n VJENINGr T IE IJE LLLi TRICE THHEE CENTS. rillLADKLrillA, SAT UK DAY, DirKMMW 3, 1SW. ntlCE TIDtEE CENTS. JI iol rs laUol 'na 30A1 r. e lim 'AT(, tatx V.1L THIRD EDITION LATEST FROM NASHVILLE. INTERESTING F&ETICUL.P.S OF TEE LATE VICTORY. n r ' " uCiLfi'Auo:.? tjni.air.rv oi StIej, Co'tnek ScLor.el.., 0.yke, riEcl Other?. PROMOTION Or CCN. WOOD Ni m vn 1 i , lie raner IT.. fio-i ral V 3rd mi"- eciclsf.cner.il Si inioy in c otmnvid of the llh Corps, Mauley heinir unable to take the licl I. His dospcra e bravery at the Franklin fight mainly contributed to turn tv li.'.t threatened to lie a dii.i :riti repulse into a trlorious vicorv. Whcnapnrtuf his i ouimaud had r in away bc hue the enemy, tie rushed to the front, bid a horse hot tinder hm, and was himself wounded. I" f ill led on the chaise, waving his hi'.,anJ 'idling ou his men to t'o. low. lie rallied his fal tering troops, and rep.-lled sewn su -oeislve ' barges. Colonel Opdyke, of the l-'ith Ohio ltet'im, n". 'Oiwnandlng a brigade, specially ilistingu.i-.Lcd himself In the engagctiic'it. Colonel Schoticld, a brother of General Kcho- ticld, Chief of Artillery, distinguish! d hiiu-elf by the admirable positions in whim he placed the artillery, nnd the manner in whicu ho fought them. The grti.,t liiipurtaa. e of the victory at Franklin cannot be overe-iiiu ited, in it cheeked Ilyid'.s onward course, an I g.ue the Federals time to make due pn p.uat ions to meet him. .Schoueld 'nnd Stanley conim inded the corps in Held, the former, hy seniority of rank, assuming command wf all the fore. A MILITARY RIOT AT McCON- NELLSEUfi3. FICHT WITH CONSCRIPTS. McroNNi'LI.-n Im, Pa., December A light ocenrred nt T,m;cr KiilsM, near tlrs place, yester- day, between a p ortion of C impair? F, 2()lst Regiment of 1'tiiiisylvania mounted infantry, ind sonic delinquent conserin'.s of thin county. It having been ascertained that a number of them Bwould be congregated at a shooting match, mea- snres were taken to secure the party. The sol diers advanced to the spot, and as Frovost Mar tial Hotrpt wont forward to hold a parley, tho onscrlpts cried out, "It is tho Provost Marshal," mil Immediately a number of shots were lired nt him, none of which took effect. The soldiers then opened lire, and a general :ght ensued that lasted for about an ho'ir. Tho leserters wore dually driven, over two hills, skir mishing being kept up tho while way. Owing o tho fact that the lighting was carried on priii- K-ipally in the woods, the casualties wero slight. the conscripts lout one man killed uud two .vounded. None of our men were injured. One f the wounded men foil Into our bunds. The (cuiamder of the puty, being familiar with tho otintry, tied to the mountains. The forcan were under the command of Captain Ialoncy, an efficient olllecr, and mora nfltlrs of hit kind may he speedily looked for, as it is de cruiined to bring these outlaws and incendiaries 0 justice. BEEEL HEWS I'F.OM GEOSJIA. 1 liltlil nt (.riiaiYUlilvlllc-Unit Null tit's ItHitt on Jut-hum, t-.lc. C.wno, December 2. I'he Grenada (Miss.) Y'tcA-tt contains the following despatch: Macon, Oa., November L'l. A sevcro light cenrred near Griswoldvillo to day. Our troops Hacked and drove the Yankees into their iu renchmcnts two miles this side of the town. Our orccs behaved with great gallantry, and tho oililia fought like veterans. Our loss was severe, mounting to between .lOO aud I K). The picket e of the enemy is now threo miles east of (iris- oldvillc, and his infantry Is still moving in the irection of Augustu. Our forces are now In position to repulse any Hack the enemy in ay make on Macon. The I'ickct says the Itelicl Governor of Missis- ppt has conv ned a c. urt martial at (irena la, tq 7 thoso who liid net icfjiond to his Cu'i, mid tut the uii itia arc much exercised in relation ereto. On the Jtiih of November the citi.ens of Jack- n, Mis ,wnc much alarmed ut an apprehended dd by Gcncr;:! W. I.. Smith, who, with 2n edeials, had cro.-scd the l!i;; lilack river on the revions day. Caiiio, Dercmb. r 2 TLo steamer rtee ii'i arrived lnht evening. An expedition from Icmphls, u biler Colonel Kerrc, captured cm Nn cniherSD f rty of Lylv's urn! Adams' men, tif ,eu miles fiom Memphis, on the All. m-.is side If the river. Amongst the prisoners are thro.t lebut captains, a lii.i.toi.uut, llriuadiur-C-etieral dauis, and an adjut nit. IDE LOWER Mt&ISSPPI. iMiortAiit Order Iruiu 2citt'.'tl H'risti burm fii?r( h l lite l:xcililloia in HMvrolM, I'tc. St. I.oi is, IVcember Gt ucrnl Wasiihurac as promulgated an order roiuii in a tof er ceLt. per month to be levied and coliec'nt roin all persons in Momphl- who are :n a;iy wsy emptcd fiom tniiiturt duty and bo'lw'.d trad -ermits. The tax is to be upon tlie am Hint of b i -i ie-s er mouth grantee in the trade permit. The fuud aus raised is to be devoted to defraying ike ex- e,n!.es of the militia, and to paying tor a poruta- Vnt guard for each regiment, illy order of General Cauby, t'ji Histricts of est Tenueoee and Ylcksburj lave bu torm j.t to one command, under (nwiil Hi'ii, with le hcadiiuarters at Memphij. General YVasliburno has b.'iU in! .' I '. j i'.ti jiiimaud ol'lheposj ati I D. .-. ; .' . jii.r. itU its present litnl s. Memphis advices of Niv.::;'.:. . tU.t l exptuitLu from M.-uipiiis to o-c-j a Uu isjuined, having 4Ci.o:up!i.'.i:d ctu n.'ii' sucer. Kneral Dana has ordered the tis lcrs ri 'ic'.s- Lurg and Natchez to immc jia'.eiy bain N'o.tU ail icy cloth uud Cotton goOis r.'in i.u in iliic ands, on ptiin of couiinatioji. the rmcH ix aizsioo anirriaj Troop Ooii.t k anuiuto tepartesl Victory lor tlia native ft f lonatl Traopsi, '. Pan FitAiiisio, November 10. Mjs.icait ad ices by the steamer Han-amei.ta si.y that Ni. ember IS the r'reuch landed troops 1 MaMumoo, ad took formal potscitlm of the town. Tho ovcrnor of Muzatlan, with hii forcjs alnudiied ie place the night previous, to that in rcituace as oflercd to the lauding of the t rench. It is Uo reported that Alvarez had defeated, en uperial force uiarching on Atapulco. Heavy nd constant rains prevail throughout California, Lltrmptlng trade aud (ravel. LATEST rROM SHERMAN. HE IS THIUMrn ANTL V MARCII INO TO THK CCA8T. On the Z(k Li? Arn.j- r, . Fcrtj-Five M:(!sSot.L cf A ,. i-:u. Ill' li'll- IM I ipe;-. C' tlt .' 'V Ot N'OVC'Obt'r (Tucfd.tr Li'tj have ' ecu r ' -o in 'his city. T!iy con'f-.iu a Jc st v. 1. fr m Au.' i-u, dat .1 th 2fth. annotaiclng that on that lay Shoi'iuin's f.rmy was f.irty live miles so-irh o' A'igti"l, Ga., "am! so far ha been batlc 1." The same papers repeat the r- t r thitl-lier-mait was rep:i;se I It attempt!!, r to cro 1 1, j Ocome riv-T. The H.'bcls cl iltn that fior h'il! h'l I M i ;y,. Ily SheviTi, iti's hrln "ba!ll 1 1" . u ino tlr3 Ilebel pa;iei s m- an ttnit th ) iiav e.u 1 ,1 h ;n i'i kittl 3 and li Ustr t'.ed him in some w iv, bee me he iip)e.irs to I c K"'"it by A ig:is: i. If .my one will loon a' the in h ' wi'! p'r ciive that if the IIbIk.! dcpai. li i i'.-.I ,ru j is true, th it Sheiman was tlireciiy so i.h Vu gust.: on the i'llth, he must h ivc b en m that t-ini near W.iyiiosri'irn, iie irir a. in p -sses.ion nf iw l.-st line of railroad bet veen Aivr-sta .i'id Siv.iu nah. iinl the ntt.nir if I h it roil d'str,ivs the last mi aus of coinni'iiii nti.n b. te.-n the. t -t o cities, ex. pt by way of the r v r. tvV.eh w;,l S' on be stopped. This kind o:' ")atllin,'" Suer lniin can -bind if the tebls ran. Tho "repulse." at the O. onee rivea could n t have amounted to mm h, or we should have ha 1 It traded in glowing coiors ere this, and not iiiinonnced as a mere "rumor." II sales, t ie Hcbels ncknnwlcdge that it did not impede his progress. '1 hat Hie Kebel- hold M icon ther win b' no ilnni t. M'e nr-'oimu they rli 1 n .t cp t tint Sheriimn should s:o,i h, pNoe li . ni n-id h )ld it for them. Alter i,e iior through ith it there was notion'.