TITE DAtLr EVENING TELEGRAril PHILADELl'lilA, TUESDAY, nKttEMKKI. fi, I OUIiTH EDITION . MESSAGE. luuuoauiji ' ( Cilitt'V.unl.) Tltc porta of Norfo'F., I'Vrnatiilina, and I'ena tola I avi firon ciicnii liy jiioelnniilti'in. It la kop'd Unit fun -Jf.u otrrvlinntN will now conalilcr whfUirr it In not enter and more profit ilit" to IKwuhIit" ai vvoll im Jnst to tlie (nited Mti, to re it to tin he iiml olier open tort-, tliau it in to urnie ilirniiKh rumy tiarnrtlsi a n.l tit v nt eost a eon'rutnitul trn-lo witli other ros vJiirli aro clnseil, it nut by actual mi itulT ocrii.;itinn, lit least ly u liwlul ud ftfrtive liloi:ki'tle. I'"r m.Tiolf, I bmc no 1 hi I it it tlio power and il'ity Hi il e l n utivr, under the) law of miii'iim, to rxr'tn'o crfnij . ot the huinun race troiu uu a' lum -ad. the I uiie.l Man . If I nrra alum '. t link th.'it th pro. r-'llnfi III MUi h I wa a luck th Iltlll.OI ity ot 'li'.V Ol Olilllt to le further reKul.it.il t'V it, I tecummiviil tliut provision tic inuilo lor i-iiivtiialiy prrTcntin lire fn aluvc trailer from aeittiinu,' ilomielli) and tmUKiiH lor their ctitiiin.il inclination m our Cilll-.itlJ. Jt it. poxMhlo tlmt if It wore a now and open jnc:U'ti, tin1 maritime' p'lWeri, with the liiMita iuj now enjoy, would not cnrctle tiio iriTllt'j;cn .f mial tieilipcrent to the insurgents) of tbo United States, institute as they are and always have ku oiua.lv of shipi of w-.ir and of jmrta and lattiors. Dinlnyul emissaries liave linen neither lens nniiluoui nor more eiiccmafal dur ing thfl lii't vcar than they were lii forp that time in their efforts iinrirr favor of that privilee, to ' tinbrnil our country in fonijrn war. Tho lolro tod (Iderininntlun of the (lovtiiniants of the muriiinie nil" to uYfi.it that design uro believed tu te ua aincerc, and cannot be more ear, .cat than enrtwn. rvfitlirlcii, tinfnrceen po'itloal (llllleiilfius tare arisen, especially in llra.ilim and Briiinb, r-rn, and on the "northern boundary of the nitcrJ .State, wlneu hare reqiinel, and arc likely to continue to require tho practice of con aunl vigilance, and a just and conciliatory npir t on the curt of llie Miiiteii Kintcn.as well as of tho nations concirned and their noverninciitH. CcnimieHionrra have been appointed under the treaty wilb. Great lliitiiln on tlio djiuiinunt of the claims of the U'nlson'n Day and Pugot'a Simnd Acricultnriil Companies, in Oregon, and aie now proceeding to the execution of the trust aaftig) ed to them. In view of tho Insecurity of lifo and property In the region adjacent to the Canadian border, by wai-on of tecret assaults and depredations com muted by inimical and desperate persons who re harbored there, it has been thought proper to Hive uutiic that after the expiration of six months, the period (conditionally stipulated on tlio exiting arrangement with Great llritain, the United Slates mast hold tliemselvea at lil trty to im rtate their nuval armament 11 pun the litf.es, If they shall Imd that proeccdiiig ne eesHiiry. The condition of the border will El'crs.'.urily ei nie into consiilvrutioo in con nection with the question of cou ttnuiagor uiwdifyltig tbo rights of transit from Canada through the I'mted States, as well as tlio regulation of imposts which were temporarily Chtabliabed by the Ueciprocity Treaty of Juno 1 desire, however, to be understood, while mak ing this siatemcnt, that tho Colonial aulhoriiies ot Canada aro not deemed to be intentionally nnjufct or unfriendly towards tho United Suites, but, on the contrary, there is every reason to ex pect that, with the approval of the Imperial Gov ernment, they will take the necessary measures to prevent new incursions across the border. The act passed at the last session for the en couragement of emancipation has, so far as was possible, 1b en put into operation. It seems to need amendment, which will enable tbo officers -of the Government to prevent the practice of frauds ugainst tbo immigrants while on their way, and on their arrival in tho ports, so as to acute them here a frco choice of avocations and pLaors of settlemeut. A liberal disposition towards this great national policy is manifested by most of tlio Kurope.in Minus, and ought to be reciprocated on onr part tiy giving the immigrants elluctive national pro tect ion. retard our (migrants as one of the principal replenishing streams 'which are appointed by I'rovfdence to repair tho ravages of internal war, and its wasto of material strength and wealth. All that is necessary is to secure tbo How of that stream in its present fulness, and to that end the Government must In every way make it snanlfest that it neither needs nor designs to im pose Involuntary military service op in those who come from other lands to cast their lot in our toutitry. The report of tbo Secretary of the Navy pre lents a ci mprebcuslve and satisfactory exhibit Of the affairs of that Department and of the naval service. It is a subject of congratulation and laudable pride to our countrymen that a navy of such vart proportions has hi en org inized in so brief a period, and conducted with so much tlticicney and success. The general exhibit of the navy, including vessels under construction, on the 1st of Deccin l r, 1 Mt 14 , tbuws a total of 1.71 vcs-els, carrying 4fll0 gnns, and of .OlO.iiW) tons, being an actual lncreac during tho year over nod above all losses, liy shipwreck and battle, of H'-l vessels, 1(17 puns, and 42,127 tons. Tho ti.tal nuiulairof mm at this time iu the naval service, including officers, li bout fil.tRK). . ' Tliiro have been captured by the navy during the year 1121 vessels, and tbo whole number of liaval captures iuce hostiliiies commenced is 137'J, of which 2ti7 are steamers. The gross pro ceeds arising from tbo