TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAm. riULADEtrnU, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1804. WF.DNKSDAV, Hrl f.M RR 7, MM. I.iisr or rxciifwi" mmnr.BH AKKMI(1 riHM VAStfAlI. The following n'hlition.V t unes of ruturncl I'ennaylvaiila prlMm'-re. fn'tr 'iiiv.inQHli fe ivo been (fiitninhid us liyoiir :tcr from Anna poll." : Tli Fi-hif, Co I, rn- .Inn .1 l'oril, O, ?0lh (.v; Oil) Mcmilih. U, JHth Civ; K, (t Ithoilro, C, 17li iiv: I'. Hill Civ; UcnrT Ca- , H, ll'liOiv; ; t. Kutiinc, t, 1 1 tb Cav; Sun AniU'i-on, I.. Iltli U.I lturi li irt, I. , lttli Cav; iei lli-li.. tun- i, It, llili Cav ; 4 t.HS M'i'iin. K , .""ti 'av;.iiim lewiirr, I IKIi Cm; Win Wlinv.nl. I , J'irli Cav; A 11! I cr, A, '."'ill Ciiv; Al-vn- or Wmlici ill, K, K'lli Cm ; Wm IIiT'roll, K. I!' U Cav; W lVl-r-oo, I-'-, lOlli Cav ; M M.rtin. A. l li C.n ; Nn thnn Iii nilcrion, I, I7tli C. ; "ilin I. l ink, A. iidCnv; W U I Mint), (,J'I . Sjt M II l.u e, I, 2d Cav i Cori Jusinh Cini'tit, J i Cuv ; Kl Conruti Slrtientop. C, 'Jl Cav; II J in s, K, l:h Cuv ; Sj:t JutiD Momv, U, 4th C:nniv; .'aim S li"l Ih rl, M. "Mil Chvm'iv ; v.t !l I. itler. I.vMCav: John Price, I', JMh Cav: Tiu-i DhIihh, I',, jt'i Cut; John Ornr'f, I, Mh Cu ; Oct It itli.'l, hi, lUhCiv; ) I) ll.wtrM, ti- un-tcr, K, 1 1 til Civ ; II C l.lau-y, 1"., 1 lib Cav; l).t.,.ol Kn-cu'' irjrcr, II, 14 tli Cav ; .Ijiiu-b SimtiH, II . 1 I'll Cav ; I're.l'k lrkliv, 1), 1-lthCnv; Kii'n II i-ntt, 1", I ltli Cav ; J W iiunliip, (), 7th Cuvalrv ; Corp .liitni'i llur (li n, (i ; I, II Walker, ii, Cavalry ; J W I.'itit;, i, 12 li Cavalry ; John W llr.-'ner, A, Jil ll-avy Artillery ; Sntniicl Canfirty. A, I'd Artillery II Abraliiitns, A, 'id Artillery; li'liu Sliimp, A, :M Attlllery ; .linnet Harris, A, '2 M Infaiury ; Ale-; Mi ("am, K, 6ilil ; Sft John Chr stnan, 11, -t.i'i ; L. 1) Hort, I), 14.1th; denrce IHilson, I), 1 I itli ; Chir.es Oaklev, It, 14.1th; J II Kualiniok, II, K.'.th ; II 1 Hills, A, 1 loth ; I J M Serjeant ( icoruo JleMnliBti, 1 lilili ; W 11 Nyciim, hi, 1 Hih ; Joseph Newell, I), 4 itli ; (ieo Uneutur, B, Hist; Corporal James Connolly, li, ti-'ld ; Wale- A-liron, U, ti l l ; L Totter, (i, Utli Hes; John Darrisli, K, .iOtli ; Jaiob lliniinermnn, I, SOtli ; Ceorjre K I'rtco, K, li'.Mh ; l'utrick Uuiglev, K, (Mltli ; Tims Corson, I-, f.Kth: Adam (jitter. V. Wih: Jaines MeKorn, II, KKilh; K Dennv, 1, lOdth ; Jos K'les, 1', lOiltli ; j Ji on w el. her, r, lontu; namuei MeLantue-s, u, Klitbj Jn II Smith. V. lnt'.th; Corp J Hounh ton, V, lOfith; Sgt K Wlnimryer, , lOtitn; Spt Wra H Kitehen, F, lnOth; J V Spencer, C, lOfith; Jacoh B Miller, C, ll.sth; M V Douil, H, llHih; J H Villirndcrfcr, drum major, 1st llei; Levi Myf r, I, 7h : M sea Smilh, U. Kith ; f Ht Jog Chirk, G, lMd ; Thos Sprinufield, II, 72iJ ; 8gt J W McDonald, -d; Wllluun Sey mour, H, lHItu ; .las A Wilson, II, lU'AI ; Theo W illi;inifon, I), 4'Jth ; Aa Sim mson, B, Id Ke servn; DCictTninB, K, l-'th lies; Jno Weaver, ',oCtfa ; I R Stiililtnan, I, lhltU; E McMano mon, A. fisth; Michl Murphy, I), 61st; J Jones, A, Mth ; Jaeoti Suilor, C, 9f,-h; I'.tnl Sailor, C, Utiih ; Wm Dcllaven, T, f7lh; Jas II CiinninK ham, V, 1 tOth ; Jno (ilenn, (), 2d Cav ; Jno Ain lier, K, 72 I ; Jno Allen, , 7-'d ; Wm Wilson, A, 112tli ; J F Welsh, K, .Villi ; Strgt V II Haskins. K, Kllth; Joh Wallers, F, lil tU ; T Miller, jntU Ca; Hnbt Uher, K, JOthCnv; A L Fowler, I, 14HIU ; Jno Ko't, K, t'dst. ; K Y Sliull, 1, 6 ld ; J Hand, 1, li.l'l ; Sumnol Dradley, 11, 7'Jth;(lwen liraidy, O, 72d; P FO'Doniiell, musician, H,7lh; James M. Curiy, I, t:id ; Bk' Jones liraduury, C, IKith; Miller Kvans, K, lOOiu ; .lames Leonard, F, 101st; James V Miller, F, loud ; W II Cunninn lisin, miifician, A, lti;id; Kdward Kocruach, II, 1 lHth ; William V Chceny, F, l i 'tli ; William Tay lor, D, lHId; II M Hinard, V, lth Infantry; George W Btrauser, privnto, K, 134th Infantry; Jhujci Donauhoe. D.ti'Jth : U W Bassard, hi. loth l'a Hi serves ; H U Carter, A, 1 .!hu ; Drum-Major William Carroll, C, 14.1th; Serjeant J W Frost, I, (Wd ; Berceaitt Nathan Trine, Q, 14 5th ; Sergeant 1) O Gordon, C, 'Jlh Cav; Sergeant Ales Gilsin, K, Ut Heavy Art; Serg't R A UutchinBon, L,4tli Ci,t; Serg't Jus L Jones, C, lliith; twrg't JolinL llarnes, A, 14IUh ; Bi rg t It II Cross, II, 7Mth ; Geo Walker, L, 'Jd Cav; Sog't Geo Wiegand, F, ad do; Serg't C S Murks, I, 4ih do; Alex II Vilon, K, 8th do; Geo S Brock, 11. Mth do; Jos West, M, do; John A Joseph, II, 1 ltli do; Jos W Mor ton, A, l.Sth do; Jos W Hart, 1', 2d Art; Lewis S A'cough, A, do; Sam Giindsom, B.Gih Reserves ; Jul,n A Brooks, C, Ktti do j Jos Carson, K. 27tb: Gcomu Dunlop, li, .llth; James M Holland, C, Cot Alexantier Carl, K, do; 11 C Scrlnimlnger, Oih do; Jacob Christian, B, 3d Light Art; Chas Gray, II, ll.lth; Jacob Neill, E, 5(hCav; Israel Menges, ,'iltli; WM.ick, K, 6th Cav; S 11 Devlin, K, 7th Hcserves ; W 11 Johns, H, 118th; WmCreelram, I, do; John Lit tle, K, 71st; John Corcoran, U, do; A Little, A, 120th; Corporal II F Heigel, F, 181th; Esau Powell, C, 1 Kith ; Wm Colton, II, 12IUU; Charles Gotwall, A, 67th; Henry Shaffer, G, 7th lies; Frail- McClarrcn, I, (i'.lth ; John Fay, K, llsth; JI E Williams, do; A II Ar. old, II, 1st Cav ; E Austin, E, 72d ; II C Gilbert, V, lS.ld ; O Mead villc, F, 7i;th;Wm T Illume, G,20th Cav;T Malone, 11, 87th ; U W Hoyer, .V, 2d Heavy Art ; ISgt M Kellv, C, lS7th; U llyland, A, K2d ; Corporal K Connor, C, l.iOtlt ; A Koch, K, 51th ; Dcvilbli.