The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 03, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 7

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J 7
the inox inn.
nv tun i: i.ooan.
r'k tot to mo of your lienr-n nfotik.
rsor Tot ul ) our who Irn will ;
lunch to prom Hie n t tup tiil.
I mock nt your li.irmle i n'l-.
Yl-a, lirr rt'viiv !
Hen It rinnrhrt
I'nr over tbe nam like A petrel at il,iv.
, born, And nt 'cm iii; ilu ! ei' ye hcur '
At tbe trill tors hi f iIm' to irir Inm.
I'liirk of our pim-r, our li.nne.auJ our fi i. litis,
Ol Gorl vtl our ij.oi .o i- i i i f.
Tin ii up, I suy,
A rid Ii a n ,
111 our sr Jior ol iron II. iy n -ji k is hut ; iw.
n vnin tht-v pi-thI ilio r
In vsin th"ir uti"! 1 h rid ,i
v s f ii:,
nr mr h irk itivu n r.ili
C'uii'i nut ri -f "fr'o i it.
In Himor Iipl-Ii',
t,-lo- mu ii"it kn rlit.
O IT the silriv y so. lii.r
liii .1 in .
o f ilntot ol whi p rs iljii in'.li l.renlu'l
Wn'll iiivo h i 'k tin' vi r m lliiui It ;
Innsml no lonpcr tin' i i on ol tiie S i.
it U hi'i olil w iki' ol lory j. lowed iiirle-r.
I n .If ittitl iron,
To 1 i v.- ihi v ii'i.l IIm.
'!cuJ p'linitlctortri'.-t.ii;! M tr Kill cr Mnu'i
.ion 1
Haiinp'ic-i t ti-.m-ri'-t nt Nc ir
'anf, 1 took pii- flc on lio ir.l one of thene ll j it
S pnluri s to t.e feninl mi tlu Mii:siij.. .V.
liro e tool; Eli:eir.l it I ::i ty I no! h ippy
f see, not a bit of it. I don't like suii'.-i nulkin j
out on tno lcf's. Tko party con-iNtcil of a
rung mrin of th-liiy or thirty -fire years old, with
8 wife and a y otmy ba'iy, und hii millier. Tlia
iiaig ttinn was what I should rVl abir.lilin.
ter. He woro n grey an I pints, h id par
o velvet ves', with a m is-iva gild, oritmij'it
' gold plated ill un, a.ioss iho briiist. Ills lung
m k linir was eur cd and i-h.ny, mil mult liken
irticr's Mihii. lio bad a r.-d H ill ". i.e, nu 1 li,s
cs uere idaek mid tricked. Ho hid oe'ii whit
any people c.ill p od liMkini ',,. 1, I U.) nut
ink he co'ild h'lve Ikvii ivitti mil-Ii a ni iili r.
lie was n tall nnd stately ivominTiiile nn tall
her son, und illicit lull' n century ul.l. Mio
ore false I n nt, in.d her forehead iva? sb ivei
' wake it lo 'k more i paosieo und iut' lloctiial.
nn i an.w.r lor nor it: verv aecnritelv. lor
e wax made up in the moit elaborate (.isliion.
u was ilrcsioil, even on tlie sieumb mt. in thu
best moire nn l ino und iho coitliest loco.
lure is rot a en of the. civilize d world thai wa
it vrltttn on that wnuitm h la e. I l ivo seen a
at many women with little vuouuli that was
nnanly about them, but I never saiv one wnj
inea lo nie v had as the c onb er . mo b r.
The fact it, it a parte of'ilcrs. The
or little wilu wim n tra n.'i Htojl-nion. and
en the pret'y litt'e bi'iv na dre-ed I i a'.'ni t
tl lend ti c-t!Kiti!nf . I he wite was wry
i Ity, but fltnic i mo a- a rra'n-e ciuu'ouiid. Sh
emed lovely mid centle. is I ii ire av ic iii'l-IiI
ve been nn Icr o h' r s Mr wji
estcd too well, mill n'ue loo lunch ieive'rr.
iiis I altcrwiii'ds louml was not her fault. Sl'iu
as mnilc to pmv ber part in attracting her bus-
nci a victims, i tie coiinctry ol her a"poara'ieo
I not coiresp m. I with the cxpro-Moti of her
:e. Then' was ii nd look in n Hint m ule me
tv her. They had e into fro n C.inidi. tliov
d. and were ;"in r to New Orleans. I Lent luv
osontlieinj i'U'1 so. 1 lou'id, d d thn exp Ti-
ctd chiiiiibeiinaid. who had Imcu on tlio river
o long not lo know mch u tooiei s at llr-t siht
Among the oilier oeciioints of the eret ci'un.
here society gets about us well oilnsrlcd an you
er Una It m this world, wns u young man, a Mr.
hn (Jreenc. a matter rarpvnler friim Cuioago,
imr to Memphis. Ho was Himple, hon.'S'. an I
t' veidaiit ns lis name. He "Ot H in lir.t d wi.h
erybody, and to rt of his means, intention.,,
a pro.-pul.-, us it uo iicnigtit every un.iy as
noeen'. us llin'Clt. Kodileu inado it set at
eene ai soon ai ho heard tint he hud mono v.
it not by waking tbe first lulvaaoes. The old
lytalred to him in tlio most motherly way
out bis home, his prospects, and sweethearts,
e yntiDg wife, who seemed at timost) scorn
ry thing about hir, smiled on liim sweetie,
d gave lilin iho baby to hold. Whoever she
y have feared or haled, she loved the ba'jy.
was, 1 believe, the bond thn' held In r to the
nibler und bis mother, and made her do their in
n al b dilinir. lint for the b:riy, Hie iniL-ht have
j ed intotbo river to cs.M ioa tyranny th.ii
v.iuie more nud more apparent time, a 1
I'chcd thu diuiiia plajing before ma.
iKodilen, of ionise, hn 1 ma le up his mbnl to
indcr the young cav(cnicr, and it h id t be
ne before we got to MciiiiiIuh. Tliey had
ijcd in a little family piny tit wiist anl
lire for e.uidii.s and sherry eob'ilers, or chum
t;ue. tirecne geiur.illy, and wm eo.ilident
his luck ami a little proud of his skid. Hn
. fnseinnled with Ihc pretty womm who could
ud him round her lingers. T'uen he tried his
ud with Uodilen alone, and won thirty dollars,
ho I'l'iistnl to Biir.vti, tit hull' a doll ir a gone.
vas of no u, e to advi,e him. He W4. us c in-
led as be was honest. I.ike many verr iticcii
bons.hc believed liuu-cii an exeollent judge of
racier and us sharp as a needle.
1 he nijiht betiiro ne were to rcicli Mcnipliis
Jrtcn und (ireene were playing, and Orcein
s lliislied with bis luck, and drinking more
;n usual. Ilrowne winched ihcm till be was
'd, and turned in about 11 o'clock. Then
dden and Urnene drank moro, or stronger
nks than usual, and they played for higher
kes. It was the old story iniatua'.ion, mad
s, and of courso, tbe loss of the lint dollar
eene hud in the world. Then came another
knotty, unr-u than that of tho drunk nd and
giimlj.i i 'ho insanity ot despair. lnsUad of
ng lo Ins hci lb, he nscciidu I to tho hurricane
k. T hen lc took oil' li s coat and ve-l, nod
Me on a pitho of pacer the lodovi iu. enicely
idle note :
To the Caitaln of ti: it i it : Hod leti bis
d mi', I was drunk, of three thousand
ars, nil I have in tlie Win 1.1. I am o'li;; to
ivn niv.-ell. rloiiM! tlianii Mr. lSrn.viie lormu,
till him t am sorrv 1 ( i l n it heir to hi.n.
'JollS illKK!K.''
fl'lils paper be pinned to his vest, and then
U. tly jumpeil i io the river, lint In was not
en lo bo iirovned not fiat tune, anwioir.
eio was u cry tiom tho w.Hchon lierk ol a unit
rhonrd. iNojr 1 nlwiiys take my diU Mailer
Ii me win n 1 tr ue' ; he' gu id js n b urie
fo und a fix i.ho it r a iv d iv : so. b arinir the
'iH, 1 sp'aunont id' 'ho sni'e-rooin w ith Mii-icr.
wtfave Idm, Mister 1" sail I. iho dog uidu'c
. .1 :, ..I I l. i . :
u siiuiii' i iii.ii iii'"i, iiii'i ne e. hi 4 in nun au i
d ihilii up, until the stei. u r's boat took them
h in and brought them on board acain.
t he cnpuiin came down on Koddcu, hut K d
n drew a b ovle kulic an I hiiwod light. The
it bad toucu'-d nt Memphis, and botore am
ng could be dime, he had broken avarahd
- char. His mo. In r, and imperturiii.
us ever, had their b igjami taken ic-bore, nud
wire soon on our way, like tho liver, and life,
1 all that sort ot thing, and I lur.'ot all u'uut
ailvi ntttr.'. New Onr nn was a city at that
c full of weultli and b 'iiiity, lvlngi ik purplu
ipe, In tbe sun, lull ol lu-eiotts uulp and w cl
II. Well, it is ills' like a grape skin now,
ked und thmwn under foot to be trodden on;
It we'll iidjoiiru that .-nbl rt.
n ihe i Ii of M iy, Invine g it through my
ini'Mi, 1 left New ()i .euns to return North. I
it on board that pala' e of a hint, 11'w k II i'ct.
almost tho lirst person I saw was H idden s
Uer. There sho w as, with the fame stately
uncc, tno same suaveu loretiead and I il-e
t, the same rich lace and in lire autioiie, to
h were now added Hashing jewels ; and there
i lie pretty little woman, with her tiatiy, now
r old, both dressed in the same showy man
and presently I saw the Imrd-taced iMinVcr.
itn. The young mother and her baby looked
ana in ; tno old motner ana tier liopjtul
ed (liisln d and ea.'cr fir prev.
paid so much attention to thoe people, and
light so much of what thev bad probably be .'n
ng all wiuiti' in New Urle ins, tli it I rather
Jeeted tlie o'tier pasien'i-rs ; hut the day n 'er
rSUirtcd, I observed a particularly green-lojk-
indit'iiiii ii, Willi 1 1 l; tit 11 iscn Inn., an a.v-
Viild slouched ha'., blue liouiespun pantaloons,
butternut-colored coat, which seemed t
I Abut
Ji la g
both homespun and home-made; he bad old
cloves on, wuicu lie never removed, exctpt
I. ut on someold leutberor kid ones. I watched
",1 gambler, for it hud somehow transpired that
.s L'uwky homespun individual had been to
pw Orleans with a eonsiderablo cargo of biieon
d I'lieese. I thouglit of poor Ureeue and his
ee Ihousnr.d dollars. Due day I sa.v KuilJ'iu
d the stranger "Ike," so bo culled himsoli
No matter about my name, mister ' said he,
Jill me Ike; I'll answer to that till the cons
ie home. You can t come it over mo calling
mister. How do I know but you are on i of
in fellers that pisya poker and allm wins ;"
never played buttbiee games of poker In my
9 said Koilden j "but I'll pluycucUiewi'.u you
the drinks."
No you don't. Look o' hero, misier," pulling
. n the lower cjelush, "do you see onythiug
on there?" 0
I tee that yon have cut your eye too.di." said
dden. "I Wouldn't Undertake to ehe it you If
ating wiu uiy tiuUc. w.iKh, 1 ftu bftpp to say.
"Yon don't ny sor Good lookln, bet ye rnn't
ronotn. I shan't pl.iy for the drinks, nor for
nothing c'e. I piomi'nl Susy whin I cotnf
away that I wi nldn'l tich ft kaird, the hull time
I was off; an' t o more I won't. You seo, lire
thnt.isnd dollan' worth i f baron und ehee-e
wouiuii t i" no snskes at all to one o' ihetn fel
lers as plai s poke "
"Thut s so," seid c -Men. "Yuri are wi-e."
"Yes. nn' that ain't tho whole on t, tor mr
tror.i y'i in te csi. n's sale, an '. wPhi s m ire, H il
s'.iv 'here till hulf an boni a'. a; I lacd."
' At ?" nul l.o I'lcn, s'i! jct, Ir.
"At yc, nt. but v h(T" tint in von 11 bar"
to hnfl out, lot I told Vi-.v I'd I f -p a d irk a- a
wi odi buck's l.i-'c, and not t ik to n Vice' v in or -'n
was is illy m rr--nty. A- to you, I woiliii 't I
t( lling on, lor I took to ;fii itwoist. You live
sm a. I, but ; ou Can 'I p a hoti '. or von ouUin't
roue at me alout konl. i.u imMit hive
k::o i I wiili, rli 't plr I y the h ok- of ti.f."
Itoflih n was pi rs vi nnc the nvoi in lioiiicpcn
VKSITPI. I ill- TOllfli: Will -.rrl.'tc.l mcrnteiiitit d
bmI miserable fiery Invr; the id I nmthci o'Oro
herd, pn i.ii in pt i ioes. Mie wivlil taki' ike b ibi ,
kn p it 'on. I s n. oilier, in .1 I In lien-, poirli it,
fii"p'y lot'-i'ine the i..or wo' l;o,i 1,-n rever
"ti if. rr.lto pro-, ct In r. Wimtu ,,b ihc poor w leading, end v Imt s ta'c for', her i i. d !
