The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 07, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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(Evening erlrapli
rrtot Tstaa Oaar Pa 0rT, or Kiohteii C,T Paa
Wsac.pareM Carrier, end saalled to Sub.cr1b.ri
at of Us CRy at Winn noiuii Pe Ahmusi i Ox lu..a
WD Ttm Csrr tarn Two MoiiTiie, Invariably la advance
ftr Us t st--.
Aj,.rtueaviau lrtd at tn linil rate. A liberal
arranieeawrt nil f tndod UuerUoas.
To AtTrtlr.
Owtnff to th treat Increase la the (.Iranlsfkw f V""
ftvaruMo Tai", eiMiipalilng u. lo in w press at an
early'hnwr, we ardently renoest that (njwrti'fmrrit mr
k. hnrll la a. anon 10 o'elnct. Ii possible, to seear
testa aa aaseruoa ta all of oar editions.
T1IK PBtlMMKWrai JIM1'":.
Tlio Mcp.xiiro of ttin rreciilmit poasosscs
vrlutt in mir-h dor-urnr-nt Ih cxpomllnsly rare,
namely, the merit of brevity. Liko nil tho
State jM'pcri of It diistin-rui.slie'l uuLhor, its
style Is marked and peculiar. It Is a plain,
unpretending paper, In which tho writer dis
plays' the simplicity and frauknesn of his cliur
Beter. There are no aii-HTfliioim words; no
attempts at flnc writing; no tropes and figures
of speech ; and no long-winded paragraph, In
which a score of sentences are employed to
Bet forth a matter which can be as well ex
plained in a single line or two. In short, the)
Message Is a laconic summary of tho leading
events which have transpired since the close
of the last preceding session of Congress arid
of the actual present state of the Government
holh as regards Its domestic interests and its
foreign relations.
The latter, with a trilling exception or two
are quite satisfactory, and there is no intima
tion even that the ftiendly Intercourse of thu
United States with any other powers, either
on this or the otfier side of the ocean, is In
danger of being seriously or long disturbed.
The President refers in terms of deprecation
to the contraband commerce that has been
carried on by the citizens of foreign nations
with the Kcbels, and expresses the hope that
those merchants may speedily como to the
conclusion that it will bo safer and more pro
fitable to abandon that illicit trade for one that
can now be legitimately carried on through
the Southern ports which have recently been
opened by proclama ion. Touching tho
political dilllcullies which have arisen with, and on the Canadian border, no more
U said than that the occurrences call for tho
exercise of increased vigilance, and a just and
conciliatory spirit on the part of tho Govern
ments mutually concerned, to preserve their
amicable relations with each other.
Referring, however, to the slave - traders
whom the President properly styles "enemies
of the human race," he suggests that Congress
shall, in case It deems the present authority of
tUo Executive under the law insufficient for
the purpose, make provision for effectually
preventing that worst class of pirates from
"acquiring domicile and facilities for their
criminal occupation in our country." This is
a wise and humane recommendation, which
the National Legislature should take Into
early and earnest consideration, and we doubt
not that botli Houses will act upon the subject
with all due promptness and vigor.
In respect to our domestic afl'iirs, the Mes
sage shows that they are highly auspicious.
The public debt is not only quite small, in
view of the formidable character and tedious
protraction of the war, but it is held by the
people themselves, to whom It has become a
means of secure and advantageous invest
ment ; and in order to promote a wider dis
tribution of the benefits of the debt among
all classes of our population, Mr. Li.n-oi..v
happily proposes tho expediency of a Congres
sional provision that a limited amount of future
issues of national securities may beheld by any
bonajlde purchascr'exempt from taxation and
seizure for debt." In this suggestion, Mr
Lincoln not ouly had an eye to tho public
advantage of making tho national debt tho
private property of the people, who are thereby
directly interested in maintaining the financial
credit of the Government, but ho waj also
actuated by the feelings ot his benevolent heart
In urging on Congress a measure which, he
says, - would enable every prudent person to
set aside a small annuity against a possible day
Of want."