sale of condemned p'i.o property thus reported amount to W.Wi.i.lO ,11. A large amount ol such proceeds is still under djnoicatlnn, and yet to be reported. The total expenditure of the Navy Department of every description, including the cost of tlio im mense squadrons that have been called into cx-i-te nee, liom the ltb of March, 1H61, to the 1st of November, lfti4, is yiln.ii 17,2(12 Jl.i. Your favor consideration is iuvned to the various recom uiendaticius of the ticete'ury of the Navy, espe cially in regard to a Navy Yard and stiititblu stttlili-hinent lor the construction of irou vessels, und the machinery und armature for our ships, to wlii- h relircnee has been made in my last Ainual Message. Your attention Is also invited to the view ex pt.i. d In the riort in relation to tho legislation of Congress at the last session In respect to prir.es in cm inland waters. I cordially concur iu tlie rctonimcnuation of t'ie Secretary as to the pro priety of creating the uow tank of rear-admiral in our naval service. Your aitention is invited to the report of the I oHinasu r General for a detailed a c uint of tlie operaticiis and liuancial condition of tbo Post tittlce Department. Tlie 'post il revenue for tho year, emiing June :ioih, lstH, amounted to frl2,N,2j;i '7K; und the expenditures to s12, 644,7nii 20; the excess of exucudituro over re ceipts being -20i;,(,.Vi- t2. Die views presented by the Vostma ter-Gene-ral on the aubjeet of special grnnts l.y tho Gov ernment in aid of the estiljlishmi-ut of new liues of oitau niail sti'amsliih, and the policy he re- oniij)ri.ilB for the dcvclunnient of Im ri asi-d enm- snccial intcrcoin.-e with Biija"i tit aud neiglibor it couti'ries, sh juid receive the careful cuusld tsaUoti of Congri-sy. It is of noteworthy Interest that the steady ex-pani-ion of population, iinpiovcinciit. and govern mental institutions over Ilia- new and unoccupied portions of our country has scarcely been chteLe, 1, much less impeded or dnnrnyed, by onr preat civil war, which at thu first glance would i-ecin to have absorbed almost the eutiie in r;i" of the ration. The organization and admission of the Stv.o of Wevtua bas been completed in conformity with luw.und thus onr excell'ntsvhtem is firmly estib lulied iu tho tiiouutains which once seemed a barren and uiiiniiahiuihle wasto between the Atlantic Slates and those which have grown up n the Pacific Ocean. The ttrrl'ories of the I'nion are generally in ondiiioa of prosperity and rapid growth. Idaho ud m)Qta,na, by ruusoo of their great distance and tl e interruption of ommnnlr, ition wit'i theni bv Indian hostilities, have been only partially orionlzed j but It Is nnderstond Hint these dilll tulties sr about to disappear, which will permit j1(,r (ivernments, like those ot the olliors, to go 'to "l"'1 "' lu" oi'Ta'lon- j (,(1)(.1)r witn him thp ,,n0n ,nnt the pr0. portion 'f no ncys required to meet tlieexpcnu s ronsriniiTit upon mo war, uerive i iiom nxatlon, should be still further luerc-vc l; mid caino-t'y invite your attention to thfs pulijoct, to the end that there may lo such ajdl'i in il lorri.slnt ton as shall be required to meet the just expectations of the So n t ny. The tnil'lio iHM on fii 1 -t of .Tuly 1 ist, ns ftp. pca'ri by tlie b oVs of the Treasury, amounted to fine billim seven hutidrod and furly Inlllioes six Imn bed and ninety thousand fuir bur-ilrsil s'lnl e gbty-nlne dollars and foriy-nine edits. 1'ii.bably, sl.o.iil thu war c inliaue, lor si oil.cryi ar, tl ai amount wiil bo iiu reascd by not liirlniiii live liuno:el millions. Held as it Is, lor the mo'-t part, bv our own pci'ple, it h i bccomi; a nib-it uitial" br in -Ii of nnlii lull, tlmnc.h pnv.ile. prop.-.-iy. rorolnimu reii-onn iho more nearly this propcr'y can bn distributed among nil the people thu lictier. T.j favor .-uch gciicml dist. ibutiou, great t iuda.'c liicnti to bicoine o:iers m li-lit. perhips vi.h ood tiled and without injuiy, be presented to persons of limited menus. M'nb this view 1 nn'gcHt whettier It m'irlit not be both c(iriiK tent and expedient for Congress to provide that a limited amount of some future) i-ne of public n'curitics might bii held by any "'" .fill" purchaser, exempt Irom taxatnin und In m keiiirc for debt. I ud r such res ri tions ai u llmf atinns as niiciht be uccesvary to guar I against aliiisc of -o important a privilege. This would enable every prudent person f set asido a small annuity against a pos-iole day of want. I'livileges like these would render the posses sion of such securities, to the amount limited, most desirable to every person of small means who miht be able to fine enough for the pur pose. The great advantage of citizens being credi tors ss well as debtors, with relation to the pub lic debt, is obvions. They readily perceivo that they cannot be much oppressed by a debt which they owe to themselves. The public debt on the 1st day of July last, nltliongh somewhat exceeding the estimate of the (Secretary of the Treasury mudc to Congress at the commencement of the last aes-ion, falls short of the estimate of thatolllcer made in the pre ceding December as to its probable amount at Ihe beginning of this year by the sum of $:t,iM,(Ki7,;il. i lls lact exhibits satisfactory condition and conduct of the operations of Treasury, Tho Rational Dunking system Is proving to bo accept able to capitalists und to the people. (lu tbe2.)lh day of November tivehundrcd and eighty-four National Hanks bad been organized, a considerable number of which were concussions from Statu hunks. Changes from the State sys tems to tho National systems are rapidly taking place, und it is hoped that very soon there will be in the i:nitcd States no banks of issue rot authorized by Congrvss, and no bank note