TIIE DAILY EVENING TKT.EfiKAl'lt MlLADKLrHlA, TUESDAY, DKChMDK!: ln;l. (grating telegraph TI'EMUY, PECl MHKIl C, ISM. LALEBI SWOrilCUN HLW3, Urnrrnl Pihrrinnii'o fls-loir rmj"-IH 1 r.nil-ls-si lliivo J iiit 'oiiimforil-Hil-., nlrl.tr.. t'iilrv In Hi" '- ''"" Flht nl l.nt lUrn.i, :fornln l'h" I i. Ion Army nt l lll.n - I onirr nn.l Mi.rm.su .f-.alln - t'i.111 "" Hi.olh.--Mli C H 1 Oiiuh B.h.i.viiioMi.M.M .t a,""',m,.1i:.t H.n.-lt... H. . . I lir'l ' '" ;;' Mill t.i.rl.r. frnni .'c't'ln- in. wivi ml.ld i' CJi-oriria. pniMi'WlHTii ail arcutn-tP, i "T'ii i" " ,n the nc.n.iT " " ' aal,al,c"l lar f noiuh to aiittmnr.. any aiiii-la. l.iry onli.lon .'I - 'I'""1""""- " if """ "1, M" " '"nv mairh Auni'la kv"""11 "r "ruin . k. ik n n turn tail anl make tracks lor Macon nii'l iiIuiiiImis. lhn lelter r1 W( " ''''"'"''"''i '" anion to llieir rxcpllW't !m I io'I In a inililiuy point ol new. Aui'iista Ik now 1 olii'vid to b ati'c to t iko rare ol ber-ill, and II Mihiman almiilil take a fancy to eorno down tlm av on tin- track of llic Central Kailioad, or -vn ito-t nl li, ho will flnil that IHa troub n iiav' juil cuiiiniciiiwl. Ilia roii.lnrt, al last aarounts, mil e iti 'l nimli l.eaiiatluii anil d ulil auto km tior (lo'u-y. He advancing cry wt.wly ami cauUon-ly. ..... (li our own (dii i , we ni rit only ray that they aro clthc rmht slump, ami in urn rilit race. At trie prcpcrllni" llii"V wi'l iflvo a lull rnport of rlicm. selves; anil 'hall bo irrcnlly ilisappoinlcd il it should not inrn out to Iw eiilirriv satisiso r,-. A Unlit was cxM'deil bet witu Wiiuelkh ami Kit. Tatkicr, yi'sterduy, and our authorities seemvl sjaite ciiiiliiicnt ol a larnrab.e result. II c can only destroy (iiKnMAN'a raralry, ho will ncrcr 1)0 tie to pet out ol Middle, licoiyia. frrm th Xatmiwh Srvt.Not. W. For mine days pant we have had many rumors from ttio movement ol Siikiuiam, lie , most ol which baye been eulouiidi d. Wo havo rcceiyol tho tub Icwlng Irora sources wliicli arc entitled to tU'U" Bios conlldcnce: On Snuday, tho 20th Instant, al 8 o'clock V. M., tho enemy made an attack on East Macon, at tho aame place where Stomlmab and hn raiders mado tl.eir attack. It wan principally an artillery battle, t it i mull arum "-vro a no used. The i'iiiiuv'8 suolU Jell In the yarils of tho workuliopi ol tho Ccntr.il B ilroad, but did no Injury, and no ono was hurt by it. ihe cannonadiuir wan quito active and luj:ei ecme '.wo bourn. liunnK tho tiiu thooieiyoap Hred one ol our batteries, but it win oou recaptured liy our troop and a Lumber ot priooncr taken. t bi ut dark our torcc succeeded in drivlnit the fnctny back, punuinff tiiein n'out a mi'c and a half, Ibeyleli their diad and wounded on the field, Ii.tir loice wo havo not ascertained. Thoy wero di pursed and dnven in tho direction of (iilswold yillo. They appeared to lo lircd and lightened, lid many ol them leit th' ir ranks and wandered o I Ic yood I ho rane of our (tuns. They torn up about three mice ol tno road beyond Walnut Creek (r.d?e, but It was soon ropairod. Wnilo tho en Itaieraenl was loinir on the employee, of tho Cen tral ltailroad removed all the engines and con troio tiis Uacon and run thim into the city. Wo rnrri.it to state lhat umo ol our troopa be tayed badly In East Macou, by plundering and com nutting other deprecations alter the enemy were dr. yen oft. We lorbuar to five dotalls.l t B Tuesday the enomy made their appearanco at Criswoldville in some force and, beioro being t tacked, Luniod all the bin ldlnm in the place i xcept three. A light took prace, lasting some three hours, when tie enomy were rupulsed. Our woundo 1 In this engagement arrived in .Macon on Tuesday. We liave not ateertajned tho extent of tho loss In this gniraromi ni on cither side. Toirengcra who arrived this morning from Mlllon, leaving thoro at one o'clock A. M., Hale that a iquad of the enomy's cavalry appeared at Maunders yilJe on Knday morning imt, and that a brisk slur njVb look place that afternoon between them and a portion ol Wnarii.KU'B Cavalry. In which the enemy wre repulsed, leaving their dead on tho Held and linen prisoners In our hands. They carried off tt.fir;woundcd. Our losa was two klllod and a lew woaidwl. The prisoners havo arrived lu this oily. It is reported that the Ocoueo Brido Is burned, lut whether by our own f'urees or tho cno ny's is Hot stated. On Thursday night a body oi tno enemy's tiuvalry attempted to cross the Ocouee some twelve .r lourtcii miles below tho bridge, when they oro t'tcked snd driven into the rivir. Tjey threw awiy Ueir arms and ran into the swamps to escape. 