The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 05, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 3

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WONIUY, M.f K .;i,. a , W.
Ilmntlfnn tinnty ft siroit Oil nrg;lorj
InrontrHlble IJi-liirii-:.i Fftrt Irs Premr
Tfiatrs-sif Trntb Striiru lhin rtrtloa
lllthrrto Worth l turns KrnlWtnir
t'nbnlnnx Pries'.
M si) I I 1.
Kver tince lite liit rcuy tidincs reached aa
from the IYnnsj-lvania oil tv ions, I bave been
Impreaeetl with the Iwlief Humilton county
tonuinfd an muih grease ai any section of roun
trj of her Imbcs on the American continent.
And when I say (.Tiaso, 1 d i't mean watrnn.
(reaic, and sonp grease, an.l hog's-grc&iic, nor
anything of that sort, but oil coal oil. And
what improved mc with this 1 ;Iief, do you ask !
(leolopy the immortal science of fieolojry.
The first peol"Ki'iU pccnlinrtry th it attracted
nyatteDtii n was the prcv,il:iti. c of dyn.iniici ia
I he (ventral Mru'a of the totinty. To Im mire,
dynaniica don't always denote, the presence of
oil; hut mill I's appearance, particularly when
permeated through the svnurai strata. Is a pretty
tare sign Unit oil ia about. 1 iku hl lin, when
I'ullinK up some union in my anlou, a very
Urge bunch of infn-nrin win exp ied to Tie.
Inluurria, like dvnatnic9, i-u'L .1 sure of oil,
but lie a tremendous slu'Lt surer 4!tii than
dynninio. I nl-o notice I t'nt ttio country
particularly In the reuin of 1). Mil and Coleraia
towmhl' was thnroii;.'lily inpr"en-tcil with
uiiMnMied herhara. I'n-tr itiiied hernara is cmi-r-idcresl
Kneh a certain imlimttun of oil that it has
frequently been ned lor hair oil
After making the alnivc iliacuvcrics, I i nin
menced a thorough Keoloeical survey of the
ronntry in search ol oil indications, w hica I only
completed two or three days ago. HiN surrey
has thoroughly witiMiul me thai tnuui,!! oil exists
in the bowels of ilatuilton county to furnish a
hogshead of hair-oil to ovory ma-i, worn in, and
child in the world, without in the k-m diminish
ing the supply. Numerous i-L-ns, besides those
first mentioned by me, have attracted my atten
tion. I titid that the pala o.on: clam of the Intro
nian series largely crops out ia the neighborhood
of onr hog pen and distilleries. Thus we tind It
nrcinsary to withhold from publication the lit of
tneu drafted in the Second Ward, else they wou d
oil their locomotive organs, nnd slip Inui Canada.
Then the mcso.oic strumitis purpura was
every where apparent to tho scientific eye. The
mesi.r.oic stroinbiis purpura is a varioty of the
calceola. both of these vermin indicate tint, if
oil ia not to be found in the immediate neighbor
hood, it can be procured ai the nearest drag stoic
And, from a simpler course of reasoning than
uny of the foregoing, we arrive at the conclusion
that Hamilton county Is an oil region. Look at
the number of "oily" citizens here In Cincinnati.
Likewise stip Into any well-regulated drug storo,
barber-shop, private family, or restaurant, anil
you will find oil in the greatest nhundanco. All
Mint's abound. There is enstoroil, and sweet oil,
and hair oil, and coal oil, and goose oil.
Oil is a good thing to grease boots
with, and to cat on lettuce. I don't
like it on lettuce, however. To my taste there
is uoihing better to cat on lettuce than a littlo
good, sharp vinegar, with a mild sprinkling of
pepper and salt. Terhnps my rcpiigtiaiico to oil,
from a culirmry stand-point, Is owing to the fabu
lous amount that was forced down rav juvenile
throat by our well-meaning, hut deluded, hired
girl. Of course she acted tinder orders from
headquarters. Tho regular d se was two tablo
spoonsful twolve times per day. If I should
chance to sneeze before going to be J, a goose
qnill, saturated with oil, was at once Introduced
Into each nostril. There Is nothing like having
careful treatment when you are young !
Thus, It will be seen that Hamilton county is
an oil region. Science says so; I say so. If it
wasn't an oil region, why would traphoa bclem
nites oo.c out of the ground, whenever you rake
tip a little dirt in search of anglo-worms i Traphou
belemnitcs mean oil, and nothing else. Where
you tind truphon belemnitcs you llnd oil, and
where you rind oil you tind tiaphou bolcmnitos.
That was Hugh Miller's experience, and it has
been mine.
And whut is going to be the result of this won
derful state of things ? Why, it's going to make
every human being in Ilatuilton county as rich
as grease can make thein. C reeve In her palmiest
days was nothing in comparison to what Hamil
ton county is destined to lie. Paupers will be an
article entirely unknown hero in a short time,
and the Relief Union will throw up his commis
mission and resign in disgust. Of course I hare
given several of mv particular friends, in tlitien-nt
parts of the county, hints tonching these oil dis
coveries, and they are already beginning to profit
thereby. The beginning or this end is not far
distant. Soon the oil Outer, assisted by science,
will be at work, and
"Greate. her knee in stiiiiancc beat, '
Will UeuiMe ut tils power."
A couple of weeks nco, Mr. Job Dobbs, of
Colerain township, planted a hogshead of oil on
his farm, and in about twenty-four hours after
wards commenced boring tor oil with the hap
piest results. Day before yesterday he sold tho
farm which contained twenty acres to a New
York firm lor live hundred thousand dollars. Tho
farm, betore the oil discovery, was valued ut one
dollar and a half per acre. Mr. Dobbs has now
leased an adjoining sheep pasture, and has put
down two hogsheads and one barrel of the best
quality of neat's foot oil, and will commence
boring again in a short time, lie says there M
no reason why neat's foot oil shouldn't be pumped
as well as coal oil.
