The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 03, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 2

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    v V)
DYIKtt Ailing
f I.
Bloi'terinK winds aro rc.iacleM moaning
' 'Mon ihe red and yellow trees
Oone tlie golden c of corn,
Waving In the balmy brcezo.
,8ee &tcn In stack-yard lylnj,.
Circa' bounty of the your;
Can hc for rude noroim' wnriilnc.
"Wlntir'a advent'i drawing near ?"
' lit.
' No luitimcr bird, their cumla plpia?.
Ilirald In the morning nun ;
Winprd anr the furmt min-tio!",
Kie the Winter lim bn;un.
' IV.
Sirp. wild winds, your dhyo-HU' mii-in.
O'rr ttic dv'rtK Autumn's liter
l Homnpe pay, leaves lint linmtr,
l Tie not your to tuny bote
IIIK CIMBil NE l. HX Fit ISI'tl.
DMcatrTioif or one ok tiikih Trwi'in-siN-
ttON IM Hla HAKUTCM BA tl O 11.' , K tC.
fnm Hit Sm Fronnun Hulltn n
14 may not bo known t our readers th't tliTo
art lu California nix lullili'iitial nd ive tl;ti- Cm
iee companie0, whieh are partly o irnai "l
afiociailonn and partly benevolent ordem. nnd
with which all the I'bineso who come liliiir-r sro
In fume fort connect d. 1 beau u.iiup hum uro
inown aa the S.-mV.'P, Yitig Vo, See Yc
IStia Ycot'K, H"P "".and en No. lhcy nil
bav" their beacl'i"'irreri in this ctt . l-.very Si in
eiilian wbo coma to this oust is i-itlicr c migoed
or iudcDtured tu the ui vice of ouu of these om
panto, 'i'luy hare " completo registry of tin
James and wbetva i ot tlictr countrvinen, and
are hound to look al ter tlieiu in he .iltti an 1 xtv'n.
Beas aolontf an their rot'iiiM-rioi w ith the com pan v
in prewrTid, and if they die here 1 1 retutn tuelr
fcoriits to China.
They are not nnlike In their eh tracers an 1
bjeci those great cominercial aad colouizi'iK
coaipanio that sprang up in Kurope after the dis
covery of America, and that furnished CMiitrranta
and slave to the New World, which they viMttud
in search of gold and furs, lor the purpose of
etitablit-bing ftcltlcnivnia and tiaduitf and
aomctimes avowedly to convert the beith n. The
KTSlem of the Chinese companies I", ho-vover,
more thorough, their motivea and tr ins ictitms
penerally moie regular, aud they also mix the
religions tlenient with their busiee-s in a tl (flirt-nl
manner, not seeking to proselyte u "outside
barbarians;" but to turnl-h temples wherein lb :
mrraberaof their own guild may worship ttn
wooden gutls of tl.e Co.tsiial empire, and uuru
Joch sticks and holy paper. The S.c Ve;i Com
party bave long had a temple on Finn street, in n
building whieh rusfio risitors to the city during
the HDsJlp'ix TistatiuD ol Wti'i used t lie wag
gishly niisinf'iruied was a pe-t-house.
The Ntng Ye'mc C impny hive recently hui't
large etabl:binen on Dupnn'. alley, bjiwjcn
I'scihc street aud liroadway, which his lieen
popniurly n pni ted to ba a p.iir in temple wh rum
all manner of idols are worshipped and m. stic
Tites perfomitd. l'oiin;ar report is p irtlv ngiit
lad psrdy wrong. The NuigYe itm Company,
Wbieb Is said to le the largest unl riche-t in til
ftnte, and to have a t ta! tnetiilierslup In Cm
iotnia of 18,000, erected the now bnildimr lor its
hunntki headqnariers, mainly at a cost of a'lout
yiC.OUO, the furniture and oullit osting lu.iuy
thousand more. Its recent c mnlction li is be 'n
Biadc the occasion of a ynmd f 'Stiva , cin'iniiin
through many days ani niguta, in wincti ail the
Chinese in the city arc p irticip.uini;, and to which
ninny Americ ins have bocn invited, llie cero
monies began with a Cbinamait going a'lout
blowing wuter from his mnuth upon the furuituro
and into the corners of the room ; and the
queer proceeding was followed by a hideous out
bnrstof barbaric music, tho burning of income,
bowings before Josh, Tlsiting and feasting. A
treat muiiT "outside barbaiiuns" have imprjve J
the opportunity to study Chinese cu-t mis, and to
inspect the new temple of trade and superstition,
which is worth deseiiliing. The main b iflding'
Uof brick, about twenty feet tront, lorty deep,
and thtee stories HA. The front is a recessed
arch, under a suuure ornice, the windows open
kg upon iron-railed balconies built wiihin the
arch and outer square line of the building. Tins
tdince is approached through a sijuoro ouc-story
brick, opening into an inner court.
Standing in the courtyard and looking np, one
lers that the front ol the main struo ure is hung
with long gilt wooden signs, inscribed with r ii-ed
or soukex blue letters letters one icu sign
and red and blue signs with gi t letters, while rieo
pper lanterns are suspended from the b ili-onie.
The firt floor of the main building is divide I in'o
several small reception and smoking-rooms, at the
entrance to which stands a police otlluer, who atl
mits whoever has one ot the Individual card a
issued by the Company. In those rooms vis tors
are tomctluice handed a cup of tea, sumo fried
rakes, or a paper cigar, and Chinoic muy be seen
reclining on lounges and smoKim: p pes ot wood
and metal, which emit a villainous smell. Bick
of the reception-room is a sort of altar, with gilt
and red hangings, the front being open and show
ing what resembles a succession of maM otc;s or
ahclvo", which are covered with pap'jr aud in-
fcrititd with Chinese characters. 1 his is tue reg
ister of the dead.
Hero are insoibed the mimes of all tho mem
bcrs or wards of the Is'ing Yeong Comp inv who
lad died in California, lit front of this ghostly
record, lamoi are Keot burning ni.'Ut and d i)'
The larnituie of all the npartuients on the tint
noor is or tue planed deacrtotion. us uiu seuonu
lloor is the Coiimanv's business room r cxclinnee
where the TrcsMent, or Sing-Song, who-e n trail is
Wing Ua, and his head manager, Ah Wee, sit and
amoks and talk, receive visitors, preside over
meetings of the Company, and direct Its ordinary
concerns, relieving the tedium of these oceupi-
tlons with an occasional tune oil some of those.
thrillincitwo-striniied instruments for which Cai
nadom is no fmnous. The amtitment is supplied
wi h chairs i.m t.Ues of a very hard, liliek wool
that Ah Wee su-sure bis American friend w ill
break th cdse of a steel luin'.ein nt.
Tlia walls Kie imnRKid and partly hunu' wlt'i
Oblong tas stry of ci'iuion and yellow silk or
mlm. elaboiu'elv eniHroideied iu gold anl bijh
olors, and heavily fiing.'d. Ah We.! a-ys it
cosu fclM) a yard, und wan presented to the Cera
dbii hv aume nt its trlemU. All Wee mixes a
little UnL'lish w ith his native language, und can
an-wir almost any iU"tion exe. pt It relates to
al tuaei miti.tcct--, such as tho religious opinion
of bis i eoi.le. when he rb bh he ol and s.t s,
"No sbabbec." He Is glad to show bis alec dm;
spartmeu', wheie lie reclines np in nn,mt:y
embroidered mat, and to exhibit bis tin; si. lie
iai kets and bicechcs, and his s raigiitswjrd. li t
will even lav aside his ili.'iuiy to plav you a d
mally doli ftil dirty upon tho S im Yen .i twe
tiiiped bat J' i, tho small drum ot which i- male
ol i;ay roloicd snaKe sum or upon men u
Kim a three-slrlniied instniincnt, wtiieli has
lamer drum of wood. Tlu su in-trumcut.s, with
i viral vaiI;tions ol tlicin lan.'er or smaller
ate thruuiined iitii by nearly every .idu:tC'u;ncH'
with smooth bits of b ine. A though th'.s s, i t t-
lar iieonlc have no wri tunmnsi . tney have iiiie
vaik-tv ol melt'dius whb'li are tr.iiiaini-teii from
rintisllon to iretteiaiioti, as .r.r tiio n.i l-ii!
ballads of our own tntr in K-iroD). I'll
ecuncsv with wl.ich All W't c s retia I. s hi - r-'l
it delightful, but lin?::.e the h":id of an A'n ri
Cn dading house nt court! wtaltti pu'Un r d nvn
a b-nio In hi-I ack olll o to eirerr lin a ranker
dit i inn titisini ss hours.
Wine Oi. the l'rc. ittent or Sing S Jtiir 'if the
Coinnanv. hi' mor-t d'g'ti'v.ft 1 louri-r nails t'm
Ab Wir. Ttuc.. ot 111 nai's m h - ! ft nai I a
luliv ihrrc ii.i l, s lima, tw j of tlielll ItCllt iiU
liiifi'k i lnw. one ciiilc i liiic nil ungur. atel an tl
color ol eutb r-nwiil. Tbe-e Iouh u ails are a si
of blood of nri tocr.uie breeJing: proelam I
tiou 10 all whom it iiikv i oncern 'hat he, r.ha rr c.i'
Biua Bone of the Miiir'Yeong, is not obliged to
iHlsir. He baa fairer akin than tho Cliiuuse
tanatlle, wears silk, smokes a great deal, says
little, and kei i no a great deal of thinking. The
room occupied by these wSxios, like every other
one In the bouse, u atsug upon me wans a
number ol big wot-sten d, boai-mg tno ever
lasting and inscrutable C'bffVese characters, which
look like a bunch ol irliuig es on tt spree.
