Vl.DNKSDAY, DKCEMBKR 7, Wl. THE Nl .V.H M'PPI.V. Tlic tirco n 1 r pciiialnnciit of tlio un' hi ll u been fui'jii t nt luricin tippvnlntlun among Mtronomer fur ninny cii. Pouio hive ln'U tbttLc iunl dr-iilu.il. y llirowinff olT the bout which was given to it whtn tl.o CmttT Iminclicd It Into fpm e ; others tlmt ll la not heated ImJr. but ttautltn mynutc perfectly coW. nd "ct Borne ai.ku.mn cheml.-ul lr "Pn iu'-mibi.. Of lu-Ht 0.1 tli .B mr.b. throoh .he medium of our fctmoipho.e (Sir Wil lim Heri"-Hel mainlined Ibil op:nl. n)ioih.r- .!. bt electricity bcit tX'aiaa ti e folr phen' mi n i. Kewti n sinfpcstdl tbt tlio solar ftro, wlilih would "ihcrHluc, in the coumc of lieconio cxliaiil hy"'8 proillftiouB radiation of licat, w Ifht le f d ,D,e "ttent ly comets tumbling , ,j,r Mit f disc. Tin" idea of Newton' at beM a ohrtwd uml startling l oujccture liai hcon volar" up nnd improved upon hy the lnt-r pliy-jij-ihic, aiid la now otlously lironj.-ht t.rwiinl as die only nttcinal way to account lor tlio origin and unlailifK Mipply" of the nin's heit. Accord Jug to this theory, the heavens are fuiluf cimets, ail, ruidp, meti ura, and other cmruic il nnitior, lorivi r t liclird 'iuut the centriil luiniii iry in din ititiinir 01 Ml; and flii.iliy pitching Lend f. ren.ost into i' incandesecnt Imllt. 1 Le .oiiiaiMl lijilit, which hus beuii for centuries Mie ot the chief mysteries of the fkles, plays an important putt in ilrs theory, for It is cl.iimcd to be ct mpiisi d of closely pin ked astcnids or other coBinicul iiilH.unci.-i Kraduiilly iiiiriiitf the sun. llnuK crowded together anil relleetitig the solar likht the a-e visible alter dark In the form of a thin inrmiiid or convex lens, riiti bi'h towards the i'Mdtli. The zodiacul light ! Hiippwil to encircle the sun, but having us greater diameter in the p ane of the solar equator, it presents tn the eye of the earthly spectator only its cdo. Ihe allied champion of tins theory is Dr. Mnver, ol fioimnny, whose trcatiso on celestial dvtan ics nus rccenny oeen imu.isiieu, in um niction with i number of other essays on tho prob ens of the universe, under the general title nt the "Correlation and Conserviiti-m of Forces." J)r. Mai cr aumes at the start that the sun is a molt, ii" nia-s, raised to a heat which would TapiTiie platinum or any other of tlic most in Jurble known substanee. This is his ilrst hypo thesis. His next is that, in tho wi-c economy of ia'iirc, tliete must bo s me provision for makinir good the enormous lo;-es sustained by the radm tu n ot the mu's bent. Thirdly, he assumes (for there is reallv no evi dence upon the subject worthy the name) the ex istence of ether, or an exceedingly ruretiud resist ing medium peivading the heavenly spaces, which obbtmcts the movements of all objects revolving about the sun until at last they full into it their centripetal overcoming their ccntrllunal force. On this hypothesis, the earth and all tlio planets of our system, encountering the resistance ot the universal medium, will eventually drop into thi gun. Having n greater density and magnitude than the widely disseminated floating cosmlcal matter, the plunots upproacli their doom inoro Blow Iv, but not less surely. Tne time will como perhaps millions of centuries hence when this earth will bo chucked like a lump of coal into the ronririt solar furnace. These preliminaries to Dr. M yer's gr and argument are all assumptions clever pieces of guess-work unproved by a paitielo of positive testiiiionv. Having premised all this, Dr. Mayer finds little dilliculty in showing, not only how the heat of the sun'is miiin iiineil, but bow it was originated, lleai bell g developed, in accordance with a woll ki own law, by the violent Contact of bodies, as wtll as bv cliemlciil processes, he claims thut the un, liilrg peipetually bombarded by asteroids and nil it no', billing into It at a velocity of no', less than sixtv miles a second, mtt.-t have been raised to nnd is now kept nt an incalculably high degrco of hint. The supply of cosmic! matter ho con siders to be wonderfully abundant. He quotes Kepler's celebrated statement that "thcie lire mote comets in the heavens than lisli in the ocean." comparatively few of them being visible, by reason of their peculiar organization, to the inhabitants of this earth. lie refers to tho fact that, on s bright night, twenty mlntiUs sol dc m elapse without a shooting star being per ceptible to an observer in any situation. Ho alludes also to the famous lire shower of 111, win n at least 2I0,(JU0 meteors wero estimated, by a spectator at Boston, Mass., to havo impinged upon the earth's atmosphere within the period of nine hours. According to the calculus of proba bilities, the nunilicr of these wandering bodies approaches the nmulto, so mat no icars neon ou eiiieitatiii d that the supply will give out for tome time ct. Such is a barren outline of a most eloquent and Ingenious argument. It is far from satisfactory. A portion of it viz., the probable etfect that would be produced by tho falling of comets or meteors or any forms of matter into the sun is plausible enough. Grant that there is a continu ous lusilude of such objects, striking the sun in totintliss numbers, at a velocity of not luss than sixty miles a second, and you mu-t concede that an enormous amount of beat would be developed. Thcqnest ion, utter all, is, Do the comets, &e., fall into the sun ? Dr. Mayer has no evidence on this point, which is the gist of tho wholo matter. The hi pothesis of the ether, as we have said, is pun ly gratuitous. Kncke, trying to aceount for certain perturbations in tho movements of the comet which bears his name, bit upon the idea of an ether as the best