THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAHI. rilTLADELrillA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1804. FOURTH EDITION Latest from Sherman. OPINIONS OF THE IN DIXIE. PRESS Sherman will bo Able to the Coast. YANKEE FLEET OFF CIIAULE8TON. T,t. r.a., '., .m, l:t-., -.., i:tc. MprrfBl to Tlif I.vonlnir Trle-trrnpr,. WAtHiHOTow, December 3. llie.binonil jup-ri of Thursday lint, jnt received hero, contain the following items of Ink rest . The Fxaminrr, in an editorial on the situation, ays that "Sherman will e able to rca. h tlie coast," and that although the Ile'iol troop con centrated In Georgia are sulllcient for the protec tion of Angnsta ami Savannah, tUey are. nut strong enough to destroy Sherman. The Sentinel says that large Yankee fleet are elf Charleston and Tort Koyal, ready to eovor Sherman when he arrives at either place. Great reliance Is placed upon Hood's c.tmprlgn aian offset to Fbcrro.m'" victories. The New Atlorue.y-lilenernl. Mr, Speed has positively been appointed Attorney-General of the United States, vice Kites resigned. Mr. Speed is a well-known jurist and advocate of Louisville, and is very much respected ty the bar throughout the Southwest. But he is Appointed particularly to secure a reprexcu'ntlve from the Border States In the Cabinet. The I'n tied Rtietca Altrnrr-(lrnpritlihlii. It was stated in the press tolcgrnm of Thurs.l;ty that the Hon. Joseph Holt had declined the ap pointment of Attorney-General in the jilaco of dward Bates, resigned. The report that the Hon. Jnmcs Speed, of Ken tucky, has been tendered the cilice, is to day confirmed by reliable authority, and it is believed he will accept the position. The Prmlilfiil'i (mitts;- The President"! Message was the subject of a pecial Cabinet meeting to-day. IMFORTANT FROM NORTHERN VIRGINIA. Retreat of Early Confirmed. MOSKBY'S MOVEMENTS THREATS. AND lie-. Etc., Etf RU, Kir., F.lo. pveelnl to The Evening Tel-;rir,. Washisotom, December 3. A person who arrived here last night from Madison Court Mouse, Vs., reports that on November 25 a long wagon train, belonging to three brigades of Xarly's army, passed through that place. The troops had previously passed down the Valley, and It was the general Impression that their destination was Richmond. On Monday last Kershaw's Division, of Early's command, passed down in the same direction. Richard Sweeney, a refugee from Auckland's Mills, Fauquier county, Va., who escaped the conscripting officers and has reached our lines in safety, states that Moseby has declared his intea tion to enforce the Conscription law throughout the whole coimtrv outride of the Union lines in Virginia, even as far down as Fairfax county. On Tuesday night last Sweeney says a large Dumber of conscripts were in Warreuton and Salem, while iu New Baltimore the Rebels hud conscripted every man. The Pewltion of Ueneritl Thoman, Nabhvillb, Decemlier 3. The latest olllcial information from General Thomas' army is, that h has so concentrated his forces at the formica tions of Nashville, as to bo prepared for auy move which Ucod may venture to make. 8nl riov(rnnieot Kevnrlttea. Nbw York, December 3. At the Stock Ex change to-day there were sold 10,000 V. 8. Cs 1SG7, ex. Int., 138$. 4(1,000 VI. 8. 6b 1KK1, coupons, 113 f" 114. j-'7 000 U. 8 6s, 5 20f , reentered, 107iy 107.1 $.7H,ll()0 U. 8. coupons, H74( 107 j. y3'.'A,000 U. S. Cs. new issue, 1"7. 4,600 10-40s, coii)KliS, Utvjtn 1.10. in to IT. 8. 6s lhHl.reaibtBied, ex. int., 107 "2)6,)00 U. 8. 6s, one-year ccrtilicaw.t, 071 Marine lutrlliarnce. IN' aw Yokk, December 3. Aitnse fog prevails ou the bay and both rivers to-day, and very fuw vasjvlii are airiviiiff from sea. The steamer H'mAmifori, from Havre on the the lGth ult., hs arrived . Kew Yobk, Decomber 3. Flour has declined rvsrloe. HA'f B ot NW bhltt hi 'M'i 111 iO for K'ntp: $K lor Obio; nl I(J i".i i:. fur Mituliicra. Win at h is cilncd Ic ; fciid i urn aio Iium 0 -1 1 ri -Unit t nJ -i the Ui re onittif! Uyt. l'tel I iH-.ady. I'ork ittJy At 9M "r neoi. I-tim niB. Y (il.I dull. St. Lovih, Dv-ccmbtT Tobico U active. t Motion Inniiuld; im!l tV ' $ Vi il t lor MKi ilinK Wlittkt uncntnLCd. Klonr tlat. Corn bM'1 ; U y-l!,j.v new C.ltU n!d wlJtM tl iut Ann al !M'J. Vohk, Dcromttrr 3. -HVf,Kn Are lover Otic to and IWk (sitnd. I''..1- : Cumber, imt nr--feriiJ 4b; lllinri lntral. !('.; Aliclil n H.niLbfrn, ; S-w ion i euirm, ; Btni(jf( , ; iiiMi4'ii i(ir, lit.' . t; JtJii-loriif , Mrt' ; five twtniy ( .-Oi"n, 107 ; AftklreU, 1 17 ; Cuupou tit, 1 14 ; Hold, INVASION OF GEORGIA. XfMrliisra of Miernisn'a fireti. The extraordinary fidelity with which the Hicli tnond piess has obeyed the dictate of the Con t'ederato authorities, to preserve an entire silence In regard to the operations of General Sherman through the lieuit of the Confederacy, docs not prevent the outcropping of allusions and lu licit lions, wl:ie h give the ussuraiieo of the comp'eta cttccess of this grand campaign. After more than two weeks of almost unbroken litnee, we iiud liiru loea Ucd al a p .nit so proxi uiate to bis destination that iiuain;.t:oii may ich the figure of his advancing columns as they we .r the coast ; anu ins titeu uui inumpiiutiiarmr uiav, after an atiubasis mote wondcrfal than that led by Xcnopliou, begin, like those old Greeks, t bout : "Thalasta ! Tbalassa ! the sea ! the sea !' During the season of oarkuoss which the iuti mir.Dsnf the ltebel press only served tor-end visible, the only ituide left to the bund was taat iniih which the Apostle calls ' the evi leuco of Uiings cot seen " taith in the genius of the C m suanaiir. and hi his niagnitiCiint army of veterans but even the most robust confidence ha bo -u ut to a severe htrain, aud, as day by dayelapaed, Me tears ot mcu incrcMitu, ttieiriuitu utiumisuea. ftedectlon will, 1 think, however, show that tl i mood of mind was the rc-ult, no: of any iailuie oa the part of General Sheruiaa ta his trliievement, but of his failure to work out his eanipsijjn in the way we f xpocted. When Geuc ral bhennau, iu his adruuee eaotwaid from Atlanta, pa-scd unheeding by Macon, loaviusr it yt to his in;ht, a certain dikuppuiutiuant as felt, aople eKpecud him ta take Macon, and when 1m. ' oeirlectod to do so, the Orntlinx of victory sk e4 to have eluded his grasp. a. .U2U Pl"ulr iiuaqintuiou fastened itself on ''laiuhis oUiecuve point, aad eagerly an K 1 but day after day passed jv AugJisla was ea,.tuleJ wJ Uls, ncjttior btdeu betu lhrw,t fnrtuar c..uut. Llr Kow, himir. thai u .. w t b Titrls la Geuctal buejmaa . ro,," V Augn.ut, ' 'W " k aa ; now thit h! a.-toally u U poiut suu w , . " ultiaiav ole-'iuau it he had ukeu iu ft iiyAuga,!, pt'-iiup ur CT'tlt-'Hl and poMIe will be rontent to let (lertarat Bhwman coednct his ramr-vftn fx his nn method, trust ing Its r'n, be justlfled by It result. It need tint a slight appreciation of the nature of General Khermna's tailc to Justify his wisdom in not staying his march for the capture of places that must fall into his hands a ripe fruit on the arcoirpll.bmeritof hi design. Sorb a procedure would onlr serve to exhaust his upplics and n-e up hi ammunition, in the execution of minor result that are the necessary corollaries to the ueve-sful execution of his general plan. Ptiermsn dim at i-reiit u'trrior renlt: when be sbull have achieved bis end, he will h ive por fnniontly severe'! the liulf States from tho."