But the wonder of the whole building is the
temple in the third story. The first giince at it
reveals only a contused hoop of gilt, crimson, aud
blue cabinets, brass ornaments, crimson bunging
and gaudy signs, while the air is ludeu with
warm and sickening odors. A more cure! el sur
vey extracts something wonderful and systematic
from this melange ot barbaric tinsel furniture.
The walls and oviiinga are nearly bid with the
uge crimson, blue, and gilt signs, each
lour larga letters su pposed to be a motto of some
tortacd some inscriptions in smaller characters
on oieead. These are said to be presents from
oUim eouipanies, and from friends here and in
,, " Aero the centre of the room are placed
jnree, each about ten feet long by two
reel wiu sad four tl,Bt tl b mauc of exceedingly
dark and heavy wood, and tiio fronts carved la
bign relief i tbe tout jrrotesii'ie aud eUUorate
wanner. .
bonie of the carvings represent the interior of
bouses, with figures of nn, birds, and
insect iu atiange JuUiKi.Uiun . njio (,ls
ousiht oi trees, vim s, aud scroll work ail aiidj 1
the bail ground beio;,' the oriptnat da'rk c. I or of
the wood. aJu to;i of these massive cabinets ate
large ti led wiili ineeuse, or cuuuiuiug
live coals, In which stick of sandalwood mt
lowly burnlngi fantastic' wax tiipers, sticks of
puak three foot bigU and four Inches thick ; lofty
tswvU tt a juu4 like tut, v, huv urn if uv( i'p-
re nt ; small Images, peaked yellow (I igs, pjrnm ds
ol fan shaped bunches of artifi 'iai (lowers, peacock
tsils, and Insects, tnUtdJnlili tinsel orntmetis;
blsirg lamps, carved wi'h gilt sticks ol sandal
wood, etc. Along the sides of tbe the
e luis of these cabinets, are h tuners of embroidered
silt, reuLd and sUsro and ftingt d ; drums, tins
emblems, military and civic, ami weapons of war.
Much of the furniture and Irumpery described
was pre-nttd to the Compnny. The front cn
net, which Ah Wee says o-t HX in Ohm,
wbcie wages are less than a cent a div, in some
tlisiiics, was a . t ' t from the Chineso employe 1 at
the Miiun Woi lltn Mills.
In the tear of nil this splendor Man Is the iiltur
of Josh, the woiden god of tho almond ejed
idoli tors. '1 Ii s is a siii ire al -ove of cirvetland
gibled wood, about one numbed feet hi rh nrt I
irhssi as wide, In which a.ts the nwtul .lo.h
icinself a big i sum hed Chinaman, with a brlck
nii face, lory strips of red cloth. tin wing Irmn each
.ilc f bis lent, thne Ion j tails of horsehair
spioutlng nut of bis mouth, and hit person
ljidfrned Willi Hue, grren, crimst n, and gilt
rmtlngs, 'ttlded itli b t id' g'HK, to repr '-cut
bis small t loibcs, and hi) h above bis he id a bra-.
sen, as it tins ct losii .1 biiiers'ition had micj
with it a bit ol IV s inn. VYc were asked t'i bt
l't vc wide in tots nwtiil prcs'-n- 0 t'oi' ,lo-h,
w hen itlive tii em 'h, stood lilteen fe"t iu hiH Ii ire
feet, wii Itlid a battle-axe, that weight: 1 a t ni.and
one ilny killed tlorij thousand ot I, is fos.
Ii pioof of this story we wem shown by AU
Wee, in a innnn' r that a lmitted of no citt ro-viri-v,
a wooden bat'le axe, bii'hiy carveti aud
gilded, w h ell is an cact represent 'lion ol ih
o no that Joh s.vuiig wl h such futelul ftirf.
lini'cr Josh's august no e blazed s veral oil
lamps; ami stiiks of burping sanla' wo d atll
punk anil hraurs ol iiicen o powder sent up
wtcnihs ol 'smoke , til inir the wlt'i ut o lor
tlmt w. s r.ilher p:e isanl niter awhile. II - lore this
altar the be ills of the c linn i-iins, ell 1 inline
b'ue n.bcs ami black skull-c i), n'p ar dull
nimni: the fcs'ival. b, kt.s.siu ; tho 11 r, an I
chiiitnnp, wbi e tiio Notn Yen and (I tod l.rn are
intu ged, t nd oriiins are beat In ho-t-i l
nance. Hither are brought otr-rn 's ol' ba'ie 1
and raw no hi hole sheep mid bo :s.
A record of ttic-o is kept, bin, with the exe p.
lion ol Ihe le't bind qt. irt rs of the Ii il.e I un
riuils. Ibev ate taken away ag itn by III .n wtin
biing Ibem. Tbi-. Is nn conomieal fin in of sMi
lice, antl probably does J jsti as inueli poo l a
though bis votaries did not stive i heir li,:cjii sj
caniuilv. The religious ceretniniis are soon
over (und that is another wiso economy), til nigh,
during the current festival, they are f e j ioniiy
n prated. It is a curium fact that the Climes" dt
not ic-cnt. or apparent') o j -ct to, the proscn. o
of Amcr c .ns during those ri e.
ruh.tpstlHy are Milling to give tucvcry oppir
tunily to be ronvei led, and desire to set us all
example ol lilierali y and cotirusy which we will
be long in toflowh g. It will bu seou from the
above skcti h wh it H (tieer world there ii within
ot.r own; wtiat a queer civjbzvlon, oi ler tuin
urs by thousunus of Years, und roprcit tiling in
the glare ot the nineteenth c n uty the Inoilieciu il
m hi' veim-ni', tho ni inmrs an I ritutmn of a
pmplc v bo Hieni to have been reiveil and trans
planted from a. i epoch that a itcda'.ei the tl od.
Ihe Miil- of Nt. jiul'si 'it'nilr.'I In
At Ibis timr, when tho mtiHieril p iblic Is ft)
naich inlciisttd In the su' iect of orgns, and
hen Trb. n, Jar.liuc, und llook uro turning out
such noble insti umciits the record of n once
famous ortau will be of interest. We li'id in t le
London .VwnVnl H'ot ,7, an in'ercs'.ing hi-iorr of
the old otan in St. Paul's", I.ot.don The iu.ttu
ru nt now set aside for the bug ' one lu'e'y built
by Messrs. Iltl! win erected by tho ceU'irated
Fatlnr Schmidt.
who was iATitmi HPimnir?
An oullnance passed In the ltoujc of Icir ls
dated Jaiiiiiiry 1, lill 1, establishing a new form of
divine worship, in which no mtino was allowed,
but pluin I'sa'm i"i:fng: It waithoufht ncee s iry
for the promotion of true religion that no or rans
should bo suilrrrd to rema n in the chun iies;
that choral books should tic torn ; pain cd gl&'S
windows broken ; sepulchral brass inscriptions'
defaced ; anil, in short, that the, culhu.lrul sorico
should be totally abolished, in consequence of
this ordinance, co lcgi ite and parochial church
were stripped of tlicir ore-am mil orttametus;
some of tue instrnineuts wee sold tr priv ito
I'crsona, who pres rved them; sotno were
t"tul!y, anil o hers but punially de-dri, ed ;
some were taken away by the clergy la or ler t.i
prevent their being destroyed, aud some row
were suffered to remain ; anion this number was
tho one in old St. Paul's Cathedral, tmbt by
William Heton, organ bail ler to Usury the
Kigbth. The greit lire happening inltiii de
stroyed, among other churches, tho old cathu bul
of tit. Paul's, the orguu perishing with it. After
the churches began to lie renuiit, an i otg i is
taunted lorthctu, uo organ builders cxeepi nii-
lat.s i t Loudon, Looscuiore ot r-.xeter, inainar oi
I'ctirborough, and Prcst ui of York, could be
found: nnd tlnso nut being sutlichmt to stipp'y
tbe Immediate w ant of the cathedral and parish
bur' hes w ith organs, it was thought expedient
to it vdc foreign bul. tiers of known nbilittc to
-ittlt in I'lngliind ; nnd the premiums oiiarea on
tins oci Bsioti brought over two celebrated work
men M-hmidt and Hurri-i, tho former from U. r
manv, the latter trom l'runce. tschmldt brought
wi'h him bis nephews. Ocnird and llernanl, us
stai.t-; i.ntl to uitingmsn him trom in -se, as
veil a- to extness tne riBpeci due m in aniiiiius,
orgsn wss from C below f'C, lo C in alt ; but no
double tX sharp. Ihe nt.mbcror pip a was
'1 he diiiia'Oii in the grc it ftg in bave always
been siciiied tie I n it that Schmidt ever
matle. 'I at the Temple were vt rv linn in
bass, hut tell ell fx. cpdinvly in the tiebc i fioo
ol St. l aiii a tlid m d. but v. etc n gular and uni'orai
in tbe nua ity ot the toe llin iii-uoiit.. 'J lie elici t
of tbe three dip irons w ith i.ass ftti" rig'it
Land i i.g g"l with the in, ny in the 'ret. I -,
the left at i-ornpsm leg it n the awed), was
bfaulbul, ai tl alio ed tho diapasons oil' in the
utnio't ndvnt tnj;e. 1 lie stvb beit ciletil ited for
the diepasons was mlmm, l"tnt. ami rintnhfr
tiic.Ti toi-iit, v I Ii Ii I a I the lichi s' elbi t mi ig.n i
lile. 'I hn p or four n. t s, or a chord held down
In the bas rn the diap isons, bid all t ie idle t of
thnntic r ut a ; end. wl en comparing thee
dlnp sot With any oilu i that Sehm if evi r inado.
or c vi n Harris, or ftchrci ler, Sehud It's pr nc p ii
mat', v l.o built tl e orpir at Vestmln--iiir Ahii -y,
tht b II Iai si, on in ii 'pfctt otlm ti.ality well
as ti c bndv i f tone. The ret of Ibe stopi lu t'to
(.'! s! t'lgan bli Hilt d li title toertlier ; and hen the
I nS'. s wt re tit ubicd by tl:e pi-ilals, tbe pnwnr of
tlieiborns was leri gnat. Srlimltlt s.eins to
l,ne cxrcl'cd iti tliu iltupaMUi oi touiplatioti stop..