Hue i'vi niug, i h-ni d ,io.i'jcn uiMi'g t the
jaky man about rluv.
"1 ook o' here, ".on,' .i d Ihe Inticr. "i f you
i vei ssy l.a.rds to me e.iii. I ll pi' h into you.
I in a man o' iny wird, -imiilii when my ward's
-lien to .s isy. Hut I have rot a po l.i t full of
d ee. and the ain't loiided dii.e, niilhnr l.i you
want to plu enough to l't s ninthlug baml-o uo
nin my t( tlmcl.t i-h". I'll pi iv with you."
I!o drew out a very ancient -ilvcr bos of at, mt
five ilu, lain' weight, and l.nd it on tho t ihln.
hodden sal doi ii to liii-ine-s with a .'.'.en-i in his
d.ok eye meant iii'-ih.el. He won it, then
:ost it. It was lo-t and sciei il time-, but
lesti d in the pock, k ol the conn i vol in.
"Mu.irt ! Ilo v, imt ion c in t kriji a hot
win my tethn ker b .x," -aid he.
I no iicM tiny tiny pand ii'i.n mil
his tox, anil w i'i h. und thutv d -lli.ts. I Ii
day liny were at il as'iin, wlnn the iuck -
' 10'
- coed
ii i, .ir.d
in nn n mr me iicii nn . a-in, won
so'iy that tlie itamhh r lo.( i, .,r . .
of mom y, In laet, a I or ncorly nd he h id to 1
u 11
an. I then the coiintiyiiiau f Used to p uv any
"Not to-night, nnyhow," mid he, "I ml.rlit bo
willing I" lay lo 'ni now, hut I want to sleep
wi'h my pockets full tor one night. I a'i.i.t put
my (oii mi, in i in the Ciptaius si'c, hut I'll
i,i ep this ere that w.. joiun, to sleep o.i, iiial
tor lui k."
"That foolish fellow will be robbed to-night,"
T .-ilio to myself, "and may be niunlcre I." I h i I
such a p.iroiitimi ut ol u,i .. nit i. that I rould u it
go to s iif, at mull i. lit, hcn I he-ird him
o to lull . 1 I. hock. d ut his Mute-room do r,
and s aid, "Will you it I ov me to sp ak to you ?"
'T know what you're gointcr say," said he,
"i' it in oi j ou laj aw 'l.e on my aci aunt. 1 ami.
a liaiy,nint I know whin Ko'lden will Uo, us well
as you do. Hill be sbaikm' up thu wrong tree.
Look o' heie, mister," said he, and be dii w out
a tremct dons how ic-kmle fioi'i the hack of bis
neck, and fin wed me under I, is pillow a six
shooter. ' I reckon these, Yv vill tin the busiiie-s,
if he loins atter me and my winnings."
I let'-- the lean, iva-siir. d, nnrt relurno l to mr
beith, bt.t not to sleep. The boat wont molting
: d roa: inc on her ey up th" gloomy rirer. It
as high iliit. i.nd if any accident happened t.i
the boat, there wa:i a j uor chance lui the pai
si r .'cis.
Moie hnn cr.ei' i chad stevned p i-t the floating;
rorpsc- from Inn .' or cvplod' I sieamers. Al 1
li.i tl.n '.iiif: ol nil '.his, I iieard aslep. Theciua
tiyiiKiii -lipt w ith hi ("cor onin. He would
"i I" l.e to it, eth ut oiicr," be sari, "if he d'd not
get the n:r." l"ple bioiif,htup in Ii g -houses are
apt to ft '! so. I -piling to my feck and crept
tui. ;-.i ns his s-ii.t., -room. The door was shut.
Thee wus the .sud.tou cplsi'.n of a pistol, fol
low, d by alieire ciy. I oiticil the door. li iddtu
bad lali'.ii on the llooi. Imt he spiaiig to his icet
w it ti n ut across hi. lined, mid t tie of hise u.i
shot oil. He da bin out ui the d-jor as iha cnuu-
tiytvc:n CM'h'ioH ii :
"1 hiit vtiricln :"
' "Are ) t ii Lurt '."
"Not a Intel !t." lie 111 a ,-li ;ht out on his
liuiat, hoi.ttar. Ko.:,ic'i hud scarcely left tlu
tiiitc-iocin when l.e u Kiappl d by the porter,
vho, hke myselt, I uo been watehing blm. 'I he
porter 1. ad s en Ihe b'itt con liet, which he In l
l ot tune to pievt-nt. The ruseal s -niggled hard,
but he was soo:i disanucil, boaiu! sejurelc, und
loekeu up In n stiifi-rooia. His Iojs of b'ovj
lulieii, peibaps. to ro-cpi'.-r Uiin. I asked a 1 idv,
Vlioluid co;uc from her st ite-r j mi lo Indulge
lier M'liiinl cuiiositr, to go to the poor wife, end
tell her the sun titith, mat her husband was
wounded ni.d a felon.
"Oh, what have t Hot 'tillered wl'h hint and
hci If I rould but reiuru to my once happy
home !" suid Iho j olt wile, wlu-u iuforiued of the
nlla r.
"Ai d wl y eiui ioii not " asked the lady. It
was the nhl, old -lory. She h id run auac from
Lome and married a showy scamp without the
consent ol her parents. Tbe" captain, the ci.unlry.
D.iiD.ueU nivseif, went aside to eon.uU ut to
v. lui w us to be done
"W ait a iniiiu c,'' saU the coiinfrym-in; nud lio
vent into bis state-room, mid next ln-tai.t came
cut in n dressing gmvn, uuoihcr iiul nn bond
of hnir, and without the everlasting old gloves.
It was my uc'iuuiiitauee, Mr. lliowne, and a
mpitel actor, too.
"1 detcinime'l to sone nt that fello v If I ere
pot a chance," be said, "when he r.'bbcd thu
poor ( nrpi liter, nud drove him era v. Ho go
cured ot that by a small dose of water-cure in the
Missis-ippi, and by the help o! your dog Muster.
I shall hiiti t hnu up uud give him b -ek bis money."
Mus-er wn-.'giu It i- tail, as if he rememiiiireu all
Rlic nt it, und approved of returning the cisli.
The poor little wife decided to leturn homo.
The iiu lher, ilcmivcd ot her son, did n it attempt
to keep lit r ill iisid daughter-in-law. When
Koddi n found that he was to be sent 1 1 the jail
nt Majsvillo. ho sent for his wile. "It's all up
w ith ine for tbe present," suid ho. "They have
pot melon. You bud better go home, Lib, and.
stuy with the old (oiks and behave yourself.
Mother is in 't !it company lor you uuic.u 1 am
The wife answered only with h?r fobs. Sue
lirlu Ihe baby fur his lather to kiss hii.i, Put she
Hid not olle i him hi r own dps or cheek. Ho w is no loiiir. She lad ni'tiy fiieujs.
Mil- V.011I1I ei i i . Wc toi k bii tnher paternal
home ou thi i Hiio, nud saw her kindly receive I
l'V a worthy tail.Lr anil loving mother. Mr.
ilii w in wi nt w it b me. and U-li a Hiou-mi 1 dollurs
ci tl ( cim be bad won Iroui Koddi ii lo her
fp'l.ei 's haucs. Koi'dinwis iried to. a mar l, r
otis So ..hi it with illicit ti lob. and sent to tho
peLiieiciury fir tweuty live years. He win be
si .tvv hcn he bus served out his time. The
leoilier Las ti ltd nuid to save him, nud m iy get
1:1m atiioiii'd iiftei a w bile. Thu iit'Ie wife ou
tunic an ts.tiiip.niy uud happy mo. her.
I don't keep iii ii-' ptaintanc'a with all the world
ami Ii wife, Ix cmiv 1 cant ; but 1 key lra-k of
Mr. Ur. wiie, '.iho i. ni-'h " in l-wigland, with
B'otlur l ame that I wont iiie'iti.uj, uud, as I
s.el hi fore, a ery good aetor he 1-, too. .1 (lie
I for i( " i '.
liiii- llsuiy Arilllt-ry.
I. a.-! spiine. -eys the Alexandria X'ule J-wrnnl,
vh'-n OeniiaiG. A. DcHu-sy, the popuiar co.u
li.ainltr ol the oe f s(,tltii of ihe l'otoaiae,
selit l.M ceups I" ju'.n (etu'ial Grant, It w a
tl.oighl by many, and ue also pirtauk of the
bela f tliat aU' thi r so line a body of men, i
tl'0:oii;.-hly Jiii'ed, so completely disciplined,
uud so clean,, und olclii rly in ..ppearatico,
coiil. 1 not agnii: be piodii. ed. We do not believe
tlmt any ccuutiy in thu wcrld ran turnout so
cinp ete a Idi'e aruiy as th se men m-ido ua;
aid, betislii inl us thci haic. proved themselves in
ndeing v I'-torv lifter vk-t''ry lo our anus, tie ro il
noiiucsilou but that, if thev had been or-.' inie'd
into a divi.-ii n by themselves, in-teid of Ind-ig
broken up umo i. g the diifeieni army corps, and
with a leader like General Augur or 'General ii
llussy (men who knew thi 'r qualities, having
luiulo (hem the soldiers they wire), they w mid
have been even more cilicieut.
When tho heavy artillery left us list spring
we regretted it, for we felt that tlio glory of tlie
"Dclenses" bad departed, uud wo missed their
gay uniform, always so neat and clean, from our
streets. Tho new troops whl li cuine in, good
soldiers all, lacked many of the eccllan- , ii ili.
ties, anil parieubirly tho hjh-i: n'-.- i-o;is, wiii. h
charaetcri.ed the artillery.
We have been led to write this ar-'ch l'r mi the
fact tiii-.t mo have dise-ovt-ro I upoa o ir sere its
lao ly v. hat we supposed were our old irionls,
Ihe aililh ryiiicn, cjme oa -k lo us he s i'iie
neat uniform, with its scarlet trl. innings, the
same jaunty, soldierly step in short, tho same
well-behaved and disciplined arullerymon, ami
we have rejoiced at it, ulthough wo well kne.v
that General Grant's loss would be only cpi tiled
t.y our gain. V:pon inipilry, we tiud that wo
have been mistaken, and Unit the troops w see
are a new uriny, which General Uellussv is
bringing up, uud we begin to repent the asser
tion which we have often mado, thut tho Gene
ral's old army will never be equalled. We Imvo
teen several of these new regiments, and a better
class of m n to make soldiers of we nover s iv.
General Vu liussey is working ussld iously, uud
wo have understood It to be his duteriniuniion
that the new division of artillery ho will tarn out
in the spring shall be fully equal to the old ono.
We may, theietore, expect to see this winter the
same magiiilieeiit reviews uud parados ou luj
"Line" which guvc onr eiti.ctis so much plcuuio
loot winter.
At Rome, Moutignorc do M erode hat mado
Dloudln baud over a perceutago of hit profits,
when exhibiting t, tliij Umo, to IU Tiitt'..
wit, rrm, An iii noR.
"CulTeo, is that the second bell ?" "No, masn,
dat's ue scrend rngins; oh do fuss boll. We
habn't got no seiond bill in dis hotel."
Win ti t-dmpkln's wife kicked him out of bed,
says ho, "isce here, mm! You'd bett.T not do
that neain. Il yr n iln. it w ill r,ine a cnnlnm:"
"Woti dll t trti cail this Ihc Pilf or a leg?"
a.-ked Hob, pointing to one of his m thcr limbs.
"No," p plied Jim ; "I should sy it was thu leg
ot a caif."
A Cam ii. I .hmib.-"1i.ij' ii th nk I'll et
ii .-'ii e I'on" i i' "' shi ! a cu'piit to his counsel.
"1 don't think yr,ti.!l," replh-d tho oilier, "fur
1 'H'liiiiiin'iii'iithc jii'-r who are opposed lo
A l:t;ti'M'. II i ''I'i b , ei-r epen.ivii
just now. I can ted you. This n.ltnon cost mu
tni -ni. i!-lpincc a pound '." (!urt ( nn bu irr s
i i h'-l "Ah, i '.i M'ry pood. I thmk I'll take
i. rot l.e r iightei u penn'orth !" I'vm h,
In Ti i i-ey, wlieniici a shopkeeper is roii
vii fed of t' llli g a be, 1,-s house i" I'.ilnte I black,
lo ri ii ain so forainomh. It thmc weio siKh a'
law in line in In, r untry, whit a soiipce
in ei gipuii y appeal slice o,ne'i)t uui i iti.s woulj
tl -i!d.
The Alb.inv A'- ii 'er'i . ,rr pri'i tho follow,
lug riciipt to ki'l flies "lake si hn 'nling tiou-e
r e, cut it inlo thin slices, and lav it win rctiic
I'.'Ccts may lime lull ilcec-s to i-'. In less thin
lillecn liui.cics ihe w tiole e.i eooii.o ol them will
1 c dead wiin the colic.''
A Iii:sosti.K l-'.sn sk. A p.-rs m lamented
Ihe d .illi inly he found In per. nn, hug his fru n Is
to Kturn the volumes wm h hn bad lent tin in.
