(Evening gckfltaph HIT." KfDAY, DECLMHKU 8, IS i-4. Latest Southern News SHERMAN'S ADVANCE IN GEORGIA. thf Rtrl.mimd Whig, Itrr . 1 1 Auirunta hronw e titfl Srnlinrl. ol till) 1st tout , oonlaiiie .he lo lowing pais nphs : J. lovrapluo communication with .11. Hen has b on rwi, oneii. vHKRimt was still rnrr'd In AMinn the Fell ra on Weunosiiay. Itesult" unknown It s rm oiled that a party ol MimiAis'" scouts ewiti d 1 tnara'a rt'rrv on uliitav. Ihey leniailitHl Mini" tiuir in l Mm y cinty taking observations, li in thou, lit by many that mikiimaiv will puilcurur to cross 'lie r-uveiinah nvcr at that point. t."U loin n Irotii .Siikiiman b rear state that liia line ol nun oh is marked with tload auuuais, broken we"oi s, bo his o ni'-ii, strairlors. &o. Whin (..ni'ial Whkki.kk struck K ilpathick' t aiders at 11 n creek, tlv knloil nvortiuou liunlicii I .-mi ol horses io prevent them I ruin la.liiin into V iiki i kh'h li.iius. v eniav iiiorniuir the tr:iln on the fieurjr a Itail med I roiifil.t down annul unv hundred priNoucrs, rho were auid 10 have been captured somewhere in the iioiphboi hood 01 Wurrnuton. They nio sup posed io bo a portion ot mikiiman'a army tnaAhad strangled aw. y Inuii tlic niain body, enu Irll an easy prey tooui In. oca. 1'hos woroall hearty looking mini. Iiains ruu up on tl.o Oe.irgia road an lar mm CireeneslMiro'. i he woik ot repairing the road to Atlanta will be Cummniie il a a. ion an prariioai'h1. It iaatatodin rcnaolr aiitlnni y that the Yank' aiiorniiuteil oyir two IhmiiHiid hoiiiofl mid niulea in iilanrouA uliii Wurreu roiintmH llio thionrlf, ol tiie 3'ith. wiyfl : A rent'euian troiu Nowton county atuti'H that prvrral ol the hirjio p amalinii in timt aocsion were co np'etel do atroied by the l-ciicra a, k w opt ciean 01 overy hini, and all tho houai'ii tltcrcou burned, except thosu occiii ted by uproe. Kinory to leife, i xlord. yioA a!o dcitroyad, and all the t ui.iliiii couiiLCed with the name, touetlmr with the r coiiieiiti. I nn collfre wom the property ol the Met oilint t hnrvli ol thm Mtut i. .several line liarariflK ImluiwiiiK to the vurioui colleen aocictiea, bttidm :be one bi'ionrinir to tiie oolU'ire itseli, were among tho pro'niity burned. AI40 a lare and ex tiMiive nuntTu.oKicai caliiuct, lino cheuiical appa ratuA. &o A ttie Feilemla approached tho town they wer tired uHin, and one ot tlp'tr party killed, 'the col luxe wan buiui'd 111 retuliatnni. it w aiiuiaieii that the piopurty cont nearly half u million heiore ttie war. A letter I10111 ttie Muor of ;roennboro' deacribea l .i arriyal 01 the Yankooa in that town, aud their CO 11" not whilA' then-. Ileay: Had Wtu ii tt Dki.kvah a circita and menairorte 011. e alonir, it coubi not have mude more excitement mi' ngHt Ine lietrroea and little liovs; but 1 can uy I neer iaw 11. rroea behave twtter aud look inoro inn ffnaui triaii our ncro population, especially alter the Yankee1 lobbed ttieiu. 1 hey took iroui Ciiap- 11 n ISohton twenty-two or Unco do.lars. Others w re rohtied 01 coal and wu:c)io. J regret to state that our lrit'Udincro the river in Mt rran couu y lont heavily. Atnonir thetu Colonel JO'HDA iln.L aud Thomah .-a KKOl.l). '1 he only televraphic intoriiiation ut the War ro pa tment lunt niMht, except tlespatchefl re'atinfr tu the dmpo. Itiou oftroopx, wiih a teleirram trom Mkcod, a.atinK that the Yaukoe lorce which hud bueu operutiiu iu ilio vicinity 01 thut city had bivu wi lidrawn, and irouo in the directiou ol tnu main body. The Indications are that Siifuman will diroct bta Bourne toard Uarieu or llriiiixwick. We received, by thm innmiui' mail, our Auirnsta axohanKen ol the 3ith ulmno, uud iSavunuah yetr$ ot tbe2ath. 1 hey throw very little h(ht upon the situation 01 allaira at tho date 01 their publication. The A'ffu su b: "hHKKM an aeems to be making- no prouros In his Inraioon ot ti e btato. lit: u no ne irer the coant th-ii he wot mrenil days wo. lie appears to be hesitating, and actiur a.uik'etner a- tliouirli lie were eauitht in a bdu box aud dou't know how to Set out. Atiaid to tro forward, aud cauuoi go back ; men aud annual tired aud huuiriy, with our loioea rapLly cloning in around bitu all theso tlnugs excite the liveliest hopes 01 hu utter destruc tion." Tlie Augusta rAromc; anrf Senlinrl says: "It must becoi.le.ucd that lorthe put week .SHKitiiAN baa been very auccuiodully acttnir the part 01 an art lul dodger, eonioui.ding ad caleulations and ex citing Keneial appreliensioii by bis eccentric