1 he choir orsan at M. Paul's was riot Hi any
Ifspi ct it.! riio to the i.'r( s' oiinn. 'I he sto.i ill i-
ii, son was ci riamly the bin si of the kind ever
1 1 unl ; in d tho body of tone in the ban fat uim
rlor to the m c In the full organ. It was a line
slop for m complin) ing the voice In solo. Tins
lime mixed beautifully with it. 1 hero was soma
thing pait t tile riv Ii h iu ti e quality of of
the i-riticipal ; unit when usi d with the two ii rmor
slop1-, it iionie a fine hold i hoir org in. 'i'no
twi l!ih and li'iccntli atiucd u a le a go id chorus,
let btiig si Mom used, were gen. rally out of
tniit . 1 be M ixture, remona, ami Voxhtim o,a
eto n cr list d, ami tbe stoi s, in consennouee,
wcic willed up Ihe swell, a later ioventi iu,
a- not iiiiitie ti) Si.l.n.idt ; It win origitta'ly lonlt.
by, Us I'st in vi If an orga'i ha 1 1 'nee
ti.Mol si j tout. i riv, the third was celled "the
fin," mm c -nri'leil in pentralof four or Cue
stops, bis'et ed r.p in a box wlthtvit any opening,
-i 'oi'tii c.x: otlo e t,i i,,r tl i'l'lle ('. Ihcini-n-to
u i t the swell was ft wi otlerfu 1 itiiprovemi nt In
il c :i"t of orgnn builtlin,;1 as tho finest eitti t (an
be I'loilllllll tiy its jt.uii niii- uso.
If the swc:l is 1 1 good, and swolW
Will in tune, the player can thro in somu-li
coloring and shading Hint it is almost impossible
to tin: the car, especially if be ba dexlerom nt
the pi tbils, as be fat. tin ii play tiio bass with bis
fel t, w bile bis ha.ius lire engaged alternately ut
cai h set of ke) s. lb" tir-tswill ma le alter its
invention was for this otgan, aivl turni d out
somewhat like the lirst org..n iscliinidt built utter
his arrival In Knglaud not very go.)d. It vm
alnsvs consideialily tliitter than the other pirt
ol the in g in, and did ret nppe ir to be of the
satro b inpcr.'itiienf , neit iir did it sti. ti l well in
tune, 'ihe tiliip&son and piincipal ini sc lwull
tocciber, but tht r ctl stops did not reseiibln
w hat they were c ilh tl. Tne Irum.s t re-i'inhltnl
tl e hautboy, the hautboy the en inon i, but they
were not nearly pnwcrl'nii ii ough f ir the buibllnij.
1 lie organ nt St. Paul's. iiiitbTWcii' a r.'p nr
Bbont liftv-uhie yeats a,c;o, nt which time every
nolo in the orran w.,s transposed, it is n re
markable cir ums.ttitii o that all tSe'itiildi's orguu
Wire a quuiter, and some even half a tone it I nrc
pi'di. This nid to be so stverelv felt by the
w ii d itisirument at the pcriorinanco of the S mi
ol the Clergy that could nut g t tho
pitt li of theorinti, ri con'e iiienoc of whi h it was
ii'iccd upon that t tic should be altered to
concert pitch by trin-po-iug the pipes, so thatthc
CCC bi-i ame bill), ami so on tbroii 'h all the
orguu. The double CCf was a:i entire tit w n te,
Hil l by uo nicaus good. The .ii ipison was of
wood, wlncli was soon .dis. oie:aiie alter toach
ii g the ntni r notes.
"1 hose w ho remi ln'icreil the (irgim In it i origi
nal slab would never ssy it was bctterixl by tno
repair it tin iciwt nt. It l ad bur paiin ot l.-tllowi
lohtletlby loi.rj wbieii, trom soma detect iu
them, caused at times a sad shukiug throughout
the whole instrument, i'.-picially when the
basses were by tbe pedals. T his was
very UDphasuitt, and 'might easily bnva been
ri mcoied in the bal ds ot a sklllnl m itnp'tl itor.
1 he touch ot the gtcat otgan was rather too light,
at least in the base, ns. the pa ates uld not close
time enough to admit ol mis .pil, k playing. The
pedals to the (.rent organ b. Ing short were of
very little use, und were lir.iueiuly complained
of by lor igtu i s, i ho pluvid upon the instru
ment, but could hot manage them af.crthc Oor
linin style. 'Ihe organ ra c (to the top of the
uriinmeii's) stood near thirrv feet Ligh ; from the
bot'inn of the building it was about forty-six feet.
It was eight' en feci wide and cigln fiet deap.
T he carving ab ml the case was very ban Jsouie ;
tin:- was executed by O b'lons, whoso decor it ons
enibellisbi d evi ry i irt of the choir. The orati
wns opcitd, with Iiiine servb-e, on the thanki
piving for the peace of Ujsnick, Decambtr 1,
Jeremiah Clark was the organist of St. 1'uuT
when the in w organ was opened, lie, died in
1707. The other organists have bocn Mr. ililuds
died 171H; Ir. Maurice (iroen, died 17i"o; Mr.
Jones, died 171m ; Mr. Attwood, a pupil of Mo
zurt ; uud Mr. John llross, the piesunt orgaiii:t-
Tltl I A IS fifMHIAI. 1,11 HAMIt Tie- Ruas'an
pnpt is nritibunff the d alh ol tl.e f.voons (leu isl
Paul Petit. vitsch L I anli, -o well k cwn in li e
Ciirroiiti war. I.inraiidi, horn ii K'fl, -ened
nndei fifTierel Wuronow in the campiigu ol
lKI'i-1.,. In the Poll k war of KH be greatly
i'istln-iu,.itd himsi II not .biy at the f ipu re oi
Wai'iin m ti nt lib sb-rniim: of fi.ol'olih e
ilitibls. In ISIS hr bccnine l.b nfi naii'-(b,
aud ('nintimndi tfd the I'.'th Dii islnti ol Inlati'ty
In l,e ri plnced (leneral Ann;, a' the bin k
ndeol hi'tafal, aiid, nftirthe Alnin, wenttoilto
( ritneii, i lien- he ii i'icieo r" at 0 nn .ge on the
l i I ji i avalry. Ilebd the bossisn tto j s st
ItiHci'io.n, Noicnibir "i, l'dl.aiid we.s !iinn.r-
t I 1 e ' 1 bl l'n rh
"10 n Ull r. f "'ii. ,
I : Ml, ,. .'. i ln't.
Ins , -I. RI I "i I'el .Ol I slia- ,
Vs 1 it, 1 .-I. ..ill Mp-.aiiU
H". f it. i , m .1 H o ,lr,
Alel a -I. , li'? He" Oi I ' i, I'- .' I' "
He ci-fiipied the hctgl.ts ol tbr T-cl.ei'iai a,
ntni no i iiiid tl.e tlaiii. of 'he Hied anny. In
Is-', le com i.iitnli d the bit wing of the P.".
Mini iiiii.v i.l the ba tle i l '1 r li.te , aed u-b 'ided
tin di litis ol lte:l.e-., la.ttr y (et,etal Lipraieli
tonninniie l the otli 1 liv-ion of Inlan'.ry in the
itm liot ot the ltiissinii cintuic.
I i-mion Chips A gi i tletnan, w'ttting b lh.
Y'-wie,, ia)S "Prom itioin to di wy eve," ai d
cien Intel, this miserable stiett is did of thai
loudest, the n ost pii rcii g, the Most mi lanrbolr,
und nn st illsi ordant sboets. They hi gin at h.ilf
jtnst m hii In the g w ith ' lli iirth-stone,"
( p ibiij-s tfie It'inb t nnd w i.-t of uli ), aud tin y
i'o oi. till i li ien nt tight. On son.i ous we liae
l.o lias (ban lb rtv-foiir diT ti nt cries Theie Is
nwiitrbrd litili bt y who u-cd lo ny"i'ipt r'"
I-bout twi t.ty tirnes a.s I e br nebl lue j our freshly
pni. 1 1 d ,i' i riud i t r mot nui'.', w i'li sc.i h a loud,
sin ill, noi ble shru k', in at I w as obliged to entreat
h'tii lo rnooi'e ins cull My appeal whs nit in
s eln ; but he is now , a'ns I the aeent of a n.ilkm tn,
with in I possess nn iiiditt tue, and pu rers
in v eats will "Mils, lib!" sit to the
M'lno lit rrilee nn.sie. A m dam holy woni m
sines " uor 'ciensis' ' in stub a dull
.Mel llollfnl stiain, that It l,eii to mall
mv i i ai t bleed, to Jieat h' ; li' d u- slie walki f y
st:,, 'v tt org the pavt n. cot, si,i- -s sein,,ri on tho
id f.e "lor li .-' tin n si vi n or el' i.l niitiut' s ill it
lime. Oer I de-t tot inetif . who t'l-nettilly ttirr.s
pp id. out 1 1 P. M , is a im.dirmn, I believe,, anil
si.'s.or pi(l'. ssis to sell, t o'l-ticts. lie wea's
wooden shoes, and c ies his goods with s-idi a
loud. riiite(.i.s ieis , that he eau be heard a trar
li r i f a mile oil. There is no going on with vo t
writing until Ibis leliow bus passed out of hear
ing. .'ow, sir, is tills sUi'C el lhint:.s Int vitab'e ?
