The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 01, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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J A jA
Highly Exciting News.
Both Generals Manoeuvring for
Gen. A.J. Smith's Corps Arrives
.it Nashville
N sm n. i.i:, November 30 The arniy movo-
Dit'i.n lor a few J ijs past have he n simply for
posl'ii n. Tlio Federal tor es have not ictre.i'ed,
except to improve Iheir location, and they occupy
Franklin lo day, but will probably sell et for the
battleground a position nmoli nearer to N isli
Ule. rdilniiisblng h is occurred, wuh little or n
advantage toiither. Tho probabilities are tint
the bottle will bo (ought within tlio nxt forty
eight hours. Our forces arc in eager cxpoetail on,
ai.d I lie (.'(in r als li'ipctiil aud confident.
Lntge accessions of troops have retched h"ro,
who have been sent to advantageous position.
I uiull di tai Inherits of liebe.l cavalry an: operating
not fur from Nushvillo, doing, however, no gre it
slutnige. The railroad c oiiiinun'e.ulon with
Chutiatooga is Intact, and the trains arc runuiug
There ia nmoli excitement among the citi-.cis
on account of the near approach of Hood's army.
Mnjor-Gerjcral A. J. Smith's C rps readied tiero
General Hood Defeated.
General Thorn is Takos Oao
Thousand Pri3onors.
Oar Loss Only Five EunufeJ.
!., ?., Etc., Etc., Etc., r.u, Klo.
New Vokk, December 1. The following
Is the substance of a despatch from Mr. Tru
man to the New York Times:
Nasuvii.i.k, November 30, MMulit. Tliu
enemy, at 4 I'. M., made a heavy attack at
Franklin with two corps, but after persistent
lighting waa repulsed at all points, with the
lofts of six thousand killed and wounded.
Our loss Is about Ave hundred.
A Kcbel brigadier and one thousand prison
er, were taken.
Official Despatch from Gonoral
tips-cli.l l llio Kv.'ulng 'l'cli riIi.
WAt-WNoTois, December 1. Tlio .Star
gays: The followim' highly important unl
gratifying despatch has just been received
here. It Illustrate :ho. wisdom of the recent
movement ot the army under Ceueral Tiio n is,
which the gold gumblers and soeesh sympa couctructl into a retreat;
Fuaaklin, Tumi., November CO, 180L
Mojor-Gcneriil Thomas : 'J'he enemy m ule a
heuvy and persistent uttaek with about two
corr8, commencing about i o'clock this alter
He was repulsed at all points, with very
Lcavy loss, probably Eve oi.sU 1 men
killed and wounded.
Our loss Is probably tua more than one
tenth that number.
Wo have captured about KW0 nieu. in hi'l
ing one brigadler-Rcneiul.
(Signed) Jauich M. Si tioFii.i.ti,
Major-Gen. Commanding Army !u the Field.
' Tlie ltt'iuri lu ustMii;fou.
I WAPnixoTON, December 1. General Sc'io-
I field has successfully repulsed the advance of
the r.ebels towards Nashville. The purticu
Inn of the victory have not been received, but
it Is paid to have been a brilliant iiQ'air.
Keiteration of Previous It9port3
AVashinoton, December 1. Gentleman win
liave tccn Itichmoud pupcrt of Mouday, Movcm
ter 26, kay that they contain dctpatc'aos from
Augueta, dated November 20, to tho effect that
fcheruiun had nut approached that city, and
icpeat the itatiment in the Savannah pupera of
the itih, that he had beco defeatod la hit etfort
to crois the Oconee, river ; and further, tunt hii
aHrnipt to march taitwaid bad been battled.
The 1U beta claim that they utill occupy Macon
and the JCiyuirer argue that Sueruuka cannot
itacb that city.
Impressing Slaves at Augusta.
TLe Comir.acdant Advi nl to Ouml Foes Within d'.tl Cbnr
rnan Witlirr,t,
Elarchrs P.rportcd "v?r.ip;in
Only Seven Miles Per Day.
V-DGUSi'A C0Nti,3oED.
.Ciiilial Dali..reK anil Qou. Foster
Co-opt-rating with horanti.
A1M111A1. H4111I11UN l ( l.M .HI. lOSlElt CO-
'll'l HA'llNO WITH SiO' .vx.
Mr. l'.liki, mi cscap d I'n!"T snldlcr f ! n
('! iilcsror, who n i pn-u .t ui. y :0 .iC ot .
n iral l)'h lioat-, Iru u : vc 1 :.l Chicago.
iti'iirp's ;h ,t Im h A' ni l 1) '.h'g-cn uDi'
(Jc in ml Fo-tiT are c :!i.i, m; .1 tlio niuvi inei: j
of fici.tiul S!k v.iiii i, 'lii.l a; ii . i-o'.icrati'1.,' witli
him. h, vn. an ia surely nii'iin r lit S ivau l ib.
wl tc there arc no rear toili.!:; e ; m-', and but t vo
th 'Uai.ti lu.'ii. Tltu lllltveml'l, 'i ! ab'-a ly li.ien
Him'e in : i vi r the e.inin'ction ,,i Wilinlng'-m an4
(.'liailcs'on, nnrt as uoii as ttf (ir'ift'ilo ti no oi'
SI.. ni:ki' ait i k niion Sav in: ill arrives, !' istor
I iiiKke a ileiiicuxtr.i'lon up u !iar!,'t,in, I'or-
tir uen Vi'iiiiiii,'lcii, Gran, upon Riclun m l,
whl'c Sin ri.lan's c .Iiiiiiq wit' I ' tn.
F.l'-r eonllioiH .te - I'enn n' f 'i n n-al fli'ant
thai iiie ( o'lieil. rucv is a sIm:,. Ui savti uotliinir
eiui nop lie i.nwitrd proirr, ss i.i shunnan ; thut
h is nMv.inre uanl can i a.ii'y t V-:" M iini ; that at
Ai.!rn.oi:ville In: will timl only a few wrccs of
n en, a 1 the healthv men t'ftviniX heei rein ved ;
tint An tin -tii and Savannah ui I easily fall Into
hi h wiils, wlili 'lie rioh-.'st s ores of nestnvn.
coitou, and material yet found ii. tlin Confederacy.
Ilm lult-vt It i lie I 1 -nmita.
r ii H i hossino or rim o i:r. voiiHusr umi-
The Saviinuali Itrjiuhliran it ho tilth contain
coii'rndii tory siatcincnts as to :iheriiiaa's movo
nii iits, , iiii.'iil.irly as to i roiio( tlio (,: niea
ma r. Ii says that the Column operating on the r, kiI, kept the west-rn .ido and strnok
i II in the directum of M.i 'on, as tlui'i'i eon
liniplating a junction with the forces in that
It s'i'tcd ibnt a strong force of cavalry U fol
Itiwinchernian, and that it Is not impossible that
Finret may cro long hail!; like a Wolf on his roar
and hanks.
ikcn tiiovhand srnomj.
F cm the Richmtjntl .i.'.rtA, ,'0V'.,.a't',iS.
The Georgia pajurs puh i ih a i?reat deal about
Shirniau's niovcnn nts, r.nd nearly as ni'i en niiout
i ui own, all of which it would ho vory i nprudent
to copy. It wis pre'ty well asei -tain id ill at tua
l it Wing oi Sherman's army, whon it rcaeiiel
M iidigou, nunilH red sixteen tliO.i.aad m.'ii. Xhoy
I n r in a the town when they left.
THE EXCITEMKNT AT Villi STA men r.i ' M l!S r .1C
MailtOFS TO WillIK ON T1IH Vfl'l Tl Fit' V ri1) NS.
-nm the Attqiiiit'i lt'' iiU'' S'n'f'.ul r 'll.
