The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 06, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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f-n .H
n T A TTT. .
ay oh
I . rino: tiii:i;i: cknts.
Important Cavalry Expedition
. Situation of Affairs on tie James.
1 sv.w
More of Sherman's Successes.
Nj Later from Now Orleans.
xste.. Etc, Etc., Kto x:to.
Nffflnd Ni"Ntni.
YVashinotok, December 0.
lr. Clark, President pro tctn. in the chair.
Mr. Fuot, In behalf of the comnil'.teo appointed
yesterday to wait on tlie President nnd inform
him that Congicsa was ready to proceed with
business, reported that the committee had per
formed Hb duty, and the President would send in
his Message to hoth Houses at 1 o'clock.
Petition and bills were called for, and none
being offered, the Senate, on motion of Mr. Sum
ner, took a recess uutil 1 o'clock.
Mr. Washburne (III.), (mm the committee ap
pointed to wiiit on the President, reported that
the latter would teud in his Messagu ut 1 o'clock
The committees were called for reports, but
one were made.
Detymtch to The Brenmj T l-ji .1, 1.
Ansai', December l l-'ive hundred and
(twenty more paroled prisoners arrived on the
Central l.yon.
Itnrlnl or Demi.
A ftinerol of deep intercut takes placo hero to
day, of the deaths since last Saturday. A. pro
test ion of ambulances containing forty -one bodies
ia passing from the dead-houso to the chapel;
five who died last night still remain unburied.
All are victims of Rebel barbarity.
Epeclal Despatches to Evening Telcgrcipli.
YVashinutok, DocemberG.
J Frewldent I.lnroln o lU'oomtrncUou.
In tho President's Message there is a paragraph
bearing on tho slavery question, in which ho says
ha will never lend his influence in favor of the
Rebellious States coming buck into the Union
with slavery, but at the same, tim) h) will no:
make tho abolishment of it the tine jua nort of
their return.
All alel at IN'terxfiurr.
Hospital steamer Connn'ieut from City Point
reports all quiet, but tho iuiUc-Jtkms are that
Grant does not propose to g into iv inter quarters
just yet, as the Rebels Imagine.
Kenioval of Mrk mid Wmndexl.
The sick and wounded have been nearly all ro
rnoved, nud the erection of wo iden hospitals,
which has been in progress for mmo time, his
been stopped, und orders issuod for pitching tent
hospitals inslcad. The fV.-on-i it brought up
Urea hundred sick and won-, led, including
quite a rninber 01' colored soMiv s of tho I'.HU
Corps. A number of w mndi I prisoners were
also brought up with them.
Hllirr r Mr. Mihun'i Non.
A young mull by the mite.e of M Hon, with legs
amputated, a sou of James M. M 'ou, Confodo
jaie Commissioner to Kuiope, li 11 been captured.
4'Hlnr of a Soloi'loui Kebrl.
Harding, who married, in Europe, Uell B jyd,
the notorious Confederate finiah spy, was cap
tniedon Friday at Martliibur ., Virginia, and
tent to this city. Thi man Hoding formerly
belonged to the l ulled Stut.-s X-uy.
lie asserts that his wife is still in Europe ami
writing a hrstnry of her life and adventures, and
jives as a reason for golug to M.irtinsburg, that
he wished to bring away his tivcr-in law. His
atatttnmts ate disi redncd,ho-e.. r, and the mili
tary auihoilties believe th o l'.el! herteir is lurk
ing somewhere !u the vlelni'y in which Harding
was captured.
from CoiiKri""! till" M-.ratna;.
The Committee of Ways and Mnaus will meet
t onc tn consider the several liiiuucial propo
sitions referred to them, but it if not expected
,. .n a.-tinn will be bnd in the House at once.
The Senate and Houe will not ib-elde the case of
Ike Louisiana senators uud representatives at
nee, but will take time to consider tho Important
Market tiy Telegraph.
NsjwTohk, December 6. Klonr has advanced
tAKK.i taKiaf 14.MIU bmrrrla lit :''(V,10 10 fur Mtl;
afitwa ' Ohlni n4 lols ror SouUicni. wmm
....miii Uiji r.i aii of fVO ba.ticii lit M'i for
(jotao 8fUi. Ooni anil; salts nnlBpocunt. Btia
A t:t:ini'f r I I hp Munition.
II FM lit Mil I. It A KM V 111 r 1 1 K .1 FS, V ' TII1-
ber li. The nun bo never ln inrcuwa city s
not mme at"Uinie,l by lirmd vftv, not tnoro b
nildercd In tlne.nliinr tbe modern I.aliyrinUl
known a Flost m more iim l i'e than tho Cretan
of old are n. oh; civilian" ho, "unnved to
war'-a'a' in i," i i"ne Into tho mtd-t of this army
to face i Imstlc and thrc id i! liiirie ieic.