The question of peace and the best modo of
attaining it, which is perhaps that particular
subject about which most persons feel the
deepest interest, was reserved 1'or the closing
part of the Mouae; and we must say that it
is discussed with a directness and candor, as
well as moderation, quite beyond general ex
pectation. While declaring that ofl'ors to
negotiate with Mr. Davis, are rendered en
tirely superfluous by his repeatedly avowed
purpose to accept peace only on conditions
which the Administration cannot pos
sibly concedo, and expressing, further, a !
determination to prosecute the war until the
rebellion is conquered by force, if iiucewtry, !
tl:e President says the insurgents may have
a cessation of hostilities by simply laying down 1
their arms, and Hint this principle has been
Open to them fur a lull year, and is yet o.'l-h.
But be adds that public duty may, ero long,
iequire that the door bo closed, and that more
vigorous measures than have heretofore b.fon
tried be adopted to quell the insurructi m, which
must eventually Imi treated with a degree of
aevurlty proportioned to its stubbornness and
malignity. It is not said that the abandon
ment of slavery shall be an absolute eoud'nlou
of peace, but It ut very distinctly stated that
the "Emunclp it Ion Proclamation" will not bo
re tracted ( r int.dilied- ami that, as regards the
remanding into bondage oi'sU..h slaves us have
been freed, Mr. Lincoln would not consent
to be even the instrument of th popular will
in the execution of any such cruel wrung.
On the whole, the ltcbels are given a most
iVee and easy method of returning to their
I political duty, and If they do not avail them
selves of it in time, they cannot complain
hereafter that they were not offered a peaco
on terms eminently conciliatory and honor
able, or blame any but themselves for the con
sequences they Inrur by a stifr-neeked persist
ence In treason.
Tim mij(ipm: of tax vi its.
The tax-gatherer Is an offlrlal not espe
cially beloved by any member of tho commu
nity. We may have a respect for him border
li g upon veneration, and cherish all thoso
emotions with which we niitur illy regard all
the representatives of authority; hut wo cer
tainly are not glad to see him. Wo do not
welcome bis approach, and we do not think
over kindly of him w hen he bin departed.
And yet he is a most necessary member of
society. He Is tho Instrument of producing
some of our greatest good.
We make up our mi nils that the war can
not be sustained without taxation, but wo
disagree as to the method by which taxes
should be apportioned. An equal distribu
tion of the public burdens would seem to bo
the most satisfactory mode. When any differ
ences are made in the amount of taxation, it
would seem that they should be regulated less
by the umount of revenue than the source
whence it Is derived. It Is the wealth and
resouices of the people w hich should be Im,
pni tiully taxed. The people it is who arc In
terested In the war, and upon them the Gov
ernment-s'istnlning taxes should be made
equally to fall.
In connection with this subject, tho refer
ences of the Secretary of tho Trjasury to tho
several acts passed by Congress, with a vlow
to provide the largo means required to meet
annual expenditures, ore significant and Interesting-
To meet the anticipated expenditures
of the tlscal year ending Juno 00, 1802, Con
gress authorized a loan of $370,000,000. In
addition to this Congress further authorized a
direct tax of $20,000,000, and a tax of three
per centum on tho excess of all incomes
over eight hundred dollars per annum. Ex
perience showed, however, that the estimate of
the Secretary was Inadequate, and Congress
was a.'-ked to provide for a probable deficiency
of nearly ff214,(m,Q00. These data illustrate
how wide of tho mirk tho most careful esti
mates will Bometimos bo, and tint an impar
tlal application of tho principles of taxation Is
as Imporutivo as taxation itself. Tho report
of the Secretary of tho Treasury asserts that
300,000,000 at least should be realized from
Internal duties ; und tho suggcition is made
that a commission, properly constituted, for
the purpose of Inquiring as to profitable
sources of revenue, and devising Improve
ments In the mods of its collection, might
result in much assistance to Congress in its
dt liberations on the subject.
The Secretary believes th:it u tax on sales
might become a very large and important
item of revenuo, through tho application of
stringent rules requiring frequent periodical
returns, verified by oath, and coupled with the
power to compel an exhibit of books of
account, ne further suggests the collection
of an income tax from all without exemption
and argues . that tho adoption of a scale aug
menting tho rate of taxation upon incomes as
they rise in amount could not bo considered
oppressive or unjust, inasmuch ai tho ability
to pay Increases in much more arithmetical
proportion as tho amount of Income exceeds
the limits of reasonable necessity.
A tax on tobacco, In the leaf or unmanu
factured, the Secretary of tho Treasury
believes Is the only means by which a dufy
on that article can be collected fairly and
equally, and through which an adequito
amount of revenue can be obtained from it.