He has already been oflavrl a fabulous price
for his pasture, but he decided to hold on to it a
spell longer. Several oilier e.iterpriaing farmers,
in various parts of the county, are putiingdown
oil. I would advise ull Mich t i u e leaky barrels,
as by so doing the oil will escape, and appear in
dillerent localities at the tame time, thus greatly
enhancing the value of their tarnis.
In Cilcrain township, where tho first lucky
boring was done, a omp my his baeu formed to
prosecate the boring busmen" rith proper energy.
Its officers are :
President Job I)nMi.
Secretary Jacob tJri-.i.
llorc Squint.
Cotton is King no longer; Oil has dethroned
him. Oil is now King Aii' of Urease tVt
imnati Tunes.
Tub Sinks in Flohiua There are agencies
working gradual. y but su' p-antiallr to under
mine the constitution of Florida, the rich south
ernmost peninsula of the Confederacy, more
effectually than "secession." Alarmists might
vt n hold that if the civil war should last many
years longer, tho ultimate lata of the devoted
State will eea-e to be a mere political question.
The most dnnEeroui enemies of the soil of Florida
are what lis inhabitants call '-sinks." Those ab'
sorptions ot the earth, thorn u ou a small scale,
are. in fact, so numerous th it one may almost
ask : Is Floiida slipping bitwecntho fingers of
both F'ederals and Confederates ? und will she
liimatcly like those high mountains of the
Andes durinir thn eurtb'iuiiUc of Chi'i in K'l'i
vanish entirely from the sniface of the earth ?
All over the country I found, when in
U ut linking state, sinks of all sizes, forms, and
ages. Some are slight, s:'tic r-ld.e depressions,
others, still dceoer. like basins, of from tweutv
to eighty yards ucios-s ; or uuiy uneven slopes and
hollows, which would pass iin.iotiicd wereouc not
ii.formed that the lunu jui tnero uaa ueeu
"linking" since such a time; or that an old in
habitant remembered a dead level where, now,
there are various dells crowded with vegetation.
Semetimes and these are the most remarkable
the sinks are round and even, like wells, which,
Indeed, one might suppose tin in to be, so regular
and perpendicular are their walls. Some of
these are formed suddenly, during or after heavy
rains, and are the result of one storm.
They are sunk perhaps iu uu boar, lu a night,
without sign or warning, in the middle
of the road, or it may be a ca'tle-pon. (h
one plantation I know of ere nil such sinks.
Ono is about thirty feet deep, and eight
or nine across ; an-ithcr l twenty feet deep, and
aVint fonr across the month. Sometime! it it not
possible to distinguish the real bottom of the
sink, for after the soil hs been washed down to
a certain distance, leaving a nioo h, regular hole,
jagged rocki are laid bare, and the opening to ft
subterranean passage, It may be, of vst length
and depth, is exposed. Many accidents, as will
be Imngined, have occurred from the opening of
these sud en cuvitiet when persons have leen
travel 'tig on r'ark nights, and passing, as they tun
pcK'd,ovir in ncn and well-known path. Ueue
rally, however, a signiticnt crack in the ground
appi ars as an admonitory warning, and it is not
nnti'ual to h' sr a person say, In pointing to a
certain spot, "There will be a sink there soon."
Wonderful caves are bv thcc means beini; fre
quently discovered, and they abound ino-d in
Wtsiern Florida. All the War Kouml.
toKi.ius jorrivos.
A paper collar and eutf company h s been
organized in Boston, with a capital of sj..l o,'!Xi.
A gent'eman of Dublin, n lined Finl Her, has
devoted iTr.,0l'O for the erection of a Presbyterian
church in that city.
The widow of Jasmin, the French poet, has
been granted a pension of tDU fran s lioui tiio
French Government.
The latest Intelligent from Uome announces
continued incursions of brigands. Th'' napal au
thorities have sent troops in their pursuit.
The new planet discovered by M. Teaipel ot
Marseilles, on Si ptvmber W, has been named
alter Terpsichore.
Some few days since, a stilt was terminated
in Hungary which had enitaged the courts in that
country for one hundred and eighty years.
The l'ontltieal Government have decided to
introduce the French decimal and metric systems
lino lueir mini anu markets.
-The post otllees of France arc nbou' to be eon-
verted into receiving-houses of deposits for tho
savings-banks, which exist only iu tho Central
towns of France.
The Emneror Maximilian has written to the
Fmpcror Napoleon, asking him to recommend
Mm some financier capable of sotting to rights
the disorganized treasury of Mexico.
My a late order of the F.mpcror. travelers to
Russia will henceforth be permitted to take into
the empire guide-books, cook-books, works of
travel, and even romances ; but prayer-books are
still intcruictea.
A telegraph line lias been opened In Asiatic
Russia, from Irkutsk to Khitchu, on tho route to
I'ekin. liy this, telegraphic information is trans
mitted from Ht. Petersburg to Fekin iu four days
sooner man nitnerto.
The workmen's associations In Wurtemberir
have presented a petition to the Chamber of Depu
ties for the abolition of the linv which forbids
nrtisans to marry without first obtaining the con
tent ol the police and of the lulminisir.uion.
The l'ope, at latest dates, c mtinucd to enjov
very good health, und hud been availing himself
of the line weather to show himself a good deal
in public, and even on foot iu some of tho prin
cipal streets of the city.
A cap'nin of the aaiteur.utwmniers. In the eltv
of Lyons (Francc),ri'Ceivcd tho Cross of the Legion
of Honor on the occasion of the Emperor's late
visit to the south ot France. His delight was so
great that he was taken ill and expired shortly
The Emprcsi of the French, as patroness of
the most important charities of I'aris, has, through
her private secretary, thanked Mr. Blanchard Jer
rold for his studies of tho ptior of the French
capital, under tho title of "The Children of
J.utetia." Mr. Jcrrold la now studying the chari
ties and poor-relief of Belgium and Holland.
