wiring (Eclcjjwpft Ti kmiay, pkci'mckr n, wi. riOM EHERIDAN'3 At MY. CJrnernl Nlirrlilnn lilYf lie Clllxpim or Vlnrli M-r Hit Amln-ticr SoiiiMlilnn lllvloricnl MiKi'LK Mii.maiiv 1'iviMiy, Tiiclity, Do-ccmlx-r 2, iMll (i.-mrul StirrM.in, on one or two occaiioiM, rcccn-ly. hn- fjiven "audience" to tlif fit ('lie of Wlm In -t. r nt il vicinity, to brar tvliHtcvtr comi'luiulf tiny mijit li.no to mnke rtlntuo to in.iitu in .my way pertaining to ttia ni;itnry oci ui'iitum i.f i lie pitied. Wnilc tin-Ocm-rnl Is n h.ird flfrlit- r, lie rtt the sum" time hi Hi tit htlenilittit iiiHlity nl.ie'i (1st ! n -lies al lirnve nifii iirn.us anil liimmne imtiul-r-H. 1 hcie nmliiiucs Imve dciljjlito I tho li--nrti of hundreds ilintuti, ptTlnip1-. n lew only ot ti.e a, jilicimtH oiitHiheil what they dcmreil. Mil!, when tlic heart is Inn them 'I it lit funis relief M he I ! to pour out one's leelinif- mi 'H-cm'c of liu liigliiKtin authority, who has the p iwer, if lie det ins it ex pi i he nt, to itrl. irci relief. A m-ti.i'itr of the Tieltnr, 1 licitecc, wcr- Ineiuls or rola' m fit tlne ritetrly nrrctnl lor 'li-!wtl ejiiinct aiii sent to Wioliiii:.' on or el-rwiiero. It Is not ut nil i .nnuh.ilile ! ' ni'ny mlytuke verw mailt-; Unit some ehienn weie flentnwiy who bail a rilit, i-tr h t'v Hn nl, in", Id rem oh nml Hint othi rs wi re ovi rlo ikO'l, or p"roiU;ei t ) ren.nm, who hhoul.l have I Irnl tin y received tlic r dtf-urt) bu n ft-iit awny. In tne Imiiy ot t'l JnomeLt, and parti, ularly in war ' 1 til'-mi.-Ii ttn- taKcii an-ulvMiys iiaolK t in1 m.e n1. Ii'it oi u a ItiinR I fi el a--nieM, a tn 'j r.ty of tl-n-u uvorsulitu Wire on the sale ol nil tcv. Aside tiom the imincili ite siiti-fa. 'tion alPTiled tlie citizen" of meeting the ronitiiiCtliiiK-vaort. fiit'O to Ihcv, tin at- i'lii rviews have ('one a K e. ways toward inoliiiying the hilter, ram;'int, releiitlcua t-ecestiioni-iiH, who Maw in the iie.-.-i-nary tlcsiroetion of properiv in thm valley, an opportunity to exasperate the. hol'l and miky boltl the liiniil or lukewarm in the cause ol .'Se cession. A personal Interview lias removed nmca of the natnittl pitjiiuiee cxistim;, for tney lind the (unrrnl not on.y o liuinun ln'mir, hut otio M' y gitti (I witU the nohle iUaiiii'S. 1 laiow of per Kins, ii:dcc d, tlmt could nut hear o liearthe name ot the commander ot tin deiiartinent mentioned jiefon an Interview, who have f ti.idcnly t e oma reticent, and would pas very well for uonoin liatants now. In a word, (iener.il Murid in has been exerehipg ali lie "ivhe statesmanship," out upon do dubious tmsis. This nice Lcuut.liil Talley, ' now desolated by the ruthless band of war," nn the seene of many interesting event in our early colonial history. The first settlements west ot the liiuo ittdgewcre roinmcnced uoont 17'in, by sixty (iermaii- who most y eamo from the luud of William I'enn; but a few wandered to the then far woiern wil derness, from the mote ancient setth uicnt called Cermunna, in t-pottsy Ivania county. Tuo nettltrs were a hardy, industrious ra 'C, and their Xeutonie orinin has civen character to the people of the wboio valley to this day, en tirely different from thai of any other portion of the .Stale. Indeed, as a class, they more nearly resemble the people of some portions of l'ennsylvania in habits and customs; and tin re is an absence of that intensely (southern feeling fonnii among the degen erate son of the old Koglish cavaliers, so credit able to the Southron's heart at tho ex ene of his bead. Hence wu litid that the secession horesy ba not taken auch deep root here us elsewln re. In thisconueetion I may statu that there are more intense secessionist to be found among the slave catchers iu the borders of th lrce Suited than here. Of all the town In this vnlley, T bclieva Win chester claims the most historic honors. Here are to be seen to-day the early footprint of George Washington anil others, who either tonic a distinguished part in colonial or revolutionary times, or both. Tortious (the bastions) of old Fort Loudon, laid tittt by Colonel Ueorge Washington, and con structed by bis regiment, are still be swu in the northerly edge of thfi town. This fort was constructed in 17'3(, to protect the inhabitants against tho French and thoir Indian allies, par ticularly the Shawnees. The well dug by A'a-h-ington's regiment is in daily nse now by Union soldiers. It is cut through solid rock to the depth of lli'l feet, and has in it to-day about sixty feet of Wuttr. Winchester was the extreme frontier depot for the troops operating against tho French and In dians on the Allegheny and Ohio ; here Wash ington's regiment roturned to recruit after the action of Grtat Meadow, July 4, 1754, and here again the troops were gathered afier Draddoek's defeat. Immediately after the reduction of Fort Duiiucsnc, Washington was elected to represent this county (Frederick) in the House of Delegates. In the graveyards of the town are to be found, among others of more or less revolutionary ro nown, the remuins of that "thunderbolt of war," Major-Oencral Daniel Morgan, Oeneral Daniel Koherdeau, and Major l'eter Helphistine. Tlio house in which Morgan died is still standing. Lord