THE DAILY EVENING TELEGUAPU. miLADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, I) KG EMBER 2, 1864. A DAH.T ACTBaKOOll HUrjfArr g OFFICE No. 108 3. THIRD STREET. rrto. tmaKrrt PraCorr, or ; r aiE, aaraafc. to OarrWr, anil stalled to nh-rtb-i a X ma cur at Doiuta Paa ; Oh D-li ia Aa fwri Oarra roa T Moirrna, Ineai lae-lj- !a adranea fer tba aariod order.. AArarUaraaBta Inaarte al the naual r.iae. A wl eat mada for ax tendon io,artkaa. T ATrtlwn. (rartaf a rt'at trvrrxa tlie nrr!.W f 1 1 vrfN Tai.aeK.ex. CfimtH-liir,,, na to to ta r.rn it an ear'l hen.-, ere arotl rc.ini-.l that iit erl.-ero. -.1. :u ve han.le.1 la a a arte, n at 10 nYl.Hk, it ao.ilii " . vrt Ikaa aa tanariMa In all or our edit ln FRIDAY, DKCKMEER 2, IW ) XI 1 JJ WAIl NKWH. The news of the brilliant iicocviii of Omntrnl TnonAS At Krnnklln lift bt-oii more Limn conflnriod. Tho glad tidings contained In the Urst donpatch Riving the Information have ilnce boen amply cnrtiflRcl by tint of Crfnorol Scuor iei,i. At 4 o'rlork on WuJ DMday aftornoon, tho encounter benvern tlie force of Hood and Tiiom.vm r-omiiirno vl, tho rwultof which was the on'lrr- of tin enemy, tholr loss of liitvmn Ave ami ix thousand In killed and wound. 'J. urnl one tboueand taken prisoni-rn, our loss being about one-tcmh of their loss In killed, aroundrd acd captured. Tho uews over which we re joice, therefore, Is mil hor equivocal nr ambiguous. It Is clearly d.'lln.'d mid iin-Otive, god we may congratulate ourselves, without the possibility of having our joyturnol into mourning. The victory at Franklin having hen com pleted, General Thomas retired from that town on Wednesday night, and th Fedi-ntl fcrcee took position and formed In llne-of-!iat-Ue three miles south of Nashville. The corps fMnjor-Gencral A. J. Smith reached thera last night. To Nashville, then, In momentary expectation of a great baltle, all eyes are at present turned. We have gained one ojroat victory at Franklin. We are going to sain another at Nashville, for ihe premises of thU luilial triumph would neuiii to argue a Ijgictl traui of triumplis. All of this Indicates that General Hood. although severely Injured In the recent ail'iir. Is still impelled by the di'-qx-rntion of his cause to take the olVcnshe with what must certainly be a demoralized arny. The threatening attitude, of his army at pre-ent Indicates a Una of operations with an esjccial view to turn Nashville on the left the move ment wc alluded to yesterday. We cannot see any prospect of success in such a movement, Inasmuch, as Gen. Tiiom has the advantage of striking EIoor In (lank and rear; and whilst he (Thomas) is perfectly socure In both flanks, as well as rear, the same, cannot be affirmed of General IIooo, who, ind'ed, may be said to hive no regular position, and seoru, to be aggressive only to make good his oc ije. Under tho present phase of affairs In that region, we may look for a victory Ih a few days equally as mignitlccnt as that at Frank lin, and assuredly far more decisive in its results. Our readers should remember, too, Unit General 3. Smith has not yet t irown In his "right hand," which has so otlea grown weary In the carnival of death on toe b.ittle- flold. The latest from Georgia does not ive us any full or precise accounts of General Sn man. Tho Mayor of Augunta has issued an exhortation to tho people of that plate, hi which he exhorts them to be calm and self relying. In the telegram which ho received from General Braxton Braoo, November 22, the latter Informs him that he was to leave Wilmington, N. C, on that date, with rein forcements for Augusta. The order of Mijor- Gencral Wadk IIami'Tok, of November 24, to the commanding officer at Augusta, is likv wise significant. By it all men ol M ijor General IIami'Ton's command then In Georgia were ordered to rendezvous forthwith at Augusta, and those in South Carolina at Columbia, and await further orders. The Georgia papers are endeavoring to keep th;lr readers In hojictul spirits. On Monday, No vember 21, the Federals are reported to have lea the line of the Georgia road and to have gone directly to Eatonton, and up to last Saturday the ojilnlon obtained that Sm;u- M ah Intended to (kll upon Macon, and nol press forward to the coast. Whilst we follow the movements ol .Siikiimax with intense Interest, we cannot hut hope that the results he 1 to achieve v. Ill be similar victories with that of General Thomas at Franklin. We are glad to notice, however, in our news ol this morning, a diversion In favor of General iSlimMAN. TJie I'ort 1 loyal despatch states that General Fo-ti.h had moved with hl entire army, lie has moved in a wmutI tllrw-tlon, and will probably advance to tie mpiorl of General Siiukh an. It 1 lilvly tlu.t uue of the first things that Ko.-iMtwill do will be to cut the Charlt ston and Savannah . Riilroad. Hut whatever may be the precise chuinckr of his inaua'uvres, we may feel eer tuin they will prove successiuL Till "FLORID." It Is now pretty surely ascertained that this notorious pirate was sunk by ono of thoie accidental collisions Incident to our rivers and high seas. On the 10th ult., the transport steamer Alliance during the night ran into the Florida, bijuring nor seriously. The leak occasioned by her contact with the Wachunctt in Bahla Bay was thereby largely increased ; and Bear-Admiral Porter, to prevent any further mishaps to tbe prize, ordered her to anchor off Newport News. But the leak, which now averaged eight Inches per hour, wa too touch for the steam-pumps, which were coo Uy going, and which proved utterly lnado quw to keep down tbe increasing gain of the critical moment one of the stoam pumpi out, and although the Irou-clad Atlanta was .iguaied, and furnished men to assist In balling, were ulmWe to check the rapid Influx of watafj Md . d all effort to keep her afloat unavailing, Actio" Master Bakkr reluctantly rt.aiuloue.4 tho Florida to her fate, the water at clwn of the 28th having reached her berth-deck. At tudt- pAst seven o'clock In the morning sh went down within a quarter of mile of the spot where thf nolle old frigate Cumftsrfimd and her heroic crew found their resting place. There Is not the least evidence, that she w. purposely sunken, as has been intimated re peatedly by Journals In the Rebel Interest. When sho fame Into Hampton Roads she leaked badly, and was In a most unseaworthy condition. It is absurd to suppose that the (iovernment connived at any design which had lor Its object her destruction whl!o under the national flag. Tho Government Is too strong, too liberal, too wise, and too much re so'ved on justice to wink at anything which would Impeach that justice, or tarnish the honor of the Republic. If it had determined, alter a due investigation of the facts con tacted with bcrcaiture, to return the I'lortin to Hahln, It would have done so, without re Korting to any dishonorable mode of gelling rid of a vessel which has been a pest to tb seas Hiid an enemy to our commerce. VOI.l K1 I t.KIMi. Tbe jileitsaiitest way of serving one's coun try Is to volunteer. To the service then are ' brought health, spirit, hardihood, all rendered I more eHlcienl in their unily by the free will 1 with whirh they are oriVrcd. But the enthu siasm wltli which volunt"eriiig is begun Inevitably dies out, in-a measure. As a city we I. uve dene very much in this way, iilth:)h tho degiee in which we are volunteering at present does not seem to preclude the neces sity of a draft. o better reason.