11.tr is much itragi-Jing among the Yankee troops. TV ir p'.kc-d up tv oar cavalry report that the army in tr.n vi a sit destitute ot pros! ious. Tbe "rtaatlaa. f imll Mupui l ief i-tr i'n.T,. Tli if-wi i w-ii.y w as very intert-stiiig. From ap U. ovm roiul we learn that the enemy's raid ing j arties had approached very near it not quito to Wi ronton, boouu report them as being near that p (t ', I ot as far as we can learn they were In small rallies. We regard thin at pearaucu of the cuora na co indication ot the prconce ol the main body. Caoh Biovemout are doubtless intended to tool our treugtb, aud cover the real direction ot their Baureh. Fighting is reported to have taken place at San. iereyille on Friday, between W nnm.KB'8 foroos and tf.e enemy's cava'rv. The enemy wore dnvon buck on their maiu body. Tho best renoru we havo tilace tbe main portion of the enemy near Handera- T.ile. in Waahinirtou county. Sandorsvllle la lfl ty miles north of the Central road. Wavrtt is reported aa having retired to No. 10 on U e Central road. IIaki.kk'b vivilani eye islookiur lur things in that quarter, and wo havo no roars I r lbo result. "Old lleliable" Is too well inlor:ue J of Fhshxan's tactics to be outw ttcd by him, 11) is one of tho most vigilant and energetic officers iu Uie service, and knows bow and when to operate, Tbe enemy's position Is becoming dovolopelat last. We will loon have tull knowledge oi his wbore bouts, aud we have not a doubt oi our ability to punish bis temerity. Whatever may bo bis opinion ot our strength, we aro conscious that ouriorcols But only able to protect stated points, bat will be able to meet him in open cotnbut, and make him ruo the day betoyed with tho liou spirit ol the 8o itheru people, it is uot sale to beard a lion in his den, and Dai buaii will flud this out to lint sorrow, or wo are mistaken. Onr authorities have not been Idle. Yhrllanee has Teen at work, and the result will bo most tolling yrbin the denouement cornea. We encourao our reopie to be hopetul, and at ihe same time ouergotlOi in ordir to have a thoiough organization as soon aa poaaible. We are glad to learn that there was a disposition On ihe part of our people to remove or destroy all provision that Is likely to tail iota the hands ot the enemy. '1 his is one of Ibe most cnVx-tuai ni xies of thwarting bis purpose that could well be adoptud. from Cbarlenlou. From 6 1. M. on Friday last up to tho same hour on Bumlav, one hundred aud tilty-live shots were And at the city aud thirty at Fort (-muter. tome firing was beard Saturday alteruooti in Ihe siirccUon of the btouo, but so Ur we have no t xpia aation ot tbe cause. A larne side-wheet steamer passed the bar on fetorday, going southward. She waa laden with troop) snd bad a schooner iu two. l.i its news article the Angnsta Hcntincl aavst It was reported yesterday that General HardbS tad attacked the enemy and drove loam soniadia- lajsee.ieavliig tbstlr tlead aud weuadod la our tutadt 1 The War New. frem thr llirhmonit hramtnrr, "e-1 Ve-tetdav a v rv h'"vy rniiiionnde wss rii'llhle In this city. 1 he smir.iis came 1mm J'li K rrr'a lines. Some bait. rti's ol lnr," piece s on the entherii bank ol the river ifniril on Smmil Mill and rhelli l It during Ihe arest-r puit ol the day. Hut the can. nonadn appeared to extend over a Inrire portion of the hue leading towards Petcr-biiri', and per-nin at hntlin lartii t.iouht that tlx-v could hear also s.nno niuskciry- "nrious riii powit ons ai to its eiu-e are current. At livst ii .as beli'-vd llial (he iniiihI lml txen OP' n"d and III.) '. Hie monitors hail attempted to come up. l'tit tins ll.eorv Pad ni lounda'ioii in luet. tdhri -'iini o-i d the ftntii to be mrpet pra t.ee. Hid it shots a mil. il that the prni nprob;i.;e Mm two or three lb' tired in lurjct practice, or ild have luM'ti Indulged in n'l ..uilik- to he'ii vc I lilt ' he enemy r limk.nir in v wnrks or piMh i ion ii I'd Unit they v.'( re hel ed my uppeur lo have a 'eiy hirer". Hie r.MT. 1 'nun V. lion's Hill s vis. t' In 1i:m be. ii lur'lv in o'c in k ii'd' iday iiialiy ret- -llOl' e dnv. It 1. ni'.ie u -wi re divrovi r. d r 1 1. lug tor some in iir p out ol them. The I I arrny on Mii ssd'- ol the nnlub' r ni :r ir rnased. t le ve Tnentul bniid- wen. pi i) ine, and other iihLi- i ions ol aelivity oil the Kii hnnilld Iriiiit were llote'i'd. I mi l-. W 0 have a ei riiiii'i d Iroio a f ru-lwortliy source thnt the ciiniiotiuue i-ioci-edeil li.nu three ol I'n k. TIT'S lliitterles. I liev ivi-l'i' t-lielnnif Ihe new Y,ii kie cumps visible nu Moriial Hill aud on tins side 01 the river. I'ram 'inri:in. The Yai krs-s who landed at Tort Koval nnd moved into the interior Willi the expi-elulion of in'-etlug hiti uma.n's) advance, encountered a body ot Con ledira o tro ns ut a place called (irulittuisriPe. Tho tin my W" re badly tieaten, and driven iroiu Cie field, leaving their dead on the rrouuil. Ihe telegram Conveying this inloriiiiition does uot stuie Hie direc tion iu which tho enemy wer" "driven," but we pro- mine they were driven bac: ihhumis lieriuiorl. I.nti'r. li e followini: de-piitcli has been received nt tho War lJepartinenl : Afiii'sTA, l.a., I'ec. 2, liv (ienerul ( o. rF.R: Tins following ilespntch has hien rece:v'd Iroiu l.ieu. (enani-ti. nerul llAiiniiK, dated yesterday at tins Tannah : 'I huve just returned Irom the I runt, i he em ut wis badly whipped, and has retired to tho Coosabatchiv. Ano her point on the railroad is threatened, but 1 dou't aj prehend a senous attack.' "iHlgnCll) llltATO! HUAUU." All the news lrom (Jeorgla is extremely encourag ing. A 1 w days ago when tho lankees wero re ported to bavo reached Mdlcn, there was reason to believe ihoy would reach the coast i a-iiy. nut t no repoitwasill lounded, Ihry were whipped beioro M llou, SLd the column oi renet nas aiso ncen com pletely lenten, Ihe aspect ol affair- has been much Chang '). If Shikm an iiots tlironli now, which Is doubttul, bu will do so with the lo.-s ol hall his army. (Jinernl llood'a Movement. We have nothing later lrom lien. Hood of a defi nite c ariiclor. exept a report Hum tno i auaeo put era that he has made an attack on the dotcua.'s ol . O UUH-US, t-iiot s-s eun imu ,u.