move nieuta. The lutein reports iudicato that he Is moving towards the Mavannaii Kivur. Hut tbcru is little ie liauoa to be placed in any indication 01 intentions as yet. 1 l.lil no snail get out 01 1110 inaugie 111 which ho has been inauiDuvering since be leit At laula we cau imer noihiug with c 'rtiiinty irotu any 01 his inovciuciits as to bis ultimate course, lie may turn upon Augusta and eek to lorce his way through South Carolina, or bo may puh for Savan nah orlliunwick " The (iiiutifulioiialiit uf the 30 h says: It la yery ?eui rully conwued that Hiiehman, avoiduiK both Augusta aud Macou, has gone ou Ins winding way, either to riuvauuati, llrunswick, or t'ort Koyal. Io reai h either llrunswick or riavannah, ho has to travorc a i ai roil wattle ol laud, to nn ct, as he ap proaches bis uentinaiinn, swamps iinpenutraida to au army, save by causeways, which could easily bo deeti-oyed be. oro him cue good road, indeed, is at his option, but tlieu he may Hud upou that roid opositiou wlmb he little dreamed 01, aud which niiv snug his march. (Should be attempt to rea li I'ort Koyu:, he will prohulily cross the .-savannah at Mister's Kirry. m ih i ."omh I uroiiua side, nuui -dialely old iwite this terry, the soil is poious and marshy. I here, too, ho may possibly encounter marked batiene.s uud other obstacles too numerous to mention. rtninclmw we are, lu common with our fellow cmeiiH stiou'Tiy ol the opinion thut .siikuman aud his rnlitioia tire marching to doom We Know si 1110 vei y (.'00U news and see some very excellent sigus. lie patient ; ttie 11-ttii is not otripe. Ii'nmi Mnleiliiuvillu. Wlnlst in Mdledirevdlu, Hhicuman mad liia head uaitera iu Hie executive niausiou, i'he btutu Uouse waa uot buruud, but niiien mutilated. Ihu puuiteunary and aisuual were burned aud tbu niaga line blown u-j. kukhman'h wherealiouts Is uot positively known. 1 1 1 not certain thai he has even vet readied Mil en. though the lact is ussiimed. At 4 u'ciock 1'. M., last V rioay, the telegruph otierator at .Milieu unuounei d that nMMUHAN was within lour miles ol tho p ace, and I bat be liimaeli was ou the point ol b ddin it a bastv adieu, fsiitlun,' has l.uen beard trom there moo. lie bad bevu witbiu Iweuty miles ot Milieu f,ir near!? a wee. When 8hbhma advanced on Millcdfrevtlle, onot bis ooiuiuua moved agaiust Macon. Umcial intor- mallon was received here ast night that this eoitiuin bad duaubeared iroui the ueiahlioriiood 01 Alacuu. It is now, 110 uouht, moving to Joiu mikkman iu tho neighborhood 01 At men, and it was lor this that is n aim an bas In en waiting. His lorce being massed, be will strike out lor hi, objective point, which, it m believed, is Dam n, near . lie mouth ol the Altainaha ruer, lilt i lui es si.utu 01 rsavauuah. From Kut 1'eniiessee. 1 1 hs Itnstol Urynlrr learns Iroin Morristown that n tbe2'tii ult. t.io Yankees attempted to scout this Kiiteol htrawutrry I'.aius, but were drivou back across the nvcr, s.uvc wlieu ah has been 11 met at the trout. Oenoral Stonkman, of (ieorgla notoriety, is now In oonimand 01 the Federal torces lu Fast leuties sea, with his lieaiUiu irters about Kuoxvllle. iue U uiou element reports that he is pressiug horses to mount till. lkm'b com naud, aud ro-orgauizing the in lor a loiward uioveuieut. ticuurals Vauuun and Jjuas aie 011 ttie ,ooou( for I11111, and will tender bun a characteristic roj'.ptiou wuenever be is ready to come. From Western Virginia. frcm tht RieJtmond Whit D't- S. A letter iroin 1'iluo ton. Mercer couuty, stata tbat t ol. Wiri HKR bad iust returned irotu an ex peslition into tho enemy's lines, in Western Vir gin a. He de-troyed tnree torts, two block-bouses, two aUauiboats, captured many prisoners, about YjO bonas, SDJ or (nil line beel cattle, one piece ol ar til . ry, a lare amount ot stores, au I brought out thr, or lour conipi.iea ot reciuits, bes.ues many absentees, aud lo I uuly two men From the Volley. Nothing or interest has taken plaeo lu the She nandoah Valley slue the lankeos were dnvou tl.rouKb t densburn. I ho enemy are said to be eu ci. mped b low btrasburg. their iheud-qiiar'ois near K erustow n. Merllng of the Knulh Carolina. I.cxiilnture. Jrom thtj Hirhmoml tfratinel, bt. ft. The Houth t aro ina legislature assemblud on Mon day last. in the benate the Hon. W. 1) 1'oktkk was 111111 lluousiy re-eiected 1'resident ; Win. K. MAU'l'iN, Clurk ; S . KhNNKhV, Heading t lerk i A. I. C Aii.l.Aitu, looikeesr ; .1. Ii. 1 1 All. 1. Aim, Jes aunirar, were an unanimously n-oiocieu II011. W, A. t'oU't'XH addressed the Netiatu y THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1804. In tl House or Representatives, flr toe itstiel ?naiinrattens ot mnmliers (J. II. Rraiirurt Id the hah), the etc. lion o Npnnknr was prno eilml with. Hie ll.lrd tialh t resulted m the rho en ni Mr. IIotl- TnlS, M lolloWS A 1 URie H. IB llori.RTIIN, . I pi. IIubi Hulst received several votoe at each ballot. , ,1. T Mt.oa w win re-elected C crk, C. F. IIancrkt, wk eleclnl Heading ( ( rk. (,. M. i.kav was ro-eleot-ril liooikectp r. The lion. A. II. .'