-, no stronger Inducements for volunteering ever existed j llian those which rescnt theuiM Ives at preierit. I ira 'ted or volunteer service, the bane and the antidote, are bc'oie the people, who have only to make their choice. Men arc needed to clinch success. MH Ill! K tltW OF TIOS. The Richmond Sentinel, the ofllcial organ of Jtl- i- i-itsox Dayih, publishes, with Its edilorial sanction, an article on "Tim Great Issue Our Relations to it," from "the accom plished jen of a distinguished and popuUr citizen of Virginia." Tbe " accomplished pen" commences its labors by writing a col umn ol clnji-trap of the first order one of those excited elfusions to "Ure the Southern beait." We do not projiose to review that part of the production. Its character may bo defined by quoting a few of those words which are most pojmlar with the author "Inde pendence," "Liberty," "Northern Despotism," and others of that genus. We will hasten over the j.relimlnary prologue, and proceed to glance at the argumentative portion of tho article. Tho Importance which is attache 1 to the sentiments it sets forth arise from the fact that the endorsement by the oillcial organ of the President is equivalent to an exposition of the Government's views on the subject of reconstruction. SjH-aUing 'of tho causes which led ta the secession of the Southern States, h"! assigns five reasons, viz.: " First. We fra-it cxilu-ioa tr:u the Teul ti.riiH. in celonia ion and seltle'iient. " It hi;s l.ei u rmh"d In a luw ol total and cttr m I exciufieti. " .Second. Wc r".tirr uMiiM hi .he I'i'triot of C'olen bia. "It h is luen ren' in a law for ah di'ion, with iimocuuaie compiii.-atiou fis to all, with ns tc dome slan nolcli i. "Third. Wo foi:l ultimate abolition in the .State a. " it has been " '; :l i. tho infamous prorla ciatii n ot ti.c 1'resiiiii.t, i.ndtr law, for abolition in tho c'.l-lo) ai" States." It will bo not ced that all the ground ever claimed by the advocates of Rebellion for their secession consisted of antlctyaliid evils. No events which bait occurred are jiresented , ., .... , i ii t- . : by these Southern Molochs as their sympa- ( thlzers In our midst have attempted-to excuso their parricidal attack on the nation. They ay, with the utmost coolness, that fears ara sulllcient occasions for war. No overt act hai lieen committed at which they could take olletiHc, but It was possible that such might in tlie future occur; theiefore they deluged th? land with blood, and turned our happy coun try into a desolate wilderness. No further proof!" needed, and they declare that the cause aud occasion of this Rebellion is slavery. It Is the corner-stone. Four out of five reasons for rebelling was human bond age. They say that their anticipations were well founded. Their fears have indeed proved cor rect, but their fulfilment lias been caused by the Rebellion In the South. Had it not been for the civil war which the defenders of sla very have waged against the constituted authorities of ihe land, no Interference with the domestic institution of slavery would have occurred. However strongly the feelings of humanity In the Northern heart caused It to op pose slavery, yet the sense of obligation to law would huve compelled the great mass of the loyal people to allow the " peculiar institution'' to continue uninterrupted in iU course or bar barity and tyranuy. But by their acts have they caused the loss of their object. Freedom is vindicated, and they " must lie iu the bed they have made." We call particular attention to ihc third cause assigned, and its '.'ullilment. ''It In IsH-n realized bj the Infamous iiroelamaliim .... under ffiic lor aboliilou In the Misloval States." The expression ''under law" is pecu liar, and has a siunllleiiici'. it oalilonflir riienoa fli-it tlilu nnal ml ;,f imp wortliy r.xecutive is, not wtttiit.iietiu. flu empnaiie ueiiiui vy .-vorin. ru sinpuiiii..TS, . i I i i i . ,! i. l...(i, ,,i , i. UV, ,, 1, ..g1 U , .III ... .', ..- .(1. .'lit ... according to law. What must be iheensa tionsol the Copper). cud. vilio b e been vvork ing tor the South in bis invidious ni'itiiier, to tlnd that his principals ieji;id:.ilc his i il'ort i, and acknow ledge :is lt il tint whlefi lie h ts so persistently al lucked a n urn usurp d ion and unparalleled act of tyrunu., ',' The remaining rciisons need no liuihei' comment. Our rein.irks in (lie preceding apply to them. The weakness of the fifth is too palpable for refutation, and rell cts no credit to the "accomplished pen'' which framed it. 'Fntiith. Wo , (,'' an effort to C'luall tlif! white ami blaeii r' in alt.-iupt t ) ex i;e iimir reciii'tt. "f Iihs been iv t., ' ill Illisep.lnitio,! ; in tho eendhej of liluck tro -ps 1 1 siibjU rato us; in tuo tinislincnl ol our on n slaves to li tir iiutntu.. "l'iltb. Wo f't iivil lU it Northern p nror w mid become a fo.eiKn dominion to us, alien in it sympathy and ilion,' in iis atitipa'.liy, and that it would Kubjcct all our intcrcd's to its a t on, tin. checked by praetical limitation and uii.U'J.I ii.l by filtndship. "It has been nli:e,l in this war!" After long religious dissertation ou the Northern church, he proceeds to review that important subject of reconstruction. He sa ys : " Can reconstruction destroy this element of antagonism? Does such a union promise unity, and peace and progress? Does it not threaten, nay, Insure our utter destruction 9" Having propounded these queries, the "accom plished pen," like the giant who erected straw men, stood them up, aud Uicn knock. id tiiom down again, proceeds to reply to his own questions, lu his own manner, which is any thing but a truthful oue. The "Irrepressible conflict," ridiculed in V7,is to-day enun dated by the South herVf ' The two systems, seellonally separated, can ot grow together; and In t 'uion thi growth of one or the other must cesse. Hence, whlls Uie Union continued, the South was dwarfed by the side of its ginnt rival, and