susa 'inwu Hmvdmtt mm iaitii Ati THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PIIILAnEIiPITIA. SATURDAY, DKCEMRKR S, 181. BA'l'VKDAY, DK.CEMBEK 3, 1S01. SPIRIT OF TEE NEW T02K PRE81. Leading Editorial lYnni the Ju-w York Pitpm Thi Morn!n;. 1111: ( n iri ii. He inU HKiivol tl.c paMirnnviVtrto licar from the army of Otru-nxl Shfrm in will lie relieved, in Brcat mc.otire, tlil morning, l.y tbo brief but satl.factory tli-riati-li from Lit uteiunt-Oenernl Grant, an.l by tl.c oitair ti :o(!rihic ilopntcbes in our columns. I: is tt lie tla s Mm e Slictmnn's of civslty rrnl,ct tiie Otronee riTer, and iinoc Una time lute bad no ilitinito in te.ligenc" of the where. 'but. t "f It tinny, though wc have burnt d f tbe inArance of sinitll liotlitsof our troops ut vuiioiis towns cast uil I vc-it of Hint stn nut. 1 be inotnv Imve witlibeld nil news fiom m, and no ciuiii-rs from Mit-rniati tmo arrived a'. at.y iioint w Itltin our lines, trl'lur on the stalm tr 1 or lu r. 'I be Knlitl prt'9 only iii.tiio a'i but ii.elleeluiil alien pis to piny tipnu the ft am ot tbe Nurlli by rcpiesuutiiit; Hint lite ;tu i f (ut ria h d ii n -.i and iilitrui:tinn Miuiumi'i. h'.i,iim-o tiy teltliit Inc..-, burning t'rit!Ltp, Htitl tletroyititf Mipplie; that dot. d. ol' II. in t nv.iliy with uovui'i-.: araiinil b trj.s-.iif,' bt Km. k mid renr, timl htavy botlies of tro,ii wcie ti-ittly to cunti st ilur cssi-"-in of M i 'mi, Ai pii'ti', unit Miiitn. wliliu a ( it'iuv wit I'titif; Ci.iii, irtutctl in bis liuttt njnni t iu ' l w i-hMiLiiuh, pn pared to tleinolib butt trtctlr Avlicn be itppn iieht tl, if be were nut nt er:y il." nulMiul b'i g bi.ttne be pot any w bere tie tr ibe '1 ht rboiio'iitiiit tile ot the Ht beN pro tint) d no ndverfi- elicit ; tortile people Know the pt wtr anil n.eitlc ot nn iinny of Wweru vcte runs ltd by an aerornliht d .voldttrlil.e S it nn m. Ibc 1 0'( of tin country bid fitii lolieitiMitiol. It seems ibat our whole army elleclt tl tiie eniss Irg t.f tbe Oconee, tbe only dillleult r ur in its (titite line of man b, and fioui thence bore ooiiiliward upon the road bailing to .' Hvamiali. 'I ho exact point it had roach id at tbe middle of the weeU, wc are not iiifuiiicd; but wc may .iiuluc s tint what by the fart that I.icuti nam-di iniral ( anticipates it w II bo at or near tbe Miibtntrd fcy to-nielit. Amid the thick plnnm In wbit b the Kiliel press have iitttrmpinl to mvelop Sherman's bwl, we now nee its luunmiu lines. " Wo dincrivt-r him nt a point so near to his (Ichtiiiuiion tlint iinB;:liintioii may chu b t lie tipuro ot his- advancing roitimns ni ho nears the oast, and his tired but tiiumpbunt army mav, nfier an anabusis shorter but more wonderful than tlmt led by X'r.ophoii. bepin, like those old UieeKa, to bout, l'he se.t ! the sen !' " IShcininn, it teems, has avoided, an I widely avoided, many of the towuo that he tliouglit it iirojcr to threaten, lie went neither to M ton Lor Augusta, ami why should be at this moment delay at cither f The immediate 0'i.i ct of his cnnijniiKn if neither theoeeupnt'on of Ke'iel town nor Itebel teniloiy. VI B' its chief purpose is, the Kebils will discover when eomnbied. In tbe meantime they need not inalie fools of th.-m-stlvt s any longer by alt in; t tig to iihhold Iroin l the nens. iiif. ii i v ir thi: not it, The XX XV II lib Congress convenes for its second and Until eionon Monday next, Decem ber 5, and alren ly 11 largo majority of Its members have aakimbii d at Wushingtou. irinety days are all that arc left to this Congrc-s, and no venture to remind its members that the fate of the Repub lic hangs on tho vigor and promptitude of its action. Hud tho great measures of its. former session been matured In December and consum mated In Jantmry, Instead of being allowed to drag aioug till June, the treasury would have, lei n oue hundred ml lions better oil' than it is to-day. May we not hope that the energy and iiluciiiy now to be ulspluycd will fully atouo bu ttle bttitution and tardiness ot the former suminn 'lherc was lutieh to pu'liatc, nothing to exeuso, thut tardiness. The House was new, couipo-eil in good part of new nieinbeis, Willi a new Speaker, and newly cstnblished committees all which Is now bravely altered while tho Scimio hud an excuse for lagging in the constitutional requirement that all revenue bills shall originate in the House. Now we have experience in ovory department, w ith the session inexorably res'rietcd to th etc mouths. Wu hope soon to publish a fresh cull for half a million, the draft to bo post poned to the 1st of March, but volunteers to bo acc.pttd iinnndiutely, uud every one credite J to tho State, county, and township w hicli is bis j ropir resilience. Lut us bavo 110 competition in proffering bounties but let the Government oil. r a liberal bounty for volunteers only siy .'")( e isli in baud, villi 'iO to whomsoever shall tiring iu an ecccp'itble volunteer, who shull receive Sloo more at the c'o-e of his first year of faithful service, and jfloo more at the close of b'S second year, shcuM hit be required to servo S;) Ion?, with a fii discharge within sixty days after the ter mination of the tr. bit volunteers be received at nt ry 1' Marshal's ollice, and there only ; being forwaiilid tocampk of iiistiuiti -u at soon as inspected and at cepied. And w hen the time lor divtfiing arrive?, let all tioDal bounties Lc withdrawn, and let tbe several State and smaller districts till up their several quotas us they shall lespeetively bcofit; but let th.i draft be inexorably enforced within biitv days alter tbo 1st of Mutch, Such Is tho rough outline of a plan which we believe would supply till tl.c men that me nee. led, if the Rebels shall insi-t on a continuance ot tne war. bo tlmt dawdling must teom like imbecile and erimln tl. We hope to tee ttto Staimiug C nii nittoes an-noutii-ed ibis week not litter iti 111 Wednesday and tbo c! lef revenue niaa-ure of tho session rc poriid within tbo week following. Let the Mili tary Coiiimitteo vie with the Ways and Ham in lntilnting lis measuies ut the earliest moment, and insisting that these shall bavi: iiistnu' and thorough utltntioii. If wc cjiild aim lUuee ou the lint day of J innury ensuing, the final ms sagc of ihe ebh f nieitsuicsof these two commit tees, o hhoul I hail the fact us auspicious of tint nation's specpv ilcliver.tuct' f.nitt the grasp of the sjnvtlit lileis' ftboi.ion. Ve arib ntly hope for peace ut an airly day, but wu know liiat it I'tuily to lej a. hieve 1 1 trough tiioiougli provi.-iou lor a most enicient prosecu tion Of the war. If the l'lti-hlcnl's l ist Call for half a million men had be -n promptly re-pouJ .1 to by that nomiier, or urn thing like ir, tuc war would by this t ine live b. en v.rtually en led. As it was, higgling fo. extraordinurcredl' (whtrtin .ur e ty wss couspieuoiis) and kin died tltvi e, oira' l to reduce the netpr niuct to bt iiit'tbing le.-s than two hundred thous tnd. As to tinanef, we in-i't oa the umpleat and litest S'lingtnt taxiitionut onie. 1.' t us le a twenty-five percent. IncotneTax, If neetss.try, Willi a searching iii iiity iuio evury mun's bi;sine.