$munfl (Tclcvapli WEllNUSIUY, DKCI'.M I1KR 7, ls,,- "tiir kov.vi. rtMii.Y r "" Twenty-one years have tlupstd since thrr'n'c deJoinTill tough' l.rMe in ibo trop: plre of liraI). All the wnrlil V"'"" thonoo i y stable coniiltullonl (ioTcrmnrnt In ' 1 '"9" rlc. is l),a,.il. whi, h, f...u l.e br-iiK in ie,.endeccc, ..loplrd tl.a moo ' ' There . d,'.:,n,l of "f l,Uf, Jive lieon turn by while the o called rtpu . -..!,....! t. tl.i. u...t. laUTiinl cimiuiiti.inir n '- j .......... .... ... of euch other. The .re."l l.n.l'Cior f l!r.s,.tl is dUtlrpni-hcd l.r bin pTH.nnl Witty, whit h he Jcultiiuiitely Inherit! from bts fatlier, Don Pedro I; but hoi! far more remarkable for his great menial endowments and hie love- ol Htu.ly. Hn mother whs lionna l.cnpoltlina of Au-ariu, the mter ot Mane Louise, the sot ond. lirt.lu ol M.ipu- '"xhe marriage of Don I'edro II with the Trln ccm Tben (Aiislio lluuttion) ul NrtpkH rr ulled in trio birth ul ti.ur rlilldn-n, two sons and Itro daUKUiers. Tlio .ns die I i'l mtaney ; tiio iirii.'8i have grown " into In 1 bloom and frtiiimtui wniminlMod. It niitui.il that hu (wiiUk lor Jti nnu Iwtljcllu, tlio heir to the throne, mid lor Donna I,c.io.llnii, should lie sought amongst the i. rinres i f l'.uropc. The clioice has lallcu upon the fount d'hu.tlio eldent sou of tlio Dukeol Nemours, and upon J'nnre l.umaAu gustc de haxe-Coburg-Ootha. Il.ith are graml ons of I.onis I'hilippe. The- ollleial journal of Rio il Janeiro announced that the niarri.iKO of the 1'iimcss Imperial with the Count d'Ku would Uk: 'live oi. the Kith of this month, and also thu ileiinue engifiemeiit ol tl.o Dune of h.txe with Dot na l.iopoiditia. The French mail of October J. will bring us intelligence of the marrlaijo of the elder sMer, the future Kmprcss. Donna Isabella, the heir to the throne of Kra.ll, nas boin at Hio de Janeiro on the 2'ith of July, IMti, and was conseiiienily eighteen last July. Shu is tall, finely formed, and l;.ir. Donna Isa bella la a blonde, In thia respect taking after her Imperial father, who Inherits troro nis liatu tiupir mother fulr hair and bluo eyes. Theedu ration of the prinee.se! aaa been the object of the constant and personal attention of the Kmperor. Vinle thu best of prolessors and tutors have been employed, the Emperor, notwithstanding manv iare of state, ha! brOimht hi! ripe scholar ship to bear on tlio instruction of their imperial liigliiics.es. He is himself master of six living language for llnent eon vi rsutiou and from thu eujormen of their literature, w hile for ineru reading there is scarcely a modern touguo of Kuropo with which he is not uctUiiiteil. With the Latin, he recently informed one of our correspondents, ho Is as familiar a! with his own tonguo; to Greek and to Ilrhraw he has deroied gnat attention. His JLijcaty, according to the testimony of eminent naturalists who have visited lirazil, has always tjken tho deepest Interest in physical science, es pecially ill chemistry. I ndor such a father bare the prn.cesbes received their education. It is said by those who have long been near tho imperial princess, that she is a person of great judgment, and one who inquires Into the reason of things, who weighs, deliberates, and balances every question before making her decision. Such qualities are most needtul lor a constitutional monarch. Donna Lcopoldlna, the younger princess, was born July l:t, lf47, and is now seventeen. Liko her sister, she is a blonde, though not inberitiug so fully the Hapsburg features. She possesses great vivacity, and is said to bo exceedingly happy at repartee. It is not known when her marriage with the Duke de huxe will lake place, but, doubtless, not many months will elapse be fore l'iuropeun Courts will have un opportunity of seeing the young princesses. Ti e Count d'Eu Is the eldest son of the Duke of Kcmours and of tho 1'rincess Vietoiro da t.axe-Coburg-Gotha, and was born at the l'alace of Keuilly, near i'uns, April M, Dtl-'. He was icarccly six years old when, with tho family of Louis Vhilippe, he came to Kugland. In the quiet retreat of Clarcmout he received an Anglo -trench education until he was seventeen, when the young Count was appointed by his royal rela tive, the Queen of Spain, to an nnder lieutenancy in the Spanish cavalry. He was made a member of the ICtat-Major of Marshal O'DonncU in the expedition against Morocco. In one of tho first combats he so distinguished himself in a cavalry charge, w hich ho led on tho plains of Tctutm, that lie was decorated on the held of battle by the marshal. His conduct from the beginning to tho end of the war iu A lik retiected honor upon the young oihccr. Alter the campaign was finished he cn tend the military School of Segovia, and there Xor three years devoted himself to the severest study. Hy his examinations be merited a lieu tenancy ol artillery and the sword of honor; he was also promoted to be captain of cavalry. Ho was in gumboil at Uarcclona when he received permission to return to Kngland (May, 1H04), to Im? prefeiit at the marriage between his cousins, the Count de I'aris and the daughter of the Duke of Montpensier. Hut few