- ,, xatot., . ..no Is simply a inloii almu gotieu up lur eiieut. inn pro Vimis aeceunls represeinei mai iiiu v oiiie iei tuq ainiy was niurchiim in thodirectinn ol Mieibyvillo. 'there lias been no eolitnidiction ut this stutemeut, mm it is pi nimbly true I Hood eon nmk" nothing by aii nneliiL' iiix.ii h asbville. and attacking limy as) beliind his fortillcaiiniis at that place. Ho ilu igns edhei to penmr-ito Kentucky, or lo occupy i-.a-t Jl'linesseo. 1 UO lauaeu wniersoeooiu ii.ui.iiu win adopt tbe latter course, and tm ii couio lo t.en. I.kk. e can slain li! on uireci oiiu-nu loioriiiauni. n.uu t.eu. lloon that his ariay is well supplied with com nusary storos.. A YnnUec Itnld. We aro Informed by a gentleman from Sussex county, that a lorce of the enemy, estimated at tiro hundred men, attacked the guard at Stony I reek, iu that county, on Wednesday lorenoon, and quickly overpowered them, capturing a portion aud ill -per, lug the remainder. They then burned tho railroad limine, and destrovoa a small ouauttty ol tiovorn- iniiit mores, alier which they hurried towards IiIiikt's lines, from whence they came. Our mior- nioiii states that a Miuadion ot our cavalry weut in I ursuil of the raiders, but the eueuiv mado good their escape. tnny Creek Is in tiu.isex couuty, about tweniy miles Iruui Petersburg, on the Fetors bu aud Wu.duu iioud. l.nter. Alter Ihe abovo was In type, we obtainod Ihe fol lowing othcial report ol the ailiiir. lliADHJUABTKUS AUHy Og MuUTIIKUN VlItOIHIA, Dee. 2. llttii. Hon. J. A. bKunoMi Tho enemy at. tacked Mony Cieek Unuot, yeeterdav, and burned some stores and coiitmiFsnncs, i.iii uiosi oi tue luiier were saved, iho lai road was uiiliann "I. I.eneial Lt. cenung up as tho enemy was ret ring atueaea and drove him eight miles, capturing somo pnson- rs. but coii.u not bring mm to an cnaageiueui. i no 1i I ot w as occupied by aboui Ii'iO men, under apt. A 1 UllAH, aliollt IJo Ol wnoill were saiu iu oavu teen captured, among them, I regret tos nte, Maio FiizHuo", (juuiti-rmaster. Iho enemy lott some dead at tho t-epot, and tlloug tno rout oi ins niireai. From the I'pper Poiomnc. (lenrral IIophkk, on Monday Inst, captured and lu rued .New ( reek Station, on the Jlaltunoro Hi Ohio 1,'nilioad. the l aukees stationo 1 t.uue made hui m-blii resistance, nnd most ol lliein wero cap- luied. t.eueral Kokhkk uiirneil all tile tioveriilin-ill and rui'toad buildings, and look possiission ot a con siderable uantiiv ul storos which had been depos ited thi re lor the ui.e ol the troops opciatiug on tno Cinor i'otomac. Tno next station, Fiodmont, was also eapluind, alter some resislauce Horn the guai da stationed at that point. A larire workshop aud a quantity ol Valuable machinery, wero destroyed by the Cou- li ui rules. Ihe lunkeo hisiorians ol tins uiiair nio n:ll en inly couimniiieaiivo to assure us that the gal lant Kumjiit lias, indicted a heavy blow upon tho tuiuiy. Crncrnl Enrly'd Olllelnl Iteport. The lollow lug oil cuil despatch was received at tho War Hepur, mem last night : llH.Mi-oiiAUTrr.B Altar i.y isoutiikiih vihuima, Dec. 2, lBht. i.eueral Eai-.i.t reports that t.iuieial llohkicii, with t'AVMc aaiiu nisowii uriguue, encoeu-ti-ieil, on llin 27th u:t., near Mom Held, a small party ul tl.ui'iieuy, and captui't u lony pnsoneis ami onu piece ;ol aillllery. ua rue mil no suriir'ieii aim caplured Fort Kelly, at New ( leek, Willi lour field fiieees, lour sicpo fruits, Ix-twoen seven and eight inndied imsoneis, a largo number ot horses and mules, aud eifrbt atrtud ol colors, auu destroyed two hiindied wagons and a quantity ot coininisnary and ordiiauco stores. He brought on tlio held pieces and some wagons, spiked the siege guns and de stmved the cariini:es. Ho also cantured l'icduiont. d9lroedall ilio (.overnment biiililmu's, containing a minder ot entities, burned several bridges, iiul considerable damage to tiie railroad, and collected several hui.dred head ol cattle. His loss was two kidid. and two or three wounded, ihoboidm and energy exhibited by General KoHiat, aud tho counuct ol u-s rneu, uibcrvu tuucu piuise. 11. t, JLEB IKICSO.AI, OI H KS. Vom th latest Hichmond yaptrt received at this oJTt-4, tSTTO AV1 A 1(1 ICNKT, No M H. Tlfllll HTRKKT, Pliiiiul. liihitt. I'n. .Mrt. .1, I,. l.utfK, nf t.'nthtic-rt, (ia . the uiuiin r oi Mr. u. W litiviti, h&H Hut lizard from him si tiro rintnT. I'-f.'i. l it'rt! uivn itinjn Inlorinatlon Ih a hit. s'Tnii nuiii f to inn In Nt-" nrk Aci"., ur bv Haw of trnea letter, Uln ctfl lo in iiir, ItU liutoUd, a. Hit mo'luT In ii-tl.tmi inurin ft'nl nt-aily tUud. J. 11. JtUJt. Su kMllui: 1.'- ri. trT() MR. ASI.CHV hAll.RV. SOfrTIT STHKKT benwi'ii I (Hi ami M.ih, rhii;tifji.iiii Will ym l) kind (uoiiith to li t ine anow uuw my biotnaii, J. and n., tnu win.) in-y are tilling.' k ii incni to hphwit iw v non iii thn u.h tlio New York .cii, hiid iet tut know how Blhter ami futnily uie In I'.Hlituiuro. Futhor, motlier, und atl tlm mm in art- wen; now i Aunt fiiiaiieth. I'm-in ,) Aunt Liii, .urn uu ot ini'iriaiiiiut .s.' no write to rnutiitr by drtif ot tn.ctMinrt ltt ur hear hv Berwinal. Tell tin tioyi t "entt il.elr ' letnres in a lettttr una let us know jf Uie iiftve uttu .-ueH Kat, aim m-nif" meir mu-r. M.b. a. i. iiA( UitAril, SiciiMuMt, NoM tiiber22, 1-1. iiriwAH ( Ai'Ti KKRhv Mosrnv. xytu AM KO W ovnULCd ui U i.iuiiy t'jriHun, wnere i ura weii ircupil. W MRM. H. S. I, riflLAi.KU'HU.