An Instructor's uppnviat 'ii of tins la : led my
fnei d, the Hon. , toa-k me to n kn linn
to tho front; not a.i:y in the . ipa ity
u'uidr, philosopher, and fririnl," f r the ohil o-
pby of the ih'uni riri Is rather more bU th H
nin e, 'lhe friendship we divide. The tui l in o
I at tirt nsiumed, but soon relinquish!. Hit
aeiiiaititani e with mior.(rin :rula showced upi n
him nil rouri Hies and facilities, until the u Iv n
tfle f niv own l imit nnreu:lei sh p shraak into
'limts' "no ronMiiiieueo."
1 lie veatln r oc erves a cotnpli n -nt irv p -1-
graph. Out of d. t to n..r liera laiul-s rortn'rn pri u n e-, tins let r bea" U i'e
Dtrciiiber '-. Ketcrthflc-s, t'ic ilninie to i lie
contrnry notwithstanding, the s. a- in Is Spring
and the actual date is Msv I never w is strong
in Iip in loizy, nud would not commit nivn tf
without first referring to 'he 11 ok of (i nesis, to
more than a mi:d insinuation of an opinion, th it
A lum ami wi n conieniiorries- a a te t
stnieti cnt to tlist rtRet would be too hazardous.
llni tins iv Spring. I feel it, therefore I know
it. The cvideniAs of one's senses iniiv not lie
di-rubd. Predispositions irobibod from books
must vanish in the iik-htof everv-dav exoerleni o.
This is hpring. Nor Is it so wonderful that it
sin. nut lie. Iii'ln t the sen sit no all iin.'ht. that
Joshua ndght b utnrli send the C ma initis i
tqiisfers tluoiga some Unental Wia
cliesierf Vasu t tin r ! some atmospheric phcmmc'ioti
compeiisntii c for the sun while Moses slio.i d
make available that great pr I'otypc of the Dutch
nap v anni, itirougu the K. a w.a ( vut n, by too
iiy, Uitleicd Iroin t'e nio.Urn muluiy as t tti.i
rela'ious, one to tl oilier, of the land and tlm
water). If 1 not, tin n, na-onab e, t int the
seasons should conspire tor (icueral tirant, and
that he will, "before the goimr down thoieof"
(for unien dent sit "sun. ' four sntenies 0 o k,
and th. n take it figuratively as meaning sciism),
achieve ids .urpi sts?
tins discussion uhh involved three tilings, 1 irs .
The proudses as'-umed, i hit the pr s.t
season is Sprint' ; rightfully assumed beciuseau
app.iienl, tinfetore a conceded truth. Second,
An inquiry as to why Spring should appear o it of
the usual order, clicning hisioric piralielsin trans
position 01 nnoirai ticeninuena. I iicse alw ivs to
Kiibservt one of two belli, i r.-i ts.andaltvays crown
ing that one witu victory. 'Ihnd, 1 lie mcviia de
(tediiction, vrtneti is. since our side is the pirty
aided by this Spriiig-in-Autuinn, that our side is
to fti eompli-u what it prop iscs.
II 11 should snow to-morrow it will m t bo tho
fault of the iip.'umcnt! Words aside, tho cam
paign Ue ends on a continuance of the prcsoat
Whrm iiint ii" iincr. two weeks more or it
mny remtve thesi h adquarterg to the Snotis-
nood 11', oi i.e h ips tno 1) ilia 'd, in ctso
(icnerul Grant should select the former tor his
own. To make the exchange, or to gain any de
cided success, involves heavy fighting, n it villi
standing the Rebel force in Vlfinia is less than
one-haif ibc nntin- V'v m last sprint.
The r ninlnlBg naif 18 all concentrated about
Richmond. l..r.y' lorecs Have oeeu recalled
from the valley, nud very few are guarding the
Lynchburg and Danville roads. A cavalay ex
pedition, under General Grcac.dowu tho Weldon
Road, estc'av nnd Hn hc'nro, found only a
(ew bundled In that quarter. Nor Lave hoy dc-
? alt-bed hi,, i.umc ,.acu to U orni none but
leth's Division, and that a small one, Horn tho
Petersburg Irom.
tontrouting us on toe noith iiank ot the James
they have more than et any time since but er
cllectcd the lodgment here, having been lately
remlorcea by iverstiaw s Division ot h,arly s
Corps. And they have constructed a muguiiicent
line ot works hard up to cur own, and interior
lino after line is plainly visible. These facts, to
gether wiih the everyday clamor of the llichnu n I
papers tor the last mnauiiaiil to oo ready to help
to man the trenches, are proof that tho oueinr
expects a terrific assault on fo' side of the river.
These same papers assert thai liutlvrand Portor
are nreuarine a tremendous naval armament to
attack m conjunction with the first flow of water
through the Dutch Gap Canal.
Well, the truth is, it behooves them to be In
readings to withstand nil these and more too.
I may say particularly the "more too."
The lsth and loth Corps, which have hilhorto
constituted the Army of the James, hava bj.m
abolished, the white troops of both going to form
a new corps, to be numbered as the 21th, and to
be commanded by General Ord, while the colored
troops of both, with those of tho Army of the
Potomac, are to form tho 2oth Corpi, under Gene
ral V.itol. The chiii-ie was denundad by
several considerations, of such weight that at last
the separation has been decreed.