days passed alter this wedding beiore he was selected as candidate for one of tho princesses of Brazil. The Count d'Ku, accompanied by General Dumas and the Duke de Saxe, arrived In Rio on the 2tl of Septi mlier, and were received by M. l.itboa (the Brazilian Minister to the United btatet home on leave). M. Lisboa is an alumnm of the Edinburgh University, and the choice of the Kmpcrer for on attendant upon the Princes could not have fallen upon a more cultivated or worthy gentleman. But the Count d'Ku and the Duke ,de Saxe instantly won the favor of the .Brazilian public by their line appearance and by their gieut allal.ility. The Duke de Saxe is the son of the Trince Anguste de Saxc-Cobnrg Gotha and of the Prin cess Clcmentino d'OrhatiB, daughter of Louis I'lolim.ft. Ha is. therefore, cousin to the Count d'Eu. His uncle is the lather of the King of Tortuial. The young duke, who is the aVmc of the second Princess of Brazil, was born iu franco, at the Chateau d'Eu, August b, INI ). He early entered the Austrian tuariuc, and served in tho Ijftnish war. It is curious to see how the House of Brazil is allied bv blood and bv marriage to the various inineiial and roval houses of Europe. The lather of bom I'edro 11 was a llragauza, his mother an Austrian Archduchess, sister to the second Km press of the French. Dom Pedro II was thus eousin-gernian to Napoleon 11, and by marriage to Nauohon III. His stepmother (thu Empress Amelia, now in Portugal, the second wife of Dom I'edro I) is the daughter of Eugene Deauharnais, And thus Iit marriaue alliance the present Etn- neror of Brazil is related to Napoleon 111 and to the present reieninir families of Sweden and of ltussia. His sifter, the late Donna Maria II of Portugal, was married to Ferdinand, Duke of fsaxe-l.'oburj; Gotha, cousin to the Queen of iEnff'und. The present King of rortug.il, the nephew of we liraiiisn h.mperor, marrieu me natiguier oi the Klim ot Italv. The Emperor's sistur married the Priiiee de Joinville and the Prince d'A'iuila .(Naples and Sicily). The Empress ot Uraztl f Austno-bourlxm. of Nanlcsl is sister to the ex- (Juein Maria Christina, of Spain, and to the late King Ferdinand, of the Tw Sicilies. The Em. Veror Maximilian, of Mexico, is a blooded rela tive of both Duin Pedro 111 and his Empress, and tie royal houses of Prussia, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium, are retnoiely allied, bv blood aud marrmge, to the iinrinl house of Brazil. A dog show has been the latest excitement at Munich. Sir Andrew Buchanan, the newly splinted liritlsh Ambassador at the Court of Russia, has left London, accompanied by Lady Buchanan, on hm way to St. Petersburg, to enter upon his diplo matic duties. Mr. Buchanan, our cx-President, was, bv the way, at ouc time the American Minis Ul to JXusiia, THE DAILY EVENING AND MARINES' CLAIM AOENCY. P Kot'TTTT AND A rrqiOW T the dttol, afstd bK!irwbo bat bt-.a wousuted iabsttU. ir IIOUMTT T thrm hurt icrvid two jesxl, boldf s rr.NHIO t tucts hiabl4. 1100 BOTTrTT AFD TlAfK PAT TeWWVrfrl. K.Oj.ri. M.ithtrt, .,Qf moss wks ksvs 014 or beo kuitd la th srvio. 9' rrNdlWS A TRAB To Ois WMol si.rt W MrOir of UK Roldlsri, Kubo, and Marinas who tive dloa la Ihs Mrvlcs. VKITT. MONKY, BCK PAT, e., Dp thf t4ra ot Kvamcn nna Msrliia. THKSK tl.AIXH. nrt sll ..ll.f ulllt DstluDkl Snd lai lMTrBDinu, n.mi)tlj tUct"i. Address or apply to GEOI'OE W. FORD, Claim Agent, II SO Ira I0('K HTllKET, on do- btlow Tlilrd, O1' j ; 1 1 a ;i,ahme IAII IE ABSOKTMENT POB PALE BT JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., ii n No 1!M CttKBNTJT BTItEBTt 1('iaii'ni a. houdi:h a c;o.. AND SUIT AND STEAMBOAT AUEXT3 U()(JK HTKKKT WIIAItK. P1I1LADKUHLA. trm'sn A. sonf-sa, AKeniSALP OSTTV, t ll'HKI T. SOCIkKB. lat-tf C BOUNTY'S TEA WARRHOrsB. EaTA J blutisd In Who. I"ip-.rtr nd I H)J-r In nut Tm, WUioa, aad Uqaors. Cblco HaTRna r'tpsr, i r..i BlsrkwelPi PtoalM and Baaoes, la and Boot At. ' rndtt. 8ouP) H.v, M..S. . put WM car.. r l.jg-ly JOAHt'A II. (XILHT. K1N-NE-NO-NE-AW 1NIHAN assOKIMl TOBACCOI 1 bn world-raouwuad 1'qhiir(M) la msnufacturad rrosa the riNRHT t.KAK, And onmatl7 roooinmenils li to ail 0ntlemea ol LnKuii4iun Taata. Bold whoHsiai'' aid mall at Ulllil S tOPUI-ARriOAR RTOBK, Kb.oll niBSNI'T Btroft. 10'4-Ctn) oppoaila fltat llous. C T XJ L L' H HEW PATENT STOVE, FOR COOKING AND HEATINO JJ Y OAS. fn be had aliaapar than any ottiar Oai atnTo. at U 80-lm i!ll S. riKTH BTKr.lt r . QlUOllCllii HTITEH. Jit., MAUUrACTHRING MACHIHIST AND ENOINEEH, 10-10 Ko.KalK. BCOWD r't, PntUdIjtUa. BEIUESLCIIU MACHINE WORKS, o I-KICK, Xt.SSN. FKONT STHT.ttT, rinLAnSLPillA. W ara prtparod to flu ordra to any titent fcr our wan MarHlKTRY TOIl OOTTOS AFD WOOLF.H MtM. IneloilinK all reoant ImarovaniMiU iBCariuag, Byinouif, and Waavlns. Wo lnvHe tbs attantMa ot manuflKturws to oar extra Stve works. AXJTvtD jyU BOM OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COM PAX It8. Wt ara prepared to rarnlah Heir Corporations with I the Hooka ther riulr, at ahort aotlce and low pcloee, at Drat quality. A 11 styles ot Binding. BTEET.