Il limy be louki e' upon ns a small nu samubv
seme; but when il h'.sisull day long, m:d wiun
we conslocr, alter til', a great majority t
mil life is made up i I smad pleasuri s mid small
t adis. 1 tlunk urn will ni'tte that it should be
put it sli p to. "f 1,0 modified. Ii ad proper men.
sun s la i tl taken lo shie'd Joldl Leech fiotu su li
int. ict'ons, bis lilt -.night h ive, been spared, and
we ii.ii-ht have 'oolted with ilolieht for iii.u.y a to come on In I. been ties and. IVcsh a.-ut. n
ol miitb trom his r.iiik i eneil.
The prwers oftl.e Ivir.g of Swf.'en n 1 -Mil of
the clinch within l is realms tar exceed those ol
Ouccn Victoria ns henu of the tutlisli Church,
lie nppoints bishops directly, and is tibsoli tc in
tbe iM'tcbi- ol bis right o! grunting dispensation0,
for nn.riisgcs, whicti would other isc be Illegal,
and Id othi r lnatti rs, a'so, w here the cltil process
is itiMillieiciit v i hotit a relign us tiiu lion.
An iron-pla'ed frlga'c with a spur, named
the ! i. ;oi, bus just bet n launchi d nt H irde iux
for the I'a'Iit'i (Ion rinnen'. 'I he Ati'nnn is titt 'd
with en.'iiies of seven Imn l'.ed hoisc-powir, and
is lo cany twenty-two guns She Is two hundred
and twri'cy fn t long, forty-live feet wide, and
twcnty-i ight fret i' eji. She is rovcied w:th teak
woeu to the depth of twenty ineln s, and Ihe iron
plat' s am fuMcnod ovei the teak. Tho lloortig
il the dick is com nd with sheet iron. The
diicrwn incafc'.rc:- four '.lioiisnutl Iwolmudie'l aud
fifty tons.
w rnii
.1 ": Alldll
r t o
s nu;i
: lH .i
LaJieV ar.d CliiMrau's Tr.cj Furs,
V I.l ti,
llll I
n' .1 tt
. I II Mild 1 t '
.i-ifi spi.fcMr . ,
tn-1 M t -m. ,
. t i 'ki hti i it. f
. ,t. t ui "i ir
1 :;. m tur-r
t all 'i i at ii s tehsa
j.i s ut ri -s. li ; rsn
t ' v!'' ' e-e"-
-.a" ' , I
1 1 i ,m:y
iiipor -1
IS 1,A ' I S'
I a -i Mlii'i
A t il I II ,ill.N
I- .. 'il T AH' i
t r
It a,
e cut
AIMI'st l'A.."VV I'lJIt.-.
gOLrHldltW, WI1A.M I'lPT'M.
rim rtoi-siTT mn it prwaiow
dio dttctisrsiJ -.o.-iiet wlia .ti Isf.-a w uo4.s4 In t".W.
Hon IttulM T
To lt" ftt tilt? . nd twe it, Vtia M S P5."'l')!
Ci JisshUd
flfri rn STT sn nr v fAV
IrtVM'.vi, f.o..,-. M-'O-i r of tin "e tls
alrO er Pes-o kolo .r ti. .-r' trs
t -.. rr xhiii a vim a
T. tti Vtitow si 'l Mlavea Sa'lfn l s a.l ttnl,
BeSI. ell, Sell Marin". he le" ''"-I in tin .SI H .
)nf. hf l.ffn et S s
1 1 1 II A II' -
8ui' or Al1 v i
llOll) 1' '
it. n-.'K Ptr. t .
. ami vs i
s el s 't. ' isttalt
! anl f . .i.' " -1
i.,usl nj
v. 1- nil), f I inn A-,
; tl i t H . si 1 s.r ie'..
-' li,ini.n,Ji''r Ns.Jt. TliltoBt.s.
J'lin AO si i-hia. Him it...
A nt -eloes af tin" .1 ." I '"..ilsri "f llm ll. n ill H'l c.-t.
pte 't: lir Via tt II-" Oni'"e lit l,oinstny. nn Sfissr
1AV tn . eni'.T S. at ln nivV I". W., tor V srss OS
tiansAclini l,usaic. iicsry lo lh lalen-sl of the
t'm,,). ... JOHN 11. McCL.N I t). K.
II v .-fit B-cietaif.
f-;ii'"".S'!'OLON (KXl,'ll AIS fiKFIC'K,
-' w i ..'iti" s ('in . M. i'. . I
N .s., lS-l. I
'l". -.i i: - J'cli. ,il olli f ! el I "t le- t n 1 li"S'
o. Sipi iian.siits
l l-NS I li l ( , 1
I ')". to ,.
st, W .I, ..
ill. li'Turd snasest-e
't r.-n l Ns or -sjlsTaNf
S'O.. Altlivl S'I.1 II bust
I-il t" I iwsrl
,,, i . , i' te t r, tr.i tm
highest premium
,',;iiii s si i i. r r i
it u is ii : s rs ii' is'i i.o a ma,
llttiOl t.T aud linb'.i".i.r,turer jf
!M!;s' ) ( niLiM... s
I''AX.fV I'UU!-.
JKKY VA.7.1K7Y IICAT 11.1. Lit W JKS
D JiCNO Til K coM:;i .-,ka--;;(.
R.Tii- it.- tt? Mid aw ntiWj
N.. "VIS AliCIl sS'l l!l''.l'i : .'Ws.siKMiV.
H W I N M A J M 1 N K
4 Tl Mo. U ''ti I'.liN ITT Htrs-t.
lilVll)r?M t.D'llf'K
- m 'h, nn. i o.v cat.
l .
1 . n 1 1 i I
vr i'. tfvi"i.
.-.iir'on 'If ral.
. . ;..'! W AI.MJ'I'
': ! '.-r I,
,t t IV.- t l. -Sf
,.t tie --.I, 11
1 d. . 'Oi .QatADt.
etl II- ii UlMASt
A '. tl . V.--.M,v-7 .
'I . I
1 1
tj lj No. 7if. OIirNHT VJ St.. PaiUl i.
i itii, I e aili'rl .n of! I Uty mKv A o(
n a s.s rv nv n u iuc
At oili 4ren.-.e t o'J pc ts-a.
I. uriv.,
n l) im Pt. 4i a i an mtriu.
1)1 :i
A : e fVdi tti,
". F n, il i" ) r; i :
: If -TO '.!.! !BS '
A. I I Ii-' KANCV 1'tJlts.
r itur
liir-ovtl-.l t l l iN'ilt AL I'tJii-.a
At CO.
TT blUiEMABtlll
1VJI .
t' j. 4 N. riGIITH STisEKT,
vrernisect'iil'j' mv'.ts jpi lt '.t jatl ii . ar ei..Ant
I'.oi'.ntbtit. of
Ineli pluced Iiim at the head of bis pr.itcbM iu,
be. w as callid Talher Scliiuidt. 1 lie tn-t orga i
Kalher Sclunldt asengaeed to build In l'.ngland
wiia for the royal chapel White Hall ; wliteh, Iroui
its being put hastily together, did not give entire i
siitiisluction to those who were appointcti t judge '
of itn excellence. It wa? from this linluro th it ho
never aftir would agioe tn build an organ upon u 1
short notice, or deliver it in a state of loss porlce- I
tion than he wished. I
About the latter end ol ivlnR Liini'cs tue i
Secoiid's relgo, the lunalcrsor tho Teuiplu (Jh irch ,
Uclerii.iiied upon liav ng an organ creaied, a id I
reet ived propodals trom botli rseuinidt auil 11 a ris,
bo were Hacked uv tue recoiinuciiuii.'u oi o
iiutny powerful friends uud ceiebrnud organism,
Hint thiy wi re unab;e to deteiiniue uiu nig tlietn- I
seiics which to employ. They th.rulore told
the taml'ilntes, it ca -h ol tticni would erect an
otgun in ditlerent pans ot ilio church, they notild
ictain tl at w hich . hnuld be lie dared to deservi) !
the prelircnct to winch both ot the c mil: dates
a.'recd; and In about nine ,-uoiitln ea h Uad an :
itistriiim nt leady lor trial. Dr. 11 otv and
the famous lletiiy 1'iircell perfoniicd oil '
JscLniidl's organ; nnd Mr. I.u'ly, ur,autst to
Quei n l albiirme, pi ilorinerl ,ii ll i ns n.
Thiy conuiii.c i vicing lili tiru oili"r l ir n 'ir
a twelvemonth ; and ar lingth the de--i.loawis !
lett to the l.oid Clhiel Jniiicc b lln y, who was of ',
Ibesoii tj; and h' let ininat' d tiij c ni'.iiivei ny
in tavoi of Kather S.-limi. 1 1 . llmris's or.ta i w .n '
IsUu away", and the iced stops weie put ml i an I
oigati MH.-D aticr . r.cti d in A':di :w Cuarcti, I
ll' iiioin, ivlieic Ih are sti.l la csi-te ic.-; art'l I
the r'"it of tin work net towards com ib tin.? an 1
i man building tor Cliri-t Church, Dublin. Tue 1
lion, l.oi-t r North, in his liictn drs ot iint-ic, savs '
tl e coinpi titioti between K. -build' uud II I r.a w is
l a ricd on with no li vi ) en. e by ttic Iri,! ul ol
both sit es, thai "thev ucrc just not ruined."
And in the n' In prcc iliinf tlie la in il, tho
triiiiib. of Harris cut the be low .a ot Sell -aid 't
organ in such u in inner, ih it h oi tu liacior
piuymg lame, ito witid could bo com oya.i t lii'j
is intl i l i st.
