The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 03, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 4

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wiling telegraph
rriee TK0rf fOorT, r r.i.iHuxnOM.
Ta. aayeaJelotae '"ler, and laalfed la Btibtortaor,
aat o tJ rot.iama Fit a akkvv i Oh Du i
m rim Cut! roa Tw a Mo rna InrtrUklr la adaooe
jar Ihe period erderad.
AAreitlMaaeaf, Uieerted at taa iMiial rntee. 4 MMral
arraae-reieal auid for exteadd rnaerifc-ae.
Tea Adarrtlaer.
lnto t"reat hCTa.i la the rtrrtile'lmi at T it
ftvalflNl Tl.ArH, enmpllln IM to to ! pr at an
earty'hoeT. we antntlr reniet tat art. t-rti-enii.-n m
hernial ta ae en aa 10 --ltv-, , p .nlhl.., 10 vara
taeea an btertka la all of oar edition,.
the ri.oniwa." ,r rn.
To most men, the sinking of the Florl'la
teemed to afford the solution of the uni'iilon
landing between the United States and
The feeling of the American people was
flrongly enlisted in favor of the retention of
tbo prize; and when her siuUiiijt rendered her
ttxitltutlon Impossible, they experienced a
sense of relief.
The sinking of the FlurMi Is a mere cir
ti Distance connected with tho coimidoration
ef the question between the two powers. Her
tonnage, her armament, her seaworthiness or
ajneaworthinoss,are all points Irrelevant to the
main Issue. Had the been a co, the ques
tion could not be divested of the tame prin
ciples which would hare attached t the
Subject had she been a steel-plated man-f-war.
In the capture of the Florvla there enn 1
DO doubt that Captain C'H.mnh was prompted
I y the best intentions. But it is argued,
It-cause he is conversant wtthinternatl mill
liw, circumstances taiLst bear ojt his action.
IVe confess that we cannot see the matter In
this light. We caunot forget that a naval
Officer, with pertect know lodge of the law,
might not be so dispassionate when prompted
to visit retribution upon traitors Insolently
f minting their ensign before his sight. And
the more devottd and true the ofUcer, the
router the risk. Law, in tho Interest ol
Justice, wisely separates the Judicial and exe
cutive functions. But here we have con
stable, witness. Judsie, Jury, and executioner
all in one. To navigate the ocean does not
make a man Infallible.
As long as we subscribe to those principb-s
tnown as International law, we are bound in
honor to carry them out in our practice. To
boldly break the law, avowing that we in'- -u I
tobroak it and abide the conscT,ue ic, U
fJc'ensible if the eauo of its inlraction Is in
the interest of justice uot coiuprehJUik-J by
ti.o inn- F.ut to break it and pay with an
apology where then Is the law? Traly, it
pould be an apology for a law.
If the Florida was wrongfully captured,
- restitution and apology are both due to Bra.i'.
Restitution, or the willingness and oiler to
restore, ore inseparable from the idea of
apology. Apology coupled with satisfaction
In the act for which It is made, is an insult
And no greater satisfaction could be shown,
than that exhibited by the retention of the
ery thing for whose acquisition It is protended
to offer atonement.
Let us disabuse our mimU of any impression
that apology and restitution are separable;
that tho destruction of the particular object
Whose restitution Is demanded, can negative
the claim; or that the gain of an enemy can
Invalidate the riant of a neutral.
If each n itiou constitutes itself the Judge of
VUe occasions when there may be exceptions
to the law, what becomes of the law ?
Is It the recognition of what Is seldom dona.
or is It the recognition of whatever miy chance
to be done? In cithT case there is no law.
Law cannot be subject to exceptions of which
the infractor is judge.
Now, International law, although not we'd
dell ued in writing, Is nevertheless unlfor.aly
interpreted. It is what Kinolak". calls the
supreme Law or Usage, "a rough and wild
grown system, and its observance can only b?
enforced by opinion, and by the belief that it
Coincides with the Interest-, of every Power
rhlch is called uron to obey it." It is a tr:it
aCTeemont between all States, great and s 11 ill,
and It emanates from a general sense of jus
tice; and although unequal to ensuring its
execution in all cases, still, on the whole, it Is
Instrumental la proiroiin;,' the g-mcral wil-
lore of nations. As law is especially iutende J
for the protection of the weak, if its infraction
is Justified in the case oi 0 weaK nation, we
law is at oicc abrogated. Then force, not
Bitttval nsspnt, becomes the arbiter of all ((U"S-
f.mis HiVoii withiu the limits of possible di.-m-
C e. -merit.
l'lii' F.mziHan Dort sheltered one of the
cuv m's cruisers. So have the ports of En
land and France sheltered one. over and o.vr
o-t.ln. Tho act which we did not com nil
euaiust England or France, is not JustitlaM
liecause it was committed against Brazil.
the case had been that of England, ths lufrae
tlon of thelaw might huve been JuatiUo 1 by the
right of retaliation, and the plea of reUllatbm
b in itself acknowledgment ol the bludm,'
force of thelaw. Against Brazil there could hi
no such plea. Be'-aus the inme facilities for
escape with our prize did uot exist In Eni
laud or France a lu Era11, the oblig ition to
respect the neutrality of Brazil was not less
Obligatory. ll'si,pr.l.tWe impunity b.-jo n -s
the measure ol the law : there is no s utreli '-s
In neutral rights: and tli law cxht only
vhen there is :h'U'y t tin trm
Let us not regard U liil'eivatly wi. its
Inlraction inures to advantig.-. L-i in
not observe it with the powerful uu 1 hi? V.i it
with the i-a!i, If we disavow and iiii'j:l it,
vcll and ;o.l: but we t-iiiiu.H maiutui .1 U
and delud He violation. Bruzil Is wm!c 1:1 1
weure pooiAiI. It would not bi d iro ; moi-.v
to apologue uiid make restltuMon. On thf
contrary, we should be proud to show the
world that, even aaalnat our interest, we will
deal naught but even-handed justice. The
Florida cannot bo returned, but Indemnity and
apology can be offered to Brazil. If that power
can be induced by o ir Envoy, General Wcm:,
not to demand restitution, it will be truly grati
fying that the liebels will have no claim upon
Braall ; but let not our perception of Justice be
cbscured because BraitU happens to be placed
in the position of an Intermediary. That situ
ation is derived from nothing but the force of
circumstances, and they should not compel a
brave nation to perpetrate a wrong upon a
wrnker Power.
wtnke down In our brt tl hpe of Love
and Jay M they rise from the mist of I on
go; we may ask, "What's the use?" and
say "It don't pay," and tell the little chil
dren with gravity and declsloa tha.t Santa
Cliiu l all nonsense, and that they are ti
large to bo thinking altout toys and sugar
plums; we may, In fart, refuse to glva tho
occasion any countenance whatever, and
tho day will be, and it will be Christmas.