circulation not secured by the Govern ment. That the Government aud the peoplo will derive great benefit from this cli.uigo in the banking systems of the country can hardly bo questioned. Tho national system will create a reliable and permanent influence in support of thu national credit, and protect the people against losses in Ihe issue of paper money. Whether or not any luitber legislation is advisable for the suppression of Stutc bank issues, it will be lor Congress to determine. It seems quite cleur that the Treasury cannot be satisfactorily conducted onloss thu Govern ment can exercise a restraining power over tho bank note circulation of the cuuntry. T'hs report of tlie Secretary of War, aud the accompanying documents, will detail the cam paigns of tho armies iu tho field since tho duto of tho last annual message, und also the opera tions of the sevcveral administrative bureaus ot the "War Department during the past year. It will also specify the measures cssensial for tho national defense, and to keep up aud supply the rtuuteite military force. The tiuunciul all'airs of the Government hnve been successfully administered during tlio lout year. The legitlution of the last session of Congress has benelicially ull'ccted the revenues, although sullicient time has not yet elapsed to u.xperiuuco the full effect of several of the provisions of the acts of Congress imposing Increased taxation. The receipts during the year from all sources, upon the basis of warrants signod by tho Secre tary of tho Treasury, including loans und the balance in the Treasury on the 1st day of July, lbitt, were $T,3Di,79G,Oo7'6'2, anil the aggregate disbursements upon the samo biihis wero $l,2!S,Uo0,10T 80, leaving a balance in tbo treasury, as thownhy warrants, of !$,.)6,0:j,J,9i.' 7:t. Deduct from these amounts tho amount of the principal of the public debt re deemed, und the amount of issues in substitution therefor, and tho actual cash operations of the treasury were Keeeipt", SSf)l,(7fi,GlG'o7. Dis bursements jtHti.V-3 lib87 fi. which leaves a cash' balance in the treasury of lS,til2,jjS 71. Of i ho receipts there wero derived frotu cus toms, SIO'2,3111,1.52-!)'1; from lands, ?f)S8,:!.n 21); from direct taxes, l7j,GIM06 j from internal revenue, lUHJU.loVlO; from miscellaneous souiccs, $'17,oll,118 if); and from loans applied to actual expenditures, including former balance, frti28,44a,92'J-I3. There were disbursed for the civil service $'27,W8 WJ Ki; for pensions and Indians, .7.6l7,!M0-97; fr tho war department, f '), 7'.ll,8l2''J7 i for tho navy department, ff'3'1,7i t,-2H2-77; for interest on tho public debt, is.VI.ii-r,-42W'!; making an aggregate of jiio.iiil.O'-Hil, and leaving a balance in the treasury of J'1S,S12,-S.8-71, as before stated. As intimately connected with and prormtiro of this material growth of the nation, I a-k the attention of Congress to the viduuble informadou aud important recommendation relating to the public lauds, Indian attairs, the Pacific Kallro nl, and mineral discoveries contained in the report of the Secretary of the Int. nor, which is here with transmitted, and which report ulso em braces the subjects of pntcuts, pensions, and other topics of public interest pcrtuiuiug to this Dj puiiini nt. The quantity of public land disposed of during the hvc quarters ending on the;!0ihof September last was 1,221, a 12 acres, ot which l,:i:jh 01 1 acres wero entered under the homestead law. Tho re mainder wus located wiili military laud warrants, agricultural bCiip certilied to States for railroads, and sold for eusii. '1 lie cash received from sales ami location fees was Sl,011), UU. The income from tales during the fiscal year Haling Jnnc .'10, 18(11. was $ii78MI7-21. ugainst flati,077 i i received during tho preceding year. The agprepit'e number of acres surveyed duriug tue year has bciu rqual to the quantity disposed of, and there is opeu 1 1 settlement about 133,000, (JOO acres of surveyed limd. The great emerpii-c or connecting the Atlantic with the Pncilic states l,y ruilwavs and telegraph lines has bei n entered upon w ith a vigor that (lives assurance of success, notwlthstandiuir tho embarrassments arising from the high prices of liiuicioun mm miair. me routo of the nuin line of the road 1ms been dclinitely loc itud lor one honored miles westward from the iimiai point in ntnnnauiiy, Nebraska, and a pre brnlimiy location of ihe Pacific Hailroad of Cali fornia, l a. bei n made from Sacramento eastward to tLe Great llend irt the Sruckttivi.r in Nevada Nuineious di-fovtricH of gold, silver, and cinna bur mines buc been added to the many hereto fore known in tlie country occupied by the sierra Nevada and Kovliy Mountains, uud the siifj irdi nalc ranges new teem with enterprising labor which is ri' lily remunerative. ' It is belie vol that iho product of tho mines of precious iiictuls iu that regiou bus during tua vcai t rco. in o, ii uni exeeeueu, ? I w,oim,u JO. it was iccoiniueudi d in mv las', annnal mes sape that our ludian system be remodelled. Con gress, at its lust session, acting upon the recommendation, did provide forreorjanizinithu svsteru in California, and it is believed that uuder the present organi.ution the management of tlio jnciians there will be uttended with reasonable SHCCVsS. (Te bt iou'ntui.il in the n-xt edition.) DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. General Canby Getting Bettor. MURDER OF A NAVAL OFFICER lliM til ll MlNslHipl. Nv.w Yoiik, Deeemlier fi. A letter from New Orleans, dated November 2il, received via the Missis-ippi river, states that Geacral Canby i rnpldiy recovering, and is now able to s'tend to his otlicial business daily. General l llumnn is iu chief command of all the forces at M r ; in i t. . Nim's