out a very prolitable one for the Colonel. Ho was received with open arms bv Charles, who appointed him one of tho gentlemen of his privy chamber, granted him an nnntial pension 01 it.oo out ot me iouri ui Wards, and purchased for him a bouse in Lam beth at a cost of 1000. Colonel Scott, however, did not live long to enjoy these tokens of tho royal favor; for, dying in 17:il, ho was buried in Lambeth Church, where a sumptuous monument, still to be seen, was erected to bis memory by his loving wife Anne, whom he married lu France. The sculptor has represented tho Colonel as an urmor-clad, fierce-looking man, wearing a heavy moustache and a pointed beard. In the very rear 01 ino coionct 1 acain, nus- tavus Adolphus had an ample proof or tne eiiee tiveness and utility of the leathern artillery, at the memorable battle of Leipsic. The guns were found to be so cosily portable that a small bat tery could easily bo removed from one part of the field to another, or a new battery was mde in the space ol ten minutes ; and wncn a iresn attack was alxiut to be made on the ptrt of the enemy, a buttery was immediately at hand to re pel it. In fact, it was in great measure owing to the invention of Colonel Scott that the Swedish King obtained so glorious a victory; and the imperial General Tilly himself was constrained to admit that the portable cannon performed wonders. Mow it came about that the leathern ordnance was shortly afterwards laid aside as worthless is difllcult to explain, or even to conjecture ; but it is not recorded to have initio any subsequent appearance on tbo battle-tiold, ilwnioh a leathern cannon was lired la Edin burgh so late as the year 17H8 probably out of cutioMty. All the tear liouna. TIAUrillN AND COXjOUADO GOLD MINING COMPANY. CllAJtTEIIKIl !Y VI ATE OF PEVUSYLVANIA, OAl'ITAl S'l'OCli, ffl.OOO.OOO 800,000 Htanrea-Iar Valnc, 93. Pi-ewdi iit-JOHN it. ANDKRSON. Jirotorai. Thomas A. Root!, 11. Kneass, William g. rrasiuaa, Robert I'. Kins, John M. Klley, Charles Us Bill ar, Jamea R. Matree, T. C- McDowell, Uarrlsbnrf . J. .ha W. Hall, do John llrady, do W. W. Wylle, Lancaster. n lUlata O. Bhutu, Colorado, 1). 1'. HOUT1IWOHTII, Bftcretary and Treasurer. OrriOE. No. 423 WALNUT BTBEET, KOOtI So, S. Anthentlrated specimens have been procured from soma of tlie Coinpauy'a lodes, and bave been abaayed by Pro- Jtsora llixitb and Garrett with the most maUfytBgresults, Subsenption Hits are now open at tlie Office of the Com pany, and at tbe Treasurer's Offlca (Internal Hevenue) Xo. 4aT7 CIIEBN I T Htreet, Partners' and Macbaulcs' Bank bulldlBf. To orisflnal aubaorlbari DM fxt share (or a Unilted number of abarea. Cirralara.paoipJilets. or Uifonnattoa east ba obtained at the i.ftli e of tbe Company, after tbe 17th lust. ll-U-im TUOHIArj Ci. & J. JC UllOWlV J. IIKAI.EEI IN Boot, Ehoes, Trunks, and Carpet Bags NOI. 1034 and 1010 MAKhXI cluaEii, CvikiMr Tk 4t t rdf, U l.tataiiw OIL. MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NBW COItPAMK,. I We art prepared tn fnmlih Haw Csrporatloaa wllb I tbs Hooks IIt rmnlre, at ahort aotlce and low prlMt, first qua) ty. All styles of Blndlnlt. Sltrl.ri.s- V. fEKTI'ICATEB Or RTOOK. Lnnotimeiir.il o TfMm r.K HOOK. (iRIirHli OK VRANHFER, RTHI K LKMIiKK. HT(H:K I.FIlltl.M BALAWrVS). KKIIINTKII Of CAPITAL MT(MK, IlKOKr.KH' TETTV l.KDOKJU AI'fsiljsiT Of HALLS). 