' ri p't'. 'I a Ii a nd , " our ecpi iiu'anees liu 1
d is mu. h iicie c isy to ii-tain the books lu.'lii
selii s i!u n w hat is coii'ait.i d ill the'in."
Pi msi,, I',,, 1 1 1 r:ts. Two geu'lciiicn h ivitig
a ill i If i cc. ore '.rent to the' n'lill j do ir KIl.l
wiote ".'-i' in in el ! ' upun it. The other ca'I'd
it; i n his ii, ihb ir, mi l m i . inisii ere. I nv a servant
thut I is m ,st. r wt'S not at home. ' N o inntlei ,"
was the ii Iy ; "1 w -hi d to return Ins i sit,
a-be left l is Lame i t my door in tin morning."
'-Mi.ssa," s lid the black Mi-ward In his rip.
tain, i s tic y led in with a hoiiier.urd b iiin-l ves
sel, "I ish on would writ-a few lines for me
to Moid to tin- old woman, 'cans" I can't write."
The good naliircd skipper coiupliod, and wrote
nil that l'ompcy diclated. As the caplain was
al nut lo Bud up the Ict'ir, 1'iiuipi-v reuiluded
li i in that be had urn ited to say, " I'leaso 'seuso
in- bad ii I'iiin' anil sj,t Ihn'."
Ki l l cum. The Hon. Mr. Staple, of Vir
ginia, n p iris, in a speech in the Uenol Cm jics,
that ilniu are Goieriiiin nt o:lie H'.i who" seek
eimptinu In in mi itary duty us foil own : Vn
f una, I lisi; Noitii Cap. ana, l in i ; Alalenna. 1074;
sli-si-sippi, 110; Georgia, 1'i.uiHlj total, UI,.'iM.
l'.videntiy theie are sonic gculiciui u in the bjuth
who desire to escape military ditty.
A Cii'iru. Ui.ason Wnv 1 Iliown.on his first
joiitiici pir loach, now long ag.i, werrieil luo
ill ivcr beside whom he sat with liic-sant childish
iiicsiion.. ab mt mi'; thin'.' on the road. At Inst
lie got his ipiii tits thus : J), irr "'I In ro's been a
wouiaii lymg in that house more than a month,
and they' Imvin't buiied htr yet." Ih-oum "Not
buried her yell and prav tell mo why not "
.I...; " lb, ui-e she ain't ih ad.'1 'io guard
"On wc piircceds, liill; another old woman
don II.'
"I'll-ltKl M' TI! Sla: till IKI V ARK XtSJII tli o. "-It is leln'ed. ihiit when a former
l'.ishop ot iliistul li' lii the olheo of i.'e-Cb'tn -el-lor
ot Ihe Univi -rsliy of t'ambi idee, be one day
li.e-t a i e.i' le "f mnieri'iatliiii-es, v ho ne riceted
to ay tin ni-Ci-stonic'l compliment of l ujtjtutii.
1 he bishop ii' .iiiied Ilioim-oil of the nei'lect.
1 be two men begged his loulship's pardon, oil
ier, ing tin y w cie ivioin , and did noi know
him, "How long have ynii been in dniuridgo ?"
'-(inly riiiht ihivH," wii:, the rcnly. "V ery goad."
(aid the bishop, "iiy.c i never'sec till they ure
i.'j.i ihiy s old. '
Item ti loss or 'I'i ami '1.1. Tin to is annual
Kuiy told of n worthy clergyman somewhere on
the borders, who was not considered a great pun
in the pleaching imc, uud w ho bud live s ins, all
i Irrgy n. lie v. as dining at an inn with all his
live sons, and suid in the pride of his heart to the
landlady, who was well kmmn for her sa'lies.
"Here vt I, Mr. , a placed mi-.iis-er of the
kirk, ami heie sit my tivo sun-, n'l placed minis
ters of the kiik." "that bruits nc in mind of
tbe l'"," npi ed the landlady, ' when 1 had a
llieiniid piper and his five s ms, nil pipers, quar
tered i u in-, und il'-'il line of them could p. ay a
rprig amiTg Ihun." SutfS ittul )n-nrs.
A Gallant Havikkh. As a lady of thn
I'oitescuc fumily, who possiss;d great p-rsonal
beauty, wus walking along a narrow lane, sho
perceived, just behind her, a hawkerof earthen
ware, driving an ass with two panniers laden with
bis stock in trade. To give Iho animal und h'S
master room to pa s, thu holy suddenly steppid
iisfie, whiih so frightened the donkey that ho
an awuv, und bad not proceeded far w him ho
tell, and a gnat part of the crockiry Was broken,
'll ehidyiu her turn but ante nlarmed lest the
liian should load her with i.liu-o. if not oiler insult
to her ; Lui he men ly ixcl. dined, "Never mind,
niadsiii; Hah ain's ass was fiighteiicd by an
A Tiinelpal in ono of the public Pcbo Vs ha,
I ecu Mil ling ciuubus to the parens of his
jnipib, hich, si,;neil and relumed, w ill authoi i.o
1, iin to "lulliet such piinisliinenl, corporeally or
ollurwise," lis may in his jiid iiuent be proper.
T he following iin-wer proves that some of tho
pnirntsnre phased with Ihe idea:
Ibar Mr. Katiau : Y'our Hogging Is
iluly re.-eaved. I hopes as to mi sun John, you
will Ik g loin jus so ofien as you kin. Huas a
bad boy is John. Although I've been in habit
of teaching bin mis li, it seems lo mo lie will
never lain any thing his spelling is specially out
ragusly delis.ent. Wullup him well, sill, and
ou w "ill roscavc mi hurty (hanks.
Y'ours, Mosks Sl-ANKl ll.
1'. S Wat accounts for John b. ln' sich a bid
pet Her is that he's mi sun by mi wit's lirst hus
band. II wuistcr ihmneraf.
A ( linptri- ot .Sliiiciilrtrlllca.
Aii in, migrant family from Iavri are on Ihe
Mormon Slough. The father and bis three sous
are malformed ; their feet being cljvon ill the
mitre let initiate in toes.thtu giviug bu. two toes
to rach root The fingers are n;urly stumps, ono
of the boys having no lingers on one band. Tho
fatbir 1 us but two tinge-is, haling the appearance
of being (hopped off. The mother is dead. The
innilt in a'icos of this family are most singular.
'Ihe y tun (. cut child i dumb, but cannot hear,
'i In 1 1 :Hi i n arc ugi d res pi ciively sixteen, twelve,
ai 0 c'g 1: t t ( ars. Tin- .second child is unable lo
walk upii Jit. Tbe family cios-ed i lie plains in a
sprii g wn't' ti with a single botso alone, not hoiuj
in aiiy tia n.
A sin it time ago. n carpenter, while at work
on a hniMn u in --an l-'ranclse i, sawed a beam,
end in coii g so tut a knot asumi -r which con
la nril a neii'i i t ndii'ii ure uie tiie of a dog's he id.
1 lie cm ii -iiy w.r uoticed by a person who ob
tained one ol'tbi- pices containing the pieture ;
u..d .1111-iwi.i.s the other piece was secured by
ti l-el penfe r. t'ariiic eyes, lace, nose, and ears, in
atk .'o '-i.ivere iii-i uratciy icpro-ciited as it is
I o-slii e for an urti.-t to do with a brush.
A Mi. lib, ne! art, ol Sooth t oeiitry township,
f In sic f.n.i ! i , puieli i-ed a eon iciiined Govern.
nn nt l.i r-o 'ei eiitiy, uud (liseaveriug a wound or
rorc on its tl.i, b, wbli h showed no signs of he il
r.'t inRiir an examina-ion of ihe wound, and
f.uoimr Mine laid substance In it, extracted it,
ami luiinil n lo ne a ladv'a pocket knife, with the
I'ledc ihnt. 11 ) it got th -re is a mystery.
.luvli IHHIng on Itcveuue.
Vi-Mishim qur iiops under the eternal law fre
quently ti-Jiispiie what havo fin illy been settled
up by the litehs Ciuiiid-si 'iiers .ssessurs.
Ciillecmrs w ill find tlu ir labois less henvyby
the foih rin ( xpl. mutions, vs 111- Ii I have karloullio
preiian d from the receiiiies in my posgs.son.
A "Spiiils of the just nni'i perfect"
don't cum within the w hisker bill.
11 ".spiriis of tho dimmed" are construed tho
sniiic us damnable spirits, and must pa highest
Whiskeo rates.
C The tux on "'indressed poultry," Is doubled
the morals of the country seem to require it.
l Uolono sarsai;o maid pait of dorg and part
of red Ihiiini 1 must pi the (a ks ulso.
J. Awl'.ker (unie-s the mani'akt.iics d!i.
kv ininat- s what i. new and is old vbeff s) is eii -Vkti
il -ib per cent.
. siitiJfsiiov roK ivis.
IV Til 11 EDI rOll Ol' 1HB l!lLHONO "MS iim;l"
Jeff. Davis, oar slaves, who their b.'esiiugs well
'Will Le sure not to fight when we need 'em,
If they're toil that good service, iuv.cuj of rewaiel,
Will bring them the curse of tneir freedom.
Let us look t'other way then, and bike the free
From their sad degradation to save 'em,
I'm it. em in our, and if they light well
For their highest reward, we'll eiti.'d- Vm.
' Such curls as those your sister wear-1,
Hsi-v nn u y maids have prayed for,
isow, lundidly, ure tl.ay bur own l"
' ' h, ye,, they're hers an 1 ;iald lor."
i-ivc bundled tons of sht lis uud cannon balU
have bieu taken out of the water in tbe port of
1 1'tdeneu, and a considerable quantity yet ro
Uiiiins; but, owing lo the depth of water, thev
Will Utl UB'liitiuKJ-
iK. W. R. MFRWTN cV f O 'fi HOLUM!! FOR
cowrorMni n itom wooth, harki, avd i.v.avcs
the xrR In-ti-n ptiinttM
CUn i All (liKi'Aitf ol KlO
UTfnftry orn'.. purh in
rrtnictir f tt t rnn,
IillNinYiinn t the IllmM r,
I'tlntniiiflMitn ' -f tt. Kill
Jifii. SmiI. in tlir BmldtT,
Hutotiir. 4rv)l, liVrrt,
li' iioith t mtti (si fsppi-l
liy nwminriuneHl intii-iir
c-ti oi I .iti r Alii- (nr
S Siirn In f. rrn. feli.-rr
nil .''d tmwNioiig
hftve futi i .t.
( Oi IT i
41 M yM MM MM
MM M M M M !
.V A ."rl MUM MM
.M M 1 f V M
:. M ' I H M IH M
M M M il M H MM
r m. ptitniti J inrm, Ui tint
l tli; from i:h' t '1n !r
,'! '.fiiit tcrrt tmi n pfrrtur.
It II (Tliirrllu Mud ttilttintivti
i i ftrti'-'i; p'irif)iiiR ntul
1'nnil ii tl o hl-iol, i Miini?
It in ti t:i nil Its ur iti'I
'iirliy ud viir r ; ttni rsio-
in i "ru h jr ir-it klti'or-
H i Ii l . Uliec n:u;h I -i-
niit oiftp ne.
( r
I 4 I
r h v v v k i i v.rp-,
Tl1 U IPflI -1. , s ft, AHy
or M'.iri t TdP t'ht1
k ri i i M iv. mix. ij..iid
tf ufi m r..n Mir.-- .-n uh
i- i tr. ii in n.l ci.'' "
( 'iii 't rli i 'i. i;lfr, k inr
A't.u ur iilir-,. Iti '.'!
I" "'"'-I, "'h"li;, hfiil
(itarnnKiit ; rvvumtrr all
' iiio fiL- h-. i -tii- e, una
r ii. hn'crid ,,f ii f Iminirti-
nil nliiu'Ht iMi-iitliirn)' t-1 In
tf at I- ri pi-ri' i:'. ril nh
n. ?! it,4 oilCK,i tjtin-.
I""KVm I
I U-.I.UiK"
I h
l.i.V.M.Kl i..
T tlicMHM tliOCUKI.O.
tV.t: UKMl'MV 1.(1 i llK
UOKl V, IN.Ir.ClON elm
iwii tnt 'iUiil. t Ml t'i0 M int
tinny -al! I'liiT. (T dH
i'!' lui i 'r n nw v. ,1, H i' 1 i i,
tkfn t .r ' if t' "im- 1
IU r.-.t..rvi. to Kid iir ir n 1
lil 1 P1I11 IflHPHI
Mlliliil I'iII Mil
itn iiii
li- 1 u
HU 1:11
plri'l'l t t f ; in iiiv
write n, ft-
tl v P
'111 IMItil
CfirTi'iKI-R ' t ' K F - AU
nniitiii' ftini i'nr Mptinn-
t"lf! 1 . lll!l,'ll rUllC,
h ml i in iii i;iiiiii. n , ft, i,i
ll'l it, v.i.,-,, ( l u l'V Svil-
P"il.ititiri, fni-li an r,,. of
'n tui.rv, I iiivm ftl l, "t
tt iU'. Faitm in ih" Urn k,
Itiiiifpsn ol I'l.m, I'renm
liii.'Cl.t A WdiL nn,
tMHInHty (.f l,f,itliii.K,
T' fin Mu it. M'nk t Hii'ii-n,
I nip'ii it ii tl r l a i'( l i e
Ct'lllitf-t.MH I II MHH . I 'till -
iniitl- B. nul all ti..tin li
C Ui '! - it-ni u ,1-i.tit.