Mn. liniToii; In view of iho un'i ei;) ited ild
innee of the cn my in this tlirc "iii.i, v..ii;d it not
he well for our military authoriiios toiai'ires the
M'tvii e of all tho nlile-'iodied ii"i(r n)s (fiv.a a id
slave) in our midst, to work upon "ho f i-ntic I'lom
.in iiiil the city ? Thtre ure a gi'i v number to bo
ii tn litt'ossly on nl the preparations
t in p n.sile for the n ety of tho city, who could
'.nil nliould be. made Service ible ut this hour.
I hi ae nro iloiibtliss a nr. at rntiuy now at work
n tl: ioitiiicution j Ijutthcid au tlill a gre
in 'i yet idle in the city, who should b ivcpades
atd .-hovels in their hands. Vs i)ms;:iikii.
Fit in V r. nl'i R-'jU'cr, .V-ee a';, 51.
We tlnd, upon vislMng the diu:rcnt railroal
depot", that our milit iry auih ni ies aro e 'i-ct-
n the propir vijilaace.
W lUggvst that not only the ail.'Oa'ls, bin all
thi reads leafing from the ei'y, lu nusc dili
fi n:ly guiirdi il, and r.O'ie he .' mitteil to pass in
l;e direction of tue m my.
In ti e approach of an enemy tliera will alviys
he eoii.e cowardly and treoch -vous m.!ii, wh- to
liiuhe fair terms with thoni, will e.scapj M their
c; mp- ai.i Kive what ini'oi niati ni can lie irloaim 1.
Let nil' military men loeii 10 this ;Uii im
Fi Oin the Ae amylii IP'e, A'ui ' e 3.
The Northern papers of the 21 Ii publish Oemj.
ral St i Moan's orders to his inav fur t'm niiivli
in he ii now ert'n-.ri'd. Those orders aio
daitd t Kingston on the 'J:h instant, just t'ireu
iluv h t iro tho Yankee army was put ia mo-ion
! r, an . tlun'a. They are highly iuteres'iii',', and
to -on, i extent Important; not so miicli i,i di
vel' iii g the ultimate iiitoiitiai of Saerinaii as
in sl.o ing Iho character of his mice netit, end
in ni.ii fesiing tho dlltieultles w'ueh ho antici
1 uti d i lid tlio manner iu whi. h he sou jht to pro
vn'e 1 1 ainst them.
The lalient tacts which force themselves on our
Qtti t lion ure, in tho first place, that Shenuvi ha 1
ik ti rn ini d to cut lorso from liNeuiiiinunicati'iu,
nun to undertake this exped lion witliuat having
any I nse of opi'iatl uis In his rear, tints liuii'
con pi lied, ot coui -e, to subsist on the co inlry. or,
in i ll tr worile, to lire from hand to in mta. Tue
i ilopiiun of this course would 6 em to i nply tint
he di to convert his army into a movable
ia llj ii g m lunin, the re..t eU na. icu ti ) au I ob
jeetof vvhicli orgiiin.ation arc eelcriiy of niovo
ini'iit a coiidltioii -wiieraily c,:.,ai .lered indii:j:i
ati e to the meets, fill islle of aucii expoUltioni,
and evi n to llicir j.i'e:y.
l.ut In this -a-e rihcrinaii d cs not ippnirt i
aim at any meh olij ct. His nil' rs a:n that his
ut n, i. lo move at the into of tiiuien miles a day
I'diucof pogiess not at ill cotiioti aat with
i,e n i h ol lapiiiry ol man j rhi -h wa uu.illv
in . mine n llvili;! col'ie u. Tuero is Olio
ay, in it lint one way, it i-ec. s to us, lo ace mat
tin 'Ins in ii' v 1 ii ' t y ; did thy. is, that .Saennuu,
fully eoiivinr u, hi. o the 'iii' .IB of tu Yaukoo
1 i.i'i i s, that id! i be nvdl 'l le Torct of the Cont'cdi;
iai y was eonccntiiucd in iho armies of Lee aad
Ilocd, in ll Doth of llio-.e getiui:'! woal I Da
too much occupied or to) Ihp reuuved
fiiiiii the fctne of the campaign to lie
fib e to detiuh any portiou "of llicir
tnice to operate against biui, entertniued
lioicarof meeting any serious res.Htauee to uis
udviiui :,nd liiiitc.patcd noolistacles e:ce)t lhoe
v hiih t. I: Lt be n.ieriostd by tho hostile but
tiiiU! i-aui.eil and unarincd population. Those,
indeed, betiu lo have suggi -Ud theneclves to
li:i:i ; ai.d to avert or prevent them, he a.lopt.s the
svMinifo much lu voer.e with his countrymen
ai d 1ik h has already been can ied to so high a
pi'i h cf pei tectinn l,j ishciutnn and other Yankee
cm niiiudfis. In di-tiicts where the inhubitatits to impede his march by obstructing roads,
lairiiiiig biiil'ea.oi otheiw i.-c aiiiu j arg his invad
ing columns, devastation una ruin ure to ho dealt
out; the lutcn.-iiy of the punishment to be pro
I'uitionate to tiie nisguitude of the otleiise.
i. According to tiherman's code and tihernian
declares that he wishes to conduct war on civii
ieJ principles it is the duty ot a people to wel
come invading foes not to hospitable gravon. but
to hospitable board.-; to treat tuuiu bv no rue it m
as eunuits, but as ftiends, or at t'ie worst as
ttrui gor guests; to feed theiu liberally on sweet
potatceH, and hog, and hominy, and to build
bridges tor them and dig roads ; and do ail niun
uir of ainicabie service. Klse Sherman will
ravage their fields, destroy their crops, hum their
bnuies, and, perhaps, if he happens to be ia a
very bad humor, entirely extirpate them from
the fuce of the earth, lint should they behave
themselves like good children, betray their coun
try, aud welcome their Yankoe masters, then
f hiriuun pi oniu-es to do mailing more severe than
to cut up thdir provisions aud five them ouly a
mild and gentle taste of starvatiou.
lt will be observed that there is nothing In thos)
order to sustain the ai-scrtion of the Yankee
piint that tsutrman set out liota Atiut with
Showing the Region Traversed by, and Present
Position of Thomas' Union and Hood's
Rebel Armies.
lis FJ , &f ''" Hoa--v. "im'sON t
H W'Jri i V A1"1; t S. rvuiirtcv , a
Mirrt' o "lvTiv C -- lb rAvrrrvnir.-Ai.rrj.isn-H,,
jP. w ;. ff jS ,,.;.wl.r,-(,.B.4., ...isWy "fA
th ity days' supply of suli"it uice. On the "i
tr; ry, we ure h d to inter that he took n ithlu ', i"
not to nothing, wi'h him lu the way of i"-
viniis. lie illslincily tells h'i m n th. i
tl cy are to rely on the eouuiry tor find, ana
in prews on the various command 'rs til"
mcersity of e.oii cling in the r wag ins, by
f taging, at least ten days' supply in advin .
llr. v in n ihus M'tili'd tho e innnt-.saria ipi-s-t
n to his siitl-fa'iiT, he seems to Ii iVO settled
tli.wn into the comforta' lii assurance that tio
will make a safe anil ea-y inarch of tifu en mile,
pir day, uniiub'inasM'.l bv 'ibdmnto C'niitV'leran;
si Idlers, aud uulinpeil' d by anything Ilk 3 null
tnry reMstanee. It is cncouiairiiig to ui M know
that even this linilieu rate ol udvanje has no', up
to this date, been accompli-hed by tho Yankee
army. V e do not intend to inform the Yankee
new-papers where Micrman new is; hut we i el
no hesitation In assuring them tint ho is n it m
I'barleMon or Savaun.ih, or either lit Macon or
Augu-ta; ar.d that not ouo of those citf's his
even been threatened by bis forces. Wj cm tell
them, likewise, that his inarch has been evil
mine bimnely than be anticipated ; mi l that, no
fur from aecoinplimin;' tho modest i.f'ean aiilm
it day, provi.leii fur iu his orders, h i ha- not at
tained much more, on an avurae, th in tlio hall'
ol that i nto.
