-J U. riTi EYIEOTM(G TtD FRICE THREE CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DMKMIWK '2, 1SG4. (PRICE THREE CENTS. - v To THE INVASION OF GEORGIA Sheruir.ii'e Wliereribowts u Mjitcry to the K-ile'.s. HIE ARMY IS EVERYWHERE, Kilpatrick Engaged at Oconoo Bridge ou the 2Iat ult. SLOCUM'S CORPS MOVES SOUTH TO JOIN nOWAUD, Th; ai hols 4 rrriy Siiitmo to t, f o In : Tniiuril Sltii'sni umrrnur llrsissni on tt)e Mult- An li-lino-lo 'ovi miir In tllta Ms'ltsl ftrim ir Hnil Wmls Ililttlf4tit Blnrtrrnic Suiu; until. Ills'. Ol 1 H ti ( Dili S I 1 H I I! I: ..I OH'. I V H A 11 Hi'.'. D ON NOV I M I'M! 2! , t oil 1 A ION l"4, ".l". Ill M. fl. S.ie.. "la (' w r,,, . a rf S'l ult ml, Sftriit'tr 'J. We if 'iivim 1 w lili nn pif ;llig, nt gentleman Bin an i en la-: nigut by th ' pa so-ig r C ain ii the iec-f. id Kailioail. Mo inl irnie.l is thaiou Mmnl'ij, November IS, tho federals lell tin: li'.e of tho O or.ii i r ad, going ilii : ily 1 1 1-la-ontoQ. 1 he only Yankees who came l Greonsimro r" li w n'riii'iilor-i, who were on, Pored. 1 lie trains ran up io Greensboro find A h ui yes'er lay. IRAIX F ' NNIMI 1 KOM A I I1 HI V 10 I'll' OloNlit Hivr.il. i, ., lf it.(i."U ( .V'tlniV Oli'l .iV..-, A',,, ..i,,'., r .'I. The passenger trail on Ihe Georgia, ro.nl w.nit to Itac Oi lilies river yesterday. Gciitl"i.'H'ii .vlu left Spaita yesterday morning inform us ili.u the report ot the Vu11k1.11 listing ui l oiv tltoti it incor rect, Xi our scouts report ;u u there are u x jos vii this i. Ic (il the 1.1 oi" i' river, mom m miu.M. Aiii'm in tub nvtmi. ha;i- ltosn. frmm Ikt oh us 'a ('.'. l.i. t If n mi i . ,i,,o A .. . t 'P. ;i. The Federal eolmnn that left, the lio-o: the Georgia llillrm I on list im.l y arc reported to be eighteen null's below Grccns'iuro, niarcb'ng m the Oin'i tioii of tlii Ce.iirul It li'roinl. Mo movement his been madj iiiinf -.hoi:s fir Scull Sho.'.ls. I'.lg'ny Yankee prisoners have arrived at Atln.'io-, Hinl one li ni iiO'l mo.'o uro npcicil. 1 KUIIAI'Lr IO!lM 1 lo HI l.ldllrs VI M M' IV. Vo'n t'tt a u-ji 'n ',!'i'''.'ioi.ii i....;, .V- . ... i'.'. . 'J i. The roininn or.itiion 'i'i..orai4 roii l kpt Il weitrrn iOt ami stun k oil in the lir.n'tijn of Xcon. An IIioiikIi I'onti iiipliitinf; x ji. anion with Ike forvcii in 1 1 1 1 viiiniiy. THF IAVM.I1V UOVINII ON Ml . ; n ON TIIP.5ITII i i.n mo. ffi f.'i A'r-'''i 'v .-' ft'li- 'u V-(v..-r 3.. Ihc lnti r!iit'l! inti'liir.'ii'V finin the d rir tion of Macon inn:, frurn unr n 'oma sent out from Sp.im. Ti.csc s outh, Iio riiino in lu-t r Ti uli'ir, rcpor" that h l o.lv of from six hun'lred to one iboiin.inil ank"c vaxitliy hail irosti'il the Utonri1, ami wi'io iiiumdl' nlowiyaud nervoifly towarUii Spun i. KIll ATUUK liiii'oiur.n wiin iKii Ar o. 0N1 E iiHinui:. ftcih tfi Atitiii'la 'ntt'n'tontli'tt .VwnW 2".. General Wayno h.n whipncl K!linirl'k'n Cuv lry iiiit )D ut the Oconve brioe, Urlvin tln-in tiCiiilloiiit and in confusion, lie UloKraplis that ht is perfectly nhle to take care of himself. VAUNt'u rtonr with Kit.rArniiK uis piu i.n hi i; l osmoN. fruit the Mili' CunHt'''tioiiali'!, .'vittifer ?1. Ccuernl Wuync having bicn pri'-isod ba k by a nptrior force from (ionlon, retired to Oconee ctuiion. At th Is point lio wns receiving rvinlorcc Birnts from the proper iiiarier. His position is an fxceedlnKly strong one, iMiinii Hanked on citlior side by impi'iietiulilc swniiips, and only appro ten able by the narrow ilelilcof the railroad. Tlvs pe In well protected by loir forts nnd stockades, nd will bailie the SM-uult of heavy columns. 1AYNH and wnnii.Kn form a .ti-nction. Premthe Auquua C!ir.nicl a'ttl .Vfijfi'1.7, Aor. wbff 2". (lencral Wheeler, with ubnut ten t'ioii"iud null, liaii erohsi'd the Oconee ami cllVcte-l a june tiun with fiencr.il Wayne (ieueril Wiyno inn mcits-fully defended tlio hridtto overth" O.'oncc river. Ou this road ihe ciide'.j of tlie. i.'oi'ia Miiiimy Iimtitiuc, who fou-ht tin ier him, have acquitted tlmnisclven nobly. The enemy have left ticinril Wtync'j front, and are nip;iO-ed to have joined the main body. Tbire are no Yankees tliin dde of the Ocjueo riv-r. H1I KMAN NOT lllsi osl.t) TO CHOSS Till; OIOMKB lll I II. y,..'i. At ..."M (.''.o7l('lwi.i', .V.K'. f..ry- 25. The nmlu body of Ihe enemy is moving down the went! rn side of the Ocome, and bassho.vnuo deposition thiin iar to attempt it passage. fflEKHAN VEI'OKTKl) Ae'llOhd Till; OeONLI! It I V K It M ak Mll.l.l;l.iiKvil,l.i;. firnnOi An'ju l'i C"ii:itiit' 'inilistt X:c it'v! i. lliarcporudtli.it the enemy had cro-s; I the Oeome in force near Milledjii iille. This rumor, however, Is strenuously eo'itrniliel-.'d by other parties. Mllh 'Ucv.llo l.s reported us Inline 1. THE JNVAUINO AHMY 11 ll'OUTI. 11 MXKtNO FOE Tin; ai.tamaim iuvi:it. Fi4u the AHuu'fti 1'iii-t tn, ' (,(. .. .v.ir ',u'n f.T,, There as u riituor in tow n lat nij;ht that the muin body of Slierui in v,:ii prores'.inir towards tie Aliainaha river. Another niiuor si.i cil that a body uf the 1' ilcnls n.is vtitiiin siteen nrles uf parlo. Wu e iiinot vouch for tlio trutli of either of tlie-e riiuioiM. We merely give tuoni us r ported to us. Ml I.I! m v.n's aiimv i.ot. ff. l, 4l,f... Ciir-Htelfml S,..li,l, f- m, :,. Tbe v !i. n .ib no. of ihc noiin body of Hit; Yan kee unny is invo:,cd in m tery, an l tln ie is not a iiuli'aiy man in tlos e;t.v thai ejn ilelini'.ely locute tlic r, in i in opinion. Wo Suouid not be like " M leawber," " w.otoi for soinoihiiie; to turnup,'1 but fUouhl "tnm up souctiiiii'" our selves. MiritM an'k w.iiik ai Mii.i.Kim:vn.ii:, llnV f A''tl"'f I ''. f: ' -'Hi:' K .VoM'"V?l. Tin Yunkiej l.avi rl' Mroyi d the t.ite lloii.n, pen lie n I. rv , ami bo el at M IVd ,t vil'e, ami made an Ulmu 'ie-ttiil aUemjit to bo up th U'";- it. lAttiii: 01 cm: iii'mh;i;ii ami t'.mrv- ix or Ot 11 Ml.N M'rt llll.s,o. tnm II" .1. '""! '" . v.. , .'i. One Inilitlii d Mi l loi I) --ix aid.' c p.i-oiicr. vnre bioiiitl.t n I .-t loeht tr- m A'.Ui'u-s. lii.y ere ''oii'il' d up" I'y ir.-h irn'a m'oil.s, 1j.iu lCai'fc1ei.',l end t-'inmls ot other loui.n '.i.d. 01 H S!l:N Kl I'll'OI II M It to I :o "111. M l 1 11 I. lll'IMIMI MI1IS lot; 10 .IIM'IIM'IIIMI." 'rja-' Am : , ' , .v..v '. . One of the iiiort iiic :i;n - 'n.-r f , !nie; of the "iuvusiuu" li the l'a.r, Invj h ivj fio n the liu-t ui.ilouhied t .-th.;u: . , tl. it luiU'li'-N oi the enemy i'ie tia'ine- iiom tie ir inatu I) i lies and sean ljii a for !-oi;.cb ;y fo take tluoi int i : s tody. 1 bey are Hpi.iri 'ihK alluboul tlu e .1 .try, uLd tln'-n ho i. re c r -. . I In to miitv.i.! r c,ui be beautifully hti-hw hacked. Let all uic ol 1 :;u 1 young lolks turn out and five the rascal a t i-ao ot (k-orgia Ktate soverertnly. The demoralisation of our enemy Is ma-t pto vidential lor us, mid ought to stiucn the baek. I ioneof the most timid amongst us. j 'ihe skin are bria'itcniiiR. Kvevytlilm.' looks ' plorious; and ere lontf Mr. Sherman will g? a 1 in-hi n R lliut be little :vii!iicd of wheu he ma le bis "On to the Gull." The ulfof per l.tcu lit upon him ! Noinufuls ol (lie KebeN. ANonriK oroKfitv f.oi uvj;i ix i h:. : :i :. i IlllOV N 1 1 T Ol 1 I'ltoH 111 .' U 4 Y .iio.I.VMV. tiiik ill nir. M.w i:.