-PLA1K CEBTIICATEH OP STOCK. LIT HOHKAPHP.l) do do TKAtCHl ICK HOOK. OKDKKri OF TKAMSrER. TUCK LKHOKK. H'l'tK'K 1.S.UUKK HAT.AWOES. KKtllRTEK OS- CAPITAL HTUCE. MKMXKKH' HHT I.KUOE1U ACIVIHT OP HAUUS. JilVLUIWU BOOb WOSSAOO.. Blank Book Manuraotnrera and atatlonars 11-18-U Mo. til CUEMNUT Htreet. BUCHANAN ROYALTY Olii COSII'ANV. CAPITAL 8100,000 40,000 SHARES .PAR, VALUE fflO.OO rHF.blDENT-JOH.-t ALEXAVDEB. TliEASl REK-JOllS W. TOKKCY. KECKKTARY-WM. 8. LAN. mitEOTOUS. A. G. CATTE1.L, President Corn Exchange national Dank, Philadelphia. EHWARD o. JAMES, of the house of Thotaaa lueiiaru- Sob A Co., Philadelphia JOHN ALEXANDER, No. 19M Arch street, rnuaaa. DAVID VAbEItVfiUllKo.GOIi H. TUirteenlU alreot, PhUadelphla. J. H. LYDAY,rittabar. It. R.rOKTER, W. I).,WllmlnKton, WH. B. LAKE, Philadelphia. Ollloo No. 148 H. FOURTH Ktroet, PIIILADKLPUIA. The propcry of this Company conilila of OH Land, Leaica, aud Ground Kent Resurvs or Koyaltlel of all tha oil produoed on the "A. Buchanan Farm," on Oil Crack And also, all the oil and underin-oond drpoalta in two him- dred acres of land on East lllckorj crevk, Vauaone toantj, PennaylTanta. There are about one hundred and fllty aorveyed oil lots the "A- Buchanan 1'ann," over alxty of wtiloh ara taaaed to first class operators. Seventeen wolls are now producing oil: several are now being tested wlta good prospects, and twenty or thirty belug Kred at various atues ofproareaa As a soJd promising lnvcitment a limited nnmir or ft. U paid shares, of 910 per share, may heobtaHied at 17 eaeh, ln appltratkm te auyof the oolcers, or at tlx oflire of the Company. The prospectus, containing a fall drr!pllon of the Com. pany's pr prty, oaa be obtained atjtlie onlee, 11-M-lui "JHE CLARION RIVER OIL COMPANIES. OFFICE, No. Ctt VfALNTJT STREET, (HKCOND nooi). W1LMAM P. KOIIKLTi, PKKHQ1ENT, J. PIMPBON AFRICA, Jl-17-tl Secretary and Treasurer. pOALi Oil-, AJiD OTHER INI OltrOItATED COVPA5U1W, tan ho supplhxl at lowest cash prices with Ctit'iirit'AlP.H iiK ktock, XKAhhPKR IUXIKM, mill K LKlHiRR. 1HV1WKMII 110OKB, A'. AC . " A foil assortmrnt of samples on hand for surehaer io selact fruia. bi Its uf over lUi uiflrm (.erunoatusol Hiwok. "W. 0. PERRY, Manufactaring BlatioBer, ll-'i-cw B. W. corner FOURTH and RACE Sis. WANAMAKER & BROWN, TELKGHAPII PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1864. )iit)Hi,i:crt'H M'CLIKTOCK RESERVE CIL OOMPAKY. A I'l r A I. K, I.O(MI.O00. 100 .(K)0 snAKES, - $10 EAC U PH' lin TION n.ICK, f. PEK HltAliB. 1 BFS1P1 NT, .1AMKK M. Mil. LAN. FKCRFTAUT AXO 7 B It AS! hT, J. I'. Hl:lN1101 U. N.M;K1 WALNUT KTIIKKT, The property of this Company Is aM In Vcnnniro c.mnlT, and ia belli v. d Uj bo as t' od oil n rrltory ai any In tne county : h.i. 1. One-fnurUi royally InliTist In throe aoros one hundrtd and Hi o perches of land, holm tho M-Ointook K serve, situated at ll. junction of oil ( rr. k w.tli f'hor.y Hun. Iho lonsos (Ul' j oars 1 are held by cners' lK- and re ponslhlo men. Thore la a flowing c.l. siru. X about tr.e VOils ofOctohor. and la now yielding 110 bnrrols per ila.v, with a Rood prospoot of a largo lncr..ae. Tnnrn la alao a pumpiiu: wull, ylHillnxovor do barrels. InoroaslnR ilaily, andillsoonfidintlj 0I ccHdwlU bocomc a lArpe (lowing welt 1 hrec other wells Ata nearly completed, one J fe t dw-p, In the third sand rock; one ; foot doop; oni f Jl foot doop, just throni;h tho Ihlrd sand ro. k, and ready for tho oi iflnc, which Is on the pround, and another lust com menced, in all of which oil has already hoen found, and will be, It Is supposed, in a few weeks, lariji ly productive, msku.K in wells completed and In actlre pmosas of com pletion. On this territory there is room for twelve or six teen wolls, and, from tl.t clmriiotar of the lensecs, will be developed rupldiy. No.il final half acre of around In tlie centre ef tho atove trnct,resorvcdorliniillyby the owner as his retidem e, and on which It stands. This is a fee simple, but suroect to one-fourth of the nil produced from It. The bout indtrea pronounce this half acre to be as good oil territory as any on Oie crk, and which the Company expert to deve lop as rapidly as possible forlhe ben ritof the stockiieMcrs. So.. Onolhlrd working Interest In three and one-hall acres on Oil ( reek, slioaled further up, adjoining the widow Mc( 'llnto.k a farm, and as favorably located as Kns.landJ. On Oils property thore Is a new well, pro- ,... i mi loirr!. oi oil dallv. and Increasing. Another w ell in nmeieas or boring, and progressing satlafaetor lly Tins nrorcnv la snsecpllhla of greater development, uad on, mines to ho largely productive. No. 4. Two hundred and ton acres of laod in rot simple onriOiole Cre..k, throe miles from the Allegheny River, and surrounded with wells, already developed and success ful. A larite portion of this farm Is beucveu to oe goon on lerrllorv. Mo. b. A valuable tract on Ptuart's Run. contalnlnir about thirty aeros. This Is rfk-arded aa one of the most deslrablo reclona ontsldcofOII Creek ami Cherry Hun, Severulrorupaales bnvo commenced operations with l.lykly favorable prospects. jv.i. . A valuable tractor) and near Tuba Run, which empties Into tne Allegheny River, on the