-kh'mki", Vice 1'reslileit Hon. Ml. omiam. M. ('. iriim l.riitunu, mill lien. .! ki ph K. iloiimiiBi, wi rn severally inritod lu occupy pram on the Door. AMUSEMENTS. i:V IIIKSNI'T ST. 'I'll K A Til K. iucfM'tn. imr.T, ahovk twk.lftii, t.ltOV I K At M,, I.KSsfc.KS AKilt ,n tl At.l.lti. Tills KVK.ltfJ, TIIR llll' OK 1 IIK NIlAMO!. 'I III.. IS II- UV II IU sKAsllt, 'I IIK II IT OK I'll K hiw). 1 II K II IT lr "1 II II NKSU, 1IIK HIT OK I IIK Sih.ANO.N, A I.I.OIIKll St SI .,sn. A I.I OHIO! M M l ( I. MM. A I.I.OIIIIIt M HICI A t-l.tlHIOtlS MJ('( I'.sss. A .l.l)lIOl ft M I t KHS. TlisI,AR(.y,sT a 11 1 IKNi.KS thai iiver assenliM within tbeoiiurs ifltls llisalrs lisve asiieiiiois 1 ttis wast tn.ee venltus tewltsPSs ths preductl ia ol Dloa Buuclcault's eram fi.i senss inn ana ruiutarv jrarns ,la.slK 11 now n .ll.N4tK ItHOW'sf) UltlW II It 1) W ., BltO IS, IIKIIW i IKlltVH, mtlllV.11 Jl MssiK JT-.llni .11 nn; JkluslK Jkrsl 1: Jii.Bll I nun i II now IV 1 IIHIIWN, MtOWIV, MCOWIMi HstOYVftl .1 1-. msi m .IKS'IK JKSSI K .ik.s-.ii: .le.-SIK .IK.SSIIJ OH, I II K ft I I.IK I' r I.I 1 KNOW. ItSi l-l kP III' I.I K W . Ilf ldk-r OK I.I ( KNOW. II K.I I I K OK I. i K iW . III I. IKK OK I I IKMIW. IKI.IKK OK I. Ill KMDW. KKI.II KOK l,l'I K.IIW, llll, UK.hH,(IIHQ i:ihks Ki 1 1IK nv kr'LowiNii At'OIKNr-K 1 11 K OTKItfUIWIMI AIJKI KCK-i that have uf-sciuiiied ut tin tiitiuie to tins tiraud Drama, ccuiioSid as lliry re aislitl of MKAI'Ty Al rARIHOV, MKAt'TV AMI KMI "N, UtALlY AM) KAMI1IUM, WKUK A 1.1. r.NTIM'SlARTIC IN T1IKIK AllMIIHTIO!f At the rii-k'snt luaui.ar in which it was put hefure the pub lic. 11 lias been ri,.ureil at aa IMMKH4P IM'TLAT. InUKSHI Ot'TiAV. lMMhNl-K (lUTI.AV, la the T ast .saeue of this tirnnd speetaHc, tb H'lllK.MlMl fir 'till': Itl.DAg TIIE IIK.VM) (JtlAKOK OK THK II1U1II.ANDKRS .iniloa In artlvs eotillict OVKl't IOI I-RK4HNH IIVKK Kill fk.lflNH OVt U lllll I'KiiSIISM ITpen the fttane at the same tlms, tormina a taMsail of sueh ttirPlins and .owertul etieei as tu at urp etise ths tiaKAIK.sf t.N'l HI'MIArtM IN KVEIty IIKIM1.IIRII. JLeNJ ltKOw N , v, hercvei pn.auceil, lias always proved A MAKKKII bl l'I KSH. A MAHKKH MUI! :KHs. A M shKhll 8' t'l.'KMs). The Interest centalned In ttie plot, ths ttutliml and thrlll Ine. cliaracter ot the stery, a'dl cued bv tia tu autlliil TIllll'll'AI, Si'KNC ICY TltliPICAI. Bel.MKf TKurlCAL H JLNBUY AMI GREAT ST a IIK K r F K V T Has hIw.s m tde It a Tilt AM A OK IN I IIIIKsjr TO TUB Pfltt.If. At Wadiiek's Tlif.s're it ran tir montlis, licit nit Iri.tu the I B b S OK THK N K I K I I' 1 1 1. I 8 Ihe nmst favoralde noliee, while THK. EN 1 1 it K, PIJItMC 1 He. KM'lltK IMIili.ir THK KNTIRK IT il.iri Maiillested tin ir Inlerebt tr Tt'RNINI OUT Kit MASSE, Nliilitlv ll'llim the Kirst lirauiatlc Temple In the eeuutry to oval-flowing. I's great sm-cess at fhl Theatre proves that ITS I'OI'IL.MtlTV HAS NOT III Ml MSI1 1; I . Hut still holds its lisppv hv, av as nne of tlui greatest vf IIKAWAI IO HI I'M. HKAMA'flO IttrH. HttAsSATIl H 1 TM. DhAMaTIO HITS. llKAMAI IU 111 IS. Tn rorclude with, iht third timo at this Theatre, a Comic Drama, In two aets, called 1 1 C A W B E B , M I C A W B K K , OF, WAITING FOR UoMET IIIMM TO Trf R V TP. Mirawber Mr. Lewis Baker OS KsH'KDAY AHHSOII, lr,OKMHKK IU, Sl.XTK.K.MII OltANIl r A MILT MATINKK, ,)8SIE BaUWH; OB, T11K KELlEf Of LUCKNO . BS. JOHN DEEW'8 KEW ARCH BT. THKATKK. BU'OMI WEKK Or J. S. f'l.AKKIC. L'LAHKE AH liE HOOTS. CLAKkr. ASTI.MUUIY HltOWM. I LAltKK AS WAIMill.OVK. TO-MOHTCIhurMla. ) llec. , EVEKVHODY'S KRIF.VO. ilajor Wellingtiiti de lleots i. 8 CLAltkl my NEti.uitoKS wire.. Mr. Timothy Drown I. CLARKE THE FAT HOY. Waddllove .T CLARKE FltiHAY, HENKFIT OF J. H. ChAKKK. Tn rchcarnll-K Nil HITS OK 'HIE I10CN1) TABIH. Basts secured six days in auvance. rALNJT STREET THEATRE. VfitlllTtl WF.F.K nf the exvrsordlnary eniaaaiuent of the charming, abla , ana versalue