-s and leeclpts, with double the pro sent taxes on all luxuries and S'lin-rlliiitics. Oue hundred per cent iln'y on 1 11 potted silks and laces, (ft wgaws and frippery, is little enough for such a time, as this. We are now h.irrjwnnz money in ell-.-et nt rlttv cents on tbe dollar, which comes tto near bankruptcy to be a plo isaut sub jeut of eonieinplutiou. Let us pay anything, do anything, to biing the wur to a speedy close, but lul'us i;ot double tbe ci-t of the war through a cowardly tiro. nl ot taxation. The people have Just cmphntii ally recognized this wur as theirs, unit Instructed tho (Juverii mcnt to span- no elluit to biing it to a spe'e ly ami triuinphiint clo.-e. lery dollar of debt con tracted in it Is a mortgage on all the property iu the country, und he underrates the popular sa gacity unit intelligence who fancies that the peo ple would rather have the bundled millions added to this moitgugo than pay half that amount ia taxes. After the result ot our recent election, it would be a wanton insult to distrust their reso lution or their patriotism. CUR WASHIVfiTN LETTE". trrlvitl t oiii,rsMiin-n I ItiBiielnl It trr t he liiel JiiNli. e-lili-l'bo Mlli lry NltiiMllou, Kle. ?ecial Cmc'ytf utUtwr n Tl-f Ereniny Tt'-vrtip V Washinotom, December '2. Twenty to thirty Members of Congre-f nre already here, und among them soma of thd leadiug spirits. John Sherman, of the Senate, has been here for several days, and is understood to bo in constant com munication with Mr. IVaeuden upon ouestlons. Mr. Thadd ius Stevens is aUo here, looking younger than he did one year aito. It is amazing that this old man should bold out so bravely as he doe-. He Is the leader of tho House, and I don't know another now iu It who would do as we.l upon tbo whole as be uoes. Mr. Stevens lins soma rather startling notions upon financial matters. Ho is very much op posed to the imymtiut of intern --et In coin, also to the payment of du'les In specie. Ho would avoid, YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, I iu far f i is possible, the use of gold and silver till ! the war tnds, or at lent till wo return to specie , payment.', lie agrees with Senator Sherman In ! one thing that the t.ixce mast be Increased If ! poesible. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, is also here. He is the exact orposite of Mr. Stevens in most of his financial opinion". He favors loans, no matter to what discount they may fall. He opposes tho use of paper money by the Government, and si ems to tbiaK it would have been posnlblo to bate carried on this immense war upun a specie b.iis. Ho Is untlottbtiuly wrontr there, and Mr. Chase was rie,t in tal.ii.g tbo ground that we must have paper cirnnty to siisuin the iniuio (bate I unlet s nt the war. Mr. Sumner, I, Is ex eeted in a day or two. Mi . Chun' tame in Ust ti ght, 'I he mem bers of Congress arrivlay nu endi avjnni; In in due the I'le-idei t to app int Mr. Cb i'e Chief Itistiic. I bar I c lias di r.di i in f ivor of another num. 1 he M cstt tn senator gt neialiy favor Mr. ( base's nomination to the plate. ; Mr. Sumner's able ariicle in the Iiot'n '.r'v ' ..lri,.cr upon thi.' 1 lunda tase lifts attmi b-d much attention hcio. No doubt he is entirely right in the mutter of rceodents, but the sei.-.urc ; cannot easily tie .iu-ilitid upon our own ground 1 as taken heretofore. I have no doubt whatever as to the result. The (Jmernment will tint justify the act i'.-i .'.si If. It ticreis any jintili. atlon for il, il is the a kg. .lion the I'.o-i It had pic- viously tkst oj 1 -A oi.r vesse!, ( , J ;r.i -i:..sii wati m. DRY GOODS. () vi;rs i.VArsfs a c .. No. i) N, Htaia GTIIZET, Jl.e e i ! -s i t Put l..e i ll'.iri" s!.l k ef II Lvr.' I : t 04 I!ol:i prt' t 1 'at .- tl ;.arltirc te l.,.r , .umv.ta it 11. Hi k Ale-Sean, l'l.'H ll.o Js, Ac. . A. ". HAUCiAINS IN' CIltiAI' tiOODS. - III;., k .Mpa...,'iT;, 14. ,'.e. I'" jei t-i Itlii V Al.. 1 .. 1;, i'.', 1'rell . 11 a i ii ti j line mat k M11I1.1I1.1.KI, sr'. H i. H it. I "m. 1:" eltces e.n llae uu a Stuluilrs, 1, 1 Ic, fiii , Mi'iour.ei'iu. pet'is evlrn stipet fine Ulat k M Itults, l .". 1, il l '. 1 lry ;.re liftalilnl. In (letea Xtlkctalti Him k .N'nli.t t.s. a very .eareu article. 'Jit .(i ce. rni'l;vttcs. Vi, I .'. ,M V el.c.i. In ilt 1 f s I'lfil o.llii, Mi. ttorlli at least T.'i cent.-. I'l.ilil 1'i.piiiis, Kuti'res.s t'ljtl.-., Mt'iltio), 1 tari I all tt 1 11I lie i itltu A 1 kn it. tit lire.. Ilonil betipht ten, a til l;Svc ;, lis Mial i lu tip tu iittjt- II e mime t" i. ler n.eia. M.AVZ SILK 5. COLORED .slLICS.JJ I 1 irt otif 1 .'it MIK AliH CIILAr. eat 1 it s BALMORAL?. SUISTING LINENS. ION) !:on f Wool Ui:nuMl., lid', t Wn). (t.l-' rV t;i Mf) nt' k and W MxnninK lt:iu-r'i, $; I". to-., v . ipit?ce Rhirtin; I 'imid, 'j ceuti, V-"; cfnt, i cents BBIETINGr AND (JLOAXING CLOTS?. S1ES AKD BOYS LOHU AND C AHSI HFIV'.H. TH.irk iitul Wlii(t SI iitiPtrf'Iolh. t. l.rafn. N v uti'i -rl! MilrilnK ( int!.t ut (huso l.iw TM- ft, Itci.ts' ( nfsinM-rt's Kin) hMit.tit, $1 to vtr !. ( liitnhtliri Uiotli!, lor Mt"rs' Clj:ik iitiJ U'ya've u, A!l-wo'l litistfl H(iivt?ii, f-'l 00. very I w. MUSLINS, IX ANNULS, CALICoKS. MnsMns At our low pi it no n. AII-mooI Ihdm'I, 'J ' "'nti ; that rn n't be t)M. ht nkt-T and Iiittnvi KiuqoU.W, 7j,H, $1 ; wash witliuut )iriiihiii. t uiicof.-s.i'af.i,:!!.;;" cent.t; Scnt ynl lf t)in C'".! ir-coi now. riirpi-", Muritn irki, oi klr.ti. chMp. .it iift't ('.initn Munriwl. vMi cuti, ry l-w prt ft . I aniuii ar'lmuelH, li.', i., .0, u. ") our idw irlcts. TlHOrilFa SHAW L.. BLANK KT 811 AWLS Our SI awl-i we ari s-c-'.in u at rjr .-w rle. l'..t.k , u. iii C-..i.t. Ut 'Cii e .jiwij, p All 1v!:.J of Ury J . ri !w r. ? c4 A . 0"VM KViJU & )., f ll'.aP MAMMOItl rlif a-)l)ti ll'J'Jlt.. N V'y "J. EWTTH 8TMCET. P iS.-.-fii i' (T -it Ti f4'- t c! ''li, lf unit' hl IlAi.tU erch!f-f, (. u. i 1 H irt'r-I li.n in-rcMfj, K ii. r I'l.f'il li.ti, Ju , ri. -1. j ts, .tiii: II.. t.iu, ' Ct'iit--. . y. Kit r R MI Jlr,Mt. ISO 1. '--- 1SC5. WrNOHEnEE 4 CD, N. -,t n cni:sNi"r sti;i;iut. hit lie arrei iloti '0 a c-fc .1. e .eli f WIMII.JSl, L'.tK.tlMiU Kt.ANKLI i. I A Kl luAN JACKH, M AIMS AM) Ttra, Hl:l AKF AM JAI.KK1 H. l',l.nhH A Nil bA.-.UK!.lltJUll.! i, AMOKIMS ( Aid. t.' t l;a Vitn a ititprrlur ainorinitnt of liuo Ii ttiltabli; as PBESENTS TOR GENTLEMEN. fpKKAT BARGAINS, FROM AUCTION. IN' I lrv (iotuts.CarbiMH, (ill ciotli!, and Winituw rtt- t !. V. K. AKCHAMItAl LT. N. K. i-ornur ut KI KVKSl ll and MAKkKl' Miri-ftsi, wt tp mi thu iu..riilin,', liiKram 4'urpKtH, all wtKil, 7,i, ST, $i to ii'i: liuntlii Carpvt-.. wil nlluiK, .'0 mm7c. ; Kntry and stulr (' irpi-t-t, i..:. to rt ItJi: and HiMiipCarnt ta.Mlc. toll; Flo. OH Tint In, 7" M f l'.'i; l -lit lf'iUcr-d Window Sl.d-H, to Hn.1 and i .rt n ni.Ai.iiik, 'iOc. : Hi mK-f t, to io; i oiai.irta n--, . ; Muslim, to -OC. ; h-'.il:itt, 4 v.: IVi'llm und U'rl, ;-h. t. H-'A: hwU. J tJU; n', -' ":. to $ . ; .iipi-i'.it,itj.-. to l '; 'lib' UufMi, tl '-'i SJ; r irit i-; i t j.rln, U to l.