explanation. Uerschcl and other illustilous philosophers dissented from Encke's view, and attributed the change in bis cone t's motion to the gradual lo-s of its tail. To HCi ept the hypothesis of an ether (it is said by thore w ho dissent from it) is to togard this ma - iestic universe as no better than an organized cln.os, bearing within its own bosom the seeds of its desti action ; for, sooner or later, tho wholo planetary system must tint! its grave in the sun, if the theory ol a resisting medium in tho cele-tinl spaces be true. Many objections are brought niraln t the theory mat the sun is a molten mass, but we have room to state but one. If it is a liouid lire as Dr. Mayer a-stimes what explanation can be given of those shilling black spots wliicli are continually to be seen, and which apa;ar to terrestrial eyes like glimpses of a solid nib caught through the rills of a photo spin re r That the body ot the sun is solid j that the liiii Inous and beating properties ot the sun tnsy be confined to its envelopes or photosphere, created and replenished in conformity to tome law not yit surmised : that wu experonce the eliccts of light and heat only by virtue by our peculiar atmosphere; that the sun l'self maybe a U'lrperate and pleasant place to dwU in, and the home of myriads of sentient beings, respon sible, like muii, to the Dhinc Author of all thc-e conjectures, It is muntained, arc quite us pos-ible as Dr. Slayer's, and seem to be more consistent with the infinite wisdom and bcueli cence of '.he Creator. No'withstanUing the objections which environ this theory, it meets wbb much favor among the advance ! school of scientific inquirers. T nebypo tln sis of a universal ether is regarded as hiiihiy probable. Hut other philosophers, sturtinir from the snie bv pothesis, reach conclusions widely at variance with Dr. Mayer's. Mr. Vaughan, of Cini I.ji ati, in a p iper read before tho liritish Assoi istion, bikes the ground, and ably main tains It, that the ether itself supports the com bust ou of the sun. Assuredly it might do It, as wed a the impalpable and ghostly comets and Other celestial will-o' the-wisps. Tunuoiis as tho tin r amy he. It call hardly be thinner than tho cometary run", l'rof. Chads, also of the United wno lias patiently investigated the subject ior many yer, entirely discards the meteoric inciry oi tue tounual light, regarding it us a B.fie luminosity ol the snacu it amiears ill. lie aure'i S t l the thrcrv .,f an all.o.-rvji.lln,. ether, and thinks that the. oaiUe-i lii.ht by UMlulaiions of the etU,r, originated by the rem u'l' nof the sua upon in axis, lie oll rs no exp anution whatever of the source or supply of )(IV BV l HI Mint THE DAILY EVENING t'ni 11 rMi..oriicf i"0'' 1,u k ''r ,n tlioir mimltii thl. Int.TmtlMK qiKMion, their tl.poiioH nnd iP' dilution ih-Uhh rather to the doniHln 0( ron.nnrc tlinn to tbt nf m lencc. t'p to thin time H the honnoil cxr ImHtion of till W(,nilirful wlnr ihrnmncn Uivn Lefln. it in e .It nt, liut gui'ittci Ht llic still-lillln truth. SPFCIAL NOTICES. . (;KI. AT HAMN nil. COM I'AN V. 1 I I IHKMI N. !. 'I lt IMlnoti.ru l int 'tils il'iv 'lei nri-a a Mn till V IHYIIIF.M) IIS' IMll VHt CS VT , t.i Hti-rkho il.-rn ill I i-isnl, pny.it, I rfl mi'lsto r tin l:tli lint. Iluoksclvaeun Vt S.D.KMlAV Till In-t (IPvV . w It, I I ISH. TrUMir. f, Nn 14 Ftli'iili4r lltiiaitii.-s. run, t too fin i , tiiT-i-ntt.pr , lsl l'i'i l"t M lUiliON (il-.NI ll.MS OKKICK, v'.tii'- ins rin . n. !., MnteiiihlT at, is II. i 07fp, Mfdlral ofllri'T" of li"t h-.s thmi two jnrt' l"lvi,M . saIji, lirtve I ti li.n-..riili ilisli'iruKl sail ai.ttire In reirlvf mo.Mll ttnuil-i si III lI'ilNN nr ASHT.lM' MIHlll.l.'NS in Hie I nit.. I Mtntn iiiiiit'liinli"m nrirwinn-a tt Sshltiilon. air Invhflt t'i l imnl ili.lr S.'lrlt(,ns. trtm nn ill,, till't vl,l.lnll nf ervlc, to tua HumeMi OeiitmL wl'laiut di'.ay. J. vT . 11 A K M, IM 8ttli.Cl Mimi-ou l.eiii-rl. on. 8rrtsciui'TinNS.-no o k s ,nil M'.tiitST. Ki-i'TVe list onl sT.n fur a few Tit enter iiAim a on II. tut'lii-si, or i?ly ti 1I SIM M M Ml I' lll'SIV, FOL'KTII Slid tVai.NI' I Mine j. Or K IMIIHA, II At No. an WAI.MI.T Nliimt. Bi'" MVIDKNI) NDTICK. OVVV-K OK s.' tb MIMillI (III. t'UMI'ANT, No. 6:1 WALNUT Hlre.-I, ll.mm 1 10. Vim a 1 1 1' l elite, IWrmt.iT 1, 1SC.I. Ttis Pnaril ot Iilrrrter it tMs I omimnv Imvr nil ilnr diTlnieil Iilviuvnrt ot T iv 1 1 ( 2 1 inr it on thf i-himuiI t in-N . painlilfi at itieir u'flkxiHi anil niter tiie Jntli laniant, irt r ol Hiate iavm. 1 li b.H will U rlwA t ,r traiiftfer an the .'ilh Initsnt I I 1' M snil tie opi-noil "li Hie I 'th. I'M Ht !. W Vt ILTBANK. Bocri'lr. OKHCK OF VK.TKK.N MOUNTY unit :imnillon. N" 7 i 'H.nxMITII s IHLf.. I 1I1KAHY Mtrret. I'lihuileleltis Ke-iil.teil Veioriins. l o did not reel iv mny IVurd H'iuiiit-are eatlHeil lo a Ci V llniiniT ul 1 wentv-flvi' Oollars. The Poiiimlisl liert itCl'iiititi il lo itxau-iim i-lminis fir t lie alovH hoiiiitv of tentv-nvo dollail III Illi'iH ou MNPAVsl, WKI1NK.1 HA si, ati.i HtlUAVS, l o eiMCk I. M at No. 1 liill.H SVI1II s HALL, LIHHAKV Htn-.a. I'nm outturn to till Itounlj are rt' iuetli il to ilpply at Una OMIce. 1'ilSMI IKK, B O SAfNPKKS.Ctiainil, JONATHAN tlfl.l.ni'K, I'AtrL.l. Ilf 1 11. OKI). W. H1MONS. KliWIH 0KH.1ILB, i 11 'JVlst - rilll.AI KLIMIIA AND UKADISd 4 H. Kilt'K I'll Hir-t't. TUVIfiKM) NUT1CK. Th Tmnfpr Bnoti if tlni Compi.tiv wl'l hp closed on Tlnrxlny. licccniher K't and r-j))ne1 uu Tm sUu , Jnnii- HfV II. Ihin't. A iflvidpndnr KIFTFKK l'RK CKNT. on the Ommon Ami I'rf ferrt-d Mlock, flcar nf Nut tonal ant h title t hh, hax lir-rii r!ei-.iiri"i, fy nine n ('i'D"inn M lock, on theJ.ttoT UtTcmixT in xt. on nil s'ork ftunilmK on the tux .kit of tha ('"mprtnv at the rlin-c n dn -Iii-'h nn Mm iMh protuno. Hit'i khcilUtTit whom' nmiif urp reittrru.l nn the Hnw Yrk liookt will bv dld ut tdc KArnit-rs' Lomu iUht Tniit i'otllHIV'. t -jy 8. UHKOKlLTri'asnror. 