veuntt aeiri-iis, MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, who will appear Tina yvRSTun In a nrw, thrHllnir, and lieauilful I'lav, In a Prelogue and lour Aels, by J. vv. v al'nek, .ir . eiriuou I.KMF.A. THK HKHUKtV MOIIIK.K. Ofmea.thellel.tew Matron I, Hi 11.1. b H'F.STF.RS' Cieiura, a Feriuiiv-TeUer l.l'dl.LK WKSTEltM In reheatsal. "t'KCII.l.E; Or, iiveauu nie. Pol Olllce opeu ftuiu II UU J. Curtain risas at 1 . JOHN It. OOCUII. EWtJ , WILL DELIVER THREE LECTURES IN CONOUHT HAIjIj, AS FOLLOWS: THURSDAY EVENINO, DECEMBER, 8, "PE0HLIAR PEOPLE." FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMIJER 9, "1EMPESAN0E." Thetrwlll bUie onlj Lectures b Mr Oough In thin cltr ourlnv ttie Bt-on. 1 U kvii ti't vmch LtM'tar, tfr. eenh, Reserved ne tt. SO cent The ial of ikkcU will bein at Murtitin , Ho ii lifnut Kiret i, on MAtunlay monilrw, ail'oc uci. Trier vl'JAlkotHi suldtttUie iiallou Uie eveulni of eaoL Lc- Ixxrrt open at 7 o'c'ock. Lecture it A o'clock. An the deiiiend tor tk'kt'ti wiil doulitlt--.s tiugrcat. vty appli ctitic n Mill ou t r te kwcur tuftti. U-l (i REAT NATIONAL CIRCUS. STAR J fcNi.Ai.KMK.S I'. WALJiUT hlTtttT. AUOVE EtfinTII. Directras kl s. CHAnLtS rYAR.VSB (Ibrnirrly Mrs. DAN RICK.). The largest loiupiuiy In the wui-ld. A star sncAirenieal having hren nadewlth the Immense MCtlLiI iruupa, these great artists will appear this even ng and every eveninic durlnir the week Voun Nll'ill.O, an aunal perfi nuer en the L'Kehello 1'erileuse. or KDIpk Trape.a, is rcKiirdcd tiv all eriiles as the child wonuer. Tke TALI.KEA ItltO'l I1K.U8. and W. KOCIIKI.LK, the Rrual Muli-Alonkey, with llerr Mt.'OLO, coustltiMe the Troupe, the DF.NF.K HKdlTlfcltS, KAIUS HTUNE, Kisl KIM1. II. I1A ICIU.I.DH, Miwsrs. Mt'liltAY aud Ill'T- CHINHI'N, ( HAS. HHLIlrtlicil) and Family, will Ills appear in mail) lieautllursceniw. The Tratued Doys wll also appear. Clown, Mr. HAVI. STICKNKY.Jr. Cams ear v. and set seats at sktlt. t olnmenre at 740. ttATINRKitWF.DNF.sDAY and oAriltDAT AFTEa- MOliNH. e.itrinenellia at 'iVi o' sleek ADM1SSH in. First Tier, IS) cents; 8ooiu1 Tlo. M cents, l'rlvuta Ituisi, al and 10, as tu sue and luoatluo. nillUST HE.IECTEU. This admlratile Picture, the ireateet production of the painter WUT, Is new en eihlbitiuei althe ACADKMY OF FINK AUT. Me. lt6 CIIF.SNUT Hueet, Toitather with the entire collection of the Instltatloa. Admittance, TwBMTY-FlVE CM STS. H 11 W EMT BALLOON ASCENSIONS, THIS AFTKRNOON AND EVENINO, AKB DLKINQ ALL CAl.at WEATIIKB TaiS WEEK. At Oor. of FIFTEENTH and OOATES Sts. The weather bsliK flue, those wishing an ascensloi should be us band ear'p. The oil llahled by gas presents a most sublime spseiscle. Admission. Jtt ceiiis. Children. IS eenla. Aseeusluus trom ti to , aceordnm to aattade aud tlose oes-nvied. 11 -la AMUSEMENTS. CADKMY OF MUSIC. THtltn WEEK ol- KIWIN KOIt'tKHT, KONliAT, TUEHDAY.TRFHSHAY, AND FRIDAY, II A M L F. T. Tte cnnif'K ap.AT ef the Aradeni) t he had at the Itisik Hlajid.t'nniitistital Hotel. II' A MKRICAN ACADKMY OF MUSIC. Lessre and Manarer JOHN T roD. 1 Al-e. nl the Helllilsv Suhii Tlieattr, llaltlranrs ; F.ir.l s ' Ti aatra, Vi asiiliigwii ; and the Alaandna, Virginia, Ihratrr.) Rtsts Mansgxr JOIIM R. WKI'lHT THUKliDAY AM) ttlDA F.VEVISilH, HF.CFMRRII 11 andii, r. n W I N r O H K P. T will render his (irolouud and brilliant lulrrpretaH n of th ( lie rau t T of H A H IK T . POSITIVE! Y KOK TWti MHirtT ONI Y, In Ht aktipi-aii' I vrund and ph Ins', il,ie Tiamy ef Uisl or H F.I. I A 111 WHS. acilKI.I.F.S, Mrk sl.c hat made ly ringul study an artltl specially MAIlAMK POMSI ss ttie t.itiern of Denmark. SIR. JOHN M. CI I.I.OI (III as the lihost of ffsinlels Fatlisr, and all the artists of the i ""i""y w11' apinar. MR. fOHREtT MONDAY. TCFSDAl. 1 TM'KMiAT. AND inDAT NIllllTS NF.ATRPF.CI'ltF.l) SIX I'AS1S DYAS'1I perloimaliuv on WEDNESDAY .r SAII RDAY Evnli ws. . . Tue Hex Hlifel.rhr the sals ot secured plares.now asna belwrea the hours erfl Slid It o'el ck. Atnila-in. Mi and '- cents. Hecuiad Heals MicenU additional. lxninmoN of WORKS OK ART, FOR BF..NF KIT 01 ths OIIKISI lAf cowwissins, althe At'AIKViy OF FINE Alt I . . An flshlhltlcn ol a Private Culircllnn of Works or Art, In I'alntliias, SeulpMire. Waier Col.ir, and other Drswlnirs, Fnsavins, .Vc, Is now mien at I lie i-ennsyi.nn, Aradimyof Flee Arts. No. lew fllF.HNHT Ktrast. from HA M. to 10 A, at., For the heuent of u.e Ulirialiaa Cora uilssuin. . . Adasl-alon as cenu; araion Tirkots wi cents, n--.i-i -i SPECIAL NOTICES. 