Fairfax was also buried in this placo. The Ktone over Morgan's grave ha been nun h dis i.gurod by curiosity hunters. -V. Y. Times. UIJDES THE LAKE. Proirre .Ot lhA OrKt FrCMli Water Tuu ul A VlNk' to Itt'ifloim Kultrrnnon I'.levrn Hundred Feet I utter tbe Lake. The groat lake tunnel of Chicago takes rank itU tbe most marvellous enterprises of this mar velous ago. Tae city of Venice "beautiful Venice" built upon seven small islands, has been not inappropriately christened tho ''child of the c," and often have writer figuratively asserted that It "aro6ofrom the sea." Chicago arose from a denso swump, and many there arc who can dis cover a striking similarity in more than one respect between the parent and its offering. Thus, notwithstanding the fact that the authori ties have rui.nd tbe grade several feet throughout Dearly the entire city, we have our moist seasons and wet spells. There is no lack of water, such as it is i but for drinking purposes, it has well been said that the few wells which have been dug might as well have never been dug at all. Water was found, to be sure, in great abundance; but it quality was very unlike its quantity. The city authoritios, resolutely grappling with the didicultiea, set to work to obtain a supply of water front Luke Michigan, that roroshortens the city on tho cast in such a maaner as to give rise to the suspicion that at some time one-half of it had dropped off Into the bike and disappeared. A huge iron pipe was run out into the lake to distance of about half a mile, and mammoth team-pump brought in the water and distri buted it through underground pipe all over the city. Hut this brought aaytbing but satisfactory relief, tor it wa found that the water was so shallow at the mouth of tbe lake pipe that the lightest storm puddled it so as to render it unrlt for ue. Kor was that all. Bboals of little fish, usuully called minnows, infested the shallow water at the mouth of the pipe, and not unfro nnently managed it so a to pop out into our glasses, pitchers, and tea kettles, sometimes "alive aud kicking," but ofteucr in a state of pu trefactionand that is how and why the great lake tunnel was determined upon. So many times have we dejenbed this tunnel that we will now skip over it with the briefest possible description. A shore shaft sunk to the i..i,iii of acvnntv.tive feet Is tbe starting point. At the bottom of this commences tho tunnel, a . circular bore, under the lake, of nearly seven feet TTTE DAILY KVENIKO TELKGRAPIT. rniLADKLPmA, TUESDAY, in d ame'or. bricked with solid and perfect in- onry, leaving a clear diameter of thefe.". This tunnel in to extend two miles from the -hor.', under the lake, he und the region of imddifd nuter and mischievous minnows, and il cost ovir n .pinner of a million dol ars. Thi on'r.o torsaie Messrs. Dull ft Gnwan, of Fills!) irg. at m how invitation a number ot gentlemen cea Mcled with the press Hnd the env g nernment jeteidav afternoon visited, explored, and In sp i.'trd the work. Di sci milng the shaft on platform tint i mMeil and IowmciI by sicnn, the prty reached the mouth of the tunnel, where the pence ion of lirii k masonry at once exciti d the most uti!i. fii d miunration. A Wooden track has beeu cou uruitid along the base of the tunnel, iin hi. b the cms run, carrying in hri. U and mort ir and blinking out dpt. 1'miiKs lai I hetween tho rails all. nd a ood fo thul.l, and as these inn raihci ationt six inches from the lose of the tun ned it ml! he so ti that a spa.-o of hut f nir feet and a ha f remains t the use of pedestrian", who me C"iise.iienily oblieed to continue their P limit of knowledge tinier diliculiies that wiiiil I hrciili a lull.; iMi-k, and :'iie a weik Uni'i ihei.in.itic cramps. It is not :lt ;i i auvpr.sing tlmt 'cvcral ot the visitors in otili u-nt I v l ac ked out upon reaching the boitoiu of the shut' . though there were some w ho would not ui.'lcrany cir. iim-tanees have inl-s. il the o;.ior tui liv ot gon.g tlnoiigh to the end. K.leveu hun dred mill twenty feet tTouirht us to the workmen, who. wi h p'Ckaxe aud shovel, were as in:; th'j li Til hlue clav that o:lei so stern a red tanc-i that the workmen can penetrate it only at the rate ot ri n feet per day. '1 ins Is ol av prorresn, bill carl) li t spring another shart w II he sunk In i he lake at the extreme, end of the tunnel, and the work wnl be proei un d with i,i. reused vtrur. is ow as i ti c ptogro-, the job will even'ut ly he coiiirh fed should no iiii-fap oceur, such as rui'tniig nuainst u deep hole in Hi lake, or oy a d'l'ht (li'tlHt'iui tiom it direct line, t innini" the ho't. m of the lake. nile we were i onversing wi b the workmen, i jet nf gas was cli-covired, which, upon being Ignited, burned with a st. adv. liliiish-yello llanie lor somu time, hrilliatitlv Muliting up the vault nn. I almost eclipsing the sicl.lv light ol tho little oil lamps. Save the nah'zation of the fivt that the enter prise is a lTuii one, and thee, nteniplatiou of baie p. ssihi nies of mishaps tlwt arc suirjested to the liiinri, there is iio'hing about tho tunnel that ran furnish muteiial lor either rosy-tinted romance or philosophical resuircli. No imiied