TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PniLAT)ELFIIIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1801. 1 f ' UK SPAY, M.l t.M'i 4 t., CA. A ParKIIM'Un!'' I.KUVt WIllTtlFY Of lil t M.AXD. n lile "Cornninn lVn -o It " t'jff h'o A Tril lion WtmeH-v rr- -..r ' !' .: f owing KU'gy ou Iktc ico:nit Hi. liu ki .:. nr.' r-li ai I we o-ir er. ,i' r i 'tii.t in i.in-t ina. r " -a " h w lulu a rn kv 'i' 'i d 'II nn ml I rf K I',' M.i i .1 t'Mt'ti ,C C4 ll -: H .in r lu 'a tu..t i.i h ci n.i ' i ni'li n.ii'turl. ft:i I -v 1 ..' i n it c c ti m ;i ni ..i l -I 'II start up ii"" m n- 'i : )t In r w .i a.-t-nl-' .t .i ' . t r.itu in hi n li-.' t i I'm lit fllll-t il.lo'l fir 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ' ! , 1 jr ii,l'.'-, ) i li"" imnn I, HTlol.ll 1. uly vi lay )(N .in rtv --ir il'- i tin-i rutii.- p- iiaj:, t! ''.iv-iutr It iii'i : i . ni thrill "Jlli!';rl lliu'll (ill .1 to lii ii.i-j'.f. en (. pdM-'l M t'li- ilr:,i i ' . Hiimi;, I .lift ,rrn-c 1' t a'.i' i 'l 'ti i til ( IMTil 111'' l li 11 1' i . A'lirn 1 1' i- rn rn . '. ..n i- cir. 'rtii-l ui..ti:uu In : still. t Into e.i-nil a-i n rn' rcii'i r,' 'l-rMout us an; ilie fro.i' i J" retinal ni n iiiu ;it. i; tie cliani;!' in :l.o huli: ni 3 wi rlil fiii-t li'iil, u imui ial 'in 1 wi rkman :, but ike r UK it-. ;l, tin art from all Biipo tiii'.ui, 'i- ? fa-lion, la ilrM 1 .. vjcoti a: V to vork trim; riii'i, si'i'-o t'i them. 'J lid mu r iili tl.u a Ivani c of in ' s r''v'.iMir liomity, V 'illlCllal, or utv- ill as oi iiitiun-, rutin ever In a r.li' ri lnil .rn 'tit. llctuktnin n i'l:is vlii li nei-tl not Uinn' tit its lumla, riivri 'haw nlien lucn tiie lavor s of .rinc 8 and Imlii s. Tu, history ar.il poetry tinci'-riiiits jito luid up iii 'iinuoroii't le irnMl atiMi, wliu h in one lint I) I)i inln I w dimI am of perusing. We sli i l i uileavor, mmcvi r. Hie cpi (vl short ai'li t. to Rive a tew pur uiur, a HAti.p.e of mi' rmioiis history ail I tenitniR lino iiiiiiiivud wn i iiir:, im t'lcive c protosril aritlia jloyian t di.sluti r us mueli iti- as I c ploae, I'.tn.urlnj! as rintin nr, tl. it- untinuity reiftu s r bi vi.ml Hie olni st nu r..n ee tu muieuniH. le i arliest me.tition of thrir inc oecurs in tlio Jnk of (Jenesiti, (otno 1727 .i' ar H. U. j but it la uic pons.ule tlmt the t.iinnii htro (liliirii lei! , even the Mill more ri i v t 1 1 . pre-blstoric rniui, crearinp. e alierwanls bear, in theaicred lOidH, ot 1'bnrHoli H rn if. ; ml that used lr rius a' iiiiny inn ; nun Hero otus li'tn us all e lluly Iobhi uwd t ) wear iint,r. 'i'liey wura 'ginally iiiu iidcd strirtly for use as Dignel-rinKS k tint a orniiinents, and tl;e..- use as sui'b soon lead from the K.mt IntoKur p. In the llomerie icnis thiTe art no tracer or ivtarm riucn, and e:.rlie.-t ringi used In tin ire (uoout Solon's me) were igin t-rini;s for use only, Xher noon bicatnc tasiiion. n e us orna ncnti, iwcver, witb precious mo-1, si t and eni:ai7e'l item, dandies crowd infill lr ilnijjrs r,-itli them a to tlio mills, like mod. rn .it s or card-pluyiiii; wipers. 'J be Laci tlii'inotr nis always woro on rlnpn. 8i nie amongst the tlermiin irilies, In e time of Tacitus, wore rit:K of that metal till icy hud slam an eneniT in war. As for tlie otuans, tlie best autlioruies : ssert that they re ived the fashion of r:ng- earing from the letaf); but it ptobilily ti.t. :n 1 simultaneously irongh to botli na ions from i :c I'elnsitians, who i Trv early limes settled on the coasts of the ledlternni'un, and kept up liiendly intercourse itu (lie oriet, nils. The Jtoinan rink's were at fl rat always of iron. ad ftricilj for use, but Incri-i-iag luxury cor- ipteu mis primitive ta-tiiuii. Mm such men aa litis, and such lain! irsns h- Id what we should ill good old Trov princlules, -lever cave nn the "on ling. The Uoiuan tust young men made an npiovt mint on the (Jnek pr.jiusioD, by intro ucinE light rings for summer wear, and heavier ncs tor wiiiit r. iroin the r.gs or the Uoman nights, and the nflicer wtio had the care of the nperors Hutu sli'ni t in later days (answering ear Great Seal), h- hi dory of rings cornea dou our own time without any other very note on hy remark. Kings play an Important p art in many orlen- il legends, especially Solution's rinj,', which, mot gst other marvels, aealci! up the refractory ns m jars, ami cast them mi-i the Ked ."st-ii. A ydian htro, (iy'is, posscs-cd a famous rinu Lkh rendered him invisible whenever its stone as turned inwards. As I'lu'o tells of tlio in ir- ellous manner in which he uc ulred it, we could must ranry Be hail hoard the story 'old by some astern Scheherazade, so exactly is it li ko an rabian iii-'iu's cnicrtaiiitui lit. It is remarkable. s showing the universality ot lugends which often re the tairy talis ol rising nations, that this very itme story comes up iigmu iu me tl-h romanco it "Moite u Aitiiur. unc is uiero said to nave ring which possessed this virtue when so handled, and which, with (itieudolen's chess. m fiurd. was leckoneil nmohtf tnu tliirtettn wonders f Britain. Another famous (ireek story tells of he ring of l'olyi rates, lie was warned in tlio me ot Ins greatest pro8 rity by a pious king ol .f 't to sin rilice whatever ai tieie bo most valued, i oidir to piouitiiitu Nemesis. Manning a lio it, herelore, lie rowed out to the open sot, and Hung n the depths hit ring, which was of gold, wit i n emeraiu gem, the setting ot tne renowed l heo- lorus. This being very near to him, he grieved uucb over his loss, r'ivo or s.x days ufter, how- ver, a line lish was brought to Ian, and inside 1 is i lie royal cooks found the riu, much to i eir muster's delight. The chronicler naively adis that his Egyptian riei.d, "sremg it was iiiipi)siu!otor':iicueanuther rom destiny," broke oil' their alliance, on bearing d this piece of good fortune. It is curious that his story also has an h.asit i u