-M.: I'lain .lli.l ii'' C i-i' s, t.J . to fJ .I; Ntw hfyle I'Mnti-H, . to l'c. ; WM' siulSMr'-t y fn :iii-l-t, vO to a, ; Ah r n.) s;.rt an t fir iw ri, tl V) to t J -Vi; lie .i ry u.itl i.!i.vtj, 1 to T. ; or-V " ") i, i Wl.nli'Halo rt i.l K-tail Stwe, -N. :. coni'.r 01' t-l.lal'-Si'.i ar.a .M A li KT Hirsts. li i iio NOITH KIGiiTIi 6TH KKT. 10J. Jlt) Hi'i-oBtl tloor ulve Ar h. Orat K-. Juctlon ! our sixaariti b'.ot-fc ot btajn) ajitl fatiflyjl rituintiiK ou pri'iutf Uaa bit uU uil it;;j atcrt lutein mt 1 lJrt t tiak TrlbioU'igt, Orna nuaii and Huiton of our own u.Ak an J liu B)t4rtail(nt tStik and Merino Hca, ail at) ki of 9nk and r'bfuilifc Hrai Iria ; Ktu ultiupur tnan f trl it HuKlt (tliiil'i and Butloui.i ltii MnrinoZnd Ml t.l..vf?t Kid iiiuvt ci Ui li i uiaker. J Hack ud I vb d Vt ili,thuw!a aittt Neitrf Brirt,aU wlutiia ; Kauy Wava and ! ( vubi, Misk iicit hit bont, J l, bt!, a il it lit It ait tturklui, i'ktik Tastfia nt aii oolora and i.le;Maflo KiiifinM ot a 1 aivi tvtd tUit at i-rentlf rut ik fit pricea; 4Hj)lB t.wjUt, a Nontat, Nubtaw, UiHla; Laoia iiorcna, and Mtitti'hiniiinvi add t bamiiit prict a ; tair Itoiia, WaKfiail Jioili, and vVhn r fMlNrti of tntr nwu tmprotd irifn U i bla a and Wmt I aea ot ail fcro-U anu ; MvK ami CoU r d Velvet Hiutiort, m t,'rcat vanijr t reduced urtu ; Lalia' and (ma' .SktUi, ) fcil vailaty, kUr.iui oiKap, Ao. to., . LaiUi 001110, on and nil, and con vino yonraclvoa ttctbro biiwjiu lhw.r, tlmi U it vtU woitb to our ownlitti rvat to uurfriam vnur i'lrninitnifi at tle ChtpHMtra of WIL 1UM laUM)b.HHIAln.H, .No. I'd M. LlUlU H, fc.t. nd dt.or abuva Ajub. n l ta um ootur. WALKING COATS, DRY G00D3. tl No. 902 OHEBSUT BTSEET, WtLLO?tK, TtXSDAY, DECEMUEU (1, A NEW DErRTMET( fljmn.'tw thtvuc'i the cont. f h s F' mc, fevt iu lenab. W bt kuowo at THE CHEAP DIPAETMENT, Jiitle of unioss l Aiiuioa IlIl'lelK 10 ONKHM.K Uti; 1T.1.5 I at In tl.e ''PiJ'tiiii ,- .n ; -,tt J M. : :ti n. Air ip. x . ii; (., ; ..jhii (, til cu-l' ll .-iu 0 iiiiii I,, -io.iiii, tuns "i jiaiu 1 HUM II AM) lTVC.IlMH DRESS GOODS, T ;r ' . 1 a: i at -, ) , tvl ; .. i i, ( , ! 'J .1 !; ' : . i . !i m : ! ,ii ' t .'' t ii' ; ei , THF HOL1T) A Y S0:j. erS M FOUETH AND ARCH, li M f Kl t'Kli iOM. Y . . Y. tfU ID t mG HOLIDAYS, Tll'.ITor till- llild;lblf J)I It-tie r ot' tlllU'tl VALUABLE CnSISTMAf3 QirT3. Lyons Velve ty Fine Sliavrk, Black Silks, Rep Poplins, Merinos, Blankets, Good Chintzes, Flaid Shawls, Frost Clotlio, Fiao Silks, Blue Silk,, Silk Poplin, Da Liir.oa, Piano Covers, Caristui'1.3 Scarfs, Ciiristiuas Ildkfj. ;. t-i u 'A(.( K r.KO.. ('GUN Kit 'I KN I'll AMI Jl I I NK . ' I ea :tii,. iri ut A;:; t m. t li t linn' 11. .; ;,, .Mi'l ilni-, I r. 1 t. t Mt il'. :li v ; Hill I I'.' ! I. il I lot i I ..-1 t : .t- l.-ttlu-,- tii.e t liittt t.. .' (. it ,u. i SI . I i. l M i. , . 1 I I ll it. OH II Knil' II ... -i -. "' -. 1 1 A,; t ... , 1. n, i. I IK . i 1 .,.. ., ..( i l I ! l lit ntS i' tmrt I' ri.i. I - till I.. I .1 1 i .l i... i i.iit.i oi. I it., t I il. i,;..t,.(, ,il 1 ' .t i .. w. St it .. a. i . .:,., ' I iu i;.. k .i .l i..,.ir,Ni. .s,i.k r.ti, . t i.'l lll.ilillllf Ni-lt, I . . lit il.i . rv Inif, llk Nt '. M.t V ;i ,J c -t.-rA. tic. I I, I Mi.-.V M. fh . V-sf, 1 l.tit .. t.A...i,.t..l J .. A l-o. 1 1 u It iI.h k 'I i.wrllt si.irtiii V i. -i-;.. t . oi.t.-i-, Ii;i lii in!. IVilni.-ral hhit i lli i , , .v ., .tl lt'j,:,i.: t! An t;t;lt, utul hi luw rrtjiilar iirn'a. It l.ItGAINS'. HAUfiAINS' J l1 li Srili. I. tit' tl t'ta-li . nt I'.'V,;-. It i u yaitts l.lui-n I'm nit. at I'.'1 . . '. tot 01 tit avy Wliitt' Klannrl, at -'h , lots til Eni,'ii-li I- lal tlt-l, it', .'.H V . :;t';iii: ;ul-t ol 1 I'll .1 Al '-i'r. I rt -ii. t'ti ly call II f iitt.-iiti ni nf II "I li.ll; ai t f " "1 i-.l.t"' A't bt-' .tt" to t':ij H .Mi. I., ii II ' H aro .4 .rrailarxahi. ' .tons It M'-'lili-i, ll N-i. 7ir.' AICOII NU. ot. CI.I.I.INC OIT-KKIK CTION IN l'KICKS. llnortttr li cli'to t-it our iuhr ln-fi.r.. tit.- llr-t ot .U:.i;irv, p I'lir iiinil.. t.UKAT IIKUOt I ll)N n P I' . -, aini an now o'rlm -mtit r tiltKA 1' II Alt l.vl ?IS. i, llio tlint (or to ory out' to puri It.t-ti hi 'lu,.i.alle, at il cl.c.p urtlcli'B lor I IIIIISTMAS fl'KSKNTS. t IIIIIS'I.MA.1 l ltK-.ll. t.-t. I'ltltMI'M AH I'KKSKN I i. IIIII.M MA I KhKN ri. MEW ST I.K of I At. Il utM. f.-T ri'M.i l;.i ami b.-t MUit'ilii ut il , ;ill j. ari'l .Uj. - isi anl t ri'ta li Cllllit en ;it IIK-.I' AMI.KII A. iKI.AINt.S. r.. -I.. ..... i 11 ;.v i ic l.owpr than a" j store In fl e - liy. IHISS OOl .s- (if ML KIM'.-t AT UKUI fl.l) Pllll f.S lT.AIN I llr.M'll IIII.I'.C t'l. It litis I'm lilts, t Hit's, tin f in, Mt'ilt-., tiro iv H5 auj BI4' 1.9, fi aril PLAIN f I1I.M II POI I INS. l.!.nrF.-ir l : O.M.M AMI i'1 ll'.M S VI LO'. I;S, loin's, I .rt em, I'urj U v VVititi .AI.i.lrR, IttotMi, .ll'tl Itlatl. . Ill' ' iltilri- si .iitt-.t, AT liliKAIl.Y llKliU' rlt 11:11 I A. IIASI'SOME itll.Kr nut ( Itl.ltil MAM l l;tEKI -i. A..;rc A tl ttit.'. tor.rnl, P'A'O urd I aQ' V St k.5, HOAPCf ANn fif.slit'' Tlk ( riVV,.J, ts. Win j, anU Vi'i.t-'", Alia '.'.. .. I oi .-rv t .ii'le'.. , SUriiSUr... LOW Ttt..MvC SII.K3, f r t!h H-nl ' n.'.lit, l 2-1- .. i,H UHt CIIKI't M A lltt HKMi. Vt.o!.-ll 1,. 1. .-:i $1' l ". linni.e l.'iK MiawN.iii iu . o .on i (i :c M to V I li? -t I'm-: ;nt fiir S at ia-.! w lntr t.W-j!. aUi .snw.i :i air; liu. tine yi-4Mtifc.ini at ."A1. V'uliaTUr I'le 1u-Mu it 'ii1 . Mew V'nk Mllia Mutln:- it K iil li iifd MuMiiii nt oOto 1 c. Iteiv I Hlilf itctu d, -J''. V i ' T w ulf Fine Cnh't'At'lie 1 Mni!;r. .il . 'i' : 1 wi'li- t'tlcrt rntilt'Mi'l.fl'l Mutlii at o-j' H rfx i'Hi't I'nlilt'iK ln-t Mualiiit i :. I. an :enct llitivv M Utlilin Mt ii -, t 1 jHiitt b tt ii.ii afll.i .it V-'-c. Co!t. n t.o-jCt All j.ll.dl,.it 101'J lov ; ni'iM. H. st KKI. Sr StK. II 10 . N ,.:3 nnJ 7J.. rf. . t.n ili jtrvct. 1011 t'Hf.n.NUl HI UK Kl', E. M. N2EDLFS 1 1. n 11 y It-root In N'jvi;: iir.-i ' s I.ACl.,-). WIIITt: O'JOM. IM l '.K lei t,-". VI- ! I ,-. 1UNDK KI'.C 1 1 1 F3, -., In r-vtry v tnfy a d a' It j:oi-::ki 1'iticr.H, nt'I' A til i: TUL tAt.t. UtADE, ,i.t.t riii HM'i -ntffr. r' i a' l ?i 51 Iril J. t tiwi'i r.Tiiw.vir fc co THE GREAT 3LAKIET STORE. BLANK KTS AT K ETA 1 1.. ELANKKTS AT WHOI.KSAI.K. BLANK KTS FOK IIOl'SEKKhPEUS. BI.ANK1-.T8 FOll 1IOTKI.S. i;lankkT3 foh thk akmy. BLANKKT.-l FOR TUB NAVY. ULAN KKT 3 OF ALL SIZl-'S. BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. LLANKKTS THK CIIKAFKST IN TOWN. BLASKtTS TO Sl'IT liVEIlYIlOUY. JJL-VrSItlT BTOltE, 9-Jt-im I. K.aorixr MNTI1 and AHC'll Strrti. t'OO HOOF BKIRT8 jnO OwO Danui' ARCH isUMt. U-vO Atmia aixin ittot, fMaile.i.iita. Wnlal and RaUII. TVs int-it e4VDaltn aiaortjjitiiit of Ltullaa. bCIbmi'. and ( tnldren'a Hihid halrta iu Via city, In avttr rtuiact tlrkb- clan, will. It for nyra, uniin, durability, aud vitaapu-ias. Save no final in inn niaravi. Hk'ris mailt is oiiUr.aUarcd, and rnalrd. uu-u wm. r. Boi'kusa. VERY LOW PRICES, yiULtOW OLE!" PETROLEUM COMPANY. OAiTi Ai , La.'t,yo-. aiviir. isti , siiaRr. TAH VALUr, S3 EACH. aIN'O CAPITAL. V . T:. al" '.iv it o tv r.n.jt.iif ,'viaI-i if "i" f-: Ipfccid r I tra. : t, , mbrtaoiiiij ,i b'.i enr .hiu iro l ai.litr..