the progress of the one made the utter ruin of the other." Why, we ask, why should the South decrease and the North increase? Mh- A m.)re dellnhtful climate, richer soil, as ttv.o a soa coast, and as broad and deep rivers as those from which the North has coined her unparalleled m e -ss. It Is N-eaue ol th" weight of the incubus of slavery. We lorn the .South, and desire to sen her rKe to her piojicr height ; therefore wo tear the night mare from her. and let her arise renewed, regcnem'ed, and disenthralled. twin sl-!cr with the free North. lteeoiisluiction is dec lared iinjsssible, hut the reasons for such a decision are reserved for a future paper. Wlien the "accomplished pen" again "spreads itself," we will call atten tion to Its heavy production, and if Its fruits aie of sulllcient imKrtance we will review Ihcni; but as "Virginia's lavorlte son" dos not ji(,sess any of the mental abilities of Jkk I kiiso.n or M A onsoN, the force of the suc ceeding portion of his review i.s bidden In the J ir' clouds of futurity. I VI I 1(1 V I 4J i f SI It Will. ll.H. It may sometimes have occurred to the mo-t ctrsgijing of strngplers that the a;loj tion of peculiur measures miyht be necessary to cure them ol their proclivities. If any sys tem should be vloptcd by which bountv jii,js.s could be rendered true to their vows, wevcr severelv and uiiwelcnmely it mblit tell njion honest men subject to draft, who might find themselves at the front belorc they knew it, it would at least teach these bounty-jumjH-rs a lesson they would not easily forget. Drafts are unavoidable, and quotas must be filled, although there are more wa)i of filling th' m than one. I.II J KVJ'V HOIK I S. T :u. 'I( t'tiriK IIock. Hy Mis. Mattij M .hues, hew Voik : MiV.-i . lire wainy, No. I' l.-oht stsict. In tb.'s book Mis. ,1oc?i (liv its a itslly ueuil litiic t c soliold ri inpsiiiou, containing vmIim!i!o i c i; es (or inakiug bna ', pie", puJdins, re' slics, ai.d m,i p, with l ri itiou for corkif g vtwt. Ihblc s, caer.lriif fl uits, ,c, He. V( crei-alK-rei li ii end ibis iinle hu 'k, wliich may he had for a ti lie !rcm tlif luiblistiri.,. l'.n'ftiilHf- e in the Romnu Stutc. isni ,iwiiig luc re Akd mere fn qi.c nt. batuly a.Signorll Ispcj, a neslthy csnd!" iiiaiii fiiet uerol Home, and . Iriind of U.'.ribaldi in '.he days gono by. was canglit by a bai ii of tbe is'cais and killed, a.s a r en-ant to the ." iai : is. a s .ort dis tin i e f 1 1 1 I'a't i'rin.i, alnio-1 i:i si tit ol '.ho clonic 1 vSl. l i i. i '.. n Mtiiu i. ATHi ll'VoOHc rjlli'St -Ont'i-lst lnt.inl at Ihc I h.ll'i Ii '.I tin- ll-.1v Tmntj brlli.- II.-V. I'hlllii-. llr-iel.-, JMI.II. I A I MI'.KW u.; to 51 MCV li.,lliub tel ol I I. C ii in . .1 lis , till (! Dili, lot.v. I'l.A liK Wedli. on Wi.i1in-il;iv, "'l b , !J.n St. .Ii.lin's ( Imri'h. Siilo.n, ,s . .I..,.jln.. lt.o. 1 iii.tuas r. Ilnlwlip. Iir. II. CI. ' 1. l:!v. nf ' N. .1., M ..1.1 11 I.. Ul.titcr 01 .lolin H. W on I, ol l.'lllll iKTlsli.t t-oni , N. .1. Ol 1 llAltC'I.AV n His ll ol '"winlii-r. KSVilK'.:. ro llrt i.l II. p iito .IoImi IWii.liiv, In I lie 71IU o ir ol lior see. II. rnlsloiw an I trliml-. nre rriin-i-ttullr no llisl to nlo-nil In t tipi.-Ttil. en Siitiit.Uv, I no -1.1 lti-.taiit, nt 'I o'clcck, illiln ll.e rcl-lpticc el' .1. I- Hiclwaniin. lior nifiutcmli, tritliotil nn tlmi uulfcii. To iiruccs-ll lu Latilet UCI. IlltlOiiS. fin the l-t In. (ant. Mr .lOSKfll IlKIUi.S, Hr. . In tin. Will year of III. a ,c. '1 hi- n-ia'o i -i nnil frh'inl. oi i hp Inmlly arp r. pe?tl'nllv Invlti'il tUHtlenil liN I iincirtl, 1 r. in tin. I'-rfliciico ..t Hon, Itnl.t'ii ltrlL-i;s( No. !MH s. Tentli sirnet, on Suturan uil. nl 'JS u'i' HOW l',N. In llerlln. VVr.rrpfor rnti'llv. Mil., on Hid 21 Mi ultimo, Lin l.KTON 110W I.N, Ks..,ln I In- iUfeal ol Ins ii-'p. HfTI.KIt. On Oiwliv rond. Wol 1'MIrApIiiIiIs, on the 1t ol lipisnitM'r. ol ciiiiiiinto'c. ii.vit.ANSK c. vv l.lnl, yonni.(..t ilunulitpr nt' Or. H. W. ami Anno 11. llnllur. Hel d ypni nnil fi menllis. 1- nncrsl uliha uru:v- altui imon, at 'i o hiook. HICK -on the. i!:lti Mr.. HIAUIA, wli'e of Henry Itp.-k. In tlic sstli year in liertiup. Ihe rwlatlvi-s nna lilioiils oi tup mmlly. Ilia VUlliint Anii.ciuti.fti No. s. Hint liuii'lilcrii ot Aiie-ll. a Sot-.c-ti.-s, sn fl'l"'' I mi II v nn If 'I I" nlteiMl llio iiinorm, iro n hoi iire.iicn n. kh Miii.m ktrci.t.nn suiuim-u.r an tl'-...-'liiillv Invlt'.l t nttci'il Iho innornl. Iro n l.or noon, at 4 oriock. in pruucci in the uuj ae.iow It ciinter.v. IiKC'AS.-On thpiMli ultimo, Mm. JAM'. M. DKCAN, in the 4'.th y. nr oi her tu'n. l Tlip ri-latfv.H ai d irli-iiMs o( tin tHtiilly ara refliiattully ' invited to Httl-nd tlip lliueml, Iron) lit r lalP r .-rite n o, No. T3 H. Mnth hlrfi t.on s..iiir,lu.v uliui-uuon, lioc.-iu , tn-r 'W, tit 2 oVIuclc. IMINN. Iiprpnihn 1-t, lH I. MINSIK. ru'linipal I tlnnifhUir of t.niT. tl uml Alururet Djuil, In lliolllh .vi-r I ol Il.T Hill.. 'I tip t,ioi.rat will tnkp nlapp Ironi ttif rf sldenrp of lipr ' our. iiij. .to. l!H'l Mopiit Vi-rnoti ftrcsct, ou Mini lay , Otli , Itint'int. nt lu o'clock A. M. I H.Mll.AN. On Hip morn inn or tha 1st Invtvit. attfr a I 11111.1'rl.iK illnci. al liprlutp rc.i.tpiicp, u.-ar llnrr.iwsala. ANNA II III. AN dnuslitPl ol the lutp ,loti i.i lla tan. ! 'I hp Itnipnil will tuk jilnrf-Irnm tlif ipi.Ipiicp ot Inr sl-tpr. No Iswi ClMMiiit lroet, on Hrvenlu ila neivt, ipipinl,pr3il. nt 1(1 A. 11. Ilol .I.INllk.AI. on U.p :aith nit., 1BAWIU. 1101.- 1.1 i.sllr. U, ken ol Mary s. ami UK' lale I'liai li-v al. 11 . 1 l.nlica.t. In '.eelKtl .i t ot his ai;P 111 rt'liitiyaH nnil friends urp iniitPd to nttent tl a fiina rni erv ii p., nt 1-vtc rcvidtn ce. Nil. I., h. 'I tilr.I vtrp -t, l iiimlni, N. .1 . on t relay, in ci nil er -J, .11 l'i r Cock M. lntn m. t t nt Trcton. N.f.,ftciii ttic Iioiihc of ,lni.bS. AUi.ii., o.,.6 ktropt, on Suttit.luy, lKcmiibcr ut 2 o c'"i k 1. .M. riMI'Kll.-tin tl.p lllitn Milium. J Irs. KI.I.AIIKT1I. Iho witp oCtiporite W. J'tnlt-r in Ihp liMli yi ur oi her n.p. Tlip rol.ill ps mid I rli-mln ot tlip fmi.llv, Coll .cksink Tpnl, II. HI !'.. lire rcHlipcllillly invite 1 to Altrlit llio oini rul, lien It. r hilo ri'..ili-in:p, Sorr'v hioh-i, IipIi.w (Iprniniitovvn tocntit.. ou Suinr.lav uitfrnouu, at 1 o'clock. llKKS.-On tin U'lh nllliun. ltI.lll.CCV I1UK.S, r!lot 01 (ictiruP II. 'i'., in tl.c Hittll ..enrol )l-r ni;P. 'I lip Minprrfl will tni.p tiliii'p tion lir IstP tpnidptlce, Nn. Win. l.nth i rc-1, on Snturoay, llccpiiilnir .Id, al i o clock 1. ,'rl. H 'l ilol tiil On W. dlii'vilny uicrnlng. J.n, ;it I 'li.M.i't II. ii. nt fir iv-ii'l 't s. ,ti-in v , M. I.'i Ml;Tim.-r,,M .-. MAI;IV C. V Al MOI i acd ..