celebiat'd 2d Massachusetts ll.utcry is now hlationed at Morgania. l.ieutniiint A. D. Vulladc, of the Sl:h Vnite l States Infan'iy, colored, of Xcv York, was killed in mi nflalr of tlio outposts on the 2 !d. t On the. 2.ith of November, A' ting-T.ientcnan Thatcher, commanding tho gunboat t;.i.ie, was murdered by the Itehels while nshoro on an hland below tho mouth of Kcl river, and his body brutally mangled. The Mississippi river had ri-en eighteen fee: at torgau.iu in one week. The report that Th.irlow Wee I was nTo tiating for the juirchuse of tho Washington V.i tional littJIiirnar is denied by the proprietor of thatjournul. CITY INTELLIGENCE. A Sam Cask. A case of some Interest was hrard before Alderman White yesterday. A young, beautiful girl, just entering the full prime of womanhood, appeared against her own hus band, charging him with bigamy. She was sup ported by her father, a gentleman of respectable standing aud extended influence in tho villago whero he resides. The young girl's name is Fanny Arfhur, and her homo is In Stockton, Now Jersey. Abont a year since a stranger from New Y ork came to tbo villago aud became acquainted with the family of Mr. Arthur, ilia visits there increased, l-'unny was a guileless country girl, uuustd to the wiles und arts of city lite, and her hi art was an easy conquest for the attentive itranger. They were married. A fairer bridu never wore the white veil of her bridal wreath than the old man s daughter as she left bis side lor the borne and heart ol the strangur. Another bix months passed, ihu sunny days of marriage life had been unbroken and uu marred. The houevinoon lingered with tho young conplo, aud the days slipped away merry and gladHonie as brida! bells, when the dream of the vonug I rule s Happiness was dissipated. Iter husband bad always acted w ith apparent fairness in ail his transactions with bcr family, lie had given his name as Alexander Adams, und his t. s timonials from tho city where he claimed the ac quaintance of long years of residence, were un doubted evidences of his 60ber, Industrious, Dioial character. Hut now the young wife found that the was not a wife, that her husband had been mariied for years, und that his tirst wife and tbric children were living in .New lork. ihe girl went home to her lather, and the vil lagers proposed to settlo the mailer, us far as the reducer was concerned, by a short rope and a shorter shrift. Adams anticipated their benevo lent intentions to elcviue him in tho world, and he left for this city. Justice followed him. A warrant was issued for his arrest by JudHeCia- sidy, of New Jcr.cy, and Adams was arrested in this city, lie refused to go to Jersey for trial, and be was primarily arraigned before Alderman White, until an application for a requisition to remove him to New Jersey could be procured from Governor I'm ker. Tho hearing was one of singular sadness. Adams was committed to await the action of fhc Isew Jersey authorities. AniiK.sr of Alleged Bviiolahs. About day break this morning, two individuals were taken Into custody under rather suspicious circum stances, upon tho charge of being professional burglars. About 12 o'clock last night, as OtUccr Campbell, of the Second Police District, was standing at Fourth and Shippen streets, he ob served twe men behaving in a strange manner. One of them ttood near the curbstone, as if he was watching, while the other was close to tho house Bnd seemed to be lingering about tho lock in the door. I be oiiicer walked towards the uiun, when they started off. me former summoned assistance, and traced the steps of tho men to a lager beer saloon on X it t ti sircet, opposite ucrnion. inu oncers watched them from through the wiudow, and saw one go up to the bar, uud tho other go out into the yard. v ailing until tney came out, the oiticcrs commenced to search ino suspected indi viduals, with a view of ascertaining whether thoy bad anything on their persons to confirm sus picions. .Not finding anvtinng, the men wero released and started oil'. The ollicers next went into tho lager beer saloon to ascertain what the men hud been doing there. They went Info the yard, and theic found a set of false keys tied np in a hand kerchief, which one of tho thieves had deposited utter ho found his steps were being dogged by tho ollicers. Tbo keys were taken possession of by the ollicers, who determined to set watch and sec if the men would return for their property. Accordingly, about 6 o'clock this morning, one of tho men, together with a companion, made bi" appearance at the, saloon. One ot theiu went, into the yard, evidently to hunt the keys. The ollicers then ai rested both. They gave the numts of Joseph l.oekaid aud Joseph llenkle miin, and wcie locked up for a timber investiga tion. Tub Fkknsyi.vani a State Gi abdand thi Diiai t. Hujor 11. 1. Dodge has received the fol lowing ordtr from Provost Marshal-General Fry, concerning the organization or the Pennsylvania 6tato Guard t WAB III l'AllTMPNT, FlIOVOST M Vltsll t,-G UNK- eai.'sOiii.k, Washington, D. C, Noveiulwr 2!, lnil. To Major it. I. Dodgo, 12tU United States Infantry, Actiug Assistant l'rovo-l M ir-ahal-Cciicnil, ilarrisburg, Pa. Major: The hec retary of ar directs me to inform you that tho l'residsnt ot the United Stutes has ordered as lollows: Incase the Governor of Pennsylvania thull orgini.c the Pennsylvania State Guard, and put In service under State act for that purpose a number not exceeding live thousand, it is ordered that any member of said organization beiug Crafted Into tho United States service be at once furloughcd, .'o as to retain his place in said Statu organization, not leieiviug pay of the t'uiled Suites, out tne tune counting on his term unler the draft. You mo