' MONDAY, DF.CI'MM.R .., 18.4. mrr or toe new tosk pee.is. Leading Kdltorliilt from thr Xtvr Tork Tapm IMS V.oriilitK. ftf TKi:(t ii'it xr v-im i or oiint:s. Tr..m the. Tlmtl. One of the omat itnpurtftnt questions which will Come before the nest Coi.i.re-H ami the hot AdminlK'ratl.'n, will he the tir,ti;.n of National Itctrenchmcnt. F. i the l.rst thre? yc.iri of the ar, the ration lift eon lu ! ,1 the fringe on the principle of Immense outlayn of nt 'my and men, to aeconipllh prent re'u'n 'pi-cli'y. I!v the pouring forth of life and meant in a profuilou unknown in hiatory, no h.ive ac,ii:iwl n ,1 unnln from the llchellion who-e Importance to nsjronld rercr be e-tiinnted in money, and wo have gono far toward entiling an outhreuk whieli, un lur a iliffurent HVbtcm l attack, mi;;tit have lasted a gt neralii d. Rut wo have now re:i"hd a new turn In the. Struggle. The t'nnfulcr.iry, an l.iiiitrtiiiilt-fiO'it-ral Giant ni), 'is only a shell," and though wo b-e not yet ihoro'ighiy rru l.i .1 it, rfiii-rai Mier nan in Mpmly piocei ling with the eilort. Im mense levies of new troops aie no lomrcr no neee-saiy to us. V I at c nc d now more are rum part, hi;'Mv.l.(-i;. Pel armies of reasomMe diim nai 'DH. MieriK.in'a (i orgii uriiiv, ut tins niomei t, d'xs no- pr.'li .hly number over fifty thru-ami of a 1 arms, and niitv he l -m. And vet a lumped tin u-.a'.l new lev ,t- ronld ilo nothing -iiinst it.nnil, In all prol. Ability, it will vr; liavu tbo honor of givini; the .. irtve to'tho llc belllon. There will be. In the future, diwhtrged veti'rana enough ti the run-. try to form new arniicH, which, though mn.il , w ill he inut t'orini (hib'e. ltPipo-siii etb.it in nmny inst inccs our (ienerals have had more men than they cou.d fairly nianage. i Hut however this may be, it is certain that the time has arrived for a snict mt'onal retrench- , mcnt. We are sp.iling at a trir-il rate. Our taxes aro stietcucd uliuo,t lo tin unity. Tne ftold-bearinir loans w ill ioon cooiAf an end, from the limit fixed by the gold returned in dutiei. New louns will be plaeed nud readdv talien, b it they canni t meet probaaly one-h:lf "of our dailv expenditure, r.oduetion it-clf the measure o"f our wealth is already feeling thi elloet of the lo's of labor, an 1 has diiuir.l-hud in the nmst important cereals about seven per cent, dnrin ; the lust year, instead of incrcA-tng, as we had hoped it weuld do. It is true th it the most remarkable and fortunate develop mcnt of our mineral re ourcos during tie; last three years, in the prodttco of tin) mines of Colorado and Nevada, and the siftldcn dtjeovery of potro'eum in Immense pi iTititic. give us much hope for the future. Still, we are spending on a gigantic wale. Thoro is u limit v?n to the power of thie nation lu bearing a imljiio debt. It should always be Uirnc in mind that national bankruptcy is among the things possible, t) the crashing of tho Kebeilion tlioie can bo no doubt, but It may be gained through the desTueti m of the public creillt. HanUmptrv In tho free Stutes would be a rnlamity, of which in all the ma'crUl evllsof this war we have n.;vor yet expi ricnccd even the resemblunro. "We do not dwell on this aspect for the sako of alarming the public mind, but to impress on thoee who will Influence the npproaehing Con gress the vast importanrc. of reducing expenses. We are convinced that the main departments of the Government have been manag' d with honesty, as all udmit they have been wiih great cnergv; bnt in a vast Administration such as is ours in this war, with a million men in the fluid, with immeti.se navies, ami tho whole surplus Of the richest couniry on tho globo pilsd up to the com miaul of tho Ouvernnieut, with em ployees without number, with purchases' for millions continually being nud", und contracts on a scule not witnessed since fiapoleon'a wars, we may reasonably suppose that there taut bu here and there wnjio and leakage, and dishonest eervanis, and caui loss expenditure-, and cxtra Tagance, and useless outlay. Not the purest and ftuA virtuous Adiuifiistraii on in the world could CXiiely prevent all thi.;. Jt is to this that Cbn gressional investigation should Oe tnrnud, and here the remedies for our financial evils must be applied more than to the legislation on gold und the regulation of tho currency. The problem is simple We arc spending perhaps four times our incoino. We have but two paths out of the ilillleulty to borrow from the future or to reduce our expenses. The latter, we beliove, cun now bo douo with safety. We must have compacter armies; reduce our navy; cut off that largo number of private vessels under commisaion which are forover entailing expenses and doing nothing; ilriw in useless garrisons; cut off the thousands of now superfluous others, and those drawing pay bu' performing no service The various Government charities to while rel gecs and black freed people should all bo rigidly stricken off. We believe a thorough and patient Investiga tion and effort would stop up innumerable lea,. 