-ai - 'I lie li!:.tivf r.f tl'f i,niiy r.l'P invlt..r! t her fi n- ..I l' St I del v t'l.i'Uli, r'.ilH.:. iK.a, ou Sntor.l.iy, OLcii.t ei ... at 1 o cn-cl. i'( .vl. PERSONAL. AM, MY I.OVK O't'tp iiitUHil ul D.q Hi Ik-ftM" t(1n-f. Jf,W OIHLS f 'n Tti'ifr.i !i" O'liCl. Mil c. 1. COMPANY, TKI.I. u-c, ivh . .-ii arc. .rs v,,n (-(.I.Mcr-.. o- d.. r l-iiticr .tsiii:,' or are yo.i levit tn i '-1' tr " be in-w t C itn.i',,,- t, tir l"Olc-aiii iu,.- b., ion nia.t all apt . -r ...rni- oil. .'i- lower cr-lcr. imj.i it not uin-vMr tiiroi '.-t. ii.i. , a-r. it i.-uiira our lieu, i t Ill u-l", ct lift v cnt ., In ,.rdi r a I'l l; av rc.i cil,l t a h., icu.iii! It vliirl. '.too I V" tl'l K-'K K Aid. I li K Jl'.'.V OlltuS. . .11. h. o Im.l ('.- a isite.1 11 liM 1.1 It, S, . . n, ill'- It. am y Q lew ii;,. i cent N.l- ' I,, ol tlip tan' t Sec, i,il .tr, tt. 't'r t ,i nvii-rn.-p will. I i fill.' , t -kr i u, c kLjhi .i.. hp.jini in ,.i u.p e.n 1 '.lO -s' i-'l.l 1 il t" "nlmn tl.p t,inpl uit-6 tuoii -acd il.s :r ei .1 ur,.t i.l. cty uli c cents iu ,'Ppr-H lo tic time, ul., . .' nn ;i: i.'ii. il. Lir lal . i.l tic n I. :i. i.,t.. ill- .-Mir i.i.- n jm re a i.l oil u itt : tor. ; llii-ri l.-'c l,...'n Oiat tlniw.l. i'c.;.l, ; l,'i I. l,s . " i '11. ti t fl C'-il.T-. ! :l lov ol' nil ta Ir e i.e. c r luay iniu v-, e alt t ia l .cilin.l .! c-.cs to iKn.r m.m, Ho. trcsi. n y It. air ticc. it' tStv will l.c it-'lia. iin- w ii t , im'ii- u I, . .a li.a.i a Ir. lc to on- i tt;. .ii.,.. ot one J l' I . ". UM II MCUr S..IIT4. It A. II. I OSl-. KOU, or' l'l-:X.NI-i K imiw. J in . iti' wi'i-rniifi ' ii!ii'.(' uml rtilitrt' .iitr '), i. -' t I w, Ii i r rt il li K I'iHi'.i'. A mu'ii:o n-v, ttnt vin l-I'-iM 'or th. :r ii ' nil. I- I! WW t KV. J-'-' .1 W;.B"iili Hull, No. 7l!Cl.KSNt i' strcpt. OAL AT I'lKST COST COM1 PRICK TO J Nit.i khnltlcri f 7'u icr ton Jniiii'. Into l'-'liwry ('.. il el In hi i.hntHty. Sliri', em;!. oiitltliHK to nn undftlmlf (cin.i, nt urai out, evt-ry ymr lor tv enty y!nri,uml io'.sU UK i.k'UiJ of protlta tioui Dirt ci nl, niay now t da. i i i 1 t iu, pajaliir, titiif on iorjsrrli'ln, mwt I.H'.f -u .Unnnrv next, oi" Hie MI TI.'AI HI.AU M'HJNPXIN i t'Ai.U.lN I'OAI. AJ v( i A N V, O.'tct' Ko. iJl H. I MlltH fi-t I u:M'Uif liie'lirai I'.itli'. . M'.' l.'iti .vilt. $ ,immi, i . t-.' ..t ') :n - i vil i.-'U if ipi el. 1 ' &! s!:..n . 't- ! i-i'- a or ( il'V e , : i-l : ." in r.ati : ,"'' si " i -i, . i - vi i sl.ii'i . r i- ' ' I i )- , d ' - o 1 .i 'li :,!uli'' OjiM-' s 're )a J v to rf'le.V' C tllltl (I tMIll I' l,ti i-i' ill i t . ui y .-i. Hi hUII'.'I" CvAl. t-ii . Lit i.:..d,of' ti.c jiff-i-. .fv.ti vf. - a'e ... nt'V khnUii r wi n do ret ivniit no v . ortl niitr it.t ir Tr j' r:i ui -ltl hy IM i.'utui'uiiy it.r i.,in p-i I--IH nl, (he proiitt It- i:iif t.A'd uvr m tV-iu. im.1. iu -ni cf . rifc'u:i- tii'i. tliuil'ii!', to yvhxu tl-py u. tUo i ut c iiM-onv po--' : aft c ani we U built "o il W tJ.i ft' li. u. ri (nc-ir J'riu.ut ), w:u e U' i.-i . i M mint' uuJ 'J'u.irer K ntt, an exoellfiit Ji.nMe H.:iker, !iij.f ,-. k.i, laryf S'.f iu tiilfH--, A,;r"Ail, itinl ail cintti' ma m-rv a t'. :j'i)jr iii, la 'Ul ra'tJi, riip.ih. ii' ini-iiit .ytj tout, im be it ultd to 1 'Hh) tm J er y- AT. ThM ! f f d.D l-e .t .(,y, i ui. fly 01' ttirllla a ) ti!h and i Iraro-a V.r, will ut-vraJ u;ii ,Imh'!.' r.Ml wan, i t nil wliiiiu tnt lilies oi U.e Oi.m Pi ny for tuo niliti ill Urictfi. A h.4l( u fl t'.o itc.ulitw lU.lrOftd r tOBf!t t the ?1Ut" tt tiie Cuinii)v, nver whk'U Ui oa1 u Uuily uU lu ikvt. Mo. kt.oMors n.ii)-nrtUr U lr Cot in ftny of (lie umAl ! c, iz. I.uiup Col, Iiruk'-n, '.t ti, Htnv?, or nt :, II a' tht- pre Hunt cit prt. (,f $j pt)r (un, d'Mvered C tin- tobriii, With'u the umwI ili-tauci- oi l Company i c al u in Uie noitiitin, lu'-iUic, auU outhrn i fiHii!. f lt. v. ilF, 'I in- ' invary flMtl f!UV,e niiaiDf worln ftre '.'iTiftrof tiytl, tub cli fii' .tilors tu t'.iUn:';0 on the i.ih pnn- Ipi '. for !r"niurt and nu.icr,ii4)iH apply nt Hi U'Mo, Nu, IM) b.TiUKU liLUMt, i.v vii.l iivvi't o.'P' On .i l Are"1 fr lU'liittf. Vt.Tir Woyrr. boiudui Uiitt-ora WuiiAUi ord,l. H. Wolie, Btb(t P. U, SUiiua Je. WM. BCU VKLS, I'nlUnt. A. U. JAgui-M, SeciuUry. U - xt-lm BUSINESS ITEMS. intnt's llnvtr Tonir ( I rWH T'l" ' e r.)N .iiini' MOl.s II ll ' IHIO V. iVk s 1) l:ia l ' fhos 1 'II nri h'a t nh: in VI lll-l A vl s -w ,v 1 in. Sc Vl.i' tc rs n .f I NI- R II V.I- T'l i '.eiVM ! S 'A.'.I'IO 111 AI.I IV T: IM -l,V . K H II MH lis t: 'tv y ,. i s me nkiK K')M I- A i.i.i r ." V.r i HAlll Islet: I'l'K 'IMS r'l MAT.'HI'. .I'BV NI'.rM Ar (r. s r Aie i oo.c r , KNrs my. i .jiiMAi'ifiN ' nr.i . it! in MR'X 1 1 a i it roNic f.i'isrs tut iito. k ok ht.w ii a, ii. JAVNJI 1 II VK l oiun ' OHIKS IIKVI.S W,':ll N w IIA.t n:'.- JAYNf. ,H II Ml'. I'lM' i.A :.. Mil; IIAIK I IJ'4 Al l. lllf'iKiril 4 .'.tvNK s ma: it rMi.' . K-.SUT- K 1 IIK ' sK 3r A ('. fJNM "ts ml 4AYSF. S (i.l IK Tl.f'l! o l. i,i, a'i:e.'Ch HAi,( iosi IM si, vi sh J 1 1 ." r TUIIt T . Ii! S -. IV. HA!K ill U-T, A- II Hi't,-1N1 i iik r.s ,s raovt Jsr.SK S HAI.l T )siO AH A UKA'JTiyr.K Or I IIK IIA'.R IS UNSUItf .'A 1 Nil 4 II A I It TON 10 aw r.-t ifY. inn a jurii imi cii.okv sri'i ik m:i,, jjvsh s II Mil '! Nn; W:U. H.'OMi TK Tll; 'WTtl or WM.sKI 111. IAI SI1 IIAIK TO.NI.J W I.l. lifli M-.M TIIK IIKVM.OPMI'.NI' OF UiiM TALIIM. .1 IVNR'rl MAI1 TOMH! AH A l.l!l.SIN(l rOlt TIIK IIAIK IS (i Nl. l !:I.I.I I). JAYNHS II A I IE TOXIC l.l.H tHTKIJI I.l I'lIIU 'I'MKII. IS ,1,V1 Nl S II Mil TON 10 i 111'. ON 1 1IK TClllKT 1 MILK I.AtIV ANI (1K.STI.I V!AS. (.UiXII.i JAY bK'h IIAIf. TONIC W.'i I'l.vna th? tn ut fotlill'jt.i, and iti C'MitnmJ uw : ke.-ri the auJ . i.ltt In a 'k-.wi and l.caltliy r.null (t el. IT -J aid mil) t,r llr. H. Jvimi- Sum, No. Ol.' I'llCvUll'. t.'t. l ine Ol.l Mlierry Un -irprt9q( i in Juit ldcclvc.1 l.r lu. ts , l;i, -ii i !l... rdi ana Tcntn. aWlfffesrv t'pdriie NIpcIi A Co.'Sijai &2'h& I'lANoit eif: 111 A"': 1 1 I tUACOV A IIIUI IKK ASH MAfOV 4 IMMI.1NH .,vn 1 C .MIIM.r (1III1VNS. ri.vrio i imr i,m.-i. ,.r ti,.,n n.. OAlUNflT OIlllANS. CAIUNi-.T 'OK IANS. CAIUNI.l OKClNS. iCMUNI- r OUOANS. rOi''l l..Mj inHtrniiicnii inivp hci.n s .'tl l.y I'lAMI Mr. l., ui u the delimit), la con f,(an(l ivcicaili g. r oi hklb only by Oh'l KS I I IMI V i Ui l ICS eiANo , JOK'I'FW J K., Roicntli and l,lirniii,l atr (. Uld HCllOMACKiait fhlil MANOS, ft? Al (WiOWLIWni!!! TO IIK THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. CM. MIT All!) r IR HII'.IH siratioit tom: am) finish. KNOWN TO HK TUB MOST DURABLE IN3TRUMETiT3 MADS. AND SOID UPON TIIK MO.SX UHASOX AIILK TKltMS. AT U l 1 111 WAlUiKOOMS, No. 1021 CHESKDT STREET. U e ri'fiiKcltttliy Invite our friend ftixt the juhl!e joMier iUly io cuU nt our warcrd una ai e&aninu our eKteiulve Asrrunt'ni of hiuhly improved Si.uare aud (J rand tManot, We nave rec.