Prominent among the reasons requiring It, 19
that due credit may be awarded wherever it may
be earned. In the army tho division is tho unit,
and let a division do well, or let it do ill, the fact
is Boon known in every other division. Hut before
the country the corps is the unit, and each has
its own fume, while few have BUfevested to them
the ret ol d i f ii division or a brigade, by simply
seeing its number. Therefore the colored iroop.s
have been given a corps of their own, and will
have to make a name for it.
And It is no unwarnin'ed stretch of the imagi
nation to say that the 2th will hew for iuelt a
niche in history alongside of the already house
hold words, the litb, the iih, tho 2d, tho lsih.aud
others not less glorious. Tho ability and earnest
ness of the new corps commander is of itself a
pledge for lids.
Ucnoial Godfrey Weit.el, although a young
man, being in bis tweutv-nimh year, and, with
the exception of Ocn ral Caster, the youngest
Msior-Geueial in the seivice. is an old soldier. A
lieutenant of engineers, he commanded one-half
of the coini any of regulars, which, w ith loaded
pieces, capped and ut half cock, guarded the
pre-iuY'iitial carriage at the Inauguration in 'til.
That sumo night he lay, with sixty-four men,
in a barn adjacent to tho building in which was
was lit :1 the inauguration ball, General Scott
having received woid that a set ot ila'timoro
roughs wire likely to make a disturbance,
lluving prior to the war served for four years
under no Major lieaure;jard in the construc
tion of the defenses of -New Orleans, when
General Duller sailed against that city
Lieutenant Weit.el accompanied him as engineer
otlicer, uud assisted in reducing the works he had
helped to construct. Some months a statl ollleer,
be was at length made a brh;a dier-geni'ial, an 1
ghen un independent held command in the up
country, where lie fought several battles, and each
battle a victory. His later record is familiar to
the country.
General Grant lately remarked that "the bovi
must liuish up this wur." Ho meant such men as
Shtridun, Waireu, Custer, Morritt and Wcit.ol
nil young men, and he meant such striplings as
were first to lay bands on tho Rebel flags ia the
Shenandoah fights.
GeneralsTerry.Htannard, and Dcvins will have
divisions in the 2tth Corps. This will bo the
largest corps In the service by some thousands,
since i' ci mprisesall the original iroops of the loth
and tho lHth. It has but to prolong the reputa
tion of tlet last, and tho same men are there U
do It.
I know how hackneyed are tho expressions,
"the army la in good spirits," M the army is in
splendid condition," " the army ia eager for the
pay," and timiUr laying!, "with tko Tariaiwiu,"
w' ich are ever an l anon Heralded to th" ro in
ti) ; and 1 hc-f'ate and quibble with my elf
as hi hoT 1 'hall i onvcv the tb iuclit I wisii to
w tliotn repciilmtr some old and br-peryoidy-distru-ied
a-sf rtion. 1. t mo sny that th. anny
I- rfc'ir. Aft to numbers, Gram niciia r" IU -h-li
I'll ' wi ll sboot t'.e same f rce ss that with
Meh he fi nut t the I nt'le of the Wilderness
v Ith wuiihlic s'ar'ed lioui the INpi lan. II'
t tcdsgotd weather, that only. V. I . 7',. !..-.
EE.Il:A expedition.
Nhsimnn Mill lti I. Incur the t'oiifrisl
ti,". il It i l iiiil i i.-u v li 1 1.., ..mi
ty Wlioelei rreitr,ilii. tor liel.-ml-
lt V Sill IIIIH'll.
i i'ii I';,' Sarunntili A' 7.1,1 1 -i-i. ,V,i, . , ' rr V.
Kiliiblu ad v. ci receive I ycb rd.iy in li - it.'
thai Sin r in.. n bus made li't:e ur i n prorre-s p ti
the ma n booy tl his aituy d oino' lhe la-t d 'V or
He is srill on Die raiiroid, some dis'ri.rt
!i )Oi.d Mi'len, nud aipirenty ri'p.enislimg his
cornioi--ai tor the jour: ey bclore hi 11. li s
men nud ai.mial- mast Is; tciriny jded oy this
time, mi l hut nt'le pup red tor the lilds to
come We sill leliive ihv his mti n' 011 1. t
icach the ei a it pos !i'e, by th-t roir.e w.ueii
I rc-mts tin 1 h- dnnoT nl 11 li ; it.
Tin re un- n 1 eio-iny i -tween here an 1 Mn! u
Jist day, ami althoioth a p-trtv of S.e mv.'s
cavaby had been ne ir ill'1 lilt er place, evervthuig
icmiiinrd 111. toin h d. Another I'K'.it is rep irte I
bituctn Wheeler awd IvilpiTi k on M0.1d.1y,
with the itsu il rcsuir. '1 ho latter was ,1c -eutiv
tliiiislud nud driven back in th.- direction of the
It is re'iahly reported that a force o( about one
tbou' iiiudid yesterday fori noon fioni lhe
Yankee fleet at liny d'a landing, oil llioad river,
In Si ulh ( arolina, and some eight miles distint
from ibe Savannah und Charleston Railroad. A
poitu n of this command upproiv bed the railroad
luti r in the day, but siibscpr iitly retired.