- leu wotth hmdi i','. If Sherman was forty-live miles diroetty south ofAusritsU on the .'o li lilt., he .is within about one hundred :ul twenty mi es o'' Savannah. He has probably m nvhed at le.i"t lit'tcon nines per day during the live sub, .pient d i ys, nnkln,; him now (n veiity-tiv nrles nearer th-1 coast than he was then, or only forty-five miles from S ivin nah, in a l ieh country, wi'ii no enemy before him or on his tl mks th it amounts to ,i tl.-.i bite ! Tnls isrroprcss indevd. Waihimj'i) . .' jiiihUciii. ANOTHER DESPATCH. SKIRMISHING IN FHOGRESS, Goncrrtl Hood Trying to Cross the Cumberland River. Itc, JOto.. lit . . j:to.. Kto, Nashii,lb, December 2.-light skirmishing has taken place with the Ilebel cavalry all day. A comploto lino of intrcncaineuis encircles the city. A portion of our cavalry f uce encountered Forrest's Ilebel cavalry three miles from town, on tho Franklin pike. The 1! ihels could bo plainly seen advancing towards them, and our troops retired towards the city. It is rumored that Wood is endi ivoring to cross the Cumberland with a large cavalry force. Many experienced oiilcers predict an engage ment to-nicrrow. Our forces occupy the lines around the city, and are In llne-of-battlo. Ihree soldiers were shot and killed by the guards in the streets to-night. Their names are Arthur I.. Cheary, 8th Kansas; John MeCarty, llillh Indiana j Joseph S. Kraut, "th Illinois Cavalry. run 111 til l. Oi l 14 Kits K1I.I.F. ASt HuiMii n vr run Ki.ri.vr uatti.k OI' HAWIil,I. M. t tlj t,t ilic Kvbe! ;cuernl ('letturue. li.ior-General Patrick 11. Cleburne, of Arkan siis, kuown ns lh ' lliit Irish K. liol," was killed on tliu 2thh lilt., in tho Im'tle ot 1-ranklin. Clc hun.c has played u pioiiiinenl purlin tho various conllicts In the West, mid has borne himself in b.s l aucr with such marked (li,;aity us to win and maintain the respect of hi- enemies. Few (Ulcus i f the Itebel uruiy huve 1 lien in the war who have beeu moro profoumby respected by those with whom they have beeu brought ia cou tiict than General Cleburne. Fuuii k II. Cleburne was Inrn nc.ir (Jucens town, Ireland, i n the 17th ol M crch, lss, and conseiueutly was, at the time of ois death, nearly thirty-seven years ol age. At the aw of niuetccu he enlisted in the Ihiti-h lis' lu antry, knowu us the "1'iince ol Wales' Owu," Ho u ju.-t returned from Ii.dia. Aticr tliue yc.i' service young Clcbiin e piiiihnsLil Ins tti-cha and emigrated to Aniciieii. lie scttlid in lle'ona, Arkansas, and stiulud law with the II ,n. T. U. 11 inly, Chief Justice cl that State, and v is successfully ciigugcit in the piaetice of his profession when the war broke out. With General Ilindniao, lei 'ius To!k, nnd others, he joined the minis as a private, but was scop electee; ;2;,t!U,i 9 voii'r""iy,aud assisted in neiuring the l.itle ft cel. .C, i"al. before the full ol Fort Hummer. Clcbunie w is subRctpiCS'ly ehct d colonel of tin! tirst re , netit raised in Aikitiisus. Thomas il. Iliad was made briga dur I'cncral i'V tue State (N.mv.tioti, and phi 'ed oier him. llnullcy can-ed t' e retreat ot the Atkiitisas lid' p. from I ! -. i r ;c s I'oint, on the Ms'fcsiiti, and v.as b.' ieved t. bo disloyal to il e South. tin U" e -U'p c i"s' h;ti', tin. 1 y deposed him ; and ciel ui tie wus abcrwurcU b .ugnt before a Conr maitial ut Mound i'.v u u c'targe ot mutiny. I r.Kllcy, however, a r ed tolc.ve the ninitcr to th" (iici'iou of Ge i rill I'll'ow, who (lech ed that Hindi, v should no' lesiimc the com mand of tho forces nndtr Cleburne, which were thus ti u l. -it 1 1 id ti, tne ('ontei'.i rale S! ites ser vice, iirol (.L.cvd under Gen ri : I lrdce in South ins ei u iiiss. uii. On the 12th of Dec. oiibt r, ; s,2, he v. as an. pointed n ma or-pe'iemi, .,n, ed in command ol one of the iliviaiou. ui ilutoi e' Coiv-. Ou the .1Ul ol the s. ine month lie uim.i kiided his Uiti sion In the battlo of M iifrec-'i to. liiiring the cam; r.Uti id' Tul'nliou. t, i i 1 i, (,cnLr.il Clc bnri e coti ud the Mtc.it 1 1 Cl: i"anoo'. In the ball v-i Cl.if!.mimg", vh' pteain.rlJ nnd Jo, he fnii.rd a't it ihr c oie . under Gtnerai llili. vvl,, h vnj roii'cd tiy i; . ul Tiioi.iaf. In the foil vv n.: mo t1 ov . uoer and 2'i!, C'clmrre e n ivanb it h.i oi. i-r u iu t Ii - b itth' ot Mist Ion It Idee. He hfMthc '.reme ri:rht of tho line, :ii. U thn e time rcpi 1- i ' .cm rul shei rain in hi? t-i! itsto c .try 'he ' I nel HI i" of i!is. sioti lie ge, nis (iiv.-ion w-t- the only part of Idai-g's aitny wl.i. U reinaiue ' In set after thl. buttle, and with it,c ivvred tl r mi at to ilisig-rold. At Jtis.i'olsi Oa t ac Ir.'t" !,i. takln a atroui; pi.siCou, btic. ceded :a ua'.a;lus Oe'ier.1, Itooker ith heavy less. TIps eugaiement refl -cte J considera'.'e credit on Cleburne, aaj the I'.ebel Congress v v.ed hita the thanks ot both hot:ses. He was to:i-ta ally in ti e held during the Atiaatt catnpau, a-i I a ;i'ti tame to the re-cue ot the army at Joijjhiiro Gi , vhere. Augut '1, l,t. ti overed anj ir4ct.--l tie iHttate l hi my of Ilji. 0-.-aer.il C'.ehtirna li'.ved I'Otta witll lfoo I i l he '.em bee U-t, and t inied the column inve-t:n Uj t hi. 1(, w.i. iu t 'Uiliui'j.t U Ins o i aivi'.'u al I i-'Uxi'U wh;n ii y.;l.i:.eJ. General Cle'.aipe was niatiystic f.etid h;ij'.it, v tll-tua je. ai,a of coalman uus! pre-ou '-t. Uu toirplcxmu v.a' ti!it,ni h; pis e.,.-. rloar, I'ietclrg e;e. In nunaer r.-i rsniu'U ilj!y otiiet, uiojest.uu l ie;arvj. ht.clels oftlie Itehel fea-' iiin. There ar? three Ger.e(B.s Adams ia tj-s llcuel u n.y. Genei ilJohn Alu.-us, whea U-t heard from, v a.s in commaal of the ''Faui tU Military l.-tii(t, Departmeut of M.ji.--iijn aai He&t louiUn," with ueal unnci at Jack. oa, ML.. isi.-sipii. (renewal l. W. Adams, of Tekus, was in t'ttoUr la.-t ia cofimani of the ' Duir.ct of Central Alubaun., with headquarters at Tsl'i. di'Su, Ala'.ama.'' Genera! Witt AJamj of il fi'bijpi, hai long beta attached to tl.3 Uc'j.l armies of the vest. It i-nrohibl: tht this v. as the t J.cer who is rporu J fc- have bea Ude d on tie Zi'ih u t. ut (he bbtt.e of Franklin, Term. Geuviul Wirt AJ.,m was a native, of Missis sippi, and at the I'tmmus of the Uebelllan held a pRnuiKSHt petition in tuo htaW, and a u poli tician wielded lauih influence, which was i;itea to the cause of tho conspirator adinst thd ln!on. As boon as war had Ueu inauu rated Adams cntetcd the State aerrice and raised a regiment of cavalrr, which was knowu as the " ludepcudent kfistissippi Cavalry." U6)Siuaine41u thg wiuiAn,d, of fte Mt rciiHvUt, ( ncaic. '. oi iiN'.-iiing In the West. null Pe ifeiiiVr lih, IS' 1, wiio.il be iva-" pronio'ed a br.oilio -gtticral for ervice (n ihc rear of Ge ier.il U-am's army les. i; ng Vi. k-o ir,;. He was s inse ntient! v rrgsge I in the e.unp liitn of Atl.mu, b it ii.J not pun. u In i lr distbn uish h tn-elf. His brigade inovnl nor' i wen Hood, in his wi d goose clia e Into l enm -s o, and '. Franklin Adam- gathered the bitter fruit of h s fi lly. Skrfi'li of ili(s ttoltrl i.4'ti(rnl lien. I'rtttU liit-fti l.itin. M.i.or-tb'ner.il I'.en. Frank Che.lthani, of T 'n-nes-ee, i re, orted to h ive ticen -voand-'d whi.e iead nc his c'-rps of Ho id's arinv in an a-siilt upon t!i'' c nitre of our onjtinn s', Kr in'J :i. o i Nicnilier in, is.;i. n,j otieer has bi-nj a proniinent p n t in the v.oiius ea-up .rti-i i the west, and has cr.l'bially foiii-ht Ins w ly, a ;ainst sir em; i p .sir Ion at Hi h.non I, t . hio. p i.o.oo in the Itcin I nrmy ; but thoueh p'a-ed in c un mnml of h corps, he h is inn h 1 1 indue nc 'e,i m.