1.IV1IJ.ND BOOK. V0,,i00.. Slank Rook Manufacturer, and HUUomrs 11-18-11 No. 4.1S! t'HRBNUT Rtresi. y i ('AMI! OIL AND COAL COMPANY F WI.ST VIHOINIA. VRf'FER I V 5H'0 arres of land, known as the "VOX TRACT," In Wood aad adjnlnlnn Counties, Wost Virginia nMnlh "great upheaval, ' and taainf Id part of the tsmiid Ultl." The snbarrlnth n book lo tbe slock of this Company will rciNITIVKLY fVue on MONDAY. Nth Init. Theopponn- altvls offered, np lo that lime, for the public to ohtalo a limfted number of shares at 9 1 per Fhare.thn parbelnK I0. The subscription price Is at a tower rate than lands art sellirjt for In tbe Immediate vicinity, and Is off Ted for ih? sole purpose of furnlsanij an ample working capital Printed I'rospectns,' atouroffli. siUi (leolovlcal Iteport, can be had COOPER & GRAFT, No. 11 MEUCHANTS' EXCHANGE. l?-7-4t rJ 11 V) i r a k k PETROLEUM COMPANY OK I'lIII.AUKI.PllIA. CAPITAL l.OOO.OOO. 10X1,000 SHARES, rAIt flO. $30,000 lash Working Capital, SLmSOIUPUON PRICE, 50. orncKiiH. IBBBIIiliNT, T. 1IAHKINH DU TUY, President of the Catawlisa Eailn ad Company. VICB TIIESIDRNT, TIIOMAH D. WATTSON, Of (be Dardware arm of Trultt A Co., No. o28 Ifarket 1 1 IREASVKr.E, BAMUEL WORK, Of Wors, McCouch A Co., Bankers, No. 'M 8. Third street DinECTone, T. IIAHKINS IlU FUY-. THOMAS II. WATTSON, K. 8. lllf'IIARIlR, of Oermautown, WM. Ti. BtlEltUKBI), Insurance An!. llKOItflK P. WAT, of lute Wry Hoods firm of J. T. Way it Co., A. W. I.EIMENWNU, Cashier Mmicb Chunk Bank, EDWARD SlllITilN, E. Tlie property of the Tirnko Petroleum Company oons'sts of two tracts ot land, enonf two bumlred and tltty-nevcn acres and one of two htindrek and sixty-five acres, mikini,' In all Ave hundred and twehaucrcs, la fee, outbeCaJd well Branch of Oil Creek. Tbe property bas been critically examined by a Com ralttee appointed for that purpose, and tlie territory pro- umitccd, lu their jUiiKinont, to be fully o,ual to that on Ol I'ra.b air,.. .ul.l.Vi tl.aa 1a.s-..-a nil wasllss n..,iv ,1 1 U n, , sr.11 Crek, alond wbkb tbe largost oil wells ever discovered bave been found. The lands resemble those on Oil creek la every partlcn lar, and It Is believed, from tbe larite natnhcr of ob springs lu close proximity, that valuable tiella will be opened on both these tracts. The management have already secured several engines and engaged a competent aupcrlntcndeut, with a view to Immediate and energetic development. A larpe portion ot ibese tracts Is bottomland admirably adapted for boring Several coiupan'es are organized on landa Immediately adjoining this territory, among which aro tbe llriuss and Crescent Oil Companlea of Philadelphia In presenting tbe lhake Petroleum Company to the pnbllc, tbe IMrecturs ask that their scheme should be ex amined, and subscriptions made to the Stock la full fultn si to Its present and prospective value. T. HASKINS BO PUr, President. THOMAS D. WATTSON, Vice-President. BAMl tL WOUK, Treasurer. Bubicriptloiis will be received at the Banking U jiiio of WOIIK, MeCOCCK 4 CO., 12-7-lf tio. 3d !S. Till UU Htreet. RATIONAL OIL BEPININO 00 MP ANT, Vr I'tilLAllEU'UIA. Capital 200,000, 20,000 Shares. $10 Par. I'TIHXIDKNT. WATHON MALONE. MANAOEH8. WIH3AVI W AT VT IV