- l'i . f !1 A' 'tS, It ft N... I. t at rift, ..v ut.'i. .ilu.HI ' t..f ii.nrli. n "f It ,rni Kin t'-.l tlii. nil tl.ter, , '."l a r.otuai on Nil! npr ami r.i i. lii. ' N a. r in'air I rtr n'-) .rii-i n.t . iiiliu Vc. I. Nil t Stilt ill 1 L'A.r- I toi I ft "'Il ra-s,t!.r-. li 'trt if '. . . ; il ai.r:it-!.; to tli' (e'-i, !!. Tliy t'uiora'-p t..o ent ir t all.-y ol ll run tor n- n :' 'O.' inl.'. 1 a t No :;. (.-nt i n. f itf ixitoii.. . itins-i to t; e ( .Mil. I.l. it n. .v .-ll.;.:o, .01 .llrj ol. f .fl I li I i tc.t?i.l h i-ltl.'tlt' :! thf I.ln'o M iisKin -ii'il rltt i . Ho- M.- . m. Ink ttu ll.rr-, who I i o to-in fi i ci-i-1 - ! i.l n tli'lt i-t- V-il. i;..;i.'!l) u i.ii ilia, ar. noo It 4 If 1 1 , AA.ll 11 I--I ft. t ( I ol .;lk 11 , i .tut). e'! -n it"1 m : Iti- o r (-. imnitt-' in AittMiii..! t .Ilit -'1 H -II- J : ' I t . ' in I l li;0 ' l. , ; -ai'i -.IV. I.) : ii It, Mi.i t!.- , i 'l' w t 'on (VitD1i.1n . it tl: o( r- r.n' 1 rn. 1 I .. .it 1 on 11 1 I'-l. it'KUlt f iv.rli .' .-itili'illv 1 xt 1 v . - i I witlrn . '1 -. , I t nr't h ii M v. It'.rn' K :i t ri'rM'pt'in "v 't of II rst- . i. .inl:i . a-..! ii.O I. I .' k, li il!. (',, t tn.l ? :i ( r , 1 r . t r k a '. tv ff.-l iv ri it1. . I l ! , ' liy o. it, f ii J a.c ;iJ ti'd,( ..ti O:! ' .. f K ill ; ' llMl a.l .Ul'.:t.aff - I 1 (!'. ' If coD'l-!"r Mu' r,i?t. r of I"i:ii.!i -ti n: n ali m .-p. 1 1 on to tl.i' . ltilk. Tr.i t N) f'u .it-il m tl,.- i'if bti.-n I If! f?',Wi ft n .li llu' 'It ' -it C I V.-r.i Ir . ;r mi.l on-1 : um.i .i it tn;!o it iin aw i-i! im. I i.'.,au. J in..;i an'.,i.i'i"f at '.'l'.' !''' I. mtl, u i tiii, omits Mi'Mf. nt '-v c-it iinint; it 'n tin i .it Mi wV Mil s.".:'.ii i m imi tiv , to tt.rn up ! or !'i-t hwh. M l ii ! t hi.iiii 1 tin jii ipt 1 1 ' , th e i.lon . - f t l .w nv. MV.Ai'V .i' 1 ( Uv , i'; r.c oilcan tx- ihtt ni-U tt aii,v i. tie li L-ii tl.c n-fli'i. tti. f.tAln -in.! r(:ta''tit.H, t' : if, 'l,o .-tivn hu'.u. raent Sr il.'Tt'i-M'nu't 1, inJ, we tluuK, cjtHli-h.u t'l il e o' :1 " pi jportj 1 . i I - ii ;i: i i.:ut i: nt -a i all tl.A tm ct .no 1--dt r ' it. t.f, .1 M, ii ti . i'lt t' osi ot' I'lmt" C"":i:", it,, J I ul! ( ici'k iimt Ho:.'.' Neck, V ; aiil lntk fi-M-k ii'.sn VZ'M Uiin. i't i. I i'tjfi I".tt ). Cici k it A u vll n !in 'i. it I.- " livl. H lion A'l.l !. it i'Pt-n lot no i tm niotitin. nrnrtin 'm fltf-pn l.,irn'li per i i ol l.tLt k.U.Lg 0.1 v I.k U i.-.nlil per 'if.';. v.Attnl tl.e l'.nrnlni! iir.iik-, i iilioiit ne mil" fi .in tr.ic. No. , un Kiil- -n' ri-ek. It Piadtlni; l.tri;.' ;i a il licj ol' .u, Inc'i ti il"i.:t burin r .niinu n-ly liifiiiS - ''' ciit iiT. it v ..I nut hurnlrat w 'if ti wo yr rh",M!" ! r , 'iMt wc v t ft on tire n it '.nl tfi. l.-.iMt ij.:'it. i t : t y . W - I,, n ma le a lt nn, vl !i :"il ot nonrly all f e -tt'' in tl -prtTi (. u. i .ftin -."t It .--n i!ri, and it n :t ! U t; t ii .lr;i Iil.v f r l!o on-Uall I our we i iitir,'.. W :; : :n '; -t , ..: il!:.m, ..n t hmc no .'i t,' i it o".il 'o 'i:tin n'U -ru r. J ut l.y Ut'H rilnt. Wfl thtincd ali' M-.nal vvU "lar- ah-ui t!;i- I'.u-n." R n j ro; i'i'.' iioni i ij'ij w l.inv.i. aii-.t ', n.p-s .r.-u tlv flu lt''l:it ilt -'.''it doat two lionrs w.ltiti-r ! r tl.elVat, kti.-tlv iir IU- t ut l':t ;.tr'.u. In tl..- c 'nr-1 ct coitv cvifl'ion. ti al .iy '.iiimi up m oii, f ' c rcinar'-,c 1, tlitt tha Jtoco 'or 1io:mc In w'li .vr now itioj i i a -c ied for tho ilirs, wiuJow -ai l?., ilro a, A j., w .,k oMninoil in m Itnrn- I'.iid, ovor f.ity year ay, and tt.ey wrre t-o stio:'-.!' :ni,u nni J with lock o.t e to lo cry dit.aprp-.:iilo. Ilc fotai"lii)( ice it ts tci ih i ttuily sctur-itU'il. WILLIAM UAK1 I AKU, .1. II. i.KAHA.M. nn.UM i fiiiA, NovrinbiT s, W4. iUvnu acirt!nii.iniil Sir W. II CirranJ .l.'.nJl. tii.i i im to linriiV J : i: ti , and iiav iii'i I. mi i nnortc r rIe e rl t:cc in tl-p oi! illatrl t ol Veo inijo county, utitt liavinif r;; tMll!J xii't; :nc1 tnn l;a J. . ,1 JeiIt piufnt Ol the itnriiir linn iropertifs ot IV "Willow i.lvn CoiniMii, ' and not uoin lnt io tei) lit unj. w;, , pithor ilirrctly or In Ilifi-tl) , I fee i thai I am i ioi-ot'-Mti to (rnv .tn niiliiftMoU opiiiinii m ri1'- t'iiH! to tt fit: two liti'Ma. I cud-ifne Hio a'tovo r ,'Oit in fvtry lunknUr. Thcio nropciUfi himw n t ry UttilLation of t;t oil tei lit. ry, u tin1 olloiin be iMi ia ilo ti-;l.e siirl.i- c ot toe i.utvr t.irclni an r in t) o 1) id' ti H oi tf.eto ;.t lYi l ttom oi tl.c run ; uriif UiM, tti'j, ri j ArdTtj-. ot tl;o imutr'y wa'vr tunned liy iu'iAin. .lAMi; .r. IH'NcAJf, N It I Nlrvft. At t'o j ILlUtl- n of Sto-'t-T. n... ran-, I huw euunn-dti. i..o;n n:.i on llmis linn, about 1 miy ln-low V i nt. oii tl.-! OU 1 1 cr, artl i iv pnoro."in In li: t lii.. Inv.a iairmt uil in .. tint tfy IuiVj ull ti -i.ttu.!; 1 i.'(T.( e of tie'rc -I "tl territory. On tt:o-t No.l, wht-ro tl ! .ire iinkttu n !', I saw t!it od 11 i'tiiiti ' Ida uri:.'a nt tho w.tcr, wUt li was pr 'd't' t-'l L5 uit Ju'y stnriiu up tin rK:.i at the bottom, i : :l e i o. Hi ji i-f t r .' - ;iro ra; mnry aliiuM" :m I pr-'iuis ni,' sit -a t r th lp ;it: n of a.e pniil'iciti ulli A. -T. JTV, 0 0:1 lo-.W'V.:.," - oiM'tj , VA-i.iTA, ' -tjiui.t'i 4. I.. 1. Wil l UM-, t.i'-ltlil, ,.iv - 'Ai;tl taking into n oi nt th evident wl'i - iry wl ,n3 Ci' aicu,' ltd 0Li river, fur a it dis:.m o a'-nve ai;JIa!o- t'i m...!Mi vt'thc wh- ilk d ot cr-)sHf ',f. jii' t;p?."aal. r.vnr t tr.'itithof Hull ritk, I a:a iUot(t- of olniin tl.ftt 'iH'to pnnul.slin( ter itory m-iy i)C i.t.i J al-j n j mny o'.l.. i tfltmtaili a o;' the Onf. I 414 orvvoraolv lmrrci ""it. try A'out Ke. rori,oliio,ar.d.Hl.Mrj,3. Vir-m;. Mutlioil Hkcly tt bctcuiid in I'lcuaattt cj;mij , Virginia, aa r? i -i ton Cl't'tit,", Ohio." U.e e.r,iiie is now .u 1' U'id oa ca.-t No. I, iiV'l Hk Dlre toib U7f enni;''d 011 1" (uTiiicod oiiomtor I'n.ut i).': C'r k, wto Jmn drillt d Mrne 'Y t'ifl Intit welh In tb it i,;;on,Ui on -tli tho woik 01 li,k'u tbfl will t irwad, witli two (ran1. ot tiKti work m it i y nJ ni'jht. errKks and infichhiory hto now belnu er te'd on tra t ot. (i du l 'i. uni liio engit oi .iorod tor trait No.f will bo I'tllvcrcd I'f 1 n li-r lit. It U tbu mfcnti n ot' tit) JJi iio'.ursto suil t e 1.1 inrward with to- uttu t In:t Ati t on , Nov mti r 1 , 1.1. T -.e It'w 1 ..!..'. 1 in,; a:.r,.- ?it it"it-n!.id tor, nuy ha It-i4lt0!i jpplkatUn at tl.o ",Mcf of i'ie tt.mi lb" rhiaiai liicilp'.ion pr cv f 'w 1 t jl'ir ir ar-.tull Jtfti 1 up ittlHk, i.toO-.l l'J II" 'l 't;-or aaa'.ailli- t.t. I-i:: NT, JAM t.i M. I'SHA mi: '- T .':N I!. (iKAHAV. .) VMK.S M. ruSKAl. 1 jATt4 V AI.ION. V-'M. I1AKT CAKC, JuSl.l ll It rtHClTAitl". -a. tt TAtil" am' nn a - . t't.t. jour; ii 1 1-t.ii.' Ji tl I ilUAtoy, '. I '.A UK. T WA'.SUT Sired. Thila lt J "...h . OIL Al xit'.:y iAaij.'Ai.n. - ...ATA. . - ' I ti" It'll ,tf CATITAIa ' ,( id, I0l),10l SIIAJtVS. V:VL VALUK, 1IVH liOLLM'.S. J. HMlStlilll'TION I'ltlCK, i. Vi. ft.ic.b.iient t j Ih ma if, as -.-i.titi ST. u-m ttuv, 'ii. a t lefAc.l for a .t'Kt -4 I'ttptt!. I'llfsrllKNT. JA.MS U. WfciBB. A KK ftlf-IUFNT, JAMUS 11. SI OTT, l,!a rltl-..AlHI.H, .It.llS II. tiOl I.L., l'Jii.itlo.;tii.t. SKI HUAltV, I IMItl.): J. IOI.MAK PIIIKOTUKH, JtHftll . flAltK, Ji'HV II. liOI'Lb, WM JKNKH I.I DAN1KL IIKhSIL, ALf KE11 Wit MTS, J.AMK It. WKIIB, 1". 