Ui( Ituin t.. .mi:, i,t t at no.
I'll M
M Ml
tl Irtl
Vt'.i i.itt ,u ict, n.itt utifl
Itn . I.Ull All ( i1 r. ' . 4 (I
li.t Ifeii iiti il in tMr,nnr
liio dr inaiiv, ami
wiili tlnHMaiit'H trontr l, tt
1 not"ii In ii ili ylo
liittaiirA. lt- riirittivc pow-
I 'H h P 1'HIH rltllll.illl tu
wln li tut oir tlio most
stnilrn ct.
1 O l't"i W Itn hUT (ritVi!
w.tli tln lr coii.t'limli'im until
th.-v i IM nk iIn-ranch o he
tl o ri'iit ii ut im-il iil
mil, hp r nuld suv K-l'Allt
(TltK will rciinre you to
lu-Aiili and unr, atiii Hltt r
K littiAlIt tltK'.Uil li.t e I'a.k'd
r. rvrvr v.
j l i-t l k.
h i .
Ltl-l i-.Cl CK
l-..ATlNt, I.I.I I K , or.
I h 1 1 IM l't I.I 1 ! I'll'pATI it
lii-iii j.nrt iw'ali..' K-
U .U't l 'IltHMill.K !l!Ul 111?
I! ii'iiLu tu Iho uii'al licit -
in r
1 1 1 1
1 Ilr'l-v
's t! P ri -1
n, KIKir
: niiMifi ii
iir v.ata
ln,in nu
It ,
in t
I;-(,.M -
I'd klliwIOill
mm. lj uvw ami
i'I.H t
ti i i l mI i i rni i , In i h o
tiM ( M iv,e and w 'iii-
Ol'l f lClil B.
Tlii.i nif,Mi ftif Inn bfu
tf-K-it in' trie moil rmi
nt'ht ni dk .ii tmii of t Uo
riuy, Mlht by tdi-m ;ittc
noi'iict'ii to b- onn ot" lis
tin-tit nt mcttKul dtcoork-a
lit 'III'
ni,o in th will euro llrnc
rul iMttil tv.
A li vvU. sta cure U.. stcrlca
111 I'flilllitti
Hue b-iro r-ires imtnltn-tl-n(tlie
A nn i..f(i niiore tlid
orraii ni ui iKTVinii.
I ruin to thrro bot
tle nnt-.n' the innnH-nr-
and full vi'jr of
j.V':i:i;i:l;jv it
!.i:u i;itii
ii if it i:i:it
m.k l:uit
ici;kki:i.i:i:u Ki.I
licK t;i;!t
kKi; la.U
A f- w tt)se roitro the
'I i.rcc l"t!l. no wc ti e yvoiA
iii'i' I lni!'ot' Hf '.
A tv iutr.tltc low
1 hni-d.
battle rohtirri mcu-
tlll IK'WIT.
A U'w (lo'-ct bring the ro-a
tu tli i.I.e.'k.
'1 His in Ui If e rostor s
to in iii 1 vij;nr ruid nin- t
l.i-nltli tlie )M)cv di hiH
tati ii. m 'itn-il t ii, and dufi
.ait ii,Iiltvivc i fUJiimi
cr co
re c.
c '( 'Crro
this i:r.Tirt mm Hrt-
t'-r't, M iiim rtl I iri I if y, lai
p ttii ni nt tn Hi art, mid
llUlVilflirr. I Hint' ili nn II-
tui jMiwtr uii( lite .iiit tiio,
R ni H'lui .-) t ne nn? to niuii'it
tin i i,ri k of, -ttid tho
i tiil't lll'il Hl H Ol' , i (trill
tn Ihi 1 t icniiiH and miiiii;',
Kit- Juuiik mi'i ami't inii
lilonj o 'i.iuiiU tiuoutili
p-ry v.-in, tho immvi"! to
lirmtino n'ronif, and tlt IHon
nt new Ilio hjiU tk-or to ro
nn'tuilu tlie bmly,
bull 1 nt: up iho .- nsittutlmi,
ifsto' ir o) ;ibilU'- lo nuT'y
a and uinl dntcnud flio9klu.
MO' ' -1 't
CM tt
tLt.AU ( OA I MJ
1 t VAI K Hi CI I. ATM!?, riiiF.i: ki;,
Knr tbe Jit ii oval ol OI
H'rui lions, and the Inxn -niKf
i f li'.i l-rlty In
r e iirrvfiot U' tho Auuutijiy
'I hi-y rnrc or nhrlfttc Ihose
nuiiittiitii iIIm " ta:
1 .11
li II
r..ii ,. ir ui In i ffiuiiutv, hi
rent". '
ihc trttttiiiftjt'
Thry cure VnnprpKHCfJ,
xtPilo, and I ai ill ul aien-
H.i- cm p fircta Sl. k
ni'is iChloroRln i
't'Kuj t iiio finn'mii und
Pi'inftl Attr;ruM rams in
tlt Iimk and luwer pitrts
f the, HcaltiFf,
Fh'iip "ii hil'lil Kfrtl'n,
I'll '(.it ai iuii of tne li-art,
l.'Mii'.M of Hidrftn, JIvHte-r-n.
Mirk H-ml-iuli.?, MU tl
in in, A .tc, lu a word,
b rmn in ; lUf lrrpru!arlty,
thpv reiiiinn ihc oaue, an
yhh It all ttiu cil t Lbat
ispi-iiifc iroiu It.
KK Klv
1- K
CoD'lirtpd Of !tllp'e VP"
titbirt cxtim I', On y ontan
iiotiiit m tli.t'ti 1 1' us to y
f oiiM.tutii-ti, ItowtTpr tlell
t aip.tMilr funcilou bilitH to
bu'hlltui- tu nj-'tli lor iffuli
ne-n, wliM'h, if n Drotipiiy
U-ul, tli"y Itt'ViT tnii to do.
'they may be Mih'ly iHfd
at atiytisit' mid at unj pprlntl,
r in 'l 'inn 'i-i tl,t hi i( ru ti'
tn'iitfn, dtirii'ir which tl.i
bnllbli liittun- ol tlii'lr ar
tbJt would itiluUibly i kk-
kM lr -iPatirv
t i r l.i KKFI'B
t t.
KKI I KKi ri K
Kr l i l l l l KK
In thc( IIKICCKM. M l.f H-cln.-i,
thp uatorlt.imlp win
t nd a pity of dunvpratico
iri u nutb rinK tit.d jiain. f
day bidi-ndid Bi d jlciriot'if.
Minn they shall no lo wr
nn i .er without tt jiaitiion or
rt pttf.0, c.lner tlirtnKh hut
ct'tmrt iiiiiii'lii r the liii-MI-ct
nry ot nauhfeofi preoiia
tioim. 1 he "ChprukPoMi-dlWiiri"
ni"ciiii(h"h tlitir rauuouj
thiir t'lnaiit Ifatioit. An
piinine'i atl'i'i i yrt ad-
. N
fi S
ri'rt ol' tbp Clteioki'e
M. 'ln Uipi t rii-rnsiPO Kptue-
i, t2 afvutiy.or ;; bttu
t . OiMiA'-e Inip'-hwi,
'! a b(i'tl(ir a botOs tor
f . Ciirul.i-f curt', f a
t'th-, or A Iwtt ts inr &,
n. W'ri.'lit h Kiilr, $-j a
b ttU, or :i bi.t'ioa fur ,
J'f iTol. it I'ilN, ..r IViiim!p,
$1 t i(ox, or iJ boc luc
k i:i,K i'TKi:r.i-: iLLii
k i;
k i:
i Ki'.r I-.
1, m.i.i;
i i Ki Ki rn :r,
i J'.I.J.J'.i.KU tt
imiatie, aim bo iuuiiik- ui
t,r.hcr-ii ni'otl. '1 litM-uifdl
rtri-s will irop. In .my and
pvirv ri'c, I'm i 1 1 1 1 1 1 and
newr-iml it iricnUft lu tua
tiuit ui iK'-U. Wo rcnl a!l the CI1KIC0-
Kl-.iu .Ml.lMrlNbS by K
l.nii (vMiiit the Cheroaca
Irri- ui )ohtitn), nu recolj.t
ith's, lo any ,-nrt ot' Uip civi
lized world, Pi.irrlypapu d,
In u-ii a uminicr that no
ono through wioie lunde
l it y in iy i ma wuiiid kiiww
tJ: (MlllClf.i.
I.iuin'ij oi' icntlmra cnii
ttihlrwis ii1- !n pun -ot conil
iUtice, anl w. will in all
?. e-i lr uAlv iim'Vi r H t.r
l.ueri, ..ti1 i.ivu tiii' optiiinii
I I 1. 1.1. IK. Kl-lt
i i.vrr,
I I.Kl-tt
' t l.i i ! t:
Kl.i.i.Kl i.i. KK
oi oi' ;. if crtr. e
rti;coKi:i: mkm-
r 1 i;s iuo n-Hkt h ail eoi-r-
trii.n.. dm. ii '.rs m t'.p c:v:
lii'd n r.d. "Ule 0"i'ini
v.C lot! il- .i.4-i a, iiuupwir, try
tj se. I Wortlil- n touir.oiiin!K
ill I'Jfl.L- UI t'.rif III. 'SO
hhii-n they c in ft el
t ft- .ip I'lno, und in a he iimre
MH-nt y by . iilnn iln-
ctn n b o tMlKKOKKB
JaKJMCINKN. n vu ti.O
jur httiith use, t'.p li' itliit
.f yciir t l!rill-'-Uo not bo
dtf.ivtd by cncli tinprm
(rltd tlr---Ask nt
'IMKSK Mk'i'iriNt.s, aJMl
tae no oti.tri.
KatKnti addinMr.g ui will p!y write F.-tOIIW,
Co nut). Mai, ai.d oi MritUirU:n, ud luc!vk iun.
at:e Uir,(i it,r ri y.
If the Prti;-lM wl it Uf hm fr you, tend to na
and v lit send tnrni to yun by Expr'). Karti ad
dreaiiiiifT ui aould ita'e tk dineateaud ymptoini, und,
fi U tiirih ulat In fard 1o their i-nat's. Wa ircat ui
a oi a thronb- naim la ualt or iVumlo.
Ka'.ei.i WfntCiU a antaiict: pi1! H"t h sltnte bpfiiuta
pf iilr InabUiy to u.ltnii. Me h.ivn t r-u J luccvM
fulh paiiti ti in ail pt rti-Ui vfthv ti ttud tlitv.
Wa wuh to t nd t vK iadif i Uu yt ourUUrty
iwo i,.p I'kmiiiili't irte.
Addteai aU Itiipn aiiiloreri toTr. W. B. IJJjHWQi 4
Co.. No. ftj LlliltHTV Htrei t.Mew York.
H..U1 hui'jai aiidietail by DYOTT k CO.,
-J. in 4 ACS, at. I , rifn-nr of the Kye and Far,
tn-ati all dilap ar;- rtxininji to th ituvn nfoiitpra with
lltp utnot nu ri. Iti Km nil frim the m'-( reliable
i'inr' In th fiirrinMi'n at hn otttrp, No. Alt I'I n K
Ktrpot Thf aJr1lrl firnltir, ItlT trt I appoirnany
tetr aat'tn a h hm no ioreti lit bu nratt'pe. liMtf
Tf tPl ap--iF vi;
If tr. iin. ip ...i x. , iuhj t
I tu e a . oi :ntn i tl v jr,
I Pding, dj is In o ho-ir -HctuTt 1
If to hit a mm pf tnan ti ;
It -or Iff o nta HQ)i "nn ,
II w lilt htvfc t..,rn v t to H -
Ii a ti.rtrhir it .i f hrn dt a i- fVi Tp
'f " - i f r-.'i ! a..: i -n.
tMn il bp I ma a .nut ;
It t't 'He a i.ic ,.v..i ;
Ii to die a .id ko tt- t.i,-' Kitiat
If yu it di a liTo vt pn i,iim ,
If ; mi 1 i -t t WMni l.'t xt-r4 ;
1'" PVf- ( ' tl "'t .'" M .III',1
Tac in? an u e, V ad wlh ah :rt.
at t j Tj ..,itl, . '!!,, i:fi'i Itttitr,
Imu it o i i - . f-i i r Hi i e. y ,
pai r rt ru.l n lr Mril.KIAM y- t'S'-'rt ty-
III). . it in . i J i lt . ftr-i J. I,u-iM hA rt.t
cr -(' j I y '. .if k- h" , a .1 at C,
4 .l.t . K-i. sit J t.ix .j,",: fj ft ;'
"( f
in avr,
K t
ik. en uriiKKT'.s
l i ' '' '"m t.rud H;i:v-( M i i: r ai k i fvi if nt.o pit f
V. t..i.tttl in !l um. M. I lt.Ki Km II I n KKl'. 4 h
" " " ' ls''" .'ii- a .tl n.l.'M ! tot
Kit. la,. An" ft liV UhAMf li.m. ,,h,
No 1010 (.'DVt'i.rt Ht'KKKT,
II -'S-Im vtt Pt Tpnlli.