0KK10E TKNNSYLVANIA RAIL liOAliCUMl'.XNY. Pun ,riM pmh, Hovem.iw 4, ls4(. OTI-"R TO fiH VKKIILt)K The Sharelm nil r of thi t i-uiiniiiy ft n -tifll tbit, niiUi-r Ken hiiloii ot ilie lloa d 01 lurt-rt -rt ihov art-, e ill tlrl to iiiImt bn to ilisj Mori, ol tde CompHny ihe innolint O' TKN I'KK CKNT. on Ihrtlr n-fipective In turrit, at shown nv t)iir bokH of the '2d lntaiTt . arh nh.Hrh')ldr en l't-i lo a (nt- tlonsl part of a shftra, uiitti:rUie tt nu of Hie KfA.iliiii'in. ahall h;ive the privf fuv of kubucilbtiiff for a full share on the payment of lift d.'liartt. Till Stork will bp IdMiirrt tho par value o' fllv dil lnrs por Bhaie. Accrued ti tercel at l X I'KK C'KT.wiU b- rl.amtd irorn ttie Initant until paymont tn made. Tlie Hookn for fiOscruMlon arid pivun-nt win l ooon on N lAY , the 7ti intnnt, and will close on the Mh of Pecemtwr next, after wlticn no further HUtiacilptlont will he ret e!cd undt-r thr resolution. 11-1H tl2-;U THOMAS T FIKTH Treanurer. I5T iT- OKFICE OF THK DEL. A WAHB lVlDtUfU luturancfl Compuny, Pliiladviplda. Mo- iNOORiMlIt ATK! Thr following aiiif tnent of ttie nilalraof the Ofn.naoy I nubl I w tied in ronii.rmitv wtUi a provision or itsouarter Prftninms rerelred from Nov. 1st, ll, to Op! 'Jlal, hUA, On M.irlne ana lulaLd Kinks ) On Flrp IIIkB.ii 1.1. Mil 1H evi2,7(5 00 Premfoiiia nn Policies not niarKeu uti, Nov. 1.18-U 2H.I72 $(''.'7.177 m Prmiitros mark rfl off as earned from MoveutotT 1, 13, to Oo der IMll On Marine and Jniand Rlki,.,, flM.?1! 71 fiit Hr.. liikk. Vt Titinroaf rltiHno MMmA nerlod Hlll- vam.Xc AO fi'di.U. U Iowea.Fxpensea, he, durlnc the year at atuv rartna and Inland Wuviguiion Lontea i Ire Louse Hutum tieunnum Helnmirnneeri Agi'itey Chttrnes AdvtirtlidiiK. Printing, Ac Tax I nlteti rtiaiea 'l av on Pre- niiiims, Poiii-. MtHmpa, c Expeimea, Halartts, Kent, tic 1,iiK4 K'J 3-J.lrt M 4'J.tU'J H 'ASM hi It 31 ?7 14.(K IX I $;M.ji ,io This ia exclusive of the amount reaervi-d f-r taioa ou d1viai;?.dB and pr.ittt. ASftLTH OF THK COMPANV. Novetnher 1. Iu;(. $100,ro0 Unite J Statue r'lvc Pur Cent Loan, ii i lM.iXO United fcUtcB hlx Ter (lent. Loan. $t(01000 Ott 148 m& 00 7V..'-62 .M) 9,Wi 00 W .HU) 00 l2i,U0 37 'iJ,00 00 ivi 7fi,0ii0 United States Hlx. Pur t'oiil. Lon, & 100,000 Staie ol Pennsylvania, Five Por 4'ent. Loan M.0O0 State of PeniMlvmda. Six Pur Cent, Lai 180,0A0 Cltv of Philadelphia, .Six Pur Cunt, Loan 20,0o0 Penuaylvaiita Unlroad,IijtMurU(aH, Hix Per Cent hotiils 60,000 pennaylvania Railroad, 'M Moriyiie, Six Percent Hun ft 15,()0 JiWt sharoa atock Ucruumiown 1 nmpany, principal and Ititereat (iiiarnnteed by the City uf Phila- djlilna ' 6, MO Pn Hhare Ktix'X PeiuiHj h aula Htillroud t'riaiitinv 6,000 lohHIiarea Htock North Punnayl- vama ft.tllroad Cniupitny t0,00t) llniied Httui-K Tnaniiy Ceniil cites of InilrhteilncHa 30,000 Hite of l euneaste Kive Fer Cent, Loan ias,74K Loans on HouJ and Mortuo, aiiipiy becured $..'60 Par. (kat, -(ll.loJ -V). Market Value R. al KMatc PUIh recelv;Jte for IriauraiH' matle, JtaianccK d'.t at Amende,, ITomluiui on Marine P-h-Ae-ruM in to rent, and otiiur debta due the Company flcrip and Stock of Himdry Insurance and other Ceuipaiilei, $WW ou, Kutimaud Vaine lA.yo oo 9,100 00 3.0.V0 00 48, lift 00 l'i.OOO 00 12H.700 00 $S '.t7 T :u, iri uo 11,340 ii 2.S20 00 Cash on depoaii with IT. ft. iioy ert ini u:, aubjeet to ten duva- call tlO0.fW 00 Caah Ui Itanka W,l,.l n3 (.aih in biawir b,1 .'xi $1,H,M4 08 rnii.M.n run, November 0. lfltil, Tin Bord of D rwT tnra have Una Oav declared a ( ati lXvldendof T) pur .nit. on he capital atock, and SIX percent lutwieBtaa the acrlp uf ihu Company, payable on and after the Ut ot iitttL'Uber wuximo. fre ul ISuUoual and Bute Uuea. They have alao deeiarpda Scrip Dividend nf FfKTT per eent. on the earned pmnlui.n tor the war endmi; Oe U.heriil, lH4.cvrLiU'atea lor which will be lamed Ut the tartleh entitled to the Ban,e,oii ai.d at'u-r tlio latof Decum t proximo, Iree of National mid state taea 'lbuy have ordered . alio, ttiat the scrip oertlfleat of profit ol the Company ior itm yt.r 1 be niemn d hi LubIi. at the otllce ut the t'oinpinv. on and utter ttie lt of December proximo, all lutereat Uitireoa to cuaje ou tliat day. No certificate of proflta Umed under $W Uv the Act Oi liicorKtauoii, "no c rtHU ate kdaII mda claimed within two years mter thj duciara'lon of tho dividtttd whereof It U evidence." HIKECTOKH Thnmaa O. Hand. Samuel K Stokee. JotonC Davis, bun and A- H tnler, 'J'hephlhia Patuhon, John k. penroNw, Jiuifb Traoiialr, Henry C Dallett,.Ir.t Janita C. Hand. William C LudwlR, Joeph H. 8eai, Oeirfe O. Lelper, lluvh Craif.'. .1. K. "unUian, llenrv Moan William ti Hoiilton, Kdward Darlmxtoii, 11. Junes ltroWe, Jacob P. Jorea, Jtimua n McKarland, Joahua P. Hyre, Hpt-neer Mcllvaine. Jotin It. temple, Pittabargt A. H. Burner, do K jbert burton. THOMAS fi. HAND, Proddent. JOHN C. bAYItl, Vic -I'reaMenL IUnkt LvatiiiRh.Hocxetary. ll-ll-in, TELEGRAPH. PIIITjADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 18G4. -T OF Fir E OF TIIK CITY BOtrNTY - fiitd ( nninilMlon, Cummonnalth IIuIIiIIiik'i . hh, CHt.M.I Hin et. I'HIf tKT I'MIA, T''Millt'r' R, XM. J(i(lrc 1 hM by n that thn H'muly nMcrM hv tho t. f-( I'h.tA.l lfittH will B'l hf jifiM for miy fi'Tiili mm- ii (I ti.to t - MTWie of ilic I niivd H(Atc afUr Mumlny, nit'r ) J, mt. . I p to unl in. linlfnn O at iUv Rountir will b inld t ttttiirc lur ruTiiit nnuteriMl lnio tnc KsT'ilar rmy A l.y ti Mi H KIWil'r,'l!d'nt MONTHLY ST AT KM KNT OK THK I, -ni n ni T'lfonntH t t in rcj Htatcn Loai ' flMTlf -. h i H(h Hinii'i Ntiifu i r fnni ItitnKn ... 