east Bldo, about one tnhe aboVe Tionosta Village. Severn! ravines pasa through this property, and there is considerable of good timber on It. No reason why tt should not prove to be good oil territory. ho. 7. A valuable tract on Ttonesta crook, Jnst abort tacev't Mills, on the left-hand side of the i roek, contain Ingnbont Ally acres, wlta aa many rods on tho creek. Indications lor oil very tHVornbio. io. 8. A alliablo tract on Tlonosla crock, Just ahovt tht last described, eontainlag about fitly acres, and about llftv rods front on the creek. Jio. 9. A tract of territory on and adlolnlng a run which empties Into Hemlock creek, about five mllos from Presl dent, and near to the property of the President Petroleum Company. Itcontalna about twohnndred acres, part well timbered, the balance believed to be good oil territory Jio. 10. A valuable tract ou aad near Pithole Run, abont one milt from tht Allegheny river, and nearly opplte the celebrated Pithole Creek, which Is now regarded with much favor. Thla property containt about twenty-ma acres, part well timbered, and there are good reasons for believing they will prove vood on territory. Immediately on going Into operation tide company wif Le la the receipt of say r.0 barrel, or oil per day, win. n at I0 (It Is now selling at till), will be a daily Ineouit ifiOO. or SINO.OOO per annum, ennollng the company make divk'ends ol nut less than three percent Vermont! on the Invest montfaom tht beginning, with a good prut pect of a large Increase, It Is believed that no oil company lias been lurmea with more etrtaln prospecl, of success. Only u limited por tion ( the stock is oilered at S5, as tlio corporators emi nently believe that In a very short time thu slock wUl bo worth much mote than par. As the company relies mainly on tho Orst described property lor tliolr present Income, tho following report made by a committee of gentlemen appointed to uxako the examination, ts suhmllted 1 he undersigned committee, app. luted to examine the properly ol the McChntock Reserve Oil Coiupany.rospoel fully report; That tiiey nave thoroughly examined tho John Mc' Un lock Reserve, situatud tt tlio junction of (ill Crook and 'herrv Run. The psoporty slocated on a beautiful bluff, admirably adapted to boring. Thcro are sU wells finished aad In progress. One well, which had been yielding ab'iut fony barrels dully, had suildenly Increased to one hundred and forty barrels, and was Mowing nt about thla rate on onrvlilt. Another well, represented as yielding seventy five barrels, was pumping at the rate of eighty to ninety barrels, and the Intelligent superintendent and lessee waa sanguine in tht expectation that in a ahort time it would become a flowing well, and gle a much larger yield, rhese two wells are but a few weeks old, aud have every Indication of becoming very large wells. Three other wells arc Iu processor boring, and will ht finished on or beforo Die first of January; and from tht Indications, we believe they will all bt largely productive. One other w ell waa just commcneed, and will ho pushed rapidly to completion. The wiilc of the property, except tho half acre on whlah the homokteud stands, has been leased, aud la iu the hands of experienced and energetic men, who wl I spare no palps or expense to develop the property In tl.o best manner, aud In the shortest possible time. Tho derricks, houses, engines, tools, etc , are all new, and ti e best of their kind, and In excellent order, giving evidence ol the cartful aupervtkion of the owuurs of the leases. Wt have no doubt that the Company's Interest one fourth rojaltv now about lltty-llve barrels pur day, which at 110 It V',0, w ill be grtatly Increased by the first of January next ; and as the land will admit of twenty woiu being bored upon It, a good Idea may he tornied of tlio Immense jleld which will result when all are finished. Tht homestead occupies half an acre from which the Company will receive three fourths of the oil If they work lt,andwt.i h your committee strongly recommend,; It would not be surprising If this interest alone should, before the expiration of a jear, realize an Income of several hun dred barrels per day. The entire properly consists of a little over four a -res with a aiinerior dwelling and good barn noon it. Kroin lit proximity to Cherry Run, and Its peculiar local! iu, toiiether w Ith the fact that the property nan not been founH to bt atTceled by other wells in the limnuulate Height hood, we art lid to tUu conviction that it is one of the moat desirable Lropertle, on Oil Crook. Your, respectfully, J. D. liEISnOTH- No. VHS Walaut street. JAMES MeUILLAM, No. Cut Saotom street 12.8-mwflw W. II.RICHARlHOW.Wo.m Marktt St. FINE CLOTHING, JOTTEH A. II M OIL COMPANY, OF I'IIIIjAUKIjI'II i a. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DIVIDEB INTO 200,WiO SHAnES, AT 5 PER SHAKE. HU.HHCIII1T10.N IMtlCl-i, $2'50 PER EHARE. Vatoerlrlian Disikn sre r.pfnd, And iibsrr.pdUM to Shs pltl Pluck rtcclTtl at Ike oii.lC t rilII.II' II. Ml UK & (0., No. ;). WALNUT KTIIEE T. The ofl'ccs ef theComaeey. He.,. 