-s, D. 1 rt t.Ii ; Sgt W J Wood, 11, llih Ke-erves; P W Hoopes, A, 1st do; Honry "Wikc, C. 7'h do; W 11 Alvord, E, aid Infantry; John Jackson, F, 2d Heavy Art; Philip Ansty, E, f)6ih ; Wm Sweet, A, 1 ltli Cav ; 1 White, bugler, L 11 h Cav; Israel Mungon. F, 5tth; Herg't D Cement, EK 145th; John Harsh, E, 60tb; W Nottingham, D. .I'lth ; Jolm Keating, A, Sth; Geo Anderson, E, o.Hh; Corp II Anthony, II, finth; J J Burger, F, llsth; Ji.o Hanks.F, ldltk; 11 B Blackburn, A, luith ; Jas II Benson, B, 72d ; M Breniieinan, B, 12th Civ; ii S Russell, A, 17ih ; C Beumes, C, llsth ; Jos E Wilson, F, 90th ; H C Peterson, 11, H7ih; N Sfeker, E, i7lh ; Jno Deper, Fi, 54lh; Isaac Matterson. G, NStb mtd hit; John Kanni y, 11, .VitU u td inf; Win Ma haddy, K,o;ld ; Ja Wharton, A,S8th; E Bchney, C, l lfith ; Wm Chisholm, C. t itli ; S G Coyli.er, F, llHih; Patrick Connor, II, ..:id; JWCurlcy, G, 17ih Cav; T F Devnm, A, 7 5th; Thos Dilton, E, Kid; Alex Forbes, 11, !7tt; E J l'atzanger, A,U7th; Thus Uapl, I, lliitii ; Wm Howard, A, 65th; C-rp Unwell Lin o n, II, 4th Cav; JW C Mi Curdv, k,Hi:ld; A Vt ittminn, 1, 2d; F McCnrty, O, ll'.Hh ; U M tfirt 1- auis Mullen, 4 ith ; Jacub Mil er, E, 11th Cav; Henry Ochs, E, 4th Cav; A I'ennv, K, lii:ld; K I, ithroek, II, 78th ; Corp John P Huter, hi, -"lst , David llorton, F, HBd ; C II Hoskins, M, 11th i!av: F Jacobie, A, (ith Res; W O Ktiess, J, I i3d Res; John D K rlpatiick, D, 4th Cav, U D i-yons, F, (ith Res: 11 Fi Lewis, O, S-'il ; Samuel Lord, B, 12th Cav j Corp John Stntifoa'ge, (i. 17'h Cav; O W Sober, V, 14iuh; W C Smith, L, 2n Ii Cav; Georgo V Smith, II, 10.ith; Cotp DA s ike, 1), lU.id; John V Set,ni te. E. 87th: Sut J i , idi Thompson, C, bilih; George Tin tney li, S7 h ; H Vandeil, A, 2d Heavy Art; John J Wc.ivi-r vl, l.itli Cav; r M Wilson. 1.4th Cav: W II W ilteman, A, 18ltb ; 8 Wber, D, I'.itU ; D You K, Cth Res; P Churcliiii Id, E, oith; Will ,u Grimes, D, 7otU Cav; W M Muenour, B, lltli. a .,nt.. B n nibAil tu tn 1 1' In tli a Snrrpv TIlP.i ...,.!.... lit. r Itii i hiini'h t OtiP.tiitlfl (if a th)3V ILI C, A-i ij u- u , j r " - i j auilor, wlio aliometl "Fire." A (leiicral rusU was niada towttroa ibe doors, inul lie antral was witu uitlivully alUijfd. No livfs wre lost, Imt scvcrnl women faiiiteJ itml ' ro tv. rely cruslieU. At a recent mli'of rtti a'H.iijrapli collection at Koti.e, thrre ruicipis tor uioc.y paid, all of tlmm hiiilily ii.tcrestiun. I'LaiiJ uaudb; one by lira mante, auoilur by Midline! A.melo, und the third Lv It. ilai-1 e. M ifli iid A' c!o reciliits for the sum oi'twilve buudri'd m uili, wiich wua a balance owiiiR to litin lor tbe n" Miuitut ot Julius Iba Fei-ond ; Batlaclle iecived oik- hundred scudiliora pmurr, liih hi ai'knowk.ilii wiib the lollow. Fug voidl : "lo lltl'uljU't ,iino Itonciuto Jcuili cuutu d'uto ut ih;.mi." MUa Fry er. a la.W fo-tin-.ly resident In Edin barub, and who una jnt fiu.l in Englund, hdS left a vi ry lurgu autu, i i to amouut to about Ixty thousanu imunds, tor Scotto eharitios, in c udii'Kix'ei'n thousand pounds to the Edinburgh Kojal lntinnary, and iwo mousiud jHiuuds to wards the fund lor tli emiuwuieiit ot the Wuot 1'ort'firritorial l'rte Cbnrc'i m Ediuburgb. NEW FUB ST0lRE, No. r; AIU'II MlthET. The llo f ri ri'tf"''v lnf"rm. til r-tr'm. sua (lit1 r i lle Id frneral, tht he hfcn now open d li tin atMiv lorr in aiortment f Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, Whtch, fcr Tarir'Tind qniHtf, rinn H t) nrrird by ny IfdiM In t rulte HtH', Hin the nana (urrr df all Ms rv.n. ni hvinu hnp-rfil all hit h.h k wrn irold wai timet) Itiwrr ihtn at ll. pr nrni ruvt ha can otter ilirin to il.t fntroi: tin mnrt rr iRniuiMi (rlcr. Al I- Vt'HC n.a'If fvl(T. btk! rTalritiK d-nr'n the t i Diaurcr ai.tl iktrtt lvl a. IIHMIY It ASK K. Inipor1 cr and Mtinnfarturer r I.MIII S AID Chll.liRF.N S ri Ks, ll ?: ltn N... SIT AH'II BTBKK.r AlHCH' FANCY KL'HH. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AHOA K SKVE'I II, at ins old establish i utohr, ln,poiter and Mauufactnrer of LAVIKS' AM) ( 11 1 LI)Ki:'!i My Mor'xnt of FANCY rt 1:8 for LJln and CMMna Ii low conpleu, mbracuii EVEUY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORN DVRING THE COMING SEASON. Scibomber the name and natubar, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 AltClI 8T1112KT, AMve Seventh, I DAVE KO PABTKEIl, OR OONKF.CTIOH WITH AST OT1IKRHTOHEIN THEOITT. I Mn 1SG4. XJL 1SG4. GLENN ECHO MILLS, OERMANTOWN. McCALLUM &. CO., WH0LK9ALII CABPET WAKEII0V8E, No. fiO) OllESNUT BTllKKT, THILADKLP11IA. 1SG4. lSb4. McCALLUM & CO., HKTAIL. UEPAIITMENT, No. 619 CUBSNUT STREET, 11-7 tl OPPOMTE INUEl'BNOCXCC E1ALL. CARPENTER AND BCILDER, Ho. 12 U AT TON PLACE, t.rtwcpn Cherry anJ Rata, Abovtj Kifihth atroet. Htorw Fittlna and JouUUur ol &il Kind promptly at tended to with duapatck. 