-I AM VilUY fcnxl u.il nut you. Willcoino on for .i ie-v HPekiiK you wui ni uid a -..si to iviurii. evud ia tug one ko you LsiU t tin v. K. L. il, feisiijsiu.'s, AOvcaiin r 10, 14. (ireut torn nta have crried havoc and devas. ttiin ay InriuimrtitMe ho nostiiais in thej.ro- Tiiiuuui ninvrna. wnere Hoveriii uunureti homiana. lie iruits or a year h toll, havo been aweiit xwny during the pa-t week. In many parts the 1) o Is 0it iver the conntry in tho night, and the n limutH awoko to rind their all jrne. ilo-idcij Ui? mFl Of gram, uuibj httTC lw mix wu The Wincr'uiry (ft ) lnemvi i w.is twn'jr- one ji era old lust wc. k, mi'l Us editor is f illed the "nost-cf r" of t!ie (Vn ne. (lent pn-s. Huron Kit- soil bat written letter on the Itibjci t of the l'r. ni b c .mention. It is calm, wise, nil patrii tie. Hie mull npjirnves, on the whole, of tbe convention ; th it is, h'! thinks it is mi nr ru g nier.t whi Ii l a J u.'lit t axwpt. Ue enn aitlirs the wltlidrnwil of th" Kie'ieh fm n K von, mid tlie Cshilili-liniet.t of 'lie pr! -leiple of non In tervention, results of Kre.it lmporiU'ive. H ' ns!n wlint 1 1 illy can loso by Hie convention, mi 1 wli.it she has to (rain w fiout it r What. ier the in .in Tenii nee of n tr.m-frr oi the cipltnl, Rieii'oll thii.ks the pni'r.il rc-ult will bo nil in fn or of tho niiti mal o! j"i In of Itii'y. p , -, ' , 111 .A J lt-sN oil. CUM I'.VN Y. b . ii.ii Nn, .'. 'lis I 'ii ' iiti r' '.' ' tns lis lie. an rt a in vi in.1 i. n u. i. mi or I wi I I'f li CI T. I.. Hi. '-, I il rs nt rei-"l'l, l.svu'.li- rn anil lit'T 'hi- l.'.lh lost. I'.i.i ks e'..s. .'Il II I D.s I -SHAi Till In-t 1 . II. I. l.Mt, Treasure, l'ell l en , III s, I in ei'il'i r ft. b' I. I - l''t i : 1IIK TKI-'.ASUtKIl OK 1T1K 1- ;xi ' J tu r In vi- the .lis re.--, il l.'oi!- ol' I 'l..lillh.Tshlirit has reeciM .t ii f,. II.. ln x uiii.inuib sime 1.1- last report, Cel. h. r Is, IK. t Afm ui.t nie I'iii-It ri'C-lv. il r. ins li. Ki lilieili I a-ti I s-l I'sim Mutual I. ue I nsi. ran. e ( ..:,it.m . . Molten I' Id nrv I.e'ir:.'. W. r..l A I n I.. n Alio. st-s .1 . Tar. in l.ilard l .l'lsrk ah na . Ii l ti.ss Cash ,. II. II? .v l.sl sl It 'O I Kl J isl 10 ' .il IMI Tli-nry Mi.iri.les- i) WI lintn 11. rr' iirh Cat It line A-hiicad, n' (ierms.il'. a.... J . W . SIiiiiiii .lis fur J. V. c aid u ell it l'w. . .vi so ii ki A I ril till. V. llllllllKten. Ill I a i mi" ii.,. Heni C. t arsy VI 10 li (SI Cash T,(f.M U-.n.i Aiw iliin.iiiMii! rm'i'ivi-ij ilnnnvr III1 r'ntilin? wci-k tIH tn dnlv Hpi'icr r.trd to the f'-llcr of ihm (iiitrfiscl ifiple ul uui v. n Smtf, mid kiu.w li dd hv j. r.-st 1)Q .k airvHti wharf. OKF1CK OK T H 14 MK.ACON Oil, b'nliilMriv, Kii-'ind story. No. S. THIBIl Ntreat. l'lllLAIiKLI'IHA, Novmher .''. I-C'4. A nirsllnco th Smck holders of lhn lleaeun Oil Coin. n,.v Mil i. i.,.l. i il... inline . if th Com nan v. on MUN- iiAi . Ilercniber ft. at3o-riock T. M., for tiie n.iri...-of trarsaeUim Luslnsisa nceessarv to the Int.-.n-st ..f tha Ciie uiiiy. JOHN C. MOULIM I'll R. 11 Vi-lllt oroiarT. frr,r SrKGEON-CiF.NK.RATS OFFICII, Wasiukotos Citv, II. C, ( Novemher-ill. IW.l. ( XATTCr. VB.tlral ofTlenrH of lint lets than two faars' lervtr. who have heeu lionnratily dtsehhrueil and desiro lo rerelve annollilineiita M Hi.KHNHor A'slsrNl HHKIiKUNN in Hie I'rntid Ulates Annyl arpa ntw heilia orpanl. d at V ashiimtiin, ai e tlivtta l In ,,rward their Olililii-atlolis,' testlini.nlals, and evtit'inco of servlef, to Ids Burieson Celibral, wlilioul delay. ,(, 12 1 6tttlnCt Hurgcou-Ucneral. 9Tir DIVinKND NOTICK. OFKIK OK tbu MIMi.O OIL COMPANY, No. ht WW.SXiY I'hii ai'fi i'iiia. 1nrmlior 1, 1H;i, Tin1 Hiiftrtl ot lUrcturn ot ilils roiii(.nii) have fiU tlur flcrlan l a ttlvl. h ud nl TWi f'M p.-r ct-nt 'ii in cfipitm ikh-Ji, pa. nl !? at tlitilr utllcun aud attur Iho 10th lm-taut, fit o id Hi ate iaxi, Th b'-oi will b rWd for tnmfftiren lh 5th InsUnt St t r. M auu ue opened n tri il'tn. 12-1 yt I. V WILTBANK, Secretary. THE OFFICE OF TUB BLACK Hi-nth roal Couiiiany hai btxa iuuv; to No. ri OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE Mutual Imoj-anoe Company, thllaUelihia, Ho TNOomvnitATitn 1H1A. Tlir fnllowtnir itatt intuit nf the airaln of tho Ormpwiy In puhUdhuo in rnnlinuUy witli a irovUionol lucnurifr: ITvn ih unit rvrutvrd from Nov. 1st, to Oct. '2li, lr64. On Mart 1 1- nd IiOacd lUk .... .-Sn : On Ur Uikm LW Wi? W $IC,1,V)G CO iTcmtntut on Fouclea not marked oil. &ov. 1. iN-3 rn,71 41 7J7.177 ) Promlnmi marked off m amd from HuYemtH 1, lev -it, toOuiior ji, imu: On .Van no nnd Inland BUkl.... 9U,2ft4 I in Kir.. lnrk. 1).'mj 75 I'.W.'I 40 Intcrnt durlru tame DM lod 8ai- akto.iVc 7R,S'i3 00 Tufi, Rxrenr-na, Ac, diinntr the joat ai ahoro ; rlne aud Inland jtaTiKttUoa litfioe f21,7"l hj Ftro l.oa.t-1 Itvdrri) l'nwluiin i Kt-lftPuratHMH Akt-nry CtiaiKt'K - .ri'nilrK. 1'rlntinu. (' Txft ( iiil-(1 Mian Ta on I're- iniumi, J'iiir HiHrhpf, to Eiueiibvi, Saiarics, Jtoul, Jf.t "2M 1M h'.