-1 at Hi' hniond to "(" the pro notio'i p-op.'r y ti-. loneine tothe pospnn. 11 : is th only in i, u-.-mi-crnl in ti e Hebe' arm eoiniuandiiK a Corp'. Genei.il Cbcitham wis birti in II .bans .n c uuiy, Tenn'ss e, ab i' tin. v.-ar lsj... li s paient- r'nioved when ('i.ea'ham was youi r, to Nah . ille ; I1...1 ill to the ti in) of tu btcihiit? out of the pi c-i ol war, the snYo oi this slvi-eli hid n sided near ti.,r c ty. lis latl ct ii tt him a b.iu l-ome fort'ine and a 'a ; plo ie .:( :, -i. He bote the eti ;r t -t- r of a s i rim in nt cin.. ', rather then t'litofa : u 1 . i tar or, benv i eie i i ly c oiipared to (;.:;. r.il .l.i 'U- ,n ia the i!n s o'' l is youthWl ece-ses. iici.trel t healham ticuie 1 m t'. "i c.rn .a:;n' i l Mi Ti.o. He raised a eoiiiv'.iiT of vw' n t ; i - et N'a-hv :'ie, l a- the 1st renin----" i"-'m'r .-, ( olo i "1 I a in pi ell , and in arched to M - i e i:i'tsi',. 111--en I ol the year for wlivii the e mi inv In 1 vobinteen d it was hotinraiilv di-ehar 1. " f o. tain Cheatham returned to Na-hvide ami ra sed a lull leLtinient i the .11 Infiintrv ), ren "ivrg a eo.n musion as colonel. He reached Mexico in inns toemtiiue in the battle of Hn.-ria ,-t i, wU .e he j're.itlv distinguished hiin-i II. Diiringlhe exciting p--rlod of April, lv II . .Inrlner whirh Tennessee was rnshed ou- of the L.iion, Cl.ealliam played a prominent part, nnd was ie waidid soon a:t r oy an apiiiitineut as e '-t-i!i( r-gi i.eial of Tennessee ruilitla. Ttie HoMel ioMin'neit cte;nhd tho appo'iirmeii' to the provisional army of the Coined rate St lies, and Cheat!. an. rnnked as the thhty-eiithth b,i::a tier general of tho armv. lie was iui ii."dia'e'y as. signed to duty in Wet Tenmssce. his hri;i e beiui; engaged in bud liir; Forts ller.n n and Donelson. "n Sent niber 7, IS-1 he was re a sign ,1 a Columbus. Kentucky, to iin- 1st Mrignie, I'o k's Dnisii i", Hepirtimn' No. 2, in which .:re the regiments of two or three mi'iscinerit llebj! generals, nrd attached I which was the btferv' of Alexander 1'. Stewart, now li.nit natit-reae-rnl, ainl ( heath. tin's su, erior in rank ,n he is in e.c.y d'her rcspu t. (i'i September II) his d'. isi .ti fo-m.'d pi', of the atta King e.ilunin at Chi. hain iuiti, mh'.fi the cor) ' of Folk, to whi"h 'heathaui w as still a--tncl cd, wns ilcfeiited by (b neral Th .tins, lie hcteagiiln etuountered H(iiiseau's Division, bni at this time under iiuotli r cotnin m h r. Ilo enm niundi 'l the corps of 1'o'k in the ab-enco of tint ollieer, at 'he bsttles of Mission Hide, Novem ber 2ii. 21 and 2'i, but failed so badly thai he was relii vcl fiom duty and went to Atlanta. lie w is enrnged iu most of the buttles fmght during the campaign of Atlanta. On the 2Sth of July, IMil, he siiceer ih d Stewart as conitnan.ler of the cntps, the latter having been wounde I. On his recovery Stewart was assigned to Hardee's Corps, nnd thus Cheatham remains in eornm iiid of Folk's old corps. Ho was ill ut the beginning of the present campaign, but could not ho kept out of the saddle. Il was while commanditu the coips alluded to that General Chea'haiu was wounded nt Franklin. In person Cheatham is large and heavy built, of n blond completion, with dark hair and eves, and is about forty-eight years of age. His char acter isns described thai of a reekliss, dang rous man. AEMY OF THE rOTOMAO. Klit if Prrxeiitnt inti. 1Ii'.Anu-AUTi:ns Ahhv ok tub roroMAc, December 1, 10 F. M. A groat denl of artillery firing has prevailed to-day in the vicinity of the Jerusalem road; but without any result worth mentioning. At this hour un unusual stillness reigns along the entire linethe plckots souiniugto have become wearied of their continual firing at each other. This aileinoon the Maryland Ih igado rocoived the new Hags which were ordered lor them by the Legislature of that State at its last session. After the brigndo had passed In review, Governor llradi'ord made a speech to the oiilcers and men, which was responded to Iu feeling terms by Colonel Dennison, w ho commands the brigide. The men composing the brigndo have seen Si me cf tho hardest lighting of the war, and their thinned ranks and tattered c dors show how they bore their pint in each engagement. The new colors ure very handsome, uud made of heavy blue silk, with fringe nnd tas.sels of gold. On the Hags are the nnmcs of the different bat tles tho regiments participated in. The entire aliair was one of the most agreeable character, and would no doubt have a good c licet ou tho men. The Governor and stall' leave to-morrow for Gcrctnl Ilutlcr's Department, when the regi ments there will receive their c dois. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. 6;ciliil l( si:itih's tu K Killing Telegraph. Vsiiin(ito, December.'!. ln.iorlttlil .Mull Arr'tUROnieutn. Acooidliig to the new mail arrangements which go into ellect December l'.Hb, wo shall huve two I'liick mail trains c nh way with 1'iiilu delphiii nnd New York. I'liniiko In I lie 4 itBs(rllloit Ac. It is said Secretary Stanton will recommend Corgress to change the Conscript'on Act, so as to invent drafted men from running away. A fecret diuft has been nsoited to In this District. The trouble Is that dratted men run nway bclore they are legally i:o:!iied. I'luiiil on I lie Ketiicil 1. 1st. Colonel T. F. Andrews, Faym.ister-Geiiernl, bus been placed on the retired li.st, after mote than forty years' u tlve service. M 0 r IS.'.c bus lein made Brevet llr c' l.lier Genera1, au I !i s. Ill acting as l'ayma'ter-Ge eral. 1lie hi. r,lin.ilr.kliii. The Fre-idi'iit has i,ot yet auiiounced iii- cle-cl-lon in regard to the mejessor of the .'ate Chief Justice Tnney. cn I'uolnl lni lltlie-i. At the rt. itcst of ro-bnaster-tietiiTal De ini son, the leading c.lleei.s of the railroads rutnang North and West f.om thl- point, met at the I'o-t Ottice Dipnttm 'it s erday. Anion; them were Colonel Th 1111 A. frcott, of the I'enu sylvunu Central; J. W. Garrett, of the L' llt'nmre and Ohio Railroad ; H. F. Keuney, f the I'hiladilphia, Wilm'n'rtoi, and Ilaltltmre Ilailr .aJ ; and W. Gat.-tner, of the CatnLnaal Anibcy K ailroa i. Several of th.- s .Uc I'.iles werj di--cusstd, and il was arra'-ged that tuiougii msli ualns shall leave Wi-Uin.ftoa ot lA.K.ailO I'. M ., an i New Virl. id S A.M., in! 10 I". M he ( ii.c if ii'un.n ; t i be re b'.iel to ten hv.irs. 'I !: n Cet li J nd.i "iriiO.l t- Uiaet iu I'0:1 K U'a Oil Th us jay ut. SI on. Jrfiiie b-fi"iS. ot en(n..l.v. Av. poiulrsl AHornejv-. ssuer a1. The ufu.sul of Judgj Ho t to accept tue pit of Attoit ej -General occassio isd no little surprise ar j :.s not generally credited uuti! tliii after, tiboti. In his own d partnoim no.e; hal ex-pette-J it. many stoutly denying the r'ort until is i icd jf its trutufultis! by G jaetat ll j'.t lu:a self. Jud;s Johnson, of Ohio, has htba atvotvfr urged lor the potation, but tl e I'resldent, Mlicr ing to his policy of conciliation towards the Western Ilorder Ptatu. and au.- ious to hare o ie of thei i rep' emitted iu his Cabinet, has appointed If.iii. Jatr.cs fyeed, cf Ucntucly, and it is tiuJec oitoi that the teuier has been accepted. llit I nlsu lHMt- Kaitroad. hi. Loi is, l'eacmber a. The flrt t.v.cur.ion train on the I'ulon Tac Die RallroadJ started from j andottc, Kaunas, the eastern terminus of the line, on Monday last, and ran through to Law. rci.ee, distance of thirty -eiyh( luijes, GOOD NEWS FROM SHERMAN. Captriro of Milieu, Gcor.:::i. ADVANCE ON SAVANNAH. fc-liil to TI10 I t elling; Tola rnttli. WA.iiiMiriN, Iie cnibcr n, P. . The i; iv ( runieiit has re c.ve.l ir.f .rt.iat: n that ') m. al Sla rinan had c.ip'.ured Mi'len, i u the orgi i Central K ulroiid, on the .'"111 r.'t iuo. His army was concentrated, and it if tii' iight h is in ivcd to Savannah I efore th'. This ias l a- . o-rat.