-oi iie:o c en.Ro.e. At ovvi A, Geot:a, Novimb -r -Jl, sil. I. Ili l.xcelbTicy, On eiuor Joseph l'i. llro.vo. Oo' cr cor nnd (.'omuiRnder-in Chief of the militia ot Ihc State, being cat oft feom communication with thut pott.'ou ol the State i at o! the Oconee river. ,y the intcri onition of a ho-tiie army, it becames my duly, as I're-ldent of the Senate a idex omeio (ioveiuor diiiinn the disability of the ljvcmor, to u si-nine command ot u'.l mat put ot the Slate thin left nithoitt tb? .mi Mic tion of the (JoverLor; and, as the prompt and faithful execution of the recent net of the Icj?i afire, providing for a levy en mo5e of the atnu-bf urinp peopla of the fciate, Is of vital importance, I da therefore inmc this order, revoking so muih of liucrtior brown's proclamation as piy.iJcs lor the rfport ingof ail the troops raised under It to Majot Gtneial U. W. Smilb, and do irder that the men in all Ihe counties east of the Oueutee river (e K cept such as may be already reported to Ma.'or General Wayne) report imuied .itc'.y to me at t'als ilaoe, when arms and e iuipuieuts will be Usucd by the proper oltlet in. '1, The aida-dc-camp lu tlie Uisuietaeaiit of the Otonte liver will proceed at ouce to send to this place all mcu liable to service under tuo alote aid act. 3. A medical board will be established at this flat lor tlit exumUUvO 9l all Ya wbea &( for tt .i f tn.,y , ri .drJ l y the ai U ! i mp a ill n'.oinl. 4. I he fioTifin y is 'h th..' d'lav rven of a bi(tle ibw iil in no '-.i.e bt permitted -ll in ii n te sent lor v.tid at one. . A. It. WRTOlir, I'.-"i If nt i f th.' nvr au l e h lo ivernor daring the .b at i ity ot' unvriior Brown. Il I I'll. i.FSl HOI IN M l.l'ITl. F i - l ..'a ('. rn ut l f, ..-afctr Is. 'b'ii"r.il Joe b li. John-ton I imw In our ci'. .'. 'b ' cr.M I i;r,'i ard is r e d t i norfV) v. Hri,!t too- i,e o ral Wiilu a .1 stall', Hrigi lier ':mr.il I'li'-imt an I statf. I!i indi.;r-( itner ! li.a i. tiaril an'", -tut, anl lo.ga bcr-l. :ne tl lij'tre! u. I aie it pr'-JO i ''. our el'j". t in hi r i on v i ie i .. i i .. i r or tou . MM.V '. V A V (SI KIIIIOIV (HO'. I'' : ;f .'. . 'ft, A . a'., r 1. Auiukti, i few il iys tln.'o the i'omiiik r- cia; i Hilie of the ConfctcrAcv, How has the .., )m' . im e of a U'! mid ary a ni . '1 1, -I v . ire I ei' I I, and their ri'vn.r." it - ii:u'dir nx thei.' inij...''.s. Our trees are 'n!i .vto i i-.oti tii.' sound of iii-trnuipiiutl ii-id in . r t i I ur.isi , and ! the iia.iio of sililiery. levcrvihilnf b.'toke .1 a ! united and deb liiiined purpi s,; ,,f re.it nice. 1 Kl TI A l l I OS or TUP. HA TOI' I V. UVI Ol.V IN 111 I H i: TlirNCHH. 1 very r.'sl.b'nt of the oi'y ot :ie;;n t e.ip hle of h- irina arm is hereby ro"ti.r.'. to r-por' libii ' If loij'iicral 1 rj ' lira'b,uait Ibn dav i fuel ilayi, by loir o'clo k 1'. M., r.' i U io.- I.iiv. M jr. Iiai.ts, hii-lticss pu n, an 1 eiti. "'ns of nl last, r fucn s, and all m nnr moKt, of eery nee, cApnlile ol rendering servieo, are rc'piir. d to filort, lh.it '.hey may lie dii.?;i l t) u n. in.is lor the .1. icino ol our city a ; oust the euo.ny now rapi.oy iiiproicii:nir. K I ft none ti.inir b.icli or filler in thI-3 h i ir of i tiial. l.-t otirhomn and he i TlHto.ic b- ".a nnieb ivords to suuinmn ournuire poople to tuv res ue, and let him ho woulo lic-ohi'o lind oo I mnitc'iairr. or nympatby from any soureo. l iie en-is in upon us, the toscin is soiiiuled, an I it behooves every man worthy of iivim; or dyiu ,' a Ir. eoian, to do h duty to h.in -elf, hn cuunt.'V, bis posteiin , and b s tjod. 11. II. MeY.'Iiror. Ai i sia To nr. rim iMn;ii r-j tuk i.sr. J i' ';.'i '"'(! ''(,, ',pn j ,' if , 'n'.,:r '.'-!. Of one tiling nt le.i-t our peop'n my r. t an sui .l, and ih it is th u Augusta will bo defended io ihe U-l etreuiity. The lore.: to make 'he du fense -tubiiorn ami sucei'ssful will be at band, and ato now g itln rim; like tin- el ms of Iloderiek l'liu. ilener il I ry is proi?ressiu : with most cora im iniiible energy, ami Uem ral V'.'iiht's pro-out act'on is above nil praise, l.-i tluorgia'is rdly to the support of the ituthori'.ie--, and all will be well. IMl'lU SSINO Nl CHOI'S TO VtOIlK ON T1IF AfOI; I'A amiiiks rtvi: i uoiswi, m:o i h;s wvmt:d. Oiiiri: or 1 m en iihsm i:.n r run Dihihii'T or Aim sia, Ai i.i si i, Move nber 21. 1 a u ord' ted by Miinadii r Gem ral Fry to rail on ti e p-itr'o'.ir filaniers of Hit comities of Ilicliaioo . I'oiun.hia, Warn n, .'e tin son, I ; 1 iseoek, Scri'. eifSJ ami nurac, ai-o tin; uu'i ict ot I . ietieni, M.tr.,to mid forward all their ab'c-b d;i d nero men to tl.i so f cadiiaiters to work on mo lortili a'.ions mound this eitv. This being done- promptly the works will be impregnable to till Yaukpc arrnic). A reccijit and bond will lie givc.t tor ad negroes so Miiiendered, with valuu'ion, ami they will bo well taken raio of ami ictiirric.l to their owners in nine tor tin- planting nca-.nu. It ia confidently hoiKtil that nil planters and cit .i ns who may have negroes will act prjaiptly in this ninth r, aiid the completi.ui of the works will he rpeedily accomplished. l'lantcra will please send with their ni'gr.vs mi h t-piitlcs, shovels, axes, and picks as they liuvp, ai d lor which they w ill pai i. 1'mnters will have tho privi cj of appointing their own ovcrcecrs where they have sipi ids of tl.hty or more negroes. Overseers will be allowed three dollars per day, aud rati us and transport n ion. C. 1.. Saykr, Major and Agent of Impres "mint Dis.rict of Augusta. nlent I Hlon Ari o.inlN. Savannah Kivuit, Oi:oikiia, Sunday, Novem ber 27, 111. We are scarcely less oxeited hero on the rptcstion of General Shornmii's movonient than tlio Hcbels themselves, nnd we know that they are stirred as they never have been before at the boldness of his advance. The Savannah journals aro not brought to us now until nfier lb. y are two days old, for f ar that we shall bo too hijdily elated at the strait ia which the Con Icdir.iry linds itself. Ihe h.st authentic inf utnuioii from the K-'bcls tells us tint SliiTiuan is advancing in three column.-, with a lorce estimated at sixty tho i K.iiol men, nt least one-half of whom wore cavalry and mounted infantry. The pu ilie buildings of .Milli'iiu. vilic, the capital of i.; o'-gia, have ben I 1 1 r i j r I , aud the Legisl.ituie being m session at the time of tdo rinan's ndvaiice fe ico cuteiia : the town, iiii.j' in neit in contusion, s tne of the mcin bci paying a high us one thou ami dollars for tl.'ii-poitation a distince of e'ht miles. Y'oii vriil be utile to form an idea of i he reign of terror il ut now obtains in ieorgi.i nno South (" irolina, In in tho files of newspaper-w lii 'h 1 forward. A levy i it mttum has been oroiood, and IjAaurr. tj.iril is in comiuaud of the tio.ip . There teems to be most pcitmlntion boe.tusc Slu ruian has stir. 'tided his obj . ive point in mys teiy, by si ndiug out iuimei.su ind- of iiiountcd li en tu ravage the country on the Hanks of his niiiin eolumiis. Ou Monday last lie was at (i n iion, with artillcrv, u'loui lil ecn miles from Milk ilgev die, una bud luridiu l ,1m (ieorgia (Ten tval l.ailro d lictwceu (iorilou ..nd (iilswoldville, i ut nig oil 2-'liUof our prisonci - 'hut were to have linn l.nunht up fiom tump S.unler. nt Andur ti IimIIc. To impede, lils progic-s. tiio bridges over Ihe (fcor.ee livir have bi,n destroyed and iheioiintiy dcv.i-t ted in h-. iront, so Unit bo si' :ll be unable to aui-ist upon it. The roids hue been to a great el"iit ren u rcd Impassibiu by li lied Irt'es nnd pitl.ills, mi i 'ho llohels el.iiin thi.t dui ing the putt ihrce u.ii i 'ic progress of the I'll ion Uoi ps i;.st'.urd h.i.- n t exceeded six noli s. 'I In y uVo c'niin lint their e i i ry nr pi !.i i;r up ivfe nii'i.b. rs of oui's'.nic. cts, by daslilug iijiou unr u nr and Muuk. Kim i nil thai 1 cm bain, 1 believe Stict man's mam nody to t'C within I'jo miles ol Savannah, with nothing; to oppoie him save the miiitl.i and aneli "'bur unorg tuv.cd for. u as iiic cii.eigc.ee hn- ' rought together, 10 il that Ihc cl dices ol i:i- iv..e rng tli2 sc '.bo ird in e at pi si nt a lb gethfr in hi- ' '.vor. Mu iild be lie lii laved, by cri'ielal oh irmiio'i- i t the r. :ol, i ng , laiu tii for I. to detach a part 11 lis mi, y to iniiliMit him, ' iraut i:i that ea-e x ii'ii t'e iib'e to tir.ve- the llei.i .i otitof Virginia, rod Slu illiall would ilou'itli.