12-4-lia GEORGE PLOWMAN, CARVKNTKR AND J BnUdcr, No. 7 CAKTKR Sirt, and No. Ul htH:(t Bireot. Alactii0 Work, and MiliwntfbilUfj ,romitly at tended to. H-3H rru THE rUBLI c. I'LTKLTION Or' COUMTJCKFEITEKS.. TKKAsmv DrrARTMrST, ( B'lT.triToK'ri Or uric, Octolier '2Ut lHi. ( ConRTOBS, hy an urt tort at tt liot at sslun. piacud a ConHait-ral'lt' anni of umiey at the (llspognlpr the Nvcrvtarj ul tte 'I rt anurv, to be rmjiloYi-d In Ihu prnBecuti"fl of mraiiurtti for the dittrtlon and puiithment of persona cnt,atd in ci'iiiittTd lting Trviinurv notes, fractional rur rm . and uilittrsccurltu-a of ihu t niU-d NUtt a. TnUfund is ck'vutctl to the pameiit of rrwarda to dH. ftlvct and. others tLruut.h whoin'Instruinontrtllty otriidTB arebroiu'tit to ii.atict-; aihI Un adialtilktratton, and the conduct ni tne nit'auiea rf;rrtd to art- pi ami, by order of the HftTftarj, unil r tht- imnifdiKte fetip-rvlin of the uudorlned, to h(iM all cdniumnlcatlons rc!atln therein, ur to Una erlenCh indtratt-d. ahotild b nddreta-d. LHritl rt-warda hae iUrt'ady been paid to aeveral paitiei who UaTe aidud ln the aj'prt hfT flon of countcrlftt'TJi. It in h.-;r. that the hthnuhia thua offfred, added to the inten-kt wtiirli all K od eit!zi!Di must ft-l in the aurtra aioo of crimes tending to Impair the credit of tha national Hti'iintu-a, and thua fiuheWTUMi all business orHTAtHna, Induco the earnest on-operaHou of all capable ot ailorduiK any aid In ttn fcfbrtt biln made by tho lpan luent for Uie atiulnDit-ut of that de.aliableend. It U espe cially urtv'td that ail persons lu.vinK a knowlfde of facta mm.. Mum to be knonn bvthe lnanmint, mncernliifr aurh otunsea, will C' tuiuuitkaia U.ui luliy and jrouiiUy ltibilNh rs ot newdpaiors throuahnnt the country wtH rcndi-r t ant'inlai srrlce tn the Government and the public bj fcivhit; coiibpicuotii 1'ubllcntlon t this card. Mf,-w3ra Solicitor of the i reaanry. raiaiK'B office, common council, j puii.AriKi.i'tna, Iecemher '2, IHi'A. In pursuance of the aiiuta-'d reaolutloa, the fuUIng Din, euiitica "AN OKI'ISAN'f'R CKEATINC. A LOAN TO PAY CBkTAII? PRiriKH t'IKi IN THtt t-AK Ih'.-, AND PHICVlJi;8 YLCAlttt," la berby published, In accordance witn the act of Asaeav Oly.for puiUo Inrwiaauon, HHAT.T, Clerk, of Coiuuion CouauU. AH OKIMNtWR CliF.ATIN A I. OAS TO TaV CERTAIN JlhH IKNC IKS OK T 11 K Y K A It lwli, AMI I'HItVHH rt iRaKH, Hcctlon 1. The he it-a and Couaioa Couuclla of tho City Of Philadelphia do ordain That the Maoro( Philadelphia -t and he la herehyaa- thiirlnl iittMirrnw on tU credit f t!lJ city, from time (t time, auc h sunn of iinmi'T aa may be nuesaary for the payment ol aurti aletl itjnclita as now eli, or which uxy exist on the flmt day of January, ltf, in the appropna tiuns to the aevral department of the cltv ffuvrrnment, (r the year eighteen hundred and eixty-four, or for pre vioum yearn, not esertdtng In the whole the auiu of two millK'HB rive nunnreu tnousann aonara, nr which hub rcu m( in pic nl the rate ul six oer centum ier annum, shall be paid haU t arlv, ou the ilrt daya u January and July, at the Aloe of the City Treasurer. The prlurlpal of said lean ahall be payahla and paid at the cKpliatlon ot thirty yeara from the date of the aanie. and not befnin without the omieiit of the holders thereof; and UiaoerUfl tes uieretor, in tne umiai iorm ot the crtinc.uea of City Loan, ahull be Issued In anch auiounia aa Uie lenders may re-jinre. dui not ior any irac tit ii nun df niiM hiindrtd dtillnrs. or. If reauirtfd.il ainounti. of Ave hundred or one thousand dollura; audit ahah be expressed lit natd eerttrlraba that the said loan theteln uit-mloiied, and the tmervat thurool, are payahla free from all taxes. Heitton'i. Whwiuver any loan shall be madrt by virtue then or tbtreibail be ( force of this ordinance annually appropriated out of the Ineoiuool Uie corporate euua and froiu the auw raised by taxation, a sum autMclemto pay the Intercut on bald ccrtlheatea ; and the further aunt ot three-it nth of una per com um ou tho par value of au ti certificates to Issued ahall be appro pnated i,uarl-rly out oi aaid Income and ia to a itink li g fiind.whiLh fund, and Ita accumulations, are hereby t-tpeciM y pledged (or thu rmUmptiou aud payuitulot laid ctrtincaiua. RRSOMTIOir Tn nnt.Hah a hiin Itlll tn liSV lleflclenrlet . Tfaolved, That the' era be authorised Ut publish In two datty newkpapera of thla rlty. dally, for four eeaa, tiai orull auee pre-mra m iumuu uttn uu uwva.-, 1w..i.il,url lHtU. Mitlilod "Au Oidlnam Cn atliur a Ixan ti payCertaln Dtflcteuclof of tne year anu previous yutum. AnAthM tkMl'erk.at the dtaud uieeiluif or loui.iim. after the expiration uf tour weefcs from the tlrai day of aid pubUralinn. shall present to this duikD one of eat h -if said nawspai era fur every day la which the Mine ahall hae tetu uiade. ' rj J3 1 i k FASHION. Pmall Profits, Quiik Stiln. 1J ATS AND CAPS. N K W EST STYLES, lxiwrit Prlrrj in ttw rtif . JJOUHNK, ? flmr-m S". 40 H. KIXTH KTHKBT. )I I ll.A 1 1 I-.L.IM I I A. s it a t j : i) i: i' o t . . LESLEY 4c CO., N'.i. t,7 MAIiKKT STKF.I-; T, S(hLI--. AGENTS 1'OU Ontorlif t allnl.'0 Sli-el Skatta, Ilrld.rr'n Imrrovpit I.ailt. a' aiul dAnt' HKaui, II. ( lark Patent l.aHi n' and Di'nta Hfcalan, Fl.impton I'atnt F.rcentrtc Fli.u- Sha'.i f, Khakr't I'atrnt H.-r Hkate. 