THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 18G4. 0 Evening Sckjjraph k ah.t krrxr.noom nr.wsFArm. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. friM Traa Cane, r Oon, ar Bioa-raaa Carta fn tut, narrter.and Balled to Souwribert m tfce Oitr at ICnii Douin M Airii 0 l)u. in, rim Cpwtk ro Two oiTiie,lnTrlallTln adrmiot tn the rrM4 erderad. AtfwtteeaiMtta huertee! at Ik tuual ralea. A liberal linmiaiit ium). fcr eatended tneenioat. To Ad-rt)nr. Oa-raff fen tta liM-reare In tht Crretilattejrt ef Twa Avattiao Ta..eBArit. compelling a. to It 14 pre, at aa erlr'ftoar. we aryenl;? reitw.t tt'et a1 vmi .emiMita mi? ee .elided la ll irnll an 10 o'rl'k, lr poaelulo, lo aeear. U.m aa ni.aruiia la aU of uar ediuea. MONDAY, DKCF.MBKR 5, I;. T4TOBV. In prpM-ntlng otirwlvori to Hie pulillc tliw evening, n a doublivslirct, we oniinot. lie un aware tht the final relluitil."lmicnt o four (.ingle entaU) will be anjmn-nt at a gluur-p. Nor would we wlch toillfptiUi tint Ou t ; lor wv have looknl forward with great plcaa'iro to the day when we rotiM aimouiice that we had turned over a new leaf In fact, tiro nm Icrvpo and pnwut our new partner, who Is henceforth obliged to share In thu Ine reaping bnrdena of a podtlon to whose support we were unequal alone. In truth, O public ! it In you to whom we owe thin elrm'e in our con dition. The muny proofs of your approbation manifested during our (tingle. blewed urtw, while they gratified and rendered us proud of your patronage, Increased our duty to be worthy of your recognition. And when, tiny after day, wo found oumeJvea more and more unable to niuot th araiablu commands which were laid upon n, ws resolved to share the increasing Joys and burden of our ponilloti, mi J to lender to you In a newly-ordered house even more, than that with whleh you expressed yourselves so well pleased. With the, purpose of affording a pleasant surprise, wo nutde a vecret of our lntcuti n ; and now, In announcing the great event, we suWribe to the prevalent fimlilon of the timo in wiyiug "No cards ;" for how would It be powiiblo to send tliem to a whole city? Hut although the circle of our fricuik is too large for us to think of sending cards, we hope to iOCi'lve many of them of tin: most mugniflceut dimensions. We shall also be delightsd to accept the valuable gifw us mil ou such occa sions, and our admirers need feel no doubt alxtut making them of great niassiveness, as we have provided ample space to diHpUiij them upon columns capable of supporting great nrtbture. 'III!'. KI4 111ID CAI'I KS. The news which wo obtain of Shlhuax tlirougli the Itiehmoud papers and tieorgia despalche gives liilbrmiition of a cavalry fight, In which the lii-brbj were s;Ud to be vic torious, In Eat Georgia, lost Tuesday. Ku. patwck'h Cavalry, while utlemptiug to cross the Savannah river, were attacked, it is stated, by Whi.ei.j.u, and retreated towards Milieu, where Turkman had his hcadi(uarlers. Sher man's army then moved towards the coast, and a battle was momentarily expected. Tito loss of the Rebels in this cavalry engagement w as reported at seventy In killed, wounded, and mbwhig. Our loss, of course, was reported much greater. The Kichnioud K.atmiwr positively asserts that up to last Thursday evening none of Siikiiman'h Cavalry had reached Millen, and also reassert Its belief that Gbant had sent forces to Port Iloyal, to march up thu country and relieve Siikkman. It furthermore px prcses Its conviction that this attempt has signally failed. According to the Georgia papers of the 27th, seven hundred prisoners bad been received at Augusta, captured wnilst foraging lor Kiikuwan'h army. A despatch jreeoJved 'y the l'.ichinond Yhlj last Thurs day night stated that the Kcbcl forces had engaged routed our forces at Gra- Lauisville, SrtUJli Carolina, driving them five miles. The pirty beaten are said, Indirectly, to lie troops ei:t from Tort Iloyal. This, it will be borne in mind, was Vo -tkii'h column, anil the news U partly couliniied by the Union report of heavy tiring hiving b -en beard In the direction ol Pocotuligo. (iro lmmsvUle Is (tlieiut thirty miles northeast of Kavannah, on the road tlionce to Ciiuile.stoA, jmd twenty-three miles uurtliwiMt of Port JioyaL An editorial in tin; Kiclmi nd Wliij , U very querulous in its tone. It asks that Jl'.KKKUHClN I) VIS shrill l acquitted bi'fort! bil men, and in the mime of lleuveu, of all Complicity In the movement of (S.'neral llmm upon the rear of The of General Jiin-'i It s-tys, nev.