Instructed to see that the eiders of the President are strictly conformed to. A Ni; Cni n. ii. At the corner of II road and Oxford streets n nuw Presbyterian church is to be erected. The lot was purchased by thu con gregation of the Presbyterian church now located InGiratd avenuo, west of Ilroad street. The lot li one hundred feet front by two hundred and twenty-live feet deep. Its cost was twenty-live thousand dollars. Upon it the congregation aro now commencing the erection of a church, for which they have raised the sum of seventy-five tbomand dollars. The congregation in question are determined to erect a temple of worship that ahull at once be an ornament to the neighborhood aixl a laudanark to coming generations, Thk I'iiaviis at run Navy Ytno and Arsksai.. Colonel II. S. Olcott, Sped d Com missioner of the War and Navy Departments, who is at present In this city engaged in o thorough Investigation of the frauds and lar cenies, both at tho Navy Tard and Schuylkill Aisenal, makes a special request that all good ciiicns will conimnnic uto to him any fach rela tive to frauds, embezzlements, or larcenies of public properly, cither at the Navy Yard or Arsenal. The public may rest ns ired that lie lias So'h tbo power and tho tli-qt -d:io;t to c.o-if and pnnbb the guilty, without retard to position or influence. The mvcsty itions which he is in I'.iag I n ve no political leas, but are -iiuplv tin: re-ul t nt a scttU d polfi y of t Ii e Government. l'o ninu'ii-i-atioris must he ae -letip 1'ne'd by the ml. I c.;-.s ol' the wi i er, but whenever ilcsiied will bj coil shti red confidential, OitNi I.oiioe or A. Y. M.oi Pi sv-vi.v vsri v. A st it. d qiiarteily iMiniuuijie uiun of the f j raid I. cnU'e of free and Accented Masons of the State of Penn-ylvania was held last evening at fie II. ill.on t hesnut str.-rt,uhen the fullowitigtivued ollicers were elected ; llrother Lucius II. Scott, Itight vVorshipful Grand Master, Df. D. C. SkT ictt having declined a re-election ; Urjther John L. Ooddnrd, It. V. 1). O. M. ; brother Kiehard Yunx,K. W. ft. G. '.; llrother liobert A. I.sm berioi', II W. J. G. V.; llrother Peter William son, K. W.G.'I'.j llroibir W. II. Adams. It. V G. S. Trustees of the Grand Lodce Comity Fund llrother Joseph S. Ktley, William F. Ithick, A. H . M.icphcrson, Jacob l.oiul, nsluer, Geoigc Gi iscoui. Trtlstc s of tlie Giranl llqacsl l'.rothir Samuel II. Perkins, James Hut li.u son, David llnyd. David .lay lie, M. I).. George T lu insen. Trustees of Masonic I. tan iirothe.rs William liudLcr, James Shields, William llargur, AlcMiucei Kirkpatrick, John L'.Gilicr. Kti lit m.Nti. This morning the Mayor i-stied warrants for the city bounty to 2'l men, of whom lfl were enlisted for three years, 2 for four years, and .1 for two years. There wore credited to tho Ninth Ward, 4; Twenly-fourih Ward, 3; Sixth Wind, I ; T enth Ward, S; Fifteenth Ward, 2; Twelfth Ward, 1; Fourth Wurd, 1. Coi i kr Coinaok. The United Stales Mint in this rily has coined within six months about eighteen million of tho new copper ounts. Tho Noveuilicr report of that institution states that live million six hundred und ten thousand rents, and tli i co million one hundred and forty-live, thousand two-cent pieces were coined last mouth. lieie do they go .' Fiuk. This morning, shortly before 0 o'clock, a slight fire occurred In the basement of a house at No. 11U7 ltodman street. Official, Vote ron PitrcsmK.vTiAi. F.i.kctoiih in Pennsylvania. The otlicial vote lur Presidential fclectors, tor tue State ot Pennsylvania, wus announced yesterday. ' lie airerrgnie number ol voles were live hundred and scvcntv-tivo thniisind six liniKln-d and ninety-seven ifi72,iiUi"i. )i tue hiiiiiIh i iMouroN Mr Michai L ( I'nion) rec.ave l two hundrid anil ninetv-six tliousaud liiree hundred and eit'lili -nine f'2lsi3SU), and I;. oil'. I, Johnson (Ii niocntt) iwo hundied and seventy fx thoii'und tiiiee hundred iil.d eiuht (27)1,3 IS). .Mr. Mr .MiriiAPt.'H n njerilv is twenty thnuFiind und eiirhty-otie (Cil.OHl i. 1 his iiiclmle the soldiers' vote, Johnson run six hundred airainst the rest ol his ticket, llie l.iuctors have nil teen uotihed, and tlio counlie. are all iu. A Yot'NO IiAOY I.osr. A young lady, about lfl rears ot igc, named Anna K kli.ku, arrived iu this city aimut one week arto, from I'litalan?, iu company with a lady named Mrs. Dup.bin. She has been sojourning with a ludy acquaintance named J'.rs. IIowk, who resides somcwhoro in Ninth street, In tide city. Yesterday afternoon, while out wa k ing, she lust her way, and not knowing tho number orlocatiouot Mrs. Hon-K's residence, has not sac eeoded in finding her stopping place. She is bouig I. inpiiiarllv cured tor ut No. lull Cherry struct, where her irkuds cau tlnd her. Another. Svcceshi tl Company. The Mingo OIU'ouipAity has demonstrated the fcUcccki whicii slwnys ailcnils incrny, lioncsty and In telll.'.-iieo. It hts been urrunizril bv the elts:lloti ui' seutlemen uf the tlrst respect ability at its officers, iukI licneath tliclr csrei'ul manae nicnt it has to-day n receipt of upwards of ninety barrels, nr.inelhoiisat.il dulfars per day. It holds a one-tbuith Interest In the UteJ Well on Cherry Itlin, whlrh yields scfnty-ilvs bsrrrls, and also sixteea more frum its Peino baker leases. It also owns a rami of nfneiy-cllit (t'K) aires, rear tho widely celebrated Maple Shade Kami and will commence borlns ih.irtly. It hui declared lt first divliU-nd of two iter cent , and wl.l be, ere long, ons of the ttircit aud richest companies enued Id tlie oU intoro3t. IIo! llol You'be Quttiho Dalt), ArrYou? Well, that Is a mislertiiDe, and act a crime; but lo re main bld when so line an opportunity on en to rcsloro your lialr, by a fsltlin.1 ni) lloend ute ol'iir. D, Jayue s Jiair Tonic, is but hide sbort of crime. TUU valuable pre !urut!oucci.'S tlie scalp to u new aod healtby a--tlin, clc times It from scurf and dandrutT, prevents the hair frora falling ott, cured tliuse erupiiru dlease!i which ouea appear on the head, und la a majority of eaaei producei a line UTonih oi ucw hair, n also gives llio hair a rich and lieaudral appearance, unciuall.