In C' ns. ii!etice of 'in., rep'i' i'io'i wlii -h l''.rh'T
Schmidt bad aeiicired by Imildlng 'he Temple
otgati, ue v,a made ('''nice ol 1 1 build :tti itistru
meiit tor St. 1 Hill's I a lie ii'el. thca etc ting. A
p a.e Hccaruinglv idcil no far him, in tlia
ratliedral. to do th-. work in, liin it ua. ti Ion;
tune In fi re be could proe.-c d , it 'i i . o vi i..- to u
ei no tition Ik twtcii Mi ("it i-'ij .'ii r Wieii an i tin;
Denn ntni Cliap:ei-. S:r t'ai i a. ij.d r A't. u ai.hed
the organ to tie p need no oiet tad,. ,d t i-1 ho.r, ai
it v.ais in ti e old cat'ii'ilral, that the w !i il ext 'ut
nnd beauty of the b li'il og might bj .se tii a' oiu
view; the Dmn, on the cin'riry, wt-he 1 ti
Line it at the west end of the choir; and
Kir Christopher, utter Using every ctljrt
and argument to his point, was at
last obliged to yield. Schmidt, according to his
instructions, began Ihe organ; nnd when the
pipes were tinishtal, found tuat the case wan not
spacious enou-th to contain them all; and Sir
( hristiiplier, u nder ot his ar- hireciiira! propo -.
lions, would not consent to lot the case tie -ml irged
to riceive ihciii, dccluiiiik' the beauty u: th': build
ing to be already spoiled by the U0 of
whistles. Three of the stops we. in ci)ni.-'U''U"o
obliged to he kept out; namely, a basso in, a
clarion, and another stop, of minor conseuuence,
whu h were kept in the cathedral for several years
alter, Schmidt hoping he wight get them in at
some future period ; but he dieii a fe ar y ears Oeioro
Sir Christopher W ren.
After all this contention, the architect, sorely
ugainat bis will, was obliged to make an ado tion
to the cuse. lie not only had been niggardly in
regard to tlie depth of it, where auo'.uer foot
would bave been of no consequence whttevcr,
but also in the height; lor when Schmidt caino to
put in the largo open dlapaaou pipes, in the two
side Hats,, tin y ajipe.ired through the top nearly
a foot in length, and spoiled tho appearan -a en
tirely, bchniidl now en'ertained hopes of having
uewcase; bul Sir Christopher, who before would
not suller any ornaments on the top, was n w
obliged to add several Icet, or else alter tho case,
whicti vexed tutu exceedingly. 1 iie-e orn intent
Voiibiid of unguis, with nuurpt'ts, ..landing at
tlies'ldeofftlrfiulliii'.i'ci Th'-' co'or of th i w,rvl
Ihat tbi'M were madoof belil? !'huir ban the
organ-case, the addnion wus sojn dicoverii!.'.''!
. Y1 organ tonBistad of twenty-i-evcu stops ; it
had three rows of keys and two octaves of pedali
fi.rr;,rlsli.(t 11()V ,', (1IRT. V, ISt A VT', ld
Cl'.tlili.e lit ecty vntiet, la tbla'.t sc!4, aod ol ru-
rl.-r wi-ihiMsnsh p.
ptdi.l Attention rmlit toMlSSfcS' DHF.tSM ABI1SO).
D.c pi.blk i re Uivt.' 1 to call autt t-xsuxiiie.
M. SllOUMAJCKli & CO.,
stuiij:d Nn. 1 N. KHHITU TUP,f.T.
IAP.vE AS.sOl'.l JdEM ?i fi.ll.f. f
it n
bo S'l CliF.SNUT STi'.LET,
X HJnorl Jliildeii uii.l Her Ailiiilrers.
t'rtuer's Magazine, in a paper on New eulaud,
lias the follow in,; dcsciiptiou of love at tho
Antipodes :
Arriana is a rcinari.chly pretty l alf-ni'te, tho
olTspniig of an Tliiglishimin u:.d a M tori woui m
Her mnthtr died s.omc ) curs ago; uud her lather,
tu e ol those res'l' sc, iinscltie.l being" so often to
be with iu the colonies, left her to the care
of her Maori relations, andhlaited for Autti alia.
Nothing has bicti Lend of hi in sitito. When
the war broltc out she was living with a settler
ccar Av.ttii.iitu ; tlie family was obliged to
leave, and the was carried oif by tho I'.ebels.
r-he bays tlmt this was done nitaiust her wl.l, ami
Hint while tlie lighting was going on at the pth,
she was lied to another w oman to prevent hor
trom attempting to esanpo. Wo tmpect, how
I ever, that she was tied only by the gentlo
' coide of love, and tlmt ii Maoii warrior had sonio
I thing to do with her prcseU' e thera. When tho
peh was cva unlcd (.he was hit by u bullet, which
sliiitlt'icl in r arm. It would liavc imit bard
with her, in the liuii-t run nalo blauguter whi , h
HiStinl, hail not sonic brine follow Mojd oicr her
and iu lcnucu ber lite. Is,rjiess thau fa
came lorwatd to claim the honor
lai ldetd; but this was after the report of her
beauty had fp'iad our the camp, and laeli
clitiiuarittloiibtles.s iniatrined th t he coind estah
1 1 is-li a In n over her heart. Nay, home weeks
, alter the light, uu enthusiastic raiiitiaman tra
veled all the w.iy fioui K tglati, u dtst nice of
tl.ltty miles, and demaiulin an interview with
: the brigadiei ; be staled that he was tho pre
i set Mr ol Avuaiia's life; he could neither cat,
nor iliink.nor sleep lm thinking of her; so he
bad made up his mind 1 1 ma'sC ber his wile,
i lie had liby pjinids in the savings baii't,
i wldih Mini he wi.-lnd to itevot to her
education, so as to pr. pue her for the duties of
the man ud li'c. Ail tan' he dished at present
I wus un interview with the object of bU uflec
1 tioi.s ; Arnana would at nn c n -c, guizc hitn and
l rush to bis arm. 'I tnre wus only one slight
difficulty, he spoke no Maori, aud she knew no
I Kuidish ; but love bus a lancunge of its own ; he
I had t n doubt that they would u.idcrstuiid out'
; tH.othet. Tee briga.lit r, amused at the fcilj.v's
, cai iie.-tness, graoieil the dcsiied interview , uud
! inloed the iiit'-rprttcr ti be present to u-sist
j il tho sihnt language of love should prove iu
i siilliciciit. The Mur eiiiend tue room with a
, biisldul, .sin episl. tiir, aim stared at Artiuria, who
, stated at him iu nturu, but there was no
, recognition nil her art, no out'nrst ol
gtnliiag, no riihitig to his arm-. On
the contrary, she turned to the iutcrpieter and
cco'lv ashed wiia. the man want d. on learn-
, ing whi. h she bmghi d benilili , and t A 1 hbu to
;.'o av, ,t.i . as she hail never seen him 1 idol e uud
would have l.o 'Inn.-- to say ti bun. Tue poor
nien b. cL'cd, biso.c.'ie d, Implore I, and loalcc i in- 1 ,,.,rv .t tl;,-.-d -t liiMiiji .ri' fu
uttiMbla things; Ar.iana only thterel, nnd gOilCbiilttliORal, UASOlWFl 4 CO,
turned away her head. Kver allien that tune he j
l..u m.,,i iTiitnil t, .-... aiiit In I..SI,.rA u-.-ilo...
by n half-cste aiHauuensis, but the Ma nl maiden EtiUCatioiial PllblislierSiSc Bo Ja ielloi'S,
is sun ouiniraic. a ue poor iiiiiisiaiuiiii is inn vnz
only mail wbo bus i'M the power ot her beauty,
or claimed to be her preserver. So Importunate
Were some of her admirers, that A guard hud to
be atatiotied at tho hut for her protection. She,
has now almost recovered from her wound, uud
an asylum will be prowled lor her in an orphan
in -tituiion. We have still souii hop"S of the
mi ; pei-severa ice ulteu leads to buo.'c-s
in love, us iu everything else.
Anil Mom lie Itct amo a Mii'.or-tieiu'rul.
Hid t.C'0'IT UANCOi.K.
Pi Int --d ctl tlie w: il iAr-er. liatnl, u"ly IliuttiAted.
I'.li scon, t portrait frera a pUut'smiih I'urntAltsa by Li'S
areuti. at d tiitritrd deslLk by ulic sad oy llanixick
lit it a cali-t tt tlVal H lnt
imp ot tti uii't iiitit' s'.ais ;,ubllsTtsil tht y-ar
P:lct l-'.ti
i'L i'.l.lxll b Rs,
AKC'II Sll'I.liT
:i?...'w mntii,
i'l -ri .' l -c n as)i(nt'lnt,Coiiil.t,iM "
C'.iINCT.lU T,.,
0)I'.KiAff I'ltCfl,
SIIU'lUIAN .Sa'dlUUI.., if.,
t Into a I th - Utsii t'.y'.n.
io?s4 lev di wero lionaltt wt.i'ti 3'iM ransd front 11") w
17 1 ant) ai-: tetij j aoit nt amali eltncs ou cist At Uifc
l.Vl.fcr llfi :f'I.E WATtbANTKt TO As RK-
l'KtshNl tl.
BalMfaeton ,toi an'i4. t)'lk-'.titlii jot
J A U I K M',
J . it. HNANN'.IN,
tl Jtwrii'ia No. M.lRicEl' itTW?1,
n i:vr.oiaD ir. tiiottkii,
II -ill.
b". 1 MAKKI.T ,'sTKKKT.