5.1 and ?4 WAIItl'fl I NCI ON Itfll.MRllR.B. Tlllltn Btrtel, will Seopened oa WK.DNEHUAY, December 7, ISM. JJ-1-71 W. D. HMITII, Treasnrer, I-.. J. IIABUINHW, sierrrtitry. V ULCANIC Oil. COAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. 1'KINTED OlKCUIsAKB, With Utt Trespectn, and Oeologltal Report of tli property of thla Company, art now ready at our oftloo. This Company own, over JMX1 acre, of what U tcnown as the best OIL TERRITORY upon the) GREAT ITP lir.AVAL ! WEST VIRUIKTA, and offer, largtlndnoe. menu to parties lo tubsciibt for tht llinlted numhtrof Bharet offered at $1 per share for full psld stook, tho par belciflO per (hart. Thla price per ihare i, not above tto marktlahlo valat of the lands, and It is offertd for the sulu purpose of In cnaslrg tht factlltic, for development, and will, beyond a reasonable dtuht, prove a profitable Investment. COOPER & GRATF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Pnn.ACSi.naA, November 29, WA. 11 W Q0MM0N WEALTH OIL COMPANY LAWRENCE COUWTY, PENNSYLVANIA. OAI'ITAL. STOCK, $200,000. TAR VALUE, $2-50. W0HK1KU CAPITAL RESERVBD FOB MiYELOP MCMT, tlt.CCO. I'RESICEKT, K. WEAVER, THKASL'RKR, BAMUKL It. HILT. SKC'RBTA BT, UAVID is. HILiT. DIRECTORS, K. Weaver, I James Hall, John MrUowtll, Jr , llyron liunhy, fcotauclli. ll.U, I Isaac Raker, William Mecsur. ftul scrlptions for a limited number of share, will now ke received at the oll.ee of the Company, No. Clci OUfc-SNUT 8T11KKT. The ltn.i of thla Company are loaat.stj en Slippery Rock Crfrk, Hi l.uwrtnmCt,uuiy, ltnniilTania. One well U tank iH7 let, ana u 1 n- mrcaoy uren omuim-a in iiuau liilf u whtrli art: hlRlily encnaraifit.g tn the curKrarurti ubsjt iwViih he roniixt'd ni a iieraiunnoT iiiiiuiifiu 10 haiiOmmeiv on tii ltivctmnt. Haiuplea of OH may be iui n at the uilice ul the Company. U &-U "JJTIE ETJBSOEIPTION BOOKS or tiii PllTKRCBO ASD BOSTON PETB0I.ECM COMPART will sli.se oo WIHUHHDAV, tha 7th IntU II. S. LEECH, Treasurer, No.K FARCjUUAR IlUlLDIMliS. Pull ai.tl l-HIA, December 1, lbo. 12-J-St laiUULbl a Luarani, Capital, $400,000 Par, $5 Per Share. SUllSCKirTION TRICE, $2 00 PER SHAKE FOR fCLL-l'AID STOCK AND MO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS. The property of this Company consists of the fcllowlnf valuablt I' KK tsiriijiJi; Ttrrltory, extensive letstboldt, PRODUCISO WELLS, Wslie aolns down and nearly fluishtd ; No 1. Aboat Ni(flrty) Acres oa Cherry Tree Run In rr.B N1MPI.E, bore able land sullleent tesluk FIFIT WEl.Lrt. 1 bis Territory is opposite the Oal&eli Petroleum Company I Hayes I arm), on Ull l reel, uouuueu iu pari uy ute cw l.r.tkrf St,,ii r.riu. JSiv Ac. Ho 's Lease petpeiual (fJ years) on Wash. McCllutock Oil I'roek-Ss srrei, all fiat, very valuable, flowms and niminliiu well. .11 Around. Kg. a. "Wild Cat" Howies' Well, stoat 'M barrola per day. oa Wash. Morilntnca rarui. I ua uomtiany own. V.e V) HULE working lalareat lu thla well, eii,uu, lauas, X j- A,- I. No 4. 'California Well, No . 1." on Oil Creek, down son feet, all ready to retubt. Thla well ha, Howtd IW barrel No. 6. "California Wall, Ko. l,"on Oil Crtek.down nearly fJHI fi.tt No ljiasa nerDetnal (KU Tears) on 'Ji acres OtH'reek all Hat. comaiuliiK tl.t ahove wells, with tllin-Uorse nun. t.nk. Sml. I. Al.lltM lluUUI. SB. No 7. I .-aaa nfrneioMl ( V.t years I on 'itt acres Oil rreok all ttat, and In one well down 'too feet, one gaarler InWreat (worklio, in tl.t. wm,I and iHihS. 1ES HlOtSAMJ hHAltKK UFSKItVED FOR WOItK- ia.il i'apivai.. Itrvoks for oaioiVAi. subhcr pliun are bow open at our office (or a few itavaouiyi when olosed, the sloos. 10 be placid on the reu ar Uetou and I'hilsdelpi la Huk lioaids as a ".a in. a divloiud-iayliiv Oil Va ni oii Cirv, when It la espoeicd tiie sharoa will laroly advance.. All furtl or Inf.iim illon. with proapciu.e, oaji bi-oblalned uf the nmtersiim4l. The small oapilal of Uiw Company, wlib the actual larae luteresta, must make II a favorite as a tveare liiveslment. LRKCII No. It Faruuhar Ilulldinss, WALNIT bol'ew TUlk'o, Phlladulpnla A.eacy. I.FlNAUil A MANI.S T, Ko. (ft KKAVBIl Mneet, s York Aiteuey. hl-KM fcR, VILA A I'O., Hankers. 11-16 Boatou Aaeiioay. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, J 'J..T)tO I.I.I'M CO M I 'A N V. OrciiiiWt'd l ruler the laws of 'cw York. THL'HTUIiH t- riA5Clf A rAI.MER. Pres.de-.it Brotdvvay rank. sw Yolk. NATHAN FAMiAI.I.. Ks Pres nt I'nlted State, Teienraph Company, New York. AI.Rt.1lT II. MCOLAY.Of Albert H. Hleolay Ct., rtrckirs and Am Uoneirs, No fc'J fVilllam street, ii aw Tork. ICtlKBr..f JACKriON, of PMI.lmlus A Jackson, Bank ers and Itiokers. No. 41 Kvrhamct p.sc-e, Mew York. r.IiMl'Hn c. tTr.IM 1T. So. retary Hew York Petro lenm ato k Hoard .and llioxer, No. 9U II road street, New Tork. ANMtEW VtrilAri'KY, I I l'adi!l.l. HANCIS A. HOIivriN.rhlla.rilh.a. RlilU RT CI.AKKHOS, of Clarttea A Co., itaokert, o. l.'l 8. Third suee;, Philadelphia. JAMES M. I AA JiK F, Oil I lly, Pennsylvania. OFI'ICEKS. raftnswr. ALRBRT H. KICOLA Y, New York. vies raaitniiNT. A1IORKW MEllAirKY, l-hlladelhla, THRAsnaaR. A. V. PTOUT, rresideut Siiot and Leather Bank, Near let. en m.TAi.T. EUllUND C. STEDMAN. WlI.tlAM