-of the Ailantie sralKifd. Vehall I'm I''"1 of He N.ivnivini) rher, ami confine the mitn iiruiy fif the Hi tii'liioii within llie limits ut Viii'H.i and tiie r,troltrin. W hat then, hat l.n the a tail pmgrei of (iemral Kriennaii thus far In the execution ol hi purpose r-irar, we know from the )pntnon.v or the Ki.tirtmn.l intimit- of yesterday, that ho ha ne-s-.fuliy tr.ri-lcrrtd hi whole army over the Oeoi.ce, tie" only river he lift I to rross ere reach ing an outlet on tint sea. We know, secondly, that he I". piovinu fir south ni Augusta, on the l.rte roiinecti'ic fiat citv with Savannah ; and on which ttiev Null IC!"T(I. We know, thirdly. Hint he had, at List advice, pushed forward ?o far he was able to throw out a cavalry co ittnn to communicate wilh tlio fleet. We know, fourthly, both through tho con fection o! the itichniond and Hours' a press, and 1 1 i Dtift li the ions ot tojncral tirunt, that the Keliels have no hOo of able to thwart Sb'Tiiian. This despair Is airikieftlr manifested in the tone of .inury comment which the Richmond preM he-;ii ou Jell. avis for his policy In m'lid lii(( II. .oil's unity on a Iriiitlea raid Into I en in ssee, ir.stoa.l i.i ri'taining it where It could check the advance of Mii'mian. buvs the liiiijuirrr of Wednesday; " Without sustaining any physical injury from Sherman's siieiesM'ul inarch to the coist, our cniife cannot escape a great moral defeat by a triiiiiipliant raid tliroii'.'li the heart of the ('nn-feeo-ney. Jt is neither prorer nor pr.itlfniilo to inquire into the wisdom of the side-track strategy ; but, at n future d.iy, it will be well, if for nothiug flee, at 1M1 for curio: ity, to liml out who it was that so entire y succeeded in rendering absolutely us'dcs ilie Army of Tennessee." In like strain writes tho II i-iof the'imh tilt.: "in the ine.intinie. while we'do not allect to be a judge of militaiy matters, we can but regret the absence of Hood. W ben he cut oif Sherman's communications above Atlanta, we supposed he intended to fortify himself upon the railroad, and light him when he entne out to restore them. If he should choose a bolder game, the game he is now pursuing, we thought, of course, Ho id wa to follow in hi rear, and cut oil nit communica tion id that direction, while all ioor;ria wa to rise in his front; we could sec nothing better for Sherman's army than absolute annihilation. But, it seems, that our calculations were all wrong. Hood p'tys no part in this interesting drama; he army has been int entirely oil away across the Tcuncs ece river, mid at tho hut accounts was doing nothing most vigorously. Wo do not know who planned this campaign, nor nre we competent to pronounce judgment on military matters. But it does appear to us that the policy pursued in this cate marvclously resembles that pursued in several others of not very ancicntoccm rente, which senta portii n of Brngg'x forcesto Vicictlmrg, before he was attucked by Kosccrans.nnd which despatched Longstreet to Tennessee nt tho critical moment when Grant had assembled nil his forces, from nil quarters, nnd was about to make his ntt u k at Missionary moe. Jt may lie a policy strictly military, but it is vciy much i'l oimosition to common sense, which tells us t'iat, ' cntcrin fanbun'i two men are stronger than one, ana mat it it be an otiject to an enemy, it is certainly ticst to have at lare a rorce its possi ble to do it with. Hood's men have been for wet ks without an enemy bcl'oie tlicm. In that time they might have been at Macon, in Sher man's renr, and were they there, Sherman's destruction would be inevitable; at least o it seems to us. " Let us, however, hone for the best, and among ether good things, that the I'lC-idcnt (Jell'. Davis) will s'ay at home when the Southern armies meet with anymore bad luck. let the men who have to tight the campaign plan it. Even Napoleon declined to make a general under his orders follow a plan he bad sketched for him when he found he hud ono of his own. " Mine is the best," be said, " but it is better to let him follow his own." Let our generals follow their own plans. It they ave not lit te be trusted tliu3 far, they are not tit to commaud the armies." Such arc the chief points in regard to Sher man's progress we are allowed to gather from tho reluctant confessions of the Richmond press. To our Toind they are cheering, and we think thoy will be so to the public generally. They have re moved a load of anxletye ngendered by the doubt and ignorance in which wo have boon kept re garding the situation in Georgia, and by the con templation of tho inherent dilliculties of the en terprise. Though they do not now show us the end. they sive assurance of its speedy realiza tion, and inspire the same confidence expressed by Lii iiteiiaiit-Ueiiernl Grant in bis despatch to Frceidcnt Lincoln. .Yew York Timet, 1ST OF EX II ANUEl lRNOM:itS A K IIIVIMJ 1IIO.H NAVA..AII. The following additional names of returned Pennsylvania and Maryland prisoners from Sa vannah have been furnished us by our reporter, from Annapolis : Maryland P Keenan. P. 1st Inf; A 11 Norton C, Sgt O'Connell, D, Uth Inf ; Com fcgt l.iuis Winter, 1st Cav; Jos Kurstcnucn, H, 2d luf ; L Wister, B, 1st l-igtit Artillery. rcnusylvauia Herman Molcman, li, 77th Inf; Nathsn Miller. U,13thCnv; Wm 11, Miller, K, '2(ith Inf; (1 W oilers, H, lliih Cav ; 1) I, Turner, v, ntn cav; si. vermin, u, I4itu int; u c McWililams, 1', ltlih Cav; V liishop, ith Cav; Corporal 1) t M Georgo, G, ihith luf : C Tia.rd, 11, J2d Inf; 1) It. Wilson, K, 57th Inf; Sj:t C 11 Hill, , ltith Inf; C K.intord, II, 4tb Cav ; A H 'viiinnd, A, 4!Mh Inf ; John li iwou, L, 3d Cnv; 11 Williams, u, With Inf; 1) S Oreutt, bund, llth Cav; James Fontyn, C, U3.1 Inf; Ch is Keiiiu id, tl, loom tut ; J liioinpson, li, o tb int ; S(it Wm liuuter, 11, 8th Cav; FG Mills, 1). 101st Inf; John Moore, C, d.lth Inf; E Walker, 11, Mi Cav, C Mcriicrsoii. K, 8 h Cav; W McDowell, 1), 4th Cav; I, W Shaller, K; lSHth In"-: L Kiihler liuyler, c, ooth Inf; II Jones, K, "2d : C Ixonard, , otlli Inf; Corp J M Hovee, K 1st Cav; W l'rout, I, .Id Cav; J Johnson, K, 3d Ca ; John McCanii, K, fi.itn Inf; W H Won derly, I, .i.itblnt ; II 1) Iluinilton, , 4'hCav; fgt J I, Wellf, K, illth lut; Thomas Corporal MeCheio'y, 11, 7lith Inf; James Dcvitt, l.tliith Inf; ji.siali Morehrad. I.ii'Jd Inf; John Mchel vcj, L, 1th Cav; Nat Crane, II, 7:ld Inf; 11 1) Ctcml.s, F, loth Cuv; 1'oiu-r Kic bard sou, H, Cav; Set J 1), C, 4tli Cav; S Cliristo pber, G, --i Cav; Charles Williamson, II, 8tli; C T Hind. (', (With Cav; I, c,ry Wilson, It 4'h Cm; Sgt l'uvis Wulf, H, Nth Ca; 11 Uriel, 11,, "0i U ltd; Cant 1. Slanle.y. 11, .Vlllnf S I'htnert ie, K, 7th Inf; John Kcllev, A :id Heavy Art; ,1'is 11. nnm ,'liotr, G, 1st Car; G W Trice, A, 7-d Inf; I Hitch, 1), lid Cav; O Oairitt in ii, iv ji'euit'us, r , iniiti j ii r ; t;orp I. Itiair, F, 7!"h lid; J llenethum, 1), oS'h Inf; Wm Net!', I), . ".Ill Inf; S .M.ilcoiuson, F. llHh Inf; J II W W.-.rd, bugler. II, Nth cv Jos Foit, scue, I, 7.1 1 lot; Jim M, Neel, 11 (Wth inf; Iliih llrvle. i !) h lul : J Lock, K,.,7tU Inf; 1 W James, 11, f,7lh U 11 Howe, C, 7ii'h luf; John Moirow, 1', 7Nth lot'; Sergeant Wi liain laingtoiet, F. (itn i-i; Ti.os Keu.llg, II, .-,7,h Int: leinatd Hums. 1, (i7th Int; Jacob Hotib. II. .d It,r; K II F.gtior, I. liyth If; u v 1 liin.her, I,.,lth luf; HnvUl Clark, II, ,11st Inf A Hern ":, !, ft-itlt Inf; F Mnucy V jtx inf ; Ilenry Well- C, .",7th luf ; T C HcnVich, b'el.io11 '.'i..1','1 '''van.K. .Wth Inf; Sergeant iL""' i' 'i Int ; 11 W Cope, A. Kith Inf; t V-n ;,'n,-yel'il.'cr K' ''"lilnf; I) 1 urn lit ion, I, loOth lit; liohrri Wilson. A, l.r.' I Inf ' Sergeant-Meior W liurli, liotb Inl; Corporal K l iikesbray, A, lSth Cav; F I. lian.o, G, ISth ( av; J II i;niiil,arrer, O, 14-Mh Inf ; II Wernart C, loiith Int; Seigeant G W Conrad, M 4tli Cav; D H Kaysor, K, 4thCav; J W ('ritlev I) Sd Cav ; r Cltweil, K, Ith Cav ; 11 C Folweil' F.' Nth Cav; Corporal 11 J Leirsiivdcr, M, bihlnf T T Forbes, F, ZOth Cav ; Jolui'Muhouey, I l'.ith' Cav; J Y Lllack, I), l'.ith Cav; Georgd hrown, bugler, It, 4th Cav; J .Scliriver. F, 1 :tib Cav; J lt.