cities have I t en run ngalniit, nor hones of mastodon been i xhuiued. Nut even u trace of vegetable life'or vegetable decay have the workmen yet brought forth. And as to geology, no more barren field could will be imagined. A heavy bed of blue clay, streaked here and there with gravel and sand, with an occasional boulder, whose surface inditites glacier action, iindu stray vein or two of oil stone, are all that have as yet been discovered. Curiosity hunters may yet bo gratified with petrilied Indian w.ir riois, tieasnro-laden wrecks, or tho ruins of heathen temple. If none of these fancies are reali. ed, may we not hope that tho more titigib e matter of tact enterprise, which certainly could not huve been entrusted to ubler hands than thoso of Mi s-rs. Dull A (iow an, will in due time tie accomplished, and our citizens be blessed with pure water from the depths of I.nko Michigan, as cool, sparkling, and gra'ifnl as that which (lowed from the rock that Moses smote ? Cii cain Journal. ir O li C A M C O 1 li COAL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. l'HINTED OIUCUIiAUa, With tl rrcxpoetuti And Geologic! Report of tV propert j rf Uili Com p any, ara now roJy At our office. Ttlh Company Ovtus otit I'OO crr of wht li kcowa at tke bct OIL TERUITORT uon tUe CiUKAT UP HEAVAL IK WKST VIKdl VI A, and ofnri large InJutv. nitnti to partlci to tubacrlbo for Ui II ml tod uambarof Sf aiei ofTervd at H per share for ftill paid itock, the par luvg SlOpcrihart. ThlJprlrepr iliareia notaboretho markttable valnt of Uj J audi, and It ti offend ftr the sole purpoie of iu crtailiiit the fa lllUoa for dpTul-'pmunt, and will, bejocd a reasonable dubt, provo a profitable luveatiueut. COOPER & GRAFF, II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. No. rwii.iDiT.enu, Vovwnbw ti, 11. 11 W BTTOHANAN E07ALTY OIXj COM L'AIVV. CAPITAL sioo.om 40,(100 SUARES FAR VALUK SIO.DO rnr.siDEKT joust alkvavdebl TKKAHI'KKKJOHN W. TOltREV. SECltETAKV-W M. 8. LANK. DIREOTOUS. A. ti. CATTF.LL,rrelikiit Uurn Eicling Mulonal lUnk, I'hiladelplils. tfiWAKD 0. JAMV8,otllj liuuse of Ttiiwi.w Rlcbard oo Co., Ftillailclvkla JOHN ALTXANDKB.Ko. IMS Airh utreet, Ptlllda. IiAVID VAliUEKVtKK.No.frJS Jt. T'llrtooath stroat, rhllndelphia. J. II. LYDAV,ritUtn. It. It.I'ORTKR, M. D., Wllmlnaton. MM. B. LMib, ruiidiphi. Oilioo No. 146 B. FOURTH Unwi, riULADKLPHIA. The ptofrfj of this Compnnr eoniliti of oil LniJ, Lftiis, and uround Kent Kuirv or Royaltlnof all tuo oil produefd on tlx "A. Buchanan Farm," on Oil Crauk. Aud atao, alt the oil and underground depoalu In two hun dred aerator land on Eaal lllckor crook, Vanaugo coautj, ronmylvanla. Tnura are atout one hundred and City iilrrejod oil lotj ou Uia "A- Buclianan fann," over iiilj ol which are leaied to flrst-claia operators. Beventoen wells are now produclnv oU: aeveral are now being teited with good proiperta, and twenty or tMrty being burad at various Itagei of progreal. At a solid prumlilng lnTfttment a limited number of full paid iharea, of 10 per mare, may beoblakied at (7 each, npon appllcatloQ t any of the omeert, or at the office of the Company. Tbe proipeetus, containing a full deecrlptlon of the Com pany's property, eaa be obtained atfhe ofllee, l--lm pOAl OIL, AKD OTHER INCORPORATED COMPAMHH, can be mppllfd at loweet essh pilcet with I tUTIKM ATK UK HTIK!K, TllAbKK HOOKt, BTOl'K I.ElMirM, t Divim.wu hook, 4c. e. o. " A roll anorlment of ainplei on hand f ir mrcUateri lo lelti from. Dtyleaof over lsodluruntCeitineateol Suiok. W. Q. rifiET, ManufactEring Etatioaer, ll.K-ew B.W.ooruer FOURTQ and KACK St4. , TiTVTtr yr)K An prrrr . nrT prrTa W A-u t UlL&DELruIl IT: 'I llOl.Kl'M f.'t i.M l 'ANY Oifntilzcd ( iitlcr Hip J.v ir t-i iork. Tltl'-t't'Iii:- : -- A. I'AI.VP.K, - -r-n'. II: sa ti ll1i. w .i. NATIUS MM'lll, v Pre.; ...m i ,,n.i niA, Tt!raph ( .miit.r.y, .i w Yi ik. AI.IlKItT It. MI'OI.AY.o! A:,rl It. NicaUy . ()..., Itr p anl Aiirti MH n, N. w(.ii ,m .tr-'ct, N - r ..rh FtT.KHK ,1 JAf'K-sON, f a-nhie A Jnktu ., l-.tut . m il.d Itn a i-M. do I i K.s. h,,, T.nk, FIvr!ll C. T-..MK. sisftw, (few r..rli P.fr Irr.in mo. k ll. i' l .nn.l i.. kcv. .No. :) II- J .u-l. )-nk. AMI'IIKW Ml H UTU, r-,i:a l- p'l.a. H.AMMS A. HOIiWlN, l-li 't. r'i1a Kill' I ttr l I.AKK.SON, ..I i Yirkun A c ., lu'le-,, Ni'. 1. I 6. Third llvv., P:.,la--i JA V KS 11 . CXAKh K, Oil I iy. r-nmtiTui.i. OKI 1( l-.KS. Pl: V. At nfH II. Ml'ill AY. nw T.rk wry "Hnim -T. AMlltFW MMI V I KK.V. l-ML.lplj.lna. A. V. STOL'T, I'r.'m'l.) it Sh .ill l..-ail,-r Itins, New 1 ,!'. IE' i;: i.:.:4i'Mi c. sn:mnN. W I I.IAM II. ANl llON, ADA M C . K. t.I. I -. M. w Vaik. irk. RIIOR AM I.I A TIlKIt IlkNK, New lurk, l l.AlihSu.s A ( l).. i-;iil..i-lnliia. oi nr-r.s or Tim crMPNV. !). '. WILLIAM tr-i-t. New York. ho. l.'l H. I HIH1) dlrci-t. rhlla.lntptila. CAPITA I. STOCK 01 KllkREH AT TllK XOMINAl. V A It, OK f. K. V II -St'ltMUIII f TION I RH r...$i I'l l! NHAltK. Str i k tr.t. ecl to ik lurtiicr nssi-s.snint. .AI,'Oli stian-s t. bp mid In pAvini-nt 'or tlie Und,, leip hnlil., fltnl !r'dllilnK lllltrrsts of 111? Comjuily. lln-r-i-nuiillng 6VA0 SUAUr.S. OR liHl.fll, RK.SI'RVKI) I'Olt VTOKK. IMI CAl-lTAI.. Th- New Tnrk and t'hllaJeli.hU P.