'f" OUKAT HASXX OII4 CUM PANY. MV1IK.M No. '2. 1 Ltn Mreotom hnv thin tiny dot iirt-d a MUMKLV MVlliKM) OF I WO PFR CKST. to fttr.ckhn'li-ri of record. U. W. VIII Trcft'urcr. No 14 t'aniuliiir bifOOiKt. Ton Ar.rf.rnTA, npccm.-fr ft, h;4. l'tt rr SVUOJiON-ii v.y km ais vrtivr., Jt Wasiiiniiion City, 11. O.. I Noveulher l . Is lt. TSflTiry Meillral otTtcprs of not kiss than two sears' servic . who hsve heen Iiororatily dlsolmrsrd and desire 10 rerrDe appointments as SI HiiKOSS or AHSHTaNV el UOK.ON8 tn the t'nited States Army t 'arps m w heinff organised at W ashlnvlon. are luvHe.l to I irward their stinllcslions. tesiiu.onlals. ami evidence of seftice, to ilia ursen uanerai, wuuoui ueiay. vig 12-7 thstlt 8urKCoa-tleueral, U1V1DKNI) NfYlirj?,. OFFISH OF tke MIMHO OIL COMI'ANY, No. 5JI WALNUT riirret, Ituoiu Mo ill). 11111 IiKI.r11iA, I'eeeiiiner 1. ir.,.. The Paard 01 Directors of this t oini.aiiy liave t ils day declurrd a Dividend ot TWOC.'Iper cent on theespilal siocK, patahlc at their ottlcaon and after the luth lnsuiut, fri e ol Hiale taM'S. 1 hi-lnKifcs will ho rl.ispu for irausiuren ine -nn insian at j I' M and be opened. 11 the i' tli. pi-1 !H 1. w w ili ba.siiv, neeriuar.v. tsrr OFKICK OF VETERAN noiI.NTT Fund Cob mission. No. 7 (1'II.IISMITII S II ALL. llttltAKY Hirset. l'hllaitelnhla Re-enlisled Veterans, who did net receive any Ward llnuayy.are eatltied to a CI y DoniHF ot Twentv-flve Dollars. The Commissi mars appointed to rxaniliB riaiuis eir iue sisiii i,'iie. m twenty-live dollars will meet on MONDAYS, WRHVK.H DAYH, aim FRIDAYS, t o'clock V. M at So. 7 HOLD. KMITtiS HALL, l.lltMAKl rsireei. i-ernnns uuuueu IV tlds Iteunty are rciuested to apply at this Olhee. euMMIl'TKK. ED SACNDERS, Cha'm u, JoNATIIAV llt't.I.Of K, I'AUL .1. Mr.l.ll, .UWI. n. OU1USB. KDw IM UUEBl.E, I U-JS-lflt rHlLAlEl,I'HIA AND READING Railroad Company othi-e,;ii s. KOCKf II Hireat. t'oii.Alts.t.i'llt s. Novemhar IU, IS'i. DIVIIiF.ND NOTICF.. Tha Transfer Ttnoss nf this Company wl'l he closed oa Thuisday. December 10, aud reupened ou Tuesday, Janu ary Ic. 1. A div idend of FIFTKFN PBR CF.ST. on the Commoa and Preferred Stock, clear of National and Mate taes, has heen declaic-l, pavalue In Common block, on the a st ol' Dreemlier next, on all stock standing on the liouks of the Company at the close of tioslmiss on the rub. proximo. Bioi'khnldera whose names are rriilstered on the New York Hooks will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust t'nmpiinv. tlu 8. liRDKORD,J'reasnrer. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIIs- KOAD COMI'ANY. 1 nil. .SDK l.i ni a, isovemaer s, i-visi. flTICB TO 8llAKKHOLDISs;. The Hhareho ders of this company a e antifled tliat, under Kes luilun of the Una d ol Direct irs thev ars, iU tied to subsrr he to the stock of the Company tho amount oi TF.N I'K.K CF.ST. on their respective tulcrcst, aa shown nv their hooks of the yd Instant. raeh siatehiilder en I'lefl to a Iractlenal partofa share, Ollderthe terms of the Kesnliitlnn, Shall have tlieprivt 1 te of nulncrltlng for a full share on the payment of nay i'to'stork will be Issued at the par value o' fifty dol lars per snaie. Accrued Irlercst at SIX PKK CK NT. wlU be chanted iron) the 1st Instant uutll payment is made. The Ronks for subscription and psviuent will he ooea on M' MAY,tne 7tb instant, audv.PI close on the list of recemtier next, alter wuicn noiuriucr auusoripuoua will he received under tee resniuunn. ll-lh-tia-lll TtlUMAS r riKTti -ireasurer. MONTHLY S I A I KM I'.iS I Uf THE -Xy Second atlonal Bank nl' I'liiuidsiphla. FltA.saouu, Deeemher 0, IShi. Loans and Discounts $ vit.'H-liH V n ted States Loan -.i,uouou jias.iijins Bpecle VJt United Htates )Jotes iHL'tSieisi Di e from Hunks ini.t-s i so Capital iiO.UUU't.'U Deposltl ,s.,ui , Due to Hanks lti,ni l' IB.IIMS Clrcnlailon -fW.iKsiii) l oimliion of ll.c llauk this eth day nf He 'ciuher. Ism. IMid W II. itHAVVN, cashier. HF.ADQl'ARTERS TENNSYLVA MA MILITIA. HAHTitsiirr.r:, Deeemher .1, lsi'.l. OKVFItAI. OltDK.HS. SO. M I. The Comtnandir-iii-Chief. iu anuouni iiiK that Major-Co-nrral Couch lias been by the War Department relieved fmru the command ot the Department of Hie Huuue hanna, and i nteiesl to service in the field, deems it just t , cxp'ess ti.e resret which lie feelj at the teriu'nation ol the lelalions which have existed, durum more than eiuhteea uiuutha, hetwi-eu tliut otllcer aud tlio State aothotitles, and to sav that the