-il by anjtfam,' oftlieklud. Frepared only ut N'o. '.'12 Cbenut street, A Gheat Eei'i-tation. There has never been any Invention niven to tbo world which In the same period of lime to eileclually won itawuyluto universal favor ai the "Horoiiee" Hewtns Machine, soid lu this city at N'o. f.achesunt street. All who examine It aro delighted with the nianie r In whleh It operates. It m.ikoi u lets than fuurdirTerent stlielics, aud executes all kludi of I'umlly sewtnu with net nest, durability, and dsspatcli. Kvcry machine sold la warranted to give otiiUction, of Uu money wul be rcturued to the purchaser. Guanu Display op Winter Clothino. (Irand Waplay of Winter Clotbtnj. Orand l)lpltty of Whiter Clothing. At Clus. Brosas A Co.', At Ciui. Sro&us A Co.'s, At Cuas. Htokkv & Cn.'a, Umlsr the Coniluentul Hotel. Under the clr nliuf aial Hotel. I ruler the Coutlneutal Uotel. To Pt noiiASi! Clotuin at Low Pmcas, mako a si'lerte nirom rnr sunk ol Kenr-MAiK lUraiunts. W e aiestlanx soo.la oatul In ttyU, fit, mi.'.e an 1 taaeiit, Hvm ib If .A i, r tint, fcitrdr I linti II now rlnuyt.it for tue ami- g.wls ma.le to order. W e have all stviea, le. atnl pni cM,f(oll.liiK M.m', Voiilh'i.unU Uoii'. All can be lined wnuoui delay of trouble. Bmstrr A Co., Tower Hall, No, mo Market aiieet. Covi'Liiiuntary. My hair is now restorod to In jouilitul color, I hays not a iirsy hair Ictt. I am aaili d.dUiattliupreparadon la nut 6r, but acta on tlie ecr.'iiem. My hair ctasea to fat, oalch It crtainly au dvaiauge lo me, who mi In darnier of becomfas bald. Ti l, Ii, the Icntloiony of many who have u.id Mia. H. A. Allen a World i llklrlieatoierand -ylobalaaraaui.orlliilr i'rlrg. Kvery urLn'glsi tulla tiiem. IIoastei) Almonds, Chocolate, and Cream Cara mel, tupnrlor iiuaaty and Havora, manuiaeturo.t by E. O. Whltinnil A I o , So. jlK b.'snul atrcsit, Ceouois Stkck Sc Co.'n Pianos and Maso ,Si HAMtas'a flAVO . CAHIM-IT HKtlAKSJ. CAniSRT li'MKH. Ove-.SiOol mil of II. ..ie nae In- (Idi.iss. PIAM1 atrumcnts bavc hi en aold bv Mr. CAIilvnr oi:'l KS. luod tla'ieiuaitd is coua.aully iihimns t'lAVO ll erea.llig. CAIIINI'.r r.iliTl.Sl. JToi eaie only by nK 11S4 eitso j r i.oin.n, cuimsi' Mlk'lltS.i SevoiltU sod CIr'siiui Href la. KjltiiASsj. Do Yop Know Dean has removed to No. 413 t'keanut atittei y lie elk Tobacco, t'luars, Plpee, Ac., flltv per cent, leas than any oihor man la tlila city. Remember ueaa. Ho. 4111 Cheanut atreut. Rakb and Mxoi isitk Confbctions for the Uolldsye, now rwly at K. O. Whiunan A Co., Mo. H8 ChcMiut street, PiioiooitAPiis of natural styles, accurate like ueuea, anal eauulaltely flidshed.at II. I. Belmor's Oaberj, Ko. Ut Arch atreet. (lo early, aad avoid lbs crowd, trmeinber die Uayi are abort. 9 BUSINESS ITE'J. Dr. Jnyne'a f aprrxetrnwl. All ntio hrtsei uaed Uda atai.dard jdrlribe fer ASTHMA, ON-TMrTIO, I'lll'MCIIlMH, ri.P.t'UIfY, WlltiOriNIi C'lftllt, CROCP, CtifOim ASI) COU'H, IIOVKPHSIlSH, or any fnlinonary Comi'lslnt, sliest I'a naaMn-a. In proof ot lta litct, we would ainte iiikCJ for thirty yrare post tv F pf. lorsia baa loa n latere the public, and ih tt a. li ii nrecilmir y. sr has aildf il to It at p.pulsiity, ana e -t n..f illlle ilenimid, until now II la known and apiir'-' iiit' ii In nil Miiartera ot ti e world, and adraltNd to l-s llie Unal It. to. oy of the A ut ; I. at i Is aa ol' .tan iia. a f.-r ti l.r.t, it It f ai .. tally Ccfl;n. d. UK I NT ft. I ll AM' OI I.M.I'lu.rttlc ralr.a.Af an i0l. kly nnil I fl' tnally i urtd t'J 1th ll.. li.-rli, 8y. :l ln. and espvetoraut poai er. ATnM II aIwsm enras. Tt oarcn'.l tlif lAm".l( roiitra. it. n of ll.e nir a.s.'bi, and by proline. m he'iev-pe.-toTat. ii at otire r. uiovoi ail diiiirulura of broaiuaig. IIKOM IMUS readily yielda tctl.eHxpei loriuit. Itaub dio a Uie liillHiniuailou v,hicli exti-iuls tliroiik'b the v,iad lubes, pr.iilti' ea tree i xpi cU laUon, anal aupprtasea at vuce the iunb and paui. l'fNsrMI-TlON.- forthia Inaldicii" ar.d fatal dla. .nuo remady on earlli hua cut bn-n found m eitei lual. It auti ilttea Die IlillHtnlnallon, r.'IU'vei th.' .asa and pain, ri n "Ma tlir dlibcilty of breathtny, and prodnrea an easv i xi e. loratlon, hen-by ail Irrltntuik' and o auu. ting aiat tirs are r movedlrom Uie lungs. Vi llilOI'INC, C'iC'lllla promptly relieved l.y mil Kapcc tolnnl. It eliorUnr the duration of Uie dli.caae one-ball, and grentlr uUtl(.alra die aiilTrrliiv'a or Uie patient. In nil PU-MnKARY COMPLAINTS, InCUOl'P, PI.KI' IMSY, Ae., It will be found to be prompt, l.ir, ili aiuut, and ri-lliible. I'ri pared only b lir I).Jnne A Son, N'o. 1 1? Chesnu atrei-t, mid aolil by lrufvlti uerally. ( lioiro Old IJovvrnuieot Java Coivaa, K.iasi kl Frssh h bsr Ifiinsiwl, Davis A Hi. iriliea, Auca aud Tt.sr. Ilnrirlnr Alnriil Tc-la itrmph Th lntTT a are Intoriuad that 1 have anercflitotl In obtAlnlutr the agency of thia vain- a " r able Inveielon lor this illy and I I t vicinity. It ia operated by etectrt-a.Ci.