1 he American Pau-nt Floor St ate. A full a"rt!ni,nt r all (tie above itvlei fi.nt.nt1y en liaiul. aa ell jm all Itieotliex Afletiva ! STI'.F.L AND WOOD-TdP SKATKS. I ' all i Pnt, nt Self Fatc olnir Hkates fallen wltkiat man, u l ( run stLK, w noi.Ksvi.r ami hi.tmi, , A I I U M . (il'.N lS' AND C IIII.DKKN S FAELOR AND ICE SKATES. J. 1). SHANNON, U Jtwimltll Ko. 1 MIKKF.T BTUHRT, AV KrYI.H Of HltA-XlilW LADIES, GENTS. AND CHILDREN, NKWllOLU II. TltOTXEH, 11 53 lis No. 91!) MAKKF.T 8TRK.RT. QHOVIill fc JIAItlJll'S HIGHEST PRtMIUIVl HKWINU MAOHINEH, 4-M No. 730 CHIESNUT Btrt. EILLCOX & AIBBS Sewing i Machines. Fo. 715 CHESNTJT 1 St., Philada. V II N I T U H CIIEAl'EST AND DEST. larlor Huits, lled-room and Clinor Hulte. I )I uln K-lloom H n 1 1 hi , Jvltclicri Fnrnltnroi Library find Ollloo Furniture, Ilouevliolil Furniture, OF EYEKY DESCUirTION, Either In Suit, or Single Flrcei, at Uie loircitpoulble pricca. (JOUI.D A CO.'S, Cnlon Ftimltiire llopota, N. E.C'or. VINTS aud MAHKBT, anil lMHwfmU K. E. Cr BECON1) ANU ita.CE um. FUllNlTOllU. ITa.tng boniM nwat ot mr material! before ttie lal great rUa, I am enabled to off- r mj atoik of FIKST-CLASS FURNITURE A a email aatanoe on old prlcoa. I. I.UTZ. HlO 3m No. ial 8. KLKVKNTU HTKKKT. J 001iHINO-CiI-iA.HU AM) HCTUHE FRAME MANUFACTORY. WM. II. MORGAN, Ko. 1108 N. KINTU 8TUBKT, Gilt Oval IliotograpU Frawea i0-Sia COUBTAirTlT ON HAND. QNIVIBSAL 0L01HE3 WKINQEB. THE "GREAT FAMILY ECONOMIZER." IT IS TUB BEST AXD ONLY RELIABLE WRINGER BETOHB TUB J EOI I B. IT IS THE MOST Dl'gADI.C MACUItlE MADE. It la the only Wringer with tho . r ATE NT COO WHEEL REGULATOR For tarnlnir b'.th rolTl tocthr, which poiltWflr prevnte thi rolil friini bre aKIug or twilling ou U.0 lliafl, aa all Wringeri wiihout . COG WHEELS Mill do. no matter how atroirglj it m&r be asserted to Uie contrary. it la not only a pertr-ct WrlnKr, hut the Orq Wheels rle ft a power whitkh ren(era It a most KX( KLLKST VV AHfif K, aa tesilflt d toby Uou-nU -aho have It in ue. It savca tiuie. litiior, ch'thea, and ru-ney. It wi 1 pay lr ttselMnthu HAVJMO OK CLOlHlNii aLONL every iU mnihs. KK.HT SlKH.The naual Family RUci are Ko. 1, Xo, 14, una lio. 'i. Iheao aav COO WilKIiOLiS, And ire warranted la every particular. Ns. U und n are not warramed or ronnmmended, tiav 1n so sniail rulia that Cok8 cauno be used, atOmuah thiy are oi tlw aame elae and price a Uioae aoidby olaer ui4Kvra. K. 1. UUIINHAM, Ko. r 8. SIXTH 1TUP.ET, PhUadelphla, 11 -28-mwilm Mauufacturera' Ancnt for Eait Pinna. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, or Euriian Kan, lur rajnlUa, hoteia, or putilw bi.tittnioiii, In tweiuy alilruat iliea. Aieo, PhUa dlihla Haraiia, H-rt - air rurnMee. Portable ll.atra, Lnwdown ilraloe, Vlrt-tard HIovm, balii bi,llr-l, Muwbuki I'aiuM, liroUer., ('ooltiig Htovea, ., al wbulo aaie reiU, bf tbe Bianufaotm-Mre. CUAeK. hHAItl'K THOMRObT. ao-taw-em o. aw M. BB:ob tuH. FINANCIAL. M lClIAIX .JACOIIf. BANKER, No. 4) S. Till HI) STKIiET, GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. TOlk AND KI'F.I'lr. MH I.HT AND )LD ! (V'MMlSHtOl. JJI-INltV AI'I-LE, GAUGES AND COOPER, N". V!0 H. Wnlrr Htwct, U-low Walnnl, rim trai rill . In llallun llrnn.lv ami wlm-CasV. mid aU kl-i.of k nia lnT oUI auj nrw ituir, alwayi on h.i'nl'r maJo 10 crdcr. Coal raia'd tn hoir.hnail. fir ll:l'p.n. All klml.nf trluimiiiKl uni tua)ly utt.iu!vt to. It-?1! QOlOlNl'JIj 1. lilNHTKIN, STOCK llllOKEIl, No. 7 FARQUHAR BUILllIXO, 11 5S ::m WALNUT HTREF.T, PEI.OW TUIKI, BUTINli AND SELLING STOCK. S OH COMMIS-IIOH. qoli), aoLi). u o x u, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVES & BROTHEB, anl-tf No. VU H. THIRD STRUCT JJAIll'Ell. IUllPflflV fc CO., BANKERS, STOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ho. ii 8. THIRD STREET, FbUadetabla. Stock! and Loana boupht and aold on CommliMlon. Un onrrent Dank Mntaf. Coin, Ae , bouKht and aold. HpeoUl attention pa!4 to the pnrchaie and aato of Oil Ht.c.a, liepoilta recclred. aud Intoreit allowoil, aa pur arce vent. 11-liHm QIA. JlI ICIHOM A CO.. RANKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STIiEliT, PHILAJIKLIUIA. OoTernment Sernrltlri ot all leauea rarrbaami and for Sale. Bwoka, rloudi, aod Uold Uouaht and Sold on Cou BUailoa. INTEREST ALLOWED OW DEPOSITS, OoDMtloni Promptly Made. ftv-t QFF1CE FOR THU KAI.K OF NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 B. THIRD STREET, FUILADELrUU. UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Tba Stibiorlbera baTlnc been Ibe aaooeeiful Bidden rbr a portion ot the MEW b-M SIX IKK CENT. (10LU BEAKINO LOAN, are prepared tooirer It on faToreiilo term, to their cnatomm,la Inrgo or imaB amounta, In Bondi of deoonilnalloua ef (tOa, lOOe, buoi, and lOUOe, botb rrglatored and eouponj. The Inuraat oomnenoee on the lat of November next and Ii pajabbi In gold, eeaU anaoaJl, oa t) lat of Ma and November AU other OoTernment Seenritiea on hand and Ibraalo, and Information gleo eonooinlng loTeetoiunta, at our offlce. JAY COOKK A GO., , lo. 11 8. TU1BD 8TBF.ET, 11 l.'.