4''.,uo'M) . ' : ,".. """.'mI'i'm '.V.'.V.'.'.V..'. Ko.l--' ' ', ' 'J-iOVio'(ji) ...$-.47,411 ... h..oC Vt :t .1.117 in .'KV'"-I ' I Ii.- tier. I , ll. i:H.WN,rMii'T. ( HI ll.il T.I-M I Mil' t" Itillik i'itt ula'inn ( OTHlltK n ol II. c Itnnk ihln '-Mi ).'-. .t w IIKAIKJIAIUKUS PKMSYLV.- MA Mil II 1A II iiimih i-.'., Ieri mtier 1, l''l. 4fKNK.UA I. OKtfl-.lt. NO. .Vt I. The ("iiiiiriiHt'il' i in 4J!ilet. hi ttniioum iug that M iior- fiernl .m !i Mk !" n I-. Ih w,r lieu.irtmeni r.-hivd 'rum the ftininiiinil ol th" J)epnr merit 1(f the Mujue. )niina, Htil rietel t- .i rv!. in the ti-:d. depmi It jimi t piet tl.e rei et hli.fi t't I ell al the li'NiMihn O I lirt ii mi I--IH with Ii Iivp rOtted. iijriiiK inure tti.tn eulite-ri iiH.titl'H, tu'lhiTH flint fill" r and ttip Htale atithorltlni. and lo r. tHt tiie pi oiMptnriiit. ann-ftH-it, wht, ami Itiii'Kfitt 1 1 ti w Mch i ij'iu i m! f'niirtiai nil llmei lulrlHed all hi cutler tn Hit I pnrtuiciit, havo entitled him to tti lllnh''Ht Hteem Hi ll re-junt. 'I he ' Itleim ol I'erinv ivntila 1ibt learned lo kn'-whl ni fit, it n I Wit tr . r h 1 1 tl - ) to hear of thitl nn ill-l un-lion 1 irh, to mi'Mw Kirvin', lni --KiM. ni'irlt. and unl aiilrv I'm n"' tall 'o mill to hin already lilxh r.'piiLatiiii an a pa'riot nnd m'idier. II. ihe 4otnniftnder-ln fTief deenn It a pnper iiiiert nf i enura: iihttioii that Hie ciimniairl of tlio 1'rp irnneiil vt iin n Mtf 'r- if net al t ii'i a'n ter, a tii-o it i. or own mute, ami an ouiet r or ihi. inteuntr aim unu Mr i h:itin:ter, ami lv whom, the pei.plr run relv.lhe pub lic amice will lew iely ami litoroiiqij earrfej on. It v order ot A. c i:ii. Ooernor and Conitnundur -in-t hfef. A. t. H' ' ' . A'luitHiit i.eneral I'ennlv:tnl,i. li i--lt tOf ROCK Oil. COMPANY OF I'KNN ivUiihla. No. t'-' W M. NT r Street. Pill! AIX.I I'HI , Decuuiber '2, lH'i. MVIHKM NOtTt K. The H'tsrd or Iiln rir.r- have ttua dav flerlafed a Miv. ilcn.1 Ot I WO PKK CKNT. (tweoty erta per aharei, ire 01 HtMle tn . pn ithle on uimI alter Mindv.ihe lJihinsl. 1 he 'I raiofer H..oks w ill el.. it- nn Tuesday, Iiecemtmr 'i, at S o tl " k. P. M , and open on the I'JiU. join r liKArr, l''-.l-7t Kecretary and Tmnuref. IS' o r l k: k phii.adklphia gas WOK K M. NovetnTi.Tllii. hi4. Prop' sain w ill he rei eiedt Ihn Oftlee un'll noiu of tlie 1st ci' .lanuiiry ntxt, fo- tin aait- to the Trutloea o! tne Ph.l.ide'.ptila t.a w,,rkn. of sin. k In it e Hoinlnva'k and Moyanit'iinK Works. (ieriinitiiov. n iu Minim otik 'h Ai d Ittrt imnd do I o he used ab mvcstinenta for the linking fundi of laid work i. WILLIAM KKNNKU., K-J-lrn CilaliHT. - ARMY, NAVY, AM) CMTIZKN'8 rioUiifiu ICmhroNb-red. H: oalilerSlrau.. Wreaths, AO., Id BtyU lumuri'aaiitd, at wry ruducvd jirn-f . FAKR, Merrlianl Tultiir, IDA 1m Vo.1l) XiJITIl Raat. almvudUmnut BANK NOTICES. UrT HEItKAS, THK AII1 1'Olt-GKN K K ral.s required by the I ltd) Mention ot the Act en tit)ed,lAn Act tneiiahle the Itanka ot tliiBCom-nonweatli to brome AKocittl u for the tnn 'e uf HanKing under tho law ol the l'nite.1 HtateB " Jmed nn tlio -'M d iv of An nual A. I 14, ban certified to me that "TUB t'(N-mi,l-ImTIiiS MANK OK PHILAUKLPIIIV liaa fnrnliilied fatlMRi lion to liim tliat all the requirement! of nd Ai he been eomtdied w ith hy the aula hank, and that It hai liecome an Jtinoelailon tor tin purpoauol Hanking under tl.e law-of the l ulled Siaiea ; I do. tliereioie.eaiie thl notice theroof t' be pntillwlied, In act'oi dance w it b the provision of the laid llih Hn-'iin of Hie Mit4 Act, and do decline that the llhtirter of uad Piu .by thv termn of said Act, li deemed and tikeit to bo biTtiipon aurrend 'tud, aubjucl to the proviMnin of the Ut 8o.UuUO.idAcl. A..CM.T,V, Governor of PeimylvanU. ExK'-fTlVK f'tlAMHITK, i IlAllKIMU 'IUi, Novemtr if.), lnji4. ) 11-2 Ht WHKURAS, THR AUDITOU-OENE- ral, ai required hj the llih lection of the act en- tiUed "An Act Knabung the Hanks ol thU v'omuionwealth to berome Aiaoclatiotia for the Purpone ol llaukinit, under ihe lawa of tho 1'nlted Hiatea, paise.l nn the iid da of Ausuat. A. !. tsM. haa car Hied to uie that the "CITY II A N K OK PHlLAdJKLPIHA ' haa furninhed autifactory evidence to him that all the reuiilreun iita of uld net have been compiled with by the anid Hank, and that It haa been mo an Aciotiou for ihe jairpoao of PaniiiiK. under the lawa of the tnliud 1 do therefore cause thia notice thereof to he published. In accordance with the provihbma of the vad llth aectlon cf the said art; and do dec. are that the Charier of bum! Hank, by the tenna of aatd Act, la rioemed and taken f he hereupon HiineLderod, aubjuct to the provlnous 0i the fl rat .,!.,.! -aid .. A.n.rrtmw. OoverQ- r ol Pennayivaola. KXIOT'TIVK ClIAMHER, f atHli November, lflt'r. S 11 -S-3w WHEREAS, TUE AVDITOH-GENE rul.as retiuired b thq llth net -ion of the Act en titled "An Act enahiliitf the Itunka of thla Coutmouwealtli t become ANsociatloni lor the purpose of Banking under the Laasoi the l mtcdjMuteV pacd on the iJd day of AtifcHBl. A. D. IB:, baa certified to mo. that the t'ommir ctnl Hank of peniihylvanla. of the City of Philadelphia, haa fumihhed Batitaeinry evidence to him that all the re.iulmneii'a of aatd Art have been compiled wilh by tho caul Hank, and that It haa ben me nn AavK-bitton fot the purpose of banktiiK under the biw.i of the l.'nlted Hint is ; 1 do. thureioru. cause thi notice thereof to be pitbliaMcd In aceordance wlih the provl.