II I ' T U I r KTtJ si taf r 1 iH'.i Ml i , r, , i lit nil nirii r,ii'' r . WK IIAkl.C HOYMt, ! TUOS. J LANi'AHliR, I . BLAChULKNK. Jk., 1 JaMKS O. lARElUA, ALKXANIIKU P. BEAat. TIIBABVRBB. THOMAS J. LANCASTER. RECRETARY. Irr.BRY C. BTKVK.NaSON. Thla Cnmnanv U fannAnA nn m mthatantlal aad legiti mate bniiiiess banls, and otfera greater inducements and more reliable security tor Investment than any outer uo iwlore the public, hubnerlptlons are yow ooiog roculved, and a larne portion 01 the stuck Is already takwa lliairralna of ti.e property u, ay be examined, and aal ayivmatlon on talnad at Ui office of tbe Company, No. lJI S. SBt'ONO o u vm. J AH. II. 11M Uitilia HTKVKNSON, nOMMOS WEALTH OIL COMPANY V or LAWRENCE COUHTY, TENNSYLVANIA. OAl'ITALi STOCK, StUOO.OOO. TAR VALUE, 2 M. V'OHKLKU CAPITAL HKSKVF.I) TUB llEVRXOP- MEBT, tlt.WO. rnvsiriENT, K. WEAVER. TRKASVRItR, HAMUIOL It- lllr. PK RStABV, JlAVIU II. IIIL,T. nnKCTons, T. Weavel I jam Mail J, hn Mellowstl, 4T , Hymn 1 11.111,7, baaiuel K. tint, i-aav tiaaer, Wiff'ani Meeter. Rul. aerlnt Inns for a limited lumber ef shard will low ks iiiw ed at the onic 01 me company, No. rir 01IH.KMJT HTKtefciT The landa of this Company are loestcfl on 8llp-ery Kar f'rttk. 111 Lawrenci.Ci.unty, rri,iiiivaiiie. una wen biiI na; fei. and II has aireant noen onuime,i in cian- ,.i. . h eli ate hlslilv tiicon raw ins to Hie r-irp ira'ors that a flow will soon le reallr.ed of a permanence sictlieent to nay hardiomc. on tee liie"tment samples of niiiniy be s! at the oillce ot tbe Company. U .--t.l r'HE BUCHANAN B0TALTY OIL. COMPANY. CAPITAL SKXVWO 40,000 EHAIIKS rAR VALUK 10.00 I'llKSIIlKKT JOII.sl ALEXANDF.B, TI1KAHI KKR JOHN W Btl'ICBrARY WM 8 TOFtREY. I. A NIC. lllft ROTORS. A. CI. CATTP.LL.Prosldeut Cora Exchanne Hauoaai Bank, 1'blladelphla. MiWARli O. JAVKi.of the house ef Tbonu Rlchard- soa A Co., rbilailelpbia JOHN ALEXANIIKK, No. I!)5t Areb street, PblU.la. HAVID V-AJHLllVtl.K,o.tio8 X. Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. J. II. LYDAY.ritUbnrK. K. It. PORTER, M. D., Wilmington. WM. B. LANK, Pklludcli-bia. , Ollivo No. 148 8. FOURTH Ktros-t, PHILAHKLPIIIA. Tbe property of thla Company conslsta of Oil Land, Lraere, and Oronnd Kent Reserves or Koyaltlca of all the oil produced on the "A. Buchanan Farm," on Oil Creek. And also, all the oil and underground deposits In two hun dred ai res of land ou East Hickory creek, Venange county, Pennsylvania. There are about one hundred and fitly snrveyed oil lots on tbe "A Buchanan Farm," over sixty of which are leased to first class operators, (seventeen wells are now producing oil: several are now being tested with good prospects, and twenty or thirty being bond at various stages of progress. As a so'.ld promising Investment a limited nnmber of mil paid shares, of flu per share, may be obtained at (7 each, npon application te any of Hie oHloers, or at the office of tbe Company. Tbe prospectus, containing a full description of the Com pany's property, can be obtained atithe ottlce, U-2t-lm O L C A N I C OIL COAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. l'HINTKD OIHCULiAllS, With the Prospectua and Oeologleal Report of the property ottlila Company, are now ready at our office. This Company owns over 2-'.00 acres of wba. Is