TIIR DAILY EVENING TELEORAPII. PITILADELriTTA, SATUIIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 180. hunting Sekrjtaipli patvhpat, Di:cr:Miir,R n, iwt. A CARNIVAL OF CRIME. Enitin Criminal News from Ecc lr.nl and the Ccutincnt. Tin: TBi'WPT-nE.M mi: tvu ACQUITTAL OF TUB ACCUSED TARTIES. Atrocious Murder of a French Trofcsaor in Berlin. KOQUS BABY CASE IN KNULISII "GOOD SOCIETY."' MPS. DUHDCLL TOTALLY ECLIPSED. jUte., IZtr. jato.. Xltc A3tc. The Trumpy-iv nunc p, of which a sketch recently K;vin in tint Knli-li papers, Ins licen rnclndrcl by Ibc a"tii'.tV of b tfi Ma.l.itno Trumpy and Dr. Detinue. T!.o lady, it will ho Wmcmbored, c ued herself as well a I'r. Dimmc of l-onlnp lier lius'i.inil la order tn core a ftr.atei lin'ilom of intiTioiirio to them selves In ti c imlulj-'riice of a criminal passion. This strnnce fe.itiirc of the oae was mile still more revoltiri; ly Ihc I Vt lb.it, while lr. It"iiiin denied the criminal uiiiou an positively as the ntrder, ho was actually the lx".r- ttic.l lnisli.in.l cf Miulanic Truiiipv'e only J.iuuiit r. Hie c mi ilnct of Mailiiine 1 rnmpy in pr -on g 'vo (,'re.it reason to iloiiKt tho "oun-l'ieis of her in'i llect. C't 1 and eolketed wliilo on ilio .Uu.l, -iio v;o no looiiir left to lit rscli" in lur ecl! tlian lie lull Into singular state of c-'t.'.-y, o:neh.it 1 i lv -3 t. i' of tho famous cm. i tisionnmn t of St. Mo lar I. In Una ftatf shimi visl m. Ixith sweet nti't I irri ble, and labored ninlir n wonderful variety of ballnch!a'ioti. I In- tne ry of Hie l.:t'cii-n .utri imud hir leiiiim'i.iiuu of Dr. I)i tnnn; and titrsi'li' to a kallueiDation liom of an insane pa-smn for the youiin mrueon a passion nnrevipr.) .u'ocl by him, and slimiiU.ctl 10 un vr mrilin rv d ';ree hy jvalousy of t cr Ooiiftlitcr. 1 hi" Uieoay was even ttialiy sustained be un- jury. Mad one Trumpy Will "unoi.nil. tern illy at in:tcd; rt id Dr. Dumine, acquitted of the charge of muni, r, wan scotenec i to pay ot.c li ill of ii, e costs of the trml as a piin Lsbiiitn' for eon. ca init tuo lit ill it puison was in some way c n neeicd v h M. Trnmpy's ile.i'.ii. The vein r.ibl". In her of iho pnso.i.ir, who had siooil by him dm in;; t'.i" wlmltj trial, and tlio ail.lliliev, wiin'li, nt we learn from the C'yem -tut y.tituni;, f.iii 1 oven!wyil littt uiirt-i'.ioi i, lio C'l thi ir sj inpailiy i1 h tins vnli't of v.ii tMl l y irfuti-nsililti li(i's d cstihi rant j y. flic innl ncni c'jh giH', rrofeor t : 1 1-v, .viinsu- name every traveler in Sa it.erland has learned to lienor, was pre-cnl nt the .icinirni. lie had t?s tincd iu tho itr ongi st in inner to th"eciltej nnd noble ehaa ter of tho aeeu-ed. ' His na'uic," aid Pridisor iUuilcr, u& euiinetitly ur'is'ie; tie has great magnanimity mid kindliness to ev :ry tne, and an iiuhuiind' d eueroeitv. He uiado lire-cms to everv oin. lie laid aside a line prie tice to tle'ote hiii-( If en'iiclv to eioiiee. Her mann Jleuune his th ! thi.jt 01 si ieuiiiio glory, but no love of money." The cii'e Ills ntir.ietdl jrr. at at'.raeUon in all I arte of Kurope ; and itw most in eresii ig lea nrei ace wo 1 Hiitnmed up and anaiyetl in the lollo.v ing uriicle from the l.oiidon J ,1 .rdny ll-ricir: "1 he minder if, indeed, it was a murder of M. Trumpy is, liowiver, inuniaie illy of far more int. re.-t than any wlii. h has lately eoinu to lilit inKnelaid. '1 he relations to e icn other of the acton in the story are those which wo habitually anticipate in a French novel. M. Truruiv, the brutal and dissolute banker, was of too oiiliuary type of the f reiuh husband of romance. He wns coiniilcred to be a good fellow by some of the wltnes'cn, so long as be was sober; but they added that he was habitually drunk, and was then always violent in his actions, and gross in bis lungnue. In Sii ho had given a Komewhat con. lu-ive pronl of ih; . by knoi'liin' out li s wife's pyo wi ll a water-bottle. This ep,oi. w.is the cause of l'einine's imrodin:iioii Into the ta inly. lh mine was a young h sician, of a well-Unorfii lunnly at Heme, nod already lavornbly spoken of in his pio'Li.sion, ho win called in to attend Madame 1hiihiv. Sha is lepieieiited as a pie ism-! worn;. n i f thiity-Mven, or sevuiul years older than hiin-elt. IH mine appears Ii have been at tmctcii by her, a d iil im.ncly to nave been drawn iuto a enmina imiinacy with her. The family, aiconiim led by Jleinme, nimie a tour tjgether to ('on-iatitii.opl' , durini; which Trumpy varied, according to his sob'h.ty or tho rever.u, between rxtietnc cividy and violent txplo.-iot, sot jealousy. Iu February lu.-t 'Jrunipy i Mid'iiii' fro a tome diMiise not fiippoM-d to be dangerous, but for which llenimy had peifonned a trilling opera tion. At Tiunipy's rniicst, lJiinino s:it u,i with liilufir two nights; on the Hecuudoftue.se he was Middi.iily scia'd with u vi jk nt at ark, and in bit If an hour i ired. A n7 moit.-m ex iniiua ticn Wi.s inane I J l).:unne, wi.o Ueelueil hi'ii to have died of upopte.xy, la Ui;..t on bv ev.'OSsive drmkii.g. U nite sns; ieions, lio.vcver, arising, the Lou) w.n ag in i utiincd, uid a i.tntu nu in liiy oi sr chidi e w.i Cic vcr, d in it. Miimn Trumpy nnd li-inn.e were hoon al'iei'A-.uds nr n t d, upp oeiitly li'i'iuthe pri .ni;iiun nil iide.l by the.r oovious ino t.e.-. t' ir dl-will totheileee t-ed. Against !) iiune, r.ileed, ihere wis iiitur.lly u heavy tn-pi'von. lie ha I ti.e etnire -har.te ol itiu de' a cd I r hi i.e time bet nr bis de ,th. Hah td tvery oppoituni'y of poiuidn Limit' hocbo.e, and, as a corn r, cil I don'itle s eadly pro "in the poison. Il: i.-iom t cur I'nrnjiv's death, In !! B a t-.Si riiii.v f. r , ,vai a -tl 1 -ir ug.T pretiiiiiption. lie s.ems In have oe'iaveJ su i aciiuei.t y in a iiry sti in:to way. He w.-ota auoin in jiih !"t le s on oi the sere tn's, cnclos iint a i.spi du.it!, d r.".,.j.-li!t,' her lo d' nouncc biin us tliL ciilpnl. i he in I e ol this pioct.e lint;, whlillhe v tl hi ii .1 i . -icinsto tie .HI, ilv uu'U el ligiblc, tlioneli nmie :..v.' "f n st ite en' mound excin in ut, . , i ip tMl.'.e w. ,h cr In v :ai:t or tuno-cs-ii'V. I he lie i.i v nt'1,1 tii (he i!i-.oise e.a.ih it Trump had p u. lie 1 h i.i- If. 11- had., i seeim, bull'eittl 'rom :-.i!.e nidi!..''.;, spe ,id' ion . ; he wis don bn u' ol a cuiplete re vity from Ir- idnes.; be bad la lad o v n " in peop e. nlio it eom iip tint; Mil ii.e. an t le d i ut a lope tna' lie mi .lit tome dry blow his I ruins out Hut as men ai end wns'in I:m-II' no', i; i t i I", tin I as the uual v n ol lie; 0U'i(iii;4 lor all lo i o ds nnd Beliois was by e-.-unn f ra he wa. dniiiU, lo one cured to nipn I iu hiai. A billed (lstol .is ! nnd in hi- roo'.n. iv,"n li uiior. i la'clydul n t it-e to: tnvs pur .o e. Tm o'i'd bave til: m don' t ol '.h ea'ii: of his t't !,. As it war, it wa- i.i'lteu t to e :p 'i u lr p i--e sion of mi iii.Ii it e me a'-r a id t' at Truiupr li id bought it id Coii- ae inop'c, tin 1 that he a i. ire iiicmle tali in bbitit ti e puivha-e id' poisoi tlune a fact trim li nootn e.-e, m. cn M n'.atu; Truinpv, seems to have r.teo leeted. I';a'i0 w.t, thin n possibility thm I ru npy ha I c iminitted auii tile, and n poi. thif roi.i;i! .IM.IUC wasae.pi.t ted, I ut at the suun tin e i .nu led to ;uy hall ih cxp uses oft be trial. M 'daiue Tista.py, aLtiinat vhoiu tic i videnco e s'l-'ht, was m- putted uil tondnionsliy. Tlecaseii5fiiib.es that of rai nier iu many points. The poi-on tiseit was the aauie. The victim was in both caes oepeud'ii ; upon the man aiciisi d of his lnttr dcr for medical lieuilHuce, and in both ca-es it was e itially nu jiossible to tetl much jympathy lr InJ late. Thcio is somctliin snai ially di.-asrieabltf aboiit being poioued by yjur doctor; bo Las to many clianica of a iniini-t t iug poison oven w.t'aout the pa.-.-ibilily ot bitua: conclusively siiov u tohaie doii"(-j. luti.e.i- I'liu.Btaluis", in t!i:s i u-, v,vc i paa !y re.o a- Me with li'liCl'dt tivj h; po h?s.s. lte.asitn-ios.-lo!c to trace tile . i i an tne I J '1 1'lttun) ' j.. u hai is. It was t'U.ii!y Hnp.'-Uie, ol course, b tip c that he had t cur b iu- lit it. On the ot'aer liuud, IKiniue ni;giit be lawtiiily iu nns-ua.-iou of ttivihUiiie. He avowed that lie lis J i.