-lro',-um (Vmpany hilfl b en oruuntii-d with Hie gn-atem cure hy eiprl.-n.-e.l rapltallita ot tbr tw.i i nl. i, nhoso nniui J are uidiril In IU own. It will bo maiirtki-'l KXI I.USIVKLY FUR TllK INTBItKSr.S or ITU ISTOi KltDl.IiKRS. Vo pains liiiv(- bwn iparid to pliu-o It on a g--iiiilne and lu!4tuntial fnollnir. M.nt vahialile mid cxti-mire tract of Oil and Coal Inml liave be-n n-rured IM FK.ta, and losschold 1-ltODt'tTSll I.NTKlir.STS In ttie Iwart of the Venango County (Pa.) Oil region. Attention U lavlted to the following erhrdule of the Com.ianv a frnperty, melud lng I KK. SIMPLE TKItltlTORV, I.KASK.IIOI.D8, PBO DUC1N0 WKI.L8, and welli in varloua atagea of com pletion Ho. 1. nil ai-ri-a of liottom land. In fee, on tho Allegheny rlvtr, liaTluc a water frontaii- of nearly one Blli. Jlnw 10-botae power engine and ns.turt-i. Two we'll sunk to tbe depth of mo I'eet.anJ already gllid with oil. Mjom for 40 more willa. No. 2. J-Joacri-s of rich oil laud In fi e, lying nearly oppo alte the above, havlnga mile of water-frontage on l'rattii-r andBenuet rune. Well liiplled with timber. No. .1. Lease interett on tho fainoui "Widow McClin tock Farm," OU crei-k. Ono woll dowu and tueting; anotht-r Just ready to tube ; a third jiut atarted. Two tlrst-claai engines. Tailing, tools, ltures toani wagons, Ac. No. 4. farm- Interest In Icnts nn the well-known "llami7Sn Cllntook I'ann,' Oil cn i k. One woll now bilng ti-stiil; 'n-tt'l' J'lelditg twelve barrels dally, and rapidly Increasing. Olbfrs t""H dowu. Two nrw en gines, with fixtures ciiaaplei . 'o. &. oae twelfth of two lairi on the Clapp Farm, near the great WUliania and Htanlon oiln hun-tred barrel wells. On tills pruperty Is --Sherman Woll, No. 1," now down live huLdrud liect, entice, Ac. Ac. Room tor more wells. No. ft. One-sixteenth of the fee In flfty-soven acres of Coal I.aud, adjoining the Craub-nry Coal Company's beds. Tills prnpt-rry Is of tho utmost value to our opera-tii-ns, suppl Ing us with coal at all seasons, and when the works ut other companies arc found to be idle (or waul of nic I. Kri.m tlioae estates, tbe Trusters are AS'tired of thulr ability to declare I.AIU1K AMU HI'iH l.Mt MONTHLY I'l VIOr.MiH, and ol the spee ly ai-prccla .lun of tne shares loeMAKKKT VAU K FAll AltoVE TUB SUIIScTtlP TIUN l'KIt K. The INVF.tJTIC.ATISa COMMITTER sent lr..m New York and Philadelphia, whose favorable report Is print-'d with tbe prosiectus, speak in unlimited terms of the Com pany's properly and prospects. Hooks for Oltllll SAL Hl'lljlClllPTION will be opened n WEDNESDAY', lieiemher 7, at the oftlces of the Company, and at the New York, Phila delphia, aud Boston banking houses named below. Prospectuses, maps, and detailed information at either subscription oitice. The public are assured that whether for Investment or speculation, no better security than these shares can be obtained. BUH8C11IPTION AQENT8 : BROADWAY RANK, corner of Park place. Mew York. POI.UAM1CS A JACKSON, 0. 11 Exchange place, Hew York. a, ALIUUT 11. NICOLA Y A Co., No. it Wall street, New York. CLAliKHON A CO., No. 1.11 S. Third street, Philadel phia J. 11. MARTIN, Hanker and Broker, BstoB. U i Ot yyAEHINQTCN AND WALNUT BEND Ol-Li COMPANY, CAT1TAL 9W.W0. 100,000 SHARKS j'.5 V.vrh. EuligcriptUia l'riig $2. 10,000 IShartt Rt-icncd u Working Capital. Office, No 314 MAKKET St , Philadelphia. No.X Awftlcn Oil Creek, now pumi)tn 10 barrel ptr tiny, and Inerviuuiiv. No. i. A fit 11 on OH Creek, now ovT :W (t d4 p, wfh UrK .how uf (41. Nuar Ihit ii th' Com P ituttur Weil, hirb U U'w iniitirliK :-M barrela ot oil pr Any. ho. H. A well NBOiK'rtfk, 60 ft-t Uevp, uuw ready for (uhlnir, with alndid ibow of oil; evw probpuct ol pro dut iiiK larkfly. hu.i one dlh IntcrMt In tract of Ave hnni1rd aemi cu tha Alkhuy r)T r i alt wtila, now puinpiu ilftyDar rl of oil ottr day ; Uirte in. to welli now K"l' Uowd , with Dour a lie ol river fnuit, all noui botitm territory. ho. b. A hit If acr at TidetiQte.neariiie Kconopilte Well, hl-h are now puimlnw ilxty barre; per ''(iy. i'o ti. fcljhttnd a hall aeren In Walnut Httn'd.on lh' AIT plttiif rlvtr ; loinifdiato y hurrounlli)n thli property are tlao protluc nn wells. 1 hi trai't will bw devaiuiu- rapidly. bubtit ration are now beln ifcltd, ad a large por tion oi trie attack alrtad taKt-n. Tlie pronptcta aal alt ljiioruiatti n can be uLiamed at tii Otlitj of Utv I otunaay, iowatho.au &1AKKKT Httuet. U M Ut C ODNTINO-nOUSK AND SCHOOL DESKS made to order, sa H VTca.KTKK Hiroet, 11 -ti UbUUOt: PLOWMAN. QOMMOaWEALIH OIL COMPANY UWItKNCK COl'HTT. TCNNs VI.VANIA. OAVITAI. HTofK, ii(,()(i(), TAH VA1.UK, i .IiKINJ t'AVIT V!, I t -I RVI I) M K ! T , -) I Jit .f. "ULOt'- ritvrti nrn r, y w h: vi-. it. TttHAillKnR, HA Ml l-.I. It HIT. IV si cRHTtnr, HWIO II. JIIIjI. Pti-.m TOltd, i.mn w.ir. r , I r.m I 'mitt , l.aitr itarr, W lll'rtni M---,rr. i nfll i li lint, ' in t" ni', t-"f of jI ti e t emi anr. I' ' I ill cow I;- li N. e; id st t! CI IKS NIT S TKKK'l' t 'n ..; Una 'oinpany ait loo 't a P jlp-vrr KoiA i t nwri'iii ' ' ii'iu, 'i - v "v in 4 'iu- w en t 'rt.-lil 1 hat Hlrt'd itl-fll OllIMlI.r.l 'n. ,i'. ' ti me Mii'ii - ei.Minr 1 1..