-led tbe liigheat nrentlmui at all ttie jrntai eihlhld ia ever held lu thin country. Inctudiiif the TrUc Mccal al the Wo ld fair, Cryaiai I'alton, Kvr Vort, and mm ennifc te'itiuioulalk frou the he itfttilsU iu tUU country and K us opr. Wo lee: aa!illod tbat them are no Tfauo. iua1e In UtU country tuinerioi- lt oor own. Ai rhlluJe'jtMft miiu.'a tmon wo prldo ourseivei in h;vli k achU ed a iTptilatK'ii lor our initruiiifnu un.'- ltd hy any other luakn in th'a country. It U ft woll a own far t tl ( our IMivnoi have tor nis.iy joari ruatu tained th - ir luh reMitatlun, tiotwltlitaudiug the c uietiin ol tha hftittm makcta. 'w ork and Hi. b on I'iaiun hftve !)(eu flooded into thl ruft. ket tiaT.itik'li the T BKnc1es, auu heraidol h thorn ai ;ho only Piaum in tuo touuiry ; yol t the aame time ttiei t-an e anti very seldom continue to sell auj one maavKt'i icitruu-. uti ioi any h-nntU ot time, for Uie reft-on that they aie inteilor, and til' aro rcmnelkd to (nae hutd of dihttr niftk(r'( perhapa si 111 more Inferior, j:iii.ith pi tJ. d up hy th'.iu aa celrbratod Planus, wheu at the iHUif ilia auoh nuiKera imvj never bn iviiii u cr Ii- ard ol In ihelr own citlea. The oiua'qiieoca i. Uifti oi. r mtiera ar' oitru tiiiiut i to purchtte nach I nl rloi ii'btriiiitiutt, without rUMhferin- tnt-ir on n or trie fijt.a- in i re-1 oi ihtir city. 'J ht .id.iiig. our it ! n l,ve lu eiiCiurattiiUj h.m' n aunai tur ci Hamly ihmild iwi hejovrluokrd, i r the t.t!o. Iiih l.'loUa :- K.nt. It !. at knoivkdx'- l hat f nlUdelphla U the ;i eat ii.Ni.UiJtt.lui iri; el tv oi'thl i i-oiinu y, on J cccbrwUd frlu hiitnoi and i.ilt l vol i men. 8' Tr r .iMch.i' r ohiaua the Inut tlin-ctly iVout on. tt.i nn, i uinctui t", uud avt thu amount u ade by the a teiit, wUu nt..iJly i.:ii.iJi j( ruittor nrnlil l!au the menu i i tnnr. ' 'lh' aunt rf.(uit?ibiiMv )H(M-iiiiiti to no'Iunt, thcie U :im r.u- --' . lui Ji-! 1 ' iii-'lii Hi' .(!. ii ill nh Hi i)art....t, (iu !' in ri Nirrr inn j run :;.e r!hk. W'li re.-., on tin Oi-. t-r ii.tnd , n ih- luuii'iKcl'irei , arr in I t riaitr!:-,1! e. Rt i-tftiuict s1 Irt. the i j in i ' like iho a.tut. Our runututn'ii in Htwtuaa ut all times, lind tt It t.,( icloro td nr to turn o..t li no oiiivi' than Jit it claH in"irui"cutn. r'ourtli. Admatlnft that inch Uutrnmcnt nik'ht ho c.judl t" "Ur own when new, llioy cunnot g've the name iUisiactjon. or iver the numo lenih of time, Tor tho r.i. u that thi HdJit d pemls upon other to ket p inch IiiHiit'fi a 1 c sv'.h in rtUT, aind will o' c-jiirne not expand auy ut' hi-- im'iitti to do bj, vhllit we, tho uiftuiifaeturersi, have our uwu cv''!xi.t vui k i.ieu, m ho fully (iiHiw.'Ktn.i tit 'hun!!' i. m. i. . ill piou.iJi y t-iv t..clr ftitci.iiuii, and li e , ,iit" i i. u'e ii w n ntac:. k'U'ur. fur vr'n'VI,ifH.,t K '.e o the unit ex:tMi--! ve In t h- a i Lti v, itm r. or.i- re i !., ha m wf nw in biccmLi i td, it wil. l' u "i l'-- t lu tiv ,o.l.t, tu.ri'i tct us i. w.a th.i t raii. oi Ind .siry ono v: U.e ff-.n innltMt - iis i h . i ny. Our iiiktiuutt-uti iio j o" a i-rat !mt rovement ov r cihF, ani our et- ntne i.ic.iili l r nii.mi a;', jr-im ctiiti h- ii 'o k'' i on band a ln:e tutk of, aii1 p:0' Kr! the h'l umch.liery, A --. rrernom h n'r ei to p'ire..i- wMt '.ve tiiftCflll.M o will i-r.-ve all that we i.n.e aa.d In rKiul to oitr .iluurt-i. TLeieure, f tourte, alwa tiJfer urm i' opin1 r., tmit prr udirtd mUiile ai d liior-f woo r ini'Tftieu in wt i,.ie cl !un,,. mhu dlir. r fioin u. : lo .u.'h we i.ava I eu'v lu It would . n u. uiii'h pVa.ura, .it any libia, to 1. it our liibtriiiuant. wim an diatr iuhav wnuu U.i jr luay ils-.a to name. Wt araiaask eur n it.a i ulllc to call ana ex amiue vt.r huceilur I'lam.H. Yl'.' let! .a'i.fl.d ( no Iiciim in city can . onmelo vv:th nt, r iit.ui lei iinaaie ai.d lemii. avvuuiuudaiiiitf. SccomJ-Lnr.d rianoitnken in xcfcage. 1'IANOS TO niiNT. I rUua for Tutiing rromptly ttended to. BCnOMACKEB & CO., nc-MBTti o. iwi c nc!iuT btkebt. ( OUNHNO.HOU6E AND SCHOOL DEbKS oiad. to older, al ,., U-iy ciLvutit ixviajv'. yALKAVKN. o V li T A I N H. i' j men oustain cood 71' ALCAI' KK. N SOM' II AI I , r o. 7i ' en i' m u r Knn.;i; r, s 'ii 't ti.n'. I'!.y i CORIOLANUS, ' ST 1IIK A' Ai'KMY OK j;i;.S.. ,- ' i -.1 11.-. hikml, l',.ii:iir-i.t.' lloi -I. 11 ! Jll Jl. iOt'C.II. liHSj , V'Ml. I'MtVI-iK TIIRJ.E l.I.Cl'.I'.l. IN CONC'KHT HAI.l.. AM t'llMt..- 'IMAY l.VI NINff, PHCHMBF.R 5, i 'An lr,',l. -lrn,-w X.v'..Hu.col.t!t.i "TACT A)D riOTiON." TIT Us'.AY KVKMNU, DIVKMIIKH "PECULIAR IFiOPLE." HMTi.W EVJ'.MN'., IiK'.'liMlll 1'. ), ' "lElirERANCE." T': 'f-tM ht!..- ff.; I.cMnrei h U: (.- 1. lathi H. O' t , jii ,ts(il;. c 1 f' k i i m(i!'ir. '.'"i crits. It ser-. d, fn C"i In 1 li - m. if i t " k i ' w ii ! ht i;ii nt Mftiliti' ii.An, r,ii. ( l i rti iii .tf i ct , (,. ftKti - t l iti.j; nine, ai ' . t v T.'iev 1 i iiiM' In. rj'iit' tit '.he 1 ill mi !ict'-!in, 'Jl '..' t ire. i.-irs oi uulTOi orV I ci"ie at c f'-;l rlc. Ah thi- lit h.rili.1 d ( t C ! f t- Wi'l 'Oni'lh'.-'- hi i... ir, v , ,t.v ii .Hil I , in- - nr ti ?i i : j fc". I'i 1 " A CADJ'.MV UJ Mt'MC. l.'f and Mr f ; Or.I. a, i. oi tlu- I .il'.iw Stiet ' '1 ii ;: lui'i -n. n fc' .f.r, Nt 'J I eAtlo, V ;'Kl.!ijj:0- . nlid ttl' Al m im m, V .iviu:a, 1 ht tlW) Htnv MitbRtfe .OH. U. WKH.1IT 1 Ml KSJi.W AMi KRIIAV,!.t,-mvi 1 .r.l J, M t-K J)viitifl the ;4' 'u NM.t.i tins -i is i w!' t'lC t,ntit Kf'i.nn Tr et. , ' ( OMiUI. NV .-. r C tii M irrnn , M ; i. : ij'.ith .T .MHIBrllO ' t OKI 1. V I .oi.o.t'd b) 1 MA;A I. f'NT.-I, I Ml Al.ICK OltsV, , a:i:. KmtitK.iT M0M1.VV, TtlMHA.. 'J HI it-DAY. A N f Mlll, sit. in h .SKATS f-KOI'ISlZO hIV hAH IV AHVASt K. o H'h'"ince oi: i:iNl.fl'AY r rt,V.'Li:lAV t:vi'ii-i,i. 'lie yieftt h'mVcfpcar'an t rrt 2 .I 01' !vlN)fr.AK It lu gcthi ui'.TAUiin 'l .ic- Mux hr .'t. tor the lale of aeeiire l ila:c.i( u -w o-on twMUier. the htnrs oi 4it i1lK. Aitl;ls t'jfi. fr" ?li iti lj, .VeM.e i Mi-rttK -Ueen'-s inMitl .Mti. l ;0-;it JLW CLUKTJT STREET THKATaE, 1- ItlHAV K.YVKInil.nKCKMIIKH :4, ,I,VM IMC I IT HIT lfc I.;. lam i' i i.-ii r in, i' Oi i., 1.AST Ml.ll'l' IliT ,1 Vl.i Of ItiiintctauK a tr.iiilins .siuhanonal B uiauoa.lti live acli VAl VllF.TTi:, PAY. VRKTTK, VAt llr T'J'K, IMI I'HI.l"! I., PAVY U..T'l M, PArV KKM H, , IHllKIt Till'! SIMIIV, It, I MIHll l llli fvXIW. (ill, IM.I.Il I I11. VICIIV, I I'll AM. 11 MltUMMIKM' hl lvVI'llO. AtllKI, niaul II IMI Al. FKKI-'.I TS), iviair-i iiiartiTll-.s, liniGl.NAl. .11 (..-U , At Jtl.e liKFAT 0T OP C TRIM. Arai-ni; ll,o nam t'-aut ml anil ttiirilu:ic 'lui .o.uv tlmt oi'i ur U'-itiiiir ile C'-uimi- i.t ilir- lirainn, ,lr ui .c iiijuJai'iit iv n.r. r ai.i, in nil. ,,v Al.