Pr- partition, believed to bo ample, has been
made to meet them should th"y aitompt to cut
the roed, which it was believed they would do
last night. We still holicve Sherman has no
thought of cucountf i lug Savannah with his jaded
columns, but will attempt to in-.iko his way to tho
coast by the most practicable route.
He will find it diiliciilt to str ke one th it has no
lion in his path. Our military authorities, though,
we nte clad to sec, are acting on the sound prin
ciple I hit' the surest plan for keeping him a.v.iv
from the ciiy is to make it impossible tor him t )
gi t there.
Pursuant to a resolution of the General Assem
bly, Governor Drown, before leaving Milledgc
ville, made a proposition to the convicts in the
pi nut ntiary of a pardon, if they would volun cer
and prove themselves Kood soldiers No rlyail
volunteered ; but a few of the notoriously tin 1
w i fe r'jei ted. The company thin or-anied Is
one hundred strong, and the celenrated Dr.
Roberta has been eicceJ cnptnti.
General Taylor Is in Savannah and has beon
oi lifted to take temporary command of tho Con
fedetate resi rvi s in Aabamn and Georgia. Iiis
stand that 'I e Georgia militia has been turned
over to the Coufedeiate service.
Grniral liuekuer in appointed lieutenant-general.
Our loss at GrlswoMvillc, the Macon Trfr rrnph
sets down in killed, nnd wounded, and missing,
as follows : 2d lli ignilc, 100 ; .Id Iingmle, 10J ;
Ith llrigiule, US; State I.ine, .3:1; total, (ill.
The um my, in their recent march, destroyed
everything n General Cobb's plantation, with
the exception of bis negro cabins.
The l.a Important 'vlry Expedition
nail list KeNitliM.
AitMvoFTnis Sbenando wi, llccemser 4 The
important cavalry e.xpeiiuion under General Mer
rill, which has been absent for about one week in
London va'l y, has returned.
They have brought away about two thousand
bead of caitlc, sheep, mid hogs, and have left tho
w hole region over which they passed without hay
or forage' of any kind. All barns containing hay
have been burned, and the haunts of Moscby and
his gang have la-en thoroughly cleaned out. A
few Rebel prisoners were taken.
The puny was followed and attacked by tho
bushwhackers 14 vurtous points, but met wiih no
serious opposition.
The res.alts of this raid into tho Loudon Valley,
which has been the lurking pi ice of Mo-eby's
and other guerrillas, is most important, and will
gicat-y increase their dilllculties In subsisting
upon thut part of the country. .V. 1'. Trilmnr.
Apprnl from the lay or or 1lllralg;Tllla
lor tooit lhe l'coili llublivxl ol Kvvrjr
ilii.itr. M11.11 nnnvti i K, fin.., November 2'i. To Mr.
Collins. Mayor of Macon Sir: Our citi.ens
huve been utietly despoilid by tho Y'ankce arinv.
S. nd us bread and meat, us there will be groat
Si. lb ring utnuug us. We have no mules or horses.
bat you send must be brought by wagon
trains. The railroad bridge and the bridge across
the Ocouic have been hurucd. The suite house,
extcutive mansion, and factory ure still kit us.
Send us relief ut once.
R. Ti. Derm rrCNRKin,
Mayor of Millcdgeville.
A Rt mob. Hotel rumor h is It as wo go to
prcts that General Sheridan Is to be the new
ct nimander of the Army of tho Pototntt'. Wo
ore not uw are how far hotel rumor (usually not
the most reliable authority in the world) may he
posted in this instance II aMmjtun Clnoiucle.
Southwnrk llridpe having been temporarily
leased to the corporation of London, ii now open
to lhe public, no tolls being charged.
An elephant and bull fight took place lately
at Sarugossu, Spam. The elephant was walking
quietly about the arena when the first bull was
released, und rushed at it with all his might. Tho
elephant rcceiM-d his antagonist with great cool
ness, uud thiew li i 111 down with the utmost ease.
The bull rose iik' und mado two mure attacks,
which the elephant re-euted by k lliug him with
a thrust ot Ins tusks. The conqueror did not seem
in the bust excited, but quietly drank some water
ofluied by his keeper, and ate several ears of In
dian corn. A second bull was then rclo t-ed, and
in a few minutes sullered tho samu fate as the
LLGAI. l rri.l.HJE5iCK.
TMnBIl SrATP.S DlRTRtfT CotT.T JudgO C ld-
waluner. riiu Linti d stales vs. John P. ll isstt.
The defendant, indicted under tho Act of the Hd
ol Man h, lMti.t, fur cnii ing a soldier to desert,
was tried this morning The sneeilic charge
ugainst him Is that lor tho purpose of enabling
a soldier who had enlisted as u substitute mid was
at Camp Cadwalader ts desert, he sold 10 the
latter a pass lor the sum of . '; the same lieing
forged or ultered. The pas-had originally been
j,iv. 11 to a man named Rhodes, who deserted.