-lons of the said IHU see ion 1 1 the said Act, nnd do declaru that the cuanerof aahl Kaiik, by the lerma of aald act, Ik deemed and taken to oo lieieiipon kiirrendercd, aubject to the provlaioua of thelit MitlunoiHaldAC. A.d.C.'KT.N-, O' Vi'fnor t)f Pennsylvania. KxurTivK Cn.i'-KH, llAiuuhLKi., Jfcuh Sn emher, HOTICE. HANK Ol .SOUTH AMERICA, . NUVVMIIKI1 'il, IHIit. Kotlee la herehv given, aureoahly to vectiin 'I of the not 01 the (ieiieral aWuiuiV ol th. Conimolm ealtli ol I'enn .viv.,,1. iii l,t ''An act etiKhlliiu Hie banka oi lt,o l :jui- iiKinweulth to become an.oolntiorti fo'" the purpoao of t.i.b n.. n,,H..r ,,., lawr. uf ihe Ciilted Htaiea. apnroved llieT.Milm of An. nit. A D. 1mi;. that the H.ocUiold.'i s of the HANK' OF Nl'H I H AMK.Kll'A.ot th. Hlh In.lant, voted lo become Rucn an a.ai ctitloii.aiidthat lib l.lreclora have procured Ihe authority or the ownerf ol' mora than two third, of the capital aloek lo make the ocitttlcilto re quired therefor by the lawl ol the Ciilted State!. 11 ai wfm I in J HoCKI.EY, Cashier. -1" MECHANICS' BANK. Fiui.Anai.i'iiiA, November W,im-4. Notice 1. herel.y given. a.reeahl U) Section Two ot tho Act 01 Ihe lieneiul Assembly of thi Commonwealth of t'ennevlvania, entitled ''An Act enabllnx Hanks ol the CoioiooiiHeulih lo heeome Ahih lalima lor the purponeof Ditliklm; nnc:er the lawn of the CntteHi State.." approved the ta day ot AngiM, ImJI, llmt the Slocklioiih m ot the Meehnnie.' Bunk of the city and county of riilldclplii he thin luy voted to become Buch an Aaaoeitttion, and that the Llte.c-torh have procored the autleirlly of tlio owner of n..re th.,n two- lilnu of the capital "Pick to make the eeruncute required Uiereior, by the law ol the I l.ue.l H aiea. J. WF.IUAJID.Jll , n-l-wliii-lin Caah.er. MILITARY NOTICES. BOUNTY FOR M AHINE9. WANTED for the t'nilHd Statee Marine Oarpa, ablo levied met to pertwrm the diiuen of a aoldief at our Navy Yanta. and 00 board United HUlu auipa-of-wax ou lotl.rI lationa. 1 arm of aenice, Fonr Yeare. KHt.Hr eonipenMiUiai than the army. ALL TIJK i.cK'AI. BDIiN'riF.S paid upon enUntment. Martnea riKelve Hnre Money. For ail furlhar InlormaUoB apply ft U KeorultlBf Hauooavou., ho. 311 8. ntONT Street, below Bpruoe StrMt, bet we Ui lU'Un oi V and t o'clock . C. f. M.'CA WI.rY, aa.'i-tf Ifalor and Reoruluni omcot. Offlcera and soldlera rlsltlnji the rlly on furloughs, seeduil HWOHilS AKD OTIIKK MILITARY Byril'alKNm, Are luvllad u the eatenilve MAKl'FACTLlllBO EiTAHUSUMEST or GEORGE W. SIMONS 4 BROTHER, HAN SO VI STltKKT IIXIAj. BAKSUM Htreat. above Slitll Street. PEESENTATIOlil 8W0SD8 Made to order at the aborted notloe, which rr rienneu ant uomnlllcenee cliHHeiue Oimielill,,n, no other houie In lh country c..nMntn the M A 1 1 r AC l u ' y " c. i.r,w WlTII TUF. ral AtTlCAl, UUD UWa D. W. CLARK, No. G2 CHKSNUT BTRKKT, Has now An hand a very large stock of V AlCJ.IM. jf.VN ELtiY.and HU.Vr.R FLATRD WAfiK, KelerUd prealy for Ihe eomin HOLIDAY TkAl'K, wr ict. are hi lea told at ettrannlli.arH y low pricos. We haw a larue atock of the following - ds r;dd V atchaa, silver V atches, Laileft Watehea, t .eiita' Watr.lu-a, li" Waicriea, Anierlrati Waich-. Ki'k-Unh Wamhea, wihh Witrliei, (to ll Vent ChalllR, i tohl Ctiatnlatr.e Chains, 4to)d Neck C4mlnv lold Pan. d CaaiM, l h 'Id I'ena. Cold T.N.tt.pb ki, i. old '1 h inlile, Vloid Arnileis, t.rthl tM..tn Htuda . t Mill) Mict-vr I'.ntlon, (l- ;d Wnir). K vb, fluid !')., ipenf , told Pint, (.mile) , tond I'lni, MUiea , I to'- A hateiann, li id Kiir HiPK. 4...irJ t Inter Umum, ttold Prarl Pina, f. Id r.racehtt, I 1.oli1 lH'hets, itdld haiuis. tloid W at--;! li"kf, H'lver T'uinhle, Hllver Nat. kin Klntfa, Svlvi-r Kruil Knlvet, rilvii Kot Chains, Ml er V a t 'Nuns. 811, VI It PLA'IKD WAItK. P ali d on ffenuine Aibata metal, ul wacia'ite I , Tea Bet. ( like lUKd", I-1 nil ttiifke; if Card lteceivi n, t'-ntier DmI Hn.p Pnchers, S'.KHr DtSslU'B, Prenkra't t'ml ir. Dinner i iBiiV, picKh1 1 ai'ou, hponu HnlJi-rs, V arte, ,1'rnn. Silt Mto U, obh m, tups. ( nil Itella, Nankin LliUi, I h Knivt-a, Plw h nivea. I o Cream Knlvca, Cake KlHvi a, Crumb Kills erf. ( 'Inlilren a K n) es, Chlldrrn'ii Torka, ( hdon ii i Hpoona, tt ster Lad!, a, H"iTp l.aHifi, Table and Desert Spoon, Tea, Hnirar, and fvnlt Spoons, 'i ia and I inrn r 1? Orka. Pl.ATKD .1KWKI.KY. Vv l ave on hand a larxe lot nf hue plated Jewelry, wlurh we are ch.-ini: out nt cost prices to muke room fr othtr nmN. 'I h o wishing ipoda In our line woii'd do well lornll and examine our Ktock behro purctiasin. All noodi wurriiuted ;u represented. II. W . IjaVIVrN , No. COSCHK-At T Hireet. N. It. '-VntrhM and Jewelry carefullv r.T'atreil D.v ex- terienced w orkin u, and v iirrunted. Knu'ravimt ueaiir extruti'd. ll-y;i-wUdtP2 ill TOI.ll)AY I'liliHIiNTH. CI1AIII.KS DUMMK'r, No. 812 CHESNUT STREET, lirn leave lo Inform hla esteemed cmtomi-rj lliat hi, pr aeni iIih k of FANCY GOOOW A.1SI TOYS Rliil'a'.e. ihnt of any fonoer lpnrtillon. llavlnij e lei ii Owllh rare ery nrlldo liluilf. lie can truly mr llieif n no MnnUr ctnl'li-hinciil Inlho country tbat can i-otniuri' with liia. Aa to pfices, K'ttll K bli koo.Ib from tin' Ural maiiufaelurerd and artlRtH In Kuropo, tlione deal ers who hnyfr'iro the Imperter. horp to sell ui-'aln ran cer tainly not crinpetp n lllihliu. Of the following Hoods he aeej.g ho lar.e a Mirlety, and In .ueh entirety uew atylei, aa nn oilier emre la tftia rlly . an oirer: 1..I.IKS' WOlik-llO.XKS. JF.WfLKY.OIXllt. AM) OT.OVB BOXK.S. K KHMAI!ll;s HJK LAIiIKS AND liKNTI.KMKN'. VKITINU HI HKN-1'KK'NINO CASKS. FAN. l'ARIS IIII.T AMI 11BDN.B HOODS. FA 11 1 AD AKfc-linilF..MlAN I.LAHS. ANK OK rlNKSr A NTI'M F, AM. MODSRN. Cl'Tl F.HV 1IKKS1 KNIilJSII WALK I Nil CANES. ( lill KKT AND AKC'BK.KY IMI'LEMBN VS. FANCY I.F.ATMHi IK.OI.H. 1.ADIK4' HAUS-OYtK TWENTY DIFFRKENT KINDS. CAHAS. I'OCKKT-noilKS CIIIAR CASES. J't'l!SH AND I'OIITMONNAlliS. UA.MVS OK ALL KINDS. CH.8S, l.O.Ml.M.l.S. I.HTTOKR. CIlIllU.MiK, COUMKItS, CUEBS, AND BACK OAMON HOAIIIiS. UAI1ATFI.I.F. AND TIVOLI. IN TO 8 '1 l.l. deparunem la complete In ovory Tarlety known, with many novel thinui never ocoto Imported. Holla, the very liri.e variety, of every kind known, kept In thl. More, suriiani'ei in neauty and tasteful dresln any thing known here and in F.urope. This la no Idle txmnti Ladiea bhuuld i and tee tiiem. 