-taiilr.. YV'tlirn IS NlullllY KKt'tlv I'll 1!V TIIK, M. l I-Nrill KlASlll; Afl'I.At'!'., IHOM AIM KSCI S THAT mmui i h. iiiki nr. IK i:vkut rwT, Al d i.olvMtlij-aiiClnii tl.r tur 1 1 1. at I'M' l ut.i. 1 1. i niw It 1I-h M:Y i'.IM'H 111' IIH Mill f.-H, It mt:l h.. vvill'ilraw rt atiar (Mr. wrak ta ina. r.Ku fjr a Kraal I'r vitv .,oa li iiri i.a-O' H,e t.i.rriin, illciiLlii.le It, lht pr.p-i?.r rarc ")li(ll.ini l an r l , in wi,n ti Mr. r a ter LCRLUi, air. II. A. I.ttiili.t.'l.. at d l'i-mi anv m ili ivpf ir IN r-bl.-ALVI MM, JES.SIF. Hl-.OWh; till, 'I UK liKI.ll'.r OF I I C'KN'c) rT. RvK lfKAY AI'TMMI IN, Hfcl.'KMItl It '., Mt'lH M II l.lllMI AMII.Y MM I.W I . YA"ie:i l'A t V ltK l"l'l& vl.i lo prrsuiitad iu all lu grandeur ALiUl SIllEL'f TUEA1KK. 111 VI'.I IT OK MIHS LrPII.I.K Yl'CSTKUV. r.i Ni l it in miss i.i't iLi.r WKs ii.t:. lit.NKI IT cil Sll-H l.l'Cll.l.r; Wl.sll;iiN. 'Ill I.S l b'll.iai I III M N,.. lii-iTinliir '. wil' is- iTm- nttu il,c iK-iiutliti: t:,.iufdi .w.-ttteu Ui Clint le, l IU. ..!'' ... 'I-l. I... . .I " l lll Will HMJ1C),: (It, The 1.IIV f an Art . I'm WotliiiKtoii I. i t, ii.i. t; Yt r blLKK Altai vvu.i u me i-i' nruii-n c oinir iiiuiih ut Hum in Macau;!.. Hul.ert Mil' Hire , J A. IIIMIM: In.iliii - mri.p , S IIUMI'J.K ii.-i ii'ti-upeu irmu ii llll it. ( urlum it.t. ut 7 Lt. M RS. JOHN DUKWS , NKV AHCH 8T. Til A i Kl.. ll.H St.S l'A( Ki n TO TIIK Hour. I t M.I i I HI J. li. CLAKKl . Ill M Iir OK .1. . I I.AKKL. I'.i S.l I I (H .1. h ( I.AItKi:. 10-ftit-I.T (lis.iajri, lierdi.tier '.', M LI.'YItlllii S. l IllLNLi. ila.i lie Iioji. J. H. CI.AItKK ASU ItK'd JA' K SHKi rARD. H! .i"n 1'iim'.,. .ml ,1 u t slii' ,1.8 CI.ABK.K. nu. I, nn ft v 1 lICPAY NllirJl. A .Kl-.A r llll. I. Oh (VAII'KIIAV MC1UI . 1, Xltllll IKiN tiK WUUKS OK ART, iOR m j ti' not r 1 1 ni tne CIllilsriAV COVMtdSIO.V. (lie Al A,'.Ml Of KIM, AI:IS. .Vi, F.vl'il.i'.K.n ol a 1 riviiti' Cili.L-tlou nl Wotkl of Art, in i a'i,i,:ic, scu iriiure, v, aier , aiiu oin.-r liruwitii.. I'ti. av '' , A i-.. I. liow ..pen al tt.i- rtirinylvmii. At .mt ily ul 1 li:e Ail. So. II,:;. CIlKrCM'T Htiaet, lp.tu -a u. lu jii r. u , tur u.e u, uiui ot ut Ciirti-.iaii C'viu I.:: b.i.ii. A- iul ali n Jr; S.-n TI. kei. 50 cents, j.'S-TWK'X &KA1INQ PARK, W1!I.T MIIK OK lillAY a t'BI'.KY IlKU'OK. t-IjAHON 1 lCKBTd an '..- I a,, ut iinui tie -Juth ut' !. c.lnliir ( ll.e ... D TI ,11 ',1 It. .. ' -1 I.l 1(11. ..III. K .11 It. I.OH BV, 1! I i.t Nu.4m BALLOON AS0OSI0HB. THIS AlTMtNOuN AND F.VKNINQ, AND MUtlNd Alt CAI WEAT1IKK THIS TI KUK. At Cor. of riFTEENTHand 00ATE3 Sts. Tho wrathfr hctnir flne. tho a wlahl nu an i.mnilAr Irutild In- on Imiiil eniiy. 'i'U citjr llehltd by sa ir.anu AUmivnion.'.'o cent.. C'liU.lren. Id rnat.. Asret'iiuut iiimi i to f ,'i, iicjurdiin: to uititnde and time u. . tll'lt'il. 11 i J UlllHT HMilKCTKI). XI adi, irp',,e r.'.'titie. llic inoi!iuutn o. -Id I ei ivi Yv'l r,T, 1. new cn I'vliilirinn hi t ha AC MH' -MY OK KIM: ARTS, No. I' :''. CIIKSXt'T Sue-.'t. T. ntl.i-r Willi the enure eolicttloa ei tl.e tnili!ut,n, Ailnd!taiiee,TYENTY-HVK. CK-NTS. 11-1J -' 1U'AT NATIONAL t'IKCUS. WALNUT SlIIKLr. AllllVK KlflllTII. IMrtcti'Ca Mil. CilAI'LliS HAIt.fEtt (lurm.-rly Mm. DAN KH'1.1. Ill additli'ti to the i,-reM T roiiw, tlie HMEHIVOOI) FAMILY, Mr. BAM HTK KNKY, Atr.,l.aia, fl.i nio.n: ani s.iuimi una, Mine kl.MI ami Mr.'IOal KINli, ItlUap car Hi., wcuk lu yracel'nl 4nil darint; Acl.ol K,;iiesiri.ui 1,111. alt. nr.. li. II II IITflHI MMI I W an.l .full V II VINU MAY will ill-play the Upon, of Atlai, and Mra. WAtllllCU will liitrud'jre Uie latnou. Iiaiu-Iiik llur.a Ma fly. a paru-t-. n ot anmiala. The new l .nloiuini. of llie I'ljl 1SI1 t'ONrjC'llll 1 s vi lli 1, pert'ormed. Theurcat child wonder. "lliiK Ml'OI.I), Mm., (ll. MA, and tlia TAI.l.tOI ltBCTHKH.S, have been enr-iiiad. and will .nortlv aiinanr. iTv't'l remain tlie .auia. rir,t Tier, jt cunla; Nej.,a4 .'i-r, 3'. cenui. Frlv q( boxes, f I au.l i. aocoidiiik' to,imi i.ii lo, a:k.n. bet y. ur ucaeta diu.UK IK day, Verioiui aii.ei. Ionian ik a! Tv- MATlSfES nn WtTJ!ciUY au.l BATl'ItDATAF TI.UKOOKH, ooBiuiiiclincat.,'i o cio.k. 11-iS IT 3 NKW 7-30 LOAN. U. H, fiuluKilptinn receive, and Hi Kutat wulaliad Hat ol all uliarnea, ty GKOKOE I. BOYD, llankar, 19'M-iat Hv.lalJ'TiUMl . iwriWf'ciCT a. cnn.nuT fYRirr. NOtTINOHAM ANI SVTIHri LAOKH, HT.W Attl.r.A WINDOW SIIAI)I',sl, No. T S rr.H'lll t.i, KCLIT, a, CARRIBQTON 4 00. WAHUfACt'ilU R V. CUFrlK'JT RTaMRT Ki.. 1l t'liYMrtirr MICaKT. ri AN'j covi'us, t. Ut irT a rtK'FI IM TIK OI'I AT L7V I'BTvHl. JHE STlItCEIPlION BK)K3 or Tur ntT -rtll-f, Ah" l-.OIT-'H I'KTRII I V 09f ASt vr.ll t,.- ,,n yv IiNKVA Y, I',, re- U.S. Ll.lU'lI.TrcMBrc-r, Nn. K r:QUIIAk. IIUIlll 'H T'lll All. I., llll, 1 1- ;lllt-l I, l-Sit. 1 1 'J 1,1 II t LI) I1HH O 1' OIL STOCKS, PKAD THX COMMERCIAL LIST AND PLUGE CURUENT TO-MOUltOW. Y 1'- W i Arci ci:rs'x it al AM, LUOS CEIEK PETROLEUM 00MPAN7. fr t p liniiti- i unlwr of htir ,r t t.n tA .t 41 t nr. Th' Ib.i is ui i. c r fxjve i om, 41. v nc:iit ii m - u 'm d1'-. 1 1.1 n . thf SiMinr I 1. m, t, ti- ( t uy rivff. 1 i 1 i'.ki1ri. nn w iicl K tin wrli it-' ln -.i.y tivc hrir els of uil A m-cond wr.i i l-u h-ui, in riil Aii i'' v ; 1 in k iwnt vm If'iitf .r. i utk cm n. at. l,iii tBdWi-il' ,i( ni)W .oir; ctov, (i WitlifcH ,li iv fiO': miJ'.', frt'o:i th ekir-c t rt n In ire ftnpi. on l Irn 1 ni-v-li tif iiir btno. j fL"iivn 1 H tn. hard .'lit 01 viiir!' '.r pny a Civ i tl. u . r' tiuti toc-lia i wi. foe a kw dp- otiU , m t A. MAKSHALJi, lit, Nj. ':l t n'AI.NUT HTKKF.T. 12-1 r.t I'lM'TON S NKW AMI RIOAN CYCI J cili Tl.: nlimhlr lUhmrT t.f Yni vim! It ' irmu t'O'i ii v 01 ifiviiiK l a Ware tn pKiy in fhui- it hnn-.- It-.l II tl I .talU. Jl Itt M!lPKTl'l (1 I Rllif I-i. Cr-, , V..f It-i Cm Iir fin fur jif'nlAr u-f cvt . iinIi I- it J. IW lot- arc tJ 0 n.iiiie c t a tew of our jiruininnt "t l who hjv lntn ti ' hi oi'i I::. Itt-v. w in ! ntevent I v . It. Viii Inrtj, l ev rh hii'rt cwI, 1 K I rkc. F-i., ltfv PianVllr. Moort. lie . W 1 littU II t i:. i'9, tu-y TlirmisO Shful.oiil , .!! (J. I ri'"f(i, A. ,1. 1'XCJttl, Kn , .thy t,tu i", I oi n , I' :s'nti Hut in!), f'.n , i-i to :m run- p I'.sn , t t itm iii. w.ti.r, , IS. M KeiMi, J. .if hn Kit'ft, r.fn., A. J ill) "knur, i'tiq., i. V, Mt 'Hiimi n. Kt t., Co 1 mcl Will'iim it Inonifcs, iMinrlt-i U Mulih.Mi, Km., U ili lam V t'lLiliiiiimi. Lvi . t."tir 1'. T;a, Kfci , Ii.m It h t .H'U i s. i'fc'i , I. .1 I -1 Of Til . , t ,1. .'..r. Kim.. A'.'MMnUr l uilcrtcn, Ei i J' ln Hut na. r 1 , ,!(iin KhMhi. , l'',h'i , ,1 tt'tarTliiinron. Tin n 1 it A. h'Ol', Esq., .toh?i L 1 n?hj . I'hiaileb Mut al ifi Mi a 1 m 1 v.m- ii.'iiiHnuia laieiH. Tl't f'vf UiVl'hir. Iii nov in sivt. ii lure volutin!, In t il!l!i ri nt u.i Iff ft hmiin.i:. HfiropiM my hr h-rn, au.l 1 1 fit i itwl ':ti, Ht t( f Akt ucv t-r tti 1 a t ii hiiti .