It will be a bad day for us, as a nation and
as lndMduals, when the approach of this
Messed holiday finds our heart cold and our
hands Idle. There is a threatening of tint
dresry day. We are fast learning, in the
selfish hurry and formal strut of modern life
to forget each other. Klndnes and Joy are
taking leave of our hearts. The garlands of
love are fading on our hearths. We are all
so fw.j. We all have so many matters of
imortaiice to think abut and altenl to.
Our charity even, Is spasmodic, nol Judicious.
We throw money to a poor fellow-rrcituro
now and then, but rarely take tbne to accom
pany the gift with a smile and a few words of
Kjmpathy. Our demonstrations of go id-will
towards men are like angel's visits. Christ
inas Is about our only chance to thaw out,
and be happy In the genial sunshine. He iven
foi bid that we .-hould ever let it go un -a red for I
Let us all warm up, and help to have a
cheerful, if not a jolly Christinas this year;
and let us generously try to make It a s?ason
of comparative Joy at least to those whose
tons, and brothers, and husbands am far away
sacrificing the comtort9 of home for the sake
of their country. It Is disgraceful not to think
Christmas and talk Christinas, as the isthmus
of time between it and us narrows aw.iy. It
is delightlul to see anybody speeding home
through the streets, laden with mysterious
packages. We want to go up to such a per
son and exchange courtesies. It is cxhl'a
ratltig to come upon a shop-window brilliant
and pretty with gifts. Above ail, it is refresh
ing to peruse advertisements with Holiday
headings. Such advertisements are gav oases.
The eye rests there and is satisfied. We shall
esteem It a ph a-ure to 11 11 Thk Tfxkhiiaimi
Vi ilh such advertisement, to the total exclu
sion of less attractive matter.
ropi i.r rm iff
By tlnKe who do not go to church, th ex
cuse cannot bo urgod tbnt churches are few
In uumtier, or that those few are often closed.
With the exception of the vacant Interstices
ol summer, the churches present opportuni
ties thrice on the Sabbath, and several times
durl g each we-k,fir acquiring and maintain
ing religion. The many phases of religious
experience presented during the progress of
the great revival of 1R.77 have long ceased to
be prominent, not, however, without deeply
t ncturmg society with their Influence. The
lieinl -d by a ex' toRivnfliem Hie wm!l.n.-
of n M-rmon. II" bo wo'il I move tin
! (H'nplc must in lerst;nd the pnode, un I ln
who would prom pte C hri-'i.ui'ty m'tt piKs-na
' it himself.
la I W IMHI H flos
The IfniliiM ot'joct of "Johns . Vs r-cv I-sniff
At'iis-," is to roi,t".nccrK''0).rB.!ii( il l'ci ty ia
"iti-iMict (tn gra)iucl pohiiion, including Ihe
smii!:i.iltuw n. i i lliices. ra!li"a1 kta'ions, s'reams.
K(,MIHIUm SlT.i M' !l ' I f '' V ' t
tin M ,-..!sn H.W tsir lOi-n'l, -l.l SI Kill i:n ,
, i , (i, , ! ... 1 H.-i 1,1 at' 1" a 1 1 t:.
a.-. 1 !. !'
rhiltoid- cte. It h .I t''en prepared, Willi tins
noondav iirayer-mcetinir !s still mainlained I 11'inort n.iiar I to a tin" j , by A J. .Iui.ti-.on an l
J. It. Ce
ni. ;
rial 'junto, tin !
tlioiiL'h. of course, in a reduced deirree.
IsUTHOftheirospel are as spiritually assiduous ! tl,c w' r- " Tt "' " tl""'':? SI'",-''J
us ever. Hut tiie warlike interest of the hour .' thn" ,u,uM" (l ,,r ,,,!''"" ' J U"
Ti e marvellouidy solt and serene we ither
we huve been enjoying, aiid touching whl :h
we have made a large number of origin il ob
servations tr everybody everywhere ; of which
we have impressively av.-rreil that the like was
i.ever known; whiili has set that aueient and
sapient individual, ''the oldest Inhabitant," to
t'aiukiug about a hundred autumns that have
gone before the ecccutiic mid unintelligible
t pell of mild, balmy. i;( niid weather will pro
bably soon be over. There is already a per
ceptible change. Th" nir grew thin and kieu,
and the other evening the white stars winding
and sparkling oveihea 1 ma Jc a splen lid night.
And now, with this abrupt crisping of ths at
mosphere, the winter sets In earnestly. The
days have been placid and gentle. Henceforth
we must count upon storms of shaking snow,
and rough hail and cruvl sleet, and upon snap
ping winds and tderu calms of intense cold.
i'he sun, after this, will stare dispassion
ately at us, and his beams will be brilliant only.
It would be well If we were all prepared lor
the long-delayed winter; if his sharp breath
were as welcome to our checks ns th i volup
tuous kiss of the loving zephyr of spring, and
Uie advance note of his shrill and mournful !
song as pleasant to our ears as the warble of
the gay bird of summer. Many of usjarc so
ready. We can greet the grim Ice-king with
smiles, and give him at once and distinctly to
understand that he has no terrors for us. We
have homes snug, warm, thick-walled; no
biting. Bitter wind can penetrate to our ruddy
fireside? no sturdy storm can invade and
desolate our glowing sanctuaries. We know
where to find refuge from the acute gusts, the
tleree tempests, and the rugged luclem.'ticies
of the time.
We have plenty of heavy apparel garments
thick and Impenetiable as the distinguished
Iiirt of Nessus. Our pedal coverings are
doubly and trebly soled ; scarfs of wool, soft
furs, stout gloves, and all manner of blood-
beuting pieces of dress are ours in abundance.
We are right glad wheu the jolly winter
comes. It is capital fun to brush briskly hoin"
from the oncra thronch the tingling air. Our
le olvei into Itself till other Interests
retards the I Mgrcss of revivals.
Chtirch-ttolng Is very cheap. It is one of
the least expensive of all duties, and is nt the
same time a religious luxury, with which
many of those who do not even profess reli
gion could not easily be persuaded to dis
pense. And f varied Is the ability ol our
clergy, and so conscientious their devotion of
it, that no one need wander from sanctuary to
sanctuary, with cither his religious convic
tions or bis intellectual cravings unsatisfied.