(x;t 'M Uo U II. a; jt 11,0J w 34 O.I iW Thin liMcluilvonf Uie amount rtirrvcJ taxo ou tliTit..iiUi ana prMi-.t. Novt-mher 1. lU. inn fxo l?nlt d 8tau Flvu I'ur Cunt. Loan. jrifl 9 ijs,wsj lH.WO I'nltt d HUtu fti lr Gout. Iaa, iWl 149,310 w 75,(M0 !'intf Mtiitcn ttlx J'oc C'tiit. Lon, 6-i 1m 50 lWi.fHA) Hi&ie ut roiinflvIvaiiJa. Five 1'ur nt. 14. an y (,'-i uu M.CjOn Hlntt it I'Himiiylvauia. Six 1'ur Cwikt. U.hn , 5510 00 l.tO.OM Citv r l'liimacipUlii, mix ivr Ceuu l oan X,VJ0 JI QO.ftiO PviinjvWaiitaHalirnad.lMMtirWati-e. hut I'lrt mit lumui tl.OOO 00 M),OCiO r'iincM tuna ltiiHniil,'JU Mcritfne, Mx trint. Uoii'lt. M 1),(i00 ;t00 nl arn bUcK tjrrnaittnwn du loim ntjiy, prUicip-tJ and lntrt tnisiriiittt-fid bv tli CltVuf l'hil- tlrlihia W,J0 00 e.Uti L.t Hhflj-t'i 8jck. PtiiiiJiylvaiila K.d.rondCovH-inv 9,100 00 t.OOO lit) HUan-t tstnek hnrth I'vanityl- Tftnm RidlP-ad Omnihvny 3,0fi0 00 &0.0W) rniivd H(Hte Trf&kutj CortllV- CAlf-i of lnU'ltednfH iHAli 00 IiO.000 Nitia of rs.iiiiUfi(ttfB f ive Pur CtutL. Iimi 12.0JO 00 12rt.7(0 I.ouni nn Hond and M(rttriue. aiiiiily sccuiiid VlMJiiO 00 08,li60 Par. Goat, &H42.1UU50. Market vaiue Tti KNtute ltitltt recelvaMt1 fur Ininrancfl uitule. Hnianca'it due at AKeneKTi. I'lHtmlunit nn Mann 1'olu ivm, Arciund Jn- termt, and ottitur dtbu duo the (V-mitany Scrip and Htock of flundry bntnrftnca and other Ceinuanli-i, tlsfu'i ml. .HtJmated Vain Canti nn depoiUwith LH. (toverruuut, aubjuct tu un duvtt cull film win on Cash kn llnnki M,l-'1 i Afli in Urawur &'T W H,(H4) (II llV.'iiO 4J 1,-3 ii t,JtH,r4J riitinim vitia, Kovemlwr 9, lft(4. The Board of D mo tors have Uiu Aai declared a t;aih Dividend of I Ku-or uiit on ue cenitni atoca, ana r-i - uer cum. une eii i tLe f it d ol tlm ( oinnnnv. nnyauie un una anttr i Ut oi- licivuiber itoahiiO. fri ul .National aud ISUte taaeH. Ihpy aYe alao declared a Scrip nivldcndof KORTT per cent, on Uie earned prumluni-i for the rear ending t Mj th :il. Ihte.certjfleatea for which will be I turned Ui Um nartien entlilid to the bm. on and after the lit uf becuiu liMr .rnx'nio.frMe ot National nnd Hlale tnxet. They huva ordered, alo, ihnt the ciii certlflcttea of frniitaot tlie t'omnanv for the year l1 le re jraed ta aih. atttte of Hie of the Company, on and aner Uie lat of December prux.tuio.aU inturcaf tuerooo w cwue ou u-at ilitv. iio certificate of nroflta tmmod under f W Bv the Act oi InctrKjration, "no eertliiiite ah;tll lu- utdi cU inwi within two yeari after tha dec.aratlou of Ute divide ad Uuruoi It u eTiuttnctj. r D1KRCTOK8. Tlremai 0. Hand, Bainuel E- StokM, jaxinu itavia, RrtHiand A. H'uder, 1 iitHiphaint I'abkkag, John H- I'tsnroattj, Jatuea Tra-iwalr. Htnry G Dallett,1r; Jatnca C. Hand, WllUamC l.lidwlg, Joenb 11. Seal, OtHrpre O. LeieTi j. r. fiiiiu, illeDIT Hloan William tl i"Ult"n, .ltd ward DarUiictou, . 11. Jonee Hrooku, Jttevb P. Jupea. jflmiKill McKaland, 'joaflua P. Fyre, Hneneer Mcllvaine. ,Joho It. eWmule.i'iUaharf iA. U. BerKr. do T1IOMAB r. HARD. Prudent, JOHN O. DAY14, Vlc-l'reartlent H'? t:n-kn i.r. f.ri-: ( lif-M r Ntrrcl. iifit sn. n i j, ii vott K. The Is'"'' ApmisI Meel'eg "I Ii' l'n' n I. s ue r f fir's ii, ',1.1,111 II he h.iil all II ' Kl! I II I I.. on l ' I M I V . 1', i i ll , r I-.' l s .. . I " I- "H 1 I, ' . S'llivil.n re '.i-ri. "H'r. '.''' h I 'II i"l' tl. l.ti.M ll. iini.lll.lV I". '.', --""i ' ti I., j m l.l.i lli. K II- IPlBK. He " t.irv. f-.r" l:o('K (HI, CiiMl'NY )l-' I' K. N N - Sllv.u.ls. N" II IWMI 'Htrf.t. V..H i...i ". i l, I .. . .-in., r 2. is.. I. MVII t.M ;- ' I ' K. Tte I', sril 1'' Hi", ".r hsiellns ihiv ilerlnrrd a IHvl lei.il lit IMOI'Kit I 'KS T. IKi'Mv ."Tts .i T share , tr i i. tnwil. " i n ai'i Hirer m.hmiiv : i... He I i-iii, .. Hi.i.l,. Ml i '. si' "II I Ill'-Osy, I lecpilil.er I., al h, I'. M , and ..(.' :i o.i the Ii.1 I. HIV K flltAKK, i 'iiry ft"d I r'-iisurnr. IS Se l - () V Y WDIIKS. 10 1 lllH.Ani-.l.l'IUA r :.. W.I. UA': ill hi n . if I it in- (UT - mi I' si. f'T t'!.. ss t" 1'iv 1 it''' rks. .,( -f -k in i'." ioiii li-SII,: Has W. rks. fl , '10 a i s.n ..r i 1 1 ' .Isnimrv n' oi ch l lnl.i'le .l.n. I .a- ll nhn K'k alnl ki n siit.iwn M 0 II 'is link A' d l.'i. .' i.i'.n l I c. l.. ii , il si in-. 'ti.e ni' lur toi s.uliin run.ls ot sr.lil .rki. W.l 1. 1AM 1 ITS SKI I.. ( l'-'-i-tm sEe-r,,.. 1)11, M ISSCRIITIOXS. 11 0 O K S .l M-li.tsT. It. s. rv,, I, ii ouli "pen lur a lc !as. T. n;lr nam. t "li It. a-l-lre-H nr st'i-ly In 1,1 HO AN M. Mi I' IH.M'IV, rnt lll II and WA-.SI I IS r."' Or I-: ll'lltlil. Hn.M7 WAbNIII- MUeel KT,ir- ARMY, NAVY, a' flnllnii,- Jr.iuh-ii'd' rfd. H AM) cniKwa aihli-r fl: nu... Wrva-ij. Ac. ii si)' luinnri'assed.at vor reduced j.rl.-ts. riKH, M'-f'-iiani rn,'r, Vn.lC NIVT1I Ctusl. aisivtChisiniit III ' OFMCF. OK VKTKRAV THM'NT vuu. cur, tniMirn. v-t. 7 i: -,( 'Ttr t,l, I.II'ItAlCV SitT.-l, IhtiaiN y In. -- Kv-mnUrtnl Veif-rfiim, 1 iiitl n'i rt'Ci ivi- n ward .ionin, r t'niM-1 Cry It'Hin'F ) 1 wt'iiiv livi- iiniinrs. 'I it!1 IV. iirnltl 'iicrn itl'l'fHltt II lo fHUUili rlRiint fur llin nl'Ovu hnin'v "f "tit -ii e noimr lilmrot on MOM-AY-v, WKIVIW- IIAN. i.i.rl KKIDAYh. 41 t o C "Ck 1. M., t Nn. 1 l.-M.U- hM II M H HALL. UliKAKY Mtn t. l'irh-n orillU.-J to this l-oui.ly arc rt' uvit d to ai-plv al tin Oitico. I M n i n r . K r B!'VT)FKR,rri m n, Jonathan iin.ix'R, rim.APKi.riiiA ANT) RKADING ltallread 1 omt aiiy. Clin-' A KOI'K I'll Htn-at. i'n i r. nki.i'iii ., Novt'mlf iSr.4. tUVlI-KM) NUTMIK. Th Tran-frr Pmoi nf Ihi.s roinnuriy wi'l ho rlotcilon Ttiiirfda. Di-cuiutcr !. and ri iiptiu'd n Tuttdfty, J:inu- nr If. Is..',. A dh ilapflnr KtrTrKif run ikihi . nn in- nmimwi and I'n'ftrTffl Htnc . eliar ul" Satlnnal nnd Mate tuiti, ti tia.n liffUn-i. iiavalijt in loniinim N tck.in lite J i o If('inlwr nt xi, nn all utoi-k tandlnK nn t!.e h"kn nf ilt (Vnnninv nl tt t rl..m of (ui'lni-itl (ill tllf 1'ith IToXUllO. Htiw ktii,liii-ra vitifMP fiimuM r rpimitTtMl tin in ii'.w Y(rt itiM.ka will bf paid at the Karua ri Loan nnd Trunt trillpdllV. 