0 H A M II i f A N A , 1 1 I i
T"' MMr''n,!i., I I r f. i . r. 1 -f ti
i . a I - ' i i- run- li t-
t-i'SfKUIi'r , t.l.t W. T . Si Kit-1 ( a
Ci-nia'-nt. t." mtpi.rii , i;o i.u'm- i, i i. Jt. ury,
l 'i v t n ti-ilg ,. . iiiivf n (l. , iti -j i ,-nr
tens It ti, in iiM tot ur i i, ,,ni ninvif ,-ni In
'twfr't rotir Ii urn." iTivurnl ly a urnd' a' of ; l,o I nt.
. Itr ot nttky.taiil.i.iM ul tlie Hi la i IIU.U0IU U. yt.TS
not h tnMt .,i mt ,r, ti rim.
h- xi-ii i i i., i 1 1 , n i.i so (ihMir ivinnvi p.
t.t l tit, si ho liufti 1 r,',1 o' l tl in,- ii , (, ,,r l.-i
1 nvp l.-.-n jitui-a wi ii biti-i.tu Coii a, iii At'.uni) at
01.1U li
f AM i;lTAN' H iitlT.
hPPt by in it) In n i,.iin .'ii . t. .-.
I'll 'i', lUsiit p.lttK' , f J I uin T4, JI.
im o !! nr,f"r:
h noi ri.A,, . HHjiK4. .ipotpj,
MlAl KH, I..11I.S.
hVl'lllUi oi; r.e. ii. ii bhl.ANBt, Ac,
AM.l l N h
Itonr ASit 111.1.11 j, irv.jt
Ti Plltir.l the ( u1 Ip tu a 'tlti ptira,
P(tl ( , i'ii NM.Lu, I'I K VKt-lo HAM -KlJAN.1
IttMiT AMili.K(i,IUu U thn in ml poti-nt,
t i.iiaip, and i t-ruiai t. in u., i-vtr ii.-t st r.ti-d ; tt HMtl..
nt d prliruti i-m r i-aith p nf tbp vmi-nal ikI-.ii, go
ttai tlip riiit Ih ' (ti,d pc mi., inr it. laka thrn f
this ft.rtiy infc n tnniy and b- to b I, an l do n ,t
to inr ipuiuy i.i at m lilvU )ou may loiKUt tu aiWr
Althmiiti voti nun bft pr..ttu itiri'it iitcii'-Ablp.thP ft AM V-
Mian a imoi and iiKuit ji,h k ib r m.vo pvi-r itniniil'ips 1'iuiit tlie -lon,, as woU as All tlie
bud ft! ten ot uietouty.
In Liany itfTictltmi w'.th which mittthpri of I cni.!"!
miler. U p hi mi I a Mi liKbll ,11 I C K l me mod
ao.iptid, In I itvjiitiid Iti' i.rnrorf ho . m bprtii
tiown, ja.iitiM oi tlio ouib.l'tUitiy.and (uraii louiuiaiiiu
In'-i-N fit ti ibp .sex.
bt ui by cit'ii-a Frirr $1 i bid tip, or C hot Hps for '.
1, In rn ol R i-tnlU. hmii in rotuiii to.n wllh tlie Hoot
lii.ii lb i h .li-i i u II du t Ui.ns. I rirn n'tit.
IIm ctlf.K y f Ho riMn' iln i ip ankti uck. now In. I . -ft U Y
I !n ,'t iat'1 aid imt - nit. 1, i,n- iiJ in ;iia L'ni.i.,1
h at. HnsHau, mus rpslnrn!4( btaitii t- uia iy tu .'our
Il itO Sl'llll.'lH.
r"iii tiii tii!!lmo'c'"4iiti :"
mhai 'im: si'm.Kis,'. s.'tv or tub
"l'"-l Ib'tl i I I . KoitT VI tlMKAT T , (
"Ma'tiiu. re, Aid,, t-pi ruit'y Wit. S
'! hnvf prrnt pithst 'i ti-.i in ni.-uinit tbit I l avpn ,P t
Thp bfin-ariittn Ui-mcr Ii-m' f.r Vt hiti-iiI iMmaiv in u
ii'mt rim'. inat t-.rins; thKt I i' uid Ihinn with Jnd
ToMit, a o i't"ii, and vr-.i'piiv, nn I buve foinnl timin
TffHrd to toy aiiliPpiiMiPs pidtHiVlv and iUbpiiiiiII y .
Kt'uwiiK' ihpir roniiHita on, i the ttiit enfl t-neo
In tin it i d i ;n and an .ir acmykhuol llit'iu uaiauUa,
lkL'iii.tiiei.d tin m bUoiiftl- .
'at vurr r,
"A"iii-iiti iir'.i on vh Now orli Vi ls."
I Pt It be uttdpi Bt'uii it at tin -p nnipdip.4 art- atremui
rn in. i d. ai d will uusitu -cl etin- too dut-iai for wlUcti
Ii,'- aip otiert-J.
ud by R.r.fTriMM,
No. &H I'i 'ill CM Htrept.
hKSMONM .b 0),
In-I2 i.r:ni No. -Jlo iiACfc !itpcK
J 9 ' tu thli rcrl d f. malt i bavo bn-a hninliuatTc J by
l'ppiriti, At'doiithial Mupp-trit tt, Ac, lor iq cure oi
k nllutK ut thoWuuib and p-pum1 tlrol II v , winrh uioani
( tiit'iily r tu (i11imiIvo, it uot livuiloti. tiouo of lr.
ICi.kf'l nattpnti huMi rpi-n UitK l; nut It abnirditiQl Tlny
n lyrp Ion iKUUn I HIm, und timr-by ib nin aptrfiot
pti-cby th e of piiIv a uvr h-tni, Vor thfjneconi-l!i.'iil-
one bya worlli a bund t d A j( niial hiii' r.i"'4.
1 rb-p, bft rr rt r box bult) Ajj .ti'.l, U C I I' A C. JH y.
J i . NHCKD H icet. lo 1-tntbatin
rr II K 8 A M A II 1 T A N
A. CAN l'r KM 1Kb ON
t Kit i Ai.s m ri'KKf
so crrvvi;r, ok hikp k.m
DGI.f VOr INIKM 1 HI Willi t'.l i N I S-U'L KSL'lltfl
:x i;k t .! ! w rutin i inAk,Ckkol
Vtl' p it". Mult-or t-piP'iin.
htal by uiuti to aiiy addieatf.
r. vrick uopn,
Hon .f ; tnioihv.
ffolp Aft. rt, 1V(IT i CO.,
K'-i tiii!i.-,;ui V). VJ JI. sfii'uSii HuiPt.
1011 voi;I
fi tmm'K r.ivr.
M.W I' l,iNK
loi: no w m;k,
and ropiirrtli d f'r ad Vrtmrn attd Ea .t rn clrlo
i'lr li ii .iii--. Mtiliii tt tiy
Tl i.MiA ,
Ttll li.SDAV,
fimn tlip Compiiiiy's wharf. Hi t anovi- IUc e r tif -t, and
Nnt loik, iitiii I if I 11, Niiili itivcr, on iitme dny i, at
UI. M.
I or lrpi,bi, wblrh will iV rr-pplved d illy. ban I'rd In the
ttioM cat ui nl inantii'r, ' d ilo'.i rrtd vtult the jioaiot dp
jialLh, at lair rule, ajt Iv to
11.1,1AM .T. 1AVL0K A CO.,
1 1-1 a -'im u"h v1 1 5v ' '
TltilX.'lWA.r'M'l. t il'lMk lit IJUPi Ii.'ti.Wll, Cot it llAlOor.
Hir ttcd know n nipuini t ol C e I.lvpi(.ool, Nmr Vo'k,
and Kiiiiioli ij-i ia bujuiftino Company aia lutcuded t
uuil ns fi li i a
KM Mil Id,. Hniunlflv. Ui rfnihcr In.
CI.ASt'OW, M.Uui.lftT. 1' 1..
An.l Kwn ut-rttdKii, .aiiii.ta-) , ut oia, It tm Pier Ve
4 Nf -fb liivoi.
l'tfl Cabin i't;.i.v S'.miuvb MiOt
K Pil Cubl" tu K lidoii l.i' O Mi inuf t i I oi.doil... UpiV
ilhl CuiMD lo l atin. . 1' o
0 Stt-irosi- to 1'itrip h"-(
) riiei i.v u U iinii..!. 74.0
ld tu Hntrtt. Kit:u.ou, lut
'im!iv Imw lairds,
r Opi-'-'ipi-iwi, Kirpt CaWn,
1- ti hi Cwi'ir to I lit quo n iM'
rannrliUrTM al-.0 lo. H.n
tM'hun, AhtH0ii. Au., nt
Piiri'i in oi j.iv
Jb'iij, f 170, $.M0 H:ii'iu..t fn-tn l.i.primol und m-uii-t.wn.57ii
I hose wi.o w in in eud (or tiirfir lilnd caa
buy t(t here at liir-r rmi l.
t oi Inttl.i r iti 'loiHpon a.'j i' ut tl.t Cofnj'aay ofliuoe.
.lO.iN tl. Ij.iI.K, Am-nt.
Ko.lU W AKNl' i Htrott, Kluladpiphla
JbLMkaIt- Ht-anihli l iiir, i"tt fr m pact port ob
h A i I Iii 'A I 'I'll) flirt U I :irl KINK ftltl ' I , Kill la-
dt-lpn a. did 1,01.1, Kbtit I'o'tnti. 1 roin nnil w Uart
mb-'W I'I SV 8tr-t,t.n H.to1 dtv , lifivmlifr b,
,Tht- itrtuinihlp NtiUM AS H-'iU. isilroin Iti1.!e.
.iiia br llo.Koii. on rtattHU, I ei eiiib' r lit. at 10 A. M.,
at'd tbe K U.s, Mutt'u-wi, Irun ikiiton luf
pl'llcctlploH.i'fi 181111' dav, at 4 I. M.
'Ha au nt:v aim bbi'staniiit! pifninhtitRt I rni a rottnlw
lltu. aaMf't' Horn eai-lt non putu iunlit t' aHUU.
In ujuiH-i.i etit t ti at din b4if ti. Vruuituui cl.arjjcd oa
gulr- vrbsrln,
1- i tak?u at lutr ri's.
rhi'ifr a t n-nitp'.utt toivnd tiltp Itt-C.'ij'H aad BLili
I ad'ttb' v Ith th"ir Lood.
Km I la.jfht or rtisv (naviiifj Una a.x'oiumodtitioni)
apid Ui M",NV WtN'MiK A CO..
ia4-tf Sn.y.'.J S. IHJ.A WA UK Avomi.
NdVPiiibPi '.
TI.p Hittioli Hhw I'M 1 1 AltKI rilt. Trtptatn C. T
v I I mil tor tbe abme port ou the K'nli itovo.iiher.
btbtiiMfeu i in curiftii'v.
10-M No. Ilil W Al SIT Htnet.
r vVwTLs 'o a n h w voh a.o kspatcb
mJkn'V. Hwtftpnre ..npa, win Delaware and
K.uUhii l anal. 'J do iUum.T .l' tiif t! 111 mi aro lenvln
tttnl at 12o t;!LK'k M ., aJii! U o clock i. M., irom Uilad oior
hr-e Waliitiiatrrt't.
Kor freuht, whuk wlM be tikn on accommodntlr.f
ternt. pplT to WILUAil M. KAIiii t CU.,No. ll'i
l'lllLADKi rillA TO HKtiOKl X,
f AUK ti.
t'n nud alter MO si) V , Ail: n it 1, Hti, calm will luv
ftotol' V1NK htlttt, I'liiiadclphitt, bwry tnoi mug at A A.
ki. (Huiiiiayi t i' pl0 , DieiK-e by th t'auidna and At
b iitiu and K.iruan and lu lawore Kay to Purt
't nir.', and by th'- C": .no'lioin gft-ainrr J' Hoyt,
to li ot ni' Adimtir lr:St, Itrooljyn ; ratiirn.titf, kiivtj At
hiurt; hUi-it Wbsirl aiuiyd; t buuttay x. tpUd;, at 11
'1 iiivtir to the r ity of New York are ndfled not to
fcW'iy T pamAjM by thin hit, Hip Sta'fl ! N v la f
ha . 'ii.p iTiinud to It h Crtiu'If n and An buy tunvoyUy the
ii'l invt' privilege ol fa ryni' pa-'r.ui't-ni and liifij-iit be
iwtiAi tJ.e cm Iti tn Phi -adfti'iiia and New kerk. Jpif-tf
W. K. IdiU KI 1 TH, Cuu raJ HitmrlnUjidyitt.
I Im at Hoe traverse! tha Nurihtrn and pTTrlftweai
rountim J P'-iiiivlvaiiia Ct ttipciiv oi ar-it on l.aki Km,
It ha-bt-i i bated by tbP IK N ShV I.V AM A KA1KHHAD
(OMKANK and inid-r tlu-tr uuiplotu la Uitf ffapMlly
tpi litKl throughout it in til p Iiih(0.