-lm Philadelphia. gTOCKH A IN I) WlCUllITIiii BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOMMISBION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, i-s o. ao s. Tinitn str '.f.t. gMlXII KA.NIO.LiIlI, Ko. 16 S. THIRD STREET, HANKERS AND BUOKEItS. Speolo, Stocki, Qaatomlaltcra, Vouchara and Choc-kj, and all UoTemment Bveurltlee Buoifbt arvt Sold, mhl law L.OAN, JNJdW LOAN. U. S. 10-40 JAV COOltE fc CO,,' OtTER FOR 8ALK TIIK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARINtl IT?IC PER CERT. IMTRREST IK COItf, redeetubla anf time after TEH YKAHS, at the ploaaure of the OoTenunaDt, and payable JTOUTt YEAJtd aitar dAte. BOTH COUPOR AKT BEOISTEttED BONDS art Issued for thia Loan, of same denominaUon aa the a a. Ttia tntareat oa ViOa and ft.OOa pajabia yearly ; on all other dmoinfaaUoita, half yearly. The 10-40 bonda are dated Marob 1. IHbi Tb half-yttarly Interest failing-dut tteptetnbttr 1 and Marvh 1 of each year; autll lat Keuin ler, Uia accrued Intereet from lal of March La re inirod to be paid by purchaacra hn i m or In limaj, ctaaaHcT, add h)K fifty pwreent. frr premium, nntil further notice. ALL OTIlEil UOVXUNMKfilT bKCUMlHtS BODUUT A.N1 bOU. . JAY COOKE & 00., ftlhtt-t So. 11 S. THIRD HTKKKT. OIL STOCK! bouujit a ro Born OR COMMIrtHIOR, By OhAiBUE J. H0T1, Hrfca, W-H fm Ro. 1H . TfTini) tftrwei, UQ NEW 7-30 LOAN. Oa 8ub?HHloni reoerred. an4 tha Rotuc furniahad frea of aii oaarx. br ttROUOE J. BOYD, Hanker, 10 34-arm Vo. 16 8. TllliiU nuoei. PROPOSALS. '1IM.F Ul AUTKKMAS1KRS OKKICK, - riM ivvtn.OMx Iorpm''cr fl, IH'M rmpoa' ar Invited hr Hip imdiTf urnrd until H'h;l XT hiy, !i. nitM r II ut 12 . . In.'h M., for the Un- ILilt'r itr'tv r rl trtf fnlli w m if arth'len :- PMHn I E.i.KI tiooi s. Nt. i, Army Sun-lard. '(- Lv it d No. ti. d do ."M ro do do Nn 7, t dn Oil do d- fi S-i, 4 d f .iimi,?s nf ttif nfmiard arth lrs in iv uo tern at the (. fT n ol C ithiiifc; and (.(iitfa.i in tlu iiv. 'lnWi'tliMTdl iiwi.i ri i'ic it tno I'nK'ii Wtrtti In at ' i tion w ii lii'ii"!. In iIh cii, in !kk1 new oa kittfa, w Ith il r umi't' it fi r f-arlv I'nrnistiua:, the Kind .n d ,'j-iu- i" ot tr oda dirtii.rilr nwktMl on eurti anuia a id tt" I l'iirlir o'' rlpir koodi nmat dltiinMly tie In tt rirtirt tl f tiuamliy U ' I'n'fote lo iunnli, tlte prue, and tiiuc N.inn l" s, l an si'lnittttd, mint bn miirKod and nn n N-rcd to min rut? d w il. ti . .ri'i"""l . ami th urrn' Id r. t riiiiHt kiiinii: ( lluit tlir Mi. ill Ii. in overv rt-i'Pt t. ni:al to ii"iii stiiiitlard, oih rwle tnc propnaal w III not .r roiinl.lftril. A LiiHinnttM-, villi 1 ly Iw.i responsible persons, mnst a rfiMaii carli bid, uuirai toi-inw that hi- tmldcr wl!l st'pp'j ti-' ai.c eit a ait.td to Mm itinler in prniial. It ;il . will to cpinpii i ii Wriir)' hIhv, ii. auiiHir 1 1. 11, at vj h i ii i'k. nM'ii, at Hits otln t-,and uubl r art r iiH'n d I" It pr, kit I A null will Iiv made on Thursday, I't 'tuitfr J'(, l-i I. Kurds will be fe'itilrrd tl at the contract will I faitn- lull llllttlltil. 1 clnTfliii'i ri'lnf Ink to prnp,ialB will not be n"tl rd. I'.ihiiX (onus ol prxpoftuls, contracia, and li uds m ty he i htaltn d ut olVu li e ruiit to reject any bid deemed unreasonable ,t reerd. KiiJorse cnrelniie kpropoal for (here Insert the nutua tin- aril in oitvitil i, ami Rtiiirpoi Co otiel II I.IAM W M. KTM, t ('Mr) t,iirtrteriiia"ler ('mi Iniiatl I leant. 01 KICK !' ASSISTANT UVAKTEUMA.S ln, No. UOJ '.IK Mieet. Pun Am i fm, Pefember 7, I'll. Hfjiird Prnpimala will tie received at this oitiir until no,.,. oi W t-.Nt.MA .VIM Inst., for iiiriitnl hu; the Mut..-Mry tl ji titujjte r iilred at this urttce, in a ..nlnnce with the oii iik silicd uie, iur i iiK'iniii toimm IK.11.K J"tuuiiy 1, Is..', w lntefap l'aprr, mlcd, to welch not tea a than V2 nounds per renm. int.-1 eai ilin ripff. ruieu. to wriarii not loss I tun vi pout d- p 'i rerun v nne i.t tt. r I'apcr, ruled, to ntuh not Ica tnan o pnuiotn cr re;im. h lute oniiuen lal raper, ruled, to welk'h not lesa than i pounds i r ream. W hin- Voiio ut Paper, ruled. Kame price of paper per ickiii. Hurt Knvebspe Paper, 24Vi Inches. KlottltiK Paper, '."'J4 Inetif , Knee pT sheet. Klai.k Kooka. cenil size, full bound. Price per quir. Klauk litioki. Inho sle. Kill boiird. Price per quire. Klitnk Kooka, cup ft, half hoi ntt Price per (ulrt. Foveloprs, white or hufT, No. 12. I'rice per KW. l.i.eiipes, hite or butt, :'r4 In- ht. Prue per lortn. Knel. pea, white or tui iT. t a t in hea. Price per K0. a-.titelniie-, white or bull, ',' mclien . Price iec Ksi. I etter ("opynikf t noka, letter and cue hlc, iW and 1(V0 lar aeli. per ilnr n. Vi inorsndiini Kjks, m'tavo, per donn. Writing t-luid. cquiil to Arnolds, quart and pint botthe ropying ink, (Hiual to Arnold'!, quart and pint botllcS. t'atmme Ink, Equal to Iavlds', glaai hut tie a und aiopperK. Ink Pow.er, per dozen papers. Lead PtnciU, equal to i-.iier's, Xvs. 2 and 3, per do en. Heil and Blue pencils, eiial to F.iher's, per dnen. t.iHHN lukatands, lootortcd per do.en. Htei 1 Pi n. Hssnr'ed, per tri".. Hee 1 Penn, villleti a. Son v-i aud 401, per grm. Pi'ii Htiiiiera, assorted, per doeu . 1 in Paper Folders, per doen, Ked SuaiiiiK Wax, ounce and 1-ounce atltks, per pound. Krd Tape, No. 2. per do7en pieces. iilass i am ot Muciiae aud Kriishea, large) and imall a I ., ptrdoen. All tt v attl'les mint be of the best quality, fltmple of each nrtli le must a- comp.m each h;d, wltii the nania of the Inilder t'l'tnuiiy miirtied tlereoii, ana uuly one price tuvhl he l Hlih d lor each tirllcle, Hl.ouid uiy anlcleg not eaumerated above ho wanted, ttiev iini'i he lurnibhed at the lowest niHrset piico. Proposals tnuit he mado only u)ku the regular forms tuiiiKhi d at Ihts nttlce. The I " nit d statea ri-ser pa the richt to reiet all bids, or partu ot bida, deemed incouirathJe w ith ita Interests. Al.UKIM rf. AHMMKAll, PM-Pit Ciptaln and A. y. M. T)ltoroSAI,S VOU CUTIINQ AND COUD- X I NU KIKKV001. lUAInjI AKTKKS DxrABTHRVT or WAmilNOToN, ) VI' F t ' ' K Ulllar VL'AHrKBM AhTFU. h K Ol Clllar V'AHrKBU AhTFU. I lea. VM and f:W iTnurteoiith atreot, V Near ISow Yirk Avenue, I ipniKi.Tnar, l. t,, Novemter W, 1WH. I oala will be reeetTed at this omo lira. WAFniv Written Proposals wili be reeetTed nntil THUKM1)aY, the Kih day of December. 