It is only from those adventurous spirits who
are cut loose from every denomination, who
profess no one knows wind, and who, essaying
the instruction of flic multitude nt large, string
togetiicr unrelated paragraphs that furnish no
argument and produce no conviction, it is
only Iroin such ns these that tho inquirer need
turn away with vexation and disgust. There
is one form of popular preaching, of which the
popularity consists in saddling some well
known text with nn idea rile In the commu
nity. The car of tho people is gained, and
curiosity, which, like the l'houiix, is ever rising
Irom it.s own ashes, is once more evoked. To
this style of popular preaching we allude. It
may lie called a speculative, if not a money
inaking style. It reaches the people's pockets
through their hearts, and their hearts throu;h
tin lr pockets. Th. y come and come again.
Flety is expressed in postage currency, and
hearts are changed though Treasury notes
be not.
If religion be a most sensitive subject to
tieat of, even In general terms, to urge it per
sonally requires yet more delicacy and discre
tion. To surround one's self with an immense
number of hearers, m ile and female, of all
apes und conditions, Is comparatively an easy
matter. To persuade, to instruct, to admo
nish, to exhort, Is diilicult indeed. It is a task
which neither f,rcnt genius, nor great learn
ing, nor great piety, nor a great ('eslrc to do
good, wiil, alone, enable a man to do. A
binning, inextinguishable religious zeal is uu
Immense help, lu more than one instance, in
the performance 01 a task like this, have we
seen how tdl the richest jewels of heart and
m'nd have displayed their wealth eU'eel
: ively only when enclasped by the dimple casket
o!' eloquence, and gleaming in the mellow
atmosphere of common sense.
In the flist place, 110 preacher of this style
nor, Indeed, of any style should employ the
vulgar arts of popularity. He is not expected
to choose a text because it will take well, or to
hit upon a particular title merely because it
will tickle the public. His theme is not to be
a thread upon which, like coarse beads of
various line and size, bo shall string bis
own Ill-assorted notions, Ids vapid common
places, his fantastic abortions. But this lie is
very fond of doing. Like the magic piece of
money, which every time it was turned was
reduplicated, bis one Idea Is constantly repeat
ing itself, with this difference, that each repe
tition lessens the value. The text which he
hits upon is bis hobby for the hour. Ho is
continually dragging it in. Like one of those
revolving chariots wo see at country fairs, it is
constantly running! ound iu a circle, und whisk
ing by us before we areiware. No matt ;r how
Inapposite il may be with what precedes, that
textis ns invariable in its attendance ns a pjor
relation is at a Christinas dinner. It points
every moral, it adorns every tale. Sometimes,
' indeed, the Intelligent hearer, from its having
' been out of sight longer than usual, is led to
1 believe that it has lost itself. But it soon
makes Its appearance again, dragging in a big
joke by the ears, and actually dancing with
. delight.
I The fashion of using theatres as places of j
worship Is being revived. While no objection u-in
tl.c rvotriitid sciie of h-ioui Atuins reml ice H
iitlnt'e for liu-io to gbe. The ina..s of oui
States five not only the counties, but tho town
ships h'i, eery t (Imnaiity ol each lhe
linitoi e, with their laiist iiivai-ns. arc s.ven
vmiIi iu .iiiknulc n'f , mi'l the ih rJ'-r. ol uu
tenons Stuti'H I icing left uncolortd, diply th !
rnllrond cnii' ci lion fioin Stat? to Statu uml vil-liu-e
to village. ;
'I lie luxury of pos-c -i'v; -cli tn'M'S is the";
in iliteni.iieiV Inc cmiiI loenui of iira.le- mi l
In lollomctf up the prniri -s of a o sicu, is too
mi l vniciit to nottt 1'iiue thsn rclci n c.
lluiiu'P- i t iow '' "in aie g:en w.tii
as linn li ii'.iiii.teT csp :11m Cik '.it as llin..y ef feir
imii, Tins', map. sic ur-x'.it) 1.'." ( rie n
Stun -, H i n to i n.iiiiii. Ircimxi. v d Sc.-t.mi.
'J lie liil.ln m' Umli 1 t, ami tin Uel.i t 01 snri nt
l...-ioiv, l e p.. ti .i.iiil,-' jili it eu vmiIi the
u liii li 11 arl.ti tl c re; 1. r. I : . . ri c I the undent
111. 11 ( 1.1-kuI 11 :ips. I til Itiii iial .li(l i-I'll-iei.
11:. mci. 1111 ri ii.ii. cu, nnl t o t'iHi-p 01 I'dle.tin')
nii'l ihc oi I II 'mail Km, lie, r ai'ice'.iir, ar as
hell fu I lis tie aic I ( iiiiiilu1.
In the liis'orictil ami i!ocri "n" ff'M.p.iaplif Of
eaeli ( eniiti . tiuui u 1 r n tin ham.-1 t Uu- inup-,
i- nn 1, 1 "-1 rar't Ot the lust Cfu-H, und niunjr ht if s.
tli u' tubu s of qient va'ue. In tint plitnn al gi-o-priipl.y
, an 1 'mooialc de i 1 1 t ion on 1 mo1, w .ter,
and ii.i iei inlo(iii:il iliii.onicna is c.'iitncieU.
One of the t-'ii-atui-t InxnriLS of tl".- work, ho
cver, is nn index, piviiif,' in Hlphu'M tii ul oiiHTtiiC
loca ily of inery citv, town, anil xii.'ii'fe in tie;
Kimtiy. 'ihc csii: I ten on- icauli for theni vu
Uu iniip i- thus iiviiilcfi.
To piovii'e for tl o pcoirraph'cal ilnni'tei whii-li
tnl c pnu c in the I'i'toi ot a country, guards arj
left bi tin tn tl c limp, in tho Atlas lor tlic uii-er
t 011 of nctt maps In m lime 10 unit), 'liii nc h ;
iiiI)I hIi( Tf fice to turni'-ti I y nik.l. from year 1.0
year, as the chanfics 01 tn , at liitecn ccnta each.
It 11 11 nil s Don only to bpeak ol the cxeci tn h
ol tliis Atlss. As tho u 1, it' . I 1.1 tik ot mt 1111J
Bt ii 1.1c, it is lis exquisite as vi u ilili the cngrav
iiig. tlic piintinfr, the ( lot inn, I'l in'? icry tiiic
Indeed. It lias received the ui iinaiifiid approii
tioti of iininy ol ilio'-tr nun ot laocition who aie
hct tilted to jnilpe. Among tin m- wt notice this
iiiiincs nl I'rote-sor John S. llsit, I 'r. 1. Il.tlo0.l
v In, of tt c 1'iilversity of l'i nnj Iviinis, T. n.
Anhiir. Chileli Cope. Sti p'len Coliii'!l, Ac.