-e.l it m ma:l doses. His counsel btlerei to administer Hume to the jury on Hie spot, and the jury ad jeumiii into the next room to ti it ; on com ug tmck in souud health, they conierse I th' thou coinage had lulled them at the moment ol tailing. It was buivn. however, salliciimly tiiit the pre tenie ol striclinliio iu Deinnie's hands wis iu uo ay Imompatiblo with his inno encd. Tbl., tha most cntii ai puiut of tiia proor, was therelom inbiguout. It Uauiius atu guiUy, it was tiufor ti nate that Truuiny should have girea him such opportunitios. It 'innocent, it was unfurtuua'.e that Trump)' abou Id have selected that particu lar war of taking liimsvif oil. The facts of the case ere laid befoie a "Cotuinlsdlou of Health," Cotit.il ing of the iatsors of the medical faculty at Berne. TBTyaid that the death was undoubtedly caused by sirychniue. Thy also aid that Ueninie bad beeil guilty of improper conduct as a medical niau.in loi.cealiug this tact, out of regard ui he alleged) for the toelmgsof the family. But Ibey naturally declined to give an opinion as to w bether it w as a case of mnrder or of suicide. They had before them the iiT"hnin and the body: but as strychnine pttbbiy piodut'.i nucb the ta.ui, vUv'il wlieo a man takes it bunsc.f tin din when he takes it from the hands of some cue else, it Is hard lo ife.how antr set nl exp rts could give an opinion one way ov thn o h. r without ex ectdirg their duty. It neenis, ihcrefore, that the problim of how Trunipv met -vith hia death mast remain an indc'ertmnate one ; so test eawts by which the Impossibility of pit In r explanation ol tbd cirentriMai.i cs ran be real ly demonstrated, ruder these circumstances the vi nli. tof acipilt al was no di ubt cm. 't. I'he mo-t .irio n part of the trial to an r.mrlish n a ler 'ho tnctimd of an in n:ti rlrg the oiith. The wi tirsscs spoke, in the tir-t instance, without any inith at nil ; but If tin ir te.tiniony was eon-ulei'ed at ail imp ir'aul, ili y were aliiTw.ird calh d upon to tike one of Irrn.i ndous rlirnr. tho importance of which was ml. .iced in a sort of pn l miliary homily, calcu lated to make tlictr hair suind jti an end. If tin y swire falsely thev wem le-ipi ne hi aven and b. ii ; they wo ibl be given up n on n.l forever to the divine wrnh ; thev would a ' 1 1 . r in body and n.ind, in home and tAmi y ; they were tocxpret Irom (bid nottiin-.' Put d -ffruv ,n d inn'i'dietion ; tin y iv re reminded that (i ul p c,.,.s In'iniio kn' w'c.'ic, and w.ejnl puipsh tli 1 sin of p.Tniry thrnutfb tune slid eter-uiy wi'b i .r iind tcir ir, 'id iriii'.fnl a;;.in'.-s n i.h ni n.v otner eons.-, ipii nces untie. ;- iry :o mention a ''cr this. The theory tha p. ople , tin be scan. I Into sis-ak'ng the tiuih is hardii a sound one. , man who Ii n mad" np I is in n 1 to lie aw iy at ...'her mm's lo'e is lull likely to sw a'lo'V the e itne! and t lin at the emit ; if he his told bis fil- niood b will ha.dly slop at turninst It into per.ii.y. I h" tniu 1 er of ci innnals, moreover, who wail bo stopp-I I.) li e mcstii ot this in t. nf er pi-sin:' t'.io;' ;ti ail oil.tr resiramts of come en. e, mu-t be su ill Inii' id, wli-n we consluir that tin y in n-t be in a who, alter givu.g lalsc cvld.ii'e, w.ll li. not men ly shocked al Ihc prospect of perjury, but so much shoeki'd as to confess themselves f.il-0 wit ncscs in open court. The oath, bowev er, see ns t ' bine p oduie.l a s-rong etiect upon the im n;i. rat. on of the audience. They all rose up, we i. c informed, In solemn silrn e, and in ed brcith hssly upon th" witne-s. Inone -a e, the pres- no induced the wiiness to make a 1. j ut addition to hi r iv ah m e, to the (II et that she hail observed tome ill-feeling bctw.cn the D i tor and Tru upv. Alter It had been iiilminist"icd n few fun , this txuberatr. displae of cursing won!, I probably in come le- impresiivc. It so'in Is r.itb-r like a indii t rel c o s,,me hall'ob-olt,. tnaehiuery for mental torture, than u geiiume m jilcrn pr ictiex. In oilo r re-pects ih" trml ecn;s . l ave be-n n rnlueled with singular fairic-s. 'I'lie interro gation of the two prisoners forms a char ,v tens' e pari, that ot II. tnitie Imliug fori wo or three days, h a, however, conducted w ith none of tii it bullying and brow beating which often oliend us in ti pnr.s ol 1 ren ;h tr.ui.s. l'i.e nlin. l for the diii tise cm n took Hie presi Icn' siiarp'y totisn on one mention tor not hns i ? ex .m:n".l lirninn: ill loiticul order, as It n.iclit t. nd t i confuse him. The nextdtiv the ir. sld' nt was iarncd that, as Madame 1'rnmry wtis in delieate health, he must be B c. ill iy i.uef'il i.i his e imtntiou. from the reports, he appears to have t.iltcn this advice in good pint, and to have beiia cd with strict impartiality. When the iutetr ..jsti.in of the aecu-cd is en rit d on ill this spiii .it, manilV:lv gives an it'lvailattc, to nn innoo an man. Dent Be had cvety oppoi tuni y of "Xpl.iiuiu his on I'n t luring 'i i iinpy's last illness, .mil, as the c ise tumid so it ueh up. ul points, in yivstnin Demur' s hno vlcdge, the oppoituniiv w.i- special Ir v.il i allc.' 4n Alrerlans Inrilt-r In ll.'rlfit -t'tms it- Slt-fll ,l Hie .-tltSt.i. l.t'h'l ro.fi i'., c, .i.i,(i . , t ouilo'l Tiur. Thotiialot l.ouis (iroihe, M o ie Fischer, the widow of Uuln. he, and the cut r llosxk, mini, has just been coin bided. The li, -t three were charced with Ihc miird. rof I',-'ss ,r Nicholas firegy, a ra'ive of Nan y, a.cl I'u'ty-tlircc, tciielierof the French lutigiiag' ; tiic latter with having eonccilcd ar iehs wnieli he knew to have bcni ttolen. Kosl,nmtii was n ipiit'ed. tin tho l'.ith of April, lSbl, was found In that put of tho Spree which, is railed the Oberli.mm a sack eon tuiniiig a corpse, vi'.n rioorni.c 1 as 111 it of I'i.i fessnrOrigy. It was fr.ghltully i iutilate.l. Tim head alone hud no less than tvveh e wounds. Fivo of theso were stabs ; seven h id boon made by some chopping instrument, and ran parallel ; and these had been indicted after tin -tubs. The skull was broken, I lie brains had ru i out, ono ot tho fyes was cut through, and tin: cheek entirely shattered. For a I'oitmel.t n:l e nlcavor.i to llml out tho ncipetialois of tho deed proved vain. At length, on Ihe 2.1 of May, a tail, r iiaincd llonel, living at 'JO Onuiicn Flat., gave notice that on thu 17th of Apt II (thu day (iregy w..s lirst missed) ho had heard loud voices in the it! ar immediately under his lodging. The police hurried to tne spot. Altera close examination traces of blood and In. in i, u brums were touiid on the vails, bedsioad, nnd lloor. Thero could be no dniibtthnt some per son Iind here met his end ; ihc re was little doubt t Im t tli in per: on was 1'roiissor (ir. :v. I'lio inmates it Ibis leilnr were the very scum of society. Tne w it.cw (juinchit is known to have been piuii-ho l tor vaiious ullenses. In her younger day sho Iind been a regular prostitute, and even now, as the o il sini.er bulf Muiliiig ly informed the Court, she was not iivin o to rci t'lvlin; visiis from gen tcmcn. Murie 1 i-cher Is a young woman of iwer.tv-livc years, e truing f he ve ntts of sh un", nnd Louis (Jrothe 'son of tho w low Uuinelie by l.iiuer husband, or rntlicr lover), a lost ch.ira -ti r, living on those gains. His v .mnger brother, it. r: tin. nn (irothe, w: calb d before tin) (J. nn". only ;.8 a wl itcss. For this no .r lad ono can only lcel tho gna e-t pUy. i ne iticstiou natu rally ati-es, llovr did IVnfi s ...r (ireiry co ne into this ci m puny r W h it luducoj the vvell c. ticnted man, the polished p. iilcmiiii, for su 'h ui.di.in tc.lly ho was, who during Ins wholo bio hud enjoyed an Itreproiehabl' reput I'ion, who pos-c-tt'd coiiisceiltins nnd frieu li in the highest cli.Stcs of .soeiely what inuii ed linn t risk his npntation by seeking peri .n-. vitii whom tho w ildi st young man ot twenty vv i ild not liko to l.e tccu r l. Uoiul.ei ir, wl.o :..ipeuivd for tho prosi'cutioti, us well as lir. Ho-, e in, a reiution ot the lb etas, il, aio of opinion t : i' liregy visited the lv alow IJuiLclc, and 1 ii.v Fisehtti' out of imre k'non. s-, in order to p"i :...'u sonic work of I, u ii i.i i i y . I u hi the last 1 1 v isli tj lay blatno on the i.ceetned, y. t 1 i it i -I . nfess that, auer c n.-iitciirg vaiious p .i..ts, sue as familiarly sp taking nnd ilrinkiiiL' ncer iu 'a.- col I ir, i eoui3 lo die t oncliisiou th it tint d' "ised visit -l tho ci I'ur in a moon nt wi.eu b I' ,t bans. nt, wild a pnio c eiiiucy iliil'.tieu'. I think l a it to hlitrm ibntllregr wen! lo Hie ace in role be- cau.-e he wanted to do n in. ; of h iin iinty is nmr si tlic same as to '.illrm to i m m wuo in a l t ni k i. iv bt jumps from 1 nid i llrldga do-s liiai.-r li.- i- ili.i-ty miii ma - od,i.ik. llj.v ' i vci tLat may be, eei '. i n i' i .a' (u'egy wcit i to Ihe d'Vi H i g of tae p. i-.u:e ' Front tuo de- c'm lit . .11 of l.llllielol wi.IK-.-e-, OIIO C'jllcJtS the I'-iJoMjinJ . I '1 hn reiution In whim Marti I lauds dr. ll.c is one vv'.i.