-d n K-( ci .... -eel tig I. ere today. Xiiihn is V u: iyn'..l-s ml -fiom Aticusv k, 1. 1 J I. I I i:i.i.ii;'( r. 1 1 .. i vs' r r i- t; , , i n no i 0 w ; ".i srt i m. II I I I Hi 1 I.OM 111-: Hill.. Cm i m. i t 1 1 D's i m. r Co. ii i I i lg. ; H wal.uler in;e I S ites vs. Sm.ih. I i i'i c , . w her. in Iheib'tcii'hiiii, ' c re inti'e .'Ce at in ..eie of the in iis in tw. en Man, a ( h ink 'a id I n es. vdie.w ,;s eh.iriied with lo'.'ii.ll' the I'. Ill II l.'f'r-, the niry.y- .icrday. a i r he,1s. nut bat a sh in tun.', in tu- in t i'h a ver Ii ', ot v iilw, i;u". strocely P 'elm im l.'.l the .'ot-'ll . '.t t'o t.i I'icrey .f the court. Jiidcn C idwiiiaibi Inioosi d the minim urn pun-1-biiK ut allowed by law, vi.. An ininrisonineiit of tin years in the II .intern l'euiteutiary, aid the dclendant was, within an hour th"rea:ter, within the w ills of tin; prison at Cherry ilill. In the Civil Coints the ordinary Saturdiy's lists were up. III! CIS!. 01' H ti ION l'.lllltCT OK V 11HTTVI.. Ciirm or (1 i n isii Ti iiMiNi.ii vvn (" ti: ick Si;ssios- Judges Thompson and Ludlow. The case of alton, the poli. cm an, which lies be-n on trial lor two or three (lavs, ho being eiuire-d with the murder of Jacob N. Mavl eny.on th.? night of the .1.1 i f Julv.on the ( irn-r of Ninth and l'op nr atrei-is, was coneluded yes'er lay itter noon. This niorn ng the jury cams lu with n vculii t of . I i,!,:i,r ,. No otle.r honiic'de e.ises will lie t.':;d a this te.pj. C1TI INTI-iudCKCE. Si a Ik (iv Tin me -vii. i rr To r tv. Six A.M. I'.' S. No. n, oil. One I'. M. "ii. W nd, S V. Sinoi i. vn I nriiAv 1 1 v oi- Cuii.ii. A rc-p nt able colored coiiile appeared ncforc Recorder linen yesterday aiternoon with their child, a girl of ten years of age, and small in stature, for that age. They naked counsel re'utivo to the child. Tbe hitter npis eted to be cursed with n spirit of ili'.tructivenc8 beyond all control. Not lor a moment could she be left alone. Coining home one day from market, be.i'elv ill time to s ivo its life, the moib'-r found that tiio child bad stuffed n puce of cbitli into the mouth of a babv sister, nnd that it was nearly strangled. A day or two nfti rwiirds the mother came into the lioasj lo lind the child ill the act of throwiiiR a valued net du2. chain and all, into the cesspool. The girl cut and mutilated nil the clothing she could re ieh. She cut the skitt of a new coat of her father, wh le he was enjoying a doc. She has often thrust pins into the limbs of her mother while say ing her prsyc rs at hi r knee. The atlidavit of the father was to the effect that in learning the chi.d was most apt. Her faculties weio acute, but the spirit of destriictivoness would yield neither to severity nor Kindness. Sunroof the pranks committed by her were seriously comical, nnd unless she choso, nothing, however ludicrous, could nrovoko her to lam'htai-. Thn l(c onlcr recommended that she bo sent to the House of Refuge. The mother shed tears at tho thought, but the wiser father consented to tho depuration. The Recorder made out tho commit ment, and tbe child was taken away. Her lust prank was the pouring of a lot of oll'eiisive ni.itter Into a barrel ol (lour, und attempting to set lire to the bouse. The parents are much to be pitied. Ibey appear to have acted towards tho child with exceeding judgment, bul without the least reform atory effect. Cumr. anii F.vi i iMiisti. Tho-o who predicied that one of the effects of the present war would be the general breaking up of society, tho loosen ing of the restraints impo-cd by law, and the gradual demoralization of the c immunity, will lind mutter for study and redaction iu the Iirnrc9 hiken from the l'rison and tho Almshouse. In lSiiil the commitments to the county prison mini biied 20,7sil, while In ISd;! the number reached 17,21th The three vears ot tliu war prespnt th-'S.) ikures: lHtil, lti.itll ; lmi2, I I ,ti-iti ; istil, 17, 211). In the Almshouse, the nvoruim pipulatiou in 1M1I was 2b.ll. It increased to 2.sn in Isyil, hut since Unit time it bus been steadily decroi-iug, und in Is (.2 it was 'Join, and iu lMi I it was 2 I'I i. In I Hii2, out-door relief was extended tu 02,:I7, while in 1 Hi 53 iho number bud fallen to !'.,:) HI. The foundling department of the Aluishoti-e also exhibits u falling oil in the number of admissions. In lh'U, tiny numbered i.O; in l.Sii'2, nt ; an I iu IM 11, oil; ai d In the children's dep irtinent tho admissions in l'-bl wero2ot; in lH-i2, 2.!fi ; and In lMi.'1, 31'.i. Tims whilo we have increased in population tin re has not been u corresponding ii.euiise ol eiiine and pauperism. Notwithstand ing the "ill iiioiali.iiieellectsof war, " our citi.ens, many of whom have served their throe years'' teim uud are now tit home, have not lorgo'.tea title duly to tii vir Icllow-miiu, and they coiiliuui; to remain us luw-uhiding lu tlielr conduct a id as thrdiy in their habits as before the war. Coal Di si' Fi l l. There is a company org i ui.ul in this city to manufacture fa?l out of the dust of coal. Tiny have discovered a proejsi by which the dust is formed ami kept in a solid, compact mass, nnd their experiments prove it to le a very valuable fuel. It turns frcjly an I tho roughly , und gives out us much lie it as soli I an tbraeite. The coal du t, we understand, c. to bo purchased at the mine-, where there arc iol neue ( 1 1 m i i 1 1 1 ici of it hitherto unused, for th ! sm i'l f n ice of forty cents per ton. or one dollar p r Ion I sifted, and It is i st minted by the very intelligent persons erg ige I in the enter .ri-c, tint n ton of soliil li. d ( o .1 dust can be sold at from lour lo live Collars. Fintt. This morning, about three o'clock, a lire occurred in an old two aed-a-U ilf story struc ture located on Shlppen strict, Vl-w Ninth. The ivl ole honte was un vrcupled, widi the e 'eption of a In nt room on tl e first lloor, whero a family r. sided. The buihiin was in a dilnpid itcd con dition, nnd sevtrni ..tie. npts have ryeciitlv been made, to set it ou Inc. Ihc Fire Marshal upon cvi ml occ.f :ons noiiii d tho agent of the pro pi tty iu iCL-aro tothe iioelccecil co alitioii of the I on se, uud the chances ah rdid incendiaries. Thl- morning the piciuisi s were ng.ihi on lire, am1 before the tluines could b- citiui,-:; he 1 tho place was well buiuid out. A ihu ni r Ciim'.'.k John ll .rley, who was arTe-ted at an eiu'y hour yes er.luy morning upon the ihnree of liica'.iii 4 into a h cue nu Gray's Ferry road, below South tre t, as s-ated a T:tK '1 1 1 k l'Ai u, has been found guilty of another otlense. Harley, it will he remembered, eife'-tcd an entrance by boring through the door with a bra e and b t. These tools, it was ascer tained this mor.iing, l.a l previously been stolen by Ilariey from a w heelwright shop at Twetity fourt'a and Smith street-. He had forced an on trance into this p'ace ul-n. The prisoaer w to; nii'te.l liv Aiceraua l atched to itus -r Ut'it ill. rev-. At-. mi Cmi onus. A recent order of the War I Denaitment gives otllcial aulhoi i, ateia to the piLClice whieU has nlua ly become almo-t uui-ver.-al ninosg army olluers, wliU rcfcieiicc to thy wearing of baege- Indicative of rank. It per mits t.tci to o spei.