Mr F. (1 Howe is the 03 nt in this city for ths
new At!uv,
V e time likewise ice ived a copy of tho rcp nt
of the ('(-ininissioiii-r of Aui ii'nltnr for Hie yen'
lK i'l. Ii is an 01 luvo of seven liuiid'eil p
m il is In imiiiti g u itli 111I11 t'lle ami l i'hly 111.
ns'inu informntion. It I-, nioreovur. furniiln 'l
ith a copious index, a j.'liinic at which give u
pro'itiv idra f the c .r.tcnl. The stiuistic ii uille
nrc p.nt culuiij' lull.
II. r
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1 -iH.-n i'c. -0'.: ' of pit -Ii a -ir .ir af.i :".! -I'y : o
,'i d t 41 cm tv at one. A ti-w monthly I an
r.v. I I k c ji.n'f J. tl 11. ah i"i j'ps nhiull a .lit
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L'H (1 r. l'A ... m -11:1 thp mom I nit onhMr lntfitii.
(lu- l: v. !.. i:lilv, 1 Mr, I UiiAl! A. I.niu.i.i;.
01 fioith I'iirolUiU, to aMlHS 1.IZ.IK M. L Alal. of tliM
KIlCIllK WIKfiAND-On tTi" 1-t Intlftnt by th
!cv Nnthnniol W. fiiKliliy (l!Alll 1. KITChIK tn
( il A It l. ITK A., dauyltir of Jotm WitKauJ, h.. till
il I'l.llniK I1iJii.
TV t KI.1M N' THAYKIt. In tM- citv. on tbf It
tiiht:itit. In iff-v. Win. L. t hnllln. ,1. l'lti;NI'H. TlM K..
Lit MAN tu Mi.- LA U It A A- TKAYI K, ImIIi ol tbicitf.
AI,AyS -On 'he Vd Ii t-t Mr.". MAT.-'iABlaT AI.VMB,
tn tl ;ih -oI i.rr .i.e.
Tl eivliime- Ni.din"iiUs ro rp-pecif iilvinvlte-J tost to nJ
Iht nii'TBl, irom tbc ff-iilene v .on, A- 1jjili.1
AOltTO. lSO.a.' il V.MtiX' lilt :IIUI'. on Mtlnlitj tttU'A.1.
IU;OOM. At V(iliiiiKl"n Moinlav niKlit Novein'or
2tli.llou. JAC01 liltuOM oi rt'inyvttiiiA, tv-uj &6
i ciin.
Hid tp trntii vpre tntc rrcil In tin? Connros lonal Ceme
tery ft V.ilili'Kt(.n.
(ill.LINUUAM. On TliurHilny cvonlnff, Docomhor l-t,
til, OKI. K W. (.iIJ.lMlMAM . In tlic U-Mli your nl hi rti.'.
Ilih rclutivcrf anil fricruii nrc Invltt-rt to nttcmt lit- at
ncni', from hi liit resilience. No. 406 S. Second Htrct,
on MiiinLiv tu'irnink', Titli iiiKlant nt U o'clock.
hllMON.-on tlio id iinitunt, Mr. I'llILIl HIM ON, Br.,
In lUe Kib enr ut liin hkc.
'J lial mucli luveil lorm bm pan-ed ftwuy,
'J lint a nice wo lnv it 14 Mill ;
A ni'icc Ih uciint tit our hcurlli
Wiiicli iienr can bn fille t.
Tnc H'lrtta-' mid irii mli oi the iiiniliy arf re iupctfuli
litMtitl to ntlt'iiil Mi- lil lne r'-i.i.'nce,
l.oiiii lime I c low l cdeial street, on Tu s.lny atlernuoii,
the (ih .neurit, ut 1 o'clo.W. lDtcnmutft riiliiiiittir.iiic
Ci mud rv.
V A ItN U'K. -n tlio JiOih ultnnt Mr. nAMI Ml A.
WAHSK K, wile ot :.eli'ilui 1'. UnrnkV, in th& 1:MU
your nl 1 1 r ne.
T he re' ,itivM nnti Irlenil" '( the fainpy nrc r"nctfiill7
invitfl tn Httcii'l tin- tiiucral. iioin the rcrfnii'iice ot Imr
Inikhiinil No. 7 OH H fiwlilli jluli nveillie. tin hull Inv. 4tll
Inntiiiit. nt I o'clock, without t'urlhci notice. To .irocw4
tu Mount Aloriaii.
11 Loi tilil.Y. Of con"unntfnn. nt her uncle' ro
Hhhme, Mr. I. Annie., No, fj'll I'oplur mreet, liecuntwr
I t, MliMAKAll 11-1. MiKi'i) VVH,l,iUMnilIi .
sbe t-leeii" lier l;it fleen In .lo!!."
The reltiti eh ami irlcml.- ot the fumih 'ire rvpeftfuny
Iiu 'ImI to ut-ciul the iiinerMi, ou uuju uaciMoou,
ccinlicr4th. ut 1 o'c otk.
I " VMON M.K.C'Ill'ltC'ir, DI'.CKMHKK
" - 4-ll. v. II. V. l.t IlKANIt Mill prrach in the
Vnrnli ii ai I"': ' li'ik.aull I11Y..I. IV. MAC I.AKV in Uu'
l.ieiuii al o'clciK.
uurtii'S will not be nll'.'cteil in the slightest
dcn e by nny amount of fiiglJity and miun- , can be urged uyuint-t It when the religions
pishnetas. Their dunces, dresses, music, tried
oysters, and 8imri:lln' drinks will bo doubly
edifjlug und delectable. We Joyously antlcl
pute riiming. tiliit-'in? Hleigli-rides behind
spirited nags, and under the comfort ible. robes
. 1 Mi ArrKOAciima seanom or ijj i .
Timi!,M leant, U true nd l.itlu'ul. The
' 80" lvah their bounties and read their
lessons, tuouKu botn are alighted. The sum
mer flower. iwluUe and Urml4 tho llgUt
Ibough our hurrjiug feBt Uamp thum
, Jeatl). Tlio winter xvtniu alhof tUa gravtJf
Hud the blnlii In u gnucn au(j buddloj
tiratubeH Jiij of the uew in, tOiUougU oir
eirs nr closed ifin.'-'t their niualc.
Chr -una Is a regular iMag. We may heap
the cold ashf s of illgnlty ami prewing bual
Um fju all Iw glowing luuiiioile; wu uuy
ofnl.iin biiiraloo. and d irthlnor, glee. ul gyra
tions on the crystal l'-e. Wlmt care w ! lor
cold? It will only bring o it the roses on our
checks; it will only Tgiit llies of li '.tllh und '
rupture In our eyes; it will o'lly in ika in
look more lovingly tit the cheeifal bli. -of
our coal.-., or dm' a lUtlc neiirer tj the ciloii i-
giiolilug rcgl-.t er.