-'i i ) ci'u.iuiin Muoiig sucli p-'J. bimscli tLc over of tt.e you.'i,.' . ' Hu ll si mlh. r'd her to iiio-'eu'. I n.oie. lb- had -"pea:e I iv in o. uu u, to di coy them m'o the i '.'iscl.cr s'.oj.l to y no iiii-aus uu Wroihal culled man, vet nevi r-licr-elf. He ilnl ed her to attract iitr, and al a nt nr money and ' tlt:g inotiii t.t t'lii ti.. tn t ! w'ch-s. bin she was on I the siictti he Used to k 'pa i I ( I. serve the men she nut. It be p, r- ns hat ing un la-, n'i ! gi.e a cou..h as a Kit ; j home. ( Hi fie elil.l'.kt ol th en ( 'p e"e of nn a i ",".":; r 1 dree;, -I'd VV I ll the Wlto.v ' ! wii k pn viotis to this dale, I the c, bar. (trolhc, Murie Fi e j linii.ebe were to. re to r- e , t lit la. ra .-t ot ;lic in iirttni -i'. on a tula I ttw ecu tl.e two r walks through : behind hor ami ie.-e uup?art".l to them, he would . r lo take- them 1 7th of Apr.l, in it made by the iclia exactly a e, i i.-egy appeared In 'i e :,.T, and the widow e iv him. 1-lnlering it-, 'ic seat 'd lulus If a ? lute vvoiueu, and i -i -inching to. at and bid tl.e I ( y 11 . . tmann (' te dunk, fiieey oj i.ed tils the .id Kiine mom v. Ad i v i on.iaie ami guvo . n 1 tg to the declaia tioi.s il iu ruiaiiii, wltieh l.-.a' the stamp of tl uthf nli.c -, 1. aos u rot he' ra..v left the r vim aid biutio'iei. hiliisctf in the ad .iu ng chan.'jrr, which was daik. lieic be order d hi- btother to br int him s.juie sclmaiis. Un Hermanii's ret :'ru, Lotas Or. .the m in ted, "lias tne geatliua i m i h nioiiey about lino ':" " Ves ; a t'teat de il." was t ie reply. "Well, go into the street and play," a Uei Lotus firoihe, and lucked the door a. oju as tin.' boy If it- Thi- witness also stvel that t'e're had b enaiall. Intwecu Lotis Orothe ati.l Ma. 1 isdier of taking away Oie-y's nati-li. Maru 1 .'ilio piom sea Louie litothetid, suum us I be 1 1 ..ni r moment bad a: rive I. Tin; w ret. a ) were now aioue with Orc,;y. In fivt a:i r.i, ne ouut id ail that now b.ippe iso is imp n-.bl.'. due csu o otily by what tim delen i i'i. r.'l nei tlK'ti.sclve -, uuu lln'.o not seldom c.uitta licte i caili other. Mark Fi.-chcrstates tiiatattcr sh j and the widow Q linchehad beeu.-onie time with Urjgy in ti e sittiD-'-rooni iil one may call it s i),t'ae de-c-.'a-ed rose lii iu tho sola, and, saying tU it b" had business to transact that evening, vt as ubout to leave. At this moment Louis Urothc rushed Iuto the chamber and strnek Orcr on Ihe chest with an int-tiumetit tailed a "spunr'ag." (Ur itiio owns to this bimsclf. ) A suuggle ensued. (sti.amjJ by the blows, Oregy foil back on ono of the buns, while Urothc, with a sort of axe, now levelled blows at (irejy's head, "as if be were chopping wood." "Well, Louis, is he dead t" asked tuo widow Ouinche. "Yes, mother." "Then it'e weil. If be rises we are betrayed." That the wounds with Ihe knife as well as the bruises tn the chest were made by Urothe is l.uon. His mother, as weil as Marie Fischer, agreed iu this, the ouiy difference iu the tvtdeuce of these two persons being that the one charged the other with having banded the clioppiog-knite to Orothe- Marie Fischer's evidence, however, ii undoubtedly correct. With rcgaid to Ihe wounding only one point remaiui to be cleared Who dealt the stabs i Thin question it has been impossible to answer. Let ut now aee in how far the two women were guilty of having taken part is ht Biur dw. X-wit ripvl-vf bvnflt owned that she liild hold of f iregr. Sh" adds, however, that she did so in order to assist dw.'ase.laind draw him away from Orotho. Ot'ier ohj 'ctlons of mor weight ran also be brought foiwa-d. When Harie l icher was led to prism, sue, for a long time, denied altog -tlier being present in the occa-lon of the murder. Why. if she was mn -cent why, if she had ssnly as-t id 'Irrgv, 1' ! she not immediately own t i biv., i, r.n ,, .nt Why d'd she not call for htlp; or .hv, nt ltf, did she not the next day give ooti e of t -i d "d to the police And w hstdid she mean bv the words she sai l to one K"'uer. "1 bavead" 'p secret wivh tiiollic , and w in d b -ay h in, lid not (ear o btl'itr nit -in: tio-.e npon my -elf 1 " M-irio-Fischer laid hold ol 'iregy, not t) as ist him, bat to a-s st 1 mils (.ndlie. Tne pieurn of the horrid ir"i!, t'leref re, Is (Irothe, out of the ml joirirg iltik eh mil. r, vvatebes the three yor sons, lie sees I Iregv risr. No moro tim.-N 1 1 be lost, t Irothe r i-lics nito the room ; he u;t i. ks the dticssid with the spannug Irre-y, stimiied, falls lack upon the b d. tb-ii'h ' al M ine l-'i-chir both being oe.-'ipl d vntii the proie-s-ir, wid'.w iir.-'h" is the only on.' wliosa li t-ei re free, she h tnds tint ktil e to her son. Th: deed is done. In n nn.iin'ii' th" d ir'; tig-ires are iiend ine over th. ir -p..il. 1 lie . lo fa- nr" s'ripp. .1 o'f tl, c bl. t it lug bony. Miii- F s Vr i. ,,, t-u. ,.,(. ntng ring irmn t';e tvps-V tin?' r. and soon alter n ai.rs ii gron joke to. it "sue is m.-reii now '1 he ia I eiti 1c ..j v 'i ! u .' i s ' ,. k e n u', 'li-ioipsj I- shoved ii"d r tho b".ls, and coe-e I vith a cluth. W' h an en.'n y 'ti-pn-.l b the dne.ltnl nn y .,f er.it h.t- c. In.' n -o with ti...t i.,..i.. ... wio v i;unii ii s.r'i'.s th' tloor srl iv .-be- lii w i,,. 1 1 e, lulls on me ot :. ilng'rs h i. i ! o'l fu '.a drcry's h.ui '. M.t ''i.t's the m 'u -:r up. and. wr io ing i' in , :, i m lu r pocket, fuc r. i ni i-.'ic.nu in o v a eto-l. r. I b ' in., : rers have in'i In r." rid nf '1.. body. 1'iie str,..., are nil .-till, the i orp-e is -hovi d into ,1 s i- K. bud t'ans ortcd liy Mkri" I is, n. -rand I. ni,s (r itna to the Sre With sliiknur knes, treinidm.' nrtns, laet nit lio-ot'is, ,t i'r-s. 1 eon's, and hasty f i.,' ....ks ot f.'..r, tiny d,, n tin ,' ur.et: into tl.e w ".cr. i ..e list .: ol tint n.n: drama is p n .niir.l. Mei r, who apo ar .! i!eten-e nt Urche, ,'r w tb' I'lenti ui i'ie i on rt totl't'H.'o point tha- (; -'eh'., had tak.'u S ints, . in d lb.lt I'- 'i ;'s ir; 'at d a! i'ic t tin 1 1 o ny sli i h tirrgv chio . .I in bis l...n,i,,o! I i Mar," her. I mid -eareelv po. ' i .: iln- ,a;,ness of these arguments, lu.ti I o. 'ie b . not be-n li unk eon id I e -t1 n from tb-- wo.i'.ds in i ,rec 's head ; a diutiken nid i could never b ire .toned so well, and struck so nculiiiiy; to it t .rotlic could it liriv, loll iciioiis fi.r a woitia.i like M iiiu l-i(hcr is clear, ai ious citeumsiunees, s nue of whi h 1 have alien. ly stat 'd, sh w. i tint r-'Le inti i.dtil to obtdn nione at ip risas. l et. re 'be tie v of the iii ii.br, or -1 d ,- ..rt vo I en re in be mum have talo n c. n-nt r t' I" tr ni de to sharpen a blunt and uo'eli ?l ' li mem. -.tii'. 1 lie ki ie lnu-t ll.l .e ' c II sli i p-oi ,11 .. I 'i - (tee, I , at Ii as: n i (.'In r re.i-..n vv . n, m' o'l nl. Whn. tln r (in, the ln.d alrrn lv M'le -ted ' .n )' for a v ie li in it is i.npi ssibie t i - iv with cvr' i.- ty. lint Ihat a mnrdi r to be eotnuii'tt l in ease at rests'. Utii r wits, on .rot;..: s part, p. inedit.'i'e.l, is lie. yi ml a ilonbt. Tin- buy returned t; v r,liet Iln 1 list wn'ow i.- b an I Ms.. ., I- i-c bee had bet n ii.atle a. ouainted 'wt'i Hie plan formed by tiroihe m killing 'irery i- m.t probable; revcitl'c r--, tln v were gtttl v "i h ivn : .n' isted tiro'be in ihe p. rlonnan. e ol tint j-tt of iiiu.' ler. Vorenvir. it bus not tt' tn nro d t'ni' I on pir- ti. ipation was no' an esse ,t i! one I'lie seu'en'O thin a ts 1 rououncc 1 u,.ie: all tiio '.brec prnoni r-. A I'oirn s ?ti.bv t iiMtt I tinuli.!! t! ia It I lie nrs. Iiiinlril sini'ioue. r. " ' '' I'.'a ', V 0 i" II. A c. sc re tmbling in ni uiy resp.a t , t ' i o famous Ioiigl:,s ca'e of the last ccutiifvvv.i-. yistcr.ltty dei idcil in the ltolls dent, after uu Invct'lgatlon occupy . eg judge and jury for threo stl. cessive days. i was not, indeed, a oiiestion of the devo lution of auesta elaigo eiioinli lo bo styled a pi iucipalily, nor did the contest, like Its gn at forerunner, involve the purity of blooel of a family which had mote ihan once ti-urped kingly powor nnd kii.ely functions, if net kim.'ly name; but tho lin t lo be determined was" of the same kind, asd the coi.traciclioii ol probabilities was nluiost us embarrassing. A child, w hich had for years been accepted as the l.-siie ol a I.mronshirc ttcntlcm in and his w ile, was dec ari d to have no claim lo the litle. The ca-e presented to the court was that the supposed mother, who him been dead for sovon years, had deceived hi r hiisluind and her family by imposing upon them a child whieh was not her own ; Din, nuaolc to curry her secret to Iho grave, she hud confessed the tnitid to two or three persons, one .of whom was her lather. The family of tho wife had a direct pecuniary Interest in negativing tl io legitimacy ol the child, and the natural Improbability of a deceit, whieh it was confessed would biive been completely successful but for tho weakness of the wife, was iinr. iised by the ) ears which they had allowed to elapse since l.ir ill nth without taking any mo.v arcs to obtain ;i judicial exposure ol tne triu. I. itmevl dence I rouglit forward wa-, however, -o strong that tlic jury found it impossible to arrive at uuy oihcr (oncliisiou than that Ihe child wa- supposi titious. It set nts that ill May, ls-ll, n Mr. Oedney, of fundi' shy Hell, in Lincolnshire, was tn im.