The Committee of Ways and Means will Im
mediately consider tho bill introduced by Mr
Stevk.ns in regard to tho tax on tobacco, and
further regulations with respect to tho expor
tation, and the paylug and accepting of gold
and silver coin.
The Constitution when originally framed
was made as nearly perfect as its authors
deemed possible, but the fact that it was still
susceptible of Improvement was declared by
the special provision made for its amendment
To prevent the sudden change of the funda
mental Instrument of government caused by
the fluctuations of popular sentiment, they pro
vided a series of checks which would prevent
premature legislation. That tho document
is not perfect lias been declared by our ances
tors, when they adopted twelve amendments
of the nature of a bill of rights. The onward
march of our country, of civilization and
humanity, demands a corresponding modifica
tion In the instruments of civil government.
The "Magna CUutta," at thu time bf its
ielug diuvYii by force from an unwilling
tyrant, was a grand triumph of tho people over
their oppressors ; but the doctrines of that
lust run cut are but trite phrases to American
ears, which have long been accustomed to the
' sound of thu minute-guns of freedom. So
, with the Constitution. When in 1789 its
ratification was hailed with a nation's jubilee,
! it wus tho most perfect production of states
manship; but we have Advanced since that
day; und unless our system of government la
progressive, it will act like n dead weight to
draw our people, further and further from tho
goal of perfect civilization uud freedom.
! There ard at the present time two amend
ments beloro thu National Legislature.
The flist, foiever abolishing human silvery
will be adopted. As his Kxeelleucy states in
bis late message, "an intervening election
shows almost certainly that tho next Congress
will iihhs the measure If this one does not.
Hence there is only a question of time as to
when the proposed amendment will ps; at ull
events, may we not agree that the sooner the
Our sentiment I" regard to such nn action
have already been too frequently reiterated to
need a rcM-tition here. Wo demand, in the
name ol Justice, liberty, and humanity, that
this dark blot on our nation' escutcheon be
forever erased.
There Is, however, a second amendment
which is now being warmly odvooved, hut In
a desultory maimer. Our religious commu
nity have been for sorn mouths past laboring
to procure a recognition of the sovereignty of
the Almighty In our National (lomUtatioii.
They have made considerable advancement in
their work, hut if the matter had bc"ii pro
perly conducted a tenfold grea'er progress
would have been achieved. They h ive held
conventions which h ive never been advertised,
w hich were composed of no regularly elected
delegates from the various churches, which
bad no system of centralization, and whose
very existence was unknow n to the general
public. Jf they expect to achieve success,
they must adoptJaniMher plan circulate freely
the question among the people; let the pulpits
speak; let the press be heard; and by con
certed action a triumph may he procured.
The leaders of the measure proposed, not to
simply add to the Preamble a concise sentence
acknowledging the supreme power of the
Almighty God, but to alter the text of other
portions of the article. The paragraphs which
were rounded by the pen of Hamilton
or Fua.nk i.i.n cannot have their rotundity
made more perfect by any member of the
Church or State of tho present d iy. It Is
simply presumptuous to attempt to correct ;
the only allowable uction is to amend, not In
word, but in Idea, not in tho phraseology, but
In the tact.
We deem It both Just and proper that a
recognition of Divine Power should be made.
When Conntantink held aloft his banner
with tho cross Inscribed, bearing thu motto,
"By this we conquer," victory was vouch
safed to him, aud the Komau Empire reached
a grandeur and power w hich all her heathen
emperors had failed to attain. Let us, then,
add to our national instrument an humble
acknowledgment of the Almighty's power;
let us place upon our "Magna Charta," as we
have upon our coin "In God wo trust."
Then will victory like that of Consta
tisk be granted to us, and a nation abound
ing in power, freedom, and enterpriso hold
under its authority all our American continent.
Tho omission In the original of this recog
nition was purely accidental. Would u man
like Wahiiinotov, with his high religious
sentiments, not lend his mighty Influence In
favor of such an amendment, If it bad been
called to Ills notice? Would Fiianklin have
consented to thus wilfully Insult Deity? It
was an oversight ; and it is reserved lor us, the
posterity of the great originators, to perfect
their work, to wipe out tho Insult, and to
place our nation right in tho eyes of God
uud man.