-d with lioulJer-s;iaii auj the presci.bed in-ignia of lank on their bona equipments. The mat Us of rank 10 be worn on the siioiilucr-iliap will hencetoith be worn on tho shoulder. Tuey will also be permitted tu wear overcoats, pantaloons, tvc., similar to those w o: ti by private soldiers ; nor ate (iruameuts ou tbe hats, overcoats, or for.ije-caps, sushos, or ap.tu'.ette loader re (Uired. Rri ioiois. To-moiTOw being the iir.-t Stiuday in the month, no afternoon service will lie held in the Seventh Presbyterian, and Indeed in most of the churches of this denomination, the exercises being in the evening instead. We are happy to know that the Venn Square Church, Rev. J. M. Ciowell.is ia a most prosperous condition, most of its debt being Uuuidaiel. aud uuder the eiU cient charge of its pu-tor is rapidly increasing in the nnmher of lit members. The Nam Yakd Fbai ds. The Investigation into the frauds and robbetiet committed at the I'hlladelphia Nuvy Yard Is still progressing. Several of the parties arrested have been tent to tho Old Capitol l'rison, Washington. Tin: I'vtov Voi, vnti m Kvi HKsiiftrvr fi" 1 v. Pat I- w 111.111'h. since ttie coirim 'nrc rantm ihr lb 1 . 1,011 woil.l show a "rM( r lul I the denies ot the uluice. r ICrlreshiiiewt Cnro ivitt -IBiin the .rcvnt iiietiin. et 14.1'I'J meals havo Imsji lurnt.'.rd to iinr t.ravo MibbeiSr and tsetwee.l rtx and "r en Miiiii.iiihT Inive leiiuil tii.leiiirs umler llieir rni'l. Six ..nip...rt ' litinilii., with IS eliil.lren, 1010 (ii'.i.il rb.lo, w.tli ...h ,.hil,ln 11, 'nnd 1 IT If .-Im I d s' I'm, w l.n huviliv 1 liken the oath 111 ali,-j m'le-1 n il l Is 1 1. -.nt Inn, u I:, lenii.id nn-l 1. 1 ,no-t 1 US' eiii' ovtn. nt h:i I'. i'il loilid for th-nn. A .lip titiiitl ir 01 sotihers Iroin llir ai1.ni. Moinluls ( i (it tlti'ir I (our 1 on liirloiich, luauv 01 wnoai re I' .i'liiO lli:li llici.i mr a -hort lime lo mi, iit-lore re st' Mini- tt.eir hntr llev. two itieil it li illy t l'- llli.n'll. O.ir Hi ipts w.'ir, S-Cis) Irmii nieiiilii--s ut ( on Ii" lieal II- mils A.-o, oition : se. 1 iM Ui'il ol t.'t'.tns, ftl"' v'.,y. i Ire In et I; I .nnree-. lielliinr n l.ltl nt V'l i.'a-el, I h-'V Crew oni-r lor s?JI' I '.'2 aliul'tUie I nniMiirr. '21 tarreu nl iiitnloei unit a ere be ol Ins. I and other rtlicles wine, i were lionatfd w re l"i il (itiriiir the tnniith m nilili' inn. 'I in; Kvi i tu t (ii-tiii: Mivr. A nvet- lll(I ol tin rnip level, of the l lliled Stite Miilt Will Is In Id fn-if.iv In ord r to rnlse snh.erii'nii. lor a ii I. lie- . r riven the Ihinat s nl tl e ( rtv'il'r, lliw p ml. umler Ihr oliKrK'e ol .siirfc'e ri II a ; fc-n i :, ither. which is .on. in. I at the bunt ini.ie.- (,.m. al (.lAs r Kx-IOivernor I'ol.l.oi k. -In is (,. llciL'nt, I '!.. 'tifli the eiin.loM- . oi in,, tl,,, 0e i.a i!lv. h ..w , i. "l ii" iri xi iti. ii. to iu, ike il (i i. c tul. dt II (OXdUKKSMKN OKI' I (ill V tvlll so , K s.-(inr I'hl'ndrlphia Ciiinrri s.iik n me leaving lor I tletrliitil m diitv at Wnshlnit hi. linn, i n nt v-s I I i'N rn i, nnd linn l.KoNAitu M virus teit V'-si 'I'lia. ; t .biilee It i-i l.tv c(M lu-ln. irroiT nlhi and Mr. I H v. j l it lii-tneht. ( iineres. m rt. nu Mninlev in a mils;. I IN on si i.tnlivi n HV now, nl .Miiiiii-o'i; l,iii(ii, I ol In 'iiiu, k) ; Hi in us r. o t I'i mis v I vail -I ; in , oi li'iliaes; I'li r sun i i n, ol .i- i.'ha-. :t-, p.i.siil tl. H, Huh n-.trr. Iii . ii' iriNU. This morr.ln;: the city boo ity was paid by tbe Mayor lo 17 men, ol whoai .1 I wa re rnl ste l for four yean, 8 for three yeirs, and 4 for two years. 'I hev were ere.li ed ns tol- iiihs: i-.iiirth vvaril, 1; lentil art. il ; Four tieiuh Ward, 1 ; Fifteenth Ward, II; I ligh'.ee'itli Ward, 2; Twe itv-tirst Ward, 2; Twenty-fourth W .ird, 1 ; Second District, 1. Th.wsroni mtios; or Coat .During the past week, i'."i,.'o7 tons of coal were transported on tho l'hiln.lciphia and Ttevlhig Railroad, an 1 ) .',111 tons by the Sehnvlkiil Navigation en d tr id. j also 1'.027 ions by the l.chh'h Va'ley Uailronl. Wc, ihm: mi no' iir our renters wbl fully " I '''" fie wrltrn.'tlie fi'lnwimr. It In (lit. ! : I.ISSIS'S llAHlKFL N. Y. llMinOK.I N"v. Willi, lsi,. I ''tr. smuM ami Cntni.aiiv 1 ant lu ilurHitrn v. In. un.t im iir the tree liv ini.rtv Is iiii'initetl In my jicr "'i'i w "list miisr In-r the uurluhtom teals iv Hid mon ster I.IMHIN KClrtl 111V II IlI'llllllO lllllll, III I W ilin'.il lOI, nl inc.irei rateil It In a hum-el. ho uioiiuy hov mil lin lirtninul n r iiiicluns salk. Hint 111 I kin Kit a mariner wlih e., 1 , 1, 1 , nuriorii, ilaluf.i. II ill 2 111 V iiuirashru-iv en tin r.oesp reaelie.t inn ni inismr AsiurH tavern, where I nllu tllspiLp uv inv weerv brm mm l.ln.'k enrpot bin; "en In tlui troutv aiato .illy nf N. erk. Hint .am nl' ttie tir.ilherln nf oar ivav wiiril slaters i'l tola Into Hie tlie worX Mzlnras, 1 V eki-,1 nu sed carpet Ii.ik kenialnlna uiv last ofln-l 11 ir, ami linst.il t ,.,n n,y knli iroiu tl e.'evimr n I'llyinrnt. wen a blnoco.'iti-il h're'lo, y 'tuly llaedl hlspnrutiit iisw on mr shimMer, anl s7. iTiiin weli'me '' In vnln I prulestnl Hint I wns a MethodMl preacher, sellin frmt treei my no.e wleh hlossoms as tlie lohsilr. an.l copy ot the New York Xo&re I he 1 In uiv pocket wu sunt ine, mnl I mi to hum ,101 fl led w ith mv IihSkin eorela on n tiitf ami t-iniel (iio il.) ih.w 1 to tlo t M.isiile aim.io 01 our Mutii Tin hrfihrin In N. Voikbiv I pcnrnveil at a Khilirn Hie atrati-nik Imnor in r inn inislilon. Wen I aut thoro tin I.lnkln niluli ns t ut me wan a ronni.tiy of booiemier I'nli cuiis, as th i I hud been Ink In renin r warfare. I mna y, In this conneeksliuii, that I wo. surprise 1 at tu sine nv iinln.riii worn by thn Pelicans. Iteomlats uv a hole lu Die seel uv tins pants, with the talc uv Iho shift waving- aia. fiully iiierniro.n. Tho Koraul ap proached nie, when the lolierin collonuy ensowl : - " Hemrtrrr" "'o." ".sphilsoi'liiriifiitliin?" Xo," "Your nahnel" "Arti mils IVurd, foVre muni" (nottinr tioak) siluilln to tin) pieces t (hcv wrll ant spoke, but tho Kernel did not see H, bat 1 ni.tist ail the time lie was eycln my dollies wlallullv, tliuy beln tho ones I sot at vuro "sun price," under Hie Konlhu utal, and they siu bun uiw. vx' rptin inewrivoi we.hil. "ir. Ward, I rcsccve too sladly f reeront In Iho Biiinil srniy of heeiloin. V.z yu divest vorself of tho clothes nv the tyrant; divest yorscll- ov whatever thiic erln anecl.-liliu yoo may hev lb 1 Hie land uv yer na tivity, and ez veo array yurself In llm pitrh uv a stntherln aoljoi try lo All yuroaoul with that Huthorln f ell 1 that annymntea us all. .tones, " ard he, ail tnsiln Ills nr ilerlv, ''la Thompaon deil yb ?" "."sol quite." sez the Orderly. "Never mind," sex the Kernel; "lie e in't ult wa'l nv Hint lever; atrip oil Ills unllorm and uiv it 1 1 IV.nl mid lieiry Mm." 1 J uibicd ii.in the ml t nv 1I10 unlfnrnis I w n As inn around mr, I'd rutlier not enlist, but I s"l notti I iiin Hie nritorlv returned vvltli Iho Ueereat Thompi ei'a unt il, rin 1 groaned tininrilly. Iherewns a pi-re uv pants whli thn .ei't cuilrely torn away, and won lei( g-otie be low iho knee, a shoe with thn smu oil', and llm straw he hud wrapped around Hie other mot, na.t a Krev woolen shirt. "I'ut 011 vure iiiih'orui rite liore.-' aez the Kernel. Iteluetulltlv I piilb'd on" my double aole.l boots, und 1 wii, 111 Irllti'it lo sen ine Kernel kl, k off the allp'iers ho wore, and pull em on. 1 pulled oil' mv pants he put em on, and to on with every article uv dress I Doaaeaat,cven 10 inv tvni'm ove rente, liz 1 passed out the l.ootenunt K e nil 1, Mujiir ami AJItent pulled inn In won side, and a kl me II I coi'.l.'iit fit tlir.