The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 08, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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1'itKT UlliKi: ri:XTS. I'lMl.ADI'.I.IMIIA. Till KsDAY. DK( KM l!KK S. IS.; I " IMM K TIlKKi: HOSTS."
Kap S1:owi, e th0 oms of General Sherman Towards the Atlantic, and the Position of the Armies in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, &3.
' m Jn J l J V7T . . , i X v.4?y ''"TSSSO' " '
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I N j . l I BRUKsmcnyU ' ' i." .,-.-si
Gen. Sherman's Army
The Kebels Abandon their Prison
Camp at Milieu on DdMinW 2,
Keconnoisancj on tavarinah River.
The Details of the 13attlo3 of
W aynesboro, Grisv oldvillo,
and Grah amsville.
(HKliMAN Ai'i'iiOACiusr. r i : -p-nisr KB-
MAIL E 1 II 1.1.1'. i;M:i; ill "M 1 IK liXriMHTlON
IT m'cvuM ri. vur.n bi.v n.. not hi', i;iu.
WAHiiiNii ioN, Djiuiulier 7. l.i addition to ttio
idmitifii.tis of tlm H cliuionl . pcM of tlic .3th
lD8t., that General Sli'Tii) tn'; "min army hid
rcachtd Millun, tbc autliori'.a s li wo Inform Uiou
of uiiiiiiiiiioiialla rtliibiliiy, 'lift'. Slior
jnau's main army hml alivmly u4ncl Milieu
williout a battle, and wiilio's! t': expcnilituru of
ny amniuiiiilou, except w'.i.a r;.is used lu tUe
two or tUiee skiimmliaH of ih in iiiuents already
liuviuf' pasted Millm, time 1 1 u) opportunity
for any ltvliel fureo wliatever to interrupt U.s
mureb iu the puint upon the en lit lor wnicli he
orliuall Ml out, and where l ie supplies auj
DiUiN lur Unit uiiny will aniv. siuiuliuaeou-ly
with Us iniivul. The coiuuIum meoess of Slier
uiuu'b iiivai uniei riM' in no h a uil a sliadoiv of
doubt, ami it has been ilenn. istratcd that ad
that roiiitiins of the armed 11 te:! iou is comprised
in tint to ariniei ef ilooii und Lee, IjoJi of
which will bouu be leudeicd po .TlcrtS,
11IF. Kl.lll.l. Ad lil NTS.
Till: M AUCli TO M1I.I.KN (INK I Ol.l MN Of HIE
frtm the Richmond Ktamtntr, Dectmbtr 8.
. Two important statements have rencl.ed us,
Ooti it) that a portiou of Sherman' m-oiy has
.assed Mtllen. 77e enemy hax nut entered th
num. The other st itcineiit is to the etl'ect that,
the eoluniu which h is b en liaKeriii for sum
tune in Hie nei'hlioi hood of.Miteou has lett the
country and p.tio oil' to the in tin liody.
What and where is the iimiii body ? These arc
niHstitins which we ure iiini'.lo t i niiswer, but iva
jiiesuine that it is tin) column which is repre-
eiiva to nave passed aiiiiuii. uituur is it
piinR? Thisilso is a question whioU emuot he
unswered with certitude ; but our own beli if is
that tsheiman will now nuke nil spoo l for llruus
wick, on the coast, and probably may rea.:li it
with some of his aimy.
This is not yet altogether sure. Hislonft del iy,
his linpcriCK and haukerinir beiweeu M tc.a and
Augtibtu, lirfve given the Confederate Uonemis
llit.e to collect lure bodies ut irootH t iinpjitant
points, and befnr; Sherman scus t ie blue water
in all human probability ho must. Il-'ht one or
more genual actions. It is i:np issible that
such a battle may take place tn-d iy or to morrow,
At any rate, tbis campaign is evidently drawing
to its i lo-c, and the en t wtll In- thn reaching of the
coast bv Minnnan, or his ilefca and perhaps his
s'lriciidcr at sumo p.iiut near tiiat where he now is.
HitEitMAN wtrtii! rot'ii mr.r.s or ov
m.i i Miir.ti Tin; occi'imiton or run ii.aci;
ANSI MKII TO Hi; A I'Al. l'.
fr-inlhe lli' huioiyt Mtim'fh, V-eeml-ti.
iShei'iinin's whereabouts is not positively known,
I' ! not c. riain that he h is even yet rei h d
Mil en, tli'iiiMh the t'ui t is uss ime I. At 4 1. M.