1"A4, fc rii.tiuB and eordmir IMt) to i6.0u0 curls ol WOUI, un lands within the lin Pa of thta I'eparttnent, In Vlrtrlnia or Maryland, to he designated by the Chlej yuartertuaaier. Department of WaablnKton Ti e wood must be cut four feet In length, and split to tlie usual aire ot cord wood, at. d the eord will be elsbt feet Iomk, four Icet wide, and four feet and four Inohtj Thn contractor will be required tn make1 all noeeaaary roada. and lo cord the wood in p aces easily aauaealbJe to ItUIS. Any further Infnnratlon desired ran be obtained upon ap plication at thta nice. Anuathnf aileiauce to the Ooreniment of the United Hi n tea must accompany each btd. ProiiuMilti should be endorsed "Tropwiati for Cuttiaff and Cord ii. ii Miewoud,' aud adiUesaed to M. J. U UIROTOW, Colonel and Chief Wu .rteriuaatr, U-30-St lh partme.ni ot WanhniKten. 01FICK OF TilK DErOT QUARTER MAbTKR, oKt I.KAviHwnitTir, Ka!ha, November 10. lCt, PliOrtiSAi.H KnK AUMV 1 KANrtPUKI Al lO!f . ieaivd Propusa'a will be received at tin ofTW uutl) 12 o'clock M. on the Jilsl day of Oeceiuher, (Mil, for the Triinsportalloii ot Military Muppliea during the year lbt5( on the idllowiPK routed : Um ii ISo. 1 . Krum Ports f eavenworth, Lararalo, and Kiley. and other di ih ti that aiay lie esiahinhed duriiif( the atiove ear on tie went tank of the 11 u four I nvr, in ith nf Port Leaveiiwortti. and aotith of latitude '2 de j.reeMiortti, to any posts ur stations that are or may, he astnhlikhed In the Territories of Nebranka, lakoiah, Klatio, at d I'taii, aouth of latitude 44 decrees north and fast of loiitllud IU decree weti, and In the Territory of C'jIo rdo north nf 40 de.rwn north. lihldt m to state the ate per 100 p.iauds per 100 m Ilea at which tney will transport said torea In each of tlte nioiithsfrum April to Scptejubur, IncJusive, ot Uie year 1m4. Hoi ra No. 9. From Porta Iavcnworth aid Riley, In the Mate ot kantas, aod the town of kanias, in the rttato of M innonrl, to any pota or slalfotia lhai art or mvty be eatahllshrd in the Ntate of Kanaaa. or In the Territory of Colorado, hoij tli of latitude 40 decrees north, drawing auppllta iroin rrt Leav nwi rth. and to hort Union. H. M ., orother ileiMit thai may he dealt-nati d in that Ter ritory, to FontiHtland and to any other point or idnta on the route, didders to stale the rate per ltiUpuuuda per K0 nil ee at which they will tran spurt aaid stored in each ol the men thn from aprd to tteplumbvj, luclusivo, of the year lKti.'. Rui tk Mo. 8 From Port I'nlon.or such other depot al mav b fatal l-hai ln the 1'errttory of New Mexico, to any pt sta or stations that are or mar be eaiahhshed in that h enltory. and to Mich posts or stations at may be dc si in tuited In the Territory of Arizona and Htateof Te.xaa weit ol lonRitude K dewrees we.tt. It ridert lo atato tlie rata per li 0 pounds per 1ni miles at which tiiey will transport aaid aiorea In eacij of the months from June to Movemour, Inclusive, of the Tear lHi&. The weight tn be transported each year will not exceed l",ttl,uiti pound; mi bout) So. I; l.Mo,iio poanda on houte No. 'a?; and ti.OOO.IKK) pounds on It Mite No. t. So adtlltltuial percentak-c will be paid for the transporta tion of bacon, bard bread, pine I urn her, ahinglea, or any other stoics. Kidder should give their names in full, aa well aa their place of resilience, and each uron(al should be aecom tanieil by a bond In the auiu of 4 nthuusaud dollara, signed by two or more resioualhle persons, truaranieeloa; that, la case a contract la awarded lor the route nieutl.ined lu Uie proposal to the partiea proposing, the contract will be ac ax P'ed aud entered Into, and od and fUrtl.ient security fur nisiieo by aahl partiea, in accordance with the teriaa of thla adv rtiaement. The amount of bifida required will be aa follows On Houte No 1 ..IIihi.oM On Route N '2 .'oo,M) On Huuie Wo. b. 1,0.10 Sattsfttctory evldunce of the :03a! y aud solvency of each bicder and piron olTured aa lucurtty wiU be re quired. 1'n Mosala must be endorsed "Propuaala for Army Trans poriaiion f Di Ifcute No. 1, 3, or V, aa the case maybe, aud none v. ul he entertained unlrss they fully comply with all the tequtrbDientd of Ul a advertisement. Parties to whom awards are made mum b' prepared to execute contract a at onoe, and to nive tue raiuirai bonda for the faithful pertornutuce of the same. ( outran a will be made mi'Meot to the approval of tlie Quartern. siter tlenerMl, but ttie rltjkt is rtstirvcd lo rejaot any or all bids t)mt may be ottered. ( ontrectora must he in rea.l'nets for serire by the first day of April. iH'i. and they will te required to have a pluce of aneHcieH at or in the vicinity of Porta lasen worth aud Union and other depots that ui-iy he estabhsiied, at which they may be coiuuiuuicaied with promptly and readily. Py order of the Quartermaster-General. II. f. HODOFsJ, ll-P'-fl'.t Oapt. and A. Q- U., V. H. A. IIC OIISESI HOUSES! HORSES! Ql