known at tbe best OIL TERRITORY npon tlie GREAT UP HEAVAL IN WEST yiRUINIA, and offers large Induce ments to parties to subscribe for tbo limited number of Shares offered at ti per share for fuil paid stock, tbe par being 110 periharo. This price per share it not above the marltatablo value of the lands, and it la offered for tbe sole purpose of n crtaslug tbe facilities for development, and will, beyond a reasonable deubt, prove a profitable Investment. COOPER & GRAFF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Philaiklthia, Kovember 2, ltV-l. 11 V) WASHINGTON AND WALNUT BEND I UlLi COMI'ANV. CAPITAL yioo.ooo. 100,(100 SHARES $i lvich. S uIibci ijitlon I'rico "2. 10,01)0 Sliarts Uvaervcd an Working Capital. Office, No 314 MARKET Et , Philadelphia. Ko.l A wt-Hon Oil Creek, now DtmiofiiB 10 barrels par Auy, tthd incrpttMuu. ino. a. A wfii on UHurrfB. now over (inivnorw,i'u lr.'- nhowil oil r llm I tne "rn ruuiior neii, k hirh In m,.v niiiiinliiif .umi harnli nl oil ner ohV. No.;. A wpIi on uiH'rt-ek. 6.0 feei di-eu, now ready for tuhlnn, with lyleudia iliow ef oil ; evmy jtroipect ot pro- n the Alkhtnv r ; ! w-i, now pumpiu liuyour- t oil ier day; three m-rt welU nir k.-Iiiu; down; with nautr nulls, stt rlvr frnlll. aU L-'iKiJ iMirlOt! lerrltitry. No. f. a half acre at T!tJe.iui.ntar ine bMinoume wens. wstiirli urp now mimblnu ftixlv barrel! tier -'av. Kn ft Kiihtjinilu liAlfuciat In Walt) lit Jtond. on the All pheny ilv-r; Itmut-.tiat' yuurroiindiiiK thU iiroiMjnyaru rtuo jiriMiuc nK wens, i iiu i rue i win u? uvioic rLunij. Miilik.-r il is ma ar llnW DC 111 if f tt CI1. t H'l at lrr UUI tlon ot tie itieck alreatv liUui. The l)M-ins:ias unl all Ini.iiiii.iiitiii can te otiramel at the Ultlce of Ui t'O'iumiiy, bow at lso.r,H MAllKr r Hueet. ii 'A lil T;01t RAIsK-OTL cukek tkrritorv. 1 A t- rt't- air Hiiviillv Itiiitriitit Oil out- Ot the Illf Villi' nl.U tru tt il OH. I, NO, OH oil, t'KKKK. VKS ANiJO 1IM V, VI.NM5LVAMA. 11 Jit' ul lu9 JUUCUi'U Ol OIL CUKEK AND CUEItllY Itl'lf, anfl covers about lf0 acres of tfrirnut, upin which are iimi-rmiN Lfc-AKS. wiih over HtWi WBIiW thuro-Mi tvlthtr Drotlutiiik'. or tn Dronrfhn and naarlv Uniuied. l.I-.SNKKn ara dully tn Binniiisi otlitr wvlls oa ii:e t viwn uileil, Uitre ia room tor U.SK liL NDUtti a.Ui- IkiIIb.1 Wflli. tbmm n use are onth FLOWlstl AMI ruatnu WhLl.3, one ot wlikii hab tlowcd 1000 UAHRELB PKIt DAT. T)if Working Interest of one of the Kew Wells, sold J ant wek anionx tlie tperauvea thi-uteive at the rate oi $12(1,000 KOIt'TMK WELL, and THREE ACRES reprrveel by the nrlylnal ownt-rfor tils reHiUiDce. nold wja at the rale of tWUU.t) tu h ao opptirtuni'v. It la behaved, has not hen rent)v ofriad.and would uk.e a pioduvtuK haais uf suca vaJuo at tvattord au taunt iu vuyltai. Apply to C. R TC(1AW, JS. WALiSUT lrei. QOTTM11 1' A II M OIL COMPANY, OF I'IIILiADKLI'IJIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DIVIDED INTO 200,000 SnAlH'.S, AT V TEH SHAKE. hUHHCltlPTION IIlIOl'J. M'jO per eharl Unt.ni-rittlen Book are opened, and iiibscrlpUons la Ue Capital Htis k reei-lTisI at ue efbet f niiMP ii. r.uni: & ro., No. ;r WALNUT KTKKI2T. Tbe efflres ef tl Comssny. Kos . W sndSI WAHHINfl- IM1TOH 111 ll.nimiS.H.TIIIItl) Rtfeet.wJl beopeoed on WKJJ.SEhLlAY, lle niher 