-r lin v;iiu;il that be Intended to travel od' at the speed of the eccentric orbit of a comet, so far beyond Bin -:1!MAn'k reach a-t to lose all influence over his inovt menls ! After having been told, it conclude)-, that Siii.iim.Vn'h reireat from At lanta would lie more disa.-troiu tliau the retreat of Nai'oi.kon from Moscow, It is a liule vexatious to find him getting off so chtaipiy, burning and murderlu-j as lie g.c! Ot R TOT.VI ATTOBNKT-ar.lBB4t. Information from Washington announce the appointment of the Honorable Jamba J. Srr.KD to the Attorney - Generalship, ylee Batk, resigned. Mr. Spp.kk Is a citizen o Kentucky, In which .State ho bears the repu tation of having the finest legal attainments of any member of the Kentucky bar. lie is well known to all his fellow-citizens as a man ot iterling Integrity and great personal worth. He has for years stood at the head of the party of humanity and freedom In his native Sta'e, and at the recent Presidential election was one of the Lincoln electors. He was, In the days of Cl AV. one of his warmest supporters, and his apxlntment lo his present high position Is deemed only a fitting reward for Ids long adherence to the principles of the 1'nion party, lie has been for several years Mayor of Louis ville, and Is a personal friend of PrcM lent Lincoln. The appointment was made not through political influence, but on account of personal fitness for the ollice, and Is charat teristic of the course likely to be pursued by his Excel lency during his ensuing term. A I.OMIUV MOH. One hundred thousand people were present, according to the Titnpn, at the execution of Mi l.i in London, on the 11th of last mouth; "such a mob as no city in the world could furnish but this of London; such a mob as America entire could not gather a mob of round-headed "snake-headed" It is some times called white-faced thieves and ruf fians, which stood through the long, dark rainy day, waiting lor thu banging scene In thu morning." Every window, house-roof, and lamp-post lu the immediate neighborhood ol t lie jail was filled or covered by persons anxious to witness the fearful scene. Amid the Im mense multitude In the streets, preachers were engaged distributing tracts and talking to thoae who would listen to their exhorta tions; while largo placards, with scriptural text, were hung on the walls, or projected over the crowds by means of long rods. Hut there were other agents than those nt work, and other actions performed which re- I vealed a most revolting state of morality among the London mosses. Notwithstanding tlie awful drama which wu In preparation, the great majority of those assembled cng'iged In the most boisterous and filthy language shouting, laughing, and hooting in the very ears of the poor trembling culprit who was to be launched into eternity before their eyes. This terrible punishment for crime had no tenors for the vast number of thieves congre gated on the spot. Robbery V;is carried ou to an enormous extent, yet no arrests were made. Men were garroted on the sidewalks as they proceeded to the place of execution, and the gurrolers escaped to enact the same deed in other quarters with Impunity. Regu larly organized gangs moved through the dense throngs and along tho avenues leading to the jail, knocking down, and filching the pockets of every well-dressed person they en countered. The. police did not appear to use any eflbrt to make arrests, and tho oulj chance a man had to save Ids money and his life was to fly the ground. All the thieves, burglars, and highway robbers In the realm .-eemcd to be in the vicinity, of the prison, with a curie blanche to steal, rob, and plunder to their hearts' content. We do not give the Loudon Tiirum much credit at any time for honesty or a high tone of morals, but It appears thut the scenes at Mfi.lkr'h execution really did shock Us ideas of decency, for it remarks that "tho propriety of such on amusement" as that of "bonneting" and tossing hats over the crowd Into the drop enclosure "at such a time admits of question." The cloning act in tho Mi'Li.icit-Uitiiiiis tragedy has thus been performed, and the cur tain has fallen forever upon the actors in the bloody drama. Hut the revolting deeds of those assembled to witness it will not soon be forgotten by thoughtful men, and ills to be hoped that the Times has learned that "mobs" can be gathered in London whoso acts far surpass in disgusting nature anything ever attempted by what it has been pleased to term the "American mob9 of New York and Phila delphia." People who live in glass houses fchtuld not themselves throw stones. AMI sKnr.vrx. One good result comes from our habit of "following the leador." For a long time