AltlKl.MAITrll-(;MHl.' OrFII 1, rinr OivtfttoM, Wasihm.t.'N. Deeemher 1, Ihflt. Horses, anltahle for f'ava ry or Artibarv aervlee, will be pure! aaed at Uithburo depot, in open iuarket, till Uo-:i;uj ber3l,iH4. Iloiaea will ha delivered to Captain L. Ttwry afre, A (,'.M .and he anbjectad to the uauaUio eminent luptc tion hefore b liw aocepied. Prha of Cavalry liiiraea. $17 'h. Prie of Antberv Hones ftlHU each. l'aniuut will be made fur U (ti) aud more. JAMk A. FKIV, Colonel In t'harire Mrat Idi-l- n, U'-l f7t puarurmuaiwr Uvuerai VUiee. PROPOSALS. CUUEF QVARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. ' laetT of WAmiiMOTYia, t I sua ,. . waamuQTf.M, I. C.. January 4, IHtU. An dealers tn Irns. Mardwara Lamber.l,eathiNr.Ofr.e lurmture, llim.i, and haddltry. are rw,,ti , mm7 posai or list. In duplicate, of tbe arue'as ttiev are arerared i furnish to Una d-("t at short taoUra, with the price rf taeh marked m plain tlaurea, an that. In case the eitvci.ta el the settee require it, the artkie or arUrtea can be W tallied without deiay, at the lowem price. Oeaiera wishing to sell to this ornoi will he roonlredli ftrnlah Uie Hat punctually every Muttdav iwnln; I. H. ROChKR, PrbjadJer-OeneralandChlat Qaanerm aster. H 1 ivpotuf Wahiotitoa. OFFICE ARMY CE0TIUN(J ANiTequiT ata. TWKLi-lH and tl Ka HI) htreeta. pMti.AiiKi .run, l.ceinb"r 1. Ht. Fraied Proposals will b recaWM t uu otPre sin,, Allli!M, the loth lnt., Ut suppitni th Scaio iKtal Arsi nai w Hh tne following articles . - H (Hiri.M. TF.NTH ANU FLI r H . Arnov Mtund-ird The letita to tie made of 'iS 1" Cotton Iuck,ti welgt 'i euan a to tre linear laid. Toe J- hes tn he made ot inch Cotton lnrk,to wetglx If miner li. the P near J aid. Mil l IMt TRNIN, Arm? sfannrd. To be m via nf fett- n tn, k, .i-l'a lm hea widi, to woiatM ounces to tilt lineur ) nn. All of ih. abivp ten's and fl'-a to he made a crdlnc U the -iflt ail na aPqtcd f the y uarteruiaicr a L- purtnient Fach hid must he inmranteed Iiv two responsible per Soiib, w hone iniature must be arp tided to the aniarao tee. and ieitlltd lo as heiiin Rond and nfOoenf iivuriir f-T the nino.im Involved, by some public funcVouary of U t V tillv.i Htntra. Pi. ia fimn deinuitlra; contractors, and those thit do not ful v compn, wuft th fYguirtrinfifi of thla advertisement. W 111 not be CoMdMfied lUank rtmi mr proposals, embracing tbe term a of tb piiiimtiiee rttjiiircd in a h lud, can te k-v on ait Pcatiai at thla otticv. and none ethers wh.rti d notetnttraee the) irnarantcf w ill be considered, a r w ill any propo i0 ne enn allien d which doca not atrictiy confer, to tho re-iulre tn nta therein stated. 1 tie hid must stab' the number and quantity of each kJni of article proposed to be delivered. Propoxate must bo etnlomed "Proposals Ar Ana hnpi)ies, alatiUtfon the uu elope the article b'd fbr. HKKMN HUMS, 13-3 dt Colonel Quartermaster a Oepartment. 'UIEF QUARTERMASTER S OFFICE. ' CiNritmATi, Ohio. Novemte :0, v4. Proposals am Invited by the undersiK-ncu unUl TUCsUkf, iMcemher M. )Ho4. al li o ri.icA 11., lur farnlalUiLK Utks Jiepartinent (by enn'raed with: 4 Camp ( oh.rs ft ir Infantry Army Afaudard, Ilonpital Tent Poles, aets, do Wan do do, da lltupital Tent Pins, lame, da 1 10 do small, aa Wall do larav, do wail do email, da Company Order Pooka, da In Cloth in k Account Booka, da I'o eBoTtpitre do, a Io iierauiK Report do, A Pott Order do, da P"Bt Morning Report do, do Pott Letter do, do Post tin aid Report do, do HeflnientaJ teanaral Order do, do Ho Letter do, da Do Inscriptive do, do Ho Imiex. do, da Record Tarvet Practice do, do Hamp'.eanf the standard articles may ha aaen at tht Ofbce ot CL th na nnd Equtpaue in this city. To lie dell vend free of shartfo at the United SUtoa H apectioii Warehouse in this city, tn pood new pacAajfaa, with the name of the party furntshirw.the kind and qaan tjty 01 Montis distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties om rinK fooda must distinctly atate in their blda ttie quantity they propoae to fumlah, tne price, autd lima gC delivery hamplea, when submitted, mast be marked and nanft bend to correspond with ihe proposal, and the partiflf therein must guarantee that the Kooda ahall be, la aver re. poet, equal to Anny btaudazd.othcrwlaa tiio prupoaai will not be considered. A auarantee, signed by two reapnislble parsons, must accompany each hid. iiuaranreeiiuf that the bidder w 1st supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Kids will be opened on I HCKSOAY. Oecpmbar IK, ltsfti, at lit o'clock, M., at thu otneo, and biddara are ra queated to he preaent. Awards will lie made on Wedneaday, December 14, TM4, and preference will be wlven to bidders acreeintr u oom piete their delivcrlea within throe moniha frotu data of cofunicr cement. Honda will e required that Uia contract will be faitbluUw fhimt- d. TcJevTama reJatlnrto proposals will not be noticed. Plank pimis of pmpoaaie, contracu, and bcuda may b Obtained at Uila otflce. The rtKht to rvytot any btd dees ad nrtreaaotvabie If reserved. Kndi-rse. anvelnpa "Propoaala tr (hare Insert the uo of the aiUcle otlercdj," and addrena Colonel WILLIAM W. MKIH, 13 8 6t Chief guartunnaatex, ClucinuaU lepoi. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. CHlfcf talL'AKTlxkM AW1 KH'B OPTICC, Dutot or Washimuioi, WAJUUNflTON, D. O., December H, lHia. Sealed Proposals are Invited by the undernlffned for suf Dlyina ihe I nited Htates Quartermaater a Department, at WashliiKton, 1. (;. Uaitlmore, Md ; Alexandria and Fortress M on foe. Va , or either of these placaa, with itajt Corn.tiata. and Htraw. Kids will be received for the delivery of .'.000 bushel of ( orn or Oats, and 10 tonj of Hay or Straw, aod up- waras. Kidder must state at whtch of the above-named points? they pronoun to make deliveries, and the raiea at which they win make delivcrlea thereat, the quantity of each article proposed to he delivered, the time when aaid deliveries ahali bo Commenced, and when to he com pleted. The price must ha written out In words on the b!da. Corn to be put tip In good atout acke, of about twfl) buBi.ela taeh. Oats In like sacks, of about three bushela each. Ihe sacks to be furnished without extra char ire ta the Uovernmeut.1 i he Hay or Htraw 10 he securely baled T ne paitw ular kind or description of Oata, Com, Hay, or Htraw, propped lo be delivered, uinal bo stated iti thf) propX'HSltt. All the articles offered under the bids hi-re In Invited will be subject to a rlijid intpectlon by the Lioveraiauut Utapeo tor, betore heinu accepted. Con tract a will be awarded from time to time to the) lowest responsible bidders, as the interest of Uie I lover meat may require, and payment will be maua when th whole amount contracted fur ahali liavo peon delivered and accepted. The bMder win be required to aceompany hfa pmposffloft with a iruarantee, alKued by two reapoiiBible peraoua,that In ease hia bid la accepted, he or they wlj wiiMn ten daya thereafter exoeute Ihe con tract for the same, with ood and auiliclent auretlca, in a sum equal in ihe amount of the eomra-t, to dllvr thai forage pioposed in conformity with the terms of thu ad vertiBCiiiciii ; and In caae tho aaid bid cr ahould fail ta enter Into the contract, they to make good the dlfferouca) between thecrTcrot said bidder and the next lowest re i onmble bidder, or the petaon to woo in Uia ooutxaofc may be awurdi d. The rertponibilltr of the trunranfora must be ehowH by the orticial certificate 01 a I nltod Mtatoa Ia rlct Attorney, Collector ol Customs, or any other officer under the I ntted States Uuvorbmeiit, or responsible peraoa knuv. n to this otnee. All bidders will be daly notified of the acceptance ot reiectton ot their propoials. 'l he lull name and Pont office address of each blddef must be l giidy written In the prop sal. Pmpuaatsniust bo adari-saed to ItrlKadfer-deneral D. R Rucker, Chi r liepot Quarterinaster, Waahtnj(iou, I, C.a and ahould be plainly marke d "Proposal tor Furae." llonda In a sum equal to the amount of trie contract, alined by the contractor And both ol his truarantora, will be required of the aucoeaafuJ bidder or blddera upon aLgav I ii it the contract. Klank fi-rms of bids, frnarantoea, and bonda may bf) Obtained upon appltctitton to thin oitice . FORM OF PROPOSAL. (Town, County, and rttate) 1 (Oatel T, the sttbacrlhor, do hereby aropoao to furnish and deliver to the Uuited btatea, ut thti Quartermaster a De partment at , agreeably to the ternaa of y ur advertiatment, Invitltia; piuponaiB for forage, dated, Wajl iiiKtou Depot, December a, ltt&I, the foiiowlng aril cla, viz.: bushota nf Corn, In Sacks, at perbashel of 5S pounds . 1 bushels of Oata, In sacka, at- par bushel of 3S pounds. tons of haJed Ray, at per ton of 1000 pounds. tone of baled Htraw, at par too ot Juno puuula. IieUrery to commence on or bef re the day of , lM;-, and to be compi ted on or before the day of lMt-, and pleiK nielf to enter Into a written ooutraua with the Pulted Mtates, with Kood and approved ae'iirl'eaa within the apace of tea days after beit.K nutihiNl that iu bid hua been accepted. Tour obedient strrant. rtrladlerC.anisral D. II. Um ana, Ciittt Depot Quartrmaster, WasniDyion.iU.C. OHARANTMa. We, the underaiirned, reaidonta 01 ,tn the eountjy of - - , and Htnte of . hereby, Jnimiy and several, oovenant wlUi the Called States, and ruaraiiiee. ia eaae) the foreirolDK bid of bo aocepted, fiat be or Umr wfU within te.n daya after tlie acceptance of aaid bid, execute the contract for tlie aame, with good aaa aurbcient auretiea, In a sum eiual to the am unit of thay eontract to iuruian the foraKe proposed in uunajnuliy 10 tha U-rms i "the adverUseiaani. dated iet:iuer H , under which the bid waa made; and in e-ase ihe said si. ail fall to enter inho a 0011 trad as aforesaid, guarantee ta make wood the dirferunne Mtwien itir ort,r of the aaid and the next lows rosionlile bidder, or lU puf- aon to whom the contract maj be awarced. Olven under oar andaoau uaa day of lhti-. tHeal 1 Witness Heal J I bere iwrtiV tkat, ta the beat of my knowkiUu a 4 bellof the aHe-named iniarantors are pond and aurti cb ni as auretiaa lor the amount fur ahich thay oiler W b 'oThwwthled by the Vnlted fltatea District Attornaay. (kiilect'tr 01 Cuatoma, or any other ottlcer uuder tbe Cnlted 8tafes(OTonunent,or respoaaible person known to thJ4 Ottioe. All propoaata received under thla advertUement will b open 1 d aid examined at this o ttlce on Wednesday and Saturday ol each week at li M hldders are reetcUuilj Invited lobe preaent at Ihe opening oi bids li they d.-ira. II II. Rl CKfcaU. 1-4 t lftHJ1-(eneral Ld W'Wt. riuaBVcr.