7, ihtll. U-l-71 W. I. iniTH,Trtiiitirr, K. J. ARRISl.HTfiiiry. JvJLW I0EK AND rfllLiDELPEU riri.)Ki;i!M comiuny, OrKanUrd I ndor (he Uhs of 5ew York. TIIL'HTEKH i- FrTA5ClS A. rALHKR, rrca'dent Broadway Baak Mew oik. NATHAN RANDALL. E Pre i !.! nt United flutei Teieitrapta Companjew York. ALBERT II , MCOLAY, of Alhert II. Klcolay A Co. UrokcTs and Anctlonecrs, No t2 Willi am itroet.Ntw York El'dENE J JACKSON, of Polhamlns A Jackson, Rank ers and Itrokeri, Mo. 43 Enchane place, Vew Tork. EIMVD C. RTEUMH. Rwrctary Hew Tork Petro- letitn htoik Hoard ,ni)d lfioker, No. bO broad street, New Tork. ANDREW WFIIAFKKT, PIiUadelpMa. FRANCIS A. OODWIN, Philadelphia. ROHKRT CLARKSON, of riarksoa A Co., Bmkert No. 1J1 0. Third street, Philadelphia. JAMtS M. itARKK, Oil City, PennsyWaji. OF riCKHS. rnEHiKHT. ALBERT Il.NICOtAT, New York. VICE ri(KHUKNT. ANDREW MEUArFEY, Philadelphia. THKAfUIEKK. A. V. BTOCT, President Shoe and Leather BanK. New York. hr.t HK.Tanr. EDMUND C. 8TEDMAN. COUHKL. W1 LI, 1AM IT. ANT1IOS, New Tork. ADAM C. ELLIS, New York. MIOE AND LEATHER P. NK.Ncw York, CLAUKtSON A CO., Philadelphia. OFFICES OK TUB COMPANY. No. t.2 WILLIAM Strett. New York. No. Ul B. THIRD Street. rhiladel;thla. CAPITAL STOCK a.tX) SHARES AT THE NOMINAL PAR OK $' EArH-SUBSCUIP. TIOV PHI E, $J PER M11ARE. Stock snhjeot to no further asnesment. ?.V),( 00 Hhart'H to be sold In payment )or the lantls, lean. holdn. and vrodiRiui; lutereitts oi too company, lucre mull) lug 60,000 SHARES, OR $lo0,0TV0, RESERVED FOB WORK IN(i CAPITAL. The New York and Philadelphia Petro'eum Ccrupany has been organised with the grt atest care by experienced capitalists of the two citlea, hose umneo are united iu Ita own. It will be managed INCLUSIVELY FOR TIIE INTERESTS OF IT STOCKHOLDERS. No pains have been spared to pla:e It en a genuine an lubstantlal footliiR. Moat valuable and exteosive tracts of Oil and Cnal land bave ben secured IS FEB U'HbehoM PRODUCING INTEUKBTS In tne heart of the Venantio County (Pa ) Oil rvirioii. Atuntioo lt invlttal to the follow ing schedule of the Company's properly, locltid lnit KKE NIMPLE TfeltlllTOUY, LKAHli.Htli.DS, PRO M'CIMI WELLS, and wells In varloua stages of com pietlon No. 1. 30 acres of bottom land, in fee. on tho Allegheny rivtr. baviny a water frontik'eof nearly one ntlc. New lO-liotve power engine and flxtnrrs Troweili sunk to tbe depth of 300 feet, and ulrtadj - illlcj with oil. lliom lot 40 more vtclli. No. !f0 acres of rich oil land In ft-o, lylnt, nearly oppo site the above, having a mile of water-frontage on Pratbur andfiennet runs. Well supplied with timber. No.;). Lease Interest on thu famous "Widow M-'Olin- tock Farm," Oil creek. Ono well down and tent Hp; another Jubt ready U) tube ; a tulrd just started. Two flrst-clutiB engines. Tubltig, tools, ftxturea, team, wagons, Ac. No. 4. Same Interest In lease on the wU knows 'UaojlIt'iU McCliutock Karm,"C'U creek. One well now beinK tented ; already vie Man twelve barrels duly, and rupbllj increasing. O'ber going down. Two new eu tiiues, with tlx in res complete. No. ft. One twellthof two b ases on the Clapp Faros, near the Rreat Williams and Staiiion ono hundred birrel wcl s. On thlh property U "Sherman Well, No. 