2 1-U6 ri. HKHtrunn, l rraiurcr. OFKICK FKNNSYLVANIA RAIL- JtOAlCO.MrANY. j vnrrrp. m HiiAin:iii)i,hK. Th Pharrh.,!dtrti nf thli company ai n.dtniMl that. undwr He I in lui ul the H"ft d i lnrct m ihov ar.-, e.iil tlfd ti Buhacr Ik- to the Heck of the I tnnj'aiiy ih fttn'mni TKN 1'KK ( KS T. on th-ir n-nn'cuve muTuai, a ih'ittti h. ihtr IWkiuf thi 2d li.uant. k fVfirjiiir.ita-r I ticti in a tratr i tonal part of a shar. nndt rtho tt-nni of th Kfaohitlon.iliall liiivf the prirt Wit of i-uIjbc lifting for a futt hare .Athc iA uieiit id itj , dtd artt. . . , Thli Htncfe will hp HMTim nt fhn nar TUlilf ot iniT n"i- Uri prr ihate. Arcrupd li tercit at rl I'F.K "EST. wlU be rliarued lrom tlit' Ut Inst.uit until iaytnnt li mado. Thf llsioki for iihurriiititTtii ami n.n im-nt wtii in1 i'0o on VONMAY, tht 7ih hmtaut, and HI rltiw nn Hie ;tii of I)rinhor next, attcr which no further iihurlpUwiii ulil l) rcfetviMl a injur trt? riiiuunn. 11-ls-ua-al THOMAS T. HKTII Treaiarer. BANK NOTICES. sy-TiT- WHEKKAS, THK At Ul Vim-Uh.-s r,- sV3t r.l nai.lr.il hv Ihe lltlj HeetK.n ol the Ael en- ntli.a"An Art to enable the hanlis of this t'ommoniseatli to kscenie Associatlins lor the ulin"e "f HaiiKlns under I lis laws ul Ihe llnlleu blatea.- lia.sim on me an asym aii Kiist A. Il lh.4, has cerlltled tome that "TllBe-INsdl.l-I.aTIOSI HANK (IK l'llll.AliK.l.PHI A" lias furnished sail' faction to hlra tnst all the re.iuiri'inenis oi is-a a ' h.va hi en romullrd Willi hT the aald Hank, and III it II has l.ii-oui. an Assorlailcn lor tlis iniruosa ol' Hanslnj uudar the laws ol the l ulled mates; I i n. u.erelorf.. rause nils nones inerwoi m u- i'ni,u-nc, In aei-oi dance with the provisions ol the satd IHh Be.-1 an el the said Ai t, and an declare that Uie Charter of 'd it.,., hv . l.n i.iiii, .if ..nl Ael. Is deumed and tiken to be hereupon fiirreiiared, suhject lo lie io. nl.nis of tin Ut BCS-UuDOl SSJd AOt. RC-sS A. I. Ul'wnrs, Ooraruor of renmj Irani. Exr'l'Tlvr. cnAviien, I KoTeniber -.'!!, lMil. S U 2- 1st WHKRF.AS, TIIK AfaOITOR-GENE-ral. aa rfuuirt d liT the lltti aectuB ut' th act en titled ''An Act Knabiinti t)i Hankn of thlts tv-mmotiivt alih tn bernrue AHRoclattona for tbn Purpose ut Hankini;, dmler ! the. AWN of thn nlted Hinti. paata onum aa oi AitKUKt. A 1. 1, hat cer ltted to uie mat liifl "PITY IUNK ay I'llll.AlH-.l, I'IIIA1 han fnrniHhfd aattntaciory vl.ienco to htm that all tna rtMiurvmenta oi unin tin uave ueen umujnwi wnn " nn ml nsiik Mini flint It 1 1 ah hetioine an AauochltloU f'T the inirnobe of Itanatujf, nuder tlm lawn of Iho Uuittid Ht:ili'S. do trereror came una notice inercoi io oe puuutnf'i, in i cisFai'arirtt with t if nrnvif una ui ttit tia'ii i uti aacuon ot the aald net ; and do dacinra ttiut the Churter ul laid hank. b the tunnn of aald Act, is doemed ana taken i n herenM.u mrreiuleiod, aubitct to the nruvialoiia ol tnenrat stc.n u cl aa;u uct. ..,., A. it. t;t n i in, Governor of PeuiujlTaola. KXBOI'TTVK rilAHHRH, f Ha ii li in mi Htl. Wih ovtniber,ll;. S 11 33w AV1I KKKAS, THK AUDIVOR-UKNK- ral.at reouind b th- lltti cion of the Acten- lltlrd'Ati Act eimlillnsr the Hanks of Hits ('oinmmi wctltii t lif s'niot Aflfiin.itlona i.ir the imrnopu ot B inklna under tlie l.awaut the rinUMLtntet.," paan d on tho '.'d dy of An mi it. A. 1). 14. haa ceriltied to m, that ihe 'o nm rial liitnk of PenniivUania. ot the CIlT of Phlladelutila, i:ai rurnfiea aatisiariory evi u no in nun nu uiu reiulremciita of oaid Act bare been compiled with hy thn mM Hank, and thtttlthaa Ix'eome an Aa"nation forth) tiiiriioMt nf hnk In- iiniltr tlit lriMrM ol the I lilt ml htiltoH : l no, tnereiore. taune tiiitt not mo in ittoi ut in iiumih k-i In acrorilance with the DrovlKlona of the tald llth eu ton of the naul Act, and do declare ttiat the eharterof aanl (aik, hy the lerma of aald a t, la deemed and taken to tiu lu r iiui surrendered, auhject to ihe pruvlbiuiib of the lat aiciiuu oi a am aci. a. (. n ki in. rfi.Ternor uf I'enn. ylva.nl. BxMl'Tiva Chamulk, IIariumuko. 'ih .November, loU. ll-Jd-iw flh, MINING, COAL, AND OTUEU NHW COM r A A 1K.H, We are prepared to fnrnlah ew C;rporatlom with al the Ittfoki tlier re.) n Ire, at abort notice anj low prluea, of flnt quality. All atylee ol BlmlliiR. TKFL-FLAi K CEltTI 'ICATP.ft OK STOCK. LU tlOt.HAl'UKlr do do IHANKKK HOt)K. nhi.huH or iKAMsrKit. HTorK LKm.KK. nro:K J,MMMl IU! AKCP. KkfHHTKK K CAIMTAI. STOCK. HH( KHH' I K1TY LKtORU. AnillINT O" HA Lit). DlVlUKNl) HOOK. mom oo., Blank Book Manufacturer! and 4tatl twrt n-w-u Ko. i.J t'HKMNUT HLreoi. WUITTKN AM) VKRBAL DE criiiitoiia of Chnrarter. Contti utlon, and Tnleiit. vlth ADVI T, ta Jtuum a-t, Health. hducatlon. Bell imi'mveint-ni, M in.iyement and T tan in h- of Ct'H PKhN.so-.tul adapta tion, Ac, day una evni! t( oy JOHM CAPE V, Phretioljsrlat and Riikntller. Ko. 80 a. TtMU bi.. above Chen nut. i-atuthnn rncniAM o. a. it. mcowN, DRAI.tHH IN Eootfl, $hoent Trunks, and Oarpet Bags, Nos. 1034 and 1010 MAIIKKT STUEET. Cuatomer work made to order. 