It u new in u for I'aut-nK r and FreH'ht bnetaeti from
llarrifbiirK t Kmioriuiii, (''.' inlh--.)1o Ihe Kstitpro iJivt-i-ien,
anduoia H! 11110 ut Krie (7t jKi),oa the WMeru
MRll'Irain t H-(rfl A. M.
Klrfti Trull mr Rr.iO F. M.
Can run throukli wmiurr rH4a.E t-'tkion Uita
tram i tntui i l.iindlphiaaiid ick liaven, and b4.a
lliiitiiocre and l- k llau.
K'PKMkt 8it-ri.inK iri oa ihe Kinreu Trala both wayi.
iiiiarinatOM rfp uiii,' rafefnuer btuiu'-hi., appy at
li.e H. K.cnr ol tl.l-VKN Til and M AKKK1 HWewla,
And K't j rt-ihibt biir nuaii w the r'umpan v Aikk
r-. H. hi''.u n. Jr .ten er blx i IJMU aud JdaJiKKf
HTP Tr , I till. I', 'l;'.
J W li tin. KrM.
J. U- i'.'-i. A.. ..i, N. M- C.R,,r.altlpmre.
ii. n"t'n 1 1 in ,
(l.nersl Ji'rolsht Ac.ut, rhtl.di le.ius,
I.I.WIN L. lioLl'f, Tlekn As.iu, t'liil. l.i.uia
JuHKI'll D. I-'ITIS,
.teil Msus.ur, WUUHiitMi
lui r ril'.''"'' Ua" 'M"iU'iiui ror
will Imtv. ,.nW, ,, .
At S A M.,r,r.,.n H,i4 Aralwiy, C ,ni A. Ar-
ri',initlos . ..-
V. l-ri t
Al II l M . l CnniAii nl iiil,',C a! Ail
A ir M l I' snii Am':i.'ir','c. snd'V'i''i-
P. .s
All ..ill. M ..vl.' n m1 Antlior. Ari: ina.
iltelor ilMlMHlul rrt,,u,.,
Al ',P. M.,l. i ni l Ai',Ikt, lr',mniiil.ik
1 1 ri-l.t I .nil l .-.t-ns- r ' 1 it ( ins I . hot
t I I Ua. ,1..
At I l, I' M.. ill i-ieniii-n .nd A'alw? Ainmivl
II, r 'r-r'tdt I n.. 11,.' 1 1, 1st l'lM I'I -IM....
I'I i :.. ,1..
K f llN,lct hni:,', Limlnvtrl'l", Kifn ien
1- it l.,i lil- . I. unit Inl tinl, t- Ki.iIi.ik t r. P. .
I vl.iHiii ll,,.,. I. in i v , ,., l eaiheiuin. stiil Vtne.s
l n, r ., ,1,1,1 .- ' m
I oi t r. I .'lil .1 ,1 .1 M. fl'J P V
l-r I'.trir-rt, leticii,,, , t , o, 11. .'ilT, l.iie'i i .1
Unix... fi ., r.,,1,.,,1,,, e M f ml li'LA.
' ' "! I '. I' . I I. ' I kl I ' T. M lilies
nn' f rf thi-o' I til 1 ,,
I , I'.', v, 1,1.1-1 .., l,, ,ivf.r.), II .v .-rlr. n I IKI, Unt
il It si 7 i w
Hn i.,i,l,l T:W, f,r n, i n.irll :t, l'"..l,
1 Oil, r''l,- M.I , -..,' . M ), U
iiM-i t.ii'.M i.imis nn:i innr
win i..v, p. i ji..h .
At 1 1 ,6 A. lu ., vt. K rodlnt it J.-. . Cttr Vk-
, I"" "... J ne
At I1 I'I I . M , 1.1 h ilH-IIMOU A, ill Jwsy l-Uy1,.
iri'.. , j g
At ''''' 1 M . vt. ).i-t..rsi"li hii.i ,1,'iiry Ollr,
II flAlmi .tun t.ul S- w Ni.ik 1 xn'f.. i wj
A' I? I'. ..1 . ( n ulif ), v'u K",i-I:ie:.i . ill Jrl i,' C'ltr,
l i ;i. , .ml ,v w lurk V'-A
: i- 1'. M. will 'l-.tiy All hi.ri,ar
ll.ti.i. In i t . l l
ir i, IM i. n (")
It Ml ft
, li't. h i i'f , l.n v 1
Mll'Oll .VlDU-'.Irl' . u ati
o. 'If hh !t in, Hn 1
a k -r
A .,11-
li VII
i..i, !.' rh t'liuna,
t-.Ht ii, l.iintsr
r Mnn h Chnita tt .t i I
I cr l.iiln'!'
t ..i i-n-it i. 1
. M . H..I Iv ti,
I 4 I .iiir; i
i't at t'. M .i. Htt ir.l irj .t1v
it ,-., iv., ai 7 I, 1 1 1 a. M.,
r, t m-vr, Wir:,nni!nif. U-:.'i"n
a- l
' ai V ;? j v
t I . r N
'i -t t td t
tn I.,.-,, sj ,
" A.
.1 I', ,t .
mill Wh I In -t I "t vltu' Vn -H, Mr
r it i on I idlt 'if,-!, aixivfi Ki.i,i, 4al
I'.IMC, Tilt' ('.it i I ,11. It. Hie IlItlL. AlliI
o;i n i i . i-i vtn U run ft "in !
t ;tt i.niiin'fi ni luifMif only ft now i a. ffjh nnuiner.
ra.-s,-i .a-.. i, tll. ,i 0. nt Mkiwr iiivfl'if- it Ua:: rfe
be! tin it- urailm; R,nmTi'i. Ail 1 over lift immii .H
b-" ; a' i tm .h '1 t ,t any il uit thtr f 'ln .inl-t-.ltiv
I. I ban -a- f Onr T"ll.u m i.l, at d will n,it be
1 ab'c tir ur.y amount Ih-jmuJ liit, eact,t ly ,itn;iaJ oon-
l'r but
t -t ai Hi In i ...ii. OiJli i b
mif.t. WM
U 'l at No :; t AI.mix
11. tiAT.MKK, A went.
1.1MH ll.UM M-W Y(tK TOR I'llll. IHUJ!!! A
W 11 1, Lt AVr,
Frotii fyot of rrnrlm-1 urert atl.MK anl 4 P. ?f,,rta
.ler-ey t Ity nt.o t'unnletu u 7. l't. a id 11 iOA.M., ti jV.
M aid U N'Ki't. .a .1. i-i, y ( (iy an I K. n-iiil ni.
Froni i t Haiviav Mrtet, at 6 A- M. end 'i V. M., ?!
A nib y end ( nnnh n
Frimi r .T ). I .North nivor, at 1? f.t 4 an1 P. M.
(I rtlbt and Kavikeittt:: ) u Amtioy and Camava.
.1 nil tbt-Riatbtini un the tatiulfii :uid Atub ) m t jn
net ting KailromN.
The rim-lcn ami Amo..y Itaiin-afl ant TrM4nv-Ut1a
0.nnaiij 1 rv.l.t I Inci it ,Nt-r oik, wi'l b uve Va iitit
tri 1 1 whaif. on nn- afttT Jauaiy ct. UalK ' Stin-bvyi
cri4r)t lotio.k r. M
rttiiiui,rf, u,f a'tove will leave Nt w York at 1 ana
4 r. m.
Kr-uht must he di litcrcd bef ue S'j'P. M.t be fr
wan( tii? fume itv.
I'i cir )i ti-r 1 f-niLin, Piii.cion. Klnrnt-'tt, Njpw ftruuj.
w n i.. end ull vl'it' on trt- t.annlni ail Atn'i Kiltt: ;
nNfi i ii ih ti-ii M re, lr 'nw tn-, KIomh ,ton, inr Nr- m
.li'i M'T, tin- f r- i'l M a ul .l;iiiu-!viir .', att I tne IturNt-in
and b nut 1 lull j Knitrni m. ret ei i'.1. :it..l f r aratJ w. t
hi-'ii-'U I'. M. N'iluI iifttlati tt r Mount U'Aly recoi red
to 'J n lock 1'. M
'Ihc lieUntiie i,i'nw' ft:illroa1 r.'inipfti at I'htnijn
burv v )ih tJip I. .-bull a It v Kali. Old. J Im Now Jon
KiulroK ! imii( ta ai j..i.aiK lli vnUi tln S. r Jiii,,6y
t'tMiirnl l(i.lroii.dt and ..I .itii iba at.Miii auu
Km ll iilr. ait.
A ilt iiiPiii.Tnni'mii, iporllyln? t: mait ant nim
bcrfi. tthipncn s and t uniLui c a," lii.iut In c ory limtauta la
fei nt v bh i at b U'.nl i f ,t.'.dfl, i-r no ri wil! be yi til.
Inrtivis.'i! tin Hiiti hevinu be 'ti 'itai'f fur Hit iM'tafoua
tiroi of I IV K S TttCt; , d ,.ivi-rs tin tnviti to try U.lj rntito.
V hoi. t).t tti-t'lt U fnrnifeln-rt In ; nantn U a ol Y .V( VH
Kol'H i,r in, 'if. tt wlli b- d li -eiM ul I'm ix.l ol I oi tUlh
ftrt i-t, i.i :it iIm lroM nr li, or at I'tet 1 Wuna
Kt '-r. a i ibo ithH l" P1 niav tfttivnatr at titf tltnr tt l,
liipiiitiit. A l.TK tt f RI-.KM V, KmUht Afcct,
No. '.iihs. iMawarv aentie, l'tMla.iei;thia.
ifA.ll. IV KA1 M'l M. f toil Anvit.
l ioiOto 1 NuPli liikor. Mow lork.
j,-. tr
J K A DIN a"
ll.b LVAMA, IllK MilffVf.KIi.l.. rttjH
KlllAi NM,fl.MbKi;i,ANO( J.MI
PAPHK'tr.r.R Til M v
t-Pftve the rnnpanyi l-ot. al TIllKTK.PNTfl ai 1
fAKKuWHU 1. HUtuia. 1'hliadvUmU, at Uto totuwut -noma
. 1
AlH-drtA.M., Irr Ht-adih.-, KiMmn..n, Fohrnta, TIM I
Conimbia. liarrKiHinr, PottfeViUr, Piiic.rijvf. 'Umvuia, I
Hi'iibuiv, iibrtTu-kp' it, b.iiioj-i, lc . iu-t. r, Matara K.1.4,
Koililo. AIJi'i town, i Ifibarre, Pittt'D, ork, CarUite. ;
Ki irrbt r. bur- , Hifi rtn'ii, ,,.
Tilt train ronott ti at iiKAP.Nfl with f'unt PntuvWa
fiia tr.n r Aitiiitro. ic. ma lira-ling ani '
t .'Uui btn KhiJio i'i for Kohr:, J if -it, an.l Columbia, a, id
Wtlh th I t liaimn ViH'i T Uaui tor MttTl-Ou't', c. ; ai PK T I
XtTN ul Ct';ittM.a I.Nitronsi ti-ai-n H,r WVkvM arre, I
n iiiuiiii'i'ik, run im'Tn, rnniraa o.j as llKK.lV
I'I Hii tih "Northern Cruttal," "t iiniboilMtd Valify,'
and "rh.i IVill und NU nr henna" tr ivhij f ,-i N ul nitn-tiiUr.d.Wiiiiwufn-"
i Yp: k.t'iiaTh'ibiirK, Pincrtve,
Kref,irhnadiii.hin ur ii ,k I'. ftl . for Keadliur. Potta
yiilt . i'm.-H t e, llai iIbmiiv, Aj., cinnoctlurf at llmria
buiK a lib reonyh ania Crntrjl trams for Pnt.jiMtrr, A c.t
NortbeiTi t 'i-ntrul ft abroad titlnt for smtMirr, Noribfln
bfi iiin.i, l iimrii, iVcnnil at fori ( Unb ti nu Katw-'iia
Kiti.iiad iraiik tor i;iltin, y'iiiiAinajiri. Klmlra, Buif'tlp,
L'nTf Bfi-ii't.i; atn;.f a. M., n.i'ini. alt way sa
1 lot hvi r i iiiff in li.l ,h' ipbht ai ja a. M.
ltfuiti:n,lk!ivkn PiutaUc-ivbia ai t hj i . M-; arrive la
Itt .ti'ii at I'i' P M.
'liuin-f.'i riiilfedfiHelrnTel!arTthur(rM(o .M .an!
Pott., v iilr nthdiA. M , aniMiiit In Phil utolpliia ai 1 Oi
P. M. At'ipinoou traiiia have lbirrlM.uct( al 1 4fr P. .,
1'oittll t- d) 'jo V. M , .irti.iiu to t'iaia'K'l' hta at 7 V . ki.