It is now fifteen days sluco he lef Vtlanti. In
a wick he was to be in pn-ee-sio(i of M te i i, and
in t'.vi lve da.v s of Augusta, and In a tea d ivs
more of some other important noiut; lur, waere
in lie mi I Wo le ve ii to the Yank aa p ip rs to
g:n ss, supplying them only wpli the lutorm i 1 ui
that he has not fnumfr sweet potatoos vory a'nin
ilum In (tioigia, and ibai bog and hoiiruv Icue
let been -erved up fortlie pra i catertitinnicut
i f his bedevdiud troops.
Important Cavalry Exploits by
General Lee's Cava'ry.
Capture of Thr-e Canuon, Eiht H :a
drcd Homes and Males, and Tv;o
Hundred Rwbal Pmoiicrs.
Ni w YoitK, Decaniber 1. Tho vc'u". New
Orleans correspon leiit says tha' ii , ' . 1..
Lee, the coniniuu ler of tho I 'ni m f ivilry forces
lit Ita'.on Kongo, returned to that p nut on the
'J'Jd ult., from anexpedilioii to Li icrtyand ISro .k
ville, biinging with hint three pi-.vs o ' lt ''e
Artillery, a'nut e:ght hundred horses and ni'ilm,
and two hundred prisoner), ine'iidi ig the on"'iC
S'hll'i)f General D.idgc, all o:' Hi ah were e.i,i.
tilted altera spirited enga.;cui ut wi'h die or.
lt is rumored that a large portion !' M i ;rn l r
K' bel nnny is endeavoring to eto-s the Mis-is-sippi,
to reinforce Hood, but tiicy are .i'eh.: I b
the Union troops and gauboats.
Vketch ol tJcnera! V I., t,".
This nl'lcer has lately been di-einaaii-ciiu;; '.iui
rclt in the vicinity ef I.iiierty u nt tiro x ille,
l.ouisiea, by si ino c .vairy "per iii n-.
lie is a most gallant aud able mil xr. ll mj ai .
t kc i.oi ho ib an Kastcrn m in, out ear -v I tue
nrvice as colonel of a K insus regiment, tl a v n
ii: ietied to fic crnl O runt's Jb p irtmen' early in
the split's 'f 1H '1, and iirriv. d onl , in ll'iu to
purtit'ip..t! in some of the tiist m"!' i u on
Vi'ki-biitg. He icceivcds paiclui .von i t In the
tin e tin the Iblh ot M iy in the lir-t i;,-n r il a i- lab
Upun ill' ltebci work in liic rear of Vi".. -'mi
Midpioceuled to N'wYi'ilc for sarg-i! ii"i--inenf.
tpou his recovery in the tall, h" v's
a-: i?red to the command i.f bui.Til it .vy's oi I
tlb isinn of the 1 litli A. my Corps, then sr u fun I
at New Orleans. For hi nn months p is. ha ji h
tai niig"."cd in (U'hiinglhc Uebolsiul-'cttMi a 1 1
Western Louisiana.
OcltillM of IU Kxe.illi'i.
Ni.w Oiii.i:ans, Louisiatia, Novembar .''!. Yes
terday Ilrigailitr-Ocneral A. L. Lee, comurviditig
the cavaliy at IJatou ltougo, returned after a
most Fiicu-sful expedition to Liberty and lirook
ville, biiuuiug with him two hundred prisoners,
iucluding twenty-live o'.lleers, us well as three
plot cs of urilllcry, aud between seven aud eight
liui dii d horses and mules, a large quantity or
storts ou the Jackson ltaiiroad was also de
stroyed. Among the odicers captured wero the
whole of the llebel Ocneral Hodge's staff, Tho
captured hor-es and mules oiitered rauip ridden
by negroes. General Lee left Baton Roage' with
hia cc nimand several days ugn, and scoured the
com, try for a considerable distance.
At I.iiierty he had a spirited engagement with
the enemy aud repulsed tbeui witn great loss.
One ol the piccus of anfUcir was captured here,
and the oiler two at ltrookville. A tine siego
pun, fuimerty captured by the enemy at l'ort
Hudson, was one oftboso captured at the latter
The expedition was one of the nmt succeisful
aud brilliant of the war. Lo s in killed and
wounded on either side not known as yet.
(1'ttk.ssrvi. ixruniTiOK to nxa uauubs
nutuoa, iLOiiibA.
On AYcduesday, the loth inst., Urigadlor-Udne-ral
liailey, commanding tha Union threes at l'ort
)!urraucas, l la.,seutaneKpcditiun to I'iue I'.arrea
Ilrldpc. Tli troops were composed of the 1st
l-'louda Kegimeiit and the -d M iin Cavalry,
under tho cciuinuiid of Lieutenaut-Uol. Spelling
After inarching about thirty milos, and wiiuto
seven miles of tut; bridge, the eaeuiy's otttposts
ere nr r s d and .ir."'l. This wis fr:n-
r ,'- !. done wi'ii'Mr to iii a "un, ami wrieu the
gij-iro , i i '- i -ve t'i. v vv 're a'' e ip'uio I t a
man, by Colonel N,, lling's romtiini I being ain
liiistini lor ttiat pur, nn1.
' O ir forces n rnr a, han ed, rc ichod 'lie brid re,
au I a tor a sharp skiimish capture i the eutl o
gin ih'.n.
At er destroying a 1 n e 'inantltT of stores an 1
the I aiineks nl l lie ei emy, Colon -I Spelling re
turned to Ko't Ha rui. as, bruiting in thii"y-ei 'ht
I in ' -i n rs, siHtnl ot arms and IKty or sixty
I li'ir-es.
I A f w days previous to this expedition Milt in
! uasviMied tiy air troops, and several prisoners
1 us wo Ii as a huge mi nit ty of store- and hiiu'e'r
I wi re cut tured. Mil on is twelve miles from 1'iiie
llainn li'-id.'-. The Hebel tieneial Maury's com
' l. ami i.xt. nils to those places.
r.xi niii HON to i toe laiiMi., i t nr.iiri.s anii
t'JMllMlANDS Al't: III tl.
About two hunilred of tho 1-t I'oxas Cavalry,
niie, r command nt Colon"! 1 hi vis, embarked ai
Mi rcanaa reeeutly, (or I'm pui p iseof lul ling
near ri'Kiueinine and seoiiroe the c iiintry in
that i c:glilHirli'io,, as 11 it. litre's notorious gue
rilla tnitiil was -aid to be there.
A i out the -nine number of man Iro n the Jd
.New Sink Cavalry, uinlor c niiiiiaa I ol M ii ir
C.-iucron, ivcrc aio seat ut 'he same tiaia in
l.lnl.i'i il l:)' Ii in riv in - ut tin' rtniile.ious ir 'he
In ur ngiced niion coui.i.'' ice-l a s.'.ir.'h f ir It u
c Id 's I) mil ; but tlmv S'sin , 'aniru ilia' t'i i,- Ii 1 1
i v irtiali d tha' part nl' tue. .-onu'rv s una .la" i p' "
vb ns, and had pr.'bai.y leocfded a 'ro-s the
An I ntahiya.
A 1 ei an. 1 live It' !! ti 'bulging
to Pruyu's b -It tl'on, iveie eantured, well as
si viral ni-Kioea who w te at work on the Icvec,
w h'cli were -iioiv in n I of ren I'rs,
It has laeti i-'iU.,l tn it liar hundred of th"
rue in y lud cr.i-s d t i this -id of tin) ,teh d'al lya;
bin Colonel llavi-rep vis 'hit there is no e in
sidi table fmee of J .' 1 1 Is in the iieighiiorho'i I
shove mention. .1. and that what few men they
have are moving iu the diioa'.iou of Mirevcport.
11U ill A ril.ui 1 To uo-s lilt. Hlnslssll'l'l AM
i"iv no, in.
lt is said ttiat a foniiid ible movomeni Is on
fi oi t,r the piirpme ot er.i-sing over ttie M.-sis-sippi
a large Hrtinil of Mag.u ler's armv 1 1 r::n
loiee Hood. A eon-id' rable for :o of the eneiiiv
ari: H porte l to bo on ih.s si l-i of t'i i liver op '
rating wi'h them. Toe i ite'i I I cros-iiw point
-ad to Ik- in 'be netghVirn o I or 1 1 r nan.