81'OTT, TUNIS P. CON WAV, ISAAl1 11. Ol'Vfll, Tt, fi rililoat.'i are nw li.'luii is.iu-tl. U-'l-Jt Office, no. .v.'t cHKHKurs't'iiKKr. w IXwIIAM CHAMI'LIN, CAUrKNTKll AND BUI.PUK, No ID ft AT TO N H.AtB, IiiW'ju Clitny aud ilacs, no. u " Ui, f.islif. atitct. S'.ro ritt'n, an" "Ui'iii ail U. 4s piumiitly at tcilit'itl l" "I'" t',l-' l'- lm" SIXTH WiD MARKET STREETS. Of ttfr M'CLniTOCI &L3EB7L OIL COMPANY. snAPE-4. no k.vcTT. ti BtcitiiTiON r:tiCK. pr.u iiu;i: rut int ?T( .AVF cMlI.LAS. ft; Cnt TART K- T11.A.- Rf, i. I. Ur IMtOIU. Nr WAI.Nl l HTRKLT, Tlio pr. f-ty , f tli I Co-nnany a I i;i Viduiji court y, (i blKi-d t b a Kcdcil lorrltoij mauj hi lu CM lit y : . I. One fointh rovaitv lntri't fn t'irre a."v. oni I. iai.'ud aiil me u rt ln ot LumI. If!nn llu- Mt I'Mritm-k no. M.iotti ,1 tt il it-nt ti.n of i'iI fi i-i tt i f ,n r i tt. 'II r it-inr. ('" i ir i hi I nil hv rui-rBi'Hr and ra ior -it If iff u. llifi, ( i)owli.t( wiVl Ntritt k nl nil the ti; .t OtobT, Hiid n now li'i.hiik I Iti bnrrt'H por ilm, v lib a itt cioM'i : ofa Intv inoi-. Inoio ii aii'a rtinpi:-: wi ll, ):iM'ni;.'i'r n ImnrN, Inr n'ritlni- .inii v, ru il 1 c nil i'n'i f j will l.oo'nif lurifu iliiwnm ve'l. 'I I 'iroti.n we'll -ti i'rriy ctonitl M I, one If-i tei't tlit p. it tii' (t.inl until lot k , clip 4-' I'i t dit ; tu !H 1 ' ' nt 'r n.-i. b !'" -mul ro-nn.l r.-mlwor t: r ' . uli c vlic i lr on tl.o nionm1, mot Hurts r iit-t c ni -no-M ud, iti ail oiwfi 'li oil hut iilroad Iwm loiin J, ami lii ( , i ,a ui-i.A-() . in a few wooka. Itirvi lv protim livo, lo i' k n 3 w ( t.ii i ti i. tr, ,it i it tn ai im ii in i end ol imn -p ft '..ti. itt I'nt ft ri t,.f it tln'it i a. rion f,r itvi ln or i i. en wt IN, iini'. finm ti cl..irm trr of in lo-Anfr , wli bo ti .'.otc.i ru) i i;v. ho .' i i,e Lal- ro .f roon.i i, tin- ccnttr of thi' u'oi e tr. t ? -i t oil o' Kin '1 ia t: o nnrrr n hit r iU-ni.o, a' d . t WjiTh tt t:li t1. i;aI fn iUiiplr. tn( m.i. I 'ni . '. niti. ..f t) o ,.is ni. I m o.t )r. in it. tie 1-i'A.t m.i ., s II. 'i . a Mi.i. ia::' .ti t fl io bo nt .t--d uil ton it iti j .. : y n tbe i I of I , null t In Ji tbo 4 'onijiitin npivt o t c I. 1. il 'ltl,i; ;ia (..".ml- e t'T till' hviit lil ..ffb (.(, . k' 0 ibT'. Nn i nn. it ml .rV'fw In'. re.t in ihroa sni nir-.all r mii Oil 4 ni'k. m-u.tioa M-rtiior i.i, ndiMiri.inf tlu v tff M( iin O' kl itrm. Foul .is t.mbU mriti-d aj Ni i I ar tl 2 lot 111 - it..A-tl ,!,. H a 11. W , pr,i. tiling o ItiifilAiot d.ul, ami Inori'it-ltn:. Anothor Ii in r 'Kic- of (KtiiiiL-. kuiI rokTi-,Hiiii,' i.tiUntutxriu . 1 !tn p' .-j t r it niiM.oimiilfl nt trciiti r dt ol .pmoiit, .ml 11 liil.4. t" 00 k.Ik" Iv lottni tio. . I, Iv.'l r. ,n,tl im if it's r,f n t In oe snnpi,. r I 't' ' ir-.ib'oe uiiii'" t.i"ii tbo Al't'd en Idvor, ai.U .m r-iiti tl- 1 w Ith ftl', niienlv JiwIo.m tl aiul 'am "! -tnl. A IhI-l.1 Uoiiioii I Una 1.1 1 m is U'llevod to be ood oil t. rn:.'ij .. A lim,i!e ti.ut oti fftHart'n Itnn. ooi.tnininf .il out tl.tti; a n i. Thin it rovaub .1 n.t uo oi tin ni., i I't'toihUe l uoioi tuu.dotii i)il t reikiird t. Inrty Knn. ti t r t'l nil pM.'l. I rive loiiilllCI ct di pc ratioiis with bl;tl i. iAO-n' :-' i.ri"-i'ftt!. h" t,. a tih; tllo trait on at..1 noarlnbt Hnn.wSth eiiipiU-It t'li'u-Alii L-lutiy Itivci.nn ilirsatt t.nb , al'om '.i o no. rniovo I iniitnti' V'lliU'. .Sexoitti tavin-f p.ii ii. h.ii j ;o(.pi i , and tiitiio t tniNiitornbia nl mo. t'n.biT ( ii It. Nt ii an n w b it rhoull not proo to be koihI 0 U-trlu ii . No. 7. A i,lua''lo tt':i''t on Tinnot croi'k, iuntnlNvo 1 a ( Mhl, nn .he I. It Imi il oi tbo rrok , t-ottt. nn ii k 'bttit ( 'i v o-m.Mlth an in..n ua tbo cieck. lllilt. rltlMli U. roil ('l tttVolllb'C. N '. . A Aii'na'ib ti't on Tinm st;i i -root, , ut atm a tbo lnt Un-rtl od, (on'ainiiw about tlity aciu, and abniit l,n roil.-, imni i. n tbe cro. k. n. . A f.TM of ten itorv on and nrl 'oitiir. a run wblib a I'lmt into lit uiloi k cri'ik, nbi'iit Ore mi oh from ITorI i! mi, ai.a iifnr lo tbo Mvportv o U,- Piesnli-ni IV-iriiiuiini Com) a 1 1 . Ii i niiiainti aint tuoiiumlred iicic-, pnti well t in lu : en, tl.c balm. i c boiiovtil to be giHid oil tei ritorj . No Hi A m1 liable tnu-t on anl nour 1'itliotp L'nu, about one ml e linm :Jie Allobeny inor. mil nour y oiip.iitr tiie 1 1 firntot! l':iio lo i rnk. m bb'i Ir n w r girtl'il with imali titvor. TM p:orr( CiKUwini atmnt KOMI, (tilt weil tmibi-it .1, hmI tlioronre k'iil reasons for In lo v -tin Iliey u 111 .rove o.-tl o, tertlloi v. ! .::ii hi ji!il lu'o i f- iti. n tiil mmraiiv will be n tli reonpt t.f, ny m b.itn-iaof oil ji. r ln, Wht li, at $in i it i i im Buiun,; t t-r.'i. w ill he h tlaiiy iiu .me at' t'.i ,ir $l-n,iti .r i !. ion, tn.ii'Hiia tin- ooiiip.tnv to ii.ii kt 1 1 ntd- oi lint !!" t ban 1 1. roe nor t ent pi-r iiitnjih oti tt in" nv 'it i. ni tbe in'-ilp-.niii; , Ith a jjoo'l jirtfi l'0t of h !rir Ini ri'too'. Il S t it Mt no nil i-onip mv 1, boon fnrniod wltb nior' i ettttin ro, i ' o. t .'-tt. Only hniiti d por t.i i ..I tl Pti k i .o'e i-i' a! j,., a- to tori tntiinr b i tiy nt-n ve In a voty tiboit tliuu tuo tn k whl bo Hi 111: II tl h '.III 10 tllHIl I'HI. Ai il t ''inpnry inaliiiyofi the first doi nl I nt..i tiv In ir p.oo, t Ii.hmio', tne t.ill m Irg nnnirt, not !o 1i a O'li irltut' f ent!cnn n Miuuitid to nv.ike the cXi.minAtion, is itm ltt'd : i lo iiimnI m d ini.iii toe, apO" nitod to i xamino tbe froneity oi tbe Alt l liuli tk Hom i vo 4iil f oinnany, rtwM e -tull tofoit 1 but ibt'i h;ie tt.moiiKblT examined thi .Inhn Mcl'tn t i k V.t oivo, MtiitjA.i at tbu innt tlon ul il I'rt-eK and i lo'iti Hun. Tbo fVi'Prty bs Ji,cultil on a beauui il bhilT. mo Horatio, adMii d tn i.oiini;. Tbwe mo six weil hiinihod ar' m titt .m. Ono twll, wbi b bail broti tieiifnu aNout (oriy b it ;. dHll,bad siinionly Inerraiod ioon-tniyjrod jioi orty bntioli, and wja ibmint; ut aioiit tlna rate on onr it It. Aii .i.iM woli, loi n un u-Jd it ne onty ti vc 1 nrr-. !. i a pnmi'Hifc nt tbo rate, of eii(bt to ninety barn I i.i il tbo Intel I'eni nupti Inh hib'fit and pi-ee wu anmihii hi t!ie e.o'aiin tiiat in a abort time it fr.nild In i i-ino n ft'iwii'K in. (I inoa nun h Lttruor iold. Thohe two 4 Hm am but it fen wifknuld, u4 have evoiy Iml'i at!, -n of luconun vor ro wella. Ti ie oiln r wolln n n' In" nr of borlnir. and will be tln.-tiiil un or tii'inif ti oj Hot ot January ; ami from tbe Imbi aiii r.ii. u o I'-lu-M? tho will nil I birui Is prndnctlvo. dre rttt.i-r we'l ua Iimt ci imoiii ea, anil will be iubed i at id i y to c miiltttiou. Ti.' w I imIo i.i il. o pri.norK , exrent tho hull aero nn w hieh H bt'int'.'-U'ud 5tar.ib, bit been loairtl, ad U In trio bunda (,1 o oi u-:k d iiint onorv;otlo in on, wIhi 1 unuru no palna or a ii 'ii'o tn ile i ioi tin- ronrty in tne best inanutr, uud in tt i- t.ortost no-.aibli time. 