the virtues of economy and industry were so much lauded that w holt-some relaxation and healthful amusement were banished. Vrc; aro returning to reason; ai4 money-making is no longer considered the chief and solo end of" man. It is now partially nudrstood that amusements not only are needed by the masses, but that the masses will have them; but still the subject Is neglected to a wonderful degree. The proper employment of leisuro hours Is of loo much importance to be uncared for, and the home pleasures during these long winter evenings aro not, as a rule, as refining and ennol ling as they should be. For books, papers, sit reoseopes, and music, are too often substituted stupid and expensive putties, which serve to kill time, but rarely render it pleasant or proiltahlo. Among those who can allord to griilily 11, a genuine love ol literature nnd art snch a love as would make them gladdening and necwtiry to everyday life is raivly found. Jfsueh'lastesweru more cultivated, the TmtMde recreations, sucli as theatres und the like, would be of less concern than they a.e. If any folly can be so super- lutively great that none oilier can approach it. it is the maimer iu which good and worthy people treat some of our various places of public altiiv-ement. WANAMAkER &. BROWN, No one familiar with the thrntre would deny that much which Is objectionable Is con nected with It; but Instead of trying to reform any amusement that exists, they h ivo de nounced the theatre. In the abstract, as wicked, anil then quietly left It to Itself the result of which, If they aro correct In their judgment, so far as they are concerned, would be that one of the most potent agencies known to society would Is? suffered to do Infinite mis chief without let or hindrance. Notwith standing such excommunication, however, the influence of these places of amusement is not so bad as Is often represented. They unbend the mind and rest the body. The mewt popular plays have, In liiet, a good tendency. I'pon the whole, the evenings of those ho depend on places of public reort for their enjoyment are not entirely wasted; but there is yet a lamentable want of hlgh-toncd, unexception able recreations. iiik jrf.t m:Ki:tFrr.K. A leading Rebel Journal asks, "Does reunion promise unity, peace, and progress? Hoes It not rather threaten, nay, iDsure, (Southern de struction?" This query opens a vast field for 1 .l.itoric research. Let us briefly glance at the precedents of other days, and see If we may calculate on our beloved land ever again being blessed with a' Union accompanied by "unity, peace, and progress." The grand cardinal objection urged by thosfl who nrguo that "war is eternal separation" is that the wide breach of feelings, sentiments, and affections, consequent upon bloody strife, will so dissever the hearts of the people of the two sections that a life under the same poli tical roof would be nought but a scene of envy, strife, and ultimate destruction. Clio, the Muse of History, however, exhibits upon her tablets another tale. Slio tells us that bygone nations with different Ideas than those existing between tho North aud South have coulesccd and formed a greater power. When the United States Government pur chased Florida and Louisiana from foreign powers, they found them both populated by nations difteriiig not only in government, but ulso In language. The musical roll of the Hidalgo tongue was ull that was ever heard among the swamps of the Peninsular State, while the mouth of the "Father of Wafers" echoed only the mingled phrases of the French man and Creole. The free Republican Gov ernment of America succeeded tho despotic Governors from acioss tho sea. Did the people of Florida and Louisiana refuse to mingle with the immigration which poured into their midst? Do we find them divided Into distinct factions, aud like oil and water, remaining In contact though separate? They have coalesced and formed a mighty commonwealth a unit, und a fragment of a more glorious nation, which is destined to mould the destinies of tho world. If, therefore, when separated by different tongues, two people join, like the sjaxon and Norman, like the Roman and Bar barian, like the Moor and Spaniard, why then should wc infer that two sections long united, speaking the same language, mid having the same aims in life, should refuse to agaia com bine aud mutually advance the interest" of the Union? It would be a gross fall icy for any one to predict otherwise; and when tho tide of passion, incident upon war, and especially civil war, shall have rolled away, both parties will unite in a general