I .ur 'roups au I gun m t'.
. in :Ue cio-'ing il'p.,-
o p.
V. r. U ,;.'!.
(piTlul Jtfspitti ties to Ku'iilns Tele-'r iph.
Wiimiii n, llio "n'ssr 1.
Mr. ( i.a-c i- ep:.-t'' I In re to- lay. Cuiy n'niit
n ib.ea Cmigr -iinon h ve yet arrh vl.
vr. Hull , - l I llor ne -Ii 'iieri.l.
Judge Advoi ii-i.e 'e .i! II 'It .u tj-day ap
pn.igc.l by the l'n I.i. lit At nrney ij u-.'ra',
Ju.ige Hates, rei i'ii; I.
I ril.kll..lU ll M-s,.;.
lca-tires nil be a lo., e i :o hi.e'U" I'.'e'i
ditu'o Mcs ige rc. riv d I i the pn i.'pii to vus
Mid ei le- s i.i ti 't .!: i .-'y h d- r . j I og I. . r. on
It.'.x tl'fel to IH
1 he r- -igl' glj.i nl tie. Mitiwi nt I'iill-I Oll'-cr-
have oeei. a .. ,.'.' ! ' ; Ii : lbei Ic tin.'
elct t i J IV : -' I 'j r-' .. n -il J ''in . M..'. -
H i d, lll'H idii i-')' i.'-r .'. I a . A. I'a; a , tt.t
;a.i' i-.'i nernl ,'.ii 1 . .
It. t l t ps i.oli.a ! inMi' itl.
P. i-ons a' 'In' f "ii' r p ' :hc l on 'v I w n
illil.Mll t.f a no'io'l ot I. fore's!, b I
patched to Go .1; n. Til lav-', it. h n "id t. 's
c-li'.fn no ne-.v- !. in ? a " loft I, e v 'tit i .1 t .'
ctici. d fi ini Now Y. rk jo an, a1 s.
Si.ln llur tl lilll.i.r.
1' is duo to S ,li It r W lilting to .y lit u w n! s
be was protuinen'ly iiieriloii",! for the A'.'or is ,--fl'iin'ralshlp,
it w.ii without Ids knoe lelg '. In.
highest ambition being to sen s the (ijvein nent
v.ithnut couipeu ..t ion, us he always hi Uaae,
reeiirdlc-s of position.
I.enrrnl ItnnltH.
Major-Ocnertil UinhS has received his ord. r
and instructions from the l'rcsident with tel'ci
ence to the military aud civil government of the
Department of tho Gu if, and will return to New
Orleans forthwith aud lesuiac command of that
depaituieut, and w 111 cany out to its
the policy of the Government, which he so ably
inaugurated lu bunging l.uuisl .us back itititUe
Union as a free fcUaie. The General will lesve
this city in a few days, his delay btiuj wholly
caused by Olbclal matters.
Tlie I'rellenC Muic.
The Tre-ident will in his forthcoming Message
take high commanding ground in Tindicalion ot
the uational cOort to maiutaln Its authority and
iutegiity. H adduces from the enormous
increase of the popular vote at the last
election over that of four years ago, that
the people have given the etroug09t and most
une.,u!vocal evidence or tkelr approval of the
executive policy of subduing the Rebellion by
force of aruis; that this paiainouut expression of
the popular will amoaut.- to an imperious man
dat to further combat the ltebellion with all the
power and resources of the uatlou, unlU ariutd
and organized treason is crushed out.
In line, th messsge will be more in th radical
vein than auy of its predecessors. It and ss ccoi
panying report are iiow in the hands of the
Siati; or TiiKtmoMKiaa To-l)AT. fiix A.M.
4 i. Noon, usi. One I'. M. 55. Wind, N. W.
Tnnrs Cu ii of Pit ll itiKLitiM. A meeting of
this Id url hlng organisation was held yesterday
afternoon, the I'residen', Mr. Colemnn, In tho
cha r. Af or the transaction of mneh imp irtant
Inislnrss, Mr. Char es Godfrey Inland, the woll
knuwi) aiithor. poet, and editor, was called upon
to address the Club on tho subject of the public
press of Germany. Mr. I.elan l, m misver, sial
but the ni wrp, p. rs iu Germany wne sluggisn,
dcail-aia'-a lve concerns, having little merit be
yond tl o choi o literary, art, and seieuil ic
reviews cent incd 111 Iheni, 1 tie s'i'e t eensor-
h'p cxi i ci-i'd over the joiirn .1- I y the an'tim i
t es i reeiinlrd any ntteiopt to rise in po in w or
rein ion.
.M r. behind spoke al-0 iinou th ; u liners of
such oiciiu atn iis as the I'.- '- i 'lu'i ; ,vi-h d it
every success, and said ho thoughi the day no:
tar iii-tiiiit w In n every large city iu tb ' I no i
wciiid avail itself of the udva itag. s of l iii.
its eel dm tors of iho Public Press nM I 'r a i0'
hood like tin.-, which he felt would give tin' press
Its due power io do any th ug righ', j it, or or
pi r, n ml make it toopiw. rlul to oo a idling
w riiim it-cif, or to permit wrong to he d m i by
oil i is win h was the true iiiis-i ni of th; pre-.
Tb. I'p si'ient min'e t'c following .i.ipo iiiin 'a!
f t i s-ii.vs to be read before the CI ib :
1. Mr. .Iiihn K. Yuunt; 2. M". Kainme 1
Slnirpj ;l. Mr. 1',. XV. O. (Irecn;, of tns N. :u.
7V.t..'i.'; I Mr C C. Wil.-ci, of th" '-.
i. Mr I.. W. W ulf i.., of Tub h'. kviso I'i i e
i. ii in.
The Cluti is mat ing arr we nients to have a
n in i ol popular le, tm"s deovered bafiire it br
t e i ii itu nl in.i'ors ot thu eonntry. It is under.
sti o.l that i nxagi ineiitH wi I tie elli'Ued with
lb. n. I b ra. e In elev, II m. "chuvler Clfix.
lev. II W. lheeh;r,"Maiiton Marble, lis,, II ,i.
Ib n y .1. It ij inoii'd, I'heod Te Lilton, Ms , Hon.
.1. Lu W. 1 orn. y, and others.
Col N l l:c 1 l.l I I Ml If. would ba a sjlll ! villi'
iiiil'u ult task to ascertain in ivlint age '.ni'if'r.'ol:
iiigbigaii. The good book tells u- that Jico'i
took adviiuiage of his father's blindness to pass a Ti it urn on I-ni , mid w!n a blessaiir. A
liilig ago as tha-. mi ll cert ibily mnterst to 1 the
urt oi ni" eit. One of tlio moit -trilling char leter
is 1 1 s ol in lepiai am res'-ureh is tlio existence ot'
'lit - -i ine iT'i'iC of couniei toiting in all ages ot
wbli b we knew an? thing. In almost every In
siuiiir in winch iho itinainsoi nneieiit i idus'.ria'
et j ii Ii in tl, i up rce of friiud are also in tnd.
Men i In m'i d c ich oilu r three thousand years aito
pireffi 'y i s they cheat onu another now. Conn
n iti in ii coins iu those day s did tho same thing
lien a 1 of: ns c in does lo day detVa'i le i some
loin ft iiiiin for the b"tietlt of a rogue. J).vop ion
met ts ii- in ab dire Hens.