- r r ii f iT ini li t'l- t.'li-'i ul .t,irn)ii t in r M I n ) ny. na-iipli-ft ' 'il in-iV i lie Itr ! Hie Vi 'I I IiA Itli AND KINIXQ OIL COMPANY, (All 1' A I -fr V 1 , . 4I1.(MI Ml lici s. ru vaiuk, rivK doli.aus. N i f : (in -r aiil -.itnt,t to lit ma Ir, ai .-,..' rt' .m his o e : --t cvt.sj f r a rV-. ( I ajMial. or Kieioitts. i'lii ttiKMr, jA-wrs u. WI IIR. H ri.K.MI.l'NT, TUH.Vt uita, Oil N II. UOl.'l.U, !'bll.idt!; NFl UFTAUT, I'UAUI.IIS J. D.MsMAS afoSFl'II fl. CT.AUK, T W .ItNKB Kill., AI.KUK.l) II. UTS, JAMS.8 J. Hi OI T. ISA V. John li. r.ari.n, 1) IIKNSU,, .1 .iK It. WKItH, TIMS P. I ON WAV, Ol'VKK. Tlic f frtliii alen ai nw IjfiiiK :aind. I.'- t-H Of KICK, K.. .VJ1 (HKSNirr STKKI'T. RATIONAL OIL REFINING COMPACT, ruu.AhKi.ruiA. Capital $200,000. 20,000 Shares. S10 Par, I'TtHH I tKN T. WAT?OS MAhOSK. MANAtiHUH, MAIOKK. H' on TF. V.SW V, Mit'iiAK.ir iiunK, ; Tis. J i.a:asiku. t. ULALkbUlM'.. Jit.. JMi:H (1. frAKCLKA, ALKXAN'ltV.U k. hf.AM. THRARrHBRe THOMAS J. LANC.ASTI'.H. RHC'UKTAKV. Th iCompaitvlB founded imon a sniutaotial and lRitl niaia tumm M bai. and om-r Kri-at. r inducerm nU mid mote ri-litthlf m curliy for Invt Jiineiit than anrtatuT uv in U it- tbe mbik. hubcriptlt)iii ara uw th inr r rrlvnl, and a laik-e portion t Ho- stook l airetMkr t'tluat lnuramt ol ile property tuay Uf txaminrd, and kU taiittrnuitum nti-t.iin.-il al iJituiltcaut the Company. N. L7J 8. 6K UNI) btrtt.1. J AH. II. KTKVKNSOISr, U tutlmlm GKNF.UAL AUK XT. 2 it o s r K CTl'S TllK HOUVKU A MAItfillAIJ. OIL fOMI'AWr. Ortico, ao.ji H, roVUt li hin i t, oJow Walnat, back room. ilrt ilo:r. CAP1TAT,, pVm.fVO: HIIaKKH. or,on0; PAK VAMK,T0 'J he piopeny ot thin Company tt iituatcd on tho Alio phoy rivir, and initn art d w lthm a i itiitHO of nOmt two and a hall tnils trt.ni ibo town oi Fra-ikitn. Veuamm e 'uiity, l'tuistjivfuua, and upu Uiu imaf ai.lt) ot aid Ti er. It connleta of tho wotlrc working fntvrt'it (which li on liall of the Oil pro.ltirodMn a l.'-ano ami on Well h.'-att-.l on iliv woll known "floovrr Farm," cflohrated h aionux too tlrt md mum productive Oil Tr-nlL-rUn, and known a tl.e' HOOVt.K ,t .MAKHUAI.L WKLM,." The IcaM lh tor 'l un uln Riuarol with a fronfauenf a like nmiilivr ol nda upon rbe Itiver, pivln room twr two inoro ell, and bai tin mioxpiri-d ftrrn of t veiitr-f-viii vnia 1 Utelv U hI'O a hint flan tiv homo Ku,-ino, l'iU Inn, TaiUiH, and t-.ur; tLin,;; nu ebiu to rairy on auceei ful operntioiif. IlifW'tll wMch 1 a flowing and pumpiuk' one) hai heoti lii I'pvratlMii for ibr- yi-irt, n.l, i-urun ilv haudh d, bun prodnrtd rfRiilarb froiii lit) o Hi btila pjr w-ok lai UuOiliK tilo.pngi-, at tlnm i t'l icini L iijhltt'i Hurrelt per day, yielding lor the working Intercut of th O-mipan ahnut $:tu,l-Oo annually. The Oi) s miptft lor. lu InbrliilluK' iunlltii-i. roniniaiidii k lor it J " tr p-r bm rol mure than th J irora OiU'rtM k. Tim woll, riKbdy linIud und acti J norki-d by the celt-brntcd rattm Air I'limp. leavui but lilt le doubt ot Its bein! roton'd to ita urlUml prodnc tloiilroin 40 to lAt bnrreii ( er duy. I be othi-r proptrtv of the ('oinpany ennilatt In a valuable rlvtr trttet of rtfiy arrew In fainiplt adjuininkMlu1 exirumo borouKb line ot rraukbn.wiHi a larv b-rtjiK aiirrace uuiitf the rlwr.and alrio um n the erlui that run UiroUKh tue tract, thereby liHTeaimtf boittig aurface, aim onhanclnij km atiy itt value an oil u rritory. fn uddltloo to thin. It baa from It rontik'ultv tn tho county town of one of the mt tloiirlililiut and rapidly iff on tut; towiu of th .State, a large surf tire laluo In the product of the wll of tlilt rerlon tVro haH ovor been a remarkahle uniformiiy, which, with the lata Tama ble illecovery ot a 7 bai icl woll ou the lalaud oppoitto Uio "Hoover I aim,' and the dlaovoryof laro and valuaola pro4luclnff we.ls all around ihe OonipR , property (e Mi art tlow), at ani p Uio reloti aa onu oi tho inot valua hi oil tt rriutiii a. Tlio Krankllfl C'iri itnt lu lioUcio Ut Ut w wellii rect iitly sTurk, itaa : Mne by 1 nU A Morrow, on October 19, on the Ooch renorariu, two lin o belw Krankllu, wbl :h yitldfd M0 bitrreia at the mat lortv-eltrht hour' pumping, la con nitleretl wood for lo.i ham-la. Joha lou lia alto obtained a Mowing Hell, on the Murtin Vm in, junt aoveth lloortr, and n-aly oppottie Ihj t'ochrauo, widen tl )Ws ovor fifty harreli uvr ia Aim. Mr. Uubba, who owm a leane on V e hnuin I arm who hai been pnmuliiK four harrii per day at U t t deep, Mink lite well 411 leet, und atruck a wi ll khniK firtv narri-U pwr dny. All tbOieaiiikoa have been w ithiu ten daa,and IhuproApeot of a number inure la f tiTt tiuie " Ifttt u thousand aharva have bn net mid a by tlio Com pany lor the pnri ue oi OorinK thre more well. Thla region. ith Itn oil well no celeorat d fbr their tealtnvitf and fuiability, tko groat nuuinrnt of larva fuming and iiuniptiiK wtiila ret:ontiy ulictvt rt d, tlie inpo rl r tjutllly or tho oil a a lubtlcator, and the hltrh prlreti atwnyum r'-adlly obtained, with extrnordlnriry Uw9ln$ tacllitle. ttom ihe wciIn heiiiR located on the manrlu of tho river, and only twn-und-u-lmlf rmlea from t:ie railroad, uowe to otler partiea wltth iiK to invest lu oil territory tafi'ly, ilu'lJCetinnti of the hlKht ut rharactor. lttokit I or ubicrlption e- now open at the offloe of the C'vmpany. No. 2iW B KOI'KTH hret. ht-low Wli.ut. t'nl a liuited uuuibor ol ahar,a will be told al $1 ix) pop hare, N. H. ItoyalHea havli Hien to one-half the oil, the Company expect to realise lai-ely from le attog a portion ol tl.atr tract held in tt inipl. 