The latest fashionable freak noticeable on tho
drives of the liois de Boulogne, I'aris, probably
suggested by tho prevalent mania for ringlets
colored red, is tho rather novel phenomenon of
ladies' lap-dogs similarly metamorphosed in a
variety of fictitious tints. Green dogs, yellow
dogs, and pugs skybluo are ut present much in
A convention has been concluded between
Italy und Turkey for the establishment of to'e
graphic communication between the two coun
tries. The Italian Government engages to sink a
cable between Otrauto, on the Napolltau coast,
and Vallone, on the coast of Albania, aud to keep
it in repair. The Sultan, on tho other hand, cn-
fages to keep the Vallone, Constantinople, and
hail line in constant repair.
The King of Trussia is chief of all the lodgos
of Freemasons in his kingdom. Of this position
he hits just taken advantage to transmit to the
grand masters of all the lodges in llerliu and the
provinces a circular exhorting all the metnWers to
remain "faithful to the king" In the political
struggles of tho immediate future. The grand
masters are requested to read the circular to
their respective lodges, and to follow it up with
personal exhortations of their own of a tendency
similar to that of the document itself.
We art prepared to furnish Kew Corporations wiib all
the Hooka Uier require, at ihort notice and low prices, t
tint quality. All styles ol Blndlnir.
LtlUOOK.M'llKl) du Uj
HTi'l'K LKHUI k.
lIll)tND HOUR.
Blank Book Manufaotaren and Stationers
Il-U-U No. 4Ji CHKHNCT Suvec.
1'ltINTED OlUCUIiAlia,
With tte Prospectus and Otoloitteid Report of the property
of Uila Come any, are now ready at our office.
This Company owna over 2W acroa of wtiat ! knows
as the heat OIL TEltKITORT upon the Gil EAT UP
HEAVAL IN WEST VIRdlSIA, and offers larse Induce,
mints to parUes to subscribe for tlie limited number of
SI. urea oflercd at II per ihaiu Ibr (Ull paid atuclt, the par
being llOpertbara.
TMa price per ehare ll not above the marketable valae
of the landa, and It la offered for theeolo purpoieof lu
cnaalcg the faculties for development, and will, beyond a
reasonable dtnibt, prove a profitable lnveatoient.
Pun APiii ml , JToveuber W, lets).
CAPITAL. S.K0,000.
100.000 MI A R FA.
f." at-nsCHtHTtON PRICE. U.
Vo ftirthnr atirsamrnt to be mete. aa JS,0C0 81iarea liar
ben reserved for a Working Capital.
JAME1 K. Wl'lin.
.' t. HOOTT, I'MJl.Uill.U
.'OHN II. (Hll'Lll, I'b.Uitelph i.
josK.rii a. cr auk,
WM .IK N KH t'H.I.,
Al.l It F I Vt 111 JIM,
JAM KM l. UttilT,
JillI"C II, norm,
JAMI ! It. Wl'.ll.l,
l"Ac li. ut i;it,
I t;c f ertifii au-s are now Ithik la.ucd. Ii-;i-at
eri u K, N". "Ji i'IIkski t ktiiki:t.
O 'X- 'X- JLJ It l-" A. 11 M
CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000,
I'liR MIA hi;.
KitltHCltU'TlO.V IMtieiJ,
fluIiRciipttt n Bmtir are opened, and MibucriptlODi lo th
('Hp ltd. 8tt-k rc i-lTtl hl Uu- iilU of
riiiLiF ii. BRirE & fo.f
No. :nr WALNUT STItliKT.
The tiiTU-- of the Company, Not. 2.1 nd .! WAfllllMO
MiTON Itl !1JIK(.H,H.T11IK0 HUMt.Will bflnptint'd
on WK1NIDAY, December 7, 1W-4. Li-t-7t
W D. rSniTlI.Trensnrer,
T. J. lIARKIMONorrelnry.
L or
OflUe, u. atj S. Hl Kill hirftt, below Walnut, buck
riKiru. tint Hor.
CAPITAf,,500,000; HI1.HK8, lVi,uW; PAlt VALt'K, $10.
1 ho piopcny ot ttili rmuimtty In flltui'l on tho AUe
trheuy river, And cubrac.i'd within A olniiinrv of ntKxit
two anuft hull unlet irnui tho iov n i l- rank n. eiiatiiu'o
ciiimyt reiiiirylvtinuit tuU uouu the aurnt'. ildo ol stiii
It coniita oftiip entlrp worHlnwT Imeroit (which on
liaii ol itie oil proUiu'l In a Lt-ane anU oil Well lot ai. d
n tUv wll Kuown 'lloovcr Farm," ct-lelirateil ai aiuung
the Drtt nnd moiit vrotttictlvt Oil Tftrrtturtt'i, and knou
ai thet,HOuV.K i MAItMUAt.l, YVhlX."
The leant tor Ti-n Itodn miuaro, win, a frontage, of a
like niimhfr ot roda upon h lttver, Rlvlntt room lir two
iiioiu wrlls, uihI huii un unonpiri'd term f t -vciitv-Buvrti
rtiii 'I'hvru ts Kino a flnt-clattt tim horse Km;liu, Tult
Um, Taiiki, and uver thing nocesBiiri to carry ou nucou
f ul op rutloiif.
lhert'il (which U a flow In ii ami pumplnar one) has
heeri In opt ratlou fT thre' yearn, nod, crw!ly hantlh t,
bn proUuofd rfwiiliirlj from HO lo tlvt lihli. per wuek (in
tlinllnn Bloppngi', at tluitu Flauinti Ktghtcen Harrtl per
day, yle!din lur tho wurklng interest nf the 0 imp nay
ahoiit iflio.cuo antiimily. Tli Oil Ik miperlMr, Hm liibrUutliiK
jiiiilltii'n etjiiiniundiMK lur It 'A tn fl per barrel mure than
the oil from Olltlreek. This well, riKhtly handled and
ocliv e'y worked bv ihu celvbrnted Tuteiit Air rump, louveg
but little doubt of Its beniK restored to lis original prodiu--t
bin trom Hi) to Mtlmrn In j er dy.