Ci in. ti in it- of pietiy much everything that i
va'nable oro ottered to piireha-ers. Silk io ids
ate ci uiiterfi itcd with jute and eot'on. Wliun
ii It. -Ti licnn.e dear, staieh was in.,de to do duty
in m i ving i p a still and, epp iren ly, heavy ar iele
of cot ton .o ds. There is seiirce'y a paper which
dues net lmntion some lie a- counterfeit biik
note ur frm tloual ( nrrenev iut In circulation the
picv.ous day. Never were our niiir'uo.s stocked
w ith nn re bogus money, i. ml thero is no man
living who eiui call him-eli' secure ngaiu-t the In
get.uity ol his depraved foilo'v-men. K unwarned
is net always rorcatmcd against fraud. If a man
Is expei ting to be dieeiv. d, ho Is, ot e ,nr.-o. safer
than when in a confident hum ir, an I it would he
a mi-eratile worhl if we were all to do biisine-s
on tho principle that overy one we deal with is
trying to eluut us.
Ohoamzation or rn i: Stub Giauh. It is
said that the orgatii.atiou of tho Stage Guard
will be comun need In u 6hort time. The Gover
nor has been negotiating with the War Depart
mi nt for sonic sort of exemption for voluuteers
in the Guard if they should be drafted under the
national coiincrlptlon laws, and ho has, to a con
siderable extent, succeeded. If a volunteer in
the Gnaid slinil be draflod for tho United States
si r ice, be is tn be furlnugbed lor tho wuolo term
nl his 1 1 ll-tnunt tn the Guard, 'fins secures his
iin.ntci a iipted service to tho State, aui will pro
vent a highly necessary orgununiioa from being
bioki n up, as it might be under any other ar
raiigi merit. If the n rm for which he may ho
dialled into the l uited States' service shall ne
loiuor than his enlistment In the Sutn Gu ml, he
will only have to seivo out the cieess uiidor the
limit. Should ho terve a whole year in the state
si riicehe will lie credited wi'h that len'gth of
Hue upon finy tuture o .Its, and ttie Statu will
also b. credited on her nuoti in any I at are uim'g.
Thi-1 xcelh in arraiigetneiit is c i.iiinea.hioio to
ail c nn en. ed, and should -f:iu:ila.e cnlistnutus
in the State service.
Am.koiiii False llnri if.s. C'h ir'es S. Coop ir
was arraigned before thu t inted States Coaiiiiis
sinner yesterday, upon iho charge of pe jury In
ll, ahing false rotiitns, under tho exeiso lavs of
llel'iiil'd fta'is. The proseetniou was insti
tuted by Mr. J. l lctcber Diid J, Assessor of tho
Tlihd Di-tri' t, and tlio Assistant Assessor, Mr.
John Ibidd, testified that tho dol'end ant ma le a
n turn ol his bu-iuoss lor July, iu whi h he put
tiowii his whole prodnc ion and uelivary at
tl.lily-tmj bariels and twenty half barrels. A
biew". r lestifi' d be had received In July from
fhe defendant titty. one turrets, and it wasoll rot
to proic by the bunks of another that lour biiu
dicu and -i.xty-ouo batri U ha I neen reeeired lu
J it y, I ut the Commissioner ruled i: out as not
ailini-fihlc, because It was no', the best kind of
tvii enee that could be Mtiu-hed. 1 he accused
was he'd lu .fJKllJ liaii fur a further hcariag.
This is iho first of a cries of pros iciit'o.ns to be
eoiiiini in ed in the Third U. strict for alleged
lulse leuu us.
Cllll.ll StlOCKINl.lV MlNOI.I'.O v a l)oo
I'aial Ukiii i.r. llciny Carney, aged ten years,
n siding with his p iren s n: Gloucester, was at
tacl ed by a large dog fe v days sia;o, and so
shockingly man led tint ho died a short time
alMwa'ds. The dog bolou 1 to a ne g'ib iring
win', .md w.. ni tl. hatii: of ea ing
( Incki n- bcl'.ngin'; Is. Mr. i arnev.. I U li'tl lud
alien pled to ilnio the beast olf tue promisns,
win H it turned n him, thro v hull to the g anil I,
ai d gnawed both tars oil, torn the sea p from tile
I ml mid th ah from the la e, b '-nles aid et in;
in uras ubont the htii.ds and the botv of tlio mi
loitui ate i lold. I ll" lad is piel.e l up in an in
n-i le inn, ini ,n. J.'H-k juw set in, (olbeve I by
.auth 'I lie ti i o i us in-i-i is ver 1 1' g , and
n "inTi a t'.iinr to the :iti alil'Oi ho id, w as let
run at huge.
lb n.i'iMi 1'i.iivims. The foil i.vir.g is the
e a.sdi ilioti of Iniiiditig periu'ts issued d iring the
1 at wu k ; lfl ings, of wnl h thirty-two
wcie thiee. story dwellings, ' tAO-storv,
and iwn ni.e-torv; boilei'-boiis"', 1 ; church,!;
c .u h In ii e, 1; die house, I; eugiie-h oi-e, g ;
i a:nc, 1, sl up, 1; s. Icn iiuase, ', ; kiaughtur
( i.iim , .' ; labl, s, 2 ; s'.ues, I ; UVeru, 1 ; total,
S , : a ti r.ii'oi . a.ol a.tdttlons af .
1 1 e I ll" ing per .:'s have lean 1-s led simo
tie Ut ic Jin. nn v inu ur, !' le iriuiry, 1U1 ;
.. ti . Ml Api'l, i' ; Miy, .17; June, 211;
Ji. v, s;; An., it '., -'I; Septe.u'iMi, lb-'; I J ti
ler, la,'.
I'm ick AiiRi.sis. The following is an exhibit
of the arrests mad by the police of the several
cu icts I'liitu: ihc month "f Nov ember :
ir.r '. "'-Ore I'.
. . ! II
. . '.oil 12
...:i 1.1
. . .'.in i t
...IS lo Hi
...I;,, liaibor ,
. . .HO he ( rve
...l'.'g l ark
...l.d lhiy Sergeaut,
A i
. !l i
. hi
. .'11
. I.'t
. lid
. '.Ill
. 12
. Ill
. ID
Tub Fahimoi m Wati b Wokks. The work
oi c.iaasii g the Fal: mount basins is nearly com
pleted, and walor will be let into them on tbitur
i'y. The r)i,aut.ty of diit removed from the
bi.aini was immense, they having not been
t eai sod lor foiiitit ii years. e are at present
gettli g our nippij of water from the Corinthian
avenue work. The uiuildy cuuditiou of the
ratesr lor Ihc past week or two Is ia cone'Uuuce
Of the high tnli in the (Schuylkill aad Dciawats,
cuu.-ed by ivtcut tarns.
Ta IIatk i oa 1..'.. Thu atlemiKin a bl'.l will
It introduced into City Councils, a king the ut
ate at 92-50 on the 9100. The coumitto have,
fur th purpose of snaking th late sutHcient to
meet the want.- of the city, determined to create a
lo-.n of H2,n0o,0oo lur lb purp-M ol paying deli
cieiu .es and redeeming the large amouut ot city
wairants now outstanding. Tn appropriation
to all the departments are also to be cut down to
the lowest possible injure.
Tin Haoaiinss. W hv received from
John J. Kromer, No. tOlC'iesnut tret, liar,
per': Allmilie, C.udi-y't, Peterson'; and Frank
l.tiht't UatiaJnee, Ii Dsicemlier all scsdltal,
a usual, and Ivr ahkb our tfaaaks r due.
A Ct aiois SmiLAiuTv. A remarka'ilo re'cn
blance between fact and mythology has roacn'ly
come under our notice. Most of our readers have
rod the story of Cephalus and Troerls. Proeris,
Iho wife of Cephalus, was of a snspk lous and
env'ons disposition. Thinking her hnsisind loved
another, she folio ved h'm when ho wrnttisTmat
at dhuird blm speaking in endearing tonus lo
the wind. SuppoMng'that he was addrostlng her
rival, Tioorls groaned, Cephalus suppo-ing lt a
wfd boar's eru nt (a supposition not very cnnpN.
n, i ntary to l'rocrts' voice), tired h s arrow Into tlie
thicket, which lodged In Hie heart ot Proo Is.