promptitude, earnesuiess viKor, and Inie-alty with which tleneral Couch at all times lullllled all his c'uttes in this Departmeiii, have emitted him to the hiKhest esteem and reKard. I he illlims ol Pennsylvania have learned to knew his uierP.uad wi.l be grautled to hear of that new distinction w tich, in ae'lve strMce, his skill, spirit, and KSllantry csn not fall to add to bis already lili.li repuiutlnu as a patriot and BOldler. . , . II. The Commander In -Ctlcf deems It a proper suhleet of censratuialitin lhat tho command of the Deiiartmeut do elves uiien Maior-tleneral tlads aladcr, a cltl.nn ut our own Kiate, and an oillrer of lilith Inienrily and mlll tarv cburneter. and hv whom, the people ran rely, the pub lic struce will be wisely and vlK'irouslj carried on, lis order of A. O. CI'IMTN', Oovanior and Counuandcr-iu-Chlcf. A. I.. Rt'ssn.i.. Adjutant-i.eneral Pannaylvaula. 12 6-3t KDf- ROCK OIL COMPANY OF TKNN aVSV .vlv.nlft. Mr, 40U WAf.Nt; r Htreet. Piiii.aiiki 1'iitA, December 2, 18ul. DIVIDF.M) fsOl'U'E. The Poa'd of DlTfctors have this day ncrlerid a Divi dend of '1 Wo PFIt CKNT.ttwentv ceots per shnre),lpe ot 8'ate tax. pavatde on and alter Moudsv, the liihlnst. The Transfer Hooka will close on Tuesday, December li, at 3 o clock, 1. at , and opeu on the Utb. JilllS F. CltAFF. o.;t7t Secretary aud Treasurer. rrsr" OFFICK PHILADELPHIA OAS aW3 WOHKrt, liovemlier 30. 1-sH. Propoi.sls will be received at tins Oftlee un'll noou of the 1st o January next, for the sate to the Trustees ol the philaile.phla l.a. Works, of stock In the Bouthwa'k aud Moyamenslnit Oas Works. tierinautown do ISiinatunk uo And IlkMtmnil do 'I o be used as lui r-tiucnts lor the sinking funds or laid w"rM- WILLIAM FEJfKF.l.L, 15-D-lm Cashier. tZsjr ARMY, NAVY, AND CnTZEN'8 a"' Clethinn F.mhroidered. Ut oulder girapa, vYreatln, c, In ttyia unsurpassed, at very reduced pi ice. FAHK, Merchant Tailor, lajJat Vo.MKIIITTIneasat.abuveOhesiiai. JZmmmrzmm yon THK HOLIDAYS. ir WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., No. 'Mil MXKKKT HTKIil'.T, 'IAYK F'll SAI.H A. CIIOICi; AMHOHTMUN r UMBRELLAS CIIRISTMAS PBES K NTS. 'I'OYHI A1NI I 'A-PrCJV (iOOD-Sl OOKWAY & BROTHER, No. S.').'l N. SECOND STREET, Atioyp. RROWN, 1MPOKTKRS AND JOimKRH. Vt'c Imve now open our Fall He k of German, French, mid Tjrolcse TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, All of which arc of our own seleetlon and hnpnrtathin, to which we invite tlie attention of dealers. Abihk nur as sortment are many U-7-2sr s KNTIIIF.l.T NEW AND DF.SIRMILE HTYLK8. II A RI, E R UUMPP, I'OCKK.T H"OK and-ATOHEI. MANCFACTCItKH, Jso. 47 SIX 111 Mrtei.nolow Arcti, I'lllLADF.I.I'IIIA. Portfolios, Drcss'tix cases, t'biar Cases, Pocket Honks, Cabas, Hatehls. ilonev Pelts, Work Boxes, Hankers' Cases. Wholesale and retail. l'-'-T-Im JjOL,IIAY ritllHK'VTH. CIIAltl.KS UUMMK1, No. 812 CIIESNUT STREET, Hera leave to Inform his esteemed customers that his pre sent stuck ot FANCY OOOOt AND TOYS Btimassrs that of any former laspr.rtutlon. Ilavlntr se lected with care every article htuifclf. he can truly say there Is no similar establishment in tho country that can 'nnipiire with his. As to pilees, setth K bis k'oIs fruui the ursl manufacturers and artists In Eumpa, those deal ers who huvftnm the Importers here to sell ai-'Alu can eer- taintv not ccmpete with him. of the ndiowinj kchhIs be ksepa si lar,e a variety, and In smsti entirely uew stvlcs, as an onier s'ore ia mis cuv can oner: LSDIF.tr WOUK-HDXKS. JF.W LKY.OHOIl. AND Ol.OVE BOX'F.S. Kf'K.SSAlt'KS FOB LADICS AND IIKNTLBatXN. W IHTINtl DKHKrl-llKK-SIMl CASKS. IAN8. PAKIS liILT AND HIIDNE I.OOD9. PA If I AN WAKF.-HUHKMIAS tll.AS. V.AMI.-S V SIVlSr ASIIIIII K. AM, MODFRM. CI TI BUY FINEST LSI, USD W.M.Ki Sti CA.NE8. Chll'KKT AND AKCHF.MV I M HI.BM EN I S. VaS.I V I KsTllS K llllflllH. LADIES' llAOS)VEK TWENTY DIFFEltEST KINDS. CAHAS. POrKET-TtnnKS CfflAR CASES. I'l'KSKS AND POIITMtlNJIAlllK. IIASI'S OK ALL KINDS. I II as. HO.MINdKS. l.oTTOES. ItlliMADK, COUNTKUH, CUK8S, AND BACK- HAMON IK1AI1D8. I1AI1A I I I.I.B AND TfVOLI. I.N 'l O B 1 his department Is complete In every Tarlety known, wllft manv novel ininus never eeiore impnricu. I lolls, theverv lare variety, of every kind known, kept in this store, surpasses In Deauty and tasteful dressing any- thiiu; known here and in K.urnpu. 'llilslsuo luieuoasi; Ladies should i kll and see them. il-.w-;ui 1S()1. IIOLIDAYH. 