Ian l'riday tin' telegraph operat'ir at Milieu an
iiuunced th:u hiierman v is four miles of
the place, and that he hdnsell was on the point of
bidilinfJ! it a lusty adieu. Nothing hat bean
heard from llnre si .co. llo had been wilhiu
tweu'y miles of Milieu for nearly a week.
h'rom the'ttinnh flf.'.'.l. mi, lie.-emlee 1.
The whereabouts of .Sliernun'.s main body Ins
been Sati.sfaciori'v asc. nuincl, ."id hi nt)ve
ireiits jesteiday lndica'ed miytli ; . .u' bat decision
ol puipoe as to hiis dentinal ion. Without or.ter
iff! Into purtieulaM, wo would Eiy that t tie slims
uro that many pce.p'a who have been unduly
alarmed t.t the idea ol his titiiu; them in his lino
of march will bo aveeanly dis ipnointed-
Iniportant niovemetits are on 'oot to meet him
wherever he may go; but these will bo developed
at the proper time.
naii niviai.
Frfiw A- v)titta Cltronirle ttnt Sentiicl, 'oi-eml: r
It must bo c onfessed that for thu past week
Sherman has been very successfully a 'tin.; the
pavt of an artful dodaer, eonloiinuini!; all calcul i
tions, nnd exciting general apprehension by his
eccentric movements.
The lutcHt reports Indicate that hi Is moving
towards the Savannah river. Hut there is little
reliance to be placed in any indication of inten
tions a yet. Until he shall net out of the triaim'le
in which he has been manicuvriiu; since he left
Atlanta, we can Infer no:liiui with certainty,
from any of bti movement, as to his ultimate
course, lie may turn upon Augusta, and seek t
; force his way llno.inli South Caiolin.l, or lie may
, jmsli for Suvaunuh or ilrunswick.
f, om the Alfjinlit nn r a"l ."enliutl, Utf '.. 1.
! It is repotted that a party of Sherman's scouts
visited Demara's r'eny on Sunday. They re
nin imd some time in that vicinity t ikinii o'.Her
vutions. It is thought bv many tint Siiurni in
w id endeavor to cross thu S.iv.wiuali river at that
(siii:kma.n " iiuot-nirr to a halt," on takinc
ins i;asi;.
From the Saranna1! .Vd"v, .Xur,',nt rr .".
Sherman seems to be tmikins,' no progress in his
invasion of the Suite, llo is no nearer the coast
than be was several days aim. lie app ars to lie
hesltutinfr, and actini; alt. -k' tlier as tlioim'h he
was caught in n bad box and don't know how to
H"t out. Alraid to go lorwarJ, and cannot ;
back, his men and animals tired and humtry, with
our forces rapidly closing in around him, ail tlie-c
tliiiifts excite the liveliest hopes of his uuer de
struction. Til k 11KI1KI.S IlKI'RNllINn OV T1IK gWAMI'4 AND
fVr,n 'he A. I'll'' Cotu'i'it'iouuii', .V.i'vii'.cr 30.
It Is very generally conceded that Sherman,
avoiding both Augusta and Macon, has gone o .
his wiiidintf way, citlier to Savannah, liruusivi. k.
or Port Hoyal. To rea.h eitlier Ilmiiswi ko
Savanrah ho lins tj traverse a barren waste o
land to me t, as he app'-oaches his destination
su snips impeticirable to an iirui v, save ov ca ise
wiijs, which could easily lu destroyed befir.
hint. Otic good road, indeed, Is at his option,
but then he mav lind upon that road oppositio
which lie little dreamed of, and which may sua,
his march.
Should ho attempt to roivu Port Royal, he wil
probably cross the Savannah at Sister's Kerry
On the South Carolina side, mime II nely op.ositi
this firry, the soil is porous aud marshy. There,
too, lie in ay possibly encounter mn-ked blttrrns
and ( ther obstacles to numerous to mention.
Somehow, we are in common with our fellow
eiti.i ns, strong'y of the opini in that Sherui i'
snd his robbers urn marching to doom. W
know some very good news and see some vr
excellent signs, lie patient ; the fruit is not yet
frum the Auijt'tln Chrurncle oei .Sditiiit;?, Itfy-em'tce 1.
Wheeler was mill engaged in ngntinir the
Kederuls mi Wednesday. Itesults unknown.
When General Wheeler struck Kilpatrie.k's
raiders at Uig creek they kibed over three hun
dred hoise to prevent them falling into Wheeler's
rom the Savannah lltiwtiUcttn, Dee-'mt-er 1.
General Wheeler manages Kilp itrick with all
ease, and with a less force has whippei and
driven him in every engagement. He has taken
one stand of colors, which is evidence of the
vigor with which he has pressed him.
Ft via 'lie liielilnond tfi'i aleti, f'e liter
It is reported that General Hick Taylor has been
put in ciiiritaiid ol our cavalry now operating
;i(,ain.-t Sherman.