-mtrud, K, Stli Cuv; Set jea-.t J Galloway, B 17th Cav; I. Kennedy, I 17th Cav; J S Tooum fou, K, l.'ith Cav; J Thillips, A,:ul Cav; M F f label ty. A, Pd Cav; hergeant F A Long, II ISth Cat ; 8 Cpdegiutl, F, Uth Cav; Hugh Ctctmun, L, Cav; S W llense!, K, IStliCav; Mcrireaiit ll It, 1), llth lav; M'illiatn, I., Uth Cuv; 0 K Nugent, ., 4th Cav; A ftobbitis, I, 6,ld Inf; Coiporall' Mc Fntuny, A, 7ad luf; C I'hclps, li.Il.lih Inf; Chs, Mills, it, l lth Cav; Laruey Cole, O, 71st Infantn-jC Williams, K, luist Infantry; Wm Wintet fatten, I;, ::d Csvj J S Fuller, li, Ul Cav; Allen Wier, It, 67th Inf; H. rg't 1 Farnngtou, K, do; Samuel Carnell, l, 101 st do ; James Kan. kin, K,14Hh do;Wui J Navlor, JJ, DthCav; Wm McCutchen, I, 4th do ; Nichols, far rier, M, iSOth do;Setg t Stephen Kilke, B, llth do; Daniel tigan, K, Llth do; Charles fiherer, H, ih do; Darnel Siouller, C, 4th do;l) ll Smith, U, 20th do; Vincent Amos, K,22d do; I' Ma cesty, I. 2d do; J Fensteniaker, , 10jtb Inf; i C Ksrly, I, 1411th do; George HacLiuan, C, do; John Oaliugher, ., ll!Uh do; Hubert Jidwards. G, t'Olu do; A J North, G, d id do; A Hart, , 57 th do; feaniuel M Keeler, , 2d Heavy Art; A 1'atten, li, Uth Cavj M Schneider, M, l!th do; John iJausu r, K. 7th do; A L Miuray, C, Uth do; A I' bha,n n, II, do; 6 Howe, II. 1 ith do; H U fcodde rsg L, 2d do; A James, I, 4th do; Cori.orI WmTiluke. I),4th do: John Thoiupwn, M,Uj no; Win Edwards, L, lhth do; Alleu i Ueujsi U jHh do; Jesse Mciiols, (mrlvr, M 0th fl; John Devine, K, 2d Inf ; Robert Edwards. n.iHUhdo; John A Conw.iy. A, do ; Thos C'nnwsy, , do; Henry rvtorxon, , 97th do; Noah Miocker, K, do i rhil Anstig, Mthrlnj Corporal Adolph Wngncr, K, rlOth do; John I, ori. 1), OMh do; T J Montgomery, D,41t do; II w Wsrwlek, C, l')7th doi Wtiliarn Aklns, I, 1 10th ; C Cunningham, !, f'.'d do. Itfgnlais Kcrg't A lluys, 2d V S Inf; A V Vnrney, U, lMh V 8 Inf: Thomas Brown, It, IJih I' S Inf; Corp'l W Armer, II, Corp'l Rob ert Jolni'ion, II M Garian, B, 111 h V 8 Inf; lliornrt I'ord, I, .'lh t'av ; liuitler K K U trnev, A.Mth li f; I. 11 lino-It-, (', 3d Art; Kdmiind H'-de'. I', 1 1 1 h Inf; Coip'l Joseph Dean, A,.'nli ( ev; Mcsiiinn M ! firiswnM. C, l.'l h luf; 1 Kn; pp, D ! Wares, K, ii'h ('v ; Daniel Carbn, A, llth Int; ' i ipl J M Arnold. H, l'(th lif; DcniiiN l.acv, CI, 1 it'i Inf ; John t'uriui. C, 1 7 r li Inf; -'err't John Manna C, 4h Cav; John Sh-p, II, Ifi'h t'av ; Cornelius t'tishma' , 11, 1st Ait; Jrhn Math'ln. II. l'Uh Inf; Jis Wailc. Co'iio a! (' la nnahan. 1', 1 1 til Inf; Script John llrawdeys, H. li b Inf: lluglcr f A Tub-r, tith tav; llet rv Josedi, 1, (lb C iv ; J.imos llvdc, II, hi h lnf;C McNamte, 1", IHhlnf: J McCiay, (I, ith t'nv;G Yi'iing, (', 1 Ith Inf ; William (.rcouticlil, II. llth lilt; Set IScmard KePev, K, lat Art; W illiam II It. vd.C, I7lli Inl ; James Hi. kermdl, K, '-'.I t'av ; I. Kusey, II, lt Art ; J Domvan, C, 4th Cav; A Horner, I, ,'nh Cav ; Wl'liani Martin, A, 12th luf; Joseph titayer, It, 1st Art; William Markle. A, l'.ith Inf; Corporal Krell, ', Joseph Foster, C, I'ntrles Sa;c. II, C Divmo, A, i'.tli Inf; tit" lloyt, ll,2d Csv ; James Corninir, John Kir Icr, Nicholas 1'oweil, F, 1Mb Inf; Francis Olllls, II, Ulh luf; Michael Kcllev, M, 2d A't; M Kmc, li.l.lth Inf; Willis Ray, M, 4th Cav; Corporal Davis Fulton, 1), tith Cav : Thomas f reeman, 11, Corporal Timothy Day, F, Si-t J I) Goe-'ban, H lSthlnfiJIl Hayes, II, l.'lih Inf; I'rias Fink, flgnnl Coins Army l'otomac: John Adams, II, lyih Inf ; Wells Leonard, F, 2d Cav; J Auticnss, li, 1st Art ; (ieorgc olson, i), 14th Inf. AHiriDMS. Sim in Tni:Tir.. To-night Miss Western will appear in six di'lere it characters in Madame Celeste's protean drama, Sian in r,n i,i; or, Thf .Vi(rWV"i;.s Struiiirr, Thi c'ltirining play is well calculated to display the versatility of Miss Western, jind Is prodje-d to-night for the last time. The pcrf irinaneo of t'd evening U'rminatts with the eJraina of the ICril I'.ye. Un Monday r.cxt .M ss W es'ern uppeara in a new play, by J. W. Wallaek, Jr., entitled '.V,ira, The llvbnxc Mother. Tub Ri:sh ioh Gin. mi's Tickhts. Tin crowds this morning at Mirticn's bookstore, in search of tickets for John B. Cough's lectures, U proof sufllcient that the great orator has lost nono of bis popularity with the people of I'hilade'phia. Msny persons Mood patiently from half-past S o'clock till 11 ami 12 o'clock, waiting their turn. If any of our readers have neglected up to this time to secure seats, they should loso no time in doing so, as it will soon be impossible to obtain stuudint; roow. ' ESTEACIS ntOM REBEL PAFI.R3. TI.e Wnr. Fiom Ihf Meltinomt Xtnlinel, -Vor. 3(1. 'I he usual jirevaih on this side ni the Jam.'. Theru nus cbiisldcrnbie sli.dli ng and picket lii inr on the south side. Negro rickets. Monday meinour n'pro pickets wero p'ae"l in fiont ot i en. I'K'KRiT'a liivistoii. tiui ni.'ii, tuki'i it in an insult, ycHcntay tired upon them, e'jiiisiiig a stampede atinmn them. I lie'r places have tieen hiiii p lied with v Into Yank. 'cb, and Ihc lines liavo re suuh d the usutti otiiet. Uo iieerues, cai.lure.l l.y Gen. IIitstvu In tho vulley Inst Kiuaiuer nud lorced into the lan'Aee niiny, elewTtiMl eder.lsv antl caiiii into iieueral 1'icELii's huc-p, and were brought over to the citv. The Trnnstpoi'tH. The trarisvorts of the fleet lately assembled at ForlivH Mtu.roe nailed southward some days niucc, wln.e the irou-clads came up ttiu James, Capture of (enei'nl l'ryor. The F.sprens l'ivos the tollowlng account of the culituie ui the linn. HooKil A. l'livoii, on .Monday Oiorniiig: Whilo ruliliK along the lines mi our right, he stof ied st one ol our vulet'c posts aud lett Ins horse and pnvate arms with erne or two other article in charue ol the iilckcts, stated that he intended, as was often ids custom, to go forward and exchange papers with the eueinv's videtten. Ho advanced iu the direction ol tho Yai.Kie hues, ttou.idiiiig a pap"r iu les hand, iu token oi his objee-t, ami aitfr procendinir Fume distance was met by a Yankee otllcer. An ex change ot pupcrs woh cft'oeled, and tienoral 1'iiYor. liaei turned to retrace his stepa, when ho was sad' ilenly eiucd bv two or ttireo armed muu, who woro tymir iu ainbaNli, aud tiarrieu awuv. I'hu wliolo trnimactiein, we lindendnml, waa witnessed ny soino lit our men, but at too Kreat a distance to render auv assistance, i.eneral l'uvoit had nniumiily ex. ehulU'eU papers wilh the enemy, aud his naiiitt and ehuiaeter liad, no doubt, boeu reported to them. 1 hey renolved to havo him, by lair means or liml, and descended to tho tamest treueherv to accomplish their purpose. We trust that some notice maybe taken of the matter by our military authorities, and evo.y etl'u't used to s cure his early return. i)itrinr the last lew iitontlis, the i.eueTttJ has licen actinic as an ind. pcmiei.t scout, iu which capacity hu hai rcnUcru-1 valuab.e service. (Mll'tfm. It was reported on tho street vester.l ly, th it ttio (! tiichniei.t nt cavalry se nt by Siii umam io the s i vaniiah Itivi'r.with thii suiaioscd putp.i-e of co'iuiiu i.i. in ni; with the licet in lleaiiiort, had been inter cepted and utspersed. A mio.l many ol hud la en captured. l-iiLi:iiAi's main force is s'ilt iu the interior ol' tieoiit.u, maic:U very siiov prorvsH towards iho coast. WcHtern Niii-th Cni'n'.iun. Welenrn trom ttie Ashviiio Xruw that tne Yankeoe reeeiilly uiudc a ra.d into Cherokee county, Out were and driven truck Py t'ai'tuin WLCii's eiim n. anu, with a Inns ol live or six ineu killed. Captain W lost one mun. tie im lea. n liom the sanio souren, tliat the notorious Kiua, vmiii lour or hve Intuitu I iimu, has beeu eiu Ilia t'reek, ieliuerse.', near the Stale lino, lul two or ilnoc vt-.H ks, iiiieuleiiuiK to niitKo a raid in the eliteetlon ot Ashvil.o l.a-1 wo"'., however, ahout pisty ol Osnon.iK'H seoutH attaeked linn, and ilieve loin liiltien ini.iB tu.vauls Kuowiiie, ki llii li li ll ciiploiiliK a coiisliieiu la muulcr. 