condemnation of the false sentiments eiitcrtaiucd by fanatics In 1HU. Wo may, therefore, reasonably rejdy to our Southern contemporary, that, other tilings being equal, with Union will come unity. Let us now glance at tho question, Will Union bring peace? When Queen Elia- iifth lay on her death-led she was asked to name her successor. She replied, "Who but my cousin Jam eh, of Scotland?" "Rut," argued her adviser, "will not England bo ruined by a uuion with Scotlautl?" "No," replied tho dying queen ; "tor Scotland will be united to Rritain, not Britain to Scotland." Time has proved her prophecy to be correct. Tho union was ell'ected, the wars which had for ages deluged the borders with blood ceased, and a mighty power arose from the combination. So with this land. As long as the two sections were separated, thero is a possibility, yes, a probability of war ; but assoon as they find themselves under one Govern ment again, living in tho same household, peace, harmony, and fraternal alicction will take the place of discord and embittered strife. Let us have Uuion once again, and the breach will soon lx; tilled up, tho wound ueaicd, and a nation arise, Plit)'n!x-li!;e, which will prove itself worthy of the streams of the liest blood of our race which has been poured out as a libation on thu ultar of patriotism and free dom n nation worthy of the name of free Columbia, free, indeed, In theory and in prac tice. Such is the land which we expect to shortly call our own. May God grant, tho consummation! Will we have progress? During the last ten years tho advuuee made by the American people has a. toulshed tho statesma n of the Old World. In wealth, population, and In tellect, tht; strides our people have taken is amazing to the contemplative mliij. IVe do not propose to enter Into any exaaiimU.m of this giotvth.thc fact is palpable tc all. If then such has lieen done wheu the la'd was divided in spirit and hiftitutions, hiuI wlu one section was weighed down by the yok" f slavery, may we not inlt r that when it is i jieved of Us oppression, when it urises free au'i united, It will redouble lis sM'ed towards 'o perfect liurlit or civilization '! We will yet live to s e the day wlrll our hopes w ill be realized, wheu our divl 'd land will be the one great libeitv-lovinj -ople of the earth ; when the geniu- of its Gov ruutent ana people sliall oe " Unity, l'en iVwess." a ml FINE CLOTHING, TIT "LFrMJFat." The public who have learned to look upon the Public Ledger as a Philadelphia Institution, are already aware of the change to the proprietorship of that Journal. Mr. Wii.mam Swain has disposed of the entire conrern to Mr. Okorok W. Child. Tills gentleman Is widely known In our city by his connection with other branches of tho publishing business. Ho possesses In a high degree the personal requisites for success In tho most arduous and responsible position of publisher of a dally newspaper. We wel come him w armly to the profession, and assure the patrons of the Leilyer that tho m tiiage tnent of their favorite journal could not have I'allci Into abler hands. NEWS JOTTINGS. The Widows' Wood Society, of Portland. Me., has a permanent fund of S7" )i). The sulMUntobrnkfrs lo Hartford enlist men and tin n advertise for prinelp ils for tlioin. Tlie Adams Express lias carried sixty torn of Tlinnkf(!lvingKifts t 'lie soldiers from liiiston. Crime fa decreasing in Wisconsin. The num ber of convicts at the Mate Prison is reduced by the cxpira'ion of time, and there arc no convict to make good I lie u rease. There uie nooae hundred and lifteeu pri-oncrs there. Two gentlemen of Portsmouth, N. H. 1. M. Tsyson and Albert I.aigbion nave piddisheJ a handsome volume, entitled "The Poels of Ports mouth." ll comprirtis selections from tlio unlive anil resident miiliors of Portsmouth. The saw and grist mills at Princeton, Mi:., were destrojed by fire on Friday nih'. Loss t in.iiun, on which there wu jjjWOO:) insurance. The calamity is a blow to tho bu-int-s product of the town. Amherst, Mass., voted on S tturday to peti tion the Legislature for leave t tax herself fifty Ihousitnd dollars for the Agricultural College., and to appropriate the surplus money now in tho treasury to tho purcliao of recruits on the next call. A large rolling-mill, for the manufacture of boiler and sheet iron, galvanized gas pipe and gasometer Iron, will s ion bo erected at Provi dence, It. I. About three hundred hands will bo employed, and some operatives from England are already engaged. The introduction of wutor Into tho new city aqueduct was celebrated at Worcester, M iss., on Tuesday, by