'1 he oilier property ot tin Companycnnniitu In a raltiahle
rtvt r tract of lid v arres In leommplH, niltolnkuk'thi) extreme llnu i hVuukhn.wlth a lurgu b.rln mirtaeo tucini
the rer, and iiIko upon the creeks that run throuch the
traet, thereby liu rvumrK burmrf nurfneo, aud enlmnctritf
Kreatiy its ulue as oil i rrilnry. hi iidtlitlan to this, U has,
from H eontluilt to the comity town f otto of tho nmnt
ilotiriiblnif and rtipldly giowiny Wwus ol Uic iiute, a lar
nurtare vulue.
In (be produet of the walls of this region there has ever
been a remarkable uniformity, which, with the Is to valua
ble (liNCovery ot a 7o-banel well ou the Island opposite the
"Hoover V aim," and ibe dlbcovory ot lare and valuable
producing wells all around the Compaiiy h property ('
extraet below), stamps the relon as one of the mont valua
ble oil terrboiles. The t'rtiiikllu C(d.tM(lu uolitlug ttio
new wells recently mrurk, itas ;
'tine by DaU alt Morrow, on Orb.ber 1?,on tiie Coch
rane Kstm, two nines below Krauklin, which yielded iMO
bnrre) at the first tortv-eiht hours' puiuptnif, In con
slilert d good lor tii bam-la. .John Lee has aho obtained
a Mowing well, on the Martin Farm, iuit above the lloovt-r,
and nearly opimiite the Cm hrano, which rlows over Mily
bitrrels l,, r day. Also, Mr. llubbtt. who owns a lease mi
tloMuitii I'Hrni. w ho ban been pnmotng tour barrels per
day at M'h feet deep, stink bis well ill feet, and struck a
well clvlnk' fortv barrels per day. All these stnkos ha a
been w ilbm tea days, und tho prospect of u number mure la
a Hhort lime "
lite-n thousand shares thvt been setnslde by UioCoui
psny tor the puri ol boring three more wells.
- '1Mb ronton, with Hs oil wulli so celeoratd for their
steadiness and Curability, tan great nuuiiturs of lara
flow lug and pumping wells recently discovered, tha supe
rior i.uslny of i ho oil ah a lubricator, and tho bth prices
always so readily obtained, with extraordinary shipping
facilities, from the weih being located on tt.e margin of tho
river, and only two-and-a-half tulles front toe railroad,
unite to otter parties wishing to invest in oil territory
sufely. Inducements of the highest character.
Walks for subscription ac now open at the office of tho
C')in any, No,-.oo a. Kol KTU Street, below Walnut.
nl a limited number ot sharus will bo sdd atli .iOpor
N, It. Royalties having risen to one-half the oll.tlia
Compaoy expect to reati.o largoly from leasing a poittoa
ol their tract held 111 tee simple.
li-uo-iit T. S. rilTIalPS. Treasurer.
40,000 SHAKES PAK VALUli $10.00
A. 1. CATTKI.L, Tresldont Corn A'i :isa Ilatluasl
Tank, 1 htladolphia.
KDWAKD O. JAIliS.of the house of TbwnM Ulctiaid
on A Co., Philadelphia
JOHN ALEX ANUl'.K, No. l!iM Arch street, PatUJa.
DAVID VAliLUVtKK, No. Of M.ThittaeutU street,
J. II. LVDAY.nttsbBr.
K. K.l'OKTKK.M. Wilmhigtoii.
WM. H. IXNi:, I'ttiladeU-tna.
Oilio No. 148 a. FOURTH Siot,
The propct'y of this Company consists of Oil Laud,
Leases, and. loan Kent Heserves or Hoyaltles of all the
o'l produced on the 'A. Buclianan Karua," on Oil Cr.k.
And alio, all the oil and underground deposits in two hun
dred acres of land on Kasl lib kory crock, Venanga coajity ,
There are about oue hundred and fifty surveyed oil lots
on the A luchanan Farm," over iixty ot which are
leased to flfU class operators. Seventeen wells are now
protliitlng oil: several are now being tested with good
prope ts, and twenty or tliirty being bored at various
stages of progress.
As a solid proniMng Investment a limited Dumber of
ftill paid shares, of $10 per share, may be obtained at $7
each, npon application te any of Ihe oitlcers.or at the
oOlce of the Coaipsny.
Tnt prospetua. containing a full description of the Com
pany property, can be obtained attbe ottlce, U-fti-Un
The wibt viEonrLi lira omo
100,000 8IIARES OF to EACII.
Workinc (iiplt.-i!, $'25,OOfl.
Tt,f pr.prty ff tlir C lurany conl,t of
Flr.t. A tra.-t of one hTindrrJ acrf s In ft ilmola, llil
atfdlo ripa.ant county, W cai Vlrplaia, non Kawsou',
lino, ni-ar thr crlabrated "TarV wpl.. V'pon thu tract
thf ri-Ii a nrw enitlno Ju.t arrtvtd. with which It Is In
ttndcil to piosccint tlif devi'lopment of the propvrtT with
vlfnr. It Is will. In une mllo of llom Neck, wliloh la n
rcdrd to b" In th. hcurt of the oil territory, new wdla
brln itruck nearly every wwk. It ultuaird upin the
I' lii'he aval, now proven to he the best Indication of
oil territory III that reslnn. Hur.e Neck, llilrnlns' Mprlng,
and the oil territory io Ohio, are all upon the upheaal.
It Is a well proven fact that It It necessary to strike a
'fl-surw" In the rook In orJcf to obtitln a pAylnKw.-tl,
a though in passion ihruh tho rock a show of oil ovit
lieohtalned. It H this fact which roaket a volcanic up
heaval of importance, ai It causes many tlssuros or breaks
In the strata.
Second. leases r,f 1,0 acres, on Mitceu Mile Ilnn
Washington county, Ohio, as fnlluw,:
Itrltton HO acres, 1,1 years ; Royalty, one-flfth the on.