II. ANTII'IS, New York. ADAM C. tl.Llf , X Tork. KANaitRa. BFIOE ANM.tATHF.lt IIaXK , New York. CI.ARKHON A CO., Philadelphia. OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. V'o. el WILLIAM Strti t. New York. Ho. til S. 1 HIRO Blnct, Philadelphia. CATITAI. STOCK SMI.OlO SHARE! AT THE NOMINAL PAR OF .1 E U II-SfflSClHP TION l'HK'B.ilJ PER HI1AHE. Ptnck subjeot to no further assessment. J.'fl.' On shares to be sold In payment for the lands, lease hold., and producing interests of the Company. The re maining 60,000 HIIAKEt, OR $!on IWi, ItF.HKRVED FOR WORK IM1 CAI'ITAL. The New Turk and I'plladelphia Petroleum Company l.as been orKanized with -.he Krcateet care by osperlonced capitaiista of the two l ilies, whose names are united in its own. It will be managed EXCLUSIVELY FOR TIIR INTERESTS OF ITU STO'KHOMKK3. Ko pulns have fictn apared to placa It on ft genuine aid liitiauntial footing. Mont valuable and oxte alive tracu of Oil and Coal land have been locared IN FKH, and Ion it hold I'llOMVlNU INTKUK8TK In tie heart of the Venango County (la.) Oil roKlun. Attention to Invited to the folio wlntr ichedtile of the Company'! proporty, Inolud Ug FEK HIMPLE TEKUITORY, I.EASKIIOLD8, PKO M1CIM1 WKLL8, and well In various itagvi of com pletion : Ko. 1 30 acre of bottom land, In fee, on the Allegheny river, having a water fn.ittatc of ncrvrlyone Kile. Kcw 10-hone power entdne and flxturei. Two well sunk to tiie depth of 300 feet, and alnady QUcd with oil. Hoom fof 40 more wclle. Ho. '2, .fiOacrci of rich oil land In fi'e, lylnf nearly oppo- lte the above, having a mile of water-frontage oa Prathor andBennct rum. Well aupplled with timber. Ho. 3. Ixae Intcrcit ou the famous ''Widow M-CHn- tock Farm," OU creek. One well down and tuitlnK; antthtT JiiKt ready to tuhe ; a third jmt i tar ted. Two flrtvt-clans enginei. Tubing, tools, fixtures, toam, YYisitona, Ac. Bfl Ho. 4. Hame Intercut In lease nn the weil-knowa "Hamilton McCllutock Farm' OU crifk. One well now being tested ; alnsad yieltlicg twelve barrels dully, and rapidly Inrrcn-liif. Oilivrs g noj; down. Two new en pint's, with fixtures complete. o. b, one-twelfth of two leases on 4ho Clapp Frtrm, near the greiil Wllllama und fltanton one hundred bur.-el welle. On tbU )'perty U ''Hherrnan Well, No. V," now d-u live hundred IfOvt, entire, Ac. Ac. Koom for uire veils. Ho. f.. Onenlxtrcnth of the fee In flfty-sevea acre of Coi.t Laud, aAdjoii.liiK the Cranberry Cuul Company's ki'di. This prttp rty is ol tlio utmoit value to our opera tloni, suppl.vluK us with eoal at all leuoui, and when tho works ol other companies ant found to be Idle for want of fuel. I n m thrne entities, the Trnntees are assured of their ability to declare l.AK(JE ANli KKiiULAU aCONTULT ltlVIDKNI'H, and ofthe cpev ly aoprcciatlon of tne share to a MAKKKT VALl'IC FA It AHUVb. Tilt HUlldCiiU'- TION PRICE. tht 1HVKBTIOATINO COMMITTER sent lrom New York and Philadelphia, hole favorable report Ii prluU'4 with the proi pec tui, Hpeak In unlimited terms of thu Com pany's property and proApcc:s. iiooks forOHlolNAI.Hl'JiscltlPTlON will be ui-enel on WKDNKlAY, lievomber 7, at the ollloes of tho Company, aud at the New York, Phila delphia, and boa ton bankhiK houses named below. Pronpectuivii, maps, and detailed luiuraiatiou at with or iiibacripilon oitlce. The public are amured that whi ther for investuu nt or peculation, no better security than these share can be obtained. feUJlHORU'TION AGKNTH: E ROADWAY I1A1SK , corner of Park place. New Y rk. PoLHAkl Il'H A JACK. iO. N, ho. 4i Eiclmiitfe place, ew York. ALlik RT 11. NICOLAY & CO., No. 6J Wall street, New York. CI.AKK80N A CO., No. K'l 8. Third atrevt, Philadel phia. J. O. MARTIN, Hanker and Rroker, BJSton. U - H WASHINGTON AND WALNUT BEND Oil.. COMPANY. CAPITAL $WM00. 100,0(10 SHARKS $j Each. SubKCiiptlon Tiico 2. 10.000 b bares UcHvrved as Working Capital. Office, No 314 MARKET Bt , Philadelphia. No.l Awellci Oil t rel , now pumping 10 barrels per ( day niid mTeiiif. Ntf. a. A w 11 on Oil Crefk. now over :fm foet .leep, with lark show of oil Neur this is tbe Corn riamtr rTU, which Is now pumplnc ,VAi Imrrsl of oil por dty. No.3. A well m oil i 'rtek, i0 ft ei deep, now ready Ar ! tubinr, wirn splendid show of uli; every proxpect ul piu- , due (lit; Urelv. i No. -1 Hit. iirth Interest lu a tract of five hundred acres en the Alliil.riiy r.vcr; six wei'. now pumpln uriyu.n- reu. ol oil per day; three more w. U now hh uewn, vsku bir a oi lie ol river fmnt. li a"J worm tarritory. ho. 4. A huh u M' at Tideouto. near ihe Kconouute Wellw, wbich aie now pninoliiK '' barrels per 'sv. No t. Ffht and u haii ic;e-lit rt alfiiic Mend, on the Alb Hheny river ; luiu diste surroumtinK tblt proiri arc hue prtMluc ux svehs 1 his tract will h'- (iBvel..evl ru'dly. Hobeii.tious are now Deiiifc ifnil. and a lare por tion oi the stock ahradv taken. The pr -pecta aad all In t ii million can be ohiann d at the Oitlce of the ( !omnai; , uow hi No. -IU kl .UiKJ-. 