-iirttt, iNo ",i ( b.X 111 Mrut-t, ni)iAf Cti --niit, -.itc n ory . JAMKS K. Mll'tS, A3rit. A i.l ri.iif-oNs iM)i;ini;i to ou xkv n k- dim, tijfvn JOMKl'H Mt-Ml'l.l.lN, Jon'Rifd, y II 1. u nhv ir or ;'Kt;it Uie mi rue to tl.e una'r.'L'L--a U.iu'. r. HIJ.LIAM tll.V IN(tf N.i. 7"'! I-INK Hinet. (vol.()K (. I V ASH, 3.' 2--rt . il a.1.Cl fctrtct. '1 ill-, COl'AUTNLKSllir KNTK1UU) 1M0 I', the .-ut -. 1 ilMTB on i'.e 1-1 of S. vern'...r. li;l, un,1 r I r tl-m 01 I.A 'H 1 A MIEI.' heii liv ,l;s,olvc I ' muttu.1 1,1111-Ul. I., Ii. LA'il.T. B. V. Mllbl'AK I H ri'li.vt.r t-i'iA. Iiocvinbi-r 'J.lbi'.l. 1 in OniUI BKCOSIMIAND COT ION .JJJ Ii ,11 .tn- ami fur .u.e b JUII.1 1. IIAII.I. ,T I'd,. ho. Ill N. 1 I.HM' Kiiri-t. 12 2-lu. U2S HOOP PKIKTS ijno'H ARCII nirert, UO Above alxtn t,aet, l'k3.dr.n:ila. Whileiaia n1 Eetatl. The mist (yunpletra.aii.-iai-nii.f Ladle r, Klfiiea,l ana1 Chtl.'.ren . lluo r-ktrte In the ciiy, lit every ri-.m-ot l:i-t-ciavb, a,l,..-ii lor slyie, finish, auidtnllty, aad oueapufrnf,, no filial ll tin niairrt hk'rt, uiade t.) oidei.altaied, and reoalretl. fat-iy wm.t. nofKtrn. SPECIAL NOTICES. tINTOV I.EAfi L'K IIOUSl. . No. l'JIfi tfcLSMi 1' ntp.'ai. K 1 . IHC' 4. NOTIC E. Tl,e .-lated Air i:al Mtclmg it tl i- t.niotiL' auoe ot I'litU dt'lii'iB will u,. t'tUl atl'liNCl UT liAl.l.,011 M'IMIAI . Diri'tiiti-'r !'. al Hc'clock H. M. r. Ii-ki'ii , adtnlitini.' tnrmhere only, run In- had on uptitlca tloti lo .Mr. Cii im .'it 11. W tpili, A.fil-tailt St i-ri-tat v. i'.' 'J I.t l.r.lllitlK II. IIOKKI-., Hnrret.iry. frTjT- OF TICK l'llH APKl I'HIA CAS ViOrlKs, Novctnl el ! . Im.I. Pr'pn-a'. will 1,0 re- en e.l nt tt i. clfttee unHI no,.,, of II e 1st or .lanuari lit xt, Tor the -ale ti. tt.i' '1 ld:ie a ut Ilia VIM ,u i.a vv ,.ri... of t,,i k iu tl e Houi'twark an 1 Moviiineitir. (la, vv orL.. (,1,'n ante -n do atuna, uhk Ao Ai d ICIrt oionit do 'J u t - u td a-, ui' c.-'.'i..-n'.i :ct ti.e .ntkii.s fund. ' iid crl. wili.iam ii:sm:i.i. 121i-!m c.t"er. rSrT- Oil, fit Ut-CKIITIONS. H O O KS cliv d a! tcaj. i'.-.. rve int mil, open lor a lew duv.. lo en'er i ,m... on :t. art, ire-, or ap;-ly to 1,1 M AN fl. VI II .IIKS3V, f Ol'kTIl and VA A'M I Ktree... dr. V. It'lKHA, 11 t 1,1 Mo. 317 WALMI T Htreel. (TI,-'" SIK'jLON OKNKUAL'S OFFICII, aV-Sj" WanHINi -ink Cm, II. C , ( Noveiiihi-i v:i, Init. v NOTICE "rTe.liftl olflcirl Of Hot let. than t.ule.n' irrvlc. . wl.r liav, hi'on hon'.rai'lv dlnchhred and Ot. ire lo re. en o nepoli, invent. a SUKUKOSH ' Aflil vr as t llhcliOMs in ido I nited Htatt. Ariuycarni uiwU-ina: organized al YYa-hiimon. are iiivltoJ t.. Inward tl.elr aploiiat'oni., teHiiuionlnlv, ami LViueuca of aervlce, to tuu Button, without di'iay. J, W. rl Art VI'S, l'i 1 OlAthaUt huriieou-CiciH ml. Bl,!"- DIVIDEND N()T1PK. OKlirTlTIK tl-a MIj1i.II OIL tOMl'AMY, No. Oil WALNUT Hire, t, 11 ooin t. i.'ci. itl.v, Docniilier 1, lsi',1. Tl.e liaard or lilrpctor. of this ( 'oinpnn h.ive t ii. Unv dot-lured a lllvldend ot T WO (-.') per cent, on tlie capital .took, paiHlite at their olticfl ou end utter tho lull, iniium, In e ut Hiale tunes. 'I lie hooka vv 111 ba rinsed for trau.t'er an Hit Stli Inatunt at 1 1". M uml he oiieue.l ou lite iniii. )'.'-l nt I'. W VWLI BANK, Secretary. rmi.ADKi.riiu and hkadin'o Hi:roadConviaiiy.ill:.-..,T.'lM. 101 Ul'll Hireet. I'll! l vfi-.i .'"I i. Novo j'Hir til). i,4. MViiiKNi) Mjrii!::. 1 lie Ti ui:.ier KooVa oi liil- c 'on.p iny w 11 be c'ov.1 n:i 'I : in -Jtiy. lie.:eml-er 1"., and r ij ened on Tim -.fhij , Jjiiu tl, V l' I -.. .. A .livl'i ' nd of K I FT F.K.N PHI! Cl'ST. on th ('million unit I'n-teiTc.l Stock, cleur ol' -Satinnal and bt.te taxes, ha. h.-eii dc'Iare I, pavatle in Comui'in rt-.ocli,.)ii t'.elt.ioi' lie.'.'mli'r net, on ail stiwk ilanilinif on l'' book, oi ihe C.'inpany at tha clove oi hu.iue.. on ihe loth proximo. Hto klio'oei whose n .uie- are refeivlrro.l ou th..- Mew York ItiKika wili be paid ai the aruirr. Loan and Trust CxlOpUD f. 1-tlo B. HRAD1 OKU, TreAsiirw. fTTir OlFICK OF VKXKRAN BOUNTY VV vUBl CoBUiUrli n. No. 7 li'lLDHMI't II 8 II ALL. I IIII'ALY Nlren, rhllaJ. Ipiua. He eno.le.l Va-.eritut, wtio did not receive any Ward Homily, are eallin d In a C'ny lloDiny cn T wentr-live Dollar., 't he Ootiiin.aaioiieia apixiinled to eaiaina elaiuia for lha a'i-,a bo.iul.v ef taenty-llva dollai. willuieel OB M0NIAlfS, WaMll, liAYK, ana inrvAYM. tr o'clock P. M.,t 1 i.oi.H- fcHITBH HALL, 1.II1KAHV Mtre't. )'or.olia antlUkd IO tula llouuly ara re-iu.uu to apoiy at tint Oir,ot. . u u VI I 11 .,'. E.D RAi'NDIKB,, JOSATITA V ri'l.I.OI K, I'Al'L I.HI-I I. 'OKO. VY. 81MUX8. tliYvT UKLULE, I il--lat ' OFFICF. OF THE 1IKAC0N OIL ,'Jo 8, 1 lllklll Hl.eet. N.iv.-nihur I.t. ll-l. PuiL.iiki e'niA, 1 ....... 1 r t D...I.I... r.t the Ilea, on Oil I'ora- ran will l.e held at ilieornce of tlie lAY, lJei-ember 6, ato'cioek I. M irauftaetinu lU.Uieak utKaa.ary to toi.ip.iiiy. JOliS C U.v-U'l Crinipany, on Mii ., for tlia parpoao or Ilia Interest of Ilia . MviCLirionic. A. X' i ; H T . W000 4 CARV, N.. 7 CHFoSNUT HTUKKT. LADIES' AND .MISSES' HATS, ALT. MIIA ltIi.1T HTYLJM, LOWUrtT l-llIOEi. " Nl.W CONTINENTAL HAT." a r tri ) IIKPAIK P It I 0 K I p ft - ;i.i v j : &r:-l fil WOOD A OAKY, lift. 7:' CM-.flt,JT RTBMIT. OU'ltK OI' Till'. Mimai i.itui ft(i t''iui"n.', I' . iaJ .(.Ha, H IM (I'.RI'OUATItn T f.-lhiwitij; ejtm-nt nt ol thf iv'i-Lft of h. O'tnptu' i ini"i'if o in i or ! nn ny wmii a pro i-.i n t-r iu ' a tr t r nptnni'j I'-tvivntt tum N v. ) it, la.''., to (lot ii.L, lifrk.- m M--I-.- ) ) I:li..l KUkf iM T l On i lif.- ili-ns I,W,ih! U W.n m iT-m'-imt '.n VAi.cji. nut tn.irkcl ofl, -v. i, laj iM..f It rt"n ' ii j ii'Vk'ii vi ai rind u-im vttnwr I, Hit t'Oo.)(r I, I m.I on .:'ri ! aii J J ulr..d K ..?" 7- (Ml l !f iilirk J Jl,aV. 7-' rvw,fi w iini'i ' i in. !itt 'fliuc r:,Qi--,i;- ,.iVv, 4, W A, ir:nt aid l"la -.I Nil "..t.tia't HM,?!! H Fin. I.D-.r 't.' HJi S l.ctiHif i iMitiums i.i i 41 )( t hir.i r, I'.'.iIH -fl A - 'ii j Charn.-. W A li ViT 1 1! T (, t-U Ai', i it) Jul lixo1 - -1 t ' ,1ia i i '1 . i.d I'ri'- iitn.ui'., I i l l stMi j c II T I qi.'luM, .la.tfir, U ii!, A i.i4 I . no ! i: a :, . v .f io an. ivlI it m v ! f,c UatM om llVC" i A-ill l-I'i'if". AMbL iS ' 1' TtiK CO PAN V. Nuvcinlit 1, ; I. . -j k U:. ill 1 .n I tvu i ll ( 'l! l.i.An, l- i.... Ill, MM nn. i riatt: Mi m I'oiit. Lono, il 7 fin t iJ Stiitti-i A.k I'ti (nt. I.OiU, :n.jit n Tt.iiW 99 -jo 12JXJ0 M Ufi n) Mr.!- i.l rc:if.l.KiiiA( f,t ioc nt. 1 tin- Mm H'av of l''i.i.h;.ivit:ilii, hi-. I --r c.vux, 1...U '. I'V' -0 ( .IV -H aPML.taClpill t, MaV V f '(.