It may be argued that such an action would
bring religious disputes into the civil Govern
ment, that it w ould tend to a union of Church
und State. Such an action as we lavor savors
of no sect, of no creed, but Is the universal
sentiment of every intelligent man. That
there is an Almighty Power, which governs
all, no sane and moral man of the nineteenth
century will be prepared to deny. None can
therefore take offense at such an amendment.
The religious sentiment of our land demands
it, the progressive spirit of the present age
compels it, and the duty wo owe to God and
our fellows culls upon us to recognize Jehovah
in the fundamental Instrument of our free
"KEnr'Ei iKict:s."
"It never rains but it pours," and the be
leaguered citizens of Richmond, according to
the Whig, must have realized the truth of
this old proverb last Saturday, aud blessed
their stura that it proved veracious for once.
They have long had a reign of Want a very
disagreeable reign, to bo sure, and one not
entirely calculated to promote physical de
velopment or mental quiet. Tho absence of
"something to cat" is generally keenly felt by
those who are so unfortunate, in such a case,
as to possess au appetite. Precisely in such a
predicament have been tho Richmond people
for sundry months past, at least since the
Wcldon Railroad was occupied by General
Ghant. Provisions have turned up scarce,
Potatoes were rare turnips were rarer and
butter, "hog und hominy" were rarest tho
last two articles being especially the favorite
dishes of the chivalry.
Hut lost Saturday, Ceres, or some other
classic goddess tho Richmond editors aro so
fond of Roman and Grecian mythology-
poured upon them such a shower from her
cornucopceia, of corn, wheat, rye, oats, and
barley, that they held a perfect jubilee, and
" prices were reduced." The Whig goes into
ecstasies of delight over the prospect of a good
dinner ut cheap rates. " Corn meal," It says,
" went oil freely at (40 per bushel ; dressed
turkeys sold at f15 apiece ; und chickens, with
the leathers on, brought $10 a pair; pullets,
full size, sold at $.1 and fed each ; and eggs
were only $7 per dozeu."
Truly moderate prices for moderate peoplo
and moderate means. Wo are not surprised
when these prices are considered, that Jeff.
Davis never Issues a Thanksgiving proclama
tion, hut, on the contrary, advises hi s subjects
to pnfronlo "fasts." The frequency with
which he urges sell-ubnegatlon upon tho Con
federacy in the mutter of "eating," has ofteu
astonished the North as well us tho South.
P.ut the secret may be found In the scarcity of
supplies, und tho extraordinary high prices
demanded lor turkeys, chickens, pullets, and
eegs, nil indispensable on a Thanksgiving
i occardon.
Could J hit. Davis not manage, now that
j prices are reduced," to get tip a Thanks
i giving lu honor of " Hook's great victory ut
Franklin." and the prospect of "RhkhmaVa
total annihilation" In Georgia f It Is prudent
jolicy, for by the time that " Hoot takea
Nashville," and "Nhkhmak Is cut to pier:-,''
turkeys, corn meal, etc., will have gone up
with a rush. Let the people eat, drink, and lie
merry while " pi Ices are reduced."
oi r Nt-.w riiir.- ji nth i:.
The Appointment of the Honorable Sai.mox
Pokti.anii ('mask to the highest Judicial posi
tion ot oui land lifts given universal satisfaction.
The claims which Mr. Ciia-su had to the
position we presented at large, In our editorial
on the "Chief Justiceship" a few days ago.
By the I'nioii party he lias been held a a
leader, if not the head ot the organization
which achieved so grand a victory at tho polls.
For that triumph the country Is indebted in no
small degree to the distinguished ex-Secretary
of the Treasury. His comprehensive
m ud will now have a vast field for develop
ment ; his love of freedom will enable him to
decide, like A Christian American, tho cases
that may come before him for adjudication.
His flnc legal attainments assure tho whole
nation that the prido they have always felt In
Marshall's erudition, nnd In Taxky's'wIs
dom, will not be lessened in the new oppolnt
niont,and that his devotion to freedom will place
him foremost on tho roll of our Chief Justices.
We congratulate the loyal North upon the
op ointment. It Is fitting, it is proper, and is
only what might have been expected from the
pievious actions of Mr. Lincoln.
r.i r-i.AMHH!
We are glad to learn that the lessee of the
Walnut Street Theatre has bail the good sense
to reluse to allow that establishment to be
longer used for Sunday night performances.
The following correspondence explains
'I'iiii atiei eiiiA, December lS'H. Br. S. M.