Th1 -rittiofi wjuiJ iiiviis au?:it. a t Hir
jVb::h ,Ury oisvke ft speoltity tu t'utr buitnen.
a. W. SCOTT Ar. CO.,
oi N7LIIH1 Vn ri'UNisuiHsi sroan,
Mil CMKSNUT STllI'ifclT,
u-st l' i,- iora bolow ('tntlnsutal Hotal.
No. r.oi CIIKHNT'L' HTUI'.ltiT,
7ii cuu-m r st i,i;i.r.
No. r, l A11C1I HT11KKT,
Oillce in New York,
At TOllH J.OMI.NU Tlllllll IllUNTtl Mil IC.l'iy
ii.-etl to excuse. his rather roun h.mdit:g of bis
tragic fcencs on theple.i that he had so perfoc'.ly
idt'iitiiied himself with the part as to lurgot
he was Willuin V. M.icreaily, Koutletinin, anil that
ha knew himself only us Sitfiiur "OtUallo," Gone,
ral in the Venetian service. One actress at re
hearsal informed him that she bud tilled ber hair
and elutbing lull of bah books, and he bail better
be raretul. The Identity was broken. The truth
is that the pcrfeot ideiitiiicdiua of the character is
nil hiiiulitiL', unless the actor, us iu tho case some
times of the elder Ibioili, was unduly excited by
stimulants. Curtaiuly, however, theru is a singu
lar difference in the perional powers sometimes
when on tbe slatfo, from the same when oil. We
knew an amateur actor once who stummeed fear
fully, hut whu-e olocution uu the s'.a,'.j was ad
miiahle, bisenumiaUon especially hviiicluar,diii
tinct.und unhe.itatiBvf. A laumiu Kiik'1":i .'lfV",
a -Mis. J'lieiiird, was exeeedmrfly vulvar, Ulkiu
uhout htr nlk " ; tt(,"aud il sv.u, .aid ItaJ uover any p. n l oi M ietth except uer wi.tiea
"leil'.'llis. Vet ber actions were porfoe jou--couibiuinp!
the rendering of a sehoUr with tho
manner of A gentlewoman, and, u, port Ol
jnuicvW. ' -
11 8 lm
.Vli. Hill CHAM! BTKl.F.T.
'1 his l.eaiitilul amel cuuriivliii, patnti 4 by Bchn.
elr, SD.I eiirjveil hy Sartaai. Is I, a. itiif .in stile,
anil i ceLmilea it b.v all ishuliavfl leteii it as o:te 'l 'Iim
t.a. st Bptouien, of vuraMii iver aotlon urn la
'"'iVbitV (iObblFlt 8 FAMILY 811017.11 HAVE A
In fket, every iiimllv win. Iiai a falhfr, Ioni an;!, or
sen battling ler Ins couDti y, Ut ajiprveiais and auoaM
no vin os a rxaot'.iii.
It will atvi l.. a memurUI of tli antlena
da. ant! vtari ol' rebulliuu and war.
'ibis cusiaviiot in sulil X' Justviiv by Aetata.
ami Dtl.srs will mid thi il.s most i.ldisiint ad p'lltai'ts
smii. j ili.yen 'i.lrtk. Wi ! e.claaivs UrrlWry,
ami will give iiartiiulitra oi'afftouy un aiivuiatuia.
We pr ai 11,1. pl.u on a in by 4 lwt, uiimblu forrratn
Inii.aud Kill .D l k aimcuai-aouy by mad, rrec.onivr.-int
in the prl' ,.' W, which I" aliomona-hall Ihrurlca nsuallr
hami U mi of Una i-uaracUr, so.- paidcaiaj.,
audi via
lIBAbT.EY & CO., fu'.llihors,
o.CN. 1'oUS in Sirt.t.
ll-lj.totl.lra -i.i:aJs:wii.
I itiiitd.-r,No.l'il'Alin:ltatri)t,aint So. 141 iiOltK
Btreet. MaiUus Work auJ M-Cwrnutioj fivm y t
vaaJW. U-iU
iiei out Tin: 1'i ori k.
IT 18 T1IK A108I IH UA11LE i.U'UIsl MAbK.
11 la the only Vrinker n ith the
For turn. ita- both rolls foji tbtr, which oosltlvclv iirevm
toi-ruii. tr.ui lir.-aaluK or twbune ou the sliafi , n all
ii i.nt.r wiuioui
.lo, no UiMUr l.ow truBk;j it way be ftiiexu. J lo ut
il if nut only r prfrot WrinKer, but th Co Wheel .
V AHliKH, ai lammed tuby UioummiJ who httv It in un.
Jl feit tin, Ui.or.clutiitu, ftnd uioney. It will pay iur
(rieifintiif AINU CLOTiilNU ALO.Nt il 8lK.-TI,e Kaiuily Fu i ure No. 1, Nw,
And ai Hirrmit. d iu every puiticilKr.
". 2 Aiid ;i me not w-jiTAMtt d or rewtnimendel, liav
liii to tDjftii relist ttiat C'oj cantio in- J, RHj.unb iuf
l uj lltViMIftt H'.ti UIU (ll'lUC lli'jfct bol.lLi;Ui.:' uilslter
Ut. tl B. SIXTH STKKBT, PhllaJalphla,
- U'awiia wuf.mjm'WvBiPv(6niiru-i'i
Ilo. fH M. NINTJ Uritl'l.T.
Oilt O'.-nl l' Kminix
jc-lin C-1N ll'AKtl.Y OM HAS'il
1UA11L.111 Xi. JlrVllK,.'-
At Nt). 1 M. MI.KVl'.NIH SI I'.l'.it.l',
Pc Lit.ri fin.
PATENT 2r:Virv.,
I? Oil COOK IN (1 AND II K All.
I ; Y t r i s .
uti l' nn any oil. 'i l-ai atavf
ci rim
r, I i u mi. -I n
I IllllA It 1 M-ir -t, I 10 i t
w' o I ti"t ' i v
I i It-'iony Ui til 1l
tm i -a I i,i i
r nt i ti -i Ii 'id
til r.itii.iy ai 1 t.i
T : i' mii ita
l-Atli. .1.11:1 l.
t iiv m (h.i an 1 .
V,. 7d il.n-MlTit 1 il a i.l,.
;m!1 - !'! pit! .'i I Vlt 11.1,
1 1 l; t-iioT i.r-- ,o'i",i i.. a
ii.iiKi.i. I'lm " ".iiinl ianra
nn. '.ir ; i" .-.1-1 o . -ioc r nt
. -ft on ! 1 N V -i . (:! a.
Y -t. t n a- -r, r n . a ui .mil i-
Idltl-'iKl Mlt.l I'.., n. f!,iull"sl IS)
an i'"'l o- ,ii-i.i a. Cm. oici .
' T II
. tt o t I 1 If K ,
II V. It
m t ,.' l
'. V , til, '
Hi C
in I
t ..ilia
1 1
r II
! 1 '
i IK , l.:i t. rt. k ha
, ... .' 3
-. i . rt "Til.
1 ;t' i, nil
WH It V. Mil NO
. I. I li:i: I 'i Mi rout.
1 ,o ; ,., i ' a, . . .'01 . 1, IH ,4
Hl ll'l Ml -"Ol H I-.
.., . .1 t' ' t . oii ', I 'i r'a.,'1 m
1 1 . l . -o i r -p ti il t u 1 i.-sn.i' , J.ti.a -
11,11 K I I'.ldili
i i
L , II
ail b . I-"'..
A Ci. ii ol J i I I'l II CM t-ri; (I ST. oi- tli.' I' m-naa
a I ft twit. I M.-it . rl -io i.t N ti-a ttf'd f'a'i' tH- hai
li-fii ncr 1 , j.tA i.I..b 'n l(,tii"i"i Mori., nn li.e.lltf
J if i i int , i i, st , on all h'. i. i l, 1 1 imllnii i,ii n a l.n t.f ths
( . tnpnii.l i t: , 1 1.,-! i.l on d a h- (.1. It.i I. li irii'iir.
Y I, I 1.
I .'nl.. n .
t l-ii' ,i . It:t Milt -Ttl, Tritlltirar.
- 3 -a I I I.'
I 1- .
..I. tt,t How
' Ol :tl 1 lllllt
till I,
It a
a. I
.10 2.2 I fit I'l .dl 1111" I
I nAo nvfiTTMn STfivvcti
, f ValU ,lUil.4.i'' w r-.' V - s
ifr. OUKAri l 1UA.V COM. Oil WO JIM
1 II I'. OM, V ON C Vila I 11
.U II at
orrroEs, parlors, dininc, hlkkimno,
Wlt'i l.'j tr'iibie.intsM t'a.,aal at I.s caveats than
.inr C'tf.l or IVonJ Htove. Tin- aro vory c-Q.-culsttit lor
a in np.irtuifa'..i in wldcli thore u no lib runijr rltie
c;. vr. loo? lis,
u 'j-'o tinMu piitbAnj trniA.
K!HT! l.K.U'l ! LIHIIT!
tliit-i; tn tl rn daik
t'Tf-al tliit-k- tn tl rna tlaik ivm. r 11 1,1,1 n
I'll'.S 1' A 'IF NT III! I'lINiVF Kl.l l.l'.t THUS, far l.olh
iti anc b.- -lict. I.i. KtMlo I ir. Ut wiinliova will, tn
in r.s co t aioic nuiit ll au atx b-jrueu wltu int) mini
li.iw li. u. f
cr.s ftitiii hrtl at l..w ratca. uayimtti iii'ttci.irs,
ttir itiditii-K iIii.k i.ii.s. and liiisuiol-nl ollaei, &c , wittis
eel 'I f n. j of litlico,
U-:' Iai .o.4:u i lu;sNt.T Mire n, riiiiaaeipina.
jAVll VOUK l'UEIi,
o:al at hali raior.