-. lind a lu , do of u:i'. at lioni the Ic .uti l i,..-., !d...n -oathw e.-t-iva'o'y to Mobile. A ticiineel. i : -1 y bjl 1 gone is ii i if . h -s on the tn i: it a: y ia '-bi.at I, and it Is t .') : see Ihn' il.c etikli.y b. .. it !o he in oar 1 U1.1..V . . J . J 'III V. l'O-DAY'S WAIIiNUl'OxV NEWS. Sncd-.il lbs;i;ite'lli"i to Kl ; .lllltC Tclr;h. Wash;:, .i v, Itccouihat' 2. ton;: re-sun n A i ris lue,. i;uite a number of Coibj.r-Wku catuo iu ' :i;i- moinli g's traiu. Tlie Atloi'uey.tJeueralihlii, aiiotis speculations are atloat resujetinj tin At'.oiuoy Oencra'-iiip. The rre-Ueut d-ire t r.piioint a border State man. A Kccrct Idull. A se.oa l drait hab been mude in ev..'U jf tli. us; Js ia this i ily Tte ft i (''.. . t.'iv i e' 'if' ' ' iior'i A, t'jt , ; .a'''. i'liiV-o II' I '.'."..' - v. 7,'j ,', li,- (i i. ..''. Ul-ll lairMIUOlE, I'vti ru Si A rr;s District Coi'R i I ' j'i CiJ wa'iJer. The I nitcd States vs. H.-nry J.'&mth. 1 adie'.niit.t lor stealing li tters from ttti l'n.te-1 S'ate- mail, on ihe ronia between Maura Chunk a:.d Jeanesviilc. ltefora reponcd. '1 h evidence ves'crday was merely corrobora'.iro ol that whicU bad beta previously heard on behalf of tuj Unite J States, ti Lding to prove the fact that defendant had tti'nueiitiy been seen to throw frajriueau of pam.r from the door of the ma I car, souie of svhiih, upon beiu picked an, proved to be paru ol icuers in course of truusiu.tilou by mail. 1 hi eelcr.se (at up mas giod charurttr, wnlcli was uenniluiitiy proven. 1 be case vi a this niorninj given to the jury, after uptvehes I y counsel, aud the clnrgo of the Ci uit. The rerdict hud not been rendered when our report doted. Coini or Ovkb and Tkumimeb and Qvap.tbk Si snioys Judges Thompson and Ludlow. 1 rial of Walton for the murder of Maybeny. The ehidenee in this case closed yesterelay alternoon. Moure. . C. Urcwster and Walter J. Hudd ad duced the conrt and jury for the prisoner, and at noon William li. Mann, District Attorney, was 1 etkujg for the V0Kua9BweiUi. VICTORY IN TENNESSEE. FURTHER PARTICULARS. The TreUica YU of tl? War. DISI'ERATE EFFORTS C'F TEE REBELS. GREVI si.H hilTKIt AM i(. TIIKiI, Their I.os Eistinvitod .it Gcri-n Thousand. I o i M i c i ; .: "i v o -. u 1 ir ii I c ni' cr ( ,encr,il 'ho'icl I yest'."- I vy t j i ; Ce o." the , r-'.'.? fu U of the w r , re; ip r ni"-l dts.istrou-ly to the It -b-N, with 1 1'! ,n to iiin-i'lv . s. After Hires d vy' -k i ir.'-hi ; tl lie 'els eroiie'i oar ur-t :or i i "i.- v. nfb n oon, rn I at I P. M. nil ! .: 1 1 .1 attack o.i onr r'gh'. an I etri , i.i.viiu " ir . t tOs.nr bre is'iv.n ks. who h v. re :aro . ; ;,i f i a nvr to river m an up ai il I I a ; it i." i r.atid 1 Use, whi-h nil thro T-.-h to ' ". . of:1. it, i. Atlei.-t lnlftiie' Keb-1 force r,, ;;,. ,1c ; j. vcred to pi.r-i) O'.reen'.e, n"d . .i in doni viciously on Wagner's Jl... n. wui -li. ufi. r ile-p'Tiite liehtiog, fell ba k. a i 1 I my'. II ; Division of Crank fit almoi - sjoips go-i code i'Ur works an l capt ircd two stilus, o ir i n re vs. is not broken, boivever, and b 't r sti!., O "p.. ral Warner eueci'ssiully rilm'd hi- tr., i a, wtio ehargi d on the em niv, re s-itur.' I '.lie tn- gum, an 1 diove the ibvi-iou ov r tne bre .-tw ; k . , .,ii turmg one eniir j nr'giide if I i s c n n in ler. At I all o'rloi k the baltlo wis wa te. I ,v ih u l nbatiug vigor, til cm mv b ivlng in i I ', !nnn.; a half hour, several .' tempts to be ak o ir c opr '. The Cnion po-iii m w is a in ir uoi -ep , ac, an 1 the resol'.s of iheso io ir .lays' work, .verr i;i igm licentiy eriU'l. All this ivhi e the 11 h U had .ip. a I j i i , p of our light. 1 he phui vvas n: ree our v pre and crush our right wing n, fore I i-k. Ajotioti of cur infantry were t'ii';.igoil thi'.ie . i i tm s of an hour firing on the U''ocl eooi nns, who st od tliC't iiio'iinl like iin liiicn, During evry charge in i 'c on our rlglp mil ecu re, vollei", id grape and . ru.fr sv.r.' hire 1 into their lines, nnd on.y d.i k'li'st prifvent-: 1 tin ir sti'Tikicc bemg iiior- af il. It U ii I tint no can'-ter iliot aas used hy the It ' s diliiii iiat 'lay, but tired -hot ami she. 1. Afb r the first i reak ot W igm r's D. v : 13 an 1 its recovery, our line n ve;- budged .1 y 1, AI1 was quiet nil' r 10 I'. M . 1' vv is no . oniy on ' of the preit.i-t but cleani'-t b ittlcs 01 the war. The cxcrsMVo sl i'ignter "I lb" e'i"inv was ovvoig to our wholesale u e of canister a id ;;rap ', and our fclecti' n of the ground. The battle was Might iu an open li d.l, wi'h ni trees or niideigrow'b, or other interruption. Tne enemy's loss in killed and wounded approxi mates it'll", and we have over l.'iKi prisoners, and one (ieneral inbecr an I several held otll.'ers. The Colonel of ihe loth Mis-issippi, a Northern mm, of Illinois, was wound, tl ami taken primmer. 1'ouM'nilis of his regiment were kdlo I, wounded, and captured. Oar loss do. suit rcavo a ill 111 sand. General llrr.dley, of Illinois, while gil'antly leading his tiisips, was severely wounded in the shoulder. Our loss in liehl olli strs is very sin ill. Our troops behaved handsomely. Seboiield coiii manded 011 the Held, Ntinlor nn tho right, nnd Cox en Ihe lell. (ieneral Stani' y was wound ) ! slightly in the neck, but remained on the held, and is all right to-d iy. 1 have told you all along the prognmmoof (Ieneral Thomas would electrify you, and this is but the prologue of tho battle to come olf. Afti r our dead, wounded, and prisoners were cared lor, our army fell back to this point, and are in lino of batllo while I write. I p to this time, 3 1'. M., the enemy has not made his ap pcaruncc. The Id Corps of Veterans aro iu re idi ness, and a battle isexpeete.l before daylight to morrow. All Government work is suspended, and all are under arms, from General Don ilds m down to the unscientific laborers. The falling back of our troops was accomplished at S o'clock this morning, and bnlgei burned aeress llmpetliriverto rotaid thetransp irt ition of llebel supplies. The cavalry was li indle l pret 'ily by General Wilson, between Spring 1I1II and Triune. A. J. Smith's Corps Is in linn of bit'.le, and the situation is particularly grand, l'oits Negiey, Morton, Cairo, and lloiiston.nro ulivo and the infantry movements perfectly sa'i-laetory. No.uie tl ing iiiuil immediately transpire, as Gen ral Hiomas is ready to stnke, no matter how the Itebtls move V. 1 . 'I'rilittn-. KVACt A 1 ION Of l'l 1.ASKI. Col. 1 MiiiA, Tenn., Noveinlur '2'i. l'or smie days previous to the evacuation of Pulaski, t'or ri si's Cava'ry had been operating on our II inks, while the niuia lorce of Hood's army was p-oss-ing 011 ns in front. On ll-e '--itl nnd 21d, Garrard's Cavalry sleir-nii-bed pretty sharply with l-'orrest, (ieneral Hatch, who had command on the left (link, giadnnlly falling back all the lime, so as to cover Columbia. On the atlcrnoon of tlie 2 i .1, Colonel Cupron hecnine hotly engaged nt Mount Ploisant, soma eleven miles foutlivvcst of Columbia, ami lifter a stubborn rcsii-tancu sumdily fell bu k. His ohji ct was to re-d.