Jlnore do ecrt'i, : years ; Hoyaltv, one-elnhth the oIL
Myers-8U acres, IS years; Ruvalty, one fluh the all.
t'relvhton 10 acres, l' ears ; Hoy alty, ono-seventh the oil.
King 1?0 acres, 15 years; Royalty, one-nfth tho oil.
Ixve 43 acres, 15 y.ars; Royalty, one-flfth the oil.
Kilts Kit) acres, 1.', year.; Royalty, one-flfth the oil.
Osnti- if acres, 1.1 years ; Royalty, one tinii the oil.
I'ovey 1 acres, 1,1 ; ears ; Royalty, one llfih the oil.
Ili alop 3i acnr-H, 1.1 yiari ; Royalty, one-fifth tlie oil.
I'tillihert Ul acres, U years ; Royalty, ono-nrtli tho oil.
Thtmpson 140 nercs, 1.1 years; Royalty, one fllth the oil.
Pnhler so acres, 1,1 yeare; Royally, one sixth the oil.
Welrh h W acres. 1.1 years ; Royalty, one flfihtheolU
On tile Itnttcn, Morc. Mulder, Weirlch, and Thompson,
there arc eiiKlnes with welia down respectlsely feet,
li.0 lei t, anil 'ii3 le t.
On UeCutlibcrttliere ia a well down 200 litt, with en-aim-
on the Krouuil.
On tlie Hii derlea--e Uicrc Is a Iluruing SprlnK,
Subscription Hooks are open at the office of
10. M(JHS.
No. V.V1 l'Ot.'K STRRCT.
pilots I'KCTUH
j I' ll ll
Cttiltul Htook, . . tl.OOO.OOO
It ll proposed to form this Company from tlie followinf
I. the fee simple of Vm acres, known as the "Cotter
Farm " on Hl Itn-ken-Hiiaw creek, and on the line of the
iiiij.ja.'iiiia inui ,rip nsmm, ono ana a Unit ml let w tt
01 tarlnil, 11 1 ti I "lit HVHhip, Wmrrvn cfiunry, fetnml
vaiiia. '1 lilaa luml ia Mitiniu d in nne ol the bunt luralltUin m
thtMielKhhorbdotl. It taken in tho wholo of
ever a uille in c xtcut, miviiik a fruntuuc on tbe linken
8trw ent-k ofover two mili-s. It nlun extctiili tiortliwiinl
over l te btiiif, ami takes In a cmiaUler 4lil portion ot the ftlne
Kjf Itun. a tiil.ntury ot tin- ltmken Straw. Itmki'n-Htnivr
in ck tukti ItH rim' I nun the emit mile of (tie blurt, whli-li
cea rle to the acirhratcd Oil creok, on tho weU nld'1.
It In tiavltiablo from the Cotter Farm t (he Alh-fheny
liver, uaiitaucout ten mile, anil tlum atlonln friollliieH for
irHnsprrtathn hy bnats tu Pittabnr. Aa mentioned h.--ftro.
the afhllaltlplna nnd Krle Kuilnnid rum ih redly
throiiKh the propet ty on tin- bun It oi tiiu erot-k. and t-mi it
in hi outfit iu tltrt-rt otunniniiicatliin Willi the Kat oil
in.irKeti, New ivrk and PiiiUiUrlpiifa. The hla: rih
tnnii 4i m t fret. In uome piai es orv abruptly. rinre
li a ilmu built u ro therrrek about Lihlway on thn pro-M-ri
, mIvIiiw Imini-nno wat r-power to one ol the flut-Ht
and bent (oontriK-ts-d saw mills in tltt rounirv, iliis null
at preicut uwk Ui Xf tecl ol luuibcr per day with one sliitfie
upright caw,
A auti of saws ronM be addril at a small eoit, and Mia
inl.i he made lai-bli1 ot prouncMiiu a rovenue to the Horn.
pui'.vatome ejnal to an ordinary nrodiK-inj: well. Tiio
bliiil" Dunnd with pine. Lemioc-a, viv,in such 'I'lantlty
h to ks'rp tin' mill riiiinhiK for sevoritl yeare. )a addi
lion to the mill there Is a very iidHttntiafand larue f Va'iie
lioiiie, n v. rtil hiuiilter cuoh, burnn, eiablee, bla kmuh
ilmp, farpentir ehup. Ac. Ac ; In short, ovi-rythlug Vint
an t).p-fitfKMj of a twenty years' resldene taught tho
lti . wm r to he necefnir-. The hottoin land on thv Mat U
pood tarudiiK land, l cleared fur tlio purpose, and is trtm
l.V to 2t acres In ft-nt.
The ttirm uhotuidr. with choteo spoti for drUhriir, and
with facilities lor the purpoie, micIi as t'vw orbr lands
imi'-t'fi. 1 he ravlnm w hlcli intprseet and form bre.iks l
tueen and through the hills, and which are favorite lcall
tir for wells, have flint streams, w hich will k!vi sum -lent
wat'T ower to It Immediately to omtueme
Unking scvenil wells, savin thu tpeine and delay
Inut'tainliiK entfliifi. A derrick can b built wttr the saw
mill and m-arliu attached, th is mukliiK the mill to answer
a d iibiepurpose. The uHbovsg" of oil are eiual, and In
Diiiiy pluc s superior and more numerous, to thiite oh
n. lu wliat lias proved to be tho best Ucaiitleson Oil
About two tnllei from the farm, over thn MurTe, the
Hiiuer ll Ccuipaiiy, of Hilladclphla, are driliiuK- two
well on tne lloMut r run, w lm U empties into the ttrukeu
Hiraw at t.arland. Tln se wells are kiiviuy the most cratl
l.viiiff evidei'ce of tlie eiiiteuce of oil in areat iuaiitities,
ttiJ have estabilhhed its prt-Miirn In thai region bevond a
duubi. Thu Cutter Kaim ts bltuattd nearly due north. of
the now celebrtted Tidcout, on the Allegheny river.