Lamms Dear ."sir: since aecitig ou yestcrd iv.
so much complaint bns been made, of the pro-
cecuincs on last isaobutti cvennitf, that for tlio
interest of the Theatrcand Mrs. ( i muiltson's per
sonal interest, 1 am requested to return you ttic
filty dollars paid yesterday for next JSuad vyeven-
wu. in casi) it was oci nplcu as iielora wo nave
pood icuson to apurchcuU a serious ilisttirhauce,
wlin h utiisou us to act in time, to prevent. Ke--rrettimr
that you cannot carry out your lectures
i lntemiiu, i am, very rcspecttuiiv, etc.,
"v: n. pit x,
"Agent for Mrs. M. A. ('ariiktson.'
We Incline, however, to believe that the
only serious disturbances that could bo appre
hended were tho natural manifestations of
popular disgust towards an adventurer who,
under the guise of a sacred profession, would
lure crowds to listen to personal abuse of
our most venerated and esteemed citizens.
'1 he pastor of tho First Progressive Christian
Church may attempt to salvo his wounds with
flaming advertisements, charging his martyr
dom to tho persecutions of clergymen, but
those of the public who have a leisure moment
to bestow upon the subject, will attribute his
ill fortune to tho Inherent Dustiness of the doc
trines which on week-days are expounded
to audiences of either sex exclusively.
1 he Clinnicea 1 be Apoiulment ofjuilfce
Nlieeil a Attorney. Jeneral.
Since Mr. Lincoln's inauguration in March,
1 f-Gl there have been five- changes only in his
Cabinet: Mr. iSUmtun for Mr. Cameron, Mr.
Usher fur Mr. Smith, Mr. Kessendcn for Mr.
Chase, Mr. Dennison for Mr. IMair, and Mr.
Speed for Mr. Bates. The scats in the Cabinet
arc now tilled as follows :
Secretary of fttutc Wm. II. Soward.
secretary of Wur Edwin M. Stanton.
Secretary of the Trent ury.. . Win. P. FesscnUen.
Secretary ut ttie Navy Gideon Welles.
Secretary of the Interior.... John P. Usher.
rnstinaner-tieiierul niium Hunmssn.
Attorney-General James 8. Speed.
Jiiilue James 8. Speed, of Kentucky, thu newly
appnin'cd Atturney-Gonoral, is a resident of
i.musMiic, ivy., aim was norn near mat city.
His father was one of the roost extensive farmers
and slaveowners in Kentucky. His mother, who
i.j mill living, ut tlio advanced agoot nearly ninety
years, m j.uinsviiic, ims nan twelve cnuuicn, ouo
uf win nn, Joshua Speed, an cldor brother of tlio
subieet of this sketch, was for many vcars the
tinsum li lend, anu tor a snort time ttie parinor ol
t'resideut Lincoln, i Ins gentleman is also still
livluK ut Louisville, where ho enjoys an enviu'ile
character us an able lawyer und influential,
enterprising citizen.
Jumes s. speed nas not ncen prominently
beforo the country as a politician. In 1819. durum
the vltcmpt to emancipate the slaves in Kentucky,
and make th State a true ouo, Mr. Speed took u
prominent part in tuo contest us an emancipation
Ut. His party was badly defeated, und, having
cxpiesscu in the contest views wliieu were oim ix-
ious to tho larL'O maiority of the voters of Ken
tin ky , Mr. Speed hud declined to attempt to attain
any political i-uccess. Since that period he has.
tl.eio ore, confined himself to the pvac ice of l iw,
and has long been as among the tirst
lawyers of his native State, ranking with Hous-
Stati and several others who liivye figured more
prominently Iban hlni-elf during the w:ir. About
thico years (ui Mr. Sueed treed ull l i) slaves.
committing himself entirely to the policy of
In the bet-inning of the Rcbolllon Mr. Spend,
witn ins brother Joshua', Gencm! Itousseau, Juu
Harlan nnd oil-era, assu i ed a determined stand
iu oi p .siiion to the neutral position farced upon
Kentucky ly tLe conduct of her uutlioi'itio.H,
b l coiiiined himtclt to iiuiei thoui.'ti earnest
eiloiis io btay the current which was fitst curry
ing theStute out of tho Vnlon. On August 17,
lrti.1, uu cpportun;ty oll'cred itself to tho Union
men lo take fou.e action usaiust tho s-'eessun
i-ts. und Jiidvc SpecJ, as tho Union leader, de-
term in u to tukc advantage- or it. i he secession-
1-ts ot the eitv had called a meeting of sympathy
with thu South, and had curly inu-.tcred their
stKi.uth at the io in House.