p ircntugo. A legend Jiere accounts lor sit lomeu I .osin g his wisdom y connecting it with the po 't'ssiou of a niarvel .oua ring. This he, or u ilav, la a lit of fonifuess, nttusted to onu of his w ivi -, ' ho Hung it into tlio Ionian, and thcrebv lor a let"; time rendered the tiii.g reckless and iooiisb. i.aekily It, too, was found iuni.le a tish, una on h ing restored to the king his wisdom also retitrmu to him. we need not spek ot me unitjeiiesa ring) ot ,TJiiiUiiy whhh po-setsiii iagical, inu-ii al, or .nedicinul virtues in the cstim ill iu ol the credu lous; can we not, cvm now, purchase galvanic 'liigsf nor netu we ten p . universally the rii g has bet n adopted for the f vmbol of espousals, betokening eternity in its i . i re, and the surpasi ing excellences of trim love iu its material ; and how, being worn on the lour h linger, it thereby (so the ancients believed) prc-iO'l a vein that ran straight to the hem t. It tua.i be noticed iu pass it g Irum this, that much cum., learning attaches itself to the dillereiil hn'TS on which they are woin. Originally, says that errant gossip I'liny, rings weie worn on the iourih linger, then ou the second, aim wauls ou the least. Our ances tors who "run wild in then oils" seem to have preferred the fourth iihg r. . i he monkish Terse, Miles, Mcrcu'.ur, Hliilini, ilurltus, Amor, afsigns them, counttng fr.ini the thumb, to the aoidicr, the mi n Lant, the I ol, the husband (a suspicious closeness), the lover, as amusingly us a schoolboy determines the latin of the wearer of a waistcoat by the number of its buttons, count ing him, aa it may happen, t ,.ker, tailor, soldier, aailor, genili man, apjihec.r. , loUL,iboy, thief. When it ia iciucmurcd Innv ilanniual carried enough poison in a ring to kill hliu, when tired of lile, no one need suppose that ringa which con tain bair perfume, or u wut 'i, are inodom dis coveries, Kre now, theio has been a ring which held a fuuiiliur Inside it. Numerous curious ringa, or rings which o;ioe belonged to celebrated people, are to be found in most museums ; wo shall only mention one or two interesting speci mens. Kt. Louis Is sal J to have hud a ring of fleur-de-lis and dal-ns, with the motto, "Caa wo find love beyond this ring i" At ti late exhibi tion, a teiy hue ring wan showa which was found bya'aV-rer. in the -11")"''.', w'lert iligL'Intf im'Tii.' the rul . 'f (;1 1 tii'i'mr.- A i'i-i, su po 1 ti t .1 he 01 It ' M iil.'i- nt !' x:f "'i h ' e'ttu v. It was a inas-n.-p' hi ;.;n, .., Mir.. .i., wiih A nit t o rnu' iivci! " Hint' s , ,.t,f . x , tlti , Nn i-in,-, una t .. n,r. .i , . pi,, , ,,v , Inie lev. is' kt .,t t 1 . 1 ; I :,r ui W r . I 1 toll M" ! with 1. il, ,1: ml! i inn- 'ml span f"- u'n'fi. 1 m ,1 i-l , - i,n,'i -f ',, thir:' en ill cei tin v a 1 1 . s . , I, 1.. tr 1 1 N . ford, w in to r air li'i-ac ni a 1. .1, 1 ,i. ,s,ive, iin-'l 1 I (, nun t. r siiaiil 1 iu ii';e 1 1 h i.e t.; , " , 1 to n 'a y, it i- se;.p u to u . . ! c 11 cia 11 I e.l, atnl L 1- li-. 11 thus lie en 1 I .- I, ,1.1 ; : ., 1 i,,,,,,, til- , " ,. SIM . e ' e ,'j' ;. ,i, 1, 4 u ,;!, , , , t. t-il p f. ti av i li 'ti-- 1 ' . 1 11 r -in- i-r'i-I'-pii tin I i'- , the .-..-: 11 i '-.- He ,. I es, "1 i I-h"i it" . 'i; - 1" -s. , r , ,. ("ic . m irl, 1 " I' err. a 1' , I,.- 1 ,,,, t ', - ,, ai ! . '1 M. 1 d I'-. i. ' , u 1 1 1. 1 tut ri - . .1-t- ra -1! :i. u llu, ch tr 1 . : - ' Met I'l Ml . .1,1 . h I . I. ' . I -.t IT" M . I ,11'. ' it-n ri ,.:s w-t-rc c .' ,111 - . 's. ., n - . 1 tM Main's, the .pit , ,1 ' , . j - - - I , , , , t te iii-'i ai il I tit eiiii'.f u tu li.-, in ni ,1 n la, 1 s 111 'H li 'II'- n.. ' t t S O'l 1 ; I, - tr n t . 1 - ti 1.! UK 1 1 (f lilt! ;' nit.. Ti-. A ' l':'- p -e,tt t-i I . st 1, ( ,11-t. ive .11. I - '1 ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ' I 1 t tt in I" bl.-t j.l." tl v a'i.1 p:ir"'i!s. t"i '1. .- I!n I.- i'f I a' 1 i. l' 11,' 11 ' 1 1 .:! 11 l't ' i'-' i 1! t" ,1 . V 1 . li ; 11 a l.li;'. IU illiri l'!" sis .'.till, set , itt'C'illl II T.i' i e I' '1 en tli en 111 , 1. r w : 1 ti v -: 1 -n ni 1 1 I -i .1 t" hiii" 1111 I f, iiit-rili d '.i: ii tie ht i 111- ,', nupM.il, cr ii' t v ; t , '..ta'.tiu rtu'-. 'lie- e v i" .,;n' tint ei::t'l ' sti i v rinr," 1 nh 1 ; v f, 0111 s ich rm '- ba. in- 'ifn-' uaiiv It 1 ii fan lit'ii ii'ti". tli" ctiiitrri' ny t 1 i;:,i-i"s i-r IjOC'IIiIiIIis, Iht I'. 1st II u '!? ;: tl"i ill S ti f t :a:u tiM for -lie 1 itimii-ts. 1 he tu .l!o lis' t w.- ciiiid tin- " pt- " ur " ch. in- '' N mn'ritii- clhifitits of 11 k-!i niitr ies h it , bien t'01 tneil, Irum s'luic o'" t !ih' tv" e'raet n ! li .r 'h" rtil'lc's 1 tl tlt'lte 11. Tli" I'i'l.; Willi i-'eli ri-ht'p Hit'! w 1 d tl his wi'c h id n e 10 1 in-' in,- i,f inc p a-" epim it: "ll'ti,. pirete j ai. n- paiuic del ini'ii lU'.t." We. Irau-l ro t 11s ei e li nt sentence tor the heii' lii of the f lir se . "(It'll inn (e in" a go ai n.ii'hti- an 1 an o n .lie'it htiiist w ro." Il'ihe lady in t n stittn weri' -ueli a shrew us the judicious lluoka'i 'h ite, it 111 ay be iiaictl that the good bishop tlul n it ven:ure to triit.-Iate the portion ot i". iilmiit otie. hence. llihg posies are either dt.iilil" or sm:; e. The duulile ones are g -tu in ly sei inns ; such ate ; 11 tl titir lot f 11 1 in tit- t er, I tint ne 111 In att'ii u,m uic it'.-t i',t-r. Or l.1! tiim tit vt r la'f.f a wilt-. Tit! mil 1101 l.tvf ht-riis hit IP". (t iisionully we take a lighter t.ino II I tiilnk iii wltt- It fur. What ni'.-il gtht-r t"iipl" cn-e.' I.rv" li'tu wh" i-sa " thfs this runt 01 nahl ' 1 Is ait unlit klsn th"t- iv 11. 