II. The lee simple of 1167 tuvee ou the North Salmon
Crnk. Tionffa townsblp, Fitrn-it ouaiy, I'a., jo-.t over
the border ot Venango lounty. In the case
ol th t otter Kami, takes In tho valley as well an the
hliittn on both mile's, and is traversed bv numerous ravine
and lit i U sUtams riuinintr Into the blutoii Crrek, Th
evidences of ol' canot he anv lied In laet.areso marked,
and u (onuatiou of the land It so favorab e to the eist
ei e of g(l, (hat every oil man visltlntf the relmi lays
"Maluion Creek l hound to equal the world renowned oil
Creek, ' situ the spex'ulaliiiK public havo howiith-lr faltn
In it t teMbint,' or Im)1hk every acre of land from this
comiAiu's territory to the moutn of the crevkah ut Ove
mile as well as up und down tho Tioueta rlvur for
several Ollles.
Thn piuperty ts situate about ten miles ent of the AHe
lihei y river It aUuud with the Debt description ot tiuiher
- Piit. uerry. hemlock, etc , wtiicn can be made to ield
a handouoie revenue to the t;ompmiy. The development
oi thecountr Is rapidl pronrenin. A we 1 is beiUK sunk
hall l nil I, from the property, two others two miles irom It,
and the 'Honesi a river 1 lined whb them on each Tdefor
mt so oiiw at the mouth ol Halm m cruuk, now yielding- oil,
and ill ot Ihem giving such liulieatioiiH wlii'e drilling that
have, beretoiuru only aceon-panied the sinking of the bebt
wclii'B Oil creek. In addition to thl the counties sur
rotiniJiLiR Current copLty- north, south, east, and w est,
ere ail ildWg oil, and give great strength to the sup to.
niiii'ti t ftr it ,,o-. county is in the ceutroof tin imiuonse
bsnlii o il, .i' 4 Hint whole region of tountry.
A lir tidimiAj- lj snares will be sold at the above
menti ;ed fcub-!,,,.,,,!! price, . ."at per share, which wiU We
full p.. 1, and (j'.noo applied unmedtnhly to tae develop
Hieif iti.epn.,tv,
Kr t'ife i,ve propeetns It wilt be seen that the
"Co f n oil iupany ' olters unusual Indueements
tv ll l hi to net lii oil slocks. Ttie extent ot ti.e
pro' '.n.ft tt ih"iii. oer tour s-iuare iniien, the weh
k ii' I'r'in, n Aiius of the siirrouolntf ret: Ion, and the
fii( ' d Dy them for the Immediate develop-
in v l u-n fory at not more than two-ihlrds the
tit ' i. Hgi riiii ttie Itreetors lu wHHeninK that the
' , 'in t):i ( untpany will soon j-luco Itself among
tl Wfe ,:;vidtud pa.vifiij Oil tiiock Companies lu tne
c :rv
-1 tlor L Mks will be opened and subscriptions to
hi m , suck received at the i'""Ke of
i' U1.I1 II. JJUICK A CO.,
WILLiAM O. SMITH, Treasurer,
tr, baJclIBOX, SKretary.
)J 3-t
CAPITAL, .... 1,000,000.
lVorklntr Capital, icio,0(M.
suDfiCRirnoN rniCE, Woovzw snriK,
The properly of ti e Company ronsts's of the fnllnwinir
TaluaMe leases on Oil Creek and Cherry Run, and which
are only partially developed, the pmdue Uon feeing nearly
sixty barrels per dny, e,Hl to over one per cent per
munition the capital stock, and Is Increasing. Also. a
trs-t of 1 ''7 acres In fee simple on ('berry Run, on the
most valuable portion cf it. sufficient of Uselffor com
pany with twlee the capital stock. This property was
selected for private Investment and not for speculation,
and offers ludti -emenis seldom wet with in the many com
I arms now cianiilii4.
Thl Is 112 free on a lease nt It acres, on which there ll
one well flowimrovrr .'' barrels per dny. Alen, '2-12 of the
oil in said well, making In aU4-12 of ,i of the oil free uf
e pc me.
An undivided half part of the "lur bar Farm." contsfn-lnjv.-
40 aires, situated on Oil Creek, ad.ioinlng Foster, and
about one mile above tha KobleWell. This property llos
In the vlcinl'y of some of the best oil territory on I he creek,
and If developed will prove immensely valuable. The
other nndlvld d half Is owned by a company who arc pre
paring lo work the land vigorously and ttcprodtict of the
Cil this Interest shares.
This Is a lease of 3H acres, on w hich Is erected a Refi
nery In full operatlou, and four wells arc being put down
Cno Is complete and ready for testing, anothor nearly
down, and the remainder progressing. It is a remarkab e
fact that no well has been sunk on this Mat that has failed
to proiuceoil. and wliblo tho next eUty days doubtless
Uiis Interest will pay well.
N. ll. Hjpce tlie above Information hat bfen received
that one well Is down ready to tube with a very dne show
and anoiber nea'ly ready to tube. From them it It not
unreasonable to expect at least fifty barrels per day to Uie
tu teres U
No. 4. -H VCH A NAN' FAIiM.
Thin ts fi lease of 2H rrci, situate at the mouUi of
Cherry Run, on which there is one pumping and une
flowing well, producing to the Interest forty barrels per
day aud Increasing. There la room for at least throe more
No. 8.
A Firm of V7 acr-n, In fee simple, on Cherry Run, near
Plumer, thrce-fonrihs of which Is boring territory, being
nearly all Hat bottom land. On this tract It la the intention
of the Company to commeuco work at once, Intending to
sink several wells, and oiTer Inducements to responstb'e
parties to Ruse a portion of It. It Is conildently expected,,
by a Judicious and vigorous prosecution of tlie several
Intercuts, this Company wM be ablo to pay from ono to
two per cent per month from the commencement, on the
entire capital stock. It is confidently expected the Corn
puny will declare a dividend early in Jauuary for this
mouth, from the present production.