'I I.i- den b-ks, Jion-i a, fit'inos, too, cti: , are all new, and tbe in -t f f ih' ir kivd, and lit (i't llont ordrr, lnir i t!enut ol tbo t&ra.ol am or Ulou of tiicuwuoijul tbu If r.i. Wu bate no doubt ti at ti e f'oinany s Interest onn. iniii1)i r t no fcimut ftl(-tUv onrieN poril.iy, vlibh at ts f hi), "111 be L-rcaily ln-rettred by tbo tlr.t t J - ni Jty ni-xt , and us mo i.ind wlh admit of t w 'iity wuib boil.,- boiod ii on it, a of.d be n..i bo loinu-d of tin iH'unn-o le Ul win h will roautt wiionail are iknitbod. ibe loimnttavl ix'cnptft null an uore ir.'in wbitti tbo ( i ir I un will r -1 1 e tt t e luurtim ul t!ie on it tlity wurk It, mm! u b vur uiiutttve ?tronly ro-niini'iitli ; it w - i, id i ot bo tiuri'tlsiiiK II tbit int. iovi .ilouo thouid, bi-fiio tl o o.plr.ttK'n ut h y oar, a-aii.e an Income of hiu i.rvd liuuIrA ntr :iv. '1 be ontii e nroii'-itv conalHt of a llitb ovor four at-rei, i Witb A atit'Oiiiii UMti llu Hint KOinl b.,ni upun it, I- rout tiiki 1 r iv ;tb ihe t.tct tbdt t'.f p'. peri otl not boi n bunj to be :uti ctf tl li utl i r wetli in tau bniiit- liaut iicbiiinr t t J. Hi' ui t- b tl to tUe on ,, i-il" n .1 i u.ic nt tbu luoit ofMib i t I'lUI'.tl cr Oil CinW. t. fi.hv, ,1 I l;f iNi'.orrt, N.. IV, Walnut -tro-t. .1 V M r. H M Ml I.l. v V. No to naiiNtin stioot. it W. it. KiCllAlJMi'N.aNu.tMiiJMmktt lU'.'ot. VTZST VIEGISIA A!(D OHIO CU. COMPANY. CAIMTAL, . . . S500,()()). AtUi (.jit;il, t-rt; 't tl. C iii'.idV Ci tiiUts ot': F rrt. A tru-1 o' .ne lint drt'I acrei ii fee iuiDle, slot at J In I'iea&.u I tjui.t , V t ir'tini, iipn .i I .ii, mm ti celeli.alod '! ack" well. l:pon thut tract ihttt Is ft mm tii-ir.e Ju t arri d. with h t.ltb It Is In t ndtd I pio1 if me tie devt'bo.iitent of tbe property with iu r. It ii with'.n one mlb ol lb r.e Ntok. which ts enn ciuiatobein the hc.trt of t'ue 11 territory, new wells belli,; struck neatly tfryttK. It la situated npjn tho Hi eat u,iLeaval, uo p:-n to bo ihe ln-tt lidieatnm uf oil let rltt iy in that K-iott. HorKo N:k, It truing Mprbu, at;d ll.u fid ten itory iu U io, aro all upon the iipaodval. It U a til proven fact that it is nocettry to sfrlko u "flcpute " lii the ro,k iu ord r to nbtn'ii a p(ilnM ell, although in p:ii u tloHiiiii fie rot k :i .-h w of oil may be obtained. It h tl.l.- fa't wbl.h in.!.n a vob anls Up heaval ul imparlance, an It cuhcm ma iy ib.tiiris ur bn-akt fn ti e htruta. iSetynd. Leei of U.t acn-, on Fifteen Mile It tin, Wu;un((ton cuumy, libit, u n.ilon Unlioi.-rtu acrei, 1" oa.ii ; Ivoyalty.omi-rtfth the oil. Muuit hO Hi rei, 1-t jeum; Kuwait y, oue-eihtb tbe oil. Myerh ! acres, lijouio; Jtuvalty.mitf-indi the nil. t'relKbt(n 40 acres, lb ars ; Hoy ally. ni-eveiitb tins oil. King liO uciti, l& euta; IttO-ilty, ..uo-tilth the oil. I ,o 4a acre, 1 yearn ; Koyalty, ooe-tltth the oil. Kltti Kacro K years ; ltoyalty. one-fifth tiie oil. GaiiU i'ib ai res, l ' vraia; K yulty, ono-iirth the oil. t fj a-rt, V turit ; Koyftlty, one firth tao oil. lleeb p - CfA' acrt!, 1.1 years; Itoyaltv, one-flfth tha oil. Cuthhert 1V1 teroa, 10 years ; Eoy.ilty, one-firth Ihoolt. lhonipson--HOereO ' years; ltoyalty, ono-tmh the oil. r-nOm-TiM, 11 years ; ltoyftli,ono sixth tiie oil. Weir Ul; tau-en, li ye.irs ; Koyalty, one flfth thu oil. On th Itntb tl, Ito. Snider, We.rl'h, and Thompson, O eie ate eiiKltii 'th wel'a down repcilveiy -.00 feet, JT4 lei t, und If fe U On the t;uthli' rt tl eie U a well do., n Jou ft el, witli en itiiM' on tbu vronud. On tbe Hu.vderleftxe there Is a Uuinin Sprlui,-, Huhscrlpliun Po'k-' ait open at thi utile of t: ii. moss. iK-a-.ii Nt. Wl JCK.K BTKRI-.r. T OST. OCTOBER 11, 1WI, CKIITII'ICATK I J No. VM I,'tl A rll Via, tor 100 aitaru. li.j Mounialn Ciimiiany, t.. il W-liil U1JXIAM HaKT I'ABR. TH()MS(JN 8 LONDON KITCIIJSER, or Kuiish, Sir lamttlt-t, li.iUtla, or pitlio ki.littitiolil.lll Ittcntv til Vrcnt .I'M. All", Flii.a tl.iiitita Kalmra, -air uinaoei, lurtnlil. ll,at.-ra.lAiaouit'ai'ia, KtrLoard btuvui.bath li.nici'i, rti.iwttiilc l'k.t,, itrutlcra. I '.Hiatus stova., Ac, at wboltt ai. and lulaU. 1.1 tl.c uiaiiiitucturf ra, (-SO-rtUAV-llia iin.W N. aiAlUMI) hliaiA OVERCOATS CHEAP, gULKIXia PLT20LE73I 00 MP ANT. CAPITAL 300,003 SHARES. WorUlna Capital, SI0,0H. 87n8C?imoN trick, trw rau suikk. fVLL fcTOCK.. OrriCS, No. 432 WSOT STREET, The p'optyrf fbf Onmpany r"i!j' ( f tbe filuwttiij falable loae on (HI Oreek i t Che rry Run, and whlh are uniy fartimUy det elopod, tbe prodacdoa lmg nearly Uty barrels per d..), e-M I to oer ore per cont. per month on tbo rat Hal an.) lnc-oiBlng. A.o, trai l of I'7ari In tr lni Jo i n Vl.rrrj Mun, on tli. inoht talt aMe portion ol it, MiHlcifHt of Imolffur cm !' with twico tha r.ttiltal alotk. Tim prnp.r1 wai aeJot toil for pi Kate liivuMin-iit und not for upon n!t."n, and .iHova ind'it t mt nil icldoiu met with In themir .wii Imiios tinw (-ranllnit. HO 1- Hill y A V , Tbta - l 12 ( ft- ou a lump ol 11 tr i.nn w I.l, l, ti-ifl li one will tb r.o ovor baT' Ii ior day. Ai.i, i i y )o 1 1; hi k.t'd i il, mtiAkiiirf in ul. i V: or ox tbo o,, f.ic ot Vi. '2. - l. I No v f'.rtM. All nnili.itVil l..lf ..;( -f t'o "J.arbf m.' t ,n:'n ii t L ;ii :rr, mti'Rt d on Ol. t r.'tk. ;nl.oiolnt Koiloi, a'i 1 about ce tnlk h'mim1 tbe N,.lie W oil . t ins mi.rty 'if In tl.e ic nl' i-f ol tl.o hen ol. t rntury no In c it rk iitid If iloiood Hit; iniivo bum? ntciy vaiitbtije. Il.e ttber tiiul: l1( d ball it on i ed by a comi a iy who ire rv juritiL. to work Ihe land t , -ro" ly at"l ti.e drt of !!i c il il. i inti .int alia. is. N.i. .-BI.NNf ll'.r I A I : M . 1 b l. ;i t. aio oi : ai iot.on w Moh ( er- rt-d a Itott neiy in itiU u(m rut' n, utul four nciii aio beli if put dviwn iiio i complete- a .I rra.'y ter toilttu. anotl fr rt-B-w' down, ;ind t' e lomaliolrr to7Ie'n. It la a remarkable fnrt tlmt no well ha? been Mnk on tMi flat tl at hs fat;ed to pioui e oil, and witbl the liel hity l,tj s drnt'dli'M tbit ;ntMiet will pay veil. M. I. MiM'e tbualoe lnf.rniatlnn , been r"Coled tbat n' well h down rraly to tube villi a ynry lint alion and utioiber nea ly n ady to tulte. iMm tl.em It le not ntiiori!on:iblo to exoi ct at .east dtty biiircU pur day to the flltCICht. No. .-ltl CHAN A N KAKM. lhl ! lens of m arroi, nltnate at the mouth of Cm try linn, on nnb-b H ere J one ptnnplni and one l!oMin well, pio-utlnw to the intorcit fottj Imnol a per ilny and im iraiing. 1 here Is room for at least three in ro veils. No a. A Funis of l-'iT acroe, In fee n!mple on Cherry Itun, near Fluiner, tl.reo-t.-ur h; of which le boring territory, helnjj pearly all Hut bottom Intnl. On this tia t it Is tbe intention (f the Company to commence work at once, intending to Milk icveral wells, and otter liidncemciits to responsib'e pirtiea to lean a portion cf It. It i confidently expected, by a judicious And tiKoroni proei'Utfon of tbe several nterohts, this Ccnipmiywll be able to pa? from one to two f or rent per month fiom the criniaieiiretnent, on the entire cnpltal slock. It is rc nfldontly exported the Com pany will ueclare a di.idind eail In Jauuary for thii mouth, from tt.e pre-ont produti)i. Only a Merited uiiiutm of eli.ttc are for tie at the Sub- ilptb n I rUe. Hooks are oien for a limiteit numlioi , In li j ton, Vnlti tnore, ai d nevcral otb r plai-os. ONK MmS4;Il'1 ltN ALONK OF OVtlt 'I WO HUN DltKO TH(.l ANl OOLLAKS UWINtt I'H-S MAOtl TOT UT. HuKKlN All. Iho en'c if the mam to be divided am ons tliB difV-fciit cit es U necesnarlly liDiittd. i:-y ;;t J)ltOe? I-IUCJ-X U Oi rui: COITER FAE1I OIL COMPANY, riiiiAi.M:iriuA. C apital Httk, , 141 4t)0.0K, IilVilKI 1BTO iOO.OOO 8 il AU3 AT 'o 8IIAKE. fciLUSCUirilON HUCK(2 50ri'iU SHAKE. Ii le rojoaed to form this C'otnjaty tro:u the lollowlnfr Inton sts : I. Tbe (oo himpleof I acies, known nn the Co'ter 1 arm " mi hiK Itruk i -Miiw i lock, .nut u ih lino ol the l'l i!iid Ipi ia tind Ktio Itaavo'ad, "in una u buit mitet n-rst oi (ttilMinl, I'ltt'lit Id iowaWk:p, Wuireu eouuly, t'eonttl aiuii. '1'liln Unit In hitnali d hi out- uj tl.e bo.t Iim jUlie- in tbf htibiti'tbtmd. It tnKet in tbowtioic of the f-r t cr mile in c!