IHjtV.-; Kmni. with a r.,iitf nger it n" fhtrt, 1 -iv-rhlUdi
li'hta al 1 P. M , br Keadit'it and a l way Matloni (
Ifavt-Im .idtiif at 1.', mum. anil lo nlntuwli al IX oOl.
tt). tot I iilJttdtij.Mfl and ud uy et.itloiii.
Ad ihe at'ovr trali.ii run ('aiiy, N'mitnva pxeenfod.
Httn 'ay trnlD lome TutuvlJie at T Jy A. M , aad Phlla
dcihnui it H I M .
PwFioivprH tT liowniiMiown aod tntoi unt-ifa nolnte)
take I'i- h (0 A M. and 1 '0 I'. M.trnln- trout rfuiadUi'a.
if (iiri.ii f iiuui lowiiiiiab'wa at 7 iki A. M., and ly Hi
I.Mttt'sp York ritiA. M. a id 7 P. V .panilT-g ft a. tint
at 1.' tn:onu,hl ai-1 V. M., and conntrli uu ai H vrrn
bm: v- Kii I t iiiij t auu kubroiia 4 Uaitu Iji i'ltta
ttif.'. f lit ax", a. d the Wrtt.
). ttirniii' Kirt"ii truin leave HaTlanurtrrm srrlval M
the Pfinot i aula t oim (mm I it l iur 4 at ;tM arid
K im A, M , pa-aiUM H, ii.iir.n at 4 I and I" M A M , and
arnvii't: atN. woifc at 1 A. M. ;itid 4 P. M. Sb eu
li c f'ai. ai. ou'i'Mu thf-e u at in ti,ri.utbbtwi.on Jotitj
Kltv ai.d I'tlihl'iiru. withotu ei:ant;',
M.ill tiarn bu .New lorh b avta lUrrliburfr at VvS P. M.
lUUUaiK lor Ha!-rubork I. .1 v M New ..rfc al 12 M
M'llI 1 kll I, ALl EV KAIKKOAi.
Trains leave pottnvthe nt 7 1 A M. an :; P. M , ra
tuno'iit (riiiii 1 utaiora at H 0 A M. and 4'do P. AI.
Biiil 1 I K1KK A Mi hi .-rnM Kit A N i A UAH.Iit)Al.
1 ctiiif li'de Auburn nt 4- A.I. f-r Piiui-ove i:d
llHrrttburtr, ntid at l'io I M for t'tin:"vi onl y ; rt-tui u
liiu nom tli.riiKbnttf nt l-jo p. M.,aud inui Plnerve at
7 li A. M., and ,1 P. il-
Tll 'K KTH.
Throti'.h fta at - rlnaa tiri.atul "'nfcrant tlVeti to aU
tli (irh pyit't in the North and Wast aiol t'liiMdaa.
i ,ii luf'.-w iuii tlrWi-tH arc i(t kIiim tl- onl at tho dose f
K MiA I1- 'J: U. ' r' .iM.i.T. No r, (H Kill MUf-Jl,
Pl.iiad. .j.r a or U li. A. Mi OKLS, Ufnurai d"ionuua
dnt, P.aJiiii; :
At 2ft twreoi t. ducount, bttt.t.u at: fnte diaired,
for : Hi mt b and llnu-.
C.oft'or1" iiok'i, bei wcn a'.i oou'i, at ld eaeli,
fol lanitiie ui.d urma.
F"i thrre, ait, ninc.ot iw Ive aiuoti., foe hold ;r ul,
to All pinU, at rtduc d raif.
t i.imn aiKS
ltrldiuc on tho Hup of Hit' road will b ftinilahod with
eaiot, euuuli'g ihvuitolvca aiiil vivt4 to iick.v; a uajl
From Phitadelp' ta to irlncpAl Mti',-n, i fr Pafar
da . bin inv, aid M"Hdn t , at refine .1 tarij. to be had on If
kt ih) 1 UtOilUu.aiilllUTKKNUU audCALLO WtULL
fii oda of all deirrliiLooa t..rwar.!'d to all rtia ftfvre)
po l.'i -ioni th- onintmj new lrola-d dauot, bidUAU
ai d l li t on ttueft.
KlfKlt;l!T TRAIN'S
Kt-avePbtlad-dptiia daily at ti A. M., 1 F. M. ,anf R P.M.,
f. r Kt-adli.', Kohitnt-ti. Uurrnburrf, PuiuvUia, 1'oitcUii
toil, and puiuu b3ulid.
rioae at IhePhllatlHrfcie P'lOmra for all plftc-a on tba at K1.M., aud for tue pnuc.pai
atatioiib only at l ib P. At.
On und altT 1- KID AY, ApiU 1, lbV!tth trmlm Will lrt
a loiioW :
Ml A I ltr. S. a. TH. ! M.' hl'A'TIIISI. A.M. 1. M.
V iii l irovi
AloniLilu.. ..ii;! a--. Phiia.lclj.h'a.... si
..1''7 d'..i v, i-m iln?iter. 7'-l
..7 t o 4 "1 V. .;. Juiioiiou,. O cd
4 IS
4 Jl
ft .s
li 14
r is
K..,ilie,i ,
I limlit i Kuril... .
l'h h.rti-lj lii.
? IV
' Ti
4 17 Conroid ' "-'I
4 ll rli.ij.r. Kuril.... 'I ll
M.l Kemi-I! M-U4
ft I .Mil,.'.,). HI -1
s-.'i; hv.i crois i'i "
in lo .A
..i , fi.i,tr.
I'.k.Ml. .r lirol In Fluliiil.-lnln. h. bi'.n eh.i'isfl n-ons
Fii'.i.ieili m,.l fivrl-. to 1 III ll I I H HI I'
AI4KKI.T U'rari., Won I'li.l.i.leli.let Mklil Slfi.l
Fl-mikt Klilwa C&iS Mjne l'...iji.ers tv ml Irwss
H e li.i.t.
J'uatns' i (0 Uirem wiont plisnc. of c.t.
j4 lli.NUr W-,eD. Hiiinulonilflll.
8':1NI AltllAMIRVI'.NT.
On and srtu illlliAV, Aj'iUl, W,U. lrsiaswIB loirs
1. Iiijlow B :
I ,'uve I'l.lltilill'trs. from Ihe I"P"t, e-orner of TWRTY
YI'C ll'il MAIiKlT dirtil., t A. JI , 11 Hi A. M.,i Jt
t.M., iJtl V. U.,t6V. M.
I -Mlsrtiiih'Sj Uilioi cl, i .-. i) from Kir.HTKKNTH snd
MAHKI.X nui.u u lillU'li -i Uial said UUtL.I
I .mr Wl rhr.ter, m ih.PrrMttftil Tut MAItKT
Bln.l.teWl A. M.,7 I.' A. M.,11 A. V.,'2 f. M ,4 I..P U.
"Hi. rfci. . f me J'iiil.ii,iiin. I'..i,.,ik-r K.tiw.y
r. ni uny' Mi k.-t Mriet).i,il CiU'l I U ui
fiuni ti.v i ini.i.ii les lit-x'i.
UN sesnivl.
I..v VI llnlnli'i .1 H-..IJ . M. .ml 'IO P. M.
1 r ll. i,l I - UI.1.A .M. .l,J i nr. H,
Tie."."'".".!' l-1'll.-li'iili nl 1 A. M. ud 410 P. M..
snd Vl si rl.i-.U;!-ai 7-4- A. M. aii.l 4-ii 1. v,,uttii.c
v lti Uwhia en III. I'till.ituiplils in4 Haltlwors CSUUSj
kNiliiHiil Ivr Oxloril anil tiit.-iiut'ilial.- iuln.
j.i U ULMiV V-"J.vui'tltuirtItnAlt.
TiMV. Tin, w
n jis sl.r MO.IiiAr, Utj Is, WM,
i. T .v. ..Tr.. t'lT. v r, p v1' ii A """
Ly li.rnim. S, 7, V .l, i JO, TO, II, If A. SC.
II Ul. Urrni.nlwn Itr.r. h. wr.mmvm
. L'K,,!"'I RAI1 ROAII.
sn.rrrr i v.v.-
I..!,, iii.nni nm. is, u u u , 14. 1 s
.,-, s le, .n.1 in ler.M ' " 1 '
t r0R...?N,","l""?-'iKi' ,M N.'RKISTO'Tf.
ii "I. I" 11 K-M-' ..f.a
!'.'u' p"s"i,'"n' T- t- tni u i ih.
I l ot Vim i vtrtuv
M.. 11., I,4M.H.
mm i j ( . j .
I.. v
v n,)ui.i.,el4'.?N,8-w, Jk..rii
i. m '
A.M . t., f.
K. 'XITH i.n-- SnTit'.nnt
! li't, MM II ., i i, ui LSI Derma.
LI !! ii r. i'"A"" I' tik-HlAKKIi, wit.-
r ii t tnDiv, , .,i.. ,
fn nr ' Mti-litv v . ..
1V Waiarwaa
. : . . . r u,r ftn OT
I M IRU ittrfrt. a.sja
i ii'i -tni, i l. life 4
I'nia. uai.y iHinutiyt eiceot-' i), m
i-h ( 1,'inV .
Wlit-himr. n m " " uww.
ti . i i.t.i . ., . .
0 V M .
At t , n r. M tt.
r'-MeM iint.lri.n. Ko-n,Afl.
""Mb-'l, f.M .aidniatr1ea
I I' fur llO. TAtl
. "fin..., ta,i. n .ir nuM-lum, ailaa-
'1 1 tt tram r i
I 'llt.f ' II Jl M I'll tt
If l
rt Vnt
-i U tdi
I i
1 '.,.,...,-,, x at tnaT..a.lOrox
.isfvhtieot.lti otUf v ti;ariaa Hi. a .. or
Iuii i. tau. -r
i u in -i r'"t re;r rKi p'
I.fft r lift I r- , in a'. ' f JOt I'-ll A.M.
-t .wn at : A M.,.vid i V. U.
ai it '.'in a. m
1 eu Vi j.-Mtift jd ai .' '.' 1 p W
t'N if'V.HYH
Pfn'i'ib -a for I..t es'oii m K. M tftll llp r
j..h K'V, i, r I tula vntlii hi 7 A. M and i P M,
liiHi..i.-t" r.M'-'-ni wilt rail i r w iUt
ti.ti-'. r ut tno imp .t. friiii tony ou Kf at Ha. lm
. i niit; Nn 'ei,
.:XW ri AI'.F.Amt-
-f JliU.ADr I.rillA. V-(I.KING10N Ajsrj
J. 14AI.I IV.'I'H: hAll R't
til AM fc Ot HOUUA.
On and uiHT ni M A V. N.. -mjor M XML
rrr c-i :;ri" Viv PhiiaitHNiia fr-r
lA,timnrr at i kiimi. V iMidavi eo-ipu!), j-)6 Au
at , 1 .'.I., ,' in. ii S'i i .U'i:M
''i'i b-di, 11 L A. tt., -itfO, 4( i H an U1B
Wlmtnnn nt ' fV fMMirii ?-'pt), ll'U A.
bt rt I'. 4 it', V:. I'i iO Ktitl II Y M.
.'W (. tnf ntr M an-1 4 k.
I' lvcr ' h () A M. au4 iwKK,
a 'I.- td rti H I-'. A M
NaJiibii- at i .', A, af
T,rie nn'tuimte i , J Vi A. 4i. ,rtiTn), I If.
Vt- u.i'i it . l'. w.
WUmtw.rv.i. at I 4H, Jifc.0-15 A U .UKl , t H, VM
I Vt. n-:j;. tu.d loiw P.M.
.4.U.ibiit ut U I'i A M.
."'iln-m jt 0 '!i I'. M.
Kovvrv. . M imf V H f. K
ii' w t t b- ?it -t t A.M., ando-tij P. M.
eiler at S h, yi a. M., 1 dd, 4 l, 7 , f 9
Kelt" 1 iMr.nrc f HAlSbory ana lnterrael ate 9attM
at l. r M
I -1- Hal, .ire mi iMrer and bueruodia-) tuijiu ai
1 Kl f.M.
teatf rfttr, , i". i ;, , m-.b,.ji- if nr.
I''!' V H"UUD:4"U ll- " iU A JL.,fH 4'.end 11 m
frr.'l 1 TA nn, flt:i Cai1!ir Cu aiU:h tS, will (U
a. r,,).1PH,
Ki'K' c iimlfyl tn f trPerrvvilleaftdlTitorm -llateplaoac
at ;-4. p. m.
hl.NnAi S -Oi iy at dvO A.M., 10 ort I'M, frjBB ?kth-
U'-ljdiM to Kai'iinoi",
r. n. rt l..-u.i ita to W.tmliijt'Hi at & 00 A. M., 10'Jft.
at; lr o- i . M.
l ioui tiii. , -' t to riidaiWdpb. at U A. M anJ tl pi)
T. M Uui al Ui-.'i V. M , ll nn l:ali-Twre t i I'Mi virloltta.
H li. 1. KKMNKY, bupenutudcnu
fJ'IlK ri-NSVI.VANIA f'ENTR AL KAIL-1,'n.lli-tKH
lo I'll I llliV;liel-- mills:
T'rTi.-k.lOU' ,i- of th. I-I NNKVLVANIA rKfTTSAfc
1;iTI KiMIl I. lien r.-r.. -r.l f Hir Ne la,.-n"r lf,pl
ii tlif l .iinmv, Ulllli !tlH anil MAHKbl Itlreou.