Now to our modem fa ilo tow ashiji, i f
Mi'iitgoun ry coin, ty, was favored us tnu n r b
pbico of Julia Auiarinta, a susceptible rustic
clan. si I, who was wooed and won liv imotiier
ru'tic iiune d Jnlin. Hut nfti r inai rl ijro J mn ill, I
not prove ihe Ideal of a husband ; be did nor ex
pn ss siillleiciit Int'-rest in the he.i tti of ihu nee
of fioves h" smoked too much, he drink n it. i
liuh ; und worse than n l, he went continu iby to
a village where a ladies' boarding s tin l wa
Ii enti d. Di-tr ist is of ti.o n iliite of ho, I fuel, sus
p i Ion was the spark that lit the cunilsgrt'i m.
Convinced of his inlideliiy, Juila toiloweit Inn
to tie villnge, he whistling Inuoceitiv, -h
w at ''org i liberty. Upnn cniiiing in the ho
passed three men slim dins' af a mrtiT, und she,
.i th other side of the road, distiuetiv be irl one
of tin m exclaim "G "ing to -re her, joiiu ?"u I
a Iniigli folioived. If she was before
Mi.-piiions, she was n-w cnnviiiced. lie cn'ero I
a mi' -story building. Julia put bcr ear to tne
ciai k, and although sho could n "t -ce. sbo c mid
tear. Ji hit her John crossed the roim.ery
i g in t, " Are y ou glii lito see me Fanui ? Slmo
Ion ds ! that's a good gill ! Yes, ; on are a beauty,
n y love 1"
In Ihi wanted no more, but re'urned to I er rte
solutc Iii'ine, shut her-eifln her room, and p'ea
Mint'V eased her trouble by swullowi ig a dnso of
n ii (In ri ti in . John, on returning with his nnsr dog
l ai.ny, found his lnni-o desolate, and his w le
dead. Married ladies ! rcmemlier, and never be
jialous of your faithful hnsliHiids ; and If yon
must bo envious, never commit snleulo on no
count of a girl, until you aru sure she la u it il
,u ml r ii peil.
Itu iivitino. This niomlng tlie M iyor ism -d
wartiirts for the payment of the citv boua'y to 27
men, all of whom wero recruited lor Iho regular
nnny and the navy.
Com m Kin lAt.. Dnring tho in m'h ju-t ended
27tiO vtssils arrived at this port, of which 50 wore
foreign und 2710 coastwise.
How to Dkcihc tus Qlkstios. Thero being
a multllillefty of Hewlnu Mne.liliiet otrornl to ttm,
t'seh one eliiiiue.1 to lie IA" be. , auil ss itio uiost tir.imlii"in
enc Ate wltliin a .tone's throw of eaeli oilier, we alvl-e
llconfrniristlnx piircliasliiit tn tive lliem atl a tliarougFi
test tiel'eru ui'liin so. This luuy- tiu easily ilane liy nislti
sMtrplfii of itltliirent fclmls of work to thu vsraias miHho. to
he done. 1 Ills test the Florence. soM ut Mo. ti.10 Cliesniit
stri't'l. Invites, nn I the prcf-Teieo In in Its favor
wliru s Conipiirls n wllh vtheri Is mnilc. Kur tinlti'y of
worlt, stnt tfie wlili! riuute ol' worli whlcti It Hecoitnitlshes,
ss well sb tilt es.u of opcrat ten and economy nl' ttiruiiil,
foK-itl'iT w ith Ps ehvAut ai'pi'anineertii au ur lele orii iiMt!
Iio'il tarn, tare, ttie Florence has no riral, ami Ii ttn on'y macliine "w vrua ed to Kive ei.tiro aalisf icilon or
money reriiiiili'il.'' On account of the many alrantiicis
and Improvements it poxaessial over sll o tlnrs, ivo tee
min- Ihst It miTits the aiipellatlon of the llom Psmllv rtaw
irg Machine In the world. anJ thst we hut spnss tlie
mlri'li ol'hundrciti of oar llrst fAiiilliot In Putl ul.''plit.i,
wtiohsve these machines la practical usn, lu adomiiig
tlie Fiorencf, sold at No. tao f 'heanut street.
Gkoiiub Bikck Co.'h PtAsos anu Mason tc
11 IUI 11'
mitTK.S. Ovr- tVK. of eeh of lho" Hue 'n- oailWS.
I'l AMI Irunisats imm ii,l Ov Mr. 1,'illlNK. r
f oitlK'-. u.,siid tliubuiuaiid Is ciius.aiitly intiliss.
I'M NO l'eresln. CXIilSK. I'
KOliTKl. Fur sals only hy DltltNS.
MAM) , .1 K IIOIIl.D. I'AlllNitr
KdttlES. terenUiaud Cliesuul ktreoU. ,Ull iANS.
A N'Ein.kCTKO Coi.n may cause months of
sufterlnfr. Slid ottin ends st last In Con.nmii.loii, Bron
chitis, ur other Pulmonary Aifactlcn. When Honied I.
tteii'leil hy re.nlti ia ilaiiKroun. what can Jumify the
csitless Indiiret cuce of "waiting tor a cahl to not we 1
ltslf'r" It' those who arc now irouh'cd with c'oiwris,
roldc.ltunriienees, store Tliroat.Ae., would avoid
ttie drvaili'ul tunvrlugs of the consumptive, tit lhiaa tnHs
at ouee Dr. I). ,laj nc's xpoetoriini, a reineily whose uiti
csi y list been c-tulihshed thirty years. PreiiUiiul only by
l"r. 1. Jajne Sun, No. '.'U I'hmnui Itroet.
A Mosr Act. Lust evening, at
the supper tstile of tlie t'otltilieatsl, soluo part," rinsed
tlie cry that part of rhs hotel win fsftliur. life .ar.u tier
so wteaf conttirnatlon amoiift ttie Ktiests, and one a .ted
Nere.0lur.llwa about boliiii lynehed.isheii word aniua up
that ll.e piloe o'"cl alt ins' was ailing In fJhuries spoke. ,
e,',.'8 ,'B" price, umlor the (t.,inliieiiliil, t salt the decline
in ir )(l,and. ih.-rn tuihicr sucti a rush lo the atoro, some un
prlncip'ed 'crtoni rai.eil this cry.
To Pi rchase CkOTuiNO at Low rmcas, make
a aelerlli n frois mr stock ol kcaim'-mauk ll.iriu"ii'S We
are s.atne soode eotiul tn ..v's. tr. "iiiA-u anl fua.V'i'.
cioti 'Jtt to Mi per eetit. Uttrcr thju Is now cii.w,te 1 lor trie
fan ( g."o. ui. ue to luoer. meaaveau sivnia, si.e.. nan
phrcf, or Ctotiuou Msn a, YouiU'a, aud lluva'. Alloanbe
auilcd wiu.oul delay o. irvubls.
Tower nail, Ho, Uui Maiket ali-eot.
Comi limbn iaiiv. My hair is now restored to
its youth'ul color, I have out a grey hair left. I a n aatla
fit d ttiat the preparation is not a dye, but a-ts on tue
secretions. Ity hair casei to fail, wbioa Is certatuty an
advantase lo uie. who was In dangor of beuumlng baid.
Tula la Ihe tcatluiouy of many who have used Mra 8. A.
Aliens Wcr'd'i Hsir Itoatorer and .ytobalaaiaain.orU tlr
Ibesaii'g. Kvery druKts'. aella Itioiu.
CfSiiioNS. Pew, nini.K, axd Sota Cestii ivs,
estimates given, and work douu loivr than can b. af
fuided by any other i.ouie. W. Ilesiir Pait:n,
No. lias On sum street.
Do Yon Know Dkan has removed to No. 4' 3
Cheannt atieetr He aella Tobacco, (JUaM, I'ipea. Ac , tb.y
per cent, less than uny other mm In tola city. Item in'jjr
liean, u. till ''he. nut ttrisit.