(Hhirs tiie not re idy fir winter. Thtyare
our brothers und sister-, too, and the hir of
L'!;ht caused but one sun to .shine upon us nil
toetlier. AIus! lust nlghl's cold, lowering
sky bud only tenor fur them! They did nol
ivniji diiinty cl uiks ah nit tli.-ir shoul U m, and
trip giiyly and airily i v iy from gliiterl g
rooms, and run 1 iu ;'.; in'o v ry comlorUible
iuarters. They go ? t no i le.' mt ;mr!li'. A
jingling sleigh-bell nukci 'i di-cord th it fairly
Jiirs and insus ur on tljeir v ir-. Tii -ir ho nes
are out ol the way oi' nous .- iiii.i'rs mid
morning; th- se i.'im!i lie sick and
weary, stunned innl r. " ti , -. i I , lu ditk, corriiu-tiou-ti
t'inin ; ii'-.'.s. Kvt-ry e-ig-r w'ad sporls
with tin ir nl1;-! mi l nii-c.-s hi ;!i"ir racked
Tiiey limy buve no nin ller .it .ill, and thi'u
must they wander desperately through the
sullen streets, and tlnd a releasn from their
tortured iu some midnight blast, and b"
throuded by the innocent snow. Why tell
pgain tho old winter's tale? It is delightful
to know that many real Christ! ins labor
earnestly and actively for tl.e poor. M ich
Mill'iring hrus be"n all 'vislcil niiteh destitu
tion mid distress liavi- been averted. The
perilous days, however, ar-) only just b 'gin
ning. Oh 1 let us act humanely by our I'. llow
Jmniortals, who staud a chance of perishing
by exposure or starvation I Let, us not be
come absorbed in thn delights that wintry
weather only makes fuller and more compl'-fe
to us.
We can all do something. The young lady,
tven, whpbe bright Jiwtyind roguish eyes, aiid
snowy neck spell-bound its l?t nig'ut t the,
theatre, Is not debarred from the blessed privi
lege of feeding the hungry and clothing tho
naked, ond shedding peace, aud joy, and hope
upon the wild and troubled soul. The young
gentleman who sat by her side, and poured his
conversational grape-shot In upon her, between
the act;, has a share In the same glorious
work. If we could only see and fuel bo if it
pay to take care of our j oor brethren, how
Industrious we should all be tu the benevolent
lalior or charity, nud reullw "the luxury of
doing goodr
enthusiasm of a community crowds the
churches to overflowing, and consecrates
places of amusement to a purpose superior
to their legillmiite objei Is, we tiro of the
opinion that a peculiar ord 'i oi ability, and a
I'lll KI'll, l.'ONCI'.Ur UAI.L - 10 i . Kli.VAltl)
. I'Bj-u.r. I'ubiic Miu.l.iii. lo ni'irrow. ut 1'i iA
,M. mm 1'. M. In tiie rai-niim, tlii Pa,l"r nil" mirsL i.t
tin t it u S'.at' l.'hilstmn ciniLUiiniloii, am! ot 111, t'.i
i-i.i'i' in tin aiiny.
I - ar.i ol ilia Sulilmtli nr I ut tin' I Hit' lliiilut
i ( I iitIi. I'l lit t i-lil In Uu- I'hiirc'i, ii.rm-r i.f 1 lull r
i l.t.STII ana SPIll Ml I.AUIO.N Birrali-, nn hini'l.y
e' ena--'. 'i-c. inl'i r A li'iT.-- v tin- lM-t"r. Ke. . .)
i it. SIMMiit.S. It. 111. tlAltl M.W ION. I.I, an I
, Alll.AIlV.M MAIi IS, l.i'. A c iii-ilt-'ll .l, lit- UL
i litaiil i cs'iluu- stlUM i..
MA1 nmt hkAMWISK htiueti t
il'e .H I-. liAl.l.l I 1 n lAtti.r-' To tii'Tn.w K
li k. i'i-l('i k 'Ti iw iNu-rlna (ii.Lenilfi
hi cn-it Hi lipti re,h' hn that ibe Itihie c -ntHins rt pir-
ittiai M-imf witiiin unit ot ti.i- lt-M r. cnn'iii u u
p on h v. Bt I' c'e'oi k, by Mr HA lilt K r r. Mrtx-ctr
"Ti- . irtii fiaiiir.iil'tii : Ilh aNluru ut.U H,iiitual bifcui-l
cii't i ui lie mv uu.
l v. A. iMANsnir nt io uml is iu niurr.iw
M K 1 1 1 1HIN lit-' rilltl.vr Kii. UK
' li'tiiii in iitttiii mill K.iri.i-mt liv T II HIOCK
'ION. nt KI,i; J.N'lH ami WiK. i n H.ililiath Alter
noun. :i o'clnck. At ins, A. M., Itev, Mr. UTILE.
Aner neruioa Loinmunlou.
:-x i OU MH1A Avin ut- uml hKVKMKKNTI
Mit'i't. J lvme hTvli e every Sahliath utternoun nt 1
o' IncW. Trenching to-morrow hv Iter. t'itANK I
ht'HMNH. All an- lnvlt.t. Heati tree.
l II-PNAI..-I KOr KSSUK K. 1). b A L N
I M K-. I. I , of 111! rilr. 1- .till e.iutlin 1 tn III. b'
r tni.i' f - r.--.v. il .i lu lilt' Italinui.rfl It.,1 rntij ucci'ltfllt
i' l iitlit be'nta li e irt' elc n.'ii. tl
la will 1 1 ml rh.-ir m
Dlliti' li..t.'uil it. li.e -
MY 1.(1 YK JKW
i','t- t V II., at ' 1 1..- I
liiilli'iin ' mini'.
ire-'eiiHF Jield
.1 1-) in-
. it
TJiapo ':rtl H'T-i- uil'm..'. H.vf
hii iiJl I t tli i tilt. .vi r. A ll.ttt. it rt... .' t. .11 i
iM.ntlb? a.t o uie y . ---i ? (yi" ii
irftl S'l'iifty, I?- ,-ntlv li?'d at .MiiilfA. tl-
lif .t 1 di j Ms;liin?, th l"tt V
and t'i - lm.t M i ii.i i v K
iM- Cull-
i'l.j A u r i --!
jt t'.a
i rat-ir ni Ms- iil'i
1 h 3n
Ntit I
1 iiit'.l I.
C Cli
i.t. r I
AI IJrt Vntctrlr Ittanff, Riear Trk,
A 4il 'iltu rnl ra.r. recoutl li -:J at V'li.Vi P. uj, tuo first
premioms for ttia bqjt Macltlno, ail t'.a tittst Matitne
work.wcrs awarded t Un Cio i it Dim i iIi-vihci
Iliree I'list Iiremluiu alte :,rJeil
to thn Oicji i 3 A It a hi it It id mi Mi';iri.j tin C aina
I'oiiMy Ari.iC'.tlttirit l'alr, lecently li9'tl at Aul inu --.v
Yuri., vi. : I'.ir Uie lMf. Family Macliina, t ia b?t Mtnie-
fa. t. tun: Mitliin). J I fii loi'. Wa;'i ii? it.A.