Only a United number of shares are forsile at the Sub
script lop I Tire.
Rooks are open ftr a limited number, In Boston, Balti
more, and several other places.
one Nunnc.hirnoN alone of over two huh-
TO THE 8UF.KINAU. The tale of the shares to be
divided among the different cities Is necessarily
limited. U S 3t
Only a limited number of Shares for sale at t each. par.
The lanos of the above Company ci nslst of t'- aores lu toe
simple, known as the Minder Farm, on the Allegheny
river, near KrankUit, on wiich Is one well yleljlmr daily
live barrels of oil A second well o about be lit horud
Also, 1 sen s on a twenty year lease, on hack creek, on
which two w ells are now noinK down, with a KOod show
r-t oil ; and 27 acres on thewaoie creek In lee simple, on
which one well Is being bored. There Is euough oil on
hand out ot which to pay a dividend.
riittftiilption books Kpcu for u few days only, at the
Oiliec ot
K. A. MAIlSIIAIiL, Jit.,
12-il sit No, 2n WALNUT STREET.
11 17 tl Socretary and Treasurer.
or mm
will elate on WKDNBMDAY, tbe 7th Inst.
II. S. LEECH, Treasaror,
fun ip i run, I) ember 1, UiA. li-i-M
prru-HiiuncJ anu uohton
Capital, SWO.OOPar, $5 Per Share.
Tbe property of Hits Couimn) consUti of the following
Territorj, extonstre leaseholds, FU0DUCIN0 WKLL8,
Will, suing down and oeurljr fliitslied
No 1. About .V(0(tT) Awn Clierr Tree Run In TEE
BIMP1.K, l.i.i, al.le lanil auftlc'ent tusluk MM If WELL.
1 bis Territory Is epuur tlie llalsvll IVtrolfiim Cniiiaiy
(llaes' 1 arm) ou Ull (.'reek, bounded lu part by Uo cvio-brutt-d
hti.t r'artu, Ac.
No a l.tar iieivelual (::" years) on Wash. Mediator
OIH'nwk-ii wive, all Uat, Tor valuable, flowing au4
pumpltia writs all around.
ho. n. ' Ud C at t lowlrg Wt U, aoot 10 barrel. rr
dsy, on Wash. liu-CUnifM'k Farm. 'J be Comuany owaa
Uie W11'LE working uitvrest la Uili well, luifioe, tajiks,
Ac. 4c. 1.
No 4. 'Talironila Well, Vo . I.' on (Ml Creek, down BOO
I". el, all ready u ninbe. This siell uaa Honed I a) bairela
l'No.i.'"Califl.n:la Well. Xo. J." on Oil CrauMown nearlj
tu let.
tio.t; Knsarirrpi'tnal (w T'arsTon 7 aoreiiMlcreea,
11 iIhI. cotitaiiniii.' sl.e above weLU. with nuoeuUore
engine, tunke, durnt ks, anvlni' bousvs, Ae.
ho. 7. .er.tlu.l 'W years i ou ac-res OU freak,
all Hat, and In one well down MM ii-ot,onu quarter intajvat
(work:lir- in sveil atd lt-a.
li.ll ( All I A I..
ltooas for nctr.iNti. eubscrn.tlon are now open at oof
rft-.ce tor a tew dsyaollly ; wbt-n closed, sae sleek (a) be
l.i't a ou toe ri.u ar nosioil aim rnu.'ieipi ia .iocs
iards as a ho.a vior divioend-litt.liu; Oil raooroiMU
I'ouf-Afci, when it is eip.tfd tho sbare. will lari:elr
advaio e. All mm er Information, with prospectuses, eaa
Ik obtained of tbe unders.licd. Tbe small oaptusl of Una
t'onipany, wiib tbe ai-tuai larKe tnlerusu, uiual make it a
lavurue aa a asenrv luvvaiuieni.
Ko. It t'aruohar UoUdluga, WALFtT below TIlikD,
Pbllad. Iphla Aumcr.
T.KONAUII 41 MAeil.t.Y,
io. 6H RKAVBH HUM. alew York Aa.'aer
411't.M. tK, VILA CO., Maiikere.
11 H Boston Agexay.
nr t
100,000 SHARES, 10 EAC
erBocniTTiOH runt, m rr ntav
J. P. nr.iKBoia.
The property of OjH Company i all In Veaanft aoo-ntf,
and Is be'lorrd to bo aa good oil territory at any lo B)
No I. One-fourth royaltr Inlereat In Ihre. aerei m
bundnd and Ove pen hea of land, being the Mn'Mtork
llt serve, situated at the lanrtlon of Oil Creek w th Chan;
Hun. The leases ('J.i sears) are held by enereelte and r
sponslble men. There ia n flowiug wall atrnrk about Uig
Jfith of October, and la now yielding ISO barrel, nef any,
with a good prospect of a largo Inrr. as. Toere la also
pumping well, yleldlnaover NO barrels. Increasing dally,
and It Is eunndruuy expected s 111 become a larg. Bowing
sv alL T hrec other wells a', nearly completed, on. K fees)
deep. In the third amid ro. k: one 460 feet deep i eaetTi
fti l deep, just throui.h the third sand rock, and read fog
the ergtne. which It on the ground, and another Ja.t ooia
niencsd, In all ofwhli h oil hat already been fonn 1, ao4
will he. It la tupposed, In .few weaka. largely pradactlyns
making six wells completed and In active process of on
pletlon. On tills territory there tt room for twels. er sit
teen wells, and, from tU character of the lessees, will M
developed rapidly,
ho.t On, hall acre of ground In the centre W the Ahoyaj
trnct, reserved originally by th. owner aa kit reaidenot,
and on which it stands, Tbia la ft fee almpl.. bat InkJet,
to one-fourth of the oil produced from 11. Th. east Jadgag
pronounce thia half acr. to b. aa good oil territory
any on the creek, and which th. Company eipect t. deve
lop as rapidly aa posalbie for the benefit of the ttockheiderg.