1 Hu.et 11 X U- REDUCED PF.ICES, DtUIHl'ECTIJH C01TER FARM OIL COMPANY, riiii.ADiarniAt C apital Htocki miOOO.OOOo I1VIIK I INTO 2ft0,00) 811 ARKS AT 5 TE'l BIUI'C, fiuscuii'TIon rnicK,jtfj.wri:n .share. It la rrfl, oird to form this Company fr m th6 fUow!D Int'rea's; I. Thefe uttiip'.'of 1"''.. '-ren. knwn aa t!m "C'ttf itrm ' .n I'.ik' l.i V' n-ktMW creek, A-i-l nn 'h- line of tde I ' t . i 1 . i tt i Un rii 'l h ri" liiaJwind, ne mn n ht niin weit i in in . pittntl' Id tnwta!(, arren rounty, rennsvi- aiiIs. 'I lui I.itnl Is iti!nii 1 In ntn ul the t-t I'kIiu- iHJ th neikhlr iheo.l. Itt.ikevin thewnitle of t he vulh f"f it imle In exlf nt, wttili a fmiriwe nil th' MroKfn Kttiiw rr k n o r iv m-lt n. It Alftn extnilii nnrihward r n e bin it, h nil Hikes in a run mo r iiicp"rii'n oi tne hi tie Kve lim, a iiM't'ttr ol tl. HnKen Hi raw. lir.-kcn Sir.iif e taka lia rinc ir ni me earn Nino oi ire uuiti, wucri r ne in the re.- i.tiitcd Oil i te K, on t!i wet id'-. It l nnvnbl tr.'in ttm Cotter Krm to ihe Allot henjr r vi r, niiiiniKo "i ten nines, huh ihiiA tiiicri .ti'imieii ior trntifii "rtft't' D ry roati lo t'llinnurtf. An uioniioiiea oo- fnre. the rhiiaei'ipDia ana r.ri" ntniroim ruai uirtriij t!.ionvh iti npeU on tne tmnk f Hh rreek nnd tana It I- iMnit.t in dif"-t pnn:miin!f Minn with ti e trrat oil mirketi, Nw V.-ra and I'tiiladeip'iia Trie It 'a. Is rlao irm U f fee. In mune p a-e-. ery iii-ruptiy. fdore) t a iltin built roa the . reK h nit mtdwriy on the pm p tt. ifiTlni; linint n--e wtt r-powet t- one ot the ftnrst and bent ronttnr'ed aaw miilt In tbr emintry. 1 his mill at prekont -aw tiiOy tuoi ot lumber per dy Hiilioue smg.cj upright ftw. A Ki'K f rws roaM bo ndiled at a small ost, and hft nllbt; nisde eapubl ol pnuiurinn arovBime to the Com. pti at I'lire e-1 iinl to HQ ordlunry ptuOticmu well The hinttk sn.mnd with pine, hemlock, Ac, in n.h quantity to kmp tne mill rutinHm tor nevenil ears. In a-Mi-Un to Hie mill ihnre Is a vorv sub-tvitml and Ituve tram house, evi ral m alter rnua, britn, staoles, nlai-ksmitta shop, ran enter shop. Ac. Ac ; In short, everything that an p rt' nee nf a twenty yenrt' renhlnre tiuifht tlie )tp . wrtor to be nect t)Ffrv. The noilttti, lunii on the fist Ii fond (urmintf land, is cleared for the puroose, and is Iron Mi to ik h acres hi extent. The innn ahounds witb choice spots for drlHimr. anil with facilities mr ihe purpote, snrh as lew otner lands pfifereis. l ho rnvlnes whleh (ntersoet Hiid form ttre-tks lw lw.t?ri and ihroiuh the hills, and whictt are ftvorlte Ideali ties for wells, have hue streams, which will ive surrl'Ment water power tr ensh.e it immediate f t cra'nfni nnnn everal wells, lhu savintf the xpenaeand delsr In (biaininK engines. A derrick ran be oulit near tbe saw7 null and yeariiu' attached. this mnkinu the mill to answer a dniitilepnrirote. The "shows ' ot oilareeo.ua), and In man piuc s superior and mors) numerous, to f h no oh ei ved iu what has proved to be the best IxalRicaon OU creek Almat two ml lea from the farm, over the MnfTs, tht 1Ioinier oi) ( oiup:iny, of PhUadelphia. ar drlhiutt two weds on tne Hornier tun, which empties inb the Hrokert Htraw at (iiirland. These wells htb Kivin tna most irratl f Irifr evidence of the eslsteucuot oil in ureal quantities, and nave estiib hbed It preHi-nce in that rlon tnjvond a Coubt. The Cotter f arm Is fcliultrd nearly due nortU of tlio now ci!ebrted Tideont, on the Alletfhenv river. II. The he simple t.f Hi.7 S4-reH on the North WalmoB f 'rse!i, Jff-neit'a iowtiNhlp, Forn-t ematv. Co., lut uvr the border oi VennnKo county. 1 lits Isnd, as In the case of the Cotter F arm, lakes In the valley as well as the hliiifs on both B.iie, and Is tniversod bv numerous ravines and htilo strt ams runmntr Into thu fUlmnn Creak. The evidi nt ei of oil canot be excfilml in iar-t,are so marked, and the innnUin ot tbo land 1 so favor no e to tUe xlst erice of i 1), that eer ot) msn visit inv tfce rettiAn aay : "Hiilun n r ek l tmitno to eojml the world renowned Oil Creek," and tbe sf ocuiatluv putrllc have shown their t'atth Iu it b) leitHtnw or Imyti'tf every acre ol itnd from this riimpani 's territory to the mouth of the Crtk ah nit five m h i as well as up and down the Tloneta river for Sevs-ra) in lief. Tins property Is situate ah tut ten miles est nf the AHe pheny rivtr It almonds with tb Ocst Uencriotlonot timber pine, rheiry, h'inlock. eic , whica can oe maile to rletl a handson.f n-enue to t.'onipany. Th- develtpnient ol ihfcountrv Is rapidly proKreftsiiuj. A we 1 Is he) nn sunk hall a mile iroin the property, two others twotntlns lrom It. and the UmieMa rlvr Is lined wt:h them on each side for ml es one at the mouth of 8alm m creek, now yielding oil, and all ot ihem Inr such Indications wid e drilling that have heretofore, only accompanied the slnklnn of tha best wells a OH creek. In addition to thla. the countien sur roundhm Forrest conuty-north, south, east, and west, sre all jitldtiiK oil, and Rtvc urent siren tfth to the sup.w sltlon O at Fonest county is In the centre of an immenss) basin of oil, und riylng that whole routon of co.iutry. A limited n umber or shares will be told at thu above) mentioned sitbMTiptlon price, per sharo.whlch will Wo full paid, and IM1") applied immediately to tne develop