Window Siiahi:8. reisons pnrcliu-ing shades
tn these tiua-a of higli pricrs will a ivo iiisrey bv at ones
Komi: to the luuiii'.'ucl'irer who Is so we'l and t'svoruuly
knownaa vy. IIknkv PaTi'ts,
No. Una Ohosuui aireot.
Whv.n riioiooitAriis are wantod, pay aneirly
Sill' toil. V. Illituiel's ; the earlier Iba tiet'er, thoie shirt
attci ae- us. Jieluy aad li.a ipoiutiiiunt la avoided Iher ihy,
,' a 1 1 Ar. i street.
Uiiioi.sTv.uiNo Ft'ssiTiBC. Old and Now
I nn buie t'phi.lklerfil aui arn:she.l la the very beil
uiaiinc nt W. HitMiY P irrsjcs
Wolf Ell.U'pholMe'V Establishment,
Nil. HIMI hebiiilt .ueot.
OriKss or Tus Kvisiso Tsr.Hiavi'. I
a'lliirnday. iiecetulMT I. (
The lidding Ilailroid Company has declared
a stock diiidend of 15 per ceut. in stock, clear of
Mute mid Government tux. This, ut too rata of
US for the shares, will give to each holder of ouo
bUDdred shares gl020 In cash. The comp iny, it
Is understood, retire the bonds of tho company
for tho sanio amount as tho new stock issued for
the dividend, so that the dobt of the Heading is
not increased. The knowing ones say that the
company has $1,000,000 deposited In tho Mint,
uwtuting further action, and au extra cash divi
dend of 5 per cent, in January is confidently pro
dieted. Certainly, with the large cash earnings
of the road, tho stockholders have a lair right to
expect this, and we arc assured by those who
ouphl to know that they will not be disappointed.
T he absence of army news renders tho general
iniiiUt quiet, but very steady, and tha old ope
rators predict "very brisk" times during the
mouth of December.
Money continues plenty, and the rate remain
about the same us last quoted. Loans on call are
fully offered at 6 per cent, per annum; prime
paper is scarce and quoted t:74M9 par cent.
A despatch from Washington says the sub
set Ipf ions to Uie7'30 loan during the past week
amounted to 'i,500,0O0.
The stoc k or the Black Ileath Coal Comp.ny
has reeeutly beeu pnt on the books of the Board.
T his Company has capital of $1,000,000, di
IJd into 100,000 share of U0 each. 20,009
(hares are held by the Company. The mine or
the Company are at Minersvill, aud embrace an
txmul of over on aad half mile of rich cmI
veins, which niay b said to be Inexhaustible.
Unlike othor new companies, the mine nre fully
developed, with gangway, lop, engines,
breaker, Ac, and are turning out about two hun
ilred tons of superior coal daily. Improvement
will oonk made doubling tb yield. The om-
ee are Alfred FasltiTrfsldetit j T. A. f air
man, Secretary j Ftedorlck Falrtnorne, Troa-."
surer ; and James W. Paul, Solicitor. These gr -th
men arc well known to our bnsinew com
mon Ity.
Government bonds cootlnne la demsnl, amj
prices are steady, with ssles of 5-20s at I0t ; A of
1881 at ll'24(e U-li and near 7 30s at 991; Penn
sylvania Os ate selling at 933; and newCi'yOsJ
at 1014.
In lladrcad shares thero Is no material cfcanp
to notice. Heading sold at 67.J; I.Ht e Schuylkill
at 15; Camden and Amine? ai 1.V2; Minehi'l at CO J
Catuwi-sa Ilailn.arl common at KM; and Penn
sylvania ltallrnad at 07; f was re' 4 tor I hila
dilphia and Germantown; 30 fnr North roou
syivunia; 117 for C awls,, poured; 79 for
l'ldcli Valley; and 67 fur l'lillndelph a and
Canal shaios continue quiet, with tile of Dcia
wa.e atS'SJ; Nu-rpie lanwi Cunil at U
and W.romln Canal at TH; 34 was bid fir
ScfiiMlklll Navigation common, and 3J for
C.ty Passenger r.silroad shares are dull, witA
ctlis of Spruce and Vine at .35; 6 wis bid foe
Second and Third, a decline of 2; 52 for PiftH
und Sixth, a decline of 3; 20 for Thirteenth eol
I iftf enth ; itf for M'est Philalelphta; V5 for Arc t
Street; and 25 for Green and Cortes; 48 was)
ask. d for Tenth and Flcventb; 13 for Ilaoe aatt
Vine Streets ; and 2(1 for Girard College).
Itat.k Shares are firmly hold, with sales tt
Girard Hank at 51 ; 31 was bid for Mechan oa'f
59 for City; 15 for Consolid ition ; and .31 tot
Manufacturers' and Mechanics'; 185 wet ak"4i
fur North American Bank; 159 for Philadel
phia ; 00 for Commercial ; 70 for Northern Llbcr
th; and 90 for Kensington.
O l stocks, as we have noticed for aovcral d .yf
past, continue In icdve, and prices are unsettled.
Dai.cll fold at 9.J(''98, McCHntock at 5 ; Perry
at 4J ; Cherry Run st 33; and Densmore at7;
38 was bid fur Miple Shade; 5 for McElhenyi
4) for Hock Oil; aud !J for -eiblo and Dels
mnter. Gold is rn'her dull this m rnlng, opening at
22'.'1; advanced aud sold at 228 at 10 O'cloik
fell otf and sold at 22-"i4 at 11 ; rallied and sold at
227 at 12; and 2'2tl4 at 1 P. M.
1 llll.Al'Kl I'lll.l HTOl'K EX JUAN IF. SAITS, Deo.l.
Keporle by Chirk ion A Co , Brokers. No. UI 8. fair -St.
Hell OltE II MUDS.
inn ih lles'l. .a0afi;i u.'V inn sh Wailn'it Island.
Inn all do e
'Ol su
11 11 h 0"..isjui ,vr es
Ii 11 .ii da h a lis :
Sin ah do bill (s
lis sh do boo US 1
'Jllali do Ira U7s.;
lie ah t'lierry Itiui.... mi 1
Ii.) all di :o i
li.i -ii d' U ;i-'Si El ;'i,,ru.le II',
li.iah i 'J ',
loo ab Briiner 2 tl do ?d '.".
I'A sh do -J
1MI ail Keysloiii! Oil.. 'J 1
tun ah
ana sti
J,u an
ti.l sll
I'.i sh
I. i .0
Ini an
II. lso,
.... O
do at,
do ,
ln.1 ah
l.,ii .n Omen On
'.su an St. Mah 'his...
100 all luce Jt Vine.
FIRST DJ.lltl).
10O0U. H.Gs,'81....c.liri
1 sh Clrird nink...
Sl-ssi do n'"'-i!
a r.o ima.
rii.,u do. ..ox coup. lev,
ii,i il V a 7-iWs t'vr lia'i
.SSS1 I'enna ds H'I',
S'iei.0 A A niort lul'a'
SliKUl 1' K. It lis . .Ii.',.!".'!1,1
.s .0 I'enna It Ua sl...ilj',
f,'lll 00 II'.",
Ml sh Darnell Oil I V
Jim eh .to ),i te,
Hal ah MeCllntock..b6 !',.
Ii 0 ah do b
HSiah Perrv Oil I1.
H sli Cherry Ituu.a.i 3u I
a ah vtorrla Can....
inn ah Ann. Caual..'. istg
lOUsh Dlr 05 an
II ihlUiu A1S....1M4
it'ian lai Seh It 41
.VI an Ksading 07 If
9 e ah do 7JJ
l'.Mn d) ..bdOIITsg
V an I'O
71 ah Caiawlaaa B-. . is si
tan sh do Oi IU '2
Is ah Penna Ha 67Ji
4 h spruce Pine. 3)
14 ah Wyo a Val... 7H
&ii sn luaaiore 7X
Uuniattons of tne principal goal and Coal Oil
Stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ;
i4ut.i n4
Fulton Coal 7', 7', Irving OH
Bm MounlainCoal . 6 6'. Pope I'sra 01I...1 ,
10 ii
. v.. Mul.l ,,l..l'J is Oi'n.moie..