11 id n't 0t(. Tl tit tiu-n sh ttiltl n.it Its jilitii", VI h te n UtSile I'oin to nnirry .isne. As for the last doub e posy we sh ill ipiote, it is to bo hoped thut the gi'uilcmaii who g ive the ring had not aiurwaitls to repent of his couii delics. I A Ilien ei.tntiiit noft-lly, U lti-li 1 itiftirit-tl my Btstt-l Mo ly. Simple posies aro very varied. Here arc two beau 1 il 11 1 ones to head our list: ("tl ali'ive.antf puton ami love, (0(1 anil lht-, m i-ttlat'tiit In'. Several more, wurth tiioting, ea inot be clas-l-1'cil we will give them all round, as I'erdira ilisti ibuted liowers 1 1 her guests ; HwfiMhi'art t pmv dtt not silv hut. I.tivit Hi" 'Itllt-.hiit 'live tut- .,ns. I tit-il aait ii In .til hut ou. Kur a mil, tiiV,. this, l.lke mill lake mislike titriaka, t Ins anil inv heart. True blue will never stain. One more must bo mentioned In a year when everything turns to Mhukespeare's honor N'o lissu's ring: Whose prmy was. Fur all the worM, ike t uror poetry I ' p. 11 a knife Lovo mo, ami love me not. Of all the familiar objects of domestic life, it may be remarked, in conclusion, none are so intimately connected with our deepest feelings and most cherished memories as rings. The spousal ring touches the chords of all that is noble and elevated ill either sex ; it is "the enchant ment of human lile," calling up devotion and rhivulric tenderness in man, and mellowing the kindly impulses which draw the muid'-n to all that is good, into tho most intense and self-denying love lor one. i-'riendship and departed relatives leave their mementoes with us in rings. Who cures for a Ting that has no fond memory clinging to it ? The whole hle-history of two souls is compassed in tlie wedding-ring. Love, loss, chastisement, endurance, the false lile of the pa t dropping away, glimi sea of the perfect future revealing theuiselvea, the unfolding of aims and hopes that arc the buds of our race's development such winded thoughts hover around 11 wedding-ring. There is no romance, for those w ho can read it, like that of an old, worn wedding-ring. The thoughts it awakes in a contemplative mind arc precious as its own gold, bright as Us lustre, and boundless as the circle of eternity. AND MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. 1H0 BortWTT AND A PRWHION To the dleebafseil bvitliar w lio baa heca wounded iobalUe, tiro HOUNTT To O-f who have lertrisl two jtut, two I dee a TEN'tHON to tfioe Uisaliivd, tl") HOITTTT AWT) TtAfK PAT ToWltUtv a, yuUaers, Mothers, An., of tuoit who hava OJtal or beim kUUxl la the it r vice. I'jR PJ.N810N A YT.AR To the Vi'tttowi and Wlilnwetl Motheri of the Roljlers, Hi-autou, and marines who have died In the service. PRT7F. M0KF.V, BACaT PAV, 0., Due the hetra ot Sf-aumn antl Varlues. I litsK t'l ilMH. and all uUmr aiainit NaUjaal and Stale UoiaraiiMiDU, rompllj ceUecld. Adtlresi or apjilj U GEORGE W. FOHD, Claim Agent, II Mint DOCK BTHKKT, oae door below Tbirl. "T'iMTjrvi a., houdiu; A CO., OOMMIBSIOIl MESOIIAhTB, AKD SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGEXT3 DOCK BTHKKT WIIAHK, PUILADKU'HIA. . KiwrKD A. sonrit, ) AKt IIISAI.U OKT1V, iseiisN t. aoi uaa. lai-tf CIOUSTY'8 TEA WAREHOUSE. ESTA- Uianed In 1800. Importer and Healer in Fine Teas, Wiuea, aad Lltjuotv. Choice Havana Ctsars, l ri.ii & niarkweBs ricldea and Bancae, l'ollih and Scotch Ale ana Porter. Canned Meats, rrulli. Soap, JSC tiavy Meiai-a tut up with care. At 1.0.11S a. SP.roVT) St:eV rw-ly JDKiltA 11. ( ulalT. tin-n k-no-n r-a w JV 1NHIAN HMOKIKO TOBACCO! luis world-renowned Ttttmr"o Ui nianufat-tured n-om tna KlNKST LKAK. And Mrneetly recoinnu-nils ltt-lf to all Oendemea el Luxurious Taite. Bold wholesale and retail at tiU.NTB t-OPULARflOtrt HTORR, Jlo.oll CIIKsNt'T H'r.-et. IU ami opinialm state Uoum. g T U L Lt'H NEW PATENT ST8VS. FOR COOKING AND UEATINO Jl Y C A H. Can be had eheiper than any other Ou Stove, at 11 tn-lui Mo. -M S. riKTU 81SKKT. IIGHTI LIGHT I LIGHT! LIGHT IS A J arret thn.f In theee dark dave. PUI.I.IN I'm '8 PATF.NT IMKMlHlVK But l.KI'TiIRS, fur bolO day and sae-lh'bt. Ilea keda-tort for windows witn two liertierH aive mora uht than au ear a era with the kind now In ue. Ua. suers rarnlehed at low rate. Daylight Renertora, for ilglillitf dark roouie, and baaemenl oiUcea, Ato., wtlii out die ue of vaa. llttlee, U-1U lut ii'o. till C'llatttNVT Street, rbOladelplua. gold l'jnlng co:,irAr;y. CitAkTthhli 1' "UK 11 I'l. sj sy 1 v A Ft I A. ('Alt I .'. I . ' )(' K. " I a m - ,( ii 'i 1 aim. nno Stt.iits-t'sr titltit , V, i. 1.1- KllIN 1. AND! USDS. I lli-t-t't a. ''-" ' s. J intt K Va.tn, I Ks- . T l'. M. ...t.ril. liar.- ' ir , .11 s I -it 1 ir, J nn IV, 11,U1, do I" ' " 1 . U tut, .'.,, rt llni-'j , , dtt .l-li. V, K,i. 1. M l . '.V , 1,,.. l.st,. ,, i'l-,' '. -. "t. '.'. i.,uci ti. sr.iit,., 1,;, r.vtri. I r : l ' 1 II V ll I I I, i-.frtlsrr n.l 1 r .iif.-r. 1 ui f luK- Wo. 4:H V. LNDT hTRir.T, It Hfl tl. .1. I Aii-1 1 t.ti' hi ti i i .r n 11- 1 .it e . t . in -t,irctt (y -tn ' i e , t.i tl,. 1. , nn k'i.i b In.'. . nt.il !:n.' it. ,-n as-iij., ,1 h t r.v n .'i- tt.-.iti: ,t-iiH.'s-isii ivutitht-ni. rn tiHtirviiu r '.iihs. Si.t.M ril.ttcl. Ils:i ars row "i.. n nt ti.t- Hit t-r nf tin-1 uj ruin, entl ai tl Irt-a-iirsm Oi'l.p ( I-i. rnnl R .,s nn.), Nn 42.1'IIK-M'T Siirie'.. I atuifrs ar-.il .Mt-t-laiii, 'Hank bii'lttms. 'l't. orK-inal i.0erllrs 1 1 M pertliaro ft a ' llliilit'tl nirriiltt-r t.l ahart a. 1 Clrrultir. 'it, It tv, . f tnr,,rnit.tn can he rttjlained at Ihc t-rhco of tip t'onit-atr) , alter fif Hih Inst. 11-U iia i pst llANCE AfiAINST ACCIDENTS. : 1 K.W KI Kill' IVSI'lt tVCt: r(IMl'SV, 1 IIAKltl,llil, ( O.S.N. CAI'IT.W tlOil.HO Vi I I.I.I AW W IXLN', N'.KNT, H. 414 Vl.M.M I SritlJIT. li s.,r- t it' e. t. tl in llil ('..mimni a.-aint M l II'IMSOS KVKKV HKsiBII'IlOS. at h I'.'llt It's el'l t-r I- -i ,l t. r a Proaalntn of KIVK I I'LL MIS, sranlltij; liiMiraiifr tu tl-- aiii.it.nt ,tl I II K I Ht'l Hill lI'.H.I.AItl, ri.rttii-t iu-. lilt-nun loan nt life n itile triitelliiis by any tnb 1U' i omi anil-. TKN liOM.AItS I'ltBMM'M e.