-il to a Miss hmiih.of ihe same county, but up to Fi bru iy, is it, llicre had bun no i-.-'io of the P 1'ir'a; e. Mil-carriage had Indeed hai pened two or il.ric times, and in ijcptciuber, ls.i l, the lady hud told her hus'oitid and tii nils tlc.it sin' was loi.iin prt;;i.aut. In February, IS', I, sliu was in il! health, and went u'ona to London to c .tisulr ti pbv si. inn, tuning lodgings in l'ark stn e:, firos venor Miuare, but. she had culy iicen in the nui-tiopoli.- tv,o or three days when she wioti to her husband uniioun. ing that she ha I been prcin i tuiely tonlincd. He liiin if.l up to town by tlu next train, when his witc presented him with a little fair-haiiid girl ns their d.in'.'hter. A day or two ufiiraards a cuiijiu ol his wile, who was a chemist nnd druggist, warned him that a Mr. (loss, Ihc persou attending his wile, was a very improper chaiacier to halo ubout her, vvher iiou Mi. (io-s was iiuintduitelv diSMiis-e l, nnd Dr. Furre was called in. Ur. Fane, relying iiiain y, it would stun, upon bis lncinorat da. declared at theirialliiathchilnoiUiiiothuttii.it the lily had be n Coiiiiind, and tlu child apn -nred to have been bom only a lew days vvh n he was siimmont I, and lie tr'eii'e.l tl.o case .v ithoiit any susiirii.u of leaitd 'Jiieic vv.m no sugg. stion that tl.o husband but at this Mint or till long alter any reason to doubt t tint the child was his owu ; and a Icmtile ci.usin of ihe lady d cl ircl that the inolhi r, when living-, had always treated the baby with lnothcriy kindu. -s. Tho mother nn l.r ircoiery was churched at tim neare-t i hutch, :u d hi r brother was one of tho sponsors at the i hi l.st' iiim: 1 1 tlu i laid. far, it must he conic-. t d tin t the i ac tor the Icgi ima y of Ihe child was Millie. "idly stion?. Uu the other band, it wa cbaily proved th.it tne hml.nrd anil wite did not live happily togcilur, and, indeed, be h id been "lilty ot con duit towun Is h, r w hieli comes ii. on r the IcmI definition oi ctuel'y. in the ilblccling between the Ui.sbaiid nnd the wile, the faiui.y of the la'ter dis.oveici! the motive lor her fraud. A dt-i.e to win back nn niientite.l Ini-br. d was, it would . em liom the tvitli.net oi one o.' her fiiemls, the rca-' n which lur.mp'ed In r to eairr out a design which im-. so ncaily .-in r."s-:ul. she vvns, hovv cvir, cvl li nt'y a w.uk, miptil-tve worn i.i, and the st..teuiC'ids she l.ia Ie, even in e intessiun, .!o i:ot -eem consists r.t With bicin-rliv-, nnd aic 1 1 rtainiy m t a':o-r "iiei' cnisi-tei.t with tint lirth. she miii her c ;.-'t. . a i i r .yma.i, th u she had been contincl i:i I br iary, 1 s " t , of a -'ili-botn chii.l, ai d she had liev"t & R..t a el.a iiie liim to .supply ihe pi a e of the ilcd-boiu iutaiit. The iaely's-uuid lowborn she c eiless. d the dt celt said l o'him; of nnv d- ad l. rth, and a tned'e-il iniin.wliOCMiiuined bir b.alv a-t-r death, declared she had in vcr been cot:..i:ed at ail. lb. i act c was positive tLr.t she niii-t have been cotilincd two or three flays beloro he wa- called iu. The lur'.iter evitl. tice of the di e. it ui .de it uniiec.'ssjry to ueeMc the p .ii.t. Ti e ati.bndy ot the lod;;itii lioitsc iu Fa-k itrtot a si-te l in putti-g Mts. C.eiU.cy to bed "il tlic n :ht of the .di.v d cou bneun at, and observed no signs of prei;nan y ; Oo-s and Ins w ife ai rived a little later, tue ia'ter lourcaliii a btiueili) under ber do k, au.l auer three or four hours, during w liich tlieiewasnj noise or s)tnp:oiu ot excitement iu tho sick l o-uu, the landlady was ca'.'erl in, was told that Mm. (icilnty had l ieu loanted, and a ntue loaiila iUIanl was ptodnted wlii- h looked a.- if it hai been ''orti a wcc'k. '1 h.t nninth v mars, w'j i wi st. ii ii. oned the satu1 nigh', dcpo.i'd that sua! hm etio' ah I i l.t sabi-tir t th v. '' tuny v. as ui: O'wiv bom. In tac, th.- culd.'.i-s iiota un tat 1th ,."l 1 cbiltaiy. On th i: day a :tile wa n its. rained l.uty 1'letch-r, wa co'iiui'd .:i t.u V iu toud L; in'in Hospital of a daugliter, winch sue patted Vi:n a lew days after t- a g nilciiuu wh piouii.-ed that it should be aiopted by a Idly. 1 hi-child was n little tair blue-eye J girl, t-ha bad never seen tho bsliy or tin) gctitiimsn tit.ee, uud was apparently ignorant even of bis name; but a nurse in the sanid ho-pitul, whj was a psrtr to the tran.sartiuu, knew him as a Ur. Goal, and ideot hid him with a Dr. Qoii now living in 1'iuilico, who was identitied as the Ur. Ooss who attended Mrs. Oedney in Park street. This idenuiii.it ion was, perhaps, the weakest part of the ca.se, and neither aide called the very irre gular practitioner hinve'f lo proveor disprove his paniupilion in Ihe fraud; but the jury were satisfied oi bis identity, and the cuso was than tiractually complcle. Ihe confessions of tho lady leisclf, made in one instance, at leant, when in a rcry lijsttrical condition, might be opeu loans piciou, but the evidence of the landlady and the uuise in Fatk street excluded the possibility of a regular accouchement, coupled with the actual tule of an infant a few hours before the supposed event, to man who, with his wife, were the sole witnesses of the alleged birth, precluded all doubt; and the jary, therefore, arrived at the conclusion that the little girl who has hitherto passed as Mis Gedney was iu Italiiy Ihe child oi Luc f letcher. c - o 'r t r: ii jv a. ii t OIL COMPANY, F I'll 1 1. A DKI.l 'li I A. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, I IMI I P INTO K-0,000 M A H IS A T 'r TtB Ml A UK. HFIIHCHII'TION 1MUCI3, SC'IO riR f EAKE. K o' I '. ' .. 11 ' . ,.f, . I "i.-i' l. .". r , -.'. i t l' ( .. l'..1 St-,, i r , -. t.t s: ih . .e sol nil Lir ii. Rein: & ('., N. io-. WAI.Nl'T Sl'lll'il'.'l. T" " , . ..f t..f.i,r.i v. V. ? n. W.aillfil I si 'I . ,X lo I ! MiNi.s, 1 1 1'.l I'll M'i, t, w.ll .'..,0il . . V I .. sp.sV. lis ,u 1 r ". .IM. IM'lt t. n. HSt I TII. 1 rraktirer. '. J. HtRKviV. Xi'i relsrv. ' I' Lt. V N I C tl I L COAL C 0 M P A N Y OF VCST vgivsa. i i i i n i 1. 1) cim W t. 1 t 1 ! ' in.' i- a'iCal H-Trt i . w t 'Ttj ft ti n K -Miviny, a-" n- w r- ily our o1V. it i t'-Diiaiiy twi;s my ir atn'fi oi ' nii.tr ie known t. Im. 01 T. 1 KllKI nW UP' til lip I.HK.U' t'i' IlK.WAl. IN WKST Vlliil: A. :ui ii 'HMf iniln-. mi i'M to purt-i'tj t 'it)siTMic for tl.o lliit'ttul iini'ilitT ff Shati" cilrrd ftt pr ih:r- for tnK (Mitl n!o k, t'u' ,'ar bt'tlli, fit' t'T f C. 'lhit pike p r nl.;irc 11 m-t btve IN- w irV eiiiMf nlne of It.C llMlltx, Ulli It It OfTYrft fl'f ttlJ I0l pini ii-r nf -crntlnK tl. fn Hit r I" r J-Vf imirut, MI will, biui-'u! ft p i nltit di'i'lit, pixe a infitt'l 1i:m' i .iu ur . CCOFER t GPtAFF, No. II MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. If Wl 1 I IflA, 11 C'l'Alt OH. CUMTANY, Ot I'll MAO KL vO nii. pun Kin i. rin , Of t-'haj-, 1 v.; i , 'liiin (' m anv, oru.iril'tii with ft I'nj'li 1 .it '-mm, Wit I . tl V taelhiWli ' UMilfll JitMlt i" I1U' II U- tl .!UU ll -rt i lul t: l' tli' viixuiiM t'hi ; lion. WlU.lAM Mllll WAItl. 1 i.i r:.i i: SAMl f.L It. I Hll. IPS. si . 'iii l Aia . SA.Ml KL Al.l.r.N. Tin- I't'iip. rly of tiih I'ftmpdiiy is,nwts nf th? f..wln mi 1 1 mt-r liaiii of In int. miii.ittU in tMian-" iry, l'l'ini.- vIvhii:h Ti n uir- on "IIOIESK .Kt;EK,"' liavln a I:uyiMMiit on boil) flUr f h1i i'i im k. J lil pro' rriN nt n-M-rvril hy tlic orkiiml nirin-rfi out of . IH- t-i Die I Al((.i;fi l LANI SAl.l'.S iumIo Iii Vviihiimj rciiiity Hr.i i' iim' tllM'oM-ry ti Oil, ni povhhiik sun iir tri:vjitioiiH, wlikti ! Im-Iioyi il to lo uii-ut)'HiiMi it by uhy ti ritlui iu I ln region, Hii, ii i id tLrcv-iitmrlci-H (ti1) Aoros, fnl'if All'Ktiiiiy rUir, uiliohiiif ''liorto riefk,' ftiul lu tho luinn iIia vii'inlly ol M A.N V W Ki I.H now Ih NHCrt'iMiil irriilii. It In ftlbo opptl'v tuo I'ulcbnUiMl S ill.l.LKH, rilll-I.IPS, UIHh'tlltr Tlt'llH. Tlo property of th'n Coinpsnv Is nvriiMl In Yf.V, HIM I'lK.au.l IK IHiUlV nil LKUA 1. tiii'l UnNAHI.K I'mlnny. Tlii i 1b nti'iut iN K AC It I i of property leu, il, ni wnleli tlliTfil 14 WfH tl.l- uWIKThlM IlKUMlllkit I) UNK' lOtj K ill ui tin -Ml. as l; AM V. r- (' nnn i- Im' t-m mitilf fr tli iTiinicilinUilevcl 'p irtiilol hotli tin-t, a u( Km kin Tiols Httil m'i:"flry liiiirMiH'ty lor (Lai pnijio.iv I1 now oo tin' Ki'UlioJ, ainl ill I tiliroi Ul I'M ! (loll. Hi i iniihi r of Hl.an-fi to ron-vM of TWO Ml NIH:r.l 't'IlOlAMI. 