'I I,. Ie( role,,,,, N,ly. It is estimated, ui.. in (food authority, that the mti cnt production of (lit) oil region w ill not es- ci td (iiitit) barn-Is a day, of which Oil Creek yields about 4MK) b. rrels, end Ihe Allrgh-ny region about l iOO. I'rom Virginia, an 1 other regions, allowance is made for 10UO barrels daily. This would give an average of HOO.'I barrels a day, or about 2,L'lM,(KK) bmrols of crude pelro'euin pir aruuiii. which, bv the refining proc -ss, will be reduced to l,(.tii),()li() barrels, or 51,'i itl.t'Ot) gal lons of reliiied oil. 'I I e exports up to Noveuincr 1st were !in.lii,37 gallons, being an inciease over I be same ieutli of titnu in ItS'i.'l, when the export was H .'luT.Sl'J gallons. If we estimate that the whole export will reach ,-t,(KV),fhJ gal lons, there would be but '21,y):i,M)0 gallons left for home consumption. The demand fro n this ci unti y otis'ht lobe greater, and it is probable, tiicietore, that these estimate-, aie under rather than over the actual production. I'ltll.ADI.I.I'lllA THA II K KF.PIIIIT, S.e rriniAT, December 3. Tlicre is very littlo tiAded lug In sny denuitmeut, MefiwuK l dull, und Allow cAimot be .iiol..d over H,- Tcc lb. IIAik IA dtill.and No. I la offered At t'-1 V t 'D. Tin ner'A iLirk Ii in cbAill ed. Cottle Tie nmrkot oonllnnes unlet, hut Srnior, In cni k...iie.kie ol' the advAnce Iu Kcld. There lmve heeu u.i urrlvAlA, And theie li llttiu ilocl; here (o oiierAte tu, HAtet of u Lilian Kin At 4'.i KIC , And 60 lul.l I..iSlill)ra At 4:ic. Ce-i ner In Knillsh Stipathliirf there I- nothlin,' ib.lur. SniAll Miles ot' AleericAU eUoVi 3Ut.ll Slieett And ICo;l s :lt ; n. . eti-h I u.e Huiviior Iit.uts Are worth i;1, i (.v. ca.'i, 1 he 'l.inr Miirset continues . v dull, hilt Inl.-ea r.: nim.. .1 w Ithout iitiotAt.lo coaiika. aIH.'.ii.I. tl..T, i, ni ir-i .lbi.o. It Ion to leu. ie : itvs ot H.a-1' 0 bl.U KtrA t aiuily Al SlJ'.i 12:.ti !er I. in el. .m.l In li.ittll lols I'.-r h oil" niun ui,. tu.u irom I'l u. lo il l, I!. a iAIlei lor luncy O'co. if .11 teles ol Ky.-1 1'ur a. i: per burii:!. Ol Coru McAi U Uo .loch here oi.erule on. TI.e tltniAU.t lirWh.-Al has fAllen oft", but pi'c-l Ar : ,:i!es of Tism busimli PenimylvAniA And INA-t .i rud ut fee.',... ,-'t' is Itiih. -. Ami wtole from -' ..'. to .'-''l. , m All full, ol Itve nt 117.'. 1 71.. Corn li dull At il'HS Cor old ee-llow, And M ;t... l'7r. B.-w. Out, Ale l.n ai . 4AH, ot 70 iso t.uit.e:. P.i.ii.x Ivauia And Hjuthern At ''. No phuti .e in lliirti-v or fti i.l. v 1 1 -s k tim de. Iiti.1 x -, 01 lljc Ubli. Ohio At M '! nud Foiiln-.i. iil .c H .1 OFFICE ARMY CLOTHIN'O AND K J' Ae, 1V. LI.1IH and oiu.vl:.) nueou. ;ip- r.i.lAl.b. I'lllA. I4...,li.l, ,i , Ml .1 mcJl -... '..iJ .. I . w , 8. Al.d PrunAle Hill 1.1 1,-Ldive.l At Ui.s illtl SAitliHAY. I1.J Mtli lli.l.. for aiiiiiiIv.iuj t.. .. A rx-n.-il ri jllt the t'Cowlnn a-i ckM IIOSl'll Al. U.N'l.s Af.ii h 1.1 KH. vrmi-S .il Tl.e leu:, to be oi .ntt. Cott.u ll i..l. . i I? o: Be. , lo tne linear aid. Ti A Khes (o he t.i.ok. oW.'t-i. I. C .'t in In it t 10 ount-tf, lo tlie l't.ear 1 Ard. SHI. 1. '1 1. It IF Mb. Army at.iiiJant. IM li in.'.i ). CotloU IlUck, ',lut Ul.'lie. wld, lO HU4.'.I 1U.WI tO tll liutur iiud. All of th. aiove tent, and de, (. t,,i a"ei .tin; ti tli k.AciUeAtloni AOoiiU I by tli y nArtorniast.'r , lij. uailuiclll. I.kcl. ind oiiit t.e imataiilood by two redponsi'.l" nar aoni, wliu.e si'i.attirei muii be Aiip,'tnl.'.l to tne itimta i t. e, und eerlldvd to as beuiu aoeid and AufltciMiit .n..nsv for the Auiouut uilolied, by luaea uubuo luiiv.tioUA.- ti Abe I nit-4 hulls. bull tioiu detaultirscontracbira, and those tliAt da nnt fi'llff cv.ptp M-liA i'ie result tit.eiti. ol Leu aivurl.iii.a(, w 111 Del be considered. AiAuk ioiaa. lor prop-iiAli, embra. lair tha tarna of lb KUar.nle ruouired Bi each bi.l, eu he Brtd on aill ;elu at Una utnee, and nora ottii-ri winch do uoi auiin-A'-e Uia Suaraulea will be coundaitd, a..r w ill a.iv pr-inoini oe coo ai.laiiMl wklrb Uoei not atru-lly eioBluraa tu tue M'tuita u.i't.ii th.reil. .uie.l. 1 tu bii inii.tiiHt.. the number and quAutlty ofeach UbI of arib le wopoacu to be delivered. I'r.usaia must be en.lied l'pruealaa fur Araay PBppbcf," atabus oa tl cavaiopa the anici. bid tor. llKltklAN HI.C.H, Ul.'t -I yuunl Qsarterauuiiv , 1.-.a.iiu.iii. Tnfi M LONDON TIMES ON SEWING MACHINES, i t A aitorlln- BrHlah I rlbn f tnttrleaa laifnllvs sj.nln 4Jrt TIinnlitr Ainons; lh sieell.Worir Crltlrnl HIelitoii-Marlilnei, Ntitrtie, Ha iiaultarlnn tew. msronv hy nir. isivkstiom. Ftim t'.r .onrfes rim. i. e The hi-t .ry of the l'wii.g Machine aflbr.1 a singu'ar instunro of tic fanner In which a social problem, the settl. me'it V blch has been tho despair of ph.lai.tliv. pNts, sSjnetimc settles itself by the most nn Xi e. ted mca'V, and by the m 1st nnlookcd-l'or ncnt While Ho'l was composing the "Son.i of the Shir'," and pn'tjling, with tho tints of despair, the poor seiiinstiV s slaving in her garret, a tin cl.ani , almost eqttiVlJy poverty stricken, wa w.rkipp out In an Amci Vm garret the means i.i' her i in incipation. "In poverty, htinu r, ami dirt," F.ii-t Howe, a native of Ms-Siu-liuse'ts, smrr,iie,l.; 1 by n young family, fir whom h." w.i obliged to UiW during tho day, devoted his .i tcr-'iouvs sewing machine. Tl I to the ronitrnc'.in vt n v,-, afiont the year is ,4, and car 'cr si time alibi. Is an tc th.U iprloil -ipto the present ci.i-ul" in the annald of ItitulH- ucr.t labor pregnant wl'h Incidents, and check en d ith tin Ids nnd shades, w hich afford another illiistratii n of the old fc.iji.ig that laet is stranger than fiction." it. e stimations have tie tnonstrat'jd, in the clear' s;, manner, to Howe, and to him alone, beion ;c 1 the credit of Invotningt'ic fi'st sewing tnachine. Oilp rs, it is true, had tried to do be had ncMnplished, but failed; and an F.i.itlishuum may fairly take t:u ere li' oi ;'oi.ii; vitlii i nn in e oi' the invention, v. ithe u' knowing how ucar he w is to ami f initio. sr.sitRTt'S or Mi'iiiNc wt.riK. Many UHcs have been p.iblMied by the pVen tccs ol dillcicnt ma l.itii s, showing the coinp ira te. " eel of ma "bine sew ing and en-din iry hand wori. That swue inacliines not using the shuttle can be nrivi n ni high as 2u'l0 stitches a minute, is donl'tl. ss true ; but this rate of bprcd Implies the use of steam instead of the foot us a motive power. The la!xr, however, Is not so heavy in cloth and linen work but that the human foot is itiitn capaplc of pertoriiiitig it, and with advan tage to tho worker as far as health is co icerned. On nn average, a 1 ick-stitch machine makes be tween 'iOO and '.no stitches a minute against 2-J to 3i by hand. TUB MIl'IIINP. is i Noi.svn. At the present moment, w ith tho exception of one trade, the tevving machine may be said to be wholly in the hands of the womoii, and that one is the boot nnd shoo trade. The opposition of the Trade Union must be held responsible lor this, but to maintain it much longer is impossih o otitMilcts, or non-Union men, are beuting those suffering under trado protection, both in the quality iiml ouantl'y of the work they are turning oat. The slop-sellers and the great ready-made houses almost exclusively sow by machinery, and tho consequence is that tho laboring classos get far better sewing than tho gentlemen who employ the crack tailors of the West-end. That the competition of these, outsiders, or "black sheep," ns they are termed, will break down all opposition we have no doubt. Meanwhile the machine will have to uo through the sumo ordeal as the threshing machine and other labor-giving iiijpliuiu.ts have air. inly done iu England. A llI'MANIItllHN Vir.W. Ti c sewing machine has everywhere improved instead of lowered the wages of needle-women. H bus practically rendered Hood's seamstress, "with fingers weary nnd worn," a thing of the past. No woman working nt it earns so little as .Is. a week, which with the common needle would have been high wuges, nnd tin y no longer labor for such a