1SG5. WINCH.E3TER & CO., No. "Ot. ClllSNUT BTltlil'jT, lnvlts attention to a choice stock ot WliAPPEUS, CABRIAC.K BLANKETS, CAHDltlAH JACKETS, HCARF8 AND TIES, BHF.AKFART JACKETS, tlLOVES AMD BANDKKRCniKKS, SMOKING CAPS. M I lm With a superior assonment of other Goods suitable aa PRESENTS TOE QENTLEtfEN. gBEIUL AND ORNAMENTAL CHllISTMAS lUtKSENTS. Cld 8pfcUcU,Oold Eve-(ilsses, Micnvsopts.Oper ; CUiici, 8py ;iamei. Bterwucope and VIewi, Mt,ic ' Lanttmi, Boxes of Draw lug InstnimeoU, Pocket Com pasies. Fancy TbennomeUn, (jloboa, Air Pumpi, Eloc trie Machine, Galvanic I'atterlei, Spelling Board, with Mora bin Lettcn, Ac. &o.. for laleb i JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., N.. '.: I OllKSNIJT BTKEKT lilustrati d Catalocues trails. 11-30 OPPOSTTTNITY 10 PUKOHASE HOLIDAY l'HEPKNTH AT LOW PRICES. BaTlng detarmined to retire from business, and wishing to close out my entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wars and Silver Pluted Ware, Clock,, Musical Holes, Table Cutlery, Ac. .within sixty days, I am prepared to off- r Inducemsnts to purchasers, aud solicit an exam'na- tlen ot three goods, most of which are ojd stylet aud of flue quality. THOMAH C. OAItUHTT, 11 SO fit Ho tl'4 CHP.SVITT STRFEf. riHRlSlMAS PRESENTS. rVhalwuuld be a more acceptable Christmas present Fi'lt A tlESI'.ltnL, FOK A CIM ONKI., Ftllt A CAPTAIN, Ffilt A l.i KI'TKN AST, FOU A HI lliiKOW. than a handsome PhFHKSTaTIOS HWORll, SAKII and ltnl.T. such as can alwa,-s be obtained, In the hiahest ar tislic finish, at til OltHK.W. HIMOMS ds ItKOH ., Msiiu lartiiilng Jewellers, nansuin slreet Hall, No. U1K 8ANSUI1 Mtreet, l'hliailelilila. 11 Jti-1M j;sTAiu.isni:i in HOLIDAY PEE8ENTa wu.i.iAM wii.ho!v v wory. S. W. ( or. FIFTH nml C1IKKRT Sts., I'lllLADal.l'IIIA. Pave nn hand a la'ie and tensral assnri oent uf KIi.vr.lt WAKK Of nor swn manufacture, el the finest inslitv and hLjhejt slair'srdof Oliver. Also, I'l.ATKIl WAltK. A iarsa and genersl assettineut of super!. .r Flati-d Wars, ir. OLD HII.VFI! Iiout'hl and taksn In etchsns. Ilifhsst prlws ulven. 7 i,s ,II)AY (MKTS. 1JKO WN" K PATENT BABY-TENDER, OR, MAGIC SHUNO CRADI.B, The must useful and delK'htful ttnrsery Invcntl 1.1 as tho a,ve. FroBi a Verlii al ami N,,lsp:. Cradlo It is tn-tautly coa vrrted Into a Hprtni: Cha'r. IteellnltiK Coin h, it l.y-.liimpir, Rshr-Uorte, llatiy-W alker, Ill s Chair, N ursery chair. Hi.hhy Ilnrse, and Ottuuaa. It effecmslly ehvlnias the evils nf the roeVins! motion affords great relief to mothers, eterelses and dellahta oall- dnn, and saves the expense of a Nurse. Also a lart'e variety of Fancy 11 dldaj Uoods. at ttie HOUSE FURNISUrNO STORK, Me. U'i'4 CUKSNUT STIll'.KT. . im . .IOIIN A. MUUl'llV. JJ I) WIS L A J O M U S , DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELER, No. 802 CIIESNUT STREET, Bas oa hand a lare and splendid assortmeat at DIAMOND JEWELRY, SUITAELE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also, a fceaatinil assortment of a Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry.&c. BIWrr Wire In Brett variety, lulUblo for lrMl i 1 IlolldeVT 1'rt flfltii. M v hmm rtnient of PfaniOT" Jewelry In comulfte, and t 1e m price than cub Le touud lit tins city. Old Gold, Silver k Diamon dg Bought for Cash. ) 1 A M O N I) S . Persons havlri Dlamomla or other pre. Ions stuns to difpone of, will do well by calling on LEWIS LADOMUS, DIAMOND DEALER AND .IP.WBLHK, No. SOJ CHEsKt'T Street, Who will give the hbjhast casji prices. 12-C-lm ALSO, Old (.old and Sllior Itouglit for Cash. JrKOJATi NOTICK SPLENDID A H 8 O II T M E K T FURNITURE Af LOW PRICES, IM WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, ANO OAS. I ALSO OFFER, CALIFORNIA MARBLE, THE MOST DEAUTIFL'L FVRNITURB MARBLE THAT TIIE WORLD TRODVCES. MY STOCK IS VEEY LARGE THE ASSORTMENT COMPLETE. GEORGE J. HENKELS, No. HOD itntl Mil CHESNUT STREET, l.'-tuths:;t pIIOTOOUAr I'll ALUUHH. VHoIoale onil llotaU. THK CIIBAPKiW NI IIFHT PHWTOdltAI'H AIsUMMHU For '.'I rivrtrlt " 40 ' " Ut " " on - lot) " Iflo " " 109 " .(1 on la K .. 