No 8. One-third working hvcrest tn thrae aad one-kali
gem on Oil Creek, allnated farther np, adiolnrag thg
widow McCllntO' k a farm, and at favorably located ag 3. On tills property there It new well, pre
during lis barrels ot .11 daily, and Increasing. Anolkar
wi ll In progress of boring, and progressing eatlafaatnrlly.
This property la snsceptlbl. of greater develonent, aDdi
promises to be largely produrtlvo.
Vo. 4. Two hundred and ten aeraa of land In t tlmpli
on ntliole Creek, three rnllce from the AVesheny Klvar.
aud surroanded with welii, already developed aad saceeig-.
ful. A larjx portion of tbia farm la believed to b good oil
No. fi. A valuable traot on Btuart'i Run, conUlnlBj
about thirty acrei. This Ii regarded ai one of the meet
desirable rrglom oatslde of Oil Creek and Cherry Kan.
Several companies have commenced opera! ioai with Mhl
favorable prospects.
M.i. t. Avaloablo tract on and near Tub! Hun.wkkK
emptlea Into tlio Allegheny Klver, on the east side, abe.t
one ml.e above Tloneata Village. Several ravlnee paegl
throngli thia property, and there la considerable of geoel
timber on (t. 2io reasuu why It shonld not prove to be goosf,
oil territory.
Xo. 7. A valuahle tract on Tlonesta ereek. Just abgv
Lareya Hills, on tha left-hand tide of the creek , contain
liiBub. ut tiny acres, with aa many rods enthecroake
Indications for oil very favorable.
Xo. 8. A valuable tract on Tlonesta creek. Just ahevtf
the last deacribtd, containing about fllty acres, and aaent
fifty rods front on tlie creok.
Ko. 9. A tram of territory on and ae folnlng a run whltif
empties Into Hemlock orosk, abont flv. miles from Preal
dent, and uearto the property of th. President
Company. It contains about two hundred acres, part well
timbered, the balance believed to be good oil territory.
ho. 10. A valuahle (met on and near Pitholo Kun, abont
one mlie from the Allegheny river, and nearly oopoatte)
the celebrated Plthoie Creek, which la now regarded witA
much favor. This property contains abont twenty. tlvg
acres, part well timbered, and thore are good reasons tat
believing they will prove good oil territory.
Imtut'dlateiy on going into operation this oninpanywlf
he In th. receipt of any fiC barrels of oil per day, widest
at HO (It it row lolling at tl'.'), will he a dally l.rciue
t'iOn.or elsn.ono per,unnum, enuollug the rompanyt.)
make divi deuds of not lees than throe per (rent per monf
on the Investment from tha beginning, with a good pre
pect of a large Increaso.
It Is believed that no oil company has been formed wltk
moro certain prospecta of surccs. Only a limited por
Hon of the stork is oflercd at $6, aa the corporators confl
ilciitly believe that In a very short time tbe stoikwlUbf
worth ninch more than par.
Aa the compary relies mainly on th. first described
property for their present Income, the lull jwlng report, hy a coinmltteo of gentlemen appointed to make tat
examination, Is stibmlllcd
Tbe undersigned committee, appointed to examine thg
property of tlie Mct'lintock Roserve Oil Company, rrepvgt.
fuliv report
hat tucy imvo thorouglily examined tho John Me' lid
lock Reserve, situated at tho junction of Oil Creek anl
Cheirv Kun. Tbu property alocated on a beaatii'sl bluff,
admirably adapted to boring. There are stx wells finished
and In progress. One well, which had been yielding ehoat
forty barit-ls dully, had suddenly Increased loone hundred
and forty barrels, and waa flowing nt about ttia rate oa
our viilt. Another well, represented aa yield. ng seveoty
flve barren, was pumping at the ruta of eighty to ninety
barrels, and tlie Intelligent superintendent and lessee wan
anguine in the expectation that In a ahurt time It xouldl
become flowing well, and give a much larger yield.
Those two welts are but a few weeks old, and have every
Indication of becoming very large wella.
t hree other well! aro In process of boring, and will M
finished on or before the first of January; and from tag
Indications, we believe they will all be largely productive.
One other well was Just commenced, and will he pastied)
rapidly to completion.
The whole of the properly, except the half acre en "Well
the homestead stands, has been leased, and la m tbe l.aadg
of espcilrnced and energetic men, who wl I spare no palu
or expense te develop the properiyln Hie best manner, a oil
tn the shortest possible Umo.
The derricks, housei, engines, tools, etc , are all n.w,
andthebefctof their kind, and In excellent order, giving
evidence of the cartful supervl.Kin of the owners uf UlC
We have no doubt Uiat the Company's Interest ue
fourth royalty now about fifty-five barrels pcrdky, whiek
at tlo la V0, w III he greatly Inrteased bythebrst at
January nest ; and as the land will admit of twenty welhj
being bored upon 11, n good Idea may oc formed of thg
Immense yield which will result when all are Caishod.
The bouiestead occupies half an acre from which the)
Company will receive thno lomtlis of the ol1 If thsy work;
It, and h your commltlee strongly reeommenda; at
would not be surprising If this intere.talona should, beforn
Uie txplrutiou of a y ear, realize an income of tuverai hun
dred barrels ptr flay.
The eutl'e properly consists of a little over fear arret.
With a superior dwelling and good barn upon it. Kront
lit proximity to Cherry Run, and Ita peculiar loea lon,
together with the met that tlie property nsj not aeea found
te be affected by other wells In tne Immediate ntlgiii
hood, we are hd to tue conviction that it ia enec' H.s agj
desirable (roperties on Oil Creek.
Tonri reipectfuliy,
J. 1). suoi.
jamcs McMillan, no. to aisi 4
V-8-mwf2w W. U. RICH AHIiHO, No.4ti laariei '.