n city government inspection, and a parade and trial of machines by tho I'ire Depart ment, the annual firemen's muMer having been postponed to that day for that purpose. A Connecticut clergyman Illuminated bis house in honor of the Union victory at the elec tion, and exhibited over his door a transparency, with the quotation from Genesis : "And the angel of tho Lord called unto Abraham out of Heaven a second time." A slave woman fifteen years ago ran away from fu r master in Maryland, and came north to Hartford. A freedmau, recently brought home from New Orleans by a Connucdcut otlleer, on seeing tlie woman discovered her to be his wife. They were remarriid. The new post olficu money order system works admirably in Boston. Tho increased busi ness thus devolved upon the otllce has male it necessary to appoint a clerk to attend specially to that ilepi.rimcnt, and tlie money-order olll.-o is now pait and purcel of the establishment. The whole number of peisons in the New Haven (Conn.) District reported as liable to an income tax Is ?r.K; the amount of special income tax assessed is 2.l,2fl-.M0; tlie entire amount of taxable Income reported is $3,02 ) ,8 12. This state ment shows a high degree of business prosperity, notwithstanding the heavy burdens of tho war. Hull, England, has been excited by a report that on every evening, some, time since, a man, assuming on each occasion a different disguise, but always having his features completely con cealed by a black mask, hud entered several bouses in the vicinity, and having first silenced the Inmates by threats of personal violence, plun dered them of whatever be toek a particular lancy to. Information In all the instances was given to the police authorities but thu description given of the mau was so vague and unreliable, owin jto the concealment of his face by the mask, that i is feared ho will not bo arrested. m.urii:. ttllKKN-t'ONt.KY. On tlio Jtth of Aii(nt. br the llev. I ln.mim .'. MurchT.m.SUV Iv.l.lII.L.S tuEMM V A. tli.M.1 Y.holhul tnli tltv. JAl hsON-KI KV1 NS.-1HC. Int. 1KM hr tlio nv C s. Iti'iiniin, .Mr. WILLIAM It. JAl KS11N to .ui-k loiHA..oiiiy tuuKittr ol the late Alut-rt ei. Htovou. k.n.. I. -tli ul thlH city. JoNKS-tlAMllI K.-Ifcemhir 1, lsf.1, hy the ltrv. ItiiitiinJetlrm Oil., Mr. VVM. K.JONK4 t" Mlt Kl.l. V VI i.AMIil.K, luiijliter of J. K e.ii.llo, K'i,bulb ul llilneity ItOs LNItArM-WESTOOTT.-On Iirccvnhcr 1st, lSol. t) tl alO'V. Jlr. furiiUh, IIOIiT. A. HO-KMIAI .il ul .Malum, h.,l.,iu .VMM ll A 111 ,vv hSTi eil l',ol l'lmibt-rton. Hi 111 V J I. V M I l.l.KIL (n ThuiMlay, Ile-oomlixr Idt, liv lo v. ,1 VVIiimioii Hii.uli, i. ii., Mr. vv il. ll. M UIVr.LV to Mim L.MILII. M1LLKII. bulUot tbiacit,. IIIKII, lit WI.KY. On the 3d Instant, ALBERT II, IIKVVLEV, in tl e JStli vear ol hu uio. til reliitivi-H aial iriinulH are repeH-tfnlly lavitid to utliml the liilnral, trutn thi rcsid,Mi:f ol tun lather. lsui.c l'.t-wli v. ,o. 410 N. Kli-veiuli Mri't-t, on Koaith env i W fitiii'Ntltt v I, the'iiti Instant, at I 1'. M. To prucuoil to rettar llllt e e-nielur, nuar r raiiKioru. Ul ItSfT on the ail Inn., Wll.l.lvM nUKXaVr, In t' f aii.t) vi ar 01 nm Hue. Tlie r latoes and filr-raH of the fam'lT arc invltml 'o a'ti no hit inn rai. inan ibu r biiIih ee ul I . A C-uxar. No. un N 'leiclitti ttre'Cl,oa lueitUy, the Cm liiunt, at It) oil ck. I I I r.-On the 4th, MAhY L daamitcr of tlie late Alnulitini an,l Su-un I il'.i. 'i)n- rcetivew ami irli-nun of the .amtlv ars imp-cuattr 111 v i it-'l to atunil heriuui-rnl. on '1 ui'silnr altiTiiooa. at i o'clock, iiuui her late n mJrni'o, on gauun tnrue-t, tie'r uiumoun. HtA M isers. -On Sunday morning, 4th Instant, t HAM. IS HtlWAKl), InlU'lt sol ul Altnrl II. and hit. mi H. r'niiie'iie'in, nic-d 4 ni ,ntln and 111 daya. KiiniTnl -wli'i'i al tlii-hni. ol hi part-lit. No. 152) Art h Hiiei-i. on Tucfeiey. Mil Instant, at 11 o' I'lNKl K.-Ai I'liKMini 1 1 1 1 1 . on tlie 4ih hmt., il it. IIINh I K, III the lllut year ol Ills aie. 'I in-rein lis still trii-ii'ls ul il.e innCy ar-reiifi-tfully lii " i a e.i M'tt-id th" lni,e'al, ir im hi ile ri'.idi-ict--, oil H i due. ilev iariili k hi 11 u i-lui-k , n iltu lit uiriner n tk-u. M ITOlr.l.l..- on the morning of the II Instant lVVinr MITCItl.Li.. la the .'xtn your oi hua.'. 'I hr ott'iitLi ol Hie laiully am rt-su -elluliv iiivm-l to nlti ml lin- Miii-ral, Iroiu hL Jute I'e-tliU-iivii. No. VIM. '1 Mi-i'ttt-ih sli'i-i't, ou J neeilay uiIituooii, Lt-i'emot.