4 4V OaiaellOu s ..
a'i a MctinoiiT m
1 llOiuena Oil J
7i () 'l
, iH ' a, NolBAUoluialer. lis,
.. ll Hibuvd 'J
.. ai sory 1 mra 434
1(1 iitrutier ..s ..
1' 'I1. I'fctroieiim Ceatxs. 3 sa
'i I'M Katien 4 si
. l' Via ll"k" laland W
S' a' Mieeheny Klvar.. Uaj
, .. i (' artln s ..
.7 1' H iriiilaAOII yreek.. It
Ne l!r i k
F ler liaiuCoal.
Cllnion Coal
buller v'oai
liiamoiia l usl...
hey alone Zinc...
ills T auk
laireil ,
lll Ovek
Itai'le .sha.te OJ1.
Ale. Iinroek (III...
I stii'sylvuiua i'et
Perry Oil 1
kino ral Oil... .
Ki. -tone Oil 1
Venanjio "tl
I'niou I'etroicuai .,
lusseoe mi
Sinai 111,
n a, tc Ol
FranHli Ol'
llowr'a Kddy Oil.
a? m tuiu ureea
Ii (lurin.uia ,
1 S ' lorn Plantar .
... 4 a strings
3'. 'JU H.K-k Oil ,
.. 'i Tarr Farm...,
1 IVO one r irua. . .
'.' , Walnut laUud.
K.IiIim ado
y Ht. N'ehola....
1 C 1.',' Phillips
' 1 lltierre Hut
1 1 Kaolin
The following are tho receipts of Flonr and!
Grain at this port to-day : Flour. 1200 bbfs.s
Wheat, (sISO bushels; Corn, j2tW bushel ; Cat.
CGUII bu.-heis.
The New York Tribune of this mornlntjears
"Money is plen'y on call at 7 per cent. StocJC
cnmniission houses are unable to use half thex
ell, rings, and ns a rule prefer idleness to net
engagements at preteut. Tha impression (
spr, ads that the Treasury Department will de
mand thorough taxation, aud n t ouly stop
imiiulaciurliig paper money, but adopt a plan
fur the steady contraction of the circulation uo sj
iu use."
Tho following shows tho exports (excli.-iT)
of specie) from New York to foreign ports far ihd
week ending November 28 and since January 1 .
ini'.', isaa. ih.,1.
For the week :i.iMI.'im sl.J'I.S.H tl.nai.j.T
l'lev.imsly rcpornd. lns.isu.147 1,(i li,Tt) ,
Pluee' J tnnary 1..
.HJ,'.'SI.(H ll,iii,8S,.s.:j tl,li'l.;l&
fiin.Aiiii.i'iiii nt vim BEPoar.
TiiiiisoAY, De'ceniber 1. The
pr.'scius no ii.v l'ealtireit, there b;tug aearoely any iie-
niural elthor fur export or home use. rhsre hla t-esil,
bowevc , a ati'ady demaad for the aupply of Ihs ijoramls
ary L( lint la cut, aud wo uottuu aatt a ot set) bhls. I'enr.a7t
vai. la extra family at $l2la, 27'J; loolldo aud about ioOd
ebls. Iiclawaie .Mills extra on teems not mtde puills.
ulrat'ur lie ainipl; ol Ihe home irade at lro (HI.'. le (It
l..r aiiaa'iiuu of au Inferior (piallty, and taacy tcsude aa
la. ii, ally. In Kye Flour and (urn Meal there Is c ia
jiarul.Tcly iie't.lnt'fo rtx prfeea.
Holders of Wncat aru not eo drui lit their views, sr. 4 the
btuiii. n i Ih eted In the way of sales oontinues ef an ea
Uulneiy I lulle'd uharscler. Supplies come lorward,
aud ll c atocka ou huuil sre inueh n da.'id. The isle a ,o
r.iniiiitU to insit (inTOno bu-b. prime I'ouiiaylvaaia Soitoer
red ' .' I'.lr.uil s.'., anil about aix) nasi. Kauweky srlae
ui 'i sH. I' la very till e udu ut aye lu tlis aisons
ol tiai sartloua we'l'i ite ine arucio l SI 7. Tue ate na
val cc in me price ol Com has censed tlrai tsw'.taa, . 'J
sine- ol old yellow are reil"d at Slate, and nea de. ac
, isiiu I '7.. On l are in IliiuieJ d.inuU'l atiUe., with saiug.
cailiy and Barley .Hail ore soihout casea'.ial ciisr.i-c ,
'"Tl'iTrii la very Utile Ck"e'J. "d eo a!R fe-.w vrd -id
no' lane dolus in iae 'yol '"''. It la wortll ..l,i. l
ill ib..:Tiiu lie lauiu' l- ruire Is a ia .leralo de.u i.i
lor i-saN-eid al a 'si, willi sates.
Whisky ia In boner 4 maud a. a dnciiaai lot) i,,-,.. 11.4
Wisra','k''i.,MU.'s aiaidrad after; tV, t ton is siHnI. t.ul
wlttioiit Bales.
Mnrkela tty lelearraptl.
Ni w Yokx, December l.-Flour decline:! Ids.
Sales of SUOO usrrela. ai tl ,'W 1 lor Urals; SllksU Ja
i. lao.oTid tu iSalS lo' Soutnrn. Wheat ilnh uil
"c "kw, u, ,, or iel. "' deellne.1 lc. Brel (lr,fc
Pork heavy! '.T. 'ui' UlS) Wis. St AaAaiW'oO for Suets.
Laidlliui. aisaUy.
ft EA1IK.P IHia atORKINa.
Knniue Puthtiiidrr. Boblnaon, lioaion , J K. Jalej Co.
Hankie o.liavla.SUougiU.botiiliwest Pasa.U.B. UteUua
Sit.r w. H Tiers. ltotTman, Iteanfort.
Z'r ? k" Lcl!.l.!d" I'Srt Borah H. A.Adams. :
i hl a l il ulilou .1 "itnu.O. A. llC'S.hor 4 . :,
m.aru"rridr;"t Wa.UiiM.ton. Uait.4 tSs.l.f
gfeamahlp John iilb.on, Boweii. Ut honrs from Hessy
TSlil"eii."-SiU nana Beaufort,
CLimKctKnis-tit,. days from .w York, wlUt
nulse to CurUa A Knight. .
Mchr William b.'llioinaa.Davli.t days frsra Fortrtsa
Monroe, In halluat to cuplala.
tsotir u. B. Mahouy, todin, 8 days from Calais, wit
limber U captain. , .
aehr atantua, Maxon ,1 day from Frsdsrtca, Dei, with
w heat to Jauaea BarratL 4
tiU'.mert N.t air. and. Trout, 2hill ftresa Rnll'ta
ua tads to W. St. Uaaid Oa,
Corrftpondenet lss Philadephl Bxthana.
Law k. lel.. Noveuihar J The atilp Bt Petast, ' r''
saeoia 1 baKiuea Sea Kllgle. M Port Spain; B'ff'";,!i
Kew Orleans ; brigs Kobertlna.tor Ht. Klita, and """Tf
for Port Bpaln.aU from I'LUaitelpkua, weal "
O'clock Una morniug. a-oJl. fYo-n)
Tliei reunou at the Braakwater: "nf ktne.
i.nurti..i..-... a-...iM . ..oariM SwtK,Ctv:..raT-.
. - - , . -in,u,.t
for Waehlugtoai schra llarpsr, Iru yUi,-., Leia)
Haanoua, mr neauium ,
Wal.h, fur WaalanfU'n;
MaanoUa, for Beaufurll Abble, Bsr M juvatjoii;
w al.h, lor waemnsKia; e. v,ulJj.
My tick and St aria Hall. Iwuad VaavS H-- l",
,., i
.'a 3 5
.a .. ji
.s .. 4aT
.. .-. S-st
.a .. lo 'J