11-J0 2.'t 1SG4. 1SG5. WINCHESTER & CO., No. ",00 CIIKiSNlTT HTltKKT, Invite attention to a choice (lock of WHAl'l'l'lKS, CARRIAGE HLAXKETS, CAKD1.1AN JACKET?, SCARFS AND TIES, BREAKFAST JACKETS. GLOVE8 AND DANDKERCUIKI'S. 8.MOKINU CAPS. 11-3 Im With a superior assortment of other Goods suitable as PEESENTS TOE GENTLEMEN, TJSEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL CllltlSTMAS I'llESENTS. Gold Spectacles, Oold F.ve-o:ises, JllcroacopeB, Opera Ulastes, fpy Classes, Btoreoscopes and Views, Magic LanUrns, Doies of DrawlnR Instruments, rocket Com passes, Fancy Thermometers, Globes, Air Pumps, Elec tric Machines, Galvanic Batteries, Spelling Hoards with llovabl Letters, Ao. Ac, for sole by JAMES W. QUEEN & 00., No. OI1ESNIJT STREET. Illustrated CataloRuos urulls. lt-30 0PP0ETUNITY 10 PUEOHASE HOLIDAY l'RESENTS AT LOW TRICES. Havlna determined to retire from business, and wishing1 to cloee out my entire, stock of Watchen. Jewelry, Silver Ware and Silver-Plaled Ware, Clocks, Musical Boies Table Cutlery, Ae , within sixty (ays, I am prepured to off. r Inducements to purchasers, and solicit an aiam'na- tlon of these ood, most of which are god styles and of fine quality, THOMAS C. OAUHMTT, 11 30 I t Ko. Til CHKSNCT HTRKKT. CB1US1MAS PRESENTS. What would be a more acceptable Chritm present K'tK a C.KSKIt At, FOIt A CULONKI., KHK A CAITAIS, !( A I.tKCTKNANT, rOH A 11 KtiKOS, than a handsome I'hKHKNTATloN RWOHD. BAftll and HKIl . auch a eiin alwavs be uinatned, iu the hiuhvst ar il.tlcrliih.ai CKOJttlKW. HIMUNH A liltOH .. Unu tacturli.K Jewellers. Hansom stroet Hall, JKu. bin A NHOtI bueot, I'blladeipUia. ll--l.'i HOLIDAY (SIFTS. lNUitHiis'o i:MY. imowNH PATENT BABY-TENDER, OU, MAMC STRING CRADLE, Tho mo-t iimfiil and delnrhlOil .iirserv Invention if thi From a Vertical ami Nnl-eiim Cradle it is In-taiitiy oon verted Into a Mprlnn Cha'r. UeeUninir Coin h.ltahy-Jump.ir, Itnhy-HorBe, p.abv Walker, III, a Chair, Nursery chair, ll't.hy llnrae.and tt tman. It effectually obviates tie evils nf the roklnc nntcwi affords great reli.-f to mothers. exer.-Kes and delli:hts kll dreii, ar 1 fae? the expense of a Nurne. Aim a him variety of P.ncy Holiday tioodi. at the iior.sE FtTUM.siiixa stoiu;, No. ( IIKSNUT 8 1 HKKT. 1 . 6 M -IQIIN A. Ml ltl'IIV. ji i; v i s i, a i o Mi's, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLS, No. 81)2 CHKSNCT STRKBT, H, on haiiJ a lni-' and aplrnllil ass'irtwoiit ( DIAMOND JEWELRY, SriTAIlI.K FOR HOLIDAY TMIKI .NTS. Alio, a beautiful a-isriment of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry.&c. Silver Ware In great variety, suitable for Ilildal and Holiday 1'retentk. My a'.drrtment of Dlnmofd Jewelrv N coinph te, and at 1ca price than cm be luubd in this city. Old Gold, Silver ttDiamondsBouglit for OabIi. 1) I A M () N 1) S rrsnii a liftvlru Manwnilt nr otl.cr pre Ion, ..(..neito tli4l0a i.f, will ilo will liy calling on l.KWIS I-ADOMI S, DIAMOND I'EALKIt AMD .IHWP.IKU, No. 1 CHKSNOr Htienl, Who will gfte the lilulicit rash ricon. li li-lm ALSO, Old (.old and Slbcr liouslit for Cash. AUCTION SALES. M ACKKYB AUCTION KOOMS, No. 829 MAJ1KKT Stxuat. Q. C. MATKFY. Auetlonear, aollrlta eofl.lcnmnnta ot IM KIDS, VVAHKS, AVI. M K.KIM AN IllSe:, Of all kind., for pohile nale ai nla Ayclioa Uoofn,, and fiS whl altot.d pemonallv h talo. of HF.AL ESTATK AND STOCKS At the Exehajiue. 1IOI SEI101.D KUBXITDUK Al mreUlmra. and hHH-K OK MEKCMaXDISE At'e .tftre. tl,e owner.. Caah will he advanced when deilrad on oonftUrnmuaU of giMKla ftjr puiillo sale. UAIITERMASTKR GKNKUAL'S OFFICE. V.'AsiiM,riis. Novomhtr:vo, 114. Will he nold at public anrtion, to th highest bidder, at the tltnes nnd nlaccp ram' d m-lnw. lz : Wil.tl AMM'UKl'. la., IJI.HDAY. Ket-embpr s. 1HW. .loll NS I OWN, Pa , THrilShA V prmiri. TkhN TN, N. .1 .Till KSl'AY. 1 f itiiiImt . ItM-l. TWO HL'Ciitt.l t AVALKY HOKSlC.S At each place 1 licne h'lHii havebr'en nnndunincd as unlit fur the- cav alrv nervk'ffrf the army. y'ur road and farming purposes manygoadbargaias may beb.id. Uiir-p anld rtlnirlv. Hale to poinnu ni e at 10 o'clock A. M. 'If nub caah, In In Hud Mtatcs currenrv. JAMF.H A. KKIV, Coluiud Firm IMvll , U-l-lst 'Jnarteniiatr-0nerarOiIio. BALK OF CONDEMNED HOUSES. tl'AaTKRMATICR- ilNKHAI.'H OFIH.'K, 1 Kiusr DiviaiiiM. Will be iold at public auction, to the higliem bidJ. at filenboro, 1. ('..nn FRIDAY, 1eraoer 1, MG4, ONE IIlNM(KD AND f'iHY CAVA I RY HOItSBS. On Fit ID AY, ixwmbnr iw.i, OHK IIUNDKKIt AND rlFTY CAVALRY HOK4BS, Tfit-ic Dirftei Imru Ikiii coudeuinud an undt ior tba cavalry service nf tho aimy. for road and far ml n if purpoies many good barKalui ma be It d. KitrKet ftn'd ltily. Hale to commnice at 1ft A. M. 'laimi 4-tuii, iu Unltod hiaiui currfnry. JWItfi A. EKIH, Colonel, In aliare 1st Dlviin, 12-l-7t yuai terinantor-t-euerai i Oitlea. CA LE OF CONDEMNBD CLOTHING, O Camp and Crarrlmm E.ilp4i,', Tnt Cuttings, Ao. Cuikr gi'AKri-bmam TK a Orm k. 1 Dp.i'ui nr Waciu fi.uiM, VAiiiMr.TON. 1 C, KovttnlHr'JKa 11 3 Will bo Bold at public amnion, at tiovnriimtjnt VVara h; iinfl o t, on Hevt-ntceiiili, tetweoii 11 and I fitroeu, north, Wahin:ton Cliy.lt. C, n TlICKsDA Y, ia cfntlirr 15, 18-4, undt r tnc direction of Capta u D. O. TIIOM A. M 8. K i;. ti. A., a ljtof uondemned olothlntf, tkc , conrlstliiw of ; InftinUy and Cavalry Coats, Trowsprp, ShlrU. Drawers, Fell iUts, 1ri)nipt't, It titles. Mitallln Halt'i. DiUtui, Klaus, Ti-nts. Jtnnki, Mn I'anu.Camp Keitlci, Spadi t, MioveWi. Axel, HatchcU, Uarfligac , Cauteous, old Irou, Braf, K it), Jtc. w ALSO, About J 00 tons of Tent CnitiUK. Sale in cnniuivnci! ut 10 o'clock A. M. Ti'T-js Cah, In H jvi-rnmaiit fluids. 