-fi.1 cUy.ihosime as all other te!eraphs ef;rf " -JT "Sj only llie w irea are not visible Kai h .1?.TT wmd.ie. and door la an O.erator. It 1 1 la Introduced H I. bout delai'lng the houae ill Uie feaat. A burular must teleiiraph to yonr room ; he rannnt avoid It. In aix year -it'iieoac in isew lo-k It has not IAIIS.1. iritis an ob ject lo protect, bcaobd a dontit, tl:e windewa and doors of your huiue, it cau be dona. Call ai d aee It. JOHN A. MrRPIIF.T, No. U.lt C11ESSL T Buoit. waSfW- weorae Nlerk A Co.'s . jr"1. i AlAflON A HMUV II I II orav-n A 111 !S K I' Oltl A N t. '..,, kM i. 0v-r of 'MB ,,f "" nn F.8,1. i.i l v.i Inatrumenti have been aold by O'lilANH. ,.t) atantlv Increaalrs. .OKtANS. IUMI L.....I. i..i." CAIIIHKT KiUTRA OioANSJ. "'AMI j E fKiTjLr) CAlll.NKr rutirtS geyeuth aud Cheanut atrccta. .OuaAJIS. AMUSEMENTS. CM'KMV OF MUSIC. THIRD WEEK or EDWIN KOHKEST, JJONDAT, TUESDAY, THBIiHDAY, AND IKIDAY, " KINO LEAH." The riioirp. PEATS of the Academy to be had at the llonll Stand, t outlneutal J totel. 1. ft JOHN 11. GOUtJII, JilHt-i , WILL DELIVER THREE LEC1URES IX CONOEHT HALL, A8 FOLLOWS THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, "PEOTJLIAE rEOPLE." FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, "lEIIPEBAKCE." Tlieiewlll r.ethe only Lectures by Mr. Oou-h In tola city diirinv the acaaon. lieketa ier each lecture, y.t oenta, lUaervad apati. SO fentfl Ihe aula of tiekcts will kexln at AlarUen a, Ho. Sad l.eanal atrei-t, on haiunlay morning, at 1 o cioea. Tliey vl 1 aiao bo aold at the JUall on the evening of eaoh Loo tuie. IX'ori open at 7 o'eTock. Teeluro at 8 o'clock. Aa the demand for tickets will ooubileaa be ureal, early appUcauoa wul bo lucc.aary to aee ore aeata. MKRICAN ACADEMY OF MCSIC. Leaaee and Manatee JOHN T. FOItD. 1 Abo, ot Ihe llolllday fttret-t 1 lieatro, Italtlmore: Ford e H' Tl.ealre, Wal.lngaou i aud Uio Alexaudna, Vlrjnnia, 'I hi'alrf.) Biak-eUanagcr JOUS B. WRUUIT fdlAKEBPI' ART'S St'llLIMB TRAGIDT, KIND L K A K . TWO KulllTt) (INI T. PONIT1VP.1.V. AIOMIAY AMI T!ltDAY KVISNiKliS, UKl'l MIIEit bib andstli, F. UW1.S I K K fc a T will aiiala'n hi WOlil.U KENOWNKI) IMPERSONATIO OF I. K A It , fn Sl.akopearc'a auMlme traKedy of that name. 1 'li ar J. MeOafloaah ke ol Knit W. II. IU.hmIu Juike ol Albany W. h okul InikuoMiloueester C. rt'a wleh Fein, und H C. Ualxm I'Oiaril Ma, lame I'otilat C rtii'lia aliaa Alice urar Jilt. FollftK.vr MONPAY, Tlll.SHAl. TIII KMlAT. AND FHLDAY NIllllTS. SKATsl H.Cl liEl) SIX lAVK IN AnVASI K. Jo pen., nuance oa WliOM-oliAV or hAll'UDAT h. .'iili' a. tobaki-ipcaie'a crlobtated Trni;rdyof lUMLhl' la in aetlve nreparad.ai. Tot, liox br.. ei,ior tbe isle ofieetired plaeei, now oaa tetwt.'ii ilie hour, of Ii nnil 4a o'clock. Ailiiuei Ion. So and 2pi centa. a.cined Hcala liOeeeu additional. TXHIIIITION OF WORKS OF ART, FOB li u.eBE.NPi it oi ilia t UIIIHTIAS COWIRSION, altbe AI AI'KVIV or FINE AIM. An Fxlilbltloii ol u Private Obtclloo of Work! of Art, In l aiiitinga, hcuipture, Wa'er t 'olar, aud oiner llrawlBe, KtiKinaln;a, ,Ve., la now opeu at the Poanaylvaitla Academy ol Hue Aria. No. I Hi,', t'llllHNl'T Street, from A M. lo 10 P. M.,aur tin bcucflt of u Cbruuiaa Uoia-niii-u.ii. AifmUloii a.', centa; Tlckela SO centa. U-Xt-l 1 ' KEAT NATIONAL CIRCUS. STAR VJI KNiiAliKMKNr. WA1.KUT MKl.Li . AlluM EIGHTH. Dlreotroa Uia. CIIAULtS WARNS! Ormirly Mra. HAS KICK). The lartteat con, nary in the wo-ld. A atar enfiaeeraeat havlnir lutu nadewita the iinmcuaa KICtllal Treupe, theae iTcat artialawill appear tlua evculiif and every etaultik- diiriim the week. YouUA MCOL.J, an aerial p.ufiruier on die LXrbelle Penleuae. or KlylnK Trapea, la rct'iir.lrd bv all irltlra aa llie child aaonder. The TAI.l tt.fi llltnl III HU. and W. BO( HHI.l.H, the areal MMi.kloukey, with lli rr N ICOLO, colialllnie the Troupe, Ilia jAaV.ia7.ltU HIIOI IIEIIS, KATUN HTOMR, 10H RIKtl. (i. IIA'ICllKI.OII. M.aara. MUltKAY and HUT. CIIIMaOM, 1'tiAK. H.ilcllWUOD and Family, will aJai appear In man) boautllul kcenee. The Trained loi;a wlH alsoappear. Clown, Mr. 8AM. Hl'ICKNKV, Jr. Cema early, and let atata at U-UU Couimenee at 7'40. M ATIHKKSWRllhatKllAT aud BA1 CDAT AFTEI XOoNH, coapraeneliiK ati. o'clock. acuta. 1'iivat lo.xei, fiaad I AlltlM.siON. rmi liar, on eeau; neeeid nor, It ih.hh lua auu Ivcauea. AMUSEVr.NTS. CLUS NUT STIiLE r TUEATUE. (.IIOVI It A M, 1,1 1-laKl.a. AMI ,IA.VAt.l.R, TI FXIIV F.VI1MMI, nisH F.'ltlF.n A, Mil. II I I I'l 'I'll II "I. Al V, I ii i-i hit ok 'in i; m.;am, 'I tl K MM' til ' '11,10 . A , 1 11 II II IT III,' 1 i. attain, Til K II IT !' Til K se. A (. I.OIt PU S M l. A I.I OK KM si M H'Lal. (. I.UI. !'. ( ( ( lS. A I.I.II'IIHO M i I UK. A t l.lilillll ft t K's-a. Oneef l.r. I.AK..I.-I AI i ll IStm.t ever aam 1,'nl w it, to .be wana f ii Is 1 1 entte n.sruin,e i last ev ea tr k to it . , a- tl,, ,r ,,h i, n ,,i in n B.nicl.anil I baealj- 1 1" I SI I tat., ll.'ll e 'I 11 I ,1.,-V It, .II". a .11 "I'l PHillVV: li ""IK r ii v , Oj.-l.. ItHOW.a,. M "Mil lllt'lltNi IK'IK IIKOU V, .HM I 1 l,l Hi, JI."-'K ll.sOUM !t. rifi.; hi i.iKte in.- n i i(inv. Itl-.I.IKI- Ol." I.I I K MIVV, HI- l.ll'.l-' 111' I.I I aa, NOW . II K.I.I I K I.I l K .l'. . H I I I K.K Ml,' i n K Ml . I- tr I.II..K I'K l,l ( 14 Miw. It KM I K OK 1,1 c 14 4iv . 1 II F. 'Ve hi I..1WIN1I AI HIKNCR iiimirnivi.tiiii ai ma. vb 1 11 K OVr.iil l 'iwisu Al'iill.1 K t'.af .ifi n,i,i, ,i to do tribute to tbis tiruud iirama, con p. ii d as ii waa of IlllAt TV AND 'A!IIOV, I'll.M I V ASK I asMI'lv, I KAl I Y AMI FAMIIION, M I III Alt. FS'I III'M1 M' IN TIIKMt AI.VIHHTinV I.NIIll MAhlll' 1 '.' Illl. Ill ,M' .1 1 KM , I S' INI III SI A -It II' IS' 1 II Ma AH 'I Hi a. I I 'N A : tlie , l. cant to.nii.er lii who ii ii wa. p,a I'ct'are t i.a fai lle, it bus been proem . it nt at) ntui Nm; ni'TMT, IM l I.N sK Ol I t. VI , lj,..iir.S'n "i ii.AV, rt I TH M W ASD 111 At t H IT. HI r.VF.RV, M.av ASH I'.r M Tin I, SUA SHIIV, M.W AMI liLAl'ill I L KMlUi, HV RU'l?a,KI SMITH, HI II Villi SMI I II. ('ORRICT ivll l . HI I V iVMIUKOna;, cm ItHI T AMI l .iSI'I V WAHKIIilltK, I olll.'l.'.'T AMI I'O.