-t Forree's adv aura until our liiiimtiy would ichc'i Columbia. On the moriilng ot 'cdne day the infant' y evacuated I'lila-ki and (V II bai l, nil Coluinbi 1, about Ihiriy Utiles distant. We h id previously shipped olf all cur supplies, stores, und uioiiiuuitioii, so til it lliiod had nothing but the baie, drseited city to gio.it over. COM I I It V.1 ION' AT COl. I tllH. About ei'.'bt o'elo"k 011 Thursday nior.iing, November 21. our ail.ancc, under G. .erd Cox, coinmai ding 2111 Army Corps, arrived in Colum bia ju-t in tunc Io supooit Colon' 1 ( apron, who, ciudiuilly retiring as I h ive iie-crili. il, w it now so bi rd press, d that l e coul I no hold out mil h lon."er.tgain-t the sup imr numhers Hut pre-sed 011 him. Geiurnl Cox's timely iinivul prevented tho town Ir. 111 fulling into the cincuv's hands, for Forrest, having dii'.eu our cavalry through Mount Plca-uip and ta;?uiv 1 I sipi'dof ttieui, was pre -sing bard for Columbia, ile foil need lis up hs tiir us l.l'tle IJigby creek, within lour miles ol the bovn. Ou I'liilay.the sl.ira.l-hit'g was r iic.re t. The Hebe's got im-scsi. on 1 I" a migo brick lion ,e on the Mount Pleasant p he. I lei lie. fu was iis'.i.o p light t"i' "ome inn", our 111 n trv in c to .ii ;.i 1 ; 1 1 it. id , which they uliiinaeiy sucjcc led in doing. 1 111: h at ti 1: v r ( it. CM m v. On ti' oi'S 1 ml 111..V tahen position ab m; a mile in Irot.ti l Columl ia. V uo.i's Divi-ionol the lli Corps ata! Co.i's I ivi ioti of the 2hil Corp i till. in up the Uout line, tl.eir ri -ht llink extra. hug to w i.hin about e mile of loick river. The n -t of Ihc tif'Ops occupied the bills nnd an echelon l.nu Iciwceu tho town and DiuU river. llaiiyon Saturday inoniing the enemy's dis nioiinicd tavuiry vigoiously attacked our lines, lir.-t striking Kcudrrsou's Ilrlgaiic, of Cjx'.s Division Thry drove in oar pi.'.o'ts at kotne points, but w ere kept at bay by our heavy line of skiiimsiiers. '1 he enemy opened several batteries, sending slie'.U Into the town. Our batteries re plied, ud a iiar,! i,aaui.iaic was kept up a'.l t!u wivnooti. The skirmislitii r tiUa".e.l all d.i.v, Fo:r.'-' a'.! the time wedging tor l".r!; river, vliieli bi tracked in the tot un. 5 i ana 1 . lis :d over s o:a-.' cif hljcivarv. Mciip.iiuc s i:ii ' of I-nrrc-t's d.s m'.uiit'.d inf .iitry kept tri a sharp suini'.i iir.' uioDg our tiont, wbi e Hooa's main a my was whirling 0:1 our left tl 'nk iu 1.1 east-riy d rucien. These flank m ivemeats will compel us to av cvate Columbia, win h wi.l be d'jac, I expect, to night. Our Ios,es during the three dava' op .-rations iu killed ausl wounded will not exceed one hundred and tilry. Captain Greta, 4 ".h Ohio, Inspector ot the 1st Brigade, was shot through tiio bowcL. lie is the only oibcer of whom I have heard, killed. General Sehofield is in command of the trops in the ne.d. General Thomas is gull at Nashvilie. All our supplies, stores, sick und wounded, bavj been sent to Naohville. Scveialofthe inhabitants have alao left. We have some Uiree or lour hundred contrabands I'.nngiPS on to the B'-my. These have followed us on onr jut. ve from l'uiaaki to Columiaa. Mis. btcphdu Berry, ol Machias, Maine, cr.e4 out la her sleep, oue ulgUt last week, that some one bad cut her throat. She was covered with blood, end on examination it was found that a rat bad bitten the side of her neck and ear severely. The animal also attacked a child in aa edjolaiug room. THIRD EDITION FROM PORT ROYAL. Ihc Citizens Enrolled for Uome l'rotcctiou. THE FEDF.UAL FORCES AliOUT TO MOVE. S'i onh, !) (niT'T 2 The steamer . . '.', -i tn 1. :i Hey i, with J t';i .': ' ! l.U Lit I'iV C'l. ('11 tlie .v.'i -en ",-,:l Poster i-.sce'. ord'r all the e,;i, us ts l e Ml: I'ed 11. 1 rA,'".- tor iu., f ir ' ity ' 10- . i;-,J on lli J,ih. it. y re to bo I".' 1 nuo 1 panics for hoi 'e protect on. Th-; l'i! t : I -forces were t) tin. 0 Imn e li i e'y, t'i or ,;. tion l elug unknown. The .lii'.i'.'i ai-o r-p .."s tbit art - . v. Hoy il, a: about ' "'cock I'. M , h ivy a '. 1 firing w.i- heard, 'ni; .'. 11, ,1 not t'-i th m-'i' I IUI',1 M W OKI I1VS. f k (. a 1 a, l'ocrmnf i.'i,!'. ,'dirr .,, ,,. lias arrived, i .h New O !e iu .1 lv; 1 11 it e tvening of th,; 2'th ult. The ca-t wing of the S n-e Pciicenti i;y, a. Baton li ngn, w is hnnu d on th ni ;h. of the 2.1 nit , in ronsfipeiKi' of the rareles-ness of eontra fcainls ipmrter.: I in the btiildinr. O.ie li-ied.-ed and fiuiy mules, f;,'iy h. re-i, and seeeuy live sets of barn-ss ';e'l inking to the Government, were consumed, whi-h, witii '.he bu 1.1 n,:, in volves A lo-9 of ,','),0'io. N'O'bing ilo'iig iu col on. n'T. p.- . f,,r good; common, .'"JtoJir.; oil Isg.p e'.''.v1 ciaiili.'d, 2le. ( SNOlOil.lt 0, hi V I, .10 N'e.vv Yoiih, Dc'etubcr 2 I In: siciuier .r,,. o stitr has arrived with Ne :i ( 'rleaes ailv i -es ot the 2(1. h nil. A lire O'euiTed ft lla'ou K uik-e 1111 the 22 1 ult., licstioying a b.re biu'diug use l as a G ivern nieiit s'ahlr. Over .eve ity tl'"ii-.in-l 1! illars' wor;h of pr"P"rty w de-troyed, c invsliiig of tunic., lmrses, am l,auess. Mnrki'ls ly 'llsi;riiMli. 1 w Yoitk, DcccnibiT 2. Klour b is ndv in 'e 1 Ic. -.il, - jl 1 ' p. '.' l-ir .Iff : S 11 I' , I . , t . "ic,: .sn I Slu ..0,' It, ... 'ur Hi- rn. w '. 1. ,"1 t. ' .' : ..il.'h 111:1111 "rtA''- I'om .1 I' i i I .'r. ; - 1 l"i ot I.'. '. tin- t" 1. ill . "1 .' I 'C ci'i ,1 " . ai l..i. ii'ls at i,: 1 I il.'i ill l "'. 1..,.- . il II'. Win-k j Cm INTELLIGENCE. Siati; o? Tiikhuom k 1 an. To hay. Six A.M. Id. Noon, l"i. One P. M. '0. Wind, t. N. K. Ki ni'.iial or an Oi 11 M S.SOS. The funeral of Jo cph MeMullln, aged S7 years, a member of Washington Ledge, No. .V), A. Y'. M.. took place yesterday al'tirnoon, from his late residenc, No. tilO Jf. Twelfth stscet. Tho decoiisod has beon a Mason for Bixly odd years; aud his conno.-tion with tht order dales further back than any o her member in the I nitial States. He took an active part in Ihe war of 1H12, and at tne time tho old drawbridge was in existence, whore l)o"k street, now Ih, he was extensively engaged in the West India trade. For his age ho was remirkPily active; and only a wei k or two previous to his death, started with some friends on a gunning tour. His funeral, yesterday, wis largely attended by members of the M i.-unic Order, and a large host of per-onal friends. Kov. J0I111 Chambers olliciatcd on the occasion. Akhiikt or PieKi'oi KLTH. This niorn rig three young men, giving the names of John Divis, William H. Patterson, and Johu Mtrtin, wore nrridgncd before Aid. i inan Wchlin; npoi tho charge of picking tho pocket of Urn ral Willi nn M. Hcllly. It seems tint Mr. Kcilly was prion.; by the Port Olllce, when ho was nccoiled by t ic three scamps. One of llieui, M irdn, si i.ed him by the hand nnd i xrlaimed, "Why bO'V do you dorliowhivo you been r" Mr. Ueiily l iiel ustoiiishi d, and oittd to bis won, d he friend, "Sir, sou ent.oiily must be mi-laki n." '-Oh, not at a I, sir; 1 knew you well whi 0 in the iirvg.o ls business." While Martin still held Ueiily by the hands, his eonfulerates rilled his pocket of a pocket-hook. Mr. Keilly released hiiu-elf, and niPr pioectding a short distance, ili-cjvere l his lots, lie ti. rued and seized hold of two of ti e scamps, while a 1 iti.en took hold of tlie th rd. Martin had in the meantime passed the pocket book to Davis, who endeavoiod to t iroiv it thrctieh a grille in tho pavement. The po -kct-book lodged and was picked up. Davis, when sa arched, also li.nl a heavily-loaded revolver in Ins possiHsdm. 'I he three thieves were commit ted to prison. Hn 1111 1:11 y ash Aiiiii;s i. Ilelwcou four and live o'clock this morning thu est iblishment of Mr. Patrick I.'oiiglierty, at Gray's Ferry Koad, beloiv South stri et.was entered by 11 burglar, who bored ihn ugh the door by means of a brace and bit. Mr. Doughs ity beard the uoi.se, and, upon c un it g 1I1 w u stairs, discovered tlur. tin: thief hid lell, tats mg with him a box of tobacco, several boxisot cigars, a tevv bottles cfliipior, and live liol.nis iu nieuiiy. I he braco and bit used In ef intii gnu ii'truiiec were left behiail. Au alarm wiis iiniiii ilhitt ly g'vs n, and olii ers McK' tincy nnd ViiugliHii siarit-d iu pursuit of the roii'ior. 