( nt, iim a lin-ae oil (ho Itro'ken t:i mv crc k oiout iwu mi lee,. It also noriln nd o r li e bin "i . ami tuki f In n ronldt r ibJo p. Ttin 1 ll.o t t.c Kc lain, a tilbntary it tb lrken Kiuw, lir-.k n Sir tvi cr 4 k luki s iik n&e tn in Die rant Hido ot tbu, uliich iiiWi ll-e to the cc.ctiiut.'d Oil cii"'r., on tiie wt t Jo, tt iu cuvl'.'tiLle tr im tl:u Cotter arm to tbe Mb-uheiiv t ur, n il t unco ol ten miles, and tlniM uiiof Jm (a i I ii i o t ir trt.iitii oiiattt n by b ata to 1'itiabuitf. As -d b -tciu. the 1 htlaclpliia und Krlu l;.nlro:id ruu directly tl.toiib tUt pi ( pel I) en tbo bnnk of tiie crct k, and Luni it lb Ingntht iu (lnoi t ecmmnntcntitn with the (jr. at oil inttikeu. w ork und l'inUdlpMa. The blutls rUe iro.L v uun) toe'., in fom p.n'et ery nnu,ptit I hurt, is , ilom built m iosh tlx reek aujut bl'.',way on tbo pro I rty i;iii n luniKUU' WttUi-wer to one ol the lltn st Hnube.t cou-iUtiC'tU". mtii', in tb counirv. lhu unit t pfVirnt fcfcAiA'U tect ol limit" r per day taUU ouesnIft UVi'ibi t ?tw. A uh y of su a eouM be an1 d al n smnl cost, nn1 , n.l.lbe martoi aprbio ol prooiu lmj a rc euuc to tt.e Com pm.? atonic c,ti.J loan orniiiar. produclnif well The bitiila attonnd ith ptne. hemi.HK, Ac. .in mch .niAntity tit to kfep the ui!U ruuniiiLf f-r several year. Jn aMi tioii to the mill tliote is it vci v substiiiUiHt and lure fm:u bouse, fcovt ihI h mult or cues, bji 11.1, stables, blat krumu si t i, .rpeiit 1 shop, Ac. Ac ; In abort, everything tUat an i'.v pi 1 1 ret ot it tonl jer' renblonce tun ;ht tbe Ute i- uer to be nttt b?Hiy. 1 he bottom hinu on the Hat t k c d laruun land, lit eieai4jd lor the pui pose, and 1 ftoiu 10 to Qi c aciei In t'Mi nl, s9'l ! e liii in ivbi'itp.ila with cbolw apoti for, and itblin. llrtit s tor the purpoie. aiicli us tew ottir litnj,, os-e"A. 1 be rn Im 8 which intellect and loriu bre.iks be-tuci-n anil throiuh tt.e lull!., ami which are Uwiriti !. mil t ' 101 st',ln I e fine sficaina, will ive sntll -lent itatcr power to enaine tt imnn -disito'y lo comui.-m'e tint inu seeiul Hells, thus paMnit1 the expense aul delmy in obtainlnti eiiuint t, a derrick can be o.iid mar the bar mill, at tl it arnin attnehrd, tb 1 tmtl.inx tho mai toannuer a 4h iibiepinpohe. 'I be 'Snot i oil are e,uHt, and In niMi piaci superior ai d more iniuieroim, to th e oti fii V4 it lu what has proved to be tne beat laliOeiou Oil cretk . Abei t two inMes from the tnrm, over the blniTe, the H. iner iil, of rbi'.ub-lphi'i, are dnlm; twi weiik oti tt.e IIomi rr run, b empties into the Itrokem hi raw .11 tiitr'.ai.d. 'Ihoae well uio iv;uj tne lonM nr-Mt-f iiw e Idei re ol the exuieineot ml 111 jie4i uiiautiiice, 11 ti iiav estab.b bed it pn net- in that re.; ion iMtvund a tocbi. Ti e- t utter Kitiu l iitittt d neri due north of tl.e now ce!ei.rtrd Tnleuiit, on tbe Alleiibt-nV river. II. 'I bo 1 e simple of Hi.; ttcti aon the North Hiilmon 4rei-k, Tk nfit tuwiisbtp, e'urroAt c unt . I'a., iuaI o ur tbo bcider 01 ou Mi in t oniny. Tin lind, a in tiie ease nl O c Cotter a- di m, lakea In the ti.llsy as well a tbe biniK on both joe, iiil 11 iruvemed b uiiniermts ravines ami htile Uiiuis iniiMin.' into tin- htlmun Cn ek. Tin: e id- or s ot oil cannot bo eocikdiii met, are so inar'.i d, ui d thr toimutiou of the latiitl it mvojao v to 1U- Ovist- eo oi oil. Hi at o. ei j oil insn oitinr. the reditu sayi : "Knlim 11 1 rtfk 1 Inn ud to eiual tl e wi Id roiiovt ned Oil Cic. 1.;' und ibe s.ecu'auiiv public b.ivo h down tie ir faith in it b kiiainu or buy n oery at-r of Imil from this co nip i iv ' ten Itory to tbo uouin of tbe 4 rctk ah nit live in b as el, as up und down tbe 'iioimttu ner fur t t ial unit s . 1ii. p'ojieity Is xitu.ite h;ut ton miles ohkI of to AMe pheny nvr II ali.lludu WU h the .vtt necrmtion ot nmfn r - pit e, cherry, he m lot k, etc , v I ii "I can bo made t yield a bflinlio'n.e fovi-nue to tbe Company. 1'ht) de elopnooit ot llu country Is rapidly proi ,.. nj(. A w u I Ii beiiiif sunk hall n mile ttom tbe pioi city, two utbers i.vtmil from It, aud the '1 1'-no-Ort rivtr in lined ,th tin nt on ein ti s ile fur mi's oin at the mouth ot HuIui jii cieei, now yiotdms; nil, and alt oi tin ui k'I t in uch iiulii'attinu wlii'e Urillunj thut liavr herotoiore ouly t ccon'pani -d the sinkniR ot the bet weN ru Oil creek. In audition to Oil tbo counties sitr roiimlins; lurrto-t county-tiorth, south, vumI, hu I west, art ail yieldiiiK oil, and vivo streiiKih to tiieaup.xi iibn tlmt Koriet eoiiiity iH in ti'O centre of an luiinuiiae bain of oil, uiub riving tbitt v hoio region oi co intry, A limited number ol share!)) be sold at the above mentioned ubr.c.rlptlon price, ti."iO per ith.ire, which will be lull pan), and iwi.Ootj ujipiivd unuu-imtriy to Uie develop' Uitiit oi the iiioporty, .... From tbe ubuve. prinpetu It will be seen that the l'Citi.-r Ftirm OilComninr" ejTer'i uouual liitbieenients ttt tl .no wiihinii to ine-.t In oil Mfocks. Te extent oi tue propo, iy tiMiiLiI bv iheni, S'tuaro wile, the kn..un prudu. ti.enem !' ibe surr-nnidi!!-' roivJn, and tiie iio'dith-s poesoMd bv them for the nnniediaie tiv)op niui.t of their t r;i uiy at nor ia re thun tti-ihlrdi in uau.i rait, warrunt tho Oiiv.-to.alu an- .Knv that V:e "Cottt iKuriu OilCumpa iy old m pi It -elf atiu"iir tb it..: divnUud puinn' O I I o.iipines In t. 8iib-.criptlon books will bo opentd and euhscripJons to the capital stock received at the urtk-o of rim. ip 11. Jiuict: a co.t No. 37 WALNUT STREET, WW.I.UM D. SMITH, Treasurer. K. J. UAltHSOS. Hecretary. 11 J.Ait TN THK CO?RT 01' COMMON TLKAS VOR 1 the C.ty and Ccunt) of rhilnelnhia. lu the matter 01 ibe opeimnr ot '.ItfcKS Street from CAlt Vk.H'1 LR to V OIKIhO-N or lAKK tC.reet. The report ol tbe C uiuiisfonera to lay out and npoo (.rem itroet fiom Cart et.tcr atreet to Wissahit-kon or 1'ark i rmt. lentv sccorid Ward, bav Ina boeu Uled.tna Court on oiaiuou 1'lfUN, ul lecemti. r f orui, will be UskcU to cuiiaiut the mini' uiiU bi (u.ct'1'iioits ne nn a mureto. JOHN H. I ll l id'., .1011s 11. oitr.KN, 11 :rt.u3t W. r. KMrtU.Ooiuuiia'ra. WANAMAKER & BROWN, AWUSEWENT8. JOHN 11, UOUUli tZ&Q. WILL DELIVER TIIIIBB LKCTVRES IX OONOMUT EIAL.U M?MAT KYKMNO, DBCKM9S 5, (At entjalyaew t"tMu,ea'ltd J "TAW AID riOTI05.M "PEGULIAS PEOPLE." tnrD.vv KVKiviNa, drcfmoeii , II. Hi.-.