-r uh, ai 'i ii'clut k. lttiltlvMiN. On Frulav evening, lieoiMntier M, at lliivlileri, N. J.. Hon. VVM. 1'. (tollrSON, avi'd lia ytiiii,. Ills irli'iid are lnviti-il to attend hli r'lanral, irom hi- In 1 1- ri flil' fi'.f. on 'lin--ilay the bth luilant al li o'e'iu'k M.. without Inrtlie-r llotlee. VI A Ll AI L -Suilili'ii.y, on tlu-4'h Inntnitt. tlKOKHK VVAsiilM.'l "S huh oi John and Calheriue Wallace, awi il 'it n I'liths and 14 ihivn. 'I h' ri latlvi-s ami irleinu ol the laniftv are ri'ppi't'ully hit lied to attend his luiioral, lioin his intrt-nta' iviidi'jit'u. .o. I ':n r-i.tJtli Htri el. oil 'I aoitday, li-i-eiu'n'r lith. at i o'clock. To proceed to Ashury tlruunui, Weal rulladi-l-uhte. V0UNG MEN'S SUITS, ajIMOH.-oa theM tnetant, Mr. rnil.tP SI MOST, Sr., la tbe 4vah year ol hie aire. i hat mnrh loved lorm hnn paeied away, 1 hat voice we loeed tn still i blare la vacant at our hsarth Wrurh never ran be filled. Tee relit iea and Irlmda oi the lamtlr are reenaerrallr invited to attend th" funeral 'r m Ma late r"ld"nr". I una lane tieiow rederal etreet on lll'-eiiay BiierniHin, the Mh Instaut, at I o'clock, loterineulet l'iiliautnrtIO t.'rineierr. p.) V1SK M KUCHA NTS. CONrECT!ONP.US,r.lV)CKRS, Vo. fllncs and Lliinnrs, V'ruils, ('oiiftN-tlonH. Vnnry (irocerles, Ic, W A N T i: I . ON COMMISSION OB SHORT 01EDIT, p nmiiV yourj? wnn 4lng h Uniting builnai ni 'HITCH? KSW," rre f J. WhHSI LS, Kin , i n Nu m y. rrrni Htrett. f I L TK UK IT OK Y. " I bt timet a0,r;po A'.rt'g i,( l.ftnJ In l.vwi cuntr. Kfii tit kj, tlutt la t'CChtt'd olJ torntury. 7 ho fliirtbce ln-il tttint n nmre Ilk tin no ot tmno ttmhiy, lniiii t ni tfa4n iit ull tcrrilury tha' Im-. heen ilict u .-if J in ll.c countrj, and pruili 1 a'aititlmit a lflr. In ordff to (rlvo capltaHti an chanco t1) jmr. Mn, I prop'tiifl to rtrclvo npfiVd propoali, hiscil npoti cufch iannnt. fr anj 'ibiivitoii thereof, rpmaiuiiiK unsold up to tbp Hint day of Mrrcmltor next. On trut dny tfin tjidi lll hp otnr, niitl the awards mndn to IIiq h'Khent bliUter, who will he ltnnifdintcly notltlpd br lttr. 1hj mrntfi to be made on the littn day of January, hVm when the ilocdi will bo executed. Owing t Ul-hvalUi and ottii'r hmlncsi cnta'nienln, I have, adopted thii plnn f aispnal. ! proDOAe tt In good ftiltb.and wftb tho full 4 ter ilnatlon of ieldtiK, even at much leM piicofi than tha uuie ehuractrr of o;l Jndt mi 9 brniKSo'd at ; but ll bins are ua le at priciit below the value of the lauds before the dlscurery uf idl upuu ltrn, I reMOi v- the rlutit to reject tlien. fliftt) per an bar, been otl red lor a portion of thta land, and a ph'.v iiihe at fi'i Land lu the vlnnity remaining iitiioitl In htin norn IW to $.u ;er aero. 'iii ilr-i oil di -c ivert'd in lite t'oinny wm tVmnd mi tne Utnl new mtere.), "'the Iti.r ItiK.iie I elroieinu Company " of Cinrlnnatl ituM-hithid a nrirtion rtl ibn ta.ainl are now inliliu a wrll with every prnr't m tic 'n Otht-r w.-Hs a-f ftolriif ilnwn In itit-iit-iKhleotho id, uud nearly al hM.ui is In ttti n-u bnx rt't euMj b en kind it It-aicd to epfi uiit.ed od Dien imm vu ru i--nnsi an a i'erna hli ar tt Invt at In thfe litndi are Invited t' vhtt tin-in. I"'in tfit 1st to ihf -'Ith ot Ikto nber an awmtt can bi lournl at llu- Heverl lline, at e' bun;. o on ti 'ai d. bo will e ry assl-tj.r C ' to eioib.e an to n ink a tf oronb irivrttt Ipation ll att l.ive Or on itl daiiy lar Van'-ehurn. the county ei.t 't lewi 'uiiiv, ami the laiu'fnkt plain- ol ihe land. A re;rt on landi iniit l-ei ido bv A. W. Kl.Y. ((!.. who ibioouuldy h iinslntiil Willi ti.e whole ttiiet, having vilt d t sn tlm, and at u : It d its touortutdral. urnlk'l:iil. ll'hr toxical, tl i.pitli u. ami uiuT nnnu r It. For veura his nil. b n tn)"4 iIvi ii 10 .tie veoiuiial tie d lu whh'h the-e Uo'N I if. no that bu K'M mm nri-n nted as ot mm who, hv hn'Mt. rx peril nre, and ncfei.tillv; acuompilahmenti, Ii iitiill(led to ni aa i. Ith aiiiborny. J tie title iiiiiBti nHO'm, ireoiouicai rportt. DiauK fo m of pri p'alh.and furl,1!-? iJ f r uati n. atliirest, -r - ill In piThon at i be otllce of j. A. Il k K C . No.i'l Woit Kront street. Cincinnati; A. 1. OAl.liWKI.I., l'nlt.'d B'te tiae'te biilloui. Third utioft. Diiiaiteipliia. or to Ihp ntidcri'ii.Tfd at Hoi-m :tf No. 4 H'all atrit, New York. OMWe boiiin fr!in 10 A M. to a r, M If-' mtvf-3: Q0MM0SWALTH OIL COMPAUY or LAWKEN'CE COfiJTV, rUNNSYI.VAXIA. CAPITAL. BTDOK, 300.000. TAK VALUE, $2-V. WOHKINll CAPITAL Iii:Sl:llVKt) KOU OKVEI.OI' MK24T, $1,JUU. rltP.SIDPMT, K. WKAVEK. TliriSUUFH, SAMUEL, It HILT. 8FCHHTAKT, HAVIL) li. 11IL.T. MUBCT0I18, K. Weaver, i Jtne Wolf, Jt he 5ii-loweU. Ji , j lrnn Hunhy. feuluuei li. lliit, IsaAC uaker, WIll'aiE Uci-ier. Rtihierlntiona fora limited numher of aharea will now be lteeie ed at the oihoe ot the Company, No. rr CIIKSMIT BTKKfcST. The landi of thiiComr j ar loealfd oa Slippery BolX Creek, In Lawrence (Yuuiy, l'ei.iisj IvAtna. One wen is luiik'iKi iet, ana 1 ha ulread b-en obtained in'iunn U ii d wt. tli ue tiltihJi, ei.ctmt agitiK to the corpra'i.ra that a IK will nr-tiu be rethzt'd of a permanencv Hii'Ueiftit to pay batii)otue. on tie Imentinent Bamplca of Olltu ty be vei n at ifce oitlco ot the t'ouinaiiy. l'J A-6t PERSONAL. 