Their lenders were on the stand, which was
liaiiueoinclv decorated wiiu white or "peace
fl igs, awaiting the tilling of the hall by their
friends, and somewhat anxiom at the appearance
of numerous well-known Unionists or "aboli
tionists." as they were then called by the Helie
sympathizers. Everything was in readiness "to
open the peaco mectim.'. und Jumts Trahue, the
principal accession leader, had risen to rail the
usseniblv to order, when Judce Speed nu eilv
walked upon the stand aud approa bed tho de-k
prepared lor the chairman, tie caiiad tne a ten
lion ot the house by rapping on stttud witu
bis cane, knocked aside with art jf of contemi
the "peaee flags" on cither side of llm, and wm
a' out to peak, when he was Interrupted br th
U i or of Ihe ltebel leaders, who insUted that tlie
h inse was iheirs, and that tho meeting was to ha
a dresseif by ttieiu. Amid the excitement a
above the rlumor which ensued was heard the seen-
ti r an voice ot General L II Run-svau propositi:;
ultima ojh'cii aa prc&iuem ui mo uioukiug.
of the
rit'bcl unit perfectly calm anil cool, Mr. Speed
reached orwsrd, removed the whit- flam from
(be sihihI, Atifl tmturl4 two amall mar pani?led
tiiinnri hi their fiend. In nn Instunt, a it by
pifcnrcetteit Arrnnpoiiifinf, from illllerpnt parts
1 1 it; e ha' I hope Anil miisII United States Hair
were unfurled, and ten minutes ntlcrirardt the
ScceHslonlsts IihiI left I lie hall, amid the Krnan of
the loyal ritlnrs. Jutlprs Speed nnd Harlan, and
Mears. Wolfe, ltousseaii, and other, followed
in Mmi'i; Union nnd nnti-iicutriil npece In-, and
ihc meeting adopted sirctal very strong reso
lutions. Next to General Tfoiissrau's estntllhnient of A
1'tiion reirtiltin'T rump opposite l.on(ivtllc, this
RtUIr wn the tirst determined S'cp taken Lytic
CiiioniMs of KentneKy to kecpttie Sta'e in the
Thiol). Shortly afterwards it s follol hy
Itnui-seau's oceupat on of the city with bis bri
p -iile, and tho conclusion of the farce of Kentucky
ni utiality. since this period Judge Sper 1 tins
In cn t npnpnl in ahiing tho can-e ot the Govern
ment ns a pi ivntc citien. and to his inllticn e nnd
example in Kentucky the mlinttii -tt at i-ti of Mr.
Lincoln I n.uch induhtrd for the support which
It ri cc ived In ( lie- late i h rtlon
Mr. Speed i- nLotit fiftv years of ne, and Is yd
in the vpor of his powers, lie it slmrt in st tore,
and, though squarely built, is somewhat thin in
api curnnco. The reputation ns a lawyer which
lie had previously won, und his inlluenee with tlnj
military powers at Louisville, have of late year-i
very much AiiMiicntcd his hnsiness. 1L-formed
n copartnership in the law business with Smmiol
11. Smith, which is still continued in their joint
l, nines.
f A KKI Fit.
fi'N - IHDV -On llir Kth lntnnt . Iiv thu tlev. Wm.
I. I I tl;n, Mr. A.MllKllsL T. HH Hi Jli-l K 111 M.
Ill 1.1.
aH' It'. It.
roilHI-On ll.c All, lnomt, vvuv ASS
ll.ila rl l.ootli nn.l ilMUhler ir tho lull- Slatllie'
w!fi nf
tii ii, In II. e Si'.tli yeftr of tier ap.
1 In- relator nl trtena .-i llir- family nrr- rip tfallv
InvlnrJ to ettenil her funeral Irnm her lmliariil' n-sl-itmei'
Nn 1W4 N. Kroul hi net, nliove l.iiiin'1, on Tllar
ilr iiuiriiliik. nt It n'cluek widnjul lurtliur uutictt. To
proeeeil tu Laurel 11111.
Itoltll'. On tlie morrjlnc rif Hie fitti tnotnnt, of rrotin.