Tlie Itiillle. of WnynMlmm.
HIM IlKB llllOIUKl) TO HAVE IlKlEAri.D K 1 1,-
Fault the VhronicFe anil Sentinel, Xnrcintirr ml.
It is rumored that Wheeler f.mght all day
Monday, near Waynesboio, with the Federal-.,
with success, capturing over two thousand pris
on' is.
Kve rything indicates that tlicre will be stirring
times from below in a few days. The prospeet
n w is that a heavy battle will'tuke placo.
Kr. m a gentleman who left Waynesboro Tue
.'ay morning we le .rn that the country around
tl at pluce is strewn wi'h dead Yaakces snd
Lorsea. lie also stated that the railroad bridge
ever llrfer creek was not binned; neither was tho
railroad out this side of Mdlen.
Vow. the AiilHt't Cottsti'titioiiatitt, Xoiti.itx'e 'it.
Abcut oi, e liunilred and fifty of the Yankee
CHVdlry Win! to Waynesboro on Sunday and set
Die to the towD, but Wheeler arrived in tiuio to
prevent much Uamauc, and, following the raiders,
whipped th. m severely. Thero had been no
eiiiiny within twelve mdes of tho Ocor.iaRiil
iwil, and the trains have re umed their regular
schedule. Wo have cup ured a con-idera'ile num
inr ol horses, and s. altered the organi.ation o
the rubles. The inovements of the e .c ny arc
narrowly watched, und every movement of 8her is know n to our commanding ollleers.
Wayni sboro Is a station on the Augusta nnd
Savannah Haihoad, thirty-two miles B.aitli of the
otnierii y. It is on tbe main and direct Ma.
rom Wairenton the last position of Nlueum'
a. Htively repoiied-to Savannah or HeaiifiKt I
i. only about twuity miles duo north of Milieu
If our cavalry lad cached this point on the iitii
u t, it is safe to estimate that the infantry had
Kiidicd Mdlen at least by the 2d inst.
Tlio I!i.le ol' UiUuolilvllle.
ftom the Jlii hiii'jnd U'oV, Oe-emher
We huve already copied from the Georgia
,a, rs seme particu ars of the battle with llow
iii's Corps ut (itlswoldvil e, nine miles east ol
Mm on, on the Central Hailroad. The Confede
rate loree consisted of three brigades of militia,
mo n aiinents of State line troops and the Athens
and Augusta battalion. H under the command
ol (Jiiieml Phillips. He attacked tho enemv
ubeut twelve o'clock on the Wd. The enemy fell
back one mile on the Central Railroad, towards
Sawinnah, where they had erected three lines ol
Ueuiral l'billips pursued them to their breast
woks, when he ordered-a charge, driving tbe
enemy from hit defenses The enemy made
evtral desperate efforts to recapture the wo'ks,
but were repulsed each time with heavy loss.
General Phillips held his position. The enemy
withdrew during the Qiht. Xhu Macon Ink
graph says ;
We learn that the mili'fa forces behave 1 w h
d stiiigiiisbed gulbtntry, inlv incinir upon the
ei emy's breustwoiks in perfect order, and witu
no striifjgl ng. They charged throtiL'h an o icn
lieltl io w. thin fifty yards of tho Yiinkeo works,
nnd maintuincd their ground until ordered t
, wi'hdruw.
I The Atbenj ba'tallon, commnnde 1 by Maj'r
I Cook, nml the Augusta battalion, under M i.jor
Jackson, boib under the immediate orders of iho
ft rim r . Ilicer, eie di-tiiigui-hed for the ool an 1
sti udy mntiner In which they bnre themselvc i in
tho buttle. These troops, us wallas tho militia
forces, acted like veterans, and faced the destruc
tive the of the enemy with as much tlrinncss as
would Lure been displayed by the forces of Hood
or Lie.
Rrrekiiirliti.'P Itedrlnir Xlou ly-Slf llittloD
Hi iiliilierluiKl Jii.
The Louisville Journal has tho following:
We havo reliable information that Il.ocklniidgo
is slowly retiring before General liurbridgo'a ad
vance iu Kast U niiessee. He does not appear U)
e mixieus for ba'tlc, although his force, perhaps,
s as huge as our own. General Uurbiidge has
Mciipicd II. an Station, a little towu in Granger
hi ti t y . it nd a point nearly equiilly distant from
('tmibeiland Gap and Knoxvillo. llreck
nridgc has retreated into the edgo of Virginia,
. ethaps with the liopo of oiulldiiking our foreux
t .1 n nl, lug a bold und rapid sweep down upon
't'tnlxT ano Gsji.