'I O THE FKIKM)H OK TH K SOtUIKR A.M) 1 Hullor. All aiivn a uon any aubiect counseled w.tli niiJiiurj nr DttVHi t tlairs, or anv infonuatlon In re-ard to tbw pteeiit run ill loo and whereai-ou-a of any person in t be ami, na,or niarloe corpa, promptly blvea, of an i bat ( i. by hppl tog lu pernon tir hy n-tter to tOu M 1)1 turT ai,u J4aval Afccucy. o. 4.7 WAl.Nl "V Hire -.t, I'mla Oilpliia litj JUHEI'll K. IK IT f A JO 'OAL AT FIUST COST-COST FKICK TO V ' Mcckhuli'ert : l , p.r ton liuin.-diatel-euvery t'ial o bent t.uiit. simrcit, each enthliUKtJ n and a hail t.ti.c, ai tithi cunt, eviry e,ir lor ta nt yi'-irH.uud totash uli ut ol profit don iho kurpma mal, uia n be obtkii cd at till), pa uh e. bail u iO'iki rlMij;. an half un .1-iHHiy iirxt, m the All Tl.AL HKI( M'1J N I' 1 S KKANKI.IN UAL COMPANY. Oilier Nti. U'l K Till Kl Hi rut topposiie ibettirarit Hunk 1 Hloca i;upiul. Iw.uuu, L frJ ito hban-a fcfH'i ved wnriiiiK i piui, li 6mi harxe Milicr.lluit of 4 abaien, tit n iharra. '; of 'Vt ftinreN, 1 1..'-; ot iO fcbarti, $l2it, ot 1'JUaUarea, of IU) tij'et.tiisio, fl uir entitled tb boiler to rei e r, every year, one and a hiili t tn ot ooal, at c. ! Inr . yar, an t C ih ln nit iid. eery tx iuoutu,or ll.e piutiti irom the ale ol all hUiit-s Ct'lU M"rk hold, i who do not want any e al mar have their P'opi-i iiuu ol a al by thf ' oiupany d.r tli ur ep UI b-i,t 'fit, the or l.ta bt inH pld er u tiie-a.'p mii-nl of tie iifiiltr ca.-b dt.Kuiidi, to which they are also eut tltd. I In Cempanv p ( la ae and we!l built Coal Work a' IfMtii'Min (u"tti rrem ii. oun insi M intn.' an.i T Unite r Hin'tta. an e.e'leiit Dueblc Hreakar, Mioe W-.rki, laii'e nti.m t i .li.cs, fca iimi., ant ail other luicitinrry ai d aprraraiua. tn mi'I tlin, apalile uf ui.niiiK .nj.uiO t.iin. i be extrude d to 1.41,1 On iom per ear ! ot the bet tiualtiy, ch.eflyot' the It lack Heath and l'Mrum -iitk, MUa, nh aeveral oi:i-r vania"b coal eint, exti-ntl wuhm the luiek ol the Com pany tor two milen in lot th. Ab feU'litftlui HcnlliiK Kailroad extindt t the mine-i il the t ouipaiiy, vrer whtcii the coal ia dally atxPt to inxikt t. hic khoidert may order ihi lr Coal la any of thuual i . .. via. .- 1 uu p Coil. Ittokcn, Lkite Nut ( ial. all at the pre-i ut c-oxt price ut $1 6t per un, di-hvered at (he bt Due, within i tie uaual di fiance el the Cum,any'i e al yaul in the northern, uiddie, aud aotiilK-rii p jr. lung ot ilt city. The ( in (tan v and al1 the niiultifi work are clear of debt, ar d all iMwrM tors are coninc!ed on me ctih prin- iplx. tor i ircnlars mid eutieri(iiiona afily at itie OHce, No lu ti. 'llllltli HtrwtJi, tv iuJ Otior, oppuiite Uuard bank. ten' fur liead'nt. Mayor Hoyer, It. urd 'i ' Mrtet.ira W uham fold, I). II. Wulle, Roteert 1. K ii0. 11. fcul.nieittt. M'M.Hi;ilMKLB,l'reildent. A. H aia'Ka, Her rotary, li-Ji-im REDUCED PRICES, JJET IOEK aUTD PHILADELPEIi IMJTHOr.KUM COMPANY. OrMilff l Viidcr tlie lw of Sew fork. thihtj:i t J' FRAHnH A Pre,hlent rodw Baak, V 'w Tii. v TllaM BAtHM.I.. r. Praiki. ut Unite gutea Telegraph Ci ni'ny. fiew orlt. A ALBK11T II. Ml fir.Af.ef .Mhert II. rTtenlaf Ba Hr 'krn ami Aactimr -ri, No .1.' William itiret, Miw Tort. TVnV.ST.J JAt K'X, of l"olMmiinJaekwri, Beak er, and Itroarri. ho 4 1 f.xchanire p are, Vew York. r.DMUI C. fcTI.DMAK. Sesretarr Blew Tort Patraj. leuin MO" ' aril bmaer, ho. Ml OroaJ itreel, Hear Vut. AMI'liRW vniAnT.T,rhlla4lptila. l'RANdl A. (10lW"IN,rhlla'elrhl. liDII) BT t'l.AKK.SCIN, Co., Pa often , No. l.'l 0. Intro ,u-repnJlaalprila. JAV18 M . ( LAllKK, OUCItr.Pe'nuiylraole. oi'iiciais. I'ltKtlltHHT. ALnnET ll.S'lcOt-AT, New T.irk. V1B t'Rl.SIOKNr. AXDUZW MKilAfrKr, I'hlladolphia, TltKASOlIKK. X. V. STOUT, I'retident Sb ie and Leathw Bak, Me otk. am KTi-;T. EDMUND C. 8TEDMAN. rouN.n!.. WII.MAM M. ANTIIO S, New Y-rlt. ADAM C. KLLIH, Xew York. IIANRKKfl. RnOR 1USK,NW Tork. ( I.AbhSON & CO., r tilladelphiA. OKFK F-S OrTllB COMPANT. Ko. "J WILLIAM Street. New York. N j. Ul B. THIltD Street, riiJlad .dekia. CAPITAL- fTOCK HOO.OxO S1IA AT TDK NOMINAL V R OK KACR-Sl'DIICUfP TIOM I'KM K,.