'I hey traeid him 10 the Schuylkill frout, win-re be wn ai rested while he was in the act of bury ing Ms plunder on one ol taa wharves. Tne sto'en 1 ri rty was all recovered, and the roblur si nt to pi Ison hv Alderman Patcliol. lie givo Ihc name of lliuh y, mid i one of the notorious gang of Schuv roil Kangera. who are at tho pre Miii ti.e.igea iu imeving and oouipy j imp ng. Siioio 11 rivo. mat and resppot iblo-louUiiig female, giving the name of Mary Mill in, v.a.i uiiisigiiid biioiii Aldeiiiinn Welding ye-tei'day eh. eerd wiih slP'p'.itting. She wont into a store ot the i Trier of l.l;;klh and Areli streets, and while baigaining with one of the lady n'teinl inH, muiaigeil to slip 11 hue collar into a baUt t which she was currying. '1 ho loss wi s discovered, and rouiiMHiicafi'il to Ihe piopricor ol the store. As the mi 11 -id w.,s leavuig ihc premises, the end of the cellar was 1.0, iced hanging 0111 of th? ba-k-t. Slip wn iiuincJlitely nrtes'ed and brou t ba Hi r but Let via- scaiclitil, an I in it was 1, 0 found 11 s in el ol ghis.- buttons, v, h ich bud been purl lined Ir. in the sup e place, but had not been mi' sed. The lair thief was committed to answer. l.Msi; Pin ri xsi: Cask. This mornin,? IJ. M. Hicks, of Madison county, New Jersey, the eip tain of a canal-hoat, wa.i arraigned before Alder rr.an Weldinj upon the chaigo of oblaiuius p) under false pretcu.-es. The accuse J had a cargj of powder which he was to deliver at the New Yoik Navy Yard and leeeti e for the same 412 ). He induce' 1 a luccd to advance hiiu that amount on Cotnli'.iou that the- tn may he-.wfj to re cive in New York should bj rcta.ped I'wre anl pu:i to the pjnv v. iio in to him iln- I .iu. I.'. 'on ,.-ii. vci'lag li largo he drew the Jl'Jd ami re'.u- '.t io pay it over as aar.c-lup)U. A wa riut wai i-saei tor u. atrest aud In a eoaimp.t'.d to aa'.'r. Yf.ky Oni itiWii TiitavK.-). A French 0'-'ii:ie-uian i c'eeiit.'y had his pocket picked at oue of the Concert Saloons of thi etiy. Hi lost a pute niounaitf contalu ug a small sum of inoaev, and two checks, the payment of which was stopped. A few davs after thv! tlioft hj lecciyei note, worded a follows; 'Pear Sir: We return yon your two checks, whiehwe do rot want, as they might disagreeably involve us your iitoiapt aeuoa in reiard tothom having been a little too quick lor us. Enclosed please also find two tTkets for Ihe same concert saloon. Visit it ouce more with your friend, but bring more money in your pookeLs than you had the last time. We don't Ukc such small jobs. 'Yours, Ac, Pis Ki'iich-Eis." Ari'oiNTMUNT. The recent frauds and rob beries at the Philadelphia Navy Yard hare re. suited in the appoiutiiieut of a detective at that place. Tho appointment has been conferred upon NVillliim ltusaelt, tor many years connected wiih the detective department of the city police. Thb Tax Rats. Eolb, branches of City Coim ells have agreed in fixing the tax rate for lttiio at 2 o0(,u the&iou. D-Nvrit to Hon. Rrii' vt i n Ol fix. Ivt evening a coniplimriitary dinner was given to II. n. P bnylcr Colfax, at the Assembly flnlld ing. Among the de lnni hed gn -its prese t wire Morton MeMiehacI, Ms;., lion. William D. Kelley, Hon. Charles O'Noil, AaJ lion. Lo nurd Myers. Mr. Colfax was introduce I by Mr. rrr-. d 'nt MeMlchael, at bait p.i-t eleven o'clock. Nine ehs.-rs were given the honorable ge,):icmai, if er w inch he responsleil in a spec, ni (,f great paw r ami C'0,,11,11, e. lie tloi'Pved the lhcsilou for the k nd rent. irks bo lioole respeinng Ir.n, l.ui more parti, uhiriy for ihoo In re.oreii ) 1 1 ll. lire. u ill 1 nohlo state of III li.ni i ; and lie d.ii not know that he had rvi r lie.ii l a he-ier oee, n t nin prrhiips tb one made hv the poop'a of I'lilliilcl pbia at the clesvioii in October, vv h n they ap ike with the toir tie ot lightning tint P nl.i.l. Ip'iia bad 1'iveii ,sii(io :ii3iority lor tne I'nion. Hm! thc.t tour I ongri s- iy n h id been re ph'"t d. 1 he honoraole speaker tln'ti c is c a r.i. id g i n r at Ihc. I'fUvt.of tne elcct'on m N vcm "r, 'v,n i r. suited i:i Ihe eleeti in of A irnoam l.iu 'ohi f ,r fair years more. He look up ihe v :r 1 1. pi. its tha: wre need iipo-i hv the ;eojih it itcir niaji -ti . I: n ile. alcsl the wnr is n a i f i' iir ', ami th t it must be proccut"'l w th i. .-.;; tin the I nion trained l y our ntii r "in-: li- i .iu taou d ; llntt no alien I' sg sttoll II i' o , , nt of 'ho ' oniitry ; thut slavery, tlie hi !t: r o: Mil war, inii't In put dim ii. lie hoped lit it in the cour-e o;' a ' v wv s -an opp ntiinity would be given ihe ni l.uo'i v : ' :-t their sineiTity ; that Ihe slavery ones' o i 1 1 .e I only eleven vote at the las' session o: ,'ie cinsti lu'.ion.il majority (two-thirds vote i ; the - nr ' that period the iieoplo have ; ikeii, a '. I I o v- one ' districts represented in ihe l.i-t (' 'U ..less by -n-I tiemca who vole. I no had recur ie 1 o iiers ho I would vote aye. l'h.s Is tho venli t oi tin great American people. If the ni'iiori-v are shi'-'re then the pathway to peace Is made easy. Mr. Coll. in, in tho concluding par' of his rcuinms, p'dd a el I'vmg tnlci e to Geucrils O.anf, Mi ni Pan, Mierman, 1'hoiniis, and others, the irmy Hiidmny.iind linaliy eonelud d liy piotmgttie patriotic- maxim ."The t ui n u.)w an ! i'j rover, one ami ni-i paiatiic." 11. icmaiks w-"re receive 1 through en with the grcab'st applause. 'I'm: Pi.Nssvi.vANiA llo-i : i vl. To's ins.itu tion was founded In the year 17V2, ince which period 7o oTo patients have been roll.', veil, of whom l"i,i SN were supported p irti.illy or wholly at tho expense of Hie iv-titra; "i. These bcnci'Ks Invo been conferred without, re-rird to birt'ipl i ", as nuiy be seni from the following : In the l ist ten years there worn iisbniite I CrViU iia'ivcs of tlie iMiiied St.iti s, 7.I2S of Ireland, and .'idol of other countries, licking 10,:s0 foreign bom ng.i'tist i7n of our own people, or a in ijori' of 'Clio of tin- b rnicr. Iii the yar ending April, ls.'i-l, the ninii'ierof linli-i aving patients uu lor treat aent, exclusive of Ihnsevvho p. ild iiiiotnin.il bor I, wis Tod; while for the coirespon I ng yp.tr of lv',i'ws 1 1 1 1, or liesrly double a largo propurti ill of this ins reuse being due to the nun: Tous eases of u : s eli.iiWl iiijiny,wliii li ne so nri 'ti mor.' fre pieu: than foi ineriy, ami nunc protracted and expen sive In the r triatn.i nt. The cxpeiidi'iires for the f inner ye ir were Io, 10 e2o ; lor Hie l itter ye ir they amounted to Sril'.l i.'l: lis, or considerably more than twice as Dill 'tl. The endowment, Hicrorore. which liny hive answered toleialily well ten yes,rs ago, is miiui ti -Ily l.ir klioi t oi what is jiisolutcly nece-sary now to save the ho-nital from fa ling to pi'iioriii its oiil niiry duty alter an eventful his ory of moie than a century's duration, in the course of which it has always stood tir-t of its kinsl in im port. moo to lire Commonwealth as in ng! and in the ml, ctions ot our citizens. It is to avert this niislortunc to enable the struggling Institution toadvaueo w ith renewed energy In its high career of useiiilnissaiid mercy, that the uianagirs appeal to the benevolent public lor assistance to help the sick and needy. I'iuisok SiATiisrus. At the Philad'tlpliia County Prison nt tho present time thore aro no less than six convicts under sentence of dctth, one of whom, James Ford, ft colored man, has bpeii In confinement over thirteen years. Tho others are William N. YVest, convicted of tho niuiilir of his wife in lN VI ; John Kilpatrick, con victed of murder, by stabbing, nbout six yes,r ago; J. .nies Miller, convicted of the murder ot n (i- nn. in, by drowning him In Gunner's run, pcr pcliatid ubnut S..!i; Patrick Karrigin, cjiivi:te,l of the minder of a lil in llaincil U'l.lnim ion, bv