'ItU' ftl'lMI-Hpll.-tl p'l.'C O'' Ihi' Hlui'k ix liM.lrtlUM. HOI.I.AU l'K MiAltt, lull ktUI, .mil NO stat-1 -(.li in. I- tiii ttt I 'l.uii.ju l O'IIun 1 uvi' bvn ic ci'voj by thu orif. i I ov i cr li r ib vi'Ienln; pnipTt v. 1 1 . !Mil.rt it t'Mi l'.iKk ! in r "p. Il th" SfurA nt 8 Ml Lis It- I II I It ITS, J... 'M uml S k I.M.i HIM i t. ni -H ' U HAMI Kl. AI.I KN, Mm ro tiy. r'HE BUOIIAN AN EOYALTY Oll-s COMl'ANV. CAriTAI in,iH!0 SI1AKFS.... s-jiSl.DIO .TAR VAI.rH li-tlii.iiO rui.siDi N r-juiin" ai.km AN'nr.a. inrisi it .ion s w. tokiikv. bt-e ltK lMtY-VVM H. I. A Net. i)iits:"i'oii-i. A. li. I' ATI KM., rie.tile.iit lean llv iiS u, -tat1 nal rank. 1 lelM.b'ili.ilt'. 1.1 1 W A Kl I'. JAMKtt. '.1 I lie li.ni-e oi Tiiem ni lit :t. nil son Ai ('., I'tnia.le bhia .Kill.N ALKX ANUI'dt, No. I'eM An-li ri'fl, Pnlla H. ll A III VAMiWIVKI-.lt. X ei 'S M.TU'.toan'll sireet, rlnluitt'll'lea. J. II. l.M)AY,l'illlnirit. K. i:. 1'iitti Kit, vi. il, iv :aiiii-i.Mi. WM.it. I.VNh, I'Uikduhliia. t)n;.... Nr. 1 I H. KO I'll I'll ict, rim. vniii.rniA. Tl'O ii.ti,.'nv .-r t ii I'-aoiiiiiy on-i-:s ..i nit bunch s, ami i. r..ui .il It -:d It.-seriss or it . valine i a.l tiia n product a nn tt. "A. Hn.li.nsn I arm, on Oil Creek,. And we. H It"' ml met iiiii''r,r..iir.,l .1. i.-i-iu. In ivvu Iiuin iii ul a. it M.t Im, ilon i:.isl ill. kniy '.tlfk, V until;, cnunly, rniisvlvan.s. Tlit-ie ..is sSoii' on,-tain tr-.l .mil ill! y sorve.v-J .ol lot on tit "A It n tin n Farm," over sistr ol wlneli ar" lessetl l Tlrst eiM- o;.i-.fcii.rj. Si . eul en v . IU -ire no.v (.renin, in : oil. nrveral mi." now bi'lou tr-tei wan p"i...l piu-ie. Is, Slid txeuij'ui li nij l.e'in b-,.eid .il sriu'il jUtc- ol l ..sH'sh. As a -...1.1 poilio-lni; i:ivi's:in i I ,i li u 'e-l n ci'.. r el tell i ,i:C sluit not J..n i. -'..no. ni i.i !. aeie I .1 f,' Cir!., tl; olt :iti,!. flli "I l' ,i i ol' 1 10 ' "''- rs, ,r ..t t'10 ict'. 1. 1 !,.( ePli-aoy. 1 lie ii.orti'a. can ''".lie; i .ill ! s , ij. 1 .it ol toe C ..a ,iliv .-C" ;i. ily. li i f e.l.:ai.o el m, lie o li. c. II - i lai TIiL OALF i-IUTK OIL 0U.i?A.NY 1,1' l.-T VIM IMA. C'oj .'!. 1. 1 '00,1 'Oi). M. l.KJ.lKrtl. l'Alt At.ci:. fin. ii c-,1 itii'Tii'N run it rai'". iio'ni -' ''i,' :'- J.I..S1 K1 I O W ilUltJMi C ll'l i Al tl'J.e ). lv il . 1 1 JIM1. M. ' CTCtllviN ..in.,., ,s T i e-1 ter.-VII.LIAM UlttCU. li no ions. JAMI M '( I K't 1 'J, it- i Antvs, lit e. ( ; '1. HK'ih'.F. M V vlibEsf WILLIAM liKlef, V II l.KAilAM, Ill.MtY ('. '.'.I li lll.K. T. t 1"' k It cs ol tin. I iiiiooiv n now ,,i. i tt tti Coin. ;i. II ... t M. . . Ih CI r Hi.O.N WUJM, ,lj zl i .N. I HON I Mo - I. N'.hn t .b... tin ea ent."ii tt fir name, w-lt b r in.rel I.. Lisy i.nv ueri'.''il. -a I cr 5. lo- no. sen. t'ia S' i,-.vlu rfil ; dftj a, v, lieu UiS c.-l.i:-ale-s ul 4te wl.i bn r ja.1 I jc J.-ioe-' y. 1 i,-Ui:J, .e'tt.s Titu'irtny Iismv been sol.'rted Willi ttis .tr.' .'. st . sre liv iui.' l t ie inott evineuce l ,il iu .oi j:il ...,t. o. tl... c it tei , an I i intljt oi - l ir-:. Aacit Its i A .-I n i4i J en li I -.' N. 1., in' .11 w to. U I i.'y li " ,i, - i !,iav.i,i,.a t c i..- '"- -"ia: -ai 'i',.i , vv ii. , . , t '. o .'!. e. : i. . ''St t.'"ii leal. - v. . n t ,1 -mi,- . i ., ., I ui - v i , ' il.si'.i ie ih.r.o; en. i : tA li lie.,,, , 11 1ST ,1 ,'l'ilVjl. ll.,"l,ll I.' t rt'lj, 1 11 ,' v i ii et. I v lii t t -l t t . tin' C en nnv . ,1 iVi it i ' 1 ll' e l'j- '.- I' " i v, o..' 1 .1-; '. I i- i .-il i" v p I , I i il a l.nij. u- l: no te. I ' ' i.e.. in V.' . il-iw a tn,; liit air v i. m c.i..'y iu..-. i ao.) 1 1 j. Uw V.' ml i. ea t o! -iae hunln-l se.e'l ostn.-l lu nt be It.-t l eai.ian , itnJ i- tin", if 111 sere l lw"l'f reti. t.s. 1. !l i-ct lo oni'-e ia.. ol t e' oil J. a I i) !l). Ilola if leo-t .e uii-.aip..i-"J oil I'Ttit r. nJ I " in ''''- lirooiuiif (a 11 t lia s.' N e k ami ltw on e Htm terrltir, ana to m It'iJl o' I' f Belt ( re'k Uoieuiniv 1h jrk on lusto u llio. i. io.'eiile I wilh YU .r, upJ on trait Ni). In S l mi, . ui'Je .ubric.il.ej oil at a ilsptn oi ) lest. 1' jl tujli 1..U ae neaatisn ( ' lirf.-litltl, at H.jO-sw lu. nv M. 1 lteT a.iMt. OIL, MINING, COAL. AND OTHER NEW tonrtMis. Wsarsprepsitt furnnk Hew Cfpratku witli all Ike Hooks th'r rnulrt, at snort aitkc nt lw iinesi, ot fii.l qualltr. AllsCylM ol lllaalnj. sna.ri.-Pi.ATK cEHiirtco r..! ov rc. LtiuooitAriiKii do a THASMV.K BDllle. OUUKlia til' lUAKtirER. MliH'K LKHOI K . Kioi i.ruuKii n-U Awcrs. muiBiKR or CArri Ai. ai'.K'it. MKiUvKlt.H' H.TTV LI.UliV.lt. ACl HIM' OV HALL. WVlLllllaa .UOIa. M04C0., laak IhI ICsauruturars aad SUtttoasri U-ia-tl o. ei I'Wm CI ntc pEMBROKE OIL OOMPAITI, Vfnanco (otmtj, Fenn) ltanU, INTCIvrORATF.n VNDF.R TUB LAW'S ( K rVNNSVLVAMA. CAl'lTAL HTOCK, r.oK. in fss' SHSMKS AT !V A 'lUtK, TftX TAIH. Mirklns Ciipltiil Itrsortrd fvr Itftrlop incut, SIO.MKl. ih ii' i-tirtr.p nt'NT. Vi i . t i 'm I)W ami ami'P'.N v.,. Ir.si Ol '!, t Sf I si 1. 1 s. TIli'M ' W r.v.v Wf ltl HI tr t'OKH: sr ai i i i.n nt r, r na.l, ti". s, l'n. ,le I t lit ! Ol ll- i-t i tn tren W itS. Mr. W M.l.l.vM 0 lO'JfK'K, 1 I liila.ttli l is. Mr. 1 1W a HI HII TEN, 8. L . li.'i . Wlif Iti'tl, 'i, r tf Hlitl, i.J W.U- ni. I s'r. f t, l't it ,'. I t,' v Mr.r.HMAN Vt . LVA K Xn. S.f I iininit st, t, rmla il. It Mn . Wr. I., w. HA.1.KV. S- sl t 'iii : sit't, ri.itsa ! Ida. r. Hil l, nt ti iWlN, 1'1-i-h, r , I'.v. Vr. . HI Ml IIMAH'OHII. km lir sbt n. Ia llr.J 1 . CMtNAi.ll vS, l'tl.tcnt 01 urn fUn-n 'III t .tr a ai.y, Al'vsti. ni CI ), Pa. I'r. A 11.1 1AM () Ul .i lMtr, r tul ir-, l'a..aftntarj am'. T ej.urtr of raisfoirg f.iul I'sn'itlo n1 Kallroael. ItK. Ceoil'Sry iwa In fr lliniile 71.', A l tf Ihe '''. 0. 1 Nnl'ory ,ai tli" ribt b ink of Ins Allal.i.y netir, in ar I'll Car, wall ene imol etiu W 11 an t anctl.t'r uearly , om-l-S't,,),.!!. ranxesd, turnj..!, anil nvsr a:ees lo Ui 1 IOC rty. 1 .T i vrti elarf , Prf iitetue. ti, b fo.'iid n ca any ci' Hi. l ine ler-, or ,.t 'l.t i . tv cf KL8SE8. COOPLR & GRAEFF, Ko. 1 1 KM'IAN K, and Mr. E. HARVEY THOMAS, NO. 31 WALNCT rirt'.F.t.r, 1 i o .tif ti.;mrli ed to w .1 .i UuiiHd ri.ir.Jfr of i! .r of IN, fc 1 1 i nt I) IM'M' C i V s 'I HI. IK'A I It A M i;sil I O . " VI H . LtiV.f. Nn, J" H s. ni t:m "l-'vt. ut, m W-Jim:, b-l riHiiii. iU"t no r. C Y ,Vt ,e.O; Ml MO.S. , .; P It VAMT.'0. II. i' pi-it criy 1 1 till-C -nip in v t. miu i(es on th' Alio til. i. II v 1 1 . uoil i inl'i .o tl wtlt.'n ft ' l-'.ti M' nthitit i -m fct.il a I it It mV.fs ijcni thu n Im iVi-i, Vun in.u I'.. limy, I l'llli.tllll Mtlll tip "11 lilt 'allK' kl.U'OI bftlll llMt. It ron t ( t tt'o I'Miiio w rkiin: (nuri-f 'wMfh . on.. 1 1 ait i tl -1 il tr-..li . n in I .' -t.e .i ni oil 'v.-ii lo.- u. .1 on tin cil kim n liiio i r K Ann, c-ir'-iiatr 1 ,n i'i hhl; tl f lust H it Uioit pnn!'it;ti . till T-T'l. 'lli'i, ftril k:iOWll tl 'liOO Ml K- MAIiMUM I, Wl.l.la. I Pe leu m in I- r 'I oil lioN viiinii". wi'lt ft front a p .if a like i.'iii.ti r ot ro N upon h ttiwr tv ttiac ro m i -r iwn niOli Oil , Hill! lull UU IllH'Kp.iVj I' Till Ol' I I'll'y I'v.ll ji .11 1 I t i ll' i ni'o u Hut '-Im-h t-ii l,o; t'u tne, I nh inu, 'I unk iiinl f fn ifaliiM IK-uta i to t Ai ry un n cvn n I o or.tiK.nik. 1tiert'l (wltirti ( ii ttnivlnu' anil pnntp'n.' on) lim I in in i pi rut Ion tr I In o vi .n , ..ii t. tun. i l liriihilt'tl, h. lH pMiLIU I it l LU III I l 1 1 Dili 1 1 (I IO I I if hlH I IT Wl'Oh (III- .ilUlili'.' lopp HI IlltlOs t'! rinj .'..i'.( ,i titl' i tl pT ilu. yii'ilniis' lor tic umkitiK lotn-o-t of i do C titf.my hi oi.i :io.ho ftiiiiiiailv . I ht' nil kU.frtir. Itx hiti i . iiin-,' iii.iIi'm im in ii mlii it' Im it f ') I ' i per Imrr 1 oi re tli oi i lit' t. I iri'tii Oil t'n i k . i'lim well, ri'uty tiuxliod untl .ii lit i y uu' kill hv the oik i'i nt. il 1 ird-nt Air I'i i in p. Ie ri Li t 'h.c ili'iiM ui it ticini-' f-t'Ti 1 1 to ti orifiniLi prriliiL li.'ii - In in -to lo . o lui it's i it 'lay. 'I tit oil .-r pr. prl ot tin I'oiiipiitiyronw'sj' tn H vultiabl.- ItVl r tl.ilM I 111' Hi Un 111 li'l M'MpU1 .IHll-'MliIlk! ' iv V. ' I'i'lll ' In Km , h iihi-. I Vuiklm, v It li h I.i ruc b rliu oirli'i l u iik' Hie iikcr. m il itho o( n iiif crevks tL.it run ihr -ud i'ie 1 1 ii I , H i 1 1 I ' y tin I'niMi k lii'iiukj MirrAco, mitl onluinriMfc; ru at is Us utuv hk oil n-rr Utv In uiiihii n to Un-, U Iihh, Ii. m i" coij tii iili to tho i tin mi y l -w ti .'t ni;i: m' V.v l"it tnrifl liit mut raplilly k ov mi; tonus ot Hit Siurr, ft lr,;o I:i tl. t rotiii t of tin? wflN of thi rrc'nn tiir hft- rvpr b en tt n u.aikahU1 iiiiit'rinil , lihb, with I In- lutts vain i llf . I-.1I.V 1 1 i ii iii tun i el well ,.n i l,e iil,uil Oip iitm ih, " Moovtr I nun," ami thr illcoiyot larw unit vuliui'ile pri titntint we h ell it r nn ni tin ('ump m s propi-riv (R o rMiti'-t l ivow ), Ktmnpr. Die r Pi.1 ton one ul t lie inot aliia Me oil f rritoilei. 