(. I llty)V- im. . J;:':i:. itf.NI M .rt.i),, Sk i'.-t t -t umw ,'. 1 i.iN;f unifi I irt.tiil.'J-l M -f '.ii;, M ri-lt'lllt Ulllll'a w i 'Hiiiir.nv, Kiid hit rct Kii. ittfOvl t U.e Cny ( I'IiJia- ult i. ('''-j 1't t in"v Sf'X'k r. iii. IvAhU II.illi ' ml rnii' ' (.(Vi! I Hi..irt'i fiu. k Korth Pfiu..- :-.(.',i K.itlr.Kl ('.ni'inn fniOli Vx i otl )r?u't- I'custiy ItrtJfl- t i t .il Inili li'f ilncii ,.y tw) .St ts of 1 cnnftjspo Kivo Ti-t Cent, I.iMII l'i 7-.' l.'Bii.i rn Pond i-imtfiA'jc, m.i.tiy f Lciirt .t ,, , Va.-iii Hcl liil.i rcPolMiM' lif Inrtiirnno' int.le, iiklB.'.iM". di.e t Air.'n' ie, I romlumi in RlftrniA I'oiic leit, A rent (Ml In tiTf.H, at id ctnui dtbt dud iM ( ftlll-LlillX S :tti ni a Ht.nk (itMnilr lusuraiu-tt nil otr.. r (' liipun cn, "HeJ iW I tiniaicJ Vnitn 4 on iifxiHli with H.H. t.t),cn tiiini, -tubjoct ti Uti Jay- all $100 lVH ftrt C Ail til tiulllt, !,' I .1: it m ttWi r & T V .W.OIIO w l.rjtO y, Tim iii.iphu -.vmlfr 1V4 Th Bortl of Dm t.'it 1 tve tiiu (tt iU-tutrii a ( ft h Wvliii'Hil ol TK s ptr Cij:t..i th' ai.-tal st.Kk.ftutl nl irct'nt i-iteiMVoo tl.e tc r!p oi tl.. ( oiiipmiv, pH.valilo ( u anl aftor Ui I.t ui litvcul-tr iiiuMoio, fto iSnUyidi antl Jiut t.Ot t H , I :f y 1 vf auo 'tt'.aroJ a S;r.'j I-lviilend )f l'iRTT pp. cm! '-r. tl-e t arncl (.rt niliim! tiK tfie Tear n ilitf' ( tt liff ill. lv 4, Cfi Lin-nit ft! wlmli will be i-iu4 to Xkm jmr.lfs ."i.ti! ! 1 1 1 tlif n.-ia e. on ..i i tt- r tUo lut of Ooooia b'T prttxtuio, (tt'f or NKtlci'ial nnil .niu tavci. 1 hrtv hiiv crlf itJ. rliftt tho acri c-frtlflrttei oi pro id s ni tiie fvjuijm'i'. ir thu year lH-J l rc Jet-med in t in, it4i c idtt'-i' ,i tr' o a'(.ii!.,iiv, i,n ami ittf r Hi Nt l't(.emli.'r pn.Imo, ali lntciet-t tit ere on O tea.e on UiaV Uat. c riflcate ft p-rflm lsnei! r W Tt- !. Aat Inroi:t)iati ii, no t't-uiht uti' btH is unlft claiMM wlth.n tit ;-eara ntttr tli dtc.arnUoa af Uil (iivtd'yW vhciiHf It l er.tiouce." nn-.u'ii'i;! Thomas P. IIapJ, Jtat iavii, Ltiiiian I A. nd. r, '1 i.t- prim 1'ai mh-j. John K 1'riin is, 1 . ll. fiiV ; Inli- 't, Jr , .iH-min 0. Haml, Y I.IIu'ji t- 1 ulw((, .1 , ii 11. Hi tti, liT, i.a 0 u:t, H'.i.V Vr -'u. Brimu-M I. Si .1 r. "mUu, . H?i.rv siuaji Wllnam tl VI. mil I.lwe.rj Jtarlintou. , II. Joiu'a Urotike. incob K Juri's, .idtnt.'. It MrKarlanal, iii thu ft I. ttvri', -Nn in er McJIvaine, John 1. ht-in.ila.l'lttihuni, A. 11. lu-.g r. d H bait biiium, Tlnn;AS O. n tVD. PreHldaiit. .li'HN t. llAY'ls, Vict-r-re.ileat. : v T.r--u'R, Secr''tnr.v. 11 tl-lut ii fZ7'-- Ol'TICK rKNNSYIA'ANIA UA.IIV l'Mij vdim'MIA, Hitv ;tnbr 1,1944. af tha. ,vll I F ' iu k u.i nu A HI. I HI lil. m Tl.a Wiiai viiunKT ni thl conit ai v a e nutlftM tuitier Vet lutt'Mi ot tli ltt d ot Itufct r thv are. tiuo .o mhH'-r be to the tock ul the Company it auuxuif o li.Ti l'l.K CKSi. on tlivlr rt'it?ctivt ui;ereai, aa ah.n I- a their bokK of the '2l IntLaiit. t it' 1. h.iifhoMer en ired to a fuctl'ial part of a nhtr, niKifrthe tt-rui oi the lU-toiiitinn, thall have Uipr!i it ue ot aubaiciibiiitf toe a full atiara on th payiueul of OAg tl..l art. lhi htdk will tiMMiied at tle par valne o' flftrdof la:a p.r Aecnied ii tertt at HIV IKK C-KdiT. wW - charirtl irtun the lit until payment I mad. Tl ttL jiiki fi duibrnption and ptr.nut will be, on VOlAY,Jie 7th in(ant, and will cloae on tha Im$ of rfi.eiiit.wr nt t, aiiei vtl.icn no lutUor sahiujIpttiMM Yt Al b i'( ii1d umKr the rt'inliition. s ll-lt-'.l I T h(M AT! 1JRTH lr , ur-ar. - V- .NNbVLVAMA KAU.UOAU COM- TRhASri'BI'.'S 1I l ABTHkNT, f Pin. Ai.M.rm . Not ti iiber t, tiA T ie n ar.i ni inrci uir nave tn; aay utciaraa a iei a inuat diwd.iut oi MVK fKi; ( t.M. on it.o t apauil Bu k o th? ( i :ni .ic, ilcnr of atiua. uud Btaia tuai livable cn and sftn li-th Uint. rn r.i ut a iiiirnev i, r oulltelioii of dividend eanbo ha O'i, MtllCitii u at (lit utlite ol t!,e ( nmpiny. N i0 ft Utlvl aiutl. lUOlAS 1. HKTII, 11 4 1m Tieaiuror. I A1 IMrOIiTANr NOTIC K TO THKlt tmKSri or nils tovitiu L'uNilllM biONAI. IUOTKIt T. lll.AIiWl AUTLKt, ItitiAIi ANLi fil-UlS-i l.A K1IF N MTltKBI 1 Ni.vt nih.T7H Hi 4 T.'.t K0Al:i OF KVKOl.Mr.NT nftlie FOI.KTd (!(K- 1iOH(ONaI lUHllill'T ((oinpnilnii the fourtewtUk Fiitt-emti, TenUoU), Ttventy-nut, and Twenty-lui-a V artN) hereby lve nolle that they aro now na-rel lu r.'vfslnK und i-urnctinu the J arc Intent l.lvta of each A tl WHiVa In their lUtirl-'t, anttfei tint labor they invito Mie co up ration and umi-ttanre ol all unoA lHUi-iii. br bIvIwk ueti Imoimutlon in their poaeasliiUUk may aid lu tlie uvlf- raciion ana revisinn inoreoi. t Any p rmiii may app-'fti before the lizard, and have an f name htih-ki n imm the It-it. h he can iliow. lu tha hatUfiuA- tk otif tit Hoard, Hint the )tou named l nut properly enroiit'ii on at'eouiit ol 1st. Aiienat,'. 2d. Nun r'iileuee. 4ih. I'eriUiiiunt phyl ! il tt tbi iv t-f i: eh a deret al to rttuier th' pcisoii notiir.i jp r muu't iur enrottoeo untr Hie law and rrit'ilitmn-. .(ti. Ua'uif eived in thu t.nll'.irv or naval iervU two yrni U.o p. t'.'iit w.t , .in J l .'-U holt jrably di c'ltirttfij. Iht imm- i ot all per-m liable to military duty taktn nil their ri-iiiienc in a Nitn-oiiirict a well a In the Hub dUtiict trout t'iu; 1 1 tluie harotua HablU ll)h i la am i.itmf tie lidJt tl to i lie liiirn nini i in'm nni the names i.rvnt whu nty huvo eulibt. d In tha military or nav.i aervlua.or who rcmnvD peiiuanuntly imm n ur wktm lUtlllty t rauuaitta while iu it, .11 be atrluken oh. I It la ti-r the lnferitof avary eitmen to nave itrirkc! front tha IM ail uidii improperly ;n liwilt be'aa a4 1 t.xtt ss vi nanit i InvtvAsea tha iuoia called forlroui auul 1 .vt.h diitrn t: auu H a etitiauy icr uie iniuruklol tiou ur ton enro led iu a K'VeO ub dsstr. t to i e up-m the uim Hit Bfet.oHi In tt-.e arb-ill-trh't ll.ible to do mllitury duty. beoatu-e the irrealor ih nutaher Ui t e drawn irotn. tha im thf pUme u at any panu'inur inuiriiniai wii u a raw. 'J he Hoard oi lumliucnt call t.pttial yubllc aituUa toi iLa ..ll.-ur 1 "If a pertoa, with Intent to prevant tha draft, rtfuuu tv gu t au true hwh when lawtully re.iueitt"J io to do by anl iimeer whom i nai intijr n - i o"(rucUon tt tuat offl.t In the pertoraiam a of one oi lilt tlntiea lu relafl-mi to the dratt. Ho, also, of th Qitutyi a tiimti with the aaia iu"t:ai imoiix, ana raeoffM4r Ktit, in either mt, t subject to tu nmutuMrr. it by Uti niovo.t niarhal " f'am,jmph 2H. tin-ttnt'iw. I D. M, X.ANK. t- Hptam ami rrnvont Harhal, lTakitirt ol the Hoard of r.nrolinent, ll-?ft tit t'ourth Ituuto. rr-A- ARMY, KAVY, AND CITlZKN'rf y nvUilnff 1 mhruidered. Hhoutiti-rHtrapa, WraaUaJ CO,. ID 9 iiiiiiiiiiimi m v ij reuuova pnra. IT A KB, " Vewhant Tailor, i