8 over the whole country. The time has come for the most thorough revision of our war expenses. That the Government is cheated a great deal by contracts we doubt, for, according to our obser vation, the contra tors' jobs with the Government have not been, generally, very profitable enter prises to their undertakers. Hut what we fear is, thut the Government expenditure is on too largo a scale for our means, ami must, in some way or other, be reduced, or the whole nation will plunge into the abyss of bankruptcy. We invoke the early consideration of this vital subject by our legislators and public men. KHEIl'IAN MAIM HIM. O StVAWAII what Tilt: ki:bi:i. (jii:nnt:r KXI'E'1N Of HOOK. from the H'-rttld. Our news of (icncr.il Sherman is to-day cvoii better than usual, though still from KjIk'1 olircci. Tbo cllbrts that llio RichmunJ W'liuj Informed as were being made 1 1 "hoaj Slicriniu oil" hare prolmbly bad but lit tic euocess, m wo now leurn that his Inf.mtry was all over tuo Ooo nce river, and well advauccd towards Savannah, and on the 2'Hh ult. (Tnanlny lust) a jiortion of bia cavalry paused the Savannah nortli of Milieu. Tills was doatitless the liotly that the liclicl papctd liave liilhirto infonued ua was intercepted and cut op, und we may purlin tv-sumi', there fore, that it did not establish Shermau'a coinmu nicittion with the aea-coust on its fir-it attempt. But with Sherman near enough to the nea to Diake audi an attempt at ail, he cannot lonK lie kept from niuhlns it aucemifully, and ivj sh.ill therefore in nil likelihood boon have n.'-.n direct from liia army. Hy the ute imer direct from Savannah we le.irn thut SliiTinau wai wiilun forty niiles of that city on the I'mli ult., though the fcavannah KelielH declared that he had boon atopped at thut distiiiice. liia prociuuiation urging the people of Angusta fo fiirht they need a great dual of iirgiu;; the Mayor of that city announce th.it t 'itncritl ilrugr is on the inurch ilmhcr with " rDinlorconu-nn." 11 ik troops are probahly tlioeu that were duitim d for the aefenso of W,ilniinittn, und they likely reinforce Kwell'a Corp, already ut Augusta. We thus ee what u cuuso of powerful trouble Shor niau'a movement is, since It cm weaken the do. feuie ol'iliehmond aud leave Wilmington U' irly lulplei. WALKING COATS, TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, Shrrmnn In uM up In the orditiarr war by tho arguments of the Klrhmond pipers, which sea In this monmenta general tetrea', forced unon tl e I nlon general by the desperate nature of his Mtuation nt Atlanta, with on rr.mtnn-ilciti'j'n cut and llooit In hi rear. This was the view ! iscn some time since by the lWW snd ,V, .. (r ibis illy. Hut one of the Krhnmnd papers Piuvelj hopes that the It.-VM mvT n t have rnu'f to rrirret havt. msde (Sherman so vrrv "orspriatt ;- and it lament- al-o that in rotking thic retreat he is permitted to get awsy so eMly. In one of the Sou hern pipers a mcin'i. r ol tho G rgia I.egMaturc ieioii,t.s lis ilodges to get iiwuy from shi rmau's loices, and how hoo.i ot ri fuse in the wivids and pig pens of hi- nstm Mate. He give a pllmpse of the clcva-thtloti left In the line ol our aimios man li, i:d a glimpse also of those fal hfnl Georgia niggers that are t i I ;-hi so stonily f'.T their trusters. " I'lmsr tha' were n ci-t trusted were the first to leave." I i vuw of such glimpses the who'o Sou h mv wdl txiiitim, with the oth Cimlma ei.ti' 1 t il U as the wisdom of Co- .tcs- and of the State l.rgl.s,atun s shtiil devise son.i plan by srhieli the war li ny be stopped am! pe .ee re-ton d,it does H' t require t' e spirit of prophecy to see tha' wo ft1 e a mini d people." I n tn lenne-fee there Is no news ofanvl n pi rtniice, which just now is good. news, sine It hows that tho lesson given to Hood at Krs, iklin lii'S made him cautious, and compelled him to con e on mote slowly. From it paragranli in the l.ii 'union I N-tifiiici of the 1 - t we learn th it it w is liopi i in Kichmond that, "in roniuuetiiu wiih lireckinrulge's operatious in Last Tennessee, Hood would sooa be aide to euel the I ul m forces from the S'a'e." That, then, is what 11 expected of Hood, und nnv success snort of that w i:l be roii-iilered a di feat iu the Udn I rsuilal. V. I at. then, will Kebe dom say to thu batile at l lai.klln ? . t.rnrrHl Mirrmnn'o 4.11I1I0. General Sherman has with him in h s Georgia cmnpaiun ne of the best and most reliaWe se uts or guides in the Southwest an old man, a native Georgian, and a wealthy planter and slaveholder at that. It would not be proper, of course, to mention bis nnme, but ho is well k iown to all who were In tho liabitof visiting heaibpiarters a year ago. When the war broke out he denounced the Ponthcrn leaders, and in r msc inenco of his I nion .sentiments was compelled to leave his home, near Macon, between two days. II is neigh bors mis.