'J," nw down five huLdied Ifeet, ciixlr.e, Ac. Ac. Room for m re wells. No. Onc-fclxteenth of the foe In fifty-seven arm of CV al Iand, adjoining tbe Cranberry Coul Company beds. This property is ol the utmost value to our Oiera Hons, suppling us with coal at all seasons, and when tha woiks ol other compiunen aie lound to be idle for waut of fuel. Krtm these estntes, the TriiNtefs are a"ured of the'r ability to declare LAIKiE AND HEtiUL&R MONTHLY Dl VIDF.NDS, and ol the tpee ty appreciation of tne lurci to a M AltKET YALl'tt FAR ABOVE THE bL'USCRir 1 ION PRK E. The INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE sent troni New Ycik and Pbilaaelphla, whose favorahla report is printed with the proa pec tu-, speak In unlimited terms of Uiu Cum pauj'n pniperty and pronpec;s. Hooks tor ORIUINALSCHHCRIPTION will be openeoon WEDNESDAY. December 7, at thenfllces of the Oompsuy, and at the New York, Phila delphia, and lloslon banking bousei named below. Prospectuses, maps, and detailed HilViruiAtiou at either subscription ofl.ee. The public are assured tha whether fir Investment or (peculation, no better security than these abarea can be obt timed. fcUUHCIUrTION AGKNTH : F ROADWAY HANK, corner of Park pitue, Nuw York. PO.MMMH 8 A JACHHON, Mo. 4! fcxehango place, Mew Yrrli. ALB RT 11. KICOLAY A CO., No. 63 Wall street, Mew Ycik. CLAKKHON A CO., No. U 8. Third street, FulUdel sMa. J, O. MARTlW,liauiirahdlJrwktr,lista. 13 4 1 i jw i'i :crj'i;e or ma COITER FARM OIL C0MPANT; or JMIII.AUK-l KIIIA. lililtnlHtock, . . Kl (Kill "HO. DlVltlEll INTO :-n,n RIl .Mt'S AT $i PKIt SI! 4R- viiscHirTioN ruici', : r'0 rr.u sharb. It la proposed to tor this Company from tbe f- IVrwing Interest : I. The fi r nitnplrof 1-W iT(n.ln"n as the ' C .ttf arm -n Itig hifk n-?'r,tw m k, a-n n 'n- l--' oi inr Pi tiiid. li hi and trt' UW..il, nc a- d a (.all nii'es west otArlttinl. Pitisiu id townvta i. A ntreii county, Cenns I-' aula. I Ins lanil iiimic.i in fine a r iwim' im the nelKhbni bood. It taKen in th wtioi of thf valley f.r" t ii intie in tx'i m. ti ni a rmn ae on uie nroRin- Siriiw cr'i k of o t two ni'l'-f. It mtn extend northward r 1 1 biutt.and talcs itiac- nsiM. r .nir portion oi tne tmr r Run. a tiil'uiiiry "t" tb- Rp'fcen t):raw. irk-a Straw nek lakis lis risi' tn m the r:ut 'do of the bluff, wmcri en me lo the ce.' ii ttted .i rie-k, un the wtt w l t u.ionhla fmrn fr.n 'nlttr lrin tn th A1lhrilV vcr, a ilistnuce nt ten mile, mhI tUun ail'rd urtiitlen foi rHiniMirtatl' n ny ni ntf to rummi' a. ah mnuon'i o- fore. the rhila eipb'a and I-ph itniiroiia rons directly tbroiifh the prope: t on tut b.itik ot tne creek and tiuj 't" Iktit HI oirt' l loninitji.irtiii mi T.H ii ine (.n-m murke'h, New Yrk mid Pinla b i p da rh b a ts rfn rn 41 n to H-i feet, in some p a' en ery anruptiy. inrn i a nam mult a TO" me rr ei n mi inmw on inn pro-t-rt v, Kllri lfntinfi wat r power to one ol the (lnnt lid best eonKtrur-cd w mllU m tli coun'rv. XUm null t i,rrnt aw i 0u met nl lumber per day niib one smgic UprlM saw. A I'IPE m Rnwn roii'u nr tiu'i' u in'iimii iim nil 1 be iiimle ap !' ot pniaunriai a revenue t ide :om l.wi) at ince f inal to an oTillnary p'oducinc well. The biutlB at-und with pine. hem. ucR, Ac.ln uch Mtiantity as to kep tne mill ninniii i-t seeeN eri. in hu tbn to Die mill there Is a verv substantial