8urcrrnl bidders must romuvi their purchasi-t on or bi-turu December 1. D. F. RCCKFIt, HrltiudliT-Ovnt'rul and Chit-r juart'rn.abr, 11 -gW-15t Depot nf WndmiKton. SALE OF STEAM TUG AND BARGES. CUIkK QLA1(TKMAJTK'M Of ft' 'ti, 1 DkI'oT Or WAMIIN'tl'oy. WAsiHrjTs D. C. November '.'',, f,i. Will be sold ai pi'.ollo aiir Un, at (lovwrnrn-nt wliari, mot of U mred, Washlntfon Hly, D. 0.,on I IH'IHI) AY, 0-oeia-t r l.i, 14, on sit am Us nd four HdiuylklU biugas, as Ibllovt s : -Jti-aro ti'ir'T O. RAWTF.I.r.F Jtargt 'ANTMOSY CUM TON." do "ClilKN." do 'All ll ON WILK1NR.' do 'l MTKD KTATK8." R.tlo to c mmt not- at 12 o't lock nonn. Ti-rms Cash in Oovuriimviit funds. D. If. RKCKFR, Hrl -(1q and Chief uarUrtua-t, 11 '.'6-1 .'it ltol VVasidiiyton, D.C. gCHERMEEHOEN, BANOBOIT & CO., Educational Publishers & Booksellers, RF.MOVKD TO No. 51 ii AKC1I HTllKKT. Olllce in New York, 11 lm Ko. 130 OKAM UTHKtT. IIIAIIIJKH 13. CliAllli'H ri BEDDING WAREHOUSE. At No. 13 N. KLEVESI1I STREET, li -anti PlIlLADRLlilU. I ook LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! 1 t To w horn it Mav Concern: All liersoi v In can aoi"vcluie a good 11A1K V I buuldnoto rLUN(il,Rfj. No AM CHKMNC f R I HI- K 1. tippoiite the P.xt Orrlee, where they cr.n kt their ht'r cit to suit tbeiu whn all oilit-ib fiiii'. 'nt- r i till wiP convince any one that it is the plan- oi all others in tlichu I' nlted Hu'es 14-4-71 JHH. M. . llllOWN'HI GEEAT METArHTBIOAL DliWOVEE lOK li KAKNlfiSH, NOISES IN THK IIKAD. piSCUAKdl.a FHOM TFIK EAR. CATAKIUI, NEUKAI.OIA, RHKI'MATISM, AfTHM A, URoNOIIIAL AKFKCTIONS. th i'oat Dii'i'iori.Trr,? Plsea.rl F.vos. 1 i.f I'll-. !"p.ta. fnla-WMiioi' III'- Llvi..'i ni th KMn'y..0.in.tiiatwn. llawl ln.nltr. Kll. I'l'aiy.n, Ki-li.l M o. ll to tlie Ili ad. CONHUM IT'11,. With aUatnl.vci d'...a f wt,rV luf.t. the Iminan b dim! c:irt'iuany ij MHH. M. j. IIUOWN'H METAPIiy SI0 AL DISC0VEB I'fCtCR OFFK ESs-N Uf AU( II hro.t. PMa.l.dpbU, I N . I'-OM-t rHirrot. w irs . and h . la 1'hMKi UTuN Ktuarc, l.oat-m No hoHnir vltb 'ntniitipnti. N' t'K'Wirt: m n.i i a raj , Bn itniiiiinat up ll"- iimni4 or tntrodtodna; wtrff . i N por,ni: imdir i,i d-wn t J i- throat. 'Ihu Ml1 A Pin MCA I, DISCMVi-.kY will rearh M't'l tlmt drill.' nt'd liiitruilit nth Wlllru.ieh, aitd 0 nrnii oi piHi fs i-.it , Truth In oiik-t'tv hi id munt pre v nil; error I Uni Tit d m ltd d nth- c iinu .uuuly uiaat Hoomr or lain Into oh Iviuii. In till tin ntdvi ro lY.ere N nothing nn roniiJftnlT n lowed op In eiroi w tfi I' ttt. foriM'-j, uml imomvp i Hi') ted YUh the piijMttd and menial coimliuinMn' rii- . 1 hi vid ma's i.f thins? It the noU of Itrnorin'-f Mmilnt ss '-n th pjirt n the wh pp f M almi l.enllli uml life 1 thi' pi'opic. While UifilO, ttM nit ltiioic (iod from tin- ?n item alion'ilusr. Ah 1'lw. ii, -tt ' ln xlfteiice iii iim tnph "les, unit cuii nuvtir ou u to- ii apart from the ,mui'. 'I h ie tin men who mtko a bnnMi of trinir wi niHi A.. 1 iii'.v prepara liistnniM nti, to o.t. t-thu n of . wlih wh'cfi h ("Tii'. nt on pinr mil tlmh, who havp fttrt nttth, nrithi'r physically nor men to underLO n h tlfith iirnhrk rrt-ei tm?nt. (If n he ctchim be Iniiimn iK'dy alwuvn siicali of a nullity whole, nnd tin mini must he a anavu or t r W Ulll ttlUIMpt S il'Vlde IhC rllil It. ( leili-Hi ' treat iiiiv dlM-me npi-cltlcallv. lndepndi-ni of the ps , miht wliull to hit h thev hfloni:. All mich prui a e Th trial y y k t. but know nothlinr of (ho cmik " evor. Thiif the w r d is tioihitiu lei than a vuxt ho.. 'I he aim ii !hk ( ndltlon of the peop e ili.v rall, rfally Uioyw-nir, who areoid wtth dl iM-rorpth t" bud into Hie. t Rftlier w lih our nad cxp rit'uee in ' h'cn heri lived i( di ar iricnts, w lm Lava pftsi niiiinieiy j.rvi s ov oeinuoi'craii-o on. T in-se pin iimstancet,wnn manvothcrs wtdibm' nientliined. arc nn IrrKistihle nilmnlus t lite p Ueiniinii oi eery imaii w ho JittKiiio iiu aui nt'Hitii ot , Belvt'H and their 1' ved one1 hi Ins tiatnK .and in conU amnttiKtcilhu ni.'illrine which the pull' nt Is n t alio know tho name or nuturcot, I nav under the.ieeirnum the t eo i le havtj a iluhl to Oemandof ever such Wn to lu.tilsh tlumulih a rhatt of Ms rhani-ter, thai in ay know bin qua:l1('iitnns,sVC.,.tc-; Indeed pvrr? cl.-iu shou'd 1 e compel d t' have It hnnif up In M nt u!l hoi'Di. It ii only throiiuh (Ids channel th ptihlie i Imvo iill B.itfty or uiiaramce for wh it i j (leurin it me at.'i neitnn ; "iner 10 " imv no lmf"n of a Dittti iiiorv (inalliled for a blacki'mlti. ' x T-u ian. lu ft ih way Inl f rent qnallflcatfons, wliieb are 1ml thh.v in a phvU luii, are sure to in- detcc'eii anO Veio thl unl or ii y rtono, thnn-arid would lnnvi- tenlnn which na'nTe U'er iiuadili'd th'vm for. If (juulltu s not th r oitn ho no diiiiahlc iiualltlcatlon. crdftr to d ttct the tlr.it cime of ditteHe. it Is ru iiIn j in'HMenaoiy iifeM.iry to iimerii asuaiiy. at bt si rower and Coiiirueflvene-n miMt nlo he In by all who woiiid be sucrcsttul in flndinfran cnpKhlo of detnttnv tlie cituc of dlteae. 