11. -j-ill 1. S. Plin.IPS.Troaiurer, THE CLAEION EIVEE 0ILG0MPASIES. OFFICE, No. 341 WALNUT SIHKET, (ROOMD tLUUR). WII.l.lAM V. SOHEMi, rUB3UEMT. J. 8IMPFON AFRICA, 11 17- U eoretarr an J TraMorw. DECEMnEK G, 18G1. JHE WIfiT VIKGINIA AKD OHIO Oil. C'UMI' VN ,i (.((. t.XXXtO .SIUUK.S OI'" f:, KACIl. Workin;; CapttHl, i.i,ixi). n' !-( lamoN run k, i i-kk shark. TIi ,iniilj of ll ir.l. A Irs. t of Ctrt-eanr .o nlts At linnilrril are. In r situate .tin at. J In I'lea.atit roui.ty, W ost Vlru'tma. ttpjn KansoQ's linn, near ll.e celeh'aled "Tai'k" vri-lls. I'p n this tract llierr Is a if w e m-i:ir ,1-i.t nrrl-ed. with winch It U In t n Jt.l tn .Hiiviii. tu ile.i'l..!.i,.iu nl' the i.-npcrlf with 'pr. Tt I. willilti nne rii;(. ,,t ..r.e Sr,v, wMci is c.ni C itiU (o lie In tlie heart of the i.ll territory , no w evoll I bnnrf -timk U'-aily n tj weik. It I. ..Itua'rd u) the ur-nt fp' ii a', now iwrn ti- h- the ln'nt liullcatinn of c 1 ii-rrlle- In thai rvwi.m. U.,me N.'jk, llornlUk- .H,.ria, ni .1 11 i "11 ten it nj i , (i,i.i, r. all upon the npli.'mal. Itt'avii: j.nn.u urt lht II Is in .-Minri tn strike a ' liv.ur. " it, the ro.k in orm-r ;u i.!iihi-i a ia l-iu n-i-ll, a IB lill. Ill p is. II K ttiti 'lKii tlie rm k 11 itllliv nl oil m i y ,.h. .in It I-. tl ,. fi,.-t win. Ii n.akei a ..1 anlc tin hen.a! nt mip-.r-.a-ie, as it ranse,. ma-iy tl.ures or br- aks :n t'n ..traia .- ii len.n l-.;o ae-e.. o-i Klf.-u M'le Itn W jl) liKton roi.ntj-. ( into, a. U Tim s lf-t'on mi ni-ri- ;, K. )i-ar; lti ya'ty. .utr fl'tli the Ml. Moore-0 a.-fs, I'M ;1T H ; Ilo) ,t , oliv-cuhlh the- oil. Vy.r.-8 .1 .-.i, I., mil. Itv1ll),oi.o fll III tin' oil. t u.hoi.--ii's ii-.. r.-ii-M-s , i:.,iny..)iie..,i,.iit!,ti,- ,ii. K i- l-.P iHi'.-s, Ji-.lis, li'.yaltl.one niili III.-oil. I nr il ,- 1:. y. ui ; ll.iyalty, one flrili the oil. Ki".,-'i: " a rr., j ars . K.i. ully . ..in- mil. the oil. tlami-lK ,i. u., 1', u ai ,. u,ji y, ono iirili the ml. f'ui i'y-i a.-rrs, I.'. er ; Ko; aiti . ore tlflh -he oil. Hi nop- --.(! a. n , 1.-, irais, Kotallv.ene-ntth lha oil. utlil, en l.'l mi, l iieiii, Koyalty, onr tmii the oil. Thmiiinn lit) aerm, l.'i years ; llo; ally, ono-tlflh llieoll. Siif.liT- so arn-., l'i ira-s ; Koi alty, otio aliih the oil. Vplrl. h-f-) a. re. I.'. j,n ; ltoi ally, ono nt h the oil. Oti ;fce llut-in, Meori-. Puttier, Wo.rMi, Hnd Th.iiiip.en, t; -re ai.'cii,flT i's with ilowti losperltve'r .'i)0 lent, " ) i.'t,nil SlWfeet. On the I'mlibi rtt! ein Is a n ell (1 lwn XXi feet, with en- line mi tl.e tfio-nul. Oa the li yder elif th -re I. a Itumlng ,Spru, tutn. it, lion r.o -k i i.e jrijn at Hit office ot l'j. I.. MOSS. Ii l it H.i !-'. liOfK "TUKrT. nuoni'jucruH COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY, riii.Ai)ELriiL. C'nplttU (Stock, . SI 0(), )((. DIVIDED INTO 'iO),0(.0 8HAHErt AT $5 Fl.R SI1ABE. svuscuirnoN rnicE,5o tku shake. tt lr rF0Kd to lona Uils CVaipany from tho following luti rcsti I. Th ft tlmploof Mv,srrei.knnirii ai tho Pottav rann " on r.lK- HroKt:-Siw,w . ri .-k, and on th- line of tho rimudi Jphla and K.rlc KfcAtMud, one mid a half mlM weat of Uailaml. rittiti Id towtuiJhip, Warren comuv, t'enni v vaola. I hli In nt I s fltiiaui In ono ot thu Ont "luonlitioj iu thf iti-lKhh"rboud. It lu) , in thtwhoJo ot Ihe valh-v for r vor n mile (n itfiif, lm itu trotrac on tho Itrokou fttmw rrr. k of o or t mih-s. Il alio evti'li l iiorthnard o r d e biult.it nil tiikt h liiacoimd-'r ilih-p'Ttlontif'tht Hluo Ei' Iti.n, a trthutury ot th- hmknii Straw, Hi i.k u-Hin.w t n t'tv tal.t i i it. ii. m tt,,. CUM m,u- of th blmt, which ptv4 rit to tho Cfii-hratcd Oil cn"ik, on th' wt sido It n noviniibla from tho Cotter arm to the Alb'ftht ny rlv.-r, adliiiiiivc of ten iniltin, nnd tlnin ulTordu fHcllhlua f.tr tranhpcrtutiun I y boats to IMtuSutK. An invntloio it b--fi r', li e 1 liflrttioli hm iml Krlo H;iUroud runs dlivctly through the propt: tv on the Imnk of tt;" crcik. and t mi It in t-ronht lu ihit-rt ((.iiimciHi atioii with the ttrt'iu oil maikett. S w York nml PhiUd Ipniu. The b'u ts rim ir.nu IH' t" flit fret. In i"iiij u ii, eh cry uhr.ipt'v. f.itiro la a -lam htnlt a ro-.s the rek ah nit uihlwjy oii'th.) pi ,i-pt-n. i-lvliu' Inirio uti watrr i mi j t.i one ol v. a ti-ut and boat conMiocu-d saw tnilu In ihr o.untrr. ilii miJI at rt-kvnt ui tiiOu loot oi luiubrr per dv uUh ons thtg'.o Upl ('I A i filler of AWft rould bo ad li d at a small nut, and 'ha ltd 1 ho nirtt!u mp ibl- ol proiitt. Hu a nn'ime to Llin l.m p!i at oih v t- jiial In un ord'nary producing wll Ttn' biuiti aooiind v ah pine. Iitnitoth," Ac, In mich iiuantltr as to krrp th' m II rnnnliiK tor suthI veari. Jn a hll thu to the mill ib'iro la a vcrv uhliintml rtud Inre f ume hoi ff, ft v. Mji Uur rnos, barns, aiatiica, bUi-ksmlth ahoit, run fntt r il op, Ac. Ac ; In bhort, ev4'iihuiK t'mt an r.pi rl" lire of u Iwenty ye,ir.' rrtlilfn' O tiuht the late owner to be lirceiviry. The hoi torn hind on tlie (lit is tfo U mrii.;:ii land, id t ii urcd toi ihc inriuav, .tnd 1 Iiom l.Vi to 'J- V m rrs to i tt nt. The inMii h.iiml with ehoieo upoti for drlllmir. anj with larllltie lor tho pnrpoit, mir-h wh Cw timer land it posi-rns. 