and lartie frame bouse, evcial urn ul 1 1-r mi, bitnt, stables, Dta ksmttti hib, curi eutiT shop. Ac. ac ; in snort, everyming ina. an fp rl nee of a twent yeitrs' isiilpn-e tAtik'tit tlie lute owner lo oe neci pnry. i nr njuw.u lami un inr ui m f iod tarmiiiK land, is cleared lor tbe purpose, ana u rrom Mi to Hi u acres In ext nt. Tt,P farm abound, with choice spots for d rutin r, ana with TartUties lor the purpme. such an few oUer lands potfe.B. 1 tie ravines wnicii mlerseet and torm breaks l tween and throiKh tl ohnln and whtcn are favorite locali ties tor wells, have tine streams, wru-h will give sunVlent water power to enat.e it immediate y lo commence t ins mir everui weua, inu" aivini; me fjxjH'iin- inu in7 In oliiamintr engln n. A derrick can oe ouht near Uie saw null and titaniiK attached, th ih makiiiK the mill to answer l tibieuurpoie. 1 he "hfiowa ot on are eouai, aua in nmn) places superior nrd mora tiiimerous, to thie ob M i ved in w bat kai proved tu be tbo best localities on Oil cn-ek A bent two miles rrom tne trm. over in oitins, me H'smer Oil Company, of Phi! idelpfiia. are dnlmw two eila on tne Homier run viiK ti euiiiiies tut" toe itroaen Straw at tinrland. Thetie wells are wlvinir tne most ifratl- titng evldor.ee of the existence of oil Ita ureal uuantitlns. and nave rsiao.K neu ns prent'iicc in insi region oeyona doubt. The Cotter f ai a Is uliu t d nearly due north oi ( ibe now clebrted Tldecut, on ti e rvheutienv river. II . 1 be tee simple r in7 acres on the Norti eiimoi i Creek. Tk neula Wiwnshlp, ""orret e untv, I'a., tat oar the border ot v epniik' tountv This tn ml, as in tlie ras of tbe Cotter Kami, takes In the vniJey as well as tlie blntiHon both niuei, umi is unversed ov nttnierons ravtnea and bttle stri anis rtinntnu Into tho Nloion Cn-ak. The evid nces of ell cannot be excelled in ia-t,are to inu-ked and the furmation of ihe land Is so favoran e to the exlat er ce of oil, that every oil m.u visitin tbe retrloti ays "Halnn ii Creek ! boond to c(al the w.rd renownvd Oil Creek," and tbe sorcmatlnK public have sbowntheir faith In it bj leasing or bujlng every aere of land I'm in this company's tertltory to the mouln of the Creek abiut live nnb as web as up aud down tbe Tionestu river for several mil . This property Is situate about ten miles east of the Alb- sbei y river It abounds with the tiett uerri;tton nt timter -n ne. cherrv, neniiots . e'e , wttici can dp mode to yield a handsome r-'venue to ihe Compmiy. The development ot ih-1 country Is rapidly prorfrenA.DK- A we I Is bet on sunk halt a tulle tmm tho property, two other twomllefl from It, and the llotieiia rlvti in lined wl b them on each s.defor iiilis one ai the month ot .-aliu n ciulK. now yieldkiig H, and all ot thi m giving iu-h It dn-atlom, whi e drilling that have heretofore only cconipaiib'd the mnking ot the best well; n Oil creek. In a 'dmon to thin tbe counties sur rounding Forrest county north, south, east, and west, ar all yicldliiR oil, and give great strength to the upno s Ii Ion that ForreM county Is in the eenireof an tminonua basin ol oil, undt r!yUg that whole rewton of cointrv. A limited number ot shares id be fold at i be above mentioned Hlbcriptloll pnee, fi"iO per fcl.ure.whicb will be full paid, and .'i'.0'K applied