-e inoar "Juinneni." Wun glni'Me at their liabtllynieuts showd uin why tuey wua an mixloas fur hoiiutv iuuuairs. .MeuMire.a hev hei 11 tint too uilfmn out uv this. .Mr. Aator li'ssell puilians will 110 my Pule, and wen 1 ain I shall wait sn eiilini new soot of (-lotlica Irom you, wieh I tl all luimrilnirlvoriler to tiike Hie place ol the unllorm ot tl e "I'tllcmu," wleh I at 11. incut wear. Y011111 with dls-u.-f. A. W AHU, iShowm in. 'in Clmrlfs Plukea snd coiupuilv, lailoi-s III Hie Koiitluriitel Hotel, I'll Loli lfv. Foil Titr. Holidays. A Itrillii'ii Varieiim' Hare anil Ch'.Ie. I'lait't'i'ilou. H i'teil lo liie Hanson, iuW hi-a 1 y, In box ... a ' one, ta.., t'T,-.., loot', aeil live d"llirs e eh. Hit." ri: K. Wan man', No. li'lo II irket str.ni. in slit NHS. As n gilt from a husband to a w Ifo there could ),e in HiliiKio n."pro'tl..e as Hie VI heeler wilaon sew Inn .M.it-tilne. 1 ( 1 ni-.lts. At a 1.111 noiu u hitt.er I" a dauchOr the Wlu-cier A Wll lon Hewhiff M'li hlnc wiadil eone- like a p.'t'Tiial U n-di -I is.it- Try il, yu kind tieirl. I i.ilhora, nn4 ;.o ir ehildreii's chiiaKu will hie, you 1'., lever. ta.inio lis. NofMiiR could be m ire ui-eopisble u. apntet.t fri'm a Lrolhcr to a -l-n-r tti 111 one- 01' tlio.e atlatirali'.o idi.ebuioa, . 1I111II ted lo be the best in I he v orld. r in 1 s'l-s. As 11 token of eslei'iu from uletid tii irii ml oof ; cmld be ini.ie er:,oit Hmn this World ren o.-tied S.-sihir Mnel Ine. Ill 1 1 . '. IIIIIOI'ISTS. 1 liose who I. in e u des '.it to .to a ,'i'eat a-noii'il of niir.il at 11 aim II c at, 1 11 aid -ein! a Wl.ctler A MMtou Ma' bine to acme 1 oor a'l ilk' I'lu woman, and tliereliy ena'ile t.er to supi oil 1 (-rae:i and laiolly.and l.o op eo.aelli.iiif .,r the future, lie. se who have a M lioeYr a Wit.on .Maciiine are sure cf ph my ia wink at kood pthis. To th-.w' ihe Immense and iirowln..' p. i. ita ity of the VVh'P'.er A: Wilson y.n.hinr, we w,.'.i!d t'a'e t.'eit over V'.o. .. of ill' at will bar-. Isten aiaiinta-tun. I tl,!. y;..,r, ti S iit iilly '4b have l.eoa toij ia PJii.adelpliu .'iloue. tatlrue. lion flu 11 at 1 la re-lilt acei 1.1' p irclia-eri. livery niaehlad ti sirunli-J, ai.S tin iiioai' ri-tiiliiLd 11 u ,t eatln-l) ati. luetory. e adv iau a.l tu - 0 10 Hie ele jitnl .almroiu. ot W heeler 4 Vi ilton, 'o. Tel Ciiomit treot,ati. ,- llie.-e woalrrlul Wncl.uiet hi o:.eratlali. 8eud fur criutaraui .pi caueiit ol vork. No charge. t.tl I. K.iSl 1 AM' HAUL 101 i! s. L. r l . . Ti.r Dl-loxn Ml. I) Voi In. I'.v iiii.I'.t;','i v r v.i 11. 1 1 . I ell me ye 1 . villi; p-.a er-01 late " a 1 1- i-rii-il hi tm. ul v.oe. - W 1,1 1,1:1:11 huve been born su vt it. While am plaei-,1 fo l .w ' Ii mine wi re rank ami I ifty birih, I'd prie iht'm more tbau they V.'!io Ituve them. et know not lbs war.u of titles wlihti they seay I" " Ctaio. buy." hit .Ire aid llnu ooai n. 1 1. 'lo moi.m your destined .lute; Your birth haJ chanced witliiu a ta id Where any may be irreat. Here you need not your boa.le atAiut.ua On what jour race have done, For all the glorlee which yoa gaht shall by your.eU be won. batureno meaner situ reveal., (if bony or ot Dilml, lu 111 than In the l ilnce wha leal. ( enleinia for allhla kind, 'ihe proudeailnoble thai does new Unnsell 111 mlrrori UII, I Looks not superior to you, In clothes Irois Tower Mailt" We are adllng RkABT-MADI aauaasra, e.Utl '. k19fr ioseot.r; ,',, id.maleetuland Kortmaiip. aay uaite to neaiure, at W to M per castL lower pr w e have araUaua coatplete asaoituieat of tb eiiolcait goods In thenjaiket, purckated tor tath. a( ia. (even tu-u.es Ihe waieei, and sold forCrfD tnly, thereto al the lew l prtcei poa-ilile. )WWI llAXt, . SM Market ilesek Th Aor. nr lwvrnnoM. While a l.rge nam. ber ef Mat titnea have htencfferfd to tha aut:ie. soma (,f hk-ti rs" ""'In" of eiesliea. e and tr knowa.ited naerlt we bat e b)-feH,wl.atoterB kaveeseerteneed.lhene'ea alir ef a Maablae mere perfect In lis mt-han:ceJ .tr-iet'ira. ri.mMiiinir, in me Ai; Aiji d.irfe, iMi;.f. ny wiui .h.-ii. toVi, and wills capal.ie of delng a prf.r rni je of uort, one that could !' caa,l undi-retiAid and cimpr.h.'idel by an. 1 hi., we are hai py in ay,hat b i n ae 'oan'Vsi.e l br H-.e bberal (-xiei.tl.tuie of ca; lul, a:d the atce.i, uiii.rin,: lata.r ef yeara. I'n.ni tta Prat liitrniliKticn Hie "Ki on. s' i." hsa jalnrd h.i.. el rrieiala, and la reiotrded by our llrat faailliei at a Aei.t....-,f eeei iti'ss.i.pd.-iti.ivelv nrovlnf, what we are rio.i faopy lo at uom liil.e, thit the piinlie tellv ap;.,e , .a-e ih,-101 1,1. fs";i,., .10.1 .0, ml ..'r r m''ine.l tn the I 1 cuts, t u 1, lose Moid at V11.1: 6 I 'he 11, a aireet. I or the In nt fl, rf oir rail-lei. we will ncntlon .'"lie in Iii. aitvantaia-i ami Uneroiejiieiita of III f.oren. outer aU otto ra. I! ' ' fn.r .lif. ,,,,( i.'if -',. if f.,-e. .,, ii,lf I, att'l 'hoi f. le .1, on o.ir an. I the .a ne mat -'iln : e i 'h -ot h biina no., co f.w', .li ol tt.e la'.ric, and aeitliei- of lli.-in will rilvel. 1 1 I, at the 1 fv i . , ; . .1 .iKeion, and l.y aim.,lv tiirn'ns . IS not. . i w ('ie work e Hi run , itl,-T to Hie r .-'o or lei'-, urmntani can of I '- t.one.nr la.l 11 ll,e en.ls of t".e iotn a wtHiou: turniiig 11.0 nitinc, tiivreir a vieg i.an l Uiair. C'tnvlek II.' I" Ii 'It e'Oie sl fll, and fretl ins kind ef 'Id tl I" eci.-h'T, ' .10 . ( Jill b' ileiil" SL le 1: Ma l ine . In 11 "f or . A cry 'o,' .'' t'r-f-t n ,.'i- , mak'ni tho sra'n fen e al d Mlnioini. It ia ali'io.t 'let.', Vf.(, and can be ued wlr're ,j,o,'t I. nf .-essry. I', iii-'it en are all -as t: it, f 1-0 a-e no t vr'ns a to -et ot.l ol nrU.-r, ami Ita smipUi.,(y euiil'i a Kit moat .iles,ie rh ii- ed to oii. rste it. t, 1. ,'i' o,'F i'i. t''( , f L'.e e.i. r.it r, a a nt: mt-hln-ry I. on the (op 01 Hie tatile. . m t' 'unit itipi't 1 ra in it.' trei .f, in tk 'nf five Iit-he. lora-ti rei oeitii.n. .'en t'.iiea . ,.i,, 1 1 t-v..,-V a-nl '. . '. .' ih.i Arm ,..' ft t ' oi wttti e-inrtl la, III' jr. 1, tl ' il' t , ti' 1 in ti 'I -inn or mii.-'ii utru. I'.very Maelihie hits of Jen-Sa' s.t'snt h.ronis-'a atiaeh.d, niutl.ling the 0)11 tator to turu ue.' 1 ..' -c .1 .1.0 i.l It tli.e. not reitnfreflnertlireadon the under al le than It doea on Ihe 11,'piT. Ilwlll sew aiioat Ihe heavient aenma, or front one tn mere thl. kmaa of cl.'tn, without etiaiige of teuti in or, ITCukllls ol thrfail. or akl. plait .tlieliea. II Inia a mni.'nit ami aell-ietoibitliiic teii.len of iliread. A " I'lrin. li t .s.'f. .s.iivr," w-liicb tfuiiitt 1itl iroe i.-ia 1. eurnl.htd with earh m.t- h'.ne. Wli le posaeasinit Hie above and tne'iy(4)"r ailv eiUn 'i . 'he llottnro la .old al crrt'spoudtiia Wloes w Ite o'.n'T tlral eln.a Maehtnea. Ihcre la no risk In linying the Florence, as every Mai'hliie la warTAiiO'd to i;lvi' i ntlre antl-laetion, or tile nioni'v tefiinih -I. No cearj.-. lii-lim uud. for it-arm in 10 .petaiell. We n am Hut an atrney ..r the i.i e ,11 tti-.te wontlTfnl Ma-'hin... la aismt bema eatahlitlie.l In all ttie prlni-lial chit a ami lonns In tl,.. kiyal Mutes, and we t.lvlseoui ii:.,.'ei. .f ih. . iiiini.t eill at i tin salear.i mis, Ne llao 1 'hcsi.n: .i.'tet to li-li.H,,r eiri 'tlars and .auiptva "I sew Inj.