-nre a pt-llt-v (t.r 1 iv. 1 Ii.,iim an.) I. -liars, an a'so 'i wi-iil i IHf t,,n,trs per week t otn itt-iisat it,u lor I'ttrnmal In tin in. aeacilauns Uto as-tiirtd froui his nrtlinaiy biisiiiias. TWKS'IY -KIVK nnl.l.Alt l'R4 Mtl'M It cuti't a (nil 1'tt lej t..r a's-ilt. unit Si.', iter w ek enmpen sulk'ii hir all anil viery cvscriitloo i.f aeelilent, truvt-liit or nltit rw .sf. l't. lie t - tt.r f n" w itli pt-r wit-k rninpt-nsatlon ran be hat) lor 9.1 pri titiu ii. or hii other eiioi bulwi-t n t-nKJ aud t -ieiiiii proiiurtit nut- laifit. JAMKl 11. IUTTK.KSOM, Prtnlttont. IKIUMI-.Y HKNNIS, Secxetiuy. HKMtV A. h LU.Ucmral Aenl. PHII.ADFM'lltA lllijlll) Or ItKFKKF.N't'K. F. Itarlit. nl si.nrr, 1'rt-lltlt-nt tnlerpnue lnauralice Cttin- miiv, ( lialriiian. ls.,ae F. Iiuki-r, tlrm of CnrnrlluB lUker. M W. luiilwln. linn ol M W Hal, twin A CD. I eninel I t-ltin, rnu ttl l'..ll n A Allt intiH. 11. H. I i, in, '.is. t lilt-r Tin atlt-lpMa Hunk. I I "ti Ale.. Iltnrv. Mawri'ity ot Piillntli'iithia. Wlil.lt Mi-irifk. tlrm of Msrrlfk A H.'iie. Jt'st'ph PRt'ers. in. I'rt-1'lrin Wetttt'-rn Hunk, lion. .iamcR I'olliH-k, Inret tttr bulled Slau-e Mint. TltoniMb 1'otter, .Merct ant. lit- irt- H. Htnart. Ilrm Mimrt A Hmlhcr. John I. 1 a lor tlrm I at tt.r. (llllt -. e A-(,'n. J. KdKar Tliomion, Preaident 1'eiuisylvanla tUI'.ronJ 'oiniiinv. Jaiiii West. Prislttent fifth and Slxtli Streets raMcnger Kailmud Ctitiipauy. APPLlCATIOiiS RKCf.lVKI AND rOMflES l.sMliEK IIV WI1.I.UM W. AM.KS, K0.401 WALSUT Siroot. 11-12 slultll.'l A JI K H I C A IS , S. E. Corner Walnut and Fourth Streets, I'MILADKLI'lIIA. Tt In a IIOMK rOMPANT, and pmflU divided nannally, Uiuk aldinu ll.e augured Ui pay lUlure preuiluuie. Lael dividend Ml per ceut. BOARD OF Tltl'STRSg. Alexander Wntlldln, i J. EiU-ar Ttiotnion, Hon. Jaoii-a Polloiik, linn. T taoiih Altia in, Albert V, U"terle, Henry K. llennotA, Hnmuel r. Hoonie, rnlllp K. MIiihIu, r,t t.rite ),iicnt, Jolin Alkman, V lluiiiu J. llttvtard, - lsac Uuieborlt, Batnuel oork. Al.f.X tMlKlt WlllLl.ni W, Prealdent. HAMfll, WIlltK. Vlto Pn-ittlelil. 11 17tl JUIIK K. WlulbM. Sec y and Trvaaurer. Q 13 N T It A L,' EATING II O U H K, orresiTE the post gkitck, lO-lT-nm PHILAJifLPIIIA. IIEN11V HAllflill, No. 520 ARCH BTBEET, HAS A CARKPULLT BBI.ECTBD STOCK OP WATCHES, l'INE JEWELUY, bll.VKli-PLAXKU WAUIO, EHI'KCIAI.LT 1'ANCY SILV1HI WA11I3. Suitable for 12 3U li OLID AY AND BRIDAL TRESEN'TS. FINE WATCHES, JEwULEY, BILVER AND I'LATKD WARE, COKNIOR AROII AND TKNTII STB. Brooches, Sleeve Buttone, Annleta, Braealeu, Searf Una and Rlngi, Tea Seu, lee Pltehen, Waltere, Uoalt U, Forkt, Bpouna, Ac. Watenei repaired and warranted. Old Gold, Dlamon.la, end BUver BoujUt. 11-lf 3iu HARRISON JARDES. J A SI K H HA H U EIU'H WHoLaeALi aro aaTAit, CLOCK EBTAliLIBHMENT, I.K.aorner BKCOKD and CHPHNCT Strata, Pbilad'A. AOKMIJT Vol Tlf R PATtUTT eQTAX,17.ING TKIatTY-DAY CLOCKS, A Tory defirable arUela foe Okuohaa, Botala, Banka, Couutlng-llouite. Parlore. Ac. AJjo, MAKITACTt'hPJt OF Ft NT. OOfJ) PTaTS. Illll kS KEI'AIKKU ANU ViAKHAHIkUt. falt-ly tflouA Trltntuliiaa of every ocacriiloal o LAKOE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE BT JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., u-u Mo 9Ut Cnr.ANUT STHE1T. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED f w A aon IHainonda, Watonoa, Jewiury flaM, f artkAlilng. Ao., at OLD FBTAHI.ItlUKI) IX)A! OFnCP!, Ooraar of TIIIKP and OAslbJIX Btreeit, Helnw Lolnbard. H.B.-.IAalOND, WATC1LUI, JIWKIJtr, QTJTaTS Aa , Air aale at hUiAHXAilLY LOW rRICW. aot-ta MILITARY NOTICES. ai HOVNTY fVli MAH1.N1 h. WANTED J li'f Ote It. t-d I'tlt'e tnrlne ' ' trpe. 'l-n.i4iet mte LI i .i i.i-ri ttiw , . ,t a .i.-.'tT 41 " ir Nai l- I it and on ooaid I ulitt 'vii alnHi-of-war eu lorai, ' lent i, 1 e'tn i t wi-rttc , f fir ertr. Until (sin ,., n.itti -tt the tl". ioht. Alt Mil- i.tn a i lit ' n t u si pA-il tija enll'tinrnu ki srlnt s re. , n e i'rtr M rer ft ell tiifliirf n , nt- n a i, n apvty at the ttr -nilti-n HO' ft sis t'tt,, Nt- .01 n. mo .T a-r-t-t. b"lt'i S.ir't-" M'r"ei tetwnn tin lu-iirn of j and H " ti. tt lt IV t MiMVU't arV- tf Va-nrant H.-t rjini '.iu---f. I'HIJ !'. I IW, OfTi-e-a and ol.llece i l'lin inc - Ity -n fiirloni'tis. b-mi fWilll S ANI UTII1 II VIM I IIV K'JI l.'MF.N ' Art' mi i'ei! t- tht- t-i ,,.tttt e MAM'FACH ItlMl E lAlll.imMf.NT GEORGE W. SIMONS & BROTHER, SANSOV1 Silll'.l'.r IIAI.I,. I PANH' M Bui-it, ahttie S sUi 8tr. .-L PKESENT'ATirN SW0RD3 M.l tf TO-Tial th wh.'n-wf nvtr. hirh fm rW-l -ni'M nd nini;nlht a (i. iluiirfl'i' ft mrn-liti n. nn turcr h"n.' in I r.ui-ir t'-nif itiliii- tl M N I KAt" l llltl M. JK .V K),i:H UU H.K I hAl TlLAU wWOk( MAKI.K. I I v A WRICKT & SIHDALL Nn. 110 Mnrkoi Tort. PVTWPFII FKCKT A!CI SECOND STt:FF". C.W.wiut.hT. ' t. u. antiiAl.t.. BIll'OfilfT S, I'll Y S I C I A N S, AUt OINKFIAI, t ICKI.KF.KPI'KH, Cm And at our i-s': tillatiniciit a toll aasnrtiurnttif Imported and Dttn-ritlc IlroM-l, Pnpu'nr T'lti nt Mrdtt-trtoe, I'alnts, Coal I'll, Window (Haas, Prescription Vials. Ac, at aa low (rk-ea ai i aiilne Orat-riasa k'"''la can be votd. FINE K1HKMI.il, Oil, st For C'lnlrrtinnera, In full variety, and ..f the hem iiiallty CoctntK-al. Heiual Ii.de, Madtlt r, Pot Aah, t'utlhttar, Poila Ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol. Annatlo, Copprraa, Extract of iAfwood. Ac, Kl'll I'VKKS' una, alwaji on hand, at loweat nt-t cash prk--i. PI'ltE KI'ICES FOR FAMILY I'HB, Omnnd expreaaly ft our aalea and to which wa iaTtta tlie aftenUcn of tlioee 111 waul of rvllutiK- ertlt-le. Alfo, J.MllUV, oT.tAaV, UlbTARD, it., of txtra r(if.'i, Onlere hy mall, or city pout, will meet with prompt at tention, or aptvlal nuolmlt.n, m be rnralihrd wlien ra SQt-ated. wwaiiT nti-dat,Ta, Wholesale Dnij: Wart'hnnaa, Ikll-ly No. 119 MARKET Street, abttre Front. JOlllV XV. HIMKM V HON'H BALSAMIC CORDIAL 18 TUB MOST kPlKCTlAL RKMltllT VOK 81 DDK! C()I-IM, kOKH T II ItOAT, INKIiL'hNA, fAIN IN '11 IK I1KKAST, nn1 INCll'It.N T