imnwtiiaU ty to tne develop ment ot tlie pioperty. Fiora tlie above proipe'Hus It will be seen that tha "Cotter Fiirm Oil Company offers unu-oinl Inducements te tl oe wisliiiih to Invent In oil stock The extent of the noperiy owned bv thcm.ovur lour square miles, the welt-ini-iv n pn ductlveiiess of the "uTounfinK region, and tbo fucll tieH poiM-sMfd by thtm for tbe Immediate develop me nl ol their territory at mil more than two-ihirds tha ii mi a' cost, warrant the Pmrto'S In asjortlnfr that tlie ('otter Farm til Company'' v.ii soon plae ItHetfamonx the tlrttt dlvldtntl pacing OU Stock. Companies In Iht country. Snbscriptlon iKHiks will be opened anl lubscriplb o tbe capital stuck received at the ottlce of riiiL.ii ii. imtcid co., No. 307 WALNUT 6TREKT WILLIAM D. SMITH, Treasurer E J. TIARBISON, Secretary. 12 rt- TnnTHllUItO AND HG8TOM PETROLEUM COMPANY. Capital, $400,000 Par, $5 Per Share. SUBSCRIPTION rRICE, FER SHARE FOR FULL-rAID STOCK A-D NO FURTHER . ASS EH SUEN IS. Tl s prf iperty of this Compao cocsUta of the following valuable FEE SIMPLE Territory, extensive 'earmold, PRODUCZSO WELLS, Wells going down and Dear y llnl-hrd r Nr 1 About W) ( tilty ) Acres on Cherry Trer Run In TEH PIMPLE, bonabie land uthc ent Uisiiib FIE I Y W RLL4. '1 Ins lenltoi v ih cpp..hite the laieii t'etroleum Oompny (Haen I a-iu) on till Creek, bui.dcd In putt by tbe ceia brated .Sioi y Farm, Ac Ac No Lease peipetuauw veara) on aih. McCHntook Oil Creek 6 acren, all flat, very valuable, Ilowiug and pumplnt; wi Us all anmrid o, K. "Wild Cat" (-lowing Well, about :jo burn Is per day. o Wash. McCliutock harm 1 ho Com,io.y n-tni Hie WHOLE working Interubt lu this well, cugiiK, tanka, Ac. Ac. i M No 4. "California Welt, o. l . otumtTeeK, nows w feet, all ready to retube. Tlus w ell has tio n.l l.'Ji narra per car No. A. "California Woll, rUKl ft. t s on Oil Crwck.down nearly No.fi Lease perpetual t" -iearii) on 2li arra-OU'Teak. all Hat, coniajinng tlie above well, with ntieen-bura iiKTlne, tanks, deruek., engine hiii cs. A a. No. 7. 1 eae purpuuai (I'll eniajtin acres Oil crea all t"nf, and In one well ni o Ibu t'cL t, unu quarUu uiteixt (working n this we.l ard leav 1EN lUOLttANlJ hll-WiEM KKSKRVED FOR WUlK Ihli CAFI I" A I.. Books for orioix 1 1. snbscr pix n are now open i'W ofi co lor a few uavs only ; w hen closed, the stock o be ldared on the rvu ar Ho, -on and I'lilladelp ia toma Loaidri as a hia i ioa d'vim nrt-i -ayliu ml f it i" ' "u Com am, wten it U expeced tin- khan will i.-e!y advai ce. All furtl er inf. i in itio"- with i.roapecio'. 'n be (btalnod of the umbis mud Tfe small ipbr " "' Conipany, with tho aiMiial lare imtie-u, mmtu-f H 4 favuriii: as a fo.nre Invcstmint. jvII No.HFai.iubar Ilulhrtr.ga, WALM'T Iwb-w r Chba.ul.-':.?.c I.Ei'S ltlt f .ALK , No.iS REA Kit Street. W vrkAjency. BI LNChR, VILA A C"- 11 n"r H I 6 1," - 11 JEE CLAEION R1VEE OILiOM.M NflES. OFF1CK, No. 311 fUKlil', (SHCOMl I JO'1"). WI 1,1.1AM i'. SO''l.I l'iisiiii:-;r. J. MMP)NK''U!. 11 17 tl Hoctir'1' ''i'1 rr..urr. pOAl' Oil., AKBOTIIKU ISCOIil'OHAl' WII'AVIKS, ran he uln'l' l at li.we.l .li I'll Ki,' I 1 ttl lfU A l KS I K K'l lM K. 7liANM II lliW'KS, IHMIil' ,'. , J?"' ' c. A stall a.Fnrnirnl of lanili .i-;. r'f "i;'i lo W. 0. PEBBY, MaDiJl JriuS I tatiaimr,