-cd him, and suspecting, rightlv, that he had gone oil to join the Yankees, thev" followed him bo closely that ho was obliged to hide in tho mountains in the northern part of his State for several weeks. They have since organized nil kinds of raids for no other object than t catch this one man. After being in the service some time he voiuu tiered his services to General II jell, but that oiiiccr didn't need much Southern " guidance." Next hp received a position as volunteer aid to General Kosecrans, to whom he was of gre it service in the campaign terminating nt Chatta nooga. He has been with General Sli Titian since I ist Juno. Thote is not a highway or hvway iu the Interior of Georgia with which hcisumr. puntnted, and scarcely a town or village In which he is not known. He used to say that with a brigade of cavalry lie could lind cotton and niggers enough within a lituulrec miles of Atlanta to li lunlato the na tional debt. He is ono of the lew rich men of thu South who have remained fuithtul to the fnion caue '.'My knew that to do so was to lose their prop-rty, their botnes, and their comfort. On ins present trip he caiT'eS with hlui a black list of those who took pleasure in p?-'9 i cutieg him four years ago. Ho thinks he will mnke it moro than even with them before he gets through. The Oil! I inlinnkliif nt of the Tlmnins, Kven residents in London require to bo re minded that the Thames, in its present cotirso, is to be considered, us it has been called, an "arti ficial river," almost throughout the distance from KiehmoDd to the sea. Hut a walk along the top of the embankment wall, us below North Wool wich on ono side, and I'lumstead on the other, must sot any one of an engineering turn wonder ing about the time when, and tho peoplo by win m, u work altogether so atupeud.ms as tho embankment of the Thames and roeluinatiou of "the marshes" was achieved. The earliest relorene.es to the embankments speuk of brouches iu them, and thus point to a still earlier period as of their formation. Sir William Dugdule thought that thev wore works of tho Unmans, tho Britons being unequal to then, und the Saxons likewise. Sir Christopher AY'ren, as reported In the "Parent di 1," also con cluded that these embankments were Roman, llio Saxons being too much busied with Continental wars. The late Mr. J noes Walker, In ono of his reports to tho Navigation and Port of Lon dou Committee, Iu 1SI1, spake of them as works of the liritons und.T Run in supariti tendence. Mr. K. P. Craden, in his " History o Cravcscnd and the Port of London," doubts whether the Romans had sutllctcnt in luecm 'nts to construct such works, usks why tho earliest notice of them is net l iter than tho Norman Con quest, shows, by allusion to R unncy M irsh, that the Saxons were capable of the execution of em bankments, but finally rejects tho Snxons as well us Gundolph. The earliest printed stitutes re lating to embankments are of the early part of the thirteenth century, In the reign of Henry III ; but they refer to laws of a previous period. Itnle or MertHlity Iu the I'reoent War. The rate of mortality in the existing war (7-2 per cent, per annum), for tho period under con sideration, although much greater than that of civilians of the military ago, both in Europo and America, and greater than that of the army of the United States in time of peace, has beon less than that of the United States forces duting the Mali can war, and very considerably less than that of the British forces on the Spanish peninsula (fr itn lull to 1X14) and in the Crimea (from lN'il to 1V") ; the average aiinuul rate in the Spanish peuiustila having been Ki5 per cent., and iu tho Crimea about 2.'l per cent., the l ist mentioned rate only embracing those dying in hospitals, and not in cluding deaths 011 the held of battle. Here, then, we have it that the rate of mortality in the present war is only 1-i per cent per annum, w hile the rate of mortality in Wellington's Spauisb campaigns (1.112-11) was per cent., aud that in the Crimea, in lS'it-oo, even not counting tho-o who died on the battle-Ik Id, average id per cent. How is this smaller rate of mortality to boa: Counted for ? It arises, no doubt, from the orssa Uution, so wisely made and so liberally main tained, which has raided the Sanitary Commis sion and the Christian CommUsiou to in uiro into the best and most systematic me ins of ascer taining the condition of our soluicn, to supply hb- iul relief to the suilcriug, ami susttiu the diou) ii spirits by kindness und sympathy. Tin: Rkhci.t ix Minnksota. The olli dd can vass ol the vote In this State for President und members of Congress has been undo. The total vote of the State is I'.'