Htablung, in lSti2;and Jeremiah D'Xie, s-oiorcd, sonvieted of the murder of Peter Mi Her, by cut. ting his throat with a razor, in ISil or Isl2. These convicts me all kept at work, an act of Assembly having beni pissed authorizing thu luspes lsirs to pin convicts to work ato-r tiio ex piration t f six months from ibo tiino tho d 'l h si up nee has been passu! upon them. In the thirteen years thet have transpire I -ince t ties scn ti nee ol l-oid, the convict longest iu coiniiieiii :ut nt the County l'ri.si.n, there imvc iieeu but two pxcculions, that of Pet' r Mad lox, colored, ari l Thomas Aim-troiik'. Within the same peri id, C.iple and llinmos, who worn under scn'cin c, weio pniilotied ; also Kobert Thompson. As il is not at nil probable Hint any of those now under si no ni'c ot death will be executed, the lacts given show but two executions out of nine convictions, in nil of which sentence of death was passed. l'i itiiiiiii Pautici Luis. Tho n inioof the lad who was so honibly mangled and torn by a doit lit Gloucester, from tho cll'eo's of which ho died, as stated In yesterday's Ti tiaiiiAnii, was Henry Onicksall, aged iilno years. The boast was of the bloodhound species, end was a most ferocious aniiiiul, a terror to Hie whole neighborhood. It seems that tho slog, a day or twt) previous, had been driven olf thu premises of Mr. (Juicksall oy Ills son, having m ingled n number of chickens. Y oung tiuicksiill, while out ou n lot a short dis tance from home, was u'taelied by the anim il, who sicmcd not to have ibrgotten tho treatment he bail received, liotli cars were t in oil' tho boy, and tlie n'nlp honiblv lacerated. Ho would havo been killed on tho -poi, hid It not b.on for unoibtr dog i.c'o e'ing lo Mr. (Micks ill, which run lo the ii-sistai.ee ol the boy, and succeeded in ci.t'iigiiig the beast inn light. A number of work men in the vicinity rushed lo ihe spot, vvuen Hio Cog also si owed light to them. The owner of the animal lias been proSi cutcd. Piiii.iMi.i'iiis Skvtixii Pahk. Daring the pa-t summer tho I'hihi lelphia Sk.it'tig P irk, ut Thirty. lir.-t and Walnut streets, has been beauti fully In proved. More ground lus been ciic'ostiI, nt.d the pond iiow embraces an area of twelve iicrcr, all of which I- fenced in, and ma le siri ly pnvale. A plank walk has been laid from Market sir.it to If.o park g to A rie.v building 2 i by Ml fiet bas been i rooted, 7" loot of wot h is iT.Uu disd tor a 1 dies' reception room, also a cloak nnd retiring room. A gen'leaicn's r.aim and lTstiiniant, together wi h a lar0'e space for ptivatc catiiugcs has bein titled up. lYiisioxAi,. Master Midshipman Thu lib us I.ineo'n, son i r the Prc-idcut of the I'nite l States, nriivcl in this city yp-ter lny, and Inst cicning visited the New Chcsnut Stree'. 'lit' litre, where bis uniform, nnd rolliek soine yet pciiteel mi'nmTS, nttraetcd general nits lit ion . Midshipman Lincoln is l'i rtwtr for the V. S. Naval School at Portland, where he is a student. Notniiai.N Homf i on Fuii ndi.pss CiiikouiiX' Hie additional building erected for the use of tho Noit'jirti Home for Friendless Children is specially appropriated as a temporary asylum for the chi'dieuof tho-e iu the army nnd navy who have fallen in the prei'tit war. uutil a permanent Homo sail be cetahii-hed tor them by the state of Pennsylvania, of th se in tho II -me at the tiuip the iu'd repeat w- made, .H were s hihlreu ot su.dius. Pt.i i t 1 1 ing. This morning the Mayor iJ-ue I wariai.ts for the payment oi the city bounty io 2d intn, id whom II were enlisted for four years, 2 I or two years, and l for one year. They were rre iiled as lollows First W ard, 7; Second Waid, 1 ; Tenth '. ai 1, 1 ; Fifteenth Ward, I"; Twentieth Ward, 5; Tenty-fltth Ward, 1; Twenty-sixth. Ward, 1. Disouii.ki.y Hoi ia. Maty Fra:isw.ihe'.d in fs)0 bail by Aldci-uinn GodlKiu yesterday, upon Ihc charge of keeping a di-oiderly bouse, at No. In S. hixiesntli street. The complaint was made by a female w ho resided with the deleudaut. Witf Ui.atixo. This nioming William Mul lUon wao committed by Alderman Toland, to answer the charge of beating his wife. Mallison has just got out of prison. Pkomotion. Lieutenant William H. Wont, U. S.N. , has been promoted to be a lieutenant tommunder. lie is uow in c jiumiud of the Irt egal supply steamer. Faial AccinEM. J. n. Hart, residing at No fK'd N. Eleventh street, was killed yesterday on the Pennsylvania Uailroad. Violating ak Okdinahch. Two cartore were arrested yesterday in the Fifteenth Ward, for violation of the ordinance which prohibits the dumping of cool vu Uie pavement. Heavy I'ontrm t. Tho fnllosvlnsj; larpn sHintnieis mm mm d yv.tertluy frum tlie Ariny l-qspave (.ft- j in liii.riiv, by olnm I iln via Hismip : ,1 is. Ilml " ivi npsl j -.! S ICuf Iht.' t, r,nt ni il , HI. t l si s. H , , ii"t ii ii IU'Vtsll yiifls S itk v Mae h.r't-, himv s niiasi'l. at at ii'. s. VI . I .if t Ii i.tslsl ysrit -I sky I. ton trfi. army mnnituril. hi $P,.i. W A Itossill, ,'si.Ov' Kti'.l eon:-, tiovt .rinr "tsnilanl, t Hi'SH. It vi . si' iot I'lil s'lrti'titii, .vt mm v...i .Sft -V r-Hi. p- at (r 's reiim; ;sl ssi ysr.li. iiilllilSi .Vi.iim Arils mi- l'f nr.ln, an A W'l'srfnn. I'lillsiblieil., lsftniK) S'l.riK il.rk lam' fisnn lm -l ie. X . I. sor,,i -,, I r. rt arer ol S'Htton C'l. . -ei pUrs Ipliwrm. i.tii,.i'. nt S.N". saiiris-l is ni .l.i i v , I'lulml' hl'ls, Hi"" M tne.wn Inn mint hi io, ri'ntn. i lu inn-V. I,. ii. Sto'iit. I tiiiiiii-h'lilii. - 1 e"'1 v sr.ls un- Ii r.'li.,,t mueln smnal,.. At IS ."its. Ii'ssls ll.'sr.liiniii A VVIcirl'Mi I'luli.'teliOi a, (I'l.lMS viir. 4 4 illlt'ii'm h.'il nuisltii. w.i'iiplo. ill ,1 ' eats i 'isl li -i ile. nt s.futs; i o,'.nsi ur.ts lieisv v ilr.llau ill A Si eenti .i. W Tnv, Atont, I'hil'iilslrhiii, ss.Knl vnr t itrlllitifr hi ,v:i it-iii ; irrusi ile. in .v. s,,-isi. A I. 'ruin . I tats li'ii'ii a l rsvi a-.i. ual'ies -h. I II I II h! I II, . Ulll l'i'', A I ,V) l' 1 II 1m I 'SI II 0 ll'l. .1 It ,,. ; p,l),ll an ill .v."- .riii-i r'uisi a,,, ut i-, nt-. A. J. 1'is s nine, rtulrt.il' lilim, -V.SISI vsnls lili-A-hct -il. .in nt 1" i r .). A loll. l'lill.li'liM. IClxM y"l- lilAi l lli-.. um :de. l"i'' i!.. II. I n.-tsiir-', :i"0 iiiiiiiili itiresil. -111111, o, i 7v p, r , iin-t. II. I . r rv x l o., I'liilmli-Hitila, sisr' ynril- urlllanr SA u- . I, I Intl.- 1. I'Air... rtiCii'lNi'lil'i, f, A v.r'ls lirn.rn lin liM .1 -..cicle. H . ' III-. 'I ri'.;i. k Si,.k.' A I'.i., I'liPilih'l.'liiA, l ,Hi v ra ilrhl ilii. -ni.iiiie, S', i i'iil". I . Ss.s, tl.ii.r.lli'llll A W'llAI'f"!', rtlltft'le'l'ti i.l''l" tOi riil-r tlir, ml, M,n,-.1.. JA il. t imtiiiil. liiiioi' .' K.ilei ti, I'looiiliCiiliid, I'l.osi i"tin ts fiirca'L lilii,li' S'e.iili piT iiiiiin.l. Iliiisiuiniui HrolhiTs .1: i n. 7M"i''-s ' T' I' i'i"n-'. S:-.' pi r I'll ei t asKI eellAr iH'lts BH't s.lie's, lit -l 4 I is ie II. Gavi: IIimsm.k t'f. Yesterday a yotio unit enlls'sl at the ri'-iiits'iie" ot i.i.'itli'aniit Sasi i.e. (ot M;v, nf the police luren, and iiiitnribu'ely ultor introilueiiig bituseir stu'esl that bp ti "iri'i to ive liitii'i'll tip. The odlcer riiieitliined him as fo what etmlei's iMiiilil tie prelerrcit airisiitil llllll and Ins res sun Inr ilelivei Ing biin-ell up, but til" vi utor ileclini' t to sive any iti-tbiitii answer, nnd nn-rdy xtRfcd tliat luii iiiiuip was l.nwAitii s Axrsvin.r,, and be ue-lred o siirreiiiti-r biinsi'll Itiio Ihn hn iiiIn nt the mhc r. l.iMileiiniil ( iiil.lil v cntiiii leil with Ins rispnsst and h eked bila up .tl 'bit I'm. ill slrei-t Matron hoit-e, w line tu- now if. As sunn us lis. frnve he nam', the l.leiils'iiiint reniiunhiireil who be was and the elrir -e ex sMi ir iiiMiia.