pittance sixteen hours a day. In tho various factories where it is employed, ten hours a day is the average time of labor. The poor shirtniakcr, who threw out such a dismal hhadow on the wull in the poet's picture, need do so no longer. We visited ono of the largest shirt collar makers In London the other day, and found the young girls employed at wages ranging between 12s. and 20s. a week all healthy looking, mtrry.and bright. These wages, wo heard, were a fair sample of those now given in this p iriicu lar trade, nnd that of sbiit making throughout the mot roped is ; and what is more, the cry on all hands is for labor. "It is not machines we want, but machine workers," is ihe constant complaint of the miiuutaetuii rs. "If 1 bad a thousand women who could work the sewing machine," said the ngent of one of the largest sewing machino manu factories, "1 could lln I places at good wages for them all." In the United .States, where the sewing machine has. become a domestic institution, young girls when at schools are trained in its use. i' it may bo so with us when the machine becomes more widely known. What is wanted is a training establishment, in which the machines of nil the patentees in general use may be taught gratis. an Einnxri or iiKncv. And the machine promises to do moro for tho seamstress then to shorten her daily toil, aud to impiove its remuneration ; it wilt enable her to pursue it under fur moro fuvor.ib'o conditions of In all ll. Dressmakers, and indeed nil persons working uny length of time with tha needle, are Mitj. ct to special di cases. The needlewoman's lieu'dnchc mid the dyspepsia produced by long hours of inaction In a stooping position, ure us veil known in our London dispensaries us tho "housemaid's km e," or the "dropped hands" of the plumber, or any other wcli-deiiued trade disea-e. In working with the noedlo only one hall of the body indeed, htrlo more than the arms are employed, while the chest is con tracted mid the spine bent. On the other baud, working with the machine produces none of tbtee disorders; the necessity of employing the legs in workiug the tieadhs restores tho balance of e xercise between the upper and lower extien.i ics, and promotes tile circulali in. More over, in machine ivoik tl.cic is none of the eter nal monotony which the eternal stitch of tho pe die makes so depressing to the mind. That the needle bus dcstiovctl more lives than the sword tin re c m be vu y little doubt, when we cull to mind tbo very bleu rato of morlau ? j highest among all oc. npations of tbe tailors and i fsuiiiislii.sse, tiii eli Jonu lur;'e clnsscj aiuom: .'..a --- - ....-i-'-.i Tr. .1.:. -.J ..-T II1C IUU1I11,..! 'i..n ..iuii. -i ,UI9 bilU UI1U uK. gctlirr iiiiue.cs ry mentality, the London eiieisiiiiikt'rsand miiiiuers during the sciionc in tr butu fur mure tii.ii their duo priipdnicm. To tL.-sc . ecu-cms, tbc tcwini? miicliine will coma to ti c rciicne. It tun work against tltuo, ai',d Kiitisty ilic rcciilcss i'.miiiiuiIs of Mn.y fair far bet ti r tbnn ii n v Act of l'lM iiiiiiicnt that bus ever been li.untd I'.r their Lunriit. Till ilHVSIl TOTALS. The Aiiiiii. iius nre fond of iniliilg n in csti nia'.siil tin- v.ibic oi their avwin:; ilono lu tiicir uiiiiitry by this Invcntioti, uuil they pluoed It us iii'th Aa f. iK.iiiio.Ot.i) per iiniun in lMdd, In tlui futir ycurs that have since that pcrio I, Its i;i.).l..) ii.'-i.t bus incr. used in an cum iuouh ratio, wo sc.icci v dir e bi inuke a guess ut w h it it itniciiiitstoat the present tune. I'.ndund, although lute in the f.ebl, b..s uuw fuirlv inuilo a start. 'I he itnici. i.c is n.iw alimist univcic illy in :d where b iiinie s tli tbo needle wus f.irm 'rly eniili.yi"t, und in nil trades where non-L'iiion men woi I;. llnnor utul tb ' ni- -, 'ben, to the noble men rllO liai e lii''i'thi d to us r.iul posterity such Ines , tinii.ble is, an i remleiei lalur a pleamire ridbcr thim a it r 1 1 I -. -1 v . I Let ".Stephenson ur.l his steatn engine," ".'ni ton nnd hia stivin .nt," "Mor-e aud his tele gicp'.i." "Mi ( ..imi. ' iuii bli rentier," "Uondyeur in il Ids rubber poods," "Hoc anil his press," 'and l all tie in i cut"! - iicl inventions that have run i li ibnte.l so i iisuv rr. the roinfort nnd tirospei'itv ! of the t uiior.s i t t'.i eurlh, ever be lieid iu gru'e j fnl ictci nihciH". I'o them are due universal i tin. nl; .-. ! A:.d let the "gentler se" the fair . il .u; Luis uf A : ctica, e.-iieiiuilv cuite in ex- l-Tecdpg their gratitude to one who, anxious to cuiuueii a e thciu from e. nstiint toil, aud a I .rd them opportunity for healtlifut recicatiou and iu teilectitul itni rov. meut, struggled iilth poverty t'iroiigli niBtiy months iu the pursuit ..I" his cherished ob.ii t let iheut ever remember 1.1 is a iiowc, Jr., and bin wott-leriu! sewing machia-'. Of al! moccra invent;.. ns none haie proved mere iu pouui.t ti an the ncwiiu uinch.uc, nud u'.dc we bc.icve. hiive been moid 3ii-.e;ili.i!e to iaiprotciiit-ut. Fur year.; alt. r ,u inito iurno.i. tiioestit c .iis'd it.y sut.jcv ted to .iiliricin i . t 1:1 ".lie I aim. oi iUiltul ai ttsutis, r.'tiur.itd e ;rta.u i r: .'i , in p."!i . t features iU..t ;:uu:tcl it f r g 'U cul s-!. ptjt.nd. Hut tune and taieut hae..' ttt i:u.' !k-j, and to tha " Hor.'ui'e .vcr.itoi Mach.Qu Com 'n'.ie, ' ui 1 lorvace, Maj.-achu.-e.t.-, b.'!..n!.'s en. h' li'Jr t.f pro iucmar the int .ni .., ;.' a tii...'U;iii that a-1 .r t-ktei its c.m;eiu pi. niriea us a chri.a'. meter Ja.-s old wo i;u cj.i. .or ua bfte Kaiiroui looomot va oW a Cfne:os oK-cait ! Indeed, no great in our f.ut'.i ia the FKitcute" that, were tha euuriiriaioi tuaiiuiacturcrs to invoLe ua tor aa t.: i..- " icat ofatnA," we should ueciars ' tad A mt i.f iVtW:'n" tic niot ftppropiiaW. HuEdreds of the ''Kloreuce" are now in praoii cal operation in PuilaaeipUia ud nciuity, ami if ihioi a of people, tur' clcika, and row ot ca awaiLD' ttan-iKirtation be at ail indicative of l.rosiiuity.thcn must the "Horeu e" oinpuny b on the liisih toad lo fortune, for their ialemooBi ouili pioei.tcneof thenioat (active, buaiueab-UL.. at etna iu onr c ity. In cont.uaion, we wonld advise all th'ite who feel an inteieat lu the "woudcra of the nineteenth century" to viait the "Floieuce" aultarooma, at No. lian Chcanut atrceA, and examine what any justly b kicd Uid jeiloction ot cwiug tuu cliibea. . AUCTION SALES. MACK FT 8 AUCTION KOUM3, He. M MAJisjrr eu-Mt. f 9. C. MinrrT. itxr, -oS-llt eamlimrwal- l II.HJI.H, W.HFS, A VII MCHIHAWM-Ki, Of nil kiiKl. mi m hi, iHtk, Un, aaS k wUlaMe-ua.i!ri.-nlly in tl- of UK I, BHTArR AWI .TOe'.KS At the F.X fk &n- Moi-RFJiOLn rrrBxirriiw At ImtUins. sn.l SIOCK fr MZKCIlANDIftB Aftlf-'r-"of t" ."-" I,ih- in l e s.lvsnc.! wr.f a tS llrsil D tonslivnwents sf Swell for ftiit.he SfOs. IMiiiinrn-'t t.v. ok hikncii iiij fsm t (.(J.ilist, 1(. AM ltnl.IH.1Y ARIH l.bsi. On Ti.evl.iy ni.-rnl'is', At 1". n'.-k."k. e..M.Tl Hi- .Mi't' Mies Snrt Op, ..S s.m,.,.t, r..y -.i'.ir.''..p-l. '' 'I '.v Tea '. f .ii Ian V.p.s. sn.l K.v.T'. .' 'il iswar-, rniii.i Ikcn, r.....iH-s.J..-l ... 'w.l !. " many s'll-l. ii'illH !- for lli ll il! l.y,.ma to ba .1.1 in l,.ls l.U.t..1 '.r ret .ll 't . HI I K Ji (I .) CASKS Will I T. UltASlTE ANU C. ('. Willi',. Alrn.aftrrthSMl nf farcy In tots siiIUM f.r ret. til i . r. tin- .-..-ii- o. el n't" n tl 'l cisss t Vt'lue'lriiiiite e't' I'. Ware, oii..r!Mii a Isri'e .ijt iiiiii oi des irnl.ln nrtlc.c". '' BUSINESS ITEMS. Superior Flour. I ht- ''llRriJor' F( sf ' In iht li -t Fkir f'mt ,iQ. i tu ihl ma ket. Kn il. I.pi, iuist ri-i'f w'.l, j I'A"- 1- A Iti' MUIi'S Arcti 1 nil) (tr i!i. ITnrwInr .Unrm Trl.'vrnili Th lnlitfB r- (! itim iimt i nare :-'a u In obt ainliiK i hi: n. '-iicy ol uiu Iinoi' inn f'T tills cHy H'it vt inttv. It in npi"-'(. br l',tr rli,iticiii'm(! null uthr tei-fKiapbf only ih'i wir'i re not vlnioii K vh wLrV- i'j'.v antl i or ti nu o Tawr. n Its irUri.din'4.1 wl'hoHf. flffuvl'iif th hiitia.i' in Uf A raunt l lt:rrh t yor Tntm j Ur mnrm. vitl it. In six yuur' f.pc rlf io in Nfw iirk it Iih ih.I l.ili- I' l n t U I'.