WAL'I KK SI Klcl.lM'. nun vtJttuoaiKl Ouorve F. lkirie,
lueil 4 veHrs inl 6 dayi.
I In- rt-ltttlvpfl a ai irieinls of tlio family are re!nt'un.v
Itotteil tuittli nil hiii liiin-ral, finin lilii imreni' n-ilil-D -c.
l'nul nlreet nlnoo Ortho'lux. Kruiiklnnl. on 'I hars lay
auernuuii, at i o'clock. To proccuit to C'oila. Hill Ceme
tery. lit NTON On Pnnitnv. at tVnililnioon. T). f , of
pneumonia. Hr. K"Ili KT(1. niNTi N. In the 3' Hi voar
ol hi lo-e. New York and lloston paiem ileae civ.
Wli I.IAMSDN. i in the Sib. instant, IS A Br. L 1., wife
of Unlit -s. lllliimson.
Due notlcu w in ho hivpd. oi ine Mineral.
11 V. I) U C T I O X
VEI.Vl'T I10NNETS main evor on the latcit Framm
al a moilwate eort. FELT BONNETS AND HATS, KB
with considerable leisure time, would like tn devote a
iioriirai of Ir lo eoDvlnir or IranseruaiiL- manuserint, au
di osa " M. F. S
' Western Unbl'.u.tlilUdtlphla. 11-7-61'
1 t-any ha
BS this day declared a quarterly dividend ol
Kiil'Iirfcm'EST . payable at their oihce on ami alierlli
Utth Jieceiblier. The Tran-ler Hooks w ill no closed rroin the
l-.tli to Iheiuili hut. Inclusive. An Issue of Won shores
sn ek, at M per share to stockholders, Ih the proportiou
ol one share lir every lourleen sbares held by I hem raspee
liv.lyoutlie l.'.ih instaut, aud tu be paid oa or before the
2Jil umlaut. 1 nuthiir.ed lor the purpose of paying oil and
caiiielling liouds to the anumm oi tViil.uuu, reduclug the
b.-iided iltbtoi the Compauv to 0.Mi.
JUBUPli II. IHJI.I.E8, rre iilent.
I leeember ri, 1(111. 12-7-ilt
1 !fsiliinal Commercial Ciilles. Assembly HiilMiins,
T i? . ...... i i si i il .ml IIKHNr-r Mi-eels. Tun
ni. st exicuslve and oompleiai Institution of tte kind In the
0 lln!.'?.' k . f.,11 orenaratloll for til duties
u .,..,., I, nines ol active business III', are Invite J to
, ali n ml exuu.lue Iho fc lities allordcd at thi Instl-
union. t. m .
Call or send for a clr. ulsr- ij-t-w s
exei-llent opportunity to '". ffl'"'!
banrwrl I 'U. I" now allonled at IlKl AS 1 . ri 1 Kl .1 lt-
Klt'S Nalional t oiniuert-'ial Coileue, Assembly
il.iiin.,. si. w corner of OIK
l I anu i r. s r,ii.-i.
T aiidTKStllStreeis,
: ....v..i.. ...i.u. a.v .ir iiveninu.
l'he Npencerlan sys
i,o.i,,,-t oenmaushlp is taught la Us purity . (!all
iritv. t:a!
.ml t (amine siwoluieas.
Jfe lir mediately put the question to
A ft'Stenlng "Aje1 (!rnwne,i nie ny,,rt"
r ii i: i n a k i:
tl'ITAfj U,0..
IOO.ixh) .shakks, TAR !0.
o.0,fX. ( nsii Worktiu; Capital.
T. iiaskin'h du puy,
Fi'iililent nf lav C'auultflB Railroad Company.
vn r. riii suii.NT,
Of the Durdwarr Brm of Tniltt A Co., Vo. '.is Market St
1 1tl'.AHt'HI.R,
OlWork, McCicii'i A Cd., H inkers, Si, Ml S.Thli i itf ut
E. B. HH'll.MtllH.
oi Oeiinautown,
WM. T). SIIKl'.l'I'.BD, Insurant An.
I GUt'ltOK I". WAT,
of late Ur.v i.ooili flrm of J. T. Way 0-1.,
CanhiiT Muutti Chunk Hank,
riW AUD HlIU'l'tN.Enj.