CONSUMf llDN. Prei-an-d by JOHN W. SIME3, Jr., OLcmist, TWENTY rlP.t'ONI) AND MARKKT STKKKT. For sale by all Urusk-lsn and Moreka -tor. 11 I'.ttltlialm JC II H ) W N H ANTI-DYSPEPTIO POWDER, An excellent preventive for that uv 'it tllntrcaelns cnmplalat DYBl'Kl'SIA. In man; caeea of long stnndlng It hai afTordotl truly woo derl relk'f. IT IS rURELY VEGETABLE. I'RRPARED O.NI.T HT I-'l'lEUUHIOK JJltOWN, Drrutirlit and t'bemlat, N. E. Cor. FIFTH AMD CUE9XI-T STS., l'lilladclplila, 11-If tl And for lale by Droi'lite nenerally. DEArNESK.HMNDNEKS. AND CATARRH. -J. 1HAACR, M. II . Pr.rfmor of the Kye aud Kar, treale all dieeaat.e aplit-rtalnliiK to Uie aOttve nitiiuoore w ilti Uie utmttet 6uci-t-ii. Tertini'-utala from the tunat rellahle tiHieea In tke citv can t art-n at hie oillt-tt, !4.. Ml I'IMK Htreet. ThoMedtial Faculty are inv'tt-d to eocomiienv Wcbt patieti: v.aa be uaa no aecreta In tua practice, lu-ntf Tg, PHILADELPHIA SUROBONS ei5ij BANHAilK IMHT1TUTF, No. 14 Nortt MNTll Hueet. a'tove Market. Uuvtaree ratttoatlyenred by U ('. EVeJtKT T'rt I'reinltim Patent tiratlualtfiK I'rebanra Truaa. Htiio(ior Klaatlo Betta KiaaUe HtockHiaa. Supportora, SUonldar braoaa, Sajpaa 8one. Cratt-tieii. Ac. l.adlci attended by If ra. B. C. F.VEBETT. aayM-ly VUITE YIIlGrN WAX OF ANTILLES. V T 1 iila exquisite CotmeUc tiaa no eiuai tor bfautlfy Init, wtiltenlnft, ami prvservlnif the complt-xlnn. Itlapro paied from Duie white wax, ht-ni-e tta etratirdinarytuall-tli-e fir preeemnK the akin, making It ort. fair, aiuoolti, aiMl tranijtari-iiL. It In moat looililng atti-r aliat Injt, i-urea chapped handa and llpii, rt liittvt-ii plinpli'rt, blotclioi, tan, frt t klt'l. or kuntturn, and lin'artt n pearly tint to ttia fat-a, nt'Ck, ami arnni. I'rlce yit, .'k), and 7o ct-nie. HUNT A l 0.,o. lH.BtVKM lt Strict, aud ko. 41 8 Kit. MTU Htratk lOlt-Jul JlIillWOINA.!.,. DR. CHARLES HUBERT'S Purely Imported FRENCH PF.MAr.F I.Illt in and Ptl.f.S, warianltii In all caat'l. Mm. I'll A HI. KI llt'HKIt r, On-ai(-trical Piiyfflrlan. Kntranoe and oitlrt-a private lor Laditia. Apply at the HulAMC Kul U dluitK, No. 1019 COATK8 HTBEET, ll-jit-lm Wi't ofTitnth. WEALTH. HEALTH. AND I BEAUTY. If to aatn admlrtna avea: If to cauee Invldiooe slab! af te be a lilooiulna flower, Fading, dylne in an hour BaiUTTl 1'to bava a boat of IVIandf ; If fi vk-e to Bate axaenda ; If with tilnb-bttra bliHtd to wed ; If a marble alone wncn dea4 Waat.ra t If to live threeeoore and teu, Wialilnir Uie aa lima attain; If to live a lite of peeee; If to die and go to tff-ptiia HeALTn I tt yoa wleh a Ufa of f leaanrae ; r you vttlue thta wond'i tyeaauraai If every eomaurt yon would tea. Take my advice, and wlab ati tnrm. Than, harlna Bealtb, Wealth, and Oeauay, You'll be preparatl for every doty. By a eareftd peruial of Dr. WILLIAM YOltKO'S !e Bk. Hie IdAKKIAOK otHbt., which ahoald be read by every one bold by Hookaeiltire geue-allv, and at thi It. trior i oBloe, Jiv. tie nl'kUCI HTHJUtTi price W cenu. aiia-tf DR. J. 8. ROSE'S GOLDEN riLLS. I'p to thle reii id ft-uaJei have btun huniltogkied by rename, Altdnmlnal Hupottittre, Aio , for toe cure of alUnx i'f the Vt ou'b and keuoral dehltily, wtiltth mrana eanoitly prove palliative, il not Injuvloui. Moaeof lr. ltrtee'f fiallenie have r-n naif a filth atxnrditlee. Thtty rely en bia 4olden I'llla, ami thereby ol am a perfect cute by tba uee nf only a few boxea. For these ooiu pialnti ene box la worth a huodred AtidoniinalHiiiporiere Price, Ki eente iter box Dole Axtn.e, iliol T Al CO. No. Ui .W.COlll)bllct. 10 1-ti.Ou.lul rpHE SAMARITAN'S CURE X CAS BP hri.IKIl Ok! Ht V tUl FAILS TO CCKR! l)OK SOT NAt'SEATK! 1H HI'KKOY IN ACTIOS I KO CTIAVCF, OF fllKT KkiMUltKDI DORS NOT FNTF.IIFFHK WITH HCHINKHaPlIRSUlTSI CAN HE CHF1I W1T1IOLT KtlliOf lOai I Prlre $i. Mule or Female. Bent by maU to any addiail. c. PRife rosb, Box AiMi Poetomc. Role Altfnli, HYIlTT At IV).. IV I UtUaJUi Ko. J31 1. HBCUMU Hueet. Qi:meX'J HTIT.EH, JII MAKUFACTURINQ MACHINIST ANII KNdlNIOKK, K--10 Xo. lf'.'l N. SFCO!n Strert, Pklladelp'ihk. I ' hlHESlil KO MACHINE WORKS, l I'rlKK, He. MS Ik 'HT ATltCET, 1'llt.A) t T I'lllA. We are prepand to fill onl -ra to any ex-tent oar well an. wn Hit IIIM'tiV FOR ctlTTOH AND WiXlI.r.M MILt.H, li.el iln.tf ell recent In.prtti cnieuta Incaidlng, Hi-nitili.g, i it Wimmiii,. ' I" 'tr the attention of man'ifadnrere to oar exlen tlie noiki. 1 'I AI.Fkktl JF.NK8 A BOW rou NLW YOKK. oi tsimk i.ivr. CCAMWl'-K Ml r MtflllI' i (tMPANY ! M W I- Kr.H.II I' LINK nr.. ("nm r tl c fur mt N..r'l.t?rn runl Eln, chicit Tl KM A i , 1 HI ItSHAV, f-om ttir Oninrni'Vn l:irf, n r t A'mTo H.w H 'f-t. n 1 hor l rli h'. which It' iV r-i-olvrd ftrtPv. hpi1t1 In tti mt m t m: niHiiiK r. il di ll wrt'vl with the xrtMU nt I'.tU h, i iiui r.t s, ui lv 10 V ILI.IAM .t. TAVLOK .t CO., Jl-l(.lm Nn. it) x,r-U V iwiiv.n. fr KI'K AM W KKHY TO LIVKK mr..- l wl, toufnipi: nt vur'Tit'Wn. Cork llartxir. -tin wit, li,(ti Mimiifntol ttv I lv-rji(Ml, N.wTdi. aiid rrii'w.ti ti'f.i Miuuiftiiip i uuipan tt lntoiikId u tail t r-.ll'.fi :- I I'lNUl Uti f.vurdnr. lit't-rmhrr rt. lil.i OW HttlnrtlfiT. hrc. m rir 17. i'ltV Ol' MAX H..F,.H. tHf.ttir.Uv. IK-.-.mi(..t ?(. AiuitTr n"rovliyK fmrdj,l m Buon, irt-m tot No KAT.S I'AMRA'jr. PATAHT.K IN CVKlCKNCY. 'T't i In fiuum Ki4.rvt V n ChDMi U . idva I .'I W Kttmt,-f to I nnilou... tk iW KlrM CnMn K I'firm.. 1'"' H HtM-rnifr to Vnrin .. . . . H'-op Ur.! CUI'iti to HmnorVI H.t. v to UHiiihurat. 