It was altered nnd sold as before stated to
Dodgers, the substitute, who passed the same
ut the gale. Tho alteration being plainly per
cepiible, the man was stopped, and upon being
qnestiontd c iiife-sed thut tbe pass had linen sold
to him by the defendant. The latter being in
camp, was arrested, but denied that he bad sold
the pa-s. I'pon being confroutediwith Rodg j-s,
he however admitted the fact.
The'defenie wai good character. Jury out.
CoriiT of Qi AUTKit Skshionh Judge Allison.
The ease of Reeser, barkeeper at the Farmers i
Inn, Market street, charged with the larceny of
tslBuO, the property of a man named Dickel, who
had stopped over night at tbe house, was still en
trial this morning. The caw was reported yea-ttrOay.
Fromotion of Gcucrnls Mcadc
and Iur;alls. .
Hi 1 1'.ir.un 1 us Aiimv ni- Tim I'u rovt i , He
eunber '. There is nirliiiif of intorost to repo. t
on the lines t!ii morning. The enemy do m ;
keep up quite such an inccsau! tiring .is they did
a short time ago.
Unite aliitie fusillade took place hist evenlngln
the vicinity of the Jerusalem plunk Mad, but it
dirt not la-tuny considerable tdncnor effect any
lii 01 results.
A number of brevets have been recently con
ferred upon officers in this niont. Among
the lust are Major-Ocnerul Mea.lo as Muor
Gemrul in the Regular Army, and lirig ilier
Gineruls legal! and limit as M ijor -Gener a's of
Y'olunteers, and Msior lliddle, Aid to General
Mesde, brcvetted Colonel.
These honois have been well merited by the
rccqicnts. There are others in this army w hose
names might have been included In this list.
A Lodge of the American Protestant
Association of Orangemen
Broken Up.
tc.. Etc, Etc.,,,,
Toiionto, C. W., December (!. Kxeitement in
regard to the Fenian llrotherhood Is revived and
becoming more und more Intensified.
Last night an Orango Lodge was broken open
and all its property destroyed by thu Fenia n.
Some fine portraits of her Majesty (J ueen Yic
toiiu were disgracefully mutilated.
The excitement to day is running high, nnd
fears of violence are entertained.
.H R K r K I DS O T II E R E K S I' E 1. 4 W.
IIokton, December 0. The .-lUWriicr contains
the following :
Another fruud on the internal revenuo law has
been dlfeovered in tho Sixth District of New
Y'ork. The proprietor of a patent medicine has
been selling great quantities for soma time past
without allixing stamps, nnd the establishment,
with its fixtures and a large quantity of medicines,
was seized to-day, und became liable to confisca
tion if the case Is made out. The olUcers of that
district aro expected here to-night.
Fr9n the Richmond HTiif, lte:tmUr'i.
Wc arc rather sorry that the man with tho
black valise commenced his operations la New
Y'ork. YVe may say that w e aro sorry ho tried his
bund on New York at all 0 at least under
present circumstances. Had ho succeeded, ho
would, perhaps, huve effected tho destruction of
a gteat partcf thccommeicial metropolis of Y'an
kcedom ; but it ia not against the commercial
metropolis of Y'ankectlom thut Southern hostility
Is ut this moment directed. If there Is any place
in the North that ought to be spared, that place is
New Y'ork. Not that its population Is overly
friendly to hp, but thut It is undeniably hostile to
Lincoln und hia Government.
Lincoln was beaten just about two to one At
the late election in New York city ; and this tact,
let U9 intcrpre-. McClellan's views as we ple.iso,
takes theptopleof that city out of tho category
of thnso sanguinary toes of the South who are
preaching nniver.-nl murder and extermination,
against tho Confederacy by such men as Butler,
und who wildly applaud the savage warfare waged
Sheri Ian, Sherman, '1 urchin, Payne, and McNeil.
New Y'ork, by voting for MeCiellun, expressed
her disapprobation of tho kind of warfare that
lane.. In s urty urges nnd that Lincoln's Generals
wage. New Voikmuybu in tuvor of war; but
she would conduct war on eivili.ed principles,
aid consequently has n u made herself liable to
that just retribution which ought to bo visited oa
the other Yankee cities.
We hope, therefore, that the gentleman of tho
bliuk valise w ill rc-olvo to let . Y'ork alone,
and turn his atfcutioa to cities mora eminently
dcseiving ol it lio.ton, for instance, or Philadel
phia. ThedestruoMwaof places like those would be
siinetliiiig liko an approximate equivalent for
tbe atrocities thut YauKee armies liavei onimitted
in the South. I would show that the South has
acuns of defending herself against the system of
universal hrsoii employed by the Yankees, which
would prove, perhaps, even more eilicacious than
the direct punishment of the perpetrators, Of
eouise wc do not intend to cuter into any argu
ment us to the right or wrong of this matter.