-Oiirt , bfvomt a liil.', the m in 1 and d'Mrri of jdur Luuir, It can bv di ne. Clt ami It. jtjus a. wri'CtTKV, No. !J.2 CliliHNL T tilnti. rfPpiF3jp4'oriie ite'U A- Vo.'n firfli r,.sY," frrrn I I W I IUCAV 1- ll U iu u r s IASOV A ItAVI.IN H I' Mil NK I (Oil. VNS. fert..aof i' rich i.i' tlir-o e-.e Iri.trnnienlH ..nve tu'en ..1.1 l.y Sir. el., nn. I th druinnd li e.n stMiitJy Inc-fS,!! q. j or asle e.iil tp. .1. K oorrtti, 8rnth and 'tiin.t slrcfts. PIANO i KlK I KM I'lANO yon'l KS I I 1NO 1 1 na nts HANK ' Fe.HTKS OAniSTr-T ll(.;Ast. I'AIIINKI' lt 11SS1. C'AIIIMKr timnss. I'AIIINKr OHOANrt. SPECIAL NOTICES. TI1K Ol -KICK OF Till'. BLACK Heiilh e'oal e oppieany I ss t.e'i-ii iiiov4 to No. :lr.' WAI.KUT Ulreit. I'.-1 It UNION I.K AC I K HOCSK, NO. l'.M CBESMT Htr. et. 1 'I. . t I'R 1, tS.l-1. NOTI' E. 'I !i- stslert Anniisl "f die t'nion I.sirae ot'Fhllrt I. Ilil.ln ivIU be lul.t at I'llNl'KIll' HAI.L. on MONDAY, la r li at Ho elisA r. M. 'I l.-keti, s.l mitt inn only .run be ha.l on api1.'A tlon 0. Mr. I'l..iici;t It. W. tp.'le, S).-i.A'it s-.-re'arv. U 'J l'.t (IKOUIIK II. HOKEIt, Bereury. HOCK OIL COMPANY OF I'LNN llaiil i. No. Sl'l W.1I.SI r Street.'iu . llci-cuiler i, ISvi. mvit' soric i;. The bonr.l o'-ltlo elor. hai e till diy rl.'.'lat'f .1 A tli.l den.l of 1 WH PHI CKNT. (twenty c.;pt psr hare), irfn n! Hoili t.i. ' on anil alter M-.iid iv, Lie U'n inst. Tl.n 'J ransti r B..oSs will .-I...' on Tueelay, llecciuiaji- ii, at .1 o'.'lo. k, 1'. M , un.t up.'n on the I'itli. .I. HIS K. e.l'.AFK, U-:-7t S-re'ary ii-nl l'r.isurr. irrT-ir- o F r IC K VHII.APEI.IMIIA GAS s-Sj" VOIlKS. Noveiilla-r la Is. I. PioposaI, will he r.'.'le.l at t'as Oftlse audi nv.por the 1st ol January nrM, tor t..e kai t l ttie 1'r.isli.-, m tl.0 ri.ilH.lo lil.Ui lies w orss, of -to k in Ihn HoullovA-h nnd Mo.y.nipcn' Works. ilerniuatown Uo Man. it pink do Al.d ItlcLliloD.I d 'lo lie used A ln e-eio ills liir ttie siotlillj fltaits ef l.d.l works. WI I.I.I AM FKKNF.1.1.. 12-2-lra l.-.ii'ier.J fSif- OIL SrilSCKIPTIONS. II O O li S cltBe.l kloli'lAy. It.'S-rv" hat only open for a lew day,. To enter iiaiii.'S en it, Affilrrioi or siM'ty to 111 Ne AN JI. Ml I'lMlltOy, rOL'ltTII AUd WA..N1 r Siree'A. Or, K l!')UIM, i ill No. :127 tVALStT Mireet. rST- AllMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S C'lotlilnK Kiatiroid-red. Sr ouliRrHtrsps, Wrtatks, Ac., In sty! umuriA,ed, At very reduodirlea. Mcrrhant Tailor, lOiT.n IJo.lDVrKnl R4m.t. At.olClinul. ATIIORornil PBI'.rAItATIOS FOR any posi tion III the aciivo pursuits of buiiuess 111 can bo olituimilat 'lllh ejUAKER CITY W'PINKHS CObbEtlE, TBSTH A Nil IIIKSNI T STIIKKIS, at a mAll expanse cmi. pared with the real, solid aiivAn tAKts ".Horded. '1 ills insiltalloQ Is what Iu naiuo luiporls. A HI IIOilL OK BU.-1NBIIS, and nothing has hern lett undone to place It ahead of All comiiellllen m rewards thp valae ot the plan audcoane ot liiHtruetloll, Ihe experleilee utul atillltv ol III loaehers, aud the eleui.nee mill c.uivenlenee ot It-. Aecounaodutloiis. M oil Kit N 1 .Ml' Ito V KM K N Is). is repleto with all Ihe available Im proveiiiriils In the various liiellities for prAellcHl liwtrae tl. .ii, und Is not cloi'i-e.l he a.llierenee lo onv obsolete or s.vleins. carrying out the principle ihat pro ir , Is the order ot the il'ey ; and allIioin:li n..l'tg to lliu dlTr.iverv ol env "royal road lo Ifanuna," yet ce ic. nstru.inff tliAt ll.o dull lulior of more ttieorv m.iy t.e iliiuinlslicu and ron.lcred more profitable by a syiliu wtihu en tun. os In lis oeenitions Hie Al.'lt'Ab ltOl'TINl:OK lillSINKSS, wlilch every mini, in tlio ortlinury iiimi.iKeuielit ef his OIluil-H, Iliust l:o tt.r.'lliili liml eoaiin ohowd. Id ltil'. OF INSI Ill'C' I'lON. Prnrtleal lt.iok-keepliiK.wlili Ad taelneldentiit branches Ota tliolotoh ti.rl.nsliiess: e'oiiiinorcial Aritti melic. Coii.u.erL.ial Law. I'chmallship. Teleuranhluii. on tl.e un.l extorsive sculp In the world no other i.'hool of liilnieilon li avtiiir Hie advAntaeos of rcirnlur ItelcTAoh llees; IliisineSM Forine. -orresi.inl.iee: also, isurv.-y- Itiii. I UKlneeru.K. Navigation, aud a couiplvle eoarse Hie lit fit r Mathematics. s.eii.1 fm nn Illustrated circular nnd catAlotue ot over five hundred HtudenlN In ntlendance the pust loar. I.. K.UIll-.ANKS, A. M., iSpicipal. JJENIIY 1-A.UK13II, IN os. 61 ana 5:i S. E. Corai-r NIKTH AND AKOH ETEEET3 WHOiaiSAT.K AND RRTATTj, y.iucKA obaln at 1 1 1 lav KsUhllihmgut, WATFR I'ltOOF C'l.oTH CLOAKS, JiKvVRB " TB'.fJOT " " hkavy Riiiiii'.n " ntorVlfco HKAVklt " ' CIIISCU1I.LA " " A 1.1. MADE UP INTO THE LAI KST STYLR and of (He very best mateilal. Call And see the itock before yoa pureliAta. Yva sbAll tAke great pleasure In waltlugoa yoa, 11 - Unin'.'iu it i.j.iai Vii.:i, A LARGE INVOICE OF FINE ? o o o MATTINGS LVCALLUM & CO., no ciietiNur aritr.ivr. PROPOSALS. IllKi-' QUA UTIUtM ANTKR'8 OTFICK, ('IMINN.MI. tHi.O. ISO. CinU'f eO. iToiio-ttl- run iiiTlii iijv ihe un'U r.t :ni'u inni. Ti: V. In-i.tiiur It. iw.l, t li Al., ut luvulhnliiit thi li. iitmi m t ity conrai U wnti t mil.. ( oidib inl lniti:iti .Vi3iv HianJrJ. itaJ leu I'o 'o, .et, -lit Will do .(.. ilo ii"Sitl '1 cm l'iiu, Ur , tta lo do lUttll, Jit 0( lttif, iltt W Jil il smt.ll, lo ltd Itfhi i 1 1 . l i v i!o, il., it ., do, ! JVIuiiiin. HP -ft I' t Mom n-, Kejrt - t I tfllHI' l't i ( aitl )..-:orl ii.,i:i.iii'ii; ijmi..i oitler 0- 1". 1 j v e .1 - lt-l i't'1 '1 I'l. t'f' .!li, ! Kiini.oi ) X 9 stiili 1'irJ irf.t 'e- iujv l .' t l f1 1 1- it! ( i'. 't. 1ik ttkj L 4i.ti"te il. t',,.1 (, : , 'i '. tl- lvtr u lI - !..!i;ij at Hi.- t n tc i .! ti la- 'l" t'latl. V tflfl I". Si- iB l!ll- lV. Ill l Ifjhl II fW pdllJfrV, '.'i.i' C ItfiC O' t.if Itttll (t.'l.'li-' l.t. U Al 1 l AU t t V .;! - -S'-'.M - t v tjurl.C I iliM ll ft! . st. icK,t. lll'l - O'U t.iU 4mtl Ull t J (IlIKti tatla m tUfirltiti . i'iiti;y u 14 l iiui.-u, tut u .i . til is rue ot J,! wr t it.i tlc-. h; n'..lii t'el Hin t In nurkl nnl itn.-a- ft-If( tiM L riif ; 1bJ tit JIAilH "i-'t'i vm uui- itt f nt tin- uiciJ. aii ail bs, tu tverr i, ,i a: (d A-iui rtUiii.-i,i.uc.Ui,. Ute urjp'' Will ;. In; (.uu.(lrA'l. A nuti tut, t 4 tvi uf iwt te9i'iiiit. mimsi, ta nt 'o i,wiij mCi lui, ijtitrniiti-t ii ttiat the teaMrje-r iQ ippiv if.t urt.(.. (t..rli t-i Inrn unijr li prof.I. Id in..., m.. at tUct, kad bi(M ut r- fit-'(l to t e jii eiif . yr-j. vhiU wnle' ou Wri .siefv. ecp.iiWr 14, "M. ur il irii ii'Cff tiii i tvUftt o bitt.-r a ,! (. 4 to cm-l-'t'-; I, fir e.; wiin ait. iu firctj rit u. tioiu data of (..') !iwtir ( uit-O'. xid, wnl 1m tvu-fdiitUattsVa co.tUi'AwUibt fa.tU(ttiif Tf.v Jiftoia retttliaaf ta jtrinrir win at be ndtl' fd, f-ietlik I rf ilia O' lf (MAlU. lOKtl AUtk, tad 0 udi mf da obtoniad i uu mt. Ui iu i.jtit an bi1 deeta4 vnreaaiaaWt ( rf ..-IverJ. 1 ndcrt- w-vt ufropmlt for (hara ta.trt aaaaaaM at tii aiik U- a Ut dt ' -t'traia (Monc1 W ll ! IAV W. W- KIM, ' lii V It CU-rf W"W.cfi!iM..',Clnonnait lii. TJO TOU WISH TO M AXE A FEIEESH? tso 10 HARBACH BROTHERS, No. MO N. KIOHTII BTIIERT, vov wirt nsD thi unest and ASSOTITMENT Of STAI'I.K AND FANCY 5TATI0NEBY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, and TANOY GOODS IIM TIIJJ CITV. w MTIFn lit UK In lto-woci,MAh.atAny, Mid npt A-Tortrii.T.t. I'dlirt OLIO'S ANJ xuCltl-Tsj-. CAHBS, In eerj ,lyle aim) fli.Wi l'itsr.-WIIIl Silk And Steel Chlias, In MomcO, Vel vet. Plsln nnd OrpninPiite.l, Titih tv isrvi.Ki of e.'l'lAR CASKS Some ful pstt rits. I AHlK.s' covrAVtnrra-in Enmel, tin llnost 'iimli'v nn.l fi il"li 1 KAM.I.INO ANO HII JPI'ISG SATC1IF.LS All 'Vii.' kV't KNIT.' A N'li ar'lSOR9-Of fine Quality. A tl'll. l.IM . r HIV MiioM, llnill.l anil iu sut.At.lP fT .dnlrtrpn of eerv se i.AMKts, ANU I'AI' l)OI.Ls-In jroat VArlety. Majij entiroiy new. CAUU I'llOTOOHArilSl CARD PlIOTOUKArll.