The property of the Irnkt Petroleum Company connUta
of two tracts ot liinU.ono of two hundred and fltljr-Mvrai
n.-ie and ene ot two liiindrc-k and lxty-Uveacrei,mtkiBC
in all five hundred and twelve acres, In fee, on the Cald
well nraneh ot Oil Creek.
The property has been critically examined hj a Corn
inittoc appointed fur that purpoie. and the territory pro
tiourceil, In tin ;r.iichimenl,to he fully eiiai to that on Ol
Crc k, along whleh the largest oil wells ever discovered
hsve been found.
The lands resemble those on Oil creek In every partlm
lur, and It Is hcltevcd, from the lame number of ol
springs in e'ete proximity, that valuable wells will t on both these traets.
The niaiianemeiitbive already secured several ciulnM
anil engaged a ouipetent superintendent, with a view to
liumediuto nnd enerwetie development.
A iHiire portion ol these tracts Is bjttom.'and admlrabby
adiii ted fur boring.
Sive-ul comp. mes are organised on lands Immediately
ndjolnlur this territory, among which aro Die Brings and
Cresciiit Oil Companies of Philadelphia.
Iu presenting the Drake I'airoh urn Company to Uia
public, the l irectors ank that their scheme should be ex
amined, and subscription made to the Stock In full fattls
aa to its present aud piospectlvo value
T. IIASKIN8 BC I'UT, Freildcnt.
THOMAS D. WATTf-ON, Vice-FrcsldeDt.
BAMCKL Vt'OHK, Treasurer.
cubscrptlclK will ho received at the Banking Bouse of
Ho. SG 8. TIIIKU 8lreet.
I A Frc or Itovaltv Interest on one of the most valu
able tracts nt oil. LAND, ON Oil, CHBKK, VKNANUO
CUIIM V, 1I.MMS1L ANlA. It lie ut the juiictlanof
and covers about lbil acres of ground, upon which Are
nnuierous hit AHKS. with over HIXI'Y WEl.l.ll thereon,
either prnilueini.-, or In progress and nearlv finished. The
I.V.HriKKM are daily bi.-giiinlnir other wells oa sites vet
unoccupied, us there is room lor ONE HUNIlltEU addi-
"'i'lrose'ln'use arc both rT.OWINO AKD PDMPIVa
WIlULU, one ol which lias flowed
The Worklns Interest of onenf the New Wells, sold last
week, uiuoug the tpcrulives themselves at the rate of
128,fKX) rOK THE WELL,
and TIIHRE Af'lti.S reserved by the original owner fur
bis rehtdi nee. sold also at the rale ol $7isi,ouU
hueh an opportunity, it is believed, has not been reoentty
ofreted. ami wouiil make a producing basis of sucl value
as to afford an immtuise cuplial.
Apply Ui
C. Tl. T)ir-(iAy,
1M Vo. iilii WALNUT Street. '
altendlnii HltVAMT. Sl'KA'l IIJN ,v B AN N IS I Ell S Tele
trniihlc Inntltule, M E. corner 01 Nl-.V KNTII and I'll l:H
MliT Hlreets, either day or evening. The stutlents ot tliia
Institution have all the advantages of a regular Telegraph
Line, and are lnud laiuihur with overy detail and duty of
an otllee.
Young men and ladies wh) desire a full knowledge of
this art would consult their own interests byaitondjog
this school. 1J 7 w
tinted paper, very
Elegant editioni for presents; ost
handsomely bound. Price from li
to 110.
IB A V Hit BOOKS r.r the Pew, bound In arabosiue or
sticep,from il to $2.
PI1ATEH HOOKS fo; Sun !uy Fchools, from 50c. to$l.
DRIFTED 6N0W-1 LAKES. A volume of Rellgioua
Poetry. A l eauilfiil a'f: t" a u'nus fileud, or tu th sick,
or sorrowing. Froi.i 1 i' lu 1.
KITTY TKF.X VLYON. It the author of "The Rclioubarf
(otta Family.'' Price, $1 ;.
to Head. 4 volumes. 18 colored Illustrations.
TBa.POF.T8. Illustrated. 1 1 pur volume.
THE FOF.Ti'. lilue aud gold, and greeu and gold
per volume.
AU the new llx-k received as soon as published.
Selected frotn tn varion Church Hook Societies and
prlvut publishers.
Also a large assortments Itl'HTIC FltAMES. BOOK
No. mi HEBNUr fi'l'RI'ET,
12-7-10-12-117 l'i-3V.'.M rblladeipliia.