74 0 rHfr)irT(i nlfto fir uriltxl fen Hilvr, llrtuuuu. Kut tfr.uin. Antuafrji, Au , lit t'jullv Uiw rnt,t, Frtrci fr, m Ijvit)mI or tvwnirtwn Klrnt Cftbln, f!i, iut $jto H-evrii;' fti'in MvcrmKiJ mid ijiutoni-t(-wii.,n 'i hie wim w Idh tn send ft tlioir Irtvudi tu bur twix-tk liaip ai ')iaf ntn. For u.tl.r uiMniativii api lT at the Comraaj'i oftlcaa. JOHN ri. h,VK, AK ni, Ko. Ill WALNUT Htrtxt, t'tilladeiptii. frrf POSTON AND PinLAIyLriUA biir U- BUninshU' lino, Hal Una tTorn urh pun oa o. i t Hi'A ti. (tutu, t.rt wliart ahoa I'l N K wtroat ,1'hila driph a aid I'-Dt. Whnrf liofun. From Qmt wUarf ahot l'INE Htrwi.on SaiukUt, l'xir.br UK fcThf iiriinmiilp KMKMAIi, liaAif.wtu mil Mm I'hladnl pnia ftf ltitaiun. on rtnt)irdtjr I 'CHilr lo, at 10 A. M , ard tli Rttninnhlp Mattiivwi, from lfctoil IW rt'ilatlelphiH.na tains dav, at i V. af . Thi P tiw and RLit)ktaiuial marnthli towm a retfulai Uitf, '!hk o.in avh port puncinMtj nn ttatunlavt. liiKuiaiuAi vtlvvtod at ou-LaUUi yruulyia aAiAia-edOw lair M inein. Fr-Uht. takfn at tntr rati. Hhti pfri arfrxpNtfHl to i and Bits KcelpU and BiOa 1,1.1 with Ihrlr iHKla. rr Ktaiglit of Vajm (tiaTtnfr flna aooommndatlryiM) mpi'l to HKSkY WINHuk A Jtv4 t Wn.rjM, DKI.AWAbR Avti. r rw v ou N K w YORK .-D KS PATCH JawfA 4Vnd bwiftiur Lmaa, via Dataware and htiiiLa.nl anal. 1 h Bt4aniri of thane Unee are tewni i)a'l ni l.'o'rtnck M., and 6 o'clock f. M., from hlMl ptw aliove Walnut nrvot. For ftrttlit, which will be takMi on irflommodutlne tarim. nv---r loW iLI.lAM U. UA1KD A CO., No. 14 V JKLAV A HK Atoim. A U R A N G E M F. N Tfl OF ICJi' 4 Tlir CaiNilni and Awftrf and FMlarl)phla and Tront(m KrtMr. inl aipaiiifR Llum front FltliAdeJpiLa to Mew York and H i) i KhOM WAl.NVT STKtJCT WTIAJlT, Will Inive an tYliowa, vli, VARa. Ai H A M., v, t'.iii.d.-n ftitd Aniho, C. and A. Ao- r'tminnrlaUon $8 2"i At h a. M , via Camden fciid Jnj CUtj-, Moraine KM1"" Atli:.M , y1i .Camden and Aiutxty, 0 and A. Ao- ooank dalioti ,. At V f. U. via Ctuudwn anJ A tabor, O. aud A. Kl- prvn M At 1 ;h) I. M.,tI OHin1rn and AmMr. Acxinav- darltir (I rrluht nnd TnaflfnuHr) 171 Aid P. M., vin lant.lff, tud Auuxiy, AcvHiunodtioa .I nlaiit and l'.ianRtfr) 1st C'ia Tlckut J W 1'HljiM 1 IM) At 1 S P.M.. via ''aiiiucn and AmtKT Arvitnm(KW tln ( freight and .'aaavntfi -a), lm CUaa Ttoket.... t?f Jtl iv do l-.io Ktr I el t Mere, Eaaton, l,amtertTlUe. Flmnliutua. Ac., ;1'.m. lor I,ainHrtvine and In terra (d late fltatlonii, at 5 P. M. For Mount Holly, Kvanllro, 1'vuibunon, aud Vtuoea town, at a. M., I and A 1'. M. For Krvehold at li A. M. and P. M . P- r 1'AUnjra, Klverton lioianoo, MeTfrlf, R.lwwatcr, Tixxt UKt riorence. Hn.mitown, ?.. at B and 1 1' JO A. M.. li m a :n.f.,H.and US P. M. 1 litt J 30 and P. if. Unee run dlrtrf throuarr tu 1 rt ntoii. Pr PalDirr, Klverton, Duianoo. BevtrLj, And BurUa tt n at 7 t. M. Htd'itmhoat Trent on, fbr Urietol, Rttrffnrtnn, Tteverly. Tomedali' and 1 arony at H-.m A- M . and P. M. Will !ca,' hi follow. : AtlI'lftA.M.,TUKHnalntnn and Jericy Cltf Ei- . P" 101 At 4 uOP. M.,vta K n.lDKtjQ mi1 Jtrvey .OUt.Kx- V' ., 8 Of At i p. KT, via r.Miitnuion and Jvrvtif CUy, Waititnifton and N-w York Ksoreai I'M At 12 V. M. (nljiht), vUt, KentUiiftou and Jorn.y City, U akhliitftnii and huw lurk tf Ttii. 6 .r 1'. M.lu.e vtlll kid dally. AU hcr SumUy PXCOpf il . For Miiiftdn, Dunkirk, FJtnirA, Hhri.-a. Owrffo, U.ch (fi, J.lnKhnnijitiati, Unat lieiitt, Muutroie, Wiikuerwrre ftoraiitoii, HtroU4lkbuK, Walter iiap, Miiuci (.'hunk, Allri town, lipi hkthrtii. lU-lvidiTH, Ritnt'-n, I,ainrertvillx, KJvrn InRton, .tc , at 7 IA A M Thle line o- nn.'ctH wiUi Ute trala KUn( Kmiti ft r klanrlirhuiih at . p. M. Ktr l.ju.MTtvtlte at b P. M. on HtttunUvi nly. For lirUtol, lr.Ttnn, Ac, at 7 and 11 1A A. M., and S P. M., mid 1 mhlniKiit. For lloauicfttiunt, 'I aronr, Wlsflnoroinf , UrMcBburf , and pTtuikrtrdatl.A.M.,b.6 and rtp. M. laf-for N!w York and Way Unit lenvlnir Kfnfihurton -pot, tiiko the cum on I Urh mrM, above H aJnut. half an hour h-tit d'pttrtcire. Thet'Hrirun Into Urn lv(Ht, aud on nrrivnl of each train run fr- m ibe Ixtpot. Urty (eouiidi of bitL'KiiKO only allowed each paneflnpei', 1'aHMMiKem arc ptDltil tti J from takntK nytlui m lK-iHf but Uii ir widilntr arparrl. An buiKr ovor fifty pound t be paid fr urn. lh Coinpany limit their rrsiHnal blhty for bavi Akf to One IWlar iHtr pouird, and will tt be liable fur any amount buyoiid $100, exoept by apeolal ooo Ireft. (Jrahnm'N Pftajte Rxpreni win oallfWr and deliver bar (rave at the lienuU. Ordtiro ( tc tort at Nu 3 WALNUT tit. WA. 11. UATZMUt, AjfonU lhrmuiVrl, 1WVI. . UhhJA UOH KW YOKK TOR I'UILADKWHIA WILL LKAVK From foot of ronrtlnnd atrevt at VJ M . and 4 P. M., via .lemey rityan4C'anidan; at 7. 10, and II :0 A. M., 6 P. kl , and I'A NlKht, via Jeripy City and Rtianlnxton. Prom foot of Knrrlay btreet, at 6 A. M. aud J P. M., vlt A id boy and t'luaib-n. From ripxhu. 1 North River, at 19 Ti., 4 and 8 P.M. (r ftlbt and Pat. 101.400 via Arubo and Camdort. i;keigtit lines for NEW YORK and A all the atationi ou Uie Caindun and Ajubuy aad eon-nei-UoK KaUroadn. 1 NCRE A8PD PKHI'ATOH. The Camden and Amboy Raiiroa! uxd Trnn sport rton Company treiht Llnt'e br Now York will loave WaJunc atrctt wharf, on uiw' aftT January b, d&liy (Sunday ex erirt-.) at 4 o elork P. M . lit-tumUiKt ibe above Line it will leare New Vort at 1 aa! 4 r m. Prru-ht nmft be d01vered befre SP.U.t be -wardetl the tame day. Freiiibt for Tritnton, Prtncfton, KJnKton, Hew Bruai wick, and all poinU on the Cnuidno an l Ain'my Ealiroad t also on the Hi'ivukre, Deiawari, and FlttminKtoo, uie Mew Jrev, the r rvt h'-ld and JanniihurK, and tiw HurHiiKWn and Mount Holly kaUioadu, rt-ived and forward-! up tm liS o ck.. k l. ai, MuaU paokainM foratouutUuilyrooetred up to y o cbK-k P. M. The ltelidrre J.laware Kaltroad ronniMi at Phltllpe bur; with the Lehigh aller Kailroad. The New Jerwiy Jtailroad ronniKU at KhzaiM'ih with the New Jurttay (nual Kailmad, and at .Newark with tba Morns aud Lot Kahroad. A eJip nifiiwirandrmi, ipeclfyinj the marki and nam bere. eliippn( and oonataV'ix't a, mutt In every tnitanoe 1k tit wlib tarh had of ;iodi, or no receipt will u irlven. liicrcaitt d (hi IIHb i bavlnic bn made Cur tin1 transporta tion of Ll t. H I OI K , 4.uvcr aru Invitxd to try U111 rouio. When the atork ! furniahedln Mtiaiititlee of TWO CAS LOAUH or morc.lt will be drllvarod at Uie ft of KoriWth itreH, n-ar the brme Varda, or at l'ir No. 1 Nortfa bivt-r, an ute bii'i'tirii may ditttna(e at the time of Um eUpniint. WALT Kit I'KI.KMAV, KntUfht Aifont, Ko. KiW8. liWawarf! avenue, l'lnlWlila liKO. Tt. RAYMOND, Freluht Afiit, Jao tf Pier No 1 North Ulver, New York. VKW RAILROAD LINK NORTH. i. l'llll ADKI.rillA TO HKOOtil Vkf, IHHOtjUl) IN F1VK ItOLUti. FAUK $1. EXOTTUMON TiniKTH (3, OOOD FOR TTTKKK IAT, On and after MONDAY, Aacuatl, lt A, traina will leave otuf V1NK Huwt, Philadelphia, evwry muralnc at S A. M. (fiutidaTi excrptfl),thet e bytheCamdeii and At lantic and kaiit&n and Delaware liay !UilrualJ to fort Aloe mouth, and by ttm oouuutoUoua etraioer Jeae Hoyt, tol.