V e know that aisou is a very wicked thing;
tut we know likewise that it ceu-cs to be wicked
when employed in their own defense by a people
who have been made its victims for three long
und weary years. From one end of this Confed
eracy to the other, tbe charred and blackened
rums ot homesteads and towns: bear testimony
to the unsparing ferocity of our enemies In the
use of the torch ; und in the meantime the non
et uibatant Yankees have sut quietly at home,
liedii'g ihcir fancies with lurid pictures of the
conilugiation of Southern dwellings. If they
lou d havo set the whole South ubla.e, they
would have laughed ut the spectacle and heartily
applauded the actors.
lint when their own cities ure threatened, their
own property imperilled, their own homes in
dav.g.r of the consuming lire, they discover that
aienn is a vcrv horrible crime. It is a pity they
had not made the discovery sooner. Tho man
with the black valise Is among them, and will
nut be exorefced. He Is ubiquitous. Ho can be
st ci'ht different New Y'ork hotels In one night;
and there is no reason why he should not be in
bull' a dozen Yankee cities at the same time.
They may Imagine, for a moment, that they
have caught him ; but he w ill elude their grasp,
and defy their vain efforts either to arrest hia
person or battle his attempts. His plans are well
laid; but we cannot help repeating the wish that
he will not again try to curuuu Hjera In New
Yoik for the pren-BU
SUte i)( the (1onnlry.UNITED STATES supreme
Annual Executive Budget
Important Propositions to
lie., Fir., F.l, Kir., Rio., Etc., Eto.
ITy 1 1 IfRrnptB from Wiuthliiirlon 1'hla
'i Vote-1 'iVt-ei'S (if the Struite atul ..njc of llrprp
st ntufm s .
Acain the blessings of health and an abundant
harvest c'uim our prol'ouudest gratitude to Al
mighty God.
The condition of our foreign affairs Is roaon
ably satisfactory.
Mexico continues to be a theatre of civil wur.
While our political relati ml with that country
have undergone no change, we have at tho samo
time strictly maintained a neutrality between the
bclllg rents.
At tho requist of the States of Cost.i Rica and
Nicuiagua, a competent Knglmcr has been
nuthoiw.ed to make a suivcyof the river San
Jiiiiu, und ibe port of San Junii.
it is a source of much satisfaction that the iliffl
eulttrs whah for a moment excited some politi
cal apprehensions, and caused a closiug of the
inter-oecanic tiansit route, have been amicably
adjusted, and that there is a good prospect that
the route will soon be reopened with an increase
ot fupneity and adaptation. YVe could not exag
gerate either the commercial or the political im
portance of that great Improvement.
it would be doing injnstlce to an important
South American Suite not to acknowledge the
directness, frankness, nnd cordiality with which
the I nited Stati s 01 Columbia huve entered into
intimate relations with this Government. A
Claims Convention has been constituted to com
pute the nutlni-bcd work of the one w hich clo-ed
its sessiou in IsM.
'1 he new liberal constitution of Venezuela
having gone into c fleet, with the universal acqui
escence i f the people, the Government under it
bus been recogmed, and diplomatic intercourse
lias been opened with it in a cordial und friendly
The long-deferred Arosil land claim has been
satisfactorily paid and discharged. Mutual pay
ments have been made of the claims awarded by
the la e joint commission for the settlement o(
claims bttwcm the United Slates and Peru.
An earnest and cordial friendship continues to
exist between the two countries, and such etlorts
as wire in my power have been used to remove
misunderstandings and avert a threatened wa.
heiwien Peru and Spain. Our relations are of
the most friendly nature with Chili, the Argen
tine Republic, Ho.iria, Costa Rica, Paraguay,
Sun Salvador, and liny ti.
During tLc past year no differences of any kind
have arisi 11 with any of those Republics, und on
the oilier hand their sympathies with the United
States are constantly expressed with cordiality
and earnestness.
The claims urislng from the seizure of tho
cargo of the brig Mactilnnia, In, have been
paid in full by the Government of Chili.
Civil wur continues in the Spanish part of San
Domingo, apparently without prospect of an
early close. Otlieial cortespondem e has been
freely 1 pened with Liberia, and It gives us a
pleasing view of social and political progress in
mui jvepuuiic.
Jt nmy Ie expected fo derive new vigor from
Aniciicaii iuflninee, Improved by the rapid dis
appearance of slavery in the United Slates. 1
solicit your authority to furnish to the Republic
a gunboul of moderate cost, to bo reimbursed
to tbe United States by instill incuts. Such
a vessel is needed for tho safety of that
State against tho naiive African races, nnd
In Lila-nan hands it would be more 1 dec-live, in
airestmg the African slave trade than a squadron
in our own bands. Tho possession of the least 1 aval force would stimulate a gene
rous ambition in the Republic, and tho conii
dime which we should mauite-t by fnrnisliing
it would win fotbearanco and favor towards the
Colony from ull nations.
Tho proposed Overland Telegraph between
America und Kurope, by the wuy of Behringa'
straits and Asiatic Russia, which was sanctioned
by Corgref s ut tho last session, has been under
taken under very favorable circumstances bv an
issot iiilion of Ameiicau citizens, with the cordial
goodwill und support as well of this Government
as of those of Great Ilritaln and Russia.