'I ho Ttt inoi HhU'U inti-rsoct tnd loim hreaku ) twf'ii ami through the hill, nml which are fuorite lnrAli tii for welli. have tine atrcauiM, which will iiiftl -lpnt wutr jHiwer t rnarne it inun-'dlatoly t. f"nim.nco lnklm: K'vorul wt Ha, thu- Having ttio uxpoiitn and diilny In ohtuUiMirf n(,'liin. A derrick cmi br built near I he maw mill and K' trmir aiMchod, th'ih iimkliiK the inhl toanswor a d iihlcporpoBO. fit1 "ctioua' ol oil ate t-nitU, and In niniij pici h inperior ard niora numoroni, io thuu ob-arrvt-d ia wbat baa proved u be Uto butt ljcalideaon oil cnM tt Abont two mlloi from the furm. over the blnffa, the HoMutjr (til Coiopaiiy, of I'tiU.ukli'hiu, are diilluu two wt-ilM on tne Ilotiner run, which ouiptlei into the hmken Htritw at O.iKand. Thcae wells fire iivim; tho niont irai 1 (j Uiu tvldorce of the eiiateiRc ot oil In uroat iuautitiet and have eatnt!hhed Its prearmo In that region beyond a doabi. The 4 otter Kutni la allotted nearly due north of the now celohr.tod Tldoout, on ilio Allegln nv river. 1 1, Th- ne Rimplo of-lltit Atvon on tlie North Hrilmon Ortfk, Tlono-fu bowiikhip, FurrvM eonntv, la., iut over the tx.rder oi i-imnuo rounty. Thtt land, Ak In the cakq of the I'ottrr farm, takoa In the vnlley an well an the bliMrh on both side, ttnd Ii traversed bv nnnierotn ritrln'a and Imlii atrtauia tunniui; Into tlie Htliuon ( roen. T.i evld. nci-H i.foll caonot be cf.lrd in ii t,Areo invkt-d. and the formation of Uh land U ao 1'avorAb o to tlir biit enoe ot idj. that oteiy oil man vlnlttiu' tfce re(rt'n -ay : Ha.uioii freek t bound to innl the world renowned Ml f'rret., ' and the fltecuirtttnn puhhc hav ahowntii- lr f.iitti In it by U Aaiuj! or buylnif every u- re of lind from thin .company' torrliory to the mouia of the ''rock nhjnt five mil b ai el. am np and down the TioneUa river for aeveral uillta. Thia piopertv la rHute abont (en miles east of the A!i jrhery river It" Aliunde with the Desi dchriptlouot tuube r - iilne. i herrr, hi nilock . etc , w hh n rna b- madu to yield A hkutimio.e revenue to the Company. Th-do(topinunt of the country 1 rapidly proirret 'iik-. A we 1 it heiiu' nunk ball h miu- irorn the property, two .ther two mih- from It, and the 'J lone (A river la lined w i.h thrm on eu'-ii suit- fur inlleo one at the month it Halmii creek, now ytetdltnr oil, and all oi iht-m Klvlng och Indication, wni'e drnjimf that have hcn-tolore only arcompanit d the sinklnh' of the bet wel on OH oreek. In addition to thli, the couiitlf-a atir roundliiit f nTTent rotiuty- uorth, south, east, und w at, ar Ail v ithlinj,-oil, And gie preul ulroiiKth u theaup.Mi aliioo tt'At Forrent oounty la in the conircot un lmm on he bailn of oil, und rlylnir that whom ronton of vo intrv. A limited number of aharebill be no Id at iha nhove mentioned toibvcriptiou price, per iare,walch will Lc run pain, anil f.-ni.inu appliea tmntfitab ry to ttw devoiop Iliciit oi ti e property, Kioin the atve'pro4noctni It v. HI b aen that the "Cold r Y irrn Oil Company (jl. r uiiunal Itnlnccioeiita tw it or wthiiinf to inveit in oil Mo.-h. Ttie ovtent ol the propertj' omiril bv them, over lour juar mtlen. the velj i new n proiJut tlvcneih uf l lie aiuToiniClnf: roulon, and the fanhileH poanfaned by them for tho hoiiiedtaie dtivulop ment ol tlo ir territory at not mme tliaii t.vo-ihlrda th ttniiat cost, warrant the lMrortora In ii-toriin that tho "t'olttTfr'ttriu (M ('ompAhy'1 will non phiie ltoirutnoiiK the nrnt UivldeDd pa.vuag Oil HtocA Coiupanlea )o the country. iubacrlption heoka will b opened and iubacriptloui to the capitAi aioci. roceiTod at Uic o dice of I'liiLii' ir. iiiuoK & co.( Ko. 307 WALNUT STIIEKT. WILLIAM D. SMITH, Tre.AM.rer K. J, BAKBieON, SeetetAi. U i W OTTM It 1 A. It M OIL COMPANY, Ob' l'HII.ADKI.PHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DIVIUl'l IMTO 20,(H)0 SnAHRH, AT l'KS SHARK. l.llOH;illITIO? I'UIOK, $250 PS EHAKE. Rin.t.f pti,n B vok re opene J, and 'it'ibirriptleni to k t itoll hlrl rre, d at the ofl , e Of n:.Lii' ii. i;:;ki; & ro N. Ho-. WAI.Nl.T STltKKT. The olllr. , orilieCiiniisaT. N'iS ?.l soil It raSHIKK. 1M.H.N If ll.lKilt,i.inii'.i trret,w.ll beeteneel on WI DSKSUAY.lleciiutierTilwit. ll-l-ft W. I. NTill 11,'rreiMurer, I . J. llKIIISt,trrrrlnrr. gEIEINAH riTEOLF.UM COliPANY. CAl'I IAI, 1,'iIK),Oi)(). 300,000 SHARES. vVoi-hliiir C'tipital, SiO, ((. avi'.hc'.irTKiv riiicR, ffi w im;k shark. IT'LL STOCK. OiriCE, No 432 WALSUT STREET. f-RCOSD STOUT, BAi'K llODM. The pro;iert ot the Cortiianr ronsls'a of Uie rnllnwls valnahlo Ira.i-s on OiU'reek and l-lierrr Knn. anil wlilea are ,m: r-artiaiii dfeli.innl, the production hfinir nearijr suty barrt-'.s per dey, e-jual to over one per cent, pec tiiinth on the capital el-k, and Is Inereaslng. Alee, Ira.