-otof Atlantic aueot. ItrookJtyni retuntUwr, leave At Untie HUeel Wharf every da '(tiuiidat axcvpUd), a4 U ii M. Travelere to the elrr of New Turk are notliVdnotto apply fur paaaaae by thli Una, the Mtate of Nw aloreiy havluf drained lo Uie (,'aruden And Anx)y nkonorM4y Uai exrlnslve prlvlleafe of earrv Irtit peevr and frelartt be tweva U eltlw ot Philadfthla and New York. toW W. r. iiKlMITH, Uufal NuuorlAteaMleat 1)ni,ADFl.r!TTA, WILMINGTON, AMD BALUMOHJC RAILROAIl. CII AMiK OF lUMTtft. nmnAn' HI November W r"Mnf iraint Wave rhltateipoia r v v;'m::;::.!,'s,m,": w'u-m p'J"1" a-to a. m.) 1 ao, 4-00, lio not Wlfmlra-tnB at Dfl fMentl.T. nrr9tr4) 401, UalA.' M.. J'', 4t-l. ttl 11.1" HO an.l It M 'J Jii.w('alleaiamA.M an-t '. Jd. t..vt-j at K 11'. A.M. ana li' P. at. Miif rit n. h lis A. M tlall.l.iii ai K. A. M. 1KA1NH I OK PIIIl.Arirt.l IP . 4 .'."hTi-V.""- "4U A' ""-' ' VI lli, I, cltm at 1 4K. 7 l.-t.D l.s A. kf .,U 74 1 1 i in 1 i :. at.d ini I'. M. ' ' ' Hi,.,irt nt 1 1 ' 4.'. A M. Xlillttitl at ! .-II I'. X. I initial I! a) . M., nn.l ISf. J ' W l aiilt at h .1' A. M., an.l H-it, p. , '' i-aiitr a. It lt, V M A. M , 1 li, j u, .". i, ; ;t , la l."tiie Rnttlrtiitre fi.r allatniry anil Int. -mi. hate rtlHa a: I.. . I', u t.tt. Ha,tii-ittre ftr I'uver and Inwrnit tliate itaUi-ar axt litt r.M. m IHIIS'H FOTt Htl.T.rH I nifl'i-iitit m ii id A M . '' " ati.l II i r. af I k.ve Wiliitinaii'U at C 11, y :'i A M 4 i., ! ,1 a P.M. I-ttlt it Tralna, vllh raaieni.tr Car altarhr. wfli aa I' Hi " : l.t tit i- , Imli-iittn f'.r Pi-rTvi lila- .intl Inlitrirr'llate alMiaf at ; ti-1 M. Nt stio s Oni at CAi A. M..M- P. Af., rVaa ra'lav at ltli'a tt- Italuiiii.re. i-.iii rtiiuiif.jtua to wilmitiftt-n at 100 A. M.. 10 J$. atif lit" r. m. ' Ir. di V, lm itu-lttn u I'htla.li-lptiia al 1 4 A. M ani f.'iej r. M. Olil) ai I0-J4 I'. M , Ir.tei llalllm.tre W- I hllatll hla. a4 IIF. KKNSKt, -"innrltiKiiil. tat. J)ilIl.AI'l.I.I H1A AMI tlAI.TlMORK CKsl 1 KAl HAI1.HUAU, OlhN fu VXt OKl HI'Rl HIJ AKhAMir.Mlt.S1. Hit ai tl allt r t UtDAT, April I, IWH.tiie trala. wjllaai, a ti.ii..w 1 l;AK KAHTWARll. LKAVF. WKI4TWA5. ei a nttaa. a. at. r. at. 1 e la i a. M. fiMortt r AO Hvat l.rtire .fi-.'tT AMttiiliile 7 til hitmen TVO CI,., I, I Kurd. ...7 4W I't.iH-ttrtl 1t-ia) W ('. .liinctloa.. H-ll, l'tiliiili!ibla 'JTl f Ptilla.ieli-kia. .. $ :J Weet llter. . 4 HI w. c Juneiioe. 417 CmriTii 4 41 Ctiailil'a Fvrd,,.. IB) 4 aa) t 4 6-41 tie) 1 IA IM 7 em 1 m 74 !IKI t XI 041 n-tai hmintl ..KM b IA Avnntlaie.. .III II -V W r.l t.r.tve 10 vt Weal heeler.... m I in Onfitrtt UM I'aatH'iik-er lit-tHtt hi I'MlailelLihla ha. Itei-n cfiitni-e from Flhtninh and Market atriile. lit TIIIHTV UltlT a ad MMikKT htrei-ta, Weal l-hll-t lilphla. Market Htreet Pae.uniter kaaiwa Carl oiuve i'aa.eiiaera to aad fiiaaj Uia ln-ift. 1'aeai-taxt-rf go throDin wtlttout ehanpe ef ear. t4 ItENHT Went). Hnpvtntewdent, 'J UK 1'ENNSVI.VANIA CKNTRaL IIAlC - I!1A li - I KN ItAtl.V TKAINs! ruiLAIHtLI'HIA 1U PIT I III'IIU-SM MII.KHI TI-eTlrltetOffireof the l'KN SHY'.V ANT A CF.WTBAt HAII.I(t)Al Ii now I'M-atetl ai Uie New I'aaaenmir Iti-iitt in Hit- Cmoanr, llllltl I tni and MAItHRX "Uttete, 1'HILAHKI.I'IIIA. nn ami after MONHAV, October II, 1WI, Iratal IB Hai e 1 UllBtltljibia an li.lltiwa; N'llll A. M. MAIL TRAIN, Willi Ilia R.llolni! rnnrje-Uem Ar rive at WKSI ClIEMIhK INI KKiIKCI'IUN S Oft A, M.. and entinrrt with Weit llliititer Kailroad, ar 11 una at Weal Cheater HO A. M. Al HOW M KuTOVV N 8-;t A. M ., ctinnertinat with train f'tr Wayi eal-uiv, ant reaililiic there II 10 A at. At COI.l'MIIIA II Ml A M , ctnne-tliiit with Nttrttit-ra central Itatlrnad. and reai It Inn or at I fiO P. M . Hantteer Junt-llt.n B K) P. tmneier I U I'. M., and (letlyaburK it 16 P. M . Ala, w ith train on Heaitlna antl I ttiluniliU Kaltniad. ieavlnat at V0"1'..1. Arrive al llAllltlHUt'Kll I'Vll P IV. c.ii.ae. line wlih S-trUieni Ci nual tialna Norm. ftiui Li-aee llartla tuig I 4. P.M., airlve .iNiinlmrj 4U'J P.M.. MntnnMi.1 P. M , W lllutmiporl tt-li V, M , l.tt IUv 1 !ttl I' M (I'M-itnut-tM lor K.lmlra, Houl enier, (.'auandalniia, NUKaeat Falla, Ac , reat-h Klinira at lo Vt P. M., and Htiifule a, a tfe A.M.i Pait-nittra lor lianvllltt, Huturt, ItltN.niabiir;, Itnrwlrli, llt-t-eh Haven. Shlch.tilnny. t'lvinuath.Ktttfceum ) yotolug, I'lttaUtn anil crant"n, take the Lai aawueaa) and hliNtuiaburit irilni at e-ttnhumtH-riand. at HAH KlSIII IU1. Tor - .iriLa H mthon N ntlit-rii On'ral Uallieay, lent at I :vi I'. M , arrive York -i-17 P M , Han iver Jiiao Urn 'J Mi P. M . Hiiiitiver 4 tl I'. M., and GutlvaburK a la P. St. At IIAKKIhlit Ktl. Inr (inlfta lo umtierland Valley, li-avtna at 1 o P. at., arrive Curiuie 1 1tH P. M..ctiAmtitr-bi-rg 4 . P. 31., anil Hafter.town ti l, P. M. At TV HONS (H P. M . t-oniin.-tini! Willi Held Kax'e Vallft Tralau liavlnaat 7'H'i I'. M , and arrl"lin al Helietonle at V taj P. VI, At AI.TOO.NA 7 40 P. II , colintictl it with llrHiiea train fur lloilidaiatiurfr, reiiehine; tiere H i6 P al. At f lit HI-OS' h:1h p. M., rnnneetlnii wlih llrani h train fiar Ki-rnabnrit. arrlvlnw there Die P. M. At I'l I rilL'taxA ItOA M , and there counecllng for ail poluta Welt, NurUi weat, and Southwest. 