-l loin. It will be renin ii'i to I tint uliiiiii Iwsv vs'iitn sinoe-a man intni'sl Mr sinmisi was hilli'il in a I nr-roi'iii in Hip ncPilitiiii'liooil ot iloc'i anil ii ist streets, l.y licmg strucK mi (he hea l vvilli sonie beiiv v iii-lr.miciil. It was tiiterni-l'. well set lled at ti e time llii'l Ihe iiitnl blow was ililiiuuiterci by s A T vv n.i n, vsiin tteil iniil bus ever since i'bi.li',1 the ftihui'lil M.iicli n. Ihe po'iei.. No tuhii"s ul tins siippii-eil Hiiiiileiia' coiiht be nhoiitii l iinlil yi 'I -r- llliv, Wliell III' I'lllll'd Hm -lilli il ill laellt . I iol.DKV'S ri'"isli'lu'e. 1 he cirs'lini-liine" nl the tiuir'H'r in Mi'IiInmk will itiiohl Ics h.mv inuiergo a tmirsi'iili lusbeuil six ii nib i ai ion, ( ' a ,s i vv ki. l Ihmiijl icniiucii in custody in (he tiicuutfiiiii. "TlMFS ClIAX'OB AND MllN ClIlX'OK WITH Tin m. Titers' svat a time In Wew York wfoui ev.ry'j isljr tin nn piihk his m uhti'ir wauiit ask, ''irav,-oa n-sti her-" Nlantiiif; to eUt,ir tlie t'lifiimst funk tlieu til thsilr STAtrn, sir so ,n liny I hid, anil tins unsv rs itiovvrd lli.t uliv .iys t:.i i s-ty n-ptvliis ihd nut sincl y nnOs -mimist wlir was iu Oil inliiil sl lii-iiitsiriiiKStni-, mil aiissvcrn tin' mim luiv li.-in spry A'pr. tTi.itc to tlie ".ni"k" vsere n"t io to V.ull'i l li.il. Nesv-.t iliy. wr s.v, "How nin-k to.-k I..S. veu''" siiripnsiri!, sir ciLri.,th pssi,iiu liav hern ti Its' I'll "lIl'ipl'Ail'," anil lll li'lfv iti.lieul'M ttiAt mvtrr siti.tr in. n eonnts Ms snl siiv k ty the tlionsa ids it n, us bi' all rijitit, Iiat wo know cue Saves'tneTt In sileh tlii ii lo ik'iiit; thai Is tn A nesr tuii of flrit clsss rietiiuiii at Criarle. 8iot.es A; Co. 'a siui- tim e, iiiaier Pie Ci'Dllncatal. An Imvoiitant Inv i n iion. Tho discovery of Il In our western couaties oilrfil a uovt rl''!il tor I'.'nn-s)h-AiitAcaturprlifl. Tho irlnlp:il ot).tai-l io siicca.fit: b-irhirf of wells has Isln Id ih tact thin srflAt Icunttiot Oniiswas nt'i'PSMry L'tlbrs the ops-rallon eellld ylel I an r-tiiia for Itas iiiTcstment. Mr. David Cvam has tikon out a pntrnt fer an "Improved Jinck Drill ana Kea uer," wlil h clAitns a saviiiK of innii oiie ttilrd tu one- half the time' ami lalmr Jn're'toTnrf neeessury In tins working ol" tnss well. If Ps ehifms arss lo'inded on fA'-t, as si r iirs; liporme'i hy practical borers thoy srs. tho Invention w ill b t Iniltofl vvltli oj by tur oil ititarintii d population. Mr. KvAns will ci iirteously rxplala tits Invsmli'in In miy iutereHleil purtiei wkii will call, unit they may imlse fur tbsanssilvi'i of tlie mli minxes ol'thls uiost Initenlous c uitrlTAiiee. Ttiepro ipictliiii is the fruit uf j ears of cuvful stmly, Ami s'xlithlti great usecruniCAl ubillty on tho part of ihc Inventor. No Matteii what may be said lu favor of the ssr uiil 8i'y.-inu Mai'tilnes uirereii Hv the pulill, fA only it ue trtt i.s comfiai iion. This Is wtutt Hie rhoreac.' co ins, mill the verilid lu lis favor Is uulvorsiU when such eo:u-pail-on it iiiailc. The flursneeis tlie tlr.1 luaetifne nirere.t to tlie pnhlle' witrrnnti-d to atve o tire AtlsfsetJon or iiiiDry leium-, whleh Is isms iiirlinr pruif tint Ilii. ma.-hii e has merits tii'voiiil all ullis-rs, at well as a prutee t.i n t" pun. hasers us;aliist loss. It is so tmplss in its cun- sti ii. l"il that no ekaree Is roiile la li-iru tu oimratn It. svt eilier 3 "U pnreliase or nut. s;all a' ttie sctlee, Nu. i: m t'l, e sunt sli cot. Pries list, with sntupl' s of .ewltirf, sent en r vaipl nl reil statui). Giann i; Eii.ck .4 Co. 'a Pianos and Mason & II VIII 1'" TMtX'O ("AIIINKr Slltn VMS. CAIlIXRr Dili! vvs, ttMIIXKl' uitasN s . I'M'.INKI' lilt iXS. i:iii Sp:t lltiiASS. KS'KT F.a. Ove. ,iSI,,f .. aeh ot" llise rills In- I'lAXS) itrnnit-lits liave In i-n s iln hv Mr. KOI; I P.-. si.,uuO tin-ceui.iiiil Is cainiauily I'l VMI ll cr.-a-iiitc-Hil.TI'.S.i t or sale only tiy i IAXS1 i .1 V. liOt'l.n. FoalS.I SiwoHth anil Cliiisiiai streets. To PrnriiAsnCtsOTUiNO at Low Pntras, make a Mi'ie'rlli'n frum cur stuck ol hi:hu -h uik i; vria.-iii't. Wo AiesS'lllliK KuU'lS I'lplill ill sl.vl''. .', I'.-'lA.' am ma' "Cos, from 'ili lo .'si per mil. Inwrr ttirtit la n iw iCiooi. 1 lert'io sari c g, inl. iinile tu n ili-r. Wu ii s, e ail .t li s, stc, n sil prl, i-s of Cloilimu ilt'ii'a, Youili'a, uml Huts'. All eau hsi suileJ wiluoul delay or trouble. ricvvr i r Pit,., Tower Hsll. Ko. ils Jliirkel stroot. The Cyclop cdia ov CoMVfr.itriAj, Ani;o- t)n rr.H, rovlewed In our columns lust wessk, Is ihl as iiu- slvely by iihtc li tiun. Tne Jin'iit fur this el.yls Mr Jiilllsa K. Hliii'nl, No. ; H. 8i .th atre'et, lu vvlnaa or.Issrs limy be aililrcsaist. Wr in nn our reader to the tidvcrtlseni"nt of I.pste.v .ten .No ti()7 Market street Tne lull irn-fliMllenne Hkate Is tlie nnmtiioinosi ifeii leiu ill's skaiu we invoevir .ecu laa'cy ,t Co., blvo been Pint i .st.ilni.iie I hi husi- iisma, ami nuv e u tins: sto-k to select ir.nu. Tin: Vi nanuii Ci;m itiL and I)i r Cf.ct'i; Ptilroti'iiiii Cninp.uiy cio-e ttis'lr tio.il.s in a tew il n s, al l ie ll, -I' ol K. A Marstia'.l, Jr., S'u -1: v .Piini it ot. B. F. llnili:li'si PnoiiHiiiAi lis, Xo.l'rJl Afteit S i in ex.-f la p,il'iie w III p!"u-i) reiU'-.u e r llict, ai 'ca -r le .a, ' iiirr.u'ialeil, an csi'ty Crfll i- lo ir.i ils toe-c sli irt iillrrnui'iis. Do Y'oi Know Di:n has removed lo o. IPJ Ctli-Milil (.net.' Ill sells Toh.l' e.), t'k'.iris. i'ni- , Ac , 'Plj pi-r er it. lp-a Ihsn uav utiier nun in llusilly. It .a a',,.'r l lean. No. II s l.e-lail stleot. FINANCE AND C0M?V1KCL. Osrica or Tua Krssrio TKi-anaara, I I-1 .au. I" i" mlwr r. The Stock Market opens strong this morning, In synipaihy with the gold ti-o, ami He idingis in ikinand nt OS, wllh strong buy era for the upward movement. In New Y'nrk, the tol 'raph despiitclics Inform us-, there Is a sharp rnlly in all stoiks, the Western (shares being especially li nn nt a rise of 2 per cent. We have predicted a great movement in stocks in December, and wo regard this as tlie begin ning. The great ease of money, the disposition to gamble iu stocks; and the near approach of w inter, which w ill Impede army movements, are aie all looked upon by specnlatars as "the hippy lime" to buy. 'i he Comptroller of tho Currency gives uoiice Und m more now nat onal banks ill be autho-r:-. eJ. but that old Slate banks cati be -still rau vtru l into national banks. The Money Market ui without cli.iu jo. Laas on call are freely otfcrsd at per cent, per annum. I'lime paper is scarco aul iuotc'4 at 7v" '.' per cent. I'nltcd States bond.) are less active this morn ing, but prices are eteady, with aalcs of 5 -20s at liX,(n Tbflj, and ld-40i at 9'.;jll2l was asked for (is of lSHl i reuniylvania Ol are ijuutedat 3i jco 91. Iu lUilroad share, there in very little doing. Reading sold at U7S, whieh is a slight advance; Camden aud Amboy rvailroad at 152 j Lehigh. VaLeyatlWi aud Catawissa prercrrcd at 3",a decline of i; 07 was bid for rcnnsylvauia 11 all road, a decline of 1 ; CO forMinehlll ; 00 for North Pennsylvania; 18 for Catawls.a common, a de cline of i ; and 20, for Philadelphia and Erie. Canal shares are rather lower, Willi sales of Schuylkill Navigation common at 1)2, a decline of; 381 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation pre ferred i U 1 for Susquehanna Canal ; aud Vsi for Delaware Division) 71 was asked for LebJgb Navigation, City raen?er itsllroad thare contlnno In active. Second and Third sold at ft8j(rfii!), an ad vance of 3 1 2C was b d for Thirteenth and Fif teenth ; 40 for Che-nut and Walnut j 15 for Arch street; 11 for rtace and Vine; and2rj for Oreen and f nates ; 48 was asked for Tenth and Ele venth. There is little or nothing doing In Bank eharei. 