If o ir i jai r w ill tdll V.
N . !H 5. I'lI'TU STIC MKT,
On CHAKLKS B. llAKf.R, Ascnt,
will convince ihm of tlia iilllHy.romf ' ccn.(my
ol l.ifjivm 'g Mi taiLc Wcathrr Mtr.pi and M induw ltndi.
1 tics S.rlpi tot nth ox clu de Cold, Wlml. Uftlu, Mhow, and
Dnni fioai ihe crt-vfon a-oumj lcft;i and TViadwi, and
are warrant d fr five ytut.
Calloi end tbr Circular. ll-K'ttufhm
as ri i iil bi ili lilhj rt tu n ot Hie Aft eu
tilliMllAfi Act ."limbic I f.e Hunks ol tNmt,(HiiiU"iivBilh to
le'niic Aifocmti t- (or iln- i'urp -se ot HauKinw mnh-r ilia
luw.s ol u.e nit t Mutt . va fc'-fl "ii tiif Ji i a v i ah-
Hunt A. P lW, 1 s "..ertitWU to nie timt "THE I MM
JMlON llAMv t 1111 1. A IH.I ftH Il AM fUflliaiiUl
huti-Ht' li n Hi lii.u that nil tin- rt iit.rinMii of snid A M
lt e In un coniil v itli ! I Up (mil Kank. and tlmt It liai
lucniiu' an Ann' imii'ii tur tin )mu)iiiuoI lniikini undi-r
Un- Imws ui ttn I nitcil ;
I do. tt'cniofc. t-Hiisf ViU inmr :nrf.j m o puiiiii:"i,
In ai-i'niliii-e villi tltf tr itii-ii. ol tin- isi'l lllli Hir'i u
nl the .-Hit! Aft, ai d H dM i;iit' Hi sat ttii Cliar'iT nf ntd
lt.uit , bv tic ;ii'. uf lm id I, Id ileci:itl and Mkon to t'e
In rtup'-n u rii i a ivti, Miltjiut j the nn. isi,jiu at Uic Int
HCtl-JU Of Sld ACL. (aaSI
A. it. ri kti,
(jorcruor ol 1'ciiintylvan a.
Fa; u mvi ( i"Min . i
a- ItriAlM 'J.MI'A NY.
I'llll ' .1- ' "tit A, N"V .Miiitcr , iHfiaJ.
X'Tlfi; TO Mil t;K,ihIJ.K
; .A-t-.n u, ri 'ti tf.t mjiany a i.ifi."1 latt i if. liiT'.ri nt ttm R'a d n' inrn-l r thttv ur.-,
lien lo ,-! r In- !lit- vurk of I'. e l". any U.C ainoant
1 I.N tl'.Nt oi t' rii niii '.tiva in ri't, at
kk m i j. v tur r hiH'liM uf U'C 'I intfint.
I iu h .-.hs'elioliln r- ripd n a it tn-MiiM rnrtof a liart
iiM.i, ii,p tcniif. "i tin- I;' oti'mi'Mi, i'lall Im.e it e.nlTl
1. ki- of Hib.i 'pijj'ifi tor a t u il il,ire -n tin juo ui -nt of lift
il l d
'I i, .sum k li- iurd nt ti e far value of flftf dnl-lt-ij
i . r at. .in- Aii:rui1 h-territ at -l I'l.K V-f. T. M
lioilitu-; 1 r'.n li i in-iil tn) uiimiI in ih h .
1 I r it'it k" fni mi iserip-imh ai it irt- enf will ha oa
. r. IV t' t'A Y , :he T.Ii hiAinut, und II rl.n-r no ilia ;H4
,,f v. tiil.t-r rf.t, nth-i whin no fiirti Mir '.ul'icilptlona
:n in r. 1 1' v-d ii ti il ! im- rc'i.i-iti.iii.
II i . :: I t 'Ma-T I lliTH T-pai'irtg
l i)l lil H iJ'i.SUHKi'
It AV.M till
U Ltl
ml. af rrinnrt'd by the llth icclino of Hia art en-
ittad'(An Act t-iitfMinK tin' llanaa HiIk i '.minonwiMUu
to tifrotnt' Ahuciatlon lor the Turiton- ol ItaukiiiK. ta inli-r
il elawhof tlie Cntifd Huton. vaamd ontlif 22il il i . of
Ativgml, A. I. W t, linn err ideil tu tue ibit tne
'C1I 1UNK OK t'HlLAlU'-LlMUA '
has fiirniktied a 'ti.atoi.v evliU'iii-e lo him tli at uit ibe
icotnremt ma of haM hcI have bs.un coiup.ied Willi ! tha
aid iiaiik. and il Imi bupmuf an Aiiouiiittnu tm the
vniiHiau ot llaiulutf, under th lavta of the luitad
b,iltdo tl treiore cause this notice thereof to he pnblUhed,
In accordance with the imovMohs ui tin- sad llth nduiion
ot thOBrtidnci; and dudei ma that tl.e Charter oi nmd
liank.b thn Irinu of atd A't, In deemed and ukeu ti ha
UereniM.'n htiTrei.(i'n.d, obu'( t l the jrovuloni of ttiflrit
wcuoaciaainaci. A. H. CltBTlS.
(iovem-'r of rvuualvaoi-i.
Txioi th e Cham hkm, 1
HilHII"MI r:..,
2-tli hocinl er.ltM. 11 lt3w
ral. ai rciiuirrd bv the tlth ai-a-lou ol the AtrU ri
tltied "An A't eniii'llHK the Hanks of Hitn CotamoiiwoaltU
tu Lfcohic Ati.HOchiiiuuK tor tlie purpose ot B.uik.iix imdor
tbel.awaut ihe 1 nitcdjHt:uu V pax d on the a.'d day of
Ai'yuM.A. I. lBti4, Lai t fillih-d i. ni, that the Co-mur-clal
ItHiik of fn imylvanu, ot the City of l'hi!ndelM,in.
ha liirni-htd atininct.ny cvjdi-me to hnn Hint ull thj
rt'iiuln iiiputi of BBitl Ai l buve I't't-n compliod with by tfie
tain Hans, aud t)at It ha Imk oim an Ai Htiou furtha
purixiki' oi tniikiim unilcr the Uwn nt tlie t inlet Stateit;
1 do, tlit-reiort-, caiihf this noiloe thcrof to bu puhlla id
In act ordanco Ith tht- provisions of l!ic a!d 1 It It nc.- inn
ol tha t-aid Art, nnd do doclnrc that the chariiTof vald
Hank, hy the term of nald ait, Is dei'int-d and taken to o
tit ii iijHtii nrtt-iiih-ied. auhiucl to ihe piovniunt ol the lt
Lction oi staid Act.
A. G. crit ny,
fl'iTmor of IVnnnylvahla.
FxK I'iivi. CuiMbi-i., Jlvniutbiuv, Unth ii)vomtier,
Un. 11-itO -i
hI"N A ?, IHnTUKT.
Ill Aiii-Aun-. :s, f
!;vHn Mt Si- tl i i.Mti'f 1 1 1 i ! I- K. I i
S'liV'MltKT ?H ISlit. V
T If", K1 OF I'.NI.O .VMS i oi t ie t Olllcrit t. H-1.1,1-
ssk.s a j. I l r-1 T (T,iipr;.iin: tin- KoiiTtfenlhsj
l i' tli t'nt'ir.U-tis THoii'v-ilrt, and I veit'-fnrlsk
W him .j hit . -in mve noii p t:t it 'If.- :iu now en(a(ri t tm
- ifiiiik .nui t n i tniK V-r lincnT Lint of each ot tit)
Wmn i in tj,, ii Ii,inct, ai d In ihn l.ti i ti.i y itn .t( Mi CJ
i'p' i ni di, hi d a-ostiMh c- of all !' d ( ii ii, hv alviaf
huv l. ia:o ma' I- ii In tin I p.stad'Uia-i muy ait in Uu oor
rei ti'n ami k n thciiut
Auv t-t r.-cn in ti hi,u-;ir Ik f -"t t e U. urd, anil have any
i.fciiu- "hen l om it.-' l.i.l. if nr mi .l.-i.v.t. ihe .uirac
ii 'i f'l" Te J'.'.sn. th t tht p i ii h-uu.-d l U' pitperlf
en oiled oi ncrotiul ol
lit. Aiin a t.
'.'d iuu -K-tiuin e.
:id. Owi (!..
4ih. I .yim i.t pin -i .1 dH il.i'it -'f v p'i a to-?r At
ti ii n it r tin- prt iMi not ;i nrop r sub let tor eittolaaei4
tm-ii i nw hnti it is'iiUt loi.i.