1 tie I "ru nkl in l iff . i .1, In noutiin; Hie lit w wt Un rt celUl.v ! ruck. AUJ H 'tnifc hy Unit. A Morrow , on Hit'l'ur I?,on tho f'lii'h I'rti fK.utii, two ini.3 tielnu- Kranklln, win -li ylelileU V(0 I'.irriMi hi the f!rt Im l v-cilit houri pnnnit'ik,, Ih eon lileint m etl lor nt larreli. lbll l.t'C ulno obfulucil ft Mow ris; uell, on Hie Mart m Kmm, just afiviue lloovs? r, iiml neatly opposite i)ii t 'n.-h',.iu' wlil-'h f('W nvor ilttv I'litr! p"r i!h. Alxo, Air. II ti tih' who omiii a louse on tt ti f-iiiiih K. u in. w Iio liat In en ptiiiiuiim lotir luirrel por tin itt li im t t ep, fniiik (hi well 4if4 loet, nmt iiriieK ft well L'hliik! lortv tifirieln pvr il.iy. Ail thene itrlkin tuuo In vn within ten iiay,unUthepru6puctof a niimljer more lu hliort Hint " ntei ii tlmto mill ili(ire have been not nsMc by tlicOoin p.in tor tint purpose oilionnif throe nioro wells. llri region, wlih It oil well. velebrnt'd for thfllr Rteaiiloto-i mitl tuiubillty, the Ki't'ftt iiiniiHrri ul tttre j't. win); niit) pou vti -'l-t ri'oi'iitty tiln'i ver (1, t e itiipo. rti.r itmlnoi th" Ht u luhitrnu-r, uml t tin Jii,:h prie.oi alwiiy.i so reiidiiy obtuliii-il, with t.i.rrtontiiury Pitt pin; furl lit i r , Itt III Hit' Hfils Iii Imr ! eiteil orl tl.e Iiur-lli Ol lie rner.ftitU onlv tui.-iiil-a-li;ill' noli a fiuin too mil. out, i. niie to oiti r pnit m wmti'nK to lines; in oil t'-rri'ory in f ly, liu'iicin.i oti ol Hie highest lutrtteior. Hi iy. i or anli'i rtplinn u e now open in ttr oltic.1 o' tho ("' puny. N.i.-.'iNH. Hll'K'I'll Sltreoi. In-low Wiil.iiif, t'nl u limiinl iiimitier ii blure.i will be unhl nt ."rf p-r fl'iN-, N. H. Iloy.ilitefi loivlrn rlton to one-t,.iit' th oil, tin) rnnii, iny epe. i i.i i (m'1o Tiiroly Ir-'in Ie i-to n p r t M ri ol tl,t ir tiu t hiitl in Uu -itupl. Jl u t.t 1. rt. riMMIM. Tii'.isi.rer. 'yyAEINGTCN AND WALN1T BGND OIJo, t(l V. CAITLAL itXMHK). lt;O,0tX) SHARKS Ivu:h. SiiLf-rtijitinu ViW-9 10,( 0 Sliait.8 lUbortd as Working C-ipilUtl. CHire, No 314 MARKET Bt , rbilaaelphia. Vo.l Av.rllm Oil t ret-k nw ptunphig lObftrirN per d.iy. .11 il iiiciiM-iniy. No. vi. A wi ll.-ii tia Ore-k. row over :k' f.'ft t'eOli, w I'll lnrve I nwil' oil Nimr thltt ih the ('rn I'lsinivr All, t.u h i io pt.ui;liiK 1 Ixirrcla m .ill per d.-y No.:t. A wed on ii t it ek. f oi d ei, now renfly for tnhint, w th KpicuaiU bhuw oi utl. t'vory proHpett ol pto-tii'eil.-J liirwlv. o. 4 Di, t tlftli hi'i rest In ft tract ot live lutn-lrfil acnt t u in Ail.-, I t ny itv. r; hit w.l's. now pump nu liny barrel-, ot oil I ei it v ; lliree luoio elh now :,'-jmk ilown , wiUl iur ft i-il'- ol liver iK'tii, n w--o I tkornu rerni try. No. A 1 ilf aeie i't Tuteoi.ie.nosrH e Kcoliotiilto Voi!s( Iil' Ii tut i "' piiiuiH! mI burrf pr ay. So ( Kinln iiiniu I. ail i.ett!-. In tYftiiim Men. I. on Hi" Alt"- 1 1 n y nu r ; iii.uk u.te y Miirui'iuhnK ibl pro-in i arviino prituoe lit; well-. 'I liK ir i' t w ii be iJevtilopetl iannlly. Nuloniit!' ui lie row beini; l'CiiveJ. uuu in-xe por t'.ui oi He ct..CK al:''rHs lal. n. Iho pr i-Ill-uDl nil IntoTiiiiilli n t-nr Ic .Ntntn.it ftt tl.e Ollivo ol lie ( oroiHii , flow ill So. Hit il A I v h I.i H.i.et 11 Ul C ioai, nil., AMI OII1 Kit IN. 'lltl'Olt VI till COMi' WllH. .at. t . feci tl il nt I,, w.-t c-s'i .rl:ei arltli I I. ill li H A I tr 1 .1 M' a.'h. llt.v.ssl I ll InniK-i, Midi K I I III. KltS, MMIil.SH ItfMlKH, ,le. ,te. A III1' ni..e-Mn, nl of 'a elile. U liial f r M.le'....-..H 10 ll ..1 111.111. Mj le.i.l KV til LiJilli'i. u illicit aal.-sol M.oi U. W. Q. PEREY, MftunftctariDg tal-ioner, 11 v.; livv S. V,-. corner t ol it'l il ait It M K Sts plU'M'Ksm'lUJ AM) UOS'l'O!. IXI It'Jl.t.t M COMPASV. Capital, $-100.000-rar, $5 Per SLar. f-tlCHUTluN I'KICK, -2-..0 I'I'll SlIAUK, ll'lt Hil.L 1AIU (Hot K AM) NO ll lllltl.K A 4-11 St.ilK.Si I 8. Ti e ir..it:t ol t!.i (viui'.i eorsMs of the fu).to-- ti'g V tUi.All'1 . . m;k si.mim.i-: Tenitoiy, .-xt-'i:-lv fa e'-oiJs. PUOIlLl I.MI IVKI.I.S, V. tl. s- ins ilawil ani near'.J- tliililm.l Ni . 1. o. ie. ;.i , 'iftyl A i. - --a f.'l.rry Trn- Itnn In ITK (slfctPI T.. lu.iea'ile i-i.,1 mil.c-'et.l t'iMiik I 11 I V VV KLL. '! In, IniM'i itoi'lio-it.' t' na'lcll r.'tr.ii.-iei. C.)iiipitli.f f Hayf .' 1 anii). ou Oil I reek, botiuauu iu oart oy lin eieio lil atcd M.'l . I .nil. V A , . t i ejL,r ,,. ;,fii'iil cr' vei'n) on vta-n. M a. 1 ..jtock 0 ll le-i-V. -i.'i .-ivs. all tl.it, vjr vli.'..llwiaa aad uumii ua VM'its ait an.1 a. t. , , , , ij "Vli.J i n ' l . iwn a Vi ,-U, '"ut ) lurr-'li ler J.e ',) v .. .V ln.lt. k lii"", '.I..- I'.inii'iav im ti .; IV l.ilI.L o:a. la'.e'i.'st n. LU f. ui', ea:u,i, tau., o: e a, ' Na 4 ' ft'il". I. V -'.'. V,i I .' .,' i t J :1 CiM'. J'lWttiyH 1 , I, , luily to if., .a. '.i... .'ii i i II,. - t-J I-)!.::. -j N... A "I .li I il a a W -'.,, jU J i e. i j., I ti 'nit. If "j,,V .j.a'..e:uai ai) .iiil :l4." : t-i "'. i it.l, euali... tu tl-e aiio.e we.lt, vs. la liufj..-a n'.ii eiu. i.e. lank", "l -ric 1-. '.sue-tiotui't, .N T. 1 M.e K.:,,e-ii 1 ' " ' !-ioa .'A iff.'-Oil C r. , s'i na', and in ne well Jovtn koj : tot, ono nuaitsr aitat oat itVVKeS.:KHAltii4SrliVl '0 WOitlC. IN.. I AI'll AL. II .ale for oaittfii. ,i.i,scri'ti.n arf ntw ao n at otic ollitf toran w J.xoilln tiJ, tli; look lo Im i,..e-,-J oa lite r.-sii'ar H.oton i"' fi.lliiil i Block lloi.ids aa a ". una dlwo.-tid-l'.lioi On. Kaoi.u.as.i Ci.rM. wtien il ia fpoci.'.! III.' iliaro vl.l larolf adv k, All fuitiaT liifoiut.iioil, vvitii pioapoolitao, oau U-ulaaiutfd ot tin uieie'..U'"'l- Tho sinail caieut of tl.u, C.iuiiia'iv. f ItU Hit' nclLJi larsii utteiokla, must iu.lk,c ll a ta.oule in acoaru luvoatiueal. R LEP''H ho It 1 aioiikai BaUiiajs, V. A.L'tlT. tlov THIKtl, 1-hllad.li.l.la Anjy. l.l.ONAUII HAkLr.y, Ki ll RKAVEIt t-wt. Mw Votk Ak.it. al'l..M,tK, WLA CO., Itaakc.a. U K b lilon As -oar fjHE SDBSOaiPlION B0OK8 or "ia ritltsltUlcl AID riObTON PE1R9I.KUM C OUPAMf will di 00 VUliUKNDAV, th 7th last. H. 8. LKKCH, Treasurer, ho. 14FAHQUIIAJI BQlLDlMOg. raaPkl.WU.,l'toail. 164. U-X-H AKO EUOK CREEK PETEOLEUM COMPANY. rvrtr a MmlM ntnhr rraharrs for al t a. pr. TU iaaoa ot lh aoov 1 'oinoatiy o n.iai of l-I mcr.t tn lo til... ii.ihi, the anvar farm, rn th Allrsttfliv r'vr. rrar Kiankiln. na sich l, on wall yll llm- daily rt. nart ala ol n. A 'Mn mri 1. anno b'lns li.rMl Al", Mi acre .nttl iwvnty year !. on IMteft orll. an wla.-h two wf a. are now worn down, wlh a fd th'tw i.i oil; and ':7 a. r on lit .an, .rrk In fft lojil,oa wl-l -h m- wf !l i. Im- nc bo.e. Tnre is encii, hoil ,.i li..l A en ot tvk.rh If pay a 0'iSinL foiir'.Uea le. uou for a (i diyi tnly, at I'ie Oft.c ol K. A. MAltSI I.M.I., IU., M-t Jt Hi! WAI NOT BTIUXT. JDE CLARICN E1VEH 01LC0MPAH1E3. f I KICK, No. 311 WALNIT f-ritVET, (CRCOM) llavtli). WlI.l.IAM I. KOI I KM., I kit- llir.NT. J. HI Miff IN AI'KtOA, 11 P-II" Paenianr ana TT.aiurttf. JeJATIONAL OIL REriNIKQ COMPANY, or ran Ai.i-.i.riiiA. Capital ef2CO,000. 20,000 Sharps tf iO Far. I'liasIDHNT. WAT.SOX MAlal s F. MANidl n". WAl-OV MAl.riNr. : H' i.11 I.I I I" -T ItHIIAH.C ll.lt r.ll, I THIH. j I, AN' A rlfM . I . II LAI hUlMMT. JM-, Jlr 1. ' All lf ' It A , Al.r.NIKlt I. I'KAM THRASl'RHR. lIlf'MAH J. I.AM'AStKU. aECIlt.TAIIY. rtl'Jilir C. BrEVKShOW. Th s feinpany l fotindf .1 nimn a S'lnataullai and ir.ffiil- nirtth l.iinii., -nn li,l..a.i.1 ..fl r , r.-nt r in lot .'iii'-nt-.tn 1 i."f r. liMl.lr m r uriiy ivnr Into vtiu.-tit tti.in ativtnlifr di. b. ft rf I tif iiihll,'. Mili-rrilllei. a. a now bvlny r-'C.-ie e-1, ami a la.vc ."rtl-n m ll.e t.M k I. alrf .tf lit)... Inaram. of ll..' ire'.'rly mav tif tiamtiiea. and all fcirinit'.in no liilrifd at ll.f'olln of Uir Comeany, 1.0. I.'J S. HB. 'DNl) Blreel. JAS. II. HTKVKNSON, It W tiitlittm lr-.s;r.M. AliKKr. ja uiMiirs a rs if o.l.iia.u) GOLD MINING COMPANY. Cl!Ariiri.t.l 11' Hi All. '; I'I sjnsVLVANIA. OAl'lTAI. S'lDCIl. ?l,0()(),t)i)(l loo.ooil Mmrra-I'nr Vnlnr. tl. I'r. i.l..ni-JOHN O. ANDI'.HH().V, Ilirf.'lotw. Tlien-as A . Scot r, V. II. K nf n.s, Vt'iliinm H. Frfn.aa, K. l.cn P. Kins, Jtlin M. KII' T, ( hart.. l' Hll'tr, Jtemaf It. kltir f , T C. M. Ilowfll, Hanlskarf. Jcha W. Mall, ,1 Joli.t llia-lv, do W. IV. ur l:o,l.an -ajar. VI illiatr. O. iSiiu'e, Colorado. 1). 