112 was bid for Mechanics'; bus; fur Kensington ; 13 for Penn Township; 31 for Manufacturers and Mechanics' ; 57 for City ; 4', for Coluolldatlon ; W for( omtnonwcaltli;end W for Union; 18.5 was ifked for North America llnnk; 1W for Phila delphia ; and 0 for Farmers' and Mechanics'., old stO' k. In Oil .t ks tho feeling Is better, ami thoso having oil wells flowing now are about to reap a harvest, an the rlo In foreign exchange ba pnt up the price of petroleum oil in the Now York market. Sah s of Oil Creek at 71; Densnnro at X ; and V gVrt at 1 ( IJ ; p was bid fo,p)al.cll ; "tor Noble and IMamatcr; 41 for Rock Oil; '., fs.r MeCllntiKk; for Perry; 31 for Maple shade; 7i for Dcnsinure; and VJ for McF.lhcny. Gold is rather more itetivo this morning, and prices have advanced about 3 per eont. fine last evening, opening at 21 n; ailvanced and sold at 211; nt in o'clock ; 23",' at 11 ; fell off and sold at 2,'LV. at 12; and 2 !2i at 1 P. M. Market ateady. We Invite particular attention to the prospectui nf the lioynl Petroleum Company, which Is pub lished in another column. It has always been the policy of Tun Tiiu.onu'u to avoid, la It Money Article, reference to any particular com pany, but when one is founded which Is not afraid to lay Its claims to public cnuDdonco openly before tho p-ople,and by exact designation of lta lands and statistic of their worth proves its demands are based on substantial worth, we ds not lr skate to direct attention to Its condition. The Koyal Petroleum Company has leased six farms, variously located, bat all situated In tho heart of the oil regions. It is nmler tho mtnage inent of substantial moneyed men, who will aee that Its ail'alrs are properly conducted. That It will meet with success in its oil operations la not to be doubted, as the wells In Us possession nre, many of them, producing largely at the protont time, and tho reinalnslor are siluawd In inch a niauner as to preclude the possibility of fail uro. nitI.AI)i:i fill A STOCK K.Y'HANiiF. H.lLtVs, ! t. Hep irtisl by C'larkson A Co., Ilroki ra, No. IUI 8. Third St. 1IKI OIIK IIJAIIDft. losl sh Dalell Oll..b,-, tl'," Is)) -0 sv.'iTy llun... SI ti u -b curt n nil 14'. 13 nil IV .limit Island. 4 VnosU ,li 4 id -.'si .n do 44 Tun .h Kl !"rauo '-", Ji"sti ile 2 , 'J i ri-ecriu City .... 3 .ns'-h 0 a , I sta da '.'isisb d a', SKJsli slu .1 . fS h Walnut Island . 4 ami all do 3-sj iksi st, Oreniilo Oil.... 1 1. l'S) sh I'uioii ... 1-le Mi sh Ken, line II..M0 sis liosh do uiu &'f IS-ll nil do IM 'titi sri slu bs tits I llh Howe's ll.lsty.. I',' ii ih Oil Creek a '"lull d.i boo liej lou all Kroner '."s. HKST DOAItO. .s a tp S 5 -Vit 1"S la sh Cam. A Am hA Vi ..;uisi oo ym'i uv all Eiioert OU .... 4' lsi0 do lis', Msi.li do US) 4t7 vi I1"', o ii i-ciueii rtuey . . i.) ,.,1' S S all Lelil'.'ll Valley.. HO . . . w 9 0 ih Catavr. of. . .aim ri ...ltd ; luu sh do asaSv, ... l'i 3 shld.t ad KR.... eS'J a ,.! .i. ., . . . ICO iln 110 in oil Cis.'k lis) sti Uinsiuurs 6 wish ila... -Ill sh Sell. Nav com. ! II 9b N Aiuirlea Bk .lSl Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Uolsl Exchange, No. 31 S. Third stroot, second story ; PS A. M 210! 12 M W.I )() A. M ililii U A. M 2.i:;i 1 P. M Market steady. Dh Hivkn & Bno., No. 20 S. Third street, quote ns follows ; Jtiel-tir. Sfllinf. Amr lean Gold 211 2. id Amcricjin Silver, l's ond Ps 221 Dimes and Half Dimes 21'! Spanish Quarters 210 .. Venn. Currency disk. dia. New York l'lxchango 1-10 " par. Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal OU stocks ut 1 o'clock to-day -. HiJ Ai. BM A't. rnltnn Conl .is, Poiva Farm 08... 1 IS, Tlia MonntalnCnal . U f, llsii.m'ro a.. H N.Y.4 Mid.ltual..li 14 baiirliou a .. :t UreenJIt. Oual.... Sf 4'4 .McKlheny SSf vj N . I 'ariiutigajo 2 U Hobeita Oil I7, a AewCrssk V ohnstead t Ut F eeder Dam Coal 1 NililsAlljlAiiiauir. !'( !a 'i ll.linanl v'.si a'; IT Htory Fans V . ' 111 'Hruner iv? S-44 a I'm oJcuna O'ania.. J s I K.thert a .. 4 V l' llusel.land I '. Clinton Coal 1 lliitlsr s'sial .. Siivatara .. fi-iin Mintnit Keystone Zluo.... l.h r xc.'.sinr on s Ills T ink '', S'. Alii'i-lionvi 1.1 vor.. 1',' H" I'mitlroutal 9 a1, Ciirttn s .. If. t'air-tl at, 1'liiU.IOilUrvuSi.. Is. 1 ',- Oil 'Teek a.. !"( Iliill Cresk 4 4'. SI. inlo 1-lis.le Oil. .at an, llernanla l'J mc imiisa sin i u , s om riaaior. ..... . 7 ri'iuisyv aula I el . 1 .1 iiriKMS s 'a 1'erryO'l.... llnsral OH.. 4' Hoc I Oil. V, a 3-10 lair Farm 8' 'Jti I i S' Olobe raria l'i i f 1 1 Cpper 1'roiiiimv... 'a I'sv leun.s .. 3 W alnut island. ..a .. a-s Kpystone Oil., VenanwoOll.. C nluii Petroleum .1 Itnaciin oil..., lit Flslorailo s . . si .. t. Nlrbuuil H S 'i l'i I'limips us; 1 Clirrrr Ituu I .. a I 1'; knjiilr s .. JS 10 i ben.ia on ;. , Orenrlc Oil a .. Sranklli oil ', Howe a FslJr Oil. a .. livins Od tl1, The Commissioner of Internal Revenue de cidee thut real estate passing by inheritance from li ins) evil il to wife, or wile lo husband, is subject to a succession tax of (i per cent, upon its clear value. The groundless Impression th at the cm fctitiitionulity of tho Special Income Tax Is belng ti stcd lias delayed Its payment, ami subjects-si persons to penalties iu some quarters. Tho reve nue ohiee lias no knowledge of auy suit, nar brliel that tho conslitutioualily of tho act is uuy whero questioned. The lollowingaic tho inspections of Flour und Meal lor ilio week ending December I : Half bairels siipiniuc " 2t)n Laricls supcrlinc loplilei " lino 3 " inir.dlings Coin Meal S " i onih limed H2 Total 'l.,vt The follow Inc are t no receipts of Flour and Grain at this isni during tlie past week; Flour, bills- 1U12IJ W beat, bushels -Itiji'ti Corn, " 21,2 l) Outs. 4D,0m) The following are the receipts of Coal Oil at this port during ihc past week ; ( luue. bbls...'. 2000 lteliiied. bbls StfiO Conl tonuagc of the Kcading Railroad Com pany : Tom. Fsir Ibo present week, including one day in December 72,!ri Same week last year 4-1,3721 Increase 'HM-l In ibo I scal year which closed on the 3dsh ult.. tho road gained SUO ions in over la. Coal tonuagoof the Schuylkill Navigation) Company:- For the orcsent week . 1 1 Same week last year Jd.iSl Iucrcase. PIIIf.AUr-I.rHIA TKADE KEPOKT. FitibAY, December 2.-Uoiders of Bark a,k tv. V ten. but we hoar ol no talai. Beretpuof l"o,reed eomo forward slowly, but it la Htiu at la-.v ill fl U poiindi: Timothy la quiet, anst without i-.euual cUu.ei I'-as-med is la demaud at iivsj "(S linati. The luactliltj rei-ordrd la tin Kloar Market for soma t:nipaataiUlconUuue.,ltb but llltle demand either lor aiport or k. iue use. bapaUes oeu forward ilowly, and the salts has e ksstn eonViieil In tin supply ot the hum trade, at a 7iVni 10 r hhs fr aiiperrtue. aud lntjhsw flaiirs-. nu lauvy braasla, aa u quality, lu Rys loiu aud Cora Mi. si we have uo uiavoiiieiil to nolke. Uie VVJisiat Market ooiitliiiie. ipaei, andtlia itemansl has eluiost entirely latlen ort. TS. lake', are Confined to ir bu.h rviiu.vlvauia and Southent nd at ti ifoc-i slo; Kia tiickr wiaie'ittiis ireni ti to to t2 41. Itye is Una at VS. l'he D.iseiueul. In Caru are of an extremely liiuited el.aiaeler. Yi'diov soli, in a .ruad way at SI aa. Ttisiie la a stt'atly dcuuilid tor Oats, at a decline ; we quote atlllc. aT4o ay and stall are wilbuitl any per. e-plllile chaurfo. Vslilak.) I. iu liuiiteil demand at l Si lor Olio, and for I'euns) Is aula bbls. LATEST M ARISE ISTELUCECE. PLCAitKD this woKinira. bhlp DDtario, Tkoiuaoa, 1'ori Harancaa, Vs'arkman ACo. lUmue M. Vs'llliaiu.on, Uo.iuer, K.e Wsut, D. Bns (J.'C. CuUteB, Btimpson.Hoiton, J. E. C Hrl J. H. Kaiuiedy, ISiullI,, Beaalort, H- it belu 1. AlisWice, btiloa, llo.uui, b. KoO.""""" . AKRrfXD THUS U0 Del., wit 8,l,r aarah Mary, Moril., I irraiatwslaaiat llanau. v,s, U,Uliaa,ri KW .,ra