.VU, of which Lincoln received '-'1,1107, and MeClellan 17,1;". lluiou n u.jority 7'iiiO. Tim Vote in Illinois. The ollielal voto for President Is at last ail in, und stands Itv.i.iu fur Lincoln, and l 'iS.Tdii for MeClellan. The majority for Lincoln is bO,!71. The gain on tho aggregate vote of lhliil is b.VI;l j on the Republican vote of 1HH0, 17,;uil. The loss on the Democratic voto of IH1.0 is l!H'i. Tint Union gain on the plurality vote of ISbO is lH.K.'ll. Tne Union gain on tho Copperhead majorltv of 1SU2 is 17,1 HI. VERY LOW PRICES, ; DOY GOODS. N. 002 CEESNUT STREET, Lt. nvy x, Mi:i'lAY. I KC K MIIKK ;. A NEW I)i:r.VUTMKN I', t ' a l!i;..u!i li.,- .'onlro f I i- Set". ( . , 1( 1, to be knjt-b THE CHEAP DF.PASTMLNr, Wit. Iiulll ' .1 .1 vcll.ll ;., 'It,. ilctm On "U sal.- r nni'SH 1 ap.kios HI : c U 11 ONKilWC THK. VKI' r Sji I : hi tia- lj.'inn a , 01' ttic ., a n. J. V. ItAKLKtiih h-, His If sTrn;i'm- in w Tur iltti a U'w eu.touKTi trim , 000 in .0,00.1 v i:ih :j-ltitn I'Ul'.lVCH ATM I UMIldHU DRESS GOODS, f u!VhaHM. t a sTt t(ioriilrfl, and fiaiu Auction Halci, to ! luht through Uit channel without rt4fr,e during THE HOLIDAY SEASON. 66 U FOURTH AND ARCH. H.VVK BLtUTKD SOUK. 71NR O')0D3 KOK TUB no Lin a ys, To favor the laudable practice of making VALUABLE CnRIsrMA8 CIFT3. Lyons Velvets, Fice Shawls, Black Silks, Peep Poplins, Merinos, Blankets, Good Chintzes, Plaid Shawls, Frost Cloths, Fine Silks, Blue Silks, Silk Poplins, Do Lainos, Piano Covors, Christmas Scarfs, Christmas Hdkfs. I0J41 t'HE-.NUT KTltKl'.T. E. M. NEEDLES list Dully lleeel vlnir XOVEI.TIKS IH LACE9, WHITE OOOB8, KMliBOIliKIEP, VKII.H, llANDKKBOIIIFd, o.. In every rsriaty and at HEDUCEO lIHCt:H, SI ITAni.E FOB TUE TALI, TRADE, Hi io' rui-.HNttr n rKi,F.T. 1 CKLLINC. OFF KKDUCTION I PHICF.s:. tnororr t c!bb on' our sto-s bfnr.i tho er.t of lantisry. e hsie Ulude ItKICAT lltiMJC 1 ION la P.l'fs, snil srv n otn-nri some vet v OKKl r HshivI-Sis. is tho time fr svery 0110 to ii'urctia- gooJ, Uo.irabie, aud iLejiA artlcii-s for I tllllMTMAS) I'ltKSKNTS. CIIHIltTMAS) l-KKsK., m. (lkiSIM.8 PKCSKSTH. CllKlrt'i Mas rHs.sKS i s. k'tW STALES 1K t'ALImt;), FAST rni.oits anil bi .t iu Hi. at 11. ;u v n.l nc. ' ss at d I rwiieli Cbinles tit'.nc. UKST AMKKK.'iN lilil.AINJH, Nw stvies only 1'lc tiwer than ,-y oilier sone in the ettv. DHIB8 OOOLISJ ujf ALL KINDS! AT llKHt'CBI) vittrKS KKE.NUri MKKINOKS, li:a,rnrilei, Wines, crvcni. ,M urowus audBliieki, frnm f I tu -.yo. PLAIN" HlKNl.'lt rdl'I.INS. l;U!,Kf.,'S t'LOAKM AMi OTIIi.MAN VI'.f.OltftH, Huii'a, ilrt-ons, I'uriiles. Wilms .Modos, Itrowrm unit Itlsckn. all eliot.-r slniUs, AT (UlKAIl.Y UKUU Kl) fKlitSiS IIAKii.SOMt Mi. KM KOK (HltlKI MAS I'llKStK I'S. Alwlre AiitlMUt1. contoit, I'lsla ami Van r Mi ks, HCAKCK AMI HKI itAMI.K COI.OKil, llliii s, W'lin, and Ve.li'ts, Aud SilKs lm Tf vitt letr, AT LOW 1 HICKS. BLACK Ht'KS, lll.VK fslLKSJ, ti r vartr-t? snd 'tmtl'T. $1 3-'. tn jiln. SHAWL I UK Ctlll.lsl M It I'liKiSs.MS. WiHilli-a Is ntf stiiosH, 7 lo Sl.'i UroiS.e L.ani Nhsw.s,$ll los0. Won ten s),uje il.iwli, fl tYe arp si llmr- till our Phaisi. at last uLiti-r prtrcs. I'HKArKHT ill'sl.lkm IS THK CI IV. Ktnf h-av 4-4 .MiiHilnsat jix l uri tl.l.ili- Al'i-llii-. nt ''"'. Wiiliaius vtlie Mu.llui. ut iWS'u. N. w lork Mill. M iitix. a' Cnl I'arhi'd .Musl'it n' ;t to t-'c. Ilntvy I nhle.uT i-il Muilm. at Tanl ulc Kine I iih i a ne I M 'islui. ut '. s-. ) aril villi I'tii'a t nbliM.hpt Muslin, al !.";. !-S I'uraiife.'t t'lihtiM. h d M o tins ill iV, 1 Laivieai-t- Hi ui Muslins al tiK. S-4 Julius' sN'Stii If ill. nt ;r. CvttoD Ooodaof all kinds, nt vt-ri Vov rli-i. II. SiLS.I. A SON, II 3C M Xos. 71.1 and 71 1 .N. 1 r.SUI Suit. pKFAT IUrtOAIXS, FROM ACCTIOX, IN ) tily lloilii.Cariii'l. III! I litlis and Window n"n tes. V. K A Hi HAMHAI XT. N.h. rurnrr "I KI.KVKMII and M AI.K K I' h.reols, will ip.-n ttiU umriiinii, liiran Ciirpslt.. all Wool, T.r, S7, SI ru $i7,"i ; liuoon Csrpi.n. vv, ut lllllna, '0H.S7O.: Kntry mid sl,ilr Cri-ts. t;-J . tn (:.0: Kk arid Hi iu Cari'i-tii, ;s c. 10 SI : Flu-ir lilt 1 lutlis, 7.'. to $1".1 lint llurdi ri d WiiiiloM' Htmdi-s, Sl'isi tn : ; Itinr and i.rmn Sfia.lliin, Uk : III inkcts, to 16; l '.Mufortaok-., ,; llu. Ill, ,' li' ;. : lii'ialnss, 4'si.: l'oillna and Hapl, nfl uU: Khawla. tIU; rrr. ! r. t., , j A(p,. cas.UK. to f 1 .V'; 'I'rtbl. Linens. II yj l, Si; Cimton lun-lu-ls,-. o, 7;.c. ; I'Uili und I usi y Ciisslnn'riis, litl.