1'. NOUTIIWOKTII. Fucrftary and Trt.uurer. CPPIOE. No. 423 WALNUT STREET, noon No. 3. Antlir rllcatrrt sf.ft'lnianR have beennMcnrfd fpm soma oftlif C'emiifwy a Vottes, and liav been assaye.1 by rro rfstora ttootl! and Garrett wll tithe most 1,'r.itttyliiii results. H.iba.'rlitlon lints are now otientlt tile) Office ot the Com pany, and at the TreaMirer's Ottl -e (Ioti'mal Rovenn), No. 17 Clit-.N I T Mtnet, I annum' anil Moeliaiilc, Hank bnlMlntt. To orlslnsl lutnerltmri tilll far haro for a llnilteel nn-niber oi uliarcs. Circulars, pomaliltita, or llifonnatlnn car be olitalnfil at the eftireot the Conniaify, alter the Kill Insu tl-IJ Jn JIVBUJIXJ VOUlt LIKU IK THE A. 31 i: II I C A IN t 8. K. Corner Walnut uml Fourth Streets. l'llILADr.l.l'UIA. tt Is a HOME f OMTANV, ami nroftU dlviiled nnnunlly, tltiix inillnu 1 1, a ans.n-eil to ,ay lulum iirtaiiiiiiiis. La.t tliviil. i.ti oil per oriit. HO VHP OP TltUNTERS. Alfxan.lrr WMII.IIn, Ho". Jaai.. 1'olloek, Alt.frtC Koliflta, hiinaiel r. Ilofine, in '.me Nnifftil, i J. Kilt-ar Thomson, lion. J He,.li alna.in. lirt.iry h. ..ent.otl, rnlllp II. FitniKlo, Jotin Atktnan, 1 Isato lia.letmrst. V. illiaiii J. ll.mard isannini mora. AI.KXANHKIt WHIM.MW, Treildenl. S.VMI'H, WOIIK, Vk. rr.aile.il. Jt'HM H. WlLdOU, Hec'y and Treantrnr. 11 UU N.SURAKCK AOAINST ACCIDEN Ttj. TKA Kl.EltH' INHt'ltASCK COMPANY, IIAKTIOIU), t.'UNN. CAI ITAl. . .JiOn.CW 1VILI.IAM W. AI IKN, A' Hi NT, Ha. 104 WALNUT HTHtliT. InsnrstTf erefird In llil t'omiinnv aeain.t ACl lllKsita MH KVI 111 libit Hll' I l.'N. Vc a.'ly 1'oliclcs will he l.sitfri lor a Premium wf KIS K 1 l. Li. AltS, granting Inxurani-e lo the autoem ..I t'lK I llt.IJ-.AMi Dil.l.S. RiralrtKl iiecldr nliu losi. of llie vi nlle true e-llnu 17 Sly pub lic eobv.yanee. TK.N liOt.l.MlH PltEVIII Vi tfcurei a policy for l ive It.oi.HanJ .ollar4, an I a'so 1 wt-ntv live liollarH per week eomiii-nsjlii.n lor ier.onal inairy ii.eeacitatlDs Ine bii.td liom tilt, or.tinary busliieiss. rwrsTY tivk i oi.i.Atta vm mu m Beriircs a lull l'o Icj tiir S-'iwiu. un l SJo per vs.,., ri.mi.en , atii.n lor all and every cu-cn iptiuu of ac auunt, tri.viii.uK or oiti. rw me. rolc.a l..r $' on wlili fi p.-r w-i,i-k e.anp.-iisn'lon can be had lor $a preui un. o.' any other nam liciwecn 10.1 and f .itl) at proporu. n.tf lates, JaMK.s II. nTI I nS'. Pred ion!. X.II'NKl liKNM-s, Ho, let ay. lil'MtV A. IiYKK.Utucral Aii'.t. rilll ADKLI'IIIA Itotltn Or" Itl'Hiltf.Vi'K. F. Itaclii I'.l tsiiirr, 1'.. alde-i.t hu.ei'p.i!.u Jnul.titoe CciJ- piinv.ctiiilruiiiu. ls.acK Itak. r. Ilroi rtr , rnell'is A- linker. M W. Italiiwtu, nroi oi M vv . Hal.' w in At e.o. 1 em ut I f ' llln. t nn ol I 'oil a A A lt . n'lt. It. H. Come vii.ch. Intr I'tu ail.'lieaa Hank. Hen .11. x. Hi i ry. Ma.or i ny oi r.ilia,l--!'.la. Win. 11 Meillck, llri.i el Mclrli k t S. J.... pt. ral cr-..o l'n-l.l. in W.-'.-rn tl - .k. I 'nn. .laint I'nlliM-k, InraetiT Hnlleil males Matt. '1 1, omu I'otlcr, .Vte.cl a. it. tic .re.- II Htnart. tlrui "-lusrt .v llrolte'r. Join, li iaslor llrm I aelcr. lll.le-i. f l-''". J. I Ji-ar llii.msou. rrrslda.it I euiniyl. anla B.!l.ro..d I I'll,. ...iv. J.ii.n a.kl. rrc -l.lit.t t tflh and SUIIi Ntrffli ris,eiis.r Hallroud Celiipiiay. APn.ICATlD.NH K'KIKI ASH roi.i.'iiil l.ml'KU ItV 1VII.I 1 M VV. Al I.KN, u.ui n'Al.ilUr . Street. 11-1'.' lntlit.l UKRK'fl OKHCK. COMMON COUNCIL, 1 feu ..i'i. i eniA, I'ecenilier i I -tii. Tn per-in.ni-f of tl ain.eaid ii-aol'iti". , the f..!li..ins. bill. lU'lHid "N 'HtlilNAXI'E CKKITIMI A rkS 'III l'AY OliKrMM nKKI'IKN- I II S IN 'I UK. . A It I 'I, AMI I'll VV I'll -1 V !...!.-i- h, - l.v to.l.l bhcil, to eC'.i ituuce vv.tti toe ael ot A '.cm be, lea- public ililoiinalioli. wm. r. sm vr.i., Clerk ol 1 oiauiuu Cauiicll. AS OlttilNAVCR Cltr.ATIN.i A l.'HS III TaV CFBTAIM Ul.l It II NCI UK I UK 1 li Ml If.l, AND 1'ltEV I. It a 1 KAliS. Kf ftloa 1 . The heli-et slid Couiuiou CoUncUs of III dt 01 rialaaelplna do oreliia. t , lent tli.- Mavorof lhildfl.!iia l,ni! he l heriy su it, oilieu uilioriow no Ihe erv.lit ol tho cm.noiu lime lo Ian.-. c.li aiansol iicii, v uiafhe neieart lor le inviii.M ..IH. . I. dedclelii ie-e a- no vxlsl, or vtbirli "my i t -l ., .' e m-t .lav "t Jai.n.i v, lvi.i,lu tl.e appropnu 1. i - 1.. the , fecial 'itinartiiiimi. ol Ihe cut K' ''a"""!, l.r ti..),arc..: iei. li ii.Hed ai.o '" ' '"' , te'sr,, ee.oi..lall. whole IM sum oi two .... 1 oi . me I i.a.ln.l il.oi.-an l do; ar. for w lath law r --t.u t o i-ac ..I lie-ale oi.iv pereeiilmii I'orauuiia. ,1.3,1 t:a hail" icarii, on tho ni't tla ot January a. 1 Ji.lv. at tl.o Olt ce of Hi t' -l aieasuier. l..e primilial ol said loan shall be payalu and psia at t'.f t,.itlou in tnaty 'in tram Ihe date of th sine, m.d li .1 tief.-ro wICuhii tl.o rotueiit ol tli '''"J l'u-.',l.ai.dU.eC'itiil''aie. th.-rcl... tie usual toreo of Ihe if.tirl.Ktei of City Loan, shall he ImkI l sue 4 aui... ul as the- leneleri. may re ii ire . but not lor aav rrar-t.-..,,.l part of .... hundred dollar., or, If re.mod. la ai. oc nt. of five hniijird... one tlioo.il i.J d. llurs and it .1." Le aprestrd in said oerllrtcalf. Ihat Ihe said loaa thneln nier.lioi.etl. and the Uiluast Uiureol, arti payab. ,rr,'X"-1'bvernrlo.B shall Ih i made by virtue thereoi m.re .ball l hy fi.rc.. of I n. ordinaue annually aiDrovruted out of the luooma 01 the eoriwratr (e.tatts Jet lion. II..' IW riJ b taast.oil.asuui sulllcleutto tut li r Intrrerl on .aid eenlflratasi and III inril.or .nut ii Ihroe-teniha ol oa pr leniuin on tho par valu of such oeitiflcale. so li.uo.l shall bo appro pilaied qiiartotlvout iK said inoome aud lax, to a .ink. li.a liind, which land, an it. accumulation., are horh eaprcnsliy pleased lot U,e redwupuoa and pavuivnit oi said C.liaeates. KF.BOLL'TIOSI To nut., -h a Loan Bill to pay Ileflcienelei. Itesolv td, 1 hat the Clerk b autliorued to pubii.b In two d. ile iif w.pnper of thUdty. dally, for four wttk.,th orJ.inatw preaented to Common Council oa Thiusuay, littiu.trrl, l t, entilleel "An Ordinance Crr atlna a Loan lo nayCertalu Derlelencl of thr ear 1., aud prt viou. years." ana, v.. ...il clerk, at tba ,taud mettn of Councils. alter Ibe eipuutlou ol lour wocka from the lirat daa- of uitl public alien,. hall present to tills CouncD on ole-be,f .aid nwapara for avtry y la wliwlitba sam aball hav iKiawaa. m a i.w JJHH. Me fi. Bnowwa 6 BEAT MITAPHTEICAL DEJ007HBT FOn DEAFNISSa, NOISES W TUB HEAD, DI6CHAHOE3 FROM TnJB BAR, . CATABJIH, , NBURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, ASTHMA, BCUOFULA, liriONCHUL AFFECTIONS, TnHOAT DIFFIGTJLTIK8, Mi.n.F.rs I.., of Hair, DrstMeeala, T.aUrwwa. of Uit LI'ir, I)iiMfofuKI(Jn7i,OoivatlpUo, Lrawl, I'lie a, In.anliy, rua. Paralysis, hU of Blood lo lb Head, CONHUMPTIOlt, H: fti.t! cry dlt. whlfh DfMtt th ftomft enrr-d fnvtiiftiij bj MUH. M. . 1IIUW1HH ETAPHYBIO AL DISOOVEBt. PRICE Wo. W KOhB trt, )f,w Tarhf M m o- W T E.M B luUTOM B-.uftr. BotKA.( Xr twtrirr wtt tn(rnmf iti. I rttwin .li thr eftr.. N ,-iii.tinii up tin nofHiorlittrrf1acJnpr win. jSn rrinrntv in. ilii nri down fli ifirnnt. Th MKT APII MI'AI. MISi'OVKitV will -uik rvt-i thrti driipfn Ami iiittrumfuu m ill rswh . rrt1-'i pi ren t.j!dt",. Truth l Ditk-iitr and inunt prvvftij; rmf tn tmor nii. a wiiho- otii-cwo..,iuu.lj uiuat KKDor or .lv lmk I'. to nn Ivlon. In ill tfi- iinror tYprt Ii nothlnr no rompiMftlT twtl t tip In prror the rrti. furc, and motive ooh rHU Ui ibflKl aud tueaiftl cuoiUiuUouortb tH'f. Ihi-wftd tat, if thltirHt thf rrnult of fnQoratK nnd Miniin,i,,.Diheparii tho who pr f ia to alntur healllwtiil Ine to lii p. Whilf InlMf, tt mftlvrll titiiii-e I..-) frem ihe t.iMi in ftUehihcr. All I'lwklua find Hi Irexl.'.n.e in mttMphyMot, ftod can nvtr X aodr a."il iiirt irmn the nam. I h n- are mn who make a btiHlneMef tmttlnff pn- Vu i-iM t-Ks. Ilirv l.rrpftr lliltriiliifn(lt IO Oft'tiftaTOUf lo ih r or. w.th liicli to rxpcriiMenl on poor nil vic tim, who hftr atitntrUi, nfiiu.er pli)iicftily mor mttkUr to ntiderto mn h .tfftrh ir ilttit en-mmentt. Ilr who irtftt(ihhumftn body ftiwftyiapeaki of ft ft Liinhiy Iiole,anl ilio tun mutt be a miv or w who wuitl nttf nipt lo dlMaw the txaUin Into lectloon, and) irt-ai hut tihei-e iinioftllT, Irni. 'n1enl of Uio pft-rU or muhiv wlolo in whirhtherDrlotiir. All mich prfteU-toa-riifat MiK rs. butknuw noihtng of ih CAimft wtiat cvpr 1 hii t lie wi rKl la no'htnN lenathan ft rati hoipliftl. I ftia minw cwmlltion of the ptv.o iihytmaUy, mm tiftllj Uf youii,:, w ho -trai. Id wtllidHeaae Wforo they V bud Into lli.t''ipthrw.hou?Kadftaarta i fn t-fnaved nf dear (rtem.ii, w ro bavo pMftod luia unt'infir jrnvrn by bi lmreirjted on. ineM'cirt'umxtaiicrs.wnn niftiivothffa which mlftit rrrntlnrnd. ftn. au lrrvitirJo arjmulua to fu poopko t tU mi' ii.l i.f o.er?