.ni.-.noitu a.Jt.wcilui t't.'i mitli. n 1."). U i.;
Alt' II fiTr.KJrt .-tir. li llr-'-cI.-i!.' ;f ctll'MH , " 'lt
rfl. - Oi '-t. I.". -I 1 fr"n'- lw n,)
ft d--. Wshlff l'r rn S'-'lOK' ai..l .' -.Cti.
. Alt C II STIt K K T. - YKI1Y I.AUIili
Li Ia9',ilii, '-f Mutli. Lot; f.-a fr r.tb-W'tt
,1c. j "'t': '' ''it- li'ti.? purlin, v.-.l:..,lc. Trie
t no Si'.'cn.
.till S'lli:.!'. 1 . htori- a "il i'ff'a-it"! .ar.-s.a.wrr I
i '.iiuily, a-. '1 to-K'.e i m t.- tut. .'. l)"-lui -.i I uili )ii jt
t'.etf: ei l.'-t -' 1 1 i " t J r. -'i. oiNf,'ti
etc- Price fi..,t'
., lio. 11 '.i-ntit if Sec nd mieL't. Lot 17 l I'l
r.ct l.i'. Woi.ld If an if.f'I'ii i .i:i. n tr tua !..!
f. r 1 1 : t tt'lt-. Iiliti.t.'y IW.
tl y i' t.:c-ya!tl l'um t j on Frit:.!ln ntrf.1, il e
I't.i'r. Lot if l.j. U'l. i'rl.9"nlj ll,"'
tiiniit ilnol, above Sii'iiw lui'O'ii. Lot il''.-
irici i n!i MH,1- e.
AM II hlUKIT -Snat rvtr-.i-t ! n'Uxt. of
1 a snlf ll-i-t ftu- 'l. is by rrlit- . u. t .
OMint stl. -t. La. .. . . r 1 -n l Ut. I'tf e
Ntit Imnni Nt).2.--.Tt.t: Jt .:. II ' . .t v.i'. ir
l iiit'.l bat :. Lnl. 'II--I.. l'l- '.'.
CIil-Ni;l S'1 IM.I'.l. I.APOK FOI It-
loM i vt-.r. j: Mil.' I.i-. I'y 1.'
Price i.i; .').'"i.
VINT .sriil.r.T I-'li e vi-r- pf it I'.it t n v Iitvel. rii-1,
wt it ol Sveut tt-ull ill I wit ' l ::j'.t--eoMi n: U'-l. L"U
2'i by 100. Prill- Sl'.'.'in li.
-j I'lNK h'lKKKI.-M'.AT l)VbU.lM.
'.c. I'll., l i' 11 l'7 l'"l.t. H"''a (' -'ro t, w it. i a
it-c;ilii.- c:i !,! 'i out. it i .tr, r..i is.:n.
MM(tr1c-itt foi r no: j br-' n il in- 1 i'.'..i.i,on Siirac,
Mt cl' Mmtc nil.. Price f l ('"'
ltwoilil :T,n. itliwiiit c Jiner A of tee: th itia sutnr.e :
ttre-ta. I rice only I'lK).
Kt main o Iron, limllini. Vine, wt at of S-ienl-euU-.
L:t2i;bi I'.'-'- to a neel. I'rita uni',
Vi on Kin. etitb .tie;!, ibnc Oxf it!. Lotl SI by t'-O
a-et. Pine )').'r liwetli04t. out -t?o of! wolf.l., iili.:.veTt:ntr-
1.01 . I.U 8IHUJ1V rriLt. linwff. I V
Tltond strtat, oulh o' Oxfortl, 1-irion stone up tha
tlrttoir. lottiy'fef,tlt a street. Oi 1 HO.r.'O.
at DiMlllr.j, Pcverth street, ab-.'ve )''le. hX 15 uy
65 leit. I'llcoonli CW.
UutiDvt'Oud etitct, in ui'ltii.tlltl old.:. Price on'r
Net DivrUn::, No. 71'. Urown lret, twclvo rmiii.
Lot li b v. fict. Oii.y'lm). heeiilii near 2m)0 otbera.
tver- r.iT-an it.-ilmi's uf ",t:cl a-tnn ..litn.'.tl ca't on me
firjt. I i-'itto-u-j kiIS.
(IKOKlll'; 0. Mir.LFK,
Trui ci'. l.-ta'e 0;" r t (:: t:e ia.t twenty joju).
M 1M U. 8! rU Stre-it.
i.v .- " r')a i I aitt . '. rtt ILiaa
1,4, d
Hi. 7SI'. 1IIV1rl"'T ATKHaTf.
(". he ' ."-trim :fr I.i Pirllaw-it.")
.tit i I'rela. e ll !r. It. sht-ltun M.iok.-ii7.1e.
llisli.o' d..p',iy. n r-.'t. le ki"iv.te.!;e ol "rtohe- I i'l-" i a-r rril ot p.iwir, .ni l inn inot
Otr.ts ilow fioe y aint natuia iy.
Price SI 50 iu Pa-ier, or $2 00 ia Cloth.
tiu: si Y.sTF.nrKis of fi.ouf.n'ce.
Uy fii.OUOK I.iri'AI'.I).
ttre -t
On- : '! t n o.'t e -1 i',
I ti 'tl ; ri !. , i iiii;iv'i
lTu .C.M i-'jI.LAI:.
'IT: Mstcri.;
Ik i sr ;n hit J , I if iuV
i iiiii tot. o.triro volume. W OUK.3.
or l'lt- M'ai,'njtTiti:illilflaa-
r.itto -nii -t h 1 a i or. Lovcntls ot
'I ht- iuiil er Cut I -"- the Atii.iiian Iteiolu-
r..l Arile!.iai I'.'t) H"o t''
1.1'iMlii ot h.-ttiil-ivlui-.l-.ri't l ejiiiJ. o.
Tul -SnKt-n..',...' To
lanK Srut, VnttHu l'M.I, nn Krlpl ot
Jttlull rmti.
Oill'1 S I.tCiTtU. At-i)l.K" i,
P (,:-! e-i of !'tle- -"'.'' D:-c: r, l-S0 yearly.
No. 303 CIIE8NUT 8T11EKT,
I Il!LAIli:i.l-ItI A, PA
St-'id fur Ctitilij't.M and ('iiiifinaere'C'Irc.ilar.