-r .ah lW. t; ff'.t.. Itnrv.d atatt.rd t-.tta., M.rtlrn'a, No Q.H ;',"'!''' I'" lar-lay lu T unu, 4orii t. Tntr rtrp "ife'r-Jivt of eacalc- I.'.ri ni.n At 7 o'r. I,f'!n: atf vhv-k. A- Ui,-,1-n, in I tltWrt. tiii,;l", tr great, arl 'f "ai...n win e.. r mw;m asr. L!-l aMKKIUAN AC'ABKJIV OK MUIIC. Lo-.rf anJMv,,r irtHN T. r). . Ai.,..o. tlif l'.,iii,ia;. 'in.-atr Halllm..-.; K..M'. 1 .. .in-V ' '"-'wi ai. ih AiM.-ai.a, Vii,.ata. .i,t Manar Joitff B.TilHT SKAKI.RrKAHK R Hi TkssUKOr M . ti t I; . r TWO Ml.llTJ tlSl.Y. I'OSITIVKI Y osua am. Ti K-nit I1K I JlllltK Mlt, ' tli. tl it a a 1 1 ti'i tn. KUIil.l' KENOU'Wril IArit.KHOKTlM r k a it . " tr.p.-ar't s ai'Mitn. uawtfj? uTtba nam.. - J. M O il'.w. li h r in iv. ii; .'f A J I k . o I O.'ill, Ost'T. I. Ill.i.l ! fl. HamlM.a w. H. i...aa C arwli s C. Itil ISa lamp P'.ii.m aitaa Aiwe Urar t.OI'tlll.. Curtiflia.... aik. a.iti... .1' M0MA,, Ht;.Sl.v, 1lit, ANU TllIDar NH.IITA. RKATS PKCt' Hl UAH,! AIWASCK. ffrluiuiattut on H UljNh.i.Al kA I UUIIAr r i'..- ut. :aM-5iipar.''a ccVtirat'd Trr w It or 'I'lttrLLO la In a.-lrp Tne Hux tiiii i-t, tt.r the tali. o-aet arcil plaaojw oi! bflM.'-u the liimt. ot :l auil o'tlwck. Ai1tnllnn. fJ mut ?'i ijf tnailltran .'Hunt, ntl.lltt-.nAvl. JJEW CBI8SUT STREET THEATKE. SATVBDAV KVF.MXtJ, I)K( IT.IttBKIt 3. A MOWI KH 1111.1.1 A niOMtTKH llll.l.t TWO Til It I l.l.l li DHAHSN. 'l'l TlilllLil.lIliU IIIIAIIlAa. Tit. ittMlurlutiiu c w iti eminence, lor tt.a LAAT TIMK, I'OIITI Vl-'.I.V. LAWT TIA1I'-,, I'nAITIVKLV, LAST TIH I-;, FOITIVbt,l, V lilt tht ttinllmit pi-ctMCaiar l.ra'ua or PtIVIIKTTK, li I'VHETTK, 1 I' V It UTT:, Pi, I' VII K TT " PAltltKTTK, PSVIKKm! H, I ItllKIl THK lOW. Oil, I Mil- It TIIK h.MIVV. OK, UDKtt 1 II K fe.AjUW. With all ll, Hlll.lllt'KSIT I KtV. AOVK.L. nih.i IIAMt Al. KFs.'K;T8. IKIUII.I T ( OSTl'iH Kl, OHIOI.VAL. MUStf, AilOVs I.KKAT CAST OK CII AllAtTKRH. To tuLcutie iitiL lit. lUteikAttitg .ml axclai. iraxna, lal two act., tut Ml TH" llOltnFK'S WlfK. 8S1 ISHAV Al 1 I.KNU IN, UKUtJllU-.B 3, At two o'tl.tjfc, HVTKENT1I I. HASH I.IW11.T VATIffRF, AM l.anT MATINKK KKPKKhK NTATtOHf Oi HoiiclcMi.t-a beatillttil n.p art l.rauu of Pat it Kit a. OS. IM'KK i UK kNOW, Wlilct: trit.i. srr.eDted tnlJi all llamaKaiftcf nt accMaorlea 1 1, tiy l entj to all itartn ot Ihe Houm; Cbiltlrn Tneaty , flvp tt'nta. UN 1!(JN.ST KVV.HIM'.. DfCtMnhpr H. Flrat Nlfct of JEI-Mb llltOWAi UU, Tim hl.l.U.r OF LtrCHNOlT. M l!S. JOHN DUliW'8 NW AUCU 8T. TUIATtth. IInrHCS PAf KK'I l i) TttE ItO IK. hlXIH MHIIT I.K J. S. tLAItm. T'lUl.l. l.LCItRUa I'U.ltK. AND ITN IS AIinttDANOI TO KlntiT (SaiintaM, l(Bmtrs, lUltKS IN THK WOOII, 1IF. H JACK Hlttrl'ABD, AhU I.OVK IN l.IVEUV. J. R. ri.AllKK IN FIVE ( HAKACTF.83, IHiMKI.Y. llk.AU A, AMI FAKVlS. 1? XII I1H1 ION OF WORKS OF ART, FOIL. J tin UKM-.HT ol the t MUSI IAH C0VH8SI0. nt ti e A' AnKMV Or FINK AIM S. An Fxlilliitlt.n At a I'rttstte Collection of Worlti of Art, in l'ainliiiKA, Hruliitura. Water llolor, and other trrawlnita F.liKiaNti.k.. ott:., la now 0flti ul Hie I'.nnsjlraitt. AlutlPOi, of Fluo Arts, No. UU,'. (rilKSN t'T Street, froo s A. M to 10 I". hi., hit ttto bput flt of tt.e ChrlaUao Com. n.lMaiim. Atlml.slon ir, oonu: Bi a.on Tlck.ti it opota. lt-J-lt I I, ,4 SStMBLY Bl'II.DlNGS, " J. Wtli-NK-DA V. lii'ccait..r 7. , AT I'. St.. FOHKTI1 I LANHK'.U, M iTKCE, ai tiik II 1 I.J l.Al.l.l VlllA ( LASMtrAL QI INTF.TTP CtUB. a. O.Al.UlXtlt. JAItVlS, VUOHi, lX.'.UatM.Vitlf, auu bLUn. . HIM.I V. TICKl.TH 50 0nU F-i kae t.! Jf. tukel.,giMMl al aU If ire. II tl Vittkiii-tt tifi at. .ut'J at a.l inn. 111. r.. i tu!t- ut ttt Store of J L.f.oulil. tit-S w JtASTWIOK SKATING PABK, WEST MUK OF CRAY'S FIRRY BRIDOB. HKAW1 CAJ TlCKHTri ran Im. bait ortrnntlt tl, 2dh of l.ecfm'.Mjr (wtiou the linkmili lyt vli t.-.l) ut lit. olU,t, vl W. O. LOWRY, ko. 40t WALNI T Stroa,. 11-1 Ot EMI BALLOON ASCENSI0K3, THIS AF1EHN00N AND EVENING, AKU I'Ulll.tO ALL CAI.SI (VEATHCR TIK8 WlitK, At Cor. of nFTEXNTH and 00ATE8 Sts. Tt.e wealliar belits naa. thot, wl.liin an aaraiutoa at t.tiltl Im on l, and ejtnr. 'Xtio ciij llsbtett y in urtanua a inoat annum, apst-tari.. A'ltiiUii i). V'l t-enti. rittlJrpa, V roats. A e ph. loin Horn SI lo ti, areordius to aiiUaaii and tint 0. uittea. ll-lti tlllllHT llKJECTEP. TMj aflrrltaliV I'lt-tiir., in jrerte-At prrueti nf that 1. aii.l.i Wl.ttT, la ti ." tn tAl.ltiltioa at Ut. MAIif.MV OF FINE ARTS, Ho. IlK-. CHKHM'T Stmt, -I' Toitttltar llli Ibe emUa collectton ni l lulituttoa. Atlliiluanca,TWlCNTV-UVE Li.M'1. U-LI-lm' rRKAT NATIONAL ClftrDS, I WALM'V UTIILICT. ABOVE BIUTH. Mrectrra. HARBTKat (turnipfly Mr.. HAS SIt Ki. In atlditl'.n I" tl . nrpat Troniw, the MHRWOOI I AM II. V. Mr HAM HTIt'KNKY. Atml .ia, Uvmaa.t, anal Kuiieatiiana. M i... KISO auJ Mr. TOM KINt. wiU a. Dear 11,1a tte.-k litKn'OPtnt mi l .tailt'S Artb ol K-iuaslrlau-tV.i ,.,n.t:. Jl. lit TCHINMtiK aoil Jult U. MUB it v &iil .n.t.lav iht Hixirl. iJAtla., and Hra. WAKltallf will lliirtxlin . Il.e lain..". Kantlns Hon. St.Jllj. a para- ... .n.,i llu. ut-w 1'atitoiniiu. cl ilia POI.It.ia t'OMM'ltlF'l s will l- prl..imt;t). '1 lie art'itl ciil'.dxrondar. vnii'tiir M.-olli. at'Sia. ill. MA. and tli. TAI l.ttrf IlK. THK Its. hav- open enm.P.1, and altortly .)ipMr. I rttia. remain Hit .ama r i.i .in, wwun, c.w.ihb 0 r. . e.' I'tlval. i and ,).. act-otdina b. ata. and liK-ati.-n. ..ft y - ur ttua.ta durtAK ute u y. reriorua Miirp. nuiiliii'ni'P at 7 ." onW Kt'NEHl.AY and SATURDAY AF- TMtNOOiia, ijnilui'iiclni.l.'a o t lock. U-IW APAMfLt UAan i-AL.iruivri(iJa, . n.L'Vi r a AT I nrl. .v sr A t.tll l.A t A-r. oi trt....".v. ,i.r.n. A MAUI'l.K CASK OF t A l.IFOIt N IA ISt.A. utio l.ntile of'Mtt.catel," im,ibiiilot',P..ri." oni. botiloofAnKellca," i. up buitk' of"M.rr.t, " Oiu- bottle of'tlock,'- Otif botti. of "urane Branilv." w ill t. fhiavardetl to any fart of lht conniry on receipt OF aovi-ii doliAM- ouutrv ulivslciani, artittsista, ana lamtiiM win rjteaaai d.hK, aud till., t all orders lo ' iL'.illv'l. tVIVI . 1 1 IT kT W "Ko.4'1 Horly tAvn) r). FI1 I'll Htioit, 11 SDtalm abov.Ctieauut, l'luMtdeiutila.' 1 .Villi CALIFORNIA Wlli.S! J. l'l KB CALIFORNIA WINKS! rt an t Ai.irtriniA .virsEt HOCK Caliiotuia Vlu.-yarda, cuual to Ut tan-.". lllitrH'. it.KI WINK. from l aiin.mia vin.yartis,now uawiaass ni-c.t'ribAil by our laad,ii phyai. iam. A t.r. I .1 A rl irtBiirom i..iiiwiu. . m.j uj., . .ujurar branil. all sea l KL WINE, trim. California Vineyards, acvapft-. able t. i hllilr.n and tl eaa'-'l. Hilr RHY wine, fr.uu Caltforaia Vlueyartls. of ptMultar value tn t.niale. lu delwatti b.altb. t.HAI-K litiANlY,ir..m ( aii(.nla Vlneyartla, ttiir lntalid. with tho utoat heaeflt-lal results. UAI.lMiuMA WINr. tforty twoYaV FIFTH Stl. t-l, above Ctii-iuilt 11 USlualiat T ONGWORTU'S SYEET CATAWBA. J i WINE. ItlMlWORTH'SJ BAVKKT CATAWBA WINB. LONOWOKTlt'S HWEtr CATAWBA WINE. A .mall invoice ot tbta favorite brand at the 1AI.IF.a' MA WINE AIIF.Ni.I-, Mo. il UorlJ-lwo) rl. Mll Hi i e.l , .Mivo t'Utnut. 11 VH 'ZHL. ( OVN11NO-UOU6K AND SCllOOA -ESKa j made IKU g,rM,. Jtiii'-s: rtpAjiAir -:ra..x..,. 1 .-rJ ii -a SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. i: - i ': ; i I j j ' 't t -