ment ol the property. Kinm the uIhivc pros poet us It will be seen that the 'Cotter fiinn OH ('..inpaiiy" offers unUMiftl Inducements tu tt one wishiiu to invest In oil stocks. The extent ol the) property ow lien liv tnum. over lour stiare inues. tne wwn known productiveness of the nurroundinir reuion, and the facilities posm m d oy them for the Imiuediate dtvulop ment oi their terrrory" at not more than two-. birds tht tisna' cot, warrant the IHrectors In assorilng; that Ihe "Cotter Karnit i Company will soon plnefl Itself aui"iift the tlist dividend paying Oil Stock Companies In tue country. Subscription tKKks will be opened and subscriptions to the capital stock received at the office of l'JILMI II. lmiCH i& CO., No. 307 WALNUT SIUKET WILLIAM D. HMITH, Treasurer K. J. IIAI.RIPO.V, Secretary. l'i-.MU iTircTs 1' KCT U 8 TIIK HOOVF.R A MARHHUX OIL COM PA MY. Ofllc, o.'.'o S. Ol Kill .-sireet, below Walnut, back riHiiu. iimt ilor. CAPITAL, ,V10,0"fi; HllAKKH.6u.0Wl; PAH VALCK.HO. The ptopeny ot tldH Comp iiiy is situated on the Alle frhenv river, and embraced within a laiaucu of about two and a hail miles tram the town o. Fiunkim, Veuam-o county, l'eiiiisyivaiua, and upon the sauiu sole ot said river. It conlsts of (he entire workinjj; Interest f which Is one lialt oi u.e (il pmdtH edl in a Lease and on Wed located on the well know n "Hooter r'ariu," c-lehnitcj a auong toe first and ni'St piodtu-tlvc oil TtTrliorU-s, and knova as the "JiOO LR X MAKHtAl.L 11.I-." The b ase ib lot 'leu Koti S'iure, wuh a frontage of a like number ot r.'di. uimhi he kivar, Kivlnrf lomi i.r two iuoic wells, und bus uu tiiiexpired Term of I umiy-ifnu teuiS 1 I. ere is uNo a lirl-elaos tew ho' se Ktl-'lne, 1 ul Iiik', l ankH, and :ut tiling nu.:ttssar to carry ou success ful operation". 'ihe Well (whlcli Is a flowing and piuuplutf one) has been lu operation loi three yearn, an-l. caretesnly handled, bu. promo - d n liiIhi1 from HO io 1 1 'at bull per wock (iu Uuuiiu' Mopiinf.-A at times t'tmry ttvfttte.m Harmi pr t da. wiedniL- lor ti e u.itfciht: iliUieit ul Ihe 0 nupany uiotit :tu.i mi annually. 'I in- 1 1 i- tij or ior. It . luuritulinU Uiiolino!. coijin-tuiiinis- Tor ii -A ti per tciirel m re inr ' the oil from Oil i 'reek. Thih welt, r'lii'y li'inii.ed ut at live. y worked tv Die cclcbi'iited It's lent Air i'uiup. leaves but Utile doui.t ol its hem: rehturnl t.i lis nrliinti pioduc lion from 40 io ,'j iiiim ls er duy. 'I be other pr pt-riv oi the Comp.iiiy consist s In a valuable rlv4.rtrt.ct ot til v acres In t'fesriplc,Hili.mlu;'li)etreUie borough line o Kritiikiin. with a htrp b rink suriscw taeiiiit the titer, and uiMi upon the vrerks Hut run thr tutfi Vf l truci. If erehT Inert n S Ii: L' tunilik' Mirtni-e, hio eiih.tncmK j fi "tiy Uu nlue as oil territory In uddiihtn Ui this. R tiM rrom itf eoniikiilu to the tuLiiity town of one of tiie m-stt j iiottinhlnt and rapidlj yiovwiiii low us ut'lnu :iuict a Uri f urttn e A mile , : ! Ih ihe product of the well-. f this retflon tere has ever , been a ieiiiarr.at;e uniformuv . winch, with the lata vaiua- I l.le tllfC.-v et ol :kin uanei well uti il e islitod O.ipoie ihe ' "Hoover 1 ami,' uuil the iii-ovte y ol luive und v iluatile j prtMlurtiiK weds nil around Hi" '.aupau.v 'i. property (Ss ! ex 1 1 act i.1h ), staiiiphih" rt:lon as nn oi ilu- moat valua- 1 bl oil lerti'oiitit. I he I-ruliKiill tnntiu nu.iui uiv mw well recciillv rm-k. ws.sa. i.v Jt Moriosv.oii iet"l'er I'i, on the t?oeh- raneKaim, two n,i.e i.ei-.w frani.lni, whic:. sieidcdMo ' luirreiH ui (hi-fint i.rtv -eiht h. uri pinupiiu, ou ! v(. I , , ,,.t h.i in-' l arrt s .h'hn l.ee has ul- olxanied mi, j,.;iiv i.pi'oiitt lb-' o.-hra-it , winch tl-'W ovur Mlty A u ...... ..... .ii i.ii .f jirt n rami, tm-i aT ..iu'mw iio.r. i,rr,i, ii- r tiav. a o, Mr lluhb. whoOsns a ie,i e ou i ..... ir, Ul.O liii'O elllrit'lti: toiir iMffll PI ii .1 , ,.i 4i k i,., i ,1, t ii. took his W, N lil ice., M'ld srruck a well thin-' h rtv b, rr- lprdny. All ti.ee.irikua have i.-fii within ten dint and the uruaci-.f uuum'K'i uure la a -hri uu-" ' .!. r it teen thu-and shuns i ave been mm iiiulc h tliuCout- - II... ,, , .,t I, ..rlMli tiie' 1oit M'li 'ibis reo.i. iiii its ol! weiu mi eeleorat.d fir their BteS hob- ft Mill! I llial..HlV. I sje Hiai I.U.ll'Jl.3 V U. I l-V 3U,iC- rb.r iiillloi ihv on a lu''. H',iu.r. iinU tlm liill ti es ..!,.. Vi-uJi oti'iuii'd. -v t'. TMoidin-u-j b'.Ii uli;S , i i,, m ii v cim to In- I c in u n u c uirt,iii oi in i ....... ..,..1 ,i, to-i,i.d-u it Ul in ii from ruiiioi. unite' to o:1' I ' parti' -1 tin to loves IU oil termor) .i..v, ai.'iKvn.eii id 11 c t lailo M I'ha.acter. lii .tr r. I "I Ull'-' 1 'I" " I'I'O- "e-n II .l e UliM.ir U,tl C.nt i rti.v, N-. '.'i' s- Kol',; I ft .-in i h-iow H'ai nr. Ulil a Unolfil iiiiinlMii .l sioircs w ili 0 sd $i ) Ite' m it hVviiltleH Imtl' risen f one haf tin oll.th' Coimiany eoeci to it ..:lc 'ar 'ylKim ! ai.'ri a (ortlvi tlteir (met t eid In lee simple 11 x i.i H. I'll 1 1.1 t'rt, Truasurur. (il-NTlXO-rorSK AN I) SCHOOL DKSK!- mad. U or.Ur, at So r.Ku rr.n 8'rt. Illiill..!.. 1'l.i.WUU, 1 SIXTH AND MARKET 8TREET8 t