V itii Gi tieral Stoncman at Knoxville, General
liu In ii'i-e In the vlclni'yof liean Station, and
1. neial llre kinildge i.ear tho Virginia Hue, we
'it. not see how the lituation Is greatly improved,
niiilii rlund Gap is exposed unless General
urbriilge keeps well to the north and left, and
, vets the point wilh his army. It isevident tha.
ok kinricge Is luaueeuvriug for abetter p isition.
A In n l,is uiiny was concentiuted ut Ilean Sti
ti. ii, he iliin.ieti. d both Cumlierlaud Gap and
Siio.wilU- lly his retreat to tbe Virginia lino he
l.iei lens CumberUind Gap ulono. Generil Stoue
i.'Ui enn now advunco from Knoxville, und eon
'tina'e his eonimund with the fine s undar
llnibiii ge. With the wings united, tbe armv
nil be ipiite formidable, and llieekiundge will
Und it too strong for him to oppose.
I he ilurel llmUe-l lntf Another
Oliln Hero.
The X ishvllle lHsjuileh of December 4 states
bat Kil. y's lirigade captured twenty two bait e
(lags at the I a'tle of Franklin. It says :
(iiiieral Hi .y has distinguished himself as
"the fighting General." His brigade e. imprises
the 100th and 101th Ohio, 12th and lfnh Ken
tucky, and the Hih Tennessee. The 1"."hIi Oido
wi.s temporarily attached to this brigade in tho
buttle of Franklin. General Riley is a plain,
unassuming man, rather rough in appearand ami
careless In dress, hut a type of the true gentle
man, lie is of Irish parentage, and was born In
Portage county, Ohio. In ltGl he raised the
K'-itli Ohio in Stark, rorhigo, und Columbiaa
'and Summit counties, Ohio.
His fbst fight was ut Covington, Ky., on tho
2d of September, 1802, and he has been actively
engnged ever sinco, having served ttirough tho
Kast Tct.neswe euniptlgn wilh II irnside, and
commanded the reserve at Knoxville, and servod
with Sherman through the campaign ending
with the cnptuio of Atlanta, and has rendered
valuablo service in the present campaign under
Gereral Thomas.
The 3d Division of the 2.1d Corps, to which
Itiley's Brigade belongs, is commanded by Gene
ral Cox, who bin proved himself not oulv a cool,
cautious General, but also a bravo, determined,
soldier. Ho has been entrusted with the c mi
niuml of the 2Jld Corps on several occasions, and
has fully proved his ubility us a corps us well as a
division commander.
Letter from tlie I'reslileut Ion Conlenn.
The Providence Jmntwl says : Deacon John
Philips, of Sonthbridgo.R. I., whose great age
one ht.ndred and four years did not prevent him
firm doing his duty at the po la on the H h of
November, has received the following letter from
the Pres'dent:
"Kxkcitivk Mansion, WAnittNOToy, 21st No
vember, ISf.i. My lie ir Sir: I have heard of
the incident at the polls in your towu, iu which
ou acted so honorable a part. und I taks tho
liberty of writing to you to express my eisonul
grutltude for the compliment paid nie by the suf
frage of : citizen so venerable.
"1'he example of such devotion to civic dutie
tn one whoso days have nlrcadv been extended
an average life-time beyond tbe Psalmist's limits,
cuuiiot but be valuable und liuiitul. It is u it for
n.yrcll only, but for the country, which you have
in your sphere served so long and so well, that 1
thank you.
"Your friend and servant, A. Lincoln,
"Deacon John I'iiillifs."
I.icuteiiiint Frank McGrule, First Lieutenant
cominunuing Company U, 2d Minn, sot i C tvulry,
ofliciiillv reports the success of the expedition
sent w ith supplies to Fort Thompson, nu co.
leeted twenty-two straggling Indians on the way
out, and left them at that post. Tho rouud trip
was made in thirty-two daj s.
"Old Mortality Itedivivua" wrl'cs to the Lon
don 'Jtmei that he has discovered the tomb and
monument of Selden in the inuer Temple, covered
with rubbish and totally neglected. He also
found that the dust and bonis of this proj'onndl
scliolnr have been carted anay unii shot into a
Tbe Madrid Gazette states that tho Queen of
Ppain gives direct pecuniary assistance to three
thousand men and seventeen hundred and sixty
seven women, and gives employment of ditl.-ront
kinds to nineteen hundred and eighty-four men,
making in all sixty-seven hundred aud titty-oue
individuals. This relief costs her sura of
10,D2(i,UU0 reals. In the number mentioned there
are persons oi all classes, from the highest to the
bumbles t.