-. to SJ -.I; StYf 8tll! Cldnt.vs, I.V to 4l'i'.; W flllo. I irei andSrai lm Matin. 1, Mi ioh;o ; Mi rino Slnrti and Drawers, $1 Ui to !!; Ilnsli-r) anil till, sua, U to 1m.: Coatns Co'ton, l m. Whi'li'sali; and Itflall More, N K. corner ut fcLKVKN Til aud 51AUKKT !SUTits u 1 SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. saasaJt" DRY GOODS. J COWI'EHTIIWAir A. COu 8. E. Tor. NINTH and" ABOQ 8tr;ett TUE GREAT BLANKET STORE. HI ASM "is AT liKT.ML. HI ANKI.l.s AT WIIOLKSALK. l'.'.ANKI IS Lou noi'M'.KI l I'Kl't. I'LAMvl I oil 1IOTLI.8. IU.ANK1 IS I'DH THK ARMV I l.A.MW'l.s lOlt 1111', NAVY. HI AN KITS OH ALL SIZKS. lil.AMiitIS Or' ALL (JUAI.l I ll'.S. 1H.ANK1 T.s T1IU ClII.ArKHT IX TOWN'. llUMil.l.i TO Vir ItVKRYItODY, itijAMicirr Hioiti; 1 W-rin a.I.oomfr MM I II and Alton aire u. noktii mouth eriti'F.r. 103. It '.J P... oii.l iloo" a'sive Ar.-s. -lo-al Itediirtioa la our to.ni.'i se stock of Mtapia ami r.itify.i nmiiiiiui.coni in.'iB the bint and 010. 1 laoil oa ue aisnrt li.rl ml I a. in-.' In-st I L as I'rln,in:-il, Orna hob's and lliillnn. ol our own mnke and liu a.ino..n. Silk and Merino Siai's. all stvkfs of Siik and CSi-in.le Hi-ad llressi.: Ni.t clinaiHir than i-'-e-wl.i.re. Untile lilmiis and Ki,hi KutUin.. I'l.rth aL.rOioa id ffl k lili. vi,, Kid ilii-vi-i rf tro Imi.i mak rr. Hlack and I'okMfd Vi tl.. Hhs I. and lerl I'. iteri.ail wldtlis; Kaiwy liack and Mite Cooibe, llk lielt Kiohon., Jot, Hteel, and toll Ha t Iturkirs I lok Tanaeia of all olon ami lilesMailr Kiif'tnT. ot all sir. and itrn at crcatiy ri-.!ned prirf , Woulli.n timid. . as Nonta.-s, Knblas. hoods; Laoiea .Chtirn a, and MLs.e. aincktiurs at tlia olii speel prims; lln.tr Hulls, Waterfnll Knlis, and W ti.r fail Nfls of no. own ImproTrd n.etiiods; llta.-k and Wntta Lsoes 01 all arailes and ityle. ; Ilia, k and Colored Velvet klOOont. In tf.eat variety ai fidutod prle.-t ; f.ailios and tema Neekttia, In Rtaat vajiaty, uktrenmly oieap, Ao., Lanle. oome, one and all, and convince ynarierees before. rniMiiK et-ewue-e, (t.al It Is we U mirth 10 your own Inti rest lo (ii'ri-l.sse jour Trtuinilnirt at the Otieap Hlore of Wll,. I 1AM MINSrrtH'i AliTKK, W.i. H'Jt H. Kllilll'U atreel, Socond door atniva Arcb. neat to Uie enruer. to-a (TOO HOOP ssKlltTir .;t)Q 0 alMiulactory.ilu. tjiM ARCil utreot, UO Abora Slrth .'teet, I'alUdcipiita. Wrioiesata and Retail. Tb mnat ronpleie a.aoi unent of Laities', Mlssei', an4 Chlldrt-nV II top Hitrt. In tne itltv. hi every reinot llrst ria.s, whtrh for style, flush, durabllfty, aud ciiOApieuia, have noe.jiml 111 itw mniket. sWru mada to mdor.altureil, and rersi-d . ' IV K T HOPKiTii. TJIOISI.V ltASSHK, HW FUR STORE, N.. .'.17 AKC11 STiriiKT. The sSove rnpeolfnlly irfi.niu Ms patrons, and th? pub IW In general, thai he I. a, now opmed at Hie aliovc wro an atioitncnt ot ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, Whlcb, fir varli'trand iiuatlir. eann-H ba aarpaiaodbr aov touse In the t'nltel States. IHtni; ttia mann-ai'turer of al Ll rnra, and tiaitaii; Imp rtsd all his stock wnen sold fi-as much lower titan at the present rates, ha caa otrer tliem to Ms patrons ai tlie uo.it retsonable prices. AI I. IL'ltH maifo to oritt-r, and repairing doaela tlie bat maimer and latest ntyles. 1IK.NKY 1IA8KM, Iniporier and Manufacturer OK I.At.IV S'. AUD CHILDREN'S FtrKS, Jl-M-lm No. .UT ARflfl 8TRBLT T AIIi;fj 1'A.NCY lUllS. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVEMTH, AT IIU OLD KITABLIAIIRO KTOIMI, Importer and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND III ILDREN'S xviscy runs. Uj assortment of FANCY TVlii for Ladled and Chlldrea Is now complete, embracing EYI.EY VARIKTY THAT WILL BE WORK DUIIINQ THE COMING KKASON. Remenfjer the nam and nvmber, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 7iH AUC1I 8THKKT, Above Heranth. I HAVE HU I'AUT.NEIl OR CONNECTION WITH AT OTHKKSl'OKKI) TUECITlf. -30-4t X FASHION. Siiiitll ProCta. Quick Sulea, HATS AND CAPS. NEWF.8T STVLE3. Lowest Frlces In the city. 1UHJKNK, seS fmw-Sin No. 40 ST. SIXTH 8TBBKT. '1 UK 1 li.tt. COl'AliTNKU.Sllir FNTERK1) INTO it.i- firm ot I.kllKY &. HUKOAKKIt.ls herebv ilusoived to muluul couseul. I., 11. I.AIIKT. b. 1 . satuAKK.it. l'nli4iii:i rnia, Iifit max-rJ.lKt. li i at 1 WEAKNESS, BI.INDNKK8, AND CATARRH. 