- man wh hftatlio life and health of tbm- ehri and theli li.ved 0Mo In hi bau.lfi.and la oontlmiftily annuriiMeilnv ntotilrlnca which ihe patient if jt ftilowvj to kmiv the name or nature of, I nay under Uirnecircumntftneri t'io fo. le liftvc a iiiiht to Oemandof evrrv tuch pbraictiui tolxnitali tht-mwlth a phn of hit cfifira-ier, mat thy limy know hln .)!! AinUon., Ac., Ao. ; lnl d rverr phval Cl.ui lliou d bt; ooinpejit'd b ha. t It htinjf up In hll utVfl i !l ' rx. It la only tltroii'tri thli cliamial ih, tho rntthc.ftii havo any Rutiiy or Kiiftrftoteo for w but la moat di ar to it-lit ami hniitti ; f'tlierwivii, hf tuny Ira In tho Im twin of a uiitn iujfo qualified for ft bUokstoilb UtftB ft pi y-li imu. iu ti m way InliTf Mt onatlnoatl.mi, whl.-b are fndltnon- t c In a '.tiy-.iiiim.are nu re to le itetec'id and hild(d. W :p ihlB unli rry doni,triotiandi would tbdjiro-i- .inn Mliicii nniiiiv uever tjauiiilfd tbcui for. If nftuirw uulitlci not Ut' re flria be no unliable iinllfeatloa, on. i order to d tect the flft oiiiot dlnin, ll la retjulalto ftatl lD-ii-i)enably iieeeptury to Inherit Casualty. Motftuhy airnl Power and Conmru thfn4s mini aJao b biliorUod) by nil Mho would bi kuretmnlul In flndhuftn autldote) ra,ifiMe of i1rnroniT tba oftuae of dUea. TImhw la no channel Ly wlut li thecatiiea Cftubertactied wlta cartfttnlx but t fit one 1 bftvfi dt oerlbed. b lhertft-ra I with c iit.deno to Ui world, that tt ! thrruwh InliorltliiK Ihene rara coinbirmtl neof oha meter tint I have bevn unnbU'il to delect ibe (Iratoauaoof dlvftto. 'I he fHiiio In not, ua mmny tuppo it tn bn. ft dte.a,4n, It Ha an intuited law hviween aoni and body, which, tho Apoet I'm) f lit at, ti always warring ftaaliut Mch other. Tbta Iaw enda forth Htopi'aKea.Uieao atuppftea produMdtae In dlvertinvd lonni, nnd If dlteaHe la vxpottmonttHl on or taiiiprtrvd wtth it takes a flrmr r Klip of tho (UYoettrtitioa and mult'pilei In nihrr ftrma and oiiier !& lues of tho a u ni, tliue deilrojlijg ilie wbule maxhiiierof thebumftai body. KnnictTiter,the Ptomach and th 1,mr hv nothtnfftw riowlthibe rauaaof the dote iae. The .mating oi thee or.-au,lor tl. iftuie, hai aaut nililiuna 10 an aatima Wiihronflrlrnrr I itv to the world that my Metftphyal tM Dticovt ry U (he only remedy over otTrrd to UiaArorlel which wlii ihoroiixhly annihilate the root of d.lnfte Tho fllacfveiy coiiiUtri ot three okatlnct pn(ftraUine t oa) fur the rain, one fortheeyHa, aud one for ihueara. Tbt worK In ooujunclIi H, and ainko at Uia root of all dfaoftao. When I bht aJI, I touftti ovary diaaaau Uifti ovur IwfMtaA Hit liumnu botl . A tADV J THE LAST BTAOE OF COHHUMrriO t LUriU. Frr-m th.i Ho(on JoiiraaJ. Jriv.;,IH.-l,ira. Nnncy Rloftn, of 85 Warraft trfet.t liHrieatowu, doceibry Ibailliftro boon ft4JJctf teni a ?enrn. My rilit ajdo wm ao parrtlvatid that I cmilil not lit- on It. htinnn that tlmo 1 aurterod fWtn ea tavrh, k ru iluoiit ; would coukIi from one to five hoars at HtMne; w as ver nrnroni ; seldom emd lee p at aiftbu hud u luiipf feor two vears ilnce, wlilch reilucod aio to a ftkeietun. I had all the n iodic al adlr and mdiclnea xnoi v eouitl preciuc, but all to no purpoaa. I waa last ilrtiVh n in (he last tse oi conaumptlon. I wis eouAnid to bed w hen Mri. II. II. Hmwn's Metaphystciil llseovry w ut spnt if r. It was applied accord in b dlreetloa, 1 felt n In ner, but rather worse for some time. My fitei'dn Anttd rue ta irlva tip, any in It would feUI nie ; trai I whs tuo tar Kti.a and too e.ik to try fttrytblnat dio'O- Hut my aioUier said 1 would die If I did not final rellci in tha l'1Cler; and an It wan th tost trial to car me one w tild continue tt. We soon feand thai it waa th rircuJuilnii which was rn-lilitK Into niy arftm whlcri wa takira eiteot. As the tlrtiilatlon kept laojeasiDg aiydis ttiae be.an to hreuk aii. ItKiu six weeka aftwr 1 DCKftJl to fiiiy trie medicltie before I could Rather trenfttA to jra Into lLosion to see Mra M ti. Hiown, and lhn I Jtatf to hive hetp. The second lima 1 veuturad I went liliout help, at. d ibe tulrdtimt' 1 found my way without any dlf n. loiy. I buun the jh nf the .MeLiphynlral Ulsrorei-y im Unv.aiid the re-nit ta on lala j;tn of July, mat huftUn mX sitf Tipitb Is funt refurniBkr Co my em ictttted frutne. ' ly pttratyzed nide Is roaiorwl to vikotj I cau now rest well on it. any raiHiih In Rone. My t'oanh, my ni-rvoua-nt sa.ai'd anra throat are irone. I sleep well. All my ir repiuiaritli have rtl appeared, and 1 must acknowledpiai that, b) thr nnvn1eiioi' ot tJd. I was dlnsoted to tbe me of Mra ii. ii. Iirowu s Meianh) iicj1 liacoary, and by hi tuk'-n from the moulh of the itrrive aud restored to my fanillv and mends. I know as diseaaes are iftMia, aad a pieucriil clreulatlon tiu tukdi p!ae- bnt export H will tftAa tioif to regain my lost llcsh aud alrauiftli. litMAHKAM t CMtKOr ItKAFNPSS OF TWE5.Tr )K.UN' Hl'AMlUNtl. I.John A Sewcomli, of ijuincy, do certify that f have; be n t Blne'y deal In uy It-1( enr tor twenty years, an d ff ll.r t'Sil am ear lny right er ha- boen so dual that I ceuld nut ht itr crn rsitU'ii or pubitc speaklHg ol any kind. I could not hear the rhnrch liella iIhk while I was sittiUri In tie uluircn, 1 bttve uiso becu iron bled fstr a num ber ! e;tii with a vtry pore throat, po that I wat ortiaud to Kh e up ti kuik III cruicl', lur I bad lost Uy voice. I had l r-at iroiib.e In iuv bead, trrritr.e n-il-vet, almost to ciaim ss. sly head lelt numb aud stupid, aud was ft aoiT e oi'rttiifctant ipiLhie to me. 1 Irud i very reined? thai could be tli oar ht of. f went to auii.tPjbtlt mb Iliev Wi.n'eil to list nfriiliieifn I would fine i-usi-Mi'ir rn da wlrh them. AbouLjtoe in Mil si no I oouiiictl Mis- M.t. lirown c kifUftti sicl lioovery,und n-std it nccord uu I" the Okrufort. on tt e bottlea. And tho renol l Ibul the li4 iiii! ot both ears la BttrfMcily restored, an tli.it 1 i un heal av well. '.is anv ntrtii. The (front trouble) In uiy hfad Is rutin ly M'-ne. Mt brad uerfcedy eiuy uud itt reft- M ll.toiti, u liteli wai ho dlacascd, Is entirely ei.ied. and I have re oveed my lv nauln. 1 weuld not tal e i.ne thuiisttiid OoUura for the benefit I have riuteivred tn (he us of Mrs. Kruwu l Metapnysuftl Ilsourary. ItKafAXK AHIX Tt'ltF F DIN'ill AltUES KltOM Tll l-AK, l)lhi.Afi(U AMI OK ISi'iLL- tri Ai-n rtiift, fi-sfember T, lHel. T, Ileitry M arrlile, .letter. on street (ncr Mr. ttrownholdt a coal yftrd), iio. uiaiaon.tlotfrtif ilifti niy s..n Joihua took braiufa.er ai d cMtarrb ou the t reMS, which left fciui witb dtsea.rjte fiMin tlu er and diased ryes. The dlsrharxca uevur Cf-fd Ills ears htcttue unite UrK and aunattiral, coti red with st ftb. 1 l.e im lows bad to lie chiiod durlna H e ninl t, s' saturatetl were t'nvy with the dlsehaivea ; H woiod be liiipt'S.ible udt ecTlbs tl.e condition of Lie eyes. Bl. friruily p y-uUn aid he would blind. Ills lutelioet aio berauiti Im; aired, tliftt he cared not to bo, or play ith childn u. He tik m mdlce of auyUiiue around him. jtiuiie but Uie parent can tall wuat our auUrinrft wura to ltiX on our child in tbi. cudUion. Moat provldenliallv, aboat one year ago, I iaw hire. M. Hrown s "Metaphysical Uiscovery" advertlaed la the Ifi'ift: 1 wsut totlie Odlce, 410 Arch eireet, aad procured the uedx lue- M r wtfu applied it fAltlitully aad peraeverUgly. Ite tnedieine worked slowly at the b.'KiiitHi'K, hut atihwe pereverd, aad the rvauii U that olt sun Is eul ire iv cured of bis diseases, ills In ltd loot ti rmi to have awakened out of the alee p of doath. Uuia loithidcreij now a bti,.lt ftud tntollwtmt boy. The dLa chai.es from hUears bare entirely cuaaed, and hia ear a have become small and natural. His ej on are clear mud strong. My wife and inyiolf are well saufitled wtUi tho areai cure perioriiwd ouour ohild by Mrs. M.O. Brown1 M lapbyau al UUcovsry ,and most user Uiy conuueud ti te) ail ho suiter. , Mrs. N. ti. Brown Oub-braUd Poor Kb-hard'e Eyaj vVatrr.tl perbotUei awali awese ooau. 6li UoauTa tor, l e botUe. A RFMARKARLK CTTBE OF RLnfWTErJg. Cahniooa.C. VV. July ti,lH.rl. Mre. M. G. Krywft: INt htadaui : I have beeu qiute blind lo my its;brye foe aevea yoars. I have been to several dovUire whom , heard could restore my eyestrikt, but thoy never done mo any good, I apeot larye mnu ut mooaty lo kraveshosj ta wheie I heard there were doctors who could tmavefU im, hut ooae e. them oonid do me any good. 1 taonirht my ease hopeless, until told by a ftivud you could relieve Bsc. 1 seut by a triend aud procured your 'Meip4y steal ltw oovere,' aad ta twetity-ftjar home ftWr tuo fast treat ment, I could see quae liiauitcUy. X aiu vary tisaiai A4 iy doUveranoe. 1 1 esmahi Fa-ai , truly. w JOBS BJBXC The Caifkbrata Pea ftiatharJ-tf V WMHT,Ul tatft etit.ttcaata. IT, tif AROfl Itroel. K.lf .Vt Wi" Bealp B jft, w