'l'heri chaniiel hy w Inch thu oatises can buiuached with i but the one 1 have d si'rlhed. Therefore I tu with confidence to the world, th thruuuh int erlitnu these rare onihinatl ni of ci) thil I have been enabled to detect the lirsl cause of ill The CfiUjf! in not. in nm'iv irw It to b. a diaetj an In1-nlted law h tween sou and oody.which.the ' l'anl tells us, ti nlwayi warring aanlnftt each other! law setidx forth stoitniies.tnese stoonutioi itroonce tn dirertttllfd forniN, and if illnease i exiHTioiente tampered with it takes a tinner grip of the con' I ami mnitipiics in itner icrmi ana oiiot rocrtiu.u 1 temt thus dei tro In v the w hole machinery of the j UiHJa I Kemembor, the httttnach and the Liver b five no dow th tnti niiiie oi ! ahf e. t ne treatimr organs, fur the eauie, has lent millions to an u With contldrnre I say to the world that my Met 1 eel Ditc.overy in ihe only remedy ever uttered to th I w hich w 111 th'ruut;1.ly unnihllme the rod of dUea.il dlf-covery coiipIm- oi three Olsttnct p rc pa ration ; the ralp. one for the ees. and one tor the ears. The 1 in ootiiunrtloM. and ainko at the rot of ad V.henlta all, 1 muau every dtseanu that evor 1 tltt human tiou-. A LADY IX TliK LAST HI ACIK OF C02iHU.Vl ClitiOJ. Fn m th Ttpfton Jotirna. Jvn V". I-. 1, Mrs. NnnrvSloan.of Tfn, &i street, Oiarlentown, doceitif) that I bave boen torli n jearh. My right side wui so l arnl.vaoiil could not lie on it. luriiis that time 1 suifortd i tarrh. s rt throat ; wnniti cousii trom one to five 1 a time; was very nervowi i sehlotn could sl' epii I tiinl a Iimik fever to vearh nIikc, w melt roduceo I skeJetoii. l nan n tne inomcai au.re ana in i inuii coti'd prccuic, but all to no purpose. 1 v slnl.lpv in the last tae of coiisumpiion. I wis 1 to bed when Mri H. i. Urown'i Melaphysicni I) j wax sent hi. ll wan applleJ aieorUin to dirvcl felt no better, bin rather wore tot smi i: time. My frlitulB wunt'. d mi' to nlve up, saying It w 1 tlie: ti.at I uah t o rnr ; e ;:, i loo wb.ik to try n,ore. I tut rnv ni'dher it aid 1 v. t-uld die If I did relief in the libc tcrv; and an It was the list til, I me she wi uid ccntlutie it. w a soon tuund that n I circulation which wus rn-hiny iuio mv snt tn w takii'k' t ileet, A the circulation kept Incjeaninu ease hftan to nn ;k an. it was six w-ekaaiier to apply tne medicine beforo 1 on hi yather siren into lAoston to sec MTt. n t. mown, ieia intn havebelp. '1 he second tune I ventured I wen. I l.elp, atid the tlilr Ci'mt I tound my way without I fruity. 1 be'iin tno utte or tho .M taphydcal IMie i Wn ,und the tcttm ia on this '.Mn ot .inly, mat h aireiiKih It fact rv l iirrdni- to my etuiieiuted frame. 5lv mtralv.t'il hii.e Is restored to vlor: lean : y ell on it. nr i nrarrh is pitto. My cotwh, my netH. and sore t' tott are uooe. I sleep well- A reiiuiaritieit have iil-apiH and. and 1 mint a k that, h the providetce ot l.od, I u dliecfed to t j Alls M. ii. Union's Mofaphjlcitl Dlirovery, t. taki n from the month of the uravo and re tore fundi v and frieiuis 1 know dlhea-.es ar go: peueral c ircnlatio-i has lekeii plate, hut expect It tuuu to rvaiu m lost neat, ana mrejigui. ItPMAKKAIUE Cl'RK OF HKAFVK8S OF 'I . KAltH' HTANIUNU. I.JiduiA Newtoinh, of tjulm v, do certify thu betn entirely deal in my h it ear for twenty year tl.e pat six e.tr my right ear ha but-H no d. could not heur c nv ersntlf n or public Hpcakh. kind. 1 could nut heir the church hells ring w-i sitting In tho chu, 1 have also lieuu triu'ded f- ber tit eur w lih u ry oic throat, so thai I w to givi; up fell gii v fu church, for I hud lout m bad kToAt troiibli In my head, terribio uolAen, ciaiiiCKS. 1 lo ud tell numb and stupid, an fcuiirce ot con iu i t ttoi.hie to me. I ti ietl every r i-' l that could he thonidit of. aui lhtn ; but tin i ' i witn-ed lo ot" liihtrumoiii ! liave nolhlnw to iu- v 1 11 tiiem. Atioo iitie in iH ohtult ed Min.M . i r .Mi f.ietpli-rr-i lm.c" iiM-d ii tic tn it ii-. loil.i . uv i.ui'uii li-e hot ik resuit 1h llmt theh rt.loy ot' ooih ears Is perfectly no that I ' an be..; ii" v e'l n hhv mtiti. Tlie vr i in mv head Is enlii' ly : Mi he;id feel pun mid ut rent. My ihioiii, which wf so dlteicd, em eil. and I hav ( iv v tdinv vit ,. njratn. I take cue tlioll'-nt'd do lar. jor tu' rennt I Have In the ue ol Mrf. Jirown s il' tai-nvolcaj liicov lcKMAKK ARI.F C'l:K uc ls MAlt'iE TH Alt, l)lai.A:'hl Ki:fi. t.SH H3- Ot LfcCT. I'iiii Ai'ri.rniA. Sen ember 7, Ihu, 1, Ili-nry Jettf rou ittrcet ( r i . r Mr. tir nmhoidt s coai y . maiitowp. do cei t : trai my -on Joshua tok b and cutairh on the t ren', which left r.im with ( from the ear am ili.-eaed eyen i he oUchan ceaHcd Hit I'i'r hcCHirie iiulte lart-e and v re vered w ilh sea 1 1 e tullows Jiad lo be dink the nU'ht, so haii n.u-d w ere tliev wilh the dl. would b.- lmiosi''it' to describe the condition nt My faniil physl. 1 m sala he would ko hhtid. III. att-o became liui uirtd, that he eared noi to h wilh children, lie look no untile oi uiij Mint! ar. ;one but the pared ( hii tell w hat our autlerltti' look on our ct lid m thin condition. Mont pmvtdetiiilry. aitoitt one year ago, F M. ii. liiuwu A' J'piiu a. UJmgwtv ad tlie t.tii-pr. I f 1 to the Otllte, Ho Arch si pn. cured ihe tuemcne M v wife app h d it tain ierni verlauly. I ' e niciiioue wo'ked slowi in ginnti'K, but si b we pei e. ejvd, ai.u ItlU fCfcii Out son 1m entltei cured of bu oUette. Hi menu to huve avtukened out ot ttieaiet-p of de,. considered now i b-l.hl and Inti llieot boy. charges from hh i'h'h ha' e ei timlr cnbid. and have become umail aii- natural. Ilu eves are irong. Uy wif- and iu m'Ii are wP fatisiled treat rme perfm toed on our c'oid hy Mrn M ' &tetanh)sh dl llb itvi ry.and mot heartily comi all w ho nider. Mrs. M. ii. Hiown's C bbiatd Po.tr Huh W'aier. $1 per IjoU i; mnall iuh io cents. Hea p tor, tl per hot tie The Celebratod 1'oor UicUard'l Eye Water. !, S ott. Ho. 410 AttCl Scalp itcnovairr. $1 . , blO-wa-Uiu Ho.iXO iW'l' m