1 r J. ISAACS, al. I .Pnifnsor ol the r.ya and Kar, trertsall dtsi-asa k appi rtalnliiii 10 IheatioTt members wlta li e uluioHt success. Te.llm nials from Uie nnsf reltania sourevs ll Lhe ell t can be aeon al his olllre, Ho. 611 1'IMK Mtieel. The Medical K acuity are Invited 10 aeoomoanv ftlr aat'asi s.as ha baa no secrets Ui bu praetiu. lu-oU ALL 1'ERSONS INDE11TKD TO Oil HAV Ine claims upon JOMKI'll Mi MULDN, deceased, silipli-aso ia or prcseut Uie fcaiue 10 the under.ilgncd tMVUlum, ttll.LIAM OLA-.IM), No. 7IVI I-1NB Htrwit. OKIlRdK O. LVANK, 12 3 lOt Ka. 41H AUCil ejuoot. OVERCOATS CHEAP, DECEMBER 5, 186 AMUStMENT8. Y-'aim;.mv ok .MJ-.sir. IHlltfl Vr'U.K 111 EDWIN KOKUUNT, MnSDAY, TLT.KIIAT. THt'ltAPAr, A!C(1 I HIDAT. " KINO I.V.Alt." TiiafMiirr KKtTHir th . ftooi. htand, Ctintlneniat Mofil. nv lo be and al the jonpr 1. GoiJii, ni , WILL HKMVF.R TIIHFK I.t'CU'Rl'S IX CONOl'ilIT ilAI.I,. AH i. I .OW i - MONDAY FiVKMMi, Hl.C KMHF.ll '., f An -nlnolyn-'w Le. tare, entltledl 'TAUT All) riCTIOS." TIIV:tMAY KVl.NINd, iH'.t;i-,Mni:u S, "PEOULIAB rEOPLE." FrTD.VV KVKM.Stl, DKCEMllI R , "lEMPLjaAHOE." Vfi'se will I sthi- only l.o. ttires by Mr tlouli lathU C'l. oii'lt.,- lln- Mi-aii.n. 1 1. s l.r t-ai 11 lii.-fir. K. etit. If.ervsat .rkl. mi im.I In- sitll. iftt. kit. mil kivin at Marni s, Mn rt,t I '.1 sn ui ui t Siatufil i? nioiiiliu, ai 11 oc is a. 1 nee llaisol-e sold at ibe Hall ou the evening ol uacli Leo tme. Issira opi n at 7 o'o'oek. I erture at a elock. An the it. iiihiuI i,.r ti, lit, , vlll ao.ilitli., bi-ureal, etrly api lnaiKU koI oe Lei esiary to srs-ure v ail. Il l Ml llU'AN ACADHMY OF MUSIC. I eantl Mana-er ft HIV T. fOni) I Al-o.ol thi- llolllilev stieet 1 1, aim, llaUl.nore: I.H.I s ri e.iltv, V.a-,Mnste.i; aud tho Alexandria, Vii 4,111a, Ittialti.) ;a,:e Munakrr JnllN It. tritlnriT OMAKKHI-KAItr. M rtt I'.l.tM K TttAUKOT K I N I I, K A It . mmiTs oNi v. fust 11 v,-1 r. StOMlAV AMI TI'IDV KVKSJl.NiiS, 111 I I.MHEK I'lh ami Kill, ' t w 1 r 0 it k t. a t wl'l in.tain lit. vuli I.I) Kt.NOVtKKI) IJU'KUSONATIOX 11 t. K A I! , fn shnkospi-are i sulillnti- ti a,:i dy ol'tlmt name. ihsr. .J. M.O'illoort t'Uke 01 Kent links 1.1 Ailmtn lotSe nt lliiiui i-ster e.ilinnnil , l.lMHlll CoiiUila kilt, kuim: r . .W. II. tlaimiiLi W. II. llosot I . M'nrwleh S. l llntioi. . .Ua liiini- I'ontsl ,Mis Alice tirav MOM).V, TLK8DAV. Till KMIAY, AM) Kit IDA V Nlliin 1. SKATS PKCtUKU HI DA8 IS AI)ANf'H. u piMlorinanco on WLD.SL.iHAV or SAVLItDAY Ksi-nll i-s. Hiiaki-iiearc's celulirated Tratnlv of D l 11 t L L Is (n k'-tlrr prcp.-iratlifli. Ine Hon h",iit,ior the ealeotsecitrrd plai s, now o,-en tielivii-n the ho.ir. of ti and 41, o ijyck. Aiiinisi ion, )si Aim 'J-, cents. rsectiieii ri. ate -Aii-niiu uuiutioual. fllMf CBI83UT STREET THEATBE, .ItOVI.H .V SIVV IJUSlii.S AM .11 A, Anions. MOIDtl KVKVlUu.DEI KnilElt 5. I l.'aUt Vt tilt HuUUluou. allot Unruu and n,-tlve pii pKianun. of I)lvn l-oucicault's Tuuluug, Sensauoiml iU.'.ur lirnuui, in 'I'hn e Act., rvlt-d .II.NSIK IlllfltV.Vi .IKSiMK ItltOWN, JKSSIH HKUttlti. . . JKMK IlllOWSii J1MK llHl)V.i .TT'.NMK ItllOWVJ, JI.H-.II-; IIKi-WNi . - JhSslH HltnWKi .ll-.XStlll IlltllWV, JtSslK II now 1 -H, Tllld BFT.IRK (if I.IK KNOW. Itl.l.lKK OK l.t l KM)t. ltf l.lt.K Of-' I.K KNOW. HH.ll Iftil' 1,11 KVIItV, II I 1.11.1.' OV I.I I KMItt . KKI.IKK Oli' liUI KMIW, It K I.I I K OK 1,1 K VJDVV. II KI.IK.K OK I. (II li NOW. KKI.II.KOK I.I I KMItt, itl-.I.IKK OK l.t lK.MItV, I rwdne. d fa uf.iylo of (lltANOKCH ANO .M AUNrKfCKNTR, tiliANHLIlt AND WAHNICir'KMi' fil.AJiilrJI ll AND .M-.ll.sriCf.NCK, f.llASIiK.IR AND M ;N I t-'l IK NCK, tlllAMiKI It AM) MAllMHi'KM't;, OUA.MH.LU AND MA JMllCKNCi;, AT AS IMMINtlK OUTLAY, IMMI'.NSK. OUTLAY, 1MMKNSK OUTLAY, IVMENSB 01 TLA Y, IMMKN-K Otll.AV, IMMKNrtK, OITLAY, "lilt NF' AND IIKAU I IKt't HI'KVPItV. M.rV AND ItKAl' I IHIL MCtiVKIlk. M tv AND III-: At'TIKCt, Mt.'s.VriKV, M ' AND IIKnUl O i l. M'KNKIiV. M W AND llh,IHsi, HCKSKiiY, NK AND IIKAI lll-l'l. .sctNLUk, KICIIAKD SMITH, ItlCIIAKl. (SMITH, III Il lltD r-.MI I H. Itl ll.Mtli HHIITI, nil II Alt l SMI 111, COItllKCT AND CiiSTLY WAItDIMIiR, AND (OSILY HAUDItllllK. COItltKCT t l-hltLi T COMtKCT " ' I- I 1 M.DUIIIll., AND CIISI'I Y tVAitllliDIII' AMI f'll.-sri.V M'.IPiiti i.iv ntilil'."!' jlaiiuiactiiiad oiiii.iiiy f ,1 u.l. pieru under ihe'lrame- umit- euier .oli 01 MOM Itot'CN'U'l.T, Dion mil i ii'Ai'l.T, MOM liOUClCALl.T, When llrst rrodtleeil ut U alWck 'e Thi-ulre. New Turk with isiciiil mlillt I,v Mik. KICKKI; and Aisl.laut.t ht I.KMlID AND ril llili KIl .MCS10 MI.KNIHII AND Ht'fltfl LD Afl Nil) SI LKMUD AND HflltlTKII Ml SIO ltenili-reil liv l.u.l.l l;..D and tho lirnid t ir 'hastra: NTAhfLISt; SfKJll VNIl AL Itkri'.rCS, By .liMi.