-Sl ( Aim I'lKiioiiKAriiii Wcfc-ives ..'pndi.l ,t"ck ef J'llOTOOKA.'H AI.IHJMS, e:ilniy at very Iji? taips. Fppi 'Al sit. ntion Is esUed to tho NEW MOROCCO HI.NtiK ALBUM, Lays prfecdy flat whoa open. ( All on n iRIMCII IlUOrill US If yr.o T.nt sen.e.or unefiiiAtticlc for a I'lintJUNT. (lt iir.e.. I our Ni:V ALIUTMH. 1 trie, :or .5 cent-. M, flll'd Coi-.i.l l-.ctcres, uOC'-nti. HABBAOH BROTHER?, 11 7t No. ;iV N, RT;!irH HTIIKIOT, P1.U.1.U. "t ioj.i iAsV iiil;mi:nxm. D. W. CLARK, No. C02 CIIESNUT BTRKT'T, Ht now n hand ft very Uf stock of JLWELr.Y.tnd H1LVKR ?I.ATFT 1V-4KF., Hilr. t-d x.rniry f-r Ihrt cmuc HOMA THAPK. wr.ti hure bcif io)d nt exTnonl aarlJy k rrktt. W liav. ft.Mio uk of Uie ici'.ow ng r:'0t,: .ri,I Wat' h", Mihfr y t. ii- i-, 1 .Mti wau-hs-d, rtp Wat hi i, U")i Wht 'a, AtnTicati Watctr Ki Plli)i tta-eJi.s, HvvidB Wsltf.h 8, (lo d t Chain-, (ioLft (.'haiaiKi.f CVIiftira tH.lcl hfik Cliainn ttoid rn'il C'aiot h.1i1 Pf nt, lioul Arm lot ft, D Id lissom Jtiid, kiil Hj.rvr lMttoBF. fU)a watcti Mti, (old f.'ii.V, lrfld rinft, l.adW Oc'd I'lr.n, MiRHCfi', (fWtltl P:n.Chat la'rr, 0 .hi Par UtnfH, J.ild Muter ItliiKf, r.oid Heart Pins, f.uld Vihfh ti, ,oM Lv-kHw. (.itl i. Ujiriiift. (k;) W;itW.i I took', Hllvi r nilin IliiiK', Hi-'v-T I ruil Kl.,v ", hilvci r,ib'ainn, Sllvw V t rhalna. HH.VPII I'LATKT) WAWIt, piattd on Knitinc A. taut nif ;a , at A war-ar.tiHl; Tea Rff. i'ak? HaiheiR, 1 tuI; HatVti, uril H i iVvii, IttiUcr Itinhci, 8yup Pltfih- rt, !iVr 1Ihi,i, nroAkfantattort, IHmicri niiari, Ptaai? i artotJ. Huoca HoUitrs, waJtfra, t'ma. fil htandf . I;, Cum, full lie).-. XnpVIn Kii-M. Flub Kuivca, l'la Ktuv If a Ot'itn Knlvfa, Cake Kntvrt, i'rumb Kul , Chiidfirt a Knivea, Cl.lMrfn Kr!i, ChlMr. n Hpoor.i, Oyitr Lad lea, itu I,a.ils, Tabl- ard Itciwi Rpoona, Ta, Hnirar, and tlt H-wut, Tta anUllnnfr Porks. I'l.AI .! JKWFI HY. Wt have on band a lartre lot of flue r.t'l Jwtlry, which we ar i-Id-lnK out at con t prln-a lo uutko room rr oihtr tfiodN. Tho0 wishing irooda iu nur liar- wnuid do to f .ill and 4-xftminfl uur ftock olore purchatila, AU(to-ds warrunltd at repn'Kanicu. T). W. ( LARK. No. flOJCIIIHNl T Htrcrtt. K. II. Vatrhv-n and Jewelry carvfully retialiad Dyex rsrlrnccd v.urkm-D, and warrAntcd. Kin,rAvlNif ucailf txecuted. n-Xi-w.-MtliI.' ;ii jjoi-iiav imikhi:nth. OIIAHI.UB UUMMKi, No. 812 CI1F.SNUT STREET, lien, li av in Inform hi, esteemed customers tliat hla pre sent itoek ol FANCY GOOOS AWr TOY8 NiiinAMa thnt nf ntiv former fmnortntlon. Havln. s. leciedsvlth i'.ire every article liiiuielf. lie can truly say tl eielino similar ostat.ilsliineiit In the country that can e.ini.iire wun Lis. Alto . rices, iietllrg bli koo.Is from tlie ftral maiii.fdcliireri Ana artisii in ,ur..ia, iiiose ueai. era who rnra lliv Imp. rtera liero lo lell a.iam ean rer. IAII1II noi c. nipeie nun 1.1111. .0 inv i.,...,. ing ii.ini u. keep', so lurie a vart. ty, anit In such entirely ueiv atytci as no other In this eltv can ollor : l.tlilKN' M(ll(K-ltO.K-l. JK.lH.l.ltY.lil.Olt, AMI Ol.OVK BOVES. ill ('KhS.MI'Ks) fl U L.SIMKS AND (ILMI-EULS. Wltl'I'INO liMHKS-llltK.HINd CAHiS. KAN, I'AltIS (I1LT AM lllt'lKZt: HOODS. I'A III AM IVAltK-llOllKMIAN lilAfS. .. ..... Ol' HSMf AKI 'H.X'li ASH MOIr?V. cM-Kkr-r-ir KK,-,'2,l.,Ai'itVi4,n'AJfK8- ('Ml. KI.T AMI All 'aFBl 1 u r,'E u -N.' 1AM:Y l.KATHUt IKlOllS. l.AiHesj' iiAoa-ovji;'. twesty difff-iiknt KlxT"'' . CAllAsl. rOfKKT-nOOKR ('(OAK CASES. i'l KSKSI AN1 I'Olt TMONKAIa... liAIIKH 01' ALL KINDK. tllSS, IIOMINODS, I.OTTOKS. IIIII'.OAOK, Cill'M'KIW, ASH It A' K- (i A HON IHi.A I tl.l.K ANU TIVOLI. I 10 R- TI.I i)i iiiiiiiieni la coni.lele in every var'ety k. t wn, with iiiaur novel li.lii-.:. never lii-fore luiliorlei. is. is. If.e veri l-ir e VAr.ety, of every kli..l known, keil In li. 1. .lore, am nAiset In DeuulvAnd t any I' ie. Ki.owti I. ere And In Kin'olie. Tills Is uo Mlel. -nsti I U.1MS -l.Mil.t e. 11 at. 1 sie tlisiu. 11- -1 .-'l OPrOETUSITY 10 PUROHASE HOLIDAY l'UKSKNTS AT LOW rillCF.S. Hal Ilia nVleitliilird In t. lire I'rmn lilisliiess, anil wi.'illn tecl'wei.iit mi eiili-e ato-'k of Watches, .lewulry, R'lver Mate end hllvir Pli.te.l Ware, Clu'ti, Minui'.al B..xe, Tsli'e Cullei y, Ac , aiiln aixty Cays, I am p.-epnre.l 10 i.rt. r I1..I111 euiiul. lo i.'.iret.uhtri.uuil ao.lcu nn ex n 111 11 1 t.iii ol il.ia a low-i o' whieli are styl nd f lu.r ...j.;t). THOMAS C. (lAUHFr'r, 11 I t N. ? I'l l UKSNI'T Sl'Itl 21. TJSIIUL AND ORNAMENTAL CI I KISTMAS PRESENTS. UnlJ p'i'titot, (i U Eve-(i'ai(j,, Mlcroii si3, Opera claart'S, S;-y (.la-8ci. R'.trf-ist tpn And Vtewa, Vltiic I.MMUrii. o; Inawln; lustiiimeuti, lor.ct Cu u I use-, I iii.vTl orui'meter, t-iiie. Air Puoii, K.ji: tii Jiaciimi-d Q..lva!ifc, SpcUtn; UvU li Hfth M'iva't! lA-ttira, ic. Ac , tr aaltby JAMES W. QUEEN t CO., IS'o. ', ! t OH F.S NUT ST 1 1 K K V. I li air t L'iU'5,e(. .ratls. I! 10 HlvlSlMAS FKESENIti. V 1 1 at Mt..!J ba a more a cit.i;;4 C.u-.k'.iiju t ptfttOut I'M: a n:AL, roi: a roi.osi i.( 1 A ( AI'TAIV, HH A l U l'UNAKT, lull A 61 Ki.f.US. M an a haii i-'VQii-rKt.KliNTA'l lOS W(itl, BAAll ami I'l l.'! . p-..tii us vu -im tyt- ht o taint 1, lo ti c In,,!.. ! ar ttt.cilnl .at (.I.OK.11..W . M1MONH A ItHOV., Mini' l.i te ituK Jfii Ut, naiitwiu 4iut liaill, bkO. tot aANrt(.al birctv:, i u;.iuaii..iUi. lfAI.ElU IS BooU, Eboei, Trcaks, and Carpet B-; Noi. low ttnd 1040 MARKET Si'REKT. ( wftoiaai atpra mK o yidar, 11 a,' WANTS. MACIIINIMIS WAN FKl). I LN on twin, Arit-clasi Mt.hlnisti WAuled, Al N. w C'.U, fsAnrsNTKHS WANTED. HrAi-vt PrAiT w W.mii.noie, Hoi. i ..r Citir (jcarti. Biie-riA, K..I AM, Mtd, Mil ronIAnnlh Htr.,, heir New Vor Ar.nni, w.iiiiv.iiow. Ppnlemtisr .'". WaoiiiI Im.n.diAleiv. Kitty C A RI'KS I Ita, I. , I" I'oiiii l.o..k, MArylinil. wi .0 a njonl, aa.i a Allen KaiIi worLuiAii "ill t.n lill own Alt .mli. I rAicvorl.ilw.n -.ill he f.irnlst.e.l by tl.e' lo-emmem at tli workme n And II . Ir loll, from tl'i" e tr to l'oli. I eoktiAt. JOHN A. I-.LIH1W, foli n.t AP'til-f, 11 1 i ., oArimeiit of WAikiairum. I.ARUI'. NVMI11R OK CITY AND -j Ct nn unity I'Toeer". for l.ile.r Fi.t.m.te. I'lmoni .stilus to l.rir.1 .'..e !' .-.1 I itr Are Invited In 'ftl A? etl.i-4. ,el A eoi i f oir Ke winch tiey will r. ixne wltho'tl I'.-iiu: ir.tor.i'Ksi. .1 Act wiiie.iii cf.-iriA. e . r. Fi'I.wki.i. mom. 11 7H- No. :rl S. FIF HI Hti"t. l'i)i( SAI.K. A ItAIKtAIN. IUM). m K s.'i-.e stvl ...veepi-nt thr-s .t.irv l;ri -k D-relhiiif, I, e.v h I.-. hn--. N". V. shlF.STH ,,,,(. !'n., iiirt,',; i A.:is.. -in iM..rfe..ifp. I C. F. F. il, Will. LA SON, No.llJ Ji. t il 1 11 SuMt. rl. ,.r. fl.Kl. ! p. ..j.. n. II-'.H- T T II K P E O P L E. "I nrt'v to ipnPAr. n l'l'I'I LAIt 't i!!K lir Ilr. VOM Vlls. IIISK I Ii, .1 No. llr.'J W A LSI 1 Mrp.-l, contAiii iuit llPAtlsel on the ll.llowlOK I'ISIIA.St.Si KYEAMlEAK HlsLASKS, HII.'OAI I IM.ASI.S IN (.KNLItAL, LI HCYIILNM AMI I I'lil.K.' M'KAKMtV MiliK 1 llltoAr, MSI ASI-.S (If rilKAIIt PASSAGES (Lnnnnitl, I'.r.incii ti-i, AS1II.V1A AND CAIAItit.L llnh Itip style of (lie bnV And Its nrl.'P -.111 bf .iKti as to II ultlilli the rracli of every 'lie anil to in like It KMI'IIA I ll'AI.LY n nook forth" I'Kol'l.l:. II will ii!-.. eonlAln Ail ll;nlnite. I'll. HI F.' Tl'S nf Pi V'N .SIOHl 'll.IHKKIt'H most Plll-li'llt AI'I'AHA Tl ffor the IreAltiietit ol Hip Bl ove M A I. A OI I s. ivllh I xi.innnft.ilis of Ihe r.ln '.l 'es on nlie l. ll is ItH-i'd. Or. VON Al 1 1S( It. I KK I. It e m l.e eoniill. .l nn M ll.o.e ili-i'ASPS wlCeh lie tin- (rente. I with ll." very .i.esr. ol sucerss lor the In t flltcen yp irs. Tl .s'l'I MoNI A I.i 111 iniii.1 its, nn.l the very Inchest Itl.FKiil-.Ni r.s to well known clti-ens vim have t n. iir.