I llll. M'U.i IUA
On ami ,lnr Mn.vr.AV, Oetolur II, IMI, tral'ts will
lis- e L a. It.miM.
H-UO A. H. ,
VAit. TTHIN, Mi tl. (ol.'ol,ii! r,nn"l!iini Ar- '
li-.u al WHM' I'lll'.nl'l It INIKI.BKOIIUN l HI A.
t.. u.d'ct villi Wen Clint-r IUllr.i.1, at
llvlns at M e.l l ltfitfr -.-Hi. A. il. At l-OSMNurOH N
I -.u. A. M., i-unitielis Willi lo, War. i).iurx, aoA r
lii-!,ii-i: ll,. re ll III A II. At rll,i:MIIIA 11 0 A . M .,
i . lli.u lth Si.rUinn l untral K.ilri l, and rruk- 4
I' ll i.-le -l Ml t .M . H.ii"tT Juiicltiiii 1 11) 1-. Mn
I'm. over 4-4'. I'. M ., nnd Iritlvsbiirif H ih t. U. AUo, .
vMte tr.Iu ut, lj'-.itiittf anil i.HiIimui,!. hMiirmtl, Lavloji at
IC-'I". II. .Iniif ul HA l.-UI HI II. i I'lul'll e.M'niM uii
wltli N.irtliein Ci-n'ml iiaiii Nrth. thu , :L, lli.rrl.
I HIS 1 K, i'.M , air v.- ill 1iu,l,uijr I III I'. U.. M:itinil)4 r .
M , I, :!:unu n: I 'I,' I' M. I,.,e I llnvi n ;-6'' I" M I'M- '
neeri tor Kiniita, l.o.;, IJ.uiiuil.Mua. Nliu. .
t il', S.c , r. .i i I lui .-.. a in v 1. M., ai.-l Uiitl.l.. ai t li
M.i I r.-.i'nv.r. Inr li.itillln, Hmirrt, Kluoui.uurw,
Item ti k. l.i i'ii Ita vi'ii,. -sine. .lit '-u; , I'lymuutU, Ktun.luii, .
tiinruiii', I It isle, t .'id l'rulltn, Ml, 6 thr I l(-L,..iia,
in- IIm. titsliurt (ml, . i llrtll,lmUl l-lat,u.l .1 H.tK- ''
I,, SHI !!. n. r ,.liil itiuiein N,tlii t,i o-tvial IIuIk.j,
Inns at I in r. H .nirlr.- Im j :: y M . II. n .r Jimo
lieu .Hi P. M . rlnntii-fi 1 11 i M .uu liuitysbiuu tt lft p. .
M. A, ilAPillMll liil. I,.r n'l' t In rui,i,or,riil V.lwr, -1
1 a Ivji al I , r. M.i.'irnv. r.rUil. y &i j. ai.. i:.,nr-.- '
le :g t '. I' JU . aiel li 1.'. I. M At I YKUNK
I. M r. M . i oii,i,t'tiliic mtti llaid Kaijl. ValLy Train,
I. .vti,i;al 7'fit I.M , aiul iirrivliut al lit JI, loute at lltu
I'.M, At A 1,1 I'ON I III r. II , t 'U.'IC.'U Willi IH.U0
1 1 1 ii l"i llciilid. UJ-K. rrai-liliig l.'.ie UK V M . At
( KK.-iis.'N S I- M., cpn.i-tlng wl'h llra,,.-h train fnr
f URl.ii, aitiMiiH li tra iU 1'. M. At I i IT -.ill Itil
I A M , an.l Mie-e c .lite cllti. fur n'J ("Uti We-it, M-iru-lii'st,
and .-)i,u!Lrit.
ID'OI) A. M.
PA.'T.I Ai eOM OHATlu, o 1, irrivl-i,! st Pioii at
II li'i A M
ii-ii) a. nr.
rM I. INK roi'linu at I. Mlilsm.T.ll 1-40 P. M ,
llli tiaiu on Kea'lil.i; anu Culuiutila liaulil, artivias
at I IH' IH r. M , l.i' ...' p. M., and Ksail
li w ai 4 v . 1'. M. Al il A,(.ii.-sili;ite., with an Ac-oui,t- ,
f-iitmp 'rriiln uu Niiti'iern CiDirnl KaiMay, f-n tjuulm-y
aeii Int. imi'ilu'i- n't"t-. n-noliiiiR nKntiui-y at 6 o I. M.
At,, Mill, train nu Cumberland Valltr lur
t tfrllb:,-,urikvn k Hit',, al li-l-i V.M. Arrlv-n at l'il;turt
1 in A. M , i. ii 'i il.nie uiaK,'. ele.t cuinie-olluu fix all
ft I'.tel'll lie, mi.
i-oi) r. n.
PAIiKK'siH nil AfriMtiil)ATION,arrlrM at Parto
liuin at o J" 1'. Al., ..uiiiii ut iut.iriui-il,alt .t.U'.ii,,
van p. m.
11.11:1.1-iil'BH Al f I'MMHI.ATIOS. maWm rannan--
II. n at I ne uu. .1. n ut -I'll I'- lil., wits train im Wntm.
lens Itrun. !,. .taiits 1I4J0 t .M , and arriving aA
Wavlii-suili; at t.ij I- M Al ."t.i miha, at b r.
M.,itn hnttiii-rn rn, i, a! Hatlwnr fi-r link, i-avln
Wivi :mli. , i" l'. Jl , aid arm inn at luri. iw-.
Allll.s a. l'.lll.-lj..lp al J 16 1'. il.
4-00 1. M.
I Mil. HAM A l C MMOI'ATION. f.otn Ns. IHT IW.k
.sit'i-i, ml. i".-..ii ll.u..AIrlvl-. at ui tliljn a,
:. ! A. SI ; V I"!:, ft; A. M : Altnant, 111 P. M.i
and I m.-uu-K, I I I" P. M. Tt.t-oa ar- i-oi,,rorlablf . and
rn iirnnt. it i.niil.t'. tutt.jj Wail, will mid in. rait.
Iuii , und l.avc l.a.'a.-r. for w inct cluck, art air. at,
torwa-ie d --J" i' e .an. ituiu. lor lurtliur partleulaea to I ISAM IB ll SK, Kmlsrati' Aiient, lit Imm-.Ic
trt'i-t. Iti'wi-r'li Mii.risbtirij and ritt.lfiiril lvlhsl, clais
ear- ta atlat-hetl tu lli liu!n t'"i loetl uavul.
I'liO I. DI.
1 ANf'ASTl .It ACl OMMO,.TIS. ra.elifi I.adrit ,
at 7 '.' ' I. M., A, ..I ti.aeiih ComniUi. at 1 lP. M. h. .11.
PAOLiA, I OH Mi'I'A I UJ, ho. t. rvacli.f Pjll .1 f)
,,M' rl-liO P. M.
wlt'i tk. il
tt IU A, il 1
1... il 1- e'uia"' ilona . Ani--Harit-nurn.
.--uil'Ui.v. :e-,f A. M ; NoriliiimtM-riaud,
il W A. M.i
l,il!i,i,.llH,.l.l : H i In . in -iMirt . '.U A. 14 ;
; Lack itlii-n.
ti-,ii A.M.: l.iiiioriiiiQ, i'i' it i. m : bi Ma,y ., .. iz a m,; ,
C. ,iT).i .'. If. Id .; auu fcne, i f. H. (Al O.rry cloa
ci.iiticetliin li im,,i,' tin Oil ,'n i-. K. K l,.r lltu, . Hit-and
hnatl.r h, 1110 rrM.nt .riulcua of ill. Jtoad, I iudo. bjr
Bmv or r.ii.i li.r ue Cil and I r.inL lln-1 rit-onera l'i.r
leuiiJIe, Ki'ieil. uluoaisliern,, H.11I1 liavna,
hhl.'li.hliiiiv, i-iitnoulli, Kme'aton. Wyomlnf. I'lt'aloli lad
Merit rite n. tale tin l.. I. iil.iiu,.ljui nam at
NiTllii ii bll r-d ) I-t.wler. lor E'Blrm, liotlie.tnr,
C'ai in, iiil.iii v:ttn'a i Ai,!r.A.U'.7
null Ituila.n tit '.ll 1-. M.) Al II iKKItiill HU, iilih MertU-i-id
e'mii.l Ita'luay, lor II . hiui, l. ln attlOA. S4
u,rli I oil, 111, A. M ! lltiiimr Juiictldi, Hi A. M.
leaieH HHiim.r Jnui tiou ti.-A. M.: irrlv.-i Hanover,
ll-li. A. M ..anil l.atli slium, 1 1-V. M. At llt'MIM.
I'N. I ll, A. M., v. I1I1 tt Jin on llroad T.if R. It , arrivluc
lloiirw.ll A M , Ml. Illlla., A. M , And con-
r.sliH... n,s i hi.if.-l. hJu.rJ 1. At Tla'.NK . S
A M.,11 uni. lliiK Willi tialn on Hald . ilr Vall.y K ad.
Jraiiny -I v.-iine at S r, A .. anno ll.lli-n.rite. 11 11 A.
M .and lluw ard. U"M I'. M. Uavinij Ttioii. uu Cl.ardold
li. It .1 H ,V. A V . ai, il urn 1 Inn Plilllipaurx. llHU A. M.
At I lil htO.N, l-H A . M , iimiieetinK Willi ur.ncli tram
l,.r I ,1, 1,. lent, ami a, rl. ins ll.ero, U';tOt-.M. At hLAtll
Ml.i.K .'lfc.ris-l.l'lll,N. !':' A. M . connoctlng with ,
liraie-li I'aln wuieti utrlvoh, llllir.vllle, III A. M.t luil
litilaui U lAA. M. llitNtrulu alio cnnncola at ltlairH
ville with Went IVnn.vlvunil It H., urnviuv HallnOtlrK,
11 JU A.M.J Arrlie. i'i I'TtiUUltU ul K"40 I'.AI., SUA
cuBiivi tl lor ail jiulut. IV cat.
I0'4 P. M. A EXPHKHS, toH inly at Down
Iiigtunn, l.aiu a.tor, lla'tlBbutK, Marysvillo, Mow-,
vnit, Allilliu, l.awlHtowili lliintiiie'd'ii., Altoona, tial
lliiin.andl'i'nuu.iiih. At lirKTlliiklMIN, with Hroad
'I ,,11 ll. It., kail, nt tli ir. al Sill A. M., nud arriving at,
Iindin- A..M.,Alt.l).ilia A. M , aud llinc
tr sliii-cto Il.ilroril. At HI' A M., col. .
neeili'i la mail, with tr.ii!. lor HoillJ.-iyiliiir, reaehins: ity-l'i A. M., nd tlienc by ha,:, to lloitlord. Arw '
rives .it Pittsturir, a 0 P. M., iniuts cloai c-innei-tlott
vl'l, ll.riitik'i liiiin. on all too diveiK'ni: r,u,d. In,n tiiaft.
I'Otnt North to the- I. ilk. 4, Weil to tho'i and thai
JdlsHotirl ilvera, anil Huuth aud tloukuwiil to ill youus: F
uei.sit,li' ly railjoad.
rur furtli- r iiiloinialloD, apply it rhf Paaseu.r Staik4lk ,
lorinTir'HllK'UHlTI and i Alt K K r Stioi ta, l'ltlli,
JOHN r. VAM.EtK, Jr., 'luke'l AtBt.
Vrr Atriint-iment. On Hid liter Tl KslDAT.
Novtml'.'.r I. Iui4, truu.t will Itais truua Waiuuk iur4v
l'irl aw roUuwa
lor ( ai May and si placet south of Ulllvlll sA t
A. M and i P. Al.
For MiilvHie, Brlili'fUm, Ralem, at.d nil InttrmeeUais,
llaet. ou 111 01 1. Us. at ll A. M anil I P.M.
f.r ti;a-it'oro ut S A M., li il., and S P. M.
or VkhiiII uij, ulouuMtw, Ac , ill) A. M.,l aj
cp. a.
Lt.ivc Oens May 11 . a. m. aud ll-lo A.M.
' M livltu atk-ln A.M. and ir.M.
" hrhltet n il7 li A. M i U li'P.M. ,
" at 7 A. M.. and 1 P. M. ,.0 w
" Woouliury 11 7,H IJ.ludU 47 A.M . "
md S In P. M . 11, 1'a-u.l 14
111V. V'K.Sl JliltMK.Y r.xP.i."","i';i2;lU- .
will an t. nil t., all tn. nmal l.i" 1 ;'' 1,, r...- .
Lf-t, riretvo, ilolivi.r, and lorwu'J ,'"',, . , i,iii j .a.
iiulr 1 surra. I e inuaiiu-a o a" '- , Aii.utvr aeOuu
arli. 10 el ttn.led to li s-,". A A1"- ,
J'SUie. toch Uiroiili "('.'sjhsiK'.i
l'lilltdell'i!a, ii"l'" ' l''"'4'
A AH, ul.tliolani3.lj
'I . i