-. Of.sti pmhsi'b n cis. All the latest styles at ('barlce Oaklord Hon a, ( ontlni ntal Uowh Zri nvR Goons 1011 Cnnisniss. Wc know of notions; more popular or more appr jprlale for presenting purpoaea ifurinii the helid iya than the elegant eei'hyr work entries that have ef late become so faahloaable. A gilt Is always the more valuable for haying upon it tha mark. 01 loving fingers. What, therefore, could be more desirable or anltal. la than the beautiful de-lgna In zephyr for slippers, 1 hair seaia, cushion., ruga, and a varietyuf ether arllt-'ea, rllletl up In the plain parts by Ihe humla nt a filcmlly or ailectlonato giver? Ut (bet who cntcrtiiin our opiTilon on till at point ahonld vlalt tbe store of Mr. John) Fiou, Heveutb and Aroh atreeta, where they will rtnd tho moat magnltl 1 ent asaorimvtil of embroidered Kephyr deaii;ns, of the elasa atuve referred iot over offered tn this city, ri-inieof these contain enpiinl reprcsentati.iDa In zephyr of tiiftaof flow ers, name heaaa and tropical birda, which, tn he ap preciated by the lover, of the beautiful, need only to bo teen. We would alto state. In this connection, that Mr. 1 Inn haa a very large assortment of zephyr, wltlh he la selling at at moiierutc prieea aa any other house, lisn't forget lie place John M. Finn, .Seventh and Arch. SIOCKIHll YAIISS. A very large a.aortinent of stocking ynrna, enibrti lug nearly one humlred dlileiint varieties, suitable for Una laities' wtar, the heaviest artlrtee lor gentlemen's nsa, artlclet for the soldiers, every deception of Infant s w ea -, all colors siiltahla for irloves, Ineluelng the Hue white Susoiiy (Herman make), will be found ut the store of Mr. John M. Finn, Seventh and Arch streets. (IcntrANTOWN wool.. This el'tanl and deseivejlv iopular siihatltute fir tho Otinan it phyra Is rupldly being introdtiend for all lr peaes for whl h Ihc zephyrs are adapted. The colors of the Cermaniown Wool are oiiually as rich and duigaleus the aephyr, Uin fibre nearly as soft, and the price a groat deal lower. The place to get It la at John at. Finn s, south' eaat corner 01 Seventh and Arch streets. rAM't Aain i.as Bin TAui.a voa f iiesksts. In thla depurtmeut aach things aa Morocco Satchels, rocket-books, flue llruahea, Hauil lllrmrs, Uaila, ri iot-nea, Soapa, Itmbrellas, and gooiis of thai el.ua are alwaj areepiable gifts. A yaj auiMfmr aaaorira.t of tl.eai may be found at the popular atore of Mr. John K. Finn, Seventh and Arch streets, 1IU1I MINI. S ASI) sMtl.t. VVI'.AII. Al thla season al.o good stylo Ureta Trlnuiiincii are much In demand. The most exlenalve atsurtmniit of ta.lilonai'le Uuitona, staplo Trinun'mia nf ah kinds, whai are denominated under Ihe lienors! term of Mmlll Ware, also Cloth and Hi k Gloves In great variety, now othircd by John M. Finn, sonth'tatl corner of Heventti and An-h ellii'la. I.triirs ani Ciiildukn's nATs. Latest style at (.naitea Oaklord i.ii a,l onUueulal Hotel. Di.Liciov:8 Finh CoNKr.CTioNS. We haveeeen a aiiini'le paicel, neatly, If not cteyautly arranged, from the maiiiiiactiiilng wnrchouae of .Mr. Htephen F. Whitman, Nn l'lO Alarket atreut, wlioieiiiiiie aa tho chief mtuufic. titter of line coiifecilons in this country is well knovn Tin- handaome leix coiilainlug tho sample, dlaclotol wnen opened, an as snrttneut ol delicious aud pure coufei'tiona inch aa would aako any laiilo rich In "dalnt vianda." Is It any wonder that stoohen r. Whitman sells hundreda of these boxes nr quaintly devised acd choleely-ilavored fruits and conaimenta dally? Noniore aneeptab'e bouiiue of snbstaiitlal aweeta can bo conceived of aa a pres-nt. Uoas 1 1:11 Almonds, Chocolate, and Cre im Cara mela, anpeilor ipiallty and llavora, manut'actHred by E. (1. VVh'Imun ,t Co., No. ills ( liesuut street. GtioHiii; Stuck A Co.'s Tiamos ash Mason & It VMI.IN'S riAVO TAlllNur HIllJAN-l. I'AlllNKT I llltTKH. Ovc VHI of .neb of lh.se line In- (tat. I (SS. PlSM) strumenla have been aol-l liv St r. t'llllNl'.l' FOItlKS. li.,eud Ihuteiiiaud l. coiia'aatly (lltilVNS. I'lANO llereaalug. CAIIINKI' Fol.TKH. For sale only hv (illiiNS. msn .1 K. (iori.n. i.muinv;i- lOKIItS, Bi'venthand (thesnut .treats. Oil OANSJ. runciiAauns may rely upon getting the best I uia alCharka O1.kr.1rd A Son a, Coiillueutal ilotel. Raut: ani llxin isitb Confri nova for the Ilo iilaya, now lead ut F.. O. Whitman ft t' 1 , No. HI-: Chii-mii slii'i't. Tun Di nkaiiii On. Company. At the Stock holders Meeting in Fi iilay alteru.sin last, the follnitliu named gerillenien weie elected lnreetora far one year, vIz.i-A.ll.FrulieUcua, Kills Lel, Dr.. I. F. Ilhd, Mr. William It- Wttlie, and I). Webster ('kamller,; James II. Ilryaon, T'rentiiror; ami (iu nye llall, ttu.-retsry. The on ce of the Hecn taiy will be at N.i. '-'.'il Walnut nuel, and the T'rea-uier a at No. s N HiHi street. 'I'he Cout pany has ex I. Ih led great eueri J and la now develo.iing tome of Hie beat oil territory In llreeiic coiiiity, aa.l fraui tbe knowu character of the persevering oiisiue.a men I av ing direct! -n 01 thi. e'oiup.inr, nui. h may he expected. I.atiifs' Fi. An elegant assortment at ( b aria 1 Ouaford A Hon a.ilonliiieutal U nel. Co tt cm uentauy. My hair is now restored to its yoitihiitl cok'r, I have not a grey hair iuft. f aa aatis 1I1.1 tt.ai H.e prtparattiiii ia nut a dye, bet acta on ihe .eereta us. M y lislr ia aea 10 fall, which ia caaainly aa aih antngo to me, w ho was lu danger of beteoii'i bald. This It Ihr testimony of many who have Used Mrt. 8. A. Alh n a World's Hair Kcatnror and .rl'ejalt.tutaut,orfl.iir luesslcg. I'.very druggist elli Iheai. Do Yor Ksow Dfan has removed to No. 411 ('lie. nut street .- ile sells Totiarcii, Cigars, Pipe. Ac, tifty per cent, less thsa any other man lu tic- city, iteoteuiber Jeau, fto. 41'J I. ha, nut atreet- B. F. KrtMER ' styles of Photographs are un- .1, lr J line llkei.esaea, tri.thtn'. anJ pleailn;. We sa il e ji: I" g , early and l.tie id .ay anl d:xi'l"iutnistit. Mus. M. O. It HO wsi s ' M'ttphysical Dis. iOirv." k ill Uia ro-it or ovary d aeaaa. Fries . Ml. Ilu Aii-a t'.raet. ttue ailrertiaeui-ut iu austaer ..aiuaaa. FINANCE AND COMMERCC Osvioa OaT Taa RvirNmo Tai-aitaaca, hatui Say, Ueeeataaic ( 1 he luiuLct oueus with a great excitement iu oil shares j the rumors are as tU!o i blackber ries from the various wells, and it would pusle philosopher to detect the truth in the wild stories which cre set afloat on 'Change. It is certain tbi the wells which are producing any reasoiablo quantity or oil re very valnable, as th'v. iirite of petroleum oil is up on the European demand, and the high rate of foreign exchange euables holders to ship at great profit. Tbe responsible companies should advertise their piopgrtiis, and give.tlupu'ii t-he newspa, pern, mouihly staitmcttU, the saS,ai the eoal non-'.Mniiva. an that tha Dublic mar not be deluded by the many bogui concerns which the spirit of speculation ha brought upon the market. There Is bo ipaestlor, of the Immense value of some Of the oil companies' sl.nres.bnt the managers of thr.c owe It to themelve to set their merit fairly nnd honestly before the public eye throng!! Ihe journals. 1 he Stock Market Is doll and heavy this me-rn-lng, and prices are unsettled, with the excep tion of Government bonds, which are more active) and better. i-l20s sold at We'.fo 1071. an ad van:) of , ; 6s of 1881 at 106, coupons off- 112J was bhl for Coupon bonds, an advance of J ; and 10 Wi at b ; I'ennsylvanla 5s sold at UO: and new City 0 at Wt. In ltailrnad shsres there Is Tery little dolnff, with sales of Noithern Central at .'s5,; Camdcej and Amboyat 152; Fennsylvanla llallroad at fn'"i.7j, an advance of ; Elmlra preferred ht 60; and CaUwisaa preferred at 37, ; 67 was bi-1 for Reading; lf.J for Catawlssa common ; and U for Little SchnylklH. Canal shares continue dull, wllh tales Ct Schuylkill Navigation at 32, and preforred t 38 j 70 was bid for Lehigh Navlg-ttlon ; II f r Siisniirhaiioa CaniJ; and 36 for Delaware Di vision. There Is little or nothing rtoln? in Cltv rassen gir Railroad shares. 