-ih Hiiih.an m,d t'hoinn lila.kwoodi I'ltOI-KHTll.s) AND AlVF.HSOllir.si, .. .V.y. ,J' ':n, "orsey and Assistants, and an 1 I I, LI NT Disri KII-.UTIOS OK t:il.MlA':n.ltS, t.XCKl I.KNT I.IMTItlbl I ION Ol' ( It tltvclKlts; Ir.ciLiliiiK the wi ll-mown laim-Hor Miss Kilie ilnrrnnn, Mr. I tunk hurtlannt. .Mr. W. II. Jlliwlns this tlret upneur-uiin-I, Mr..l. I . Ward, air. H. A. Mtinloi-li, .Mr. W. A. I tin, man, Mr. K.T. Slilolulr. Mr J. li.DiUy, Miss Uc.le atKli.iii, .Mrs. Hood, Kulle ilaker, no. In the Last Mai-ni- m ild ilmnd Siiei tarle tha tntiK.MlM! Of Tils; ItKDAN. UrOli.MINd Of TDK ItKDAS, MOIt.MINli OK THK ItKDAS, Over One llnniln-d I'ersons nre i-inpioieil n.on the SVace at oni' time, tormtn;: it tn'ili-au of such tbriUjiik und poir triul elh i-i us to ut otiri. i itiisi- ihe tllllAI'K.sT KNTIIt HI..M IN KVKliV nRHOI.DKR. Un- ovoiiin'e enter. amuitiil wlUcoucluda Willi tne very lnt.-i .-at li.0- Drama of Idini flT Mtf Atlti:, inwhlcli Mi. Walter Lennox, Jlr. J. T.Ward and Cola puny w ill appe.tr. "1IMIAV AKTLKNOIN, DKCI'.MBr.lt 10, slTKKMII ltNl I AMILY MATIN KM, JEHSIK. HllOlSN; OK, TIIK HKI.IKF OS LCCKNOIf. AY ALNUT SIREKT THEATRE. Kiuin 11 win; of the extruordlnary enniiieiiieiu of tl.a c-tianniug, uhla , aud scrsntile n-ni j( a ti. . MIB.S Ll.CILLB WKSTEHS, viliowlilui.peur Tllltt EVKNtVO 'n a new, ttirlltlntt, and Imub.iriii i'tv. In a l'relovi' and tour Acu,h .1. w. Wiil'ml. ,.tr .i ii'iilid I.IMFA, TUB IIISUHLM' Irli.TIILIt. (Jimi-a.tt.i Hebrew Matron '..I t'i II I t, ViK',TRN, Inline, a Ki riuue-Ti Ui-r l.t'CILUB Wh-il KH.t In nhtumel, "CKClLLKi Or, L iveund Hate, ' Iloa Otiiso open from It tilt ;i. urt jin ri.es ut M RS. JOHN DCEWS Nli'.V ARCH ST. T lis; AT UK. liordKH ciiotvni:!) to ovi:iti'i.oviNi. HI (HSU nll.li OK .1. r). CI.AI1KK. Til 1 8 (.Mi. dav) I,K.NIMi, Docinitic-r S, E KUYIlUDYU Htll.M). Masir )e Hoots j, 8. CLAItKB 'Jo conclude with Hi.ui-ft aull a Iiruinu, '1IIK WILLOW COI-MK. A03Utin I. S CI AKKK 'i LJiMlAV, 'ITU Til KKT-tir-Lc-AVJS ALAN. KltlDAY, jsv. f VIT OK J. H. CLARK K. IttNKl li 0. , uniiKK. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OKKMANTOWN, AMUSEMEN I Ujaarbl aertsaf "IVXHimiloN OF YVOKK.3 OF AR1, J i UM BI.NSHT W the ('IIMixriAW rnwTMfltsJIrlTf, I" ftNH A R rg. An Fsifiitiionor a ITU ale Colirrtloa of Works af Art lit I aimirgs, Hratpiurt. Water Col , aa.l other DrawliMrT, A,len,, or ri.. Art,, Ne. Vr.-h I'MKHVUT Hlreet rYws "..'."n! ' ' "'"-Ot Ut OlirisuaaOaa-Adaat-alnnMeetiis-.llea,,,,-,.!,,,,,,,,, ,l tst , A" P8FM1II.Y IIUIMUNCIS. WKDM DAV. Hirrsil.er f, rot'Itni t I.a"iNM , MtT.NI K, ii r tne l l.TI ADKIMIIA I A--.ll al JI IN ri TTF 'T.im Mesars l.Al ItlMII, .ItltlH, I I!HH( 11 Alil- St A a' and Ml llaill. filTSHI I 'I ICri I.T Si Psi kes-e .ir-r. t i-keu, i-nod ui ail tin ei ,.,.' I at sHhf ol tic- eta, .r-,.il at a.l t ine..,. l o .it's st the Viim. ti, ,e ,.t .1 K.l.otild ,.() Ceite ia ......! t -! 3 W Utl'AT NATIONAL t T11CU.S. STAR tl l:Vi A'.I.MINI. WAIMIT M It! I I AHDV t. F.IHHTII. Dlrrctiesi y , ( i,l,.i WABNCat (rn.erlv Mr. liAN RICK). Tie largest loi-irar. m the no'Itl. A tur eai;seeaesii li"v i (,.,, n de -t i ihn imin.n NK'iil.o Trnnea. tlie.i- un at ert'.stswill a;p.ur i-t, eitntiK and every n.-riiiiK (l ,, ,,,,k l, ,,,;, Mi til.o, an aerial 1'W'ftmer o.-i il i 1. K l.i-lie l'i i ilstue. or lluttir Trap., Is jexa'dell hy all . riffs u tl,- .1.11-1 woiiHiT. Tka TALIIKft Hltlll III 1,8, anil A.ltDllll.n.r', lhe irreaA It iii-Mi nl.i-j .ult), ,.,r Nli-o t,,en.in c the Troj. li e .S.NI.K I KOI HKU-.. I.ai.is M'.JK. Ill, KIM.'.li ItvrCl.l.l.iilt, Mfrs. MI'liliAV and 'MIT CIIINSi'N, 4'IIAM. N lKI.WiitiD ,,n, sr,w aiat ei-far lit n.iit i l.eautlint -ci-ne,. Ir.. Trslneil JMI i al-o appear, c ot.ii, .Mr. at. si ICKNKV, Jr. Oama carlv. ami ret si me at m.i t. .ooiuein e at I to MATIM.KiEliN.-.DAY aid 8 A 1 1. KDaT ArTII NOi iHst e..n men -loir at v l, o'clork AIMMiInN first Itir. Mi eitits: Soconit Tier. H euiii.rt'y.itc lloxea. a.1 and us to size and I - au.l. AiniiH'X hi:.ii:ctki). Tttls ailmlrahle l irtnre. the areatest pro lumon iaf Us paimar WI ST, I. now -n esMI'ilntn nt the ACAUI M OF HVK, AKTM, Un. liV . I'HFHNI' r rttroet, ! Torcrther with the entire vl;i-u .n of the In-tlu'tirL A-tmlttsnoe, Ttt EN7 V II VII tf.N 1 s. .UIiar JArTWICK SKAUNa PARF, WKST MIDK OF liRAVU FI!UT nitltXIB. -ICAM(V llrKBTH ran lie ir.it out, unlit t' e '.'lnh of Decn il.er ( when Ucoks will he ck-seti; ut the olln-e of Ii. ) LOWRT, U l-iit Xi. U.H WALNUT Hires. ARMY BALLOOH ASCE1IEI0JSS, THIS A FIE It NOON AND EYENINO, AND DUHINO ALL CALM WEAT1IEB THIS WRKK, At Oor. of riFTEENTH and OOATES Sta. The weather being lino, those, wlihln an aaeenst.ay, HionUl tie on hand eurly. The city lighted by .as pre. en at a most llihllme spe. isi le. Atlndiirliin, ci-nta. Cnlldren. lf rents. Ascensions from ti to i, according to aittiaoa and kla ll-W AUCTION MALE'S, M ACKKY8 AUtnON KOOMS, No. 3' MAJUkET Htrwol. C. Canoehf T, AttctloneiT, so'.trrfa consignments af (IfK)IIN, H'AllKN, AV1I efr.ltlMAMIiHtC, Of all klnil", for nuhl'e sale at hi, Auclinn Ko.aBa, aarr tva) will auejid iieraiinaiu to rales of Itf.AL EiTAl K AND &TOCK8 At the Exchange. 