All Vevr VoiU a. for sale at I'E TI '.ILiOi-.t-. It
AI tlis FrmJJln, tvew Ytrk,
AijiuuKural lair, reo-ut v clotl. thre3 Cut rrimlumi
were awarJ .-J to t'j Oitd rit & Uaki n Mi'itti.i.-i, vLm
or tl.e 1-tMt IlHoiiiy Macliloe.ijiH al tiivri::.iinM.h '
and l.e .t ti-'t'r.
T3i Orj4 I'Oamnt, flew 1'ork, Arl-
cjiitirui tin, if..e.,r.y lull at Hjuluttfl., aeratiled t':
diet preini'ini to tl'? fli.ivait u tuui- 'i i.vm , Micnn . ,
rurc purity of liitpttt ion, are tn'oessnry In the
luilividtml who wotiltl pri'arh with gootl elTuct
to the lifti'roijeiii'oiiii crowd who would go to
liour a Bi'i'iiion in u tlu'atre, mid would not
hiiliittiuily (jo to lit'tir one at church. With all
our HtM'iiil H!n.s, t lie it ligitma tone of our
nocii-ty U il. t'p. Vt- haie plenty of cliurches
t.i go to, iiiul pli-nty of li'tritlmatu ministers of
the gt spt'l to hi'iir. Th" hoeial laate ia vitlat ;d,
when those who criMte in an aitdienec tlio liu
pri'sitin thai tlicy un; ri'llloiH iliitrlatans are
We have the liiyhe-'t re ipeet, the ilee;)est
veneration for our cl.Ty as a hoily. It only
the nvinbers, the very exueptioual
ca.-en, to which we refer. The ehiul duty ol the
minister Is, we tnUe it. to tj ich men the way
of salvation. Mis iliii':t'- are more sacred than
thot.o of must intn. Tint religious und the
irreligious are almost equally otft'iided, when,
as will sotnetitneM hnj'p 'ii, an lui iipalile man
t'Sbiiyu to instruct, h.itii. With the onechifs he
will stMin ti ti-i! vest , ami ili;'i:i ln all that Ih
holy oi sti'iliiiie, nn 1 wiili thn oilier he will
entail an o lliliu on things that are really lovely
uiul of good report. Wis do not say that sueh
a man'ii notions' ar t sordid und unscrupulous.
We say the very least cm be s.iid when
we argiit) that he does not possess the con
sistency which should distinguish tho Chris
tian, and that Ids liintastic conduct vilifies Him
who llrst illustrated to perfection all the sub
lime meaning of religion.
The generality of p'-opl", if they ar.; nut
.Solomons in wi-iloin, and Dutiiels come ro
.judgment, cm at I.'.isi disiing'iivi a fool. In
i,o pi-Dieou are they quicker at deti ctiug
iii.oibiii? than In the religious. Ttey mark
the Uitierence between the pious adventurer
to ech'.t and pi'cxllye are meat and
drink, and the huuible-uiiuded men of God,
...Via tt.nj.llto th a sttn uri.ll,. lit n.-li n ith
T, UV U CUU OlaUII VUV ClU'.l, lltVU ITIMI . ...
net f I-A tt:D a.itie to criD the D'jnv SDltin "' '-- oluien. mini. a lo wii-il. iii, arreari of uay
lieieraoltp .siue 10 fci..p m. )auy sjiuu u iwuntv, cau have ulr aoDiRiaiiuni uiaUoont ami
UOl'S Ol peritrhillg prosperity. And il their f-'ti, " nar Irtunuatiou ninmbtJ Ity apuly-
All advice or luionuatiu raiaiiva to the above work
la fivtu wtiitout cliaije to tlio applicant . and by men ul
auii le eattrlnt'e, iiut-""mm nil ue-nlod ltKllltls, anil
hum rrputatitn l uuampaatd lo tbull prulcaeiuu,
Aiiorf.t or apply to ' ......
V.. A.I till VI'T Ulr.ial l'lill.illillllhU.
T2io S oil 4oiiuiIf Iowa, if Air, bftltl nt
DiiMTip rt tii-s fill, awArtlod tw first prouiuiui t tl.e
uittM'tiA Hah hit SOWING auciuiiK C ni't. . -nt Tor
Tho J Int Prm1nui Jor til het Hmlun
Midline azl tlio Ijus'. Macaaac) vrt wjteArVAidt J totta
4tli'.l!t A TlOUIt ftiiWIlit ML llli.h CMPAKf, t. t'lC
Mijnt' n.c?.y .n:aty t rn'i iylvTi' i- air t.UiiU.!.
Oi.aROE W. I'UILUl'ii-
TriafljiM OSIt't, Va. 91 Srodwaj, Jf. I.
B.-mich oniri. Vo. I S3 (lienat St., Pbllada.
Ilia CQtltTAItt.E will el )i tin Bitli yoarof Itj ' l iory
January I, li, w'.tli aoourutilatcil a.-fU araoiuitl:i to
More than Flva Htm Irxl of ottrcltutin ar alrra-ly m-
lurtid at die f uilmltiptiia Ayom r
Ail luaurcra npplytnj bet jte Jaciarf 1 will partictiiata
to tiiadtvlinud abtcli U1 bo larya.
V0'1R'1-MU. C. J). Jt COML'ANV. TKl
liti1 1 li b i , li i you rtrc Arx v. .11 i-nhtit'T!
juii Lt-i'ii in I'Mi'ihUc pn.H'r .t!i(,.' ur n'o mt bout
Mtitiii.' WiD.11 -r v ur if DifHDt.wi 'ni'v h-, u mill
liv bom I &' iniiUii- to 11 pi "T cini" uiin'i" in wt oril r.
Ytliy il 1 1 j.ui utiiwcr ilin -.uah t'i pa.toc, il j"uua
fthoi : Jn'r .Mill r I 'Oil ii'. 1 wl't Kill, i-t II 't O'J'it-, In m i r
ttmt .-'ui r i-ly us n'.(ui.'.ttt"i tu A li., 'Uvfniim
'I'l lcajriip! .' " ' It
, .1 nl. I.t, Hitrotuiy Midi O had ilipsifetl
tn ihc tn-rtuiy 11 low iiioro cent lor ih h.'iieilt ol' the lair
ore 01 ri.-i uml utroet. Tee time of ta-r marrU-'e will, I
t itnii, Like ult e aijout tin bpluilnt' 01' thn I'ltssover;
tut stioiil-t I ;.ul to ultUm Uw nine ly niu thousand il l
lur In M and nlm-iy uiue .-miti In roppen by ti; time
above uii!tiou-t, Ler iatf vil be tk lup into pai lor a
pt rti 4 ul tI Kiij afttr-. ; tNenf'-rn Imp ny tliAt Hit iublrt
i-el whic 1 hr-i ipi'U d t'. 'il'ari 01 a fw of myi'ilr
ii.-iiiilff r luitv liHitifliior all tti' bta'ttll'al .Iowi-hub lo pour
i the tn;ii-j: tiir tir.,1 li tfiN l'l be li'in", they CMiitiU. r U:o;e Ctll H llilleto tlic aJii;i;til.'i'H of one of
; li j t wWU uf n1 st'T. 1- A. II.
ho iutv, bui'K p.w or pno nioni'V mm v.jii,
Mtul vviut ui 111 .;o! lectins it, ;iup:y to tne .mim i aiii
AND NAVAL AiU N'V, A.iit h.ivo your oldiuis cure
I f'iil iind promptly adjuf ed, with h it little i'hdr,.o.