50 was bid for Fifth ami fsixih;2i for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 10 for Cliesmit and Walntitj MJ for Arch street; and 24 for (Jtcen nnd Coatet; C8j was asked for Beconl and Third ; and 48 for Tenth and Eleventh. Hunk shares continue firm. 32 was bid fo. , Meihanics'j 88 for Kensington 41 for Pent . Town-ldp; 51 forCirardj 31 fif.V,liitf.iotarcr'j ; and .lierhanics' ; oSjfor City ; 4i for Cusolidatioj ; and 18 for Commonwealth ; 160 was. asked iit I'hiladelphla Llankj 70 for Farmersr,nd Mi- ' chanics', old stock ; and 80 for Commcrpial. ' ' 0 stocks continue quiet, and prices are lrrjgri. lar, with sides of TaUcll at 9J, and Walnut Islaejiv ,V,C"3; 9j was bid was Noblo and De ,', SI for MeCllntoek; 50 for Maple Sha le; 74 r '! Densmorej 4 for Egl-ert ; 5j for McElhenuy j aat H for Koek Oil. '.if Money continues plenty at a'ajiit formed raV,t ' but there is very little doing. Loans on caU W : freely offered at 6 per cent, per annum; pritra ' paper is scarce, and quoted at 71a9 ir ieAiL, " The twentynva millions of Five-Twenties itfjdj i by the associated banks are only a portion o?tb -a loan to be immediately negotiated. Bixty-rVta ' millionaire needed, and thirty-five millions ' addition tothe twenty-Ore are expected to be it- tnim d in the same way, as soon ns the first si D- ' scription shall be paid, which is to be done within ten days. Tbe reason for preferring private negotli'.'.-jn ' for these loans, Is to obtain the money wltiuul alarming financial circles, until the Government . is ready to come forward for the big loan to races all its necessities. It has been determined by the Trcd-nry Djp irt mcnt to create only one depository in each Jl9- ' trict. Tho organization of Nation il Binkslsto be fostered, but the creation of too many deposi tories will be discouraged. Thorc are already t vo t hundred and eighty-five of these. ' We call our readers' attention to the promcv.af . of the McClintock River 011 Compunr, cap't.tl 1 ,000,000. James McMillin, President; J. D. Reinboth, Secretary and Treasurer. We publish to-day the prospectus of the 811 -Kinah FaTKOict'it Company, by which it will ' bo seen that it owns, In fee simple, a tract of 107 Hires on tho best part of Cherry Run a mcst productive oil region, a half of the "Barber Farm," of 40 acrce, on Oil creek, one mile from ' the Xoble Well ; a lease on the Miller Farm, on which there Is now a well producing 50 barre's a . dny, besides leases on the Buchanan Farm and the Bcnnchoof Farm, Ac. rillLAIlKI.I'III A RTOi K BXaHAKllF. S.W.M, IVDC. i. imported by Clurkton Cj., Urokete, Ko. l.l'li. Tulrd St. llEl OIlK HOARDS. 4(0 ah Wnlnnt f.lsnd. 3' ism nh do 3 j lniO.h do ,1'J 40 0 ah do d-41 'Jim all do sown JJ, .k(sh do .T,' Hsiah do list ah do o .I'i IOC. th Hunk. u J 1'. 10fiflTiii:k.-.rit J 11 ' 2,I.H 81. Nicholas... 4'i 400 ah di , .)0 sb (aldaTeu.....b 0 S Slahl nioi 'J of -sah Jiriincr Si. SoOah 00 2'J loo ah .Noble Jk Del... V)i FIRST BOAItD. OTin u s 5-2PS 1H7 I 111 ah Union nk a.'ii tin i 0 du 1II71,', 100 Del. .Mill. erl.. . '.I s.-,is,ll CO ret, 1'Si'a, 1'iQ sli Sell. N. coiu. .. aj t '! do iw ',' lil sit Walnut la.. hi. il !t(st U. (t.Sa,-!... U."4! aikl.h do :,U SILKtl do roup. In; 1 1 th Cam 4 Am.... l',J lis Poun c uipos,... ii 7 ih I'anna UK n) IISSK uy da.new c&p. '.at,' 10 ah do 07 t iKSl tt. S. Ill lta Vl' !10 ih do hi t J li Hch. Nv.iis' S'.'.... SS , '2 sh Elmlra nf 51) fsl.li Unit llasin... ,'l'a Inn th Full. erlehlJ. li) Hal ah N Ciiiilral..b)0 tsi',, '.Ml ill Caiuiv. of. ,.bi0 ,17 '4 llau sh JJalaeU Oil tr, Kiah Lelugh Valley. . ts) Quotations nf Gold at the I'hiladelphla Q ld F.xebangc, Mo. 34 8. Third street, second story : fl, A. M 220 12 M 22" 101 A- M 2-'8a 1 F. M 2:0 11 A. M 2L"J Market steady and strong. IIaiii'I'.r, Dliiniiy Co., No.i'w S. Third street, (piotc as lollovt s: tloyiivj. Sclii.ij. Aiuerienn Oohl 2-sa American Silver, t's and J's 21S 221 Dunes and Half Dimes 211 213 l'cno. Currency Jdla. 7-1 Od'o. iew Yoik Kxchange 1-20 psr. Quotations of tbe principal Coal nd Coal OU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day i A .t A'.. mi t. Fulton Coal 7a H Howe's F. Ja Oil.. 1't -' ltif MonmainCottl 5 S'i Irving Oil I'i 10 N.Y .at Mid. C.al..H It Pni.e Far al Oil.. . t II tireen an. t oaj. .. . s't si oeiiainorc i.'a N.l'arbotit'ale .... S J liai.ell ill; a.. Feeilerliamb'oa!.. ill Mebltienv li "' Clinton (Val I', I'i K -l-ertt Oli I'i i Untlcr (V al 11 Olmatead i:i Menu nil Co il ifll M 'ibU'.tlitiaiuater a .. t ii Hwalara HI Hihbard 1 j . tiintoein y lron...l'U tu'a Mtory Farm 'J-a . ' l'enil Mining J).'a 22 Hruner a .. 2 el Connecticut .. T'e'roleuin Centre. tM4- 4 Keystone 7tnc.. ., 'J Kabert 4 '( l.xt-ei.ior Oil I-'1'' 1 V H"XO Inland ...... -a - I -a lug lank ,'. Alleglioiur jl.'iet.. 1 1.. ( .ilitiiientul 3 I'nrtln I I '1'? Faireii i PhilaitOilCrusk.. la 1;J (111 t rees t 7S a Hull Creek 4 I ', M.tme Sliaan Oil. ita .10141 lierisatiia I 1 4 Mi.ia'ntock Oil .I,' o't Corn I'luuur. l'i 't.i Fetin-Jlviinial'et . 1 tl Hinrvs I '.' I'irn lilt 4; 4' Koek OU 4 . It Mineral Oil '.' J Tarr Farm Il 1 kiivnlnne oil '2 2'a lllolie Farm 1 1 t Venaiiso Oil .'. 1 Sehiol OiiL'ri cU.. .. 2 , t't'.innl'etroleum.t .. Walnut lli'iib..s .. t- e'jj lleaeou I'll 1 ), Kldorailo t'-i 2'. Heneca O.I 1 H St. Jaiinohu a .. (' ureal Ic OU I i hi I II Huukaid s .. I'll llniikUi. Oil .'. 1.'. I aide ell s .. The condition of the banks of the three triii cipal commercial cititsof tho Union is cvliib .! in the fol'Ott ing table, which shows theiigre.a:e of their last weekly statements, compared wiN5i the returns of the previous week : lonnf. yotci. Cirruturn. Plp-j.,tt. v- a- ViilM Sl'i" tl.'t'.ONl 2l'..'ll.;W ilSl-VielS 1'il.lJ.' i-fiia" .ivV. 44,i;o.a Man . Wi.'oj lli'.tton.'.Var.'Jl . 44..iki,.'s,(I 4,ll'.'ls S.'ss.'.ds ,li.ij4 Tola's. ...JSi,i"'-'V'-v'' i7,-J"i til lt,'ii,luJ i 'l.ml.tm t.atl w.k.... ii5,ls',Ul '-'S.ilJ.rui L.,ll 1,079 ai7,'sll L. lu, roa-e in loans $-',74S '.el 1 e. roaae In t. cle I,1 iS,s''i Incretiie In rimtlatsin 'j.'H.4J'i Increase In deposits 3,40,ibb Tbe l.edarr of this morning says : "Wiibia a duv or two'the Black Heath Coal Company, a new'coal stock, has been put on the books of tho Board of Brokers. The oiHcers are Alfred Fas sitt. Fresident ; T. A. Waterman, tsoeretary ; Fre I'erick Fainhorue, 'Treasurer; James W. Vaul, Solicitor. The capital Is 1,Ikj0,0o0, one-fifth of which amount is held as working capital. Tha p;,r of 5bar Is sjsVlO. Coni!an.vown an extensiva t-oIlieintMinersvilleSehaylklllcounty,which,irj private bands, haa realljed monthly proiits of from fS'.f'O to sjsooo. The advantages this Com pany claim, in its report are, 1st. That loll to lariee amount is saved by their proximity to the trunk line of railway. Second. That no expen sive machinery is necessary, as their works ab . 8 water level re-in ire none, and the works belooj water level are drained by other mines. ThinL That their colliery is well developed ; and. Fourth, That their coal is of superior quality. The Com pany projioscs to issue one coupon a year to cacti share of stock ; this rospon to entitle the holder to one ton of coal per annum at cost, deliverable at house, store, factory, or oa board ship." LlTFriT SHRINE LYTELLICEVfa CLtARKO THIS MOnWlSTA ef.J.Tay lr Co. -mwraco. . tor t'o. .j -tin wr a Co a m.l.ii, anion Matthew. He-'n' 1 . .a-.,,. B aain, l.i. esioo. Uattbews. """y-.,, H a. Ademt. h. hr N. 1 arlKia, Vl.aeUis ''f''l.'ri'.'t. hi hr N.tarlKia, Vl.aeUo. 'f,V,-Jri'. t. Audean.l. Bel.r Hiawatha, luouoy, " "o.ia Minl.Ue. hiS.r l j. Ileinin..". '"''"'..Ja. TweiU Cat. , Kchr F. A. Uutlh. lluiU' 5e do. B. hr T. Poau. FhU-'J V'-pf, Cm 1. tl"V! sh alfbr J. . J'vf' M i