11 KiiuthtSw TIOHPKS! HOltSKS! IIOUSKS! J.A QrAltllll:HAHTKn-(.iKNKAI.'8 OVI'K Kt filter Hivjhuin, WAMniN(.vtN. Det ember 1. lsW, Htmea, aullaMe for Cava rv or Artiherv aerrlee. will be purcl afd at Ult ubuio depot, lu oiien market, tiU Decem ber .11 , lsi4. Iloraea will te delivered to raotatn L. Txiwrr Moore. i A o.kl ,and bt-aahiiM ted Ui tlieuauaiiiuerau.tut luauec- tion t't lore b' liiK e(iied. rrit e of Cavalry M.rr,ea. ff 17ft eah. friee of Artillery lloraei. $lhn ia h. 1'ajiuvui will bu made lor aU () aud more. JAMKH A. KK1W, Colonel In Charge Kirat llrtloi, 11 3"t laarioruiutior Ovuvtai Vtbu. iLja'TSsJ . N I e .( in e. w . II-J I Mi.-. I i'im i . . o ( '" k .n-.nili . unil V ' V I. n litn, . .'.ni.'.v if - v ... ...I -.(,. -1 . Ms- i and 'V ' .i h wi.rVti.ol w .1 l.rl ii. n ml- t.i. fii-til-1 . il ' ,i..l il.i Ir le i . n. iii t ii- t'..ml I .,.v .rum .r.l i tu i'. i..' ..... A I- l.i St . C-'I'ili'-l an ill hief iiiart, -ina-'er. lni'SrUni nl ot Wishmiifll. 11 1 A I.AUOI'. M-MIU-'.R OK CITY AND . fViinirv -, lertl.s fir hsl. or r.irha-ks. Is w 1.1, inn I., i ur ! ( !: al I s'lt.. a.' Inv" d to rail nt our anil vi 1 H .oi v ' I nr ,e.i-i.-r. win h lh y iil r ctii t wllJifiil e'-ii.b ml' ri "S 'i. '. s' ' " i. '";i" ' I,' ' . t r ii '. '.i. . 1) ; N.i :tl N . HI 'll "If-rl -A Kilt HAI.K. A ItAltOAIX. -M- seme ni.it iinis't'nl thrir.oirv llrhk lit'ou'. Ti. .'.n - Ni. S. Sr.VKSTII Xire'l. l'"-ns. .... Si-.isl. hall rash. I.slllin' "n neiro' ik-e, I - Tl.' hale I, n. C. V Hil.WI.1.1 M'tM. Mi. i'J if l- ii- i fi i.r.-i. h-.ti i.ii.hsul IK-Il itiroriifrrtl d IK.'1', YornK Mrit KieyitrttU tor tno Cw.iniini. ilf.ie lJ HuiI- Tti'Toi ifh nr.fi prnrMrM in-trurunn in liiiiik.k K KI'I ttui iiut.in h-i nu n. 'r'VHANSI '. p'tin r.n10rTim''ntl1 li !u.Iii by on of the most com ri-n.ii r iM iilM.ititiiiin, 1 ointrwrclnl Law, sOtl-JctlMj; ir H I 'Kl Nil hi K.'und.and tn 1'ipcr, Unatil by a lonir-p rKiu va liiirr'tT. id' ! in iinTtinrti ifritrrm iT, inn rrriTe'i tj tin. Willi. k' Htiii.1 n afuT M-pt'nihiT l-V I'kIm Ifi;iu'i ruTital' tnu tnr nitnifo ol til 'Ournift, irinst Ac, fnriii-lM tl ratii vu jiplu 1 n II 17thsliltl M. II. IlIITENUEN DRY GOODS. OWl'EllTllWAi r V. Jt. B, E, Cor. NINTH and AEOH Streets. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. I1LANKKTS AT Itl'TAIL. BLANKKTR AT WHOLESALE. BLANK KTS FOR HOl'SKKLKI'EKS. BLANKKTS FOIt HOTELS. BLANKETS FOR TIIE ARMY. BLANKETS FOR TIIE NAVY. BLANKETS OF ALL SIZES. BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. BLANKETS TIIK CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BLAPKETS TO SUIT iVERYnODY. at tna t-M-3ra i. E.oomer NINTH and AHCH Streefi. TIEN11Y - . OS, Dl UI1" S3 S. E. Corner NINTH AND AROH BTREET8. WHOLESALE AND BETAHi, Yon ca obtain at thla EataUlahment, WATFR rROOK CLOTH CLOAKS, I.K.aVKK THioor " " uravy Rninv.n M rKliKIRn BKAVKB " " CUlHClfllXA " ALL MADB Uf IKTO TUB LATK8T 8TTLE and of tbe very beat material. Call aud iee the atoek before you purchase. We shall take great plcaaareln waiting on yon. 11-a-Umulfm mJ NOIITU KIQUTU BTKKti r. 103. J Second 4rat above Arch. irat KdticUun IB ci.r immeiite mock of (it-aule and ranerTl rlmiuluvi, com- p n iiik tie b a t and most f aa b k-taa le a no rt ment ef Ltnua' Dreae Cloak Trimming!, Orna- rnk ni a tiJ ituttnna of our own uiake and iin- aortailoTi, Hllk and Merino Hear fa, all atyiea or ilk and Chenille Head Dreaa-a ; Netta cueajwr titan e'-e- whnre : Him e tilmn and Hnule RotUna. Clotft Mnrtno and HI k (Hove!. Kid Olovee of the bent uiakera, Black and Coatorcd Vdli.thhawU and Hojirf Itortlera.aU wldtlia; Kaney l aca ana Mie i onmc, ua Jtett Hiuuona, vteoi, aim Gilt Be-t Buck lea. Cloak Taaaeia of aU cMora and ailee;Maiic Kurtltnid of all sitae and atyiea al a realty retimed prleee ; Woollen tiooda, aa Boatan, Sub uie, Hotda; Ladiei'.fT.lidret. a, aud Mlflaei' HtockUiKa at the oheaiit ntices, ILUr Bll, Waterfall Bella, and Water- ran Aets or onr own improTtn tnetnoaa ; maa ana w niie Laoea of aQ vnulea and at leu; Black and Colored Veirtit Ktfttiona, in vieat variety at reduced prlce ; Lad lea' aud (ienta Nevktlee, 1b great variety, eaUuuMly oneap, Ao., Ac, A. L ruil eg en me. one and an. and ennvtaoe Tovrsetrea hefnre bujinj( elMewLiefe, that It la well worth to your own li it wort to purebaae rtPurTrlmtnlnHi at Uie Cheap more of WIL II. M LONrk.KH'i A Dl BU, No. 141 N. KM HI I'll Ntreet, Becond duor above Area, noxt to ue corner. it-a piNE EHIET MAKUPAOTOEY. 'I he suttciltiors would invite attention to tlislr IMl'KOVKI) CUT OF SlIIUTS, W1il b thi j make a srnclalt In their buslnass. ALSO, CONbTANTLY UKCE1VINO, NOVELTIES FOR GENTS' WEAR, a. "W. HCOTT iV. CO., (,i;nti. mkn's nuiNiBiimo stoiib, No. Hli 'JJ-lTiSNUT STHKltlT, 11 K'-lhjtu-tl ' V . i wrs below runtloeiitnl llotal. JUfcsT lVlZClll VK.1), A LARGE INVOICE OF FINE COCOA. MATTINGS McOALLUM & 00., No. 509 CllEiSNUT 8TKEKT. 11 Kthttulm PIANOS, COTTAGK EXCKU alor Ortfkiiu, Uarauataiu, aud Melo davm,a MABSU'd Wl'HlO RTOHE, Ho. llua CllKNUT Bluet 10-7-fc BEDDING WAREHOUSE, At Ko. 15 Ji. ELEYENTU 6XREBT, tV It ' A " LIFE OF GENLMAL HANCOCK. And IIoh iii lli i.i'ii.' ;t M'lJor-UoH'ral. HY iu;v. c. w . JH.NI-oN. AN AtrrlU.S I 1C 1.11 r. ti.' V IM I (IPNI ltAL wm- iii Mi .' oi r it csvo '. I'rlnt'd nn tiif wui'p p.p'-r, U- .Is m. y lll'i'tr il"il. r mli fn-'ilsiinl bv his I'c and oy llan'oek, tih -.irr-t pnrt'Ai' f-rni ii v.tt.i! wM "t fftd'-t at W '-t .''-tn( tnc of ttn ini't lut ri -ill'tK ''J'ln I nMUhtd tht yr A SI I O K A 1 ifc MVANS, 11 .Stii'l;.M Nn. 7 l CIIISTT STKKKT. OMK ON A .