-t ol Ki7 arres In fee simple on Cherrr atui, on ta moat valtiahle portion ol It, auil'iclent of llseirfor a ooia pany with twice the rai ltai elorli. Till, proiiertv waa ecli-oteit fur prli ato Invertiuent and not for apeculau.n, and Hirers Inditreuic nts ai-ldom motwiu In thauiaorcosa paniei now oranl.tng. no. l.-Miixru r.VM. This Is 1 12 fiee on a lease of 11 acres, on whlrli thwe la out well How Ina over Mi liarri-ls per (lav. Al..j, li oi'tha oil In ajhl i-ll, niaaii.g In ali 1-12 of 1 tlu-oil free jf expense. 3fo. I.-STKVKNSO.S FaIIM. All unillvliled half part of the "Harbor rarm." rnntara lt 40 a Yes, situated on Oil Crrek, acliolnlnR renter, and about cue mile above th. Noble Wi ll. This prop.rtr Ilea in the vicinity ufscuie ol the best oil territory on the creek, nml ir developed will j ruve liunienselj vaiualit. Tk other undivided half is owned by a company who are pre paring to work the land vlgorou-ilj and ikcprodiict of tke) ell tills Inn rest shares. No. k.-BENNKllOOK KAI'.M. Tills h a leane of 3S acres, on w hich Is erected a Refi nery In full operation, and four wella arebalu, put down. One la complete and readv for te.tlrut, another nearly down, and the remainder piogressing. It is a remarket,., fact that no well has been stink on this flat that has railed to produce oil. ami wltbta the next sixty days doubtless, this interest will pay well. K. 11. Slrce Ihe above Information has been rood reel thai one well Is down reaily lo tube with a very line show, and another nea ly ready to tube. From them It Is nit unreasonable to expect at flfty tamlx per day to tk. Interest. No. I.-IH'CIIAKA KAItM. This la a Kasa of3 ai-res. situate at the mouth of ('herrr Hun, on rhleti there Is one pumping and oa llowinn well, picVa.'liiK to the Intere.t forty barrels per day und Int-riattug-. T tiers Is room for at least three uiora WelU. ' Ko. 5. A Farm of 1.'.7 acme, lu fee- sttuplo, on Cherry Hun, near riumer, tlireo-i. tir.hu of w hich Is boring territory, belli i early all Hat bottom land, (in this tract It Is the Intention of the Compnny to commence work at once. Intending to Mitk several ivclli, and oifer Inducement to reiponilb'. psrtfes to ler.se a portion cf It. It Ii confidently aipeeted, hv a Judicious and vigorous prosecution of the sevenft intereiita, this Company wl 1 be able fo pay from ono tui two per cent per month from the comaeiiccment, on th. entire capital slot k. It Is ci nndeiitly expected the Cons, puny will declare a dividend early lu Jauuary for this month, from the prefect production. Only a Ua Itcd number of shares arc for anle at the Sub aerlpUon I rlee. Hooka are open for a limited cumber, In B3ton, Balti more, and several other places. ONE BUItnt.hll'lIO.N AI.OSF. OF OVBIt TWO HUsT Mtl.K THOUSAND DDU.AUS BAVIND II KEN alADK TO TllK NIIKK1NAII. The aale of the shares to b. divided auicug th. different cities 1 ueuemarlly Umltid li s St JEE EEBS0EIPTI0U BOOKS or nn riTTSBCBO AMD IIOHrON UlTBII.F.UM COMPAMT will close on We liMBSOAY, tlie 7th Inst. H. S. LKKCH, Treasurer, No. UFAIti.'UllAB I1U1LDINUH. rim itei rrn, December 1, ltioe. 1J 2-it jnTrJ."sii:Tiia atvi huhton l'tlBOLEl'M OOMPASV. Capital, 5400,000 Par, $5 Per Share. SUIISCKII'TION TRICE, fl-M PER SHARK FOB FULL-TAIL! STOCK AND HO ri'KTUKS ASHKHHMKNTS. Tlepropeityof this Coajpucy consists of tbe fou.iwlnf valuabl. J;'Kli KIMPl.K Territory, ratcnslv. lea.etiolds, PKODUCISG WKLLS, Wvtls Koluv don u and nearly finished Ne 1 About (SI (flfly) Ai-res on Cherry Tree Run In rWI HIMI'I.K, lionalile lanil .urtic ent to eink Ur tl Wtl.Lti. This Tcrrltort is rppo.ile tlie laicll I'elroleinn Ooiupany f Hayes' I aun) on Oil t rfc, bouuded ui pait by Uie cele brati d ttinry Kami, Ac. tir. ho a. Leane perpetual !(! years) on Wan. VcCllntork Oil in nl- aire., all tint, very valuable. Howiuv and puOipltilt wells ail around. Mi. .1. -Wild ( at - Hi.wlcp W-H, abont JO bsmils per dev. on Wash. McCllutoek Farm. Tne Company owevi Uiu WHOLE working luti-icut Ul this woll, engine, tanka, die. Ac. I. Do 4. "Oallfonila Well. V'o. 1. "on OU Track, down l fctt, all ready to rutnlie. This nell hss Honed 1M Oar r. la PNo"o'. "t aJ.fornla Well.Ko .1, "on Oil Ctaek, down nearly 60n (e.t. lib. 0 Lease perpetual C irar)on 'J"; a. rOlinrek, all flat, rcnlainlna tlie above wells, with lUteon-borM .inline, tanks, derik'ks, eiiklne hou.i s, Ae. No. 7. I en.e jier'1"1 fw rears I on "i.S acres OU Creek , all flat, and lu one "J1 down tou u-et, oucijuarter uiutreat (norkiiie in mis we.l and leas. TBJi lUlllialANiJ I-I1A1H.H I'.KStltVKU KOK WOltat Ikti ( AIMTAL. ttr-oks nvoHloiNsi. sobkcriplloii ara now open at our orrco tot a few ds a only ; when clo.ed.tuu stook (. b. tared on the resu'ar rtos-on and I'hllalelpt la Hlock loards as a Hiiba Sll-a diiitend-iayiluf Oil 1'KoUiiciaa l'i'NrAl-1, ween It Is e-ipecied the share, will largely advance. All flirt! er !nf.iruituu. with prospeeluscs. eaa lie obtained of the unocrs1, ni tl. The small capital of tin. ('eiiipaiiy, wub tlie actual larye InlareMa, must make It a feTonte aa a acenn- luvusuueut, n . LKK.cn, No. It Karuuhar BuUdliss, WAI.orVT lielow Till 111), Philadelphia Aumcy. I F.ONAlin a MAN1.KY, Ko.M ltKAVKIt .iii.H'l. New York Ageuey. bl'LNL'kal, Y1LA A CO., Haukrs. 11U bo.lua Ageuj. c