10- 00 A. 91. PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, So. 1, arriving a: Peli aA 11 00 AM. m 11- 40 A. N. FART IJSC oonnacta at LANDIHVII.I.E J-44 P. U , with train on Keading and lilumbla Kanroad, airivlate; at l.ltit a 10 P. M-. Kphrata J) f. M., and tu-a4-Inn an -Hi P. M. At HAKUISllUltO, with an Acroninia dation Train on Kortliern Central Hallway, for Monitor ami Intt nnetllate onliite, renehlnir Honburv at 4 ail P. ti. At II AHKIhl'.l lto with train on Cumberland Valler ha Carlisle, anlvira there at b'ltt P. M. Arrtvoe at Pituisarg 1 M A. M , and tiiera Luakua cloia oonnvetiou fer sj Weateiupoluti. 1-00 P. M. PAnKE"lirittl ACCOM vol) AT ION, arrives atParlcaV bura-aua P. M.,atopplt.f at ImorniediAtc stations, JI-.IO P. M n MtltlslttHfl ACCOMMODATION, makea eennetV tit n at DownliiKton at 4't4 P. Al., with tram on Warn burn llranvh, leailng at 4 itO P. M , and arrtviiiit art Watneabiirit at t! ou I'. AC At Cin.I'Mlll A. al ll'i p. M-,wlth Northern Ct'ntral Kallwny for loik, kavlnax Vrlkht.vlllii7 taiP. M., and arriving al fork 7 40 p. Ala Airnea at Hiirrl.burB at 7 46 P. M. 4-00 P. M. PMIflltANT ACCOMMODATION, f om No. 1:17 hfKal streot, du-ly, i-xeipt hunday. Ainvee at ilHrrtatntTu. aw A. M -, Mltlllti. U47 A. M ; Altnona, lm P. M i and I'lltaburit, 1140 P. M. The t-a-s are coiitforlabla. andT emiratita. or lanilllei potiiff Weit. will llnd Uie rates low, and have l heir liaitnakti. for which otitrke are aiv.sj, forwanled Ity tlio same train. Kur further iiarHiouus ani.ly to KKA.NC1I4 H'NK, Knilnran' A,eni, 117 liw-ic airt-et. Itetwten HatriabttrK and I'litaburif a IVat i-lat4 car la attachvd to Uili ualu for lot .) travel. 4 - till P. Al. I AVCASTKR ACCOMMODATION, reeehei Lam aalot at :m P. ai., and reaches Columbia at 10P. Al. 5- :iii i. H. rAOLIACCOMMoBATloN, No. , reactiea Poli atf SO H-00 P. M. PlTTHlltlRO AND KKIB KXPKF.S8, w'th tx frtl itieltjr ci'iine-adons: Arrive Uarrl-burK. ti ii) A. M : Munliury, -l ib A. M ; NnrtbiimtiiTiand, 3 JU A. M. Atl-.t.li,4 I A. M j rVtlllamaliort, U M A. M ; iMk Utnul, A. M. ; KiMi'orlutn, )ti l a. M i Ht Alaty's, II IU A M. ; t'irry.l. M P.M.) aud Krle, i J.'. P. ,M. I At Corrv oloeo eitr.nreilon Is tiiatlt- wltn OH Crei-a k. K., fttr 'lltosvllle andl hhaileT's, the present tertnlnos of the lload, l-ienoe Itf Htae or Itoat for oil City and rraiiklln.) J PaaaiuiKers f--C liuiiv.lle, litipert, HtooniatturK, Ititrwlck, Het-rti Haven, flhli'k.nlniiy, I'll mouth, Kinnatou, Wyuunna. I'll'stiin aM heraotttn. taKe the Lattkawanra and rtlnoiii-ibura trains at Nt rlnun bt-rl.nd J tPaaaeniieri for Plralra. ko lieel'tr. C'anan lattua.Nlaxura Kalls.etu., reach Kluilre al I. litA.Mn? and llnlla e at W P. M.J At II Mllll hill ml, with North m Ornu-al hallway, for tta Hotith, iHavtnit atVM)A.al.t arrites York, 4-10 A. M ; alanover Jnuo-l'tn, 4-4tt A. M. t leaves Hanover Junction M)A. M. ; arrivi-s Hanover, II 1-' A. M , and fieltj .l.urn, 1 P. M. At HUNniil lili.S.4 lit A. M., wlih u uu on Hroad Top K. H , arriving Ilotewell A M , Mt. Dallaa, A. M . and eei,- necltnf; ttti-nre byHteftefttr Bedford. At T a'lHK, 6-4e) A. M., etiunet-tinit wnh train on bald Kaatle Vaiie bnad, leavina Tirone at H w A. M., arrive heiii-Ainte, 11 Hit, M . and Kow iurd, l'i-AI P. M. l.eavln.' Ti rone on Cleartli-14 11. It. at 1 .Si A. M . am) aiTlvlnir Pti Ulpalturit, ll'IM A M. At CKKHHON, 7-114 A. Al , cnnnectina wlih braneh trakal fur rilt-nabiiru. and arrlt um there, VI JOP.Af. At nLAIim VII.LK 1S1 fc.KNKCl ION, OW A. M , eolinoctln,- Willi liranrli train wblch arrives, lllaranlle. In lo A.M., anal Intiliina H4f A. M. t'lilatraln also ii nneels at tiieira Tilie with West I'enn-vlvanla at. It., arrlvun; haltabnrir, 11 SO A.M. Arrives I'l I I .till Kli at li'40 P.M., au 0oOiU)t.tS lor ail Ouiau West. 10-10 P. If. rilIT.ADEI.PHTA F..NPKENS4, stops onlv at I)i em InKtown. l.uocastur, 11a llabnrir, Maryaville, Jfi we rtttrt, Mintln, l.ewlntown, lI'inliiiKflnii, Aitoona, 4)aJ lltiln.aiidConrniaiiiib. At lll'h I IMliKiN. with Itroasl 'I-ni It. U., leaving in. re al M ou A. M.,aud arrivlm at Dudley A. M., Alt. Dallas A.M., and tlirnoal Itr atiikt-tu l.tdrord. At Al.TiXi.NA. at b A M., e.ta-nei-il'.n la hiuile with train Air Holl! lavabnrtt, reat hiuat theraattl-IAA M., and thence by haca to Bedford. Ar rives ut Pl'.tabnrK, 4 40 P. M., makliiK cloaa oonnec-los, with thrttoh triilna on ail ihf dlii-igiinr roads froia , hat rtollit Nortli to Uic 1 uKes, West to tile Mlt-sllaitil and the) Mlaaittiri rivets, and Houth and Boutliwaatlu ail aotuiai aiieealMi- b rullrttail. For ftirl!it-r Itifu'titiitlttn, apply at the Passenger- BtatloB, eoritorof MIIUI IKI II and MAIthKT Klnt Is. I'hlla. JOHN F. VASI.KEIt. Jr., Ticket A a rot. 7EST JKRSEY RAILROAD LINES 11 New Arranii. mint. On and alter IDKttDAFj I Nnvamiber 1, ltn-4, ira.ua wall leave froui Wainal uoe4 Plat aa ttllows: . For Cane May and all places aouUi of MllhUle at I A. M ai.d.l P.M. F.tr Miilvitle, brtdK-eton, gjlem, antl all lntenstlUt9) tlaces soutr ol Olaaab,tro at 0 A. M and -I P- at. r.tr Olaa.boro at A M.. 12 M.,and P. M. For Waodbiirj, tiloiaoeatea-. o . ai U A. M., 11 M. , 3 aui CP. At. RRTItKKTNO. Leave Tape MavatiiA.M and 11-4 A. M. ' 11 1 llvliie at f 10 A. M ano J P. M . " hiidseam at? ISA. M..J lop.M. " haicm al 7 A- H.. and li P. M. " Woodbora e 7, 4'. and 9 41 A. M .andl f P If.',' and tt-IO P M. to Camden only. TIIK WKT JKUtlKY KXPIlLiH 04JMPANT Will aiti-nd to ail Uie usual braiicnei of Jtxpreai l.unla Dene, reet-lve. deliver, and forward tlirtimth oilier r.'"oat sltiif Pxprt-ss Coropatili-s to all parts ot the eouttary aaj article enfruated to tlieni. A Special Maeeeuiter SH-eouH Itanlee eacb Ihroliftb train. ' J. VAN ItBNgXP.f.AKB, (uptrioter.t.ct. phUade'nhla, liovenber 1, U04. li-' J