-I'lU.On.lI. Thi t'-Mllln ri'l fiKr ii'i. pilnl'd Fit rnni- tiHl lurav f i i-y s.(r' fi, I- Mint K -u un n"-- i r, nid In rotiDKii'ii O I'v all fio U - n it a-'mic mi iin .itutiir. ol vi... ravin; i ut i." lou oui in lias IT . l. I KY 'LI'lr 1( is rSM l i-iiui i n MAVB f. F.KY l.OVAL, IIOl ! II H.D 811' K'U) II WE A 111 V. In fset. every fsinl'v iiti" has a father, hnshind, or Son haulliiK lur Ids country, will awirei i.lo and sliuu'd It w in alwai s he a hi'iuitlf-il nn uvirial of the li.le.us da. a and ars ol n Iiell i.il alnl air. '1 his eiii!ra lew I- "oai en ui.iw.-iv oy Areola. iiisAitt i ii Hii.iiii:u-i sad others w ill find Itils the st p ea-alit aad iired'a'.'.a s-fii y Ih.y ean aii'Iei-tl.e. We kivs eaelu-lee territory, ai"l will Kivc parin uiars of a. in i,n aiia u-s'loa. We er nt this i'"ti; an all' h sh-et , -ul-ahli' forfram Ink' anil wilt ,en.l a si r. nai Tlooi.v t.y mall, free.oiir's-eliit of ihe price, $. ;si e-Mch Is ah ,m one-hall lh" i nee n 4ii ally risrinl for cuKravluK of this ctiarai-tcr. For uanku.ars. anureia ItK.vl'IXY .t rn., I'lii'iisriars, No. 1ST N'. fOUKI II lreet, 11-1-stotlilm Phllads.plila. gCHEBMEEHOiiN, BANCROFT & CO., Educational Fublishers & Booksellers, REMOVED TO No. ftl2 AllCU STHKKT. Oin. e in New York, I lm Ko. 130 Oil A Kit 8TUF.F.T. AUOriON SALtt. M ACKKYB AUCTION ROOMS, Ho. K0 0. CiMATKEY. Aiitlnar, snlli-Jts eonslrnnsants at (ilK.HH WAUKS. AUU MK.KOtlAlllrti. Of all klmla. fi onhiie sal. at Ui AucUon Keosus, and a U1 attiw.ll persimailv Vi saliw i ICCAlj fiaiain auu aiuvao At tlie Exciaave. HOI'HI'.llUl.l' rUKOITUKSS At DwaUlngs, ami bll-Ti ir MEtii;a.iai;ioE, At tin stores of tlie owners. ('salt will be advanctu waon aesirsa n coasiflnmaat. a finals for pulille QUAiaEKMAisTKR GENERAL'S OFFICE, i-'nt-r liiviiov, ... . on lui M A lll.l.liiS. ..u.-w.ti .... ini Will he soM SI niib'lr aiirlion. to tlio Inunvat bidder, at tl.e times anil (ilacis raiai ii Relow, viz w 1 1.1.1 AMSruit I . I'a. . 11 1 Ills II A I . neremner n. i-ssi. JOHNhlDWN, I'a .THI IISliAY lleieruher 15, 1N6I. UtilTnN, N .' .TIM ItsliAV, llii i inlier fl, lrA. TWO llL'NUKKU IAVALUV UOKSllH at eaoli (.lace. l hese fii.rsrs rave oeeil conacninoa as unni ior mo alrv serviee'r f llie arnij. l-'nr road and laruiiug iiarjioses many ifoadbard'alas may be had. llures sain singly. Haie to isanmeni e al 10 o'clork A. M. Tirim lath, in 1 luted statu eiirrencT. .l.VMl'.S A. r.KIW, Colonel First Mvlsl .n, 12-1 JRt rjuartermaiter tleneral s uaiea. SAI.K OK CONDEMNED HOUSES. yi)AaTHUMAj,TKK- tBNKHAI. H OrrH:, 1 r lUHl in Irtin, ? W-.-'fiinTow Cuv, Novt-mher 'ML y WlU be sold ut public auction, to die hbfUoat bidder, at (ilfhboro, L. I .mi KKIOAV, t-ci-emer 1, 14, ONB IJUNMU U ASH Ml- I V C'AVAl.HV TIOUSBS. On I'hlDAV, JiociixbtT !, lwit, ONK IIUMtKK1 AM) KIM Y CJAVALKf ItOKR-?. iiit-nr llornea have l ( n coiislemntd an unlit fr Uie ca airy itrrli e of Uie ai my. 1 or load ttiid laruung purjust'i many tfoou uarsaini mif bel.atJ. Worses xo:d ulng y. falt' to romaif ncA at 10 A, M. 'J liuA Cat-li, Ui luilvd maitji currrnrr. .lAMltrt A. r.KTtf, f1-lont-l. In elmrtre Ut IHvl'lon, 12-1 -7t giiartcrniasior-Oi'iitral Uitle. CJALE OF CONDEMNED CLOTHING, caiup auu (tarrif un r-'iiU'Ko, i eni i.'iminvt, ao. I.iii tr ui ah ri a 4A - i kr h rru: IrrnB, 1 nis.ii, ,sr, i r as. lw S Dl.l'tiT Of WHI1 WvIIIN.TON. I ('., ISijVi'mlitT Vni ht olil at iiiil.lic auction, at Government Ware- hou-e isn f, on Scvt'iitcentti hetwoun II nnd 1 Atre-'ti, north. WarlnKton ntv, 1). C. ''n rMLKHD.i. uo- ft'tnt'tr I A, 104. under tho direction ot Cpia u I). U, 1 HUM Ah, If .8. K,, C. h. A., ii IjI tl 7 uuliUuimitfd clotlillltf, Ac , ronniStili-f nl : lnfanuy ai d Cavalry Coati, Trowserp, .Shirts. D.-aweri, Fi ll ilati, Tnimiii.tr, ) Unfit', Metallic H. alei. lirnme, I' Iuk'b, rent, li'xilih, Mvei 1'ana, t'auip KeiLiu, Hnads-e, hlioreN. Axel, Hrttt licu, liavei uack-, Cantevua. Old iiuU, Brami, Kone, Ac. ALO, About K0 torn of Tent t aittimt. haiv in nouiuienoe nt M n'rlncK A. M. I crais- ('ah. in 'lovt rnmeiit riiutln. Hureeft.njl bUOt ra miut remove tltelr purchases od or before Lett) in bur il. T. ?. KrCKKR, T.rti'adlerGt;neraI and Chief QunrlermMtt-r, II vfi l.H De.mt .1 Wttbnutt.n. OALE OF PTEAM TUG AND IUUGKS. k5 CUI.fc yi AITmHAsTl U 8 OpMi'H, 1 Dti'tir tr WAMiiNtirtiw. ? WtlHWlTfiN D.C NoTeinner M, lK4. 1 WUI be pold ai pvi)He ai:r k-u. at iovenimMit wharf, foot n(ti hireH,Wa-liin;ntinciiy, !.'!., on I IU KsliY, Oemjia ltr !', 1-1, one dtt-aiu tux and Tour 8vtinlkiU baiei, aa f -llowg hiituu tng'T il, BAWTKLI.F. " ItM'Re 'ANTHONY CLINION." do "CI l l.f N." do "MII.TOS U'll.KrVS.' do 4,l MThl HTATKH ." Pnle to eomtn. nee at Vi o cluck nn. Teruii t"ali lu Uovi rnDiciit luudn. Ii fl. RT'f'KFU. ltrin -(leu and Chiff Viart'rroatr, 11 ltepotot WajfUnUm.U. C. OAS HEATISG STOVES I CIIEArElt THAN COAL Oil M'OOD! EAliLE OAS HEATING STOVE, TIIK OSLT ONE THAT IS FltEE FUOM SMOKE OU SMELL. Will Heat OFFICES, PARLORS, PIXINO, SLEEPI.NO, AND 11ATU ItlXlllS, Willi less Irruble, In lass litre, ami at loss exne.uis than an Coal or Wood ntova. Tlioy am ry conenlant for use iu apartments la f tilth there, is no I'liiuinot Fluo. a. w. loosiis, No. 'I' ti. SIXTH STItfciKT, ll.;'jiulh.lra rilll.AIlRLPHIA. OflflM SECOND-HAND COTTON 6EAM sUUU less Its, In store and lor sale by dUU N I- UAII.KT CO., ua-iiu' Jio.llt .jKOKX WU-si,