$ PKK SHAKE, fttoi k ficbji'Ot to no further attrfiiiient. V-o,n.vitate iii ue voiu in pavuirni or in nmi nun- holdt. and prumlnij intereitf. ol the company. The ra lualnlng UW M1AKKS, OR $l'X0O0, KKHKRVKD KOR WORK IN( CAPITAL. Tho New York and Phliadejphia Petroleum Omasa baa bran ortiicd with the (rrntest cure hy cxperleaoed capltalMs ot the two cttb j, whoic names are united la Ut own. It niU be managed KXCLUHIVhLY FOR TDK INTEIlESTS OP IT hTOt KIIOLDF.R3. No pa! us have been spared to place It oil a genuine and l ubnluntlal looting. Wont valuable and cxtenalra tracta of Oil and C-a' laud havo been seeared. If FKK, Anil Uovcbold IJUU't'ClNc; INTF.RF.HI'H In ti.e heart of tha Yuiigo Coumy (Pa ) OH re-.'iun. AtUntlon it lavlted to the follow lot, tchedulo of the Company property, Inolud liitr FKK SIMPLE TKlltllTORy, LEAijEIIOLDU, PRO lUtlNO WELLS, and wilh in Tarioua itaei of Com pletion Nj. 1, 'JO acres of bottom land, In fee, on the ADehaop rlvtr, barlny a water fnmtnueof nearly one Me. Hew 10-hone povr eiiRlue aud flxturea. Two wi'b tank to the depth of JO ftot.aud already filled with oil. Uom for 40 more wells. Ky. J. -T.o ucrcti of rich oil bind In fVe, lyinff nearly oppd Rlte the aboe,Lavluxa mile of water-frontage on Praiher and Rennet runs. Well supplied with tltnher. No. I. Lea-e Interest on tho fumous '"Widow McOHn. IneV rin ' nil .rank 111.., ura.ll an,1 nI,i.. V wv.aa a a.. a.., V- . ..a. nV,a uwxil auu a)U...fM unuther luat redr to tttle: a third iuat atarteL Twi rl tl ht-clats TuIhtk, tools, til lures, toui, wiigor a, Ar. fo. 4. Same Intercut In on tho well- know "Xlauilton UcCllutock I arm," Oil creek. One well bow being ttfnted ; alroadj- yleldlLft twelve barrels dally, ant ra id1 hicr' asluf. Other going' down. Two liaw en jitney, with lixiares rocnplete. No..V One-twelfth of two leases on tho Clapp Farm, i eu e uTent Williams and Htaulon one hundred barrel e:is. On ll.ih pr-perlj la hherinan Well, No. J," ntW diwu flvo huLdied (.leol, rulcc, Ac. &c. Kouin for mx wells. No. C. One-sixteenth of the feo In Urty-ieveo acroa of C'l Land, aolnlri the Cranberry Coal Company beds. This prop'-rt? Is of tho utmost value to our opera th'UB.iuiJpljiiiK us liiiU enal at all seasons, and when th wuras f other coiupjuloa aie louud to be Idle tJt want of A fuel. I rom thee estates, tho Trustees arc assured of Ihehf Ability to diflare LARGE AND RhMCLAIt MoNTIILf Dl VIDLNDH. uud ol the spee ly appreciation of tne snare InaMAIiKLT AJA Jt FAR AUOVE TUE HUUSCltlP TION PRICE. She IN YF.HTUiATINO COMMITTEE sent irom New York and Philaaelphiu.wl.iibe farorable report lsprlnto4;H with the prospectus, spek in unlimited terms or tlie com pan;' property and prospects. books furORIOINALHCIiCRIPTIONwIll beopana.'.oa WEDNESDAY. Deeemhvr 7, at the nfficeh of the Company, ana at Ihe New York, Phila delphia, and Ronton banking Iwusm named below. t Prospectuses, maps, and Uerailud information ai?tthef snbicripi Ion otllee. The public are asnured that whether for iu vestment or f peculation, no better security than thcae abares can Ls obtained. BUI .SOKTPTION AOKNTS t BROADWAY DANK, corner of Park placo, New York, i FOLllAMll S X JACKNON. No. 4J ichanve placa9 New Ycrk. ALBM.r JL Nif"0 iAY A CO,, No. 62 Wall sraet. Hew Ycrk. CLARKHt N A CO., No. I'.'I H. Third street. PMIadeJ Ph a. J.tL MALT I N. !I.t"or and RruKer. Il Tttun. 1? 6 t ' tV" CUV.AT I1ASIX OU. COMPANY. l . i i m; M ho. . 'J he I'heod'rft t i. n.iv ile, an il a MUN I III IM IHr.Ml OF 'I .-ii ! K I'K.ST. to Htoei-i'fi il, re ih laeiirit, jiny aMo rn i L.i 't. ) i I iu ii'tit. llwk.elureull U I ll I : i A Tlh lll-t i. w. wii..A)IM, Trea.urer. J'MlLArri.iiiu, lie ii niU r 0, l.l li--iA fi'f - 'IIIK '1 HKASl ItKIt Op' TIIK FUND ' tfi ri li, en tie ih.'ri'-.-'il peoeh-irf t'hautoi-r.titirt ha. receiveil tl'i-foUna hitf Aiu.'UUta .moa hu lail report. tnli Inr l-i. l.i I - Ami'DM l'e,loii!iT receltej S'l,.llf SO . K ia l. Ki-iiiieilv Ii.lfll I ai-h 11 m , fan. W ' I'i iiii Mutual Li e Inbulitin e t nli, ,4ii J.,0 40 I at'irt' B I . Hi lire -ii 00 . I..,. mi' Wi 0.1 j au A t lilun Mai 611 00 M'a. ,1. Taluiu 10 00 Karil l .t Ull, 7 no , ih iia K. I'i ,'JI 00 t'ah 20 at) I IIi itt Mmri ' -J) 110 tvt hum 11. p I'.-ii. te , 00 t'atlu rinr A -,1. moail, o' Hi t'i n & oo J. tV'.Mlinn HlnrJ.i: '4lilwUiC'( Ml M. A rlenil. WniiiiiiMti-ii, lii-l go (al i A I. lull' Bi ;e. Ilrnry C. I eley s 6C (JV Canh od Total ii,ir.' a, Any ill Diitii'i.a ni-r ed il.irinir the cuime wia alll b. duly upprol ilniiil ti t,e ri-hut ot Ihe-e Jieoul. KliMI lil) A. H it' 'tn-tiiirerervand I-' ' 'H t ' Nlrnet wliarf. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS i. 'I. I. 1