-II.V W ,.111111 li'.H, Maimlactiiie.1 ortrliuii'y for rhia piece und'ir the itnma. dine aai ervial.ai of Mn.N l'. ( KM! T.T, IHON llill'CH'AI I.T, Whan flrat p-ndnei.l at Walliirk I Theatre . XewTork.wlta teelal ud'llti'ilt. bv Mr. It'CKKICand A.alataiita; Hl'l.e Mill! ASI) HI'IKI I Kl .MIHIO sri.HSIilll ASH He 1 1; I I III Ml I0 Bl'l KSIUM AN'll HI'IUIIHI) III'SIO Iteudered by uu (it lii.K and the tir.nl ureheatrtt MTAHTI.IN.i Ml'.l IIANU AI. EFKF.CTH, By Joseph Hiahan ai d I liouia. Ilia ktnirui PltlU'HU I II H ASH Al . I.HSOltlKsl, lie John Horsey ami As-latsuta, and aa F( I LI KST MSI l;llll,'TI"N OF CHAItACl 'Kll. HVl l.i.l KST l.lis I Kllll l His- OF I'll UAll I'fcK.S lu toe I a-t Ha-'tie ot tbla i.rimd fapc taeic, uia Sl.iKMiSIl (.1 im; RKIIAIf, SIOUMIMI Of TIIF. KHHA.N, &IOII41IKH OF TIIK KLllAN, 1 hi (lltANO CIIAIttiK OF TIIK IIII!III.AIIKI: i. HANI) I'lUKill". Of TIIK llllllll.ANfll Hsl 1. HANI) I llalliii; OF '1 11 K llliilll.A V'SMS F.mplovH to nelKe rnniilet o Kit ion phi:h.ins OVF.i; Kill I'UIi'iSrt OV11K 1(10 I'HIHO.SS U on Hie Pt n'-:r. at tin a. one tune, lotialni? a taleaa of audi IhrnliiiK end i-owerriil ei . ci as to al mi. p enn.p tlie it.FArr.v I S I III HI.VSM IN F.VKIIV IIRIInl.DKR. 1 In eer ain a fi.u r alnuieiit will conclude with tlie verjl Intereath'g lirama of ItulH ItT MACAfliK, In which Mr. wuer Lennox, Mr. ,1. r. Ward, and Com pany mil apiaar. PUT! KHAV AKTFRSOTV. nF.CKMBKIt In, MXTKK.MH lil!SI FAMILY M a.11 N K f, JISHIK BKUWK; Ut, I UK Kkll.lKF OF LUCKJJOaT. AY f ALN UT STREET '1 1IKATRE. FOUR r II WF.F.K of the extTHordlnarv enf iikcuicui of tV.o charming, able and verautde voiit'u artri as, MISS LCC1LI.E VTESTF.RJI , who will appear THIS EVKS'IS-ll In a new, thrllllnir. and beautiful Piav, In a Fralotfua aaj four Acts, by .1. W. Wallai-I,,.lr . enlllled l.I'MEA, IIIK MKKKKW Ml.THF.R. " O.mea.the llelaeir Main I.t'l II.I.C WF.STFRtf Geiuea, a t. rnuie-TiUer l.l'CILL WE t'tltJ In rebenraal, "CI.CILI.K; Or. Loveand Uaie," Ilea Ollice open from una. curuun riaoa at lxi. M RS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AKCU ST. 11UU1A1,. IIOCFR CIIOWDF.l) 'ID OVEBI'LOWINO. HIXOND WtKK Ot ,1. 8. CI.AKKK. TI1IH (Mo ilav) t. KMNli, Deecmocr 5, i:VKUI'a)HY'c FIllKM). Ma.lor lie Iloota j. a. CLAltKB 'locoucllide Willi lloiiefeaillt'a llratna, inc. niuijun eii i-a,. Aoiniatna J. A CLARKE TLEMIAY, Hit: I lekl.l-ilf.LtAVK MAN, FltlilAY, HFVF.FIT Of J. H. CI.AIIKK. IlK.St.l 11' OF J. li. HI.AKktL. ASSEMBLY IlVII.DINGS, WEli.SllhUAY. December 7, AT .1', P. M., FOritTU LA.-SICAL II AT. NUB, ut riiK ITllIAIdll PniA CLASSICAL QITXTEfrK CtPB, Resale. liAWtl-SKIt, JAItVIH, CI0H, l'LAdEUANN. and HCllali.. PIVOI E TICKETS 60 Cent F.'i. kateof '6 t.ekela, kood utaU lln-ea 110 Package ol .'rfitioela, a-ood at all fine it$ For fine at the alualc More ol J K. noqld i-l 'A 41 QU1IIHT llXMliCiTi:!. Thla admirable ricture, iho Kreateit production of the) paiutar WHAT, la now on eilnbitioa at the ACADEMY OF USE ARIA, Mo. luiOCHESNCT Street, tO Totrtber with the entire collection of the Inititntloa. AdrnlHanca, TWEKTY-F1VE CENTS. 11-li Jul EMT BALLOON ASCENSIOKS. THIS AF1ERN00N AND EVENING, AND IiL'IUSQ ALL CALM WEATHER THIS WKEa, At Cor. of rirTEENTSand 00ATE8 Sts. The waO.r being flne. thoio wfihlnfr 0 MnilAt Jtould br on tiand eitrtj. 'i h city lltjbtuU b prestnu ft Uiutl tubiiuie ept iK . AdtuiHbion. vt ci-ntB. flil'dren. 15 rmntf. Artiilon from ti to ft., aoevrdiuy to aititnUe and (trof occupicU ill OFMCK OK TIIK CITY BOUNTY --iy fiml Ci-uiiiiu-I( n, ( tmiiuunnetUli Uuiidiuu, 1'mi am:t.)'Iii,, Iremlr 5,1461. "utlt r ! 1iokv l-Iv, n tiiat the Ituunty o:torol Uy thd City nt Plii.utle.pliht v lU not be j-nla foe it ti y p-crnli mui lertd H.tu i i,c inmo of Ut L mud btatta uilr Muudut le t iuti?r .', lint. lp to aid Iiu Iiidlng ttaf iliy (hun'T will b paid at Iicn infrre lur rtiruiti niuaLaiutt Intu the Rt K'Har Army and hv, f li ti-fit , X I'.kliiO. i'ruB(dint. (rV-Xif MONTHLY STATKMKNT OK TIIR Socui.d Naliuuai hankoi ('hi.tidetiiliia, nA!fKKiKP, l)i rviuiier 5, 1&4. T.oHnt and ili oimtc $ '7:i,ii..r:ni l ulltd tltaUa toaiik 4-.O0U IH) m t W34!8 Wptrlf 9 Cmipii HiMifr, .lIt , , titwi tt line iruui liiinkt VfT.KH ( 4U ;M'itl aoOMWott J'.'l'0-it .JH.'II liUt toliMl.ks. IG.M ii ly O.V1,447-1 Clmilaiion VjO.duQ foiKJMKu of tliV lUuk villi iitt l.iv oi JitH embr. Infil. U--W VV ii.'iAWN.CtMliler. llKADQUAHTERS TENNSYLVA- MA 1111.11 IA. Il.iniisiii im, Iiecemliera, 1804. OKNF.IIAL DlillilllS. ,su. .',. I. The r.irulnuii.l. r-in-Ctijel. in unnoiiiiel'iifi that Mulor (.. li.ral t ouch I, as been In the VV ur l)iartiueut relieve (mm llie criimaud of Iiu ii-iaruociit of tlie Dji.iu j liaiina.uud eMure.l t.i s.-rviee 111 ii (. Held, dcoiua It juat tj expiesa tlie reiiret avldcli lie I'eol al llie lerminiitloa of ttia leiuil.ina vililrh huvo exlatt-d. diiruiK more than eiirtiteea nioiulia. In iwi en llmi ..ilieer and uio Htate autbunliea, and lo auy iIij.1 the pi omotii iido. i ai ui'i-iieaa vixr, ana lnl'Brlt with which lieii.ial r.iucli at all lime. rultllM ail I, is tulles in Ihla Hepat'luieiil, tavu enlllled alia 10 111 lillilieat t-attioin and n-Kurd. 1 lie tili. iia 14 I'eiiuawviuila have leunied to know bit merit, and lil Ue wratilled In lieiir of IIiili ti.w ill.iino, l.,n hich, in active ai ruce. Ma .kill, anirit. and s-allaulry eaa unt lait to add to lila already iiiu reputauouaa a patriot A. L. Rt'sNkLL. AdjuUnt'Henera) rur ivlraiiln. Kit-31 and aold Ier. 11. me fomnaiider-ln Cblef devma It a i)Micr mhlect of conmatulatlnii ihat ihe cnriuanl nf the Deuanuieut devolvea iiik d Mamr-tleneral UaiUalader, a clUen ot our own Hiale, and an i. ulcer of nhili inu Kritr and inllt. fjiry ebaiaclor. anu by villein, the iei,lu can rely.tlia pub. lie aenice will be wii.'lyiind vinoroiiilj carried ou. I Bj order of . ,jj A. 1. ClIRTIoT, i . uoiarnoraudCouiaiander.iu-cUlel'.