I lwficjlir tttt nlion Ii ttlvM. to thn coll"i!(lon ot
bo jntit-on ttootiunt of w oundi rooivd lu bsttle.
I Mtt-'i ru 01 inn Vi't'Tuii U'rve t'orpn will eomtr a
1 via luvor ui'oa tru 11 111 mi who ar cntitll to this
ituunty t rturrtua Ih-.m to tin Agency "urtij mcol
Ifi'tim if.
runt'"! or uiDivi oHUi-r-, Mntii tne n'fai neira
y ff pMlcy laju.'l, vi. :-"LtCE.- "EN"
IIia nonlomery ionnl.r Ytlrt lielit At
Daytou, Oiiio, awarded two flrt prituiiiiiu (fr tli uoit
StiH Maiohiuc and lor tins boat Miciilnt wirU) t tl.i
fall iutorniMlon ooiaiLed b caltug or tddresilug tht
Dr. 11. 1. HAltltlH,
I'xantinlj'.g Hurjt'oii, U In cally ttend-iiire attritOrln
Iruru 1 tu Xo'cloi-k. H-l'-tt
J tusplcloiw are not slwlys eorreot lu roj-iril to
liim who sc'ima to Uke up with religion as be
would take to tb grocery or the Ury gooili
liiie, viz., teeauau it iiroml'-t.'S to pay, they
are at loftat ofwtl Very 0Cr tho truth. Whe
ther a sermon ' delivered in a chnrc'i or a
lei'ture-room, or thea'.re, or cotieert-hu'l, or
lu the open air, where p'Oflo of evrry gr.nln
can Hook to hear it, common tfiuo uml a
diixet, pitntonul religioua beariuj; hould, we
aaaume, dialiuguirih it. The heart cauuot be
touched or the mind convinced by Jumble
faeriptural HuytiUlowt aud tilte geueuUt'Cs,
JOhEl'U Ji
All lttii-rt promptly anw.'rtl.
.1 .a. iirnwii iiau pti(. ui;j ., r, . , -V J
. all ! I.CAillnir Maehlnea ure lu
i-oiiijwitlUen at the ubova Fain, iich an oTrwholuilng
mtloriitraciit 01 lhe "Qiiuvt.ii i BiKtu Ii only lu.illrl
bt Hit iiulorstmeiit ol a dlicrlojlnitlim paMic.m avlnc. d
tty the Inimcina popularlt of, aal lamund for, tb la ct le
traltJlroB 'e.,Jl Wuoiau.
p 1 1 II-AWICtaM 1 1 A.
H It A T E I K 1
Wlioio-aalo ana ltetntl.
ill:-; CU APLST AM ' itv.vt'
rilWTUailAl'H ALBUMS!!
For 51 Pirt.-aiti, miroco
41) ' "
" 50 " "
" W " ' jlt' nj
"liO " ' "
lil " ' qi irt.)
' ;. " " '
....H-OO to it
J W to 4 i
!r-M to 7t
3-M to 10-
8 -M to 10
8 00 lo U-
li W t.) 21-
Ia Eery Variety of Styldt
lln'.lmn frr m Taelvu to Twc Hiitnlrel Fliot'iiiraiii,
iart;4t anJ 06 it a4frtm.--ui in tiie ctiv,
Oil. COMl'VNY.
I'lllLAliKi.rntA, Dt. kaui.a , li
In an-wer to t many imiulrlea ntaile in reirartl to ta
i . nu .1..., ra W..11I1I hi..... .lull tllHl 11 WB in I t
B.iiil.-t-ll.e i-utlrt' ilitnii, I'l'iilionlnu tut-illy ai-ro-. Tti
... niitliiii .Int. n IAr wt-lli on llit'lr own at-cotint ! O
uilliitiiw r.miilvli-d atnl U jii-IiIIiik lift) liarreli c
lliem. nr.a itre n wt-lli. llto imw ufititi imiaimnuiiif"
the l t'ini any rt?i'ai-iiin one-iian oi uio on, anu axpc.
hrtvu tutui ooiuiili'tad und lu workinit ortlrr h itlnii u
a., v
i ho l.asa Comitanjr alio Intend putting down five mim
Wt'lM us noon ai tiioto nttw in proirriiis aro I'oiim oit-i
1 lie Pio-ltlent ol tin. Company lo-iwy roooivau mo i
On. riTT.lVefmbari. l.i
Un not know tlia amniml ol oil we hava on Uand,buL tlf
! ..i, i., . Bi.nut nifv liMrrels nr tlav noiv.
THOMAS K.MK, OeiiiTuI Snpert DttBdeat
A. II. t ATTKI.I., 1'rosiatrlll.
V'M. (.EfT.Hecreiary.
Nn. f,07 MA KKIjT BT11EET,
Oibvratj a CtiallcDBJ Steal Sialel,
Belcher', Improved Ladlei' aud OentV Bk'n,
H. Clark', Patent Ladies' and Gent, Bkate,,
PI -mp ton Patent Ecoentrla Floor eaatu,
Kbalar', Patent Floor Skatea,
The American Patent Floor Skate.
A mil a,.trtnient of all Itia aboTa ,ty!, coniuiillj eo
band, aa eU aa aU tlieoteex arieliea ol
T ovatt'l Putent Be)f-F,tinlng Bkatei-fanten wUl.oiit
tiapa, u
I'lNE Ji;WEL.liY,
ftlLVKll-l'LATlOl) WAU
i.- a TV ' v K i I . v i . 1 1. fTjaihati, fur 13 M
itniTnav ivn T1PTT1A1. VTIKSENT9.
.. .Mt.l. B...,Ui. fti
Eroacliea, bieava suiiona, -t --,
. puu al, I.-A Vith.-l . i1
rum ao "i". - - -
Wallan, Uoklcta, Fork,
flpooua, o.
Watcne, repaired and wanrankd. Old Gold, Iilamoat
and Sliver Bontil. ll-19-3n