Mli I'.iti-- ffi-'it in the miHti'v or tiavdl nerrl
t o -,f p.: n tiiu j ii tl e pM-stvi.t wai , uitti b:. n lum rahl di-
1 i.v ttutiH-a iti alt persona )Ub3 to military dtit? taking
ip t h' )r n-s ilc i-i e i' a Mill dlMrict f Wimij as well aa all
In the Soli r.Mrfct v. hr i nun t in.c t i t line hei-onie I'ahte,
Utnst he mi.. rl in the Euro iiH-nt ; trnl Ihe tiainei otf
t iM ii wjiu hiii c ennM d In iIim m iliary oi naval
bcrv H', or wi n rrin iti i-e- intm n'lv iroui It or wUm
ljHhiilt (i'l yiiiiJi'C- hi If In it, ml! tie t. i.:k n oil
It Ih t'T the Inierf-'i ot erv cl'len t. havci tr1.,kan
fit in ti e I Hti, ail n.iui i j'properiy 1'iiri'lifil. hi'ciiite au
execs.- ol" i nim-K liicr.-ni-i. ih n n ta cl! d fortr nn tui k
mii thtrirt ; Btm it i ci(uult loi tlie In'cn-ht of v cti pr
fon 1'nrui rd In a jjiven NMh-m-trlrt t pu-'c i.prn tin ltta
ml pi-r.-r-m In the mih-illttrh't'e tn do mi lta'y duty,
hi i une the Kreuii-r il a tr m he ilmwit tr iui, the leu
ihe ( i atii f il :t in j panJi !n.iivHlu:il v 1 1 hi omwri
'1 li l.oatni of Kim-liueni cull c.-petta. public atienllou t
the 1 illowit if :
"il a perMin, with In'cnt tn prevent tin1 draft, ?fnft C
Vi't-u ns trur ruttnr whin luwlnl'v rt 'i 'I io to rt.- by aa
othi-t r wIhim; It (in I ilnt.v II lu to amii'i lain und I'lifuil it, It If
nn "'-'f "t 'in nl thht o't e i In tlie p-sri'.r.uanct' uf one ol
litt. dntif. hi rfhit'on to the drift. 8o,nlo,"f Cie jtnti
or 'tt i-P taf' wllh Ito- -ani! i!ipnl Inu-iit, anil tt .n!,;ri'trr
ti'j'.in r-i.'iiT'-n-i,'"' .lu'jfrltit ' ti turn if y nr r t tiy IU
proVOHt iiiai h il ' -'"ru';i i7 i ii'ri t,:i !l j:ili ml.
D. M, LANK up' n:n m d I'r.v 'st Vnr.hal,
Jt l ut uf the U ar of I .tir inent,
Il-ei-flf fourth lMirltf.
Mutual Jnaurancfl Cooiauy, I hiiadi-iiii;A, Wo
Vciuber ItfM,
ISC(iHI'OI!Trit lri'ifi .
The followiittr nut-infill of the uir.tirof the Cnrupanf
1- pnhl hi c" in i nh rinMy wi'h a pro i - n -n of ini.ii i-r :
rnnilmna n-celvid tio m Nov. Int, 1KL'I. ti Oec ?m, IH-M,
(li Marine and Inlai d KIUs Slil.OW I'O
On ttv Hi -I. 1 tt tir in
$ 2.706 00
I'lcmhimi on r dicien not uiarke J
oil, Niv. 1, lisi Wt.tT
tJUl, 177 rsU
Frfnihiina marked cfl aio.tniod fr-mi M jvewbyr 1, lt4.
to (JO'olMir .11 , Mi! :
On .Vai'it" nnd Inland KlsVa.... 9l1t'.,?r.4 74
On J lu Uibr.3 V. 7
ltrSl 10
int'M'.'t iiuri, .same ner K-d nai-
vu.A-c 75,5fJ 04
i.l.',iM U
i.owei, rxpeiMfn, c, O'lrmw irie yv ir ai aouro:
Mm me aud tnUiid aviuiiou
Joi.sei 'iI4.V1
I Irt' l.Ofc' t'
If el nr n l'i uuuuii
K.'l 'iirBiic-.i
Au m y (.'hari'.
(li crtimitir 1 rfnljiiif, Ac
1 uKC-s t uHi : fiik.i a I a on
null iu-., To 1 i nt M.'U'pH, it;
kKiituiirn. Kalii. It flit. &tv.
"l his la eii hiftti e f thejmuut.t rt-serv i f.r taxes) m
itmuet.a at: 4 vr-"hn.
Asbt.if OK IHi; COMPANV,
MovemlKt I, l;t.
tlOn.tlH) d htau-n 1 tvt) ti i;eni l.nau,
i;i w iw,0()o 09
lll.-X'O Cnlii d ttalii Ma tur Cttui. Loan,
I MA, 111 09
Tr'.OV) Cnh.'.i Stutek 81 il fur Cent. 14U,
'o 7C.'-ol M
1CJ),nO) Stu'f of I uunttvlvanla, I'tve 1'or
( nt. I oat U,i6 tW
ol,COt Kiateuf 1't.Miiit.ylviuiia, 8ix l'ir Cunt,
I.t a 6MM Ot
1:h.i,1..d City of J'hiuilulphlu, isix 1'ur Cuut.
Loan lii.VJQ If
Vit0(vi lf niuWvaiiia Hat:road, lit M rU(-ij
Hi Ti r l ent Uoii.ih ti.OKi M
r0,i'Ui ri-iinmlxanm hailmad.i.l .Mir'ae,
SKI-rrCvnt Hi.nB M
l.ri,n0 h area utork tterinantuwn (tas
4 ompaiiv, prlni'ipHl and Intrrctt
uuiiriiniied by tlie Oil) ol 1'hila-
ih lihia U.300 0
C,V0 IM Khan Stock riinlianU
,.ilhonICotDp.iii 9,100 W
tfiUO It ! Hliaic huh k North Pt'imal-
vania Hat I nd ConDianv 9.VA 09
&0,tAi) ni ed iHtn'et In-a-my Cartlil-
cntt ol liidehtedncHH iAil 09
OO.CXI Ht vtt of TanuennfD Jr'ive For Cent,
l.oiin lJOO 09
l'.'H.Tf.ti l.uann on Huiiit and MuiiKne,
amply necured kN,7fl0
u EOl'NT
li Tur ths t un
VI to tie) u-rui I
iMaiul ua Uia
uiii-il Htatei Uuritis o-j., aljle-budiihl iua
trid ilitdi-'a ui a auhlit-r at uur Mtji . tents.
ItuaiU LiiltfU bum a,iiyi-vl-r ua twis.S
'J Km of cTTit. rimr Yfars.
It i-ttiH-comiUFallon limn Uif arnlT.
ALL Tilt: LUl'AI. lloLi N l ltd patti upon tiJUtlulBi.
.lurtiu. r' ta l'rl Mcn.y.
tor ad fuiUi.r liikiriuaiivB air' at ths KcrntUa
tin. 1111 S. FRONT Buret, bUow Bfluts Hlisol,
t.lwttn oi K an4 il v clock. WI.RTl
au.Vtf Malor aud Hasaliiuf oaiuaf.
OUTof rt and lolrJIcr s vlltin the city on rurloufhi, arlia
Ara luvltad t Uia exlt-ntlvs
SAriOM sXieat, alxiTS alaUi Bit.
Mads to otU.rat ths aiuirtcat nollc,wUl w rtohaaas an
uiatnlllsLut. ciuirt.!.. coujMUtixn, t H".u! . i?f
couniry i-i biIiIiuiis H' M A Mrl-AO'l'UKt NO JbtVfcl.tsJ
fimuisiivu.Hwvswtuiuji. if
!l, Kf
2 ' .'i !
li..,. M
il.laO i t
1 1 ".i'l Tf
3i7,i;ir 91
H't.noo fi
9,210 99
ikl,.A0 far. Cost, 9MI.100 W. M arkut
Roal K-tHle
Hihs reuotvublu lor Infill anoe madu.
Iialanrei due al A-m lu, rreiniuaisj
on Marine 1 Ui Accrued Jn
lerttHt, and ot'ior Uvbta due the
Company -.
fccrip and Stoi'k. ol Sundry Insurance
and other Coiupauici,
Kutlniated Valao ,
Cnt-h on iii piiiit with C.b.
(iovei'iimciit, lubji-ct to
ten d;iv' full iKUVViO W
Caah in hunks it,- M
t it nh in I) rawer ft il
i:,s,:i in
l'nii m i i a . "ioveiribfr lb ;t. rh" llounl or V
U,rn hawi tliii dav it'.' hm:d a t a -h Dlvuk'iid of Till p'
e. nl. on the rapiuil itfck, aud si h-r vt nt. lutoieMl on
ti,- a,. 'mi t,i' ti.u CoiiiiiHii v. aiiiyahle on und after
it ot iccoiber ro.imo, fri.e oi .aiunal und Huti
1 hy riAVe BIW uwutrtu r-vnc a fimui runn
rer ont. om the l arnetl vreinlituia lor the ?ar endluic Oa
m iui tor hu-h will oe Uititjd lo thm
vanles entitled to the time, on and aft r the Int of btxeiav
Ler proximo, free ol Naiif'iiil and "iat tnwi.
'lh y have urdtrc-d, alo, tl mi the am i wrtlftcatea o
i.rotitaot the CVmpany for the ytar Imiti KrfcJwsjmed I
l.ita.at4tiotlit,eul tne Conipaiiv. n and atiur the Ut !
liiiiinbtr prviuao, aU iuttrml thw;iVu io vee ua lsh4
certificate of profit lued undrr $M By the AH
Im-orporation, 'o emith ato ibiii Uuu unlet claim
within two jeara ai'ttr U.e duclaratluu of the dividend
whtwoi it U tdoiae.''
Tbnmat C. Hand,
JoLn c. Iaviit
ko mund A. d. r.
'1 iieophilim fauuhutft
John K IMirono,
.lamt-N i rn-iinir,
liniry C DulU U Jr.,
JnQtrii ('. liainl.
UlliiatmC 1 sill will,
Joseph 11. Ht ,.1.
iieori.1' H- I.vlpi-T,
Iiutih CjiJ,
Samuel K Btokea,
J. fennian,
th nrv sloan
i W t.l.ani i. ttoultoii,
tilwaia Uarliulon,
II. Juliet ItriMike,
Jaooh V, Joi'iM, t
J 1 1 a.-1, . .Mci aiUnd,
Jbnua 1'. Kre,
iKin-i'i MulHAinc,
John it. Reuipto, rutiharf,
A. tt. Hcuu. da -
TIIOMAR C. HKD, Prceidanl,
John c. iAVii Vi wbntj
sU 44'4il