A -sin ant cs have been received from most of the
South American States of their appreciation of
the cideiprise and their readiness to co-operate in
coDstiuc titig lines tributary to that world encir
rlirgecmuiunieating. 1 learn with much satis
faction that the noble design of a telegraphic coui
Diuii cation between the 1 astern coast of America
and Great Driian has been renewed, with full ex
pectation of its accomplishment.
Thus it Is hoped that with the return of domes
tic piuce the country will be aide to resume with
cm rgy and advantage Its former high career of
c nunerie uuecivili.atinn.
Our very populur and estlmnWc representative
in Lgjpt died In April last, au unpleasant
nltercutinn which arose between the temporary
Incumbent of the office und tho Government of
the Pacha resulted in a suspension of inter
course. The evil was promptly corrected on tho
arrival of the successor In the consulate, and oar
rihtilnns w ith Kgpt, bs well us our relations
with the Dai bury powers, ure entirely satis
facioiy. The rebellion which has been fo long raging
in China has been suppressed, with the co-operation
and 1 tlices of this Government, and of the
other Western commercial States.
Tbe judicial consular establishment there has
become veiy diillcult und onerous, and it will
need legislative icvisien to adapt it to tho exten
sion of our commerce, and to iho niorcjiniunato
intercourse which bus been Instituted with the
Government and people of Ihat vast empire.
China seems to be accepting with hearty good
will the conventional laws which regulate com
mercial and social intercourse among the western
Owing to the peculiar situation of Japan, and
the anomalous form of its government, the action
of that Empire in performing treaty stipulations
Is Inconstant und capricious. Nevertheless good
progiess bus bcei odected by the Western Powers
moving with enlightcued concert.
Onr own pecuniary claims have been allowed
or put in course of settlement, and the Inland sea
has been reopened to commerce. There Ib reason
to believe that these proceed lees have increased
rather than diminished the friendship of Japan
towards the United Kialei.
(CaMintttd in tfa nt tditien.)
Salmon P. Chaso Appointed
Chiof Justice.
(iMselnl to Tin- tlieiillia" Tf l'icrirh.
Wasihm ton, December ('..lion. SJiri m V.
Chase, ol Ohio, has bicu appointed Chief Jo-tee
of the Supreme Court by the President.
Orie or T brnwrm Tr antra,
l l!k7. I'MSMW 7. f
The market opens dull all waiting for 110 Pre
sident's message, upon which, so fr as it fore
shadows the financial policy of the Secretary of
the Treasuiy, w ill havo its effect npou the ftwtk
At 12 o'clock there were symptoms of a sharr
rally In New Y'ork, anil orders for Reading are
in this market from tho shorts; but the stock in
dimly held, and no considerable qti intlty could
be bought without putting the market very mm k
Oil stocks arc dull, bnt the genera! market
holds its own, with symptoms of a strong nudei
tonc -the orders being a shade below the market
The demand for Money is limited, and there it
very little doing. Loans on call are freely offered
at .'(( per cent, per nnnum. Prime paper te
scarce, and quoted at per cent
Gold Is rather dull this morning, bnt price
have advanced about 2 4f' cent, since last even-
Ing opining at 229, advanced and sold at 230 ; -at
10 o'clock 2.12 at 11 ; fell off, and sold at 2ul
at 12 ; and 231 at I r. M.
There Is less activity in the Stock Market, but
prices are steady. Government bonis continue
iu good demand, and pricos have agan advanced,
showing tho confidence the people have In onr
Government ; large sales of 6-20s are making at
107J(a 1M, uu advance of 4; and 10 40s at 100(h)
1014, an udvanco of 21; 1 1 j) was bid for Ci of
ISM, which is an advance of 2); Pennsylvania
os are selling at "lfyiS; "SJ was bid for atw
City (is.
In Railroad shares there is less doing, wito
suh s of Pennsylvania Ral road to notice at (7i
and Lehigh Valley at NO ; 41 was bid for Utile
Schuylkill ; 08 for Philadelphia and Germantown;
676 for Reading; .V.H for Mineliill; ,30for Norlli
Pennsylvania; 38 for Chester Valley; ltkj for
Cutawisea ccminon, 3GA for preferred ; and 30 for
Philadelphia and Erie.
City Passenger Railroad shares continue da!l
and there ia vory little doing. Fifth and Sixth
sold at 52; 10 was bid for Cbesnat and Walnut;
CI for YVest Philadelphia; lr4 for Arch street ; 11
for Race and Vine ; and 25 for Green and Coat s ;
GSA was asked for Second and Third ; 48 for Tenth
and Eloventh ; nnd 35 for Spruce and Pino.
There is less doing in Bank shares, and pneea
arc rather lower. 181 was bid for North America;
08 for Farmers' and Mechanics', old stock; 50 for
Commercial; 32 for Mechanics'; 88 for Kensing
ton; 43 for Penn Township; 60 forOlrard; 3I
for Manufacturers' and Mechanics'; 04 for City ;
45 for Consolidation; and 47 for Commonwealth.
Canal shares arc rather dull. Schuylkill Navi
gation preferred sold at 38J( n advance of
4; 82J was bid for Schuylkill Navigation com
mon ; l'li for Susquehanna Canal; 36 for Dela
ware Division ; and 78 for Wyoming Canal.