1IOC8LMICK.I) rnitNm'itE At Dw elltnes. and HIOCKA Ol' MEIICIIANDIBS At'the stares of the owners. Cash will be ad uncid vi heu desired an coaihrntmojiti tt f xsls for puhhe sala. IMl'OltTKR t SALK. OF I ItV.NfT! CfTITsI FSCY uooii-i, tov-., and holiday aui'Ii.'LIsm. On Tur.duy niornlnu. At !. o'clock, ceniirliliia-es, Jtot't) Mr: , and CaM and hHais-is, Toy f'iRiltes.T'het-els. Aintt-li, T oy l e . ueta, furl.tn Viisi a and F.wers, (nkstitnds. llnhetulaii lllassware. t nlna lvoiltt, t'oloKltes. Jewel It-xes, Card Itaskets. aaj umny t tl at a'tli-li H aultii-ile for the HohU aj,, and to be) fl hl tn lots ailnpted tor retell i.tori-kienrrs MIThtN (lo) CAKKi Will I K Ult AN1TE AHl) C. C. WAKK. Also, aftt-r the sale of fum y yoods, In lots suitable Ibr re'eil storckiejicrs. the cnr.ti-nt) of fl tet-n (l-r.) canks of White flrnnlte and C C. Ware, coniprlsllif a large as.ori nient ol desirable artlCH-,. 19 1 it QUAJITERMASTEr"oEN'ER AL'S OI FIClf. f'itiT Duiiin, w'amhm. rov, Novemlier -M), I'M!. Will be sold nt pnhilc atietiott. ui the hibc.t bidder, at the tlini's nntl itlaccs ram--it oeUiw. sir; WlLLIAMSI our. 1'u.. "VIII'ICMIIAV, Dt-oemher . lHM. .toiiNKinw s, ra ,lit'KMDAT Hec, mtier is, Iwii. 'latLNTuN, N .1 .TIICI1HDAY, 1 len inhnr Uhi. TWO HUMDllK.D l AVALU1 IIOUSUS At ea- li piece. 1 heae lun .ea have bi en condi-iiim-i as unfit for the car airy service f the armv. lor road and tutuiing purposes many joedbargalna sika) be had. Ilor-es sold singly. Hale to i-omini-ni-e at 10 o'el-icV. A M. Icriuk cu.h, in rmtc-d Males c-iim-neT. JAMIiSl A. KKIST, Colonel Kirsl Division, l'.'-i-lt '.inaiteriiiasier-tlnirrars o tiles. BALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. VraaraltMAsraa- kni:k4.'n 0rloa, J f IMS! I'll mm,, , . Wsinr,Tov fin-, Noeemher ii. IK!I ) Will be etild at public auction, to U.e hiahe.l bl.lils-, at Olesboro, t. C. un 1 HIIDAY. Deretnher 1, 111, ONE HL'NKIII D AM) I IHY CAVaI BY IIOU.SB.?. On KhIDAV, lioi-f-mhiir '). l-sttl, ONK IICMUtM) AND ITf TY CAVAI. Kl I1R-1KS. These llur.es have lift n voudelnnc-d a, unlit I'jr cuvalry si rvlcaot the armr. tx?i't'"l'i UUi ,"m1"1' "'rposcs many irood baiguinana f-orse, so'd shiflr. Hale to i oniai-n. . at in A. M. Darius Ctksh,iu Luited Hlsles enrrener. JAMKH A. KKfyr, Colonel, In chr Ist Division, ll-l-,t ('uarti-rnaster'tfenerul s OllleS. CALK OF I'ONIH'MNED-C LOT II I N G, 0 Carup and Harrison K.-inlim-, Tent ctmlnits, Ao. ttlilk,- iji'AitTi-1,11.1 kr. a Oi-en-s:, k Ifai-itr tir WAsiiirtnriiH, ,. TAASIlimiTliN.l) C Noveuih. r ii, N; , Will be sold at pnhllc auction, ut (lovernineut Wars- housa J.0 li, on steventeenth. bstween II and I street. north, Wasl-lnntoli Oily, D. C, n THUKrlDAY. Do' t-euiber I-i, i$.4, under the direction of Captu'.u D. t. Tilo.M AM. M . U. K It. S. A., a Ijlof coudemnad eiotlillur, etc , consisting-of liiliinuy uod cavalry Coat,, Trow-sere, Nhlrts. Drawers, Fell Hats, Trumpets, Milk'le,, .Mi tnlllc H. altts. Drums, 1 Iiiks, Ti nts, llsiks.Mca. i'atis.camp Koltlet, Spadoa, Mion-ls. Axes, llatchsu, llavaiaacks, Cantet us, Old lion. Disss, stupe, Ac. ALHO, About lot) tons of Tent 1 uttinus. s-aic- to coniuicnoe ut In o clock A. M. Term, t a-h. in Ujsi-ininent fsi tide . Muccessriil bidders luuat reuiis their purchases on or before December til. D. P. HUCKKIt, "rlfadli r-d.-nt ral and Chief ijuartermaater, 11 -8- l.'.t De,iot ot W uslniuftotk. CAM: OK (UNUEMaNIiD uuain anu WAtllirK(.TIN. Il (! TCnvmls!- 'Iu I k.i'4 MM. S Win lit? fK.lt. ut (Miliho ant tl.-ii, at Sfvcnin Kin- t hrf. W di-l.lncton, 1 t'.,on 1 l'KiIA V, Mil ol I -?. iuimt. Jv4, t II oolifK a. hi,, h manlit ol DaiuMeU (iimn.ooiisb.l- and aiKut ;-i,om IMAiKD ORAI RA' KS. HurraiHfin I'lddtrit nuit-t reiiinvtt their purchasei mi DC before tliv H'tlt ul 1 t ii.tn-r. Tgrtu-i ( ii, Ui i.c vt-rimifiit fuin't. I. W. KrfKKt IttlgUiliei'-tLleiteral and f'hlH Vustrii-nimfC! 11 .? t it'lOlnl H.JiHfnr- AI.K OF STKAM TUO AND BAKQKiJ, Cms . tc-ArKiivijiBrr:i;'N Otso a. I Dn-tiT or Wasiiis'ITiist. V iSJon-N D. t.'. November tin, IHbt. Ir unc loll, nt itoiernnient hurl, (no) WASHISJ01 Will he Sol. I at nuhilr n Of OsUec-t. Was lilnti, in-Ill-. II. l',.ni: TH I' It-SD Y. Doeem. tier 1st, lNt4,on slcaui tiifs snd lour ti-Uu lk.ill ba.aes, sai Htllows Steam tti(("C ll.RAM Tlt' l-'' " Ila.ae ANTIIONY UJ.I IOX." do "CIIIvN." do MILTON WILKIVH." de "I Nirr f fs l A I l.tj.' fsnle tocoinui'ncv at I -j o clo. it noon. Terms Ca.'i In Oovoruiuoul fuutli,. , , D II. HITCKFH Urltj.-Usa. snd Chief iuarUruua.teV. 11 iS-lt l).ipolol vtaalilii$tiHi,lA.X SIXTH AND MARKET STRCET5. i . r,