-.l l.y Mm. uiiy l.e Hiiiiiine.l At lilsOll.ce, So. u-I WAI.M'l litreol. j ji:ain ih, kyk, t;a.ii, TIIUOAT A.NI) (.11 licl JJlM'.A'f, tATAUIlff, Arto ASTHMA, bh t A Al Fi CTIOSS AX 0 DtsCJSES F THfi AfH I'A DP. ON MOSOll.ISJCKR (ir flowliht,i utmoet co'-(1'ten'-.ntutithit hlfctfat- . nn-iu-i. t'if altvc iiiucti rrt.ia-iivie.wnri ni,iMiir em a i a RATTH ha-t m". wilh h' ureuie-tt surciii, Ii tm rt:lveal lii vmv hitiriet apiirotmtli't- inin ihyiift niellcal auUiori tit, who havo.ttiicr it thormiKh invn-tivafnn. i Hi priuc txu-m m lii.-h ii u tt,s,i mon iiin-c 1 It t!w tm;U lufll'-J By fnt for th euro ot thoe mn.-ili1, n as the Iwtt thcrft- ncifla ail t fifilti'MI Km in Bl Hiflt UIBfn-H" rs ot ' ntant utiitly and inv-tMu.itton of tha abnra illsrMi ,. wilh 'In- mm to nnm-'te anJ Ivati -e a i ienUilr rtr I Hie J t'i f tt'-iitnu'Tii 01 them, uninftrlnt: In , rnti-il In fir-rl'o.-tln.irthiM T AHA I I (J.M Ill 'll Ur. V , I h K K H ilehherotf Iv pronounres tu bw t proeiU ttia only cm in axUienc. no pcruoi In a 1 lln tlnjmriiuouis. To trmur WI 0 rrtiuira nil iitvicci 111 auv ui uiquit Al AMK.H, he nithMliftMni.'iv nIh-p thav hnve now tha'iiT nimi f (in Rlniot rniiuiti i ur TKMTlMWNI ALS aud Hilt Kit1 N ft" f '! Hie ujot r. l iit) o p). oil', wh ka h"i. ciirt il b (,ii itav.ujtnt whau nil utnr Oia-ina havo fal(il to d i o, uiy b exnnrnd t hN OilKt, ISo. HrJ7 WAl ST T ftr. n. Pr. VON V tJv'Jll . IHK r K. wnii inn pnjpnnnpro frimoual anccf m, a-r'j mat 1114 nit.eed are nipiiltMt with f Ttry pomlhle uhmUtii nJ t nabir hua io uitu.- tha inoft llnrou(iii i-xnniina:i'tn 1.1 me t"ii mum wi nm iiu--ui. not only !nvii.- those w ho nf. d I1I1 rv n-i to caII on him, hut ntl nif Jiciil mm who wln to m-o th" ADVANCK MKST ( th 'I KKA l'Vi Ni' In m e inl illsimiei Above nii.fil- Oitic. Ko. II !7 W 1.XUT Wiri-c". 11 "A) ii T'llliOAT Ill.KASF.S -1 HAVE SUF1T.RKD irom A vary icier, ihroit All. el'01. My entire nar lyilem was so atls.'teil I coold learc-l- wntk rrr fro.iy f.eftilnit .artl.l'y i.ralie.l. In llin couna ol Hire months treatin. nt t or. VoN M.).sOII.lKK,R rav ih.nn loviiiiia un. ilv will in v li.'altii and viaorrenuireu. Tr.acnre has niloi lihe I all ray frimils. I fee. It a lbt of f rAllllidc to Uio ll.vtor s Skill ana a uurr 10 moan wno tuai raeil ina aarviccs io xaake my cass ptii.ll.tly known. F. C IIBDOKB, 8. E. Corner KHIIiril And I'AKltlsll Sl-et. Tc Ur. VON MOHI'llKKKlt. Ne. 10J7 WALNUT Ht. I'hiiAUflt.t a.'.s-h K. nmliu, 1S04. ll-30-r2:. pill I TTKPi I U1V COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Jo. ti'i7 OIIFMSIT Street, corner -f Seventh. KetAtmPhtd IMi. li 1 enr iwr a td Irt-ij. )lta irepr;a for tlie Couiitlii,' -iluie ai.d Hail noi Th(trojh ami prn','tcl Instnietlon la HOrK-Kr:i-:t'IN(i, In elllti bmnrhei, ai )ractiicd by Uiu best amount ant anil bu:ucbi uiui. Plain ami Ornim'-ntal, Is Uul. by one of the moit com pne. t i iitMirut-n. l''ut:itJon, Comutercinl Law, Dttdctiu, Connurlcit Nutra.Xr. TKl.ln.K.F'IlVtJ by So nnd, and on rptr, Uught by a lon-eTpericn-'e-Oporatur. Hnir.t!! Iii8lni' ieitttritniv, and r'i;oheti at an; time t ut: t-ibl ina ai'ir Ht-pU'inh-T 15. Cfirl.i;iirf( contjl' inn th" nmnci of 4iJ uidents, terini Ac.. f':rnishid urulifl on nipii'a 1 m. H-Ktltutl . 11. t UllTtNUKN Jt CO. . WRITTKN AND VKItnAL DE i icriuion of t r.ura' uir, v.(iHU.iiuon, an : ; t .. i in. iiit i.M.' i i.... j ii.Ktin t FdnCtiMnii, Sc'l-lm.irovi rncnt, M tniiiU'inet' Van 'I Tialrnik- (f ul IU : liN , social aai" ti'O, Ac.,!iy uiiU oven in K, by JOH L. CAPI.N, j Fiironi luif and H'tokscllcr, t. ti liOMl'U bit abivo Cbenmift n-i.'-iut:itm fmVF?-m PIANOS, COTTAG B EXCKI 10-7-itm .So. )10at C'KKSN L'f Hueit. 4 rrn;T()N'aS new American cyclo j a li'ilfa 1 liW Milittihtj l llir.irT of I nlvi-mil Iinuini tin is Wfll rifi'TvM'd oi a nltut in every In e;iivi it hmiiv 1 old n tl, mud. It li ie.'.)iiixj'!iul( tl tt'ile r-l vi-rft x. t cl j.J i lor xijiil.(r am r puh i. hed. lido i. TtV , i . " or our piomiiMiii irtii-Mi-i who ita v are tho n.ih ft nt r. t'iR-n tlilt work :--HU Id v. v, m li, ti"vtu, Kiv. tir. Moilnr y, Ifrv Id. haul Newton, Kb K. I'rii-e, ls-., (.or1 II. rtitiji-t, Kstj , i-ii Kl 1 'il Krown K'.'i , ri.iai). i;f hi fi. i;i , B J. I.ietlr in, l- , F. .1. lnr. Ki. A,an'ii'r i- iiii--.ton, Evi .It hu ll.ii. na. , .l. lm Kiillt.i , Km , ,1 Fiij-ai Thi'ini-on. Fai , 'I'll mat A . Olt, Kfe .Ii.l.ii 1, Hiibv. Km.. R-tv Frank lln M- jre, , itev. Wilu im ll f i'.rii-:if, IC'-V. TlKIIII W .1 Mtfpti'Td J.I1 C.(ViM).', fc.(., A. J, lrupl, Ki'. )uv-'t'Olij, i h , l '.dh Hai.' ill, I'st ( (Jftrr'e NuriliMp. KU , I. t'airiill ti.-i v -jter, Ub i. S. M r fit n. Ki., .Inhll l.k'O, I.SH-, A. J. B-K-kn r, Rsi., I. (' M'l-'-itinn K'l.. C i limit 1 WHtidiu li. Thotna Ch.nhs It. l ihLit.l. Ki. Wtiiiaro Wi'iuh! mnii, Emi , amu i "n iv one i ri'iic a ui in icri. Th1 CvriorKx'.li Ir ikiw c nnp'e e u -.ixlfi -n larra voluinf1 In v i i t i -r nt -st h'H "I' hiiulliisi. Sanitui) m-ty be toe IF uid (irtiir; i'ceift, m tif A;- n'-y t r iiiik .It. an i HLat R .). mi HI a 1 II Mirtc,aiiiw rtu snrr., ,n, i ory li il .11 JMKM K. Ml HON, An 61 it. A LL rritONS INDKHTl'.n TO OR 1IA.V U Inn clams .;n J'ISI'.I'll M.-MCI.I.IN, d.vease willnt.ase inv or nrescnl the -.lui in tlei llililerin Kxeeuhra, WII.I.IAM iiI."I.M, Nn. T.' l I IM'. .Street. GK lit' IK 1). KV.tN'H, 1 ' 2 nil -No. Sis AllLiI (Uuut. 1 'II E COPARTNERSHIP ENTERED INT M t'.e ur ''T It ! - .n Mr I t of, I:, nml lie tirin ol l.AHEV A HI I K I AK Kit, id h-jn-tir .lolvi Uuiliial fHiJ'lit. I. 1. IaA'lKI. IS. I?". MilLDAKKK. I'liti aii i fm a. r J, 1 ;!. Ji i)i 2000 Sa! SECOND-HAND COTTON SEA In Merc and for n il by JOHN T. HAII.K r A no., No. tU N.FUONT Street. VJ--2 ln- iOAL AT IT EST COST-COST PRICK 1 J Mi-cUiuuliri ier tun Jiuitifti.aiu llier' C ot Lett i- :.Htv. Sliau s.ucli fiitiilnu to one and a I ton p. Hr.f fot . v i-rv e;tr for twenty veurf., flnd toi; tll hlfuJa of iTOdth fio.n the mipim imhI, may now 1 1 nbiait-t-a at Mn, navabic, liuT - n a ubrrUiloy, iunl hair V .'hm uv .'. nit, i t tl.e Mi TL'AL UK ill MOUNTAlI FI.AXKMN 0A1. O'Ml'ANY.OiT.i.'C No. l.'l K.Ttlll t Htrt t fif 0!rte thettirard Huul. K btoi k 1. t i I , a lu iliart a. Ket M etl woiK Liu r4,.Ui li,: i t i Nth-! i i-tii ii of 1 ni.ttie-t, ti lo rl 41 a. ; t'l li ai t , 41..' ; 01 ..' fcUatrvs, $l:v; of Ijihi..!':!, .' ; of - l.tii Ii el riu' en'ttlf t'.e rM -r to n- c v-, tvrry e Mf am! u I It t n- o! coxi, a' mat. : ir : ', uii't tiit i.d, t tiy d m.-utUa, ol li-t ,n jitt le jiu t-tu b,k .til 'UM'll c. u'.. Htoi hhoM r& wli'i d nct want aay I-Mil nirty h tva ft projK itii'ti vt C 'ul bW. hy 1! t oui,nnj 'or V v , i li lit-lit, Iht) f r lit". b-.ltiK (a. -I i i'i' to t '.tu, i;ntfp -nil 01' tie tuittr tu-h auUitud-, wt.idi t;.y re 4 eiilitlril. li.f Coinpunv pohs.ff la f Btid well built To-l W at litaui'i" ri ,nir 1'irnmr i) , m uh et'itnc M liiinv a I 1 iuilrr Kt:i.ia, tin exieiirnt ii'iaou nre; 01 1 lar.e Mfi-iu hi wli. s k ailruAJs, n all oiUa imi . nH a .il ppinratu. f 1 fi'H 1 pi-rattp. rap tMet mim-i-,' fti,i tui., ia bf ixtv:ied tlf u,'-iltin per i-ur. Hits Coal 1 uf the best .i.iliir, cltt' Byof theVla UeitMi ami l'r!m:v.a Vem, dlmti, with H-.tiul on. atiaMt- coaM ttnd wlihm tae ol the Cui milt larlai) till ill li'I U th. i liriutli 1 tin Ue.tduic l;a!lroad evteodi to the tsAn M tie I om;u..t', oci vucu uie cj- w U4ii a mmUt btockhoMerii mar orrttr (h!r Cal m an of the nn .CH. 1Z. . i-lllnp l jai, IHtiarn. f im. titJt, or Mil t o ailattl.u ire-iin't P' - V"fi n n, d livpitml thi- Ik -,tt V.1M11 IU uu1 tfi-taacv cl' Ilia Ltnap! eal ai:d ui the ouitUcni, iukUIc, i.ul aMUicriH.jrii ol the t nr. Tti( ('Ktupany I ad all the mhili) wurlt are clear of -V, a r ti uUi'ii.-r.iiiunh 'v coadut led oil lite i-hU print tpl- v For rltcd'arK and nihKuri(.inMi aaijr a- It a Of No Ijub-TiUl.l' aitert. ircuuil i, Ut- UBUki Nam! for Jtiadlnit. Mav(r llavor. U idoi Mnctora -Wilhaia l-id, U.II. V'lic,BH. I. knig. 11. (SU-ium le. Wat. HGlKtfil-'I.B. rr6'il. A. 0. Jii UM, flemtary. U--t-lu latssnst- llia, ifi j 1