9 1 to .. lad t Ti) .. .1 M ts Drue .. r, M to lo .. u na u If e ..li 90 u tr.te 'piarfu. riio ivxm rji Ai-miMs In Eveij Varietj of 8tyi. RIC!I TURKF.Y MOROCCO, o ANTIQUE, IVORY AM) l-KAUL MOUNTIMQ, ORNAMKNTAL RDOKS, ftC. Ac, llnldlnn from Twelve fo Two nundred Photograph!, itse iarijest aud l est assortment In the ciiy. WILLIAM W.EARDIN0, M S.VCI ACT0RIIII, No. ri2ti CIIRSNUT SritKBT, IM IIKI.OW FOUI1TI1. h'ICTH HlllR. IS w K K A I Y ! ! ! LIFE OF GENERAL HANCOCK. H IXFIEI.l). THK LAWYER'S SO, nOW HK DKCAMK A M AJOR-OHNERAL. V KKV. CIIABLF.S VT. DF.Nl9tC, Late Chaplain U.S. Vols. AH ACTI1F.NTIC AND POPULAR LIF1S OF Majoi-Oenriil WINFIELD SOOTT HAN000K. I'uhllihod lu handsome style, on fine white paper, el- Kautly Uliistratrd, with a CORRF.CT TORTRAIT, From a Photnuraph furnished by his parents, aud several spirited deslsus, one of them drawn by the Ueaeral hint self, sshllst a cadet at West Point. Kvery hoy In the country should road this book, price, ll-CO, ASI1MKAD & KVAN8, PUBLI.H11F.S9, No. 7'i t IIF.SNUT 8TltF.IT, Below KUti'.a. 13 Ctutbtlt PHii.Aiiat.i'iiii. gOHEEMERHORN, BANCROFT & 00., Educational Publishers & Booksellers, REMOVKD TO No. 51'J AltCII STUEKT. OfBce in New York, 11-1 lm Vo. 130 OU AND BTUEtT. HOME ON A FURLOUOH. This beaulllul sieel rniiravltnt, painted by SehaJ sele, auu ensraved by Marlain, Is having an Itnaolue sale, ar.d is considered tiy all who have seen It as one ot the finest specimous of eniiraving ever notion out la Ibla countrs . tVF.KY 80I.lilr.lt 8 FAMILY SHOULD UAVK A rmy. EVERY LOYAL HOOHHll.D SHOULD IIAVB A CWi'Y. In fact, every farallv who has a father, husband, or son r-atiluiB- tor his country, will appreciate aud slieuld PUSBVSS HOMK OS A FMtLOirOH. It win alway, he a heaiitlful memorial of the auitt da s and ears of rebellion and wsr. i lna engraviPK is sold enriunlvely by Agents. UISAIII.FL) SOl.lllKIIS and others will find this the most pleasant aad profitable aiosicy they can andertake. We Ktve excln.lve territory, aed will Kive pariieulars of sgrncy on ape icatloa. We pimi this piste ou a Is by ii sheet, suliaiile forfrant. ing aud w ill send a specimen copy by mail, free, on receipt 01 the price,.' tu wbioh Is ab urt one-bail the prloeaoially eharsed lor eurai tuns of this character. F or particu.ai s, aldr0" DR.vril.KY A CO., Publl.hers, So. OU X. FOUSTil streot, ll-Ustnthlni PliiladeiplUa. rtltlTTEINDEN'H OOMMEEOIaL COLLEGE, Mo. 6.17 CHFSlitiT Stree., comer ef HovontS, FUIulshsd 14I. ineorporaled lH.'k5. Yonng Ueu proparea for the Couutluti-iloute and Uaal-ne-s Lite, l horouah aud pracMeal Instruction In llUOK-KKK.I'IMt. In sD Its branches, aa practised by the best accountant and bus uess lucn. PKNMAKSIirP, Plain andOrnsmental, Is taught by one of h most eorav pe'e1 1 cf penmen. Comn sr.ial alcutatlons, Commercial Law, Dstsctiug Couuteneit huts-a, Ac. IFI.F.OUAPIIINrt bv Hound, and on Paper, taught by a loag-eiperlencee Uiierau,r. , , . Htuderta Inettn-ted separately, aud received at any time s.venini; Nessinns alier September I. Cataloirues rciitalHDit toe names of 411 s'udenU, terms, e., furnished gratia on applies Inn. ..- li-Kthstoti a. ii. t ltirrrnPEM oo. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE- i; oeriiiiious .v.,... . ...... rS Talubt, with AI1VICK oa Ila.lness, Health, w F.ducation, Self Improvement, Minacemeas -and Trau ing or t.HiLiiKe.a,suciai auapui- tion, 4e., any ana eveuirg, oy JOHN L. CAPEN, Fhronipssist and Hiiokselter, Ko. j a. 1'ksl'U tit., abjvo Chesuut. u li-.tuthlm ri llE AVYOMINtJ VALLEY CANAL COM 1 pany has this dav declared a ipiarterly dividend ut Fill It PMt C.KT , payal'le at their o ll' e on and afierthe ?tth lecen.ber 1 be Tran.sior Hooka will be closed from the I nn to ti e -.luili Inst. Inclusive. An Issue ol loisi shares suck, at M1 per share to Strrkhohlers. Is the propurtloe. ot one share b r e-erv bmneen shares held by iheiu respec tmly ou li e Iftih Irstaut. and to be p.inl oa or belore the 2-d Instant, is siuhorved tor the purpose oi psvlng off and raiieelling lanul- to the ainoiini of si.uo0, reducing the bonded debt ol ti e Cioipanv to iv0.0-sl. Jo.-il.i ll It. liLLLKs, rrcsideut. December 0, lm; I. lil 7- 1 OORi LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! I Tn Vlrnm il Mav Concern: All person! who csu appreciate a .good llOUldgOtO pMIN(1KR. No 431 CI1K8NI T81 II KK I'. opposile the Post Olllce, where they ecu let their hair cut to suit tbem when all ethers fail. One filul will eons Inee any oue that it ts the place ol all others 111 these I lilted Utales 12-0-71 MARY ANN TUTIIILL AGAINST LEVI 'I CTHI1.I.-C. C. PJ.T.i lHi'.i. No.. And now, Iiec, mber .'1, iHil.on motion of T'romas K Flulet'er, al toines ror lihi'l'iiiit. rule granted iu ttie ahove ease upoa reipoiuleut to show cause why a decree ot divorce e.a nth V ulriii.t'tti sluu lil liel In nnleii il In the above case. Iteiiiruible Han r.tay. Dcceuiber 17, lslit, at lo o'clock, A.M. I'.' H-lhs iw Haut-lkaM.wW J