Coal Oil shares are inactive at about former
rates, with sales of McClintock at 51(53 ; Reve
nue at 3 ; Noble and Delamatcr at 10J, an advaaie
of J ; Big Tank at 21 ; Ilibbard at 2 ; and Creases
City at 22; 35 was bid for Maple Shade; 4 for
Terry ; 51 for McElhcny; and 0J for Dilsell.
l'lIlI.AllEl.rltlASTOl'K EXCHANGE 8AI.ES, lKU,.
Ktimrttil by Cbirkson A Co., Diokurs, No. lit 8. Third Ml.
ISTrOUS -20 K'T'i
t ..'to do lun
M0 do p.;1.
$1110 d new. lu;'t
Sill. 0 do lien . lea I
(so 11 h Nobis A Del... 10
" ah o Id si
2uli Kfven l Oil 1
li'U 111 AikwA lidevul 1 14
K'.lntl do 1 Mi
Imi mi Ills T.nS. ...I JXi
$ (iml-Vi-iir lr 117 V
S.'IIKl V. H. 10-411
S'.'iO) do
$0I'ana 6s
ron in.
eiMHRch. Nv.iu- s-.'..
1011, fis h Ititenr.l Iif
too aiioi'ri scf b. i;ity ....
114 i a-0 li Mill .n llo.l.... J
m -i.lisjcn nt pi.... sxtj
ni-., ' .n no. ......... an
li, ocn Lililuli Vl l"H.. I'".'.. Jii .Ii Clhilon I
.sou stui.lniiy A- K 7.. Iu7 an an rnna K 7-i
tlie.. r p. vu in In; V .li Lxioet, vl.... ho
ll U Mel'llliluck.... .'iS 12 III Mil AStn U
lK'.li do fs'i I.,1 luu li cdnor iX
Da IIavi n & lino., No. 20 6. Third street,
quoto as follows ;
JuvOf. tflHnf.
American Gold yji
American Silver, A's and i'a 22) .
Dimes and Half Dimes 215
Spanish Quarters 215
Pcnn. Currency Idia. I die.
New York Exchange 1-10 " par.
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal OU
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
Biii in. Jht Atit.
Fulton Cost .. ;, (Irvsnlo On lltKl ,
His-UounuuiCotl.:,',' li, franklin oil 1 1'4
h. V. AMIS. r..l.. in li.c; UowBi M.lrOU.. W 1
llreen . 4 4a frvirui Oil ;sj
N l arbenCals 1 3 Fopa Farm Oil 1 l
N'l-w Crol IV 1 V, lien.mora.. ....... ! $1
KiHilarflsioCoal.. , .'', I'l..IOI !)'( uw
CllulouCual s .. 1', McKltunr b)i r
UullrrC'oal .. 1H K . l.ert. Oil a
liiHiiicmt oi is oinniuiid iif a
Ksiiii. 10 BoblsADcluusUsr s .. IP
t'olineclk'Ut ii Ibhlauil. .. U'
Ks). tons Zinc ... 1.' 2 Hlory Turn Slf 'i.'
Mrtlttnr Oil .. IV llnliur Ui
HIiiTanll .. I'Mrulauia Ctaus. J14 U
('ootlneutal a Hit Kielssn 1 .. 4
tarrcll H.afu l.laa'1 X 1
Oil l'rk 7', K AlleeheDy Ult.i. . 1 rt
Maple Sifiaite Oil. Ilo ail l urtln 1IX ivi
Mel'liatock. OII...S .. PlnlsatlOnwk.. I1' is.
Pelilisylvaulal'tt . 1 II Bull I' reel,
Perry Oil 4 4'.' Ilerm.ii, 1 1-M
Mineral Oil il U , 1 oru I'limror 7
Keystone Oil l' S'4 Bring. , .
VenimnOU i, k,k:Ii Oft H
I nloli 1'elroleUM.. vf1.' i'i W jluot ltsnd...s ..
Beacon ml 1 I'hiu. tmiii. .. 9
S)ea OU O.s,- 8 Orl Hiln .. i'
Bt,nB,,l,l V. 'I'"-.' '','r,tt" 'rum Bu"l'
"hMlern Vn.'.n. Ilinekiey. ! (ro Bo-lua.
HelTl'jn" r,.elt,Uoasaon,3 llajt Ana KwT,
Crrtiv,"'rt o ' Philadtvhia Krrae
i,i. Del.. lleceaiLer i BrU Tluuls, (of Buafvt;
I rnse, tor Xi or'e.n.; .dir. (leras. f r Newtmrn;
ridriia, for Fortress Mouroe, all rrou. I hlladaK Wai IS.
ll.iwood. Jot. llolmei.and Killp.e, with hayi atari!,
ft.r Heaufor) ; O. Oreiuer, Saeo, June, f Douali, i-1.
Ilcnrv, Edwla Waiwin.and aUottiera raporUd la aiy la,
went 10 a on Honda-. Turn barxiuea ausl Uum krs
want out uaa morauia.
gs. Aawllm